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Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Hydrogen on May 22, 2022, 10:45:39 PM

Title: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Hydrogen on May 22, 2022, 10:45:39 PM
Food supplies are being rocked by Russia's invasion of the 'breadbasket of Europe'

The world has just 10 weeks' worth of wheat stockpiled after Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine disrupted supplies from the "breadbasket of Europe".

The UN has been warned that global wheat inventories have fallen to their lowest level since 2008 as food supplies are rocked by a “one-in-a-generation occurrence”.

Official government estimates put world wheat inventories at 33pc of annual consumption, but stocks may have slumped to as low as 20pc, according to agricultural data firm Gro Intelligence. It estimates that there are only 10 weeks of global wheat supply left in stockpiles.

Russia and Ukraine account for around a quarter of the world’s wheat exports and the West fears Mr Putin is trying to weaponise food supplies. Russia is on track for a strong wheat harvest this year, cementing Mr Putin’s control over the staple grain as bad weather spoils production in Europe and the US.

Gro Intelligence chief executive Sara Menker warned global food supplies are being hit by a number of “extraordinary” challenges, including fertiliser shortages, climate disruptions and record low inventories of cooking oils and grains.

She told the UN’s Security Council: “Without substantial immediate and aggressive coordinated global actions, we stand the risk of an extraordinary amount of both human suffering and economic damage.

“This isn’t cyclical, this is seismic. It’s a once-in-a-generation occurrence that can dramatically reshape the geopolitical era.”

The war has disrupted agricultural production in the region and sent global food prices soaring to a record high, stoking fears of unrest in developing countries. The crisis in wheat has been worsened by India, the world’s second largest producer, banning exports of the cereal and higher costs for farmers from fertiliser, feed and fuel.

Western officials also fear the Russian president is deliberately trying to damage global food supplies by destroying equipment and stealing grain in Ukraine.

Earlier this week, Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey warned of “apocalyptic” food price rises as Ukraine struggles to export products.

“Ukraine does have food in store but it can’t get it out at the moment,” he told MPs on the Treasury Committee.

“That is a major worry. It is not just a major worry for this country, it is a major worry for the developing world.”

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Thursday that Mr Putin is “using food as a weapon”.

“The food supply for millions of Ukrainians and millions more around the world has quite literally been held hostage.”

He added: “Some 20m tons of grain sit unused in Ukrainian silos as global food supply dwindle (and) prices skyrocket.”

Meanwhile, the Kremlin is tightening its grip on wheat supplies after a stronger harvest. Carlos Mera, head of agri commodities research at Rabobank, said mild conditions in Russia – which accounts for about a fifth of global wheat exports – had put it on track to produce 84.9m metric tonnes of the staple grain this year.

Conditions for Western growers have been poor due to dry conditions.

America’s southern plains region, as the bottom of the "Wheat Belt" that runs through the middle of the country, has been experiencing sustained drought conditions.

In a report earlier this month, the US Department of Agriculture forecast a major decline in wheat stocks, saying they will drop 6pc to a nine-year low of 16.8 million tonnes by the end of 2022/23.


This may explain why russia launched missiles at odesa. To disrupt wheat exportation.

I'm not certain what proportion of european diets are derived from wheat sources. This seems as if it might be bad news.

We have had claims of "apocalyptic" food prices for awhile now. While naysayers claim it will not affect 1st world countries.

If food growers adopted a crypto token which was backed by food commodities and guaranteed a static exchange rate for a set number of tomatos, potatos, per token.

That could be a good format for future food emergencies.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: AmoreJaz on May 22, 2022, 11:26:29 PM
for sure, these countries which are relying on ukraine's wheat will always find alternative sources like from china, india, US and other top wheat exporters. or look for wheat alternatives. i don't think they will wait for ukraine's supply just to go on with their lives. they know this situation is about to happen as the war is not yet ending. so high likely that they are already looking for other exporters. it is not the end of the world yet. so as long as we live, there's hope to find these alternative sources. and the reason why 1st world countries won't be affected by this situation is because there are other sources for wheat, maybe, if ukraine is the sole supplier but it is not.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: jackg on May 22, 2022, 11:45:29 PM
I think if wheat becomes too expensive there are a lot of other types of grains that can be used to replace it that can be produced elsewhere or are already produced in abundance such as oat, barley and rice (these can be milled).

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: romero121 on May 22, 2022, 11:50:27 PM
Looking for an alternate is the only choice than just thinking of the prevailing situation in Ukraine. The war have made a big impact in the world's economy. Initially it was oil and now the same is happening with food shortage. At this situation Ukraine itself experience shortage. It looks like the history is getting repeated. During the year 2008 the world faced a massive economic crisis and slowly everything got recovered. Once again everything have affected for some reason. This could've been avoided if countries have made proper storage for the produced wheat.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: ajochems on May 22, 2022, 11:57:25 PM
People from all over the world suffering for the war impacts. The war of Ukraine and Russia was not end even after ten week was not a good news. By the gas price increase in the market, everything had increased. Which mainly include the food items, which directly reflected by the gas price increased. Still Ukraine getting financial help from all over the world, but the issue is the war not end yet.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Moneyprism on May 23, 2022, 02:33:29 AM
this is a problem for my country which imports more than 99% of wheat from abroad..our government is looking for a way so the mills can get a supply of wheat and can continue to operate

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: _act_ on May 23, 2022, 07:43:18 AM
I have not consumed wheat for some months now, although it is sold in my country. If I can do without wheat and many people that I know can do without wheat when there are alternatives, then the countries that lacks wheat import can do without wheat.

What I just see is that wheat will still be available but its supply will reduce which would make its price to increase. What I am mostly concerned about is for this not to result in other food price increase but which is very likely.

We hope the war in Ukraine stops as soon as possible so that everything will become back to normal.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Don Pedro Dinero on May 23, 2022, 07:56:13 AM
I have not consumed wheat for some months now, although it is sold in my country. If I can do without wheat and many people that I know can do without wheat when there are alternatives, then the countries that lacks wheat import can do without wheat.

What I just see is that wheat will still be available but its supply will reduce which would make its price to increase. What I am mostly concerned about is for this not to result in other food price increase but which is very likely.

Yes, I don't mind not eating bread or pasta for a while, the problem is that the animals are fed with wheat feed, so the price of meat is going to go up more than we are noticing, although the rise so far has been largely due to the rise in energy prices.

I think that at some point this will have to stabilise, because people have limited money, and if prices don't stop rising, in the end those who produce will not be able to sell because people won't be able to pay. We are now in a scenario of escalating prices that seems to have no end, but at some point it will come.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: bakasabo on May 23, 2022, 08:36:48 AM
Amazing how a war in not biggest and leading country lead to an economical crisis. Amazing how war tactics did not improve in centuries. As in the past armies used exhaustion tactics to conquer castles and countries, as same happens now.

We have increased food prices. Later we will have what - a wheat war? In 21st century? Slowly turning into barbarians... What is going to be after supplies of wheat comes to an end? Which next recourse will be on the brink of extinction?

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: on May 23, 2022, 09:00:04 AM
Amazing how a war in not biggest and leading country lead to an economical crisis. Amazing how war tactics did not improve in centuries. As in the past armies used exhaustion tactics to conquer castles and countries, as same happens now.

We have increased food prices. Later we will have what - a wheat war? In 21st century? Slowly turning into barbarians... What is going to be after supplies of wheat comes to an end? Which next recourse will be on the brink of extinction?
These are the unwanted fruits of globalization. Relations between different countries are so intricately intertwined that a local conflict can lead to disproportionate global consequences. And the global shortage of some important product by just a few percent can lead to a multiple explosive increase in prices in an industry that is highly dependent on this product in the production chain. So the threat of a shortage of wheat and sunflower oil can provoke a massive food crisis, and for example, a reduction in the supply of purified neon can cause a global crisis in the semiconductor industry. There is nothing to say about oil and gas.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Lucius on May 23, 2022, 09:05:38 AM
I also read that news a few days ago, but I wonder how much truth there is in it, and how much it is about journalistic exaggeration and placing sensational headlines. It is undeniable that some countries are heavily dependent on wheat imports from Ukraine and Russia, and that Russia is using the lever to blackmail the world to lift some sanctions, but developments suggest the US and other countries will not allow the blockade of Ukrainian ports to continue indefinitely.

Ukraine has been asking for a long time, and it seems that the delivery of anti-ship missiles has finally been approved, which will mean a turning point in the war at sea. In the event that Ukraine receives such weapons, all Russian ships would be fully exposed and would have to withdraw or be destroyed. The only question is how long Russia will try to achieve some of its goals in this way, but it will certainly not last long - the unblocking of Black Sea ports will happen with the military defeat of the Black Sea Fleet or Russia's withdrawal before that.

WASHINGTON, May 19 (Reuters) - The White House is working to put advanced anti-ship missiles in the hands of Ukrainian fighters to help defeat Russia's naval blockade, officials said, amid concerns more powerful weapons that could sink Russian warships would intensify the conflict. Bryan Clark, a naval expert at the Hudson Institute, said 12 to 24 anti-ship missiles like the Harpoon with ranges over 100 km would be enough to threaten Russian ships and could convince Moscow to lift the blockade. "If Putin persists, Ukraine could take out the largest Russian ships, since they have nowhere to hide in the Black Sea," Clark said.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: hatshepsut93 on May 23, 2022, 09:33:54 AM
Ukraine has been asking for a long time, and it seems that the delivery of anti-ship missiles has finally been approved, which will mean a turning point in the war at sea. In the event that Ukraine receives such weapons, all Russian ships would be fully exposed and would have to withdraw or be destroyed. The only question is how long Russia will try to achieve some of its goals in this way, but it will certainly not last long - the unblocking of Black Sea ports will happen with the military defeat of the Black Sea Fleet or Russia's withdrawal before that.

I don't think it's realistic to expect de-blockade of Ukraine's sea ports via military means - Russia has capabilities to blockade the Black Sea not just by ships, but also by submarines, coastal defense systems, airpower. The only thing that can realistically shift the balance is a NATO intervention in the Black Sea, which we know is never going to happen.

What is going to happen is transportation of Ukrainian wheat via railroads. End of story.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Ucy on May 23, 2022, 10:32:44 AM
Well, I doubt President Putin is responsible for this. The whole thing was like a big brother Russia trying to correct her neighbor she seems to care about but busy bodies came and mess thing up.  
Always remember this is beyond Russia, and even if she decides to withdraw from Ukraine it won't be possible until the task has been completed without too much issues. If Russia deliberately errs she will definitely be punished but from what I have seen so far, she is more favoured by our CREATOR than busy bodies and others. The positive things happening there recently are not coincidence.

*Anyone moving against Russia when she is doing what is right will reap what they sow

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Mauser on May 23, 2022, 10:44:13 AM
So far I didn't notice any panic buyers yet. Usually in my country people become crazy once the news spread that goods will run out. During the corona pandemic people where fighting for toilet paper. Maybe 10 weeks is enough to find alternative, but I would still expect for some people to stick up heavily on wheat. Given the sanctions the West has on Russia, I don't think they will lift their blockade of Ukrainian wheat exports. The question is now what kind of alternatives there are. The planting and harvesting process can't just be created overnight in a new country, it takes time. Maybe Asian countries could increase their Rice production and we start switching from wheat to rice. In the end this means food prices will rise even more.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: davis196 on May 23, 2022, 11:26:31 AM
If food growers adopted a crypto token which was backed by food commodities and guaranteed a static exchange rate for a set number of tomatos, potatos, per token.

That could be a good format for future food emergencies.

A crypto token backed by potatoes, tomatoes or even wheat cannot make those foods more abundant and less scarce.
Food prices will be going up, there's no way around this. Fertilizers are getting more expensive, wheat is really important for the livestock industry, which means that meat and milk will also become expensive.
The only way to survive is to:
1.Eat less.(kinda works if you are overweight and want to lose some weight).This isn't as crazy as it seems. The vast majority of the people are eating lots of junk food, which has very low nutritional value. You could eat way less and still feel completely full.
2.Have your own garden, or a piece of land and grow your own fruits and vegetables.

The situation is bad for the countries, that are relying on Ukrainian wheat, but they will have to import wheat from somewhere else(at a higher price).

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Sithara007 on May 23, 2022, 11:39:40 AM
This may explain why russia launched missiles at odesa. To disrupt wheat exportation.

