December 14, 2014, 04:49:15 PM |
question: berkeley DB version used to compile win wallets?db-5.3.28.NC
Yes, db-5.3.28.NC To build Kryptohash Windows wallets, you need to follow the steps on this thread for Bitcoin 0.9.3 But, with two changes. 1) Boost 1.57 MUST be compiled with c++11 option : b2 --build-type=complete --with-chrono --with-filesystem --with-program_options --with-system --with-thread toolset=gcc variant=release link=static threading=multi runtime-link=static stage cxxflags="-std=c++11" target-os=windows architecture=x86 address-model=64 2) Run the following configure CPPFLAGS="-Ikeccak \ -Ikeccak/SnP \ -Ikeccak/KeccakF-1600 \ -I/c/deps64/boost_1_57_0 \ -I/c/deps64/db-5.3.28.NC/build_unix \ -I/c/deps64/openssl-1.0.1j/include \ -I/c/deps64 \ -I/c/deps64/protobuf-2.5.0/src \ -I/c/deps64/libpng-1.6.14 \ -I/c/deps64/qrencode-3.4.4" \ LDFLAGS="-L/c/deps64/boost_1_57_0/stage/lib \ -L/c/deps64/db-5.3.28.NC/build_unix \ -L/c/deps64/openssl-1.0.1j \ -L/c/deps64/miniupnpc \ -L/c/deps64/protobuf-2.5.0/src/.libs \ -L/c/deps64/libpng-1.6.14/.libs \ -L/c/deps64/qrencode-3.4.4/.libs" \ ./configure \ --disable-upnp-default \ --disable-tests \ --with-qt-incdir=/c/Qt64/5.3.2/include \ --with-qt-libdir=/c/Qt64/5.3.2/lib \ --with-qt-bindir=/c/Qt64/5.3.2/bin \ --with-qt-plugindir=/c/Qt64/5.3.2/plugins \ --with-boost-system=mgw49-mt-s-1_57 \ --with-boost-filesystem=mgw49-mt-s-1_57 \ --with-boost-program-options=mgw49-mt-s-1_57 \ --with-boost-thread=mgw49-mt-s-1_57 \ --with-boost-chrono=mgw49-mt-s-1_57 \ --with-protoc-bindir=/c/deps64/protobuf-2.5.0/src what do you want to say !!! just tell us the result plz,I need to mine correctly.
December 14, 2014, 05:17:39 PM |
To be honest,I've mined 20K+ KHC,but now I feel a little frustrated,why this coin updated over and over again??!! for what?? to let dev use 6 cards to mine more coins to compasite his effort?? or something else??!!! I don't know waht it is.
December 14, 2014, 05:24:04 PM |
This is going to solved within the next 2 - 3 hours. Stay tuned.
hours has ALREADY passed,what do you say
December 14, 2014, 05:24:52 PM |
Instamine can be a side effect of these forks but we'll never know if it is intentional or not.
December 14, 2014, 05:32:43 PM |
Instamine can be a side effect of these forks but we'll never know if it is intentional or not. yeah,you are right,sb just do it intentionally.
wr104 (OP)
December 14, 2014, 05:46:27 PM |
Thanks for your patience. We are working on a solution.
I'll have an update in next couple of hours.
December 14, 2014, 05:53:24 PM |
If you wannt bet,you have a slim chance to win ,I don't want to win you soo easily.
December 14, 2014, 06:01:39 PM |
To be honest,I've mined 20K+ KHC,but now I feel a little frustrated,why this coin updated over and over again??!! for what?? to let dev use 6 cards to mine more coins to compasite his effort?? or something else??!!! I don't know waht it is.
DEV,any responde to my question??
December 14, 2014, 06:09:52 PM |
To be honest,I've mined 20K+ KHC,but now I feel a little frustrated,why this coin updated over and over again??!! for what?? to let dev use 6 cards to mine more coins to compasite his effort?? or something else??!!! I don't know waht it is.
DEV,any responde to my question?? If your as good a coder as you are a critic, then get off your hands and fix it yourself.
December 14, 2014, 06:14:21 PM |
To be honest,I've mined 20K+ KHC,but now I feel a little frustrated,why this coin updated over and over again??!! for what?? to let dev use 6 cards to mine more coins to compasite his effort?? or something else??!!! I don't know waht it is.
DEV,any responde to my question?? If your as good a coder as you are a critic, then get off your hands and fix it yourself. this logic is fucking stupid,I am merely a miner and investor ,but I have the right to question.
December 14, 2014, 06:20:06 PM |
To be honest,I've mined 20K+ KHC,but now I feel a little frustrated,why this coin updated over and over again??!! for what?? to let dev use 6 cards to mine more coins to compasite his effort?? or something else??!!! I don't know waht it is.
DEV,any responde to my question?? If your as good a coder as you are a critic, then get off your hands and fix it yourself. this logic is fucking stupid,I am merely a miner and investor ,but I have the right to question. WHO ARE YOU ,WHORE?? PR OR part of DEV TEAM?
December 14, 2014, 06:25:42 PM |
To be honest,I've mined 20K+ KHC,but now I feel a little frustrated,why this coin updated over and over again??!! for what?? to let dev use 6 cards to mine more coins to compasite his effort?? or something else??!!! I don't know waht it is.
