Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Scam Accusations => Topic started by: Inaba on June 17, 2013, 06:03:49 AM

Title: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Inaba on June 17, 2013, 06:03:49 AM
I would like to nominate Phinnaeus Gage for a scammer tag.  He has openly admitted that he made a promise to donate and now intends to break that promise to donate $200 to a charity of my choice because he simply doesn't feel like parting with $200 now.

I am unable to locate the original post (perhaps he's deleted it?)

He upped the original amount from $100 to $200 here:
Speaking of charities, Josh. I'm upping my bit with you, of which you don't have to put anything up, to $200 USD, instead of the original $100 USD. I did read that you're having misgivings about EFF, so feel free to change your mind when the time comes where I hopefully have to pay out.

Tonight, I was copied on a PM that states he has no intention of honoring his commitment:

To be fair, I will concur that the bet (for lack of a better word) is satisfied as far as your obligation is concerned. It also satisfied my promise (mine was not a bet) to donate to a cause stipulated by Josh/BFL.

But, sadly, I am reneging on my promise for reasons I've outline on this forum. I may reverse that renegeration (just made that word up) at some future time, but for now I'm holding fast.

Me is no happy camper at the moment (nothing to do with your promise/bet, so don't take it personal, though feel free to judge me by my current action).

Mods are welcome to check my PM inbox for a PM from PG and verify that what I say is true.  Since PG admits he made a commitment and now openly admits that he has no intention of following through, I think a scammer tag is more than warranted at this point.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: SpaceCaptainKangaroo on June 17, 2013, 06:35:57 AM

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: willphase on June 17, 2013, 06:47:01 AM
I don't think mods do scammer tags any more - they rely on the 'Trust' feature of the forums.


Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Kruniac on June 17, 2013, 07:22:00 AM
I'm not trying to be rude, but this isn't scammer behavior. This is someone simply changing their mind about a business deal. Bad form? Yes. Scammer? No.

I believe a scammer tag would be more appropriate if he would have received some kind of good or service (outside of a minor amount of good will from the community for his promise) and then backed out of the agreement. However, it seems that both parties are no worse off than when they began the agreement, which means "null loss".

Unless you've made commitments yourself that his backing down has interrupted, you have no real grievance.

Welching on a bet is far less brazen than outright defrauding someone for coin. You probably should have used an escrow holder for the bet funds. :P

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: r3wt on June 17, 2013, 07:28:58 AM
what we have here is...

a facepalm into keyboard followed by destruction of the universe

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Deafboy on June 17, 2013, 07:39:57 AM
Inaba, would you consider his promise as fulfilled if he establish a charity organization with the goal to redistribute $200 to several organizations of your choice over unspecified period of time? :)


Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Kruniac on June 17, 2013, 07:41:08 AM
I'm not trying to be rude, but this isn't scammer behavior. This is someone simply changing their mind about a business deal. Bad form? Yes. Scammer? No.

I believe a scammer tag would be more appropriate if he would have received some kind of good or service (outside of a minor amount of good will from the community for his promise) and then backed out of the agreement. However, it seems that both parties are no worse off than when they began the agreement, which means "null loss".

Unless you've made commitments yourself that his backing down has interrupted, you have no real grievance.

Welching on a bet is far less brazen than outright defrauding someone for coin. You probably should have used an escrow holder for the bet funds. :P

How in the fuck are you not banned? holy fucking shit, i just read your trust rating. What the flipping EFF.

I mean.. I have some haters. And there have been a few misunderstandings. But overall, I'm a pretty nice guy. :)

scum like this will continue to brazenly taunt us until we cull them like they beg to be. want scamming to stop? lets defend ourselves.

Yeah. Rally the e-troops. Sharpen your keyboards. Huzzah!

+1 for the concept of "defending" yourselves. Use escrow. Use escrow. Finally, use escrow. Trust webs do not work. "You sent first" does not work. Verified signatures do not work.

PLEASE use escrow.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Benson Samuel on June 17, 2013, 09:45:58 AM
hahaha, LOL, this thread is gonna be good.

Phin a Scammer??? LMAO.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: greyhawk on June 17, 2013, 09:56:19 AM
Laffo, a scammer tag. How 2012 of you.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: naphto on June 17, 2013, 12:16:20 PM

brb getting popped corn.


Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Come-from-Beyond on June 17, 2013, 12:23:32 PM
I would like to nominate Phinnaeus Gage for a scammer tag.  He has openly admitted that he made a promise to donate and now intends to break that promise to donate $200 to a charity of my choice because he simply doesn't feel like parting with $200 now.

Are you serious, man baby?

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Inedible on June 17, 2013, 12:26:24 PM
This sounds like a lack of integrity rather than a scam.

As someone else said, for it to be a scam, they'd need to take a material benefit at the cost of someone else.

For example, if I offered to sell you a product and didn't deliver it after taking payment.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: buysellbitcoin on June 17, 2013, 12:33:58 PM
This is not done Phin... Everyone here is waiting with popcorn and few other things  :P

Please do not pen post so long that OP needs TL DR version  ;D

Oh and for god sake do not link Inaba and friedcat  :P


Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: usagi on June 17, 2013, 01:15:43 PM
I would like to nominate Phinnaeus Gage for a scammer tag.  He has openly admitted that he made a promise to donate and now intends to break that promise to donate $200 to a charity of my choice because he simply doesn't feel like parting with $200 now.

I know this is the wrong place to ask, but I'm having a devil of a time getting you to acknowledge your PMs. I sold some shares of BFLS.RIG or whatever it's called to Blank around six months ago, and despite several PMs cc's to both you and blank (and I assume some PMs from blank as well) we haven't heard a peep. I'm at the end of my rope on how to resolve this situation, it's just a pain in the neck, I'm sorry to bother you here but could you please give us a statement one way or the other, can you please change the payment address on file for my shares? Thanks.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Rawted on June 17, 2013, 02:24:56 PM
Inaba, would you consider his promise as fulfilled if he establish a charity organization with the goal to redistribute $200 to several organizations of your choice over unspecified period of time? :)


Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Welsh on June 17, 2013, 02:30:46 PM
Here's a definition of scheme:

"a fraudulent scheme; swindle."

"to cheat; defraud."

Scam, is normally taking a benefit from another party, other than the seller. Promising something and not doing it without taking any money etc, is not a scam. Instead it's just breaking a promise.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Inaba on June 17, 2013, 03:10:23 PM
This thread has turned into so many kinds of awesome, I can't even begin to describe.  :) 

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 17, 2013, 06:57:14 PM
I would like to nominate Phinnaeus Gage for a scammer tag.

This is amazing! It's been a long time since I've ever been nominated for anything. I hope all my friends show up at the awards ceremony along with the gala afterwards if the nomination proves fruitful. I have first dibs to dance with Rassah, and I hope somebody remembers to bring a goat.

No need for theymos to check the logs, for whatever been recently send via PM to Josh, I will confirm, being the dishonest guy I am and all. That includes the one in the OP.