Russia destroyed the bridge over Dniester estuary in order to stop the transport of NATO-supplied weapons. I don't think that it has anything to do with wheat exports. And it was the Ukrainian Navy who planted mines near the Odessa port, in order to prevent any landing attempts from the Russians. Odessa and Mykolayiv remains the only major ports controlled by Ukraine, after their loss of Mariupol and Berdyansk. And Mykolayiv is very close to the frontline and it can't be used. If Odessa port can't be used to transport wheat, then the only option left is to transport it through rail or road.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Fortify on May 23, 2022, 05:19:15 PM
This may explain why russia launched missiles at odesa. To disrupt wheat exportation.

I'm not certain what proportion of european diets are derived from wheat sources. This seems as if it might be bad news.

We have had claims of "apocalyptic" food prices for awhile now. While naysayers claim it will not affect 1st world countries.

If food growers adopted a crypto token which was backed by food commodities and guaranteed a static exchange rate for a set number of tomatos, potatos, per token.

That could be a good format for future food emergencies.

Well.. Russia clearly would want to take the whole Ukrainian coastline if they could, hell - they want the whole of Ukraine right now but are paying a high price for this war. These are secondary effects of the war and are very unlikely to be the main reasoning behind it, especially with all the extra bad will that it brings Russia around the world as they are going to be the major cause of mass starvation. It'd make more sense for profiteering from oil and gas at high prices rather than causing disruption to food supplies. I've said it before, but Europeans are going to be among the last people badly effected by this scenario compared to most of the world, sure prices will rise but the remaining wheat will be sold it the countries that can pay the most for it and Europe is richer compared to most of the world.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Zlantann on May 23, 2022, 06:37:57 PM
When this invasion started my concern was the lives and properties that would be wasted in Ukraine. I and my entire family wished we could do much to save the Ukrainian from suffering and pain. But as this invasion progressed I began to feel sorry for myself, family and countrymen too. Inflation caused by high cost of food and fuel is now ravaging my country. Companies are laying-off workers because of high cost of production. Crime rate has increased drastically because of unemployment and my nation if not checked is moving towards economic catastrophe. Recently the  Head of African Development Bank (AfDB)  ( warned that the Russian invasion of Ukraine would lead to wheat and fertilizer crisis in Africa that would drive the prices of some important food such as Maize and other grains to 60% price increase.  

This may explain why russia launched missiles at odesa. To disrupt wheat exportation.
That's true, it is a calculated war strategy. This war was planned for years and food blockage is one of Putin's war strategy. Kremlin used the same war strategy in Aleppo, Syria when they assisted government forces to cut off over 300,000 Syrians from food supplies. The seizing of the coastal cities of Kherson, Mariupol and Odesa was an intentional act to cause world food crisis. This was why Putin was not scared about sanctions because he knew that food and energy blockage would force NATO and its allies to review their sanctions. Recently Moscow has said that sanctions on Russia would have to be reviewed  ( if it were to act on the UN appeal to open access to Ukraine’s Black Sea ports so that grain could be exported. But I am sure these inhuman strategies would not last for long because the world would gradually adjust to living without Russian supplies.  

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Flexystar on May 23, 2022, 06:46:48 PM
Not sure if this is worrying thing because world is big, so many counties are out there who farm wheat and can get opportunity to export from their lands. If time comes then definitely those countries who are not in export business will have this opportunity and they should start doing business like this.

Moreover, if the shortage is so prominent then they will start searching for alternatives right from this date. That management is always there back of the mind of government and management team. Hope so these things do not escalate to the war situation.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: fiulpro on May 23, 2022, 06:51:51 PM
It is not only essential to have an alternative but its also a necessity right now, with China hoarding all the food that they can buy it's clear that they do know that the war is not ending that soon they also seem to have clear relationship with Russia with them being in a state of conversation therefore I do think their move is right and many other countries should do that as well. There are major countries like : Pakistan where they use wheat 🌾 majorly as well, it's in almost each in every meal. They cannot just switch to other grain since it's more about being affordable and also it being healthy as well. Other major farming countries should supply these grains to these countries we cannot afford another famine.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: darkangel11 on May 23, 2022, 07:22:12 PM
It's about time the world did something about that Russian bear that is trying to bully it. Russia even targeted a seed bank in Ukraine but managed to only destroy part of it. They target food stores and warehouses, Russians are stealing farming equipment and destroying grain silos.

Russia should be kicked out of the UN and other worldwide organizations and summits that it used to participate in. It should become a pariah of the world for what it's doing.

We are going to survive without Ukrainian wheat. I'm sure prices will go up but we'll manage, but this will not be forgotten.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: ololajulo on May 23, 2022, 09:16:07 PM
for sure, these countries which are relying on ukraine's wheat will always find alternative sources like from china, india, US and other top wheat exporters. or look for wheat alternatives. i don't think they will wait for ukraine's supply just to go on with their lives. they know this situation is about to happen as the war is not yet ending. so high likely that they are already looking for other exporters. it is not the end of the world yet. so as long as we live, there's hope to find these alternative sources. and the reason why 1st world countries won't be affected by this situation is because there are other sources for wheat, maybe, if ukraine is the sole supplier but it is not.
Every country is playing politics with what is happening in Ukraine. Russia, Ukraine, USA and India are top producers of wheat and they are all affected with demand. Ukraine cant produce while everyone is avoiding Russia and USA has not being good business with many countries for a while now. If India now consider to announce to ban export to big countries amidst the price hike, what is the aim of the move?

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: DrBeer on May 23, 2022, 09:18:56 PM
It's about time the world did something about that Russian bear that is trying to bully it. Russia even targeted a seed bank in Ukraine but managed to only destroy part of it. They target food stores and warehouses, Russians are stealing farming equipment and destroying grain silos.

Russia should be kicked out of the UN and other worldwide organizations and summits that it used to participate in. It should become a pariah of the world for what it's doing.

We are going to survive without Ukrainian wheat. I'm sure prices will go up but we'll manage, but this will not be forgotten.

I hope the world will now have no doubts about the terrorist tactics of the rashists - losing the war in direct confrontation, destroying the infrastructure that ensures the life or even the survival of the civilian population, in order to intimidate, intimidate, and, well, satisfy their bastard fantasies. In Ukraine, granaries have been destroyed, grain from the southern regions of Ukraine, temporarily occupied, is stolen and exported to Russia (state looting). Logistics routes are being destroyed, including those that are in no way connected with the movement of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, treatment plants, water supply systems, and electricity are being destroyed. Destroyed logistics centers (warehouses) providing food to the city. Food factories are destroyed. This is not a war - this is pure fascism, Nazism, terrorism. And all together - this is called rashizm!

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Hydrogen on May 23, 2022, 11:08:33 PM
If food growers adopted a crypto token which was backed by food commodities and guaranteed a static exchange rate for a set number of tomatos, potatos, per token.

That could be a good format for future food emergencies.

A crypto token backed by potatoes, tomatoes or even wheat cannot make those foods more abundant and less scarce.

If the cost of growing 1 potato using organic compost and fertilizer, which are decoupled from rising chemical fertilizer prices is $0.20.

A token might guarantee exchange for 5 potatos and sell at a cost of $2.00. Which would be competitive with market prices.

Part of the excess revenue collected would be invested in expanding the production of potatos as well as expanding the organic compost and fertilizer industry. All of which would have an opposite effect in contrast to inflation. Using a model of financial transaction outside of fiat currency would isolate it from inflationary trends.

Increasing production is the means of reducing rising costs and tokens are well suited to providing revenue similar to subsidies to achieve this.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Sithara007 on May 24, 2022, 02:39:53 AM
If the cost of growing 1 potato using organic compost and fertilizer, which are decoupled from rising chemical fertilizer prices is $0.20.

A token might guarantee exchange for 5 potatos and sell at a cost of $2.00. Which would be competitive with market prices.

Part of the excess revenue collected would be invested in expanding the production of potatos as well as expanding the organic compost and fertilizer industry. All of which would have an opposite effect in contrast to inflation. Using a model of financial transaction outside of fiat currency would isolate it from inflationary trends.

Increasing production is the means of reducing rising costs and tokens are well suited to providing revenue similar to subsidies to achieve this.

Using organic fertilizer and pesticide may work theoretically, but it never works in real life. Look at the case of Sri Lanka. They banned chemical fertilizer a few years back and that is the real reason why they are having the economic crisis now (along with bad loans from China). The world doesn't have enough production capacity for organic fertilizer and they are manytimes more expensive than chemical fertilizer. And farmers who are dependent on chemical fertilizer can't switch to organic all of a sudden. It needs to be a gradual process.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: DrBeer on May 25, 2022, 04:41:58 PM
It looks like the crisis will end soon. The master of Russia, China, openly ordered the Kremlin to provide green corridors for the export of wheat from Ukraine to buyers. Looks like they understand that in such situations, it’s not far from food riots in the Middle Kingdom, and China definitely doesn’t need this!

"Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, during a video conference with German Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock, expressed his opinion on the situation in Ukraine and the possible impact of hostilities on the food crisis.
Wang Yi called for the immediate opening of humanitarian corridors through which Ukrainian grain could be exported."

The world terrorist will not be able to refuse China, as this will lead to a sharp deterioration in relations between Russia and China, which will mean for Russia the inability to sell surplus gas and oil, which the EU refuses, at a positive price :)

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: justdimin on May 27, 2022, 04:09:35 PM
It looks like the crisis will end soon. The master of Russia, China, openly ordered the Kremlin to provide green corridors for the export of wheat from Ukraine to buyers. Looks like they understand that in such situations, it’s not far from food riots in the Middle Kingdom, and China definitely doesn’t need this!

"Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, during a video conference with German Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock, expressed his opinion on the situation in Ukraine and the possible impact of hostilities on the food crisis.
Wang Yi called for the immediate opening of humanitarian corridors through which Ukrainian grain could be exported."

The world terrorist will not be able to refuse China, as this will lead to a sharp deterioration in relations between Russia and China, which will mean for Russia the inability to sell surplus gas and oil, which the EU refuses, at a positive price :)
Wheat is not the only food, there are other foods that will be needed, however China can't solve it all alone, they do export a ton, well they export a ton of everything anyway. All in all, this food crisis will go on, but China is doing something regarding Russia anyway and that means that even they are tired of this war.

Russia needs to get back, I know that they already covered a ton of land, leave Kyiv out of it and just focus on the parts you got and "defending" it, at least that would mean that an open discussion could be had without killing anyone, they are still attacking and killing people which is not needed, never needed before neither, just stop, even China says so.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: merchantofzeny on May 27, 2022, 06:25:22 PM
Amazing how that one country alone is being relied on for wheat by several countries and that it not being able to export could cause unrest in these. Also starkly reminds us of how interconnected our countries has become that many are no longer able to feed themselves efficiently.

If does come to a no-more-wheat scenario, there's really no choice but to eat something else. When our country started having rice shortages a few decades ago, people ended up having to eat more sweet potato and cassava. So maybe less pita and more pilaf for the Middle Easterners, for example. Tortilla ain't that bad either.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: sovie on May 29, 2022, 09:26:08 AM
I think if wheat becomes too expensive there are a lot of other types of grains that can be used to replace it that can be produced elsewhere or are already produced in abundance such as oat, barley and rice (these can be milled).
That's true -the war has affected the whole world. Mainly through fuel and secondly through wheat. Although Pakistan is an agricultural country. The wheat prices has already increased and people are in trouble because of fuel and wheat both.
AH _ tough time!

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Jemzx00 on May 29, 2022, 09:51:36 AM
Amazing how that one country alone is being relied on for wheat by several countries and that it not being able to export could cause unrest in these. Also starkly reminds us of how interconnected our countries has become that many are no longer able to feed themselves efficiently.

