Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: buyandsale on April 26, 2018, 02:13:10 PM

Title: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: buyandsale on April 26, 2018, 02:13:10 PM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts

as of its too hard for new comers too to gather merits from old members who always do trades and exchange merit only for them but the person who is new and if he dont has btc to exchange then its less chance for him even after posting quality post on bitcointalk forum

lol now dont give me merit for this i know the points which me said is true and many will agree :P

proof of merit abuse done on this forum

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Tyrantt on April 26, 2018, 02:24:39 PM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts

as of its too hard for new comers too to gather merits from old members who always do trades and exchange merit only for them but the person who is new and if he dont has btc to exchange then its less chance for him even after posting quality post on bitcointalk forum

lol now dont give me merit for this i know the points which me said is true and many will agree :P

via there post counts and quality of its posts
Bots? 50+ daily with ease. Also, merit is here for quality posts.

old members who always do trades and exchange merit only for them
Make a topic here pointing them out with evidences and you'll receive merit.

if he dont has btc to exchange then its less chance for him even after posting quality post on bitcointalk forum
Not true at all, and those who buy/sell merit get red trust. They're caught sooner or later.

lol now dont give me merit for this i know the points which me said is true and many will agree :P
You might want to work on your english before calling someone out. No offense, but your english is close to the caveman one. At least start a sentence with a capital letter.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Vod on April 26, 2018, 02:25:00 PM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts

That's what there is now.  You need activity (posts) and quality (merit) to rank up.  :)

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Jet Cash on April 26, 2018, 02:36:18 PM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts

How are you going to understand even the basics of Bitcoin, if you don't see the flaws in your post?

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: buyandsale on April 26, 2018, 02:39:13 PM
no offense but all who have given reply above are already having high merits and im damn sure users who has no merits or less merits will agree with my thread let the comments come then we can decide !

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: theyoungmillionaire on April 26, 2018, 02:40:28 PM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts

as of its too hard for new comers too to gather merits from old members who always do trades and exchange merit only for them but the person who is new and if he dont has btc to exchange then its less chance for him even after posting quality post on bitcointalk forum

lol now dont give me merit for this i know the points which me said is true and many will agree :P

Instead of starting this kind of topic, start doing your research and find some article/s or idea/s that will help the bitcointalk community. I started from the scratch (0 merit) just like you. If you focus on just earning merits, you will feel that earning it, is so difficult. But, if you focus on learning, you will enjoy your time here. There are so many ideas that you can contribute in our community, you just need to find your happiness or your strength, e.g., you are good on making infographics, about blockchain, cryptography or anything that you are good at(of course related to bitcoin). I am sure you will earn your merit if you just contribute without thinking any return (merit). Knowledge is power.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: buyandsale on April 26, 2018, 02:49:40 PM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts

as of its too hard for new comers too to gather merits from old members who always do trades and exchange merit only for them but the person who is new and if he dont has btc to exchange then its less chance for him even after posting quality post on bitcointalk forum

lol now dont give me merit for this i know the points which me said is true and many will agree :P

via there post counts and quality of its posts
Bots? 50+ daily with ease. Also, merit is here for quality posts.

old members who always do trades and exchange merit only for them
Make a topic here pointing them out with evidences and you'll receive merit.

if he dont has btc to exchange then its less chance for him even after posting quality post on bitcointalk forum
Not true at all, and those who buy/sell merit get red trust. They're caught sooner or later.

lol now dont give me merit for this i know the points which me said is true and many will agree :P
You might want to work on your english before calling someone out. No offense, but your english is close to the caveman one. At least start a sentence with a capital letter.

proof of merit abuse done on forum

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: BTCeminjas on April 26, 2018, 03:08:08 PM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts

as of its too hard for new comers too to gather merits from old members who always do trades and exchange merit only for them but the person who is new and if he dont has btc to exchange then its less chance for him even after posting quality post on bitcointalk forum
Mate, you are not alone here if you going to talk that merit system even me I stuck on this rank but I am now contented on this while I enjoy giving and share those ideas in a genuine thread. Why not you should forget for a while that merit system instead just find a genuine post that helpful in this forum. Keep on posting and replying with a good content who knows without knowing you a merit source merited it already.
Is it cool I am right?

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Indohunter on April 26, 2018, 03:09:52 PM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts
The first time when i see it, I was thinking that you have quality post on yours which deserve to be merrited and would like suggest you to put your posts link here 14 merit bonus for quality users (, but after I check on your last posts I'm not sure you deserve it, mostly you post in bitcoin discussion section. No offense but we all know these board is a place of tons spam posts.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: TMAN on April 26, 2018, 03:11:49 PM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts

1) Learn how to speak English
2) Stop being a negative Nelly
3) you contradict yourself. Merit is a measure of quality
4) you are a little bitch who needs to adapt or find another forum.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: hilariousetc on April 26, 2018, 03:22:22 PM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts

As vod already said, ranks are already based on activity and quality of posts.

as of its too hard for new comers too to gather merits from old members who always do trades and exchange merit only for them but the person who is new and if he dont has btc to exchange then its less chance for him even after posting quality post on bitcointalk forum

It shouldn't be terribly easy for people to get merits, but it doesn't seem that difficult for people who actually bother to write helpful and informative posts. I've had a quick scan of yours and there's nothing exceptional about them. The only ones you've seemingly put a bit of effort into are a couple of ones recently but I suspect you only created them to try get some merit.

proof of merit abuse done on this forum

People farmed accounts before this system just by logging on once a fortnight to make a few spam posts. Would you call for the removal of the ranking system then because it is being abused? I doubt it. The fact that it is now impossible for people to rank up just by spamming without contributing something worthwhile is as good thing.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: detector on April 26, 2018, 03:32:19 PM
I know it's not fair especially when english is not your mother tounge.
But you must think in admin side, why they create merit ? What is the purpose ? What cause that admin want to create merit system ?
Once you got the answer, you will understand that merit is a cure for cancer !

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Jet Cash on April 26, 2018, 04:04:07 PM
The only ones you've seemingly put a bit of effort into are a couple of ones recently but I suspect you only created them to try get some merit.

So the merit system is working then. That's good news for those of us who aren't bounty hunters.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Sony.UK on April 26, 2018, 04:21:13 PM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts

as of its too hard for new comers too to gather merits from old members who always do trades and exchange merit only for them but the person who is new and if he dont has btc to exchange then its less chance for him even after posting quality post on bitcointalk forum

lol now dont give me merit for this i know the points which me said is true and many will agree :P

proof of merit abuse done on this forum

For these we can regulate the merit system mate instead of no merit system. Here my suggestion to regulate the merit system. So far we are just meriting the post option we can see on top of the each and every post.
We can change the option like meriting with the comment option. This comment box should have the reason why the person have merited it. If comment box is visible why they have merited we can easily find whether it is exchanged or bought from someone.

Then maximum number of merit per post should be regulated. If the merited more than 1 they need to give the proper reason in comment box. If abused we can make the rule like banning that concern account from the forum.

These rules will be perfect one to trash the merit abusers for sure.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: zhagedus on April 26, 2018, 04:27:26 PM
I agree because it's difficult to have merit as a new comer, if they can enforce another sanction to those guys that give to their parent account or to their friends; to always follow the sharing method of merit  by quality post.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: TheUltraElite on April 26, 2018, 04:35:01 PM
For these we can regulate the merit system mate instead of no merit system. Here my suggestion to regulate the merit system. So far we are just meriting the post option we can see on top of the each and every post.
We can change the option like meriting with the comment option. This comment box should have the reason why the person have merited it. If comment box is visible why they have merited we can easily find whether it is exchanged or bought from someone.
It will still be abused. The merit awarding is subjective and depends on what the awardee thinks of the post. Still a comment box might be good - as far as to understand what other people think and that may influence some other people to merit that same post again. But it should be optional in my opinion.

Then maximum number of merit per post should be regulated. If the merited more than 1 they need to give the proper reason in comment box. If abused we can make the rule like banning that concern account from the forum.
That would be a bad idea. Meriting posts should not have any restriction in my opinion.

These rules will be perfect one to trash the merit abusers for sure.
No rule is prefect. Ever.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: mdayonliner on April 26, 2018, 04:36:24 PM
Please stop moaning. The answer is Merit should not be removed..

You already had theyoungmillionaire, Indohunter as example started from 0 merit. Not much sure about BTCeminjas but I believe him too started from zero.

Let's compare you and me now.
You have 1 merit, 164 activity and 164 posts. (
I have 50 merits, 154 activities and 494 posts (

Fundamental differences are:
1. I post regularly you do not post much.
2. I do not care about trolling, when I write I try to make my posts worth reading (not that all the time I am successful). Except few I see large number of your posts ( are one line shit posts, just a try to increase activity.  
3. I focus on engaging with the community, I enjoy my time here, do not worry about merit. You seems like bashing up the community and having difficult time in here.
4. I am trying to provide values, trying to do something good for the forum, you seems like just making posts here and there.
I am sure there are many more difference. I will leave it up to you since you need it more than me (the reasons)

You need to give your readers something to receive merit. It's something you earn not just get.