DEV,any responde to my question?? If your as good a coder as you are a critic, then get off your hands and fix it yourself. this logic is fucking stupid,I am merely a miner and investor ,but I have the right to question. Then maybe you can assert the psychology of a "mandatory upgrade" noted on the first post of this thread yesterday. Not everyone updated and having a pool not aware of it is a problem due to so much concentrated hashing power. I myself attempted to fork it back where it should have been last night but miners would not stop mining on the pool. I really hope that in this instance dev does NOT allow instamine on this one, and simply clips the blockchain at 9099. I warned at block 9104 when there was a problem but it seems people didn't listen.
December 14, 2014, 06:27:24 PM |
To be honest,I've mined 20K+ KHC,but now I feel a little frustrated,why this coin updated over and over again??!! for what?? to let dev use 6 cards to mine more coins to compasite his effort?? or something else??!!! I don't know waht it is.
DEV,any responde to my question?? If your as good a coder as you are a critic, then get off your hands and fix it yourself. this logic is fucking stupid,I am merely a miner and investor ,but I have the right to question. Then maybe you can assert the psychology of a "mandatory upgrade" noted on the first post of this thread yesterday. Not everyone updated and having a pool not aware of it is a problem due to so much concentrated hashing power. I myself attempted to fork it back where it should have been last night but miners would not stop mining on the pool. I really hope that in this instance dev does NOT allow instamine on this one, and simply clips the blockchain at 9099. I warned at block 9104 when there was a problem but it seems people didn't listen. You are lying,the dev never and ever say 0.3.9 is a mandatory upgrade,just check it yourself plz.
December 14, 2014, 06:29:55 PM |
To be honest,I've mined 20K+ KHC,but now I feel a little frustrated,why this coin updated over and over again??!! for what?? to let dev use 6 cards to mine more coins to compasite his effort?? or something else??!!! I don't know waht it is.
DEV,any responde to my question?? If your as good a coder as you are a critic, then get off your hands and fix it yourself. this logic is fucking stupid,I am merely a miner and investor ,but I have the right to question. WHO ARE YOU ,WHORE?? PR OR part of DEV TEAM? No braniac, both def's apply... WORE Write Once Run Everywhere WORE War on Religious Extremists
December 14, 2014, 06:32:24 PM |
To be honest,I've mined 20K+ KHC,but now I feel a little frustrated,why this coin updated over and over again??!! for what?? to let dev use 6 cards to mine more coins to compasite his effort?? or something else??!!! I don't know waht it is.
DEV,any responde to my question?? If your as good a coder as you are a critic, then get off your hands and fix it yourself. this logic is fucking stupid,I am merely a miner and investor ,but I have the right to question. Then maybe you can assert the psychology of a "mandatory upgrade" noted on the first post of this thread yesterday. Not everyone updated and having a pool not aware of it is a problem due to so much concentrated hashing power. I myself attempted to fork it back where it should have been last night but miners would not stop mining on the pool. I really hope that in this instance dev does NOT allow instamine on this one, and simply clips the blockchain at 9099. I warned at block 9104 when there was a problem but it seems people didn't listen. You are lying,the dev never and ever say 0.3.9 is a mandatory upgrade,just check it yourself plz.Dev provide that info on original post and a d/l link to on a post within the thread. You needed to check the first post, then you would have known this. Your observational skills are 'stupendous'.
December 14, 2014, 06:34:37 PM |
To be honest,I've mined 20K+ KHC,but now I feel a little frustrated,why this coin updated over and over again??!! for what?? to let dev use 6 cards to mine more coins to compasite his effort?? or something else??!!! I don't know waht it is.
DEV,any responde to my question?? If your as good a coder as you are a critic, then get off your hands and fix it yourself. this logic is fucking stupid,I am merely a miner and investor ,but I have the right to question. WHO ARE YOU ,WHORE?? PR OR part of DEV TEAM? No braniac, both def's apply... WORE Write Once Run Everywhere WORE War on Religious Extremists WHORE ,of course you can defend a coin you love,but ,dont defend it stupidilly,okay?
December 14, 2014, 06:42:26 PM |
To be honest,I've mined 20K+ KHC,but now I feel a little frustrated,why this coin updated over and over again??!! for what?? to let dev use 6 cards to mine more coins to compasite his effort?? or something else??!!! I don't know waht it is.
DEV,any responde to my question?? If your as good a coder as you are a critic, then get off your hands and fix it yourself. this logic is fucking stupid,I am merely a miner and investor ,but I have the right to question. WHO ARE YOU ,WHORE?? PR OR part of DEV TEAM? No braniac, both def's apply... WORE Write Once Run Everywhere WORE War on Religious Extremists WHORE ,of course you can defend a coin you love,but ,dont defend it stupidilly,okay? Your ignorance has firmly placed your foot in your mouth. I do not need to defend the coin and I am not, however your bloodline seems to have missed the boat somewhere in human evolution, your elevator is not able to reach the top floor, you're a couple cans short of a six pack. I see you like to manufacture information to present as evidence such as the 'H' in my username, and you failing to check the first post of this thread for anything new resembles selective amnesia, maybe you should have become a lawyer.
wr104 (OP)
December 14, 2014, 06:44:25 PM |
WHORE ,of course you can defend a coin you love,but ,dont defend it stupidilly,okay?
First, thanks for participating in the Kryptohash Beta program Second, I do agree with your last post. Stupidity shouldn't be defended but, I do appreciate the help and patience shown by most people in this thread. please remove your stupid posts
His posts may be annoying for some people but, I think some drama and controversy could help make this coin more popular than what it is right now.