Clarifications on Pool vs Solo MiningThere seems to be a lot of (common) misconceptions when it comes to "block finding". Mainly with the pool-miner who "found the block" regretting that they didn't solo-mine because "look, i'd have 25btc now all for me". Firstly, if every pool only paid out the blockfinder, there would be little point in mining in a pool - you would be better off just solo mining like everyone else - so it works both ways - you all get paid for the shares you submit.
Anyway, now more to the main point.
When you "stratum mine" on a pool ( - You're given parts of the pool's block template, with which to "work" - which contains unique header information different to all the other miners on the pool - then you add the nonce/extranonces and so on for your asic to increment and test the hashes are below the difficulty target - meaning that you are only checking a part of the entire possibility of all variations. So finding a block in this scenario is entirely different to "solo mining", in which you would have to check all parts of the block together.