Should Test Group A stop running their clients until the new version is out?
At this point... the client doesn't run for too long before crashing... although it does fire up again without any problems.
Meaning... are we witnessing a transition in the network because of you simultaneously running the new version?... are we still helping you retrieve data considering the numerous crashes or are we causing the network a problem by repeatedly dropping contracts?
thnx Edit: Hmmm... it stopped crashing approximately one hour after I posted the above.
We have collected the data we need as of v.0.1.5 but if people keeps testing we could collect even more.
The team is working on progressing to the next stage for Group A with added functionality, and looking forward to release an enhanced version of downstream-farmer.
You are still welcome to test but for the moment only v.0.1.5 will work with the current beta:
Higher releases are for internal testing for the time being, until we are are able to scale up to the rest of Group A testers.
Our devs are working on making that happen as soon as possible.