Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: goaldigger on March 11, 2018, 12:51:41 AM

Post by: goaldigger on March 11, 2018, 12:51:41 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

Post by: CHENIEN on March 11, 2018, 01:34:09 AM
This particular question is tackled about more spending money and savings. I really like your concern and idea, hopefully many people realize on how the way they manage their income and their expenses. Because to much spending of money causes negative income, and suffered more future payables and debt. Actually, mostly people has the characteristics of being thrifty are those rich people, because they are more on saving money, but for those people that only a workers having minimum income are performing more on expenses rather than saving, hopefully this question gave us a learning lesson on how to save money rather than too much spending.

Post by: creeps on March 11, 2018, 02:09:54 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.

This is the common thing that we should have before investing, of course we have to settle our debt first because investing takes time to earn.

Always know your priority, and don't spend beyond your means but still a lot of people are failed on this.

You should set your goal before anything else because its hard to invest when you don't have this thing and you might be controlled by greed.
Over all this is a good financial tips for everyone, and I hope many people find this thing helpful.

Post by: cpfreeplz on March 11, 2018, 02:15:26 AM
I don't save $5 a week. There is no point at all in saving fiat. Now saving 0.001 a week? That's going to work out very well for your future.

I do agree though, don't spend more than you make (no debt) and always have savings before you start to spend your money.

Luckily a new generation will have such a better financial understanding than they did in previous generations and the legacy financial world.

Post by: tweetbit on March 11, 2018, 02:26:45 AM
That’s timely as the bitcoin price is lower and opportunity for small investors is bigger, if only they follow such advices to help them to priorities investment. This three tips can be a life changer for regular employee who struggle to survive in our country. Spending beyond what we need and just what we wanted to, is one reason we can’t save. This attitude should change.

Post by: crzy on March 11, 2018, 02:27:16 AM
A lot of people heard this thing before and yet they still ended up nothing. Why? because they are afraid to take some risk.

I consider myself as a financial advocate but not that professional, telling people to invest and save for their future but sad thing is they don't care
about their future, they said "You Only Live Once" without planning for tomorrow.

Find this thing helpful because this is what we need right now, we have to start setting our goals, changing our lifestyle in order
for us to survive in the future, let's keep telling people about this thing until they realize how good investments are specially with cryptos.

Post by: CASTIEL05 on March 11, 2018, 02:40:16 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
Its easy to say but it is hard to do.
In reality, 80% of the population knows about savings, about investment and about how to divide their money according to their needs but why there is always lack of financial stability?
Practically speaking, our monthly income specially in a developing country is not enough to sustain our daily needs. For example: in my country, the basic salary for a teacher is just $400 every month. I will divide my daily cost for a month.
1. $30 - electric bill
2. $20 - water bill
3. $200 - food
4. $40 - transportation
5. $50 - food supplements for my mother
6. $10 - rent of house
Equivalent to $350
That is the exact amount I paid every month and all of them are my family's daily expenses. Only $50 left in my salary not included my tax and insurance. See? How do I save if my monthly salary is just exact to provide my family needs?
Probably, we cannot make a savings if our salary is not enough to our needs. But still, I always save even 1 dollar only per month. That's my case, how about the people who are unemployed or does not have regular job?
P.S. all of the value I gave is converted in the currency of my country.

Post by: slashz9 on March 11, 2018, 03:29:39 AM
yes I guess this is a good suggestion, so everyone can be more aware of how to manage their finances, well you say often people spend more money than they can get just because they get credit they sometimes forget the interest from their installment.
so I also started following the advice of the big guys in the world like warren buffet robert kiyosaki etc.

Post by: CongHoan on March 11, 2018, 04:26:33 AM
earn invest > invest  you dont have money to waste anymore

Post by: npredtorch on March 11, 2018, 05:13:33 AM
All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
Since we are on a bitcoin forum, I could continue your list like adding...

*Spread your crypto investment into numerous coins and don't put all in one
*Invest on legit coins/token to reduce risk.
*Pull out with only a little gain and buy back again (much like a set a goal)

That's all for now that I can think of for the next tips  ;)

Post by: CherRic on March 11, 2018, 05:17:39 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

These are practical tips of saving or financial management in which people commonly forget. If they have credit cards, they keep on swipping and spending more that what they can pay. This leads to bankruptcy. Likewise, people tend to spend first rather than saving first. This way, people become less amd less intersted in saving, lastly, they commonly have no goals, like, they spend because they want.

Post by: Nerman on March 11, 2018, 05:41:37 AM
This steps are really easy to do but sadly only a few people follow it. Most of the people would by expensive stuff just to look rich but in reality they have no money. The other way around with rich people i know, most of them live simply but have millions of money.

Post by: IndzheborgC on March 11, 2018, 05:48:26 AM
At the signature company, people earn much more than $ 5 a week. Reminds an anecdote:

Let me remind you. One person was asked how he became a millionaire.

The story of a millionaire: "At first I found one apple, but did not eat it, I washed it and sold it with money I bought two apples and I did not eat them either." I washed them and sold them. I bought four apples with this money. I did not eat it, I washed it and sold it, I bought eight apples for that money, and so on. "I kept increasing my capital all the time."

A millionaire asked again, after how much time he accumulated his first "apple" million.

The story of a millionaire: "I do not remember exactly, but a month later my uncle died and left me a legacy of 150 million dollars. After that, my affairs went up the hill!" :)

Post by: aoihs00 on March 11, 2018, 05:51:07 AM
Hm, pretty convincing I believe. It is true that many people go beyond what they can afford to loose. The money is a thing which can alter your views, the way you spend money and it could make you successful or the other way round. Hence I believe spending should be taken very seriously. Many times people go on spending on unwanted things and when they loose everything then they realise that they have made the mistake. So yeah spending must be controlled and investment must be done wisely.

I like the point of saving money. Somehow I like saving a lot and this creates better hold of your money and you can be relaxed all the time and don't have to worry about the moeny. So some good points like it.

Post by: Alert31 on March 11, 2018, 06:16:44 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

          This is a good financial tips that most people can't do. Because  every people spent more than they have untill tharego into debt. People needs mostly are over beyond their earning which is not enough to their budget that's why they forget to save even a little. We need a proper financial management for a better living. If we put it in Bitcoin as one of our financial source,first...just invest that you can afford to lose,second....if you gain from your investment devided it into three parts,25%for savings,25%for spending and 50%for investment. Then set some plans and goals that you need to do after you earn again from your investment.

Post by: ronics on March 11, 2018, 06:22:18 AM
              It is time for a bitcoin price to be very low and an opportunity for small investors who have become a bigger , you are really following the advice and assistance of most for priorities of investment .these three tips can be a life changer of a regular employee .who struggle to survive our country will send beyond what we need and just what we wanted to be the first reason we can't save this attitude should be change and over all this financially is good tips for everybody one and hope many people will find this thing that will help everyone.

Post by: icecube45 on March 11, 2018, 06:28:19 AM
Good and interesting financial tips. You are right, it can help your finances. In fact I will add to "invest" your money, it will make good your finances in the future and I think this is very necessary to do. But economic pressures such as rising prices, a luxurious lifestyle, lack of income will make it difficult to do. Because in reality many people fail and can not do that. Need to be careful in managing finances in order to successfully do that, frugality is needed.

Post by: Lyne01 on March 11, 2018, 06:33:20 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

I want to add some. You must not buy things that are not necessary. Just buy those that really need in your house or for consumption everyday. Likewise, find extra things that can add up to your savings and dont rely only in one income. Have some budget plan in a week.

Post by: akishang on March 11, 2018, 06:51:50 AM
Just to add on the mentioned above, save to invest and don't save just to spend it. I hate to say this but, most if us save money to buy something that we want not what we really need. I know there are things that we need to be happy but we have to think about the future. Save now and be happy later. If you save enough money, you can use it to invest on bitcoin or you can try your luck on trading.

Post by: goaldigger on March 11, 2018, 10:20:01 AM
Sure this three will hard but after a few months, you will get used to it. Adding up, before you start doing these three, be sure you have settled first all your debts unless it is all be meaningless. Ive dreamt to buy our own house someday, and after a lot of savings, and hardwork, and the use of these three, hopefully, i can buy this year. Hope this can be an inspiration to everybody. And also, thanks for the help of cryptocurrencies. It really helped a lot on my financial needs.

Post by: Hydrogen on March 11, 2018, 10:23:09 AM
One financial tip I can share: the real statistic for inflation could be above 10%. The official metric for inflation is identical to the unemployment numbers in that they were redefined decades ago to make the status quo economic situation appear better than it actually is. Real unemployment(U-6) is not the commonly cited statistic in the media which is (U-3). The 3% figure cited by the media for inflation also does not represent our real inflation rate.

Strategies involving saving are virtually impossible to maintain due to the inflation and average cost of living expenses increasing at far greater rates than wages or the value of most currencies. If it is true that real inflation is near to 10% this could imply that any sum of money saved can lose 10% or more of its value per year. This complicates matters. But I believe this to represent a cornerstone of a valid starting point for any type of financial planning.

Post by: matuson on March 11, 2018, 10:36:21 AM
One financial tip I can share: the real statistic for inflation could be above 10%. The official metric for inflation is identical to the unemployment numbers in that they were redefined decades ago to make the status quo economic situation appear better than it actually is. Real unemployment(U-6) is not the commonly cited statistic in the media which is (U-3). The 3% figure cited by the media for inflation also does not represent our real inflation rate.

Strategies involving saving are virtually impossible to maintain due to the inflation and average cost of living expenses increasing at far greater rates than wages or the value of most currencies. If it is true that real inflation is near to 10% this could imply that any sum of money saved can lose 10% or more of its value per year. This complicates matters. But I believe this to represent a cornerstone of a valid starting point for any type of financial planning.
Governments always hide the true percentage of inflation. It makes no sense to Deposit savings in banks. It turns out that due to our savings, a large business is financed. Then millionaires get their income from these businesses and we get back the impaired money. This is the main Scam of bankers and government. That's why I chose bitcoin for myself. When all people understand this bitcoin will get more popular.

Post by: richminded on March 11, 2018, 10:40:04 AM
A lot of people heard this thing before and yet they still ended up nothing. Why? because they are afraid to take some risk.

I consider myself as a financial advocate but not that professional, telling people to invest and save for their future but sad thing is they don't care
about their future, they said "You Only Live Once" without planning for tomorrow.

Find this thing helpful because this is what we need right now, we have to start setting our goals, changing our lifestyle in order
for us to survive in the future, let's keep telling people about this thing until they realize how good investments are specially with cryptos.

A lot of people don't listen when it comes into this topic because they thought they know everything and don't need any advice.
This financial tips is what we really need for us to move forward, save and keep on learning is really the key.
Always set things up for you to work on it and be motivated, don't just depend on people around you make your own path.

Post by: Kolly on March 11, 2018, 10:47:44 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
when my husband give his salary to me i manage it carefully i pay our bills buy our needs for 1 month and i save the remaining money for emergency.thats the way i manage our financial because my husband salary is enough only for a month so i decide to join  in this campaign so that i earn an extra income for our financial and i want to save for my family.

Post by: Insanerman on March 11, 2018, 10:52:30 AM
This is a very useful financial tips especially to those people who are first timer earners in cryptocurrency as well as cryptocurrency experts.
Saving money is the most important aspect in life. It will give you a secured future in financial aspect.

But for some third world countries, there is an increase of unemploent rates as well as the increase of wage, that makes saving money a lot harder. Adding the biological needs to make a living.

Post by: Anewor on March 11, 2018, 11:22:42 AM
I totally like this post. The second tip gives me idea that it is very much important to save before really spending it. I used this most of the time so that I couldn't be tempted to buy the things that are not of immediate use or importance.

Post by: Elsie123 on March 11, 2018, 11:28:46 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
This particular question is tackled about more spending money and savings. I really like your concern and idea, hopefully many people realize on how the way they manage their income and their expenses. Because to much spending of money causes negative income, and suffered more future payables and debt.

Post by: galkina on March 11, 2018, 11:51:43 AM
All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

I can relate to the tips you mentioned. I see a lot of my friends who are spending more than their salary per month. They are buying costly gadgets like LED and smartphones on EMIs or credit cards. They do not realize that they have to pay for these things at the end and sometimes additional interest as in case of credit cards. The main reason they are doing this is to impress the neighbors, I mean they are buying things that they actually do not need to impress others. I hope they realize the mistake they are doing in time and start behaving more responsibly towards their finances.

Post by: terlesbogli on March 11, 2018, 12:01:12 PM
Start saving now. Ideally, you should have six to nine months of income set aside, but achieving a small goal can provide a sense of security and reduce stress. The rules of retirement have changed: Review your long-term savings and ensure they are appropriate and on target.

Post by: Dreamchaser21 on March 11, 2018, 12:46:57 PM
Start saving now. Ideally, you should have six to nine months of income set aside, but achieving a small goal can provide a sense of security and reduce stress. The rules of retirement have changed: Review your long-term savings and ensure they are appropriate and on target.

Its good to have an emergency fund so you cannot withdraw all your investment if something happen. This financial tips are very useful if you are willing to do it but if you just read this thing out for sure, its either you already did this or you don’t have any plan like this.

Post by: Dragon5 on March 11, 2018, 12:57:42 PM
In my opinion the first one is really vital - do not spend more then you earn. But I would add: use your expenses as motivation to earn more. Sometimes I think cutting back on expenses is not the solution. Make more money!

Post by: boynegro on March 11, 2018, 01:02:44 PM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
Take Control of Your Own Financial Future
If you don't learn to manage your own money, other people will find ways to (mis)manage it for you. Some of these people may be ill-intentioned, like unscrupulous commission-based financial planners. Others may be well-meaning, but may not know what they're doing, like Grandma Betty who really wants you to buy a house even though you can only afford a treacherous adjustable-rate mortgage.

Post by: waskaplung on March 11, 2018, 01:04:42 PM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
Know Where Your Money Goes
Once you've gone through a few personal finance books, you'll realize how important it is to make sure your expenses aren't exceeding your income. The best way to do this is by budgeting. Once you see how your morning java adds up over the course of a month, you'll realize that making small, manageable changes in your everyday expenses can have just as big of an impact on your financial situation as getting a raise.

In addition, keeping your recurring monthly expenses as low as possible will also save you big bucks over time. If you don't waste your money on a posh apartment now, you might be able to afford a nice condo or a house before you know it. (Read more on budgeting in our Personal Finance feature.)

Post by: donpepot on March 11, 2018, 01:05:45 PM
That’s timely as the bitcoin price is lower and opportunity for small investors is bigger, if only they follow such advices to help them to priorities investment. This three tips can be a life changer for regular employee who struggle to survive in our country. Spending beyond what we need and just what we wanted to, is one reason we can’t save. This attitude should change.
Start an Emergency Fund
One of personal finance's oft-repeated mantras is "pay yourself first." No matter how much you owe in student loans or credit card debt, and no matter how low your salary may seem, it's wise to find some amount - any amount - of money in your budget to save in an emergency fund every month.

