Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Scam Accusations => Topic started by: goose20 on June 10, 2013, 11:11:03 AM

Title: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 10, 2013, 11:11:03 AM
HELP...Anyone out there in the forums can help.

Juneteenth and i just agreed that i purchase 4.0 btc for US$425.
He sent me a paypal request requesting payment.
i immediately sent him the money.
he now claims his paypal account got immediately limited and he feels scammed - he hasnt sent anything and is not out of pocket.
i got no $$ and no BTC.
Does anyone have any experience with this paypal limitation thingy???
please help.

His payment request didn't offer me any choices - just 'pay now'. which i did.

i dont see how that would result in a limitation to his account. Is this a correct thing that can happen with paypal?
his screen shot to me says he needs to go through some steps to take away limitation - if he does this, wil transaction settle ok.

i am not interested in scamming anybody. i sent my $425 in good faith. a transaction for a lower amount went through smoothly yesterday??

stressing now - thats alot for me to lose. :(

oh and regarding using the escrow... i figured since he is offering it then he must be above board, i know i am.

what is going on?... surely there is still good left in people out there. my 1st baby  son was born a few days ago, and in readiness for that, i wanted to have some btc for him as a gift when he was born, i agreed to buy 2.0 btc off Gumtree and duly deposisted $200 into the guys Australian Westpac bank account a couple of weeks ago. He didnt send the btc, wouldnt offer the transaction id or anything. so now i have to lodge a police complaint.

And now this.. really. what gives. And yes, i am trusting, but id rather be that than than the opposite.
oh bother :(

So rather than hang around to resolve this, Juneteenth has gone offline.
It looks like i have been taken again Sad

buyers please be aware.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: ironcross360 on June 10, 2013, 11:18:08 AM
Do chargeback call paypal and say you were hacked.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: greyhawk on June 10, 2013, 11:18:30 AM
So reverse the transaction. Problem solved.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: someguy123 on June 10, 2013, 11:21:43 AM
i dont see how that would result in a limitation to his account. Is this a correct thing that can happen with paypal
It happened to me after I received $60 from someone. Lost my account for 6 months (that's when I completely ditched paypal)
Although, in this case he could be trying to scam you.

He sent me a paypal request requesting payment.
i immediately sent him the money.

If it's set for goods or services, you can chargeback. If he hasn't sent the Bitcoins yet, and is refusing to, it's completely fair to do this.

EDIT: Apparently Juneteenth posted a thread about his experience here:

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 10, 2013, 11:34:14 AM
thanks for your advice.

yes i see his thread, but he has gone offline with my money, and i am left here trying to resolve this.
$425 is alot for me (or anybody i'd suspect) to lose.

personally - i am hoping he is not trying to scam me here - its just he (we) dont know what this 'paypal limitation' thing is.
however, i figure he should at least try completing the steps on his paypal page as paypal asked of him before going offline.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: ironcross360 on June 10, 2013, 11:41:46 AM
dont tell paypal anything about bitcoins though...

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 10, 2013, 07:45:15 PM
Just charge it back.  I've had account limitations before and it seems random how it happens.  One guy bought an xbox from me, sent me the money, but then i had my account locked.  Turns out PP was investigating him for some shady dealings and didn't want to lose the funds he sent me.

Basically, if this ever happens, I just tell my customer to chargeback since I won't send the product until I know the funds will clear and I don't want him waiting for a month to get his product.

Don't leave negative feedback--it's not his fault--but just walk away from this particular deal and let him get his account sorted out.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 10, 2013, 08:02:00 PM
Just charge it back.  I've had account limitations before and it seems random how it happens.  One guy bought an xbox from me, sent me the money, but then i had my account locked.  Turns out PP was investigating him for some shady dealings and didn't want to lose the funds he sent me.

Basically, if this ever happens, I just tell my customer to chargeback since I won't send the product until I know the funds will clear and I don't want him waiting for a month to get his product.

Don't leave negative feedback--it's not his fault--but just walk away from this particular deal and let him get his account sorted out.
I asked him to charge back.. and he has not at all. He is not even listening to me.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 10, 2013, 08:12:32 PM
It looks like the OP is just worried.  But his money isn't lost.  I would actually it's even more secure than if he just paid you the money and PP didn't freeze your account.  His money is actually locked up right now where only PP can access it.

Your options are:

1) Request a chargeback saying that you never received your product (this is a true statement).
2) Wait for the account lock thing to be sorted out and Juneteenth to send you your BTC.  Note that this can take a month or longer to resolve.

Ball is in your court OP.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 10, 2013, 08:16:13 PM
i would rather him call paypal and charge back. the funds are sitting in my restricted accoutn and i can prove.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 10, 2013, 09:28:10 PM
i would rather him call paypal and charge back. the funds are sitting in my restricted accoutn and i can prove.

Yes, as a seller I feel the same since I hate holding onto people's money and not being able to get them their merchandise.  Hopefully goose will do this.


There is one hypothetical situation where he might not be able to get his money back.  Perhaps he was being investigated by PP for inproper use of funds (receiving stolen PP funds, scamming others, etc) which would explain why your account is frozen.  (PP wants to make sure that the funds get back to their rightful owner and goose can't just launder them away).  If this is the case, then Goose probably doesn't want to have a talk with PP and that would explain why he hasn't asked for a chargeback yet...

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 11, 2013, 12:38:55 AM
Chargeback has been instigated. My account is in good standing and not frozen. All I did was click on 'pay invoice' when I got the money request.

I did not mention anything, no BTC no currency no currency.

I'm putting this down as just a PayPal annoyance with why that limitation was placed.

But juneteenth's original answers to questioning xboxgames questioning didn't really add up, then HIS PayPal gets frozen. There's honest sellers and there's honest buyers, sometimes things dont go to plan through no fault of either. Best to be cautious either way.

Lesson learned for my part.

Thx all for advice.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 11, 2013, 12:57:34 AM
Chargeback has been instigated. My account is in good standing and not frozen. All I did was click on 'pay invoice' when I got the money request.

I did not mention anything, no BTC no currency no currency.

I'm putting this down as just a PayPal annoyance with why that limitation was placed.

But juneteenth's original answers to questioning xboxgames questioning didn't really add up, then HIS PayPal gets frozen. There's honest sellers and there's honest buyers, sometimes things dont go to plan through no fault of either. Best to be cautious either way.

Lesson learned for my part.

Thx all for advice.
i was all honest I said what was relayed to me via paypal customer service. I got the calls.. emails.. and everything. The money is sitting in my account and ive asked countlessly for you to do a chargeback.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: xboxgames on June 11, 2013, 12:59:07 AM
If you have the money in account, press refund. You have that option even when account locked. I used to work for them.  Press refund.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: xboxgames on June 11, 2013, 01:01:54 AM
Granted refunding won't unlock your account. But op gets his money back and you show some good faith and that you aren't being shdy

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 11, 2013, 01:02:18 AM
If you have the money in account, press refund. You have that option even when account locked. I used to work for them.  Press refund.

Are you sure that's still and option?  I do not remember having that option when my account was locked, but things may be different on a case by case basis.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: xboxgames on June 11, 2013, 01:07:07 AM
Yes. You are always able to refund if a dispute is opened by sender. Sender has opened a dispute.  Juneteenth has to go to resolution center and click refund.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 11, 2013, 01:13:45 AM
I was just about to ask the same thing.

It was suggested to me "why wont the seller just refund the funds and speed up the whole process for everyone".

Xboxgames knows more about paypal than i ever will, but this seems logical to me?????

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: xboxgames on June 11, 2013, 01:19:50 AM
Easy way to resolve this. I'm willing to mediate it if needed.

I have gooses screen shots. If June wants to send a screen shot of PayPal screens, I can take a look. Also can walk you through process to refund goose.  Even willing to team view it with you if needed.

No reason to hold his money. You didn't sent btc, so you are out nothing. Gooses account is not locked. Maybe something triggered PayPal taking a look at your account, its possible because he sent you a medium sized amount that they just want to verify your identity and that your PayPal has correct info.

However, goose is not doing anything to try to scam you as far as I can see. Refund him, and provide PayPal with info. I bet they want proof of address, bank acct, and all that. Its pretty simple. 

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 11, 2013, 01:22:51 AM
Easy way to resolve this. I'm willing to mediate it if needed.

I have gooses screen shots. If June wants to send a screen shot of PayPal screens, I can take a look. Also can walk you through process to refund goose.  Even willing to team view it with you if needed.

No reason to hold his money. You didn't sent btc, so you are out nothing. Gooses account is not locked. Maybe something triggered PayPal taking a look at your account, its possible because he sent you a medium sized amount that they just want to verify your identity and that your PayPal has correct info.

However, goose is not doing anything to try to scam you as far as I can see. Refund him, and provide PayPal with info. I bet they want proof of address, bank acct, and all that. Its pretty simple. 
first off.. no you are not mediator.. already think you and him are the same person. Secondly he has the screenshot of my limited account. So if you KNEW ANYTHING ABOUT PAYPAL YOU WOULD KNOW YOU CANNOT REFUND IN A LIMITED ACCOUNT. I was told by paypal 3 times today he needs to call and get it refunded.. which he said he is working on now.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 11, 2013, 01:25:00 AM
Secondly.. I have a friend who works for ebay as a webmaster.. YOU CANNOT REFUND ANY PAYMENT WHEN IT IS LIMITED. LOOK AT MY SCREENSHOT IN THIS THREAD :

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: xboxgames on June 11, 2013, 01:27:43 AM
Easy way to resolve this. I'm willing to mediate it if needed.

I have gooses screen shots. If June wants to send a screen shot of PayPal screens, I can take a look. Also can walk you through process to refund goose.  Even willing to team view it with you if needed.

No reason to hold his money. You didn't sent btc, so you are out nothing. Gooses account is not locked. Maybe something triggered PayPal taking a look at your account, its possible because he sent you a medium sized amount that they just want to verify your identity and that your PayPal has correct info.

However, goose is not doing anything to try to scam you as far as I can see. Refund him, and provide PayPal with info. I bet they want proof of address, bank acct, and all that. Its pretty simple. 
first off.. no you are not mediator.. already think you and him are the same person. Secondly he has the screenshot of my limited account. So if you KNEW ANYTHING ABOUT PAYPAL YOU WOULD KNOW YOU CANNOT REFUND IN A LIMITED ACCOUNT. I was told by paypal 3 times today he needs to call and get it refunded.. which he said he is working on now.

False. You can still refund on a limited account if a dispute is started.

I'm not even on the same continent as him.

I don't know him at all other than from your thread here I warned people to use escrow.

No one is saying your account isn't limited. But I 100% know you can refund the funds even in a locked accent if its a dispute and if you have the funds. But whatever. He can just dispute with his credit card and you can owe PayPal the funds.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 11, 2013, 01:29:36 AM
What was just said makes complete sense.

i agree to do whatever is required to resolve this as soon as possible.
i will even send $1 from same paypal account to prove mine is not frozen and the issue didn't start from me.
i'm sorry paypal limited your account, but that is a issue for them. i did nothing wrong.

You have said you have been honest about all of this Juneteenth, now is the time to step up.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: xboxgames on June 11, 2013, 01:30:18 AM
Secondly.. I have a friend who works for ebay as a webmaster.. YOU CANNOT REFUND ANY PAYMENT WHEN IT IS LIMITED. LOOK AT MY SCREENSHOT IN THIS THREAD :

Dude I worked for them. Once dispute is open, you can refund in a locked account. You can also add money. Refunding isn't on the list of things you can do, but you can. Go to resolution center. Click refund.

Get team viewer and have a mod look with you, since you want to sit here and be a douche. You are either dense or being a jerk. Refund the man.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 11, 2013, 01:31:03 AM

thats what shows up.. He has the payment held now and i cant even refund because its held. I know how paypal works.. far more then some peopel. Once i click on the resolution page for a refund.. it says his account is AUD (australian dollars) and it does not let me refund.

Edit: Paypal has held his funds in my accoutn and they are reviewing the transaction. Once they get back to me the only option is to refund and my account will be unblocked.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: xboxgames on June 11, 2013, 01:32:40 AM
Click open disputes and claims. Held means he opened a dispute. Once you open that page click refund

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 11, 2013, 01:35:08 AM
Click open disputes and claims. Held means he opened a dispute. Once you open that page click refund

YOU ARE 100% not listening. I am listening to paypal. This situation is between me and goose20. H is situation is being fixed by paypal and they confirmed it. It's incriminating when ppl can call someone a scammer and they had no intention of scamming.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: xboxgames on June 11, 2013, 01:39:10 AM
So instead of clicking one button, you want to make him waits weeks? 

Sounds like a dick move at a minimum, scam my at most.

You so worried about being called a scammer. Yet you refuse to get his money back.

Goose.  Since he won't refund, its gonna take awhile. But you will get your money back. Even if he somehow gets acct unlocked and  spends it, just charge back through credit card.  Always use escrow, and never use PayPal. Lesson learned.

I'm getting pissed listening to excuses that make no sense. I can't reply to this anymore.  Good luck.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: xboxgames on June 11, 2013, 01:40:52 AM
So instead of clicking one button, you want to make him waits weeks? 

Sounds like a dick move at a minimum, scam my at most.

You so worried about being called a scammer. Yet you refuse to get his money back.

Goose.  Since he won't refund, its gonna take awhile. But you will get your money back. Even if he somehow gets acct unlocked and  spends it, just charge back through credit card.  Always use escrow, and never use PayPal. Lesson learned.

I'm getting pissed listening to excuses that make no sense. I can't reply to this anymore.  Good luck.

Actually. I lied. Goose, log into PayPal. Click send money. Send 1.00 to his PayPal, but don't send it. Get to the screen where it shows his name and info.  See if his account is verified or not.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 11, 2013, 01:45:00 AM
So instead of clicking one button, you want to make him waits weeks?  

Sounds like a dick move at a minimum, scam my at most.

You so worried about being called a scammer. Yet you refuse to get his money back.

Goose.  Since he won't refund, its gonna take awhile. But you will get your money back. Even if he somehow gets acct unlocked and  spends it, just charge back through credit card.  Always use escrow, and never use PayPal. Lesson learned.

I'm getting pissed listening to excuses that make no sense. I can't reply to this anymore.  Good luck.

Actually. I lied. Goose, log into PayPal. Click send money. Send 1.00 to his PayPal, but don't send it. Get to the screen where it shows his name and info.  See if his account is verified or not.
My account is no longer verified since my old bank info is not valid. That may be why it's a problem. You are irritating me. We are fixing this with PayPal. Goose tell him to stop

And once I click it it says Paypal is reviewing payment. How many times do I have to tell you! Stop it!

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: xboxgames on June 11, 2013, 01:46:37 AM
Lol. It don't work at way. But OK.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 11, 2013, 01:50:45 AM
Juneteenth please, if you can refund, then please refund. if paypal wont let you, well then we have no choice to wait.

BUT you should have known that all this was most likely an issue from your end with you account not being verified etc etc rather than accusing me of scamming you and posting a thread saying that i did.
bad form dude. BAD.

so far everything Xboxgames has said and turned out to be correct. nothing you have said has.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 11, 2013, 01:54:23 AM
Yes. You are always able to refund if a dispute is opened by sender. Sender has opened a dispute.  Juneteenth has to go to resolution center and click refund.

