so funny that when I call you out on things that matter like you saying my coin artwork is copied OR that you are a coward because you choose to keep your identity hidden...YOU SAY NOTHING.
As soon as I make a snide comment because this is just a clown thread you take that as if it is the only substance I have put out on this forum concerning you and your shady actions.
LOL @ the guy who didn't have the respect to approach me and ask me if my artwork was original or not...given I did that with you to see if your work was lasered or not.
Sure enough you have proven nothing to support your claims.
Just like every other pathetic/lazy scammer out there....make claims you can't back up with irrefutable proof.

Lets first cover the FACTS, then get this back on topic since this is the "CITM is abusing the trust system thread" not the "smoothie and friends want to have another temper tantrum to feel good about themselves thread"
1: There are all but maybe 6 or 7 people still whipping your dead horse. Maybe 8 or 9. Of that i am 100% certian that about 30% of those "people" are alts of your own band of idiots.
2: There are on any given day over a thousand active members on this forum
Which means that
3: you and your very tiny band of whipper snappers constitute less than 1% of people on this forum.
which further brings me to....
4: you and your little degenerate band of kids are the MINORITY on this forum.
I know this because
5: at least twice a day i get a P.M. from someone on this forum telling me about your little kids society and how you maintain to act in the very same fashion you are yet today, and that you idiots will attack any high profile body on this forum. Its the only reason your here, they were kind enough to point out all of your post history's as evidence that not one of you provide anything useful here.
Which brings me to....
6: some of the communities most prestigious members are now making their way onto my client roster
7: Ever since day 1, this whole charade started by nubbins then followed up by the usual suspects has been nothing more than 1 huge publicity campaign for me that i could have never even thought of on my own. I started as a pretty much anonymous virtual identity on BCT and thanks to the efforts of you, BG4, CITM, Nubbins, Jonald, and the rest of your degenerate clan. Today. I'M F#@KING FAMOUS and all over the web with my anonymous identity people who would have never found me in the bitcoin market have been lead right to me and its all thanks to you.
Here's just one message of 7 i received today.
That gold leaf on the dark wood sure does look nice. I don't know a thing about wood carving, but one thing is pretty clear. You're making the nicest looking wood carved products on the forum.
Straight from the mouth of a guy who one of the highest trusted members on this forum.
Moving on to a message i got last weekend
Awesome job man, looking at your feedback page its like a who's who of immature children on this forum and you have managed to make them all look like morons. I'm a novice wood worker myself and would love to chat some time maybe get a few pointers from you. How much would you charge me to make a new set of handles for my chisel set out of something like purpleheart? That one from your video turned out beautiful.
Keep them going, if they had not carried their antics over to reddit i would have never even known you were in the community. I stopped using this forum almost 6 months ago
which starts to bring this to a close...
8: Prior to Nubbins starting his free marketing campaign for me, i was doing good to have made somewhere in the ballpark of around $40,000 in sales to bitcoin clients. Thats measuring from November when i made the first piece for Blazedout419 until January 19th when nubbins started in. Since mid January up to tonight i have made an additional $51,000 in sales. Thanks to you idiots i have made more in two and a half weeks then i could have done on my own in 3 months.
that leads us to the
ONLY thing all of you have been right about so far......
9: for about the past 5 days now, i fully admit i am 100% guilty of trolling all of you into acting out like the kiddies you are. Some of my recent clients pointed out that if it was not for all of your infantile charades they themselves would have never found what i have to offer or ever new i was part of the bitcoin community as i had no idea how much of a community there was outside this forum and never would have thought to market myself in those other places as i didn't even know they existed. Those same new clients also pointed out that besides doing it for laughs (which i have gotten a lot of lately, i mean come on "wet chocolate"? hahahahaha) spending an hour or so a day antagonizing you and your fellow group of kids here on the forum was the easiest and best free marketing i could get in the community because although there are only a few of you, you all make a lot of noise all across bitcoin websites because it is by default your nature to seek out attention. That leads clients right to me, and anyone with a brain can take a look back through the circus act and see that i am 100% the man i say i am which leads to a sale.
And finally....
10: back on topic since only a few bodies seem to be able to read that have posted on the past 5 pages. This thread is about CITM's abuse of the feedback system. It had absolutely nothing to do with wood carving, wood, tools, wet chocolate, shapes, or species of wood.
CITM has clearly shown on several occasions that he has a poor sense of judgment, and many times has abused the trust rating system, not saying he never saved anyone from getting ripped off or has not done a few really good things with his position, but his ratio of abuse to proper use is getting worse every day. If anything, this thread is another wakeup call for CITM. I could honestly give a shit if he is removed from the list, i know 100% for fact that i accomplished exactly what i set out to do with this thread as CITM stepped back, thought twice about his actions, then fixed them you will now notice he edited his feedback not to include the false 1,000 amount.
My only goal was to open his eyes and maybe get him back on track like he use to be, and i feel i accomplished that. Truth is, the members who matter on this forum, we all set our own trust settings so we have a descent network of trust that does not get over run with garbage.
Now, please feel free to carry on with your off topic rants about chocolate and wood and tools and whatever else. Although it was a giant headache in the beginning, this dog and pony show that nubbins started has been one of the best things that could have happened to me in the bitcoin space, it increased sales, increased visibility, and it only cost me a few days worth of time which were made up for by selling the things i made in those days. Now not only am i famous in the real world, i have a famous bitcoin identity too.
Edit: i'll be back to stir the pot again tomorrow some time. Take your pop shots in the mean time if you must. While your at it, link your wittiest reply to the above on reddit, shout it out on your twitter and social media accounts, be sure it finds its way to CCT and LTBTC too.
Thanks for the free marketing

Sad part is if you were not all children about it, i might have actually paid you for your services.
One more edit: I sat back and had a laugh to myself and figured i would share it with all of you who are just following along for the laughs. The best part of it all is these guys dont even realize that nobody on this forum or in bitcoin in general takes them seriously or really even pays attention to them any more and they still spend hundreds of hours online fighting for that attention. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

You cant even script comedy that good.