<devnullius> what will the influence of coinage be on mmxiv if I don't move them around?
<iGotBallSpots> max age is 30 days
<devnullius> and then no more staking?
<iGotBallSpots> 24h / 30d
<mraudio106> so if this works, is there a sugested size for the blocks? I have 100 coins
<iGotBallSpots> youll still stake, but coins will slowly work out of staking
<iGotBallSpots> dude just send them all lol
<devnullius> ? what does that mean? Slowly work out of staking?
<iGotBallSpots> staking literally cannot get easier than mmxiv
<iGotBallSpots> yea...max age is 30 days...
<devnullius> so...
<iGotBallSpots> i dont understand what is confusing
<iGotBallSpots> deposit your coins, move them once a month
<iGotBallSpots> what is the problem?
<mraudio106> ill just leave them as is...
<mraudio106> thanks for the headache
if mmxiv confuses you, i think pos might not be a good choice lol<devnullius> The problem is that I don't feel like moving them every 30 days. It's idle work. And I don't understand what happens after 30 days. I'll mint but "slowly work out of staking"- whatever tha tmeans
not to be rude, but this is the simplest coin to stake ever<iGotBallSpots> then you wont stake lol if you cant take 2 mins once month you dont deserve 5.5% daily
<devnullius> You sound like the developer: really arrogant
<iGotBallSpots> i am, and you're still a
bitch that i dislike very much
<devnullius> There he is
<devnullius> The bitch thrower
<devnullius> Real class, once more
<iGotBallSpots> its not a secret
<iGotBallSpots> i think you are a
stupid bitch, yes
<iGotBallSpots> not smart
<iGotBallSpots> and an
asshole<devnullius> glad you are the only one
<iGotBallSpots> you are whining about moving your coins once a month
fuck off, seriously
<devnullius> instead I get many warnings about you
go bother hyp<devnullius> figures, how manyu warnings did you get about me?
<iGotBallSpots> they would love to hold your hand
<iGotBallSpots> none, bceause you are a nobody lol
<iGotBallSpots> insignificant
<iGotBallSpots> go back to spamming twitter about how i hurt your feelings
<devnullius> ofcourse I am
<iGotBallSpots> and
fuck the fuck off---
I will never stop deleting your posts. Stupid bitch
Stop being a clueless bitch if you don't want to be treated as such. You literally have no concept of cryptos, staked on an old fork for TWO MONTHS, then blamed me for your incompetence
Go away. We don't need your $5 of investments. Go back to reserving names on Twitter to sell to new coins. We always need people scraping the bottom of the barrel for us
Stupid bitch
so yeah... He's great, this developer. And I'm now banned from his IRC channel
Time to sell all them MMXIV's once it hits the 0.023 mark again... Crazy 2014% PoS will kill the coin in the end any way ;p