Ok, i thought the problem here was that the sender refused to open a dispute which was causing some of the issues

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 11, 2013, 01:57:44 AM
Secondly.. I have a friend who works for ebay as a webmaster.. YOU CANNOT REFUND ANY PAYMENT WHEN IT IS LIMITED. LOOK AT MY SCREENSHOT IN THIS THREAD :

Dude I worked for them. Once dispute is open, you can refund in a locked account. You can also add money. Refunding isn't on the list of things you can do, but you can. Go to resolution center. Click refund.

Get team viewer and have a mod look with you, since you want to sit here and be a douche. You are either dense or being a jerk. Refund the man.

Hey easy Mr. Medator--name calling isn't going to help people trust you as a mediator!

But yes, I've been using PP for nearly 10 years now and there is still I still don't know about it.  It is simple to overlook that refund thing since it isn't on the list of things you can do on a limited account as you yourself just pointed out.  But IF there is a dispute opened, you can still refund money, but I thought that was what June was talking about when he said Goose refused to start a dispute.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: xboxgames on June 11, 2013, 02:01:38 AM
Secondly.. I have a friend who works for ebay as a webmaster.. YOU CANNOT REFUND ANY PAYMENT WHEN IT IS LIMITED. LOOK AT MY SCREENSHOT IN THIS THREAD :

Dude I worked for them. Once dispute is open, you can refund in a locked account. You can also add money. Refunding isn't on the list of things you can do, but you can. Go to resolution center. Click refund.

Get team viewer and have a mod look with you, since you want to sit here and be a douche. You are either dense or being a jerk. Refund the man.

Hey easy Mr. Medator--name calling isn't going to help people trust you as a mediator!

But yes, I've been using PP for nearly 10 years now and there is still I still don't know about it.  It is simple to overlook that refund thing since it isn't on the list of things you can do on a limited account as you yourself just pointed out.  But IF there is a dispute opened, you can still refund money, but I thought that was what June was talking about when he said Goose refused to start a dispute.

Yea, I agree. I lost my patience.

After repeating myself multiple times I lost it. And for that I apologize.

I hope he does the right thing. I've provided my knowledge to both parties. That's all I can do. I can't click the buttons for him.

Good luck to you both

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 11, 2013, 02:01:44 AM
Juneteenth please, if you can refund, then please refund. if paypal wont let you, well then we have no choice to wait.

BUT you should have known that all this was most likely an issue from your end with you account not being verified etc etc rather than accusing me of scamming you and posting a thread saying that i did.
bad form dude. BAD.

so far everything Xboxgames has said and turned out to be correct. nothing you have said has.

I think i see part of the problem here.  June is doing business on a personal account.  That in and of itself can cause some issues with PP.  Personal accounts were meant to send lots of payments, not meant to receive.

But yes, it looks like there is no scam going on here as the worst case scenario is that it will just take Goose some time to get his money back.  But it seems to be out of the control of June at this point

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 11, 2013, 02:02:36 AM
Secondly.. I have a friend who works for ebay as a webmaster.. YOU CANNOT REFUND ANY PAYMENT WHEN IT IS LIMITED. LOOK AT MY SCREENSHOT IN THIS THREAD :

Dude I worked for them. Once dispute is open, you can refund in a locked account. You can also add money. Refunding isn't on the list of things you can do, but you can. Go to resolution center. Click refund.

Get team viewer and have a mod look with you, since you want to sit here and be a douche. You are either dense or being a jerk. Refund the man.

Hey easy Mr. Medator--name calling isn't going to help people trust you as a mediator!

But yes, I've been using PP for nearly 10 years now and there is still I still don't know about it.  It is simple to overlook that refund thing since it isn't on the list of things you can do on a limited account as you yourself just pointed out.  But IF there is a dispute opened, you can still refund money, but I thought that was what June was talking about when he said Goose refused to start a dispute.

Yea, I agree. I lost my patience.

After repeating myself multiple times I lost it. And for that I apologize.

I hope he does the right thing. I've provided my knowledge to both parties. That's all I can do. I can't click the buttons for him.

Good luck to you both

No you can't.  And this is why doing tech support over the phone can be infuriating sometimes!  Fortunately, I found another way to put myself through school!

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: xboxgames on June 11, 2013, 02:05:19 AM
Juneteenth please, if you can refund, then please refund. if paypal wont let you, well then we have no choice to wait.

BUT you should have known that all this was most likely an issue from your end with you account not being verified etc etc rather than accusing me of scamming you and posting a thread saying that i did.
bad form dude. BAD.

so far everything Xboxgames has said and turned out to be correct. nothing you have said has.

I think i see part of the problem here.  June is doing business on a personal account.  That in and of itself can cause some issues with PP.  Personal accounts were meant to send lots of payments, not meant to receive.

But yes, it looks like there is no scam going on here as the worst case scenario is that it will just take Goose some time to get his money back.  But it seems to be out of the control of June at this point

Its not out of his control. And personal accounts are fine to receive, especially when sending a bill to another member.  Its ridiculous to not refund. Hell, it will in help when PayPal reviews his account, to reinstate it. Having an open dispute will not help at all. Resolving it will, by refunding.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 11, 2013, 02:09:21 AM
GRRRRR... so June goes offline again WITHOUT refunding.
c'mon, it got spelled out what needed to be done to fix this.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 11, 2013, 02:15:00 AM
GRRRRR... so June goes offline again WITHOUT refunding.
c'mon, it got spelled out what needed to be done to fix this.

I have did that a total of 6 times. It is not letting me refund. You need to call PayPal and tell them the user is trying to refund and it won't let them. Listen to PayPal not an old employee smh. I'm not offline

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 11, 2013, 05:09:07 AM
Goose, have you talked to paypal yet?  It's very plausible that something on June's end is not letting him refund so you should be able to call up PP and have them reverse the transaction?  Although if a dispute is open for 7 days or some fixed amount of time without receiving a reply, it should automatically be reversed anyways.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 11, 2013, 05:43:17 AM
Hi WuLabsWuTecH - yes i have spoken to them.

They advised (1) that the seller IS ABLE to refund the money once the dispute has been opened; and
                   (2) if the seller was indeed speaking to paypal or now calls to speak to them - all he has to do is advise them to find the case in buyer favour and the case will be closed and my money refunded.

As such, I DO NOT believe June has spoken to them or tried to refund - his advise from them being so different to what i just got.

Juneteenth - Call them again please and ask them to find the case in my favour so that i get my funds and you get your account limitation lifted. ITS IN BOTH OUR INTERESTS.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 11, 2013, 06:30:36 AM
Hi WuLabsWuTecH - yes i have spoken to them.

They advised (1) that the seller IS ABLE to refund the money once the dispute has been opened; and
                   (2) if the seller was indeed speaking to paypal or now calls to speak to them - all he has to do is advise them to find the case in buyer favour and the case will be closed and my money refunded.

As such, I DO NOT believe June has spoken to them or tried to refund - his advise from them being so different to what i just got.

Juneteenth - Call them again please and ask them to find the case in my favour so that i get my funds and you get your account limitation lifted. ITS IN BOTH OUR INTERESTS.

I spoke to them a whole lot of times. If i can bring u on tv i can show you whats going on. Download teamviewer pls

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 11, 2013, 06:36:21 AM
I have figured out why!
It seems as if paypal took the exchange fees when converting to USD from AUD so apparently its lot letting me send because i do not have the 16.88 USD in conversion fees.. IDK why but this is BS. the proof is below.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 11, 2013, 06:37:21 AM
Hi WuLabsWuTecH - yes i have spoken to them.

They advised (1) that the seller IS ABLE to refund the money once the dispute has been opened; and
                   (2) if the seller was indeed speaking to paypal or now calls to speak to them - all he has to do is advise them to find the case in buyer favour and the case will be closed and my money refunded.

As such, I DO NOT believe June has spoken to them or tried to refund - his advise from them being so different to what i just got.

Juneteenth - Call them again please and ask them to find the case in my favour so that i get my funds and you get your account limitation lifted. ITS IN BOTH OUR INTERESTS.

And paypal is aware of the currency exchange difference as well?  it may be very well that he can refund you, but if the refund process involves a change of currency before it leaves his account vs as it is put into yours, that may be while there is a block--since I do believe that that would not be allowed under the limited account.

And yes, let's see what June says they are saying when he asks them to find the case in the favour of the other party (goose).  I'm guessing June is having some technical difficulties, but he should be able to call PP and have them do it for him.

And yes, it would be in both of your favor since you want your money back ASAP and June seems to have to get this account lock taken care of and doesn't need to have a chargeback on his records while he's trying to take care of this!

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 11, 2013, 06:38:34 AM
I have figured out why!
It seems as if paypal took the exchange fees when converting to USD from AUD so apparently its lot letting me send because i do not have the 16.88 USD in conversion fees.. IDK why but this is BS. the proof is below.

Haha, you beat me to it!  I had a feeling it had to do with currency exchange.  Like I said, call them up and see what they can do for you.  But it looks like my work as a mediator may be coming to an end with a good resolution :)

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 11, 2013, 06:46:23 AM
yes very much so. Paypal isnt open yet so I will be calling first thing and update here. Next update should be a full refund.. I think the currency conversions are bs they should refund them with no hesitation.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 11, 2013, 10:08:32 AM
Relief to hear. Thx June. Would appreciate you doing that.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 11, 2013, 01:48:24 PM
Juneteenth, what hell is going on??

June 8th 2013 - you are desperately trying to buy btc.
June 9th 2013 - you are desperately trying to sell btc.
You send me a money request from an unverified paypal account and take my $425.
Today - you are trying to sell a $500 eBay gift card for btc.
??? None of this is looking good dude.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: xboxgames on June 11, 2013, 01:55:24 PM
I've seen through his shit from day one. Charge it back through credit card goose. And call him out in his eBay thread

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 11, 2013, 02:21:37 PM
Yes. This guy is SCAMMING all sides. He has an excuse for everything but never delivers up anything.

His excuse about the exchange rate fee is BS too. No fee gets charged to him.

Please correct me if I'm wrong Xbox, but a refund does not get held up because of exchange rate etc.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: xboxgames on June 11, 2013, 02:37:43 PM
Yes. This guy is SCAMMING all sides. He has an excuse for everything but never delivers up anything.

His excuse about the exchange rate fee is BS too. No fee gets charged to him.

Please correct me if I'm wrong Xbox, but a refund does not get held up because of exchange rate etc.

No, it does not.  When he does a refund, all the fees and all that are refunded also.  You can even see that in his screen shot. 

Unless he spent part of the funds as soon as he got them and before account was locked, he has the money.

He is being dumb.  If he is not a scammer, he should refund to clear his account.  He will still have to provide the information they are asking for, but they will not unlock his account if there is a dispute on it AND its locked.  That is a guarantee.

On the other hand, if he is a scammer, he is not very smart to not refund still.  This is going to make paypal look at his account harder.  Plus, playing devils advocate...... if he would have just refunded, it makes him look honorable to this forum, and he gets to scam more people.

So, in one way, I guess its good he has shown his true colors.

This is an example of why not to use paypal, on both sides.  All these people who think they have it figured don't.  There is no safe paypal transaction involving BTC.  They WILL shut down your account, and you WILL wait almost 6-12 months to get your money out of paypal, if they let you.

Be warned people.  Don't play games with PayPal.  Moneypaks are way easier, if you have the receipt to go with them. 

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 11, 2013, 04:28:00 PM
Juneteenth, what hell is going on??

June 8th 2013 - you are desperately trying to buy btc.
June 9th 2013 - you are desperately trying to sell btc.
You send me a money request from an unverified paypal account and take my $425.
Today - you are trying to sell a $500 eBay gift card for btc.
??? None of this is looking good dude.

I'm so confused.  Why is this new $500 ebay thing relevant?  And did june call paypal?  If so, what did he say they said?

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 11, 2013, 04:39:57 PM
no he is totally lying. Goose.. You need to call paypal. Because they have held funds and i have tried to refund 100 times. it says i can but it will not let me and i can let any user tv my account to show for proof. Also.. Ihave a professional 9-5 so thats why im not always online daytimne.

He saw I listed a ebay gift card.. which was from a friend. Nothing to do with my account. But my friend ended up selling it on bitmit.

and all you idiots.. You obviously see i got charged a fee in the screenshot.. Nowe i really think xbox and goose are the same person. Xbox please dont comment here anymore. WuTech.. if you would laike to tv my paypal.. i'd appreciate it so another person can see whats going on.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: solidshotnosh on June 11, 2013, 04:43:32 PM

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: xboxgames on June 11, 2013, 04:44:02 PM
Juneteenth, what hell is going on??

June 8th 2013 - you are desperately trying to buy btc.
June 9th 2013 - you are desperately trying to sell btc.
You send me a money request from an unverified paypal account and take my $425.
Today - you are trying to sell a $500 eBay gift card for btc.
??? None of this is looking good dude.

I'm so confused.  Why is this new $500 ebay thing relevant?  And did june call paypal?  If so, what did he say they said?

You don't think him buying BTC, selling BTC, and selling a 500.00 gift card is relevent to the fact that he owes a memeber over 400.00 and seems to not have a care in the world about resolving it relevent.

He is coming in here, posting all kinds of things that make no sense, making up 100 excuses, which I know are patently NOt how paypal operates, yet he is still being defended.

Tell ya what.  Why dont YOU buy the gift card from him?  

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 11, 2013, 07:36:07 PM
no he is totally lying. Goose.. You need to call paypal. Because they have held funds and i have tried to refund 100 times. it says i can but it will not let me and i can let any user tv my account to show for proof. Also.. Ihave a professional 9-5 so thats why im not always online daytimne.

He saw I listed a ebay gift card.. which was from a friend. Nothing to do with my account. But my friend ended up selling it on bitmit.

and all you idiots.. You obviously see i got charged a fee in the screenshot.. Nowe i really think xbox and goose are the same person. Xbox please dont comment here anymore. WuTech.. if you would laike to tv my paypal.. i'd appreciate it so another person can see whats going on.

You should just be able to vid-screencap it and post it to youtube under a private link or something.  What's stopping Goose from saying that you and I are the same person or that I let you borrow my BCT account?  But if you screencap it, perhaps xbox can tell you what you are doing wrong since he does seem to have some decent amount of knowledge of how PP works.

What I was alluding to, xbox, was not that the fees wouldn't be refunded to him--they would.  As his screencap shows, there is an amount to be refunded that is from his account and an amount that is from the PP fees that equals $425.  BUT, and this is a big BUT (I like big butts and I cannot lie... oh sorry, ADD kicked in there...) if the exchange rate has changed since then (which it most certainly has) then THAT could be causing issues.  I agree that this is a contrived problem, but it seems to be more of a technical problem.  I say this because I've encountered little quirks like this in the PP system before and even their tech support cannot figure it out sometimes (seriously, who would think a difference of a few cents would bring the refund button to a screeching halt?).

