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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: dank on October 30, 2012, 03:45:26 AM

Title: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on October 30, 2012, 03:45:26 AM
According to my five time recurring dream.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: Phraust on October 30, 2012, 04:58:30 AM
Just missed it, we had a tsunami warning on Saturday (

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on October 30, 2012, 05:18:59 AM
As long as a likeness of This Man doesn't appear in your dreams, everything'll be fine.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on October 30, 2012, 05:38:06 AM
As long as a likeness of This Man doesn't appear in your dreams, everything'll be fine.
Who dat?  Who knows.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on October 30, 2012, 07:23:49 AM
Google "This Man" (with quotes), unless you're scared to. Stare at any of the image results for five seconds. Report back to us after you've had a good night's sleep--not! Pleasant dreams.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 01, 2012, 06:41:21 PM
Make that six times, at least.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: vite on November 01, 2012, 09:43:01 PM
Dank have you been watching endless summer the surfing movie?

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 01, 2012, 09:48:23 PM
Never heard of it.  Endless spring woulda been nice.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 16, 2012, 09:16:27 PM
Just want to describe one specific dream, I had many variations of this dream, but this is one I remember the most.

I was in a beach house with different friends from childhood.  Different people I had knew.  I remember the houses were abruptly against the sand dunes, very close to the ocean.  It happened very quickly, unlike a how a tsunami takes a good bit of time to draw back before striking.  I don't remember if the water recessed, I don't think it did, I think the wave came from nowhere.  The odd thing though, it was a wave initially, not really a huge 100' tsunami, but a rather large wave.  Just enough to reach the top of the dunes with force.  I can visually remember the water from the ocean raised up to the brink of the door.  One drop of water spilled into the house.

In most dreams, I was witnessing this from the beach house, or by the beach in some instances.

I take this 8+ time recurring vision as a sign.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: repentance on November 17, 2012, 08:09:45 AM
Given that there's a tsunami somewhere pretty much every year, you'll have to do a little better than that.

Sooner or later the world's supervolcanoes will erupt again, but that doesn't make dreaming about such events precognition.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: benjamindees on November 17, 2012, 08:11:57 AM
Water dreams are correlated with financial difficulty.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: repentance on November 17, 2012, 07:53:40 PM
Over/under on dank eventually joining an "all you need is love" cult and perishing in a mass suicide a la The People's Temple or Heaven's Gate.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 17, 2012, 08:07:56 PM
Given that there's a tsunami somewhere pretty much every year, you'll have to do a little better than that.

Sooner or later the world's supervolcanoes will erupt again, but that doesn't make dreaming about such events precognition.
I mean of a reasonable scale, something that will do a good amount of damage to the united state's east coast.

Over/under on dank eventually joining an "all you need is love" cult and perishing in a mass suicide a la The People's Temple or Heaven's Gate.
Uh, no.  Try mass awakening.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: ElectricMucus on November 17, 2012, 08:33:51 PM
Dank you are spending too much time on new-ageish conspiracy theory websites. So much that it even shines through your every post.
Seriously that much mindfuck is not healty.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 17, 2012, 08:52:11 PM
Dank you are spending too much time on new-ageish conspiracy theory websites. So much that it even shines through your every post.
Seriously that much mindfuck is not healty.
I don't spend time on any forums but this anymore.  I learn what I learn within myself, not out.  You can label words as whatever you like, it doesn't change the meaning of them.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: ElectricMucus on November 17, 2012, 08:56:36 PM
Dank you are spending too much time on new-ageish conspiracy theory websites. So much that it even shines through your every post.
Seriously that much mindfuck is not healty.
I don't spend time on any forums but this anymore.  I learn what I learn within myself, not out.  You can label words as whatever you like, it doesn't change the meaning of them.

I didn't label you in any way dank. I'm just saying that you need other activities besides that.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 17, 2012, 09:08:27 PM
I have all I need.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: repentance on November 17, 2012, 10:19:59 PM
I learn what I learn within myself, not out.  You can label words as whatever you like, it doesn't change the meaning of them.

Great.  Now you're channelling Atlas.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 17, 2012, 10:34:51 PM
I wouldn't be as naive to call an individual god, as that's similar to calling a tree god.  They are only a piece of it.  Atlas may be more in touch with his consciousness than others, I'm not channeling anything but love.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: TraderTimm on November 17, 2012, 10:52:38 PM
Dank, I find this interesting because I had a similar dream not long ago.

I was up in the 20th story or so of a large apartment building. I couldn't tell what city it was, there were no landmarks that I could discern. Outside, it seemed to be rainy and a bit of fog was in the air. Blue-green pall over everything as buildings receded into the fog like lost soldiers.

Then, I think I see movement, but I can't make out what it is -- and this is what really threw me -- because at that point I'm somewhat lucid about the fact I'm dreaming, but even then I didn't know what it was. That isn't how it is supposed to work -- you become lucid in a dream, then you start to direct things, and you know in typical twisted-dream-logic what is happening.

That wasn't the case here. I was watching *something* move towards me, and being as high up as I was, I couldn't say what it was through how the fog kept obscuring details.

Then, as the distance closed between whatever it was and the twenty-story window I was looking through, it dawned on me. Some tiny hint of specular reflection, a facet of the wall that was going to become my certain death filled me with instant dread.

It was a 40-story high tidal wave.

What I had seen was the reflection of lights shining out the windows in the buildings on the face of the wave.

