AC = 100
CB = 000
AT = 001
So AC+CB+AT = 101
But i still dont know what ask 4 the key means.
101 * 4 = 404 but that doesnt solve anything
wow, we got there in the end, now take the solution (101), ask 4 the key and bin it!
Sounds like we're super close, but obvious question is what is the key?
"ask 4 the key" {read it out loud to yourself}
I'm reading, doesn't help
I see some thought base4 got something to do with it, but why would anyone use base4 to get final answer, doesn't make sense, key should be something that's shown in physical coins.
no it is not soo complicated. i first weekend of this hunt i started coding differencmachine and tried use lambda-notation for abstract form of this formula. but its wrong. the solution and how you calculate is very easy i think. only getting hints and making treasure hunt is little hard. so i think ask for the key can have many meaning:
ask 4 the key = ASCII is beFOR the key - for example the ascii character must be for the key:
or also mabye:
ask 4 the key = key-index of ASCII-char is 4. so its in 5th position - for example: 0110b0101
or also maybe:
ask 4 the key = ASCII-character for the keyvalue(101) = e ( so answer can be: be1100101)
but this is only my thinking. i hope it helps you. maybe its wrong.