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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Flying Hellfish on October 05, 2018, 04:33:50 PM

Title: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on October 05, 2018, 04:33:50 PM
Well with all the political pundits among us and the Mid Terms rapidly approaching I am curious how everyone see the House and Senate races panning out.

It looks to me like the Senate will stay Red and they might just pick up a couple seats giving them some breathing room!  Looks like Hietkamp is underwater double digits so the red state might get that seat back (and shes a no on Kavanaugh which probably doesn't help her).  Manchin is another tight race where he has a small lead but his vote on the Kavanaugh nom might sway voters one way or the other.

I haven't been watching to many other senate races so feel free to tell us about any more!

The early polls had a blue house but the Kavanaugh show seems to have energized the republican base.  Will the base come down if Kavanaugh gets confirmed?  Will the base get fired up if Kavanaugh gets voted down?  The same question can be asked of the Dem base.  Do they get energized if Kavanaugh gets confirmed.  Do they cool off if he gets voted down or does Trumps antics with the Kavanaugh Circus give the dems enough energy regardless of the outcome on Kavanaugh?

It's pretty damn rare for a Presidents party to pick up house seats in the mid term, which voters are motivated enough pre and post Kavanaugh confirmation vote!

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on October 05, 2018, 04:46:05 PM,_2018#Most_recent_election_predictions


I hope it's more blue. We need some accountability for the executive branch.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Spendulus on October 06, 2018, 02:45:13 AM
It's pretty damn rare for a Presidents party to pick up house seats in the mid term....

But the Repubs and the Dems were doing all they could to down Trump, and they failed because the people voted him in.

You have to consider THEM.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Quickseller on October 06, 2018, 03:49:15 AM
As it stands now, it looks like Republicans will flip a few seats, likely 2-3 seats in the senate and might get one seat flipped blue that is of a retiring senator.

The Kanavaugh witch-hunt appears to have riled up republicans with GOP enthusiasm in the midterms now virtually matching that of Democrats. I believe Democrats probably overplayed their hand and the witch-hunt will backfire on them. This is especially true if it is made public that FBI investigations are opened into one or more of many actors who likely broke laws.

The generic ballot for congress went from +14 for democrats to +7 (same side), which indicates that the control of Congress is a tossup. (It has been said that Democrats need +4 on the generic ballot to have control of Congress due to gerrymandering).

Fundraising for the GOP is way up over the past few weeks.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: theymos on October 06, 2018, 06:52:56 AM
My desired result is for the Democrats to win the house by 1 seat or for there to be a dead tie, and for the Republicans to keep the Senate by as much as possible. That should ensure that nothing gets done, which is the best thing for the government to do. (I will get a certain sense of satisfaction if the Republicans win overwhelmingly, since I really dislike the Democrats, but the Republicans will also do plenty of harm if given the opportunity.)

My predicted result is that the Republicans will only barely retain the Senate and will lose the House by a few dozen seats. I think that both sides will be disappointed at their performance, but it will be a moderate blue wave. I sense that most people are only slightly enthusiastic about the economy, and are worried about future tariffs and especially the future of healthcare.

If either side wins big, there will be accusations of foreign interference. (And indeed, if any foreign power if capable of interfering with the election, now would be a great time, since it'd create maximal chaos.)

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on October 06, 2018, 08:34:25 AM
The Democrat party will not quit until they are discredited for 2 generations. When you keep doubling down and losing, eventually the payment comes due, and the Democrats have built up quite a debt.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on October 06, 2018, 01:00:25 PM
My predicted result is that the Republicans will only barely retain the Senate and will lose the House by a few dozen seats. I think that both sides will be disappointed at their performance, but it will be a moderate blue wave. I sense that most people are only slightly enthusiastic about the economy, and are worried about future tariffs and especially the future of healthcare.

I do think the economy is being overshadowed by so many other factors ATM and doesn't really appear to be a major issue for voters. 

Now that we all but know the Kavanaugh outcome I am really curious if it will affect the MT's and how.  Historically the Thomas nomination would probably be the most similar case to look at.  Granted there aren't exact parallels but nothing ever is. 

Thomas's vote was in 91 and the next elections weren't till 92 more than a year later.  That gave a lot of women the time to get into the senate race.  It also gave time for women to "stew" over the decision and time for investigative journalist to dig into the matter further.  None of which is happening before this MT. 

Another big difference is the republican base, the Trump party is a far cry from the HW Bush party and Trump can rile up his base better than anyone.

I've seen a number of Pundits talking about the loser of the Kavanaugh fight will probably be the overall winner in the MT's and it may even play big into 2020.

The last and I think biggest difference between Thomas and Kavanaugh drama's is not in the facts or timing but the simple existence of social media.  In 91/92 it wasn't as simple as it is now for groups to connect, organize and spread information (good or bad!).  Trump is a master of social media and he just might be able to squash the enthusiasm of the left single handily because lets be honest the left isn't always the best organized!!

I think the left was already a little energized just from Trump and now I hope they will get more energized from Kavanaugh.

That being said, polls and history are indicating the house has a good chance of going blue but the senate I think might have just gotten a lot more interesting based on the right winning the Kavanaugh fight.  It's also fair to say the polls are almost entirely useless especially recently!!

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Spendulus on October 06, 2018, 01:19:37 PM
If either side wins big, there will be accusations of foreign interference. (And indeed, if any foreign power if capable of interfering with the election, now would be a great time, since it'd create maximal chaos.)

When Obama ran for POTUS he received 92M in undocumented foreign contributions, but nobody investigated that or even seemed to care.

I think the Democratic Party is heavily influenced by foreign interests, down to and including it's basic platform. If you think about it, some of the matters that they seem "anti-American" on, that explains it.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on October 06, 2018, 02:18:58 PM
If either side wins big, there will be accusations of foreign interference. (And indeed, if any foreign power if capable of interfering with the election, now would be a great time, since it'd create maximal chaos.)

When Obama ran for POTUS he received 92M in undocumented foreign contributions, but nobody investigated that or even seemed to care.

I think the Democratic Party is heavily influenced by foreign interests, down to and including it's basic platform. If you think about it, some of the matters that they seem "anti-American" on, that explains it.

Fuck off with your troll or present actual evidence.


Unlike the corrupt, crooked, GOP, Obama didn't receive money from foreign entities.

Hell, the Jill Stein's more dirty than Obama.

My desired result is for the Democrats to win the house by 1 seat or for there to be a dead tie, and for the Republicans to keep the Senate by as much as possible. That should ensure that nothing gets done, which is the best thing for the government to do. (I will get a certain sense of satisfaction if the Republicans win overwhelmingly, since I really dislike the Democrats, but the Republicans will also do plenty of harm if given the opportunity.)

My predicted result is that the Republicans will only barely retain the Senate and will lose the House by a few dozen seats. I think that both sides will be disappointed at their performance, but it will be a moderate blue wave. I sense that most people are only slightly enthusiastic about the economy, and are worried about future tariffs and especially the future of healthcare.

If either side wins big, there will be accusations of foreign interference. (And indeed, if any foreign power if capable of interfering with the election, now would be a great time, since it'd create maximal chaos.)

Gridlock + GOP looting coffers = dead economy or fascist rising. It's almost like a foreign entity wants gridlock.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on October 08, 2018, 02:02:47 PM
Trump lies at republican rally by making up bogus name of bill...  Republicans eat this shit up are they not able to use something like google?

I can't ever remember a time when a President was so actively trying to create a division in his people.  What's also curious is that it is working extremely well and the Dems have not figured out a counter to it.

The gloating over the Kavanaugh victory while it appears to play really well with the GOP base show's very little class, generally the old saying of you should act like this isn't your first time in the end zone and you've been there many times before, shows some class... There is a big difference between celebrating and gloating!

I think the GOP base is fired right up over the SC win, and are hoping RBG "retires" and Trump will get them 6-3 the next holy grail!

It looks like a pretty easy thing for the Republicans to keep the senate and hell at this point I wouldn't even be surprised if the GOP kept the house as well.  

I think the house and senate will stay Republican at this point.  8)

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: yoseph on October 08, 2018, 03:18:05 PM
It's pretty damn rare for a Presidents party to pick up house seats in the mid term....

But the Repubs and the Dems were doing all they could to down Trump, and they failed because the people voted him in.

You have to consider THEM.
The Republicans tried all that they could so as to stop Trump from becoming the Republican nominee but he got past that to win the presidency because his message was to the people directly and not to the elites. With a great economy and Peace, it seems that the Republicans are being to be in control of both houses come the midterm election.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Spendulus on October 08, 2018, 04:05:55 PM
Trump lies at republican rally by making up bogus name of bill...  Republicans eat this shit up are they not able to use something like google?

"lies about the name of a bill" ?????

I've never been under the impression that when Trump talks he is trying to get every little thing technically right. He'll exaggerate, make up pet phrases for stuff, all kinds of things. And he'll make mistakes. This is no big deal but is it lying? Gee...

Would not surprise me if the goose steppers take the House.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: InvoKing on October 08, 2018, 05:47:26 PM
I think the house and senate will stay Republican at this point.  8)

Donkeys will crush da house while elephants will break da senate. Well this isn't very important since the most important thing ever is to keep seeing the big kid making America great again like it was before 1492. Good ol' days

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: squatz1 on October 09, 2018, 02:07:25 AM
I can't ever remember a time when a President was so actively trying to create a division in his people.  What's also curious is that it is working extremely well and the Dems have not figured out a counter to it.

You must've missed the entire Presidency of Barrack Obama then..... Hehe.

The gloating over the Kavanaugh victory while it appears to play really well with the GOP base show's very little class

But attempting to ruin a man over a 35 year old sexual assault allegation is classful, right right.... We're all just happy that we were finally able to beat the whole sexual assault thing, get a conservative justice on the court, and do it all before midterms while the Democrats were trying to push it until after midterms.

I think the GOP base is fired right up over the SC win, and are hoping RBG "retires" and Trump will get them 6-3 the next holy grail!

It looks like a pretty easy thing for the Republicans to keep the senate and hell at this point I wouldn't even be surprised if the GOP kept the house as well. 

I think the house and senate will stay Republican at this point.  Cool

Ah, something we agree on. You're still a commie bastard btw.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: suchmoon on October 10, 2018, 06:34:25 PM
Voter turnout will decide the outcome. Democrats are typically absent at midterms - think of your typical lazy millennial yapping about democracy but "too busy" to exercise said democracy once every two years vs a retiree with nothing better to do.

This is something that most of the polls are very bad at predicting, even ones of "likely voters". Democrats could be +20 and still lose it if e.g. the weather is too cold on November 6, or they could be under water and still come out ahead like e.g. in Alabama last year.

The Democrat party will not quit until they are discredited for 2 generations. When you keep doubling down and losing, eventually the payment comes due, and the Democrats have built up quite a debt.

Not really. Demographic trends increasingly favor Democrats. Republicans can hold on for a while due to gerrymandering and due to the structure of the Senate and the Electoral College but it's just a matter of time until they start losing big or have to change their policies to appeal to more than ~40% of the population.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on October 10, 2018, 06:46:24 PM
Voter turnout will decide the outcome. Democrats are typically absent at midterms - think of your typical lazy millennial yapping about democracy but "too busy" to exercise said democracy once every two years vs a retiree with nothing better to do.

This is something that most of the polls are very bad at predicting, even ones of "likely voters". Democrats could be +20 and still lose it if e.g. the weather is too cold on November 6, or they could be under water and still come out ahead like e.g. in Alabama last year.

The Democrat party will not quit until they are discredited for 2 generations. When you keep doubling down and losing, eventually the payment comes due, and the Democrats have built up quite a debt.

Not really. Demographic trends increasingly favor Democrats. Republicans can hold on for a while due to gerrymandering and due to the structure of the Senate and the Electoral College but it's just a matter of time until they start losing big or have to change their policies to appeal to more than ~40% of the population.

Yet those "demographics" that used to be hard core Democrat are fleeing to the Republican side in masses. You have some nerve talking about gerrymandering when virtually every type of voter fraud is evident from the Democratic party, especially in areas they control. Please do question this I would love to give you MUCH more detail on the subject.

They are already appealing to the majority of the population, the establishment, the media, and the left in general just have too much at stake to admit it publicly. Hillary was a sure thing too, remember?