One way around this would be to try to deposit a couple more dollars into the account to see if that might cover the exchange rate difference.  I don't know if he can do this or not with the account locked.  Yes, it puts him out $5, but it's also only about 1% of the cost of the transaction.  I personally would do this for my customers but that's also because I have an eBay account with 100% positive feedback for nearly 10 years running and I wouldn't want to jeopardize this over a small amount of revenue.  But he is obviously not obligated to do this.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: xboxgames on June 11, 2013, 07:37:58 PM
You can add funds with a restricted account.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 11, 2013, 07:57:58 PM

You don't think him buying BTC, selling BTC, and selling a 500.00 gift card is relevent to the fact that he owes a memeber over 400.00 and seems to not have a care in the world about resolving it relevent.

He is coming in here, posting all kinds of things that make no sense, making up 100 excuses, which I know are patently NOt how paypal operates, yet he is still being defended.

Tell ya what.  Why dont YOU buy the gift card from him?  

Because I don't need a $500 ebay giftcard?  But if you were looking for a birthday gift... :-p

The reason I don't think this is a scam is because of the fact that he has some pretty good proof that his account is locked.  I don't think the screenshot is faked.  What is the chance that he knew his account would be locked, and then asked for payment of the $425?  Pretty slim if you ask me.  Yes, it does sound like he does not have a lot of experience with PP and he does not have a business account, but being inept with technology does not a scammer one make.  Otherwise my grandfather would be a scammer!  It took myself a few years to learn everything about what I use in PP and I'm sure there's a lot more to learn still.

Do I know he is not a scammer?  No, of course not, there is only one person that knows that for sure at this point, but the evidence, at least to me, points to the fact that he is probably not.  It sounds like Goose has opened a dispute and June has made no effort to counter--a scammer certainly would make some sort of counter rather than letting the money just go.  Yes, he should call up PP and ask them to resolve in favor of the claimant, but I wouldn't be surprised if PP required this to be in writing.  And remember, disputes that are not responded to in a certain time frame (I want to say it's a week from the date of purchase? but I could be making this up, I know it's less than 20 days for sure based on PP's website) will allow the buyer to elevate it to a claim. "You and the buyer communicate directly on the PayPal site. If you don’t respond, the buyer may escalate the issue to a claim."

Like I said, there are a lot of little nuances of how PP operates that causes a lot of glitches, and I doubt any one person could know all of these (because if their tech team knew, they would work to fix these!)

In regards to him buying and selling BTC, since this is a BTC forum, that doesn't strike me as odd at all.  And neither does selling a giftcard.  Just because your account is locked doesn't mean that you can't still conduct business as usual.  Imagine if we had to shut down our company every time paypal locked our account!  Can you imagine the lost sales?  Yes, I'm sure that not having PP would cause slow down business as people who want to pay via PP might go elsewhere, but it's not a red flag in and of itself.

And would I do business with him?  Probably not.  But that's not because of this thread.  I don't do business with people I don't trust and know all that well with BTC because it is a non-reversible transaction.  If escrowed, I would consider it, but why pay for escrow when I have my own list of trusted members?

The reason I defend him is that I believe in innocence until proven guilty, and he is still making an effort here to post what he;s doing even if it doesn't seem to be the most expeditious route to those of us with more experience with PP.  I have dealt with a locked account before on more than one occasion and I can tell you it's a very frustrating experience.  But I believe the following steps could resolve the issue if the parties involved know how to do it:

1) June contacts PP NOT in regards to this transaction, but just how to unlock his account.  If he does this, he can send funds back to goose and there is no problem left. (Or send the BTC, I would leave the choice up to Goose)
2) June asks PP to find the dispute resolution in favor of goose.  (n.b. this is not the same as refunding the buyer which obviously isn't working right now.  It has the same effect, but it allows the buyer to escalate to a claim which June is not disputing)
3) Goose hears nothing back from June and asks PP to escalate to a claim.  He will need to wait 7 days before this options is available IIRC, but it would work.
4) Goose files a chargeback with his CC company.  He gets the money back in 14-31 days.

Any of the 4 options would work.  But all parties involved need to swallow their pride a bit and come to terms with the fact that THEY have to take the action.  Xbox and I and anyone else involved can armchair quarterback but only one of them can actually call the play on the field.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: xboxgames on June 11, 2013, 08:19:46 PM

You don't think him buying BTC, selling BTC, and selling a 500.00 gift card is relevent to the fact that he owes a memeber over 400.00 and seems to not have a care in the world about resolving it relevent.

He is coming in here, posting all kinds of things that make no sense, making up 100 excuses, which I know are patently NOt how paypal operates, yet he is still being defended.

Tell ya what.  Why dont YOU buy the gift card from him?  

Because I don't need a $500 ebay giftcard?  But if you were looking for a birthday gift... :-p

The reason I don't think this is a scam is because of the fact that he has some pretty good proof that his account is locked.  I don't think the screenshot is faked.  What is the chance that he knew his account would be locked, and then asked for payment of the $425?  Pretty slim if you ask me.  Yes, it does sound like he does not have a lot of experience with PP and he does not have a business account, but being inept with technology does not a scammer one make.  Otherwise my grandfather would be a scammer!  It took myself a few years to learn everything about what I use in PP and I'm sure there's a lot more to learn still.

Do I know he is not a scammer?  No, of course not, there is only one person that knows that for sure at this point, but the evidence, at least to me, points to the fact that he is probably not.  It sounds like Goose has opened a dispute and June has made no effort to counter--a scammer certainly would make some sort of counter rather than letting the money just go.  Yes, he should call up PP and ask them to resolve in favor of the claimant, but I wouldn't be surprised if PP required this to be in writing.  And remember, disputes that are not responded to in a certain time frame (I want to say it's a week from the date of purchase? but I could be making this up, I know it's less than 20 days for sure based on PP's website) will allow the buyer to elevate it to a claim. "You and the buyer communicate directly on the PayPal site. If you don’t respond, the buyer may escalate the issue to a claim."

Like I said, there are a lot of little nuances of how PP operates that causes a lot of glitches, and I doubt any one person could know all of these (because if their tech team knew, they would work to fix these!)

In regards to him buying and selling BTC, since this is a BTC forum, that doesn't strike me as odd at all.  And neither does selling a giftcard.  Just because your account is locked doesn't mean that you can't still conduct business as usual.  Imagine if we had to shut down our company every time paypal locked our account!  Can you imagine the lost sales?  Yes, I'm sure that not having PP would cause slow down business as people who want to pay via PP might go elsewhere, but it's not a red flag in and of itself.

And would I do business with him?  Probably not.  But that's not because of this thread.  I don't do business with people I don't trust and know all that well with BTC because it is a non-reversible transaction.  If escrowed, I would consider it, but why pay for escrow when I have my own list of trusted members?

The reason I defend him is that I believe in innocence until proven guilty, and he is still making an effort here to post what he;s doing even if it doesn't seem to be the most expeditious route to those of us with more experience with PP.  I have dealt with a locked account before on more than one occasion and I can tell you it's a very frustrating experience.  But I believe the following steps could resolve the issue if the parties involved know how to do it:

1) June contacts PP NOT in regards to this transaction, but just how to unlock his account.  If he does this, he can send funds back to goose and there is no problem left. (Or send the BTC, I would leave the choice up to Goose)
2) June asks PP to find the dispute resolution in favor of goose.  (n.b. this is not the same as refunding the buyer which obviously isn't working right now.  It has the same effect, but it allows the buyer to escalate to a claim which June is not disputing)
3) Goose hears nothing back from June and asks PP to escalate to a claim.  He will need to wait 7 days before this options is available IIRC, but it would work.4) Goose files a chargeback with his CC company.  He gets the money back in 14-31 days.

Any of the 4 options would work.  But all parties involved need to swallow their pride a bit and come to terms with the fact that THEY have to take the action.  Xbox and I and anyone else involved can armchair quarterback but only one of them can actually call the play on the field.

This makes no sense.  Let me explain why (bolded your statements)

1.  No one disputes his account is locked.  I agree that it is locked.  I also know what locked account can and cannot do, and he continues to say otherwise.  People can argue all they want, the fact remains that I understand the policy pretty freaking good after being employed by them and handling these issues.

2.  Personal or business account is totally irrelevent. 

3.  That is your opinion.  However, the evidence does NOT lead one to believe he is not a scammer. 

4.  This is insane.  A scammer would 100% let the funds go.  The scammer cannot start an open communication with paypal.  What is he going to say?  He has no proof of anything.  A scammer will simply open a new paypal account, under another fake name, and go on his way, chalking up this account as gone.  You DO NOT have to be verified by PayPal to receive OR spend money that is received.  Don't believe me?  I can make a PayPal account right now with any name you like, and you can send the account 1.00.  And guess what, it'll work.  Would you like to test that theory?  I will make an account with the name Mickey Mouse.

5.  PayPAl will not find in favor of anyone based on a phone call alone.  They will tell the receiver to refund the bill through the paypal website if he wished to close the dispute.  Otherwise, they will take their time in resolving the issue.

6.  In less than 24 hours, a new member goes from needing a nice sum of btc to wanting to unload a nice sum of BTC.... with no record of any transactions in between.  Yea, he could have bought them off site.  Pretty odd though.

7.  This is the same thing.  As soon as he is called out in the thread, he all of a sudden "sold it on bitmit".  Can I see that transaction please? 

8.  He has been advised numberous times.  This can be solved in 5 minutes.  Myself or anyone with a knowledge of PayPal could have this fixed in no time.  He refuses all attempts at reason.  Maybe he is upset because I called him out.  Sorry, when I see a duck, I call it a duck. 

9.  Back to number 4.  I highly suspect that this is a bogus PayPal account.  It is not verified.  I know for a fact you can get account verified, then if you remove your bank account, the account will most likely remain verified.  It will not all of a sudden go to unverified.  Additionally, he states he has had this acocunt for years.  Can you show us any transactions proving this? 

10.  They won't as described in number 5.

11.  Meanwhile, Goose is out the money until then.  If June is not a scammer, he should have the decency to get the man the BTC or his money.  Obviously his money at this point.

Also, I see a thread where someone was asking for help, and the next post was from this June guy.  Funny what the next post was..... the OP was telling the thread that he needed help, but was not giving his private key out to anyone.  Did he PM the guy and ask him for his private key for help?  Who does that?!?!?

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 11, 2013, 08:28:28 PM
no i never asked him for a private key. Someone else did and he already told me that and i was shocked. Xbox games is going to eat his words because indeed i am not a scammer. I will post video proof also now.

and there it is. OP needs to find out.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: xboxgames on June 11, 2013, 08:30:51 PM
no i never asked him for a private key. Someone else did and he already told me that and i was shocked. Xbox games is going to eat his words because indeed i am not a scammer. I will post video proof also now.

I wont eat my words at all.  You are dodgy as hell, and if not a scammer, than you are just a lowlife who thinks only of himself.  either way, scum.  But, its just my opinion.  I am sure you will still be able to make deals here

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 11, 2013, 08:42:52 PM
no i never asked him for a private key. Someone else did and he already told me that and i was shocked. Xbox games is going to eat his words because indeed i am not a scammer. I will post video proof also now.

I wont eat my words at all.  You are dodgy as hell, and if not a scammer, than you are just a lowlife who thinks only of himself.  either way, scum.  But, its just my opinion.  I am sure you will still be able to make deals here
I work.. so of course i dont have time to stay online forever. Second.. OP desired to post in THIS thread instead of personally talking to me.. which is kinda suspicious. Then you  keep feeding words to op.. If anything OP should have resolved with me (which I tried to but he ignored) but instead he dragged others into it. I'm pretty sure i'm not a lowlife.. I'd say the same about you.. but idk... I dont say incriminating things to people.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: xboxgames on June 11, 2013, 08:46:00 PM
1.  OP did not contact me.  I saw a scam accusation of a person I suspected in a previous thread, and called it out, and offered to help you clear your name.  You refused.

Now you are blaming the OP saying he should have reached out to you.........WTF do you call this whole thread? 


You might fool some people.  You arent fooling me one bit.  Fuck off scammer

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 11, 2013, 08:50:57 PM
1.  OP did not contact me.  I saw a scam accusation of a person I suspected in a previous thread, and called it out, and offered to help you clear your name.  You refused.

Now you are blaming the OP saying he should have reached out to you.........WTF do you call this whole thread? 


You might fool some people.  You arent fooling me one bit.  Fuck off scammer
I did nto sell it on Bitmit. A friend decided to. Not me.. so there. You are now making up stories. I posted the video. All my screen caps were true. I don't need anyone to defend me. In this entire thread OP has ignored me.. ignored pms.. he just kept repeating what YOU said.. Of course! My suggestion to you is that if you actually worked for paypal( which reminds me.. whats your nae.. because a very reliable source wants to know) You would know what my video meant.. and you would noticed i called plenty of times. I cannot call about OP account.. i can only call about my own! Please GTFO this thread. You serve no purpose because now OP isnt online which is as much bs as he says about me being busy during the day! You are making up new stuff and it isnt right. Just stop.. Leave this thread.. Already PM'ed John K and he will settle this but not once has OP called paypal and told them i was having an issue refunding. He told paypal he needed to file an unauthorized claim. SEE THE DIFFERENCE!

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 11, 2013, 08:51:04 PM
no i never asked him for a private key. Someone else did and he already told me that and i was shocked. Xbox games is going to eat his words because indeed i am not a scammer. I will post video proof also now.

and there it is. OP needs to find out.

Yeah, this is the video evidence I was looking for...  He is doing the right steps, but for some reason it won't take.

Have you tried taking the steps to unlock your account yet?

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 11, 2013, 08:53:28 PM
already faxed this morning. Thats not the problem. The problem was paypal says i need to pay for the currency conversion. I think its bs and only one out of 10 associates told me that. One associate told me they would release funds for me to automatically refund. I keep getting the runaround but you see what i'm talking about now?>

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 11, 2013, 08:55:35 PM
already faxed this morning. Thats not the problem. The problem was paypal says i need to pay for the currency conversion. I think its bs and only one out of 10 associates told me that. One associate told me they would release funds for me to automatically refund. I keep getting the runaround but you see what i'm talking about now?>

This sounds like PP x100!

But My point was that if the account gets released, then you have the money in hand and while the refund feature may be broken, you can at least get goose his BTC if he still wants it.  Otherwise you can probably try and refuse the payment or send it back some other way than the resolution center

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: xboxgames on June 11, 2013, 09:00:42 PM
Clown show. :)

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 11, 2013, 09:12:02 PM
The plan is to 100% refund and he has agreed.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 11, 2013, 09:47:16 PM
So much goes on while we down under sleep.

Still waiting for either my money or btc. Yes, btc.

We can all see this issue has arisen from June's unverified PayPal account.

 If you are having all these issues with PayPal, send the btc.

Send them escrow, I will cancel the claim in your favour. Escrow releases btc to me. You deal with your PayPal account.

Wulabwutech, will you be escrow?
Or how do we get this john k guy on board?

Fixing this for an innocent customer shouldn't take this long...

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: nottm28 on June 11, 2013, 10:08:22 PM
Shouldn't be this hard - but paypal doesn't like btc

just saying

[EDIT] expecting you to refund this guy...

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 11, 2013, 10:26:27 PM
But there has been NO mention of either btc or currency to PayPal.

All of this us due to a medium sized payment going into an unverified account. Full stop.

June's earliest posts on this forum were written in poor English, as if from a non English as first language background. Yet his PayPal is 'mike harris' and email 'Toni____…
My email on this forum is unhidden and is my name. My PayPal account is my name. My PayPal email is my name. Google my name and it will be only a handful in the whole world if not the only one.

