Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: neliawesome on March 21, 2018, 10:52:46 AM

Title: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: neliawesome on March 21, 2018, 10:52:46 AM
 We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: ajaymukund on March 21, 2018, 10:58:55 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a new trend in the world and of course risk is quite low if you are an experienced in investing. Just spend a lot of time researching the market and you've got a 70% win percentage. The most important thing about investing is psychology. We need to keep up the good fight against the FUD news so that we can keep the assets intact.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Xester on March 21, 2018, 11:03:58 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Investing in bitcoin means business, so because it is business it means that there is a risk of a loss and also a potential profit when you earn. Just like any business when you have short sales then you will go bankrupt on the long run, it is the same with bitcoin if there are no more buyers of bitcoin its value keeps getting lower. But if you are not business minded then you should not invest in bitcoin instead find some work and employment.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: trecore4 on March 21, 2018, 11:04:29 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Not everything that you see around in the crypto takes up your money. Oh yeah efforts has to be there always no matter what because you have to spend some energy so that you can turn it into money or something fruitful I guess. Mostly people find it very commutable in the world of bitcoin and they can easily find out best way to invest into the bitcoin and earn more than what they have put into it. So be relaxed and just find your right spot. You can always learn new things and keep your pace growing so that you can end up earning huge. Th unexpected things can always happen, and if they are good unexpected things then you can just win the whole situation.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Casmania on March 21, 2018, 12:16:12 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Definitely, yes it is worth the risk because we all know that bitcoin is volatile and that is just part of the risk in the crypto world. However, once you already learn and understand cryptocurrency, it will be an advantage on your part and I would say that the risk will now be only minimal. You can now analyze the current market trend and manage your investment to become more profitable. Learning the skills will take time and just apply what you had learn to become more successful in the cryptocurrency world.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: espiapogi1994 on March 21, 2018, 12:24:25 PM

 of course. first of all you will not be able to defend yourself if you do not move or you are impatient in life. so it's time for you to work so that you give your time to think that we know all the people who are struggling to find a good return. :)  :D

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: jeluhtajem on March 21, 2018, 12:28:26 PM
very worthy, because bitcoin will not disappoint you.
why do I say so? because I myself have felt the results, there is no futile word in investing or working with bitcoin.
bitcoin can change your life.  8)

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: SirTradeX on March 21, 2018, 12:28:59 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

At the begining you will use a lot of time to get to know the market, but later on you won't be using much time anymore so we can already say that time is not a problem for me.
Risk... risk is everywhere. It is just a  matter how well you can take it. Everytime you sit in a car there is a risk someone will crash in you and you could be gone, however you decide that risk is too low compared to the profit you get by getting where you want to be faster.
This same principle applies to Bitcoin market. You can't ask others about the risk, you need to proces it in your mind.
If you like my personal opinion the answer is definately Yes, because i believe in the technology it brings along.


Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: CryptoBry on March 21, 2018, 12:35:54 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

The best person to answer that question will be you. Risk is quite relative what can be risky to me may not be to you and the other way around. A person who is a millionaire may not be feeling the risk to lose some thousands but for a person like me that can already be risky. Now, having said that, I am sure that you know that Bitcoin is really risky because it is basically volatile and we don't know for sure what can happen next especially that we are facing the regulatory power of many governments. The best thing to do is never to put your investments in just one basket.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: olubams on March 21, 2018, 12:38:35 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Is it worth it? You are only asking the question whose answers is all over the place but you chose to still ignore. From the mass number of people that wake up every in different part of the world with different times zones and visit the forum, to the ones on reddit and other crypto related platforms, to several news website dedicated to only crypto and triple amount of those individuals on several exchange sites across the world and as a bonus crypto is still an emerging currency which makes us one of the earlier adopters. Yes it worth it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: nhattori27 on March 21, 2018, 12:42:51 PM
It is definitely worth risking your time and money. Although, it is very risky, but very profitable too. Investment in bitcoin would get you high returns.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Ronni on March 21, 2018, 12:47:53 PM
Bitcoin's value is very huge, for me, it is worth risking both of your time and money. Taking risks in life is normal, if you want to succeed, you need to risk something, bitcoin is not a thing to regret risking, it can make you rich and successful in life, with bitcoin, many opportunities may come to your way, your life may change because of it. In order to succeed in life, you need to strive, to lend time for what you are wanting, risk if you'll need to risk, its part of succeeding life.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: pecson134 on March 21, 2018, 12:48:45 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

It will be upon you own discretion to decide whether involving with bitcoins was worth it because it would solely depend on how  you manage your time and money and the decision alongside with it. If you can determine that you can benefit to it if you continuously work with it, then you can really say that it would be really a correct decision and taking up the risk. You can apply here the "risk versus benefit" mechanic.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: tomahawk9 on March 21, 2018, 12:50:29 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
If you know exactly what you're doing then you won't be risking your money, let alone wasting your time. It's pretty simple: If you want to invest in BTC, you shouldn't invest more than you can afford to lose (that's investing 101 so you don't put your money at risk). If you want to get involved in Bitcoin, read a lot, it might take some time to fully understand it, but you won't be wasting your time at all since you'll understand the pros and cons if Bitcoin. So, is it worth the effort? I'd say yes.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: usekevin on March 21, 2018, 12:52:52 PM
Yes.Bitcoin is worth to spend your money and time. Since you are new to this bitcoin communities. You don't know more about bitcoin. Bitcoin is decentralised digital currency and it can be used as both currency and asset .Now bitcoin is accepted as a one of the currency.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Sarastiche on March 21, 2018, 01:06:25 PM
Bitcoin is the real currency of this new age,it worth investing on, no need to panic,as this downtrend season is just for a while, It is the digital
 currency that will enhance the real cashless policy.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: boybitcoin on March 21, 2018, 01:08:52 PM
Its worth it, because we know, that by risking our money and giving our time to bitcoin, There is a profit ahead us... a profit that we hoped for, we work for..

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: bakujo0817 on March 21, 2018, 01:33:23 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
it is worth it when you know how to handle your investment and how you patiently waiting to achived your goal there are risk in  investing on bitcoin it not mean if you invest in bitcoin you are be successful but if you have a plan, knowledge and patient you less the risk of your investment.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: KIANA on March 21, 2018, 01:35:32 PM
At the moment it's  difficult  to say because bitcoin price is down .If you are a gambler then it's worth it but if not I don't think at the moment.There will always be a risk.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: donte872 on March 21, 2018, 01:47:06 PM
Its worth it, because we know, that by risking our money and giving our time to bitcoin, There is a profit ahead us... a profit that we hoped for, we work for..
Bitcoin first arrived online in 2009, and it’s been drawing both curiosity and scorn ever since. But, cutting away all the hype, is Bitcoin worth investing in? That depends both on your appetite for risk, and just how much money you’re willing to lose.

To understand Bitcoin, we need to talk for a moment about the money in your wallet. The dollar, and pretty much every other currency in the world, is a “fiat” currency. Not to oversimplify matters, a dollar is worth a dollar more or less because the US government vouches for it. Think of it as a tiny little piece of government reputation: The dollar is stable because the US government is stable, and holds its value, relatively speaking, over time because the US isn’t going anywhere.

But, until 1971, it wasn’t this way at all. Instead, a dollar was basically a gift certificate for a certain amount of gold, tying the value of dollars to the value of gold. This was called the “gold standard.” In theory, at least, you could walk into a bank, slap down a dollar, and walk out with a dollar’s worth of gold. This is not as cool as it sounds. If, for example, we’d had the gold standard between 2012 and 2013, your bank account would have steadily and dramatically dropped in value.

Bitcoin tries to split the difference between the two approaches. Bitcoin is essentially bits of code that are “mined.” There’s only a limited number of Bitcoin, 21 million total, to be precise, and each Bitcoin is unique. So, like gold, its rarity makes it valuable, but unlike gold, there’s no chance a rich Bitcoin mine will be found tomorrow. That rarity is enforced by Bitcoin’s structure and how it’s traded. Each Bitcoin is “verified” by a decentralized network of Bitcoin programs that track the history of each individual Bitcoin. Essentially, there’s a record of every person who buys and sells each unique Bitcoin. Think of it as a digital fingerprint. When you trade a Bitcoin, that fingerprint not only needs to match for the buyer and seller but is also checked against everyone else’s records.

However, gold has a distinct advantage over Bitcoin. If, tomorrow, we decide that gold’s pretty and all, but really not worth anything, you can at least sell your gold to a computer manufacturer or jeweler and get back some of your money. Bitcoin is quite literally worthless outside of Bitcoin trading. In other words, your Bitcoin is only worth what the people buying and trading Bitcoin think it’s actually worth, just like a fiat currency. That makes the value of Bitcoin something of a rollercoaster, although over the long term it’s gone up in value. If that weren’t enough, Bitcoin’s decentralized nature and somewhat hazy legal status add up to a Wild West atmosphere. US dollars deposited in US banks, for example, are insured by the FDIC. If somebody steals your Bitcoin? You’re probably out your money, for good.

So, should you invest? That depends on your goals, and it pays to be a futurist. Bitcoin is built around encryption, and governments are driving more and more resources towards decryption for intelligence purposes. That research could be used to forge Bitcoin, crack open the blockchain network, or otherwise compromise the system. And don’t forget, there’s plenty of reason for crooks to do the exact same thing. In computer security, a breach is always a matter of “when” not “if.” In addition, Bitcoin’s decentralization means you’ll have to be very careful who you associate with. Bitcoin heists are fairly common, and often usually inside jobs. The irony of Bitcoin is the encryption is great, but you’re one hacked password, or unethical web administrator, away from getting completely cleaned out.

If you want to have some fun, or have a high appetite for risk, Bitcoin will be a good way to explore a frontier of digital economics. If you’re looking to grow your retirement portfolio, though, maybe stick to stocks and bonds.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: htsz_da12 on March 21, 2018, 01:50:51 PM
At the moment, the BTC is the highest yield, short but profitable. Compared with investment stocks, I prefer to invest in BTC.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Ccryptolite on March 21, 2018, 01:53:49 PM
Of course bitcoin is worth investing in. The banks and Tech companies getting into this would not be doing so if this was going away. Hodl and ride it like a pirate riding a shark in the dark eating some bark  ;D

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: paulo29 on March 21, 2018, 01:55:30 PM
Well it is really worth to invest in bitcoin, bitcoin is new and one of the popular digital currencies that has a lot of potential to grow and be one of the respectable crypto currency. Bitcoin is a trading and an investment that makes it susceptible to a risk factors. Bitcoin is a new hope to all its enthusiast and those who want to earn an extra income and those who wanted to alleviates their ways of life, so bitcoin is worth of anybody's time and money, and i also believes it is possibilities, so it is worth of nybody's time and money.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: seoincorporation on March 21, 2018, 01:56:18 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

I think you are wrong, for me takes time, but not money, i spend time and get money (bitcoins). If you work for bitcoin then can be a good deal.

Of course there is a risk, that's why i always sell after get a payment, because is my main income and if i hold the money in BTC it can crash and make me lose all that money what i had worked for.

So, isn't a risk, is better to see it as a time investment.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: talkbitcoin on March 21, 2018, 01:56:59 PM
it depends on how much of your time and money you are investing in bitcoin! it is really that simple, you always invest what you can afford to lose based on the reward that you can get. it is a risk/reward relationship that you need to consider here. if you see it worth it, you invest more of your time and money and if not you invest less or nothing. that is up to you.

but whatever you choose you have to live with the consequences of it. for example i know about bitcoin back in 2012 but i never bought bitcoin at low prices like $50 and i am living with that mistake.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: fatirborju on March 21, 2018, 01:58:30 PM
Yes certainly worth the time and money for bitcoin because for me bitcoin does not drain a lot of time and effort and money, for me bet the bitcoin money is only a small thing because after we bet the money then the result is very satisfactory and got many benefits....

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: zenrol28 on March 21, 2018, 02:00:15 PM
Spending time and some money on things that can give you a better life in the next years is really worth it. Rather than wasting my time to entertain myself. I wasted already too many. If only I could go back and start early in bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Akash1243 on March 21, 2018, 02:02:28 PM
Investing in bitcoins can be worth your time and money if invested on right time and have patience to hold your bitcoins and don't get panic during drops.Bitcoins currently is very low compared to its price back during end of 2017 so it might be good time to buy bitcoins now.Bitcoins has gained both popularity and demand so it might rise in future.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: natalagerman95 on March 21, 2018, 02:03:25 PM
Of course it's worth it because these are the things related to your profits you can take a chance and there's nothing to do but you can take a chance and be positive and big enough.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Shreek on March 21, 2018, 02:03:48 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
if you want to benefit from bitcoin, I think you should involve and also sacrifice your time for bitcoin.

I say to you, the result you get is always in accordance with your sacrifice, so you better spend a lot of time for giving the good contribution to bitcoin and crypto world.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: cutiecez05 on March 21, 2018, 02:05:53 PM
Bitcoin is not risking time and money because bitcoin can be done even if you don't invest money on it, only time is enough to earn out of bitcoin and not most of your time is for bitcoin you only need to balance your time and effort.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: BelieveInBTC on March 21, 2018, 02:06:39 PM
Bitcoin is definitely worth my time, money and efforts. I have been reading quite a lot about Bitcoin, I spent a lot of my time studying it and I don't think that I wasted it. Unlike some people I spent a lot of efforts before I invested in Bitcoin. I'm afraid that more and more people come here only because of the money, they don't care about the technology which is associated with Bitcoin. I hate this kind of people but there will be always people like that.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: BitChief on March 21, 2018, 02:08:59 PM
Spending time and some money on things that can give you a better life in the next years is really worth it. Rather than wasting my time to entertain myself. I wasted already too many. If only I could go back and start early in bitcoin.

I believe bitcoin presents a really attractive investment from a risk reward perspective, especially for younger investors. If this market becomes as large as many of us believe, you are looking at venture capital style returns on a liquid asset.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: burnchan on March 21, 2018, 02:11:16 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Bitcoin is truly worth the risk. Studying about crytpcurrency is a must before making necessary investment. Likewise, understanding the market is essential to now when to invest in order to maximize profit. Time and effort is necessary in investing especially in crypto because of the fluctuation of price. You may invest in ICO projects but research is also necessary to ensure legit ICOs. Thus, I think any form of investment is worth the risk as long as we fully know what we are into.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Naazrul on March 21, 2018, 02:15:34 PM
No bitcoin is not so risky for our time and money. Because bitcoin is a currency so currency is not risky. Investing in bitcoin is very profitable. But there are a little risk in investing in bitcoin. But earning bitcoin in not risky for our money. Researching in bitcoin it takes much time but investing in bitcoin it is profitable for us. So bitcoin in not so risky. Thank you.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Ewox on March 21, 2018, 02:17:52 PM
Yes I think it is worth the time and money most especially if you have invested in bitcoin when its price was low. It would help you save for your future and your family as well but you need to be very patient because it won’t just happen a couple of days but sometimes it takes years for you to risk your time and money and also effort too.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: JCLee on March 21, 2018, 02:19:15 PM
Never try, never know :). For me I think it's worth cause I can learn a lot of things from Bitcoin and earn a lot of money from Bitcoin :))). By exploring about Bitcoin, I know about Blockchain technonlogy, cryptocurrency and a lot of other way to earn money. For now, I don't have to go out to earn money, I just need to stay at home and work with Bitcoin to earn money to pay for my living.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: aoluain on March 21, 2018, 02:21:01 PM
of course it is worth risking your time and money in BTC but not all of
your money and not all of your time. If you are going to get into crypto
only put in what you are willing to loose.

I firmly believe BTC has a very relevant future in society especially for
those who dont want to trust the banks into the future.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: acener on March 21, 2018, 02:23:48 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Ofcourse yes, it's all worth it. Bitcoin has proven us a lot of promising opportunities that has changed lives of the most of us users and holders. I can say that it is all worth it because I've seen great results from it which has brought a lot of blessings for us. Bitcoin has passed all the tests of time so it's worth all our effort and earnings.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: TIDOVEE on March 21, 2018, 02:31:35 PM
Yes, it worth risking the time and money for. Nothing goes for nothing. Bitcoin is highly rewarding and the time involved may be much but when the reward is distributed one feels relieved an
And for the money perhaps, for the data, electricity used and many others if one invest all on a promising and good project, one will definitely gain back.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: SaiWAFU on March 21, 2018, 02:33:41 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

if you have extra money to invest on something and if you do bitcoin as a part time, then it won't be too much of a risk.
But If you badly need money and don't have a job at then you decided to make full commitment with bitcoin you have a lot to lose for that risk.

It's kind of hard to play luck with uncertainty. But you know what they say no guts no glory.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: AimHigh on March 21, 2018, 02:37:41 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Buying, investing, holding and trading in bitcoin was similar to joining in stock exchange that was we saying it like business because you are concern on your income and your capital so it means wasting time and money it is not sometimes we lose and sometime we earn just like in business. If you are dedication on what are you doing you are never thinking that it wasting you time and money.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: MMysterious on March 21, 2018, 02:40:43 PM
I earned a lot on bitcoin's growth in price so absolutely I can say it is worth risking you money. There is not much time demand if you are just holding bitcoin and not trading it quick. But of course you need to understand about bitcoin before spending a single cent.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: BagzMM on March 21, 2018, 02:47:05 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Investing in cryptocurrency is a high risk but as you go along you will find it manageable as you had already some ideas and experience that makes it easier for you. Making a much profits is a good reward and worth for it as you will only need few hours to check your investment and to read some news around the crypto.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Kurtyp1010 on March 21, 2018, 02:47:48 PM
Indeed, it worth taking a chance with 4 time and cash for. Nothing goes in vain. Bitcoin is profoundly fulfilling and the time included might be much yet when the reward is conveyed one feels assuaged an

Furthermore, for the cash maybe, for the information, power utilized and numerous others on the off chance that one contribute all on a promising and great undertaking, one will increase back.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: SnapDown22 on March 21, 2018, 02:53:38 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
if the investment promises a profit why not we bet because the more in line with the development of technology of course such investment is necessary and will continue to grow over the times

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Rasel5209 on March 21, 2018, 03:12:13 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
yea bitcoin is risky if you don't have any knowledge about bitcoin and if you don't know correct store. Bitcoin price increase and decrease and day by day increase. If you buy today some btc and hold it long time you get huge profit from this.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: barontamago on March 21, 2018, 03:13:23 PM
Yes because bitcoin already proven that it is worth spending your time and money, many bitcoin already experience it. Now that the price of bitcoin is lowering it does not mean that it is not worth risking of your time and money, because the bitcoin or any other cryptocurrencies is volatile it can go back where it hits its peak value.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: sulec70 on March 21, 2018, 03:20:20 PM
of course bitcoin is very valuable for a certain period of time, and everyone who is actively in bitcoin would be willing to spend their time and risking their money to get a profit that they consider greater and make their lives better in their finances. and I am very happy can take the time and stake the money to get bitcoin because I hope later on it can benefit greatly from bitcoin :)

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: buytheeffinD on March 21, 2018, 03:27:32 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
We must determine what our time is worth because time is money and if Bitcoin can be worth more than our time than it is worth our money for sure. Determining what your time is worth is hard though, and it is even harder to be honest with yourself if it isn't technically worth a lot.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: alexmuro on March 21, 2018, 03:56:50 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Definitely, yes it is worth the risk because we all know that bitcoin is volatile and that is just part of the risk in the crypto world. However, once you already learn and understand cryptocurrency, it will be an advantage on your part and I would say that the risk will now be only minimal. You can now analyze the current market trend and manage your investment to become more profitable. Learning the skills will take time and just apply what you had learn to become more successful in the cryptocurrency world.
For me, its a YES. Because when you're investing or getting involve in bitcoin you are already risking your time and money. We all know that bitcoin price is changing everyday but still investors and users are buying btc, taking the risk because of the bigger profit they can get when its price reaches the highest value. And indeed, that makes btc worthy.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Zagitta on March 21, 2018, 04:00:09 PM
The only time investing in Bitcoin will be risky is if you invest more than you can afford to lose. Otherwise I don't see how Bitcoin is going to be risky. Just invest extra cash that you don't care about. Other than that how will Bitcoin take your time? If you believe in the project than it can get quite addicting.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Aztek on March 21, 2018, 04:04:29 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Is it worth it? You are only asking the question whose answers is all over the place but you chose to still ignore. From the mass number of people that wake up every in different part of the world with different times zones and visit the forum, to the ones on reddit and other crypto related platforms, to several news website dedicated to only crypto and triple amount of those individuals on several exchange sites across the world and as a bonus crypto is still an emerging currency which makes us one of the earlier adopters. Yes it worth it.
We definitely need a time for us to learn and to initially have an idea to digest all the possible information about bitcoin for us to know the real thing on cryptocurreny. We should need to start on gaining knowledge and the whole system of bitcoin in terms of transaction and investment that could give us a chance to earn and to gain profit in the future.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: rockie87 on March 21, 2018, 04:26:41 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
It is indeed worth giving our time.See in today's time bitcoin is the only medium which can give you big return with small investment and the returns are so big that they can change your life instantly.I agree the risk factor is high but you need to understand that you have to take such risk for the betterment of your life.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: YinShuiSiYuan on March 21, 2018, 05:07:20 PM
Everyone should answer the question of whether it is worth risking time and money. In my opinion, it's worth it, although investment in bitcoin is risky. It is good to get some experience before technology is adopted as a common payment system. It makes no sense to regret later.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: newwest on March 21, 2018, 05:09:29 PM
Everyone should answer the question of whether it is worth risking time and money. In my opinion, it's worth it, although investment in bitcoin is risky. It is good to get some experience before technology is adopted as a common payment system. It makes no sense to regret later.