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: suchmoon on October 10, 2018, 07:55:57 PM
Yet those "demographics" that used to be hard core Democrat are fleeing to the Republican side in masses. You have some nerve talking about gerrymandering when virtually every type of voter fraud is evident from the Democratic party, especially in areas they control. Please do question this I would love to give you MUCH more detail on the subject.

They are already appealing to the majority of the population, the establishment, the media, and the left in general just have too much at stake to admit it publicly. Hillary was a sure thing too, remember?

Gerrymandering has nothing to do with voter fraud. It helps one political party to win more districts than it would in a more representative layout and on the current congressional map it overwhelmingly favors Republicans. Pennsylvania map is a good example: a ~ 50/50 state but Republicans won 12 of 18 House seats in the last election. That map has been redrawn and will likely cause Republicans to lose 2 or 3 seats this fall. North Carolina is nearly 50/50 as well and Republicans won 10 of 13 House seats. That map is still in effect for midterms but has been ruled unconstitutional so may cause Republicans to lose another 2 or 3 seats in 2020.

Hillary is not running in the midterms as far as I know. You might want to stay on topic - this board has a bona fide nazi for a moderator  ;D

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on October 10, 2018, 08:16:21 PM
Yet those "demographics" that used to be hard core Democrat are fleeing to the Republican side in masses. You have some nerve talking about gerrymandering when virtually every type of voter fraud is evident from the Democratic party, especially in areas they control. Please do question this I would love to give you MUCH more detail on the subject.

They are already appealing to the majority of the population, the establishment, the media, and the left in general just have too much at stake to admit it publicly. Hillary was a sure thing too, remember?

Gerrymandering has nothing to do with voter fraud. It helps one political party to win more districts than it would in a more representative layout and on the current congressional map it overwhelmingly favors Republicans. Pennsylvania map is a good example: a ~ 50/50 state but Republicans won 12 of 18 House seats in the last election. That map has been redrawn and will likely cause Republicans to lose 2 or 3 seats this fall. North Carolina is nearly 50/50 as well and Republicans won 10 of 13 House seats. That map is still in effect for midterms but has been ruled unconstitutional so may cause Republicans to lose another 2 or 3 seats in 2020.

Hillary is not running in the midterms as far as I know. You might want to stay on topic - this board has a bona fide nazi for a moderator  ;D

Yes, I am well aware of what gerrymandering is, thank you, the point being while somewhat detestable behavior, it at least still in a legal grey area. Furthermore you can bet your ass Democrats do it where they can manage as well.

Then on the other hand you have systemic voter fraud within the DNC, also documented disenfranchisement of their own party's true vote to try to push their establishment candidate, and they lost. All this is very much on topic, you just dislike the implications. You cry about a zit on the ass of the Republican party when the Democrats have a brain tumor big enough to push its eye out of the socket. This Kabuki theater of crybullying is failing, and unfortunately that is all that is left for them.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: OgNasty on October 10, 2018, 08:23:55 PM
Speaking strictly from a finance perspective, it's nice when there's a Republican-controlled Congress.

Stovall of S&P Capital IQ also took a look at the how the stock market does depending upon who controls Congress.
When Stovall sliced and diced the data that way since World War II, the best performance was when the nation had a Republican president with a Republican-controlled Congress.

Maybe you could add a poll to this thread?

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Spendulus on October 10, 2018, 08:25:49 PM
...Republicans can hold on for a while due to gerrymandering and due to the structure of the Senate and the Electoral College but it's just a matter of time until they start losing big or have to change their policies to appeal to more than ~40% of the population.

The Democrats change their policies to appeal to fewer and fewer, let's see how that works out.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on October 11, 2018, 02:31:28 AM
Good timing for the dems, Kavanaughs ethics complaint has been referred for judicial review by SC Chief Justice Roberts to the 10th circuit court of appeals (Merrick Garlands Court, although he recused himself rightly so when the complaints first came up).

The bubble popped, the DOW dropped off a cliff today down 800 points.

Ford Motor Co. announced Trumps tariffs have cost the company 1 billion dollars so far.

Great talking points for the dems, while the president runs around encouraging chants of "lock her up" and mocking respected senator Diane Finestein in Pennsylvania.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: suchmoon on October 11, 2018, 02:44:35 AM
Great talking points for the dems

No worries, next week Trump goes to Florida. A few strategically thrown paper towels will fix the midterms in a jiffy. And it's the Baja Alabama part of Florida so no pesky boricuas in sight.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: squatz1 on October 11, 2018, 08:24:20 PM
Good timing for the dems, Kavanaughs ethics complaint has been referred for judicial review by SC Chief Justice Roberts to the 10th circuit court of appeals (Merrick Garlands Court, although he recused himself rightly so when the complaints first came up).

The bubble popped, the DOW dropped off a cliff today down 800 points.

Ford Motor Co. announced Trumps tariffs have cost the company 1 billion dollars so far.

Great talking points for the dems, while the president runs around encouraging chants of "lock her up" and mocking respected senator Diane Finestein in Pennsylvania.

I think you have to zoom out of your lookings into the market, we're still up a gross amount since Trump took the office of the Presidency.

If we're able to recover past this drop, OR stay at this number -- we're going to see Republicans have a solid chance of fighting dems when it comes to holding the house. I call the voters that Trump needs the 401K voters (or any retirement plan for that matter) the people who are going to vote for whoever can make their retirement accounts grow, and as of right now that has been the Republicans in Congress and the Trump WH.

No worries, next week Trump goes to Florida. A few strategically thrown paper towels will fix the midterms in a jiffy. And it's the Baja Alabama part of Florida so no pesky boricuas in sight.

As a side note, this made me laugh!

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on October 11, 2018, 08:53:36 PM

I think you have to zoom out of your lookings into the market, we're still up a gross amount since Trump took the office of the Presidency.

If we're able to recover past this drop, OR stay at this number --

Trade war is going to start affecting a lot of American companies negatively this last quarter, China isn't backing down LOL.  The smart money is taking profits before the shit hits the fan.  An adviser to the Fed today predicted another recession in America by 2020 LOL and in fact mentioned that part of the reason the fed raised interest rates fairly quickly is to try and push that time out further as well as have a little cushion when it does happen to soften the blow.

While its fair to say that it may just be a correction it is also very fair to argue that this may be a signal the market is responding to Trumps reckless spending and trade war.

To be fair a 5% drop in 2 days is premature to add to rally speeches but if it gets worse the dems will talk about this right up to the MT's!

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: suchmoon on October 11, 2018, 08:58:49 PM
I think you have to zoom out of your lookings into the market, we're still up a gross amount since Trump took the office of the Presidency.

If we're able to recover past this drop, OR stay at this number -- we're going to see Republicans have a solid chance of fighting dems when it comes to holding the house. I call the voters that Trump needs the 401K voters (or any retirement plan for that matter) the people who are going to vote for whoever can make their retirement accounts grow, and as of right now that has been the Republicans in Congress and the Trump WH.

Of all the things that politicians like to take credit for, stock market - particularly after a 10-year bull run - is one of the most dangerous. A 15% correction would make those 401K voters very very angry.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: squatz1 on October 11, 2018, 10:53:04 PM
Of all the things that politicians like to take credit for, stock market - particularly after a 10-year bull run - is one of the most dangerous. A 15% correction would make those 401K voters very very angry.

Oh yeah, without a doubt. This is really going to hurt him if the market REALLY slides down and those 401k voters start to revolt. It would kill most his talking points.

Trade war is going to start affecting a lot of American companies negatively this last quarter, China isn't backing down LOL.  The smart money is taking profits before the shit hits the fan.  An adviser to the Fed today predicted another recession in America by 2020 LOL and in fact mentioned that part of the reason the fed raised interest rates fairly quickly is to try and push that time out further as well as have a little cushion when it does happen to soften the blow.

Funny quote I heard once about recessions, it makes good sense here

"Economists have predicted nine of the past five recessions"

But yes, I do think we did have to raise the interest rates so if we were to have a recession in the next 5 years or so we're able to do something (instead of just looking at a no change dead 0 percent interest rate) Smart money keeps money in HODL, if you will!!!!!

Trying to time the market is one of the worst things people can try to do. Even institutions (mutual funds) can't beat simply following the market.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: gembirdprivate on October 13, 2018, 05:14:16 AM
Well with all the political pundits among us and the Mid Terms rapidly approaching I am curious how everyone see the House and Senate races panning out.

It looks to me like the Senate will stay Red and they might just pick up a couple seats giving them some breathing room!  Looks like Hietkamp is underwater double digits so the red state might get that seat back (and shes a no on Kavanaugh which probably doesn't help her).  Manchin is another tight race where he has a small lead but his vote on the Kavanaugh nom might sway voters one way or the other.

I haven't been watching to many other senate races so feel free to tell us about any more!

The early polls had a blue house but the Kavanaugh show seems to have energized the republican base.  Will the base come down if Kavanaugh gets confirmed?  Will the base get fired up if Kavanaugh gets voted down?  The same question can be asked of the Dem base.  Do they get energized if Kavanaugh gets confirmed.  Do they cool off if he gets voted down or does Trumps antics with the Kavanaugh Circus give the dems enough energy regardless of the outcome on Kavanaugh?

It's pretty damn rare for a Presidents party to pick up house seats in the mid term, which voters are motivated enough pre and post Kavanaugh confirmation vote!

I absolutely agree that the Senate remains red, I have many friends who think so too.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Spendulus on October 14, 2018, 01:35:55 AM
Of all the things that politicians like to take credit for, stock market - particularly after a 10-year bull run - is one of the most dangerous. A 15% correction would make those 401K voters very very angry.

I'm going out on a limb and saying the House remains red.

Call it a post Kav thing.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on October 26, 2018, 12:41:06 PM
Early voting is setting records in all kinds of states.  Early voting numbers are basically the same as the 2016 presidential election....

Does that help the dems or republicans?!

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on October 26, 2018, 12:57:05 PM
Early voting is setting records in all kinds of states.  Early voting numbers are basically the same as the 2016 presidential election....

Does that help the dems or republicans?!

Traditionally early voting benefits Democrats, but every thing I have been reading is suggesting is there is potentially record turnout for Republican early voting, so we will see.

People are starting to get wise to the voter shenanigans and want to leave as little potential for fraud as possible by voting early (and more importantly first).

BTW, I will give you one last chance to put money on that "blue wave" ;)

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on October 26, 2018, 02:58:29 PM
Early voting is setting records in all kinds of states.  Early voting numbers are basically the same as the 2016 presidential election....

Does that help the dems or republicans?!

Traditionally early voting benefits Democrats, but every thing I have been reading is suggesting is there is potentially record turnout for Republican early voting, so we will see.

People are starting to get wise to the voter shenanigans and want to leave as little potential for fraud as possible by voting early (and more importantly first).

BTW, I will give you one last chance to put money on that "blue wave" ;)

Ya traditionally early and heavy turnout is a good sign for the dems in mid terms.

With the turn out so far being equal to that of a presidential year I don't think it's as good a sign for dems as it would be traditionally.  I think the early turn out isn't really going to tell us much other than people are voting LOL.

I didn't know a wager was on offer!  Define a blue wave, or IOW define the wager and I may be interested.  I'm not interested in a large wager, nothing more than .01BTC but the terms would ultimately dictate how much or if I would wager.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on October 26, 2018, 03:25:55 PM
Early voting is setting records in all kinds of states.  Early voting numbers are basically the same as the 2016 presidential election....

Does that help the dems or republicans?!

Traditionally early voting benefits Democrats, but every thing I have been reading is suggesting is there is potentially record turnout for Republican early voting, so we will see.

People are starting to get wise to the voter shenanigans and want to leave as little potential for fraud as possible by voting early (and more importantly first).

BTW, I will give you one last chance to put money on that "blue wave" ;)

Ya traditionally early and heavy turnout is a good sign for the dems in mid terms.

With the turn out so far being equal to that of a presidential year I don't think it's as good a sign for dems as it would be traditionally.  I think the early turn out isn't really going to tell us much other than people are voting LOL.

I didn't know a wager was on offer!  Define a blue wave, or IOW define the wager and I may be interested.  I'm not interested in a large wager, nothing more than .01BTC but the terms would ultimately dictate how much or if I would wager.

Lets use your own terms.

Dems are picking up 35 seats in the house dude, like it or not!!!  Even if they don't get 35 they will take control of the house!

For reference: Republicans control the U.S. House of Representatives. As of October 2018, the Republican Party was in the majority, holding 235 seats to Democrats' 193 seats, with seven seats being vacant. Democrats will have to take 228 house seats or more for you to win.

I am willing to wager the Democrats will not take 35 additional seats, or more in the house. 0.01 BTC is a reasonable amount. I am willing to leave it to either party to fulfill the wager based on trust if you are, no escrow needed. Do you accept these terms?

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on October 26, 2018, 03:43:17 PM
Early voting is setting records in all kinds of states.  Early voting numbers are basically the same as the 2016 presidential election....

Does that help the dems or republicans?!

Traditionally early voting benefits Democrats, but every thing I have been reading is suggesting is there is potentially record turnout for Republican early voting, so we will see.

People are starting to get wise to the voter shenanigans and want to leave as little potential for fraud as possible by voting early (and more importantly first).

BTW, I will give you one last chance to put money on that "blue wave" ;)

Ya traditionally early and heavy turnout is a good sign for the dems in mid terms.

With the turn out so far being equal to that of a presidential year I don't think it's as good a sign for dems as it would be traditionally.  I think the early turn out isn't really going to tell us much other than people are voting LOL.

I didn't know a wager was on offer!  Define a blue wave, or IOW define the wager and I may be interested.  I'm not interested in a large wager, nothing more than .01BTC but the terms would ultimately dictate how much or if I would wager.

Lets use your own terms.

Dems are picking up 35 seats in the house dude, like it or not!!!  Even if they don't get 35 they will take control of the house!

For reference: Republicans control the U.S. House of Representatives. As of October 2018, the Republican Party was in the majority, holding 235 seats to Democrats' 193 seats, with seven seats being vacant. Democrats will have to take 228 house seats or more for you to win.

I am willing to wager the Democrats will not take 35 additional seats, or more in the house. 0.01 BTC is a reasonable amount. I am willing to leave it to either party to fulfill the wager based on trust if you are, no escrow needed. Do you accept these terms?

I'm not sure I would wager on 35 seats tbh.  I will do +30 seats for the dems so 223 seats for dems or more I win 222 seats or less for dems you win.

No escrow needed bro, lmk if you like my change

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on October 26, 2018, 04:10:27 PM
Early voting is setting records in all kinds of states.  Early voting numbers are basically the same as the 2016 presidential election....

Does that help the dems or republicans?!

Traditionally early voting benefits Democrats, but every thing I have been reading is suggesting is there is potentially record turnout for Republican early voting, so we will see.

People are starting to get wise to the voter shenanigans and want to leave as little potential for fraud as possible by voting early (and more importantly first).

BTW, I will give you one last chance to put money on that "blue wave" ;)

Ya traditionally early and heavy turnout is a good sign for the dems in mid terms.

With the turn out so far being equal to that of a presidential year I don't think it's as good a sign for dems as it would be traditionally.  I think the early turn out isn't really going to tell us much other than people are voting LOL.

I didn't know a wager was on offer!  Define a blue wave, or IOW define the wager and I may be interested.  I'm not interested in a large wager, nothing more than .01BTC but the terms would ultimately dictate how much or if I would wager.

Lets use your own terms.

Dems are picking up 35 seats in the house dude, like it or not!!!  Even if they don't get 35 they will take control of the house!

For reference: Republicans control the U.S. House of Representatives. As of October 2018, the Republican Party was in the majority, holding 235 seats to Democrats' 193 seats, with seven seats being vacant. Democrats will have to take 228 house seats or more for you to win.

I am willing to wager the Democrats will not take 35 additional seats, or more in the house. 0.01 BTC is a reasonable amount. I am willing to leave it to either party to fulfill the wager based on trust if you are, no escrow needed. Do you accept these terms?

I'm not sure I would wager on 35 seats tbh.  I will do +30 seats for the dems so 223 seats for dems or more I win 222 seats or less for dems you win.

No escrow needed bro, lmk if you like my change

So you don't really believe what you say? Nut up and support your words with actions. Put your money where your mouth is.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on October 26, 2018, 04:21:27 PM
So you don't really believe what you say? Nut up and support your words with actions. Put your money where your mouth is.

There is a difference between what I think will happen and what I am willing to wager will happen...  Sometimes I think the Washington Generals will finally pull out a win but I wouldn't wager on it!!!!!!!

30 or I'll pass thanks.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on October 26, 2018, 04:25:41 PM
So you don't really believe what you say? Nut up and support your words with actions. Put your money where your mouth is.

There is a difference between what I think will happen and what I am willing to wager will happen...  Sometimes I think the Washington Generals will finally pull out a win but I wouldn't wager on it!!!!!!!

30 or I'll pass thanks.

I get it, you don't really believe what you say. ;)

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on October 26, 2018, 04:53:47 PM
So you don't really believe what you say? Nut up and support your words with actions. Put your money where your mouth is.

There is a difference between what I think will happen and what I am willing to wager will happen...  Sometimes I think the Washington Generals will finally pull out a win but I wouldn't wager on it!!!!!!!

30 or I'll pass thanks.

I get it, you don't really believe what you say. ;)

Oh horse shit, it's an unpredictable future event.  Just because I won't bet you on it doesn't mean I don't think it will happen, odds matter.

Give me 2 to 1 odds and I will take the 35 seat bet!!!

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on October 26, 2018, 04:59:07 PM
So you don't really believe what you say? Nut up and support your words with actions. Put your money where your mouth is.

There is a difference between what I think will happen and what I am willing to wager will happen...  Sometimes I think the Washington Generals will finally pull out a win but I wouldn't wager on it!!!!!!!

30 or I'll pass thanks.

I get it, you don't really believe what you say. ;)

Oh horse shit, it's an unpredictable future event.  Just because I won't bet you on it doesn't mean I don't think it will happen, odds matter.

Give me 2 to 1 odds and I will take the 35 seat bet!!!

Hey, you are the one that made the statement not me. All I did was call your bluff and put money down. I won't give you 2 to 1 odds, but I will raise it to 0.02 if you like ;)

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on October 26, 2018, 05:10:59 PM
So you don't really believe what you say? Nut up and support your words with actions. Put your money where your mouth is.

There is a difference between what I think will happen and what I am willing to wager will happen...  Sometimes I think the Washington Generals will finally pull out a win but I wouldn't wager on it!!!!!!!

30 or I'll pass thanks.

I get it, you don't really believe what you say. ;)

Oh horse shit, it's an unpredictable future event.  Just because I won't bet you on it doesn't mean I don't think it will happen, odds matter.

Give me 2 to 1 odds and I will take the 35 seat bet!!!

Hey, you are the one that made the statement not me. All I did was call your bluff and put money down. I won't give you 2 to 1 odds, but I will raise it to 0.02 if you like ;)

And you've claimed that the left is running in wild numbers to the right, why don't we bet on the republicans keeping control of the house?  Or don't you believe what you say??  ;)

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on October 26, 2018, 05:25:07 PM
And you've claimed that the left is running in wild numbers to the right, why don't we bet on the republicans keeping control of the house?  Or don't you believe what you say??  ;)

Being refractory is not becoming or really that clever. I never made a specific claim about it, only challenged your hubris by levying a wager.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: GreenBits on October 27, 2018, 03:10:08 AM
I would sit out any bets on the next few elections. We have never been here before. Times of great civil unrest typically portend political upheaval in ways that defy our common models. We have people yelling at kids on a field trip for speaking Spanish. And people screaming at folks just trying to eat lunch with their family. Last time shit was this real was during the civil rights movement. And we still haven't sorted that out (in fact, I would venture to say this is The Movement 2.0).

These last few years have been a clusterfuck strapped on an emotional roller coaster. Throw a rocket into all that somewhere for effect. We first saw the left react to Trumps win. Then we saw the Right react to the liberal outrage at Trump (the constant negative coverage. I'm like meh, they shit on Obama as well so I'm fine with this, but I will admit the media fucking loathes Trump, and has been riding his coattails to better ratings). What we haven't seen before is this divorce from reality, this embracing of wild conspiracy and falsehoods because they reinforce the narrative we would like to see. The parts of society that truly believed in the batshit weren't encouraged to have a voice. Social media has been a curse in this regard.

Would you be able to blame any side for their actions at this point? If the Dems get the House, they would be fools not to investigate and move to impeach. If the Repubs keep or solidify majorities, they should double down on pushing through their pro corp agenda at breakneck speed (deregulation, reduction of corporate taxes and degradation of individual civil rights). This is a rare moment in global politics that has the possibility to reshape politics as we have seen it up to this point.

If you are a true patriot, peeps, get out and vote. There are no excuses. Get off your ass. From the Proud Boys to Antifa, it doesn't matter. We will see the true consensus, the true will of the republic. But ONLY if you get the fuck up and vote.

This shit is insane. And if it hits the fan, I will ride all this mess out on my rural property until we calm the fuck down.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on October 27, 2018, 04:04:52 AM
but I will admit the media fucking loathes Trump, and has been riding his coattails to better ratings). What we haven't seen before is this divorce from reality, this embracing of wild conspiracy and falsehoods because they reinforce the narrative we would like to see. The parts of society that truly believed in the batshit weren't encouraged to have a voice. Social media has been a curse in this regard.

I don't personally consider the media calling out Trumps lies as the "media loathing Trump".  If any other POTUS lied THOUSANDS of times the media would have been "riding their coattails" as well...  I also don't consider fact checking the liar in chief as particularly antagonistic.

He literally made up a 10% tax cut on the lawn in front of Marine 1.  He promised the tax cut before the fucking mid terms, I mean this isn't a little stretch it is literally impossible as congress is on the campaign trail and not in session.

He is on tape describing his preferred method of sexual assault, he is an unnamed co-conspirator in a federal case.

Frankly speaking the fact that Trump was elected in the first place and the fact that soooooo many people believe his blatant lies is the reason why most non Americans believe that primates are more intelligent than the average red neck (MAGA bomber was a genius LOL).

I do agree that unfortunately the conspiracy losers have been a fringe group until recently when twitter/FB etc gives them a voice and Trump gives their moronic ideas credence.

At this point as a non American IMO if your countrymen aren't smart enough to check this lying racist retard with Congress and the Senate then you guys deserve everything Trump does to your country.  TBH with the turn out being up to the level of a Presidential year it could go a lot better for Republicans than the Dems might be thinking.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Quickseller on October 27, 2018, 04:27:21 AM
So you don't really believe what you say? Nut up and support your words with actions. Put your money where your mouth is.

There is a difference between what I think will happen and what I am willing to wager will happen...  Sometimes I think the Washington Generals will finally pull out a win but I wouldn't wager on it!!!!!!!

30 or I'll pass thanks.

I get it, you don't really believe what you say. ;)

Oh horse shit, it's an unpredictable future event.  Just because I won't bet you on it doesn't mean I don't think it will happen, odds matter.

Give me 2 to 1 odds and I will take the 35 seat bet!!!
You want 2 to 1 odds for something that is favorable to happen? That doesn’t sound very fair.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: GreenBits on October 27, 2018, 05:35:32 AM
but I will admit the media fucking loathes Trump, and has been riding his coattails to better ratings). What we haven't seen before is this divorce from reality, this embracing of wild conspiracy and falsehoods because they reinforce the narrative we would like to see. The parts of society that truly believed in the batshit weren't encouraged to have a voice. Social media has been a curse in this regard.

I don't personally consider the media calling out Trumps lies as the "media loathing Trump".  If any other POTUS lied THOUSANDS of times the media would have been "riding their coattails" as well...  I also don't consider fact checking the liar in chief as particularly antagonistic.

He literally made up a 10% tax cut on the lawn in front of Marine 1.  He promised the tax cut before the fucking mid terms, I mean this isn't a little stretch it is literally impossible as congress is on the campaign trail and not in session.

He is on tape describing his preferred method of sexual assault, he is an unnamed co-conspirator in a federal case.

Frankly speaking the fact that Trump was elected in the first place and the fact that soooooo many people believe his blatant lies is the reason why most non Americans believe that primates are more intelligent than the average red neck (MAGA bomber was a genius LOL).

I do agree that unfortunately the conspiracy losers have been a fringe group until recently when twitter/FB etc gives them a voice and Trump gives their moronic ideas credence.

At this point as a non American IMO if your countrymen aren't smart enough to check this lying racist retard with Congress and the Senate then you guys deserve everything Trump does to your country.  TBH with the turn out being up to the level of a Presidential year it could go a lot better for Republicans than the Dems might be thinking.

Oh, to be plain I understand the need to check the blatant falsehoods and half truths. I just think some of the shit they report on (like his weak ass hairline, or his shit diet) is tabloid fodder at best, and just a vehicle for ratings (I will admit, the outrage is refreshing. The constant gaslighting is having an effect; we are pretending like this shit is normal and I'm starting to not balk at some of the shit he says and does.

I ingest so much political rhetoric from so many places (I'm a black liberal and I read Breitbart religiously to taste the spin) that I'm kind of numb at this point. There is a 24 hour news cycle that is pretty much devoted to Trump and his antics. It creeps into my foreign publications as well.

There will always be something outrageous to report on. Trump will make sure of that. But the rest of Rome burns while we watch Nero tweet. This Cabinet has been tearing up the couches and ripping down the curtains on established policy. Gutted EPA. Rolled back workers rights. Not even gonna talk about DeVos. And if our border policy was fucked up before, well its fucking dead atm ;)

As an American, I cant call this one my international compatriot. His guys are really fired up with this Q shit, Kavanaugh, abortion rights."Democratic Mobs". Caravans of foreign invaders with a sprinkling of terrorists LMAO. It's like Christmas in July for conservatives atm, and a lot of people are willing to hold their nose in order to see a political agenda pass that wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell given Americas slow progressive creep.  On the same hand, Trump has managed to piss off the LGBTQ crowd, blacks, Muslims, women, Mexicans etc. The political angst at Trump in office, still, after all this cockamamie shit, is a powerful force to get Democratic voters to the polls. Its surreal over here politically for everyone except Trumps core.

I cant say with certainty that saner heads will prevail in this case. And if they don't, then buckle in brother. It's going to be a wild fucking ride.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on October 27, 2018, 06:08:25 AM
Its surreal over here politically for everyone except Trumps core.

Are Republicans actually stupid enough to believe Trump when he tweets that Republicans will protect pre-existing conditions and the dems will destroy it????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The Republicans had tried like 70 times to repeal the ACA, there are Republican candidates like Kemp claiming they are going to protect pre-existing conditions while his state and HIM are leading a lawsuit to have the ACA repealed.  Lying Ted is now saying he will protect pre-existing conditions when he was filibustering by reading Dr. fucking Zeus not to long ago and Texas is on the lawsuit to repeal the ACA...

It's kind of cute how Americans were sooooo against Obamacare but once they saw the actual benefit to them the last thing in the world they want right now is to get rid of it...  Go figure people like being healthier who could have imagined that?

Your whole political system is completely and utterly corrupt, I don't mean either party I mean the system as set up is flawed.

What I mean by that is your system is set up as a legalized system of bribery... When corporations and rich individuals buy politicians with large and reoccurring donations it is only logical that the politicians will make decisions that are good for their donors often regardless of the outcome to individual constituents.

If Americans would only ask themselves why were/are the Republicans so against a single pay system when its been proven around the world to work.  Not only does it actually work but it also provides universal health care at almost half the price of the American health care system.  Think about that for one second, you could have universal health care for every American citizen and spend roughly half the public health care dollars currently spent, why is no politician talking about this??  The insurance companies donate to the Republican party no matter how much better a single pay system could be they will never go for it because they will lose hundreds of millions in donations...

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: suchmoon on October 27, 2018, 04:03:52 PM
Are Republicans actually stupid enough to believe Trump when he tweets that Republicans will protect pre-existing conditions and the dems will destroy it?

I had a lengthy discussion recently with someone who works full time and runs a business on the side. Business is doing ok but the reason they don't quit their job is because the individual insurance premiums would be ~$15k a year (male, 60s). If it wasn't for those ridiculous age-based fixed-rate premiums he could quit his job, expand his business, hire a part-time employee or two.

Luckily he'll get Medicare if he can last a few more years working 100 hours a week but generally people 50+ are in a very precarious position if they want to start a business or even change jobs (small/medium employers hesitate to hire older people because they can drive their group rates up, even though such discrimination is illegal).

So that's how it works out with pre-existing condition protection in place. If that goes away you better pray you die of cancer because surviving means slow death in poverty. The economics of healthcare is totally fucked up and it will increasingly hurt small businesses and entrepreneurship, which has been the engine of growth for many decades. Which I thought Republicans used to support but I'm probably remembering wrong.

Oh and the person I talked to is voting Republican precisely because Trump said Democrats are evil and will take his Medicare away.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on October 27, 2018, 04:29:36 PM
Oh and the person I talked to is voting Republican precisely because Trump said Democrats are evil and will take his Medicare away.

So they are stupid enough to believe his fucking tweets... OMFG you guys are so fucked LOL.

Is that person not able to see the lawsuit the REPUBLICANS have currently in the courts to try to repeal the ACA pre-existing condition clause. Is he not aware of the 70 votes the republicans have taken to repeal his precious health care?

I agree that your healthcare system stifles small business, in Canada healthcare and the word pre-existing conditions don't exist as obstacles to open, run and expand a business...  Capitalism my ass!

The USA is literally the only modern western democratic country where people declare personal bankruptcy because of healthcare, yup private health care is sooooooooooo fucking awesome!!!!!!!!!

Luckily he'll get Medicare if he can last a few more years working 100 hours a week

If he's really lucky Medicare won't be slashed out of existence by the Republicans by the time he turns 65, what a great gamble for a man who spent decades paying taxes and into the system!

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: suchmoon on October 27, 2018, 06:02:12 PM
So they are stupid enough to believe his fucking tweets... OMFG you guys are so fucked LOL.

I'm not surprised by that anymore. But I'm still not able to get the part where people knowingly hurt themselves by voting for ridiculous bozos (happens on the local level too) just because "it'll will show them <insert opposing political party>". Where I live it's mostly Republicans doing this shit. So for example a school district next door cut their property taxes and closed a few elementary schools just when more young... uhm... brown families started moving into the town. I mean that wasn't the official reason but school board members and council members running for re-election are basically saying "see how crowded our schools are, we don't need more people to move here" and wouldn't admit that schools are crowded because they gifted thousands of dollars to the richest people in the district, or that new people bring in much needed taxes not just for the district but for the town too, plus business income etc.

They will be re-elected because... reasons. It's not like most people there could ever afford private schools but they'd rather have their kids in 30-student classrooms and have them bused to school 45 minutes away than agree to the "communist" concept of perhaps 25 or 20 kids per class. IIRC the cost to re-open one elementary is like $300 in property taxes per median household ($25 per month).

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on October 27, 2018, 06:15:31 PM
Trump is responsible for cancer now? Why is the government responsible for your healthcare? Every time you involve the government, things get MORE inefficient and costly, not less. Most of these regulations are to push out smaller providers and preserve monopolies, not to protect or care for you.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on October 27, 2018, 06:23:47 PM
Trump is responsible for cancer now? Why is the government responsible for your healthcare? Every time you involve the government, things get MORE inefficient and costly, not less.

I know facts are hard for you to understand but empirical data shows that the US government spends more tax dollars on less health care than the rest of the world with UHC.  Or IOW In Canada our government run universal health care is approximately twice as efficient as your private system on simple economic terms and that is BEFORE counting the fucking coverage inequality, in which the Canadian government run system provides full healthcare while the American system is lets just say less than complete.

Your private system is literally one of the most  inefficient healthcare systems in the civilized world....  And empirically less efficient than almost all forms of UHC...

Facts matter

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: suchmoon on October 27, 2018, 07:26:11 PM
Trump is responsible for cancer now? Why is the government responsible for your healthcare? Every time you involve the government, things get MORE inefficient and costly, not less. Most of these regulations are to push out smaller providers and preserve monopolies, not to protect or care for you.

That's absolutely false. Like FHF, I've lived in countries that have proper healthcare systems and the US system is by far the most fucked up of all developed countries. It is inefficient and costly in large part because not a single component of it (doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, insurers, equipment manufacturers, drug manufacturers) has any incentive for prevention or anything other than selling their products and services to you. Prevention means less profit. Sick people means more profit. Monopolies are thriving, see EpiPen.

There are many other issues too, like insurance companies and related bureaucracy inflating the costs for no added benefit. Lack of transparency - you won't even know how much it's gonna cost until you get the bill, so "shopping around" is impossible. Medicare is by law prevented from negotiating drug prices so it must be based on "market" price, with predictable results - drug companies hike prices up for everyone so that they could milk the federal government.

Healthcare spending is inelastic so traditional demand-supply mechanisms don't work well and require some government intervention unless we want people developing serious conditions due to lack of preventative care and then dying when they can't afford the treatment. Most countries have figured that out decades ago. Even the US figured it out at least with regards to seniors (Medicare, flawed as it may be), veterans (VA), and low income people (Medicaid). Now it just needs to get the rest of the population into the 20th century.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on October 27, 2018, 09:36:55 PM
I never said our current healthcare system was perfect. However if you can afford it, its great. As stated, in its current form it is incredibly inefficient. The problem though is this country has been implementing Socialist type policies for some time now, along with all kinds of red tape and excessive regulations that make things SO DIFFICULT for doctors, they are just quitting in droves. BTW, this was well underway while Obama was still in office, so no knee jerk "MORE PROOF ORANGEMAN BAD" here please.

The policies you are advocating are the cause of the issues, not the solution.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: suchmoon on October 28, 2018, 12:20:53 AM
I never said our current healthcare system was perfect. However if you can afford it, its great. As stated, in its current form it is incredibly inefficient. The problem though is this country has been implementing Socialist type policies for some time now, along with all kinds of red tape and excessive regulations that make things SO DIFFICULT for doctors, they are just quitting in droves. BTW, this was well underway while Obama was still in office, so no knee jerk "MORE PROOF ORANGEMAN BAD" here please.

The policies you are advocating are the cause of the issues, not the solution.

And those who can't afford it?

Market is not going to solve the issues. If that was possible we wouldn't be spending 18% of GDP on healthcare for 90% of the population while other countries cover 100% with half that. We can continue arguing about it for 50 more years but eventually "socialist" policies - such as tax-funded full coverage and price controls - will be implemented.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on October 28, 2018, 12:34:46 AM
I never said our current healthcare system was perfect. However if you can afford it, its great. As stated, in its current form it is incredibly inefficient. The problem though is this country has been implementing Socialist type policies for some time now, along with all kinds of red tape and excessive regulations that make things SO DIFFICULT for doctors, they are just quitting in droves. BTW, this was well underway while Obama was still in office, so no knee jerk "MORE PROOF ORANGEMAN BAD" here please.

The policies you are advocating are the cause of the issues, not the solution.

And those who can't afford it?

Market is not going to solve the issues. If that was possible we wouldn't be spending 18% of GDP on healthcare for 90% of the population while other countries cover 100% with half that. We can continue arguing about it for 50 more years but eventually "socialist" policies - such as tax-funded full coverage and price controls - will be implemented.

The majority of Americans were against the ACA (which is hardly socialist) but now that they have had it for a few years the majority of Americans love it...  Americans love it SO MUCH that the Republicans are now campaigning on keeping it while filing a lawsuit to repeal it LOL.

Turns out when people have healthcare they end up liking it, kind of unbelievable but somehow it's true!

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Spendulus on October 28, 2018, 06:45:43 PM
Turns out when people have healthcare they end up liking it, kind of unbelievable but somehow it's true!

Ain't all that free shit nice?

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: dogtana on October 28, 2018, 06:59:49 PM
I never said our current healthcare system was perfect. However if you can afford it, its great. As stated, in its current form it is incredibly inefficient. The problem though is this country has been implementing Socialist type policies for some time now, along with all kinds of red tape and excessive regulations that make things SO DIFFICULT for doctors, they are just quitting in droves. BTW, this was well underway while Obama was still in office, so no knee jerk "MORE PROOF ORANGEMAN BAD" here please.

The policies you are advocating are the cause of the issues, not the solution.

And those who can't afford it?

Market is not going to solve the issues. If that was possible we wouldn't be spending 18% of GDP on healthcare for 90% of the population while other countries cover 100% with half that. We can continue arguing about it for 50 more years but eventually "socialist" policies - such as tax-funded full coverage and price controls - will be implemented.

The majority of Americans were against the ACA (which is hardly socialist) but now that they have had it for a few years the majority of Americans love it...  Americans love it SO MUCH that the Republicans are now campaigning on keeping it while filing a lawsuit to repeal it LOL.

Turns out when people have healthcare they end up liking it, kind of unbelievable but somehow it's true!

I don't understand the American obsession with communism and socialism (no, they are not one and the same). It is almost like seeing ghosts. They hardly exist anymore. The wellfare or social state systems are not the same as socialism. And not even the wellfare state is required to be able to have afordable health care. This is 2018.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on October 28, 2018, 07:35:22 PM
Turns out when people have healthcare they end up liking it, kind of unbelievable but somehow it's true!

Ain't all that free shit nice?

huh I guess the American citizens covered by the ACA never pay taxes...  Do you like all those free roads you use or any other litany of services the government provides for "free".

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Spendulus on October 28, 2018, 07:44:45 PM
Turns out when people have healthcare they end up liking it, kind of unbelievable but somehow it's true!

Ain't all that free shit nice?

huh I guess the American citizens covered by the ACA never pay taxes...  Do you like all those free roads you use or any other litany of services the government provides for "free".

Your knowledge of the current state of ACA is one of blissful ignorance, but then I recall once having an in depth discussion with a Canadian doc about the socialized medicine in Canada, and realized I didn't know anything about it. Suffice to say that if, for example, pharmaceutical companies were an extremely powerful lobby in the halls of power of a country, one could expect any law passed which dished out money to really, really favor them. That's the case in the USA, but not in many other countries in which that lobby is not such a force.

It should then be easy to understand (But I find it hard to forget the depths of stupid) that what works in one country may be predicted accurately to be a total fail in another.

Fortunately, though, you don't have to know any of the details. The lying liars will tell you what to think and believe, and what to repeat, and you can just follow their lead.

Or not.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: dogtana on October 28, 2018, 07:49:44 PM
Turns out when people have healthcare they end up liking it, kind of unbelievable but somehow it's true!

Ain't all that free shit nice?

There is also that free wall. Must feel nice.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on October 28, 2018, 08:14:53 PM
Suffice to say that if, for example, pharmaceutical companies were an extremely powerful lobby in the halls of power of a country, one could expect any law passed which dished out money to really, really favor them. That's the case in the USA, but not in many other countries in which that lobby is not such a force.

Ya most democratic countries have figured out allowing politicians to be bought publicly is a bit of a problem LOL.  

So what your saying is that the lobby groups have to much power because they already bought BOTH political parties??  You mean politicians might make decisions that favour their corporate donors over their constituents?  Some countries consider this legalized public bribery and have a lot of laws to make sure politicians aren't publicly bought off LOL.  

I wonder when the American citizens will figure this out and take all their assault rifles to congress and demand the corrupt government be made to actually work for them instead of against them...

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Spendulus on October 28, 2018, 10:01:47 PM
Suffice to say that if, for example, pharmaceutical companies were an extremely powerful lobby in the halls of power of a country, one could expect any law passed which dished out money to really, really favor them. That's the case in the USA, but not in many other countries in which that lobby is not such a force.

Ya most democratic countries have figured out allowing politicians to be bought publicly is a bit of a problem LOL.  

So what your saying is that the lobby groups have to much power because they already bought BOTH political parties??  ....
I wonder when the American citizens will figure this out and take all their assault rifles to congress ...

Yes it is both parties down here.

It's really a bit funny but that's how Trump got voted in, and that's why the Republicans hated him as much as the Democrats did (still do).

I used the example of "big Pharma" but it's far more pervasive than that. It's not just health care, but that was the subject of discussion.

And yea, that's why we need a 2nd Amendment right. Kind of weird and crazy and true all at the same time.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on November 03, 2018, 04:10:34 PM
Blue tsunami in 3 days!! Dems are gonna pick up 40 seats in the house haha!

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on November 03, 2018, 05:49:23 PM
Blue tsunami in 3 days!! Dems are gonna pick up 40 seats in the house haha!

Its 40 seats now? You wouldn't even take a bet for 35 seats.... you are either extremely delusional or don't believe what you are saying and just hypebeasting desperately hoping it will help xD

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: bones261 on November 03, 2018, 06:29:49 PM
If the democrats don't take back the house, I am going to take efforts to persuade my partner to stop watching CNN, MSNBC and all of the political talk shows on Sunday morning. (I will probably fail.) I'm absolutely sick of these news outlets using polls to show a "win" is around the corner, and then the only polls that really matter (the vote) does the exact opposite. Quite frankly, I think a consultation with a magic eight ball is more reliable than these polls the mass media uses.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on November 03, 2018, 09:06:23 PM
Blue tsunami in 3 days!! Dems are gonna pick up 40 seats in the house haha!

Its 40 seats now? You wouldn't even take a bet for 35 seats.... you are either extremely delusional or don't believe what you are saying and just hypebeasting desperately hoping it will help xD

Hey twat I can not predict something that hasn't happened yet.  I know that the right has the ability to predict the future but since the left hasn't achieved this higher level of being I am left to make some guesses like the rest of the mere mortals here!

Unlike you I can change my prediction based on new information.  Only a simpleton looks at new data and say my old prediction is always correct.  It happens in this case I think its more likely they will gain more seats, I could have revised my prediction down but since Trump has gone full retard in the last few days I think that would be a silly guess.

Perhaps you could tell us exactly how it will end since I am so stupid for making my guess.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Spendulus on November 03, 2018, 10:38:11 PM
...I could have revised my prediction down but since Trump has gone full retard in the last few days I think that would be a silly guess.

Perhaps you could tell us exactly how it will end since I am so stupid for making my guess.

Darn he's bitch slapped you guys yet agin!

Going full retard to get all those low IQ voters riled up and going to vote!

Look at those deplorables! They poring out of all their holes in the ground and looking for cheap beer and voting booths!

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on November 04, 2018, 10:51:37 PM
Poor lying Ted, he lost to Trump and Trump damaged him. Even though Cruz has been cupping Trumps balls pretty hard for the MT's he's in fight that should have been a walk in the park.

Beto is a rock star in Texas right now LOL he's the kind of populous candidate that just might be able to hand Cruz his ass!

Beto's rallies are reportedly huge I think this is maybe the most interesting Senate race this year.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on November 04, 2018, 11:16:10 PM
Poor lying Ted, he lost to Trump and Trump damaged him. Even though Cruz has been cupping Trumps balls pretty hard for the MT's he's in fight that should have been a walk in the park.

Beto is a rock star in Texas right now LOL he's the kind of populous candidate that just might be able to hand Cruz his ass!

Beto's rallies are reportedly huge I think this is maybe the most interesting Senate race this year.

You know, I might have more respect for your opinions on US politics if you had the slightest fucking clue what you were talking about. Beto is a clear loser, not even a debate over it.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on November 04, 2018, 11:35:29 PM
Poor lying Ted, he lost to Trump and Trump damaged him. Even though Cruz has been cupping Trumps balls pretty hard for the MT's he's in fight that should have been a walk in the park.

Beto is a rock star in Texas right now LOL he's the kind of populous candidate that just might be able to hand Cruz his ass!

Beto's rallies are reportedly huge I think this is maybe the most interesting Senate race this year.

You know, I might have more respect for your opinions on US politics if you had the slightest fucking clue what you were talking about. Beto is a clear loser, not even a debate over it.

Will you renounce your statement when Beto crushes Cruz in the election, or is this your same 'left wing false flag op' belief as before? Will you actually accept reality once the event is past? Or will you just yell 'cheater!!!'?

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on November 04, 2018, 11:54:28 PM
Poor lying Ted, he lost to Trump and Trump damaged him. Even though Cruz has been cupping Trumps balls pretty hard for the MT's he's in fight that should have been a walk in the park.

Beto is a rock star in Texas right now LOL he's the kind of populous candidate that just might be able to hand Cruz his ass!

Beto's rallies are reportedly huge I think this is maybe the most interesting Senate race this year.

You know, I might have more respect for your opinions on US politics if you had the slightest fucking clue what you were talking about. Beto is a clear loser, not even a debate over it.

Will you renounce your statement when Beto crushes Cruz in the election, or is this your same 'left wing false flag op' belief as before? Will you actually accept reality once the event is past? Or will you just yell 'cheater!!!'?

Not a chance before, especially not now:

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Spendulus on November 05, 2018, 12:07:20 AM
Will you renounce your statement when Beto crushes Cruz in the election, or is this your same 'left wing false flag op' belief as before? Will you actually accept reality once the event is past? Or will you just yell 'cheater!!!'?

We shall see how Beto boy makes out.

You know he's Irish, and about to be worth 20Billion, right?

Your friends in the media aren't talking about that, are they?

...Beto is a rock star in Texas right now LOL he's the kind of populous candidate that just might be able to hand Cruz his ass!

Beto's rallies are reportedly huge I think this is maybe the most interesting Senate race this year.

You know, I might have more respect for your opinions on US politics if you had the slightest fucking clue what you were talking about. Beto is a clear loser, not even a debate over it.

Beto has a charismatic approach. The the fat old white guys in the back room that run the US Dems shelled out > 20 million to push him against Cruz.

He's a good little puppet so I expect them to keep playing him.

And of course everyone's going to overlook his fucked up past. Because, shut up.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: suchmoon on November 05, 2018, 03:34:13 AM
How about this midterm swamp monster:

The URL itself already tells you how corrupt this dude is. He's overseeing his own election. And now he's investigating his opponent.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on November 05, 2018, 12:48:22 PM
How about this midterm swamp monster:

The URL itself already tells you how corrupt this dude is. He's overseeing his own election. And now he's investigating his opponent.

Sounds like some one else we know... something to do with e-mails.. I don't remember.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on November 05, 2018, 01:12:34 PM
How about this midterm swamp monster:

The URL itself already tells you how corrupt this dude is. He's overseeing his own election. And now he's investigating his opponent.

He's also had 2 very recent rulings against his sos office in voter suppression cases.  

I will assume since the right values innocent until proven guilty that the Dems are completely innocent because they deny it and of course the investigation is a witch hunt because it has been denied.

Kemp stopped running the add of him in his big bad truck that he was ready to round up illegals in and drive them back his own self!

Beto 2020 hehe!

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: suchmoon on November 05, 2018, 04:11:13 PM
Sounds like some one else we know... something to do with e-mails.. I don't remember.

You forgot to mention Benghazi and THE CARAVAN.

He's also had 2 very recent rulings against his sos office in voter suppression cases. 

I will assume since the right values innocent until proven guilty that the Dems are completely innocent because they deny it and of course the investigation is a witch hunt because it has been denied.

It looks like one of the lawsuits involved security issues:

The State’s posture in this litigation – and some of the testimony and
evidence presented – indicated that the Defendants and State election officials had
buried their heads in the sand. This is particularly so in their dealing with the
ramifications of the major data breach and vulnerability at the Center for Election
Services, which contracted with the Secretary of State’s Office, as well as the
erasure of the Center’s server database and a host of serious security vulnerabilities
permitted by their outdated software and system operations

And more recently someone alerted about a specific vulnerability in voter registrations:

But why fix the system when you can investigate the Democrats.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Spendulus on November 05, 2018, 04:28:25 PM
How about this midterm swamp monster:

The URL itself already tells you how corrupt this dude is. He's overseeing his own election. And now he's investigating his opponent.

He's also had 2 very recent rulings against his sos office in voter suppression cases.  

I will assume since the right values innocent until proven guilty that the Dems are completely innocent ....

Sure, let's assume Kemp is innocent of your slanders, and the Dems are innocent too. Let's also assume a Republican nominee for Supreme Court....

By the way, how WOULD a SOS run for another office under the laws of a particular state without overseeing his own election? I assume that since you've complained about that, you have determined that the current action is improper under the Alabama state law, and are prepared to explain what the right method is?

Quote from: bluefirecorp_ on November 04, 2018, 06:35:29 PM
Will you renounce your statement when Beto crushes Cruz....

You referring to that 20 billion dollar Beto bad boy?

The bad boy whose campaign staff has been caught sending campaign money illegally down to the Caravan?

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: suchmoon on November 06, 2018, 05:36:28 AM
By the way, how WOULD a SOS run for another office under the laws of a particular state without overseeing his own election? I assume that since you've complained about that, you have determined that the current action is improper under the Alabama state law, and are prepared to explain what the right method is?

What does this have to do with Alabama? You might want to start reading what you're commenting on unless your goal is to make yourself look like a moron, in which case - well done.

Kemp could have resigned, which is quite normal for people seeking higher office. It's probably not illegal to not do so but it's also quite appropriate to criticize for obvious conflict of interest.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on November 06, 2018, 01:34:25 PM
By the way, how WOULD a SOS run for another office under the laws of a particular state without overseeing his own election? I assume that since you've complained about that, you have determined that the current action is improper under the Alabama state law, and are prepared to explain what the right method is?

What does this have to do with Alabama? You might want to start reading what you're commenting on unless your goal is to make yourself look like a moron, in which case - well done.

Trump issued an executive order moving Georgia to Alabama lol  ;)

Republicans do you have your life boats ready, don't want you all getting wet when the blue wave comes in!

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on November 06, 2018, 03:13:13 PM
By the way, how WOULD a SOS run for another office under the laws of a particular state without overseeing his own election? I assume that since you've complained about that, you have determined that the current action is improper under the Alabama state law, and are prepared to explain what the right method is?

What does this have to do with Alabama? You might want to start reading what you're commenting on unless your goal is to make yourself look like a moron, in which case - well done.

Trump issued an executive order moving Georgia to Alabama lol  ;)

Republicans do you have your life boats ready, don't want you all getting wet when the blue wave comes in!

Wanna bet on it? ;)

I look forward to at least a few days of you hiding with your tail between your legs trying to avoid discussing how wrong you were. Or maybe you can just move the whole midterms to the reputation section.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: dogtana on November 06, 2018, 03:50:49 PM
I am not overly optimistic about the result.

I just hope people will go and VOTE! That is the most important thing of all. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Spendulus on November 06, 2018, 04:09:49 PM
I am not overly optimistic about the result.

I just hope people will go and VOTE! That is the most important thing of all. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Staying home is also a vote.

By the way, how WOULD a SOS run for another office under the laws of a particular state without overseeing his own election? I assume that since you've complained about that, you have determined that the current action is improper under the Alabama state law, and are prepared to explain what the right method is?

What does this have to do with Alabama? You might want to start reading what you're commenting on unless your goal is to make yourself look like a moron, in which case - well done.

Kemp could have resigned, which is quite normal for people seeking higher office. It's probably not illegal to not do so but it's also quite appropriate to criticize for obvious conflict of interest.

My mistake, your mis direction.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on November 09, 2018, 01:14:18 PM
Well it was a big blue wave!

Trump handed the dems their biggest win since Watergate, they picked up 31 seats so far and could be 37!  Arizona and Florida senate seats are still very much up for grabs, so Republicans may only gain 1 seat in the senate with an extremely favourable senate election map.

I can't wait for the 2020 "vulnerable" Republicans to start to distance themselves from the POTUS!

A lot of Republican politicians won't want to follow Trump over the cliff LOL.

When the investigations start rolling out, Trump spends 2 more years humiliating himself in public and the election maps start to favour dems the Republicans are going to get decimated in 2020!

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: suchmoon on November 09, 2018, 01:54:41 PM
Well it was a big blue wave!

Trump handed the dems their biggest win since Watergate, they picked up 31 seats so far and could be 37!  Arizona and Florida senate seats are still very much up for grabs, so Republicans may only gain 1 seat in the senate with an extremely favourable senate election map.

I can't wait for the 2020 "vulnerable" Republicans to start to distance themselves from the POTUS!

A lot of Republican politicians won't want to follow Trump over the cliff LOL.

When the investigations start rolling out, Trump spends 2 more years humiliating himself in public and the election maps start to favour dems the Republicans are going to get decimated in 2020!

Democrats also gained 7 governors and made gains (flipped or split or broke supermajorities) in about a dozen state legislatures. Gained 3 or 4 state AGs.

The fact that Democrats came out to vote (thanks mostly to Trump) made the difference. They consistently outnumber Republicans just rarely vote in midterms. Indeed a "tremendous success" for Trump but not quite for the Republicans.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on November 09, 2018, 09:41:33 PM
Well it was a big blue wave!

Trump handed the dems their biggest win since Watergate, they picked up 31 seats so far and could be 37!  Arizona and Florida senate seats are still very much up for grabs, so Republicans may only gain 1 seat in the senate with an extremely favourable senate election map.

I can't wait for the 2020 "vulnerable" Republicans to start to distance themselves from the POTUS!

A lot of Republican politicians won't want to follow Trump over the cliff LOL.

When the investigations start rolling out, Trump spends 2 more years humiliating himself in public and the election maps start to favour dems the Republicans are going to get decimated in 2020!

Democrats also gained 7 governors and made gains (flipped or split or broke supermajorities) in about a dozen state legislatures. Gained 3 or 4 state AGs.

The fact that Democrats came out to vote (thanks mostly to Trump) made the difference. They consistently outnumber Republicans just rarely vote in midterms. Indeed a "tremendous success" for Trump but not quite for the Republicans.


"Average result, since 1970, for President’s Party in midterm when job approval is below 50% - 33 seat loss"

Seats gained? 33

Congrats Democrats, you get a C. Maybe a C+ if you do the extra credit. The blue wave star sticker goes to people who get A's.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: suchmoon on November 09, 2018, 10:00:24 PM

"Average result, since 1970, for President’s Party in midterm when job approval is below 50% - 33 seat loss"

Average flipped seats when approval is below 45%: 23

See you can pick any made-up criteria to make it look as bad as you want to.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on November 09, 2018, 10:04:10 PM

"Average result, since 1970, for President’s Party in midterm when job approval is below 50% - 33 seat loss"

Average flipped seats when approval is below 45%: 23

See you can pick any made-up criteria to make it look as bad as you want to.

A+ for the Dems then.  :o

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on November 09, 2018, 10:28:51 PM

"Average result, since 1970, for President’s Party in midterm when job approval is below 50% - 33 seat loss"

Average flipped seats when approval is below 45%: 23

See you can pick any made-up criteria to make it look as bad as you want to.

I hope the Republicans never get tired of winning like this!  These are the kinds of "wins" that will help make the republican party more and more irrelevant!

The dems picked up the most house seats in an election since watergate, some how the dems best showing in 40 years is a republican win, only the conspiracy morons here and in the WH could spin that kind of horseshit!

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: suchmoon on November 09, 2018, 11:51:47 PM
I hope the Republicans never get tired of winning like this!  These are the kinds of "wins" that will help make the republican party more and more irrelevant!

The dems picked up the most house seats in an election since watergate, some how the dems best showing in 40 years is a republican win, only the conspiracy morons here and in the WH could spin that kind of horseshit!

You're just jealous of the most expensive healthcare in the world and the 10x gun murder rate and the stable genius POTUS.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Quickseller on November 10, 2018, 06:16:51 AM

The dems picked up the most house seats in an election since watergate, some how the dems best showing in 40 years is a republican win, only the conspiracy morons here and in the WH could spin that kind of horseshit!
I think you forgot about 2010 when republicans picked up 65+ house and senate seats.

The number of house seats picked up by Democrats was about average as the party who doesn’t control the White House picks up in the first midterm election. This is with Democrats vastly outstanding republicans (with much of the money coming from out of state, that Democrats hate so much that they gladly solicit and spend).

Also many of the picked up seats were by moderate Democrats.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on November 10, 2018, 01:00:11 PM

The dems picked up the most house seats in an election since watergate, some how the dems best showing in 40 years is a republican win, only the conspiracy morons here and in the WH could spin that kind of horseshit!
I think you forgot about 2010 when republicans picked up 65+ house and senate seats.

The number of house seats picked up by Democrats was about average as the party who doesn’t control the White House picks up in the first

I didn't forget about shit you just didn't read properly...

The DEMOCRATS picked up more house seats in the 2018 MT's then they have since watergate.  My statements was comparing only democrat wins in elections.  The statement is factually correct.

Well it was a big blue wave!

Trump handed the dems their biggest win since Watergate, they picked up 31 seats so far and could be 37!  

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on November 10, 2018, 01:00:51 PM


"Average result, since 1970, for President’s Party in midterm when job approval is below 50% - 33 seat loss"

Average flipped seats when approval is below 45%: 23

See you can pick any made-up criteria to make it look as bad as you want to.

I see! So is the turn out for Republicans more impressive or less impressive if you use lower approval rating? lol. Good job arguing against yourself and understanding simple addition and subtraction.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: suchmoon on November 10, 2018, 01:45:48 PM
I see! So is the turn out for Republicans more impressive or less impressive if you use lower approval rating? lol. Good job arguing against yourself and understanding simple addition and subtraction.

What are you babbling about? Turnout was relatively high for both parties but Democrats outvoted Republicans by ~5 million. Trump's immigration hysteria backfired bigly. So much effort for 1 or 2 Senate seats and losses everywhere else. Or as you call it - impressive.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on November 10, 2018, 03:14:02 PM
I see! So is the turn out for Republicans more impressive or less impressive if you use lower approval rating? lol. Good job arguing against yourself and understanding simple addition and subtraction.

What are you babbling about? Turnout was relatively high for both parties but Democrats outvoted Republicans by ~5 million. Trump's immigration hysteria backfired bigly. So much effort for 1 or 2 Senate seats and losses everywhere else. Or as you call it - impressive.

Ok, sit down Timmy and I will explain it for you in simple words.

Orange man bad right? Ok so orange man, have approval under 45% yes?

Which is harder for orange man to keep more seats than past times of keeping seats, if orange man have 45% approval or 50% approval?

lower approval than what I stated with average results = even more impressive for Republicans (IE not an argument in support of your point)

At this point if you don't know how to add and subtract I am not sure I can help you any more than this.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: suchmoon on November 10, 2018, 05:53:22 PM
lower approval than what I stated with average results = even more impressive for Republicans (IE not an argument in support of your point)

I don't see how it's "impressive" that Republicans are failing to support their President, or failing to elect someone who would have a slightly wider appeal, whichever way you want to look at it. Low approval rating is the result of this failure, not the cause of it.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on November 10, 2018, 06:32:32 PM
lower approval than what I stated with average results = even more impressive for Republicans (IE not an argument in support of your point)

I don't see how it's "impressive" that Republicans are failing to support their President, or failing to elect someone who would have a slightly wider appeal, whichever way you want to look at it. Low approval rating is the result of this failure, not the cause of it.

I am very sorry your reading comprehension is so poor.

I say "Hey! This approval rating has this average rate of loss, and the Democrats did just that number" (a
you reply (unsourced I might add) saying essentially "Yeah but, if his approval rating were LOWER he would have lost less seats!"

It is "more impressive" because the example showed an approval rating HIGHER than Trump had, and the average was 33 seats

Trumps ACTUAL approval rating at the time of election was actually about 10 points lower, 40%... meaning that in spite of having an approval rating LOWER than used in the average calculation, he still maintained the same number of seats as in the average... meaning that the Dems actually had less than average gains for an incumbent with his approval ratings.

If you don't see the issue with your logic here by now, my explaining is not going to make anything better for you.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Spendulus on November 10, 2018, 07:44:06 PM
lower approval than what I stated with average results = even more impressive for Republicans (IE not an argument in support of your point)

I don't see how it's "impressive" that Republicans are failing to support their President, or failing to elect someone who would have a slightly wider appeal, whichever way you want to look at it. Low approval rating is the result of this failure, not the cause of it.

A presidential election year finds a lot of people voting straight party ticket, so many Congressmen and some Senators, up for election at that same time, find themselves  surprisingly in office only because they were in the winning POTUS's party. This is partly corrected in the mid terms.

Nine of the eleven candidates that Trump campaigned for won.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: suchmoon on November 11, 2018, 01:12:08 AM
I say "Hey! This approval rating has this average rate of loss, and the Democrats did just that number" (a
you reply (unsourced I might add) saying essentially "Yeah but, if his approval rating were LOWER he would have lost less seats!"

I took the numbers from the same article you linked to. I didn't say he would have lost less seats. It's just the average from past elections.

It is "more impressive" because the example showed an approval rating HIGHER than Trump had, and the average was 33 seats

Trumps ACTUAL approval rating at the time of election was actually about 10 points lower, 40%... meaning that in spite of having an approval rating LOWER than used in the average calculation, he still maintained the same number of seats as in the average... meaning that the Dems actually had less than average gains for an incumbent with his approval ratings.

Which doesn't make any sense because there is no linear correlation "lower rating -> more lost seats". Again, from the same article the two elections where the President's rating was 40% or less had losses of 12 and 30 seats, or 21 on average. Trump lost 35-37. So which is it - Trump is worse at presidenting than Obama and Dubya, or this rating-to-seats criteria is meaningless? I'm leaning towards both.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on November 11, 2018, 01:30:05 AM
I say "Hey! This approval rating has this average rate of loss, and the Democrats did just that number" (a
you reply (unsourced I might add) saying essentially "Yeah but, if his approval rating were LOWER he would have lost less seats!"

I took the numbers from the same article you linked to. I didn't say he would have lost less seats. It's just the average from past elections.

It is "more impressive" because the example showed an approval rating HIGHER than Trump had, and the average was 33 seats

Trumps ACTUAL approval rating at the time of election was actually about 10 points lower, 40%... meaning that in spite of having an approval rating LOWER than used in the average calculation, he still maintained the same number of seats as in the average... meaning that the Dems actually had less than average gains for an incumbent with his approval ratings.

Which doesn't make any sense because there is no linear correlation "lower rating -> more lost seats". Again, from the same article the two elections where the President's rating was 40% or less had losses of 12 and 30 seats, or 21 on average. Trump lost 35-37. So which is it - Trump is worse at presidenting than Obama and Dubya, or this rating-to-seats criteria is meaningless? I'm leaning towards both.

Its fine. You keep pretending like you never had any fault in logic here. That is pretty much all the left can do at this point. Fake it till you make it.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Wayan_Pedjeng on November 11, 2018, 09:32:43 AM
I see! So is the turn out for Republicans more impressive or less impressive if you use lower approval rating? lol. Good job arguing against yourself and understanding simple addition and subtraction.

What are you babbling about? Turnout was relatively high for both parties but Democrats outvoted Republicans by ~5 million. Trump's immigration hysteria backfired bigly. So much effort for 1 or 2 Senate seats and losses everywhere else. Or as you call it - impressive.

You can't interpret the elections by counting the total number of votes, because a lot of Republican voters who live in deep blue states such as California and New York don't go out to vote (because even if they do, their votes won't matter). On the other hand, relatively fewer people live in the deep red states such as W.Va or Wyoming and so the Democrats don't face this issue.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: suchmoon on November 11, 2018, 05:01:16 PM
You can't interpret the elections by counting the total number of votes, because a lot of Republican voters who live in deep blue states such as California and New York don't go out to vote (because even if they do, their votes won't matter). On the other hand, relatively fewer people live in the deep red states such as W.Va or Wyoming and so the Democrats don't face this issue.

Congressional districts are based on population so aside from gerrymandering (which tends to favor Republicans so Democrats need to have ~ +5% for parity) the total number of votes is a reasonable measure for the House elections. There are red districts in California and there are blue districts in Texas.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Spendulus on November 12, 2018, 12:02:28 AM

Which doesn't make any sense because there is no linear correlation "lower rating -> more lost seats". Again, from the same article the two elections where the President's rating was 40% or less had losses of 12 and 30 seats, or 21 on average. Trump lost 35-37. So which is it - Trump is worse at presidenting than Obama and Dubya, or this rating-to-seats criteria is meaningless? I'm leaning towards both.

Rush Limbaugh said Wednesday the biggest losers in the midterm elections were Republicans who believed a “blue wave” was coming and distanced themselves — literally and figuratively — from President Trump.
Mr. Limbaugh said the political takeaway from Tuesday night was that “all of these RINO or old-fashioned establishment Republicans who just couldn’t stand Trump” miscalculated by retiring or attacking Mr. Trump on the campaign trail.
“The most House seats ever lost by a president’s party in power was Obama in 2010,” Mr. Limbaugh said. “He lost 63. Next was Bill Clinton in 1994. He lost 52. … So it was not a blue wave, especially when you go over to the Senate. … I mean, nine out of 11 people the president personally stumped for won.”
Mr. Limbaugh said that Republicans would have kept the House if dozens of skittish lawmakers had not retired.
“These moderate RINO Never Trumper Republicans bought in to a gigantic scam that the media and the Democrats ran on this blue wave business,” he said in addition to playing a media montage of such rhetoric. “They bought it hook, line and sinker. They thought there’s no chance, Trump is hated and despised, we’re getting out. And so they did. And when you lose 45 incumbents, don’t care who they are, because 98 percent of incumbents win reelection in the House, 98 percent. When 40 to 45 of your sitting Republicans get out of there, that presents another challenge, because those are open seats, become brand-new candidates on both sides. Incumbency is lost as a benefit.
“[Democrats] lost huge in the Senate,” the host continued. “What happened in the Senate last night is bigger than anybody knows right now because the Republicans that did retire and are gone were anti-Trump Republicans: Corker, Flake, McCain. They’re gone. They’re replaced by people who owe their futures to Donald Trump. Every Republican who retired is now realizing they could have won. … The Republican Party still doesn’t get it. They still haven’t figured it out. They’re still listening to the wrong people! They’re listening to the media.”

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: eddie13 on November 12, 2018, 01:44:51 AM
If you don't see the issue with your logic here by now, my explaining is not going to make anything better for you.

Quote from: satoshi on July 28, 2010
If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.

With people displaying such outlandish beliefs, I rarely find it productive to argue with them.. Logic doesn't work very often at all..
They usually just repeat the same slander no matter how solid your counterargument is..

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: suchmoon on November 12, 2018, 01:48:56 AM
And when you lose 45 incumbents, don’t care who they are, because 98 percent of incumbents win reelection in the House, 98 percent. When 40 to 45 of your sitting Republicans get out of there, that presents another challenge, because those are open seats, become brand-new candidates on both sides. Incumbency is lost as a benefit.

How many of those open seats did Democrats win?

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on November 13, 2018, 03:44:58 AM
Right now:

51/47+2 for senate, which is pretty damned close to even control.

I wonder if that'll flip more seats after more Georgia vote suppression investigation. They did just find like 30k ballots from what I read.

Holy shit, that's a lot of blue. Republicans flipped like 3 house seats... the rest of them flipped blue. Craziness.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on November 13, 2018, 03:50:26 AM
Right now:

51/47+2 for senate, which is pretty damned close to even control.

I wonder if that'll flip more seats after more Georgia vote suppression investigation. They did just find like 30k ballots from what I read.

LOL. "found" 30k ballots. Nothing to see here folks, move along.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Spendulus on November 13, 2018, 06:06:57 PM
Right now:

51/47+2 for senate, which is pretty damned close to even control.

I wonder if that'll flip more seats after more Georgia vote suppression investigation. They did just find like 30k ballots from what I read.

LOL. "found" 30k ballots. Nothing to see here folks, move along.
I can see a way to stop that 100% with a blockchain.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on November 13, 2018, 07:04:53 PM
Between 35 and 39 seat pick, Flakes old seat in AZ flipped to Sinema blue wave getting bigger everyday.

I think the Republicans are right there is massive electoral fraud in Florida and when the Republicans end up winning both contested seats they should be called null and void!

Scott: "I r winning, MASSIVE FRAUD..."

Guess I should have bet that moron earlier in the thread, oh well republican tears are still yummy!  :P

I guess this is one of the 20% when I'm not insane eh boss?  ;D

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: suchmoon on November 13, 2018, 07:42:21 PM
Scott: "I r winning, MASSIVE FRAUD..."

TBH I don't get this. The recount is unlikely to change anything and the ridiculous deadline is probably going to prevent two bluest counties from completing it anyway. He'd look much smarter if he would just shut up and let the process work because in 6 years he's likely to be on the other side whining for a recount.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on November 13, 2018, 07:58:31 PM

Federal judge finds Georgia county violated Civil Rights Act by rejecting ballots


Tuesday's ruling was handed down a day after a different federal judge ordered state election officials to preserve and count provisional ballots filed for the governor's race. That judge also ruled that Georgia election officials cannot certify the election until Friday at 5 p.m.


Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Wayan_Pedjeng on November 15, 2018, 03:40:27 PM
LOL. "found" 30k ballots. Nothing to see here folks, move along.

10 years ago... there was a senate election in the state of Minnesota. Norm Coleman was the candidate of the GOP and Al Franken represented the Dems. After the counting was completed, Coleman had a 3,500 vote lead over Franken. But then mysteriously, thousands of ballots were "found" from places like rubbish bins and landfills. And even more mysteriously, all of these ballots were marked for Franken. The Democrat officials famously said: "We will count the votes again and again until Franken wins". And in the end Franken won by some 300 votes.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Spendulus on November 15, 2018, 03:56:31 PM
LOL. "found" 30k ballots. Nothing to see here folks, move along.

10 years ago... The Democrat officials famously said: "We will count the votes again and again until Franken wins". And in the end Franken won by some 300 votes.

This is what they do and how they do it. Over and over.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on November 15, 2018, 04:21:16 PM
No one even commented on the illegal voting via email?

Funny that it was mostly republican votes via email.

It'd be nice if we had a fancy cryptographically secure voting system for electronic voting, but sadly, we don't yet.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on November 15, 2018, 05:33:19 PM

Federal judge finds Georgia county violated Civil Rights Act by rejecting ballots


Tuesday's ruling was handed down a day after a different federal judge ordered state election officials to preserve and count provisional ballots filed for the governor's race. That judge also ruled that Georgia election officials cannot certify the election until Friday at 5 p.m.


Yep, those damn Republican scamsters! letting 150 total people vote by email because the area was crushed by a hurricane, selfish bastard. Clearly those 150 votes are all fraud and will make the difference. The thousands and thousands of ballots they just keep "finding" are perfectly legitimate though.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on November 15, 2018, 05:37:55 PM
Yep, those damn Republican scamsters! letting 150 total people vote by email because the area was crushed by a hurricane, selfish bastard. Clearly those 150 votes are all fraud and will make the difference. The thousands and thousands of ballots they just keep "finding" are perfectly legitimate though.

If only they had a provisional ballot system in the event of a natural disaster, oh wait, they do.

But I'm glad we agree those email votes are fraud and illegal.  :D

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Wayan_Pedjeng on November 17, 2018, 07:16:03 AM
Now it is almost certain that the senate composition will be 53 for GOP and 47 for Democrats, which represents a gain of two seats for the GOP. Now this is very significant, as I am sure that within the next 12 to 18 months, there will be at least one more vacancy in the SCOTUS. Ginsburg is not looking exceptionally healthy and she may retire very soon.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: suchmoon on November 17, 2018, 02:03:20 PM
The thousands and thousands of ballots they just keep "finding" are perfectly legitimate though.

Two-term Republican Rep. Mia Love, R-Utah, is winning the 4th Congressional District for the first time since Election Day after an updated vote count in Utah County pushed her narrowly over Democratic challenger and Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams.

Love is currently ahead by 419 votes, reversing Thursday’s 1,002-vote lead for McAdams, who has spent the past week in Washington going to House orientation meetings and appearing in the freshman class photo with new lawmakers from across the country.

I'd like our resident conspiracy-theorists to explain this one. Are these votes they keep "finding" 10 days after the election still legitimate or not?

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on November 17, 2018, 07:56:25 PM
The thousands and thousands of ballots they just keep "finding" are perfectly legitimate though.

Two-term Republican Rep. Mia Love, R-Utah, is winning the 4th Congressional District for the first time since Election Day after an updated vote count in Utah County pushed her narrowly over Democratic challenger and Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams.

Love is currently ahead by 419 votes, reversing Thursday’s 1,002-vote lead for McAdams, who has spent the past week in Washington going to House orientation meetings and appearing in the freshman class photo with new lawmakers from across the country.

I'd like our resident conspiracy-theorists to explain this one. Are these votes they keep "finding" 10 days after the election still legitimate or not?

I don't know, was it a recount or were the ballots just "found". I don't see a single mention of thousands mysterious ballots being "found" in this case. If there are any reports of that I would love to hear it.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Spendulus on November 17, 2018, 10:48:53 PM
I don't know, was it a recount or were the ballots just "found". I don't see a single mention of thousands mysterious ballots being "found" in this case. If there are any reports of that I would love to hear it.

Also would be wise to look at whether or not the counties involved have a history of questionable behavior, right?

Broward County in Florida is pretty much the laughing stock of the world.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on November 27, 2018, 01:24:01 AM
39 seats and counting, dems won the popular vote by almost 9 millions votes LOLOLOLOL.

The stupid cunts up thread were right it wasn't a blue wave.  It was more of a fucking Blue Tsunami.  I enjoyed how they were so confident my prediction of +35-40 seats was stupid.  Huh I guess one of us was able to make an almost perfect prediction!

I'm glad no one interrupted the republicans while they made mistake after mistake after mistake, it gave the dems win after win after win hahahaha.

Trump keeps making his base smaller and smaller, his scorched earth approach could be extremely dangerous for the republican party for a generation or more...  Look at all the districts that were red for generations that flipped (I'm looking at you orange county hehe)

Trumps Tariffs are starting to hit hard in the states Trump won, if those tariffs drag on it will not be a good thing for Trump.  The senate map for 2020 is really bad for the GOP and Trump is driving suburban voters to the democrats daily.  The government is going to get nothing done for the next two years and Trump will get blamed for it by all but his uneducated base.

The blue wave only gets bigger in 2020 if Trump is the GOP candidate.  I'm still not sure Trump will survive Mueller LMFAO to make it to 2020.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: suchmoon on November 27, 2018, 01:36:40 AM
I don't know, was it a recount or were the ballots just "found". I don't see a single mention of thousands mysterious ballots being "found" in this case. If there are any reports of that I would love to hear it.

Also would be wise to look at whether or not the counties involved have a history of questionable behavior, right?

Broward County in Florida is pretty much the laughing stock of the world.

Woops, false alarm:

Two-term Republican Rep. Mia Love called Democratic challenger Ben McAdams on Saturday to concede in Utah’s close 4th Congressional District race.

So no conspiracy here :)

Tomorrow's gonna be interesting though:

As Donald Trump prepares to travel to Mississippi for two rallies ahead of Tuesday’s runoff Senate election, the Republican candidate has come under new pressure over reports of involvement with Confederate imagery and history.

It's likely that Mississippi will elect a Confederate Senator LOL...

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on November 27, 2018, 07:00:25 AM
39 seats and counting, dems won the popular vote by almost 9 millions votes LOLOLOLOL.

The stupid cunts up thread were right it wasn't a blue wave.  It was more of a fucking Blue Tsunami.  I enjoyed how they were so confident my prediction of +35-40 seats was stupid.  Huh I guess one of us was able to make an almost perfect prediction!

I'm glad no one interrupted the republicans while they made mistake after mistake after mistake, it gave the dems win after win after win hahahaha.

Trump keeps making his base smaller and smaller, his scorched earth approach could be extremely dangerous for the republican party for a generation or more...  Look at all the districts that were red for generations that flipped (I'm looking at you orange county hehe)

Trumps Tariffs are starting to hit hard in the states Trump won, if those tariffs drag on it will not be a good thing for Trump.  The senate map for 2020 is really bad for the GOP and Trump is driving suburban voters to the democrats daily.  The government is going to get nothing done for the next two years and Trump will get blamed for it by all but his uneducated base.

The blue wave only gets bigger in 2020 if Trump is the GOP candidate.  I'm still not sure Trump will survive Mueller LMFAO to make it to 2020.

Do you ever get tired of insulting people just because they don't agree with you? Seems like you are more driven by anger and arrogance than truth and what is good for the people. No one called your prediction stupid but you, I offered you a bet at the numbers you claimed were possible and you pussed out because YOU were the one not confident of your predictions, and you say things you don't actually believe.

You have fun jerking each other off while it lasts, this year is going to painful for dems full of hubris. You keep on celebrating your win while we box you in ;) The dems were HANDED the house to give them just enough rope to hang themselves with. Trump's base is not getting smaller, if anything it is growing because of people like you acting like lunatics. This is just wishful thinking on your part. Hey maybe you can find a few thousand more ballots and can change that? Even if you did get control again, you know what you have to look forward to? Civil war as a direct result of your willingness to delegitimize the vote of the people in Donald Trump from day one with zero evidence to back up the claims. I guess delegitimizing the government is only ok when you disagree with them right? That won't back fire at all!  

The terriffs are working, and China is the one paying he highest price. You seem quite excited over the prospect that the government is going to fail to get anything done. Again that brings us back to your motivation of anger and arrogance. You are gonna be real surprised when Muller is done. Have fun making yourself even more of a joke jerking off in public until then.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on November 27, 2018, 01:26:07 PM
You keep on celebrating your win while we box you in ;) The dems were HANDED the house to give them just enough rope to hang themselves with.

Probably would have been a better idea for the gop to keep the house instead of giving it away.  Oh well who am I to interrupt an opponent when they make a mistake.  ;)  

Even if you did get control again, you know what you have to look forward to? Civil war as a direct result of your willingness to delegitimize the vote of the people in Donald Trump from day one with zero evidence to back up the claims.

Wait you mean an actual civil war like with guns and shit? LOL and I'm the lunatic OMFG.

You seem quite excited over the prospect that the government is going to fail to get anything done. Again that brings us back to your motivation of anger and arrogance.

I am actually excited by the fact that the pussy grabbers administration wont be able to force through any MORE bad legislature, good thing your system has such checks and balances IMO...

Trump now has a 60% disapproval rating LOL it's a historical low!  2020 here we come, I wonder who will be the GOP candidate (oh well that's for another thread).

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: suchmoon on November 27, 2018, 01:37:55 PM
Do you ever get tired of insulting people just because they don't agree with you?

I literally LOLed at this pot. Such astounding lack of self-awareness demonstrated by TECSHARE here was a big part of the reason GOP lost so much.

8.8 million votes will be hard to overcome in 2020, even with the help of the Electoral College.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on November 27, 2018, 10:32:51 PM
Do you ever get tired of insulting people just because they don't agree with you?

I literally LOLed at this pot. Such astounding lack of self-awareness demonstrated by TECSHARE here was a big part of the reason GOP lost so much.

8.8 million votes will be hard to overcome in 2020, even with the help of the Electoral College.

Trump's base is not getting smaller, if anything it is growing because of people like you acting like lunatics. This is just wishful thinking on your part. Hey maybe you can find a few thousand more ballots and can change that?

Almost 9 million more people voted democrat than republican but somehow Trumps base is increasing, lack of self awareness while Trump scorches the GOP is going to fuck the party for a generation to come!

Thanks Trump, I wonder if we can increase Trumps base to +12 million dem votes in 2020.  Trumps white racist base is shrinking FAST the suburbs abandoned him in record numbers.

Trump did manage to build a wall so at least he sorta kept a campaign promise.  The problem is he built a great big blue wall that is gonna help keep him out of the WH in 2020 IF he even makes it that long!

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on November 28, 2018, 09:10:49 AM
Do you ever get tired of insulting people just because they don't agree with you?
I literally LOLed at this pot. Such astounding lack of self-awareness demonstrated by TECSHARE here was a big part of the reason GOP lost so much.

8.8 million votes will be hard to overcome in 2020, even with the help of the Electoral College.

Funny how Democrats always rely on refractory comments like a crutch. You know what that tells me? The conservatives are winning, and the left knows it, otherwise they wouldn't be trying to emulate our words and tactics ;)

We all know which party is the default party of lack of awareness, let alone self awareness. Well see how many of those thousands of mysterious ballots just "found" out of nowhere will show up in 2020 ;) I predict a lot less. Especially after the prosecutions for voter fraud from the mid-terms are filed. Like you said, never interrupt your opponent when they are making a mistake...

You keep on celebrating your win while we box you in ;) The dems were HANDED the house to give them just enough rope to hang themselves with.

Probably would have been a better idea for the gop to keep the house instead of giving it away.  Oh well who am I to interrupt an opponent when they make a mistake.  ;)  

Even if you did get control again, you know what you have to look forward to? Civil war as a direct result of your willingness to delegitimize the vote of the people in Donald Trump from day one with zero evidence to back up the claims.

Wait you mean an actual civil war like with guns and shit? LOL and I'm the lunatic OMFG.

You seem quite excited over the prospect that the government is going to fail to get anything done. Again that brings us back to your motivation of anger and arrogance.

I am actually excited by the fact that the pussy grabbers administration wont be able to force through any MORE bad legislature, good thing your system has such checks and balances IMO...

Trump now has a 60% disapproval rating LOL it's a historical low!  2020 here we come, I wonder who will be the GOP candidate (oh well that's for another thread).

My system? Oh right you don't even live here but claim some kind of authority and knowledge over the goings on here. I am not advocating civil war, but when a country votes for a president, a lie about Russia being behind him is sold, and the people who sold it then take power, what do you think is going to happen? Trump didn't delegitimize the government, the Democrats did because they insisted on not accepting the results of the election and essentially declaring the government illegitimate while pushing narratives of revolution and violence in resistance. You have fun LAARPing while you can, the real civil war will not be this much fun for you, even up in canukistan.

Yeah, polls are never bias. Like those polls saying Hillary was going to win with a 90% or more odds. Also this wasn't a presidential election, so you keep dreaming.

That is the difference between the left and the right. The left can only think 1 step ahead at most. The Democrats were HANDED the house by having several criminally complicit RINOs step down, leaving many would be solidly held Republican districts up for grabs unopposed. Congrats, you can win when no one else is running against you ;)

Why do this you might ask? Well let me tell you! This is to set the stage for 2020, as well as make sure that even when Trump is finally out of office, he will take a bunch of the criminal cartel within our government out before then. The idea is give the Democrats incentives to commit voter fraud, document it, and then wrap up all complicit parties nice and tight, freeing up 2020 for a nice election relatively free of fraud. You keep counting those chickens before they hatch. I am sure it will all work out.

This scenario also helps keep all the insane mobs on the left from flipping out by easing them into the idea they lost power so they simply don't just start the civil war themselves out of a tantrum over the fact people didn't vote the way they wanted.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: suchmoon on December 02, 2018, 03:04:36 AM
Here is one of those districts where the Republicans are trying very hard to hand the victory over to Democrats. Or maybe they're just cheating. Can't tell.

In seven of the eight counties in the 9th District, for example, McCready won a lopsided majority of the mailed-in absentee ballots. But not in Bladen County. There, Republican Mark Harris won 61 percent even though registered Republicans accounted for only 19 percent of the county’s accepted absentee ballots.

Unaffiliated voters accounted for 39 percent. Bitzer said Harris’ margin “could potentially come from all those unaffiliated voters.”

“But to have each and every one of those unaffiliated voters vote Republican, that’s pretty astonishing,” he added. “If that’s the case, there’s a very concerted effort to use that method to one candidate’s advantage. . . . But at that level there’s something else beyond a concerted effort that could be at work.”

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on December 02, 2018, 11:54:25 AM
Here is one of those districts where the Republicans are trying very hard to hand the victory over to Democrats. Or maybe they're just cheating. Can't tell.

In seven of the eight counties in the 9th District, for example, McCready won a lopsided majority of the mailed-in absentee ballots. But not in Bladen County. There, Republican Mark Harris won 61 percent even though registered Republicans accounted for only 19 percent of the county’s accepted absentee ballots.

Unaffiliated voters accounted for 39 percent. Bitzer said Harris’ margin “could potentially come from all those unaffiliated voters.”

“But to have each and every one of those unaffiliated voters vote Republican, that’s pretty astonishing,” he added. “If that’s the case, there’s a very concerted effort to use that method to one candidate’s advantage. . . . But at that level there’s something else beyond a concerted effort that could be at work.”

If you bothered reading what I posted, you would know they already got what they wanted.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: suchmoon on December 02, 2018, 03:10:27 PM
If you bothered reading what I posted, you would know they already got what they wanted.

So why are Republicans cheating in one inconsequential district in NC? Doesn't align with your grand plan of honeypotting Democrats into voter fraud if Republicans are the ones committing voter fraud.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: TECSHARE on December 02, 2018, 09:17:39 PM
If you bothered reading what I posted, you would know they already got what they wanted.

So why are Republicans cheating in one inconsequential district in NC? Doesn't align with your grand plan of honeypotting Democrats into voter fraud if Republicans are the ones committing voter fraud.

And it doesn't align with your grand plan if aliens really control humanity. What the fuck is your point? What makes you think they are cheating? You are basically saying if I am wrong I will be wrong. Good show.

Title: Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!?
Post by: suchmoon on December 06, 2018, 04:21:56 PM
What makes you think they are cheating?

The link that I posted makes me think that. If you don't want to click it - search "NC 9th district". State elections board has not certified the results due to an ongoing investigation. The Republican candidate is leading by ~900 votes but there is evidence that unsealed absentee ballots were being illegally collected and altered/destroyed by members of his campaign.