Hi guys,
I have NO PROBLEM using ANY of the mentioned BTC units,
so if you DO NOT wanna use yours feel free to send it to me
PS: WTF is with posts like this?
If you have trouble understanding what YOU have at hand use this:
var currentPrice:Number = x; // where x means the return value of your exchange API*
var coinsToSell:Number = o; // where o means what you want to sell
function whatsThePrice(x:Number, o:Number):Number{
// the price is:
var result:Number;
result = o*x;
return result;
If the above is too hard to understand then:
If you wanna sell 0.23555489BTC and the price now is 480$ let's say you get: 0.23555489 * 480 = $113.066 (rounded)
So what you are asking (IF NOT ALREADY) is very easily implemented in any software.
*the exchange value depends on your exchange.
EDIT: In fact the above function will work with: C, C++, Java, JS, AS and some others that I am probably not aware of.
What else do you want?
Do note that some languages prefer the term "double", bu tthe principle is the same
EDIT 2: Sorry, I was just asked in PM how does my code work, so I thought I post here just in case anyone else wants to know.
You are basically asking the function to perform the calculation for you:
example: I have 3 BTC for sale and want a good price
heres how it goes (simple):
I first receive the current going price from my exchange - my case Bitstamp - for example reasons lets say I got a return of $383.
If that is the price I want I send a call function with:
var whatIgetNow:Number = whatsThePrice(3, 383); // normally BOTH numbers would have been replaced by variables according to schedule)
the return value would be: $1149 - 3*383 = 1149
That is the simple use for it, however you could expand it to a bot if you wanted to....
//sell with profit
I could easily say DO NOT sell if under this much by going:
//it's all good for trading IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!!!
There is much more you can do with it, my question is that WHY do people spend more time whining about things than getting things done?
PS: To all the "gurus" out there, this is just an example of VERY simple ways of getting things done
So, yeah I know, no need for you to say anything