An easier way to keep on top of every loan would be to have a registed list of lenders that update youself with the status of their new and outstanding loans, you could maybe charge 0.003 btc or so for you work.
Also I didnt see danks name on the list, do u know what happening with him? Im sure the loan of his is still outstanding and will probably remain that way.
Both of these suggestions are terrible ideas. If OP was to start charging lenders, no one will want to use it. If this thread has helped, there is a donation address, and it's to a good cause. That's much more fitting than forcing a fee. Besides, how will this fee system be implemented and enforced?
And what's the point of having Dank on there? Will it help anyone avoid loaning to him, as if he isn't already marked a scammer?
I guess i was sugesting that it be an optional fee with those that pay such a little fee be rewarded with updates from quarantinedmoon on potenial scammers, when certain loans are due, background info, ect.
Donation address is one thing but u know not many people pay for what they can get for free.
As for Dank, not everybody knows his history here and always better to be safe that sorry. The loan IS still outstanding anyway and thats what this thread is about.