I had about a second to process this, then I started yelling "I knew it, I knew it --" and then the building is shuddering and the wave is breaking through the glass - and we're underwater in no time flat. I flail and try to move out into the hallway, but then there's a dream-jump, and I'm impossibly watching it from outside somewhere, like a closed-circuit tv camera, as it sweeps its way inland, smashing buildings in its path.

I haven't shared this with anyone until now, so I had to stop and pause when you mentioned what your dream was about.

I would prefer to be wrong, but honestly the only way a wave that high can form is either from a impact of an asteroid or some other disasterous natural event.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 17, 2012, 11:09:21 PM
Very interesting, thanks for sharing.  We've been depleting earth of it's oil for quite some time, removing the lubricant from the earth's plates, it makes sense that a tsunami of some sort could spawn as a result of the damage to our home.

I think this is a wake up call.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: Jaw3bmasters on November 17, 2012, 11:33:38 PM
The tsunami represent the flood of new users to the bitcoin economy from em two States with recreational pot use.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: yogi on November 18, 2012, 12:14:21 AM
Dank, I find this interesting because I had a similar dream not long ago.

I was up in the 20th story or so of a large apartment building. I couldn't tell what city it was, there were no landmarks that I could discern. Outside, it seemed to be rainy and a bit of fog was in the air. Blue-green pall over everything as buildings receded into the fog like lost soldiers.

Then, I think I see movement, but I can't make out what it is -- and this is what really threw me -- because at that point I'm somewhat lucid about the fact I'm dreaming, but even then I didn't know what it was. That isn't how it is supposed to work -- you become lucid in a dream, then you start to direct things, and you know in typical twisted-dream-logic what is happening.

That wasn't the case here. I was watching *something* move towards me, and being as high up as I was, I couldn't say what it was through how the fog kept obscuring details.

Then, as the distance closed between whatever it was and the twenty-story window I was looking through, it dawned on me. Some tiny hint of specular reflection, a facet of the wall that was going to become my certain death filled me with instant dread.

It was a 40-story high tidal wave.

What I had seen was the reflection of lights shining out the windows in the buildings on the face of the wave.

I had about a second to process this, then I started yelling "I knew it, I knew it --" and then the building is shuddering and the wave is breaking through the glass - and we're underwater in no time flat. I flail and try to move out into the hallway, but then there's a dream-jump, and I'm impossibly watching it from outside somewhere, like a closed-circuit tv camera, as it sweeps its way inland, smashing buildings in its path.

I haven't shared this with anyone until now, so I had to stop and pause when you mentioned what your dream was about.

I would prefer to be wrong, but honestly the only way a wave that high can form is either from a impact of an asteroid or some other disasterous natural event.

The key to understanding this dream is this bit;

"at that point I'm somewhat lucid about the fact I'm dreaming"

The realisation that you are dreaming is a result of the subconscious revealing the fact to your conscious mind. The reason for it doing so is because your conscious had become to overwhelmed by the content of the dream.

The first part of your dream was probably violent and/or sexual and sprang from repressed desires. It overwhelmed the concious mind to the point of nearly waking you. Your subconscious mind then decided to reveal it is only a dream to calm you down and protect your sleep.

The subconscious utilised the fact that you needed to urinate, or some other thing related to water, to change the content of the dream. It also screen the previous emotive content.

The result is an amalgamation of the symbolic elements of the explicit first parts of the dream with the material watery parts of the second.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: Vod on November 18, 2012, 12:20:10 AM
Very interesting, thanks for sharing.  We've been depleting earth of it's oil for quite some time, removing the lubricant from the earth's plates, it makes sense that a tsunami of some sort could spawn as a result of the damage to our home.

You don't know anything about oil.  The earth's rotation causes oil to move under the ground through the various types of crust until it hits rock that is not porous enough, and it pools.  That's why oil exists in certain spots even though organic matter decays all over the planet.  Oil doesn't lubricate anything.  I work in the oil fields - I know this for a fact.

I, too, have recurring dreams about tidal waves.  I'm sure everyone does.  In my dreams the waves keep getting higher and higher but I always (barely) manage to stay above them.  Since the future cannot be predicted, these dreams can't mean anything.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 18, 2012, 12:26:55 AM
Oil doesn't keep your car cool and functional?  Don't you see, global warming is caused by the negativity abundance on earth, we've made an impact on earth and now nature is correcting itself.  That's what nature does.

Yogi, can't dreams simply be an alternate reality?  There are infinite realities, after all.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: Vod on November 18, 2012, 12:32:50 AM
Oil doesn't keep your car cool and functional? 

Did you know cars and plate tectonics work differently?  There is not enough oil in the planet to lubricate plates like oil does in a car.   ::)

This is why mechanics don't double as seismologists.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: drakahn on November 18, 2012, 12:35:44 AM
I've always heard that water in dreams reflects things worth worrying about, so small amounts mean worry a little, a tidal wave could mean that you see things building up, The water is shallow now but soon you'll be in over your head

Of course, I don't think dreams mean anything much at all, Its just a movie that plays while the brain defrags

Edit RE:tectonic lubrication
The plates float on molten rock right?
Does oil even go that far down?
Would it even still be oil if it did get there?
Could oil lubricate anything in that heat/pressure?

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 18, 2012, 12:40:06 AM
I think all dreams are signs, you choose how to interpret so.  They're an experience after all, a change of perception.  You always learn from experiencing an alteration of senses.  How much you learn is dependent on how aware you are.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: Vod on November 18, 2012, 12:44:17 AM
I think all dreams are signs, you choose how to interpret so.  They're an experience after all, a change of perception.  You always learn from experiencing an alteration of senses.  How much you learn is dependent on how aware you are.