I am not expecting June to take the escrow route as I've offered above. There'll be another excuse. In all his attempts to trade on this forum he has offered to do so via escrow. When anybody accepts to trade via escrow he backs away - siting 'its my free will not to do business with you' etc BS etc. Its escrow = no risk = no excuse valid. You either want to trade or you hoping yo scam, which you can't do via escrow.

I'm surprised June hasn't dumped this account and moved on, as a scammer would once they've been outed as one.

Juneteenth, you want us all to believe you as innocent in this trade, yet EVERY time you are asked to step up to do something positive, you find an excuse. c'mon dude, step up already.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: HelpPlease on June 11, 2013, 10:31:29 PM
I had an issue with a transaction that would not confirm.  I messed up on my blockchain.  This guy implied that I should give him my login credentails so he could "fix it".  I asked him to explain to me how to fix it, and he said it was "too complicated" to explain, and never messaged again.

From my PM box-

 Jr. Member

 Posts: 91

Trust: 0: -0 / +0(0)

Re: (No subject)
« Sent to: HelpPlease on: June 06, 2013, 08:43:44 PM »

« You have forwarded or responded to this message. »


mostly you ned a friend to log in and manually fix it. its hard to explain.


i have a skype add me tempishot

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: HelpPlease on June 11, 2013, 10:32:11 PM

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Kruniac on June 11, 2013, 11:37:57 PM
I'm not sure if this helps, but I had a payment of $690 sent to a brand new PayPal account that I only linked to a bank account after the transactions were made.

I then requested a bank transfer to get my green, and PayPal actually called me (woke me up, in fact) to verify the transactions.

So the lady verified that gift payments took place. She verified that a bank transaction is pending. She then asked me if it was a "one time" kind of thing (for the gift payments, I assume). I told her yes, and she got immediately full of sunshine.

My own opinion (for what it's worth) is that PayPal limited the account for more of a reason than "New account > Gets money". Perhaps the name or phone number was sketch, or perhaps the information matched another account, or something. Just something to think about when/if you create more PP accounts.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 12, 2013, 12:14:51 AM
I'm not sure if this helps, but I had a payment of $690 sent to a brand new PayPal account that I only linked to a bank account after the transactions were made.

I then requested a bank transfer to get my green, and PayPal actually called me (woke me up, in fact) to verify the transactions.

So the lady verified that gift payments took place. She verified that a bank transaction is pending. She then asked me if it was a "one time" kind of thing (for the gift payments, I assume). I told her yes, and she got immediately full of sunshine.

My own opinion (for what it's worth) is that PayPal limited the account for more of a reason than "New account > Gets money". Perhaps the name or phone number was sketch, or perhaps the information matched another account, or something. Just something to think about when/if you create more PP accounts.
it happens to be my only pp account. I got a email from paypal so hopefully tonight this is all sorted.. and as of yet OP hasnt responded to my pms or called Paypal.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 12, 2013, 12:17:15 AM
.. and the same update.. Paypal has instructed that the funds are on hold pending verification. So once the verification lifts.. they are sending back to OP. OP please call and confirm that.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 12, 2013, 12:31:12 AM
Dude, PayPal are waiting a response from YOU.
Just log into your PayPal , go to dispute resolution centre, go to my dispute claim, click you agree that no goods/service were provided and to settle claim in purchasers (mine) favour. Nothing hard about it. Forget refunding , forget exchange BS, forget calling - just resolve the claim in the dispute resolution centre of your PayPal.

And I dont want to hear any other 'wtf, now PayPal have locked me out of my account, so I can't log in to resolve dispute, yadder yadder.

It'll take you all of 1 minute.

Thank you.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 12, 2013, 02:31:16 AM
So much goes on while we down under sleep.

Still waiting for either my money or btc. Yes, btc.

We can all see this issue has arisen from June's unverified PayPal account.

 If you are having all these issues with PayPal, send the btc.

Send them escrow, I will cancel the claim in your favour. Escrow releases btc to me. You deal with your PayPal account.

Wulabwutech, will you be escrow?
Or how do we get this john k guy on board?

Fixing this for an innocent customer shouldn't take this long...

Nope! Not getting involved in this soap opera, sorry!  I'll help mediate, but if I get too involved I'm gonna need to run out to buy more aspirin for the headache I will undoubtedly get.  The thing with PP and BTC is that PP is reversible up to a month I believe and CC's are reversible up to 6 months.  So unless you want the escrow to go that long, it's hard to know one party won't just chargeback the other.

(An aside, this is why PP has such a bad rep on this forum.  Note that this is only true for USD (or other fiat) <--> BTC transactions.  I've had people here refuse to use PP b/c they are afraid of chargebacks when they are shipping physical items to me.  Remember, because you can prove physical shipment, PayPal seller protection in in effect)

Dude, PayPal are waiting a response from YOU.
Just log into your PayPal , go to dispute resolution centre, go to my dispute claim, click you agree that no goods/service were provided and to settle claim in purchasers (mine) favour. Nothing hard about it. Forget refunding , forget exchange BS, forget calling - just resolve the claim in the dispute resolution centre of your PayPal.

And I dont want to hear any other 'wtf, now PayPal have locked me out of my account, so I can't log in to resolve dispute, yadder yadder.

It'll take you all of 1 minute.

Thank you.

I know it's frustrating for you, the customer, but this is a long known issue with PayPal and it's account lock process.  It sucks when it happens to you, but fortunately it's only once in a while that this happens.  If you look at his video screencap above, you can see that he really CAN'T refund you your money.  There is some glitch in the system that does not allow him to do that.  Fortunately, if he is telling the truth (which there is no reason to believe he hasn't sent the require documents at this point), you'll get your money back by the end of the week.  But from his screencap, (@0:37) you can clearly see that he is not disputing it on his end, so worst case scenario is that 7 days pass, and you elevate this claim to PP and they give you your money back.  It's delayed for you, but you won't be out anything.

I know it sucks to have to wait, but I sincerely doubt he's a scammer, and even if he is, I doubt he could have planned to scam you in this manner.  You can't force a lock on a PayPal account, so it must be by coincidence that this happened, quite unfortunately for you, right as you placed an order with him.

I should note that it is in his best interest to resolve this with PP before you get the chargeback.  It'll become harder to unlock his account once he has a chargeback on his record.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 12, 2013, 02:46:53 AM
So much goes on while we down under sleep.

Still waiting for either my money or btc. Yes, btc.

We can all see this issue has arisen from June's unverified PayPal account.

 If you are having all these issues with PayPal, send the btc.

Send them escrow, I will cancel the claim in your favour. Escrow releases btc to me. You deal with your PayPal account.

Wulabwutech, will you be escrow?
Or how do we get this john k guy on board?

Fixing this for an innocent customer shouldn't take this long...

Nope! Not getting involved in this soap opera, sorry!  I'll help mediate, but if I get too involved I'm gonna need to run out to buy more aspirin for the headache I will undoubtedly get.  The thing with PP and BTC is that PP is reversible up to a month I believe and CC's are reversible up to 6 months.  So unless you want the escrow to go that long, it's hard to know one party won't just chargeback the other.

(An aside, this is why PP has such a bad rep on this forum.  Note that this is only true for USD (or other fiat) <--> BTC transactions.  I've had people here refuse to use PP b/c they are afraid of chargebacks when they are shipping physical items to me.  Remember, because you can prove physical shipment, PayPal seller protection in in effect)

Dude, PayPal are waiting a response from YOU.
Just log into your PayPal , go to dispute resolution centre, go to my dispute claim, click you agree that no goods/service were provided and to settle claim in purchasers (mine) favour. Nothing hard about it. Forget refunding , forget exchange BS, forget calling - just resolve the claim in the dispute resolution centre of your PayPal.

And I dont want to hear any other 'wtf, now PayPal have locked me out of my account, so I can't log in to resolve dispute, yadder yadder.

It'll take you all of 1 minute.

Thank you.

I know it's frustrating for you, the customer, but this is a long known issue with PayPal and it's account lock process.  It sucks when it happens to you, but fortunately it's only once in a while that this happens.  If you look at his video screencap above, you can see that he really CAN'T refund you your money.  There is some glitch in the system that does not allow him to do that.  Fortunately, if he is telling the truth (which there is no reason to believe he hasn't sent the require documents at this point), you'll get your money back by the end of the week.  But from his screencap, (@0:37) you can clearly see that he is not disputing it on his end, so worst case scenario is that 7 days pass, and you elevate this claim to PP and they give you your money back.  It's delayed for you, but you won't be out anything.

I know it sucks to have to wait, but I sincerely doubt he's a scammer, and even if he is, I doubt he could have planned to scam you in this manner.  You can't force a lock on a PayPal account, so it must be by coincidence that this happened, quite unfortunately for you, right as you placed an order with him.

I should note that it is in his best interest to resolve this with PP before you get the chargeback.  It'll become harder to unlock his account once he has a chargeback on his record.

I guess Goose20 didnt look at the video LOL... See what i'm dealing with...

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 12, 2013, 02:50:22 AM
also.. considering my account gets limited RIGHT AFTER YOU SENT PAYMENT.. My best interest is to get you your paypal back. BTC is out the question because now I believe you would charge back later. Paypal told me 6 months down the line.. you could still charge back. My main goal is to refund paypal and if you saw the video you would see i was trying to. DO I believe paypal is working on this.. YES. Too many associates have told me this in a 24 hour span. SO Now I don't have time of someones sorrys... or someone accusing me.. Did i accuse you of sending me fraud funds.. YES.. Do I still think so (IDK) but like i said before my main goal is to get this situation fixed. I'm not a scammer.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 12, 2013, 03:19:25 AM
June, you are so full of it its not even funny anymore. I'm not worried about losing my money anymore, PayPal have assured me of that. Its just a case of 'when'. Sooner with your cooperation and later without it.

You state you are sooo worried about PayPal, yet YOU advertised that you would accept it. Why proceed with a paypal in the first place. Why only after you insist the other party pays first. Why not have a verified account. Why are all of these other people coming out accusing you of scamming after I did.

Really dude, the proof is in your actions, not what you say.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 12, 2013, 03:37:11 AM
June, you are so full of it its not even funny anymore. I'm not worried about losing my money anymore, PayPal have assured me of that. Its just a case of 'when'. Sooner with your cooperation and later without it.

You state you are sooo worried about PayPal, yet YOU advertised that you would accept it. Why proceed with a paypal in the first place. Why only after you insist the other party pays first. Why not have a verified account. Why are all of these other people coming out accusing you of scamming after I did.

Really dude, the proof is in your actions, not what you say.
its funny how u come online when xboxgames does. FUNNY.. Also.. after this.. why should I accept your paypal? Dumb question. Well its late here so ill check the status in the morning. Cheers.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 12, 2013, 03:37:55 AM
June, you are so full of it its not even funny anymore. I'm not worried about losing my money anymore, PayPal have assured me of that. Its just a case of 'when'. Sooner with your cooperation and later without it.

You state you are sooo worried about PayPal, yet YOU advertised that you would accept it. Why proceed with a paypal in the first place. Why only after you insist the other party pays first. Why not have a verified account. Why are all of these other people coming out accusing you of scamming after I did.

Really dude, the proof is in your actions, not what you say.
its funny how u come online when xboxgames does. FUNNY.. Also.. after this.. why should I accept your paypal? Dumb question. Well its late here so ill check the status in the morning. Cheers.

PLUS I HAVE NOT SCAMMED ANYONE> A member contacted me saying xboxgames messaged them.. So are you and him the same person. Theymos will find out in the morning. Good night.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 12, 2013, 03:55:31 AM
And I'm is sunny Queensland, oz. Never heard of xboxgames before this thread. But I like his style, he busted you out quick smart. I just wish I listened to his warnings in your selling thread beforeing dealing with you.

Haha same person.. one person (Xbox) is smart enough to warn people, the other (me) dumb enough to deal with you.

June you rejected 3 escrow deals before deal with me, and here we pages into a Oscar winning dramatical thread.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 12, 2013, 04:21:00 AM
And I'm is sunny Queensland, oz. Never heard of xboxgames before this thread. But I like his style, he busted you out quick smart. I just wish I listened to his warnings in your selling thread beforeing dealing with you.

Haha same person.. one person (Xbox) is smart enough to warn people, the other (me) dumb enough to deal with you.

June you rejected 3 escrow deals before deal with me, and here we pages into a Oscar winning dramatical thread.

Damn, and here it's all dark and cold.  But yes, you will get your money back one way or another.  I would hope that June cooperates and you'll get it back before the week is out, but if not you should have it back by the end of next week.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 12, 2013, 10:17:06 AM
Dude, PayPal are waiting a response from YOU.
Just log into your PayPal , go to dispute resolution centre, go to my dispute claim, click you agree that no goods/service were provided and to settle claim in purchasers (mine) favour. Nothing hard about it. Forget refunding , forget exchange BS, forget calling - just resolve the claim in the dispute resolution centre of your PayPal.

And I dont want to hear any other 'wtf, now PayPal have locked me out of my account, so I can't log in to resolve dispute, yadder yadder.

It'll take you all of 1 minute.

Thank you.

So Juneteenth, many hours have passed by - is there any reason you haven't been able to take a minute to log onto your paypal and resolve the claim in the dispute resolution centre of your PayPal??

You said it was a priority of yours to get all of this sorted out. I note you have had the time to post various posts on this forum in the meantime though  :-\

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 12, 2013, 11:10:13 AM
And I'm is sunny Queensland, oz. Never heard of xboxgames before this thread. But I like his style, he busted you out quick smart. I just wish I listened to his warnings in your selling thread beforeing dealing with you.

Haha same person.. one person (Xbox) is smart enough to warn people, the other (me) dumb enough to deal with you.

June you rejected 3 escrow deals before deal with me, and here we pages into a Oscar winning dramatical thread.

Damn, and here it's all dark and cold.  But yes, you will get your money back one way or another.  I would hope that June cooperates and you'll get it back before the week is out, but if not you should have it back by the end of next week.
i never rejected escrow. You didnt ask. In my offer thread i sai and i quote" i would use escrow the fee is yours".. so idk what you are talking about.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 12, 2013, 11:12:06 AM
And I'm is sunny Queensland, oz. Never heard of xboxgames before this thread. But I like his style, he busted you out quick smart. I just wish I listened to his warnings in your selling thread beforeing dealing with you.

Haha same person.. one person (Xbox) is smart enough to warn people, the other (me) dumb enough to deal with you.

June you rejected 3 escrow deals before deal with me, and here we pages into a Oscar winning dramatical thread.

Damn, and here it's all dark and cold.  But yes, you will get your money back one way or another.  I would hope that June cooperates and you'll get it back before the week is out, but if not you should have it back by the end of next week.
paypal assured he would get his funds back.. but when is the huge questions. It is not on me.. ITS ON PAYPAL. I accepted it because never had a problem with paypal.. UNTIL NOW. I also posted in my thread i'm not selling with paypal until further notice. So someone asked me would i take moneygram. I responded with escrow, yes and it would have to wait until this cleared.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 12, 2013, 04:47:26 PM
okay. I am back now limited. But paypal tells me it says it will reverse June 20th because they will decide in his favor. Hate to say it but that date we may have to wait. P.s. Paypal also said that the OP got a email  stating that he would automatically win on the 20th. I also got that email and can prove it.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: xboxgames on June 12, 2013, 04:52:04 PM
I hope you both have learned that PayPal sucks.  Don't use it for BTC especially, and I would even say don't use it at all.