If does come to a no-more-wheat scenario, there's really no choice but to eat something else. When our country started having rice shortages a few decades ago, people ended up having to eat more sweet potato and cassava. So maybe less pita and more pilaf for the Middle Easterners, for example. Tortilla ain't that bad either.
Actually a lot of countries are bring relied on for various goods and Ukraine is one of the major exporter for wheat. And when one major exporter have been disrupted, other countries tend to be disrupted as well. However, this disruption will not last forever as government will search for alternative to import from.
Just like what happened with you when shortage happened on rice, but later on rice has been available but it came from other country instead and a price fluctuations due to changes on importer of rice.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: kryptqnick on May 29, 2022, 12:10:00 PM
I must say that this war led me to a number of disappointments. Among them is the disappointment in the lack of care about the ideas appropriated by the Western world as their central values: freedom, human rights, democracy. Leading genocide scholars ( concluded that Russia's war against Ukraine is genocidal in its nature, and that there's an imminent risk of genocide. All the signatories of the Genocide Convention are legally obliged to prevent genocide. But they aren't doing it, and are letting atrocities after atrocities to build up, many hesitating to strongly help Ukraine in the war and weighing human lives against profits. Then there's this huge risk of decades of progress in eradicating hunger being eliminated right now by Russia's war, and again, it's not a good enough argument to do everything they can to stop Russia. There are countries that are really doing so much, and there are those that are barely doing anything. They don't care about dying civilians, raped children, famine or anything else, really, as much as they care about profits and the growth of their economies. It is very unfortunate that it turns out there are only a handful of countries who truly believe and are ready to sacrifice something for democracy, for saving innocent lives. And I'm sorry that because of the hesitance of certain countries that could help cripple Russia's power but decided against it, more innocent lives will be lost, including those who'll die from hunger.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: sana54210 on May 29, 2022, 06:54:31 PM
I think if wheat becomes too expensive there are a lot of other types of grains that can be used to replace it that can be produced elsewhere or are already produced in abundance such as oat, barley and rice (these can be milled).
That's true -the war has affected the whole world. Mainly through fuel and secondly through wheat. Although Pakistan is an agricultural country. The wheat prices has already increased and people are in trouble because of fuel and wheat both.
AH _ tough time!
Where I am from is a big agriculture nation as well and even with that the prices has soared. The main reason why a nation may have enough wheat or food for their citizens and yet still increase the price is the fact that the other nations that do not have that much food, can't self-sustain, pay a premium price for them, and our nations who have enough, end up selling it to them for more money.

If we kept all of our produce to ourselves, we could feed each other without paying anything, I mean individually you would, but the money would stay in the nation. Instead, farmers and mainly agri-companies end up getting them and selling to other nations and hence the prices soar for us too.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Ultegra134 on May 29, 2022, 08:21:12 PM
Amazing how that one country alone is being relied on for wheat by several countries and that it not being able to export could cause unrest in these. Also starkly reminds us of how interconnected our countries has become that many are no longer able to feed themselves efficiently.

If does come to a no-more-wheat scenario, there's really no choice but to eat something else. When our country started having rice shortages a few decades ago, people ended up having to eat more sweet potato and cassava. So maybe less pita and more pilaf for the Middle Easterners, for example. Tortilla ain't that bad either.
The issue isn't just the shortage of wheat, it's that the whole world has been disrupted due to the war, while it's rumored to last till the end of the year. Till then, it could even be possible to face fuel and electricity shortages. Fuel has skyrocketed and inflation is soaring, while the Eurozone is discussing to ban vehicles on certain days, regulate A/C usage or even reduce the speed limit, in an attempt to reduce oil and CNG usage. 

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: aoluain on May 29, 2022, 09:08:33 PM
I think if wheat becomes too expensive there are a lot of other types of grains that can be used to replace it that can be produced elsewhere or are already produced in abundance such as oat, barley and rice (these can be milled).
That's true -the war has affected the whole world. Mainly through fuel and secondly through wheat. Although Pakistan is an agricultural country. The wheat prices has already increased and people are in trouble because of fuel and wheat both.
AH _ tough time!
Where I am from is a big agriculture nation as well and even with that the prices has soared. The main reason why a nation may have enough wheat or food for their citizens and yet still increase the price is the fact that the other nations that do not have that much food, can't self-sustain, pay a premium price for them, and our nations who have enough, end up selling it to them for more money.

If we kept all of our produce to ourselves, we could feed each other without paying anything, I mean individually you would, but the money would stay in the nation. Instead, farmers and mainly agri-companies end up getting them and selling to other nations and hence the prices soar for us too.

I am also in a big agricultural country but its predominantly livestock which
the land is used for. The government here was appealing to farmers to product more
grains this year but I not sure its going to work because a lot of farmers dont have the machinery.

Its crazy how something as simple as grain has been monopolised by a few countries
and now it looks like we are going to suffer from it. so many countries have had the potential
to produce enough staples for domestic use.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: crzy on May 29, 2022, 09:21:52 PM
Not sure if this is worrying thing because world is big, so many counties are out there who farm wheat and can get opportunity to export from their lands. If time comes then definitely those countries who are not in export business will have this opportunity and they should start doing business like this.

Moreover, if the shortage is so prominent then they will start searching for alternatives right from this date. That management is always there back of the mind of government and management team. Hope so these things do not escalate to the war situation.
Those local farmers can’t produce that much and can’t supply the whole needs of their own country, i’m talking about small countries here so technically their next best option is to import, and if there’s a shortage in a world market, you can expect for the price to rise along with the raw materials price increases, this could hurt many people. I hope the world can have other option, we are slowly getting into this crisis.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: goaldigger on May 29, 2022, 09:29:57 PM
Not sure if this is worrying thing because world is big, so many counties are out there who farm wheat and can get opportunity to export from their lands. If time comes then definitely those countries who are not in export business will have this opportunity and they should start doing business like this.

Moreover, if the shortage is so prominent then they will start searching for alternatives right from this date. That management is always there back of the mind of government and management team. Hope so these things do not escalate to the war situation.
Those local farmers can’t produce that much and can’t supply the whole needs of their own country, i’m talking about small countries here so technically their next best option is to import, and if there’s a shortage in a world market, you can expect for the price to rise along with the raw materials price increases, this could hurt many people. I hope the world can have other option, we are slowly getting into this crisis.
There’s a large number of companies who uses wheat as their main ingredients and yes, local farmers can’t supply everything especially if the government is not that supportive for them and always choose to import products. If there’s already an indication that this crisis can be more worst, then I believe its the right time now to give the best support to our local farmers, and once they have that help most probably their production will increase and that may already enough to sustain the needs of the country.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Sithara007 on May 30, 2022, 03:33:41 AM
Those local farmers can’t produce that much and can’t supply the whole needs of their own country, i’m talking about small countries here so technically their next best option is to import, and if there’s a shortage in a world market, you can expect for the price to rise along with the raw materials price increases, this could hurt many people. I hope the world can have other option, we are slowly getting into this crisis.

Wheat prices have almost doubled from the levels we had last year. Now one tonne of wheat is trading at around $450. What exacerbated this situation is the export ban from India (apart from the Russia-Ukraine war). Last year, the wheat prices were too low and many of the small scale farmers suffered crippling losses. And they scaled down their output for this year. And when the prices are back to normal levels, these guys are not profiting out of it, because they don't have enough wheat stocks to sell. The same is the case with some of the other grains, such as barley.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: stompix on May 30, 2022, 10:22:34 AM
I'm not certain what proportion of european diets are derived from wheat sources. This seems as if it might be bad news.
We have had claims of "apocalyptic" food prices for awhile now. While naysayers claim it will not affect 1st world countries.

So the telegraph is the new dailymail...
I just hate it when people who have no idea what they are talking about put sensationalist titles in newspapers they know will be read by millions

First, let's exclude the fact that what in deposits doesn't mean total wheat available, depending on the country there are around 3-6 weeks of wheat consumption already on the line, meaning moving from deposits in transit, in companies storage, in mills, already as flour being transported and deposited, and as flour in stores or in logistic deposits or already at your bakery, so 10 weeks of storage means about 15 weeks of consumption available already.

15 weeks mean nearly 4 months, that's middle September, and by that date all of Europe wheat had been harvested.

Conditions for Western growers have been poor due to dry conditions.
PARIS, May 27 (Reuters) - Grain trade association Coceral raised on Friday its forecast of this year’s soft wheat production in the European Union and Britain, to 143.0 million tonnes from 141.3 million estimated in March, notably due to beneficial rainfall in Spain.
The raised forecast compared with 2021 production of 143.9 million tonnes, Coceral said.

Meanwhile, the Kremlin is tightening its grip on wheat supplies after a stronger harvest. Carlos Mera, head of agri commodities research at Rabobank, said mild conditions in Russia – which accounts for about a fifth of global wheat exports – had put it on track to produce 84.9m metric tonnes of the staple grain this year.

Russia produces 84.9 million tons, good...
The EU produced 119.1 million tonnes of common wheat in 2020 and 286.5 million tonnes of all cereals. (
You can look at the statistics at FAO and see the reality behind the clickbait's shitnews

So, while Europe can still export and doesn't ban exports, there will still be enough food, if the EU does the same as India, the rest of the world is fucked, with only Canada and Australia left as major exporters!

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: bakasabo on May 30, 2022, 01:46:43 PM
After seeing how European economy got hit after sanctions and war, I dont that they will ban wheat export, because they are in need of money and Europe does not consume 100% of produced wheat. Also I think that a lot of people are dramatizing this wheat situation. People will find a way to replace it with something else.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Haunebu on May 30, 2022, 02:13:55 PM
Also I think that a lot of people are dramatizing this wheat situation. People will find a way to replace it with something else.
Exactly. I don't get why people blow things out of proportions unnecessarily sometimes despite being aware of all the facts.

Wheat can easily be replaced by rice etc  temporarily which is why it's not really a big deal. If people could survive something like COVID, they can definitely survive wheat shortage for a certain amount of time.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Gozie51 on May 30, 2022, 02:43:55 PM
Also I think that a lot of people are dramatizing this wheat situation. People will find a way to replace it with something else.
Exactly. I don't get why people blow things out of proportions unnecessarily sometimes despite being aware of all the facts.

Wheat can easily be replaced by rice etc  temporarily which is why it's not really a big deal. If people could survive something like COVID, they can definitely survive wheat shortage for a certain amount of time.

With the news that the price of wheat will go right to the sky after Russia invaded Ukraine I thought by this time that all the finished product from wheat would have disappeared but they are still very much around just a little more in price. So human have survived hardship from the beginning, the adaptive mechanism is there so you are right. Rice plays a substitute role to wheat likewise some others. The world provides us with substitute and that is why human is gifted with high knowledge to subdue and conquer.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Sithara007 on May 30, 2022, 03:17:09 PM
After seeing how European economy got hit after sanctions and war, I dont that they will ban wheat export, because they are in need of money and Europe does not consume 100% of produced wheat. Also I think that a lot of people are dramatizing this wheat situation. People will find a way to replace it with something else.


Replacing it with something else? Russia and Ukraine are leading producers of wheat, barley, rye and oats. Who is going to replace all this production. And let's not forget the fact that the production of rice is negatively impacted by sky high prices for NPK and DAP-Potash fertilizer. Russia and Belarus produce around one-third of this supply and they are under sanctions from the west. Other producers doesn't have spare capacity to ramp up production. Maybe you are suggesting to replace wheat with cassava from Africa or Brazil or potato from Ireland?

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: TheCoinGrabber on May 30, 2022, 03:57:53 PM
It's unfortunate but the people in countries relying on Ukraine for wheat would have to find their carb from somewhere else. There are many different replacement like rice, corn, cassava, potato, sweet potato and even plantain.

I think the problem here would be cultural and more, they will definitely crave their "daily bread". I'm from a rice country and even when I feel full eating a meal of wheat pasta or bean noodles, I feel that I still need to eat something. This is what they are going experience in the coming months if things don't improve.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Naficopa on May 30, 2022, 06:36:44 PM
It's unfortunate but the people in countries relying on Ukraine for wheat would have to find their carb from somewhere else. There are many different replacement like rice, corn, cassava, potato, sweet potato and even plantain.

I think the problem here would be cultural and more, they will definitely crave their "daily bread". I'm from a rice country and even when I feel full eating a meal of wheat pasta or bean noodles, I feel that I still need to eat something. This is what they are going experience in the coming months if things don't improve.
Yes - that is correct.
Countries depending on Ukraine for wheat should another source - Also the countries which were depending on Russia for oil and gas supply should find an alternative as well. But do you think it is possible particularly at this time? I think not

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: TimeTeller on May 30, 2022, 09:17:30 PM
It's unfortunate but the people in countries relying on Ukraine for wheat would have to find their carb from somewhere else. There are many different replacement like rice, corn, cassava, potato, sweet potato and even plantain.

I think the problem here would be cultural and more, they will definitely crave their "daily bread". I'm from a rice country and even when I feel full eating a meal of wheat pasta or bean noodles, I feel that I still need to eat something. This is what they are going experience in the coming months if things don't improve.
Yes - that is correct.
Countries depending on Ukraine for wheat should another source - Also the countries which were depending on Russia for oil and gas supply should find an alternative as well. But do you think it is possible particularly at this time? I think not

I believe some of these countries have other sources of wheat.
I don't think a certain country will only depend on one supplier of their staple food.
So I am not really worried about this issue because there will be other suppliers around the globe.
Who knows, they will find cheaper alternatives because of this shortage?
There will always be contingencies that will be put in place here.
And besides, Ukraine is not really the very top producer of wheat, China is.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Sithara007 on May 31, 2022, 02:12:19 AM
I believe some of these countries have other sources of wheat.
I don't think a certain country will only depend on one supplier of their staple food.
So I am not really worried about this issue because there will be other suppliers around the globe.
Who knows, they will find cheaper alternatives because of this shortage?
There will always be contingencies that will be put in place here.
And besides, Ukraine is not really the very top producer of wheat, China is.