Yep, Josh is so correct. I deserve the scammer tag for currently breaking a promise of sending $200 for I is so dishonest. Nevermind the fact that I've never scammed a single satoshi from anybody, nor have or will even think of doing such. Yet, I'm currently out over $100K due to this Bitcoin thingy, $500+ of which pertaining to three hero members on this forum who've ordered custom tooled leather ware from my brother-in-law and never paid me, but I paid Martin. To this day they have yet to reply to my emails and PMs, but I wouldn't even think of ratting out their names, let along request scammer tags, of which no longer exist on this forum. But I digress, for that's neither here nor there.

I also confirm that what Josh has stated about it first being a $100 promise, converted to a $200 one is true, and the post was not deleted because I'm not crazy...that would've lowered my post count allowing some other to past me by. Thus, Josh was mistakenTM when he penned his thinking that a post of mine may have gone AWOL.

I believe that it is so kind of Josh to offer up himself as a new toy for me to play with, even going so far as to creating a special thread for the occasion for all to read and enjoy. As a special perk to his obligations at BFL, he gets to do such on company time on Sonny K.'s (oops! wrong guy) dime. I have no way in knowing, but maybe he's doing such on his breaks or just passing time while waiting for the phone call from the FCC informing BFL that all systems are go.

I received a PM from a kind fellow Bitcoiner offering up to pay this debt. I haven't yet taking the time to reply to him, but I will be refusing his kind offer, for it's my obligation, one of which I will have no problem fulfilling--on my terms.

That said, I'll cave! I will be donating the $200 to a charity of BFL's choice in the future, for doing such in the past is too late. I will first recheck my posts to make sure that I do so within the specific time frame that I promised to do it in, that's if Josh didn't have the mods remove it because it was incorporated in some post he wanted deleted for being off-topic.

As the time approaches for me to dole out the dough, I will first set up some trust fund accompanied with a Bitcoin address so that I'll be able to accept donations to augment the pool. One could argue that this is akin to the sauce/goose/gander idiom.

Sonny: Josh, why are you crying?
Josh: He's...he's...playin' me! And, but...
Sonny: Take it easy, bro! You just need a vacation.
Josh: Where?
Sonny: Got a conference coming up, and you'll be manning the booth. Sadly, once again we won't be mentioned on any of the official flyers, but you don't see me crying.
Josh: You's the bestest!
Sonny: I know! Now, suck my dick.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Inaba on June 17, 2013, 07:03:58 PM
Nice attempt as deflecting people away from the fact that you blatantly stated you would not honor a commitment you made.  No one cares about your red herrings or how piss poor of a decision maker you are or that you lost $100k out of your own stupidity. 

This thread is about how you are trying to weasel out of your commitment to donate $200 once certain conditions were met, which they have been.  If you want to setup a fund, by all means, please do so... I don't care. It's not about the $200, it's about the fact that you're a dishonest person at your core and you provide nothing positive to the bitcoin community.  You are a parasite and an attention whore; the only thing that matters to you is how much attention you get, not what effects your attention seeking have on your victims.

You even prove my point in this post: You wouldn't want to delete a post because it would lower your post count and someone would pass you by!  Yep, that's an important reason to have a high post count.  It's all about attention for you, I understand that.  It doesn't matter who you hurt in the process, so long as you get the attention, right?

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: r3wt on June 17, 2013, 07:11:20 PM
Nice attempt as deflecting people away from the fact that you blatantly stated you would not honor a commitment you made.  No one cares about your red herrings or how piss poor of a decision maker you are or that you lost $100k out of your own stupidity. 

This thread is about how you are trying to weasel out of your commitment to donate $200 once certain conditions were met, which they have been.  If you want to setup a fund, by all means, please do so... I don't care. It's not about the $200, it's about the fact that you're a dishonest person at your core and you provide nothing positive to the bitcoin community.  You are a parasite and an attention whore; the only thing that matters to you is how much attention you get, not what effects your attention seeking have on your victims.

You even prove my point in this post: You wouldn't want to delete a post because it would lower your post count and someone would pass you by!  Yep, that's an important reason to have a high post count.  It's all about attention for you, I understand that.  It doesn't matter who you hurt in the process, so long as you get the attention, right?

well actually what he has done doesn't warrant a scammer tag, since technically he didn't scam you. Did he fail on his promise? Yes. Did he scam you? No

Any promises of a donation made on the internet should be taken as a promise from a drunk friend.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Welsh on June 17, 2013, 07:14:25 PM
Nice attempt as deflecting people away from the fact that you blatantly stated you would not honor a commitment you made.  No one cares about your red herrings or how piss poor of a decision maker you are or that you lost $100k out of your own stupidity. 

This thread is about how you are trying to weasel out of your commitment to donate $200 once certain conditions were met, which they have been.  If you want to setup a fund, by all means, please do so... I don't care. It's not about the $200, it's about the fact that you're a dishonest person at your core and you provide nothing positive to the bitcoin community.  You are a parasite and an attention whore; the only thing that matters to you is how much attention you get, not what effects your attention seeking have on your victims.

You even prove my point in this post: You wouldn't want to delete a post because it would lower your post count and someone would pass you by!  Yep, that's an important reason to have a high post count.  It's all about attention for you, I understand that.  It doesn't matter who you hurt in the process, so long as you get the attention, right?

well actually what he has done doesn't warrant a scammer tag, since technically he didn't scam you. Did he fail on his promise? Yes. Did he scam you? No

Any promises of a donation made on the internet should be taken as a promise from a drunk friend.

The fact of the matter, people break promises. Imagine going to court because the TV promised me I would get thinner....jesus

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Inaba on June 17, 2013, 07:17:18 PM
Nice attempt as deflecting people away from the fact that you blatantly stated you would not honor a commitment you made.  No one cares about your red herrings or how piss poor of a decision maker you are or that you lost $100k out of your own stupidity. 

This thread is about how you are trying to weasel out of your commitment to donate $200 once certain conditions were met, which they have been.  If you want to setup a fund, by all means, please do so... I don't care. It's not about the $200, it's about the fact that you're a dishonest person at your core and you provide nothing positive to the bitcoin community.  You are a parasite and an attention whore; the only thing that matters to you is how much attention you get, not what effects your attention seeking have on your victims.

You even prove my point in this post: You wouldn't want to delete a post because it would lower your post count and someone would pass you by!  Yep, that's an important reason to have a high post count.  It's all about attention for you, I understand that.  It doesn't matter who you hurt in the process, so long as you get the attention, right?

well actually what he has done doesn't warrant a scammer tag, since technically he didn't scam you. Did he fail on his promise? Yes. Did he scam you? No

Any promises of a donation made on the internet should be taken as a promise from a drunk friend.

I'm not disagreeing with you.  I'm just proving a point.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: nimda on June 17, 2013, 07:18:36 PM
Welcome to dramatalk, where the scammer tags don't matter and everything is illegal :-*

I want to thank Phin for always being absolutely ridiculous in his characteristic deadpan manner. I imagine if held at gunpoint, he would begin to talk about some failed deal involving 3 laptops and half a duck.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: r3wt on June 17, 2013, 07:20:01 PM
Nice attempt as deflecting people away from the fact that you blatantly stated you would not honor a commitment you made.  No one cares about your red herrings or how piss poor of a decision maker you are or that you lost $100k out of your own stupidity. 