Without risk their is no reward and the calculated risk if taken in btc could yield you much better returns than you can earn anywhere else. So when you have to risk something why not risk in btc itself as chances of earning is much higher than others.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: ballerin and giroud on March 21, 2018, 05:16:23 PM
Bitcoin is very promising, and I was felt it. Every day I spend time on bitcoin, starting with looking at price movement, searching for the latest information and active in this forum, and I've done it in the last few months. I always target what I should get when I focus on something. So I dare to sacrifice especially money and my time to gain profit, insight into the world of technology and my future from bitcoin and cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: lablab03 on March 21, 2018, 05:16:59 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
to be honest mate doing different ways through bitcoin is all worth it but it depends in the circumstance of bitcoin in the market which if it's stable or not and also if you know how to ride the volatility of price 'cause bitcoin is very volatile so you must have enough knowledge on it and learn some a technical analysis  because you will might lose your money on it if you quick jump on it without specific information and strategy. So learn first some basic rules before doing anything.  

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: dzhan on March 21, 2018, 05:21:38 PM
Yes, Bitcoin worth risking our time and money. In fact you can't make real profit without risking your time and/or money, and Bitcoin proved during the few previous years that it is the most profitable crypto currency, and already it changed many lives .
But always get good knowledge about this currency before investing , because there is always some risk involved.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Lordshiva on March 21, 2018, 05:29:02 PM
Dude i spend my 12 hours daily in bitcoin and other cryptos,i love searching investing in new ICO' coins,mining or staking them...ya i earn money in it but also i enjoy it really a lot...its not a risk for me it has became important part in my daily life

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Just John on March 21, 2018, 05:33:58 PM
For me, it is worth every second and every cent. Although I realize that a lot of people might not think this way but I have made money from bitcoin when I held for some time and was patient which paid off. Bitcoin was worth every bit of what it took really.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: xiaolol123 on March 21, 2018, 05:37:08 PM
An investment or speculation which has ability to yield more than 100% ROI in such a short time is worth risking the time and money you're willing to lose. But long term investor, please just buy the dip.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Spain2000 on March 21, 2018, 05:48:45 PM
In the crypto market every time you will go through risk and for every thing in the world time is precious while crypto will need more time because for this you must have sufficient knowledge and skills required like now the people are holding a good amount of bitcoin and i hope that bitcoin will grow more in the near future and through this way we will make money in the crypto while the investment in this currency is the future benefit and if you bear the risk in the crypto in future you will get the profit also.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: noelanora99 on March 21, 2018, 05:54:17 PM
It depends on how courageous you are with it's pro's and con's. But you know being feared of "what if" we'll gonna take u nowhere.

But if you're still doubtful, just take your time and research for it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Englebabylove on March 21, 2018, 05:55:56 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
I think it's worth it. Over the past five months, I've invested a lot of money in bitcoins, which are more than I've paid in the past few years. So I think bitcoin is a good investment, and it's worth the time and money to take risks.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: terzy on March 21, 2018, 06:00:05 PM
Bitcoin is worth to spend your money and time. Although, it is very risky, but very profitable too if invested at the right time. Bitcoin is currently very low compared to its price back during the end of 2017 so it might be good time to buy bitcoins now. And don't panic during the drops! I earned a lot on bitcoin's growth in price so absolutely I can say it is worth risking your money. And not just Bitcoin, Investing in cryptocurrency is very profitable right now!

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: ukw on March 21, 2018, 06:13:59 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

I personally think that time and money are well worth it, because if we invest wisely in time, it may be the only time I have to spend time to earn enough revenue fot a good life.  :) :)

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Vinodam on March 21, 2018, 06:20:11 PM
Investment in Bitcoin is a very Profitable endeavor. Just like every investment aim is to make profit. Bitcoin is invested in to make profit. More so now technology is the other of the day. Digital currency is the next currency trend. So is worth the risk of money and time

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: cizatext on March 21, 2018, 07:07:38 PM
Bitcoin is Worth every bit of your time and money because if you invest this two thing well in bitcoin you will be financially successful all the days of your life. Bitcoin have the capacity to multiplying any thing that is put into it with great interest and value that is capable of transforming your financial life.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Momoamzad on March 21, 2018, 07:30:44 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

No I don't think so. Those who are working without investing and earn bitcoin they are happy with their earnings. To be establish every one needs to take risk.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Slow death on March 21, 2018, 07:39:26 PM
Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

What do you think?

Twitter CEO Says Bitcoin Will Become World’s ‘Single Currency’ Within A Decade (

“The world ultimately will have a single currency, the Internet will have a single currency. I personally believe that it will be Bitcoin.”

“It’s slow and it’s costly, but as more and more people have it, those things go away. There are newer technologies that build off of blockchain and make it more approachable.”

Bitcoin Destined For $28,000 In 2018 - Moas

Tom Lee Predicts Bitcoin To Reach $91,000 by March 2020, Based On Performances After Past Dips (

these guys have lots of money and they believe in better prices in the future, they are not people to make investments where they are not going to take profits or waste their time. they believe in a better future for bitcon, I personally believe in the future where bitcoin will be recognized worldwide and the price will be very high.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: coinbitrade on March 21, 2018, 08:26:25 PM
Definitely worth it. I have learned from my own experience that on bitcoin and crypto-currencies it is possible to earn money quite well. And plus this topic is very interesting for me. Yes, there are risks for money. But all my risks were justified

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Twinscoin2017 on March 21, 2018, 08:33:52 PM
Definitely worth it. I have learned from my own experience that on bitcoin and crypto-currencies it is possible to earn money quite well. And plus this topic is very interesting for me. Yes, there are risks for money. But all my risks were justified
Yes I agree on that, we don't have any loses here in bitcoin feild because, our only choices here is earn and learn, so then even if we cannot earn we can learn some important things that we can put basis in the near future. We can really learn here how to handle some hard situation that may come on our way. That is why I also believe tgat bitcoin is really worth it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: webmastax on March 21, 2018, 08:34:49 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

I already made a decent profit from bitcoin that i can't earn with any traditional job and there are people that made a huge profit and still make it.
I think this is worthy to spend some time and money if you are a little skilled in what are you doing.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: awawo on March 21, 2018, 08:41:37 PM
It all depends on what and how you invest your time and money in bitcoin and in which ever way you stand to gain a lot from bitcoin, because bitcoin is a life changer what ever you put into it get multiply with time if only you do that wisely.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: irenegaming on March 21, 2018, 08:48:57 PM
BTC is worth risking your time and money as in most cases, the investment made is paid in full, Bitcoin still has a huge potential and every effort you put into it will be paid through the profits you will earn over time as long as you are patient enough

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Assface16678 on March 21, 2018, 09:01:05 PM
Of course it is worth risking. Bitcoin have proven me itself. And more than the profit I could gain and I have gained, I believe in the technology behind this. Out of all products and inventions out there that can be linked to money, bitcoin is the best and the most suitable to revolutionize the world of currency and change the nature of money. Have faith in the technology, have faith in bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Cedie on March 21, 2018, 09:07:06 PM
The only thing you risk here is your money. With all the time you spend on learning bitcoin, learning about the economy, getting to know cryptocurrencies, being aware of crypto news, will not go to waste even though you have loss in your profit. For me, there are always downfalls in bitcoin and it is as volatile as its price, but everytime you learn, that is always a gain.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Carmen01 on March 21, 2018, 09:20:31 PM
Crypto is investing tools so it's more on business and it's run because you take risk then if you take risky things you can earn by that so that's crypto so it's worth it and if there a reason why they not like it of course they can't earn here so if you earn here in crypto just go on then if not just leave,All have worth here in crypto like if you spend your time you will gain a lot of knowledge while you earn that you can apply in real world so that's what we want that's why we are here

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: kwabeedat on March 21, 2018, 09:21:05 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Yes, if only you believe and also know what you can get from bitcoin them you'll never feel bad about investing your time and money in Bitcoin

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: pushups44 on March 21, 2018, 09:22:46 PM
As I have said and will continue to say, dollar-cost averaging and diversification will lesson the risks for newbies. Also, it's best to buy when there is a bear market and the media is gloomy about it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: burdagol12345 on March 21, 2018, 09:46:59 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Yes,defenitly,that doing a bitcoin works its can takes time money and effort but in the end when you see that your investment  or your works of labor  become profitable,then suddenly you would smile and theres a world pop up in your mind and said "all my effort is worthy".therefore no matter would happen in this digital currency system,we still believing  even in success or there are times failure,that we always going up,and continue our journey in the world of cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Mobshady24 on March 21, 2018, 09:54:09 PM
Worth it if you can make money/earn out of this but if you loss a lot through trading maybe it's better to stick on other activities like bounty where you don't have a cost for your crypto holdings.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: AllOfArt on March 21, 2018, 10:29:07 PM
Bitcoin is a new cryptocurrency which for sure will take some of your time, but you have to be ready to invest by doing so, you will use money, remember that the cryptocurrencies are not real investments comparable to a home or real estate

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Butchick on March 21, 2018, 10:36:09 PM
Bitcoin is a crypto currency and therefore, it is very volatile. With its current dip from its highest balue last year, it is a bit risky to invest in it. However, i see a huge potential in bitcoin especially that it is becoming popular and So for me, despite the huge risk it requires because of its ever fluctuating value, bitcoin is still worth risking my time and money. 

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: lyks15 on March 21, 2018, 10:43:03 PM
Yes doing bitcoin is very worth it. All the time and effort that I gave is very worth it because I know there is more that that I give that I will get on bitcoin. In terms of money I know it is very risky, but remember that bitcoin is like a business if you know your business,you also know how to prevent loss and keep your capital alive. So I can say that investing money in bitcoin is worth it because there is a big chance that I can earn than loss just make sure that you know what you are doing. I think I can say that investing time and money to bitcoin is worth ot because all of us have a dreams and goals and bitcoin is the key.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: ardibimbim on March 21, 2018, 10:58:03 PM
When you think bitcoin is the medium and your way to get happiness and success in life,
then I think you have to sacrifice a lot of your time and money, because it's all for your happiness.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Nanknink boy on March 21, 2018, 11:08:33 PM
I will be risking not only money and time I have, but I will also focus and always try to do what is best to get the boredom of bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: onemoretime8520 on March 21, 2018, 11:17:59 PM
Imagine you study all of your life, work all of your life and at the end you get an average income which is just enough to feed you and keep you in life but who ever invested in btc was able to earn the one year salary of an average man in just 2 months, so invest your time now and take a rest later.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: patykuprova on March 21, 2018, 11:21:06 PM
You will absolutely say yet if you was investing in Bitcoin 8 years ago, the moment that you could earn thousands of BTCs per day with only a wooden PC.
That's the gold moment that we can't turn it back so accept BTC for this moment, it's the way too much worth for us.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: HatakeKakashi on March 21, 2018, 11:22:45 PM
We know that every investment have risk possible to lose your money.  Because no business are safe all of them are chances to get lose just like bitcoin is very tisky but they have chances to earn big. It depends to you if you want to earn money just invest but if you don't want to earn money just hold your money and keep safe. Buy for sure bitcoin is a good investment..

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: nara1892 on March 21, 2018, 11:28:39 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Of course. It's just like the other business. We invest first, and it takes our money, then we wait for it until we can get profit, and that's all. However, sometimes live doesn't go the way we plan, so probably we will not get profit even ruin, it is worthy, though

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Mhelmich on March 21, 2018, 11:29:59 PM
Bitcoin must take risk,you will use a lot of time most specially when you started at bitcoin, everywhere and in anything risk is in there just a matter how well you can take it. Bitcoin is risky and time consuming but very profitable it will get you high in return.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Fire316 on March 21, 2018, 11:38:20 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

            Of course it is worth to take a risk and money in bitcoin. Every business had a risk if you engage. It always play the rule of win or loss, gain or nothing. Bitcoin is volatile and it is profitable even it is risky. If you want to earn through bitcoin you need to put your money,time and effort or do some hard work to earn it and it is always risky. So,if you want to earn you should take a risk. I know if you have knowledge about it you can minimize the risk from it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Minnie1928 on March 21, 2018, 11:50:47 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

If the investor has enough of the financial stability then the involvement in the crypto market is approved.Many of the investors are using their precious time and their hard earned money in vain. They are flowing the other investors which are predicting what cannot be predicted.

Involvement in the market must be own choice and every risk is also approved if the money you invest is your extra money that you are willing to lose if the things go wrong.

Bitcoin is for sure worth investing but with the limited time and money which you are not afraid to lose.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: nesis67 on March 21, 2018, 11:51:08 PM
It is worth it, because to achieve what you will do, will always need struggle and sacrifice,
 and for bitcoin you should always be ready to give up your time and money, and it will not be in vain when you get a satisfactory result for you.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Boysen on March 22, 2018, 12:15:14 AM
Yes it is. Sure the price drops are aggravating and sometimes demotivating, but if we put into account how many times bitcoin had helped me by providing high profits when I need it, it's hard to give up and sell your investments. Moreover, the fact that bitcoin offers promising future for the currency world makes me want to stay and support it until it happens

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: zhea on March 22, 2018, 12:22:36 AM
Yes talking about crypto currency and other investments always involves risks. But if we are knowledgeable enough and learn on how to study and monitor the flow of the market risk will be minimal. We are all aware that most of the risk takers are profitable. But we should always bear in mind to think of many techniques in order to succeed and to overcome the possible obstacles that we might encounter through our journey in investing and as a bitcoiners.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: acha1217 on March 22, 2018, 12:41:32 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Yes, I think is worthy to risk my time and money because of bitcoin, Because bitcoin make my investment grow up so fast than gold investment.
We all know if working we need time, But we can choose between trading and Long term investment, if we trading that's need more time, because we should check it every time, and if we choose long term investment, that only buy some coin and holt it after that when reach the target price we can sell it, maybe one years later or more.
From what I says before, you will able to choose which matches with your selft,
And Invesment in bitcoin is very recommended, because this coin have little supply and many demand, that make this coin so easy to reach hight price.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Ronaldcoin2017 on March 22, 2018, 12:47:39 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Yes, I think is worthy to risk my time and money because of bitcoin, Because bitcoin make my investment grow up so fast than gold investment.
We all know if working we need time, But we can choose between trading and Long term investment, if we trading that's need more time, because we should check it every time, and if we choose long term investment, that only buy some coin and holt it after that when reach the target price we can sell it, maybe one years later or more.
From what I says before, you will able to choose which matches with your selft,
And Invesment in bitcoin is very recommended, because this coin have little supply and many demand, that make this coin so easy to reach hight price.
Yes no doubt about it bitcoin is really worth risking our time and money. Because bitcoin can really give us a huge return of our investment, if we are going to fucos on bitcoin and do it seriously with patience maybe  we can really gain a huge amount on it. Bitcoin is amazing it is really worth to risking of our time and money.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: gambitcoin53 on March 22, 2018, 01:05:45 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

in order for one to get rich, he needs to take all kinds of risks when investing, we cannot get money while doing nothing, bitcoin in terms of investments require more time and of course money, time for studying, reading and analyzing the market cap then coming up with a decision whether it is time to sell or buy depending on the current market status, it needs money because we cannot have a profit if we have no money to invest, if we want to earn big, we should invest big amount too, when we speak of risk, we cannot say directly that bitcoin has a 100% sure profit returns, we must study the market trend, holding your assets and selling it at the right moment, if we can harness the timing, then it is worthy to make bitcoin trading as your primary career.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: zhanyiguai261315 on March 22, 2018, 01:12:21 AM
Time is money, when BTC is soaring, you get money!

Your time and money are worth it! Money is for a better life!

People work for a better life!

So the time and money spent on BTC is worth it!

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Choyor on March 22, 2018, 01:28:28 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Bitcoin is an economic revolution in which every user will get the ease in making money transfers and doing online transactions. Users can also invest with relatively little risk and get a percentage of their investment, besides we can also trade, if we can spend a little time and examine the market we can get a profit, we can also do mining. with all the benefits we can get, I think we deserve to spend our time with Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Wabaman on March 22, 2018, 01:41:59 AM
If you have the knowledge, then yes. Having the knowledge about  how it works gives you the advantage on how you could profit, just like any other form of invesments. Always remember that every investments has the risk of losing your hard earned cash, that is why before investing you should study, learn on how it works, look at the background of the company, the people who's working on it, what are thier goals, will thier goals be any good in the industry of cryptocurrency. Spend your time researching and learning. With enough knowledge the potential risk on losing in an investment will be less.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: heureca on March 22, 2018, 01:59:24 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

I think it depends on your wish only. If you really want to understand criptocurrency, blockchain and BTC you can spend your time for this. If you are interested in criptocurrency and understand its market you can also earn money with it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: icaica22 on March 22, 2018, 03:44:43 AM
Obviously, yes it's worth the risk because we all know that bitcoin is volatile and that's just part of the risk in the crypto world. However, once you have learned and understood cryptocurrency, it will be an advantage on your part and I would say that the risks will now be minimal. You can now analyze current market trends and manage your investment to be more profitable.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: PilosopongTacio on March 22, 2018, 04:21:52 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Yes,there is always a risks and losing money is always a possibility. However, it can be avoided. Time and effort is the key.. Learn every angle on investing and thoroughly studied all about cryptocurrency before any decision is made. So far, i've only wasted my time and effort but never my money.. Not yet.. If you ask me if it worth the risk?
I would gladly say that it is worth the risk. :)

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Bitcoinnumberone on March 22, 2018, 04:27:25 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Not everything that you see around in the crypto takes up your money. Oh yeah efforts has to be there always no matter what because you have to spend some energy so that you can turn it into money or something fruitful I guess. Mostly people find it very commutable in the world of bitcoin and they can easily find out best way to invest into the bitcoin and earn more than what they have put into it. So be relaxed and just find your right spot. You can always learn new things and keep your pace growing so that you can end up earning huge. Th unexpected things can always happen, and if they are good unexpected things then you can just win the whole situation.