Most of us have a preference for the grain that we consume. Here in India, people in Northern and Western states prefer wheat and corn, while those in the South and East prefer rice and finger millet. Now their food habits won't change all of a sudden, even if there is a large increase in prices. And regarding China, although they produce a huge quantity of wheat, there is still a shortfall. In order to cover this shortfall, they need to import wheat from other countries such as Russia, Australia and Ukraine.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: bakasabo on May 31, 2022, 07:35:03 AM
After seeing how European economy got hit after sanctions and war, I dont that they will ban wheat export, because they are in need of money and Europe does not consume 100% of produced wheat. Also I think that a lot of people are dramatizing this wheat situation. People will find a way to replace it with something else.


Replacing it with something else? Russia and Ukraine are leading producers of wheat, barley, rye and oats. Who is going to replace all this production. And let's not forget the fact that the production of rice is negatively impacted by sky high prices for NPK and DAP-Potash fertilizer. Russia and Belarus produce around one-third of this supply and they are under sanctions from the west. Other producers doesn't have spare capacity to ramp up production. Maybe you are suggesting to replace wheat with cassava from Africa or Brazil or potato from Ireland?

We have so many scientists. We have learned how to make an ice cream that would taste like pickles, we have special meat for vegetarians. GMO products, square watermelons and other weird food. We have thousands labs that works on developing new taste or modifying it. Pharmacology has made a huge step from medieval times. And after all that we can not create a miracle potion, that will turn potato into wheat, or create a product with compounds and product properties be identical to wheat?

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: merchantofzeny on May 31, 2022, 02:40:56 PM
Amazing how that one country alone is being relied on for wheat by several countries and that it not being able to export could cause unrest in these. Also starkly reminds us of how interconnected our countries has become that many are no longer able to feed themselves efficiently.

If does come to a no-more-wheat scenario, there's really no choice but to eat something else. When our country started having rice shortages a few decades ago, people ended up having to eat more sweet potato and cassava. So maybe less pita and more pilaf for the Middle Easterners, for example. Tortilla ain't that bad either.
Actually a lot of countries are bring relied on for various goods and Ukraine is one of the major exporter for wheat. And when one major exporter have been disrupted, other countries tend to be disrupted as well. However, this disruption will not last forever as government will search for alternative to import from.
Just like what happened with you when shortage happened on rice, but later on rice has been available but it came from other country instead and a price fluctuations due to changes on importer of rice.

Yes, the market kinda corrects it eventually. However there is the problems that the other producers might also limit their exports. I just think that the real risk is some of these importing regions are volatile and that's what people are worrying about - that a few weeks of shortages would make these areas erupt again.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: DrBeer on May 31, 2022, 10:16:13 PM
By the way - Ukraine is ready to fulfill its contractual obligations for the shipment of wheat. There are only 2 small nuances:
1. Theft of wheat stocks in the southern regions of Ukraine, temporarily occupied by Russian terrorist troops.
2. The economic terrorism of Russia, in the form of blocking the seaports of Ukraine, to disrupt navigation and, accordingly, the ability to send the same wheat to buyers. Moreover, for the unblocking of ports, Russia, like a real terrorist, demands a "ransom" - the lifting of sanctions.

But nothing, Ukraine will make every effort to help and prevent hunger, and most likely will make delivery by rail.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: ultrloa on May 31, 2022, 10:30:52 PM
After seeing how European economy got hit after sanctions and war, I dont that they will ban wheat export, because they are in need of money and Europe does not consume 100% of produced wheat. Also I think that a lot of people are dramatizing this wheat situation. People will find a way to replace it with something else.


Replacing it with something else? Russia and Ukraine are leading producers of wheat, barley, rye and oats. Who is going to replace all this production. And let's not forget the fact that the production of rice is negatively impacted by sky high prices for NPK and DAP-Potash fertilizer. Russia and Belarus produce around one-third of this supply and they are under sanctions from the west. Other producers doesn't have spare capacity to ramp up production. Maybe you are suggesting to replace wheat with cassava from Africa or Brazil or potato from Ireland?

We have so many scientists. We have learned how to make an ice cream that would taste like pickles, we have special meat for vegetarians. GMO products, square watermelons and other weird food. We have thousands labs that works on developing new taste or modifying it. Pharmacology has made a huge step from medieval times. And after all that we can not create a miracle potion, that will turn potato into wheat, or create a product with compounds and product properties be identical to wheat?

Maybe this only applicable on certain area where they study since they could possibly make this things happen there, but if we talk about globally maybe this studies will not really happen nor even implemented immediately knowing that not all the country are so advance to modern technology. Maybe the right solution about this is every country should boost their agricultural sector so that we cannot experience this crisis since everyone can sustain their own country with their agricultural product and anything in agricultural side.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Sithara007 on June 01, 2022, 03:23:43 AM
By the way - Ukraine is ready to fulfill its contractual obligations for the shipment of wheat. There are only 2 small nuances:
1. Theft of wheat stocks in the southern regions of Ukraine, temporarily occupied by Russian terrorist troops.
2. The economic terrorism of Russia, in the form of blocking the seaports of Ukraine, to disrupt navigation and, accordingly, the ability to send the same wheat to buyers. Moreover, for the unblocking of ports, Russia, like a real terrorist, demands a "ransom" - the lifting of sanctions.

But nothing, Ukraine will make every effort to help and prevent hunger, and most likely will make delivery by rail.

I don't think that the massive wheat stocks can be moved by rail. First of all, Ukraine wheat mainly goes to the middle east and Asia, and for that they require the wheat to be transported to ports in the Black Sea. And secondly, the railway infrastructure in Ukraine is in ruins, as far as I heard. A number of bridges were destroyed as a result of bombing and few of the railway lines are working. And then it needs to be seen how economical it is to transport the wheat to countries such as Poland and then to re-export that stock. The logistics involved would mean that such a step doesn't make any sense economically.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: TheCoinGrabber on June 01, 2022, 05:31:03 PM
It's unfortunate but the people in countries relying on Ukraine for wheat would have to find their carb from somewhere else. There are many different replacement like rice, corn, cassava, potato, sweet potato and even plantain.

I think the problem here would be cultural and more, they will definitely crave their "daily bread". I'm from a rice country and even when I feel full eating a meal of wheat pasta or bean noodles, I feel that I still need to eat something. This is what they are going experience in the coming months if things don't improve.
Yes - that is correct.
Countries depending on Ukraine for wheat should another source - Also the countries which were depending on Russia for oil and gas supply should find an alternative as well. But do you think it is possible particularly at this time? I think not

Food I think would easier to switch to a different supplier or buy a totally different one (like the alternatives I've mentioned). With oil and gas though it'll take longer to build new pipelines.

This is one reason Russia invaded - the pipelines are already built and Ukraine can use those to export their own gas that has been discovered there - in areas conveniently occupied by Russia now. That would have provided an alternative to Europe.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: DrBeer on June 01, 2022, 09:26:42 PM
By the way - Ukraine is ready to fulfill its contractual obligations for the shipment of wheat. There are only 2 small nuances:
1. Theft of wheat stocks in the southern regions of Ukraine, temporarily occupied by Russian terrorist troops.
2. The economic terrorism of Russia, in the form of blocking the seaports of Ukraine, to disrupt navigation and, accordingly, the ability to send the same wheat to buyers. Moreover, for the unblocking of ports, Russia, like a real terrorist, demands a "ransom" - the lifting of sanctions.

But nothing, Ukraine will make every effort to help and prevent hunger, and most likely will make delivery by rail.

I don't think that the massive wheat stocks can be moved by rail. First of all, Ukraine wheat mainly goes to the middle east and Asia, and for that they require the wheat to be transported to ports in the Black Sea. And secondly, the railway infrastructure in Ukraine is in ruins, as far as I heard. A number of bridges were destroyed as a result of bombing and few of the railway lines are working. And then it needs to be seen how economical it is to transport the wheat to countries such as Poland and then to re-export that stock. The logistics involved would mean that such a step doesn't make any sense economically.

I agree that now it will be difficult to establish a stable and full-scale supply of grain by land (railway) transport. Yes, the largest importers of Ukrainian grain are the countries of Asia, Africa and partly the countries of Europe. That is why Russia, as a typical terrorist, introduced from the first days of a new wave of aggression against Ukraine, a total blockage of shipping. Therefore, all the countries affected by the shortage of grain can "thank" the international terrorist represented by Russia. But Ukraine still, even in such a difficult situation, will try to fulfill its obligations. Now everyone is starting to "pay" for the fact that they did not stop the terrorists and new fascists in a timely manner. The world repeated the mistakes of the last century, trying to appease the evil, and allowing him "little pranks". The world has learned nothing, and now it pays for mistakes again

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: ultrloa on June 01, 2022, 10:50:44 PM
It's unfortunate but the people in countries relying on Ukraine for wheat would have to find their carb from somewhere else. There are many different replacement like rice, corn, cassava, potato, sweet potato and even plantain.

I think the problem here would be cultural and more, they will definitely crave their "daily bread". I'm from a rice country and even when I feel full eating a meal of wheat pasta or bean noodles, I feel that I still need to eat something. This is what they are going experience in the coming months if things don't improve.
Yes - that is correct.
Countries depending on Ukraine for wheat should another source - Also the countries which were depending on Russia for oil and gas supply should find an alternative as well. But do you think it is possible particularly at this time? I think not

Food I think would easier to switch to a different supplier or buy a totally different one (like the alternatives I've mentioned). With oil and gas though it'll take longer to build new pipelines.

This is one reason Russia invaded - the pipelines are already built and Ukraine can use those to export their own gas that has been discovered there - in areas conveniently occupied by Russia now. That would have provided an alternative to Europe.

Its hard to switch if many country is not executing to plant those product and they have other things exist on their country. But if more country will realize that they are lacking an important product and want to became self sustaining country then maybe they should look at this aspects and make their country great by investing on those resources which can help their country to boost up.

Those what happen to Russia is wake up call to all government on any parts of the world to find a solution towards ongoing crisis brought up by certain products hold on that country.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Sithara007 on June 02, 2022, 02:55:11 AM
Food I think would easier to switch to a different supplier or buy a totally different one (like the alternatives I've mentioned). With oil and gas though it'll take longer to build new pipelines.

This is one reason Russia invaded - the pipelines are already built and Ukraine can use those to export their own gas that has been discovered there - in areas conveniently occupied by Russia now. That would have provided an alternative to Europe.

No. It is not easier to switch to a different supplier in case of food. You might not have noticed this, but rice production is also getting impacted from this war (Potash fertilizer which is needed for rice cultivation is in short supply, as Russia and Belarus contribute almost 40% of the global supply). And now coming to pipeline gas, there is already an "alternate" pipeline to transport Azeri gas to the Europe. But the gas production in Azerbaijan has not kept up with the expectations and the pipeline is now transporting far less volumes than it was originally designed to.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Kakmakr on June 02, 2022, 06:23:31 AM
Luckily for us.... The United States   exports 26,131,626 tonnes of wheat a year and Canada does 26,110,509 tones, with France doing about 19,792,597 tonnes..... should I continue with all the other countries that export Wheat?

This is a "Storm in a Cup" that are being fabricated to inflate the price of "Wheat" that prices can go up. Like they are doing with the price of Fuel.  ::)

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: cabron on June 02, 2022, 06:46:23 AM
By the way - Ukraine is ready to fulfill its contractual obligations for the shipment of wheat. There are only 2 small nuances:
1. Theft of wheat stocks in the southern regions of Ukraine, temporarily occupied by Russian terrorist troops.
2. The economic terrorism of Russia, in the form of blocking the seaports of Ukraine, to disrupt navigation and, accordingly, the ability to send the same wheat to buyers. Moreover, for the unblocking of ports, Russia, like a real terrorist, demands a "ransom" - the lifting of sanctions.

But nothing, Ukraine will make every effort to help and prevent hunger, and most likely will make delivery by rail.

I don't think that the massive wheat stocks can be moved by rail. First of all, Ukraine wheat mainly goes to the middle east and Asia, and for that they require the wheat to be transported to ports in the Black Sea. And secondly, the railway infrastructure in Ukraine is in ruins, as far as I heard. A number of bridges were destroyed as a result of bombing and few of the railway lines are working. And then it needs to be seen how economical it is to transport the wheat to countries such as Poland and then to re-export that stock. The logistics involved would mean that such a step doesn't make any sense economically.

