As part of my charity work for all bitcoin has allready given me in just 4weeks I decided to also go the route of "MEATSPACE" advertising hehe
I ordered cheap 2color White/orange pamflets to be made, will get designs prob later during this week. Take a guess what the orange colour is for
Pamflets work out about 5c each so its quite a good mass print deal.
Anyhoo, trying get finish up a website jobs that informs users about everything they might need to know while they run the webintegrated bitcoinminer from to get 50 000 printed and handed out during rush hour.
I still have to test the miner, hopefully can get to that today or tomorrow(monday) but I think its a great way to generate funds, in my case charity cause. Users will visit my website with most of the important bitcoin myths and legends, while they read through it their cpu's generate BTC to distribute to charity.
Cant wait to see how this pans out, could just be one of the most important parts of bitcoin.