Hope this is worked out.  I apologize if I came off as harsh.  I hate seeing someones money get played with.

Good luck to you both.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 12, 2013, 08:21:30 PM
Sounds like everything is going to get resolved then!  Happy ending for all!

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 13, 2013, 12:16:32 AM
No not happy ending.


Paypal have received NO communication from him, no calls, nothing.

June 20th is the end date for seller to respond. No response = automatic finding in disputer favour (mine).

June can call right now and confirm dispute in my favour and paypal will reimburse me.

June cannot refund because he has insufficient funds. Even though be may have taken my funds before the lock, paypal will still pay me even though his account will go into negative. They will then be chasing him.

But as its been suspected, that his account is fake, paypal will be out of pocket.

Am surprised June has taken this scam do far. Probably trying to seem all good to perpetuate more scamming.

Nothing but LIES. Nothing but misdirection and smoke n mirrors.


Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: xboxgames on June 13, 2013, 12:31:21 AM
No not happy ending.


Paypal have received NO communication from him, no calls, nothing.

June 20th is the end date for seller to respond. No response = automatic finding in disputer favour (mine).

June can call right now and confirm dispute in my favour and paypal will reimburse me.

June cannot refund because he has insufficient funds. Even though be may have taken my funds before the lock, paypal will still pay me even though his account will go into negative. They will then be chasing him.

But as its been suspected, that his account is fake, paypal will be out of pocket.

Am surprised June has taken this scam do far. Probably trying to seem all good to perpetuate more scamming.

Nothing but LIES. Nothing but misdirection and smoke n mirrors.


You confirmed this with PayPal?

So what I said happened happened.  Surprise surprise...I actually know what the hell I'm taking bout. ;)

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 13, 2013, 12:39:31 AM
Yes. I called paypal yesterday and this morning Australian time. Called twice hopeing he would sort overnight due to different time zone.

This guy is trying to play us all for fools.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: xboxgames on June 13, 2013, 12:55:01 AM
Yes. I called paypal yesterday and this morning Australian time. Called twice hopeing he would sort overnight due to different time zone.

This guy is trying to play us all for fools.

Not us all. I told you what was up from the get go. Sorry bud.  As least you will get your money.

Even if he used fake name, he spent the PayPal somewhere...he will be traced to wherever he had what he bought delivered, or wherever the funds were sent.  One thing PayPal is good at....criminal prosecution. 

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 13, 2013, 01:04:27 AM
Yeah, they said a trace will result if they dont get their money.
I was trying to determine whether to start credit claim worried that paypal would leave me out of pocket. But they said no need, I'm covered through them.

How do we expose this guy to whole forum?

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: xboxgames on June 13, 2013, 01:11:14 AM
I'm sure people have seen this.  But he will just make a new account. Just gotta be careful who to trade with, use escrow, and don't touch PayPal.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Kruniac on June 13, 2013, 07:20:12 AM
Yes. I called paypal yesterday and this morning Australian time. Called twice hopeing he would sort overnight due to different time zone.

This guy is trying to play us all for fools.

Not us all. I told you what was up from the get go. Sorry bud.  As least you will get your money.

Even if he used fake name, he spent the PayPal somewhere...he will be traced to wherever he had what he bought delivered, or wherever the funds were sent.  One thing PayPal is good at....criminal prosecution. 

No. They aren't good at criminal prosecution.

They -are- good at closing out accounts, sending the balance due to collections, and being annoying.

Not so much criminal prosecutions. Unless they've changed drastically over the years.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: pikeadz on June 13, 2013, 07:58:41 AM
I don't know why you are fucking around with Paypal and this juneteenth numbnuts when you can call your credit card up, have a short conversation, and they will place a reversal (chargeback) instantly.  It will be a "temporary" reversal, but it will happen instantly so you will have all your money back.  THEN, the ball will be in Paypal and juneteenth's court to prove that he sent you BTC.  Obviously he didn't so you will win the dispute.  Why do people bother futzing around with Paypal and scammers like juneteenth when the solution is so easy?  

At least we have another scamer exposed now.  Thank you for that.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: desired_username on June 13, 2013, 08:44:34 AM
HELP...Anyone out there in the forums can help.

Juneteenth and i just agreed that i purchase 4.0 btc for US$425.
He sent me a paypal request requesting payment.
i immediately sent him the money.
he now claims his paypal account got immediately limited and he feels scammed - he hasnt sent anything and is not out of pocket.
i got no $$ and no BTC.
Does anyone have any experience with this paypal limitation thingy???
please help.

His payment request didn't offer me any choices - just 'pay now'. which i did.

i dont see how that would result in a limitation to his account. Is this a correct thing that can happen with paypal?
his screen shot to me says he needs to go through some steps to take away limitation - if he does this, wil transaction settle ok.

i am not interested in scamming anybody. i sent my $425 in good faith. a transaction for a lower amount went through smoothly yesterday??

stressing now - thats alot for me to lose. :(

oh and regarding using the escrow... i figured since he is offering it then he must be above board, i know i am.

what is going on?... surely there is still good left in people out there. my 1st baby  son was born a few days ago, and in readiness for that, i wanted to have some btc for him as a gift when he was born, i agreed to buy 2.0 btc off Gumtree and duly deposisted $200 into the guys Australian Westpac bank account a couple of weeks ago. He didnt send the btc, wouldnt offer the transaction id or anything. so now i have to lodge a police complaint.

And now this.. really. what gives. And yes, i am trusting, but id rather be that than than the opposite.
oh bother :(

So rather than hang around to resolve this, Juneteenth has gone offline.
It looks like i have been taken again Sad

buyers please be aware.

If paypal limits an account it's not likely that the user get's back money within 6months. On the other hand I don't think his account was limited. It's a basic scammer strategy, they obtain some time to flee with this.

I would send the BTC for you if I were him. You have nothing to do with his accounts limitation.

A few advices:

- Don't use paypal

- Don't trust strangers

- Give the user a negative feedback

- Contact paypal

These people are pathetic. Scumbags of the digital world. It is laughable that he scams for a lowly $400 what a loser.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 13, 2013, 06:34:41 PM
Am not liking the sound of that - waiting 6 months to get my $$ back from paypal.  :'(

They have assured me that I'll get it back the day after the response period (20th) runs out.

The way June was carrying on, well I thought maybe he would call them and fix this without me having to wait. Ha

Think I'll be calling my bank today...paypal may pay up in a week, but then again the might not as all you guys are saying.

Thx all :)

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 14, 2013, 12:12:42 AM
I don't know why you are fucking around with Paypal and this juneteenth numbnuts when you can call your credit card up, have a short conversation, and they will place a reversal (chargeback) instantly.  It will be a "temporary" reversal, but it will happen instantly so you will have all your money back.  THEN, the ball will be in Paypal and juneteenth's court to prove that he sent you BTC.  Obviously he didn't so you will win the dispute.  Why do people bother futzing around with Paypal and scammers like juneteenth when the solution is so easy?  

At least we have another scamer exposed now.  Thank you for that.

Both members in this case haven't exactly taken the easy route to fixing things.  On goose's end, he could have had this resolved the day he complained here by filing a chargeback which, according to most cardholder agreements, would have immediately credited his account while the investigation was pending.  As for june, he could have resolved this very quickly by providing info to PP and had his account unlocked in 2-3 days time, but he sat on it for some reason.

I would venture a guess to say that both members are relatively new to this (heck, they were dealing with an UNVERIFIED PERSONAL account!) and having just dealt with this, I can't blame either of them for not wanting to take advice of people on the internet for what they should do. That being said, it has been very frustrating at times trying to give advice to these two because of the fact that they aren't taking it and we're going in circles!

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 14, 2013, 12:18:01 AM
HELP...Anyone out there in the forums can help.

Juneteenth and i just agreed that i purchase 4.0 btc for US$425.
He sent me a paypal request requesting payment.
i immediately sent him the money.
he now claims his paypal account got immediately limited and he feels scammed - he hasnt sent anything and is not out of pocket.
i got no $$ and no BTC.
Does anyone have any experience with this paypal limitation thingy???
please help.

His payment request didn't offer me any choices - just 'pay now'. which i did.

i dont see how that would result in a limitation to his account. Is this a correct thing that can happen with paypal?
his screen shot to me says he needs to go through some steps to take away limitation - if he does this, wil transaction settle ok.

i am not interested in scamming anybody. i sent my $425 in good faith. a transaction for a lower amount went through smoothly yesterday??

stressing now - thats alot for me to lose. :(

oh and regarding using the escrow... i figured since he is offering it then he must be above board, i know i am.

what is going on?... surely there is still good left in people out there. my 1st baby  son was born a few days ago, and in readiness for that, i wanted to have some btc for him as a gift when he was born, i agreed to buy 2.0 btc off Gumtree and duly deposisted $200 into the guys Australian Westpac bank account a couple of weeks ago. He didnt send the btc, wouldnt offer the transaction id or anything. so now i have to lodge a police complaint.

And now this.. really. what gives. And yes, i am trusting, but id rather be that than than the opposite.
oh bother :(

So rather than hang around to resolve this, Juneteenth has gone offline.
It looks like i have been taken again Sad

buyers please be aware.

If paypal limits an account it's not likely that the user get's back money within 6months. On the other hand I don't think his account was limited. It's a basic scammer strategy, they obtain some time to flee with this.

I would send the BTC for you if I were him. You have nothing to do with his accounts limitation.

A few advices:

- Don't use paypal

- Don't trust strangers

- Give the user a negative feedback

- Contact paypal

These people are pathetic. Scumbags of the digital world. It is laughable that he scams for a lowly $400 what a loser.

Wow, there are so many things that are just flat out WRONG with this post.

His account is in fact limited.  I saw it firsthand and you can too.  Did you see the video posted?  Did you even read the rest of the thread?

Account limitations take 2-3 days to resolve.  A week tops.  I have never had money held for more than a week when I had an account limitation fro m PP and that was only because it extended over a long weekend (yes, it made trying to do business that weekend a bitch)

If your account is limited, DO NOT send the BTC anyways.  It is often limited because the other account was stolen.  Yes, there are random spotchecks and I think this is one of them (receiving a relatively large payment on a personal account), but NEVER go ahead and send a product when your account is limited because there is always a high chance of PP sending you the chargeback and now you are out the product and they money!

SOOOOOO much bad advice in one post!  And the good advice was already covered previously: contact PP, don't trust people you don't know, and negative feedback if not resolved (already done I believe).  Please READ the thread before posting.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 14, 2013, 12:19:00 AM
Am not liking the sound of that - waiting 6 months to get my $$ back from paypal.  :'(

They have assured me that I'll get it back the day after the response period (20th) runs out.

This guy is making stuff up.  Even if JUNE had to wait that long to get his account unlocked, you'll get your money back whenever PP said they would give it back according to their buyer protection plan.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: DiamondCardz on June 14, 2013, 04:22:24 AM
It's funny because when I report trolls the posts aren't removed, but lashing out at someone who makes false accusations gets the posts removed and me warned  ;)

Juneteenth isn't a scammer, he's just a victim of PayPal. Which is terrible and should never, ever be used.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 14, 2013, 08:41:01 AM
Haha.. paypal may have a bad rap, but that doesn't cover the LIES told by June.

So many of them, but just a few are:
- I can't refund because I got charged a currency exchange fee and the exchange rate has moved and now I dont have enough funds - BS, he got just paypal normal standard fee, exchange rates (or any fees at all) dont come into play at all re refunds;
- because I couldn't refund you, I called them and they TD me to tell you to call them blah blah - BS, I've talked to them 3 times over 3 days, paypal have received NO communication from June;
- I got an email that the buyer will automatically win after 10 days - no shit, that's because he has not responded and does not plan to - he'll just make me wait for the time to run out rather than call them to resolve.

It seems the case that as soon as paypal is mentioned, everybody blames them. I've used them for years and never before this transaction have I had a problem. But that may be because I'm not a scammer and neither were any of the previous other parties.

So much scamming going on around BTC - how is it ever going to work if no one trusts anyone and everyone's saying 'you go first, no you send first, no no you go first, let's use escrow - oh shit escrow took our money (bit floor eg). where are peoples morals, character, honour these days. Life can't really be all about the mighty $$.

June did scam - I was just giving him as much benefit of the doubt as humanly possible. He kept protesting his imnocense, but kept contradicting himself when called out about something.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 14, 2013, 09:03:25 AM
Am not liking the sound of that - waiting 6 months to get my $$ back from paypal.  :'(

They have assured me that I'll get it back the day after the response period (20th) runs out.

This guy is making stuff up.  Even if JUNE had to wait that long to get his account unlocked, you'll get your money back whenever PP said they would give it back according to their buyer protection plan.

Wu, you are either a bed pissing teen, or completely brain dead - I'm not making any statement here, just responding to someones else post that if other party has his account limited, it can take up to 6mthns....I have no exp with paypal charge backs. Paypal tell me I'll have money back on 11th day, a forum user suggests that may not be the case . I say I dont like the sound of that, because I have no reason to doubt that user or HIS exp with paypal.

This whole thread you have basically been defending June, despite all the evidence to the contrary, despite a bunch of other forum users being able to see past June' BS. And now you go an attack me, by stating that 'I'm making things up'. Wtf?

Anybody who reads the whole of this thread, and reads June's other posts on this forum, can easily see that June joined this forum to SCAM any which way he could.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 15, 2013, 05:35:34 PM
Am not liking the sound of that - waiting 6 months to get my $$ back from paypal.  :'(

They have assured me that I'll get it back the day after the response period (20th) runs out.

This guy is making stuff up.  Even if JUNE had to wait that long to get his account unlocked, you'll get your money back whenever PP said they would give it back according to their buyer protection plan.

Wu, you are either a bed pissing teen, or completely brain dead - I'm not making any statement here, just responding to someones else post that if other party has his account limited, it can take up to 6mthns....I have no exp with paypal charge backs. Paypal tell me I'll have money back on 11th day, a forum user suggests that may not be the case . I say I dont like the sound of that, because I have no reason to doubt that user or HIS exp with paypal.

This whole thread you have basically been defending June, despite all the evidence to the contrary, despite a bunch of other forum users being able to see past June' BS. And now you go an attack me, by stating that 'I'm making things up'. Wtf?

Anybody who reads the whole of this thread, and reads June's other posts on this forum, can easily see that June joined this forum to SCAM any which way he could.

Goose, I need to apologize b/c I got you riled up for no reason.  I quoted you, but I was not referring to your statement as being untrue.  I quoted you b/c I wanted to respond to you, but I was trying to tell you that whomever said it takes 6 months for you to get your money back is making stuff up!

PP is right that your money should be back on the 11th day.  While it may take 6 months for June to get his money/account back, under buyer protection, you are covered and don't have to wait that period of time.  Once again, I should ave been more clear and I am sorry for what seemed like a personal attack against you.  It was definitely not meant that way.