Having money in savings to use for emergencies can really keep you out of trouble financially and help you sleep better at night. Also, if you get into the habit of saving money and treating it as a non-negotiable monthly "expense," pretty soon you'll have more than just emergency money saved up: you'll have retirement money, vacation money and even money for a home down payment.

Don't just sock away this money under your mattress; put it in a high-interest online savings account, a certificate of deposit or a money market account. Otherwise, inflation will erode the value of your savings.

Post by: zenrol28 on March 11, 2018, 01:07:25 PM
Its easy to say but it is hard to do.
In reality, 80% of the population knows about savings, about investment and about how to divide their money according to their needs but why there is always lack of financial stability?
Practically speaking, our monthly income specially in a developing country is not enough to sustain our daily needs. For example: in my country, the basic salary for a teacher is just $400 every month. I will divide my daily cost for a month.
1. $30 - electric bill
2. $20 - water bill
3. $200 - food
4. $40 - transportation
5. $50 - food supplements for my mother
6. $10 - rent of house
Equivalent to $350
That is the exact amount I paid every month and all of them are my family's daily expenses. Only $50 left in my salary not included my tax and insurance. See? How do I save if my monthly salary is just exact to provide my family needs?
Probably, we cannot make a savings if our salary is not enough to our needs. But still, I always save even 1 dollar only per month. That's my case, how about the people who are unemployed or does not have regular job?
P.S. all of the value I gave is converted in the currency of my country.
I think not all of these values are always the same every month right? Like utility bills. If you use less appliances you'll save some in your electric bill. Same with water. For transportation, can you bike-to-work? You'll save a lot with that I guarantee you.

Discipline and the will to have a better future is a must if you want to be successful in saving money.

Also try to make a sideline. Since you're a teacher, you can do tutorial services.

Post by: Rena5 on March 11, 2018, 02:35:25 PM

A very nice topic ,applicable to all individuals who are struggling on how to settle money issue in right perspective.In reality,a bit hard to practice due to insufficient salary or income received.This things help us to magnify ourselves in terms of financial aspects and the desire to seek more opportunities to come in gaining extra source of income.I remember a saying" do not put your eggs in one basket.

Post by: alyssa85 on March 11, 2018, 02:41:18 PM
Well, here is my tip:

Buy a house, and then overpay the mortgage as much as you can. You want to get to the point where you own your home outright and don't have to pay either rent or mortgage. The psychological safety you feel when you get there will be priceless. Once you own your property outright, then start diversifying into other assets.

Post by: Notcalculator on March 11, 2018, 03:31:45 PM
Well for me the number one rule is never spending beyond my means. It's really difficult sometimes though. Especially if you have an active social life.
I agree with your first point. I only carry around a credit card for emergency. I never ever use it, unless absolutely necessary. When i spend something big on my card, i get that "what the hell" feeling and continue spending. I did learn my lesson after awhile and i mostly pretend i dont have a credit card nowadays.

Post by: Rosscy on March 11, 2018, 03:42:29 PM
Always know your priority, and don't spend beyond your means but still a lot of people are failed on this.
Everyone has different priorities, if what is seen from a failure is a greater expenditure than income, then that is economically correct. However, I prefer to spend money in the form of investments which may be more profitable than saving money in the bank.

Post by: krauzzer02 on March 11, 2018, 03:42:58 PM
This steps are really easy to do but sadly only a few people follow it. Most of the people would by expensive stuff just to look rich but in reality they have no money. The other way around with rich people i know, most of them live simply but have millions of money.

The reality strikes in, I remember one lady who bought an expensive android phone which is shocking cause she is not that rich, not to judge the person but she gambles a lot which you can see on the lifestyle of the people then suddenly they are carrying such an expensive thing, I asked her how did she buy that device, surprisingly it is a loan, the reality is that some people would prioritize to choose their wants rather than their primary needs and savings just to follow what is the trend.

Post by: litepresence on March 11, 2018, 04:10:43 PM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

I agree with all your financial tips. These are the very basic things which must be followed by everyone to save and multiply your own money. If you want to gain something you have to set some goal and follow it without any deviation and also have to save money without spending on unwanted things. These goals are great, when we say but its difficult to follow in this society but once if we save now the future will be brighter.

Post by: destroyer01 on March 12, 2018, 06:12:00 AM
Know Where your money goes.Once you've gone through a few personal finance books, you'll realize how important it is to make sure your expenses aren't exceeding your income.The best way to do this is by budgeting.Once you see how your morning java adds up over the course of a month, you'll realize that making small,manageable changes in your everyday expenses can have just as big of an impact on your financial situation as getting a raise.

Post by: dragon fire on March 12, 2018, 06:30:37 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
maybe this is only a little opinion of me how to control the finance. first, if we want to buy something, think it avail and the results. then also think about our finances that currently exists on us. and when you want to invest in visual form, buy at a price as low as possible so that we can sell it later when the price soar.

Post by: Alanpigi80 on March 12, 2018, 01:18:57 PM
Those are precious tips for people who can't manage their money. Thank you, I hope that a lot of them may learn how to spend wisely and become a successful investor

Post by: yanlap on March 12, 2018, 06:23:09 PM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

I agree with all your financial tips. These are the very basic things which must be followed by everyone to save and multiply your own money. If you want to gain something you have to set some goal and follow it without any deviation and also have to save money without spending on unwanted things. These goals are great, when we say but its difficult to follow in this society but once if we save now the future will be brighter.
In every part of the world, there are some golden rules which are being followed by the next generations. In my part of the world it is said that “Never spread the legs out of your blanket” and it means that you must not do anything which you cannot afford later on. So, before starting anything, if we are confident that we will take it to its end, we must put our full energies into otherwise we must look for the alternative options.

Post by: berungan on March 12, 2018, 06:39:37 PM
Before I am so grateful for these tips, I am a beginner, this is a science that is beneficial to me in my finances. and I will learn and will apply in my life.

Post by: kimochidesh on March 12, 2018, 08:12:11 PM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

I really like the advice you have given. All newbies should follow this before entering the market. These points seem like basics but are most important tips. We often forget basics and get into huge losses. So always review these points time to time in life.

Post by: Ms Emi on March 12, 2018, 08:25:16 PM
yes you are right, everybody is just hoping to get big money from bitcoin so they used their credit card to the limit to buy on ICO then they cry if the one they bought is scam, some are borrowing money from others and the results' the same, people should also consider the value of planning of your money, your income, and the savings.

Post by: Chikitita2004 on March 12, 2018, 08:39:35 PM
This is practical and eye opener too. Though we already know this but sometimes we forget. We are carried away by our materialistic desire. Before we realize we are already broke. I hate credit cards too. Good i dont have and whenever i go out on a shopping i make sure i leave my debit card in the house and just bring enough cash for my list of things to buy.

Post by: inanilujimi on March 12, 2018, 08:44:35 PM
Never get interested in a promising business that is very tempting and risky to be borne by investors, unless you are ready to lose what you are investing
As I often explain
Learn first the risks of action, Understand and find solutions to minimize risks, Have not plunged into the action
No work that no risk
And should be ready to plunge must be prepared risk not just ready for profit but not ready risk?
Invest with money that is not used when you are missing you do not regret.
Always learn from experience to get better.

Post by: khaled0111 on March 12, 2018, 11:20:59 PM
Thank you for the tips but theoretically, it is a peace of cake and anyone can do it just follow the tips,
practically, you will face many problems more than you expected and it will be hard to follow those tips, we are human and we can make mistakes or get influenced by emotions and take bad decisions.

Post by: Gotomoon on March 12, 2018, 11:26:58 PM
This is helpful and worth reading a tips that we should bear in mind and we should take this for a good financial freedom. Sometimes we are forgetful on whats the top priority in life in order for us to save money in the future. Investing in bitcoin is really good but we should also set a goals, dont spend and always save will really helps to our finances in the future.

Post by: aeternus on March 13, 2018, 01:54:53 AM
One financial tip I can share: the real statistic for inflation could be above 10%. The official metric for inflation is identical to the unemployment numbers in that they were redefined decades ago to make the status quo economic situation appear better than it actually is. Real unemployment(U-6) is not the commonly cited statistic in the media which is (U-3). The 3% figure cited by the media for inflation also does not represent our real inflation rate.

Strategies involving saving are virtually impossible to maintain due to the inflation and average cost of living expenses increasing at far greater rates than wages or the value of most currencies. If it is true that real inflation is near to 10% this could imply that any sum of money saved can lose 10% or more of its value per year. This complicates matters. But I believe this to represent a cornerstone of a valid starting point for any type of financial planning.
This is completely true and one of the reasons of why I think that many people do not save their money, they cannot explain it and they cannot put it into words but they know that if they where to keep their money in a bank account that at the end they will get nothing they will not enjoy the money by spending it and they will not get long term benefits either, this is why saving is just part of the process you need to eventually invest that money and one of the greatest investments in the world right now are cryptocurrencies.

Post by: jademacoy on March 13, 2018, 03:32:57 AM
That would be helpful to those individual who have an extra money after receiving the salary but how about to those individual which salary is too low or even not enough for the cost of living especially if that individual is the bread winner of the family? This is an economic problem mostly of the third world country like Philippines. Though there are already developments being implemented but still it is so hard to eradicate employer who came to give low salary. This is in relation to their business that will surely fall if they will give the exact needs or salary as expected to an employee. That is why some of them like me join a part time job just to cater the needs of my family and im positive to it that i could gave their needs. As bonus I also discover the bitcoin system that could be a lot of help even if I could start investing in a small amount eventually it will be doubled and I a trusting to it that it will succeed. I am also joining bounty campaigns so I guess this is another tip that we could gave especially to those who are new to bitcoin like me.

Post by: rarg on March 13, 2018, 03:47:50 AM

This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.

I like this one. I think this is the common problem for everyone. Sometimes we cannot avoid great offers from a store which has discount product. I think that
human nature when seeing a cheap price. We usually buy a discount product, although we don't need it.

Post by: fatirborju on March 13, 2018, 12:25:10 PM
Yes of course it is a very good idea, and I think your tips are very useful not to shop for things that are not needed, and think to invest a clear and no doubt,And to save the results that have been obtained,As well saving some of the results earned for Savings in the future......

Post by: CodyAlfaridzi on March 13, 2018, 01:35:31 PM

This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.

One of the reasons why I still don't want to have a credit card. A good step to achieve this is by making a monthly budget. It will help you make a sense of how much can you spend on tertiary things so you don't spend excessively on things that are not important.

If you don't save first right after you got the paycheck, believe me, you will end up not saving at all. People will always get tempted to use their money until it's all gone. Saving first will prevent you to buy unnecessary things.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

A better idea would be saving in Bitcoin or your promising :D I'm already on a program to make all Bitcoin, alts, stocks and fiat savings. All of those saving serves a different purpose. I hope it'll pay off in the future :D

Post by: munir15 on March 13, 2018, 02:03:17 PM
- Buy what you need like basic or daily neccesities.
- Earn / Save , dont buy what is not important
- Invest some of your earnings like in business / stocks

Post by: zander09 on March 13, 2018, 02:09:12 PM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

Goals is our key to success because everytime we have goals we always know where to go our hard working, we always want to reach that goal.
Save first before spending
- that's really help to save money.

Post by: koyo12 on March 13, 2018, 02:33:38 PM
This particular question is tackled about more spending money and savings. I really like your concern and idea, hopefully many people realize on how the way they manage their income and their expenses. Because to much spending of money causes negative income, and suffered more future payables and debt. Actually, mostly people has the characteristics of being thrifty are those rich people, because they are more on saving money, but for those people that only a workers having minimum income are performing more on expenses rather than saving, hopefully this question gave us a learning lesson on how to save money rather than too much spending.
You must be smart to used your money now a days, practice to save money and divide money. Lot of we needs now are very expensive water bills, electric bills, groceries and tuition fee also. So be smart in terms of finacial. Dont spend to much.

Post by: Arz26 on March 13, 2018, 03:52:39 PM
it is to make sure your expenses aren't exceeding your income. The best way to do this is by budgeting. keeping your recurring monthly expenses as low as possible will also save you big bucks over time. This question is also means on how to manage all your expenses or savings like a bitcoin save and expend.

Post by: okala on March 13, 2018, 03:58:01 PM
Many of us will find this very difficult to obey and in truth what op said are things we should do if we want to be intelligence financially. Many spend more than their earned and some are currently in debt because of this habits. We are to be careful to to think that the good days are going to continue forever and saving is a most if we really want to have financial freedom.

Post by: khufuking on March 13, 2018, 04:02:09 PM


This is reall great advice , If you save before you spend you will find yourself not in a stress situation where you have to liquidate some asset in loss because you are in need for some expenses . If you safe you will always find some money to relay on in bad times , I find this to work great in crypto market because of the its violence nature .

I agree with the other 2 and want to add 1

Never invest what you can not effort to lose

Post by: Akany on March 13, 2018, 04:13:13 PM
This is a clear truth, you are absolutely right. To be honest with these simple tips one can never be broke in his life ever, instead you keep growing financially, as long as you don't stop investing

Post by: Harlot on March 13, 2018, 04:26:37 PM
To keep your answer short and simple. What people need is to have a financial plan, as it is there only way to manage their money right. Financial planning is done by everyone whether you are rich or poor as keeping track with your money is the best way on how you will maximize it. From car loans to credit ratings all can be analyze when you are doing financial planning. Separating your needs and wants is also part of financial planning as it will tell let you control your money on where you will spend it.

Post by: JC btc on March 13, 2018, 04:33:17 PM
To keep your answer short and simple. What people need is to have a financial plan, as it is there only way to manage their money right. Financial planning is done by everyone whether you are rich or poor as keeping track with your money is the best way on how you will maximize it. From car loans to credit ratings all can be analyze when you are doing financial planning. Separating your needs and wants is also part of financial planning as it will tell let you control your money on where you will spend it.
Some people really seeks the advice from financial adviser so if you are not really good at planning your hard earned money so better think to do it so that  you can always have the financial aspect that you want in your life, since having a financial freedom is the very best way to live a fulfilled life.

Post by: dificanovi on March 13, 2018, 04:43:11 PM
yes I guess this is a good suggestion, so everyone can be more aware of how to manage their finances, well you say often people spend more money than they can get just because they get credit they sometimes forget the interest from their installment.
so I also started following the advice of the big guys in the world like warren buffet robert kiyosaki etc.

yes this is a very good tips for managing finances because everyone who has enough money can control their spending money. I also got a lesson from this information, I will try it so my money out is not much.

