Activity: 1379
Merit: 1003
nec sine labore
February 22, 2013, 02:00:41 PM |
can you tell us what kind of chip will CM2 eventually use? Still a FPGA or something else?
February 22, 2013, 05:23:09 PM |
can you tell us what kind of chip will CM2 eventually use? Still a FPGA or something else?
Spiccioli has had great suggestions. A reset button would be amazing. Even if Goliath uses FPGAs, if they achieve similar $/GH/s and GH/w efficiencies of what is on the market then they would sell well. Besides the delay on getting it up to effective hashing speeds and the occasional USB drop(down to once a week or so!) I've been thrilled with my CM1s. If I could just stack CM2s on top of my CM1 stack that'd be awesome. Still really hoping you guys release a product rather than mine in-house under a bond structure. Or do both. There are plenty of us that would rather throw our money at you than debate over which manufacturer is more likely to deliver to our door in the next year.
February 22, 2013, 07:07:12 PM |
Last but not least, add a power cycle button, on CM1s you need to remove pcie connector and usb connetor to power cycle them. Remove power from usb connector, makes life easier finding a usb hub  and, maybe, a different usb chip which does not lockup when powering boards on like it happens on a couple of my CM1s. spiccioli This x 1000000000. It was so unbelievably annoying having to unplug usb and power to cycle the boards. As an aside. Will there be any kind of trade in policy for the CM2?
Activity: 1153
Merit: 1000
February 22, 2013, 09:48:11 PM |
Still really hoping you guys release a product rather than mine in-house under a bond structure. Or do both. There are plenty of us that would rather throw our money at you than debate over which manufacturer is more likely to deliver to our door in the next year.
Couldn't have said it better. Am much more interesting in participating on this project (however Yohan decides, either as a customer or something else), than with the other options.
yohan (OP)
March 27, 2013, 08:23:44 PM |
We are still playing with the Cairnsmore2 design that is our current testbed design and that is looking good. Out of that work we think a base module of about 1TH/s is practical size for us to build overall units out of and that is what we are working on next. Please don't bombard us with emails or PMs asking about the price as at this point we won't say and it isn't even totally set. I can say it will be set generally by a combination market forces and manufacture costs so you can make a reasonable zone guess from existing competitiion pricing what that might be. However if that market price doesn't meet our expectations we probably won't launch the product and just feed the design into our internal Goliath systems. Assuming we do go for public launch (we are still examining IP issues as well) pricing will be available at formal product launch.
Anyway point of this post is to get a straw poll of how many people might be interested in products at this sort level of hardware investment?
March 27, 2013, 08:26:26 PM |
We are still playing with the Cairnsmore2 design that is our current testbed design and that is looking good. Out of that work we think a base module of about 1TH/s is practical size for us to build overall units out of and that is what we are working on next. Please don't bombard us with emails or PMs asking about the price as at this point we won't say and it isn't even totally set. I can say it will be set generally by a combination market forces and manufacture costs so you can make a reasonable zone guess from existing competitiion pricing what that might be. However if that market price doesn't meet our expectations we probably won't launch the product and just feed the design into our internal Goliath systems. Assuming we do go for public launch (we are still examining IP issues as well) pricing will be available at formal product launch.
Anyway point of this post is to get a straw poll of how many people might be interested in products at this sort level of hardware investment?
what is the difference between goliath and cairnsmore?
March 27, 2013, 08:27:49 PM |
We are still playing with the Cairnsmore2 design that is our current testbed design and that is looking good. Out of that work we think a base module of about 1TH/s is practical size for us to build overall units out of and that is what we are working on next. Please don't bombard us with emails or PMs asking about the price as at this point we won't say and it isn't even totally set. I can say it will be set generally by a combination market forces and manufacture costs so you can make a reasonable zone guess from existing competitiion pricing what that might be. However if that market price doesn't meet our expectations we probably won't launch the product and just feed the design into our internal Goliath systems. Assuming we do go for public launch (we are still examining IP issues as well) pricing will be available at formal product launch.
Anyway point of this post is to get a straw poll of how many people might be interested in products at this sort level of hardware investment?