I agree that now it will be difficult to establish a stable and full-scale supply of grain by land (railway) transport. Yes, the largest importers of Ukrainian grain are the countries of Asia, Africa and partly the countries of Europe. That is why Russia, as a typical terrorist, introduced from the first days of a new wave of aggression against Ukraine, a total blockage of shipping. Therefore, all the countries affected by the shortage of grain can "thank" the international terrorist represented by Russia. But Ukraine still, even in such a difficult situation, will try to fulfill its obligations. Now everyone is starting to "pay" for the fact that they did not stop the terrorists and new fascists in a timely manner. The world repeated the mistakes of the last century, trying to appease the evil, and allowing him "little pranks". The world has learned nothing, and now it pays for mistakes again

Its Ukraine that blocked their Oddesa ports, its a self inflicted sanction actually as they tried to drop their sea mines and it all scattered on their ports so everyone are now afraid to sail there. Mind you that Russia didn't got their Oddesa ports yet and its where they ship their grains too.

There's still two months for all of us to prepare. I guess the hunger will make decisions cloudier. But there's also Asia that has more rice which I think will be the best option, we can all be adventurous with out meals.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: bakasabo on June 02, 2022, 10:24:39 AM
Maybe this only applicable on certain area where they study since they could possibly make this things happen there, but if we talk about globally maybe this studies will not really happen nor even implemented immediately knowing that not all the country are so advance to modern technology. Maybe the right solution about this is every country should boost their agricultural sector so that we cannot experience this crisis since everyone can sustain their own country with their agricultural product and anything in agricultural side.

But the science has gone far away from times when microscope was a miracle. I strongly believe that scientists can disassemble into molecules anything and everything and find a way to substitute parts or reproduce them.

For example, already in 1996 scientists managed to create a sheep clone - Dolly. Dolly has lived for 6 years and produced 6 lambs. Dolly was a living organism, when we talk about wheat and it is 2022 outside. I believe that lack wheat is not our planets biggest problem.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: tygeade on June 02, 2022, 12:04:27 PM
Also I think that a lot of people are dramatizing this wheat situation. People will find a way to replace it with something else.
Exactly. I don't get why people blow things out of proportions unnecessarily sometimes despite being aware of all the facts.

Wheat can easily be replaced by rice etc  temporarily which is why it's not really a big deal. If people could survive something like COVID, they can definitely survive wheat shortage for a certain amount of time.
The "unnecessary" part is subjective, you may not believe that to be a problem but there will be a ton of people who will be caring about it, and they will make it a big deal, tons of nations rely on wheat to go on, and there are tons of nations who eat bread which is made out of wheat for most cases. Of course, there could be alternatives, but why should there be?

The sad thing is, we have enough lands to produce any food we want, we have enough cattle or anything you want to raise them and breed them and be enough for everyone, and yet we don't, why? That question is very important, why don't we have it when we can? The answer will give you the result of why we are in trouble financially in this world.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Naficopa on June 02, 2022, 12:47:18 PM

The "unnecessary" part is subjective, you may not believe that to be a problem but there will be a ton of people who will be caring about it, and they will make it a big deal, tons of nations rely on wheat to go on, and there are tons of nations who eat bread which is made out of wheat for most cases. Of course, there could be alternatives, but why should there be?

The sad thing is, we have enough lands to produce any food we want, we have enough cattle or anything you want to raise them and breed them and be enough for everyone, and yet we don't, why? That question is very important, why don't we have it when we can? The answer will give you the result of why we are in trouble financially in this world.
I think there is so much propaganda involved in the hype as well.
I spoke to a Ukrainian friends and she said - we are in trouble but they will be okie, Ukraine has got a lot of support from other countries as well. So I am not sure that limited wheat availability is a real news.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: DrBeer on June 02, 2022, 05:35:57 PM
I agree that now it will be difficult to establish a stable and full-scale supply of grain by land (railway) transport. Yes, the largest importers of Ukrainian grain are the countries of Asia, Africa and partly the countries of Europe. That is why Russia, as a typical terrorist, introduced from the first days of a new wave of aggression against Ukraine, a total blockage of shipping. Therefore, all the countries affected by the shortage of grain can "thank" the international terrorist represented by Russia. But Ukraine still, even in such a difficult situation, will try to fulfill its obligations. Now everyone is starting to "pay" for the fact that they did not stop the terrorists and new fascists in a timely manner. The world repeated the mistakes of the last century, trying to appease the evil, and allowing him "little pranks". The world has learned nothing, and now it pays for mistakes again

Its Ukraine that blocked their Oddesa ports, its a self inflicted sanction actually as they tried to drop their sea mines and it all scattered on their ports so everyone are now afraid to sail there. Mind you that Russia didn't got their Oddesa ports yet and its where they ship their grains too.
There's still two months for all of us to prepare. I guess the hunger will make decisions cloudier. But there's also Asia that has more rice which I think will be the best option, we can all be adventurous with out meals.

Yeah... Wow!? Ukraine... blocked in the Ukrainian city... Ukrainian ports with RUSSIAN mines, so that Ukraine could not sell grain... and get the much needed funds?
No offense - are you feeling well now? Am I kidding? Maybe you have an intoxication of mentality by the Russian media? It happens ! :)

Speaking of mines - if you read the reports, several mines made it to the Bosphorus, where they were discovered and identified. I'll tell you a secret - there are a lot of weapons in Russia, which only they have. These weapons also include these "wandering mines", which Russia, at the beginning of its terrorist aggression against Ukraine, threw into the Black Sea in Ukrainian waters, about 450 pieces. They have already been discovered off the coast of Turkey, Romania, and, logically, on the coast of Ukraine.

Moreover, the navy of Russian terrorists has closed the passage of civilian and any other ships in the Black Sea, including the waters of Ukraine. This is called economic terrorism.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: on June 02, 2022, 06:14:32 PM
I agree that now it will be difficult to establish a stable and full-scale supply of grain by land (railway) transport. Yes, the largest importers of Ukrainian grain are the countries of Asia, Africa and partly the countries of Europe. That is why Russia, as a typical terrorist, introduced from the first days of a new wave of aggression against Ukraine, a total blockage of shipping. Therefore, all the countries affected by the shortage of grain can "thank" the international terrorist represented by Russia. But Ukraine still, even in such a difficult situation, will try to fulfill its obligations. Now everyone is starting to "pay" for the fact that they did not stop the terrorists and new fascists in a timely manner. The world repeated the mistakes of the last century, trying to appease the evil, and allowing him "little pranks". The world has learned nothing, and now it pays for mistakes again

Its Ukraine that blocked their Oddesa ports, its a self inflicted sanction actually as they tried to drop their sea mines and it all scattered on their ports so everyone are now afraid to sail there. Mind you that Russia didn't got their Oddesa ports yet and its where they ship their grains too.
There's still two months for all of us to prepare. I guess the hunger will make decisions cloudier. But there's also Asia that has more rice which I think will be the best option, we can all be adventurous with out meals.

Yeah... Wow!? Ukraine... blocked in the Ukrainian city... Ukrainian ports with RUSSIAN mines, so that Ukraine could not sell grain... and get the much needed funds?
No offense - are you feeling well now? Am I kidding? Maybe you have an intoxication of mentality by the Russian media? It happens ! :)

Speaking of mines - if you read the reports, several mines made it to the Bosphorus, where they were discovered and identified. I'll tell you a secret - there are a lot of weapons in Russia, which only they have. These weapons also include these "wandering mines", which Russia, at the beginning of its terrorist aggression against Ukraine, threw into the Black Sea in Ukrainian waters, about 450 pieces. They have already been discovered off the coast of Turkey, Romania, and, logically, on the coast of Ukraine.

Moreover, the navy of Russian terrorists has closed the passage of civilian and any other ships in the Black Sea, including the waters of Ukraine. This is called economic terrorism.

Yep, Ukraine mined the way out of Odessa, fearing a Russian landing. This was announced ( in early March by the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on his Facebook page. Later, of course, Ukraine tried to blame everything on Russia, but it didn’t work out.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: DrBeer on June 02, 2022, 07:06:52 PM
Yep, Ukraine mined the way out of Odessa, fearing a Russian landing. This was announced ( in early March by the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on his Facebook page. Later, of course, Ukraine tried to blame everything on Russia, but it didn’t work out.

I beg your pardon - as always, you pulled out a piece of text, and now you also lied, saying that you had mined the Black Sea area! And all in order to try once again to justify the world terrorist - Russia! And it's easy to prove, very simple!
1. Ukraine mined by setting "minefields", but ... COAST and COASTAL zone (up to 1 km, from the coastline), so that the landing force could not set foot on the ground, and not disrupt maritime traffic throughout the region.
2. Ukraine did not mine the coastal zone with free-floating mines.

Items 1 and 2 are verbatim in the FB post you linked to. I quote verbatim the entire description of the warning so that everyone can see your next "cute", but primitive lie :)

So, the original phrases sound like this:
The coastal defense system includes the mining of certain territories (not the water area), where the enemy can make an amphibious landing.
Therefore, we ask you NOT to MOVE along the territory of the COAST (this is the land part) of the Odessa region. It's not safe for your life.
We urge fishermen and boats not to move NEAR the SHORE of the Odessa region, so as not to put themselves at risk, and not to fall under possible fire and minefields.

And most importantly, Ukraine used anchor mines to mine the COAST, because. near the coast, there is often noticeable excitement and currents, and free-floating mines will leave the mining zone in a few days and will not fulfill their main goal - protecting a given territory.

Yes, well, and the best proof is that by marking the mines that were found off the coast of Turkey and Romania, it easily became clear that these were mines that were located in the warehouses of the Ukrainian Navy in Crimea, and were captured by Russian terrorists back in 2014, during the occupation of Crimea .

I told you - do not try to lie primitively, and even referring to the source that you misrepresented, having previously pulled out a small part of the information. Not a very nice act for an adult!

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: cabron on June 03, 2022, 02:00:03 AM
Dude, Ukraine is losing. There were videos of their armies surrendering, this is desparate times and anything that will hurt Russia they will do it particularly their media.

The Russian said they have their  grains, they are willing to distribute them but Ukrainjan ships are sanctioned themselves. I'm not gonna be surprise if Russians will distribute grains house to house in the cities.

Believe it or not. The Russians are not the bad guys in this war. Stop watching Hollywood and spread love. xhugsx 😁

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Sithara007 on June 03, 2022, 02:21:12 AM
Luckily for us.... The United States   exports 26,131,626 tonnes of wheat a year and Canada does 26,110,509 tones, with France doing about 19,792,597 tonnes..... should I continue with all the other countries that export Wheat?

This is a "Storm in a Cup" that are being fabricated to inflate the price of "Wheat" that prices can go up. Like they are doing with the price of Fuel.  ::)

The problem is that the production in US/Canada/France hasn't increased in 2022 when compared to 2021. And the exports from these countries are regularly sent to certain destinations. For example, the largest consumers of US wheat are Japan, South Korea, Mexico and the Philippines. Similarly, French grain was mostly exported to other EU nations such as the Netherlands. On the other hand, Ukrainian wheat was mostly sent to the middle east. US and Canada doesn't have spare capacity to export grain to the middle east, while keeping the supplies to East and South-east Asia at the same level.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: South Park on June 03, 2022, 04:34:42 AM
Luckily for us.... The United States   exports 26,131,626 tonnes of wheat a year and Canada does 26,110,509 tones, with France doing about 19,792,597 tonnes..... should I continue with all the other countries that export Wheat?

This is a "Storm in a Cup" that are being fabricated to inflate the price of "Wheat" that prices can go up. Like they are doing with the price of Fuel.  ::)

The problem is that the production in US/Canada/France hasn't increased in 2022 when compared to 2021. And the exports from these countries are regularly sent to certain destinations. For example, the largest consumers of US wheat are Japan, South Korea, Mexico and the Philippines. Similarly, French grain was mostly exported to other EU nations such as the Netherlands. On the other hand, Ukrainian wheat was mostly sent to the middle east. US and Canada doesn't have spare capacity to export grain to the middle east, while keeping the supplies to East and South-east Asia at the same level.
Without a doubt this is a problem, if the supply goes down and the demand for wheat is still the same then the price has to go up, however while this is acceptable in most fields when it comes to food this creates a huge problem as we cannot live without food, this means that while there are many people that will afford the more expensive price, the poorest will not be able to do it, so I would not be surprised if we saw political instability during the next months and it is even possible some regimes could fall because of this.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: on June 03, 2022, 04:51:56 AM
Yep, Ukraine mined the way out of Odessa, fearing a Russian landing. This was announced ( in early March by the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on his Facebook page. Later, of course, Ukraine tried to blame everything on Russia, but it didn’t work out.