Post by: nydiacaskey01 on March 13, 2018, 04:48:34 PM
Its easy to say but it is hard to do.
In reality, 80% of the population knows about savings, about investment and about how to divide their money according to their needs but why there is always lack of financial stability?
Practically speaking, our monthly income specially in a developing country is not enough to sustain our daily needs. For example: in my country, the basic salary for a teacher is just $400 every month. I will divide my daily cost for a month.
1. $30 - electric bill
2. $20 - water bill
3. $200 - food
4. $40 - transportation
5. $50 - food supplements for my mother
6. $10 - rent of house
Equivalent to $350
That is the exact amount I paid every month and all of them are my family's daily expenses. Only $50 left in my salary not included my tax and insurance. See? How do I save if my monthly salary is just exact to provide my family needs?
Probably, we cannot make a savings if our salary is not enough to our needs. But still, I always save even 1 dollar only per month. That's my case, how about the people who are unemployed or does not have regular job?
P.S. all of the value I gave is converted in the currency of my country.
Yes I agree with you on this. Saving depends on how much money you earn. If your money is not enough for all the expenses per month, how can you save? If your salary or business earns just enough to pay the bills and for your daily needs, you cant save. You cant starve your self to death just to save. However, there are money saving tips that you can follow so you can lower down that electric bill, water bill, food and transportation.

Post by: n691309 on March 13, 2018, 04:53:01 PM
That’s timely as the bitcoin price is lower and opportunity for small investors is bigger, if only they follow such advices to help them to priorities investment. This three tips can be a life changer for regular employee who struggle to survive in our country. Spending beyond what we need and just what we wanted to, is one reason we can’t save. This attitude should change.

advice will be advice, and every people are good or better in giving advice, but lets put the shoe out of them and replace by some others!
advice is good but do we really getting better with that? if they are not getting on the milestones that we are having through?a
Its easy to say but it is hard to do.
In reality, 80% of the population knows about savings, about investment and about how to divide their money according to their needs but why there is always lack of financial stability?
Practically speaking, our monthly income specially in a developing country is not enough to sustain our daily needs. For example: in my country, the basic salary for a teacher is just $400 every month. I will divide my daily cost for a month.
1. $30 - electric bill
2. $20 - water bill
3. $200 - food
4. $40 - transportation
5. $50 - food supplements for my mother
6. $10 - rent of house
Equivalent to $350
That is the exact amount I paid every month and all of them are my family's daily expenses. Only $50 left in my salary not included my tax and insurance. See? How do I save if my monthly salary is just exact to provide my family needs?
Probably, we cannot make a savings if our salary is not enough to our needs. But still, I always save even 1 dollar only per month. That's my case, how about the people who are unemployed or does not have regular job?
P.S. all of the value I gave is converted in the currency of my country.
Yes I agree with you on this. Saving depends on how much money you earn. If your money is not enough for all the expenses per month, how can you save? If your salary or business earns just enough to pay the bills and for your daily needs, you cant save. You cant starve your self to death just to save. However, there are money saving tips that you can follow so you can lower down that electric bill, water bill, food and transportation.

Post by: harimauagam on March 13, 2018, 05:10:19 PM
Indeed, you have to save on daily or month-to-month expenses so as not to be wasteful in life and money is definitely in the wallet with a little, So buy a small BTC at a cheap price. Selling at high prices when the market goes up there will get many benefits. a real world world that will spend your money when hanging out with peers.

Post by: Emin90 on March 13, 2018, 05:18:19 PM
You touched on topical and sore subject for many people. Be financially literate and economical happens some people very difficult. Not everyone can be postponed. money like you said and these people need this study. Waste is very detrimental to the person.

Post by: bering on March 13, 2018, 05:24:40 PM
those tips were very makes sense and indeed to get good financial for the future purposse i think it have to be done however people must have a strong desire and consistent to do this and some people have failed because own their credit card which makes them tempting to spend their money for useless things

Post by: just_Alice on March 13, 2018, 07:08:03 PM
I can agree with you that saving is important, but sometimes it's not worth it. Life is all about moments and you should treat yourself sometimes. You can be saving up money for years, storing them in banks, or cryptos and miss out on small pleasures and one day it might turn out that all your money was stolen, or became worthless money, you would regret the way you lived. The best way is to work hard to have such an income, that you wouldn't have to save anything.

Post by: Jahson420 on March 13, 2018, 08:50:03 PM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

I agree with this. But sometimes minumum wage earner still suffer because some our daily needs is very expensive. Example for me 70% of my salary go to my bills and the 30% is for my allowance. Thats why i am trying my luck in bitcoin hoping it will help me.

Post by: StonedWolf on March 13, 2018, 09:21:51 PM
If i can add some more tips. i would add that :
       1- Be patient: This world is harsh. You just need to wait for a good opportunity. Yes it will come, wait for it.
       2- Be mature: be responsable for your decisions. Make your decisions wisely.

Post by: Victor$ on March 15, 2018, 07:50:40 AM
This is a clear truth, you are absolutely right. To be honest with these simple tips one can never be broke in his life ever, instead you keep growing financially, as long as you don't stop investing
For sure investment will increase your profit and it will never let you be dead , it will increase more and more with time nothing can ever defeats the value of bitcoin, so I must say it is good to be investor so that you will be secure financially and it will save some of money for your future we well. It is not god to stop investing because money never end this way, it grows and increase more and more with the passage of time, every month bitcoin use to increase thousands of dollars and it makes your finance stronger and safer.

Post by: thelma987 on March 15, 2018, 08:06:42 AM
The amount of income we receive coupled with our standard of living play important roles on the kind of financial tips we should employ. Below, are some tips that could really help no matter your income.

1. First, pay all monies pertaining to the government which includes taxes and all insurance bills. Make sure these aspects are always cleared off

2. With the remaining amount left, deduct about 10% ...this will be your personal savings...deposit it In a fixed saving account, to prevent risk of spending

3. Pay all personal debts..this is very vital; at least to keep your integrity.

4. Now settle all bills by order of priority; pay for your needs which includes - feeding, housing, welfare and accommodation.

5. Don't buy things that are not necessary, focus on your needs, your wants can come later.

6. Finally, if you're given a bonus in your workplace, dont spend this bonus, put it into that fixed saving account.

7. With this savings, you can now begin to make serious plans on investments that will earn you great profit.

Post by: miradorme on March 15, 2018, 10:21:34 AM
This particular question is tackled about more spending money and savings. I really like your concern and idea, hopefully many people realize on how the way they manage their income and their expenses. Because to much spending of money causes negative income, and suffered more future payables and debt. Actually, mostly people has the characteristics of being thrifty are those rich people, because they are more on saving money, but for those people that only a workers having minimum income are performing more on expenses rather than saving, hopefully this question gave us a learning lesson on how to save money rather than too much spending.
Some people who earn minimum income are spending more on expenses rather than saving? Yes you have a point but some is spending much because they also want to feel a good life buying their wants even once a month but those who earn a small amount, actually they are the most who treasure their income,  they are the most who spend it in important things rather that spend it in non-sense.

Post by: richkellj on March 15, 2018, 12:44:54 PM
it is to make sure your expenses aren't exceeding your income. The best way to do this is by budgeting. keeping your recurring monthly expenses as low as possible will also save you big bucks over time. This question is also means on how to manage all your expenses or savings like a bitcoin save and expend.

I was a bit lazy and I never use to do math while spending and that was the reason I use to have very less money left with me in the last ten days of the month. Then I realize to cut my extra spending and now what I do is that I make a list and enter everything which I purchase, even a candy and a chocolate. 

After the month I take a look on my last month spending and cross the things which were not necessary, and by that every month I cut some things which we all purchase but have no use in our lives. Now I have no problem and I save some money every month.

Post by: nitrousteam on March 15, 2018, 01:11:32 PM
This is a clear truth, you are absolutely right. To be honest with these simple tips one can never be broke in his life ever, instead you keep growing financially, as long as you don't stop investing

Nothing is safe and certain. Even if the everyone follows the exact tips that the OP stated they could lose everything if something unexpected happens in their life. People are often greedy and they cannot walk straight. They are always exploring the new opportunities and looking for a way out of their, in most cases, miserable financial situations.
Instead of the safe way they are also often choosing the easier way which is also filled with the risk. Everyone can get broke even with the proper thinking and investment. Those that are too certain in themselves actually end broken in the end.

Post by: zarados on March 15, 2018, 01:23:57 PM
Everyone has different habits and lifestyles that can certainly affect their own financial condition. Could be, the tips you give can be useful for some people and not for others. There are people who make lifestyle as a necessity, some are just consider it complementary. There are people who think owning a personal vehicle is a primary need, others assume that it is a tertiary needs. So, it all depends on what we belong to.

Post by: 0t3p0t on March 15, 2018, 01:24:24 PM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
If we have those all of the above mentioned I think as an individual that struggles financial difficulties success is not far from reality. Let us also consider some situation where saving is not an option most especially to those who really have nothing but spending money effeciently at the right time matters most and of course we need to be thrifty too. I myself struggle to save because of priorities and that's how it works here but as long as I am earning I still have the chance to save.

Post by: playful69 on March 15, 2018, 02:48:20 PM
It's sound simplistic, but many people struggled with basic rule.
Make sure you know what your job is worth in the marketplace, by conducting an evaluation of your skils, productivity, job task, contribution of the company, and the going rate, both inside and outside the company, for what you do. Being underpaid even a thousand dollars a year can have a significant cumulative effect over the course of your working life. No matter how much or how little you're paid, you'll never get ahead if you spend more than you earn. Often it's easier to spend less than it is to earn more, and a little cost-cutting effort in a number of areas can result in big savings. it doesn't have to involve making big sacrifice.

Post by: Satry on March 15, 2018, 02:58:57 PM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.

This is the common thing that we should have before investing, of course we have to settle our debt first because investing takes time to earn.
It depend on the needs of a person specially for the emergency. For me, using credit card is a big help when it comes to discounts of what I really want to buy.
Always know your priority, and don't spend beyond your means but still a lot of people are failed on this.
Rather than spending too much, we should limit our spending specially its out of budget.
You should set your goal before anything else because its hard to invest when you don't have this thing and you might be controlled by greed.
Over all this is a good financial tips for everyone, and I hope many people find this thing helpful.
Goal is the best bench mark to control your expenses specially your planning on a business or other investments.

Post by: gamalzour on March 16, 2018, 06:14:06 AM
The tips you gave are quite, but one thing for sure is that you can’t maintain these tips, especially the first two tips. It’s not easy for someone to decide that they won’t be spending more than they get. There are lots problems you will have to care of, and your problems don’t mind how much you are earning in a month. Saving money is also not easy, especially for those that are earning little income. It’s not easy.

Post by: nak02 on March 16, 2018, 06:37:29 AM
The tips you gave are quite, but one thing for sure is that you can’t maintain these tips, especially the first two tips. It’s not easy for someone to decide that they won’t be spending more than they get. There are lots problems you will have to care of, and your problems don’t mind how much you are earning in a month. Saving money is also not easy, especially for those that are earning little income. It’s not easy.
Don't just settle for good, expenses are really part in our life and there are really unavoidable expenses that we need in our life so we need to have an extra income that we need in our daily life, so that we can cover up those expenses and can save even for a little.

Post by: jwenbu on March 16, 2018, 07:39:16 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

These three are very helpful but i think the most tip i would suggest when it comes to financial is your "discipline" atleast you know your limits. You have to control your self how to spend your money and one of the simple example is buying your needs than what you wants. This is simple but sometimes most of us, we didn't apply this in our self.

Post by: coorsaur on March 16, 2018, 07:57:28 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

This is a really good topic for a change in a person. But in the case that they must be inspired, motivated or dedicated to their goals to save for the future. For now, I am currently paying all my debts then go for my goals which is savings and investment.

Post by: Joy12345 on March 16, 2018, 08:07:20 AM
You need to think thrice if you really need that things you want to buy because it is very hard to earn money. You need to work hard and be dedicated in earning money that's why you need to be careful on how to manage your money. You need to disregard first the things that is not really needed. You need to focus on your really needs. You need to set your goal in managing your money so that it can be your inspiration. Dont waste your money to those unecessary things. Be practical. Dont spend too much if your money is not enough. Make sure that you have a list of your needs and expenses so that you can easily manage your money not beyond what you earn. Make sure that there still money left in you.

Post by: trickee on March 16, 2018, 08:21:07 AM
If you do not have enough knowledge about financial read books or you cam visit blogs site or attend seminar about it if you want. You can live simple ,simple living is great. Most of all plan finance for sure you can save money. And lastly , if there is a debt, pay as soon as possible to no more problems.

Post by: rave123wallz on March 16, 2018, 08:35:57 AM
In doing bitcoin of course it very advisable to manage your finances properly so that you will not be negative in the end.

Post by: Sum24 on March 16, 2018, 02:57:53 PM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.

This is the common thing that we should have before investing, of course we have to settle our debt first because investing takes time to earn.
It depend on the needs of a person specially for the emergency. For me, using credit card is a big help when it comes to discounts of what I really want to buy.
Always know your priority, and don't spend beyond your means but still a lot of people are failed on this.
Rather than spending too much, we should limit our spending specially its out of budget.
You should set your goal before anything else because its hard to invest when you don't have this thing and you might be controlled by greed.
Over all this is a good financial tips for everyone, and I hope many people find this thing helpful.
Goal is the best bench mark to control your expenses specially your planning on a business or other investments.

All of the tips given by you are very good but in addition to it I want to say that it will be good if you make proper planning for increase in finance. The best tip is not to spend too much amount of money at the same time when you income is not very high, it is good to save high amount of profit for your future, before you get into bitcoin try to fix a goal for yourself then invest for high amount of profit, try to use more than one source of income, like try to use bitcoin as an additional source of income to improve your finance.

Post by: orangeibmportD on March 22, 2018, 01:23:13 AM
though you earn on your own and earn to your hearts content,  never be luxurious ever. rather be conservative

Post by: illbaker4 on March 22, 2018, 03:56:45 AM
If you want you can spend today but you will surely repent of not saving the money, tomorrow; then there will be no way out

Post by: yndye on March 22, 2018, 04:18:11 AM
I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.

This is what you call pay yourself first. Even if only a little amount upon receiving your salary, you need to pay yourself by saving a little amount because it will be accumulated eventually. If you do it this way, you can always save because the tendency when you save after expenses is that there will be nothing left because you will think to save next month or even worse forget that you need to save. This is the usual case that's why savings should come first before spending. Having a budget is the smart way to do it wherein you need to jot down your expenses so that you can distribute your earnings properly. It is even ideal of you list all your expenses so that you will know what expenses you overspend and then adjust it accordingly and see what expenses you can possibly save.

Post by: almaerk08 on March 22, 2018, 04:32:40 AM
I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.

This is what you call pay yourself first. Even if only a little amount upon receiving your salary, you need to pay yourself by saving a little amount because it will be accumulated eventually. If you do it this way, you can always save because the tendency when you save after expenses is that there will be nothing left because you will think to save next month or even worse forget that you need to save. This is the usual case that's why savings should come first before spending. Having a budget is the smart way to do it wherein you need to jot down your expenses so that you can distribute your earnings properly. It is even ideal of you list all your expenses so that you will know what expenses you overspend and then adjust it accordingly and see what expenses you can possibly save.