This thread is about how you are trying to weasel out of your commitment to donate $200 once certain conditions were met, which they have been.  If you want to setup a fund, by all means, please do so... I don't care. It's not about the $200, it's about the fact that you're a dishonest person at your core and you provide nothing positive to the bitcoin community.  You are a parasite and an attention whore; the only thing that matters to you is how much attention you get, not what effects your attention seeking have on your victims.

You even prove my point in this post: You wouldn't want to delete a post because it would lower your post count and someone would pass you by!  Yep, that's an important reason to have a high post count.  It's all about attention for you, I understand that.  It doesn't matter who you hurt in the process, so long as you get the attention, right?

well actually what he has done doesn't warrant a scammer tag, since technically he didn't scam you. Did he fail on his promise? Yes. Did he scam you? No

Any promises of a donation made on the internet should be taken as a promise from a drunk friend.

I'm not disagreeing with you.  I'm just proving a point.

Well consider your point proven. He broke the promise to donate. everyone's acknowledging that fact. Still doesn't make him a scammer. I once had a guy promise to donate 500 dollars on paypal for my website, and he did. problem is i don't have a verified pp. So i asked him if he would pay me in bitcoin instead and he said sure, deny the paypal donation and i will send you some btc. Never heard from him again.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: r3wt on June 17, 2013, 07:20:55 PM
Welcome to dramatalk, where the scammer tags don't matter and everything is illegal :-*

I want to thank Phin for always being absolutely ridiculous in his characteristic deadpan manner. I imagine if held at gunpoint, he would begin to talk about some failed deal involving 3 laptops and half a duck.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Inedible on June 17, 2013, 07:22:39 PM
I would like to nominate Phinnaeus Gage for a scammer tag.

This is amazing! It's been a long time since I've ever been nominated for anything. I hope all my friends show up at the awards ceremony along with the gala afterwards if the nomination proves fruitful. I have first dibs to dance with Rassah, and I hope somebody remembers to bring a goat.

No need for theymos to check the logs, for whatever been recently send via PM to Josh, I will confirm, being the dishonest guy I am and all. That includes the one in the OP.

Yep, Josh is so correct. I deserve the scammer tag for currently breaking a promise of sending $200 for I is so dishonest. Nevermind the fact that I've never scammed a single satoshi from anybody, nor have or will even think of doing such. Yet, I'm currently out over $100K due to this Bitcoin thingy, $500+ of which pertaining to three hero members on this forum who've ordered custom tooled leather ware from my brother-in-law and never paid me, but I paid Martin. To this day they have yet to reply to my emails and PMs, but I wouldn't even think of ratting out their names, let along request scammer tags, of which no longer exist on this forum. But I digress, for that's neither here nor there.

I also confirm that what Josh has stated about it first being a $100 promise, converted to a $200 one is true, and the post was not deleted because I'm not crazy...that would've lowered my post count allowing some other to past me by. Thus, Josh was mistakenTM when he penned his thinking that a post of mine may have gone AWOL.

I believe that it is so kind of Josh to offer up himself as a new toy for me to play with, even going so far as to creating a special thread for the occasion for all to read and enjoy. As a special perk to his obligations at BFL, he gets to do such on company time on Sonny K.'s (oops! wrong guy) dime. I have no way in knowing, but maybe he's doing such on his breaks or just passing time while waiting for the phone call from the FCC informing BFL that all systems are go.

I received a PM from a kind fellow Bitcoiner offering up to pay this debt. I haven't yet taking the time to reply to him, but I will be refusing his kind offer, for it's my obligation, one of which I will have no problem fulfilling--on my terms.

That said, I'll cave! I will be donating the $200 to a charity of BFL's choice in the future, for doing such in the past is too late. I will first recheck my posts to make sure that I do so within the specific time frame that I promised to do it in, that's if Josh didn't have the mods remove it because it was incorporated in some post he wanted deleted for being off-topic.

As the time approaches for me to dole out the dough, I will first set up some trust fund accompanied with a Bitcoin address so that I'll be able to accept donations to augment the pool. One could argue that this is akin to the sauce/goose/gander idiom.

Sonny: Josh, why are you crying?
Josh: He's...he's...playin' me! And, but...
Sonny: Take it easy, bro! You just need a vacation.
Josh: Where?
Sonny: Got a conference coming up, and you'll be manning the booth. Sadly, once again we won't be mentioned on any of the official flyers, but you don't see me crying.
Josh: You's the bestest!
Sonny: I know! Now, suck my dick.

I can't see how awarding you with a scammer tag would be of benefit to anyone. It would just devalue the scammer tag.

Not keeping a commitment, now that's going to take a hit on your integrity.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: pheaonix on June 17, 2013, 07:23:58 PM
Nice attempt as deflecting people away from the fact that you blatantly stated you would not honor a commitment you made.  No one cares about your red herrings or how piss poor of a decision maker you are or that you lost $100k out of your own stupidity. 

This thread is about how you are trying to weasel out of your commitment to donate $200 once certain conditions were met, which they have been.  If you want to setup a fund, by all means, please do so... I don't care. It's not about the $200, it's about the fact that you're a dishonest person at your core and you provide nothing positive to the bitcoin community.  You are a parasite and an attention whore; the only thing that matters to you is how much attention you get, not what effects your attention seeking have on your victims.

You even prove my point in this post: You wouldn't want to delete a post because it would lower your post count and someone would pass you by!  Yep, that's an important reason to have a high post count.  It's all about attention for you, I understand that.  It doesn't matter who you hurt in the process, so long as you get the attention, right?

its only fair that phin can go by the same rules you did for your "donation" because of a lost bet. Remember how you set up a donation fund for your own "company", so you could dodge paying out? phin should be able to set up the "inaba is a faggot" charity, where all proceeds go towards making inaba butthurt. Phin would be the sole recipient of the funds. Get to it!

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Inedible on June 17, 2013, 07:24:07 PM
Phinnaeus, was a date set for the payment date?

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Minor Miner on June 17, 2013, 07:28:24 PM

I have only one thing to say about this.  I do not think, you of all the people on this forum, should post searchable words like scam or criminal behavior etc. with your name.   I think you should LIE LOW.   Very low.   You have pissed far too many people off through either, fraud or incompetence (or association with complete fraud or incompetence) and you probably do not want to keep building a searchable database where some authority actually finds your name(s) and then keeps searching....
And, then they find crime after crime after crime.   And then, they might actually get off their ass and do something that the taxpayers pay them to do.   That would not be so fun for you.    These searches are simple, even a computer moron like me successfully did them and found tax evasion, money laundering and fraud all publicly advertised by Inaba and Josh Zerlin.    Do not assume a government employee is incompetent.   Take my advice.   Lie low, shut your mouth and be glad you are currently free.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: r3wt on June 17, 2013, 07:28:35 PM
I would like to nominate Phinnaeus Gage for a scammer tag.