I beg your pardon - as always, you pulled out a piece of text, and now you also lied, saying that you had mined the Black Sea area! And all in order to try once again to justify the world terrorist - Russia! And it's easy to prove, very simple!
1. Ukraine mined by setting "minefields", but ... COAST and COASTAL zone (up to 1 km, from the coastline), so that the landing force could not set foot on the ground, and not disrupt maritime traffic throughout the region.
2. Ukraine did not mine the coastal zone with free-floating mines.

Items 1 and 2 are verbatim in the FB post you linked to. I quote verbatim the entire description of the warning so that everyone can see your next "cute", but primitive lie :)

So, the original phrases sound like this:
The coastal defense system includes the mining of certain territories (not the water area), where the enemy can make an amphibious landing.
Therefore, we ask you NOT to MOVE along the territory of the COAST (this is the land part) of the Odessa region. It's not safe for your life.
We urge fishermen and boats not to move NEAR the SHORE of the Odessa region, so as not to put themselves at risk, and not to fall under possible fire and minefields.

And most importantly, Ukraine used anchor mines to mine the COAST, because. near the coast, there is often noticeable excitement and currents, and free-floating mines will leave the mining zone in a few days and will not fulfill their main goal - protecting a given territory.

Yes, well, and the best proof is that by marking the mines that were found off the coast of Turkey and Romania, it easily became clear that these were mines that were located in the warehouses of the Ukrainian Navy in Crimea, and were captured by Russian terrorists back in 2014, during the occupation of Crimea .

I told you - do not try to lie primitively, and even referring to the source that you misrepresented, having previously pulled out a small part of the information. Not a very nice act for an adult!

In the dialogue of adults, it is customary not to count the arguments, but to weigh them. I provided a prooflink, and you issued a long-winded and unfounded tirade in response, falsely accusing me of distorting the facts. Do not do it this way. Ukraine mined the entrance to Odessa with old mines, which were torn from anchors during a storm and scattered across the Black Sea. Your accusations of Russia in this are groundless.

ps By the way, according to one of the versions, the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, the missile cruiser Moscow, was blown up on such a mine torn from the anchor.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Sithara007 on June 03, 2022, 11:10:51 AM
Without a doubt this is a problem, if the supply goes down and the demand for wheat is still the same then the price has to go up, however while this is acceptable in most fields when it comes to food this creates a huge problem as we cannot live without food, this means that while there are many people that will afford the more expensive price, the poorest will not be able to do it, so I would not be surprised if we saw political instability during the next months and it is even possible some regimes could fall because of this.

Some of the regimes have already fallen as a result of rising crude and wheat prices. I can give examples of Pakistan and Sri Lanka. And even strong countries such as Turkey are under strain due to rising trade deficit. My own country (India) have somehow survived this crisis, but there is no guarantee that the situation will continue in case the prices remain at elevated levels for a long time. Government has reduced taxes on petrol and diesel to make them more affordable, and the oil PSUs are incurring a loss of around Rs.20 per liter.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: on June 03, 2022, 11:34:16 AM
Some of the regimes have already fallen as a result of rising crude and wheat prices. I can give examples of Pakistan and Sri Lanka. And even strong countries such as Turkey are under strain due to rising trade deficit. My own country (India) have somehow survived this crisis, but there is no guarantee that the situation will continue in case the prices remain at elevated levels for a long time. Government has reduced taxes on petrol and diesel to make them more affordable, and the oil PSUs are incurring a loss of around Rs.20 per liter.
As far as I know, the problems in Sri Lanka are related to the failed attempt to return to organic farming, with the rejection of high-yielding hybrid seeds and chemical fertilizers. What worked well on a small eco-farm did not work well when trying to scale up to the whole country. Perhaps the moment for this risky experiment, which was superimposed by the negative effect of the pandemic, was simply unsuccessfully chosen.

In general, returning to the topic, I would not throw a tantrum over 20 million tons of wheat stuck in Ukraine. The figure seems huge, but on a global scale it is about three percent of wheat production, and fits within the margin of error from year to year, depending on yield and natural factors.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Sithara007 on June 04, 2022, 02:38:15 AM
In general, returning to the topic, I would not throw a tantrum over 20 million tons of wheat stuck in Ukraine. The figure seems huge, but on a global scale it is about three percent of wheat production, and fits within the margin of error from year to year, depending on yield and natural factors.

There is a statement from the Ukrainian foreign minister (Dmytro Kuleba):

He is actually seeking guarantees from Russia before exporting the grain. So who is to blame here? Russia has issued statements recently, supporting the export of wheat from Odessa. And from what I heard, the Turkish president (Recep Tayyip Erdoğan) has also got involved, and is negotiating with Russia to resume the exports. The Ukrainians on the other hand seems to be playing delaying tactics and pinning the blame on Russia. Now I am not sure whether it will be right to blame Russia at this point.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: DrBeer on June 04, 2022, 12:17:09 PM
Dude, Ukraine is losing. There were videos of their armies surrendering, this is desparate times and anything that will hurt Russia they will do it particularly their media.

The Russian said they have their  grains, they are willing to distribute them but Ukrainjan ships are sanctioned themselves. I'm not gonna be surprise if Russians will distribute grains house to house in the cities.

Believe it or not. The Russians are not the bad guys in this war. Stop watching Hollywood and spread love. xhugsx 😁

I'm not used to dealing with people who live in morbid fantasies. This is the lot of psychiatrists :) Instead of a hundred words, I'll just give a map of the hostilities in Ukraine, and statistics on the "second army in the world", more precisely, in the inflamed brain of some individuals :)

So. To date, the losses of Russian terrorist troops in Ukraine:
- manpower - approximately 31,000 terrorists
- armored vehicles - about 3300
- Tanks - about 1400
- Aircraft - 210
- Helicopters - 175
and a lot of other stuff :)

And the visualization of the "greatness of the army of terrorists." On this map:
- Yellow + pink, the territory that was occupied by Russian terrorists at the beginning of the terrorist attack on Ukraine.
- Yellow color - territories that were liberated from terrorists, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, volunteer battalions, territorial defense units, or, well, in the words of Russian propaganda - "which does not have an army", in the country "which we will completely occupy in 2-3 weeks" :)

Information as of May 16, but no fundamental changes have occurred over the past 2 weeks (

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: on June 04, 2022, 01:10:04 PM
Information as of May 16, but no fundamental changes have occurred over the past 2 weeks
With the exception of the mass surrender of Azov fighters in Mariupol lol. After that, the Armed Forces of Ukraine significantly lost morale and combat effectiveness in the Donbas, and the defense there actually crumbled. A military analyst of you is so-so. ;D

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Captain Corporate on June 04, 2022, 01:18:28 PM
My nation was one of the first ones to get hit by this. Bread is something we eat a lot, and there are other materials that you could use of course but since wheat was the primary one, that got super expensive, we can't get wheat anywhere for a sensible price, and since we can't the price of wheat bread went up and because of that every other type went up. Add in the fact that gas prices are high as well (and I mean like nearly x4 times higher than last year this time) that meant that all theo ther food got high as well due to logistics. In fact, it got to a level where people used to grow stuff in far away places because huge lands would be cheaper there, but nowadays if you are closer to the city, it will cost you more to get land, but then it would be cheap to get it into the city with how little you will pay for gas compared to others. We have a %150+ inflation rate, everywhere is troubled with inflation but nearly NOBODY has %150+ inflation rate, people are protesting out there and it sucks.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: laredo7mm on June 04, 2022, 01:27:54 PM
Yep, Ukraine mined the way out of Odessa, fearing a Russian landing. This was announced ( in early March by the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on his Facebook page. Later, of course, Ukraine tried to blame everything on Russia, but it didn’t work out.

I beg your pardon - as always, you pulled out a piece of text, and now you also lied, saying that you had mined the Black Sea area! And all in order to try once again to justify the world terrorist - Russia! And it's easy to prove, very simple!
1. Ukraine mined by setting "minefields", but ... COAST and COASTAL zone (up to 1 km, from the coastline), so that the landing force could not set foot on the ground, and not disrupt maritime traffic throughout the region.
2. Ukraine did not mine the coastal zone with free-floating mines.

There are over 400 mines in the black sea area. So Russia plant them to prevent their own landing? That didn't sound totally idiotic? If Ukraine only set minefields in the coastal zone then who place those mines? When FSB is accusing Ukraine to put those mines in the black sea ( which is logical by determining the situation) but Ukraine denied it.

I do not trust what the Russian or Ukrainian side said. If I justify the situation and possibilities then putting mines in the black sea from Ukrainian is more logical to me.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Naficopa on June 04, 2022, 05:06:33 PM
Yep, Ukraine mined the way out of Odessa, fearing a Russian landing. This was announced ( in early March by the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on his Facebook page. Later, of course, Ukraine tried to blame everything on Russia, but it didn’t work out.

I beg your pardon - as always, you pulled out a piece of text, and now you also lied, saying that you had mined the Black Sea area! And all in order to try once again to justify the world terrorist - Russia! And it's easy to prove, very simple!
1. Ukraine mined by setting "minefields", but ... COAST and COASTAL zone (up to 1 km, from the coastline), so that the landing force could not set foot on the ground, and not disrupt maritime traffic throughout the region.
2. Ukraine did not mine the coastal zone with free-floating mines.

There are over 400 mines in the black sea area. So Russia plant them to prevent their own landing? That didn't sound totally idiotic? If Ukraine only set minefields in the coastal zone then who place those mines? When FSB is accusing Ukraine to put those mines in the black sea ( which is logical by determining the situation) but Ukraine denied it.

I do not trust what the Russian or Ukrainian side said. If I justify the situation and possibilities then putting mines in the black sea from Ukrainian is more logical to me.
I don't know what has gone wrong with the Russia - it is a rich country and have oil and gas resources.
Why are they putting themselves in trouble? They should stay happy and live and let live - YOLO

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Flexystar on June 04, 2022, 05:22:25 PM
Dude, Ukraine is losing. There were videos of their armies surrendering, this is desparate times and anything that will hurt Russia they will do it particularly their media.

The Russian said they have their  grains, they are willing to distribute them but Ukrainjan ships are sanctioned themselves. I'm not gonna be surprise if Russians will distribute grains house to house in the cities.

Believe it or not. The Russians are not the bad guys in this war. Stop watching Hollywood and spread love. xhugsx 😁

I am not sure from where this is coming but it seems you loving the Russian side. You should have watched the initial videos of butchery they did with the small kids, children, older people when they lost the hope of winning in the first 15 days. You never know what is going on the war land, their could be heartfelt things like rapes, killing innocents and what not.

This is one of the greatest migration in masses since the modern era war and I think one should notice how Russia is not willing to be calm on such small country. They are just raging that's all and even their soldiers are fearful now and don't understand whom to follow, the heart or the heartless leader.

I am not against your opinion but food and water is basic need of every human and no matter they should have it.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Gyfts on June 05, 2022, 04:40:34 AM
I must say that this war led me to a number of disappointments. Among them is the disappointment in the lack of care about the ideas appropriated by the Western world as their central values: freedom, human rights, democracy. Leading genocide scholars ( concluded that Russia's war against Ukraine is genocidal in its nature, and that there's an imminent risk of genocide. All the signatories of the Genocide Convention are legally obliged to prevent genocide. But they aren't doing it, and are letting atrocities after atrocities to build up, many hesitating to strongly help Ukraine in the war and weighing human lives against profits. Then there's this huge risk of decades of progress in eradicating hunger being eliminated right now by Russia's war, and again, it's not a good enough argument to do everything they can to stop Russia. There are countries that are really doing so much, and there are those that are barely doing anything. They don't care about dying civilians, raped children, famine or anything else, really, as much as they care about profits and the growth of their economies. It is very unfortunate that it turns out there are only a handful of countries who truly believe and are ready to sacrifice something for democracy, for saving innocent lives. And I'm sorry that because of the hesitance of certain countries that could help cripple Russia's power but decided against it, more innocent lives will be lost, including those who'll die from hunger.

There's a genocide in China going on with Uyghurs muslims. China's government are racial essentialists and there's been clear evidence that groups of Uyghurs have been shipped to modern day concentration camps and held in captivity. U.S. and Europe are well aware of the issue, yet they choose to do nothing. Not even a condemnation as far as I'm aware.