Thank you for these wonderful tips. It really is very helpful. Yes being able to control your urge in spending is difficult especially if you are used to doong it every payday. But as the time goes by, we can manage our money by spending only on the things that we really need.

Post by: frankybutterin on March 22, 2018, 04:53:58 AM
This is a good financial tips. But I think everyone has different income, level of needs and dependents. These three things make it sometimes difficult to save money for savings or investments. So from that I follow this bitcoin forum to earn income more so I can do the three financial tips above.

Thanks for the tips  ;)

Post by: secondhandlark5 on March 22, 2018, 05:45:01 AM
It depends on the mentality of an individual; no suggestions and advice also can do a single good to them if they dont understand themselves

Post by: jesh2206 on March 22, 2018, 06:16:05 AM
Get everyone in your family involved with keeping to a budget.
Sit down together and make a plan that you can all stick to.
Work out how much spending money is available and agree between you what you’ll each have.

Post by: rave123wallz on March 22, 2018, 06:21:00 AM
In this world you have to be wise enough that you have to look for a lot of sources where you can earn for your own sake. And if you are a person who likes to roam around the world, you have to be financially stable. I think the best way to know you are secured with your finances is that you have that self-discipline to control your income and expenses, you have to know your debit and credit so that you will not be deficit at the end.

Post by: mornabo on March 22, 2018, 06:41:51 AM
Everyone has different habits and lifestyles that can certainly affect their own financial condition. Could be, the tips you give can be useful for some people and not for others. There are people who make lifestyle as a necessity, some are just consider it complementary. There are people who think owning a personal vehicle is a primary need, others assume that it is a tertiary needs. So, it all depends on what we belong to.
I think the tips presented by the OP can be implemented (fit) by everyone. that do not spend money over your salary? of course everyone will go broke/bankrupt if they spend their money more than income they get, then "save first before spending" of course everyone wants to have a stable financial economy. so the priority for everyone must be to save first rather than spend it.

Post by: nightfury on March 22, 2018, 07:27:15 AM
There are actually lots of financial tips one can think but as to financial tips for cryptocurrencies, here's what i can offer.

Choose potential and popularity. If you can do some research before you invest, check those digital currencies that is popular and with great potential. They may be on the top 50s or perhaps those cryptos that are already showing signs of progress.

Diversify your portfolio. Don't pour in all your money to a single potential cryptocurrency only. Invest on different potential cryptos but always follow what you have research and not what you feel. Sometimes our instincts don't lead us to a good result.

Don't ditch the bank. For me, i still use banks and everytime i earned from crypto, i always keep half of it in the bank while the other half will remain in my crypto wallet.

Post by: faultunfmuzzled8 on March 22, 2018, 09:50:28 PM
thats the main point always; "dont spend more than what you earn"; dont spend more than what you need :)

Post by: Finestream on March 22, 2018, 10:42:08 PM
It depends on the mentality of an individual; no suggestions and advice also can do a single good to them if they dont understand themselves
Right.Atleast you should know yourself first.Have a self-descipline and motivate yourself for your goal.If you really want to save,do no make unnecessary expenses like spending it for your own wants and desires.Set your weekly or monthly budget so you can reserve your money and the remaining will be put in a bank.And try to be thrifty as much as possible so you can have a maximum savings.Rewarding yourself can be done in the end after your goals have been achieved.

Post by: sidodadii on March 22, 2018, 11:11:33 PM
In this world you have to be wise enough that you have to look for a lot of sources where you can earn for your own sake. And if you are a person who likes to roam around the world, you have to be financially stable. I think the best way to know you are secured with your finances is that you have that self-discipline to control your income and expenses, you have to know your debit and credit so that you will not be deficit at the end.

that's right, if I myself I prefer to avoid credit cards and the like, because credit cards will only make our lives uneasy and make our finances messed up. away from credit cards is the most powerful solution to get a comfortable life without the thought of paying off all our debts that if using a credit card.

Post by: BitHodler on March 22, 2018, 11:23:04 PM
I prefer to avoid credit cards and the like, because credit cards will only make our lives uneasy and make our finances messed up. away from credit cards is the most powerful solution to get a comfortable life without the thought of paying off all our debts that if using a credit card.
Credit cards make people's life easier initially, because it grants them easy access to money, and that at any time of the day. It's a convenience service meant to make people take out more credit than they can afford.

It's not for nothing that it is so incredibly easy to obtain $500 or $1000 every month because you're short. I avoid credit, and I'm glad to read that you think so about credit as well, but we are nothing more than a tiny dot.

Our entire economy is built on a foundation of debt, and it only becomes worse with every year that goes by. This implies that a lot people can't make ends meet without credit, and that's the horrible reality.

People so much depend on credit nowadays, that they can't live without it, even when they very well know that the debt is basically going to follow them until their very last breath. That's what this system is set up for.

Post by: onnz423 on March 22, 2018, 11:29:53 PM
Great tips, I think I'll add on a couple more to help people out that were like me in the beginning;

1. Do not invest your time into pump and dump groups, you will find that you won't realize any of the profits they claim. Only the owners of the group profit.

2. Most signals groups are scams, unless they have a proven track record.

3. ETH is not the future, do not believe the hype.

Post by: tagsgay on March 22, 2018, 11:56:10 PM
Wow though i knew all these points but still  thanks for rememorizing them to me.

Post by: aeternus on March 27, 2018, 03:49:26 AM

This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.

I like this one. I think this is the common problem for everyone. Sometimes we cannot avoid great offers from a store which has discount product. I think that
human nature when seeing a cheap price. We usually buy a discount product, although we don't need it.
That is good advice but it is still not enough many people think that not spending beyond your means spending every single cent that you have and that is also a good way to becoming poor over the long term, you need to save at least 10% of your income and maybe more and then you need to invest, if you do not do that then it is very unlikely you are ever going to be able to retire.

Post by: Thamon on April 12, 2018, 02:06:50 PM
to be focus on your personal and business financials at all times..

Post by: miradorme on April 25, 2018, 09:54:39 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
Don't spend beyond what you earn is you are spending too much that it comes to the point that if you spend all your salary and there's no more, you make a way to have more money like crediting

Post by: betchay22 on April 26, 2018, 10:13:50 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
Its easy to say but it is hard to do.
In reality, 80% of the population knows about savings, about investment and about how to divide their money according to their needs but why there is always lack of financial stability?
Practically speaking, our monthly income specially in a developing country is not enough to sustain our daily needs. For example: in my country, the basic salary for a teacher is just $400 every month. I will divide my daily cost for a month.
1. $30 - electric bill
2. $20 - water bill
3. $200 - food
4. $40 - transportation
5. $50 - food supplements for my mother
6. $10 - rent of house
Equivalent to $350
That is the exact amount I paid every month and all of them are my family's daily expenses. Only $50 left in my salary not included my tax and insurance. See? How do I save if my monthly salary is just exact to provide my family needs?
Probably, we cannot make a savings if our salary is not enough to our needs. But still, I always save even 1 dollar only per month. That's my case, how about the people who are unemployed or does not have regular job?
P.S. all of the value I gave is converted in the currency of my country.

That is the reality for the average wage earners. Some are negative. Their salary is not even enough to pay for all their expenses. To cover up all our expenses,  we need to look for other source of income. You can do this while working,  you can sell different items which are in demand in your office. I lf you still have free time,  you can do part time jobs. There are many ways to earn  and increase our income. Just be hardworking and determine.

Post by: Vinz1978 on April 28, 2018, 07:43:33 AM
The tips you gave are quite, but one thing for sure is that you can’t maintain these tips, especially the first two tips. It’s not easy for someone to decide that they won’t be spending more than they get. There are lots problems you will have to care of, and your problems don’t mind how much you are earning in a month. Saving money is also not easy, especially for those that are earning little income. It’s not easy.

Those tips are hard for people who do not want to learn financial management.  Everything will be easy if we want to change and improve our lifestyle. If we want to be debt free,  let us do and try those tips. Strong determination and discipline is required if we want to succeed and be rich and have a debt free life.

Post by: Kumic on April 28, 2018, 09:03:55 AM
It's hard o keep balance. I invested on my limits and I asked a bank for some money. I'm comfortable with my good investment, but this could change.
I can recover, but it would be on my limits. Others should not do the same is my advice. Over investing is a big gamble.

Post by: satecream on April 28, 2018, 09:21:52 AM
That was nice information i think to setting up the goal to making you know your in progresa or not and but still many people having trouble to manage their balance in their wallet

Post by: kipo on April 28, 2018, 09:30:31 AM
If your goal is not just to save up for an expensive purchase, but to secure yourself financial stability in the future, then you need to plan not only the accumulation of money, but also investing in savings.

Post by: Ridwan Fauzi on April 28, 2018, 10:23:26 AM
Actually the use of credit cards is good if someone uses it wisely. Someone can take the smartphone with the standard price by way of installment. But the problem to use credit cards is that you do all transactions using credit cards, that's risky. Credit card depends on the person who uses, if used correctly the person will have all.

For a financial tip I do not blame it if the big guy makes big expenses too. As long as I have a definite income I have never to reduce my income. My right is to enjoy what I get, not to save for the future. In the future there will always be ways of earning income, I am always motivated to keep earning income not to reduce my expenses.

Post by: ylnar123 on April 28, 2018, 11:04:10 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

This tips really help people to save some of their resources and have a plan before going to invest. Not only in crypto but also in a traditional way of spending and saving money.

Post by: Rhaizan on April 28, 2018, 12:35:27 PM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

This tips really help people to save some of their resources and have a plan before going to invest. Not only in crypto but also in a traditional way of spending and saving money.

Well that is true, it will give some information about to financial tips to save their money and not spend all.
But for me, if I earn in crypto first I invest in bitcoin to save for the future.

Post by: Rossy Akbar on April 28, 2018, 12:50:49 PM
It was absolutely awesome tips from you,  thanks for that but actually in bitcoin I was thinking, more you looking for it and you will be need some more of it. About spending what you earn it's normally the hardest part of human being to solve, it depends on yourself actually if you can thinking of your future you will manage your financial carefully.

Post by: Friskaadew on April 28, 2018, 04:34:33 PM
This is a very good suggestion, because after all to achieve an established life we need strategy and advice like this. Each of our financial needs requires the right strategy to reach the target in our life.

Post by: thecoder2017 on April 29, 2018, 02:20:10 PM
There are simple things you must keep in mind about financial, if you have money try to save some of your money to have something to use in times of need and one more is dont buy things thats not important try to make a list what to do to avoid overspending.

Post by: ekalak manjeng on April 29, 2018, 03:16:31 PM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

These are practical tips of saving or financial management in which people commonly forget. If they have credit cards, they keep on swipping and spending more that what they can pay. This leads to bankruptcy. Likewise, people tend to spend first rather than saving first. This way, people become less amd less intersted in saving, lastly, they commonly have no goals, like, they spend because they want.
yes we must really manage the financial system because if someone runs money the wrong way then the economy in the family will be bad

Post by: nowlscor18 on April 30, 2018, 02:12:17 PM
I don't save $5 a week. There is no point at all in saving fiat. Now saving 0.001 a week? That's going to work out very well for your future.

I do agree though, don't spend more than you make (no debt) and always have savings before you start to spend your money.

Luckily a new generation will have such a better financial understanding than they did in previous generations and the legacy financial world.
Honestly this generation we can easily get money but the fact that its easy to fade away by spending a non sense need.For me it's better to earn crypto coins and I will convert it into fiat when it's important.

Post by: AnisahSiti on April 30, 2018, 02:40:27 PM
these are great tips, little stories I've ever experienced, bankrupt because I feel too confident, investing in total, selling all the assets I have, but the results are not as expected. The 2 most fatal mistakes of the time were:
1. too confident without having a solid foundation.
2. over belief in others who look great with his words. new people who "seem" are great at managing their finances and investments.
will no longer want to fall in the same hole.

Post by: omfg.xekcep on April 30, 2018, 04:37:53 PM
I think the crucial finance tip sounds like - you must know and evaluate risk of every operation and try to do only operations with positive math expectation.

Post by: cahgantenx on April 30, 2018, 04:52:26 PM
I am including people who are still minimum in getting a salary or income. I have a way to make my spending a bit in the first way buy goods according to your primary needs that come first. The second set aside money by saving or investing whatever the amount. Then the third is a list of insurance that is useful for our old age. Insurance is very important for life when we are old. The last one is the most important is set aside our salary 5% just to do charity.

Post by: Caladonian on April 30, 2018, 05:11:00 PM
I think the crucial finance tip sounds like - you must know and evaluate risk of every operation and try to do only operations with positive math expectation.
Better chances for those investment that you really assess well and calculate the possibilities of gaining decent profits, I'm not that expert
in terms of financial statement but learning from past experiences, investing with things that you are going to expect gains are far better
than investing without any knowledge and just following the trend.

Post by: Prodigye on April 30, 2018, 05:12:12 PM
I think you should add to have an economic cushion in case of an emergency.

Post by: Zurbuchen on April 30, 2018, 08:28:57 PM
In my opinion, I think the best way to help you reqgrding this matter is for you to invest you money to where it can grow and give you opportunities to make it big. Do not spend money or do not spend more than your monthly income. You need to set your priorities to the things thelat you need lost versus wants.

Post by: rizkyhiw on May 01, 2018, 10:36:24 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
This is basic rather than how to manage finances well, everyone should be able to set aside a small part of the income earned each month in order to have money for emergencies. Purpose is the most important that can be the basis for saving money. If you do not have a goal I think the money you save will just run out. Agree, this will help someone to be able to have capital.

Post by: boblets243 on May 01, 2018, 11:12:16 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
This is a good reminder for all of us because it is not easy execute if we lack self-control. It is very important to set financial goals so that we should include how much we should save as part of our priority. The others will follow if we already establish discipline in spending.

Post by: Dudeperfect on May 01, 2018, 05:07:46 PM
I would also like to add one crucial point here which I have explored from Robert Kiyosaki's famous book. It's about maintaining positive cash flow from the passive earning and that means if we are not working then our money should work for us and every invested penny is our employee so one should save and invest as much as he can in a wise manner. Just saving money and keeping it in the bank is not the modern way of attracting more money, one should take some steps forward for financial freedom.

Post by: burner2014 on May 01, 2018, 05:15:34 PM
I would also like to add one crucial point here which I have explored from Robert Kiyosaki's famous book. It's about maintaining positive cash flow from the passive earning and that means if we are not working then our money should work for us and every invested penny is our employee so one should save and invest as much as he can in a wise manner. Just saving money and keeping it in the bank is not the modern way of attracting more money, one should take some steps forward for financial freedom.
I would say that if you really want to have a financial freedom then you must learn something that you need in order for you to be financially free in the future, I would say that read some articles or blogs or anything that would help you out with this.

Post by: tambok on May 01, 2018, 05:17:34 PM
Make things in a list or try to focus in something that you want to achieve, don't make it an impossible as all things are possible if you would just believe in it, if you are having a problem you can consult with a financial adviser to help us out and excel in terms of financing our money.