I agree with you.  However dreams cannot predict the future; nothing can.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: yogi on November 18, 2012, 12:48:09 AM
Yogi, can't dreams simply be an alternate reality?  There are infinite realities, after all.

There is only one reality, if something does not exist within reality then it does not exist.
Dreams take place in the mind.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 18, 2012, 12:53:39 AM
I think all dreams are signs, you choose how to interpret so.  They're an experience after all, a change of perception.  You always learn from experiencing an alteration of senses.  How much you learn is dependent on how aware you are.

I agree with you.  However dreams cannot predict the future; nothing can.
This is simply false.  Evolution follows a logical process, just as history does.  You can learn from the past to understand the future.  You're asserting that you know for fact, when you really don't know.

Yogi, can't dreams simply be an alternate reality?  There are infinite realities, after all.

There is only one reality, if something does not exist within reality then it does not exist.
Dreams take place in the mind.
There is only one universe.  There are infinite realities.  Life is one reality, our dreams are another.  Everything exists, otherwise you wouldn't experience it.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: yogi on November 18, 2012, 01:00:10 AM
Quote from: dank
There are infinite realities.

By definition, anything outside of reality is not real.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 18, 2012, 01:08:25 AM
But it exists, does it not?  How can you declare one part of existence more real than another?

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: drakahn on November 18, 2012, 01:09:53 AM
But it exists, does it not?  How can you declare one part of existence more real than another?
You can't, if its real, its part of reality

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 18, 2012, 01:12:43 AM
So everything is real, right?  Remember, we all create our own reality in our head.  Since we have different perspectives and beliefs, we often live in our own realities.  There is only one true reality, and it's not the one we're in.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: yogi on November 18, 2012, 01:22:22 AM
But it exists, does it not?  How can you declare one part of existence more real than another?

Things can only exist within reality.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 18, 2012, 01:25:42 AM
Then how do we have dreams?

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: yogi on November 18, 2012, 01:33:21 AM
Then how do we have dreams?

When we are dreaming, it is our perception of reality that has changed, not reality itself.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: repentance on November 18, 2012, 01:37:20 AM
Then how do we have dreams?

When we are dreaming, it is our perception of reality that has changed, not reality itself.

Same when we're high, develop certain neurological conditions or experience certain mental illnesses.  There are plenty of ways to alter consciousness - they're not all benign.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 18, 2012, 02:13:59 AM
Yeah, but nothing around you really exists, it's all created in your head.  From consciousness.  You perceive light waves, sound waves and different types of energy to produce an experience of life.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: repentance on November 18, 2012, 02:24:32 AM
Yeah, but nothing around you really exists, it's all created in your head.  From consciousness.  You perceive light waves, sound waves and different types of energy to produce an experience of life.

If you fall from a 20th storey window you're going to go splat, even if your internal reality tells you that you can fly - gravity has an objective existence which isn't overcome by your beliefs, altered perceptions or delusions.  It's not "created in your head".

You should really read up on cults and mass delusions.

By the way, to be internally consistent you would need to hold the viewpoint that emotions - including love - are also just illusions not that "love conquers all".

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 18, 2012, 02:44:49 AM
Love made you.  It's really simple.  Consciousness created ego to experience self from a third perspective point of view.  God made man, through the process of the big bang, evolution, up to now.  Our world is a product of consciousness, and humans are learning about the truth of our existence.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: yogi on November 18, 2012, 03:04:25 AM
Love made you.  It's really simple.  Consciousness created ego to experience self from a third perspective point of view.  God made man, through the process of the big bang, evolution, up to now.  Our world is a product of consciousness, and humans are learning about the truth of our existence.

I take it your not a big fan of science and reason.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 18, 2012, 03:07:18 AM
Used to be.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 20, 2012, 07:36:17 AM
The flood will likely occur corresponding with thanks giving.  Eating food is killing yourself, as you become more aware of it, the more it will happen.  If society carries on with a normal thanksgiving, many will die.  This is why death has been a part of life, because you choose to destroy it.  Drinking water replenishes the body and sleeping gives you a fresh start, free from any hate from the previous day, unless you cannot come clean with your consciousness and the hate stays with you.  To come clean is to manifest in reality, to tell something else how you feel, how you believe.  To believe is to manifest reality.  It is your choice to live in the past.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: repentance on November 20, 2012, 07:40:41 AM
The flood will likely occur corresponding with thanks giving.  Eating food is killing yourself, as you become more aware of it, the more it will happen.  If society carries on with a normal thanksgiving, many will die.  This is why death has been a part of life, because you choose to destroy it.  Drinking water replenishes the body and sleeping gives you a fresh start, free from any hate from the previous day, unless you cannot come clean with your consciousness and the hate stays with you.  To come clean is to manifest in reality, to tell something else how you feel, how you believe.  To believe is to manifest reality.  It is your choice to live in the past.

So how many days do you think you can survive on water alone, dank?

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 20, 2012, 07:50:27 AM
Thanks to fgervsis, I will stop eating on thanksgiving.  I'm sure I can live forever if I don't fall asleep. You die every night, after all.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: repentance on November 20, 2012, 08:09:44 AM
Thanks to fgervsis, I will stop eating on thanksgiving.  I'm sure I can live forever if I don't fall asleep. You die every night, after all.

You know all those things you wanted to do but no-one would give you capital for?  JREF has a million dollars for you if you can survive on water alone.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 20, 2012, 03:54:46 PM
Oil doesn't keep your car cool and functional? 

Did you know cars and plate tectonics work differently?  There is not enough oil in the planet to lubricate plates like oil does in a car.   ::)

This is why mechanics don't double as seismologists.