As far as June scamming, I can't attest to that one way or the other.  I got into this to defend him b/c PP is a bitch to deal with a lot of the times, but for us that do business on the internet, it's pretty hard to get around.  Is he scamming other people?  I can't say one way or the other b/c I haven't seen these other allegations, but in your case, I don't think he tried to scam you.  It's be very hard for him to get his account locked purposely to scam you--that's a thing that happens on paypal's side.  Also, he has shown video evidence of the fact that he is being locked out of refunding your money.  Is he someone who does not have good business practices and isn't a great seller to deal with?  I am of the opinion so.  But is he a scammer?  I am of the opinion not.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 15, 2013, 11:20:15 PM
Dude, c'mon really. The dispute has been open 6 days. If he wasn't scamming, he would of called long ago to tell them to resolve the dispute in my favour. But he has not done so.

"Also, he has shown video evidence of the fact that he is being locked out of refunding your money. " - that video does not show him being locked out, it shows him unable to refund due to insufficient funds. Where did my funds go? Did he take/spend them before the lock? If he did, why not send the btc.

All I can see has happened is this:
1. June created fake paypal,
2. June created forum account,
3. June was offering to buy/sell btc with hope that other party would send first (sure he suggested he'd do escrow, but when taken up on that offer he backed away from escrow deals),
4. He got me to send first,
5. He immediately moved the funds on,
6. He claimed I put a freeze on his account and therefore he would not be sending any btc.
7. He now has the $$ and btc.
8. He leaves the other party to deal with paypal and abandoned fake paypal account,
9. He protests his innocence on this forum, trying to bsmboozle everyone with a bunch of nonsense in the hope of saving face and being able to perpetuate another scam or two.
10. Gets straight called out, knows the jig is up - then finally disappears.

Wu, and you still dont think it was him scamming and it is all because of paypal. Oh my...haha

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 16, 2013, 12:09:45 AM
Replying as inline:

All I can see has happened is this:
1. June created fake paypal,

I (and you) can neither prove nor disprove this right now.

2. June created forum account,


3. June was offering to buy/sell btc with hope that other party would send first (sure he suggested he'd do escrow, but when taken up on that offer he backed away from escrow deals),

Not sure where this came from, but you seem to be honest so I'll take your word for it.

4. He got me to send first,


5. He immediately moved the funds on,

False.  Take a look again at the video.  At 0:31 you clearly see that the funds are held in the account, he just can't access them.  If he already moved the funds on, then there is no reason to not just forward you the BTC since the funds would already be in his bank account.

6. He claimed I put a freeze on his account and therefore he would not be sending any btc.

He doesn't understand how PP works.  The freeze was in fact put on the account because of your transaction in all probability (since it was a shady transaction from PP's point of view).  But he didn't send BTC b/c he never received payment yet.  It was still being held by PP (once again, see 0:31 of the video)

7. He now has the $$ and btc.

He does not have the money.  PP has it.  Once again, the video clearly shows the amount is being held by PP.

True, he does have the BTC.

8. He leaves the other party to deal with paypal and abandoned fake paypal account,

Well, kinda true.  He's been dealing with it himself too, but he's not taking the right steps causing you to have to do more work than you should and wait longer than you should.  Like I said, his selling practices aren't that great, but having bad selling practices does not make one a scammer.

9. He protests his innocence on this forum, trying to bsmboozle everyone with a bunch of nonsense in the hope of saving face and being able to perpetuate another scam or two.

Why not just create another account then?  Scammers don't need to protect their accounts because they know they will eventually be exposed and need another account.

10. Gets straight called out, knows the jig is up - then finally disappears.

This is kinda weird.  We haven't heard from him in awhile have we?  June, you still out there?

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 16, 2013, 01:54:07 AM
Wu, all I can say is I hope you are right about the funds being held. Yes it does show a transaction with 'held' funds, but it also shows his account as balance being $0.00.

If the funds were there, why would it say 'refund amount exceeds available balance' when he tries to refund? The funds being held, the refund would release them back, would it not?

I think the key to all of this is the '$0.00' balance. I think just like a bank account, it would show a balance here, but not available. It shows no balance at all and he cannot refund -> one can only presume from these two facts that the money was moved out. I do not know for sure however, as I do not know exactly how it works with that balance amount. All I know is June lied when he said he has been in contact with paypal, and after many days, still has not contacted them to get this resolved. Any legit seller would have made this a priority for their buyer.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: xboxgames on June 16, 2013, 01:56:06 AM
I don't even believe this June has any btc. I bet he can't prove he has any.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 16, 2013, 02:57:39 AM
Wu, all I can say is I hope you are right about the funds being held. Yes it does show a transaction with 'held' funds, but it also shows his account as balance being $0.00.

If the funds were there, why would it say 'refund amount exceeds available balance' when he tries to refund? The funds being held, the refund would release them back, would it not?

I think the key to all of this is the '$0.00' balance. I think just like a bank account, it would show a balance here, but not available. It shows no balance at all and he cannot refund -> one can only presume from these two facts that the money was moved out. I do not know for sure however, as I do not know exactly how it works with that balance amount. All I know is June lied when he said he has been in contact with paypal, and after many days, still has not contacted them to get this resolved. Any legit seller would have made this a priority for their buyer.

xbox has more experience on this than I do, so i would defer to him, but I believe the PP balance that it shows is the available balance by default unless you change it.  For example, when I fund my PP, it shows 0 until it clears.  Likewise, when I have a pending withdraw, it shows my balance minus my withdraw even though I can't withdraw funds on a weekend!  I can see my full balance, but it's on another page.

I believe the error message he gets is a glitch in the system that has to do with the exchange rate/fees/whatever you want to call it.

And yes, I agree with you, this is poor customer service, but it also seems like he has not a lot of experience with PP especially trying to sell using an unverified account...

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: solidshotnosh on June 18, 2013, 01:58:02 PM
If you go through xbox and goose' post you'll see a striking similarity in their writing style.

He uses periods after short statements, also when a sentence spans more than one line, he doesn't space it, he allows it to continue onto the next line.

Also notice the time frames in which they "respond" to one another.

I'm calling multi acc.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: ostr1234 on June 18, 2013, 02:57:17 PM
I don't know why you are fucking around with Paypal and this juneteenth numbnuts when you can call your credit card up, have a short conversation, and they will place a reversal (chargeback) instantly.  It will be a "temporary" reversal, but it will happen instantly so you will have all your money back.  THEN, the ball will be in Paypal and juneteenth's court to prove that he sent you BTC.  Obviously he didn't so you will win the dispute.  Why do people bother futzing around with Paypal and scammers like juneteenth when the solution is so easy?  

At least we have another scamer exposed now.  Thank you for that.

Truth. I think he just gave u the simplest way to get you money back.  Remember that Customer is always right. Be nice and just explain your situation and don't mention btc.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 19, 2013, 02:16:46 PM
If you go through xbox and goose' post you'll see a striking similarity in their writing style.

He uses periods after short statements, also when a sentence spans more than one line, he doesn't space it, he allows it to continue onto the next line.

Also notice the time frames in which they "respond" to one another.

I'm calling multi acc.

Wrong mate. wtf, how much time do you have on your hands dude, seriously.. I have no idea who xboxgames is. check the times i am on here, its either late at night or morning australian time. a quick look at xboxgames posts show a vastly different timeframe.

xbox was suspicious of user ' Juneteenth' before i ever got involved with June. when i did, and got scammed by June, and started this thread - xbox just came out and called the guy out, and wasnt up to put up with the BS that he was speiling. June has now disappeared and im still waiting for paypal to release my money.  But i know either they or Visa will so am not worried anymore. Lucky for me and all other Australians, we are now able to buy BTC from website. Have made 3 transactions and all went smooth as. I wont be trading with forum users anymore - this site is gold for info on BTC, mining etc, but horrible for trading - just saturated with scammers and scams. And i aint got no time for that shit.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: solidshotnosh on June 19, 2013, 05:29:44 PM
If you go through xbox and goose' post you'll see a striking similarity in their writing style.

He uses periods after short statements, also when a sentence spans more than one line, he doesn't space it, he allows it to continue onto the next line.

Also notice the time frames in which they "respond" to one another.

I'm calling multi acc.

Wrong mate. wtf, how much time do you have on your hands dude, seriously.. I have no idea who xboxgames is. check the times i am on here, its either late at night or morning australian time. a quick look at xboxgames posts show a vastly different timeframe.

xbox was suspicious of user ' Juneteenth' before i ever got involved with June. when i did, and got scammed by June, and started this thread - xbox just came out and called the guy out, and wasnt up to put up with the BS that he was speiling. June has now disappeared and im still waiting for paypal to release my money.  But i know either they or Visa will so am not worried anymore. Lucky for me and all other Australians, we are now able to buy BTC from website. Have made 3 transactions and all went smooth as. I wont be trading with forum users anymore - this site is gold for info on BTC, mining etc, but horrible for trading - just saturated with scammers and scams. And i aint got no time for that shit.

Barking dogs belie their guilt.

You wouldn't have spent that much time explaining yourself if my accusation was completely false.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: HelpPlease on June 19, 2013, 08:59:45 PM
If you go through xbox and goose' post you'll see a striking similarity in their writing style.

He uses periods after short statements, also when a sentence spans more than one line, he doesn't space it, he allows it to continue onto the next line.

Also notice the time frames in which they "respond" to one another.

I'm calling multi acc.

Wrong mate. wtf, how much time do you have on your hands dude, seriously.. I have no idea who xboxgames is. check the times i am on here, its either late at night or morning australian time. a quick look at xboxgames posts show a vastly different timeframe.

xbox was suspicious of user ' Juneteenth' before i ever got involved with June. when i did, and got scammed by June, and started this thread - xbox just came out and called the guy out, and wasnt up to put up with the BS that he was speiling. June has now disappeared and im still waiting for paypal to release my money.  But i know either they or Visa will so am not worried anymore. Lucky for me and all other Australians, we are now able to buy BTC from website. Have made 3 transactions and all went smooth as. I wont be trading with forum users anymore - this site is gold for info on BTC, mining etc, but horrible for trading - just saturated with scammers and scams. And i aint got no time for that shit.

Barking dogs belie their guilt.

You wouldn't have spent that much time explaining yourself if my accusation was completely false.

That is the most idiotic statement I have ever heard. 

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: juicer25 on June 19, 2013, 10:15:51 PM
Juneteenth may still be trying to scam people, I posted a trade for moneypak to btc and he offered his services

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 19, 2013, 10:54:42 PM
If you go through xbox and goose' post you'll see a striking similarity in their writing style.

He uses periods after short statements, also when a sentence spans more than one line, he doesn't space it, he allows it to continue onto the next line.

Also notice the time frames in which they "respond" to one another.

I'm calling multi acc.

Wrong mate. wtf, how much time do you have on your hands dude, seriously.. I have no idea who xboxgames is. check the times i am on here, its either late at night or morning australian time. a quick look at xboxgames posts show a vastly different timeframe.

xbox was suspicious of user ' Juneteenth' before i ever got involved with June. when i did, and got scammed by June, and started this thread - xbox just came out and called the guy out, and wasnt up to put up with the BS that he was speiling. June has now disappeared and im still waiting for paypal to release my money.  But i know either they or Visa will so am not worried anymore. Lucky for me and all other Australians, we are now able to buy BTC from website. Have made 3 transactions and all went smooth as. I wont be trading with forum users anymore - this site is gold for info on BTC, mining etc, but horrible for trading - just saturated with scammers and scams. And i aint got no time for that shit.

Barking dogs belie their guilt.

You wouldn't have spent that much time explaining yourself if my accusation was completely false.

Haha. You think you're clever do you. You want to put up 5 btc as a bet. We can easily prove who I am and not one and same as xbox. We'll get some third parties involved to verify and the btc can go to them?? I'm sure john k or they mos would love an easy 5 btc.

Put up or shut up.

Maybe I dont like false accusations about me. I'm a professional in real life and act accordingly in all things. I dont hide behind hidden emails, tor networks etc etc. I dont harm anyone, so why would anyone harm me. As such, why do I need to be all hidden online.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 19, 2013, 11:43:44 PM
I'm a bit confused... why is it even relevant if goose is the same person as xbox?  He could be an alt account for all I care, but it still doesn't resolve the issue that June is unwilling or unable to take care of.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: solidshotnosh on June 20, 2013, 12:33:22 AM
If you go through xbox and goose' post you'll see a striking similarity in their writing style.

He uses periods after short statements, also when a sentence spans more than one line, he doesn't space it, he allows it to continue onto the next line.

Also notice the time frames in which they "respond" to one another.

I'm calling multi acc.

Wrong mate. wtf, how much time do you have on your hands dude, seriously.. I have no idea who xboxgames is. check the times i am on here, its either late at night or morning australian time. a quick look at xboxgames posts show a vastly different timeframe.

xbox was suspicious of user ' Juneteenth' before i ever got involved with June. when i did, and got scammed by June, and started this thread - xbox just came out and called the guy out, and wasnt up to put up with the BS that he was speiling. June has now disappeared and im still waiting for paypal to release my money.  But i know either they or Visa will so am not worried anymore. Lucky for me and all other Australians, we are now able to buy BTC from website. Have made 3 transactions and all went smooth as. I wont be trading with forum users anymore - this site is gold for info on BTC, mining etc, but horrible for trading - just saturated with scammers and scams. And i aint got no time for that shit.

Barking dogs belie their guilt.

You wouldn't have spent that much time explaining yourself if my accusation was completely false.

Put up or shut up.

 I'm a professional in real life and act accordingly in all

I just want to highlight those two statements.

Apparently, you're a professional, but talk like we're in the movie "Step Up".

Also, you further engaging and stringing this along just proves even more that I was correct.

What person would keep going back and forth over such a wild accusation if it were false?

I also have a feeling that other low post/activity account is you as well.

I also noticed xboxgames seems to be abandoned since your negative feedback.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 20, 2013, 03:38:24 AM
solidshotnosh - you are either a troll or a dickhead. Either way my 5 btc offer stands to resolve this.
You accuse me of multi accounts, thereby breaking the forum rules, thereby being unhonourable.
Unless you put up the coins, l consider your accusation complete garbage. Nothing further needs to be said to you.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 20, 2013, 03:46:44 AM
oh i've been willing to take care of. Paypal will automatically refund on the 20th which happens to be in a few hours... So have I tried to help him... YES. He hasn't allowed me to. I did my best on helping him. I would not give him btc for the nature of what happened, and the fact that i know paypal is refunding him. Once hes refunded in a few hours i will post another video showing it so he can no longer lie about it.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 20, 2013, 05:12:36 AM
June - lie about what exactly? I never said paypal wouldn't automatically find in my favour after the prescribed time for you to respond elapses.

It just sucks that you have made me wait 2 weeks for the time to elapse. You could have contacted them at any time to resolve it. And dont say you did - they have heard nothing from you.

Instead of you apologizing to me for making me go through this waiting because of you using a NON-verified paypal account. You keep trying to throw mud at me.

Now is the time for you to say "sorry mate, I hope you get your funds back with no further issues tomorrow".

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 20, 2013, 05:17:53 AM
June - lie about what exactly? I never said paypal wouldn't automatically find in my favour after the prescribed time for you to respond elapses.

It just sucks that you have made me wait 2 weeks for the time to elapse. You could have contacted them at any time to resolve it. And dont say you did - they have heard nothing from you.

Instead of you apologizing to me for making me go through this waiting because of you using a NON-verified paypal account. You keep trying to throw mud at me.