Yes,of course. In bitcoin there are a lot of possibilities. You could earn a lot from bitcoin if you will just take it seriously. It is really worth our time and money. We just have to be wise enough to deal with cryptocurrencies.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Budugbass on March 22, 2018, 04:38:22 AM
Honestly for me personally not too spend a lot of money or put the money for bitcoin, I make bitcoin still as the other side of my job from my regular job. For time, also I didn't spend too much time on bitcoin. Between worth and unworthy, basically of course bitcoin is very decent if it takes a fairly long time and also money especially for investing.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Emjohn. on March 22, 2018, 04:41:25 AM
Yes, I think it is worth risking of time and money. A lot of money can be earned in investing or trading bitcoin. It is just like a regular work where you must be hardworking.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Amilhussin24 on March 22, 2018, 06:10:49 AM
Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrency is not for risking our time and money. But if you do risking your wealth, ofcourse, it is worth it compared to any other currency. But remember you can always do it without risking, you can be involve in a cryptocurrency without risking, just relax and take it easy, you must research and study more about Cryptocurrency to avoid risk.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Joyo Endho on March 22, 2018, 07:44:35 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Bitcoin is very valuable for me to improve the state of my life. In my opinion, bitcoin will help many people who want to improve the economy and also people who want to invest in the world of crypto. So, to get what I want, I must dare to risk my time, money and energy for Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Cookie Man on March 22, 2018, 07:52:57 AM

 Bitcoin is worth every minute spent on it, if you study and understand the market and know when to buy and sell, the bitcoin will reward you well overtime, just be patient with it

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: nellakarisma on March 22, 2018, 08:05:57 AM
certainly very valuable gan. if not worth it is not possible people vying to collect as many coins .even some people who like to break the bitcoiners wallet because they know that bitcoin is great value. even more than gold .

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: riuzfairus on March 22, 2018, 08:15:37 AM
I think what we want to do must take time and have to bet something, so that something we do it goes well and gets satisfactory results.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: feny.blackpink on March 22, 2018, 09:02:33 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Hmm, if you think the profit you will get greater than the time and money you spend in bitcoin, why not ?
As long you got the decent amount of profit from your time and money in bitcoin, then you are good.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Marileno on March 22, 2018, 09:03:49 AM
As long s you dont put all your eggs into 1 basket and understand risk, then there is great opportunity to make fantastic returns. Just dont think it is going to be easy.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: pucunghul on March 22, 2018, 09:07:13 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

depending on yourself I think, how far you have been involved and what you want in bitcoin engagement. and that definitely depends on your experience and knowledge.
someone involved in bitcoin and the most classic reason is. get a profit.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: SummerBliss on March 22, 2018, 09:18:05 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Which line market in this whole world not risky in the begginning being stocks,real estate,crypto market or the jobs.Every feild has its own risk to which you are prone but it is with your efforts that you minimize your risk.And btc is for sure worthy of giving time and energy to because how much you give you get hundred times more from it. You need to incellate business techniques in your mind to survive in this market for longer period and risk taking is the most impoartant aspect in that.Your efforts will make you to the road of success much earlier taking down your losses.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Harrisonimo on March 22, 2018, 09:21:42 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

I believe the same question is applicable to your office jobs too or where ever you make your earnings from. As long as it is a means of earning and reliable one too, it thus deserves your time and money; cash in terms of data and investing in ICOs with your cash.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Pier7 on March 22, 2018, 09:44:28 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Even though most people don't even know what is bitcoin, the fact that some people became millionaire because of these investments, a lot of people became interested and jump on board hoping to make a fast fortune. But for me, i think it is worth the risk for my time and money. It is hard to explain how and why the cryptocurrency market rises and falls, but when the users like me still believe in it, it will never die. Bitcoin is the future currency.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: joanshu on March 22, 2018, 09:48:21 AM
It is foolish to ask such questions dude.It is always worth to spend time and money on bitcoins .Your hard work  and patience will always pay off if you have enough time and dedication towards btc .Taking risk in life is always worth it as you will always get the best fruit only if you are willing to take up risk in your life and risk is involved in every forms of investment whether it is stock and share or mutual fund investment or whatever kinds of investments you do there is always risk involved and it always depends on the market trends on how risky the situation may be.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Daniel9140 on March 22, 2018, 09:50:10 AM
Bitcoin is worth every time and risk if you know what you are doing and if you understand how cryptocurrency work.
Think about those that invested when Bitcoin was 20$. It was definitely worth the time and also, Bitcoin is also set to grow more in the coming years.

Its definitely worth the time overall.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: xandra on March 22, 2018, 09:52:33 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Yes it is very worth it , I'd rather spend more time here in the forum to earn more bitcoin rather than surfing in facebook or doing something that is not worth it. I am so thanful that someone teach me here and I won't take it for granted.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: keeee on March 22, 2018, 09:54:58 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
For me, bitcoin is worth risking your time and money as long as you have an idea about it and how to increase or gain profit with your money. If you are planning to invest a lot of time and money in bitcoin or other crypto currencies, maximize your knowledge first so that you can also gain maximum amount of profits.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: emerejames on March 22, 2018, 10:02:09 AM
Business is full of risk, life itself is full of risk, so if bitcoin can be a full time job or business were many people make more money in terms of profit or reward then it is worth risking time and money for.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Zeque02 on March 22, 2018, 10:05:58 AM
Do you think these people especially the people here in the forum will patronize btc if it ain't worth the time and money? Ofcourse it is worth the time and money. As long as your earning, it is worth taking.

Giving your time and investing money in bitcoin is worth it, because it can give you profit.Patience in waiting and time management can be paid off as long it is with you always and you do your job well.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: TorbiK on March 22, 2018, 10:06:51 AM
I think yes. Many of them spent time and risked their money well earned. Someone took a chance and lost, but gained a useful experience.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: goldade on March 22, 2018, 10:08:02 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

It is an obvious fact that investing in bitcoin is just like investing in any form of business. And all businesses, as we all know,  have their risks.  Therefore there are risks in investing in bitcoin and just like you pointed out, there are risks of wastage of time, money and effort.
However, I'd say investment in bitcoin is worth all these risks as we all know that there is no gain without pain. Investment in bitcoin will be a successful one if you are patient enough to make research and learn to be more experienced in trading so as not to run at a loss.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: pekcoin01 on March 22, 2018, 10:17:09 AM
The bitcoin is good if you are making money.

The market is very bad right now. The investors were hurt. It's hard to buy and sell.

The bitcoin areas from the higher price will continue to wait

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: bajingluncat on March 22, 2018, 10:18:30 AM
when you start to do business in btc just like any other business you need money and time as the main capital, but at least in btc you will have the working time as you want because you are not tied up working hours like when you work office for example, but where you want maximum results then the sacrifice of your time and money must be maximal, but all back to yourself

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: bitfocus on March 22, 2018, 10:24:06 AM
no, Bitcoin is not worth risking your time and money if you have no idea what Bitcoin actually is or if you are not willing to spend some time and use your brain to understand Bitcoin. In such case, you should do what you are best at. for me and people like me (who understands both bitcoin and investment market), Bitcoin is the best opportunity ever.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: tienigarazz on March 22, 2018, 10:41:39 AM
Yes it is, base on my experience it is worth it. But giving your time and money its not enough you have to put some effort, and hardwork also. If you do all that it will be more great and the chance of becoming successful in here will increase.
And dont forget to be patient and to be wise.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Cinemo on March 22, 2018, 10:46:44 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
yes cryptocurrency is so risky so dont regret if you invest in bitcoin without knowledge this is your fault not them bbut  if you know that taking risk is good then go but my advice is we leave to take
to take the big risk in our life no matter what happen just be strong some people became rich by taking the risk and i think its worth if you hold it for a long time.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: nicolesalv on March 22, 2018, 10:49:14 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

yes it is. in terms of time, it is worth spending time because youbare earning by just spending your time in joining  bounty campaigns. in term of money I still agree it is worth spending for but I won't recommend anyonento borrow or loan in a bank just to invest. if you have extra money then you can invest. If not join campaigns to earn.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: shawn995 on March 22, 2018, 10:51:16 AM
The best individual to answer that inquiry will be you. Hazard is very relative what can be unsafe to me may not be to you and the a different way. A man who is a tycoon may not feel the hazard to lose nearly thousands yet for a man like me that would already be able to be hazardous. Presently, having said that, I am certain that you realize that Bitcoin is extremely hazardous on the grounds that it is essentially unpredictable and we don't know for beyond any doubt what can occur next particularly that we are confronting the administrative energy of numerous legislatures. The best activity is never to put your interests in only one bushel.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: mathiaslivis on March 22, 2018, 11:07:51 AM
Considering the time cost, it is worth taking risks. From the point of view of money, it is more worthy of entry. We all know that all investment costs are required, compared with other industries, the cost of entering the world of encryption is very low, we only need to spend their time and money to join in, as long as you maintain confidence in bitcoin usually can get considerable income. In other industries, you may also need interpersonal relationships, and you need industry star guidance to get into it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: tayogpanganiban on March 22, 2018, 11:10:41 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

YEs,it's worth to risk my time and my money in bitcoin because i prove to myself that investing in bitcoin can really gives me a good return not only in the future but even at this moment.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: inooll00 on March 22, 2018, 11:16:14 AM
Yes, I think so. If you have big ambitions and expectations for bitcoin, then money and time will not be bothered to get Bitcoin. Only after reaching this point, people will lose control of their emotions.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: perova93 on March 22, 2018, 11:29:26 AM
Risk is always worth it because bitcoin is such an asset is unpredictable which then rises then falls and can make your life risky.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: EmJay on March 22, 2018, 11:37:24 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Ofcourse it is worth spending time and money. I am spending my free time in here but the money that I am investing to buy bitcoin is came also from signature campaigns and other bounty campaigns. No hard earned money from my pocket.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: btcprospecter on March 22, 2018, 11:40:11 AM
There will always be risk when there is reward. It also depends on how big a risk you are taking, can you afford to take that risk? You also have to understand that bitcoin and crypto currency is volatile and although you could see massive rewards you could also see massive losses.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: CaptainKid on March 22, 2018, 11:45:37 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
If you have money that you do not expect in the near future, this will be a good investment. But also you must be ready for risks, as the price for it is not stable. But bitcoin is the number one crypto currency, and the future is behind it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Astermony on March 22, 2018, 11:50:41 AM
Bitcoin's value is very huge, for me, it is worth risking both of your time and money. Taking risks in life is normal, if you want to succeed, you need to risk something, bitcoin is not a thing to regret risking, it can make you rich and successful in life, with bitcoin, many opportunities may come to your way, your life may change because of it. In order to succeed in life, you need to strive, to lend time for what you are wanting, risk if you'll need to risk, its part of succeeding life.
Absolutely yes, bitcoin is worth risking for because bitcoin is valuable. But before you get the prize you should exert an effort. It depends on how you manage your time. And just remember that after your hardship, you will get the prize. Strive hard and success will next to it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: BingoDog on March 22, 2018, 12:40:38 PM
I wouldn't say risking but investing. I mean there is certain risk like with every other investement but investing in bitcoin is still the most profitable one and it's worth your time and efforts.
Imposrtant is to have some realistic expectations and goals but if you think you will become rich person easily then you will end up disappointed.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Traslavin on March 22, 2018, 12:43:37 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Ofcourse it is worth spending time and money. I am spending my free time in here but the money that I am investing to buy bitcoin is came also from signature campaigns and other bounty campaigns. No hard earned money from my pocket.
I believe yes it's really worth it to risk time and money in bitcoin because the assurance of the return of your investment is highly possible.  There's a lot of ways to earned here in bitcoin which is signature campaign, trading, investing, airdrops and even bounty campaigns so there's no reason to doubt that your effort will useless.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: tansoft64 on March 22, 2018, 01:06:02 PM
For me it's not risking because I don't invest on bitcoin, I earn it by joining bounty campaign, I just used my vacant time to work with it and no pressure just enjoy it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: btcrut2017 on March 22, 2018, 01:11:44 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

For me bitcoin is worth my time and money. It is not a risk it is an opportunity. I learned a lot from my experience and it motivates me to be more keen in dealing my financial approaches. It is also part of my routine and i am comfortable with it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Blackhammer321 on March 22, 2018, 01:12:46 PM
Yes i do believe that bitcoin is worth to give a time and investing money. We already seen its capability to adapt changes in society specially when it comes to productivity and ability for being a mode of payment for transactions done internationally. Bitcoin performed really well on the last few years, i think this is the time for us to have innovative currency.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Takeshi Miura on March 22, 2018, 01:19:44 PM
yes. i think so. because this is a game. who play better is winner

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Dapper on March 22, 2018, 01:21:24 PM
So far, quite worth it.

Just be sure to lock in your profits into something tangible: land, homes, gold, offshore accounts.    You don't want to be left holding (or hodling) a flash drive or Trezor worth $10 if the music ever stops.   

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Shinpako09 on March 22, 2018, 01:21:44 PM
It's really worth a lot to risk your money and make an effort in btc. I know some people became millionaire because of btc. It's possible that they can't make it with their day job but they did only in btc. If you still have fear and doubt in btc, don't forget to spare some money in your pocket just in case unexpected thing will happen. Atleast, you have some and you're prepared.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Jerald on March 22, 2018, 01:25:15 PM
It is true that bitcoin gives us the money and time that most new money means, such as the way it gets its money by digital activity. So let's enjoy the beauty of bitcoin around the world so that more people will be able to speak.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Finestream on March 22, 2018, 01:32:37 PM
It's really worth a lot to risk your money and make an effort in btc. I know some people became millionaire because of btc. It's possible that they can't make it with their day job but they did only in btc. If you still have fear and doubt in btc, don't forget to spare some money in your pocket just in case unexpected thing will happen. Atleast, you have some and you're prepared.
Exactly.I believe those who became millionaires in bitcoin have sacrificed their day jobs to give their full time in bitcoin.And it's really worth it because bitcoin is more than a job,it's the best investment we can ever have while we're still alive.Although bitcoin is really risky,but we cannot make big changes in our lives if we're always afraid of taking risks.That's one thing i have learned here in bitcoin community.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Bitcoinismylife12345 on March 22, 2018, 01:59:09 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Investing in bitcoin is like doing a business, and business is always a risk but it is truth a worthy one. You must do hardwork and be business minded to get a good profit from it. Be relaxed, just do hardworks and think right things.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Uno17 on March 22, 2018, 02:24:36 PM
For me yes it is...come to realize what was the beginning price of bitcoin when it was born in the market and how it moves until today, it became the leading cryptocurrency among others. If it happened you were able to buy when it started, we can say it was really worth risking money and time spent, and even though you came late nowadays there is still a good future to wait, like the pioneerings do, but you have to wait also and invest more time of waiting, If you are scared to risk, definitely you have no chance of gaining too, only risk taker experience instant winnings too😊

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Shikaina on March 22, 2018, 02:34:39 PM
For investors they risk their money as well as their time but i dont take out money for bitcoin. I work for it. I join bounty campaigns and get paid in bitcoin or altcoins and later i can trade them to bitcoin if i want. But yes i invest time, electricity and internet too.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: JOoo12345 on March 22, 2018, 03:26:17 PM
yes it is worth risking time and money as long as there is internet i can work on bitcoin everyday.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Faxmate on March 23, 2018, 07:04:02 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Ofcourse it is worth spending time and money. I am spending my free time in here but the money that I am investing to buy bitcoin is came also from signature campaigns and other bounty campaigns. No hard earned money from my pocket.
Same I do and there is no doubt that bitcoin is worth it, if you are using your time you will find it very reliable and very easy as it will not lose your money it will not let your time get wasted, if you will spend your spare time in bitcoin then be sure you will get something out of your time you spend in bitcoin, bitcoin forum is free earning of bitcoin so use your time with bitcoin and invest your saved and spare money that I will rise high and you will use it to get profit, in few months your money will be more than double and profit will be additional profit for sure.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: munareal on March 23, 2018, 07:14:31 PM
Yes bitcoin is worth every time and money put into it. No regrets even when it is at its lowest. The is much hope and opportunity in crypto currencies  than in the fiat currencies

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Irvinn on March 23, 2018, 07:39:25 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Any investment involves a certain risk of loss of funds invested. Crypto-currency in this regard is no exception. However, for now, while bitcoin investing presents a moderate risk. It will be significantly larger when it reaches large values in its value. Then there will be a great danger that bitcoin can depreciate or fall significantly in price simply because of bad news that can cause panic. Therefore, it is necessary to invest in different coins and tokens in order to minimize risks.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: AndrewBrown on March 23, 2018, 08:05:38 PM
I have reaped the fruit of my labor and time in bitcoin over and over again. It has definitely been worth the time and money I put in it and also still very much worth the time and money I'm going to put in it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: weblaraveluser on March 23, 2018, 08:06:57 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Yes it is, trading on the market will really make you earn more profit more than working on the corporate world but it will be still depending on you on what you prefer because both will make you earn money and wealth for your future..

