If you can log into the web control panel but it doens't mine, or able to use anothr control PCB and the miner will start hashing, there is a chance the Control Pcb's firmware may need updated.
Please try downloading this and update your firmware (downgrade) to this version. (Please select options NOT to keep the previous setting)
https://bitmaintech.com/files/download/antMiner_S320140721.binIf the above doesn't work, please return the S3 control PCB and we will send you a replacement.
Hellow Every One
i has problems with Bitmain Antminer S3 Controller Board. the Controller board which was damaged due to power serge i bought new controller Board from BITMAIN TECH China
They Sent me A new controller Board which i installed in the the miner but i found that controller Board was not compatible with S3 Miner beause the controller Board which was damaged was of S3 and They sent me S3+ Controller Board as the new controller board which was not working for some reason
i sent them back and they sent me the other controller board. again the problem was the same but this time i was able to login in to the controller board that they have sent me not the contoroller board is not hashing it shows the following image below

now what should i do. i called and emailed they they donot reply properly if any one can help me
secondly i m installing same controller board with S3+ miner the board is working fine
so need help it will be highly appreciated