This is amazing! It's been a long time since I've ever been nominated for anything. I hope all my friends show up at the awards ceremony along with the gala afterwards if the nomination proves fruitful. I have first dibs to dance with Rassah, and I hope somebody remembers to bring a goat.

No need for theymos to check the logs, for whatever been recently send via PM to Josh, I will confirm, being the dishonest guy I am and all. That includes the one in the OP.

Yep, Josh is so correct. I deserve the scammer tag for currently breaking a promise of sending $200 for I is so dishonest. Nevermind the fact that I've never scammed a single satoshi from anybody, nor have or will even think of doing such. Yet, I'm currently out over $100K due to this Bitcoin thingy, $500+ of which pertaining to three hero members on this forum who've ordered custom tooled leather ware from my brother-in-law and never paid me, but I paid Martin. To this day they have yet to reply to my emails and PMs, but I wouldn't even think of ratting out their names, let along request scammer tags, of which no longer exist on this forum. But I digress, for that's neither here nor there.

I also confirm that what Josh has stated about it first being a $100 promise, converted to a $200 one is true, and the post was not deleted because I'm not crazy...that would've lowered my post count allowing some other to past me by. Thus, Josh was mistakenTM when he penned his thinking that a post of mine may have gone AWOL.

I believe that it is so kind of Josh to offer up himself as a new toy for me to play with, even going so far as to creating a special thread for the occasion for all to read and enjoy. As a special perk to his obligations at BFL, he gets to do such on company time on Sonny K.'s (oops! wrong guy) dime. I have no way in knowing, but maybe he's doing such on his breaks or just passing time while waiting for the phone call from the FCC informing BFL that all systems are go.

I received a PM from a kind fellow Bitcoiner offering up to pay this debt. I haven't yet taking the time to reply to him, but I will be refusing his kind offer, for it's my obligation, one of which I will have no problem fulfilling--on my terms.

That said, I'll cave! I will be donating the $200 to a charity of BFL's choice in the future, for doing such in the past is too late. I will first recheck my posts to make sure that I do so within the specific time frame that I promised to do it in, that's if Josh didn't have the mods remove it because it was incorporated in some post he wanted deleted for being off-topic.

As the time approaches for me to dole out the dough, I will first set up some trust fund accompanied with a Bitcoin address so that I'll be able to accept donations to augment the pool. One could argue that this is akin to the sauce/goose/gander idiom.

Sonny: Josh, why are you crying?
Josh: He's...he's...playin' me! And, but...
Sonny: Take it easy, bro! You just need a vacation.
Josh: Where?
Sonny: Got a conference coming up, and you'll be manning the booth. Sadly, once again we won't be mentioned on any of the official flyers, but you don't see me crying.
Josh: You's the bestest!
Sonny: I know! Now, suck my dick.

I can't see how awarding you with a scammer tag would be of benefit to anyone. It would just devalue the scammer tag.

Not keeping a commitment, now that's going to take a hit on your integrity.

A hit on his integrity? among who, beggers and bums? I certainly don't think any less of him

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Inedible on June 17, 2013, 07:30:39 PM
A hit on his integrity? among who, beggers and bums? I certainly don't think any less of him

Why doesn't someone who doesn't keep their commitments not bother you?

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Minor Miner on June 17, 2013, 07:31:24 PM
Phinnaeus, was a date set for the payment date?
are you implying that since a hard date was not set by josh to donate 1000btc to charity that josh is free to do it "when hell freezes over?"

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: moiraine on June 17, 2013, 07:35:29 PM
I love the scam accusations section, it's like the new reddit for me.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 17, 2013, 07:35:55 PM
Welcome to dramatalk, where the scammer tags don't matter and everything is illegal :-*

I want to thank Phin for always being absolutely ridiculous in his characteristic deadpan manner. I imagine if held at gunpoint, he would begin to talk about some failed deal involving 3 laptops and half a duck.

It'll be a 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 duck.

Phinnaeus, was a date set for the payment date?

Yes. In the future.

Nice attempt as deflecting people away from the fact that you blatantly stated you would not honor a commitment you made.  No one cares about your red herrings or how piss poor of a decision maker you are or that you lost $100k out of your own stupidity.  

This thread is about how you are trying to weasel out of your commitment to donate $200 once certain conditions were met, which they have been.  If you want to setup a fund, by all means, please do so... I don't care. It's not about the $200, it's about the fact that you're a dishonest person at your core and you provide nothing positive to the bitcoin community.  You are a parasite and an attention whore; the only thing that matters to you is how much attention you get, not what effects your attention seeking have on your victims.

You even prove my point in this post: You wouldn't want to delete a post because it would lower your post count and someone would pass you by!  Yep, that's an important reason to have a high post count.  It's all about attention for you, I understand that.  It doesn't matter who you hurt in the process, so long as you get the attention, right?

I'm not deflecting. I'm caving.

Deflecting is when asked about FCC certs but avoiding the question. Or asking about Sonny K. of whom you claimed to have met but have yet produced.

Are you sure you're not looking in a mirror while you're posting on this wonderful thread?

Remind me to never go fishing with you, for you always take the bait. I baited you to start this thread, and baited you again to comment on my post count comment. I suggest you move to where there's more oxygen in the water unless, of course, it's a mercury issue.

It doesn't matter who you hurt in the process, so long as you get the attention, right?

WTF! Who am I hurting in the process while I'm amassing all this attention for myself?

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Inedible on June 17, 2013, 07:38:49 PM
Phinnaeus, was a date set for the payment date?
are you implying that since a hard date was not set by josh to donate 1000btc to charity that josh is free to do it "when hell freezes over?"

I'm suggesting that I doubt anyone would be particularly upset if a commitment wasn't kept to someone else who seems to not understand what a commitment is.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: r3wt on June 17, 2013, 07:41:09 PM
A hit on his integrity? among who, beggers and bums? I certainly don't think any less of him

Why doesn't someone who doesn't keep their commitments not bother you?

because lifes a bitch, people lie, stfu and get over it. aint gonna do you a bit of good to sit and dwell on it. <<this is the hardest lesson for most people to learn in life and the sooner you do the better you'll be. You'll learn to rely on yourself instead of relying on everyone else.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Minor Miner on June 17, 2013, 07:54:17 PM
Phinnaeus, was a date set for the payment date?
are you implying that since a hard date was not set by josh to donate 1000btc to charity that josh is free to do it "when hell freezes over?"

I'm suggesting that I doubt anyone would be particularly upset if a commitment wasn't kept to someone else who seems to not understand what a commitment is.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: r3wt on June 17, 2013, 08:03:37 PM

I assume that's either a typo or someone switched the t and the d on your keyboard

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Inedible on June 17, 2013, 08:13:45 PM
A hit on his integrity? among who, beggers and bums? I certainly don't think any less of him

Why doesn't someone who doesn't keep their commitments not bother you?

because lifes a bitch, people lie, stfu and get over it. aint gonna do you a bit of good to sit and dwell on it. <<this is the hardest lesson for most people to learn in life and the sooner you do the better you'll be. You'll learn to rely on yourself instead of relying on everyone else.