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Feuerbach on March 23, 2018, 08:08:10 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
I think it's worth it. It is only necessary, in the beginning, to study in detail the topic of the crypto currency. And especially the activities you are

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: EugeneJanet on March 23, 2018, 08:10:50 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
I think it's worth it. In the past few months, I have invested in bitcoin, and now the price of bitcoin has gone up a lot. I have gained a lot of profit, so I think it is worth our time and money. As time goes on, this will lead to more profit.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: owlman on March 23, 2018, 08:16:52 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
I think it's worth it. In the past few months, I have invested in bitcoin, and now the price of bitcoin has gone up a lot. I have gained a lot of profit, so I think it is worth our time and money. As time goes on, this will lead to more profit.
They did the right thing, they invested at this time, when the prices in the market declined, but what do you mean when you say that the bitcoin price has increased significantly?It also keeps on almost the same level.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Maryverycool on March 23, 2018, 08:38:12 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
I think it's worth it. I'd like to go with my time and money. I know there are a lot of people here who are getting extra money in a short period of time, and I think it's worth the risk. This is a good opportunity.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: kingofrogues07 on March 23, 2018, 08:40:04 PM
I've never seen who is rich with daily trading. Most profitable people buy it at normal time(not ath times) and forgat it. With this method you don't consume time and can be rich with 1-2 years

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: SiDtHeBeSt on March 23, 2018, 08:49:15 PM
I don't think the word "risking" would be correct to use here. It should be called an 'investment'. All investments have risks. Everything has a some positive and some negative points.
Bitcoin is a pretty good investment which I think is worth your time and money. There might be a little risk as the market goes down sometimes, but it can also give you a lot of profit and the probability to get profit is I think more than suffering from a  loss.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: IsabellaSophia on March 23, 2018, 09:07:11 PM
Every new attempt takes some time to suit. As investing in bitcoin is business, there is always a risk of loss but also a potential profit when you start earning.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: rampage101 on March 23, 2018, 09:40:20 PM
I think it's worth it, because this risk can turn out to be a great way for you to make money. I have never regretted that I am engaged in bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: f150 on March 23, 2018, 09:49:32 PM
yes Bitcoin is very valuable to me, because Bitcoin is able to change my life for the better. I am willing to bet my time for Bitcoin and spend a little money to buy Bitcoin, because Bitcoin is very profitable for its users.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Urbinklin on March 23, 2018, 09:50:21 PM
You won't know it for sure until you try it. So I suggest you take a chance.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Lorin on March 23, 2018, 09:53:21 PM
Yes it may risk but  for me joining in Bitcoin is worth it. Taking time to read and learn about Bitcoin is needed for you to earn a good profit.Earning money needs time and effort  to gain it.It is risky but after that a good profit is there yet sometimes it failed charge it as experience and make it better next time.Never give up, Bitcoin is a big opportunity.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: crazycoindagger on March 23, 2018, 09:56:07 PM
Risk money is reasonable. But time for daily trading is not a proper way for investment. Cause usally little fish their btc with daily trading.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Udrujec on March 23, 2018, 09:59:01 PM
Yes, my friend, if you want to make good money, you have to take a chance and buy bitcoin. Trust me, it's worth it. I was convinced.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Sergey190785 on March 23, 2018, 10:04:21 PM
Watching what goal you pursue. If you want to make a profit, you should buy bitcoin and wait until its price grows at least 100%

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Janinjo11 on March 23, 2018, 10:08:43 PM
It's no risk for those who got it here by doing signature campaigns or for those who bought it when the value was low. But it's definitely a big risk for anyone who is buying it today. Anyone who thinks investing now is a big risker. I would definitely not buy it know when it's worth 10k$.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: patykuprova on March 23, 2018, 11:03:12 PM
It's no risk for those who got it here by doing signature campaigns or for those who bought it when the value was low. But it's definitely a big risk for anyone who is buying it today. Anyone who thinks investing now is a big risker. I would definitely not buy it know when it's worth 10k$.
With no risk you only can get a little back like you're doing with the signature campaigns.
With no risk you only can work as an employee and get rewards from your boss like you're doing a real job in a real life.
So rich is containing risky all the time unless you're doing something that illegal.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Nitnit13 on March 23, 2018, 11:07:24 PM
Actually, bitcoin is very risky to eliminate your time. Because we know if we are looking for bitcoin it will take time and process. As if you are looking for bitcoin through bounty. Surely you will know that finding the bitcoin is a waste of time. But for me it's okay because I'm unemployed.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: laluna24 on March 23, 2018, 11:11:42 PM
I think it's worth it, because this risk can turn out to be a great way for you to make money. I have never regretted that I am engaged in bitcoin.
Actually everything we do it is involved of risks in bitcoin its worth to risks time and money because of the return of profit. Ever since bitcoin started more users received a greater profit. The value it become more valuable also I am thankful I known bitcoin until this time.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: ASHLIUSZ on March 23, 2018, 11:13:28 PM
If it is not that worthy we could have never got such an increased popularity and growth to be attained in a short time period. It took time to reach the common people understand about the goodness with cryptocurrency. Now people has understood much better about bitcoin which is marking a drastic change in the financial system.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Mystica101 on March 23, 2018, 11:30:35 PM
It is worthy than any other things I'm doing right now I usually spend my entire day in crypto since I am already used to it and can't spend the day without it and its part of my daily routine and ofcourse worth it to invest in.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Piggymonster on March 23, 2018, 11:41:45 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Yes, i believe so, i have read and heard stories of some people who quit their real job just to focus on this cryptocurrency. I believe they see that their future is much brighter in this crypto business and are willing to risk everything they have just for this. I admire their courage. For me, i keep the balance between my work and bitcoin and i will keep holding on to it. Bitcoin is the future.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Et Hereum on March 23, 2018, 11:47:41 PM
All of the investments involve certain risks. Even if you saving your money in a bank, there is a risk. The bitcoin and crypto market is a market where you can earn high profits. I think the income risk ratio is worth investing in.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: 9jaflick on March 23, 2018, 11:50:21 PM
Investing on  bitcoin is a business, and if you will agree with me every business involves risk and it is up to you if you will take the risk or not.
People toke the risk  by buying bitcoin when was below $1 and people also toke the risk buying bitcoin when it was above $18k. Chose your faith

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: creeps on March 23, 2018, 11:52:51 PM
It is worthy than any other things I'm doing right now I usually spend my entire day in crypto since I am already used to it and can't spend the day without it and its part of my daily routine and ofcourse worth it to invest in.

Since I make money here, I can say that bitcoin is worth spending for. Actually, I stay more in cryptoworld than in social medias. Bitcoin is simply amazing, you actually don't need to invest money for you to earn just try to fully understand all the opportinity in cryptoworld.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Akosibatman on March 23, 2018, 11:59:18 PM
It is worth spending money and time because a earn a lot of money with just little money but first I face the risk, always remember that you wont win in a game without taking the risk. Sometimes I spend more time in bitcoin rather than my social and game media. Bitcoin will wont last long so I highly suggest to invest. I think it will go to peak value before it crashed, so invest now till u have chance and opputurnity.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: danggoron on March 23, 2018, 11:59:30 PM
Investing on  bitcoin is a business, and if you will agree with me every business involves risk and it is up to you if you will take the risk or not.
People toke the risk  by buying bitcoin when was below $1 and people also toke the risk buying bitcoin when it was above $18k. Chose your faith
And do not forget this principle: Never invest what you can not afford to lose. All things are full of risks, especially in the world of cryptocurrency, we must always prepare preventive measures to avoid losses.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: kendedes on March 24, 2018, 12:21:19 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a worthy investment, especially for the future. I think it's very worth to take my time and money in Bitcoin even it is risky. I believe that every investment will require risks. When we are sure and brave of the risks, no worry to take it. Spending time to research the market and every condition of bitcoin today is very worthy because it is changing every time. Investing my money in it is also valuable because I can make it as worth investment to get more profits.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: BeGoods on March 24, 2018, 12:41:07 AM
I think it's worth it, because this risk can turn out to be a great way for you to make money. I have never regretted that I am engaged in bitcoin.
Actually everything we do it is involved of risks in bitcoin its worth to risks time and money because of the return of profit. Ever since bitcoin started more users received a greater profit. The value it become more valuable also I am thankful I known bitcoin until this time.
Yeah we are looking for profit from bitcoin investment and reasonable if we dedicate our time, effort and money to success job and investment in bitcoin. and the risk is reasonable from a business. most importantly we are optimistic that our time, energy and money are worthed for the profit we have to get.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Pansamantala on March 24, 2018, 12:59:15 AM
Of course it is. The technology poaes a very promisinh future for the world of currency and the investment world as well. Moreover, the potential profits one can get through investing in bitcoins is something to not be laughed at. Even if the value as of now is on the low, we can say that it is still profitable

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: gurunanakji777 on March 24, 2018, 01:09:40 AM
If I thought like this when i started with bitcoin then today I could not earn a single penny from bitcoin. Its always worth to risk your time and money. But it depends when you buy bitcoin. So you have to take little risk if you want to earn money from bitcoin. Those who accepts the challenges most of the time they are successful. Risk is always there in any business.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Dadan on March 24, 2018, 01:13:11 AM
If you are an investor you are really risking your money and time especially when the price of your investment is high risk it's really a waste of time and money that you think you will end up losing money. your money will also be risky if bitcoin's price drops and you buy a bitcoin will likely be too risky for your money and time due to the decrease in bitcoin. So before buying or investing you should be careful and ensure that your unvested price will increase so you can not risk your money and time.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: forbiddenone123 on March 24, 2018, 01:18:24 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Maybe it is worth to risk your time and money if you willing to invest in bitcoin and earn a profit.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: frankybutterin on March 24, 2018, 01:19:52 AM
yes very worth it because bitcoin gives us profit. Although bitcoin investment also has a risk in my opinion there is no loss if we spend our time and money for bitcoin. Our hard work in the future will produce maximum results.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Darker45 on March 24, 2018, 01:26:09 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

It depends on how you are using Bitcoin.

Bitcoin as a technology does not need much of your time and money. Bitcoin as a form of digital currency does not require that you always give attention to it. It is just kept in your Bitcoin wallet. You will use it whenever you buy something. And you will deposit Bitcoins to the same wallet whenever it is already out supply.

I suppose you are mainly looking at Bitcoin more as an asset or investment rather than as a currency or a form of payment. It really asks your time in monitoring fresh news that would have to do with Bitcoin, or time to take a look and analyze the charts, and so on. But I believe all these efforts are worth it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: JennetCK on March 24, 2018, 02:03:49 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Yes, definitely. My hard work was paid already and still receiving income. I spent most of my time and money in bitcoin and I already got the result. When I started investing, I also joined bounty campaigns at the same time. All of my sacrifices has been paid off. Now, I am still continuing to join bounty campaign and circulate my bitcoin in the market.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: smaug88 on March 24, 2018, 02:11:07 AM
it really depends on the person. Every people have different point of view, others take their time to trade with bitcoins and earn from it,  others just depend on faucets,  others buy mining rigs telling others that it's a good investment.. others just buy and hold waiting for the market to turn green. Yes it might be risky but if you are wise enough and done your research i think it's somewhat worth it

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: johnson4218 on March 24, 2018, 02:18:24 AM
I do not think so. Bitcoin helped me make a lot of money. There are plenty of ways to make money in the crypto market. and i spent all my time for bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Isaacck on March 24, 2018, 02:20:10 AM
It is up to you how you interpret the risk. Risk come when you feel there is something wrong about that phenomenon or something, but if you remove that feeling, you're a risk taker. Just like sliding in a long, loop slide in a swimming pool. Did you just experienced that? Just like that when you're risking your time to bitcoin. After that, it is a relief for you. Take a risk and wait then earn bitcoins.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: prediction on bush on March 24, 2018, 02:29:24 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

It will be upon you own discretion to decide whether involving with bitcoins was worth it because it would solely depend on how  you manage your time and money and the decision alongside with it. If you can determine that you can benefit to it if you continuously work with it, then you can really say that it would be really a correct decision and taking up the risk. You can apply here the "risk versus benefit" mechanic.

I strongly agree on your opinion that, it will be upon you own discretion to decide whether involving with bitcoins was worth it because it would solely depend on how  you manage your time and money and the decision alongside with it. And adding also my opinion that, I think its worth risking my time and money and You don't know more about bitcoin, bitcoin is decentralised digital currency and it can be used as both currency and asset, now bitcoin is accepted as a one of the currency. In addition, Its worth it, because we know, that by risking our money and giving our time to bitcoin. On the other hand, it depends on how much of your time and money you are investing in bitcoin! it is really that simple, you always invest what you can afford to lose based on the reward that you can get.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: gzgzs798 on March 24, 2018, 02:30:26 AM
I think it is worthwhile, although I spent a lot of time, money, energy, and great pressure on bitcoin investment. But I also get a lot of income, enough to buy a house in my hometown.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: xhoondilan on March 24, 2018, 02:30:57 AM
For me it's not, earning bitcoin doesn't risk any of my time because not all the time I spent it on bitcoin, it takes only minutes in earning bitcoin. And I don't spend too much money on it thats why it's not a risk for my part.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: marcuslong on March 24, 2018, 02:33:10 AM
If you are an investor you are really risking your money and time especially when the price of your investment is high risk it's really a waste of time and money that you think you will end up losing money. your money will also be risky if bitcoin's price drops and you buy a bitcoin will likely be too risky for your money and time due to the decrease in bitcoin. So before buying or investing you should be careful and ensure that your unvested price will increase so you can not risk your money and time.
Know the risk before trading, when it comes to bitcoin I think it has to be balanced. Volality is its nature, you have to play the game wisely. Learn to make make sure that there are clear procedures in place for areas with identified high risks, and join workshops so you will have full grasp of technical and fundamental analysis.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Dainye_dyep on March 24, 2018, 02:34:15 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Yes it is. Bitcoin was really worthy to spend your time and money because based on what I have experienced, Bitcoin has given me an opportunity to earn and regain what I have spent which is a lot more valuable in terms of quantity or amount which is best for my part because I have gathered and gained what I have spent in exchange of a better one as a payback. So, if you do want to experience the same thing, better start doing it to yourself now.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: ghost07 on March 24, 2018, 02:40:27 AM
yes it is i can risk my time and money to bitcoin. im earning money in bitcoin it only requires time and knowledge to finish the weekly task or requirements to receive a stake. working in icos is the best way to earn money even you have other work or even you are student.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: cpoer2011 on March 24, 2018, 02:48:01 AM
If you are investing your money yes it's risky but it's worth if you can get profit or loss depends how you manage your bitcoin. For time, everything needs time including bitcoin. So, on my opinion bitcoin is worth from my time and money to spend.  

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Dorion2124 on March 24, 2018, 02:49:32 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Yes ofcourse if you have patience because of its price is not stable you need to wait so it takes your time, bitcoin is risky but it is worth it because of its good profit you will get. The key to success is patience and dont think negative things.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: elwiswoodie on March 24, 2018, 02:58:16 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

The question is actually suitable for a trader, who at all times should monitor the candle and Bitcoin prices
while an investor, preferring to hold the coins for a prescribed time
HODL does not really care about the price down, because they have rules to sell their assets in the given month, and the amount of money they invest, usually very large

For example, a man who likes HODL will buy Bitcoin at the beginning of the year and sell it at the end of the year, meaning the person is doing HODL for 11 months

From here, time and money are not a problem anymore, and Bitcoin does not disturb anyone's time and money

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: santosummer on March 24, 2018, 03:03:31 AM
If you consider bitcoin and the crypto market as work and a sense of investment and business. The crypto market is volatile and risky. a new market like crypto, you want to join you need time to prepare the knowledge. that is inevitable. I think success comes to those who never tire of looking for them. It is the real opportunity to be seen and I will endeavor to seek success.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: bitcoinVPSD on March 24, 2018, 03:11:22 AM
I find it worthy of the time and money that I spent. Investing in it is completely safe and it has helped me make a profit. Its value is unstable but if you know to take advantage of the opportunities it creates you can make a profit.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: reda on March 24, 2018, 03:22:28 AM
I find it worthy of the time and money that I spent. It was really good and it helped me earn a profit. Its value is unstable but if you know to take advantage of the opportunities it creates you can make a profit.

If start the work. Before time to plan. Time is important for this process. Time to sprect the work then work is timeo complete. If use the bitcoin then you will know time to work. Coin price is time to change. So people check the price every day. It not risk. If time to work you will manage the all process. Time is money. So plan to complete the work on time.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: thenameisjay on March 24, 2018, 03:25:30 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Definitely. Bitcoin investments wouldn't take most of your time since it doesn't really require much attention when you're trading. Money involvement, of course, is inevitable. You're invest on a cryptocurrency that's so big, investing large amounts of money is logical.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Aileen C. on March 24, 2018, 03:28:05 AM
It is defInitely worth our time and money. Btc can be helpful and useful for us, may be not so soon but gradually it can be in the near future. Just be patient in waiting for it to prosper more.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Rrotess on March 24, 2018, 03:28:29 AM
It is definitely worth risking your time and money. Although, it is very risky, but very profitable too. Investment in bitcoin would get you high returns.
Yeah bitcoin was profitable and variable which a big impact to our life.Everything was risky but you should always think that theres no more than online income that give you the best life and that is only bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: _noname_ on March 24, 2018, 03:30:13 AM
Not everything that you see around in the crypto takes up your cash. Goodness better believe it endeavors must be there dependably regardless of what since you need to spend some vitality with the goal that you can transform it into cash or something productive I presume. For the most part individuals think that its exceptionally commutable in the realm of bitcoin and they can without much of a stretch discover most ideal approach to put into the bitcoin and win more than what they have put into it. So be casual and simply locate your correct spot. You can simply learn new things and keep your pace developing so you can wind up acquiring tremendous. Th startling things can simply happen, and on the off chance that they are great unforeseen things then you can simply win the entire circumstance.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: EdfuJihad on March 24, 2018, 03:31:44 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Bitcoin and cryptocurrency is the new tech and communication
of the world right now. Of course it is a cryptocurrency it is
risky. If you want to head in and involve yourself in bitcoin
you should be aware of everything.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: KingOfWinterfell01 on March 24, 2018, 03:33:24 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

It is worth risking your money and time. It's even worth it to sell your hourse for bitcoins. Bitcoins are that good of an investment even if it is so volatile, you still get to enjoy the fruits of your investment given that you placed your investments and timed it properly.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: gilangIDR on March 24, 2018, 03:34:32 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
I think we should do that when we want to invest elsewhere. Bitcoin offers many advantages over other investments, we will be able to get satisfactory results. Lots of people who capitalize their money by investing bitcoin, it will be very profitable. So the time we have will not be useless because we get what we want.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: cookuy on March 24, 2018, 03:34:46 AM
As far as the current market development of Bitcoin is concerned, bitcoin is indeed not worth spending too much time. Its future is an unknown number. Those who dare to take risks will leave bitcoin investments after repeated fluctuations. This is very reasonable. However, the development of Bitcoin is also predictable, so the main point is that individuals do not think it is worth it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: cupic on March 24, 2018, 03:36:21 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
I think bitcoin is worth the time to learn and invest. I see the value of the bitcoin increase since I knew it in August 2016. When I bought the first bitcoat for $ 600. Its price is 9000 usd. I have not seen any strong growth potential like bitcoin. If you want to learn about cryptocurrency first you need to understand about bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: elbimbo012 on March 24, 2018, 03:39:11 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Investing time and money in bitcoin is worth to take risk although crypto trading is riskier than stock trading the return also here is so much high that is why many traders are flicking in crypto. but be sure you have a good entry price in bitcoin buy when price is dropping and don't panic when market is bearish.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: paras20 on March 24, 2018, 03:44:13 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
For met it's not risking my money and time I m a die hard supporter of bitcoin  lobe to work and spending time to it

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Nahl on March 24, 2018, 03:51:05 AM
i have already realize that bitcoin is fully risky but i think the risk are equally to the profit and i have been tell this several times that this is really worth even though i have to spend more time and focus for bitcoin but i have been get the benefit during involved in bitcoin world especially from my financial side

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: dogz12 on March 24, 2018, 03:55:14 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Worthy because you have the chance to double or triple your investment with bitcoin. Risky, well any form of investment including bitcoin has a risk involve in it. Scammers, hackers and the volatility of bitcoin are risk you have to face if you decide to go on with it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Markpet01 on March 24, 2018, 03:55:18 AM
In investing time and money bitcoin is worth to take risk because your money can make double or triple on bitcoin in short term of time.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: CoinstarF on March 24, 2018, 04:54:59 AM
At the moment it's  difficult  to say because bitcoin price is down .If you are a gambler then it's worth it but if not I don't think at the moment.There will always be a risk.

For now I can't assure if it is worthy, but I do believe sooner or later I can gain and earn of what I am expecting.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: amaydel on March 24, 2018, 05:10:26 AM
As we all know, bitcoin and the rest of cryptocurrency is a risky investment by nature. You should have known what is bitcoin and crypto investment before you get in. Once you fully understand that already, risking your time and money is not already a big deal.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: BlackRacerX on March 24, 2018, 05:18:58 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Yes. Bitcoins will always be the best thing that happened in my investment adventures. Bitcoin not only taught me how to effectively manage my time, but it also taught me that investing in a volatile cryptocurrency like this one is worth the risk and the money.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: pelipurlara on March 24, 2018, 05:30:15 AM
I do not think so. Bitcoin helped me make a lot of money. There are plenty of ways to make money in the crypto market. and i spent all my time for bitcoin.

