Posts should not be able to be deleted.
Editing should only be 'available' in a 24h timeframe with an exception for the topicstarter.
Especially in the speculation forum you have people deleting their posts because of wrong predictions/bets etc.
Wait for the ban...
If you make mistakes by posting an Off-Topic and you can't delete it , then you will be banned.
Recoverung deleted posts isn't a hard one. If there is a valid reason theymos will do it and BadBear(if he can, can he?). But I haven't seen such thing. Editing the post in 24 Hrs frame would be a worst idea. Like I said, if you make mistakes, it will be hard. And, eople are complaining about the post interval, if this is also implemented, they will start migrating to new forum.
Note: No offense from my side. These are just my opinions.