What is your source of this number? 1 Million seems a little bit high...are you sure?
And what is your solution? A more efficient Altcoin?
Please remember the costs for our current Fiat-money system...you have to print money, the huge amount of employees etc.
3600 new coins emission per day at a price of 300$ is 1080000 USD - every day what's being created in new coins.
Of course it's high - way too high. The higher the price of the bitcoin the higher the cost will be to run it.
Bitcoin will keep going down until we meet a point where daily inflation matches with inflow of new money - i would estimate that between 50k$ and 200k$ is realistic of new money for a day (every day -
every 24 hours). I hate to spell it out but this would mean sub 100$ coins in case my estimate of new money per day is correct.
Right now we need to burn 1 million USD every 24 hours only to hold this price. I don't know what the real demand is - so could be 1 million every day new money comes in, i don't know. But these are the numbers ...
Solution is a coin with lower inflation. Something like 0,5% to 3% per year inflation would be reasonable not 8% to 12% like bitcoin because inflation needs to be paid every day - constantly. New coins created equals cost of running the network. So less dilution of coinsupply with new coins means less costs to run the network.
A coin with less than 1% inflation in a year can really rally and STAY UP! Bitcoin can rally but NOT STAY UP!
i wouldn't want to compare to cost of fiat-system ... that's an entirely different game.
Less inflation also means less volatility for that matter and better properties in preserving value. Crypto could be used to store value theoretically but 5%+ inflation isn't particularly good properties for a store of value.
All this calculations doesn't include the rampant shortselling which adds on top of it...