Bitcoin is a crypto currency that is widely used in investing, and the future is behind it. If you have money you do not expect in the near future, this will be a good investment. But you also have to be ready to face the risk, because the price for it is not always stable.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: bearexin on March 24, 2018, 06:37:23 AM
Risk is always worth it because bitcoin is such an asset is unpredictable which then rises then falls and can make your life risky.
You can’t go anywhere where you can’t find risk. There is no place on earth where if you want to share your money in some asset and you think there would be no risk around me, you are just deceiving yourself. It is dire need of time to accept this fact that whenever someone becomes ready to use his money as investment in some asset, he must digest this fact that risk may damage or uplift his investment.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Dejech19 on March 24, 2018, 07:12:34 AM

 of course. first of all you will not be able to defend yourself if you do not move or you are impatient in life. so it's time for you to work so that you give your time to think that we know all the people who are struggling to find a good return. :)  :D

Definetly yes my friend. Bitcoin is something you need to exert more effort and time, and yes bitcoin is worth to risk my time, because I know I might giving my time right now but for sure what I risked will give me a good benefits soon. I do believe in saying thatthat you plant will grow and soon you will harvest you fruit of labors. But in money side in can't share my experience because i didn't invest  money yet.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Nfp on March 24, 2018, 07:14:18 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

If you fully believe in bitcoins ability, yes it can be worth it to risk your time and money on it. Because it can be a way and lead you to your success and it might also give you the best life living that you want for your self specially for your family. Because it might give you the profit and income that you can't get on investing to any banks and any job that you do right now.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: fredo123 on March 24, 2018, 07:35:18 AM
For me, bitcoin is good for investment, and it is yes for me because in so many ways bitcoins helps me out from my debts.and I was also establish my self, free from unstable income. Bitcoin sustains my needs and achieved my goals in life;)

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Lwtelencio on March 24, 2018, 07:39:10 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Yes it's worthy to risk your time and money on bitcoin because at the end you will agin a huge profit. Bitcoin is like a business theres always a risk and loses, but if you have a knowledge in crypto and know how to handle it then you cannot say that it is risky.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Zahrowil Qolbi on March 24, 2018, 07:46:22 AM
yes, worthy, of course. because we know that bitcoin is volatile and that is just part of the risk in the crypto world.  Risk is quite relative what can be risky to me may not be to you and the other way around.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: valterkjellberg on March 24, 2018, 07:48:01 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
All the shit you want to buy is you buying poverty. That's a good thing for guys like me because we profit from you doing that kind of shit living.

I retired at 41 without having netflix or internet at home. Without having a fancy $1000/year smartphone. Without going out for beers with other losers because we hated our lives so much we had to get drunk. Without drug usage.

Now I get to spend 100% of my days doing what I love doing. I get to spend my days with people I love spending time with.

If I want to play video games or watch TV now, I can -- and my time is paid for by my investments paying me.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: muhammedb on March 24, 2018, 07:53:31 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
yes is it worth risking your time and money for bitcoin, because is a global digital currency as the first coin in crypto-currency it worth taking risk for and as an entrepreneur you most to take a risky to excel in you business some is applicable to bitcoin. 

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Getcoinsite on March 24, 2018, 08:04:38 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
in everything that we do specially in profiteering,money ,time and effort is at stakes eo lets admit that the risk is if you are really interested to do this then must admit that its not purely earning,theres a chance of losing too since thats the nature of cryptocurrency investing

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Bershie on March 24, 2018, 08:06:44 AM
I would say YES! bitcoin is worth risking your time and money because it will help you financially aside from that it can help you sustain your daily needs. When you invest in bitcoin you must take a risk and ready for the result. Inorder also to gain profit you must also give your time. Bitcoin is really worth waiting. It may dump but pump will follow.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Rajamuda on March 24, 2018, 08:12:47 AM
Undoubtedly if we really know more about bitcoin and knowing a lot how to makes a profit, it's not a problem and it will not be an obstacle to risking time and money. Only for the people who're feel awkward if not dare to doing that.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Ruffian14 on March 24, 2018, 08:20:36 AM
For me yes because you can have profits and earn if you really invest time and money in bitcoin. But we all know that bitcoin is very volatile and the price is fluctuating every time so you can't always have profits in it. So it is really worth it investing time and money in bitcoin if you study all about it and learn on how you can have profits and earn money without losing all of your investments. It will help you earn extra money besides from your job and it can make you millionaire if your really good and have financial freedom.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Daria_daria1992 on March 24, 2018, 08:21:45 AM
If you want to be a modern person who understands new technologies, adopts a new economy, then of course it is necessary to understand bitcoin, and in general throughout the crypto-currency world.  Yes, and you will not feel sorry for time studying the crypto currency.  And when you study, you will undoubtedly want to invest in bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Traslavin on March 24, 2018, 08:24:03 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
yes is it worth risking your time and money for bitcoin, because is a global digital currency as the first coin in crypto-currency it worth taking risk for and as an entrepreneur you most to take a risky to excel in you business some is applicable to bitcoin. 
Yes it was, it was definitely worth it to spend time, effort and money in bitcoin. That's why there's a lot of risks takers who choose bitcoin over any other kind of cryptocurrency. But It will only be worth it if you also do your counterpart because you can't just leave your money in their and not going to make it work.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: criptogoon on March 24, 2018, 08:25:19 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

There's almost no chance to find a profitable activity which won't be risky. You have to risk your time and money if you want to succeed.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: bnmh23 on March 24, 2018, 08:32:47 AM

To say this is too serious. It is right to spend time and money to make investments that are acceptable under their own abilities. This is a qualified investor. :)

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Quicksilver143 on March 24, 2018, 08:50:45 AM
You can never be successful if you never risks your time and your money. Just like going to exclusive school, if you're not going to invest your time you'll fail, you should risks your money as fees on everything you need. Your perseverance on the things we're onto is the key. In the field of cryptocurrency, well yes! It's worth risking our time and money because it will never disappoint us, it's a win-win situation. There is something to rely to if we're in need. Just learn to prioritize, and never get rid to things that may waste our time and money.   :)

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Amelial on March 24, 2018, 09:18:05 AM
Bitcoin is not worth risking my time and money, bcos we can do BTC with small capital, and do anytime anywhere, no need to use my longer time.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: cryptoroi on March 24, 2018, 10:11:23 AM
What somebody call risk, some may call it opportunity. I would suggest to spend some time on it, do your own research. When you know what you are doing, the risk will go low, very low.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Intersan on March 24, 2018, 10:17:08 AM
Undoubtedly if we really know more about bitcoin and knowing a lot how to makes a profit, it's not a problem and it will not be an obstacle to risking time and money. Only for the people who're feel awkward if not dare to doing that.
Many people thinks that it is easy to earn money through bitcoin.  Yes,  it may sound like that but of course if you want what you do to be fruitful,  you have to work hard  for it. Joining the forum doesn't mean that you will earn money right away,  this forum is just a guide and a central source of information where you can find ways to earn cryptos.  With that,  you will be investing time,  money an effort to earn.  Studying is still needed here and if you are the type who wants to earn money  but does not want to lift even a single finger then earning here is not for you.  Bitcoin earning and bitcoin of course is worth the effort,  time and money but you still have to work for it by doing your part.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: pisston on March 24, 2018, 12:17:45 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
  We also know that any business related to finance has a risk. For example, you want to open your business and where is the guarantee that after investing money you will not burn? So I think bitcoin is still worth it to invest in it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: dynospytan on March 24, 2018, 12:18:54 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Yes of course. Since I started in this forum I never thought that it will be just a waste of my time. I never also use my own money to have bitcoin. I have just use all my time and my efforts to earn bitcoin. There are a lot of ways to earn bitcoin, not just putting your own money to earn it. You just need to have some research where you could earn bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: JanuaryStars on March 24, 2018, 12:20:55 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Absolutely yes!
Opportunities are open to those that are open minded, and bitcoin has such avenue of opportunities for profits.
Yes prices are extremely volatile but if you look at it the positive way, you can gain from it.
You need only be wise and receptive

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Magic Sarap on March 24, 2018, 12:24:42 PM
What somebody call risk, some may call it opportunity. I would suggest to spend some time on it, do your own research. When you know what you are doing, the risk will go low, very low.
yes, you are definitely right about that. After spending time here in bitcoin, when the time comes that you accumulated your reward you can say that those time you've spent are all worth it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: nowlscor18 on March 24, 2018, 12:24:47 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Honestly bitcoin will never be risking our time and money but making our money grow and a big change to change our life as an extra ordinary people.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Loopper on March 24, 2018, 12:26:01 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

If this makes you a profit and helps you in the economy it seems like this is a very good thing to keep.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: redfin31 on March 24, 2018, 12:35:48 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

for me bitcoin is a business, we all know all business have a risk and I think it is normal if a business takes your time, because it's also can make a profit for yours. since I join on crypto world 3 years ago and make a profit till now, so i think it is worthy if I spend my time on bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: CryptoKu-een on March 24, 2018, 12:43:33 PM
The answer to this question depends on one's knowledge and understanding of blockchain technology behind it. And most importantly like what others say: You need to base it on your risk appetite. As simple as that.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: mylyn2327 on March 24, 2018, 01:28:43 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a new big opportunity so I am saying it is worth my time and money. It is a opportunity that knocked in my door, if you will study, analyze blockchain dipper and you have the guts it is worth the risks. 

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Relentless1020 on March 24, 2018, 01:37:48 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Yes it is worth it, because its business dude. Bitcoin gives you additional income. If Bitcoin goes up those money that you invest for bitcoin , will multiply and multiply and multiply, otherwise, it will really decrease. Just be positive.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: poliy1219 on March 24, 2018, 01:45:58 PM
People entering the encrypted world all think it's worth investing. It's also very profitable. People outside the encrypted world may have a lot of consideration, which will not be a bubble, and bitcoin has no value. I think block chain technology may usher in the biggest technological revolution of this century. Bitcoin will be recognized by more people. Soon, bitcoin investment will be very popular.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: darkangel11 on March 24, 2018, 01:46:16 PM
There's always a degree of risk involved but I think it's worth it. Nobody is going to give you stuff for free! If you want something you have to fight for it and fighting sometimes get you bruised.
For me it's certainly worth it. Back when I heard about it I was broke most of the time. I was earning enough to pay the bills and buy food, that's all. I couldn't go on vacation, buy a car or a motorcycle. I had to use public transport or ride a bike if I wanted to get anywhere. Bitcoin changed my life, so I'd do it again anytime.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Adamant06 on March 24, 2018, 01:50:46 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a new big opportunity so I am saying it is worth my time and money. It is a opportunity that knocked in my door, if you will study, analyze blockchain dipper and you have the guts it is worth the risks. 
I agree on that, Even as the stock market continues to soar, investors are looking for the next great thing that will turn them into the millionaire next door.Many believe bitcoin is that thing and i'm one of it. Mostly like the thrill of a new payment system taking hold. So despite cautions from regulators and investment advisers, people are rushing in hoping to make a fortune. It is worth risking your time and money as long as you understand everything about it,learn and have knowlege through it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: zhopas on March 24, 2018, 01:53:06 PM
We all know that it takes time to get money here in bitcoin, yes it's normal and it's also worth to wait. All we need is patience if we really want to be successful on something that we want to have . And if you really give hardwork and patience then you'll really succeed on that something.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Bowly88 on March 24, 2018, 01:56:21 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

For me yes because it really depends on the people, i am just a student and i do not have a job where i will gain money so i am fully committed into bitcoins because that's all that i can do i am gonna take the risk and spend time because that is all i can do for now and i am really gaining on it that is why i never stops. Because if i am not gaining on these i will immediately stop this at the first place. But no, for me this is a great thing to do. But if you have stable jobs better stick with it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Morning honor on March 24, 2018, 02:00:32 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Yes. Aside from the benefits I can get, I could also learn something that is very useful as technology is innovating from time to time. Bitcoin in not really popular to many, to be involve in btc is a privilege for me.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: indiejeff on March 24, 2018, 02:04:09 PM
we all know many people made a money on bitcoin and other cryptocurrency so for me it's worth the risk of time and money just be patient and must continue to monitor the ups and down of the bitcoin IMO

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Evangeline2 on March 24, 2018, 02:04:50 PM
BTC's investment returns are high and fast. I think it's a good decision to invest in BTC if you're a profiteer.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: besduyu on March 24, 2018, 02:11:24 PM
The risk starts when you step out of the house. Every decisions include risks. It's like, everyone wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Btcmarmipp2 on March 24, 2018, 02:22:34 PM
We all know that everything we do there always be a risk. Bitcoin is worth risking your time and money?my answer is yes, because if you risk your money in investing with a big profit why not. I will do also the right thing, I will invest my money if I can see that it can give a nice profit.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: tamarindbleu on March 24, 2018, 02:59:46 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Investing in bitcoin means business, so because it is business it means that there is a risk of a loss and also a potential profit when you earn. Just like any business when you have short sales then you will go bankrupt on the long run, it is the same with bitcoin if there are no more buyers of bitcoin its value keeps getting lower. But if you are not business minded then you should not invest in bitcoin instead find some work and employment.

I can say that it is all worth the time, the stress and of course, the risk that i take all from the beginning up to this moment. Bitcoin is my number one source of profit to fill all my financial needs right now and when i start up to now it never fails to keep me going in life, so i can say that it is all worth.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: caloy06 on March 24, 2018, 03:02:16 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

That's right, we all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money because, everyone needs a money so, it is possibly we need time to get a money. No, we need give time to earn lot of money don't risk time to manage your time and money.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Souldream on March 24, 2018, 03:02:49 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

for me bitcoin is a business, we all know all business have a risk and I think it is normal if a business takes your time, because it's also can make a profit for yours. since I join on crypto world 3 years ago and make a profit till now, so i think it is worthy if I spend my time on bitcoin.
We have our own interpretation about bitcoin, some may think it's a business, an investment or bitcoin to others is a source of their income but even we have our different reasons but we still have the same puroose and that is yo get a profit, to earned money. So in bitcoin all your risks, time, effort and money is definitely worth it, and I guarantee it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Dansamiv on March 24, 2018, 03:49:21 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Hey, I think with any job to make money, you have to spend time for it. If you choose a job at a company, you still have to spend time working in the assigned department. Bitcoin and crypto are an online job, it may not take much time. But want to make a lot of money from it. You have to spend the maximum time fund. That is the nature of the job. No one can make money without spending time and effort. And it's important to realize that bitcoin and crypto are more risky - the ability to make more money.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: eaLiTy on March 24, 2018, 04:04:29 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
It is all about taking chances and choices,no one is forcing anyone to do anything,if you find it interesting and you have the money to take some calculated risk ,it is worth the time you spend.

for me bitcoin is a business, we all know all business have a risk and I think it is normal if a business takes your time, because it's also can make a profit for yours. since I join on crypto world 3 years ago and make a profit till now, so i think it is worthy if I spend my time on bitcoin.
I would rather call it an investment rather than a business. :P As long as you do not provide any service you cannot call yourself a bitcoin businessman. :P :D

The answer to this question depends on one's knowledge and understanding of blockchain technology behind it. And most importantly like what others say: You need to base it on your risk appetite. As simple as that.
You really do not need to have a deep understand about blockchain technology to be an investor but you must be aware about the market movement of bitcoin to make profit.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: joebrook on March 24, 2018, 04:12:11 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Every investment involves risk and time and if you really believe that you are going to make the profits that you seriously desire, then you shouldn't fret about spending your time and money at all but i believe in bitcoins

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: JPablo on March 24, 2018, 06:04:45 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Yes, it's worth even i change my schedule of sleeping just to do bitcoin but topic in risk it's not affect it my time and the money that I use buying bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Gabriellefull on March 24, 2018, 06:12:15 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Over the past five months, I've invested a lot of money in bitcoins. This is more money than I have paid in the past five years. So I think bitcoin is a great way to invest, and it's worth taking the time to risk it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: adpinbr on March 24, 2018, 06:22:24 PM
bitcoin is really a worth to risk but it is still very risky. so you must know your limit in terms of giving your whole time and money to bitcoin. it is a must that we know how to balance our life and money.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: matipoto on March 24, 2018, 06:37:45 PM
I think investing in bitcoin is really worth your time, but this musn't be your only source of income, unless you are a very experienced trader.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: himMahmed on March 24, 2018, 06:40:42 PM
i see that bitcoin worth risk , but with mone that i cant be ver effective to lose.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: emmybd on March 24, 2018, 06:44:48 PM
It is certainly worth risking time and money, as it has been the best investment sector for the last one year or so. A large number of real estate and metal investors have started investing into bitcoin. As bitcoin invesment offers very good returns now.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: ogini on March 24, 2018, 06:46:34 PM
For any thing that gives profit it worth risking money for. No business without risk and any one childing a way from risk than that one is not a good investor

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: popoyuyun on March 24, 2018, 06:48:48 PM
I think it all depends on how we manage it. If we can see a good opportunity then we can use it to gain profit and minimize the loss or risk of losing time and money we use. Many searching for information can also minimize any loss.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: hxk451 on March 24, 2018, 07:05:04 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Truly it might risk however for me participating in BTC is worth it. Setting aside opportunity to peruse and learn about BTC is required for you to earn a decent benefit. Earning cash needs time and push to pick up it. It is risky however after that a decent benefit is there yet now and again it fizzled charge it as experience and improve it next time. Never surrender BTC is a major opportunity.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: rose8963 on March 24, 2018, 07:05:54 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

It is imperative that we accept investment in a young and new market. Need to invest time and effort to achieve success in terms of profitability. Of course, if you do not want money and assets evaporate then. You need to learn and work.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: taeewo on March 24, 2018, 07:48:13 PM
Its worth it but dont use your time and money on only bitcoin, focus on other ALTCOINS that has good use case and with good developer/team behind it... Example of the ALTCOINS i can recommend for you is eth, medichain (I C O), waves and neo

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: MidKnight on March 25, 2018, 12:46:14 AM
It depends on how you are doing it. If you know that buying the dip is a smart move rather than fearing that it's over. It's worth it after it pumps again.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: TheSmo on March 25, 2018, 12:51:02 AM
Bitcoin is like a sportloto, for quite naive and desperate :D :D :D

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: josephine85 on March 25, 2018, 01:07:52 AM
When you are into cryptocurrency, it is understood that you are already oriented how this business works. It is both risky and profitable. Of course if you are going to invest into something you should ready to lose that investment too. But, if the luck is in your side then you can also gain huge profit.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: canque31 on March 25, 2018, 01:59:38 AM
When you are into cryptocurrency, it is understood that you are already oriented how this business works. It is both risky and profitable. Of course if you are going to invest into something you should ready to lose that investment too. But, if the luck is in your side then you can also gain huge profit.