While we will not be directly moderating this, I encourage people to give merit to posts that are objectively high-quality, not just posts that you agree with.

Do not beg for merit excessively.

Don't translate the quote wrong way: [Parody] Merit translation (

Observe adapt overcome - life will be much easier.

PS: I have seen some members already earned over 100 merits starting from zero so again do not complain. Work for it.

I agree because it's difficult to have merit as a new comer...
It's difficult but not impossible

proof of merit abuse done on forum
Stop thinking about others start thinking about working on yourself.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Baoo on April 26, 2018, 04:40:16 PM
Why the majority of people do not accept any new change or update in the forum? , they want everything in an easy way ( easy rank up , easy money ..), that's why they always stop in the same place ( no improvement in their skills..).

I got 35 merit's , I know it is not enough to rank up but  I always give a great effort to get other points.  I have made many threads to help people, and suggested some ideas. And of course, many of my attempts have failed, but  I am always trying to improve myself.
And it is sure that  I will not stop until I get my goals ( Full member, Sr ...).

Simply, you must accept any new change ( like, Merit system ), and deal with it in an  intelligent  way, and just improve yourself and behaviours.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: KingScorpio on April 26, 2018, 04:48:56 PM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts

as of its too hard for new comers too to gather merits from old members who always do trades and exchange merit only for them but the person who is new and if he dont has btc to exchange then its less chance for him even after posting quality post on bitcointalk forum

lol now dont give me merit for this i know the points which me said is true and many will agree :P

Also, merit is here for quality posts.

quality post come anyway, better would be not to motivate people to waste their time on trying to do them, when someone does one he does it.

the problem with "quality posts" is that its highly oppinion on interest group related.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Lovecove on April 26, 2018, 05:01:24 PM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts

as of its too hard for new comers too to gather merits from old members who always do trades and exchange merit only for them but the person who is new and if he dont has btc to exchange then its less chance for him even after posting quality post on bitcointalk forum

lol now dont give me merit for this i know the points which me said is true and many will agree :P

proof of merit abuse done on this forum

Of course you want the merit system to be removed. You can't get merit when your posts are like this:

u r never millennial its just that all in ur head just grow ur way of thinking and ur bigger then any person around u ... cheers

Did you really think you could get rewarded for this? :D If the merit system went away, you'd automatically rank up despite making mostly posts like this :P.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: gaurav82 on April 26, 2018, 05:06:23 PM
I agree with you. But here I want to say if can't remove then change the rules of merit system. I am giving post regularly and study from last one year but still I haven't a single merit. Current merit system is creating a difficult job. Company should think about this.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: TMAN on April 26, 2018, 05:10:22 PM
I agree with you. But here I want to say if can't remove then change the rules of merit system. I am giving post regularly and study from last one year but still I haven't a single merit. Current merit system is creating a difficult job. Company should think about this.


you know you speak the level of English I would after eating 200mg of MDMA, sticking 2 tabs of acid under my tongue and boofing a load of Meth.

now reach out to one of the many people offering to help people like you.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: mobilazy on April 26, 2018, 05:11:23 PM
Paretto rule (, 20% of members here create 80% of the content. Which attracts the audience. So this 20% want to see less spam or get an advantage of their's high rank (like bigger stakes or promoting something). And administration care more about their's opinion but not about spammers, bounty hunters and newbies who struggling to rank up. If you're among that 20 % of members, you'll rank up fast. If not, then you just have to deal with it and be grateful for the opportunity to learn something for free and the privilege of the signature campaign.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Sony.UK on April 26, 2018, 05:37:11 PM
For these we can regulate the merit system mate instead of no merit system. Here my suggestion to regulate the merit system. So far we are just meriting the post option we can see on top of the each and every post.
We can change the option like meriting with the comment option. This comment box should have the reason why the person have merited it. If comment box is visible why they have merited we can easily find whether it is exchanged or bought from someone.
It will still be abused. The merit awarding is subjective and depends on what the awardee thinks of the post. Still a comment box might be good - as far as to understand what other people think and that may influence some other people to merit that same post again. But it should be optional in my opinion.

Then maximum number of merit per post should be regulated. If the merited more than 1 they need to give the proper reason in comment box. If abused we can make the rule like banning that concern account from the forum.
That would be a bad idea. Meriting posts should not have any restriction in my opinion.

These rules will be perfect one to trash the merit abusers for sure.
No rule is prefect. Ever.

LOL may be. If rules are so strict even DT cannot able to abuse it mate. That is what I thought. However, with regulation no one will be work loyally to anywhere. I just gave suggestion.
More strictness will make fear anyone. If they fear more about merit. That will not be abused bro.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: BTCeminjas on April 26, 2018, 05:58:42 PM

LOL may be. If rules are so strict even DT cannot able to abuse it mate. That is what I thought. However, with regulation no one will be work loyally to anywhere. I just gave suggestion.
More strictness will make fear anyone. If they fear more about merit. That will not be abused bro.
Precisely bro, that's the reason why DT members now hunting those having shady behavior on this forum.
They all know that this merit system rule some members are having underground on it or take advantage of the others,
I can't do that in my account I can't risk my reputation just to hurrying in rank up.
There's no reason to remove this rules, I saw it has a big impact to the abusers in the forum and them already punishable once they caught

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Taki on April 26, 2018, 05:59:56 PM
I saw all possible cases of merit system abusing, but I'll tell you one thing - nothing is going to be changed about merit, so if you do not like something or do not agree with something I see the only way to you is to leave the forum forever!

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: leonair on April 26, 2018, 06:01:24 PM
The international language that is being use in the whole world is English and in this forum too, sadly if you can't deliver what you are trying to say you'll be tagged as shit poster in most cases, that's the reality.

Practice makes perfect so you must better learn first before complaining about this so called merit system because in the first place you are barely qualified to get merits if you construct your words like that, I'm not perfect and a native English speaker though but I'm trying to learn new things to help me learn the language more and to comprehend my thoughts to other forum members.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: jak3 on April 26, 2018, 06:12:49 PM
I have seen a lot of post saying that it system is useless but as we can already see a lot of spam post has already decreased from the forum so this system is working and if you want merits, you can spend some of your time to make good knowledge about Bitcoin and share some important article or a good new information on Bitcoin with the community which will keep everyone updated and informative. I am not saying to increase your post size or to be attentive much more time then you are spending daily I am saying spend some extra time collecting information and understanding it that way you will get benefit from it in future.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on April 26, 2018, 06:13:47 PM
The international language that is being use in the whole world is English and in this forum too, sadly if you can't deliver what you are trying to say you'll be tagged as shit poster in most cases, that's the reality.

Practice makes perfect so you must better learn first before complaining about this so called merit system because in the first place you are barely qualified to get merits if you construct your words like that, I'm not perfect and a native English speaker though but I'm trying to learn new things to help me learn the language more and to comprehend my thoughts to other forum members.

Kudos to you for trying to better yourself and not just endlessly shitposting. You might want to take a look at this site that user Talk Merit has set up: ( I would encourage everyone on the forum who wants to improve their English to visit as well.

Title: The Fit to Talk English improvement site.
Post by: Talk merit on April 26, 2018, 06:37:05 PM
You might want to take a look at this site that user Talk Merit has set up: ( I would encourage everyone on the forum who wants to improve their English to visit as well.

Thank you for mentioning this project. It has been a bit of a struggle to get things moving there, and I found this surprising in view of the number of new members complaining about their inability to earn any merits. Your posts project your personality, and they affect your reputation, and it is worth developing  the skills needed for you to earn money by social networking. This is becoming increasingly important as more employment opportunities move onto the Internet. Crypto-currencies will start to replace the debt ridden fiat currencies over the next few years - Bitcoin Talk will be an important forum in this new financial world, and a good reputation here will be an asset for you as it unfolds. Spend some time building a strong foundation for a good income source in the future.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: nakamura12 on April 26, 2018, 06:38:24 PM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts

as of its too hard for new comers too to gather merits from old members who always do trades and exchange merit only for them but the person who is new and if he dont has btc to exchange then its less chance for him even after posting quality post on bitcointalk forum

lol now dont give me merit for this i know the points which me said is true and many will agree :P

proof of merit abuse done on this forum

I agree that merit system will be removed but once the merit is removed i would like to suggest that instead of merit for you to ranked the merit will be exchange to good quality post. As you can see it would be more work for moderators while new comers can rank by posting good quality post instead of earning merit. In that way ranking up still hard but not like the merit system. Iny opinion replacing meriy requirements to good quality post will be a great help to newcomers creating good quality post and to older accounts.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Jet Cash on April 26, 2018, 06:49:00 PM
I agree that merit system will be removed but once the merit is removed i would like to suggest that instead of merit for you to ranked the merit will be exchange to good quality post. As you can see it would be more work for moderators while new comers can rank by posting good quality post instead of earning merit. In that way ranking up still hard but not like the merit system. Iny opinion replacing meriy requirements to good quality post will be a great help to newcomers creating good quality post and to older accounts.

I've read your post three times, and I still don't understand what you are suggesting. You seem to be saying that there should be a moderators meeting to discuss each individual member, and choose those who deserve to increase in rank. Well, there is no chance of that happening, even if Theymos could justify the expense of the extra mods.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: buyandsale on April 26, 2018, 07:22:15 PM
thats all for nice suggestions as of users who earned merit till now are satisfied and happy which me can guess but there should be some restrictions or rules for merits which changes has to be made

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: digaran on April 27, 2018, 04:18:37 AM
I agree that merit system will be removed but once the merit is removed i would like to suggest that instead of merit for you to ranked the merit will be exchange to good quality post. As you can see it would be more work for moderators while new comers can rank by posting good quality post instead of earning merit. In that way ranking up still hard but not like the merit system. Iny opinion replacing meriy requirements to good quality post will be a great help to newcomers creating good quality post and to older accounts.

I've read your post three times, and I still don't understand what you are suggesting. You seem to be saying that there should be a moderators meeting to discuss each individual member, and choose those who deserve to increase in rank. Well, there is no chance of that happening, even if Theymos could justify the expense of the extra mods.

Professor Jet Cash, I think nakamura12 is talking about merit sources without involvement of merit sources and merits. lol. he/she is suggesting to let the people to rank up by posting quality content. nobody is asking him, who should decide if you are posting something good to let you rank up? merit sources are doing that.

He also thinks that merit system is going to be removed.
Did you post with Talk merit to have plausible deniability?

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: tuansemazi on April 27, 2018, 08:42:24 AM
The evaluation to merit is a quality article, but how to know the quality article when it is rated by the old members. Are there fairness in their assessments?

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: speem28 on April 27, 2018, 08:58:12 AM
His/her name clearly shows that he/she can't use proper English well.
Not just newcomers are finding it hard to earn some merit but also those who are already in the form long before the merit was implemented, like you, for instance, you should be already a Full Member but thanks to the merit system, you're stuck in that rank. hate to burst your bubble but the merit system will not be removed despite many users complaining about it. I hope you know why already.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: fuck4ass on April 27, 2018, 01:04:49 PM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts

as of its too hard for new comers too to gather merits from old members who always do trades and exchange merit only for them but the person who is new and if he dont has btc to exchange then its less chance for him even after posting quality post on bitcointalk forum

lol now dont give me merit for this i know the points which me said is true and many will agree :P

proof of merit abuse done on this forum

I will agree if the merit system is removed. Because it will incriminate new users. For them new users are the greatest spammers. Except, users who already have accounts with high rank. Then, he creates another account (multiple accounts) he may already be reliable in this forum. What about us? we are the real newbie. Like a newborn who does not know anything. And burdened with developments like this. My advice, replace this merit system to be something else that can filter out post spammers. Expand moderators on each board. let the moderator filter manual postings on a particular board. If feasible, postings are not deleted, otherwise moderator will delete them immediately. Brief and full of justice. Hopefully my advice is well received and wise.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: GideonGono on April 27, 2018, 01:16:21 PM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts

Don't think that merit is a big hindrance on leveling up , make it as a motivation though , I know it's hard leveling up or ranking up , but then again.
Merit applied because it has benefits not just on the forum but to our self such as , we can practice saying and writing english , and we can improve the way we write though.

Still you should be thankful than complaining.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Bershie on April 27, 2018, 03:15:38 PM

lol now dont give me merit for this i know the points which me said is true and many will agree :P

Did you really think you can get merit with this? But it turn's out no one's agree with you.

personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its post

Do you really think that you can make a quality post in this format. I think you don't know what your doing, coz what you said above is referring to your self. Your the reason why merit system is implemented in the first place. You must help yourself to improve, or the new comer will suffer most, if the merit system will go down to the newbie.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: on April 27, 2018, 03:38:26 PM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts

as of its too hard for new comers too to gather merits from old members who always do trades and exchange merit only for them but the person who is new and if he dont has btc to exchange then its less chance for him even after posting quality post on bitcointalk forum

lol now dont give me merit for this i know the points which me said is true and many will agree :P

proof of merit abuse done on this forum

Yeah, it is not bad idea, of course, but it can help many users writing really good interesting posts , improve their English, and, newbie can took merit too in some sections at that forum. ;)

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: DdmrDdmr on April 27, 2018, 03:55:26 PM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts
And just how do you expect the “quality” of the posts to be determined if not by a system such as the Merit System? There’s no AI algorithm that’s going to do that (yet), so at least we (the Forum community) can determine what posts are a contribution, and thus reward them for it.
I came in late into Bitcointalk, early this year, and accepted the Merit System without much resistance. Overall, it acts as a counterbalance to all the spam posts that are clogging Forum Sections with gibberish talk.

as of its too hard for new comers too to gather merits from old members who always do trades and exchange merit only for them but the person who is new and if he dont has btc to exchange then its less chance for him even after posting quality post on bitcointalk forum
Tried to make heads or tails about what you were saying here, but failed to understand what you meant about needing BTC, and the relation it has to posting quality. Is there a correlation we should be aware of there? The richer the wiser ?

lol now dont give me merit for this i know the points which me said is true and many will agree :P
Sure many will agree with you, but most will probably all have a common denominator looking through their post history: detritus.
It´s really down to where you put your focus. Just stick to the golden rule: Merit is not a right you’re born with but a gain that requires effort.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: popoyuyun on April 27, 2018, 07:58:28 PM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts

as of its too hard for new comers too to gather merits from old members who always do trades and exchange merit only for them but the person who is new and if he dont has btc to exchange then its less chance for him even after posting quality post on bitcointalk forum

lol now dont give me merit for this i know the points which me said is true and many will agree :P

proof of merit abuse done on this forum

Actually i also support with the delete merit. But if merit is deleted in this forum i'm sure more people will abuse it like making a lot of ID and it will look easy to climb the rank with just created a new ID. So i think removing merit will also help people who want to cheat on this forum. The presence of merit spur us to make high quality post as well by competing with others.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: fuck4ass on April 27, 2018, 08:20:22 PM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts

Don't think that merit is a big hindrance on leveling up , make it as a motivation though , I know it's hard leveling up or ranking up , but then again.
Merit applied because it has benefits not just on the forum but to our self such as , we can practice saying and writing english , and we can improve the way we write though.

Still you should be thankful than complaining.

Hey dude, how are you in our position the new users after knowing the merit system? Maybe you're an old user and I know this merit system is new. Surely the old users do not need to scavenge merit because at their current rank is sufficient. New users complain about this because of the unfairness of this system. For example I see a lot of old users make spam post (in my opinion) but given merit. We complain because it is unfair to this merit system. Following the challenge merit any newbie fear. For fear of being mistaken for spammers etc.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Vod on April 27, 2018, 08:36:14 PM
no offense but all who have given reply above are already having high merits and im damn sure users who has no merits or less merits will agree with my thread let the comments come then we can decide !


New members do not dictate the rules of our community. What kind of messed up system would that be?

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on April 27, 2018, 09:29:07 PM
New members do not dictate the rules of our community. What kind of messed up system would that be?

Hey guys, I know I've just joined the golf club, and I know there are hundreds of members who have been playing at the club for years, paying their fees, supporting the club, donating to help refurbish the clubhouse, spreading the word, putting money behind the bar, etc. but I DEMAND that the entire booking system is changed to suit me. Additionally, I will leave divots all over the course, not repair the ground, not replace the flag, talk loudly and never be ready to take my shot.*

*Feel free to replace with metaphor more familiar to you than golf (e.g. gym, bar/pub, library, place of worship)

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Goldenprog on April 28, 2018, 02:34:29 AM
Why the majority of people do not accept any new change or update in the forum? , they want everything in an easy way ( easy rank up , easy money ..), that's why they always stop in the same place ( no improvement in their skills..).

I got 35 merit's , I know it is not enough to rank up but  I always give a great effort to get other points.  I have made many threads to help people, and suggested some ideas. And of course, many of my attempts have failed, but  I am always trying to improve myself.
And it is sure that  I will not stop until I get my goals ( Full member, Sr ...).

Simply, you must accept any new change ( like, Merit system ), and deal with it in an  intelligent  way, and just improve yourself and behaviours.
I agree with you. If the merid rule is deleted. Then many people post No benefit.claught busy raising rank.berusaha how where can get nya.kita must be too. I agree there is merid.maka system people can think for posting quality No origin.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: asteria on April 28, 2018, 03:48:17 AM
Actually my opinion on this will be 50/50.


Because Merit System created to avoid spammers and to promote quality post in Bitcointalk and I think it is good to have merit system at all but sometimes I do think that it's very slow to rank up in the forum. Maybe the quote, "no pain no gain" will apply, but there are times that I used to think that maybe if there's no merit system I do already ranked up. I think the removal of the Merit System will be on the hands of Theymos, and the Merit System itself has been supported by many of the users of this forum including the campaign managers.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: MainIbem on April 28, 2018, 03:57:20 AM
Any request such as this is from a lazy person.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: TMAN on April 28, 2018, 06:55:36 AM
Any request such as this is from a lazy person.
100% and the correlation of people moaning/bitching/against merits From people with <10 merits is rather amusing.

Merits are not hard to get, just adapt.

The definition of insanity, is, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. So adapt or die you shitposting fucks. Change is good, I recommend reading who moved my cheese, if you can't understand it then I recommend you fuck off from the main section of this forum

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Jet Cash on April 28, 2018, 08:53:18 AM

I agree with you. If the merid rule is deleted. Then many people post No benefit.claught busy raising rank.berusaha how where can get nya.kita must be too. I agree there is merid.maka system people can think for posting quality No origin.

Please can you do a bit of work on your posting before you hit the "post" button. Spelling would help, and the removal of foreign language words. The first sentence is the only part of your post that I understood.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on April 28, 2018, 12:57:23 PM
Please can you do a bit of work on your posting before you hit the "post" button. Spelling would help, and the removal of foreign language words. The first sentence is the only part of your post that I understood.

I can't believe I'm saying this to you of all people, but I would recommend the ignore button  ;)

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Jet Cash on April 28, 2018, 02:00:32 PM

I can't believe I'm saying this to you of all people, but I would recommend the ignore button  ;)

I think I've worn it out - I was thinking of starting a thread asking for a larger one. :)

I was tempted, but I've been looking at some other sites, and a lot of the problems here stem from different policies adopted by the admins. For example, Steemit has members running paid bots to increase post ranking, and if you come from that environment, then I can understand the confusion of some newbies. I think that policy at Steemit is wrong, but they have a completely different economic model for the site. I believe that the combination of activity and merit in its pure form is the best concept for Bitcoin Talk. The big problem seems to be in preserving its purity.

All that doesn't imply approval of posting in unintelligible swamp speak though.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: mangtomas on April 28, 2018, 02:15:12 PM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts

as of its too hard for new comers too to gather merits from old members who always do trades and exchange merit only for them but the person who is new and if he dont has btc to exchange then its less chance for him even after posting quality post on bitcointalk forum

lol now dont give me merit for this i know the points which me said is true and many will agree :P

Instead of whining here, start doing your research and find some article/s or idea/s that will help the bitcointalk community. I started from the scratch (0 merit) just like you. If you focus on just earning merits, you will feel that earning it, is so difficult. But, if you focus on learning, you will enjoy your time here. There are so many ideas that you can contribute in our community, you just need to find your happiness or your strength, e.g., you are good on making infographics, about blockchain, cryptography or anything that you are good at(of course related to bitcoin). I am sure you will earn your merit if you just contribute without thinking any return (merit). Knowledge is power.

nice! i think you rigth sir. and 100℅ i vote to your post. even you make a lot of post but you can't  earn merit because of not good or not quality post you maked. so remember you saying. that first. make a good research about crypto or blackchain or ech.. . so after that merit cames next.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: theyoungmillionaire on April 28, 2018, 02:29:27 PM
nice! i think you rigth sir. and 100℅ i vote to your post. even you make a lot of post but you can't  earn merit because of not good or not quality post you maked. so remember you saying. that first. make a good research about crypto or blackchain or ech.. . so after that merit cames next.

 “Vote” is the only word I understand with your reply. I am not running for any position here, so no need for vote. :)

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: TMAN on April 28, 2018, 03:53:08 PM
nice! i think you rigth sir. and 100℅ i vote to your post. even you make a lot of post but you can't  earn merit because of not good or not quality post you maked. so remember you saying. that first. make a good research about crypto or blackchain or ech.. . so after that merit cames next.

 “Vote” is the only word I understand with your reply. I am not running for any position here, so no need for vote. :)

theyoungmillionaire for president!

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: l10no on April 28, 2018, 10:55:58 PM
Where are you came from, I see your english sentence were so great, for your opinion I dissagree with you, if theymos have to remove merit system, it be more easy for someone to get bigger profit here,

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: coinlocket$ on April 28, 2018, 11:16:10 PM
Merit it's good for some reasons: (but need some changes, imho)
- Merit is a good system, prevent scammers to join high rank signature with high ranks alts.
- Merit is designed to improve quality of post, and someone is doing his or her best.
- Merit is a good way to find alts hoping more of them will be tagged!

What needs to be changed?
- Merit hasn't removed the spam, maybe has reduced it, but who knows? Spam can be a personal concept and without statistics is impossible to tell if it is true.
- We need more sources; forum is not covered on all areas with an adequate number of sources.
- Decrease the number of required merit to advance rank. (30% in my opinion is a good number). Why? Abusers still abuse the system and they really do not care if they need to trade/buy/pass form alt 100/200/500 sMerit but for normal people is a good balancing after the end of the airdropped merit, while ±30% for an abuser means nothing, for a normal users means a lot!

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Vod on April 29, 2018, 12:39:33 AM
What needs to be changed?
- Merit hasn't removed the spam, maybe has reduced it, but who knows?

Merit has not been around long enough to effectively reduce spam.

Theymos stated that although it may be abused, eventually the abusers will run out of merit.

Right now there is a market for merit, so people just assume they will be able to buy their way past the wall if they need, so they spam as usual.  Once these sales dry up people will stop spamming.

Just have patience.  :)

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: kucing69 on April 29, 2018, 06:07:15 AM
I very much agree.
Because of the Urals rank using merit is very difficult in my opinion, my activity was more than 150 but keep my account member.
Not everyone will merit sharing them with us, there's even a group of people who only share with her group to raise their rank but does not share their merit with others.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Baresh on April 29, 2018, 07:50:40 AM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts

Going to heaven is not an easy as 123, you need good deeds to climb up the stairs.

as of its too hard for new comers too to gather merits from old members who always do trades and exchange merit only for them but the person who is new and if he dont has btc to exchange then its less chance for him even after posting quality post on bitcointalk forum

You must study the prayer before start praying, besides shooting a stone in a big rock will never change anything.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: LanzCoinPress1994 on April 29, 2018, 10:38:07 AM
When I joined this forum, I thought same as like you but recently I search some good merit received profiles and finally realized why they achieve merit. According to my understanding to achieve merit to our post;

We should have good English knowledge and Try to post interesting post/repost for increase quality of the forum.
Having knowledge about bitcoin, technical development, blockchain and security issues is useful.  
Also continuously posting into thread and reduce posting mega/Useless thread.
Update latest news relate to cryptocurrency and reduce posting bounty thread.

What if removed merit system? Then this forum will become useless. Every person will rank up by posting anything. Hence I believe merit system should exist. Should do some effort to achieve it. I also try to do my best for forum worthy to merit.


Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: luigi3 on April 29, 2018, 03:02:04 PM
Hopefully ,but the others side it will give to me an improvement to learn and be kind of evereything that i post or reply, so i will do my best to earn merit and also you be  kind of everything that you post.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Aikidoka on April 29, 2018, 03:42:16 PM
Congratulations for being so lame. If you wanted to make us laugh, then you already had failed. Using "Me" as if you want to tell us that your English is good and you just are being sarcastic. The merit system should not be removed and it already is a success, not to mention that it reduced lots of shitposts. So, if you want to be useful, do us a favor and do not post these kind of threads from now on. You have one merit point. Good luck on your journey.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: coin5haker on April 29, 2018, 03:51:56 PM
Can be translated it as "Why are you not allowing me to rank up based on the amount of spam I create? This should stop right now! Me doing a hard work by posting so many one-liners every day and without the merit system, Me would have been a Sr.Member by now!"

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Nuky1289 on April 29, 2018, 04:16:17 PM
I´m not a believer in the merit system as well, but we can not change it. A simple signature ban and all your spamming problems in this forum would disappear in seconds...

But i dont think anyone will change anything in the mind of the forum leaders, especially when every second Hero/Legendary is telling about the great success of the merit introduction (i dont see that).

There are some choices left:

1. Leaving the forum
2. Stop caring about the rank
3. Make some very "useful" infografics, which are loved by some merit holders  :-\
4. Make some good posts and pray for the kindness of the creator of some "giveaway threads" (These guys have to feel almighty, because they registered a year earlier)
5. Make a big post with some grafics about the "Great success of the Merit implementation" (i bet, u get a merit for that)
6. Search the forum for evil spammers and report them in the many report threads. (Is it good for a forum, if one of the easiest way to earn Merits is to report others?)
7. Buy a btctalk account

I go with 2

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: TheUltraElite on April 29, 2018, 04:50:30 PM
I very much agree.
Because of the Urals rank using merit is very difficult in my opinion, my activity was more than 150 but keep my account member.
Not everyone will merit sharing them with us, there's even a group of people who only share with her group to raise their rank but does not share their merit with others.

Stop making conspiracy theories and making lies out of your own feelings. If you cant rank up then stop crying and move one. There will be a bit of favouritism among merit sources because its human nature. If you are unable to obtain merits - you cant do anything about it except moving on.

Can be translated it as "Why are you not allowing me to rank up based on the amount of spam I create? This should stop right now! Me doing a hard work by posting so many one-liners every day and without the merit system, Me would have been a Sr.Member by now!"
Well spammers can forget about that since those old days when people could farm accounts with posting one-liners everyday is long gone and such bottomfeeding shitposters should find some other source of income than spamming this forum with signatures.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: finaleshot2016 on April 29, 2018, 06:29:09 PM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts
That's why you're crying out loud because you haven't receive any merits. HAAA! Maybe you should take a look and review your construction of statements before making some col posts and acting like you're the only one stepped on by this merit system. After realizing that, you know what to do  ;)

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: V1lpu on April 29, 2018, 09:50:15 PM
No, merit is good, but there should be another way, except get one from users. It's too random.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: thanhdatdat23 on April 30, 2018, 04:06:30 AM
You can see having an Member account in this forum is a thing that's so hard now, Merit was created to decrease the bots, fake members who try to sell their account (this is high-risk trade which you can be scammed). Merit will increase quality of bounties and airdrops (things which people consider the most in this forum)

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on April 30, 2018, 04:13:39 AM
A simple signature ban and all your spamming problems in this forum would disappear in seconds...
And this solution has been suggested many times since I've been a member here.  It's not going to happen, since the forum generates large amounts of money via traffic, and I'd say most of the traffic is in the form of individuals participating in campaigns and bounties.  Nixing sig campaigns is off the table as far as I know.

I will say this yet again:  The merit system is far from perfect, and there are going to be abuses going on.  We've seen quite a lot so far, and we'll continue to see them.  But shitposters and account farmers used to have one hell of an easy time ranking up all of their alt accounts--all it took was time.  Now there's this quality variable, merit, which is relatively difficult to get and makes it extremely difficult to rank up 50 accounts (or whatever number). 

It's much better than the way the forum used to be, and I give props to Theymos for at least doing something to combat the shitposting epidemic, and I do think the way the merit system works is clever.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: motienvolam on April 30, 2018, 07:18:53 AM
I agree with The Pharmacist that merit system has not been a fair, perfect system, but it has shown as effective took to fight against massive abusements in the forum. Merit system has been abused somehow by someone, but at least it has controlled most of spammers stucked at their current ranks.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: TheUltraElite on April 30, 2018, 08:59:22 AM
No, merit is good, but there should be another way, except get one from users. It's too random.

I dont know what to say to this. This can be a good idea but what is criteria on which such merits would be distributed. Why not call it something other than merit? Something like Bitcoin-OP points? ;D It should be given at random to people who make good contribution to the forum but has nothing to do with ranking up.

You can see having an Member account in this forum is a thing that's so hard now,

Becoming Member is not that hard especially if you know how to post and where to post.

Merit was created to decrease the bots, fake members who try to sell their account (this is high-risk trade which you can be scammed). Merit will increase quality of bounties and airdrops (things which people consider the most in this forum)
Merit was created to stop shitposters from ranking up. Please read the official post by theymos before commenting on the same. Account sellars and merit abusers getting caught - All these are the secondary effects of merit.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: friends1980 on April 30, 2018, 09:59:42 AM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts

as of its too hard for new comers too to gather merits from old members who always do trades and exchange merit only for them but the person who is new and if he dont has btc to exchange then its less chance for him even after posting quality post on bitcointalk forum

lol now dont give me merit for this i know the points which me said is true and many will agree :P

proof of merit abuse done on this forum

me believe their's willy a huge lot of trueness in you's posts and you's hit nails on there heads.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: motienvolam on April 30, 2018, 10:47:29 AM
You can see having an Member account in this forum is a thing that's so hard now, Merit was created to decrease the bots, fake members who try to sell their account (this is high-risk trade which you can be scammed). Merit will increase quality of bounties and airdrops (things which people consider the most in this forum)
Please stop moaning with your non-sense words. Have you spent your time to read the original announcement topic of Theymos on merit system and new rank requirements.
If not, you should not keep moaning here, and you should use search function of both Google and the forum to find the topic to read more.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: hilariousetc on April 30, 2018, 11:57:39 AM
A simple signature ban and all your spamming problems in this forum would disappear in seconds...
And this solution has been suggested many times since I've been a member here.  It's not going to happen, since the forum generates large amounts of money via traffic, and I'd say most of the traffic is in the form of individuals participating in campaigns and bounties.  Nixing sig campaigns is off the table as far as I know.

It's not. Theymos has previously stated that if the merit system doesn't work then they next step will likely be to remove signatures completely. Let's face it, this is the only way this will ever put a stop once and for all to the nonsense that is spouted here constantly all day every day. These people complaining about the merit system should just shut up and deal with it because if signatures are ever removed then 99.9 percent of them will leave the same day and never return so they should work with what opportunity they have right now until it's gone for good.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: AbyssLagiaz on April 30, 2018, 01:23:54 PM
I very much agree.
Because of the Urals rank using merit is very difficult in my opinion, my activity was more than 150 but keep my account member.
Not everyone will merit sharing them with us, there's even a group of people who only share with her group to raise their rank but does not share their merit with others.

No one will really share a merit with you if majority of your posts is posted in spam megathreads. Expect it to get buried with more shitposts even if it is a quality posts which is 99.9% not gonna be that quality. Why would a member with a Smerit would attempt to read such mega-threads if answers would most likely had been repeated over and over. You can't expect a shiny red tomato to be picked while it is being surrounded by many rotten tomatoes that easily. Simple :).

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: sserge009 on April 30, 2018, 01:44:21 PM
perhaps the merit system needs reform and revision for the newcomers, but the very idea of assessing the quality of posts is good. If you look at the statistics, the number of users on the form has doubled in the last year and the administration must somehow manage a huge amount of spam and garbage posts.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Emilyp on May 01, 2018, 06:18:41 AM
To me I think it should be left. At least it has succeeded in stalling everyone's ranking ability based on post and activities count. And some people have worked on their post quality and some others still hasn't learnt a thing from it. Instead of it to be removed they should be provisions for other methods of ranking or do you suggest it be removed and ranks remain at a point.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: TMAN on May 01, 2018, 06:32:40 AM
These people complaining about the merit system should just shut up and deal with it because if signatures are ever removed then 99.9 percent of them will leave the same day and never return so they should work with what opportunity they have right now until it's gone for good.

This is actually a great point, if these moaning fucks do not realise that then they will be in for a rude awakening. People either need to adapt and accept what we have or face the option of losing the meager earnings they currently are receiving

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: iconoclast on May 01, 2018, 07:24:52 AM
The merit system only rewards cheaters, sychophants and bullies.

Just look at the two most merited recent replies and you can see everything wrong with the current system.;stats=topreplies

It is a giant human centipede with the high ranking members tongues rammed up each others anus's.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: tuanytcc on May 01, 2018, 07:31:43 AM
The merit system only rewards cheaters, sychophants and bullies.

Just look at the two most merited posts and you can see everything wrong with the current system.;stats=topreplies

It is a giant human centipede with the high ranking members tongues rammed up each other anus's.
Of course, merit system has not been a perfect fair system. However, you will not find any perfect stuffs in real life, right?
Furthermore, the system has changed, contributed to change the forum in better, possitive way. So I love the system.
By the way, I also hope that Theymos will attach stricter rules to the current system to control cheaters, abusers a bit better.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: coinlocket$ on May 01, 2018, 09:17:30 AM
What needs to be changed?
- Merit hasn't removed the spam, maybe has reduced it, but who knows?

Merit has not been around long enough to effectively reduce spam.

Theymos stated that although it may be abused, eventually the abusers will run out of merit.

Right now there is a market for merit, so people just assume they will be able to buy their way past the wall if they need, so they spam as usual.  Once these sales dry up people will stop spamming.

Just have patience.  :)

I think it will never slow down, most of the spam comes from low-rank people who do bounty and posts around the forum.
In my opinion the quality of the posts of some people will grow while the average quality will drop as these people will spam almost random things around the forum trying to take some points, and as a consequence, spam will increase more and more as the airdrop will end!

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: TheUltraElite on May 01, 2018, 09:31:37 AM
perhaps the merit system needs reform and revision for the newcomers, but the very idea of assessing the quality of posts is good. If you look at the statistics, the number of users on the form has doubled in the last year and the administration must somehow manage a huge amount of spam and garbage posts.
The huge amount of spam is not reduced by the merit system. It is preventing people who spam to rank up. Earlier you could shitpost the entire few months and then end up with a rank of "Member" - now its not so and thus it is functioning as it was supposed to. Posts that are one-liner vomitposts wont ever get any merit.

Instead of it to be removed they should be provisions for other methods of ranking or do you suggest it be removed and ranks remain at a point.
It is working fine if you ask me. No other system is needed to rank up. Merit and activity together is good. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

I think it will never slow down, most of the spam comes from low-rank people who do bounty and posts around the forum.
In my opinion the quality of the posts of some people will grow while the average quality will drop as these people will spam almost random things around the forum trying to take some points, and as a consequence, spam will increase more and more as the airdrop will end!

It will slow down since people will realize in a few months that they will never ever get a single merit by shitposting. They will be forced to leave the forum. Airdrops and all might continue - shittoken airdrops being begged by shitposters.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: hilariousetc on May 01, 2018, 10:04:39 AM
The merit system only rewards cheaters, sychophants and bullies.

Just look at the two most merited recent replies and you can see everything wrong with the current system.;stats=topreplies

It is a giant human centipede with the high ranking members tongues rammed up each others anus's.

Those posts probably don't deserve that much merit but people are free to leave merit as they wish, but these couple of examples don't make a mockery of the entire system. Sure, people will give it out for jokes they like or to people they like more, but what about all the merit that is given out for excellent, well-deserving posts? As long as the generic barely coherent posts in spam mega threads don't get any then it's mostly working as it should.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: TMAN on May 01, 2018, 10:23:19 AM
The merit system only rewards cheaters, sychophants and bullies.

I'll bite here, the OP asked what heroic action would get merits, so I gave him one, That is not bullying it is replying to his request. Now as someone with ONE merit recieved I can see you being sour at that, but lets take a closer look at your posts..

Post count.    1204 in 6.5 months, now that is a large number of posts.
arghhh you are a bounty spamming Altcoin spazz.. WTF why are you moaning about merits?
on your 1st page of latest posts 13 of the fuckers are bounties, 6 are in altcoin discussion and 1 is in meta (the moaning smelly vagina one above)

So iconoclast, how in buddha's earth are any of those cancer posts worth merit? do you not see the correlation between being a bounty hunting, ICO sniffing altcoin lover and fuck all Merits?

now to look at my post further, it was fucking funny - it made people laugh, humor is good and people appreciate it. Sure one of my shaved pubes off my left testicle knows more about bitcoin than you but I am no Nullius when it comes to posting about Bitcoin or Encryption.

My advise to you would be to pull up that cheeky pink thong, stop bounty hunting and altcoin wanking and find a niche that others appreciate.

I do hope that helps you out princess.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: ahasan909 on May 02, 2018, 07:34:02 PM
Actually, I said No, it's a great system,  cause only few can gain this merit and got his position where he needs. Merit system can imply a members position. I hope you can understand why merit and why it won't remove ;D

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Jet Cash on May 02, 2018, 08:08:48 PM
The merit system won't have a serious impact until posting on most of the boards requires you to have at least 10 merits.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: dusunbesemah on May 02, 2018, 08:12:11 PM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts

as of its too hard for new comers too to gather merits from old members who always do trades and exchange merit only for them but the person who is new and if he dont has btc to exchange then its less chance for him even after posting quality post on bitcointalk forum

lol now dont give me merit for this i know the points which me said is true and many will agree :P

proof of merit abuse done on this forum

Yes I agree with your opinion the merit system should be abolished because it is too difficult for us newcomers to get the merit now and this is only beneficial for the old account users not for us.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: actmyname on May 02, 2018, 08:14:52 PM
Yes I agree with your opinion the merit system should be abolished because it is too difficult for us newcomers to get the merit now and this is only beneficial for the old account users not for us.
Thanks for repeating what OP says and condensing it down into one tiny asinine post.

"it's so hard to get merit!"

Why do you need merit? To rank up? Why do you need to rank up? To join signature campaigns? Then do you really care about contributing to the forum?

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: TrumpD on May 02, 2018, 08:46:31 PM
In your dreams. That wouldn't happen. There has been a considerable amount of improved post quality since the merit system was introduced. People have even gone as far as dropping posts with graphs and all, and given extensive responses. So I would say that it has worked to an extent. However, I would support you if you said that merit outlets should be increased. i.e. number of merits, and the accounts/people who can give merits to others should be increased, as there are loads of quality posts which go unnoticed due to very few people having the power to give merits.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Emilyp on May 02, 2018, 10:17:05 PM
The new comers  coming in, should be focused on knowing their way around here and how to get the right information from the forum. The forum was not built for merit system. What the forum was built for is for learning and provisions are made for that for the new comers.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Vashti on May 02, 2018, 10:31:17 PM
No need to remove merit, let us stay in Jr. Member forever, isn't it great?? Ranking is pain in the ass, if you rank up everybody will check your profile, check everyone who gives you merits trace this individual if you have return some merit to them and you will be given a mark with merit farmer.  Isn't that stupid? Then they will check your post and judge it by their high standard then they will say many drama that you don't deserves merit, there are better post than this deserves for merit, are they stupid? They will monitor also everyone whom you.award your sMerit then they will say it is your alt.acount but it's your neigbors account and you'd like to share them one or two merit you have for their nice post then this people mark you both, isn't that stupidity? Yeah some here are more stupider than me... man's up!!!!????

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: goigiacmove on May 03, 2018, 04:41:55 AM
No need to remove merit, let us stay in Jr. Member forever, isn't it great?? Ranking is pain in the ass, if you rank up everybody will check your profile, check everyone who gives you merits trace this individual if you have return some merit to them and you will be given a mark with merit farmer.  Isn't that stupid? Then they will check your post and judge it by their high standard then they will say many drama that you don't deserves merit, there are better post than this deserves for merit, are they stupid? They will monitor also everyone whom you.award your sMerit then they will say it is your alt.acount but it's your neigbors account and you'd like to share them one or two merit you have for their nice post then this people mark you both, isn't that stupidity? Yeah some here are more stupider than me... man's up!!!!????
Another merit complainer?
If you have the ability to compose helpful, good written-English threads, you will earn merits undoubtly.
And no one in the forum can complain you that you earn those merit points illegally. The fact is only illegal merit receivers feel worried about their behaviours, their merit history, and only those ones will be reported, red tagged by other forum users.
Let's change your minds first, then learn how to earn merits legally alongside with improving your current level of knowledge and skills.
I suggest you to learn from iasenko (use forum search or Google to find that guy and his helpful topic on how to rank up in the forum after the launch of merit system).

Good luck, fella.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Abal Abal on May 03, 2018, 06:18:26 AM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts

as of its too hard for new comers too to gather merits from old members who always do trades and exchange merit only for them but the person who is new and if he dont has btc to exchange then its less chance for him even after posting quality post on bitcointalk forum

lol now dont give me merit for this i know the points which me said is true and many will agree :P

Instead of starting this kind of topic, start doing your research and find some article/s or idea/s that will help the bitcointalk community. I started from the scratch (0 merit) just like you. If you focus on just earning merits, you will feel that earning it, is so difficult. But, if you focus on learning, you will enjoy your time here. There are so many ideas that you can contribute in our community, you just need to find your happiness or your strength, e.g., you are good on making infographics, about blockchain, cryptography or anything that you are good at(of course related to bitcoin). I am sure you will earn your merit if you just contribute without thinking any return (merit). Knowledge is power.

I like this post. helpful and giving advice.
too heavy when we think about how to get merit. live what it is according to the command and the rules of the game. there you will get it all.
thank you

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: TMAN on May 03, 2018, 09:58:47 AM
perhaps the merit system needs reform and revision for the newcomers, but the very idea of assessing the quality of posts is good. If you look at the statistics, the number of users on the form has doubled in the last year and the administration must somehow manage a huge amount of spam and garbage posts.

I am in agreement with some of this. There is a real need for changes where the merit system is concerned, the main problem i see with the system is that there aren't enough merit sources. Most of the users on the forum have just about enough merit on their accounts to maintain their rank therefore they wont be handing out merit. The only group of people that can routinely hand out merit when they see posts that deserve it are merit sources. I doubt that there are more than 150 merit sources here and everyday the forum averages 8,400 posts, there is no way that these merit sources can cover the bulk of these posts. Hopefully themos adds more sources, especially thos with hi?'

1st post in 8 months and you are talking about merit? did you purchase this account by any chance?

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Your Point Is Invalid on May 03, 2018, 10:03:01 AM
perhaps the merit system needs reform and revision for the newcomers, but the very idea of assessing the quality of posts is good. If you look at the statistics, the number of users on the form has doubled in the last year and the administration must somehow manage a huge amount of spam and garbage posts.

I am in agreement with some of this. There is a real need for changes where the merit system is concerned, the main problem i see with the system is that there aren't enough merit sources. Most of the users on the forum have just about enough merit on their accounts to maintain their rank therefore they wont be handing out merit. The only group of people that can routinely hand out merit when they see posts that deserve it are merit sources. I doubt that there are more than 150 merit sources here and everyday the forum averages 8,400 posts, there is no way that these merit sources can cover the bulk of these posts. Hopefully themos adds more sources, especially thos with hi?'

1st post in 8 months and you are talking about merit? did you purchase this account by any chance?

I've been busy with school for the longest while, however, im back home for the holidays with a lot of free time on my hands.

ps. the post you quoted wasn't complete, it was posted accidentally

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Your Point Is Invalid on May 03, 2018, 10:05:12 AM
perhaps the merit system needs reform and revision for the newcomers, but the very idea of assessing the quality of posts is good. If you look at the statistics, the number of users on the form has doubled in the last year and the administration must somehow manage a huge amount of spam and garbage posts.

I am in agreement with some of this. There is a real need for changes where the merit system is concerned, the main problem i see with the system is that there aren't enough merit sources. Most of the users on the forum have just about enough merit on their accounts to maintain their rank therefore they wont be handing out merit. The only group of people that can routinely hand out merit when they see posts that deserve it are merit sources. I doubt that there are more than 150 merit sources here and everyday the forum averages 8,400 posts, there is no way that these merit sources can cover the bulk of these posts. Hopefully theymos adds more sources, especially those who are active in local boards.

edit: there are only 79 merit sources on the forum that has averages 8,400 posts per day

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: TheUltraElite on May 03, 2018, 02:38:59 PM
I am in agreement with some of this. There is a real need for changes where the merit system is concerned, the main problem i see with the system is that there aren't enough merit sources.
People can apply as merit sources as well. There is a procedure for this which has been posted by themyos on their first post about merit. Problem is not many people are willing to take this up or many application are still left out here unreviewed.

Most of the users on the forum have just about enough merit on their accounts to maintain their rank therefore they wont be handing out merit
Merit - permanent.
sMerit - spendable thus temporary.
I think you are confused between these two. Merits of a member will never decrease once gained. sMerits will be used up gradually as they spend them. sMerits of merit sources are refilled every month (gradually I think).

The only group of people that can routinely hand out merit when they see posts that deserve it are merit sources. I doubt that there are more than 150 merit sources here and everyday the forum averages 8,400 posts, there is no way that these merit sources can cover the bulk of these posts. Hopefully theymos adds more sources, especially those who are active in local boards.
Theymos is welcoming local board communities to appoint merit sources.

In general there is no use crying about merits. It will take time but in the meantime shitposting will reduce.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Jet Cash on May 03, 2018, 02:50:49 PM
I doubt that there are more than 150 merit sources here and everyday the forum averages 8,400 posts, there is no way that these merit sources can cover the bulk of these posts. Hopefully themos adds more sources, especially thos with hi?'

I doubt if there are more than 150 posts worthy of merit. It's the other 8,000+ posts that are the problem, and the reason that a merit system has become essential.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: athanz88 on May 03, 2018, 04:07:32 PM
8400 posts and i can assure you that there are not many meritorious posts from that. The strategies that can reduce spam ( that i can think of) are :
1. Jr. Member can only join social media bounty
2. Signature bounty or campaign can only be joined by member and upper ranks.
3. Make buying and selling account as an ilegal things in official rules.
You may say im a hypocrite because i wear signature, but believe me, i earn this sr. Member rank in this merit system by trying hard to contribute to this forum.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Ayuluv2001 on May 03, 2018, 04:45:41 PM
Although I am new to this forum, I personally feel merit is a very good system. Not just reducing spam but it can also indirectly tells you how experience is the particular member and you can follow their post for "Golden Nuggets Airdrops"

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: PlanetZebes on May 03, 2018, 05:55:45 PM
Something definitely should be done. I just read in another thread someone receiving 90 merits in one day from one guy, for short generic posts. Yet from my point of view getting just one merit, even from quality posts seems impossible. So it doesn't add up. It seems that the people receiving merits are people taking advantage of something.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: maxreish on May 04, 2018, 03:53:30 AM
Theymos will not remove this merit system anymore, since it has been a great result here in the forum, It was a pleasure to read it today and reduce the no-frills word that has been a great help for this merit system, What he sees if he can do is to reduce the need for merit to make it easier to rank up, he limped out of this merit system, just as I think this merit system is designed for us as well, so as to be our basis so we should improve ourselves in this field.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: TheUltraElite on May 04, 2018, 11:45:22 AM
Something definitely should be done. I just read in another thread someone receiving 90 merits in one day from one guy, for short generic posts. Yet from my point of view getting just one merit, even from quality posts seems impossible. So it doesn't add up. It seems that the people receiving merits are people taking advantage of something.

That might be a case of merit farming or it can be a legitimate merit worthy post. I cant comment more since you did not site the reference to this and I am not sure if you are making up facts from thin air considering all the whining that is happening about merit in the recent days. If it was a case of merit farming - report it and it will marked with red so as to render it incapable of joining any signature campaign or so.

I doubt if there are more than 150 posts worthy of merit. It's the other 8,000+ posts that are the problem, and the reason that a merit system has become essential.
Maybe just 10-20 posts per day are worth getting merits IMO.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Dingdongjl on May 04, 2018, 11:56:15 AM
Merit system should not! If you are here just to earn some "free" bitcoin without learning you shouldnt be here this forum is forum prioritize learning and if you dont have the patience of waiting and learning no one will stop you to leave this forum.

We all know how hard it is, but for sure it is worthy to spend time to make it.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: PlanetZebes on May 05, 2018, 03:42:46 AM
Something definitely should be done. I just read in another thread someone receiving 90 merits in one day from one guy, for short generic posts. Yet from my point of view getting just one merit, even from quality posts seems impossible. So it doesn't add up. It seems that the people receiving merits are people taking advantage of something.

That might be a case of merit farming or it can be a legitimate merit worthy post. I cant comment more since you did not site the reference to this and I am not sure if you are making up facts from thin air considering all the whining that is happening about merit in the recent days. If it was a case of merit farming - report it and it will marked with red so as to render it incapable of joining any signature campaign or so.

I doubt if there are more than 150 posts worthy of merit. It's the other 8,000+ posts that are the problem, and the reason that a merit system has become essential.
Maybe just 10-20 posts per day are worth getting merits IMO.

I was definitely not making it up (yes I know, that's still not proof), but it was from another thread in the meta section. The post was short and low quality.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: gabbie2010 on May 05, 2018, 04:13:08 AM
Personally I fully supported the introduction of this merit system right from outset, I believed the idea has brought sanity with regards to shitposting which  floods across all sections of the forum especially one liner posters, this forum is very resourceful as far as crytocurrencies is concerned and I have learnt so many things lately from quality postings.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: GDragon on May 05, 2018, 05:26:35 AM
You are against with this system because it's hard to rank up right? I feel you or rather we feel you but we are trying hard to get what we deserve instead of complaining. Believe to me, your complain is nonsense after all.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Obeng minn on May 05, 2018, 05:15:31 PM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts

as of its too hard for new comers too to gather merits from old members who always do trades and exchange merit only for them but the person who is new and if he dont has btc to exchange then its less chance for him even after posting quality post on bitcointalk forum

lol now dont give me merit for this i know the points which me said is true and many will agree :P

proof of merit abuse done on this forum

I hope you are more patient, this is the rule we must take.
even though we have desires, we must see ourselves first. the extent to which we can do the job well.
then we think of reciprocity.
I personally though without rank also if we are diligent, I think will succeed.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: theyoungmillionaire on May 06, 2018, 03:58:43 PM
The merit system is not a bad idea and it shouldn't be removed... However it needs to be improved as ranking up since the introduction of the merit-system seems to be 'impossible' due to the fact that even HQ posts/threads sometimes don't get any merit. Imho the requirements are too high and should be slightly lowered (at least for now) and may be adjusted over time.

Lowering requirements is a big NO and it was already discussed before.
Read most recent related topic: Why is it complicated to get merits (

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: petyang12 on May 07, 2018, 04:09:45 AM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts

as of its too hard for new comers too to gather merits from old members who always do trades and exchange merit only for them but the person who is new and if he dont has btc to exchange then its less chance for him even after posting quality post on bitcointalk forum

lol now dont give me merit for this i know the points which me said is true and many will agree :P

proof of merit abuse done on this forum

I am here in bitcointalk to learn about cryptocurrency and to help in this forum. I admit that i'm still new or less experience but i'm not here just to rank up by getting merit instead make your way to become successful at what you're best at what you do.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on May 07, 2018, 06:00:32 AM
I may be stupid, but your post doesn't really provide any reason why lowering the requirements would be 'a big NO'.
The reason why is because the account farming and shitposting problem on bitcointalk has gotten very much out of hand, and the only thing that keeps people from ranking up 100s of accounts--with shitposts, no less--and selling them, is the merit system. 

It's not supposed to be easy anymore to rank up.  It's supposed to take some time and effort to do so, and it's supposed to keep garbage shitposters from doing it at all.  You might be feeling a sting of inconvenience because of the merit system, but I'm sure Theymos foresaw that and is now indifferent to the bitching about it. 

There's no reason you could give here as to why you need to rank up any faster than you are that's going to get you much sympathy, so complaints generally fall upon deaf ears.  You can still engage in discussion here with zero problems, regardless of rank, excepting Newbie where you have posting and PM restrictions.  The only reason rank is important is for earning.  Since that's so often done via shitposting, most bitcointalk members who've been around a while do not care if earning merit is hard for you.  That's the bottom line.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: mojacho on May 07, 2018, 07:59:24 AM
Just feel that many good quality posts by newbies and jr.s are miss-looked because people don't want to read opinions of low-rankers.
Date of registration or number of posts doesn't mean a person has nothing to say

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: ilcapitano on May 07, 2018, 09:40:46 AM
Just feel that many good quality posts by newbies and jr.s are miss-looked because people don't want to read opinions of low-rankers.
Date of registration or number of posts doesn't mean a person has nothing to say

It doesn't make sense, let's take a look at nullius case study. If you are able to contribute helpful threads, someone (not all) in the forum will like your threads. Then, some of them will give you merits.
For someone who have kept complaining about merit system, its distributional  mechanism, they should leave the forum, mainly because the forum is not a place for them, and they can not adapt to the new forum rules which related to merit system.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: TheBeardedBaby on May 07, 2018, 10:15:50 AM
Some people here have to understand two things :

1. There is no exact formula on how to get merit, because everyone's perception of "quality posts" is different. 
2. You cannot just sit and think like, yeah now i'm gonna write a "quality post" only to get merit, rank up and join the bounties for more "money".

This is probably the worst strategy ever.  You just generates a useless content, discussing bull# on useless mega-threads, trying to write long, grammatically /and politically / correct posts using google translate and copy-pasting content, because you fail to come up with something good and at the end you gonna get ban/tagged for all the bull# you have done.

Pushing yourself to rank up just for the only reason you are here - the "free money" well, you gonna 99.8% fail badly.

This is not for everyone, not anymore. If you want to get something for free, you have to sit on your butt and begin to learn.
What is the name of the forum?!?!?!  Read it again loudly, it's for the father of all cryptocurrency so, stick to this topic, and away from all other shit.

Easy peasy, OK?

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: krishnaverma on May 07, 2018, 11:20:26 AM
Something definitely should be done. I just read in another thread someone receiving 90 merits in one day from one guy, for short generic posts. Yet from my point of view getting just one merit, even from quality posts seems impossible. So it doesn't add up. It seems that the people receiving merits are people taking advantage of something.

Abuse on such large scale will most probably get caught and dealt with. But that is also not because the form staff is looking out for this but it the members who report it. Most of the people are doing it voluntarily as a contribution to the forum or in hope of getting merits in return.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: TheUltraElite on May 07, 2018, 03:38:25 PM
Just feel that many good quality posts by newbies and jr.s are miss-looked because people don't want to read opinions of low-rankers.
Date of registration or number of posts doesn't mean a person has nothing to say

I know some merit sources personally and after talking to them about their distributing methods - they are more lenient towards new members who are willing to post constructive content and not come here to shitpost to get paid.

You have stay happy with whatever merits you are getting because if Merit sources are not willing to merit you - you cant force them to do so.

Maybe take a small vacation form the forum and come back later and start posting with a fresh mind and it might have a different effect. :)

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: hilariousetc on May 07, 2018, 07:01:22 PM
Just feel that many good quality posts by newbies and jr.s are miss-looked because people don't want to read opinions of low-rankers.
Date of registration or number of posts doesn't mean a person has nothing to say

Do you think people look at your rank before they decide whether to read the post or not? Don't be silly. People care about the quality of contributions and not your rank, but if you make quality posts you will soon rise through the ranks anyway.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: lhtot8 on May 08, 2018, 02:15:15 AM
Do you think people look at your rank before they decide whether to read the post or not? Don't be silly. People care about the quality of contributions and not your rank, but if you make quality posts you will soon rise through the ranks anyway.
Agree with your point!
Quality is the most important thing to catch attention of readers.
If threads contain twitter link (most of them come from campaigns), etc. those sort of annoying threads will never catch readers' eyes, they will ignore such boring threads very quickly.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: BQ on May 08, 2018, 02:56:55 AM
I think the merit system seems fair! Although I'm not sure about the reasoning behind the decision initially,
but basically higher rank = people can earn more from bounties, which seem to be the primary reason for many people to use the site.
Merit system = reward quality content = fill the site with quality content which might attract new users?

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: tranthidung on May 08, 2018, 03:39:27 AM
I think the merit system seems fair! Although I'm not sure about the reasoning behind the decision initially,
but basically higher rank = people can earn more from bounties, which seem to be the primary reason for many people to use the site.
Merit system = reward quality content = fill the site with quality content which might attract new users?

The system is not a perfect fairly system, but it is fair enough for the forum users.
In addition, it is a really fair system for all newcomers after the launch of merit system in January of 2018. All newcomers since that point have the same starting point, have the same odds to earn merits; and only really deserved users can rank up due to merit system effects.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: evlogii on May 08, 2018, 05:05:46 AM
Merit system = reward quality content = fill the site with quality content which might attract new users?

This has not happened even after merit system. I mean we can see some quality posts here and there from members who are trying to get merits and rank up. But it had failed to control spammers which was the main motive. You can still find thousands of shit posts being made here everyday which makes threads look like garbage. Even the valuable replies in those threads loose their value because of this.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: antifraud01 on May 08, 2018, 07:15:29 AM
This cannot be avoided because it cannot review the release of each advantage. But this system does need improvement, and many senior members are using it to make money.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: TheUltraElite on May 08, 2018, 02:07:24 PM
The system is not a perfect fairly system, but it is fair enough for the forum users.
In addition, it is a really fair system for all newcomers after the launch of merit system in January of 2018. All newcomers since that point have the same starting point, have the same odds to earn merits; and only really deserved users can rank up due to merit system effects.

Well it sucks to be those who joined after January 2018 or were newbies or juniors during the month of January. Those people are ones who have been hard hit by the system. But if you ask me it was necessary and I am not joking or trying to puff my chest.

Bitcointalk has seen a huge flood of shitposting bottomfeeders who need to be exterminated. The merit system has been able to curb the ranking up of these scum of the forum. It has hit other legitimately good posters with equal gusto - collateral damage.

This cannot be avoided because it cannot review the release of each advantage. But this system does need improvement, and many senior members are using it to make money.
Of course the first thing that comes to the minds of shitposters is making off the forum. You only observe that they make money obviously because you are also interested in the same thing. Future shitposter here ::)

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: The Cryptovator on June 05, 2018, 03:20:23 PM
personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts

as of its too hard for new comers too to gather merits from old members who always do trades and exchange merit only for them but the person who is new and if he dont has btc to exchange then its less chance for him even after posting quality post on bitcointalk forum

lol now dont give me merit for this i know the points which me said is true and many will agree :P

proof of merit abuse done on this forum

If you ask me about remove merit system, then I will say no. Merit system help to improve forum reputation. Specially reduce spam and shitpost. Other thing is forum members are motivating to make consatrctive and high quality post due to merit system. I believe this system should continue on future.
I know there is some merit abuser. It doesn't mean that should be remove merit system. If you found marit abuser and make a post. They will be punished.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Jet Cash on June 05, 2018, 03:41:06 PM
I've been on a couple of merit awarding cruises today, and I managed to find a couple of post to award with merit, but they are both by senior members. I'm starting to get really pissed off with the attitude here. The merit system is great, and it has got rid of some of the rubbish, but it has also generated a lot of indifferent posting. Whatever happened to intelligent, informative comments? Nobody cares about trying to improve their posting skills, or their contributions to the forum. They all say they are/will, but in reality they do f' all about it. All they seem to expect is upranking for trotting out standard rubbish to enable them to scrounge money from bounty programmes. What do you guys do in real life? Do your read or write letters to each other, or do you just communicate by sending stupid pictures over your cell phones?

I'm going to have to change my policy in awarding merits, because it's taking too long to find decent posts. Maybe I should just give 25 merits to a single post every day, but it won't be to someone who is whingeing about the system.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: evilsign on June 05, 2018, 04:03:44 PM
I've been on a couple of merit awarding cruises today, and I managed to find a couple of post to award with merit, but they are both by senior members. I'm starting to get really pissed off with the attitude here. The merit system is great, and it has got rid of some of the rubbish, but it has also generated a lot of indifferent posting. Whatever happened to intelligent, informative comments? Nobody cares about trying to improve their posting skills, or their contributions to the forum. They all say they are/will, but in reality they do f' all about it. All they seem to expect is upranking for trotting out standard rubbish to enable them to scrounge money from bounty programmes. What do you guys do in real life? Do your read or write letters to each other, or do you just communicate by sending stupid pictures over your cell phones?

I'm going to have to change my policy in awarding merits, because it's taking too long to find decent posts. Maybe I should just give 25 merits to a single post every day, but it won't be to someone who is whingeing about the system.
I really agree with what you say here, sir. This merit is good, but still, the system has its flaws. It is not our place to say this system is not good, not fair without giving a much better solution. I also really hope someone will appreciate the merit system by showing how this system will work in accordance with its purpose, one of which is the contest and reward for those who have quality posts and can help solve a person's problem.

Title: Re: Merit system should be removed !
Post by: Squishy01 on July 22, 2018, 08:55:57 AM
I think saying "ranks should be done via their post counts and quality" is exactly why there is a merit system-- to know which posts are quality posts and should be given merits.

I may not have merits yet, and I also am frustrated about not getting any. But I'm a new member, and I see lots of other users here with lots of merits, which kind of gives me hope because it means it is not impossible to get them, just extremely hard.

I know where you're coming from, but the merit sytem is there to preserve quality and to filter the forum of spammers and shitposters. Good luck to us!!