Post by: LuciferEveningStar on May 01, 2018, 05:17:41 PM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

"DONT SPEND BYEOND WHAT YOU EARN", this is the best advice you can give to everyone since there are a lot of people who are spending a huge amount of their income for unnecessary things in life.

Post by: salterious on May 01, 2018, 05:49:33 PM
Another critical tip in having success in life in regards to finance is to budget. Make a budget on where you spend your money and from there you can determine if it is too much or too little. After that you will know where every $ goes and that goes a long way in making people financially fit.

Post by: hualangktsld841 on May 01, 2018, 06:12:56 PM
I think the third point is very important. You have to set your goals in the investment, otherwise you are easily affected by the market sentiment and then you will make a lot of wrong judgments. I have had several such experiences, because there is no clear goal to lose a lot of money in your own bitcoin investment. It's too bad.

Post by: Jessica1234 on May 02, 2018, 05:12:30 AM
Learn Self-Control, you have to control your self beyond your limitations. You have to be wise on where you use your money. Make sure that you use your money first for your needs and bills. Don't spend money beyond your own earn.

Post by: budz0425 on May 02, 2018, 05:47:28 PM
Governments always hide the true percentage of inflation. It makes no sense to Deposit savings in banks. It turns out that due to our savings, a large business is financed. Then millionaires get their income from these businesses and we get back the impaired money.
What can we expect from them right? That is why I don't trust too much our government as they don't really care about people, they would hide something for their own sake but they are just covering it that they are protecting investors, that is why I am more happy to invest here rather than in banks/stock markets.

Post by: ulages on May 06, 2018, 10:37:42 PM
You must know what is important to you and you should know your priorities.

Post by: gurang on May 07, 2018, 12:04:26 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
Financial tips? For me you do not have to spend those money on things that are worthless, or you can build your finances for money sometimes and you do not have financial problems

Post by: Lhanofclover on May 07, 2018, 12:24:57 AM
We need an positive mindset and discipline with regards to saving money.
Some people are dont have enough knowledge in saving money that's why many people still unstable when it comes to financial.
As an individual person who earning not so high salary it is hard to budget your salary but it is not the reason that you didn't save for your future.  We have a lot of oppurtunity or side line that can we make that's why when I found the bitcoin no hesitation I grabbed it already and so far btc helped me a lot to sustain my needs and of course investment and savings.

Post by: Bugsbey on May 07, 2018, 12:34:08 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
Thanks, these are very nice tips for all of us. If we can do it, then it will really help us in our daily life. We will not be suffering from our left and right debts and loans. And I think self discipline is what we need to achieve this.

Post by: Sinecoin on May 07, 2018, 01:26:03 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

I think these are great general financial tips that can help ordinary people as well as traders/investors.  People who take out loans or put their whole life savings into crypto investments are financially irresponsible and should rethink their decisions.  Furthermore, people should not invest all their money into one basket a.k.a coin and instead they should diversify.  Furthermore, if someone does not have enough money to start investing, they can save up a little every month, like you said, until they have enough.

Post by: B@rry@llen on May 07, 2018, 01:42:31 AM
Learn to earn money and handle it properly. Then save it also learn how to invest. Maybe you need to separate the one you will save and the one you will invest. Then after that you need to have goals in your money also. Make a business or share a business property

Post by: Pinoyfan on May 07, 2018, 03:06:52 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

thank you for some tips i actually struggling on spending money. i do spend a lot on malls and also in foods when i got a money i actually having a spending disorder so im so very thankful that you post it in. saving money is important for all of us. we must save money for emergencies and other moments

Post by: spongegar on May 07, 2018, 03:11:40 AM
I've been a minimum wage earner and i would just like tocadd something. After saving an emergency fund, ehich is about three months worth of salary, then save some so you can invest it on something else. I wish i knew of this when i was younger so that i would've had a more diverse and lucrative portfolio now.

Post by: GDragon on May 07, 2018, 04:18:24 AM
I appreciate your effort to help our community to enhance their financial literacy. I was once created a research about being financial literate of an individual. The result was nine out ten people are impulsive buyer and we conclude also that they had hard time to save a money even if they have good financial income sources. It means, being educated and not educated can be a financial illiterate and that is our weaknesses.

Post by: Memminger on May 07, 2018, 04:58:25 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

frankly speaking, if you have priorities you can actually save money. everyone can save their money if they wanted to because that's waht they want. but the efforts to publish this is highly appreciated. at least people who can't save will have the opportunity to have an idea and do so.

Post by: sgenuine on May 30, 2018, 09:16:02 AM
It was absolutely awesome tips from you,  thanks for that but actually in bitcoin I was thinking, more you looking for it and you will be need some more of it. About spending what you earn it's normally the hardest part of human being to solve, it depends on yourself actually if you can thinking of your future you will manage your financial carefully.

Agree. I even suppose that most of us should bookmark these tips - they are very useful. An advice that will be helpful as well: never borrow money to buy crypto.

Post by: squog on May 30, 2018, 09:19:08 AM
Thanks for the tip and I'm sure to follow it. But one thing i have to give as a tip is this. Especially in investing, be it in stocks or in crypto currencies, that you invest only the money you are willing to lose. After that have an ROI as soon as possible ang from there you grow your money. I have to learn this the hard way.

Post by: Leanna44 on June 01, 2018, 05:53:19 PM
Nice tip and suggestions for those people who cannot manage on how to control and give more value to our hardwork,its very good even in our attitude of spending too much theres still a little saving saved in it.,so dont spend it all atleast save even its a little.

Post by: aleenoe335 on June 01, 2018, 06:18:10 PM
I can only give examples 10 powerful financial tips: 1. Only Invest In Business That We Understand, 2.Orang Tend To Forgot With Crisis, 3.Kita Can Invest For Long Term, Do not Check Often, 4.Do not Think That BlueChip Company ( flagship) Can not Go Bankrupt, 5.We Can not Guess The Market, But We Can Control Our Investment, 6.Prepare Our Pension Funds As Well as possible and As much as possible, 7.Buy House (property), 8.Do Not Just View Price Shares Increase And Decrease, 9.Investasi For Long Term, Our Time is Very Valuable For Our Investment, 10.Start Education Fund From Now, Even Before Our Child Born, please tips I write can be learned first with the ability you have, may be useful.

Post by: francis2 on June 01, 2018, 08:17:19 PM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
Even if you say your advice is for those that do not have a lot of money those advices applies to everyone, I have met people that if you look at them they may seem to be doing very well economically but then many of those people have told to me that they are heavily indebted and that they do not know how they are going to pay all of that stuff.

Post by: Indai24 on June 03, 2018, 11:31:31 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
Even if you say your advice is for those that do not have a lot of money those advices applies to everyone, I have met people that if you look at them they may seem to be doing very well economically but then many of those people have told to me that they are heavily indebted and that they do not know how they are going to pay all of that stuff.

Me too is not good on how I manage my finaces, however I'm working on it right now wherein I always set aside my savings before my expenses as soon as I recieve my salary.

Post by: komrobert on June 03, 2018, 11:55:05 AM
Really, I don't see anything good in saving fiat money now. I rather save some of BTC or ETH or some altcoins. Fiat money is a passed stage for me :)

Post by: kauban2018 on June 03, 2018, 12:31:53 PM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

I  totally agree on your insight about how important people must manage their salary especially to those who are earning minimum salary wage. I n my part, I do save money 10% of the salary earned then managed my expenses, bills and and up to next month stock or need. I really do managed my money before spending it for my future finances. Also, when my savings is enough to invest  I will do my best to have my own business for a better future.

Post by: Apple Mac on June 03, 2018, 12:58:48 PM
This steps are really easy to do but sadly only a few people follow it. Most of the people would by expensive stuff just to look rich but in reality they have no money. The other way around with rich people i know, most of them live simply but have millions of money.

That's nature of man, we ought to say everything but we cannot apply it to ourselves. I am very guilty to poor saving habits, and now I am realising what is the essence of saving yoir money and I guess for this time I dhould learn already. Based upon what is stated above I guess this is all true, how can you be able to spend some if you don't work to gain, and don't spend money so much, self-discipline is really hard, but it will work if we practice often.

Post by: sepeda karat on June 03, 2018, 01:17:35 PM
Make an education fund long before you get additional time to invest. Even if you need to make educational investment funds before you plan.
Additional few years can ease your mortgage, or can enlarge your investment return.

Post by: Fog Fence on June 03, 2018, 01:18:19 PM
Thank you, very interesting and useful tips! There is one more important advice -pay yourself first! That is, first direct the money to investment and self development, and then distribute among other needs.

Post by: ivrynx on June 03, 2018, 01:46:30 PM
Thank you for your tips, I would also like to add, that you should learn the art of discipline, since it will be one of the best lessont in life that will help you, a lot of people have focus on their goal, however, they fail to discipline themselves while achieving their goal, sometimes it will take them long, and forget that they have a goal, and realize that they are already overdue with their dates. Self-discipline will also help you when it comes to trading, you will not just rely on impulse but will focus more on your strategy.

Post by: babaya on June 03, 2018, 01:51:21 PM
Make an education fund long before you get additional time to invest. Even if you need to make educational investment funds before you plan.
Additional few years can ease your mortgage, or can enlarge your investment return.
education and knowledge to manage our fund is important for us.we can make our plan about risk , yield or trading plan.all of this just to make our money have big return in certain periode

Post by: Ejanend on June 05, 2018, 08:41:44 PM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
Financial tips? For me you do not have to spend those money on things that are worthless, or you can build your finances for money sometimes and you do not have financial problems
In order to boost up or make your self financially better you need to choose a cooperative coin through which you can make money and is responsive to you. If you are a productive person then you will be having valuable coin for example the most recommended crypto coin the Bitcoin. After investment in Bitcoin in a low market you will make yourself financially better with it as this coin has the potential to reach at any highest possible place if you go for long term.

Post by: Reid on June 05, 2018, 08:49:30 PM
Thanks for that good reminder.
Lately I have been spending more than what I am earning. I always thought I could get it back once my invested token breaks thru its price and suddenly have a great pump.

I think that should also be a reminder for everyone here.
Do not lean much on your invested coin. If you see it pumped before then do not expect for it to happen again in just a manner of time. Some of them takes more time than how it happened before.
If you could do that then you will be safe.
You will learn to still use the budget instead of buying more which is not really useful just because you know you are expecting something.

Post by: Goodnuel on June 05, 2018, 09:00:56 PM
This is insightful, one needs to cultivate the habit of saving and setting goals.. Saving can be very hard especially for minimum wage earners, but one can still try.

Post by: Okrah on June 05, 2018, 09:14:34 PM
We must keep our money and despite of financial problems we must save it and think before you use your money.

Post by: Osarman on June 06, 2018, 07:51:24 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
Even if you say your advice is for those that do not have a lot of money those advices applies to everyone, I have met people that if you look at them they may seem to be doing very well economically but then many of those people have told to me that they are heavily indebted and that they do not know how they are going to pay all of that stuff.

Me too is not good on how I manage my finaces, however I'm working on it right now wherein I always set aside my savings before my expenses as soon as I recieve my salary.
If you are not good at managing your finances, you should throw this responsibility to someone who you trust because there are some people who really are good at managing things. But if you are not willing to give this responsibility to someone else, you should keep on working on it and soon you will be able to get it all in your hand. It’s good to save money from salary because it will meet your future needs.

Post by: novsali on June 07, 2018, 05:08:15 AM
We must keep our money and despite of financial problems we must save it and think before you use your money.

Yes, this is needed if you want to live debt free life peacefully. You must follow these tips as getting out of debt is not that easy.

Post by: weblouartisan on June 07, 2018, 05:32:33 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

Setting some goals is the best thing to do, you should have your own timeline in order to find out the different things you already made in the past and in this way you can manage to look for your self if you manage to improve your self or not

Post by: realcrypto on June 07, 2018, 05:37:57 AM
I have tried all the point you mention when I was working. Saving of any kind will not work if do not have enough to feed and pay your bills. I order to gain financial freedom work hard and smart to enough. When there is enough to meet your needs obeying those rules become easy.

Post by: eneifed on June 07, 2018, 05:51:18 AM
We must keep our money and despite of financial problems we must save it and think before you use your money.

Yes, this is needed if you want to live debt free life peacefully. You must follow these tips as getting out of debt is not that easy.

It requires a lot of self control and proper management of expenses and savings. Most of the people who are in debt look for immediate solutions like debt consolidation plans.

Post by: putrisa on June 07, 2018, 05:51:57 AM
I think financial tips if you want to buy some that you want better you save the money you have and grow the assets you have first after the assets you have a lot then you can buy anything you want.

Post by: kevpantof on June 07, 2018, 06:06:33 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
A very good advice. But have you ever been in a situation whereby that you must have to spend more than your monthly income? We’re not able to predict our future, and we never know what the future holds. Of course every one of us would like to save some money for themselves to be able to achieve something much bigger in life… but sometimes it is not easy due to the problems we do have.

Post by: serverus on June 07, 2018, 06:17:46 AM
Always include to your budget the savings and investment. Spreading your asset into many option will keep you from having a successful investment.

Post by: chocolah29 on June 07, 2018, 07:11:39 AM
Always include to your budget the savings and investment. Spreading your asset into many option will keep you from having a successful investment.

A good diversion it is. As they say don't put all your eggs in one basket, learn to diversify so you can have something to keep in your pocket. This thread is so timely as many of us don't know how to save up for their future. They just keep spending  a lot without realizing that they spend more than what they earn so in the end they're in totally debt. Know what your needs over your wants.

Post by: Duogembrot on June 07, 2018, 07:11:50 AM
financial tips I personally think it seems if you want to use and spend the money you have you should have a savings assets after you can use it to buy something you want to buy, do not spend the money you have if you do not have too many assets stored.

Post by: azisjz4 on June 07, 2018, 09:09:48 AM
thank you for the tips, I really agree with your tips.. well, for manage finances the most important thing i think we dont buy anything that is no needed, dont buy something that is not important.  to set some goal, I agree with your tips. In a week we should set aside our money at least $ 15, I think we can save $ 15 per week. the money may be used at the end of the year or in the event of an emergency.

Post by: jmigdlc99 on June 07, 2018, 09:21:28 AM




I believe you forgot to add: INVEST FOR LONG-TERM.

While all those you mentioned are sound tips for saving your hard earned money, making your money work for you is another thing that is easily done through good investments. You can invest in crypto which is riskier but you can also invest in stabler equity bonds, mutual funds, and other opportunities available at your local banks or stock exchanges.

Post by: danice15 on June 07, 2018, 10:01:21 AM
This is helpful specially nowadays where bills are getting higher you should know how to use your money. YOu should prepare your money to age well. Create a budget. Track your spending and income to get an accurate picture of your financial situation. It will help you a lot specially in case of emergency.