I do believe that Bitcoin is really worth risking my time and money. Bitcoin is my primary source of income just risking my time is not a big deal with. Because if you enjoy things that you doing you didn't mine the longer time you spent for it. And besides I'm being paid and at the same time I learn and enjoy what I'm doing.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Sadlife on March 25, 2018, 02:08:55 AM
Well if you dont believe in it and have no hopes that it will be successful in the future just dont invest in it. But remember expect the unexpected in bitcoin where bankers, financial institutions, gold investor and fiat investors once told that it wouldn't last long and it's only a bubble that your only wasting your money. Look at it now.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: rainezerr401 on March 25, 2018, 02:11:35 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

It is worthy to risk your time in cryptocurrency if you think that you will be really earning profit but if you think that you cannot earn something in return then just focus on working at the corporate world, sometimes choosing what's the best in life will lead you to success and not following other peoples suggestions.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: AdoboCandies on March 25, 2018, 02:21:20 AM
Even not in bitcoin we know that if there is investing there is risk but investing in bitcoin is worth the risk because bitcoin price is fluctuating and it can be a really good profit to increase your money or have an extra income , investing is like gambling but in investing you have more chance of increasing your money, just try to imagine that you invest in bitcoin in 2009 and claiming your money today, its wortg your time and money so invest now or never its up to you.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: callmeback on March 25, 2018, 02:27:15 AM
For me having bitcoin is worth it because it helps you a lot to meet your needs and besides I'm being paid and at the same time I learn and enjoy what im doing. Well there is no business without risk and any one childing a way from risk than that one is not a good investor. So I think bitcoin is a great way to invest, and it's worth taking the time to risk it. Believe that you are going to make the profits that you seriously desire, then you shouldn't fret about spending your time and money at all but i believe in bitcoins.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Elips1 on March 25, 2018, 02:34:39 AM
It is definitely worth risking your time and money. Although, it is very risky, but very profitable too. Investment in bitcoin would get you high returns.
...Actually, in terms of money there is a possible risk, but bitcoin is lower risk than any other currency. And ofcourze! it needs a lot of time and effort because it's not a magic. But in terms of risky, Take calculated risks. This is quite different from being rash.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: goku1525 on March 25, 2018, 02:37:30 AM
For me having bitcoin is worth it because it helps you a lot to meet your needs and besides I'm being paid and at the same time I learn and enjoy what im doing. Well there is no business without risk and any one childing a way from risk than that one is not a good investor. So I think bitcoin is a great way to invest, and it's worth taking the time to risk it. Believe that you are going to make the profits that you seriously desire, then you shouldn't fret about spending your time and money at all but i believe in bitcoins.
Yes, every business is having risky life is all about taking risks to achieved our dreams in life. Just like bitcoin if we dont take risks probably our life is useless. We need to initiate things to gain good moneys Wether legit or not legit its all about trying things with spending our time. But I believe that bitcoin is worth with our time because of the great possibilities to achieve fulfillment.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Ale88 on March 25, 2018, 02:51:55 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Of course it's a big risk but I'm more than willing to invest my time for something that maybe, in the future, could be the next big think. Of course we should leave time also for our lives, our families, etc etc, but spending time on BTC rather than watch a couple of hours of tv well, why not?

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Activitycoin on March 25, 2018, 08:34:18 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
For met it's not risking my money and time I m a die hard supporter of bitcoin  lobe to work and spending time to it
Of course you are not risking your money because bitcoin has very high potential to grow and it will raise high and high with time, you will have to keep patience and hold your bitcoin you will not lose anything using bitcoin, for more profit you will have to plan well. Short time investment is not profit worthy to use your capital to make long time investment every time, price of bitcoin will be high so it is good to invest in bitcoin and use your extra time constructively and earn money from it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: ross09 on March 25, 2018, 09:31:23 PM
Yes  ofcourse it is! though I do not put money pocket yes..when we talk  about worth the time yes..absolutely..learning while your earning money is morethan worth...its but ofcourse it takes time to somebody to risk their time in bitcoin at first they gonna doubt if its realy true or not but when time pass by ..through reading and research they will understand how bitcoin works and how is it so helpful in every individual that really needs it the most..when we talk about worth risking money If I am basing to others exeperience yes a big yes because when you put like 20$ in bitcoin you can get back double even tripple of it..And I am looking forward to experience that too..when the times come that I am ready to put my own money it invest here in bitcoin..😊😊

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: oni4an on March 25, 2018, 09:33:14 PM
Many say that Bitcoin is a bubble that it will soon burst, do not know how you but I hear it for many years and such utterances I am just laughing. Bitcoin is an investment in the future.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Roboabhishek on March 25, 2018, 10:03:36 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

If you're concerned about money then you can accept payment and sell it immediately on an exchange your country supports.
Or you're a hodler then you should believe in it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: romecheo on March 25, 2018, 10:16:07 PM
In every business or investment there's always a risk. In my own perception, no one are able to achieve his/her goal without taking a risk.

It was truly worth it to use effort and time for earning Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Indah_twin on March 25, 2018, 10:23:57 PM
bitcoin is worth once with bitcoin we can use to buy this and that. if not worth doing we have to try hard to collect bitcoin .

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: sari_ on March 25, 2018, 10:32:20 PM
if we sacrifice our time and money to invest in bitcoin. it's worth it.
because bitcoin is a very valuable because with bitcoin we can buy anything we want .

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: rockyboy on March 25, 2018, 11:24:42 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Yes,  all of my investment like my time,  money,  efforts in bitcoin is all worth it because i am earning well without going in the office. Bitcoin is very useful.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: MiF on March 25, 2018, 11:31:20 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Yes,  all of my investment like my time,  money,  efforts in bitcoin is all worth it because i am earning well without going in the office. Bitcoin is very useful.
I believe that bitcoin is really worth risking our time and money because we can really gain a huge amount on it. Bitcoin is really amazing and it can really give us a huge return from our investment. So then I believe that it is really worth risking. Because we can gain on it if we do it seriously.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: 1C6fV5DtakfKANLJ8GUV7hCaA on March 26, 2018, 04:26:36 AM
I will say it's totally worth it. I learn a ton of new stuff everyday with it. Bitcoin can just be related to almost anything. It's worth investing money and time in it. More money is just the side effect ;)

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: aji567 on March 26, 2018, 04:37:29 AM
Yes it is.
bitcoin as well as time and money because the price changes every time and unpredictable. Bitcoin can also be a very promising investment for the long term because it deals with the right time to sell or buy the bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: pendekar cinta on March 26, 2018, 05:48:09 AM
If for now I tend to invest long-term because there are still many offline jobs that can give me income every month therefore I often choose to spend time working hard in the offline world.While the age is still very young and energy is still awake.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: kimdomingo on March 26, 2018, 06:28:45 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
In my opinion, bitcoin is definitely worth spending my time and money because now, i can already depend on it and it helps me on my financial needs since i am still a student. The only thing i need to spend is my time and through spending my time, all my investments will be worth it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: ropyu1978 on March 26, 2018, 06:33:25 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

yes, it is very worth it.
If you are an investor, you will be given many choices of involvement in bitcoin or crypto. yes, you can invest long-term. and it will make your time not too much consumed. just monitor and always diligently search for new news. that is it.
but if you are a crypto trader. this will take a long time. and requires a very broad base of knowledge.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: v3liana on March 26, 2018, 06:40:39 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
its revolutionary and it does worth to take time of my live.  I do spend a lot of time in cryptocurrency and i do not afraid even though there is a lot bad news about cryptocurrency but i still believing that one day this is going to make me rich and cryptocurrency will be accepted in every corner of this world.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: tambok on March 26, 2018, 07:04:55 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

yes, it is very worth it.
If you are an investor, you will be given many choices of involvement in bitcoin or crypto. yes, you can invest long-term. and it will make your time not too much consumed. just monitor and always diligently search for new news. that is it.
but if you are a crypto trader. this will take a long time. and requires a very broad base of knowledge.
Yes indeed it is worth my money and my time, since I joined here I never think that I wasted my time and effort indeed my effort was paid enough compared to what I am earning in my current job, so for me if you will just spend your time wisely here then it will be all worth it  to do it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: izzabel on March 26, 2018, 07:12:01 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Bitcoin is not risking my time and money because I do really  believe that it can save my financial problems

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: ka3na on March 26, 2018, 07:17:40 AM
For me it’s a YES. Just like any other businesses, you’ll never know if you will fail or succeed unless you try..You can never tell if this will bring you fortune unless you risk. Even the most successful person in bitcoin did have his own failures in life. Therefore, it’s always worth the risk than feel sorry for not trying it in the end.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: RavenHood on March 26, 2018, 09:36:51 AM
In my opinion, yes bitcoin worth risking your time and money. Bitcoin is expensive, and I have read many articles saying that there are some people become a millionaire and billionaire with the help of bitcoin. There's a risk in every business, and you just need to face the risk and challenges, and if you overcome it all, you will become a very successful person. 

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: neonshium on March 27, 2018, 10:16:56 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

for me bitcoin is a business, we all know all business have a risk and I think it is normal if a business takes your time, because it's also can make a profit for yours. since I join on crypto world 3 years ago and make a profit till now, so i think it is worthy if I spend my time on bitcoin.
And it is. Bitcoins are continuously making a fantastic impact on society by helping people. From a long time, people have been investing in bitcoins and the results are so incredible. The living standards of people is increasing.

They are making best money out of these bitcoins and hence this becomes a helpful item in development of their financial position. So yes, go for bitcoins as soon as possible.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Mbah Djoko on March 27, 2018, 10:21:01 AM
Bitcoin is a future investment and long term, when I decide to invest bitcoin then after I buy then I will wait at least a year, I never waste time to check the price every day, I just check the monthly price so I will not panic if look at the price drop.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: brainryan on March 28, 2018, 01:43:01 PM
With my point of view on this issue. You were right to assume that bitcoin is work. It generates profits and assets for you. Do you have any doubts about your work and hesitation in thought. You would expect a job that does not cost you time and money. It is clearly impossible in this market or in society. They will not give you anything if a wrong thought.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Docafid888 on March 28, 2018, 01:51:48 PM
Yes it is, i heard the news spreading that in 2021 there is no "new" bitcoin anymore and i think that its the best time to invest in it, since its gonna be limited. I hope its not a fals news.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Ingoats on March 28, 2018, 01:54:30 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Surely, it is. Bitcoin is really profitable especially as an investment due to the continuous increase on its market value for a long run. Investing into it and holding for a long period of time will surely result into huge profit. So for now, since the market price is low, take the opportunity and invest. Hold and be patient because once the market value starts to reocver, profit will be earned

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Noelbetty12 on March 28, 2018, 01:59:34 PM
Well yes of course, but this depends on the person doing so. If you are not skilled and is a beginner, i think it will be a hard time doing investments. There is so much risks with money being put online. It is worth risking but are you really willing to lose in case you fail? Failure is part of practice and practice makes perfect. Being skilled would lessen the possibility of loses. But remember you can't be a veteran not unless you have been into a lot of trouble being a newbie. So learn and succeed in the future.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Kittygalore on March 28, 2018, 02:02:03 PM
For that, Yes. Bitcoin is something that will give you profit in span of time, well a very long one as well but it will all be worth it because as we know the value of Bitcoin is high and with high value you also get a high profit for investing. I think bitcoin is an investment that can give you profit with zero efforts needed because all you have to do is to wait for it reach a certain value then sell it all. Sometimes the risk is when you buy and when you sell them because some investors buy at a high price then later on it will get lower then others sell at a low amount.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: kuncimobil on March 28, 2018, 02:27:10 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

yes of course bitcoin is worth it with the time and money I use because the profit I get is worth the time I spend and I enjoy my life with bitcoin

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: loraalbert on March 28, 2018, 05:04:07 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
To me, Bitcoin is an investment and a worthwhile venture - the essence of the crypto market. Because no job is easy for you to make a lot of money. The risks and volatility of the crypto market are seen and reacted before. But you can see that no job can make a good profit with crypto right now. So focus on the future trends of the market is the most effective to have a good job and high profit.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: oracleongoodbye on March 28, 2018, 05:08:10 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

If you have the knowledge, then yes. Having the knowledge about  how it works gives you the advantage on how you could profit, just like any other form of invesments. Always remember that every investments has the risk of losing your hard earned cash, that is why before investing you should study, learn on how it works, look at the background of the company, the people who's working on it, what are thier goals, will thier goals be any good in the industry of cryptocurrency. Spend your time researching and learning. With enough knowledge the potential risk on losing in an investment will be less.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: GardenChristian on March 28, 2018, 05:12:29 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
I think it's worth it. I think the return on investment that the encryption market brings to us is many times our traditional investment profit. Over the past few months, I've invested a lot of money in bitcoins, which are more than my salary for years, and it's a good investment. So I think it's worth it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Dudeperfect on March 28, 2018, 05:13:12 PM
No one knows what is going to happen down the road but for me I think it is the opportunity to get involved with something that has potential to change traditional way we use to transact with each other. I am optimistic about Bitcoin and blockchain technology but that doesn't mean that I would stake my entire wealth for this purpose so I do think that if we can bifurcate and manage our time then it is really worth it and after 10 years we would look back and say it was an adventure worth investing our time.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: lukmandog on March 28, 2018, 05:15:32 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

bitcoin takes your time? why not ? everything takes time. bitcoin takes your money ? why would it ?
Bitcoin investment business is like any other business, why should you even ask weather it is worth to risk time or money ?
Yes, bitcoin is worth to risk your money, this business give you opportunity to gain big profit in it, even you don't need to spend all your life time in it. you can still be in another job while you are in this business. all you need is patience and proper knowledge due to bitcoin has volatility that can cause big loss if you make bad decisions.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Aresion on March 28, 2018, 07:08:32 PM
I have a day job and I was dedicated to it, but not anymore. I just maintain the lowest possible level and that's it until I say my final goodbye to it. I don't want to work for someone 8 hours or more every day and make him money. In return, I get a salary that is a much smaller amount that I can earn or could earn in crypto. I'd rather be rich and help poor people or do something useful for myself or someone. Most of the day jobs are programmed shit that is only made for ordinary people to survive and not to live. 
So is Bitcoin worth risking my time and money? Hell YES.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: WannaCry on March 28, 2018, 07:12:47 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Yes, but I'm doing it with my own will because I believe that it's all worth it. All kinds of the investment is risky and may take our effort and patience but just like others, if we really want to earn, we must be so willing to take all the risks. I believe that through my patience and in due time, I'll be rewarded based on my hardwork.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: The_prodigy on March 28, 2018, 07:18:03 PM
I have a day job and I was dedicated to it, but not anymore. I just maintain the lowest possible level and that's it until I say my final goodbye to it. I don't want to work for someone 8 hours or more every day and make him money. In return, I get a salary that is a much smaller amount that I can earn or could earn in crypto. I'd rather be rich and help poor people or do something useful for myself or someone. Most of the day jobs are programmed shit that is only made for ordinary people to survive and not to live.  
So is Bitcoin worth risking my time and money? Hell YES.
Yes its really worth risking my time and effort because i know it will be rise again like before, even its value have huge different today than before it is still worth it because you can also have higher profit. Just keep waiting while working in other way to earn cryptocurrency, also dont hesitate to take the risk in bitcoin because this coin is the one of the coin you can trust and this coin is worth taking the risk. You can try other coin but you never sure if its going to success.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Glutius on March 28, 2018, 07:21:26 PM
Everyone should consider their own risk of investing in bitcoin. Not everything depends on the cryptocurrency itself, much depends on you.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: kirkarsedat on March 28, 2018, 07:50:08 PM
It is definitely worth risking your time and money. Although, it is very risky, but very profitable too. There is a profit ahead us... a profit that we hoped for, we work for.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: vinz7229 on March 28, 2018, 11:59:22 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Every investment involves risk and time and if you really believe that you are going to make the profits that you seriously desire, then you shouldn't fret about spending your time and money at all but i believe in bitcoins

 It depends on the work that you are in, if you are in trading world, nothing to ask it is very risky specially in buying and selling alt coins, but if your working in signature campaign the risk is very low percentage, cause you don't need to put any money from there just finish all the required post then everything will do.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: jeepuerit on March 29, 2018, 04:01:46 AM
Yes, huge amounts of bitcoin in my time and money, preferably magfucos in bitcoin because I do not waste my time earning money every day. The most important thing about investing is psychology.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: airdnasxela on March 29, 2018, 04:10:52 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Definitely, it worth it. Yes,  bitcoin is risky because you can actually compare it to business where you will invest and you will gonna play with chances.  But the good thing about bitcoin,  you can actually study and research and understand the market,  it is for you to have a better chances of earning than losing.  Also,  time is a virtue,  you need patience here.  It is not because your money is not increasing, it means it do not worth your effort.  You need to wait,  just like us that wait for a long time. We even did not expect that bitcoin will increase its value just like last year.  So for me,  yes,  bitcoin worth risking anyone's time and money.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Zach707 on March 29, 2018, 04:19:08 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

When i started in bitcoin last year it really occupied my time since i have a regular 9hs. job. I did read a lot of information about bitcoin and i joined into signature campaign to know more on how can i invest and what are ICO's projects. I did double time on how the system works, how does investing and trading works. How can i make profit on it. Yes i can say that bitcoin is really worth risking my time and money as well.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: sana54210 on March 29, 2018, 06:32:20 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
in everything that we do specially in profiteering,money ,time and effort is at stakes eo lets admit that the risk is if you are really interested to do this then must admit that its not purely earning,theres a chance of losing too since thats the nature of cryptocurrency investing
You can say this but the point is you need to put these things at risk if you are planning of something different and more beneficial. Bitcoin is no doubt very much risky investment but you have to admire this thing as well that it can make you rich in no time as well.

Whatever you do, you need to be sure that you will not end up losing your money and that you have decided the right option.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: shezu007 on March 29, 2018, 06:59:06 AM
Certainly, it justified, despite all the trouble. Indeed, bitcoin is dangerous on the grounds that you can really contrast it with business where you will contribute and you will going to play with shots. Be that as it may, the fortunate thing about bitcoin, you can really study and look into and comprehend the market, it is for you to have a superior odds of procuring than losing. Likewise, time is a prudence, you require tolerance here. It isn't on the grounds that your cash isn't expanding, it implies it don't worth your exertion. You have to pause, much the same as us that sit tight for quite a while. We even did not expect that bitcoin will build its esteem simply like a year ago. So for me, indeed, bitcoin worth taking a chance with anybody's chance and cash.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: tbterryboy on March 29, 2018, 08:17:59 AM
Many say that Bitcoin is a bubble that it will soon burst, do not know how you but I hear it for many years and such utterances I am just laughing. Bitcoin is an investment in the future.
Yeah! These are rumors spread by some creepiest people of the market. I don’t understand the reason for being so against bitcoin. Bitcoin has not done anything bad to them. May be they are doing so because they are paid for this. But whatever is the reason for this foolish acts of them, they are never ever going to be successful in their mission. Bitcoin is a complete market with bright future.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Fairy_90 on March 29, 2018, 08:30:05 AM
Bitcoin takes a lot of time and money to invest in it. But I'm very happy, I learned a lot from BTC's investment, saying that losing time is right, because we have to spend time to study about it, but say money is not sure, because You are investing, you can profit from the money you spend, not completely lose money.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: qq555 on March 29, 2018, 08:40:44 AM
A lot of people investing bitcoin today because of its high value and they expect their will be a big return in the coming years. Any investors are so optimistic of what happen in the future, they simply grab opportunity that will bring them a great investment return. If bitcoin price still increasing probably everyone will make investment on it, and so do i.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: parassinghal on March 29, 2018, 09:15:36 AM
If speaking clearly then yes its is full of risk because as if you have seen the record of bitcoin then it had jumped up and then again it came down and still it is not stable, its fluctuating a lot. But i think in upcoming months the price will definitely increase.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: nicosey on March 29, 2018, 09:27:11 AM
As opposed to what?
If you find it interesting then yes...