Who's dwelling and who's relying on anyone else?

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Inedible on June 17, 2013, 08:14:38 PM

I assume that's either a typo or someone switched the t and the d on your keyboard

Can't tell if this is sarcasm or not but the impression I'm left with is you're not good with nuance or subtext.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: TheFootMan on June 17, 2013, 08:20:17 PM
Yep, that's an important reason to have a high post count.  It's all about attention for you, I understand that.  It doesn't matter who you hurt in the process, so long as you get the attention, right?

Does anyone know, are these dudes grown men?

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Inaba on June 17, 2013, 08:21:18 PM
WTF! Who am I hurting in the process while I'm amassing all this attention for myself?

I'm sure Josh Wepman is real pleased with you for starters.

Yep, you sure baited me.  You are a mastermind, that's for sure!  heh.  Just glad that I'm able to do my part to expose what a worthless piece of shit you are.

The whole point of this thread is to show what a joke your accusations are when they are turned around on you.  You make the same accusations against BFL, yet when they apply to you the sky is suddenly falling.  I've accomplished the whole point of this thread.  You are a hypocrite, liar, untrustworthy and dishonest, all exemplified beautifully in this  one tidy thread. Yep, you are a master baiter, for sure!

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: chmod755 on June 17, 2013, 08:22:32 PM

Phinnaeus Gage did not keep this promise, but he would've been scammer tagged a long time ago, if he was here to steal money.

You didn't lose money, what are you even doing here? The internet police doesn't handle cases like this one ::)

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: jjdub7 on June 17, 2013, 08:46:18 PM
This sounds like a lack of integrity rather than a scam.

As someone else said, for it to be a scam, they'd need to take a material benefit at the cost of someone else.

For example, if I offered to sell you a product and didn't deliver it after taking payment.

I'd like to nominate this post for Best Post of 2013.  I laughed for a solid 3 minutes alone in my room.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: r3wt on June 17, 2013, 08:47:11 PM

I assume that's either a typo or someone switched the t and the d on your keyboard

Can't tell if this is sarcasm or not but the impression I'm left with is you're not good with nuance or subtext.

I'll have trolling for 200 please, Alex.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 17, 2013, 09:12:25 PM
WTF! Who am I hurting in the process while I'm amassing all this attention for myself?

I'm sure Josh Wepman is real pleased with you for starters.

Yep, you sure baited me.  You are a mastermind, that's for sure!  heh.  Just glad that I'm able to do my part to expose what a worthless piece of shit you are.

The whole point of this thread is to show what a joke your accusations are when they are turned around on you.  You make the same accusations against BFL, yet when they apply to you the sky is suddenly falling.  I've accomplished the whole point of this thread.  You are a hypocrite, liar, untrustworthy and dishonest, all exemplified beautifully in this  one tidy thread. Yep, you are a master baiter, for sure!

True! I was mistakenTM when I penned post(s) pertaining to Josh Wepman, but it wouldn't have happened if somebody with the same namesake wasn't so evasive to inquiries at the time, some of which have yet to be addressed by BFL.

You are a hypocrite, liar, untrustworthy and dishonest, all exemplified beautifully in this  one tidy thread.

And you concluded all this via me not currently ponying up a $200 charitable donation. Amazing, you are! (fuck me! this sounds like something similar Josh would, and has penned)

BTW, what's the latest with letting the community know further information about Sonny K., whom you claimed to have met, and about the in-two-weeksTM statement from the FCC?

I believe one of us has our priorities skewed, and it's not the one penning this post.

Also, when you get off work today, try to refrain from texting replies while on the KC autobahn, for you might rearend a tractor.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Inaba on June 17, 2013, 10:23:44 PM
And the deflection continues unabated by the master baiter, Phinnaeus Gage.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 17, 2013, 11:20:54 PM
And the deflection continues unabated by the master baiter, Phinnaeus Gage.

Has Josh lost his fuckin' mind? We all know he can do better this post. Maybe his short-bus stop was coming up and the driver told him to put his smart-smart phone up till he got off the bus.

:(   Gage it seems like you owe the man $200.

He did his thing you are not? Trust me I have been an ass before and I paid for it...

I concur! I owe $200 to a charity stipulated by either Josh or BFL. This is no longer in contention.

I desire to start a trust fund to place the $200 in so that I can properly dole it out to them. Does anybody have a catchy name up their sleeve I can use? Perhaps something that rhymes with Trusty.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on June 17, 2013, 11:38:33 PM
How about setting up the "BFL Fund is a joke Fund", donating the $200 to that, then having that fund's management (you) decide that they aren't worthy because they are associated with scammers and unprofessionalism?

I'm sure everyone can agree that that would suffice according to Inaba's standards.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 17, 2013, 11:50:55 PM
How about setting up the "BFL Fund is a joke Fund", donating the $200 to that, then having that fund's management (you) decide that they aren't worthy because they are associated with scammers and unprofessionalism?

I'm sure everyone can agree that that would suffice according to Inaba's standards.

Pretty damn close, overall. BFL Trust is a Joke Fund comes to mind. I don't think they'd mind if I use some of the $200 to develop the fund since the moneys will be going to some noble cause yet to be named.

I'm pretty ignorant on this and just going buy trusted folk, but did you no tsay, up to josh or something like that?

It is up to Josh or BFL as to where the $200 is going to.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: BCB on June 17, 2013, 11:57:00 PM
girls girls don't get your panties in a bunch.

There is no longer a scammer tag.  That is what the new trust system is for.

This thread is now about cats.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: flavius on June 18, 2013, 12:04:08 AM
mods dont really exist on this forum do they

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: BCB on June 18, 2013, 12:09:17 AM
yes they are quite active, when necessary but usually ignore this type of pissing contest nonsense

This thread is still about cats.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 18, 2013, 12:20:31 AM
What a grumpy looking cat! Imagine if it had its own TV show.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 18, 2013, 12:54:03 AM
Have you seen Josh's cat?

On an on-topic note: This thread is another example of BFL's failure to produce via Josh. Prior to hiring Josh, BFL was later on delivering. After hiring Josh, BFL was really late on delivering.

Thanks to Josh, a can of worms has opened, one of which Sonny Vleisides would rather not desired.

But BFL set the stage as to how their endeavor has played out. They could've came here with honey oppose to vinegar and would have had virtually the entire community behind them with all of us sucking Sonny's dick instead of the same ol', same ol' Josh, day after day after day after day...

Notice how easy it is to pick on Sonny, for we all know he won't be back to post here, even though he promised us he would. That just gave me an idea. Start a scammer tag thread for Sonny Vleisides for reneging on his promise to return. Makes as much sense as this thread, but I'm the one to blame for being the master baiter.

Monday morning at BFL:

Jody: Morning, Josh. We need...
Dave: Morning, Josh. We need...
Sonny: Morning, Josh. We need...
Warehouse Hand: Hola, Josh. Por favor...
Nasser: Matin, Josh. Nous devons...