Post by: Sadlife on June 07, 2018, 10:09:30 AM
This is what people failed to do the most. They get greedy and spend everything on things that they dont actually need or a necessity and when the time comes that they need money like for emergencies or important matters, they got nothing. Spend wisely dont spend what you can't afford to lose. Instead invest it to make passive income or put it in the bank.

Post by: emulsifryer on June 07, 2018, 10:30:49 AM
This steps are really easy to do but sadly only a few people follow it. Most of the people would by expensive stuff just to look rich but in reality they have no money. The other way around with rich people i know, most of them live simply but have millions of money.

Yes that's what we call opposite part for us human's. Some of us spend a lot of money buying expensive things because of being jealous to those who can really bought, they never think about there loss they only earn not actually little but they spend more than there earnings.

Post by: gurang on June 07, 2018, 11:32:02 AM
A lot of people heard this thing before and yet they still ended up nothing. Why? because they are afraid to take some risk.

I consider myself as a financial advocate but not that professional, telling people to invest and save for their future but sad thing is they don't care
about their future, they said "You Only Live Once" without planning for tomorrow.

Find this thing helpful because this is what we need right now, we have to start setting our goals, changing our lifestyle in order
for us to survive in the future, let's keep telling people about this thing until they realize how good investments are specially with cryptos.
financial tips? Start investing and be smart in this work and take your future or think about what you want to happen in your future, for the sake of investing it might help you financially

Post by: GoodLuck2 on June 07, 2018, 09:16:11 PM
This is helpful specially nowadays where bills are getting higher you should know how to use your money. YOu should prepare your money to age well. Create a budget. Track your spending and income to get an accurate picture of your financial situation. It will help you a lot specially in case of emergency.
Save first before spending is a very good technique by Warren Buffet. In such case, you save a specific amount and try to manage the needs in the remaining budget. Besides, Long term and short term investment also pay off and if you are able to distinguish the good coin from the bad one, you will be better off with your investment. Knowledge about the technology determines your progress in the journey.

Post by: Liselotte_crypto on June 07, 2018, 09:22:56 PM
Great basics but there are many sites that give lots of info about that like mrmoneymustache.

Post by: SlickMoTwoToe on June 07, 2018, 10:50:49 PM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

I thank you for this, I can now properly manage my financial statistics and plans.

Post by: swscowods on June 08, 2018, 08:27:21 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
Quite a nice tip but to be sincere this is not an easy  thing for anyone to do. I have tried so many times to save money, but by the end of the month I had already spent twice what I earn in a month. I’m not the careless type or something, neither do I like to spend all the time. I love to save money and work to increase what I have, but like I said… it is not easy.

Post by: ejandjm18 on June 08, 2018, 09:44:31 AM
There are so many tips that we learn about finacial first ,We should learn Self-Control. If you're lucky, your parents taught you this skill when you were a kid, Take Control of Your Own Financial Future,Know Where Your Money Goes,Start an Emergency Fund,Start Saving for Retirement Now,Get a Grip onTaxes,Guard Your Health, and Guard Your Wealth.

Post by: KingdomHearts on June 10, 2018, 06:32:34 PM
This steps are really easy to do but sadly only a few people follow it. Most of the people would by expensive stuff just to look rich but in reality they have no money. The other way around with rich people i know, most of them live simply but have millions of money.

That's nature of man, we ought to say everything but we cannot apply it to ourselves. I am very guilty to poor saving habits, and now I am realising what is the essence of saving yoir money and I guess for this time I dhould learn already. Based upon what is stated above I guess this is all true, how can you be able to spend some if you don't work to gain, and don't spend money so much, self-discipline is really hard, but it will work if we practice often.
You know it is in human nature generally to want to show off, but the last time I actually checked, it has never helped anyone.
At the end, they end up living a fake life, a life above their means of income and the next thing you know, debts keep coming in and they keep servicing more all in the name of trying to impress. Impress who ? It is important to always discipline oneself most especially when it comes to spending and focus more on savings and investment if anyone wants to live a big life eventually. Rome wasn't built in a day but some people really wish they could build theirs in seconds. Unlike western cultures, many other traditions are teaching about saving from the childhood itself. For those people, managing their financial things effectively will not be a big concern.

Post by: trutel on June 10, 2018, 09:07:04 PM
This is a good and positive suggestion.Three of these tips become an encouragement for beginners to try and work hard. We should save money early before the money runs out for our consumption.

Post by: Nylelyn on June 10, 2018, 10:48:36 PM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
I find your idea very helpful and practical. This is so important especially that life is tough. Now a days, with all the material things that lure our eyes it is very easy to fall in love and spend our money or swipe our credit cards knowing in mind that its gonna be a little more than we can earn. We just have to set our minds that this are only material things and we do not have to buy what is latest and most expensive because at the end of the day, we or your family will suffer. Better to invest what you can to something that will give you profit in the future.

Post by: cavaBcoin on June 11, 2018, 02:01:29 PM
I am grateful with these 3 tips you’ve gave. Just three steps for having a good finacial, but it’s quite not easy for us to practice. Because as you know that if it’s easy to do, probably all people in this market will never in poverty, instead of they will be richer. Truly, we have to give it great effort to pull off  this plan. Often I do these 3 tips, but I almost can’t  balance. Especially, I’m usually out of my goal, which makes me miss so many chance for a big benefit. Anyway, both three tips are really useful, I hope that everyone will practice it well so that controlling finance in good way.

Post by: DMCR lah on June 11, 2018, 02:14:35 PM
Money is something that can change your outlook, the way you spend money and it can make you successful or otherwise. Therefore I believe that spending should be done very seriously. Many times people spend money on unwanted things and when they lose everything they realize they have made a mistake. So, spending should be controlled and investment should be done wisely.

Post by: max fray on June 11, 2018, 02:26:16 PM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.




My golden dream has always been earning so much money so that I could forget about all those financial tips  :D
Despite the fact that over the past year I started earning like 4-5 times more than I used to I still always lack money because there are so many thing to buy for my home and for myself.
Even with that level of income I don't think I will ever be able to save something, so the main goal is to earn even more.

Post by: rickadone on June 12, 2018, 07:35:39 PM
Make an education fund long before you get additional time to invest. Even if you need to make educational investment funds before you plan.
Additional few years can ease your mortgage, or can enlarge your investment return.
Quite funny though that so many people would rather focus more on spending and filling up more debt space than investing. Goal is important in life and if this is not there, most people will just keep blowing here and there without any plans for the future. Self-discipline helps a lot and that is only applicable to those who have an aim in life and want to achieve it.

Savings, investments, are the things that make the best plan for one's finance in the future otherwise, it will just keep coming from the right and moving out from the left as that is how easy it is for money movement when one is just busy spending.

Post by: makolz26 on June 12, 2018, 07:57:55 PM
Make an education fund long before you get additional time to invest. Even if you need to make educational investment funds before you plan.
Additional few years can ease your mortgage, or can enlarge your investment return.
Quite funny though that so many people would rather focus more on spending and filling up more debt space than investing. Goal is important in life and if this is not there, most people will just keep blowing here and there without any plans for the future. Self-discipline helps a lot and that is only applicable to those who have an aim in life and want to achieve it.

Savings, investments, are the things that make the best plan for one's finance in the future otherwise, it will just keep coming from the right and moving out from the left as that is how easy it is for money movement when one is just busy spending.
I agree with you, we should be financially wise, I don't want to have debt too in my life, I want to live happy and contented, if I don't have much money to buy things I want, then there is no way that I should use my credit card just to have it, when I really need something I am aiming for it and saving for it, but not to make debt.

Post by: ShineftChaos on June 12, 2018, 08:10:02 PM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

The market of cryptocurrency is volatile and i think that every time the market prices are pumping up then you should always save some cash by exchanging your coins into fiat and from there you can have extra cash for the emergency purposes.

Post by: justspare on June 14, 2018, 08:05:36 AM
This is insightful, one needs to cultivate the habit of saving and setting goals.. Saving can be very hard especially for minimum wage earners, but one can still try.
For real, it is a habit that needs to be cultivated and that comes with a lot of self-discipline and the need for one to know the importance of having goals and planning everything possible to achieve those goals.

For instance, having a goal where you have at least 5 businesses for multiple streams of income coming for you will make you to realize the importance of saving towards that and would give you a guideline as to how to sacrifice now for the future. Savings is not hard as long as you can limit your expenses or cut your coat according to your size.

If you cannot afford to live in a 3 bedroom, do not; if you cannot afford a lambo, then don't; it is important to always live life one can afford. For those who like to impress, the problem is that in one's old age, they won't be there when such a person is living in penury. Planning for the retirement age starts from when you are still young.

Post by: PIR on June 14, 2018, 08:55:42 AM
These are all important and timely reminders for everyone specially to all bitcoin user and spender when one get their bounty token and earned a lot this is a great strategy for all of us not to spend a lot beyond our means.

Post by: Starfranko on June 14, 2018, 09:05:09 AM
Spending beyond one's earning is the very definition of financial disaster. It might be shiny and all Rosy on the payday but one should forget that bullish market runs just for a season. The bad days might just be lurking

Post by: Starfranko on June 14, 2018, 09:12:02 AM
Am loving it here, the financial tips are timely and if inculcated can help one to build their finances.

Post by: Starfranko on June 14, 2018, 09:21:48 AM
Planning or budgeting and imbibing the culture of delayed gratification can actually help if one wants to be able to meet their needs and accomplish financial freedom which I think is the desire of most people.

Post by: doomloop on June 14, 2018, 09:02:09 PM
Am loving it here, the financial tips are timely and if inculcated can help one to build their finances.
Yeah they are great tips. Like Warren Buffet say save before you consume. This really makes you earn good because you have to survive in the money allocated for consumption. Also as you know one should stay very optimized in terms of consuming and should keep the budget constraint in the mind before making the consumption decisions. This really helps you go good in the market.

Post by: Elseye on June 14, 2018, 09:44:35 PM
Well, those tips are good, but crypto is such an irrational thing that here may work out any ridiculous or risky strategy.

Post by: Whitly on June 14, 2018, 10:03:50 PM
Not sure, if it financial tip, but anyway, I want else to add, many small jobs with the small salaries, better than one with high salary. And here why, you never know what can happen in future, so even, if you will lose a place at one of your small jobs it won't affect on you much (since you will continue making money), how it will when you will be fired from your high-paying job.

Post by: ROB18 on June 14, 2018, 10:53:37 PM
Appreciate your financial tips. Nice of your to share it and remind again people who spends beyond their limits. It's really hard sometime to understand, people knows what to do actually but they are keep doing the opposite. It's like we are driven by an emotional purchases that most of the time is not actually a necessity. It's like an advice about staying healthy is to eat right, exercise and take some proper supplementation but only few are doing it. I hope it's not too late. Please listen to these tips and don't forget your health as well. God bless.

Post by: purple.thoughts on June 14, 2018, 11:27:12 PM


Since we are earning from different campaigns here in bitcointalk, I also normally do this because I am saving enough money. You should have your list on what you really need to buy so that you can manage your savings and expenses well. setting this kind of goal will be able to help you earn and save.

I think, this topic will be a helpful idea to all of us because if we really want to save enough money, we should be wise on managing it.  

Post by: biboy on June 14, 2018, 11:46:51 PM


Since we are earning from different campaigns here in bitcointalk, I also normally do this because I am saving enough money. You should have your list on what you really need to buy so that you can manage your savings and expenses well. setting this kind of goal will be able to help you earn and save.

I think, this topic will be a helpful idea to all of us because if we really want to save enough money, we should be wise on managing it.  

A lot of strategies out there for us to save money, a lot of temptations too, but although there are lot of temptations if we have a strong mind and goal in life to save money then for sure no matter what we are doing we can achieve it, saving is so much important as we don't know the possible thing that could happen in the future.

Post by: keroykeroy on June 15, 2018, 02:11:25 AM
Great tips out there sir! I'll make sure I'll follow this one as it can be very helpful to me.

Post by: rmel0924 on June 15, 2018, 02:36:02 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
Wow this is nice idea. Thank you this idea and I really love the way you have managed your money. This is true try to spare the money for saving first before spending it. Saving is very important so that we can have money for the future needs.Its is very important to have our own goal too in order to be inspired in doing anything. I will make a copy of this tips. Thanks a lot sir!

Post by: Supreemo on June 15, 2018, 05:07:22 AM


Since we are earning from different campaigns here in bitcointalk, I also normally do this because I am saving enough money. You should have your list on what you really need to buy so that you can manage your savings and expenses well. setting this kind of goal will be able to help you earn and save.

I think, this topic will be a helpful idea to all of us because if we really want to save enough money, we should be wise on managing it.  

A lot of strategies out there for us to save money, a lot of temptations too, but although there are lot of temptations if we have a strong mind and goal in life to save money then for sure no matter what we are doing we can achieve it, saving is so much important as we don't know the possible thing that could happen in the future.
,at the very least we have our own goals to achieve, and it really helps once you learned how to discipline yourself from temptations. once you have money, you are easoly tempted, because of the idea that you can afford and so on, but what about the future? often times people who spend much than they earned is being termed as spend thrift. you wont also know how important saving was until you reach the point of having nothing but only a few bucks left.

Post by: wantjokull on June 15, 2018, 05:46:55 AM
I have only one way to save money and thats by keeping the records of what I spend and what I shouldn't be spending on next month if my budget was off the chart. Will always see how much is getting spent on the family, mostly kids and myself. Then will re-finance all the stuff if something is too expensive and repeating over and over again. Fixed expense like grocery, home bills should be always kept aside. So step by step you do it traditional ways so that you can get the more savings done.

Post by: Kamote_1102 on June 15, 2018, 06:54:10 AM
it's really my struggle to save my money. when I know I have money in my pocket. I always want to buy different foods and I eat a lot. financial management is the hardest thing to learn on my part. If I know that I have savings, I spend if I have no money left. can someone help me with this?

Post by: ulakudrakova on June 15, 2018, 07:53:49 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

Thank you the author for excellent and the right advice. That's really true. Credit cards are evil if you use them wrong. Given example. You earn $ 1,000 a month, and your expenses$1,200. The remaining amount you take from the credit cards that you are offered in each Bank. The presence of credit cards leads people to seduction and squandering. And spending money without much need for it. Here are these -200$ per month can in a few months to turn your total debts -1000$ or even more. It Is A Utopia

Post by: emulsifryer on June 15, 2018, 09:35:34 AM
This particular question is tackled about more spending money and savings. I really like your concern and idea, hopefully many people realize on how the way they manage their income and their expenses. Because to much spending of money causes negative income, and suffered more future payables and debt. Actually, mostly people has the characteristics of being thrifty are those rich people, because they are more on saving money, but for those people that only a workers having minimum income are performing more on expenses rather than saving, hopefully this question gave us a learning lesson on how to save money rather than too much spending.
That's right a lot of people right now spending lots of their money than their usually daily income. Many people work hard in order to earn money and also to survive but, other people didn't see what they do, because some of them born in a wealthy family. Some rich people underestimate poor because they think that they can easily manipulate them using money.

Post by: Bustart on June 15, 2018, 10:05:03 AM
I have only one way to save money and thats by keeping the records of what I spend and what I shouldn't be spending on next month if my budget was off the chart. Will always see how much is getting spent on the family, mostly kids and myself. Then will re-finance all the stuff if something is too expensive and repeating over and over again. Fixed expense like grocery, home bills should be always kept aside. So step by step you do it traditional ways so that you can get the more savings done.
Be honest, keep track of your expenses, and don't be too impulsive. Learn to formulate a budget plan, and follow it. It's very important to be a wise spender, and to respect your money, think of the sacrifices you put behind it, it's earned through time, effort, energy. You can make smart investment as well as another option to make your money grow and work for you.

Post by: Boldcom on June 15, 2018, 10:09:46 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

This is very basic. Spending more than what you earn will cause you soo much trouble. This is what people should always bare in mind.

Post by: logicgate on June 15, 2018, 05:34:22 PM
Great basics but there are many sites that give lots of info about that like mrmoneymustache.
  Follow the general ideas of the market and invest somewhere where there are maximum possibilities of making profit. In modern world the best recommended place is the crypto market which favors you and gives you the opportunity to get profit and make your financial situations better. It is a wonderful way and you should follow with great care and should learn how to handle it if you are serious to make your financial situations better.

Post by: bitcoinrays on June 18, 2018, 09:39:46 AM
Planning or budgeting and imbibing the culture of delayed gratification can actually help if one wants to be able to meet their needs and accomplish financial freedom which I think is the desire of most people.
A lot of advices are here with many complications which will make processes of making money difficult. I will describe the simple market as we noticed the market of Bitcoin favorable and this should be the place if you want to invest somewhere and in search of investment. But remember that it is a crypto market and you are to learn about it first, once you gain knowledge then you will be a successful investor.

Post by: chelle5 on June 18, 2018, 05:13:02 PM
Some of us are so eager to earn money to have some fun or to buy what they want, expensive clothes, shoes and more, those people that they don't care about the future, but as like other said set aside some of your money for your future and don't buy things that is not necessary, cut some expenses, make some goal all of that is very useful.

Post by: futile-resistance on June 19, 2018, 06:17:57 AM
Thank you for your tips, I would also like to add, that you should learn the art of discipline, since it will be one of the best lessont in life that will help you, a lot of people have focus on their goal, however, they fail to discipline themselves while achieving their goal, sometimes it will take them long, and forget that they have a goal, and realize that they are already overdue with their dates. Self-discipline will also help you when it comes to trading, you will not just rely on impulse but will focus more on your strategy.
Yeah, pretty interesting and sure, paying one first in terms of savings is very important and there was a book I read that about 10 - 20% should always go to you for savings purpose. Also, it is not just all about savings, as like you said, investment is very important.

The investment could be on yourself, or on a business you would like to pursue but the main idea is to always let those savings work for you and not work for money the rest of one's life.

Post by: BulbaLord on June 20, 2018, 08:57:44 AM
I like your financial tips.  For me its a big help if I SET SOME GOALS because I want in my future family have a good life I want to save money for my family.  For my children study. And pretty good if you have a goals in your life.  This topic will be a helpful idea to all of us.

Post by: Godexists on June 20, 2018, 09:49:14 AM
In my opinion I think you should first budget your money make a list.set aside your money for important matters.cut some expenses and make some goal that is very useful.if you are having difficulties there are financial adviser to help us.all things are possible if you think positive you must believe it.

Post by: nydiacaskey01 on June 20, 2018, 09:58:01 AM
Try to save up for an emergency fund. An emergency fund is made up of all your expenses for the month multiply by 3. The number 3 stands for 3 months. Sp if you are currently employed and relying on your salary and if anything bad happens to your work like business needs to close or you are part of retrenchment, you can use the emergency. Why 3 months only, because as soon as you don't have work, you can start looking for a new job and your funds can last up to 3 months, but its still up to you if you want higher emergency funds.

Post by: cheann20 on June 20, 2018, 10:26:07 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

Well for me yes. I guess this is a good idea and suggestion, and because of this some of us or maybe that everyone can be more aware of how to manage their finances, their financial problem or challenge.  well you say often people spend more money than they can get just because they get credit they sometimes forget the percent or interest from their installment ..

Post by: waqasniaz007 on June 20, 2018, 10:37:29 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

Great advises but  best tip is saving. Without saving no one can be rich. Rich people save first consume the rest amount.But it  is difficult to save for everyone.

Post by: alyssaxx on June 22, 2018, 03:34:46 AM
When you receive your hard earned money, don't be a one day millionaire. A lot of people are like that, every payday you will see them at malls, restaurant clubs and other establishment where they spend a lot of money. Without even thinking what will happen to them in the next few days.
There's a lot of thinking that they can borrow to others and pay again after a month. This what happen to every individual who don't know how to save.

Post by: StarofBTC on June 23, 2018, 05:15:23 AM
Some of us are so eager to earn money to have some fun or to buy what they want, expensive clothes, shoes and more, those people that they don't care about the future, but as like other said set aside some of your money for your future and don't buy things that is not necessary, cut some expenses, make some goal all of that is very useful.
If you need to use your money or utilize your money then you will need to invest in crypto world because we know that the modern market is of cryptocurrency and the whole attention of people is in crypto. This might has some abilities and responses due to which is the sight of people. Bitcoin is a currency favorable for long term investment and if you want to make huge money then invest here in low market.

Post by: jarrosha on June 23, 2018, 05:23:30 AM
i have not been in this place so i cant necessarily speak for people being paid minimum wage but my suggestion would be even if it means a bad lifestyle for a few months downsize more even if it means a few months of unhappiness, get a side job if you dont already have one, save up the money your are saving, then invest that saved money, within a year or two you will probably have enough to maybe get more education at a community college or something raise your portfolio and get a way better job, better job means more money, more money means more to invest.

Note: for people living on minimum wage don't invest in cryptocurrencies they are just to risky, invest in stocks or index funds they might not have the same return but they are more stable

Post by: bealjulian on June 24, 2018, 11:48:11 PM
In order to boost up or make your self financially better you need to choose a cooperative coin through which you can make money and is responsive to you. If you are a productive person then you will be having valuable coin for example the most recommended crypto coin the Bitcoin. If you are not good at managing your finances, you should throw this responsibility to someone who you trust because there are some people who really are good at managing things

Post by: think3214 on June 24, 2018, 11:49:27 PM
Financial planning is done by everyone whether you are rich or poor as keeping track with your money is the best way on how you will maximize it. From car loans to credit ratings all can be analyze when you are doing financial planning. A good diversion it is. As they say don't put all your eggs in one basket, learn to diversify so you can have something to keep in your pocket

Post by: dharnamonitor on June 25, 2018, 02:03:05 AM
Nice, I'm sure you're well organized with your own finances, it's sad but the truth is sometimes I became irresponsible with my own money like spending and buying unnecessary things. It might be difficult for us or some people to make your financial tips as a habit but once they practices it regularly I'm sure they will see the benefits of it. Sometimes we tend to ignore some important things became luxurious and greedy because of the moment we received our hard earned money and that's normal but if you allowed yourself to be carried away with it then it's unforgivable.

Post by: Rambogae on June 25, 2018, 03:23:34 AM
This is insightful, one needs to cultivate the habit of saving and setting goals.. Saving can be very hard especially for minimum wage earners, but one can still try.

I think most people have the characteristic of being thrifty are the rich people, because they save more, but for people who have only a minimum of more on expenses than saving, may this question give us a lesson lesson on how to save money spending too much.
This particular question is dealt with about spending more money and savings. I really like your concern and your idea, hopefully many people realize how they manage their income and expenses. Because a lot of money spending leads to negative income, and suffer more and more debt debt.

Post by: coly20032003 on June 25, 2018, 03:53:54 AM
Thanks for sharing the advise. I think some of them are pretty good. For me, I currently do not have much plan about investment. But I like to save money and use about 20% of my savings for investment. And I try to diversity my investment, some in stocks, some in 401k, some in crypto currency.

Post by: pellor mas on June 25, 2018, 04:07:43 AM
We need an positive mindset and discipline with regards to saving money.
Some people are dont have enough knowledge in saving money that's why many people still unstable when it comes to financial.
As an individual person who earning not so high salary it is hard to budget your salary but it is not the reason that you didn't save for your future.

Post by: mel1978 on June 25, 2018, 04:25:01 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
Thank you for a wonderful idea and tips, this can help everyone to achieve their goal in life. That all tips can be done if there is sacrifice. we need to be patient in order to commit our goal. Prayer is also important role in committing success.

Post by: Nyenyepogi on June 25, 2018, 05:09:28 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
That is a good advice and it is very helpful but in my case its hard to do because there are many temptation that can makes my feelings become satisfied, So the real problem is my self because I need to control my self and self discipline is needed to make things right. So I willing to follow this advice.

Post by: BaraxLo on June 27, 2018, 10:59:46 AM
I like your financial tips.  For me its a big help if I SET SOME GOALS because I want in my future family have a good life I want to save money for my family.  For my children study. And pretty good if you have a goals in your life.  This topic will be a helpful idea to all of us.

Try to know how to save money because saving is important and with that much saving you need to invest it in a source which has long term trusted store of value as we know that investment like these are most profitable. Source of even 10% long term trusted store of value then it is also profitable.

The modern rated market is of Bitcoin which is favorable for long term investment so if you like it so never misses the opportunity to start now because the current market situations are favorable for buyers.

Post by: brotherwood12 on June 27, 2018, 11:47:14 AM
another suggest from me :

-stop buying all stuff you want , buy stuff what you need
-determine the amount to be saved , not save the last money you have
-do not be easily influenced by others like someone buy something , you want buy it also

Post by: kb24mvp on June 27, 2018, 12:14:19 PM
Great tips out there sir! I'll make sure I'll follow this one as it can be very helpful to me.

Post by: aspalela on June 27, 2018, 01:29:15 PM
I think this topic has great tips and advice and is very useful for people who can not manage how to control and give more value to hard work, but one thing that is Especially in investing, either in stock or currency crypto, that You just invest the money we have willingly lost, After that have the ROI as soon as possible and from there we will start growing our money, I have to learn this in a very difficult way.

Post by: sonofliberty on June 27, 2018, 01:31:21 PM
Wow... Those are so simple but so practical, I think I need to work out those principles in my life, because right now I am not the best manager of finances. I spend literally more than I earn.

Post by: hajimasan on June 29, 2018, 03:11:57 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
This is really a cool idea of the development of own economical growth where we can make ourself a successful person in our community without follow the hard rules and we just need to change our descion to spend our money for particular things only .

Absolutely it is a best way to remain in the limit , because here if you will remain in limit then surely you will have no tension for the extra money that you needed to spend for extra expensive things
If you will control over the amount of the money that you have to spend then surely in the future we will get a best opportunity to out money in better thing and that will give really a better return of the investment , so don't release your money anywhere directly without see that for which thing you are spending 
Here surely we should remain with the goal but here a mendetory thing that we should have in our mind is that we should split our Goals into different steps and result into Daily target .
And in that way it will be much easy for us to achieve the goal .

Post by: Saiful Islam777 on June 29, 2018, 06:10:52 AM
To improve financially, I think Bitcoin is the best way to all. It is possible to work financially in different aspects of earning money.

Post by: Tamilson on June 29, 2018, 07:43:44 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
That is a good advice and it is very helpful but in my case its hard to do because there are many temptation that can makes my feelings become satisfied, So the real problem is my self because I need to control my self and self discipline is needed to make things right. So I willing to follow this advice.

Yeah better to follow this advice as it will help you in a long run. Well, it's really hard to resist temptations especially if you're surrounded by it however you can still use this as motivation to control your eagerness. Better to think and analyze if that thing is really worthy and of course be contented from what you have. If you learn this then everything will follow through.

Post by: francis2 on July 02, 2018, 11:26:38 PM
Really, I don't see anything good in saving fiat money now. I rather save some of BTC or ETH or some altcoins. Fiat money is a passed stage for me :)

Saving fiat money is a good idea after all it is not like fiat is going to disappear tomorrow or anything, if you are not sure in what to invest then saving in fiat is a good idea until you take your decision, now if you already know in what you want to invest then it is the moment to take action and do it especially if you want to invest in cryptocurrencies since the current prices will not last forever.

Post by: Nsnaeem666 on July 03, 2018, 04:38:26 AM
Keys to Financial Success Although making resolutions to improve your financial situation is a good thing to do at any time of year, many people find it easier at the beginning of a new year. Regardless of when you begin, the basics remain the same.

1. Get Paid What You're Worth and Spend Less Than You Earn

It sounds simplistic, but many people struggle with this first basic rule.
Make sure you know what your job is worth in the marketplace, by conducting an evaluation of your skills, productivity, job tasks, contribution to the company, and the going rate, both inside and outside the company, for what you do. Being underpaid even a thousand dollars a year can have a significant cumulative effect over the course of your working life.

No matter how much or how little you're paid, you'll never get ahead if you spend more than you earn. Often it's easier to spend less than it is to earn more, and a little cost-cutting effort in a number of areas can result in big savings. It doesn't always have to involve making big sacrifices.

2. Stick to a Budget

One of my favorite subjects: budgeting. It's not a four-letter word. How can you know where your money is going if you don't budget?

How can you set spending and saving goals if you don't know where your money is going? You need a budget whether you make thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.

3. Pay Off Credit Card Debt

Credit card debt is the number one obstacle to getting ahead financially.
Those little pieces of plastic are so easy to use, and it's so easy to forget that it's real money we're dealing with when we whip them out to pay for a purchase, large or small. Despite our good resolves to pay the balance off quickly, the reality is that we often don't, and end up paying far more for things than we would have paid if we had used cash.

4. Contribute to a Retirement Plan

If your employer has a 401(k) plan and you don't contribute to it, you're walking away from one of the best deals out there. Ask your employer if they have a 401(k) plan (or similar plan), and sign up today. If you're already contributing, try to increase your contribution. If your employer doesn't offer a retirement plan, consider an IRA.

5. Have a Savings Plan

You've heard it before: Pay yourself first! If you wait until you've met all your other financial obligations before seeing what's left over for saving, chances are you'll never have a healthy savings account or investments. Resolve to set aside a minimum of 5% to 10% of your salary for savings BEFORE you start paying your bills. Better yet, have money automatically deducted from your paycheck and deposited into a separate account.

Post by: Burogh on July 03, 2018, 06:25:24 AM
Beside saving our income, its much better if we investing some of our income in several investment instrument. Investing our income will make our future more comfort. Investing our income will make us prepare on the worst scenario on our financial problem

Post by: Ranly123 on July 03, 2018, 06:48:00 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

I am not a financial expert so I would take this as my guide to be successful in my financing. I know it is hard to do but at least this guide will give me a hitch at what I may do to my money and earnings.

Post by: Sled on July 03, 2018, 09:24:49 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

I am not a financial expert so I would take this as my guide to be successful in my financing. I know it is hard to do but at least this guide will give me a hitch at what I may do to my money and earnings.
If will be better for you if you will also have an app in your smartphone like a money app that will help you to monitor expenses and also income and that will give you an overview on which side you are spending most of your money so you can adjust things and you will realize if it is worth it to continue spending that amount of money.

Post by: embargo on July 03, 2018, 09:40:50 AM
I think it is necessary to have such a subject in school, where children could learn financial literacy. Investing can bring a fairly good income to a person, and knowledge of investment rules is very important. Who only begins to get acquainted with this topic - pay attention to Robert Kiosaki with his lectures.

Post by: KenChanYu on July 03, 2018, 04:46:19 PM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

I am not a financial expert so I would take this as my guide to be successful in my financing. I know it is hard to do but at least this guide will give me a hitch at what I may do to my money and earnings.
If will be better for you if you will also have an app in your smartphone like a money app that will help you to monitor expenses and also income and that will give you an overview on which side you are spending most of your money so you can adjust things and you will realize if it is worth it to continue spending that amount of money.
A good financial management helps us become a wise and informed decision-maker. It's important to formulate a plan, to be honest in following the plan, and to make use of time productively. Don't be too impulsive, only spend on things that are needed,  cultivate the habit of savings, and avoid debts as much as possible. Aim growth, it's not going to be easy, but with discipline, patience and determination it can be achieved.

Post by: Kambala07 on July 05, 2018, 04:02:50 PM
financial tips is budget. Create a budget where you spend your money and from there you can determine if it's too much or too little. After that you will know where every $ goes and it goes a long way in getting people financially fit.

Post by: Karmakid on July 05, 2018, 04:05:34 PM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

These tips are really helpful for us to save better in the future. Saving is necesaary for us to have something to get whenever we need financial assistance. It is important that we value our eanings because it is not easy to earn money these days. We should get ourselves rid of spending too much for the things that isn't too much important for us.

Post by: Momknows on July 05, 2018, 04:09:49 PM
It sounds reasonable, I would add set reasonable goals, that's a bit more difficult, but nonetheless important.

Post by: loveinberlin on July 05, 2018, 04:15:44 PM
I think that the best advice is to save money and have a budget plan you need to stick to. You should always think whether you need this or you can live without this thing and nothing bad will happen, if spending much you will regret this having nothing valuable

Post by: danyakotletkin2018 on July 05, 2018, 05:20:33 PM
Thanks for the advice, read and note.

Post by: glowing10 on July 05, 2018, 05:22:25 PM
Wow... Those are so simple but so practical, I think I need to work out those principles in my life, because right now I am not the best manager of finances. I spend literally more than I earn.

Things are simple to understand and follow it only thing is that we ourself complicate the things. As simple is not good and we all like to solve complicate things and in that we spend our rest of the life. So start following the basic and you should be good to enjoy the life with money too.

Post by: fabrizoc on July 10, 2018, 07:53:16 AM
I think this topic has great tips and advice and is very useful for people who can not manage how to control and give more value to hard work, but one thing that is Especially in investing, either in stock or currency crypto, that You just invest the money we have willingly lost, After that have the ROI as soon as possible and from there we will start growing our money, I have to learn this in a very difficult way.
If you are not a business person yet then study the modern market and try to do something in order to spread your investments around you for your financial status. If you want to improve your financial graph then make portfolio in order to maintain your profit. One with huge money can start both short term and long term investments in the crypto market with Altcoin, Litecoin for short term and Bitcoin, Ethereum for long term.

Post by: Codename23 on July 10, 2018, 08:58:33 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

To earn more money you need to budget your money every month or monthly. Budgeting your money everyday, weekly, monthly will be a good feedback to your savings. Step aside eating in fastfoods and buying new things.

Post by: n691309 on July 19, 2018, 10:05:33 AM
Some of us are so eager to earn money to have some fun or to buy what they want, expensive clothes, shoes and more, those people that they don't care about the future, but as like other said set aside some of your money for your future and don't buy things that is not necessary, cut some expenses, make some goal all of that is very useful.
If you need to use your money or utilize your money then you will need to invest in crypto world because we know that the modern market is of cryptocurrency and the whole attention of people is in crypto. This might has some abilities and responses due to which is the sight of people. Bitcoin is a currency favorable for long term investment and if you want to make huge money then invest here in low market.

Market is keeping growing and I think it is a good moment to start investing and I wouldn't think more than twice to invest in bitcoin or any other crypto (researching first)
Advice will be advice, and every people are good or better in giving advice, but lets put the shoe out of them and replace by some others!
Advice is good but do we really getting better with that? if they are not getting on the milestones that we are having through?

Post by: pokeronlinestatus on July 20, 2018, 07:06:02 AM
Some of us are so eager to earn money to have some fun or to buy what they want, expensive clothes, shoes and more, those people that they don't care about the future, but as like other said set aside some of your money for your future and don't buy things that is not necessary, cut some expenses, make some goal all of that is very useful.
If you need to use your money or utilize your money then you will need to invest in crypto world because we know that the modern market is of cryptocurrency and the whole attention of people is in crypto. This might has some abilities and responses due to which is the sight of people. Bitcoin is a currency favorable for long term investment and if you want to make huge money then invest here in low market.

Market is keeping growing and I think it is a good moment to start investing and I wouldn't think more than twice to invest in bitcoin or any other crypto (researching first)
Advice will be advice, and every people are good or better in giving advice, but lets put the shoe out of them and replace by some others!
Advice is good but do we really getting better with that? if they are not getting on the milestones that we are having through?
Basically this must be taught since childhood. There are people who are beautifully taking care of their finances. Although they don’t have big business chains and empires that need big attention but their little money saving and money management help them to make good living. They are even investing in crypto, they are fulfilling their needs, and performing every task of life.

Post by: maculeth on July 22, 2018, 04:06:06 AM
we better divide 50-50 of our income to memabngun business, and get another income. and better if we do not spend all that income, or 50% of it. enough to meet our needs only, such as food, electricity and water bills, and school fees.

Post by: MiXxe on July 22, 2018, 04:47:37 AM
Exactly, this is right. No matter how much we earn especially here in bitcoin, nothing good will ever happen if we do not know how to manage our finances.
If we want to be rich or maintain being rich it is necessary to be finally literate to become wise on how to handle our finances.

Post by: megatrix on July 22, 2018, 05:14:00 AM
Thank you for the post, it is very helpful and I agree with the three points that you have mentioned. Just like anything in life for me it all boils down to your discipline. Even if you have all the list and goals in the world if you don't have the discipline to do it more so do it consistently, it will not change anything. So you have to keep reminding yourslef that you have to have the DISCIPLINE to do what's on your list and do it consistently.

Post by: qtypatuty on July 22, 2018, 08:29:16 AM
Exactly, this is right. No matter how much we earn especially here in bitcoin, nothing good will ever happen if we do not know how to manage our finances.
If we want to be rich or maintain being rich it is necessary to be finally literate to become wise on how to handle our finances.
Maintaining a lifestyle where a person only spends on the materials he really needs daily is very essential. Have a mindset where more income does not necessarily mean more spending. It is important to learn to budget what you earn, including a person's savings.

Post by: Nakedbitcoin on July 22, 2018, 10:01:22 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

I like your advice my friend about the tips on how to save money about proper handling of financial tips. Well in my case I always make a list for the money that I preffered to spend on like the foods, electric and water bills and for the budget of my travel allowance. And the rest I'll keep it for my savings.

Post by: TheClownSong on July 22, 2018, 11:45:07 AM


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.

Saving is most important thing before we make spending. Saving our money for emergency or investment will help us in the future. Managing our income if we want to relax in the future. Controlling our spending will avoid us from using creadit card

Post by: GideonGono on July 22, 2018, 01:18:52 PM
Well start from the basic though, like have a plan or a schedule, save your money, don't waste it for some unnecessary things though, don't be materialistic, buy the things that needed, be or have a business mind set in that case probably you will not get or have a problem on financial. Be more wise that's all, think before you buy.

Post by: BLACK LEG on July 22, 2018, 01:42:24 PM
actually a good money management is always using it just enough, don't use more money than what you produce every month, and use the rest for savings or gold investment, you will not know when you need a lot of money, so the savings is very important for every one.

Post by: lubah on July 22, 2018, 01:53:29 PM
The first thing I want to thank the author of this topic. Me your thoughts and liked the article. I agree with you that Credit cards are evil! Especially when people spend more than they earn. It's utopian.  Credit slavery

Post by: Fantastic33 on July 22, 2018, 02:08:43 PM
Yup, those three are the things we exactly need to do to save money. But the hard part is how we will do this? Most people know the ways on how to save, but they dont practice it. They dont have the motivation to save and control their spending. Maybe if we all have the right discipline and focus to save money, and are able to watch our finances very carefully, then saving would be easy.

Post by: sonofliberty on July 23, 2018, 09:18:19 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.
This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.
I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.
This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.
All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
Those are so simple and useful but I would like for somebody to make me doing that and applying that in my life that I already know, those principles are common but anyway thank you.

Post by: paynercash on July 26, 2018, 09:19:32 AM
Well start from the basic though, like have a plan or a schedule, save your money, don't waste it for some unnecessary things though, don't be materialistic, buy the things that needed, be or have a business mind set in that case probably you will not get or have a problem on financial. Be more wise that's all, think before you buy.
Exactly. Make smart investments and need strategic skills to adapt to the market.
The mind is not hurried, it has a good process that gradually achieves good results.
Be wise, think before you buy to achieve your goals.
I think so.

Post by: IGP50 on July 26, 2018, 10:00:41 AM
If you really want to get much money, You need to save more and spend less. Always have a plan of the amount of money to be spent daily and avoid impulse buying. Note that the money you will save everyday should not be less than 20% of what you get for the day.

Post by: princejohn19 on August 21, 2018, 12:48:02 PM
I can only advice a simple thing in financial that we should not buy a things that we are not needed or just for our desire only we should buy the things that we needed in our life.And the most common thing to do is to invest and build a bussiness so that the income will continuesly grow and our finance will be secured.

Post by: Britanshio on August 24, 2018, 10:15:04 PM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.
Financial tips for you is to invest bitcoin as soon as possible because in the help of bitcoin you can earn money as much as you focus to join campaigns in bitcoin .

Post by: phpartisanmaster on August 25, 2018, 06:40:22 AM
Exactly, this is right. No matter how much we earn especially here in bitcoin, nothing good will ever happen if we do not know how to manage our finances.
If we want to be rich or maintain being rich it is necessary to be finally literate to become wise on how to handle our finances.

Yes you are right, the best thing to do is always keep your money if you earn profit and do not spend some money on unnecessary things , that's how you are going to stay rich in difficult times.

Post by: Bitfling on August 25, 2018, 09:47:57 AM
I am agree that we should not spend beyond what we earn. We should buying what we need, not what we want. We should thinking about our future and thats why making investment is very important thing

Post by: raraibodas on August 25, 2018, 11:40:30 AM
Very Great post, good financial sharing tips for investors, it help me save financial...thanks for sharing

Post by: fauzan Ichsan on August 25, 2018, 01:14:12 PM
I am agree that we should not spend beyond what we earn. We should buying what we need, not what we want. We should thinking about our future and thats why making investment is very important thing
if we spend more than income, it means we have to look for shortcomings to meet the needs, debt possible. for that we have to manage finances according to ability and saving, i agree that investment is the best way to save

Post by: brukva on August 25, 2018, 01:21:59 PM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

Thanks for the good advice.  I will save them myself and try to follow them.

Post by: sempak bulong on August 25, 2018, 03:12:52 PM


This is indeed a difficult thing but we have to do it. As much as possible we must set aside our income to be saved even though our income is actually a little, and use the money as needed and save money.

Post by: IriskaLate on August 25, 2018, 04:01:14 PM
For me, saving is when you do not invest in dubious businesses. Before investing, think 100 times. You need to understand that this can all turn out not as you planned and can lose everything. I have such experience, but now I am more circumspect and cautious. I work with projects ico and select only the checked ones. ;)

Post by: Nissuncutubi on September 09, 2018, 03:23:07 AM
I was once created a research about being financial literate of an individual. The result was nine out ten people are impulsive buyer and we conclude also that they had hard time to save a money even if they have good financial income sources.

Post by: Bannednehlahmos on September 09, 2018, 03:39:27 AM
financial tips like what you want.

Post by: Dod Ong on September 09, 2018, 04:58:46 AM
I dont know if this where the right place to post but here it is. This is most applicable for those minimum wage earner who struggles in life and wanted to invest too.


This is particular to those credit card addicts where swipping it is their life. They spend most of their needs on cards, groceries, gadgets installment etc. They spend beyond their limits and usually paying excess charges because of this. They often didnt get through this swipe pay cycle because of their limited fund capacity.


I think this is the hardest part of the financial budget if you are earning just right for paying your monthly bill and daily necessities. But what will you have to do ? . You dont need that high portion of savings everytime. For example , you have $50 on your hand in excess of your expenses, budget it for a week in a very cheap way , groceries would be better, then save what is remained. Take aside your weekly starbucks and put it on your bank.You can take coffe at home or on a cheap way. Small amounts will get big in a time and you can start investing after. You can always reward yourself after if you start investing and earned passively.


This is the most effective way ive done so far. Being comitted on your goal is almost 100% sure. If you are setting a goal for example this year where you have to save $5 weekly and you will save $260 in the end of the year, if you always looking for the outcome, im sure you will do this without leaping or maybe advance save it up.

All three of this is what i do everytime ans it helps me save and gain some capitals for investment on cryptocurrency. I hope these three would help someone even on a little way.

If you want to save money you need to invest money in banks or in bitcoin. In that way you can save money also you can earn. You need to set your goal or set the list of your expenses to avoid your necessary buying expenses. You also need to hold bitcoins because the price of bitcoin now is low.

Post by: tee-rex on September 09, 2018, 05:52:54 AM
I believe that we’re only getting started, but there’s still a long journey of highs and lows ahead of us. If you’re interested in investing in this space, I recommend you do the following:

1. Never invest (trade with) money you can’t afford to comfortably lose.

Honestly, I never understood that point. For example, I can't afford to "comfortably lose" anything. Any loss is a pain in the ass, only a smaller one if the loss is not that big. If anything, losing and feeling pain is the only way for you to actually learn something and avoid losing again in the future. If you lose and feel nothing (let alone being comfortable with it), it means that you don't care. But if you don't care, you won't learn anything from your loss. As I come to think, it is more about being comfortable with the risk/reward ratio of your investment, but in no case you should feel "comfortable" with a loss since a loss is a loss. There's nothing good in it as it shows you failed somewhere. On the other hand, genuinely accepting your mistakes is likely the only way to improve.

Post by: Tranboomnerang on September 15, 2018, 07:55:36 AM
No matter how much or how little you're paid, you'll never get ahead if you spend more than you earn. Often it's easier to spend less than it is to earn more, and a little cost-cutting effort in a number of areas can result in big savings. It doesn't have to involve making big sacrifice.