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: semarmesem195 on March 29, 2018, 09:28:50 AM
For myself it is not entirely valuable, because i play bitcoin during my free time and i don't put a lot of money for investing in bitcoin. But bitcoin is like the second hope i'm most proud of because bitcoin really helps me especially in business and finance. Now many of my colleagues are depositing their money to me and i invested the money into bitcoin and profit from that 50% investment for me.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: kendedes on March 30, 2018, 03:58:50 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

I'm sure that every activity, job, investment, and work will spend our time and also some money. Probably, bitcoin will take more my time and money. But in this case, I prove by myself the benefits of involved in bitcoin and cryptocurrency. I got more profits and easiness of bitcoin. Even yeah now the price is always dropping and it makes me sometimes feel a headache, I'm still interested to involve in it. Why? because I still believe that next days, it will rise and be always a good investment.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: jerowacik on March 30, 2018, 04:29:57 PM
Any investment takes your time and money. Even as the stock market continues to soar, investors are looking for the next great thing that will turn them into the millionaire next door. Many believe bitcoin is that thing.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Triyavam on March 30, 2018, 04:37:38 PM
Taking risks in life is a normal thing, if we want to succeed, you need to risk something, bitcoin is not something to be regretted by risk,
The value of Bitcoin is huge, for me, it's good to risk your time and money,
we will not first be able to defend ourselves if we are not moving or impatient in life, so it's time for you to work so you give your time to think that we know everyone who struggles to find a good return.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: ibuddy122505 on March 31, 2018, 05:07:32 PM
Definitely worth of investment if not why people make investing time and money on it? You must be dealing high risk, as crypto is a highly speculative, high risk investment So if you can't handle its dropping, don't buy it. Simply stop putting your retirement money! But, Don't forget that Crypto is the future.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Elerntta on March 31, 2018, 08:09:49 PM
I've been doing this for quite some time, and I've never regretted it. On the contrary, I want to devote more and more time to bitcoin, cryptocurrency, investment, as it is very interesting.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: teejayrichard2 on March 31, 2018, 08:31:50 PM
Anything that is profitable is surely worth my time and Money. Bitcoin gives lots of profit apart from the fact that it has great use and potential. It is surely worth my time and money

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Saldom12 on March 31, 2018, 08:54:25 PM
Maybe that's right, it's definitely worth risking your time and money. Although it is very risky. But this is very profitable if you do it right and follow the way bitcoin works.  :)

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: jdkly on April 01, 2018, 07:35:12 AM

You spend a lot of time studying the market and you are very likely to make money. However, the risk still exists. However, I think Bitcoin has great potential, especially since it is popular, so for me, the value of Bitcoin is still huge and it is worth our taking risks.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Ahimoth on April 01, 2018, 07:45:41 AM
Maybe that's right, it's definitely worth risking your time and money. Although it is very risky. But this is very profitable if you do it right and follow the way bitcoin works.  :)
Definitely for me that's true. Investing in bitcoin is one of the greatest moment in my life. I benefited a lot from it not just in terms of money but also improvement of my character. I learned a lot of things because of bitcoin. It's very helpful and I'm suggesting everyone to invest and spend their time, effort, and money to it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: riuzfairus on April 01, 2018, 07:56:36 AM
Yes very valuable in my opinion, because to get bitcoin is not easy, must bet time and money to get satisfactory results (bitcoin).

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: oloveloveo on April 01, 2018, 08:07:22 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
If its not worth risking, why are so many people still investing in it?
We all know the risk of investing on it but because of possibilities that our money would also gain profits we take that risk.
Theres also people who would go as far as selling their properties just to invest in it.
Yeah theres a lot of potential on bitcoin that the value of it will absolutely leap in the future but always allocate only the money you can afford to invest.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Marlyn1 on April 01, 2018, 08:07:55 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
I am very focus now on what i am doing even though i have not receive any bounty from the campaign that i have joined. Yes it worth my time and money because i am very positive that at the end i would profit from bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: skyline247 on April 01, 2018, 09:41:28 AM
Bitcoin has always being worth the risk, the time and money I have put into it, it has being worth the sleepless nights and the uncertainty I have felt when prices have gone down but my patience and resilience have always paid off up to ten folds and I will continue putting time and money into this market and I will not stop taking risks with bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: DoublerHunter on April 01, 2018, 02:09:34 PM
If you have patience too then it is worth it to risk your time and money for sure because if you have patience to do a lot of research and study how to do things in an effective way then the risk will not be that high and your money will be worth it to be spent on the cryptocurrencies because the return for this cryptocurrencies like bitcoin is high.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: dsaijz03 on April 01, 2018, 02:16:08 PM
Yes, bitcoin is really worth it! it is really nice to invest in bitcoin because iy maybe low now but it will not die and pump in the near future.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: espiapogi1994 on April 01, 2018, 02:27:08 PM

you want to do that because you want to talk to bitcoin that you also need to wait and pay money to raise your money. You should also accept whatever your money will be if it loses or loses :)

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Sapphire9 on April 01, 2018, 04:22:38 PM
Of course it's risky as it is something new. But it definately worth all your time and money. Bitcoin and crypto in general is future, so it's contribution to your prosperous future)

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: joganuts on April 01, 2018, 04:29:27 PM
very worthy, because bitcoin will not disappoint you.
why do I say so? because I myself have felt the results, there is no futile word in investing or working with bitcoin.
bitcoin can change your life.  8)

Definitely! Its worth every once of effort and money than you could ever think of. Earning money while doing something you love like going out and traveling is somwthing everybody dreams of.  Some may thinks its impossible but with bitcoin, this could be poßible. Earning money while traveling. Im excited just by thinking of it

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: btyco on April 01, 2018, 05:06:11 PM
Yes it is worth the risk! It is clear which direction bitcoin is taking and so far it is only used by a small percentage of the population. This number will increase driving up demand for a coin that has limited supply. A great investment!

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Arsenyo on April 01, 2018, 05:15:04 PM
Yes, it is a risk as any investment, but this risk worth it! Bitcoin and cryptocurrency are actual business, that make profit. So, in future this risk will payback

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: mafitjulit on April 01, 2018, 05:16:47 PM
It is possible, if you decided to deal with crypto currency, you should always be ready to take risks since it is a market and a stock exchange, there is always a chance to lose or earn

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: tiktak89 on April 01, 2018, 07:55:51 PM
Why not take a chance? The more that this risk is justified by good earnings.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: bigbosma on April 01, 2018, 08:00:26 PM
Most of the options to earn good money are accompanied by risks. It always was. And bitcoin is no exception - we have to risk our money and spend our time. But if you're patient and smart, you'll succeed.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: untidyaudi4 on April 02, 2018, 05:19:06 AM
I have been a part time worker in btcs economy for past 3 years and still I would say yes it worths it if can be used logically

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: xjcjf on April 02, 2018, 05:41:37 AM
I think it's worthwhile when you're getting a good return. Everything you invest in and spend is worth it, right? I don't think it will be too far away from your harvest. I will look forward to its next surge.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: leexhin on April 02, 2018, 05:47:50 AM
For me it does as long as you are earning through it then it is worth the time,money and risk,
I have earned a lot from this I have bought many things that I could dream of from the motorcycle that I want from the gaming console that I dreamed of.
I am really happy that I have found out about crypto currencies.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: katrimans on April 02, 2018, 11:32:38 AM
Yes it is, i heard the news spreading that in 2021 there is no "new" bitcoin anymore and i think that its the best time to invest in it, since its gonna be limited. I hope its not a fals news.
Bitcoins are limited now as well. From the development time till to date, there have been so much mining on bitcoins that given us twenty million bitcoins in the world. On internet, all these coins are being monitored and mined that whosoever have bought them, whosoever have sold them, whosoever have this much bitcoins and all that data. So yes, good time it is for bitcoins buying.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: emanjun on April 02, 2018, 11:40:49 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
I think yes, it worth risking your time and money. As I observed a lot of people became rich just because of bitcoin. If you are willing to wait and determined to be one of those rich then it is not impossible for us to become one of them. Gaining money is a long process and patient is highly needed inorder for us to join the flow. If the time came that you become rich because of bitcoin then all we can say is, it is worth the wait.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: adolf512 on April 02, 2018, 11:48:38 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
You should analyze all the risks associated with investing in bitcoin, and decide whether you are ready for it or not. Because, many people have become really rich with help bitcon, but some on the contrary-lost everything.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: ZNAQ Index on April 02, 2018, 12:24:14 PM
So, should you invest? That depends on your goals, and it pays to be a futurist. Bitcoin is built around encryption, and governments are driving more and more resources towards decryption for intelligence purposes. That research could be used to forge Bitcoin, crack open the blockchain network, or otherwise compromise the system. And don’t forget, there’s plenty of reason for crooks to do the exact same thing. In computer security, a breach is always a matter of “when” not “if.” In addition, Bitcoin’s decentralization means you’ll have to be very careful who you associate with.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: WesternCowboyBibop on April 02, 2018, 12:26:52 PM
Bitcoin is worth every time and risk if you know what you are doing and if you understand how cryptocurrency work.

Its definitely worth the time overall.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: LetsTalkMoneyxD on April 02, 2018, 12:27:42 PM
Yes, I think it is worth risking of time and money. A lot of money can be earned in investing or trading bitcoin. It is just like a regular work where you must be hardworking.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: last7minutes on April 02, 2018, 05:48:00 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
If its not worth risking, why are so many people still investing in it?
We all know the risk of investing on it but because of possibilities that our money would also gain profits we take that risk.
Theres also people who would go as far as selling their properties just to invest in it.
Yeah theres a lot of potential on bitcoin that the value of it will absolutely leap in the future but always allocate only the money you can afford to invest.

People know and believe that Bitcoin will grow sufficiently, that is why they are ready to take risks and spend their money. As for the time - if you want to become a professional in any field, you have to spend it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: DU18 on April 02, 2018, 08:08:13 PM
Yes, it's worth.Because last year bitcoin give me more that 50K profits so I think bitcoin giving me good opportunity to earn money so it's worth risking my time and money.Bitcoin price has fallen down now but I believe bitcoin.will.soon pump up and go back to it's own price nature.I hope I would be able to make profits from bitcoin on this year also.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: jakech2211 on April 02, 2018, 08:14:31 PM
Bitcoin's effect in the financial market has boost its credibility. Bitcoin is worth our money? an easy answer, embracing the world of digital currencies is also acceptance of upgrading our medium of exchange. As to time, we don't risk much of it. I just simply goes with how we manage our usage of bitcoin. We may consider long term investments in bitcoin and I don't see any waste of time in there.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: LynielZbl on April 03, 2018, 08:42:57 PM
For me there were 2 different reasons why bitcoin is worth risky about the time and money. Bitcoin is worth in terms of time because it is the best time to have an opportunity to have an extra income and to earn money. Many of us as a bounty hunters has keep on focusing to work here in bitcoin and many people has already changed their lives. In terms or risking your money just to invest it, it was really risky indeed and it wont changed that fact. But still many people or investors still believe on it just to invest bitcoin because of believing that they can earn a lot of money through it but the the risky is always been there because it was very volatile.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Aliya Taj on April 03, 2018, 09:15:31 PM

Everything cryptocurrency is a risk, and that includes Bitcoin, anything can happen to its value   anytime, but the returns one will get from the high risk is worth everything put into it

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: ncarcontwipa on April 03, 2018, 10:24:08 PM
At the moment I am the holder of the Marinecoins, and that’s why.A few weeks ago there were old rules, you could get 450 thousand coins for publication of several posts.Now the approach to fair distribution is more serious, but still a lot is distributed - 20 000 coins can be received once a day, simply by publishing 1 post with your opinion about the coin.I believe that the coin will have good value, and therefore bought on their home exchange many millions of coins (now a cheap price so far, for 1 satosh you can buy a pair of coins).The project is not new, the coin began to be developed in 2013. Then, after the sad events on the bankrupt exchanges, the miners left.Therefore, now the technology will be introduced dev-less and self sustaining - that is, the coin will not depend on the miners, there will be something like decentralization.At this stage, the developer does not explain all the secrets - although the site is already undergoing ddos ​​attacks - but that is known, so will the advanced technologies, namely the proof of promotion, machine to machine, artificial intelligence.Now the goal is to create a large community through equitable distribution, and I am confident that we will succeed.Have time, this coin has serious prospects and challenges bitcoin and etherium at the same time!If interesting -

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Kurokonobasuke on April 03, 2018, 10:29:15 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Given that Bitcoin is profitable, I think it is a good thing to waste your money with. The risk only comes from its natural volatility in the market and there's nothing to be worried of that much since it is given to be temporsry and after a couple of weeks recovery will soon happen and by that time,huge profit will be earned by the investors who will "waste" their trime trying to engage in cryptos.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: exalterego on April 03, 2018, 10:44:54 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Investing in bitcoin means business, so because it is business it means that there is a risk of a loss and also a potential profit when you earn. Just like any business when you have short sales then you will go bankrupt on the long run, it is the same with bitcoin if there are no more buyers of bitcoin its value keeps getting lower. But if you are not business minded then you should not invest in bitcoin instead find some work and employment.

One of my friends says: "If you invest in bitcoin you should either forget about your money or look for a great success".
Up to date, she is one of the most successfull players on the market.

So would you do the same? )

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Clover_Faith on April 03, 2018, 10:49:58 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

For me yes its worth it risking my time and money because it can help me alot to change my life and also its give me hope and also to other.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: mriansa on April 03, 2018, 10:53:45 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

all the work in my opinion is very risky, the risks you have to face to get a very high profit, without facing the risk of the possibility you will not be able to gain profit, do not be afraid of losing time if you can make very much money from bitcoin then just go your bitcoin job and for the money then you should be more patient for the money you have not lost, do not easily panic and do not easily believe with the talk of others.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: DoublerHunter on April 03, 2018, 11:06:24 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

all the work in my opinion is very risky, the risks you have to face to get a very high profit, without facing the risk of the possibility you will not be able to gain profit, do not be afraid of losing time if you can make very much money from bitcoin then just go your bitcoin job and for the money then you should be more patient for the money you have not lost, do not easily panic and do not easily believe with the talk of others.
Patience is a must because that is one of the most basic foundation that we have to build in order to get the best results. Patience is not always being applied to the market that we need to wait for the price to go up because we also need to apply this on our work that we need to patiently work hard everyday in order to make a lot of money.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: peterpeterpeter on April 03, 2018, 11:15:11 PM
Yes i think it is worth to involved in bitcoin eventhough there is such plenty of time to use.
I believe that  this sacrifices will be done successfully.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: tuliobrothers on April 03, 2018, 11:15:33 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Yes,  i do believe that bitcoin is worth it.  My time and money is not wasted because i do believe that all my labor and hardwork will all be paid off as long as the price started to pump again.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: willybacem on April 03, 2018, 11:34:15 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Of course, I would stake my time and money for bitcoin. Because bitcoin is currently very valuable to me and bitcoin is worth fighting for. Do not hesitate any more, already many people who proved successful and have a great income from bitcoin. Currently, the bitcoin price is down and good for you to invest until later the price goes up, for those of you who have not joined in crypto, this is the right time, you are not too late. Immediately take this opportunity to realize your dreams.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Kez1817 on April 03, 2018, 11:42:04 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

      Of course it is worth to take time and risk in bitcoin because it is the beat investment in this generation. If you want to earn you need an effort and time and take a risk. Treat bitcoin as your business,and you will see that it is worth. You are not wasting your time and money in bitcoin because itvis the best and profitable inveatment even there is fluctuation sometimes which is normal in crypto market.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Rubble898zaitO on April 04, 2018, 01:15:24 AM
Personally speaking, yes, it is definitely worth it. Like any other investment, Bitcoin is like a business there are a lot of risks involved, because of the great amount of value you can potentially get. It requires, knowledge you really have to know the market, skill sets like data analysis and checking trends, decision making skills, perseverance and patience. So if you think that Bitcoin will just magically give you money and become rich,think again. Just like any other business and job, you have to work hard for it, but the reward of the fruits of labor would be really worth it, I can attest to that. :)

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: vina.lugtu on April 04, 2018, 01:35:06 AM
Yes. Its worth our time and money.  I started working for bounties a few months ago and I earned enough money to pay my debts and hospital bills. Bitcoin requires time and effort but if you worked on it, you will be rewarded. There are bounties who fails so not all of them will pay but if you find a good bounty, you will be reward with a great amount of money. The more bounties you joined, the more chances of getting rewards.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: lazaretcookery3k on April 04, 2018, 01:39:53 AM
If you have some additional money and time which you can spend without havibg loss then its obviously good if you can earn some extra bits

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: yanxuanyunshan4 on April 04, 2018, 02:21:01 AM
Bitcoin, like gold, has a tendency to rise in the long run whenever there is a massive economic crisis or uncertainty. The rebound, then, is at least partly driven by real demand, not pure price hype.

Bitcoin is a new trend in future investment, so it takes time to take risks.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: thepolarbear on April 04, 2018, 02:42:18 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

We all know that bitcoin do really requires efforts, time, and money. Involving in here will be worth it only if you know that all your hardworks will lead you to somewhere better such as  starting to join in the campaigns and investing whereas it could be one of the sources of your income or gaining profits. In addtion, just by acquiring knowledge about crypto is somehow a goid result of your effort. So I guess being here in bitcoin is really worth it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: TiffanyLien23 on April 04, 2018, 02:50:04 AM
Well for me I think it's worth it because I can learn a lot of things from Bitcoin and earn a lot of money from Bitcoin. By exploring about Bitcoin, I know about Blockchain technonlogy, cryptocurrency and a lot of other way to earn money. For now, I don't have to go out to earn money, I just need to stay at home and work with Bitcoin to earn money to pay for my living and also i keep on searching for more updates to gain some knowledge in my mind so that i can earn it as well.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: nurilham on April 04, 2018, 03:16:30 AM
Yes very valuable in my opinion, because to get bitcoin is not easy, must bet time and money to get satisfactory results (bitcoin).
indeed all require sacrifices and all will be there. so we stay focused and take advantage of this time with the best possible. make the best plan and achieve goals. may your sacrifice not be in vain. continue to strive towards success.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Wibisono on April 04, 2018, 03:36:19 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
I'm still a beginner in bitcoin, a lot of things I need to learn. I am motivated to get to know bitcoin because I see the results are quite large. Bitcoin is a business that has a risk of loss and the potential benefits. To invest bitcoin that sacrifice time and money legit just done but we must have knowledge and strategy enough in invest in bitcoin if do not have enough knowledge hence will at risk of loss

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: KelvinE on April 04, 2018, 03:40:42 AM
Yes BTC is worth risking your time and money for because i have this anticipation is going to be a global currency some day

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: rhea1715 on April 04, 2018, 03:47:11 AM
Yes, definitely worth my time, effort, and money. Aside from the learnings about bitcoin that you will gain, there's more opportunities you can come by as you keep on involving bitcoin in your life. Also returning your investment in a timely manner and gaining more from it is a positive thing in your life.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: main320 on April 04, 2018, 03:49:59 AM
Well yes obviously, however this relies upon the individual doing as such. On the off chance that you are not gifted and is a fledgling, I figure it will be a hard time doing ventures. There is such a great amount of dangers with cash being put on the web. It merits gambling yet would you say you are extremely ready to lose on the off chance that you fizzle? Disappointment is a piece of training and careful discipline brings about promising results. Being gifted would reduce the likelihood of loses. In any case, recollect you can't be a veteran not unless you have been into a great deal of inconvenience being an amateur. So learn and prevail later on.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: rosepetals on April 04, 2018, 03:57:53 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Bitcoins is worth our time and risk as well.We all know that bitcoin is very risky in terms of investments due to price votality,most these days that bitcoin has experience so much deep that causes some investors to worry for their money to lose without profiting but somehow we must have to strongly believe that it would regain its loss in the coming days when big investors will still take risk.Whales have manipulated the price of bitcoin will invest again after they able to gain huge profit.
This forum also is worth my time because it able to help me solve my financial problems,these had brought me profits from my hardwork,that is why im so much thankful that i become a part of this cryptocommunity.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: SportsbookBettor on April 04, 2018, 04:02:58 AM
Yes, definitely worth my time, effort, and money. Aside from the learnings about bitcoin that you will gain, there's more opportunities you can come by as you keep on involving bitcoin in your life. Also returning your investment in a timely manner and gaining more from it is a positive thing in your life.