The western world values their economy and financial freedom for the people within their borders and will sacrifice their morals for anyone else outside. The west doesn't really care about Ukraine, they're worried about their own national security and economic interests, genocide or not.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Sithara007 on June 05, 2022, 06:05:07 AM
Information as of May 16, but no fundamental changes have occurred over the past 2 weeks (

No change? During the last two weeks, Russia managed to capture the strategic city of Lyman and they are close to capturing Severodonetsk. At this point, the Russian forces and their allies control around 16.72% of Ukraine (one-sixth). Here is the breakdown:

97.01% of Lugask is under the control of LNR (25,888
59.11% of Donestk is under the control of DNR (15,674

On top of that, the Russian forces directly control regions outside the Donbass:

10,477 of Kharkiv Oblast (33.35%).
48,922 in Kherson and Zaporizhia oblasts (almost 100% of Kherson and around 70% of Zaporizhia).

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: TheCoinGrabber on June 05, 2022, 03:50:02 PM

Food I think would easier to switch to a different supplier or buy a totally different one (like the alternatives I've mentioned). With oil and gas though it'll take longer to build new pipelines.

This is one reason Russia invaded - the pipelines are already built and Ukraine can use those to export their own gas that has been discovered there - in areas conveniently occupied by Russia now. That would have provided an alternative to Europe.

Its hard to switch if many country is not executing to plant those product and they have other things exist on their country. But if more country will realize that they are lacking an important product and want to became self sustaining country then maybe they should look at this aspects and make their country great by investing on those resources which can help their country to boost up.

Those what happen to Russia is wake up call to all government on any parts of the world to find a solution towards ongoing crisis brought up by certain products hold on that country.

Well they can start planting now. I think the main possible issue with switching is if the current producers are producing enough for their current market. Like, the Americas produce corn for their consumption but we don't know if they'll have enough excess to sell if the people feeding on wheat switches to corn suddenly.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Naficopa on June 05, 2022, 08:46:44 PM

Well they can start planting now. I think the main possible issue with switching is if the current producers are producing enough for their current market. Like, the Americas produce corn for their consumption but we don't know if they'll have enough excess to sell if the people feeding on wheat switches to corn suddenly.
Wheat is planted in winter and it gets ready in summer. Wheat is not a winter crop.
How ever I dont think this would happen. There will be shortage - this is just a panic created. I am sure that this food crisis will not happen. Ameen

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: bakasabo on June 06, 2022, 08:39:48 AM

Well they can start planting now. I think the main possible issue with switching is if the current producers are producing enough for their current market. Like, the Americas produce corn for their consumption but we don't know if they'll have enough excess to sell if the people feeding on wheat switches to corn suddenly.
Wheat is planted in winter and it gets ready in summer. Wheat is not a winter crop.
How ever I dont think this would happen. There will be shortage - this is just a panic created. I am sure that this food crisis will not happen. Ameen

Indeed it wont happen. World can wait for "wheat supplies to recover" and parallel limit himself of some goods or food. What is food crisis - time when there is nothing to eat. So far I dont see that we dont have real problem with food supplies all around the world. Like the world faced travelling problem due to covid and was patiently waiting for it to over, the same will be with wheat supplies. Wait 1-2 years and everything will be back to normal. The world wont starve to death without having few years same wheat amount as usually.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Naficopa on June 06, 2022, 06:59:55 PM

Indeed it wont happen. World can wait for "wheat supplies to recover" and parallel limit himself of some goods or food. What is food crisis - time when there is nothing to eat. So far I dont see that we dont have real problem with food supplies all around the world. Like the world faced travelling problem due to covid and was patiently waiting for it to over, the same will be with wheat supplies. Wait 1-2 years and everything will be back to normal. The world wont starve to death without having few years same wheat amount as usually.
Agreed - there is so much propaganda involved to keep the hype.
I am very much sure that this would not happen anytime sooner - Hopefully the food crisis won't happen. But who keeps creating this type of news? any authentic source?

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Ozero on June 07, 2022, 04:46:09 AM
Amazing how a war in not biggest and leading country lead to an economical crisis. Amazing how war tactics did not improve in centuries. As in the past armies used exhaustion tactics to conquer castles and countries, as same happens now.

We have increased food prices. Later we will have what - a wheat war? In 21st century? Slowly turning into barbarians... What is going to be after supplies of wheat comes to an end? Which next recourse will be on the brink of extinction?
All this indicates that in our world there is absolutely no working system of collective security. One sick leader of the country who has gone out of his mind really terrorizes the whole world, putting the destruction of all mankind on the brink, threatening with nuclear weapons and in fact the world can do nothing. Russian warships in the Black Sea behave like pirates, firing at and sending to the bottom of civilian ships of various states. Nine civil ships have already been damaged and one of them sunk. At the same time, the whole world is silent for some reason. There are even calls from some European politicians, such as French President Macron, that there is no need to humiliate Russia in its war of conquest. Complete idiocy.
Although many states are now helping Ukraine defend itself against Russia's aggressive actions, these actions are clearly not enough in the face of a general threat.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Bttzed03 on June 07, 2022, 05:12:46 AM
Don't underestimate the wheat shortage because it will affect you in one way or another. It's already affecting even the smallest of business like the one street vendor I encountered today. He couldn't buy bread from the market in the last two days and he had no other option than to buy at a retail store for a higher price. Needles to say, he had to charge more for the food I ordered and I just have to suck it up. That's just my own experience and I'm sure similar cases are happening in other parts of the world.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Sithara007 on June 07, 2022, 05:38:04 AM
Don't underestimate the wheat shortage because it will affect you in one way or another. It's already affecting even the smallest of business like the one street vendor I encountered today. He couldn't buy bread from the market in the last two days and he had no other option than to buy at a retail store for a higher price. Needles to say, he had to charge more for the food I ordered and I just have to suck it up. That's just my own experience and I'm sure similar cases are happening in other parts of the world.

It's not just wheat. Here in India, the prices of most of the food commodities have gone up by 25% to 100%. Sunflower oil now costs 40% to 50% extra, because most of it is imported from Russia and Ukraine. Wheat prices have remained low, because of the export ban imposed by the central government. But in case of wheat also, it needs to be seen for how long the prices will remain at this level. There is a lot of pressure from the farmer groups to remove the export ban, so that they could sell their wheat at higher prices.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: bakasabo on June 07, 2022, 07:36:51 AM
It's not just wheat. Here in India, the prices of most of the food commodities have gone up by 25% to 100%. Sunflower oil now costs 40% to 50% extra, because most of it is imported from Russia and Ukraine. Wheat prices have remained low, because of the export ban imposed by the central government. But in case of wheat also, it needs to be seen for how long the prices will remain at this level. There is a lot of pressure from the farmer groups to remove the export ban, so that they could sell their wheat at higher prices.

Here it Europe the price of sunflower has gone up also. If not mistaken, it has already increased two times. It now cost same as olive oil. I am not an expert in cooking, but isnt olive oil more healthy? I see people prefer to use olive oil for cooking, instead of sunflower. On the other hand, I remember times when I had renovations of kitchen and I had no cooking stove at all. I've been using multicooker device for months, managed to make soups, porridge, stewed meat and etc. Used oil only for salads. I feel that food prices has gone up, but once again, there is to much drama around wheat. People will adopt their eating habits and wait for war to end.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: judaspriest on June 07, 2022, 07:43:31 AM

Indeed it wont happen. World can wait for "wheat supplies to recover" and parallel limit himself of some goods or food. What is food crisis - time when there is nothing to eat. So far I dont see that we dont have real problem with food supplies all around the world. Like the world faced travelling problem due to covid and was patiently waiting for it to over, the same will be with wheat supplies. Wait 1-2 years and everything will be back to normal. The world wont starve to death without having few years same wheat amount as usually.
Agreed - there is so much propaganda involved to keep the hype.
I am very much sure that this would not happen anytime sooner - Hopefully the food crisis won't happen. But who keeps creating this type of news? any authentic source?
No need to be surprised because after all propaganda will not be separated from it and will always exist,
I hope so because the food crisis will cause new problems in the future if it is not addressed immediately,
I don't know if the news is true or just a diversion and it's important to find the authentic source

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Sithara007 on June 08, 2022, 03:23:40 AM
Here it Europe the price of sunflower has gone up also. If not mistaken, it has already increased two times. It now cost same as olive oil. I am not an expert in cooking, but isnt olive oil more healthy? I see people prefer to use olive oil for cooking, instead of sunflower. On the other hand, I remember times when I had renovations of kitchen and I had no cooking stove at all. I've been using multicooker device for months, managed to make soups, porridge, stewed meat and etc. Used oil only for salads. I feel that food prices has gone up, but once again, there is to much drama around wheat. People will adopt their eating habits and wait for war to end.

It is a chain reaction. In the long term, the price of olive oil can't remain at the same level as that of sunflower oil. As people start replacing sunflower oil with olive oil, the price for the latter would go up. Sunflower oil prices have already gone up by around 50%, and we can expect the olive oil prices to rise by a similar level. The equilibrium in the market is disrupted. And it will have an impact on all the commodifies, and not just on the commodities that are mostly sourced from Russia and Ukraine, such as wheat, sunflower oil, barley and oats.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: on June 08, 2022, 04:09:15 AM
It is a chain reaction. In the long term, the price of olive oil can't remain at the same level as that of sunflower oil. As people start replacing sunflower oil with olive oil, the price for the latter would go up. Sunflower oil prices have already gone up by around 50%, and we can expect the olive oil prices to rise by a similar level. The equilibrium in the market is disrupted. And it will have an impact on all the commodifies, and not just on the commodities that are mostly sourced from Russia and Ukraine, such as wheat, sunflower oil, barley and oats.
Sunflower and olive oil are not interchangeable products, although in stores they often stand side by side on the next shelf. Refined sunflower oil is ideal for frying and is difficult, if not impossible, to replace here. There are many good and different options for salad dressing, but not for frying.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: bakasabo on June 08, 2022, 07:49:52 AM
mostly sourced from Russia and Ukraine, such as wheat, sunflower oil, barley and oats.

That is a good topic for discussion. How and when Russia and Ukraine turned into partial wheat, sunflower oil, barley and oats market monopolists? The land, soil on their territory are not so unique, that makes it the only place where these cultures can be produced. The earth is huge. We cant find another place to plant wheat and wait for harvest, while consuming current supplies? 

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Ozero on June 08, 2022, 02:41:00 PM
mostly sourced from Russia and Ukraine, such as wheat, sunflower oil, barley and oats.

That is a good topic for discussion. How and when Russia and Ukraine turned into partial wheat, sunflower oil, barley and oats market monopolists? The land, soil on their territory are not so unique, that makes it the only place where these cultures can be produced. The earth is huge. We cant find another place to plant wheat and wait for harvest, while consuming current supplies? 
Ukraine has about 9% of the world's black soil reserves, about 30% of European reserves and covers an area of ​​about 27 million hectares (46% of the country's territory). At the same time, 22 million hectares are arable land suitable for agribusiness. In terms of black soil area, Ukraine ranks fourth in the world after Russia, the United States and China. But it is also an industrial country, which also has a high intellectual potential. Therefore, for Putin, Ukraine is a tasty morsel. But most of all, Putin wants to appropriate the history of Ukraine for Russia.

In the ninth century, the state of Kievan Rus was formed with its center in Kyiv. This state began to unite other lands around itself and after two or three centuries became one of the strongest states in Europe. At the same time, the first mention of Moscow (the village of Mokva, as it was then called) refers to 1147 as belonging to the Kyiv prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. Before the reign of Tsar Peter the Great, Russia was called Muscovy, and its people were called Muscovites. Now Putin wants to appropriate the legendary history of Ukraine, which goes back to the time of Kievan Rus, as the history of Russia. That is why he wants to seize the territory of Ukraine and include it in his current empire. It is no coincidence that this year the textbooks of the Russian Federation no longer write about the creation of Kievan Rus, but simply about Rus.

Putin seized the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea on the pretext that it previously belonged to Russia. Then Ukraine has the right to claim almost the entire European territory of Russia, including Moscow itself, since all these lands belonged to Kievan Rus and its Kievan princes.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Sithara007 on June 09, 2022, 02:56:31 AM
That is a good topic for discussion. How and when Russia and Ukraine turned into partial wheat, sunflower oil, barley and oats market monopolists? The land, soil on their territory are not so unique, that makes it the only place where these cultures can be produced. The earth is huge. We cant find another place to plant wheat and wait for harvest, while consuming current supplies? 