Josh: Morning, all. Will get to it after I take care of an important issue. <click, click, click>Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request<> That'll work. I'll teach that piece of shit, Bruno, a lesson.

Jody: Josh. Another customer wants their money back.
Josh: Stall 'em.
Another CS: Josh. A customer of ours is posting shit about us again.
Josh: Give him an immediate refund. <what could possibly go wrong with this solution?>

Book on Josh's desk:

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Kouye on June 18, 2013, 02:02:35 AM
Just glad that I'm able to do my part to expose what a worthless piece of shit you are.

That was almost diplomatic. You're clearly improving!
Taking lessons after work?

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: bbit on June 18, 2013, 02:06:51 AM
lol this is going to be good!

I'll go get the goats.............................

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: bbit on June 18, 2013, 02:09:40 AM
I love the scam accusations section, it's like the new reddit for me.


Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 18, 2013, 02:22:59 AM
lol this is going to be good!

I'll go get the goats.............................

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Maged on June 18, 2013, 02:25:19 AM
What, exactly, was the charity bet about? Context is necessary, here. From the limited context in this thread, it's looking like he does deserve a negative trust. I can't really give a proper explanation of why I think that without the context, though.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: BCB on June 18, 2013, 02:31:10 AM
What, exactly, was the charity bet about? Context is necessary, here. From the limited context in this thread, it's looking like he does deserve a negative trust. I can't really give a proper explanation of why I think that without the context, though.

Phinnaeus Gage is not a scammer.

Please don't engage this nonsense!

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 18, 2013, 02:36:27 AM
What, exactly, was the charity bet about? Context is necessary, here. From the limited context in this thread, it's looking like he does deserve a negative trust. I can't really give a proper explanation of why I think that without the context, though.

Late last year I promised Josh that I will donate $100 toward a charity of his or BFL's choice (without them having to put anything) once they start delivering ASIC-based bitcoin miners, of which they have. Later, prior to them delivering, I upped it to $200. None of this is in dispute.

I clearly owe $200 toward a charity of Josh or BFL's choosing. This will be paid in the future, at which time I may set up a trust fund prior from which the funds will come from. Pretty cut and dry, wouldn't you say so Maged?

~Bruno K~

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Maged on June 18, 2013, 02:50:19 AM
Late last year I promised Josh that I will donate $100 toward a charity of his or BFL's choice (without them having to put anything) once they start delivering ASIC-based bitcoin miners, of which they have. Later, prior to them delivering, I upped it to $200. None of this is in dispute.
I'm still trying to understand - why did you say you would do this?

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Kouye on June 18, 2013, 02:53:40 AM
What, exactly, was the charity bet about? Context is necessary, here. From the limited context in this thread, it's looking like he does deserve a negative trust. I can't really give a proper explanation of why I think that without the context, though.

Late last year I promised Josh that I will donate $100 toward a charity of his or BFL's choice (without them having to put anything) once they start delivering ASIC-based bitcoin miners, of which they have. Later, prior to them delivering, I upped it to $200. None of this is in dispute.

I clearly owe $200 toward a charity of Josh or BFL's choosing. This will be paid in the future, at which time I may set up a trust fund prior from which the funds will come from. Pretty cut and dry, wouldn't you say so Maged?

~Bruno K~
Don't worry, as long as there is progress, you won't get in trouble.
And since you're close to coming up with a name for your charity fund, which is a clear improvement, I'm sure Maged will resume the stopwatch, as usual.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 18, 2013, 02:54:32 AM
Late last year I promised Josh that I will donate $100 toward a charity of his or BFL's choice (without them having to put anything) once they start delivering ASIC-based bitcoin miners, of which they have. Later, prior to them delivering, I upped it to $200. None of this is in dispute.
I'm still trying to understand - why did you say you would do this?

When I made the offer, it was from the kindness of my heart without any ill-intent intended. Basically, you can even call it a bride to hopefully have BFL ship out quicker. That's the best way I can put it. No other real back story to it.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Maged on June 18, 2013, 03:02:20 AM
Late last year I promised Josh that I will donate $100 toward a charity of his or BFL's choice (without them having to put anything) once they start delivering ASIC-based bitcoin miners, of which they have. Later, prior to them delivering, I upped it to $200. None of this is in dispute.
I'm still trying to understand - why did you say you would do this?

When I made the offer, it was from the kindness of my heart without any ill-intent intended. Basically, you can even call it a bride to hopefully have BFL ship out quicker. That's the best way I can put it. No other real back story to it.

In that case, here's how I see it: They didn't ship quickly, and they didn't seem to have been very encouraged by this bet at all. In that case, no tag is necessary here. I'm open to different interpretations, though.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: nimda on June 18, 2013, 03:11:18 AM
I'm open to different interpretations, though.
With about as much seriousness as 1/3 of a duck:

BFL was incentivized by the donation offer.
This caused them to expend significantly more resources (valued at almost $200) to ship faster. (You might not believe it, but they were going to ship later)
Without this timely donation, harm has been caused to them (see value above) by Phin's broken promise.

Broken promise (fraud) + monetary damage = scam!!!1 :o

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 18, 2013, 03:39:46 AM
I'm open to different interpretations, though.
With about as much seriousness as 1/3 of a duck:

BFL was incentivized by the donation offer.
This caused them to expend significantly more resources (valued at almost $200) to ship faster. (You might not believe it, but they were going to ship later)
Without this timely donation, harm has been caused to them (see value above) by Phin's broken promise.

Broken promise (fraud) + monetary damage = scam!!!1 :o

Oh, my fuckin' God! If I would've known. Josh was right when he said I harmed people, but he was too humble to express that the harm was toward BFL directly and not having enough Poodle Chow for his hippie mutt indirectly. But the damage is already done, and I'm sure it'll all work out in the end after Josh pays out that 1000K BTC to charity he owes.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: BadBear on June 18, 2013, 03:51:26 AM
Gage scammed me out of my virginity  >:(.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 18, 2013, 03:55:29 AM
Gage scammed me out of my virginity  >:(.

Hence, the VTF (Virginity Trust Fondle).

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: edd on June 18, 2013, 04:06:31 AM
Gage scammed me out of my virginity  >:(.

Consider yourself lucky. He lured me into his barn one night and...things... happened.
I'll never look at a coffee table the same way again.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Minor Miner on June 18, 2013, 04:08:18 AM
I assume that's either a typo or someone switched the t and the d on your keyboard
touche   as in good point.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 18, 2013, 04:13:32 AM
I assume that's either a typo or someone switched the t and the d on your keyboard
touche   as in good point.

douché <I'm tired of fixin' shit around here--for free  ::)>

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Minor Miner on June 18, 2013, 04:25:46 AM
I assume that's either a typo or someone switched the t and the d on your keyboard
touche   as in good point.
douché <I'm tired of fixin' shit around here--for free  ::)>
so sorry I could not find the accent aigu key.   Personally, I like the attacks by people that thought it was douche (USA schools are really going downhill fast)

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: chmod755 on June 18, 2013, 04:50:13 AM
Gage scammed me out of my virginity  >:(.