Now is the time for you to say "sorry mate, I hope you get your funds back with no further issues tomorrow".

No the problem is Paypal Miscommunication. They have on record each time i call about my account. Now if i were to call paypal and ask about your account (meaning when did you call and things of that nature) they wouldnt tell me.. because of privacy policy. Of course they won't tell you. All they told me was they were "working on it" and you cannot rush Paypal. As much as i tried i finally kept getting the "June 20th" story. SO I have helped enough but you won't believe me. June 20th which is what the email says. See you when its back in your account sir.

P.S. You and XBOXGAMES (which is a confirmed scammer) bashed me repeatedly. So no i don't owe an apology based off that. I'll just be glad when this situation is over because i don't take paypal anymore because of this.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: solidshotnosh on June 20, 2013, 05:54:27 AM
solidshotnosh - you are either a troll or a dickhead. Either way my 5 btc offer stands to resolve this.
You accuse me of multi accounts, thereby breaking the forum rules, thereby being unhonourable.
Unless you put up the coins, l consider your accusation complete garbage. Nothing further needs to be said to you.

You also exhibit the same mannerism, the short temper and the weird notion that betting bitcoins somehow adds validity to one's statements/opinions.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 20, 2013, 05:56:12 AM
solidshotnosh - you are either a troll or a dickhead. Either way my 5 btc offer stands to resolve this.
You accuse me of multi accounts, thereby breaking the forum rules, thereby being unhonourable.
Unless you put up the coins, l consider your accusation complete garbage. Nothing further needs to be said to you.

You also exhibit the same mannerism, the short temper and the weird notion that betting bitcoins somehow adds validity to one's statements/opinions.

He asked you for 5 btc but the thread CLEARLY says 4 btc.. GTFO lol I agree with you but i'll be quiet. once this is over im unleashing myself and reporting him./

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 20, 2013, 08:05:12 AM
June you idiot - What does my 4 btc trade with you got anything to do with me offering someone else a bet (in this case 5 BTC but it could have been anything) to resolve whether I am multi accounting or not. The BTC once won by me off solidshot were going to whichever trusted 3rd party we got to verify same. Solidshot likes to think himself smart, and if that was correct, he'd earn himself 5btc. All words but no actions from him.

Unleash and report me will you June... report me for what exactly??? I sent you my money, your account getting limited had nothing to do with me. Im verfied, you are not. I bought HTC through paypal before and after transaction with you. It was through eBay. I left positive feedback immediately to safeguard seller against any future charge back nonsense. Check me, I'm 'aussiecardshop'. Buy a rug from me if you like - they're great. Want me to verify that , I'll add any sentence you like into the advert - maybe 'juneteenth is an idiot'. Search 'shaggy rugs' on Australian eBay in 2 hours. I'll have it in the $330 advertisement.

Why am I mentioning my ebay account - so you can see I've bought btc then I left positive feedback, and I've sold and bought all sorts of other things on there for many years with 100% positive feedback. I anit no scammer.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: solidshotnosh on June 20, 2013, 01:05:36 PM
June you idiot - What does my 4 btc trade with you got anything to do with me offering someone else a bet (in this case 5 BTC but it could have been anything) to resolve whether I am multi accounting or not. The BTC once won by me off solidshot were going to whichever trusted 3rd party we got to verify same. Solidshot likes to think himself smart, and if that was correct, he'd earn himself 5btc. All words but no actions from him.

Unleash and report me will you June... report me for what exactly??? I sent you my money, your account getting limited had nothing to do with me. Im verfied, you are not. I bought HTC through paypal before and after transaction with you. It was through eBay. I left positive feedback immediately to safeguard seller against any future charge back nonsense. Check me, I'm 'aussiecardshop'. Buy a rug from me if you like - they're great. Want me to verify that , I'll add any sentence you like into the advert - maybe 'juneteenth is an idiot'. Search 'shaggy rugs' on Australian eBay in 2 hours. I'll have it in the $330 advertisement.

Why am I mentioning my ebay account - so you can see I've bought btc then I left positive feedback, and I've sold and bought all sorts of other things on there for many years with 100% positive feedback. I anit no scammer.

It's okay xbox, no need to be so upset. I still fail to see how betting has any relevance to this situation

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 20, 2013, 01:07:48 PM
sorry i used the wrong word. its not exactly betting. i already know the outcome.
question is - how smart do you think your dumbass is??

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: solidshotnosh on June 20, 2013, 01:10:32 PM
sorry i used the wrong word. its not exactly betting. i already know the outcome.
question is - how smart do you think your dumbass is??

I ask you again, how does this have any relevance to anything in this thread?

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: solidshotnosh on June 20, 2013, 01:11:19 PM
sorry i used the wrong word. its not exactly betting. i already know the outcome.
question is - how smart do you think your dumbass is??

Also, obviously smart enough to make you rage and spew insults.

[]Not Told
[X] Told

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 20, 2013, 01:14:17 PM
im actually laughing. nothing else much on this time of night for me. dont know which part of the world you are from.
I pity you that your character is as weak as your accusations which you wont stand behind.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: solidshotnosh on June 20, 2013, 01:18:30 PM
im actually laughing. nothing else much on this time of night for me. dont know which part of the world you are from.
I pity you that your character is as weak as your accusations which you wont stand behind.

I fully stand behind my accusations.

"Your character is weak" - says the scammer.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 20, 2013, 01:31:22 PM
the label "Idiotic Troll" comes to mind.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: solidshotnosh on June 20, 2013, 01:33:11 PM
the label "Idiotic Troll" comes to mind.

It's okay, no more tears.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: txlegally on June 20, 2013, 08:19:12 PM
well, i chose to believe juneteenth after reviewing this thread.   mainly because he didn't just go away like a good scammer would.   i guess it takes a guy like me, who simply wants to believe not everyone in this world is trying to fuck people over, to ensure that some of you all use better judgement.

in fact, at this moment i am still giving him the benefit of the doubt..... and its fucking really hard to do.   i was part of the bitinstant fiasco last week and had a couple grand tied up in that deal.  not all of it was mine, and i ended up having to compensate that partner to the degree that i lost a lot of money.  so i decided to try and trade on the forum.  i deal with some of the darker parts of the web, so i'm not ignorant of the rampant scamming that resides there/here.

well, i sent over $1975 USD in MP to june a few hours ago.  he confirmed and sent the btc to my wallet from 3 accounts.   well, there is NOTHING on the blockchain for my btc wallet and it has been an hour and a half.   i am going to wait a couple more hours in the hopes that either:

1.  a slight delay was caused by something unknown.
2.  he used my funds to "pay paul" if you will and its going to take a few hours for him to figure out how to get it to me on time.

i don't like the odds on either of them, but that is all i got really.   because barring that, i just lost about all the money i have, and of course to make it worse.... the partner that got the run around with bitinstant last week?   yeah, he still trusts me because i'm a quality human being and he pitched in half of that money.   so i'm gonna be flat broke, owe a grand, and probably lose a pretty good friend out of the deal.


please restore my faith in humanity brother.   i'm not sure you realize what type of impact this is going to have on my life.   more than a little bit.   for sure.


In case anyone feels like following along at home......


Re: (No subject)
« Sent to: Juneteenth on: Today at 03:38:06 PM »


$1000 and $975
Purchased in Dallas, TX at the same walmart at the same time.
man, i feel crazy doing this out of escrow.  make me a believer in mankind Smiley  Thanks.

Both going to wallet:

Re: (No subject)
« Sent to: txlegally on: Today at 03:45:25 PM »
Okay got both. I'm calling greendot to verify now which is 3 mins or less

Re: (No subject)
« Sent to: txlegally on: Today at 03:58:10 PM »
Okay both are good. I will be sending from three different wallets

Re: (No subject)
« Sent to: Juneteenth on: Today at 04:48:59 PM »
thanks man.  a pleasure doing business.  if you are up for it in the future let me know.  i was part of the bitinstant fiasco last week and that is why i'm here.  so, if you need to cash out let me know.... and if you prefer another load card type....let me know that too and i'll get it instead.

thanks again.

Re: (No subject)
« Sent to: txlegally on: Today at 04:26:26 PM »

okay and yoou should be seeing them soon

That is the last message as he is now offline.  Its been three hours.   My wallet address not showing any activity on the blockchain.  of course i feel stupid for doing it, but man i really am more upset that people just don't care what the effect of their actions are for people like me.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: nottm28 on June 20, 2013, 08:36:57 PM
well, i chose to believe juneteenth after reviewing this thread.   mainly because he didn't just go away like a good scammer would.   i guess it takes a guy like me, who simply wants to believe not everyone in this world is trying to fuck people over, to ensure that some of you all use better judgement.

in fact, at this moment i am still giving him the benefit of the doubt..... and its fucking really hard to do.   i was part of the bitinstant fiasco last week and had a couple grand tied up in that deal.  not all of it was mine, and i ended up having to compensate that partner to the degree that i lost a lot of money.  so i decided to try and trade on the forum.  i deal with some of the darker parts of the web, so i'm not ignorant of the rampant scamming that resides there/here.

well, i sent over $1975 USD in MP to june a few hours ago.  he confirmed and sent the btc to my wallet from 3 accounts.   well, there is NOTHING on the blockchain for my btc wallet and it has been an hour and a half.   i am going to wait a couple more hours in the hopes that either:

1.  a slight delay was caused by something unknown.
2.  he used my funds to "pay paul" if you will and its going to take a few hours for him to figure out how to get it to me on time.

i don't like the odds on either of them, but that is all i got really.   because barring that, i just lost about all the money i have, and of course to make it worse.... the partner that got the run around with bitinstant last week?   yeah, he still trusts me because i'm a quality human being and he pitched in half of that money.   so i'm gonna be flat broke, owe a grand, and probably lose a pretty good friend out of the deal.


please restore my faith in humanity brother.   i'm not sure you realize what type of impact this is going to have on my life.   more than a little bit.   for sure.


Hope you get your coins. I was hoping June was genuine too. Good luck but learn a lesson - if in doubt and you aren't feeling the warmth and seeing the glowing appraisals from others doing the trade with the person, ask for escrow - it's only usually 1.5%-2% - once you have established trust you can take the gamble and go direct. But big numbers like $2k should always be escrow imo.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: nottm28 on June 20, 2013, 08:40:39 PM
That is the last message as he is now offline.  Its been three hours.   My wallet address not showing any activity on the blockchain.  of course i feel stupid for doing it, but man i really am more upset that people just don't care what the effect of their actions are for people like me.

3 hours is not enough time to start panicking. He could be in different timezone etc. Please keep us updated. I (and may others) are watching this thread.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 20, 2013, 10:12:45 PM
solidshotnosh - you are either a troll or a dickhead. Either way my 5 btc offer stands to resolve this.
You accuse me of multi accounts, thereby breaking the forum rules, thereby being unhonourable.
Unless you put up the coins, l consider your accusation complete garbage. Nothing further needs to be said to you.

Multi-forum accounts are not against forum rules and actually encourages for business vs personal or for people who want to express controversial views...

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 20, 2013, 10:17:09 PM
June - lie about what exactly? I never said paypal wouldn't automatically find in my favour after the prescribed time for you to respond elapses.

It just sucks that you have made me wait 2 weeks for the time to elapse. You could have contacted them at any time to resolve it. And dont say you did - they have heard nothing from you.

Instead of you apologizing to me for making me go through this waiting because of you using a NON-verified paypal account. You keep trying to throw mud at me.

Now is the time for you to say "sorry mate, I hope you get your funds back with no further issues tomorrow".

I do want to point out (for posterity's sake so people reading this can learn a less for this) that you do know if you are paying a verified or non-verified account.  It's right there on paypal.

June - lie about what exactly? I never said paypal wouldn't automatically find in my favour after the prescribed time for you to respond elapses.

It just sucks that you have made me wait 2 weeks for the time to elapse. You could have contacted them at any time to resolve it. And dont say you did - they have heard nothing from you.

Instead of you apologizing to me for making me go through this waiting because of you using a NON-verified paypal account. You keep trying to throw mud at me.

Now is the time for you to say "sorry mate, I hope you get your funds back with no further issues tomorrow".

No the problem is Paypal Miscommunication. They have on record each time i call about my account. Now if i were to call paypal and ask about your account (meaning when did you call and things of that nature) they wouldnt tell me.. because of privacy policy. Of course they won't tell you. All they told me was they were "working on it" and you cannot rush Paypal. As much as i tried i finally kept getting the "June 20th" story. SO I have helped enough but you won't believe me. June 20th which is what the email says. See you when its back in your account sir.

P.S. You and XBOXGAMES (which is a confirmed scammer) bashed me repeatedly. So no i don't owe an apology based off that. I'll just be glad when this situation is over because i don't take paypal anymore because of this.

Do you owe him an apology?  Probably, but it's not good business practice to not give one even if it isn't your fault.  And who cares what another user says about this situation, you're the seller, YOUR reputation is more important than his, man up, swallow your pride and apologize.  You don't want people coming back to this thread and not doing business with you because of your attitude.

Seriously!  Do either of you know anything about business practices?  It's like the threat is beign dominated by two people with hot headed emotions and not rational business thought!

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 20, 2013, 10:19:27 PM
well, i chose to believe juneteenth after reviewing this thread.   mainly because he didn't just go away like a good scammer would.   i guess it takes a guy like me, who simply wants to believe not everyone in this world is trying to fuck people over, to ensure that some of you all use better judgement.

in fact, at this moment i am still giving him the benefit of the doubt..... and its fucking really hard to do.   i was part of the bitinstant fiasco last week and had a couple grand tied up in that deal.  not all of it was mine, and i ended up having to compensate that partner to the degree that i lost a lot of money.  so i decided to try and trade on the forum.  i deal with some of the darker parts of the web, so i'm not ignorant of the rampant scamming that resides there/here.

well, i sent over $1975 USD in MP to june a few hours ago.  he confirmed and sent the btc to my wallet from 3 accounts.   well, there is NOTHING on the blockchain for my btc wallet and it has been an hour and a half.   i am going to wait a couple more hours in the hopes that either:

1.  a slight delay was caused by something unknown.
2.  he used my funds to "pay paul" if you will and its going to take a few hours for him to figure out how to get it to me on time.

i don't like the odds on either of them, but that is all i got really.   because barring that, i just lost about all the money i have, and of course to make it worse.... the partner that got the run around with bitinstant last week?   yeah, he still trusts me because i'm a quality human being and he pitched in half of that money.   so i'm gonna be flat broke, owe a grand, and probably lose a pretty good friend out of the deal.


please restore my faith in humanity brother.   i'm not sure you realize what type of impact this is going to have on my life.   more than a little bit.   for sure.


In case anyone feels like following along at home......


Re: (No subject)
« Sent to: Juneteenth on: Today at 03:38:06 PM »


$1000 and $975
Purchased in Dallas, TX at the same walmart at the same time.
man, i feel crazy doing this out of escrow.  make me a believer in mankind Smiley  Thanks.

Both going to wallet:

Re: (No subject)
« Sent to: txlegally on: Today at 03:45:25 PM »
Okay got both. I'm calling greendot to verify now which is 3 mins or less

Re: (No subject)
« Sent to: txlegally on: Today at 03:58:10 PM »
Okay both are good. I will be sending from three different wallets

Re: (No subject)
« Sent to: Juneteenth on: Today at 04:48:59 PM »
thanks man.  a pleasure doing business.  if you are up for it in the future let me know.  i was part of the bitinstant fiasco last week and that is why i'm here.  so, if you need to cash out let me know.... and if you prefer another load card type....let me know that too and i'll get it instead.

thanks again.

Re: (No subject)
« Sent to: txlegally on: Today at 04:26:26 PM »

okay and yoou should be seeing them soon

That is the last message as he is now offline.  Its been three hours.   My wallet address not showing any activity on the blockchain.  of course i feel stupid for doing it, but man i really am more upset that people just don't care what the effect of their actions are for people like me.

Well if it shows up here shortly all is good, but why would you do out of escrow in that amount with a person who has outstanding issues on the board??

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 20, 2013, 10:59:16 PM
I 2nd what wulabs just said.
I really hope it works out for you txlegally. Damn...and I thought I was trusting.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: txlegally on June 21, 2013, 02:27:53 AM
I can already tell you its not going to work out.  I'm assuming the problems he had with you is he was using a stolen paypal account or likely some other fraudulent way of doing things through them.  otherwise, I would be very interested in finding out what paypal account your refund is processed through... if it is.

bitcoin is anonymous, but pp isn't.  but i'm gonna give him credit and say he's at least that far ahead of this thing.

and yes, i understand the obvious.  i'm trusting, but it really isn't about that so much.  to be honest its all about greed.  i was in a hurry because those btc stood to make me a nice chunk of change.  instead of waiting for one of the two other vendors on here that have messaged me and are clearly on the level, i just had to get my btc so i could make a cutoff time to get a product by a certain date... and it was about money.    so greed and impatience.  i little stupidity thrown in there and someone who simply doesn't give a shit about anyone but themselves and there you have it.

what's sad is he could have made some good money off me, more than he made today, if he would just actually sell bitcoins to me.   i'm past mad, and i'm not going to cry.   i do know something that he doesn't know about moneypaks, in general, and he did break the law.  bitcoins have a tangible value and everything i do with them is above board. .. err not illegal anyway.


Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 21, 2013, 06:50:46 AM
Wow. That sucks dude. For someone who may have lost that much $$ you seem more annoyed with yourself than him. It shouldn't matter that it would of resulted in you getting profit or not - accepting blame for getting scammed is bogus. No one has the right to take advantage of anyone else. We dont blame the baby when the adult steals his candy because the baby was too weak etc etc.

Of the 2 possible outcomes ( I believe you won't get anything from him so that's not included) it'll be interesting for me to see which one happens from here. It'll either be June disappears for good or he gets back on here protesting his innocense and how's none of it is his fault yadda yadda.

I myself am still waiting for my funds. Today is the 1st day after the 10 day response period. June never responded to paypal - his statement that PP wouldn't tell me one way or other due to privacy is total crap. If he responded, the case would have closed in my favour.

What details do you have of him? I paid his paypal in name of Mike Harris on email

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: txlegally on June 21, 2013, 12:06:19 PM
oh, he is definitely gone from this site, under that account anyway.   because with paypal he could bs for a a bit, he just happened to be bullshitting the wrong crowd.   there is enough collective knowledge on PP's process that it was obvious he was using a hacked account.  which can be purchased for about 5 bucks on black market reloaded..... so it is clear that was his game and that is why he wouldn't/couldn't really put any effort in to helping you.   in your case paypal protected the true account owner, and you got screwed in the process.

with me, there is no story to try and stick by like he had an emergency and so he waited etc.   he said he sent the btc.   past tense.   i think we all know the odds of a btc transaction not ever showing up on the blockchain.  odds are even worse that something like that could hapen when sending coin from three wallets to one addressusing three wallets to fund it with.   i would venture the odds are at least 100:1 that all three wallets somehow malfunctioned etc.

he's gone.  if i'm wrong i'll give him 25% for coming back to fix it.   unfortunately  i'm not, he's gone.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: frott on June 22, 2013, 02:20:23 AM
I have figured out why!
It seems as if paypal took the exchange fees when converting to USD from AUD so apparently its lot letting me send because i do not have the 16.88 USD in conversion fees.. IDK why but this is BS. the proof is below.

just a heads up, try searching for AMATEUR porn black next time.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 22, 2013, 02:53:12 AM
"just a heads up, try searching for AMATEUR porn black next time."

lol. i cant believe no one else has picked that up before now. haha.

I think its finally been confirmed for good that Juneteenth is a scammer. To those that read the whole of this thread and still were wanting to believe his stories and that the blame was with paypal and not him... well i guess we all have learned something.

oh  btw, June is Argentinian (which is why his english wasn't the best) and his name is supposedly Mike Harris (per paypal). I am not 100% sure, but Mike Harris doesn't exactly sound like a name from that part of the world. Just a thought.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 22, 2013, 03:42:02 AM
whoa!! I just read this I have not been on here in 3 days. I did a password reset which was successful.  Txtlegally please pm me i never even exchange with you but i see a boatload of messages from you. Hopefully we can clear this up the right way by pm thanks :-)

Also Goose got his refund 100% from paypal EXACTLY WHEN THEY TOLD ME HE WOULD GET IT. I can also screenshot it if need be.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 22, 2013, 04:03:42 AM
"just a heads up, try searching for AMATEUR porn black next time."

lol. i cant believe no one else has picked that up before now. haha.

I think its finally been confirmed for good that Juneteenth is a scammer. To those that read the whole of this thread and still were wanting to believe his stories and that the blame was with paypal and not him... well i guess we all have learned something.

oh  btw, June is Argentinian (which is why his english wasn't the best) and his name is supposedly Mike Harris (per paypal). I am not 100% sure, but Mike Harris doesn't exactly sound like a name from that part of the world. Just a thought.

BAHAHAHA!  How did I not see that!  I've watched that video so many times now!

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 22, 2013, 04:04:31 AM
whoa!! I just read this I have not been on here in 3 days. I did a password reset which was successful.  Txtlegally please pm me i never even exchange with you but i see a boatload of messages from you. Hopefully we can clear this up the right way by pm thanks :-)

Also Goose got his refund 100% from paypal EXACTLY WHEN THEY TOLD ME HE WOULD GET IT. I can also screenshot it if need be.

With the amount of accusations here against you, i think you'd be best off preemptively screen-shotting it for all to see that this has been resolved.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 22, 2013, 12:50:44 PM
Here ya go :

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 22, 2013, 01:14:20 PM
No need for that June.
I've always confirmed that paypal were going to refund me once response period elapsed.
It just sucked that I had my funds in limbo and had to wait.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 22, 2013, 01:17:56 PM
No need for that June.
I've always confirmed that paypal were going to refund me once response period elapsed.
It just sucked that I had my funds in limbo and had to wait.

this is resolved.. and i removed your negative feedback. thank you for being patient and hopefully you will do the same.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: BitNit on June 22, 2013, 02:40:51 PM

Quoting so can edit. Maybe someone should look into the IPs he has on his search bar?

Why are you here acting like a standup guy with the paypal reversal? You already stole dudes moneypak and the only reason you didn't steal the paypal is because you couldn't, not because you are honest. Well good thing for you the paypal denied you from scamming you actually ended up with more because of it... sad really.

Have fun with your amateur porn black scumbag. You are the reason I will never have kids.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 22, 2013, 02:48:02 PM

Quoting so can edit. Maybe someone should look into the IPs he has on his search bar?

Why are you here acting like a standup guy with the paypal reversal? You already stole dudes moneypak and the only reason you didn't steal the paypal is because you couldn't, not because you are honest. Well good thing for you the paypal denied you from scamming you actually ended up with more because of it... sad really.

Have fun with your amateur porn black scumbag. You are the reason I will never have kids.
first off.. I did not steal that guys moneypak. Secondly.. any moderator can read my ip and pm's and check that i had to do a PASSWORD reset because i got locked out of my account, but i did help to resolve it if that persons sends me a message. He isn't online so he has not. Leave it be. Has nothing to do with you or anyone else. Nobody tried to steal his paypal if you read the thread correctly.. But as childish you are.. its probably a stretch for you to read. Now leave it alone please.

BTW.. That's dollar amounts.. NOT IPS.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: BitNit on June 22, 2013, 02:59:49 PM
If you didn't steal is moneypak what did you do with it? Or are you claiming someone hacked into a scammers account to scam and now you recovered your account? How convenient.

Sad part is there are prob a few out there that believe you. 

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 22, 2013, 03:50:09 PM
oh no i didnt steal. I got locked out of my account and i got into it last night an dsaw the messages. Im being nothing but honest.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: HelpPlease on June 22, 2013, 03:54:11 PM
Scammer gonna scam.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: iANDROID on June 22, 2013, 05:18:13 PM
Watch out!;topicseen

Quote from: iANDROID on Today at 05:00:02 PM
Address, it's all what you have to write.
no i shouldnt have to. If i just said i would use escrow then what the deal. Locking this thread due to assholes.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 22, 2013, 05:19:07 PM
stop it i am not a scammer. I wouldnt be surprised if u all were the same person

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: iANDROID on June 22, 2013, 05:24:05 PM
stop it i am not a scammer. I wouldnt be surprised if u all were the same person

You don't want to provide your BTC Address. Now, go away or post it.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: HelpPlease on June 22, 2013, 05:50:33 PM
Post the address. People will then shut up. Obviously you don't have the coins. You are a scammer, but at least you are bad at it.Except for the guy who sent you 1k. He wwasn't very smart either.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Burdy on June 22, 2013, 07:08:34 PM
Post the address. People will then shut up. Obviously you don't have the coins. You are a scammer, but at least you are bad at it.Except for the guy who sent you 1k. He wwasn't very smart either.

LOL pretty much sums it up

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 22, 2013, 08:28:37 PM
Glad to see this was resolved.  Goose?  June?  Both of you guys learn your lessons about using unverified PP accounts???  At least glad that at the end of the day everyone is back even par for the course.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 22, 2013, 10:15:00 PM
Post the address. People will then shut up. Obviously you don't have the coins. You are a scammer, but at least you are bad at it.Except for the guy who sent you 1k. He wwasn't very smart either.
HelpPlease how about u give the money back u scammed from this person :

Also yes we learned a lesson. If we exchange in the future escrow is a must and no paypal.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: txlegally on June 22, 2013, 10:40:09 PM
yeah, i'm still waitin on $1975 worth of btc from you.  i can't believe you are still trying to act like nothing is wrong.  are you saying you didn't take the moneypaks form me, just got hacked and then got your account back eh?   yeah that sounds right.  i'll PM you like i have been.

DO NOT TRADE with this guy whatsoever until he pay everybody there money and then would be silly as well.

i can't believe he came back. 

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 22, 2013, 10:43:49 PM
yeah, i'm still waitin on $1975 worth of btc from you.  i can't believe you are still trying to act like nothing is wrong.  are you saying you didn't take the moneypaks form me, just got hacked and then got your account back eh?   yeah that sounds right.  i'll PM you like i have been.

DO NOT TRADE with this guy whatsoever until he pay everybody there money and then would be silly as well.

i can't believe he came back. 
i didnt scam u and if u dont believe me sorry. Least im being honest. Why would i be here if i scammed. Also if u are from us leave your number for pm and i'd gladly call you.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: BitNit on June 23, 2013, 12:17:14 AM
yeah, i'm still waitin on $1975 worth of btc from you.  i can't believe you are still trying to act like nothing is wrong.  are you saying you didn't take the moneypaks form me, just got hacked and then got your account back eh?   yeah that sounds right.  i'll PM you like i have been.

DO NOT TRADE with this guy whatsoever until he pay everybody there money and then would be silly as well.

i can't believe he came back. 
i didnt scam u and if u dont believe me sorry. Least im being honest. Why would i be here if i scammed. Also if u are from us leave your number for pm and i'd gladly call you.

Why are you here because you did scam?

You are a scumbag.

Whoever has the receipt for the moneypak he stole please call the visa and file a report. It actually is against the law for him to steal your moneypak. PM me if you need help and maybe we can get this guy charged by the police. 

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: Juneteenth on June 23, 2013, 12:35:55 AM
yeah, i'm still waitin on $1975 worth of btc from you.  i can't believe you are still trying to act like nothing is wrong.  are you saying you didn't take the moneypaks form me, just got hacked and then got your account back eh?   yeah that sounds right.  i'll PM you like i have been.

DO NOT TRADE with this guy whatsoever until he pay everybody there money and then would be silly as well.

i can't believe he came back. 
i didnt scam u and if u dont believe me sorry. Least im being honest. Why would i be here if i scammed. Also if u are from us leave your number for pm and i'd gladly call you.

Why are you here because you did scam?

You are a scumbag.

Whoever has the receipt for the moneypak he stole please call the visa and file a report. It actually is against the law for him to steal your moneypak. PM me if you need help and maybe we can get this guy charged by the police. 

do what you want i did not steal this persons stuff! My account had to have get hacked smh.. And i asked this person to contact me.. which he said he was going to but did not.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: goose20 on June 23, 2013, 12:49:42 AM
What is everyone's opinion - should I lock this thread?
My issue with June has come to an end. ..others however are now having issues???

But although I will be getting my funds back, I still believe that's because of paypal fraud prevention not because of June being above board.

I am happy others have seen through June's BS and most people can see him for what he is. At the end of the day, its an endless list of problems with this guy.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 23, 2013, 07:34:34 AM
What is everyone's opinion - should I lock this thread?
My issue with June has come to an end. ..others however are now having issues???

But although I will be getting my funds back, I still believe that's because of paypal fraud prevention not because of June being above board.

I am happy others have seen through June's BS and most people can see him for what he is. At the end of the day, its an endless list of problems with this guy.

Goose, as your issue has been resolved, I think the thread should be locked.  These other claims need to be substantiated.  It could be just people making up stuff and jumping on the bandwagon, or it could be legit claims.  But one thing is for sure, they are separate claims and it'll just become a clusterf**k here if we try to solve it all at once.  For example, this moneypack guy hasn't offered any evidence of this money pack trade yet, but even if he were to do it here, it'd just get too messy.  If he has a real claim that he wants the community to help resolve, he needs to make a new thread and post real evidence.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: WuLabsWuTecH on June 23, 2013, 07:36:20 AM
If you didn't steal is moneypak what did you do with it? Or are you claiming someone hacked into a scammers account to scam and now you recovered your account? How convenient.

Sad part is there are prob a few out there that believe you. 

Going off my previous post, there is no evidence presented anywhere that he stole a moneypak. Right now it's just an unsubstantiated claim that could be true or false.

Title: Re: Member Juneteenth just took my US$425 and sent no 4.0 BTC
Post by: BitNit on June 23, 2013, 12:55:32 PM
If you didn't steal is moneypak what did you do with it? Or are you claiming someone hacked into a scammers account to scam and now you recovered your account? How convenient.

Sad part is there are prob a few out there that believe you. 

Going off my previous post, there is no evidence presented anywhere that he stole a moneypak. Right now it's just an unsubstantiated claim that could be true or false.

You are either

1 June alt account
2 completely retarded.

Helen Keller  could see this guys intentions. He didn't steal the paypal because their fraud prevention system stopped him. Wouldn't surprise me if hes from Nigeria.