China and India are the top producers of wheat and not Russia and Ukraine. That said, neither China, nor India have spare export capacity. China is a net importer of wheat, while India exports only insignificant quantities of the grain. The advantage with Russia and Ukraine is that they export most of what they produce and they are located strategically close to the major wheat importing nations such as Turkey, Egypt and Algeria. At it obviously helps that both the black sea nations were able to increase their wheat output by more than 2x during the last two decades.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: bakasabo on June 09, 2022, 09:09:07 AM
Ukraine has about 9% of the world's black soil reserves, about 30% of European reserves and covers an area of ​​about 27 million hectares (46% of the country's territory). At the same time, 22 million hectares are arable land suitable for agribusiness.

9% you say... Is this land oriented on the territory, where military operation happens now, or it is far away from war actions? I am sure that war is not happening on the whole territory of Ukraine. Does it mean that less than 9% worlds black soil reserve is unused and not producing wheat. Right ? Wheat disappearance does not look that scary after all. Based on food range stores present, it does not look like world will never see wheat again.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Ozero on June 09, 2022, 10:45:48 AM
Ukraine has about 9% of the world's black soil reserves, about 30% of European reserves and covers an area of ​​about 27 million hectares (46% of the country's territory). At the same time, 22 million hectares are arable land suitable for agribusiness.

9% you say... Is this land oriented on the territory, where military operation happens now, or it is far away from war actions? I am sure that war is not happening on the whole territory of Ukraine. Does it mean that less than 9% worlds black soil reserve is unused and not producing wheat. Right ? Wheat disappearance does not look that scary after all. Based on food range stores present, it does not look like world will never see wheat again.
Now hostilities with Russian troops are taking place in eastern Ukraine on the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, as well as in southern Ukraine, where Zaporozhye, Kherson and Nikolaev regions are located. The east of Ukraine was a more industrial area, where there are many metallurgical plants and coal mines. In this regard, there is relatively little black soil there. And in the south of Ukraine, where the climate is more suitable for agricultural production, there is really a lot of black soil. Especially a lot of chernozem is located in the center of Ukraine and in its northern part, where it is now relatively calm, although almost the entire territory of Ukraine is subjected to periodic shelling by aircraft, ships and submarines from the Black Sea.
This year, despite the war and hostilities, about 75 percent of the sown area has been sown compared to last year. Therefore, there will be a harvest in Ukraine.
It should also be noted that not only wheat is grown and exported in Ukraine. A lot of sunflower, corn, other grain crops, as well as various vegetables and fruits are exported.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Sithara007 on June 09, 2022, 12:17:42 PM
As per the United States Department of Agriculture, for the period of 2022-23, Ukraine is estimated to produce 21.5 million tonnes of wheat, which is 35% down when compared to the production for last year. On the other hand, Russian production is estimated to go up by 5% to 80.6 million tonnes. They will be exporting more than half of this export (42.3 million tonnes). These numbers mean that Russia will be exporting 4 times more wheat compared to Ukraine for 2022-23. Considering the increased price levels of wheat ($495 per tonne for April 2022), the Russian government will be receiving a few billion USD from export duties alone.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: YOSHIE on June 09, 2022, 04:54:19 PM
From the data I saw in 2020, Ukraine ranks 8th in producing wheat.
Here are the 10 countries with the most wheat production:

1. China (134,254,710 tons)
2. India (107,590,000 tons)
3. Russia (85,896,326 tons)
4. United States (49,690,680 tons)
5. Canada (35,183,000 tons)
6. France (30,144,110 tons)
7. Pakistan (25,247,511 tons)
8. Ukraine (24,912,350 tons)
9. Germany (22,172,100 tons)
10. Turkey (20,500,000 tons)

I also thought and asked, if Ukraine had no more wheat production, would the world have a food crisis and hunger, Of course, I answered no, the second world war was worse than the invasion of Russia vs. Ukraine, but not as bad as it is currently reported.

If food growers adopted a crypto token which was backed by food commodities and guaranteed a static exchange rate for a set number of tomatos, potatos, per token.

That could be a good format for future food emergencies.
In my opinion this is not necessary, vegetables and fruits/tokens.

What needs to be maintained at this time is not the exchange rate / token, but land and security to be able to produce more wheat for food needs in the future, the token also doesn't work if the potato production region is messy.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: DrBeer on June 09, 2022, 06:32:17 PM
Yep, Ukraine mined the way out of Odessa, fearing a Russian landing. This was announced ( in early March by the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on his Facebook page. Later, of course, Ukraine tried to blame everything on Russia, but it didn’t work out.

I beg your pardon - as always, you pulled out a piece of text, and now you also lied, saying that you had mined the Black Sea area! And all in order to try once again to justify the world terrorist - Russia! And it's easy to prove, very simple!
1. Ukraine mined by setting "minefields", but ... COAST and COASTAL zone (up to 1 km, from the coastline), so that the landing force could not set foot on the ground, and not disrupt maritime traffic throughout the region.
2. Ukraine did not mine the coastal zone with free-floating mines.

Items 1 and 2 are verbatim in the FB post you linked to. I quote verbatim the entire description of the warning so that everyone can see your next "cute", but primitive lie :)

So, the original phrases sound like this:
The coastal defense system includes the mining of certain territories (not the water area), where the enemy can make an amphibious landing.
Therefore, we ask you NOT to MOVE along the territory of the COAST (this is the land part) of the Odessa region. It's not safe for your life.
We urge fishermen and boats not to move NEAR the SHORE of the Odessa region, so as not to put themselves at risk, and not to fall under possible fire and minefields.

And most importantly, Ukraine used anchor mines to mine the COAST, because. near the coast, there is often noticeable excitement and currents, and free-floating mines will leave the mining zone in a few days and will not fulfill their main goal - protecting a given territory.

Yes, well, and the best proof is that by marking the mines that were found off the coast of Turkey and Romania, it easily became clear that these were mines that were located in the warehouses of the Ukrainian Navy in Crimea, and were captured by Russian terrorists back in 2014, during the occupation of Crimea .

I told you - do not try to lie primitively, and even referring to the source that you misrepresented, having previously pulled out a small part of the information. Not a very nice act for an adult!

In the dialogue of adults, it is customary not to count the arguments, but to weigh them. I provided a prooflink, and you issued a long-winded and unfounded tirade in response, falsely accusing me of distorting the facts. Do not do it this way. Ukraine mined the entrance to Odessa with old mines, which were torn from anchors during a storm and scattered across the Black Sea. Your accusations of Russia in this are groundless.

ps By the way, according to one of the versions, the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, the missile cruiser Moscow, was blown up on such a mine torn from the anchor.

Do you always conduct a dialogue - read only yourself? :) I gave ARGUMENTS. That Ukraine mined potential landing zones, on the ground, and fixed mines, in the nearest water area. And those who sailed to the Bosphorus were in the warehouses of the Black Sea Fleet of Ukraine and were captured during the occupation of Crimea. And now, please proof that Ukraine mined the water area with "old mines that were washed away by the waves"? :) :) :)

PS about the "Moscow" trough - well, of course, 1 unfortunate, ancient Ukrainian mine (according to your imagination), sent the FLAGSHIP of the Black Sea Fleet to the bottom of the second most powerful army in the world! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: Sithara007 on June 10, 2022, 01:40:40 AM
PS about the "Moscow" trough - well, of course, 1 unfortunate, ancient Ukrainian mine (according to your imagination), sent the FLAGSHIP of the Black Sea Fleet to the bottom of the second most powerful army in the world! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

As far as I know, the flagship (Moskva) was sunk with a missile, and not with a mine. Ukrainian sources have themselves admitted to planting mines near the port of Odessa, as during the early days of war it was believed that the Russian forces would make an amphibian landing there. But the Russians never carried out these attacks and in the end, the Ukrainian merchant vessels got impacted. Wheat prices, mean while are now inching towards the $500 per tonne level (if they haven't crossed that level already). Back in 2019-20, the prices were around $200 per tonne.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: DrBeer on June 10, 2022, 08:29:52 AM
Yep, Ukraine mined the way out of Odessa, fearing a Russian landing. This was announced ( in early March by the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on his Facebook page. Later, of course, Ukraine tried to blame everything on Russia, but it didn’t work out.

I beg your pardon - as always, you pulled out a piece of text, and now you also lied, saying that you had mined the Black Sea area! And all in order to try once again to justify the world terrorist - Russia! And it's easy to prove, very simple!
1. Ukraine mined by setting "minefields", but ... COAST and COASTAL zone (up to 1 km, from the coastline), so that the landing force could not set foot on the ground, and not disrupt maritime traffic throughout the region.
2. Ukraine did not mine the coastal zone with free-floating mines.

There are over 400 mines in the black sea area. So Russia plant them to prevent their own landing? That didn't sound totally idiotic? If Ukraine only set minefields in the coastal zone then who place those mines? When FSB is accusing Ukraine to put those mines in the black sea ( which is logical by determining the situation) but Ukraine denied it.

I do not trust what the Russian or Ukrainian side said. If I justify the situation and possibilities then putting mines in the black sea from Ukrainian is more logical to me.
I don't know what has gone wrong with the Russia - it is a rich country and have oil and gas resources.
Why are they putting themselves in trouble? They should stay happy and live and let live - YOLO

It's the same with Russia! It's just that you, as a normal person, do not understand the concept of the "Russian world". No, this is not to become really the best, strongest, respected. The concept of the "Russian world" is to steal everything and everyone, to do nothing at "home", but to invest efforts to prevent the neighbors from living well! They cannot allow life to flourish around them, and they will use any method, only to prevent the development and improvement of the standard of living of their neighbors. It's hard to measure this, it looks like complete idiocy, but it's a fact! If you just look at the history of Russia over the past 20 years - this is the theft of the budget, the usurpation of power, and attempts to strangle the development of neighboring countries (Ichkeria, Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, ...)

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: doomloop on June 13, 2022, 03:56:03 PM
As per the United States Department of Agriculture, for the period of 2022-23, Ukraine is estimated to produce 21.5 million tonnes of wheat, which is 35% down when compared to the production for last year. On the other hand, Russian production is estimated to go up by 5% to 80.6 million tonnes. They will be exporting more than half of this export (42.3 million tonnes). These numbers mean that Russia will be exporting 4 times more wheat compared to Ukraine for 2022-23. Considering the increased price levels of wheat ($495 per tonne for April 2022), the Russian government will be receiving a few billion USD from export duties alone.
Like most people predict, they could definitely end up making a lot more profit during this war, the whole sanctions and war thing caused the prices of oil, gas, wheat all gone up, meaning they are making a killing out of this war. However, you have to understand that politically speaking, this gave a message to all other nations, saying "find someone else, Russia is the enemy now" and that is going to hurt them a lot in the next decade or two.

Wheat will be handled one way or another for now, we are going to find wheat either directly from Russia, or from a third party that buys from Russia, like oil. However, if we start to see some eastern bloc, even some Asian nations turn into fully wheat builders, do not be shocked.

Title: Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war
Post by: DrBeer on June 14, 2022, 08:25:53 PM
As per the United States Department of Agriculture, for the period of 2022-23, Ukraine is estimated to produce 21.5 million tonnes of wheat, which is 35% down when compared to the production for last year. On the other hand, Russian production is estimated to go up by 5% to 80.6 million tonnes. They will be exporting more than half of this export (42.3 million tonnes). These numbers mean that Russia will be exporting 4 times more wheat compared to Ukraine for 2022-23. Considering the increased price levels of wheat ($495 per tonne for April 2022), the Russian government will be receiving a few billion USD from export duties alone.
Like most people predict, they could definitely end up making a lot more profit during this war, the whole sanctions and war thing caused the prices of oil, gas, wheat all gone up, meaning they are making a killing out of this war. However, you have to understand that politically speaking, this gave a message to all other nations, saying "find someone else, Russia is the enemy now" and that is going to hurt them a lot in the next decade or two.

Wheat will be handled one way or another for now, we are going to find wheat either directly from Russia, or from a third party that buys from Russia, like oil. However, if we start to see some eastern bloc, even some Asian nations turn into fully wheat builders, do not be shocked.

The thing is that it is necessary - to stop sponsoring the world center of terrorism and terror, and secondly, to strangle this new brown plague under the tricolor by the whole world. Otherwise, everyone will get even bigger problems, and the war will come to other countries. Terrorists must be destroyed and not follow their lead and agree to their terms. The world cannot understand in any way - the Russian world, this is the ideology of destruction. They cannot make life better in their own country (having almost everything necessary for this), but they believe that it is necessary to destroy everything from their neighbors so that they do not live better.