I'm interested.
| Operating electrum.be & us.electrum.be |
March 27, 2013, 08:28:57 PM |
We are still playing with the Cairnsmore2 design that is our current testbed design and that is looking good. Out of that work we think a base module of about 1TH/s is practical size for us to build overall units out of and that is what we are working on next. Please don't bombard us with emails or PMs asking about the price as at this point we won't say and it isn't even totally set. I can say it will be set generally by a combination market forces and manufacture costs so you can make a reasonable zone guess from existing competitiion pricing what that might be. However if that market price doesn't meet our expectations we probably won't launch the product and just feed the design into our internal Goliath systems. Assuming we do go for public launch (we are still examining IP issues as well) pricing will be available at formal product launch.
Anyway point of this post is to get a straw poll of how many people might be interested in products at this sort level of hardware investment?
March 27, 2013, 08:29:33 PM |
You have my attention aswell.
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Activity: 86
Merit: 10
March 27, 2013, 09:04:02 PM |
March 27, 2013, 09:04:32 PM |
One terahash for me. Thank you.
yohan (OP)
March 27, 2013, 09:05:25 PM |
what is the difference between goliath and cairnsmore?
Goliath the family name for our really big computing systems and encompasses a range of our technologies and is for a much wide range of applications. Basically it's our twist on a supercomputer.
Cairnsmore family is specifically Bitcoin targeted technology and generally much smaller thing than the overall Goliath concept. The Cairnsmore3 we are talking about here would be considered a "small" processing element or even a co-processor within a Goliath to put it in context. When used outside these systems but it can be a "small" system in it's own right.
March 27, 2013, 09:07:17 PM |
Id be interested, my Cainsmore 1 still running strong.
Activity: 1400
Merit: 1000
I owe my soul to the Bitcoin code...
March 27, 2013, 09:08:01 PM |
I am interested.
Tired of substandard power distribution in your ASIC setup??? Chris' Custom Cablez will get you sorted out right! No job too hard so PM me for a quote Check my products or ask a question here: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=74397.0
yohan (OP)
March 27, 2013, 09:13:38 PM |
Id be interested, my Cainsmore 1 still running strong.
Most of them are. There may be an odd one we don't know about but failure rate is very much less than 1% over the very large build. I think it's fair to say that the cooling solution has done very well. Looks like we are building several hundred more in the nxt few weeks to keep up with current demand as well.
Activity: 1379
Merit: 1003
nec sine labore
March 27, 2013, 09:19:56 PM |
Interested, even if there are a lot of unknowns:
- delivery time - power consumption - price
March 27, 2013, 09:23:11 PM |
what is the difference between goliath and cairnsmore?
Goliath the family name for our really big computing systems and encompasses a range of our technologies and is for a much wide range of applications. Basically it's our twist on a supercomputer. Cairnsmore family is specifically Bitcoin targeted technology and generally much smaller thing than the overall Goliath concept. The Cairnsmore3 we are talking about here would be considered a "small" processing element or even a co-processor within a Goliath to put it in context. When used outside these systems but it can be a "small" system in it's own right. [/quote] ok i m in also but do you have an idea of when? and if you have a wholesale price ,i would be interested in more than one 

Activity: 109
Merit: 10
March 27, 2013, 09:46:51 PM |
yohan (OP)
March 27, 2013, 09:49:58 PM |
ok i m in also but do you have an idea of when? and if you have a wholesale price ,i would be interested in more than one  [/quote] We won't talk about the detail until we are ready. It's really market evaluation at the moment and whilst the base technology is in Cairnsmore2 we still have a little jump to what would be Cairnsmore3. That timeline is stretchy as this is one of many projects that we are doing and it isn't our most important project commercially. We also have a very major product launch coming so everyone here will involved in that for the next 2 months and that will hit everything that we do. So rather than promise timescales, as certain of competitors would do and then fail badly to keep them, I won't fix a timescale that could easily get broken. I know that will be a pain to people making decisions but just talking about what we are doing it is the best I can offer currently.
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
March 27, 2013, 09:51:29 PM |
As expressed I'm happy to invest in whatever you have available Yohan so stick me down from some more enterpoint goodness 