Yet many seismologists double as mechanics. Odd!

Then again, 9.2:

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 21, 2012, 08:42:22 PM
If you haven't seen the weather, there's a huge drop in temperature scheduled for Friday, on the east coast. The flood will happen this day, black Friday.

We must learn the impact our consciousness has on reality, only after we see damage may we become aware of our power to change the world.

Do not fear this flood as a bad thing, it must happen since many are not yet ready to transition to a higher frequency.  People that die are taking the choice to stay in an earth-like world.  It is what they want.

Remember, souls travel together, in groups. You will always be with your loved ones.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: Vod on November 21, 2012, 09:34:41 PM
The flood will happen this day, black Friday.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: repentance on November 21, 2012, 10:26:02 PM
Will you shut up and go away if Friday comes and goes without a catastrophic flood happening?  Or will you do what all the doomsday cults do and just "revise" your prediction?

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: TraderTimm on November 21, 2012, 10:53:57 PM
Just to be clear - I offered up my dream account because it had some similarities with Dank's. I don't believe that the mantle under our feet will 'sieze up' or any other violation of physics.

As for dreams being predictions - I don't think mine is, just was pretty vivid so I remembered it. That's all.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 21, 2012, 10:59:06 PM
We must learn the impact our consciousness has on reality.

Can you even imagine horrors that would start happening if true nature of creation is revealed to masses? Tsunami would compare as kids play.

I'm stumbling upon your posts here for a while now, and it's obvious to me you are not stoned constantly. There is truth to what you're saying,
but you still have to fully understand that not everyone is ready to be unplugged ( Attempting to make them ready is not only waste of time, since
it is not your job to do that - it's their own job, but by trying to enlighten others both you and them gain much less than if you don't do it. They'll
get less because they haven't deserved more themselves and you'll get less because you not only wasted prescious time but prevented them from
getting more. You get what you deserve, that is how this Universe works.

There is no such thing as group mission on Earth. Everyone come here solo, is solo at all times and will leave solo. Don't fall into "collective" trap!
Becoming unplugged from fear is a beautiful thing, don't you think we all deserve that choice?

People can block out the truth but they'll still know it.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: Bitcoin Oz on November 21, 2012, 11:07:11 PM
There is no spoon.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: drakahn on November 21, 2012, 11:16:47 PM
Does anyone actually have coins in the dank bank? If so this thread is probably a concern O_o

Also, Where I am is under storm warnings, so maybe we'll flood *dunn dunn DUUNNNNNN*

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: fgervais on November 23, 2012, 12:51:13 AM
I find the image of dank hoping real hard for a natural disaster tonight very funny, the whole love thing kida gets harshed by it.

Just checked,, no tsunami advisory. Nowhere. At all. On the whole globe.

So, bodes well for the million man concert...

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: repentance on November 23, 2012, 02:16:47 AM
I find the image of dank hoping real hard for a natural disaster tonight very funny, the whole love thing kida gets harshed by it.

Just checked,, no tsunami advisory. Nowhere. At all. On the whole globe.

So, bodes well for the million man concert...

Yeah but remember he's supposed to stop eating and "transition to the other side" today.  I guess his "soul" is going to be organising the concert from there.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 23, 2012, 02:25:26 AM
I find the image of dank hoping real hard for a natural disaster tonight very funny, the whole love thing kida gets harshed by it.

Just checked,, no tsunami advisory. Nowhere. At all. On the whole globe.

So, bodes well for the million man concert...

Yeah but remember he's supposed to stop eating and "transition to the other side" today.  I guess his "soul" is going to be organising the concert from there.

Please, please, please, don't mention Etta James ( and Dank in the same sentence.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 24, 2012, 05:21:14 PM
Just checked,, no tsunami advisory. Nowhere. At all. On the whole globe.

Not true. There were major Tsunami waves today in my toilet, after gigantic body of unknown materials hitted the water!  :D

Dark or white turds? I have a theory.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 25, 2012, 02:06:30 AM
Yeah, it happened.  As most everything I say, the wave was metaphoric, within myself.  I'd like to apologize, I had the realization what I was doing was wrong, yesterday.  It's not my duty to distort your reality based on my beliefs.  I still believe in spirituality, but I will no longer continue to broadcast my perspective on the internet.  It's not fair to confuse other people, it's better that we all find the truth within ourselves.

I will leave what I wrote online, for others to build off of.  Forgive me, I meant no harm to anybody, I thought spreading the truth would help, unaware of the confusion is creates.  It still will, I suppose, with time.

Karma got me for putting this message out here, for changing the perception of others in an unsympathetic/mutual fashion.

I will still answer PMs and what not, but I won't be talking about deeper philosophical insights that an inexperienced soul may not understand.

Again, sorry, love you guys.  I will make it up, I have nothing to distract me from this concert, it will happen.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: mrb on November 25, 2012, 06:09:33 AM
A tsunami predictor fails to predict...

Shocker!  ::)

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: fgervais on November 25, 2012, 09:23:41 AM
Yeah, it happened.  As most everything I say, the wave was metaphoric, within myself.

Given that there's a tsunami somewhere pretty much every year, you'll have to do a little better than that.

Sooner or later the world's supervolcanoes will erupt again, but that doesn't make dreaming about such events precognition.
I mean of a reasonable scale, something that will do a good amount of damage to the united state's east coast.

If you haven't seen the weather, there's a huge drop in temperature scheduled for Friday, on the east coast. The flood will happen this day, black Friday.