I think this is the best so far that happens to me. I know bitcoin is risky because sometimes i invest and it involves money but the learning here is good. Not only bitcoin you can learn many different things and that what i like. I don't care if i lose money in the past or today as long as i earn in the end. That's what important to me. I just continue learning here and risking in the first place paid off.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Mumbeeptind1963 on April 04, 2018, 04:08:46 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

      Of course it is worth to take time and risk in bitcoin because it is the beat investment in this generation. If you want to earn you need an effort and time and take a risk. Treat bitcoin as your business,and you will see that it is worth. You are not wasting your time and money in bitcoin because itvis the best and profitable inveatment even there is fluctuation sometimes which is normal in crypto market.
With all evidences that we can see right now there's no doubt it is worthy of investment. Remember that there are lot of people who already gain a lot of money because of using bitcoin. They are now rich because of bitcoin and I don't see any problem about that. Bitcoin will help you a lot specially in financial life so go and invest in it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Lazada on April 04, 2018, 04:10:57 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Yes it is a very worthy thing because then we have the opportunity to earn more money. Investing in Bitcoin is one of the most remarkable things of this era. Bitcoin contributes greatly to the economic development and also improves our financial level. Bitcoin is risky, but it makes us risky to become rich :D .

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: doodle07 on April 04, 2018, 04:20:49 AM
Yes, definitely. Bitcoin gives a huge amount that can make your time and money more worthy unless you have been hack, then you are in the loosing side that makes you feel unworthy but nevertheless bitcoin is worth it. Just be always secure and protected from scammers and hackers, the might be the one who will gain the worth.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: valentine401 on April 04, 2018, 04:22:08 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Yes it is, because you are earning profit and that is the reason why people is keep on investing every time they have a spare money and the volatility of the market that every trader wants, because in this way they can hoard a huge amount of coins if people are panicking.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: camito on April 04, 2018, 06:08:11 AM
We all know that we need to spend time, effort and energy in doing any activity we do in our life, in our daily living, in our work and also in bitcoin. Investing in bitcoin is indeed risky. You are risking your money and time, effort and energy in managing your bitcoin but it is worth the risk. We are in this modern world where everything we do involves technology, internet and gadget and bitcoin works with these factors which cannot be separated from most of us. Also we earn money from bitcoin which is really needed in order to survive and live in this world. We also learn some things from it so for me, it is really worth the risk.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: james23 on April 04, 2018, 06:12:51 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
No it's not risking my time and money because I keep trusting g and believing that bitcoin have save my future soon

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Cookie Man on April 04, 2018, 06:20:55 AM
Bitcoin i wrth risking everything that has been put in it, it has lots of positives in it that will come to great good for all those that believe in it,including good returns and secure ytransactions, Thus worth the risk

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: veejay2716 on April 04, 2018, 06:23:35 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Risk is always there not only in bitcoin, in everything we do we always take a risk so, its up to the person how he handle it, just always be careful before our money let go in any investment.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: bossloccox on April 04, 2018, 12:33:04 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Worth it.. Investment in Bitcoin is also a business. There is a chance that your investment will be risky. For me, before you reach your desired lifestyle there are many obstacles and trials before you reach it. So before you can get huge money from bitcoin, of course you will definitely give time and money to invest in bitcoin. You must be prepared to face the risk if you want to invest here. Bitcoin is a volatile , so risking your time and money here is a part of crypto world...

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: coinnumber on April 04, 2018, 12:41:21 PM
Investing on Bitcoin will give you a very high return at the same time very risky. To me bitcoin worth to risk your time and money but in a very wise and careful way, besides its only the beginners and short time traders who needs much time. Once you are used to it and understand it very well time will not be factor.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: adjong on April 04, 2018, 12:42:21 PM
Not everything you see inside the crypto takes your money. this is an advantage on your part and I say that the risk is just minimal now. you know that Bitcoin is really dangerous because it's usually volatile and we do not know for sure what could happen next especially we are facing the regulatory power of many governments.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: deviant99 on April 04, 2018, 01:10:29 PM

I can say yes, because its like a business where you accept the risk that you will experience when we are in the world of bitcoin. At first, you need to focus on how to use it, study the flow of using it in order to gain knowledge in using it and be one of our source of income. If we worked seriously using bitcoin we can get want we want but not all the time we’re on top so better be ready to all the possibilities that bitcoin might bring to us.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: santafewarrior1980 on April 04, 2018, 01:30:58 PM
Yes. Bitcoin is worth risking our time and money. Every individual should take a risk if the risk is a calculated risk.  I firmly believe that going into this bitcoin world and involving oneself in the said world is a calculated risk. By virtue of the calculated risk nature of getting into bitcoin, risking such is worth it. This, all of those interested in Bitcoin should stay in such and will have to continue to trust in Bitcoin for we will surely reap the fruits of our labor.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: CongHoan on April 04, 2018, 01:34:52 PM
may be . you see its risks but i see it benefit . wow one day i will be rich :D or be poor . but i beleive i will be rich and it will become reality

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Altcoindealer on April 04, 2018, 01:42:23 PM
So everybody has to know by themself if cryptocurrencies are worth their time and money. If you ask the people who invested some years ago in bitcoin they will say all definitely yes. They made a real good profit. So i think it will be worth in future too. You just need patience and have to hold your coins long enough. So you can handle it like a new hobby. And if you dont like it anymore, you can just hold your coins and set an alarm on blockfolio that you will not pass it when your coins rises.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: julius caesar on April 04, 2018, 01:49:53 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Yes it is, but I have been in the point where in I think my time is more appropriate if I used it in somethings that I may enjoy, but my instinct told me that whatever happened I should not quit if I want to be successful, I have to work hard up to know I always bring back what I made me start this that made me working hard just like today, and it is very efdective I always renew the motivation I have to do.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Umar001 on April 04, 2018, 02:00:32 PM
To me money is life no money no life, bitcoin wort risk your and money for, because bitcoin is source of financial freedom, whatever bring you money and happiness s worth taking the risk for, and that what bitcoin stand for.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: zander09 on April 04, 2018, 02:14:04 PM
may be . you see its risks but i see it benefit . wow one day i will be rich :D or be poor . but i beleive i will be rich and it will become reality

Yeah that's how risky bitcoin is ,one day its either you will be come a rich or poor, you need to be more strategic in bitcoin, bitcoin is worth it just study the market and every thing about bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: lfc_san on April 04, 2018, 02:45:56 PM
We also know that the return of the bitcoin can be overwhelming. I think the effort spent on bitcoin both time and money will be equal with the return earned. But always be careful

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Drnice on April 04, 2018, 03:11:59 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Things concerning life is about risks and adventures, whatever a man does to survive is risky and be it of a successful end or a bad end, it is still seen as an adventure. Bitcoin is worth the risk of investing into it, the time that is spent with it has no effect on a normal day to day doings or activities.
A friend said to me, saying "we are all business men that want a high profit with the most minimum risk, and to archive that we all need to look at a particular goods, or something NEW".

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Svelto on April 04, 2018, 03:30:30 PM
Yes, Bitcoin is definitely worth risking my time and money. So far, this is the only investment that can bring this much of returns. But of course, we shouldn’t invest more than we can afford to lose.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: adriaymati58 on April 04, 2018, 03:36:11 PM
I learned how to make time for bitcoin without having my other things affected by the lack of time. For me bitcoin is worth both time and energy (and money)

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: udanemas on April 04, 2018, 03:38:51 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

every trade has a risk, it is normal. Bitcoin is a new trend in the world and of course risk is quite low if you are an experienced in, I will learning this investment.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: lucy94 on April 04, 2018, 04:10:18 PM
No need to risk anything. You can invest in bitcoin if you have your stable income and some extra time. But you shouldn't give up everything and just concentrate all your resources towards it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: xxToaDxx on April 06, 2018, 04:30:53 AM
Expressly, indeed, it is unquestionably justified, despite all the trouble. Like some other speculation, Bitcoin resembles a business there are a considerable measure of dangers included, on account of the colossal measure of significant worth you can possibly get. It requires, learning you truly need to know the market, ranges of abilities like information investigation and checking patterns, basic leadership aptitudes, tirelessness and tolerance. So on the off chance that you imagine that Bitcoin will just mystically give you cash and move toward becoming rich,think once more. Much the same as some other business and employment, you need to buckle down for it, yet the reward of the products of work would be extremely justified, despite all the trouble, I can validate that.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: hygroscopicgymnasium3 on April 06, 2018, 08:57:38 PM
That's still a controversial topic as there in the world at the moment, two groups of people debating on the existence of btcs

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: athiftammam2018 on April 06, 2018, 10:29:19 PM
Everything we do there must be a risk. But the only difference is the level of risk. I think this is natural, because in knowing bitcoin we need a lot of free time to learn more about the ins and outs of bitcoin. I think this is a good thing. But keep in mind, although bitcoin has a high risk, chances are we will get big money too.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: RajaCripto on April 06, 2018, 10:41:03 PM
Your time will be useless if you make a profit. And your money will not be useless if you can make multiple profit.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Cointertrade on April 06, 2018, 11:36:39 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
yes we all know that we can really get a big profit on bitcoin so that it was worth risking our time and money in bitcoin, we realy have some to give time and effort into it if we want our money will grow as fast as we think, we should manage our time, because i think its worth risking our money and time in bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: thongsbe on April 07, 2018, 09:14:58 PM
Looking at the status of the world global population is still inclined towards fiats and so I would say rather spend money and time on reality

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: bigbosma on April 08, 2018, 08:58:59 AM
Everyone should assess their own risks. I, for example, am not afraid to spend my time on cryptocurrency, as long as it brings me good results and I do not intend to stop.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Russlenat on April 08, 2018, 02:10:55 PM
Bitcoin is very worth-it to be risking time and money because the people involve in bitcoin now has a better life. Bitcoin is a part now of my life because it is my job now to earn on cryptos for a living.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: okissabam on April 08, 2018, 02:17:14 PM
Investing in Bitcoin is worth my time and money in my opinion, because before I decided to invest in cryptocurrencies I’ve already listed the pros and cons of what could possibly happen to my time and money. And I’ve came up to a conclusion that if I invest in Bitcoin, my money would be secured for the future (but of course, I’ve placed 2fa on all the wallets and exchanges I have used for trading) and I could say it is worth my time and effort because I get to earn something in a specific span of time.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: MIZANUR5033 on April 08, 2018, 07:26:40 PM
Yes! Without knowing the business or something no one want to invest on it. So to know I mean gather knowledge you must spend some time than come to the investment and also time. Without spending you valuable time it’s Quite impossible to get benefit if the earning process is good or bad. So there has the risk of spending time now come to the money If there has profit has also has the risk of loss. If you want to get better profit you must take the risk of loss.
Now we can say that Bitcon also has the risk of time and money but if you know the process and gather enough knowledge about Bitocin you can minimize it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: AltCoinBuddah on April 08, 2018, 07:31:17 PM
Bitcoin is worth every time and risk if you know what you are doing and if you understand how cryptocurrency work.

Its definitely worth the time overall.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: bdbabiak77 on April 09, 2018, 04:41:53 PM
Looking at the status of the world global population is still inclined towards fiats and so I would say rather spend money and time on reality


It's funny how gamblers live in denial of their losses.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: drukoz2 on April 09, 2018, 08:22:05 PM
It's worth it if it gives you a result. And in most cases this is what happens, people manage to make money on it. And accordingly, they have an incentive to develop in bitcoin. And we spend more and more time here.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: bitgolden on April 10, 2018, 10:16:10 AM
Everyone should assess their own risks. I, for example, am not afraid to spend my time on cryptocurrency, as long as it brings me good results and I do not intend to stop.
That is the point. We have to work on the thing that can have ability to serve us. Like bitcoins, we are working on them and they give us money in back. So what’s the problem? But yes if you are just worried for the reason that bitcoins would have more risk in them and what if we didn’t get our money back in form of profit so what’s the next? Brother either fight with risk or just leave this world of bitcoins.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: h31s3nb3rg on April 10, 2018, 11:02:02 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

For me it's definitely Yes ! As long as you're happy and satisfied with your earnings in bitcoin , it was totally worth risking your time and money because why you wouldn't take a risk in bitcoin if you can make a lot of profit from it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: secondavril on April 10, 2018, 02:11:39 PM
Bitcoin really is worth risking our time and money because I believe Bitcoin will become a daily currency in the future. Also, risking our time in Bitcoin is worth it because you can get your money back but yeah you need to wait for it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: queenlaurel on April 10, 2018, 08:34:30 PM
There is risk in everything we do. Investing your time and money in bitcoin is a personal choice and of course you must know what you are doing, I mean smart enough to want to give it your all. Its business and you must loose some and win some.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: webdevmastery on April 10, 2018, 08:36:13 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Yes it is worth because there are a lot of people before that working on the corporate world but then they still switch into investing in cryptocurrency and start trading in the market because they figure out that they can earn more money in that way more than working on the corporate world.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: shesheboy on April 10, 2018, 08:51:22 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Yes it is worth because there are a lot of people before that working on the corporate world but then they still switch into investing in cryptocurrency and start trading in the market because they figure out that they can earn more money in that way more than working on the corporate world.

yes they can surely earn a descent profit in bitcoin when compared to real outside jobs but the only problem is that bitcoin cant sustain or cannot provide you a stable income because we all know and i guess you are also aware with it that bitcoin is a highly volatile currency.

Investing in bitcoin doesnt risking your time because investing doesnt needs you to foccus on it from time to time , you can just buy and leave it for a long time and back again when you are ready to sell. although it risk money.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: teejayrichard2 on April 10, 2018, 09:04:56 PM
it is very much worth it as you get rewarded fully for time and money spent. bitcoin has made lots of persons millionaires in recent times because of its potential and as such it is worth your money and time

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: hussnainali on April 10, 2018, 09:48:37 PM
Well in my opinion its worth taking risk and investing in bitcoin because its a life changing opportunity as if we invest now and hold some bitcoin or trade on it, it can get u really good profits in very less time period and can make u financially more stronger.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: rachelia13 on April 11, 2018, 02:10:24 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Every investment has their own risk, including investing in bitcoin. With the results i have been getting from bitcoin, i feel is worth to risk my time and money in bitcoin even though i have to reduced time to get together with my family and friends because the bitcoin results never disappointed me.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Bitcoinnumberone on April 11, 2018, 04:58:58 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

At the begining you will use a lot of time to get to know the market, but later on you won't be using much time anymore so we can already say that time is not a problem for me.
Risk... risk is everywhere. It is just a  matter how well you can take it. Everytime you sit in a car there is a risk someone will crash in you and you could be gone, however you decide that risk is too low compared to the profit you get by getting where you want to be faster.
This same principle applies to Bitcoin market. You can't ask others about the risk, you need to proces it in your mind.
If you like my personal opinion the answer is definately Yes, because i believe in the technology it brings along.


Yes, we just have to trust bitcoin today. Bitcoin is a fad. This has been circulating for quite long already. Though this faced its downtrend recently, I'm sure this will take its flight again soon and everyone will love bitcoin again.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Fasdartin on April 11, 2018, 05:19:42 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

At the begining you will use a lot of time to get to know the market, but later on you won't be using much time anymore so we can already say that time is not a problem for me.
Risk... risk is everywhere. It is just a  matter how well you can take it. Everytime you sit in a car there is a risk someone will crash in you and you could be gone, however you decide that risk is too low compared to the profit you get by getting where you want to be faster.
This same principle applies to Bitcoin market. You can't ask others about the risk, you need to proces it in your mind.
If you like my personal opinion the answer is definately Yes, because i believe in the technology it brings along.


Yes, we just have to trust bitcoin today. Bitcoin is a fad. This has been circulating for quite long already. Though this faced its downtrend recently, I'm sure this will take its flight again soon and everyone will love bitcoin again.
Bitcoin is worth risking our time and money because bitcoins help us to earn big profit to support our family financial and for our future. But to earn the profit, you must to give it time and hardwork. Bitcoin have potentials, it can be bigger in the future. We just have to believe on bitcoin and wait patiently, for us to earn big profit. Succes is not instant, you must to work hard to achieve it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: DAVETUN on April 11, 2018, 05:24:10 PM
Yes it worth the risk of investment,I have two friends that have earn from BTC investment,Bitcoin is test proof,no need to panic the red season will soon be over.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: bajigur894784 on April 11, 2018, 05:31:19 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Bitcoin is one of the most visionary, easy, and promising payment tools. then, with all its advantages and advantages, is it worth spending time and money on bitcoin ?, then, The answer depends on your own beliefs. if you are unsure of security and uncertain regulations, of course the answer is no. but, if you are a believer, and can keep your wallet safe, and be careful about security issues and not question the rules, then answer yes.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: ice098 on April 11, 2018, 05:33:31 PM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?
Every investment has their own risk, including investing in bitcoin. With the results i have been getting from bitcoin, i feel is worth to risk my time and money in bitcoin even though i have to reduced time to get together with my family and friends because the bitcoin results never disappointed me.
Yes bitcoin is worth risking time and money because bitcoin have potentials. Bitcoin make us earn big profit for us to support our family financially. When we invest, thats given that we are risking time and money, because we dont know what will be the outcome of our investments. I suggest we just have to trust, work hard, and wait patiently, for us to be a successful on the thing we invest.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Sandijoee on April 11, 2018, 05:35:52 PM
yes of course, Bitcoin has always been worth the risk, time and money I have put into it, it has become worth a sleepless night and the very precious bitcoin! it is very good to invest.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Glutius on April 11, 2018, 10:40:18 PM
If you want to change your life by starting to earn, then you should take a risk and try yourself in cryptocurrency. If you fail, you can always sell your coins and forget about it.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: celcoid on April 12, 2018, 04:27:40 AM
yes it is worth risking your time and money,  bitcoin is a new innovation just like the time when the internet came out, those that are making huge amount of money are those who took advantage of it early stage risking their time and their money in building start up, eg google,  facebook etc.  So I guess bitcoin is worth your time and your money if you want to start up a company built around bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: mace15 on April 12, 2018, 04:43:23 AM
yes of course, Bitcoin has always been worth the risk, time and money I have put into it, it has become worth a sleepless night and the very precious bitcoin! it is very good to invest.
You are at point, very good to invest and worth of risks and our time and money. Many has been said with good points and feedback that bitcoin is really worth it to risks because we received good benefits after all of facing the risks in bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: Doych on April 12, 2018, 04:55:38 AM

Investments are always a risk! But investing in Bitcoin is justified risk!
Many people have become rich, but there are those who have lost their money.
Personally, I did not regret investing in Bitcoin!

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: teklang01 on April 12, 2018, 05:32:42 AM
We all know that involving in bitcoin it takes your time and also money.Is it worthy to risk your time and money because of bitcoin?

Yes it is, it's all worth it. I believe this bitcoin will turn me into millionaire next door. It's the future of money and will soon replace paper bills and minted coins. It is still in its early stage and its a long way to go and right now, i will start to build my bitcoin wealth.

Title: Re: Is bitcoin worth risking your time and money?
Post by: codpku on April 12, 2018, 05:46:55 AM
I never feel cash out from bitcoin already but as long as i see from all people around me
I believe its worth it
Its worth it if you consistantly learn and teach day by day about bitcoin