Do a chargeback!

Gage also steals pictures off the internet.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: freedomno1 on June 18, 2013, 04:58:38 AM
You guys know how to make me smile  ;D

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: darkmule on June 18, 2013, 05:07:41 AM
Inaba is again a brainless troll.  Making a promise in return for nothing can't possibly be a scam because nobody is deprived of anything.

This is as compared to running a business where you take hundreds of thousands of dollars of money in "preorders" and then don't deliver for about a year.  That, by comparison, would be an example of a scam.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Inedible on June 18, 2013, 05:17:23 AM
Late last year I promised Josh that I will donate $100 toward a charity of his or BFL's choice (without them having to put anything) once they start delivering ASIC-based bitcoin miners, of which they have. Later, prior to them delivering, I upped it to $200. None of this is in dispute.
I'm still trying to understand - why did you say you would do this?

When I made the offer, it was from the kindness of my heart without any ill-intent intended. Basically, you can even call it a bride to hopefully have BFL ship out quicker. That's the best way I can put it. No other real back story to it.

In that case, here's how I see it: They didn't ship quickly, and they didn't seem to have been very encouraged by this bet at all. In that case, no tag is necessary here. I'm open to different interpretations, though.

I still don't see how it's a scam though.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: ninjarobot on June 18, 2013, 06:55:57 AM
Let's see...

Phin makes me laugh, Josh makes me cringe.

This thread is no different.

Carry On.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: bigdude on June 18, 2013, 07:05:16 AM
Welcome to dramatalk, where the scammer tags don't matter and everything is illegal :-*

I want to thank Phin for always being absolutely ridiculous in his characteristic deadpan manner. I imagine if held at gunpoint, he would begin to talk about some failed deal involving 3 laptops and half a duck.

dropped my load on this one. ROTFLMAO

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: buysellbitcoin on June 18, 2013, 09:03:10 AM
So here is the bets lol moments of this thread as of now :)

I would like to nominate Phinnaeus Gage for a scammer tag.  He has openly admitted that he made a promise to donate and now intends to break that promise to donate $200 to a charity of my choice because he simply doesn't feel like parting with $200 now.

I know this is the wrong place to ask, but I'm having a devil of a time getting you to acknowledge your PMs. I sold some shares of BFLS.RIG or whatever it's called to Blank around six months ago, and despite several PMs cc's to both you and blank (and I assume some PMs from blank as well) we haven't heard a peep. I'm at the end of my rope on how to resolve this situation, it's just a pain in the neck, I'm sorry to bother you here but could you please give us a statement one way or the other, can you please change the payment address on file for my shares? Thanks.

This thread has turned into so many kinds of awesome, I can't even begin to describe.  :) 

I would like to nominate Phinnaeus Gage for a scammer tag.

 I have first dibs to dance with Rassah, and I hope somebody remembers to bring a goat.

Sonny: Josh, why are you crying?
Josh: He's...he's...playin' me! And, but...
Sonny: Take it easy, bro! You just need a vacation.
Josh: Where?
Sonny: Got a conference coming up, and you'll be manning the booth. Sadly, once again we won't be mentioned on any of the official flyers, but you don't see me crying.
Josh: You's the bestest!
Sonny: I know! Now, suck my dick.

I'll have trolling for 200 please, Alex.

Monday morning at BFL:

Jody: Morning, Josh. We need...
Dave: Morning, Josh. We need...
Sonny: Morning, Josh. We need...
Warehouse Hand: Hola, Josh. Por favor...
Nasser: Matin, Josh. Nous devons...

Josh: Morning, all. Will get to it after I take care of an important issue. <click, click, click>Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request<> That'll work. I'll teach that piece of shit, Bruno, a lesson.

Jody: Josh. Another customer wants their money back.
Josh: Stall 'em.
Another CS: Josh. A customer of ours is posting shit about us again.
Josh: Give him an immediate refund. <what could possibly go wrong with this solution?>

Book on Josh's desk:

Just glad that I'm able to do my part to expose what a worthless piece of shit you are.

That was almost diplomatic. You're clearly improving!
Taking lessons after work?

lol this is going to be good!

I'll go get the goats.............................

And this one is priceless !!!
Gage scammed me out of my virginity  >:(.

Gage scammed me out of my virginity  >:(.

Hence, the VTF (Virginity Trust Fondle).

Gage scammed me out of my virginity  >:(.

Do a chargeback!

Gage also steals pictures off the internet.

Gage scammed me out of my virginity  >:(.

Consider yourself lucky. He lured me into his barn one night and...things... happened.
I'll never look at a coffee table the same way again.

This post may updated as of needed.

Disclaimer : Read at your own risk. The thoughts expressed in the quotes are of their authors and I do not take any responsibility if you laugh your coffee out of your nose to your laptop or raspberry Pi or BFL :P

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: bigdude on June 18, 2013, 10:40:09 AM
Can some explain this thing about bringing the goats?

goats ???

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: freedomno1 on June 18, 2013, 10:41:42 AM
I hope somebody remembers to bring goat.

WTF are you going to do with me!  ;)

That :)
Translated to:
He's an attachable add-on to everything xd
Lol think that's the answer

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Welsh on June 18, 2013, 12:13:49 PM
Can some explain this thing about bringing the goats?

goats ???

Goats are needed, they always make the situation better by bring knowledge.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 18, 2013, 04:40:19 PM
Can some explain this thing about bringing the goats?

goats ???

The bringing-the-goats comment was in response to a post I made about a goat, of which its back story is probably what you seek.

Sometime last year, I developed a goat fetish to inject humor, continuing to this day periodically. I believe it starting when something going on with Goat, a user here, of which I have no qualms with.

Case in point, I just Googled "Goat Fetish":

On another aside note, BFL just added a new Tee to their CafeWarmerPress catalog:

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: bbit on June 19, 2013, 02:45:10 AM
If I have to I'll take the scammer tag for Phinny Gage!  I WILL! I WILL!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: MooC Tals on June 19, 2013, 03:14:52 AM
This thread has turned into so many kinds of awesome, I can't even begin to describe.  :)

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: franky1 on June 20, 2013, 10:09:23 AM
this thread could have been solved with one post......

scammer tag due to a break of promise?

inaba/BFLJosh how many promises have you broken? and how many customers have been affected.

pot, kettle, black..

lock thread

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on June 20, 2013, 11:22:47 AM
this thread could have been solved with one post......

scammer tag due to a break of promise?

inaba/BFLJosh how many promises have you broken? and how many customers have been affected.

pot, kettle, black..

lock thread

That moment when you call the forums worthless yet try to get scammer tags for people who do exactly what you do.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: MPOE-PR on June 20, 2013, 02:32:25 PM

Kinda fizzled imo.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 20, 2013, 07:21:07 PM
this thread could have been solved with one post......

scammer tag due to a break of promise?

inaba/BFLJosh how many promises have you broken? and how many customers have been affected.

pot, kettle, black..

lock thread

That moment when you call the forums worthless yet try to get scammer tags for people who do exactly what you do.