Yeah, 'bout that...

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 25, 2012, 06:31:23 PM
The wave happened within.  It's bout to spread across the world.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: fgervais on November 25, 2012, 10:11:54 PM
The wave happened within.  It's bout to spread across the world.

Except you specifically referred to a physical event on the Ease Coast with a lot of damage.


Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 26, 2012, 01:27:52 AM
You're right.  I learned to stop living in false realities, I experienced ego death.  Everyone will this year.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: fgervais on November 26, 2012, 02:29:51 AM
You're right.  I learned to stop living in false realities, I experienced ego death.  Everyone will this year.

Weren't we supposed to do that on Thanksgiving? I mean, I was constipated, but that's it.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: kentrolla on November 27, 2012, 10:35:19 PM
Yeah, it happened.  As most everything I say, the wave was metaphoric, within myself.  I'd like to apologize, I had the realization what I was doing was wrong, yesterday.  It's not my duty to distort your reality based on my beliefs.  I still believe in spirituality, but I will no longer continue to broadcast my perspective on the internet.  It's not fair to confuse other people, it's better that we all find the truth within ourselves.

I will leave what I wrote online, for others to build off of.  Forgive me, I meant no harm to anybody, I thought spreading the truth would help, unaware of the confusion is creates.  It still will, I suppose, with time.

Karma got me for putting this message out here, for changing the perception of others in an unsympathetic/mutual fashion.

I will still answer PMs and what not, but I won't be talking about deeper philosophical insights that an inexperienced soul may not understand.

Again, sorry, love you guys.  I will make it up, I have nothing to distract me from this concert, it will happen.

"spreading the truth" isn't confusing anyone. It's entertaining. There is no harm done with your posts. Please continue posting, it will help psychologists and many other people.  The only way I can see your posts hurting anyone is if they take you seriously and actually stop eating (breathing?) or something.   

We all know that nobody takes your posts seriously. You were doing a good job trolling until it just got out of hand and became very obvious. 

You have no idea what "ego death" is.  Even if you did experience it, you wouldn't properly analyze it. The way you analyzed the hookah bar and this concert and this "tsunami" show that your critical thinking skills are just not up to par. Face it, you are of lower intelligence than average and for someone like you to seek enlightenment is a waste of time and will get you no where.

I think you have a better chance at being successful at doing something very ego-centric such as playing guitar and riding a motorcycle over the ocean than you do doing anything that requires actual intelligence. 

You would probably be pretty good at writing horoscopes in the newspaper. I'm not joking, that's the perfect job for you.  You should look into Astrology.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 28, 2012, 04:05:32 AM
What is intelligence to you?  Is it processing resources from the earth into fancy toys?  Or is it how efficient one can make an impact on the lives around you?

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: fgervais on November 28, 2012, 08:39:56 AM
What is intelligence to you?  Is it processing resources from the earth into fancy toys?  Or is it how efficient one can make an impact on the lives around you?

Intelligence is neither of those. But then again, maybe your 150 IQ sees it fit to redefine words. Again.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: Bitcoin Oz on November 28, 2012, 08:42:35 AM
The wave happened within.  It's bout to spread across the world.

Except you specifically referred to a physical event on the Ease Coast with a lot of damage.


It was a tidal wave of bullshit.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: repentance on November 28, 2012, 08:56:30 AM

It was a tidal wave of bullshit.

There've been plenty of those around here lately.   ;)

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 28, 2012, 02:56:46 PM
Let me add, everyone of us is going to be struck by a tsunami this year.  Everyone will experience some form of egodeath.  I experienced mine, to the point I don't see how it could dissolve any further.

I lived through my last egodeath because I believed in myself and stayed positive, you can too.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: fgervais on November 28, 2012, 02:59:39 PM
Let me add, everyone of us is going to be struck by a tsunami this year.  Everyone will experience some form of egodeath.  I experienced mine, to the point I don't see how it could dissolve any further.

I lived through my last egodeath because I believed in myself and stayed positive, you can too.

Yeah, it happened.  As most everything I say, the wave was metaphoric, within myself.

Given that there's a tsunami somewhere pretty much every year, you'll have to do a little better than that.

Sooner or later the world's supervolcanoes will erupt again, but that doesn't make dreaming about such events precognition.
I mean of a reasonable scale, something that will do a good amount of damage to the united state's east coast.

If you haven't seen the weather, there's a huge drop in temperature scheduled for Friday, on the east coast. The flood will happen this day, black Friday.


Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 28, 2012, 03:08:57 PM
That's the whole point of egodeath.  You have one perspective one minute, then you have an experience that changes that perspective in a humbling manner.

If you fear egodeath, you're easily on the path to a hellish mental state.  Do not fight your true feelings, for you will never know your true self if you do.  Do what makes you happy, follow love, and you'll make it out a better person than before.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: Vod on November 28, 2012, 05:23:41 PM
That's the whole point of egodeath.  You have one perspective one minute, then you have an experience that changes that perspective in a humbling manner.

If you fear egodeath, you're easily on the path to a hellish mental state.  Do not fight your true feelings, for you will never know your true self if you do.  Do what makes you happy, follow love, and you'll make it out a better person than before.

Shut up with this crap dank.  I know your memory sucks, but it was just a couple days ago you promised to stop spewing this garbage.

Be a man of your word for once.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 28, 2012, 06:08:24 PM
You're like a kid, you don't like what you hear so you tell people to shut up.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: DarkHyudrA on November 28, 2012, 06:32:08 PM
You're like a kid, you don't like what you hear so you tell people to shut up.

This is halfway of why ppl say "shut up" to each other.
But the real problem is that you don't stop writing garbage. You're wasting your words.
Just saying.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: fgervais on November 28, 2012, 07:49:52 PM
You're like a kid, you don't like what you hear so you tell people to shut up.

This is halfway of why ppl say "shut up" to each other.
But the real problem is that you don't stop writing garbage. You're wasting your words.
Just saying.

Waisting words? More like providing content. Can't wait to slap some ads on my site and make more money with dank than dank made with dank.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: Vod on November 28, 2012, 07:51:04 PM
You're like a kid, you don't like what you hear so you tell people to shut up.

You're the one lying - why do you call me a child?

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: repentance on November 29, 2012, 02:22:27 AM
You should check out this dank.   This guy thinks a tsunami is going to hit the US East Coast.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 29, 2012, 05:42:12 AM
You're like a kid, you don't like what you hear so you tell people to shut up.

This is halfway of why ppl say "shut up" to each other.
But the real problem is that you don't stop writing garbage. You're wasting your words.
Just saying.

Waisting words? More like providing content. Can't wait to slap some ads on my site and make more money with dank than dank made with dank.
More to life than money.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 29, 2012, 05:55:48 AM

Looks like we all owe Dank an apology. Who's goin' to go first? I'll play follow the leader.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: repentance on November 29, 2012, 06:29:12 AM

More to life than money.

Says the guy who's selling his belongings not giving them away.    ::)

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: DarkHyudrA on November 29, 2012, 10:07:05 AM

Looks like we all owe Dank an apology. Who's goin' to go first? I'll play follow the leader.

This is a coronal mass ejection. It have nothing to do with water and/or tsunami.
If it hits your coast, it will probably hit a whole half world at least.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: kentrolla on November 29, 2012, 08:24:00 PM
Let me add, everyone of us is going to be struck by a tsunami this year.  Everyone will experience some form of egodeath.  I experienced mine, to the point I don't see how it could dissolve any further.

I lived through my last egodeath because I believed in myself and stayed positive, you can too.
if you truly had experienced ego death then you wouldn't be talking about it

man, i should've never told you about the concept of ego-death in the first place.  It's not something you pursue.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on November 30, 2012, 03:57:36 AM

More to life than money.

Says the guy who's selling his belongings not giving them away.    ::)
Selling some, giving away some.  I give away necessities, not swiss watches.

Let me add, everyone of us is going to be struck by a tsunami this year.  Everyone will experience some form of egodeath.  I experienced mine, to the point I don't see how it could dissolve any further.

I lived through my last egodeath because I believed in myself and stayed positive, you can too.
if you truly had experienced ego death then you wouldn't be talking about it

man, i should've never told you about the concept of ego-death in the first place.  It's not something you pursue.
Why would I not be talking about the multiple egodeath experiences I've had throughout my lifetime?

Why would I experience so much if I didn't care to share what I learned?

You didn't introduce me, kentrolla.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on October 17, 2013, 04:24:35 PM
Please allow me to add in this thread, since I did not say it at the time.  The time of the tsunami was when I took 60 hits (meant to take 20ish) of acid and walked ten miles towards California in effort to assemble the concert by 2012.  During that day, I realized I was the tsunami along with anyone else who channeled my love, including reading my words.

The tsunami spread from Winston Salem to Yadkinson county overnight and was felt around the world via internet medium.

Will you help spread the tsunami to the whole world?  Once everybody in the world experiences some form of egodeath, we'll have world peace.

Be the wave that moves everybody off their feet (literally).

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on February 28, 2014, 03:26:29 AM
I need to resurrect this thread.  I now stand by my earlier statements, there will be a tsunami on the east coast that will destroy NYC and DC.  It will happen very soon, 2-3 weeks most likely, it could be less, hopefully later but possibly very soon.

The tsunami will NOT be a natural occurrence, it will either be triggered through geo engineered manipulation or a nuke.  And what do you know, a nuke went missing from a silo recently.

If you live near the east coast, I advice you to move away for the next month or so if you can.

Regardless of where you live, everyone needs to prepare for a societal collapse.  Food, water, supplies, as much as you can afford.  The US economy is going to collapse very soon, there will probably be mass blackouts so I would not bargain my money that bitcoin will be around.  Bitcoin served it's purpose, I recommend taking the profits you've made from bitcoin and putting them towards real world consumable items that you can actually make use of.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: Vod on February 28, 2014, 03:28:29 AM
I need to resurrect this thread.  I now stand by my earlier statements, there will be a tsunami on the east coast that will destroy NYC and DC.  It will happen very soon, 2-3 weeks most likely, it could be less, hopefully later but possibly very soon.

The tsunami will NOT be a natural occurrence, it will either be triggered through geo engineered manipulation or a nuke.  And what do you know, a nuke went missing from a silo recently.

If you live near the east coast, I advice you to move away for the next month or so if you can.

Regardless of where you live, everyone needs to prepare for a societal collapse.  Food, water, supplies, as much as you can afford.  The US economy is going to collapse very soon, there will probably be mass blackouts so I would not bargain my money that bitcoin will be around.  Bitcoin served it's purpose, I recommend taking the profits you've made from bitcoin and putting them towards real world consumable items that you can actually make use of.

Keep in mind, dank is the forum idiot.   ;)

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on February 28, 2014, 03:58:50 AM
Better than the forum shill. ;)

Seriously, Vod, all I see you do is bash people's post and ideas.  We would never progress anywhere as a species if everyone was like you telling people this is false or can't be done.

Open your mind, we are living through significant times in history.  The pace of evolution is exponentially increasing.  As we awaken to the corruption in the world, we will find need to overcome new barriers of oppression.

But I do find it real nice how you conveniently pop up instantaneously whenever I post a truth of significant meaning.  Your deception is risking the lives of others and you will one day feel the impact of your burden to this planet.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: hilariousandco on February 28, 2014, 01:11:23 PM
I need to resurrect this thread.  I now stand by my earlier statements, there will be a tsunami on the east coast that will destroy NYC and DC.  It will happen very soon, 2-3 weeks most likely, it could be less, hopefully later but possibly very soon.

The tsunami will NOT be a natural occurrence, it will either be triggered through geo engineered manipulation or a nuke.  And what do you know, a nuke went missing from a silo recently.

If you live near the east coast, I advice you to move away for the next month or so if you can.

Regardless of where you live, everyone needs to prepare for a societal collapse.  Food, water, supplies, as much as you can afford.  The US economy is going to collapse very soon, there will probably be mass blackouts so I would not bargain my money that bitcoin will be around.  Bitcoin served it's purpose, I recommend taking the profits you've made from bitcoin and putting them towards real world consumable items that you can actually make use of.

If you've had this premonition/dream five times and it's failed to happen, what makes you so sure it'll happen this time?

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: mprep on February 28, 2014, 01:16:48 PM
I need to resurrect this thread.  I now stand by my earlier statements, there will be a tsunami on the east coast that will destroy NYC and DC.  It will happen very soon, 2-3 weeks most likely, it could be less, hopefully later but possibly very soon.

The tsunami will NOT be a natural occurrence, it will either be triggered through geo engineered manipulation or a nuke.  And what do you know, a nuke went missing from a silo recently.

If you live near the east coast, I advice you to move away for the next month or so if you can.

Regardless of where you live, everyone needs to prepare for a societal collapse.  Food, water, supplies, as much as you can afford.  The US economy is going to collapse very soon, there will probably be mass blackouts so I would not bargain my money that bitcoin will be around.  Bitcoin served it's purpose, I recommend taking the profits you've made from bitcoin and putting them towards real world consumable items that you can actually make use of.

If you've had this premonition/dream five times and it's failed to happen, what makes you so sure it'll happen this time?
Maybe he had another dream which said his previous one will come true? :D

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on February 28, 2014, 03:48:06 PM
I need to resurrect this thread.  I now stand by my earlier statements, there will be a tsunami on the east coast that will destroy NYC and DC.  It will happen very soon, 2-3 weeks most likely, it could be less, hopefully later but possibly very soon.

The tsunami will NOT be a natural occurrence, it will either be triggered through geo engineered manipulation or a nuke.  And what do you know, a nuke went missing from a silo recently.

If you live near the east coast, I advice you to move away for the next month or so if you can.

Regardless of where you live, everyone needs to prepare for a societal collapse.  Food, water, supplies, as much as you can afford.  The US economy is going to collapse very soon, there will probably be mass blackouts so I would not bargain my money that bitcoin will be around.  Bitcoin served it's purpose, I recommend taking the profits you've made from bitcoin and putting them towards real world consumable items that you can actually make use of.

If you've had this premonition/dream five times and it's failed to happen, what makes you so sure it'll happen this time?

People generally cannot predict time, unless you're the one causing something to happen.  We live in the present so I cannot say when this will happen but I can say that it makes a large amount sense for it to occur during an assemblance at DC.

But I've had this dream over twenty times, I would have it day after day at points and so at some point you need to take a recurring dream as a sign, clearly the universe was clearly telling me something.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: hilariousandco on February 28, 2014, 03:52:10 PM
If you've had this premonition/dream five times and it's failed to happen, what makes you so sure it'll happen this time?
Maybe he had another dream which said his previous one will come true? :D


People generally cannot predict time, unless you're the one causing something to happen.  We live in the present so I cannot say when this will happen but I can say that it makes a large amount sense for it to occur during an assemblance at DC.

But I've had this dream over twenty times, I would have it day after day at points and so at some point you need to take a recurring dream as a sign, clearly the universe was clearly telling me something.

It's probably trying to tell you to lay off the weed  ;D.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on February 28, 2014, 05:58:11 PM
I need to resurrect this thread.  I now stand by my earlier statements, there will be a tsunami on the east coast that will destroy NYC and DC.  It will happen very soon, 2-3 weeks most likely, it could be less, hopefully later but possibly very soon.

The tsunami will NOT be a natural occurrence, it will either be triggered through geo engineered manipulation or a nuke.  And what do you know, a nuke went missing from a silo recently.

If you live near the east coast, I advice you to move away for the next month or so if you can.

Regardless of where you live, everyone needs to prepare for a societal collapse.  Food, water, supplies, as much as you can afford.  The US economy is going to collapse very soon, there will probably be mass blackouts so I would not bargain my money that bitcoin will be around.  Bitcoin served it's purpose, I recommend taking the profits you've made from bitcoin and putting them towards real world consumable items that you can actually make use of.

If you've had this premonition/dream five times and it's failed to happen, what makes you so sure it'll happen this time?
Maybe he had another dream which said his previous one will come true? :D

I can't recall for sure but I may have had a dream of a tsunami actually colliding with a city recently.  I don't remember for sure.  In all my other dreams, a large wave would come but stop at the edge of the door on the beach house, except for when one drop of water came in.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: hilariousandco on February 28, 2014, 06:05:30 PM
I need to resurrect this thread.  I now stand by my earlier statements, there will be a tsunami on the east coast that will destroy NYC and DC.  It will happen very soon, 2-3 weeks most likely, it could be less, hopefully later but possibly very soon.

The tsunami will NOT be a natural occurrence, it will either be triggered through geo engineered manipulation or a nuke.  And what do you know, a nuke went missing from a silo recently.

If you live near the east coast, I advice you to move away for the next month or so if you can.

Regardless of where you live, everyone needs to prepare for a societal collapse.  Food, water, supplies, as much as you can afford.  The US economy is going to collapse very soon, there will probably be mass blackouts so I would not bargain my money that bitcoin will be around.  Bitcoin served it's purpose, I recommend taking the profits you've made from bitcoin and putting them towards real world consumable items that you can actually make use of.

If you've had this premonition/dream five times and it's failed to happen, what makes you so sure it'll happen this time?
Maybe he had another dream which said his previous one will come true? :D

I can't recall for sure but I may have had a dream of a tsunami actually colliding with a city recently.  I don't remember for sure.  In all my other dreams, a large wave would come but stop at the edge of the door on the beach house, except for when one drop of water came in.

Are you sure you weren’t watch Deep Impact or The Day After Tomorrow or something?  ;D

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on February 28, 2014, 06:43:53 PM
I get my intel from the Akashic records.  It's very possible those movies accurately depict some upcoming occurrences though.  The elite like to show their power through media, like what the hell's with this Pompeii film where the entire ad consists of nothing but volcanic eruptions and a tsunami?  The purge: anarchy?  Complete fear propaganda.  Previewing 4 months before release at that.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: TraderTimm on March 01, 2014, 08:54:19 PM
I get my intel from the Akashic records.  It's very possible those movies accurately depict some upcoming occurrences though.  The elite like to show their power through media, like what the hell's with this Pompeii film where the entire ad consists of nothing but volcanic eruptions and a tsunami?  The purge: anarchy?  Complete fear propaganda.  Previewing 4 months before release at that.

You're a complete crackpot.

I'm sure if nothing physical happens, you'll resort to the usual "crank" fallback, which is "It was a spiritual/metaphysical tsunami."

Fucking pathetic.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: hilariousandco on March 01, 2014, 09:33:07 PM
I get my intel from the Akashic records.  It's very possible those movies accurately depict some upcoming occurrences though.  The elite like to show their power through media, like what the hell's with this Pompeii film where the entire ad consists of nothing but volcanic eruptions and a tsunami?  The purge: anarchy?  Complete fear propaganda.  Previewing 4 months before release at that.

You're a complete crackpot.

I'm sure if nothing physical happens, you'll resort to the usual "crank" fallback, which is "It was a spiritual/metaphysical tsunami."

Fucking pathetic.

Are you saying there's a possibility this may happen?

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: mprep on March 01, 2014, 10:05:01 PM
I get my intel from the Akashic records.  It's very possible those movies accurately depict some upcoming occurrences though.  The elite like to show their power through media, like what the hell's with this Pompeii film where the entire ad consists of nothing but volcanic eruptions and a tsunami?  The purge: anarchy?  Complete fear propaganda.  Previewing 4 months before release at that.

You're a complete crackpot.

I'm sure if nothing physical happens, you'll resort to the usual "crank" fallback, which is "It was a spiritual/metaphysical tsunami."

Fucking pathetic.

Are you saying there's a possibility this may happen?
I think he's saying that dank will get off the hook by saying it was a "spiritual/metaphysical tsunami."

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: dank on March 01, 2014, 11:44:09 PM
I get my intel from the Akashic records.  It's very possible those movies accurately depict some upcoming occurrences though.  The elite like to show their power through media, like what the hell's with this Pompeii film where the entire ad consists of nothing but volcanic eruptions and a tsunami?  The purge: anarchy?  Complete fear propaganda.  Previewing 4 months before release at that.

You're a complete crackpot.

I'm sure if nothing physical happens, you'll resort to the usual "crank" fallback, which is "It was a spiritual/metaphysical tsunami."

Fucking pathetic.

I'm simply sharing how I feel.  The government needs an excuse to enact martial law they have been long awaiting for.  A tsunami at the time when two million militia members march to DC sure would be convenient.

The fact that the same thing is prophetized throughout many religious documents should only reinforce the likelihood and reality of said event.

The spiritual tsunami has came and dispersed the day I walked to California.  Things are now getting very real, our physical collective reality is about to be very different, tsunami or not.  The dollar is on it's death bed.

Title: Re: There's gonna be a tidal wave/tsunami
Post by: hilariousandco on March 02, 2014, 11:33:41 AM
I get my intel from the Akashic records.  It's very possible those movies accurately depict some upcoming occurrences though.  The elite like to show their power through media, like what the hell's with this Pompeii film where the entire ad consists of nothing but volcanic eruptions and a tsunami?  The purge: anarchy?  Complete fear propaganda.  Previewing 4 months before release at that.

You're a complete crackpot.

I'm sure if nothing physical happens, you'll resort to the usual "crank" fallback, which is "It was a spiritual/metaphysical tsunami."

Fucking pathetic.

I'm simply sharing how I feel.  The government needs an excuse to enact martial law they have been long awaiting for.  A tsunami at the time when two million militia members march to DC sure would be convenient.

The fact that the same thing is prophetized throughout many religious documents should only reinforce the likelihood and reality of said event.

The spiritual tsunami has came and dispersed the day I walked to California.  Things are now getting very real, our physical collective reality is about to be very different, tsunami or not.  The dollar is on it's death bed.

You sound like Alex Jones. Conspiracy theorists say stiff like this about everything.