I was looking for a reason to use one of the different fonts available on this forum.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: TomUnderSea on June 21, 2013, 05:48:20 AM
Send the goats back to the goat locker.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 21, 2013, 06:42:23 AM
So the irony of this is the bfl connection.  And that connection after almost a year of dodgeing scammer tags posting this.  LoL

BTW, there is a back story as to how all this started. Has something to do with me posting in red and 30pt font about the author of this thread a few days ago. Check my post history to see what I'm in reference to. It'll be easy to spot, like Data's cat.

BTW #2: As of yesterday, the FCC has no information on BFL. I wonder if I can get frequent flyer points for visiting the site so often. If I do, I better make sure of who's flyin' the plane.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 21, 2013, 07:16:45 AM
The world awaits Twinkies and BFL ASICS. believe. ..................

Believe it or not, the company that took over Hostess has a Twinkies clone on the market, albeit they suck--too cakey and the cum filling is bland.

But you brought up a neat stat. Hostess went out of business taking Twinkies with them, yet Twinkies have returned, all within the time frame that BFL has been saying in-two-weeksTM.

Meanwhile, the guy who told the boldface lie about the FCC cert. tried to accuse me of scamming BFL outta $200 USD.

When is the Jalapeno getting FCC approval?

Maybe two weeks? We are waiting for the test lab to issue the test report.

With the bump in power requirements on the MR and the new screen, we had to make changes, although the new screen is already certified.  We are doing all the devices at once, since they all share the same board.

Shit! There's two lies in that post.

We are waiting for the test lab to issue the test report.

Impossible, for there's no record that a submission was made on the official FCC site.

...although the new screen is already certified.

Impossible, for there's no record that a submission was made on the official FCC site.

Why am I repeating myself?

Why am I repeating myself?

Oddly, they no longer all share the same board, thus all need to be vapor-inspected again.

In the last 20 years, I can count on one hand all the times I've been accused of wrongdoing (all unjustified, with the exception of one, for at night, all goats look the same, and I swore he was one of mine). Yet Josh knows me so well that I'm the worse of the worse that he's ever met.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Inedible on June 23, 2013, 02:32:39 PM

Shit! There's two lies in that post.

We are waiting for the test lab to issue the test report.

Impossible, for there's no record that a submission was made on the official FCC site.

...although the new screen is already certified.

Impossible, for there's no record that a submission was made on the official FCC site.

Why am I repeating myself?

Why am I repeating myself?

Oddly, they no longer all share the same board, thus all need to be vapor-inspected again.

In the last 20 years, I can count on one hand all the times I've been accused of wrongdoing (all unjustified, with the exception of one, for at night, all goats look the same, and I swore he was one of mine). Yet Josh knows me so well that I'm the worse of the worse that he's ever met.

Are you sure that applications with incomplete reports are listed? I really don't know - I just want to be clear.

If it's true that they should be listed if they've applied then isn't this fraud?

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Minor Miner on June 23, 2013, 02:54:52 PM
Shit! There's two lies in that post.
We are waiting for the test lab to issue the test report.
Impossible, for there's no record that a submission was made on the official FCC site.
...although the new screen is already certified.
Impossible, for there's no record that a submission was made on the official FCC site.
Why am I repeating myself?
Why am I repeating myself?
Oddly, they no longer all share the same board, thus all need to be vapor-inspected again.
In the last 20 years, I can count on one hand all the times I've been accused of wrongdoing (all unjustified, with the exception of one, for at night, all goats look the same, and I swore he was one of mine). Yet Josh knows me so well that I'm the worse of the worse that he's ever met.
Are you sure that applications with incomplete reports are listed? I really don't know - I just want to be clear.
If it's true that they should be listed if they've applied then isn't this fraud?
It would be fraud, the civil kind....
like, we will ship your product in two weeks when they know that would not be possible.
BFL could care less about that kind of misrepresentation since they refer to is as "PR" or advertising.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Inedible on June 23, 2013, 02:59:09 PM
It would be fraud, the civil kind....
like, we will ship your product in two weeks when they know that would not be possible.
BFL could care less about that kind of misrepresentation since they refer to is as "PR" or advertising.

Pretty shameful really.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: MPOE-PR on June 23, 2013, 03:20:42 PM
It would be fraud, the civil kind....
like, we will ship your product in two weeks when they know that would not be possible.
BFL could care less about that kind of misrepresentation since they refer to is as "PR" or advertising.

The classical term was "puffery", and it got the original Carbolic Ball company into a lot of hot water. Back when this shit was still cutting edge in fiat, cca 1800.

Apparently BTC is intellectually about at the level of the realms commoners of the time.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 23, 2013, 03:59:55 PM
It would be fraud, the civil kind....
like, we will ship your product in two weeks when they know that would not be possible.
BFL could care less about that kind of misrepresentation since they refer to is as "PR" or advertising.

The classical term was "puffery", and it got the original Carbolic Ball company into a lot of hot water. Back when this shit was still cutting edge in fiat, cca 1800.

Apparently BTC is intellectually about at the level of the realms commoners of the time.

Speaking of being sucked in:

Harry E. Cichy subsequently released a book of the incident, titled Fighting The Corporation: The Hoover Flight Fiasco.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Viceroy on June 23, 2013, 05:07:27 PM
Posting in an epic thread started by a known scammer who is still not tagged as such.  Yum says Theymos while munching Inaba's cock.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Raoul Duke on June 23, 2013, 05:15:39 PM
Without even reading the entire thread: I'll cover those US$200 for Phinn, payable in BTC at any moment


Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Minor Miner on June 23, 2013, 07:08:05 PM
It would be fraud, the civil kind....
like, we will ship your product in two weeks when they know that would not be possible.
BFL could care less about that kind of misrepresentation since they refer to is as "PR" or advertising.
The classical term was "puffery", and it got the original Carbolic Ball company into a lot of hot water. Back when this shit was still cutting edge in fiat, cca 1800.
Apparently BTC is intellectually about at the level of the realms commoners of the time.
That makes a lot of sense since BFL's ASIC engineers seem to have used circa 1800 text books.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Kettenmonster on June 23, 2013, 07:44:40 PM
Wasn't this thread meant to be about cats?

uhm yes and those bucks for charity ... just send them to me!
I'll claim them are very well taken care of and they'll feel pretty charitious!  ;D

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 23, 2013, 10:12:54 PM
Without even reading the entire thread: I'll cover those US$200 for Phinn, payable in BTC at any moment


I had three previous others kindly offering up the same, all of which I apologetically refused.

I duly own the debt, but it'll be paid on my terms. Hope this decision doesn't effect BFL's bottom line.

Thanks, psy.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: flavius on June 23, 2013, 10:33:21 PM
lets just stop being a little ridiculous here... get that man his scammer tag already

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: MooC Tals on June 23, 2013, 10:35:27 PM
I find this a bit childish.

Title: Re: Phinnaeus Gage scammer tag request
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 24, 2013, 07:36:36 AM
I find this a bit childish.

As if you didn't see this coming: