Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: Forsyth Jones on May 27, 2024, 06:43:01 PM

Title: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Forsyth Jones on May 27, 2024, 06:43:01 PM
It has become increasingly common for friends and not-so-close "friends" to come and ask me to borrow money. I don't usually ask for the purpose, but some ask me because of betting at online houses.

The last time I lent money to a colleague, who I hadn't had much contact with other than at work for a short period, it was with great difficulty that I got the money back.

I don't know where people get the amount of money they think I have, they must think I look like a bank...

Who likes having to borrow money? Unless you are a loan shark and lend with collateral where the risk is almost zero, why lend money where you end up with a loss? 'cause in addition to no one paying you with interest, most never pay you on time, at least you will get your money back after repeated charges.

Some people even go so far as to ask me to borrow money for what? to bet!! What a joke. I answer briefly and bluntly that I don't have the money to lend for these purposes!

And the worst thing is that they ask me for small amounts, like $2, 5, 10$... I think that if the person doesn't have that money now, the chances of them getting that money to pay you are low. If the person is in need, it's easier for them to confess right away to see what I can do, because I'm not a bad person.

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Odohu on May 27, 2024, 06:47:47 PM
If someone ask me for money and I can verify it is for gambling, I will humbly refuse because I know I will not be helping such fellow. Imagine the trauma of borrowing money and losing it all to gambling only to be in debt, that is compounded pain for him so I will not want to share in the blame. It is nearly impossible to win gamble with borrowed funds because the moment you realise the money is not yours, your psychology is already messed up. The best approach is always to gamble with personal money and such amount that one can afford to lose. Even gambling company advise their customers to gamble responsibly.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Oshosondy on May 27, 2024, 06:53:42 PM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?
I do not borrow people the money that I can not give them. So I do not feel disappointed if the borrower is not able to pay the money. But I will expect the person not to come to borrow money again.

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
I treat female like male if it is money.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: acroman08 on May 27, 2024, 07:02:25 PM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.?
to relatives(not immediate family)? no, they are one of the most entitled people on this planet, they get angry when you try to ask them for the money you have lent to them, they would even involve other relatives and badmouth you to them. to friends? yeah, but it's very rare, In my experience, friends are more likely to pay you back than your relatives.

Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?
yeah, it's the reason why I used to lend money to relatives but not anymore.

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
I am not sure why being a female would affect whether I will lend them or not, if they have a good reason or an emergency that I think is valid enough, then I'll lend them money.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: rachael9385 on May 27, 2024, 07:14:38 PM
If someone ask me for money and I can verify it is for gambling, I will humbly refuse because I know I will not be helping such fellow. Imagine the trauma of borrowing money and losing it all to gambling only to be in debt, that is compounded pain for him so I will not want to share in the blame. It is nearly impossible to win gamble with borrowed funds because the moment you realise the money is not yours, your psychology is already messed up. The best approach is always to gamble with personal money and such amount that one can afford to lose. Even gambling company advise their customers to gamble responsibly.
I like that.
When you know the reason why your friend is asking for a loan from you is to gamble and you gave him/her the money you are also putting the person in more danger and no doubt that you might not receive your back your money even without interest. One funniest part we should know is that even when the person that collected a loan from you won, he's attention will not go to pay back the loan he collected but to double the money or triple the money.
It's not good to gamble with loan money because when gambling with loan money I don't think the person will be concentrated but only thinking on how to win and double the money and at the time he managed win he's attention will not be to pay back the loan but to triple it and that's the moment lose starts and still the gambler still chase loses.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: darkangel11 on May 27, 2024, 07:19:01 PM
I don't know where people get the amount of money they think I have, they must think I look like a bank...

Nobody asks me for money, which means you're doing something wrong.
You either talk about gambling too much, or you talk about crypto, or you drive a nice vehicle to work, or you wear expensive clothes and have a good phone... They must be getting information from somewhere, or they somehow suspect you might have money.
Some people even go so far as to ask me to borrow money for what? to bet!! What a joke. I answer briefly and bluntly that I don't have the money to lend for these purposes!
Wrong answer . If you talk to them like that they'll think you have money, just don't want to give it to them.

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?

Depends if they're close friends. If we're dating, or I'd like to date them, I'll be willing to lend them some money. Not for favors, but to check them out if they're worth my time. A woman that will lie about something as stupid as a small loan is dishonest and not a girlfriend material.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: WillyAp on May 27, 2024, 07:19:07 PM
Just don't lend or lend with interest.

Over here 10% per month is not unusual.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: GideonGono on May 27, 2024, 07:19:29 PM
I would lend out money, but it would depend on where it would be used.
If it would only be used for gambling, isn't emergency and not really important then I wouldn't help them out, I mean I could use that money on something important for me or my family so why would I lend it to others?
It would also depend on a situation, if I know that the person who is asking to borrow money from me spent his/her money on unnecessary then I wouldn't help them, for me they are the problem not the money if I help them then they would just continue to live like it, they wouldn't change.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Sakanwa on May 27, 2024, 07:49:20 PM
I would lend out money, but it would depend on where it would be used.
If it would only be used for gambling, isn't emergency and not really important then I wouldn't help them out, I mean I could use that money on something important for me or my family so why would I lend it to others?
It would also depend on a situation, if I know that the person who is asking to borrow money from me spent his/her money on unnecessary then I wouldn't help them, for me they are the problem not the money if I help them then they would just continue to live like it, they wouldn't change.
If I am to borrow somebody money for gambling,the first thing I will do is to be in agreement will  the person over the payment structure of the money,we must sign an agreement,and indicate a place where he has to sign that he collected money from me for gambling on a particular date,and would refund it on a given date, failure to refund it will carry penalties,which might include me taking any of his properties that will be worth the amount borrowed from me.In that case,I and the borrower will not have problem.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Davidvictorson on May 27, 2024, 07:57:15 PM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?
I treat borrowing money just the way I treat gambling. I borrow money which I know that I can afford to lose. I'd rather give out the money and not expect a repayment. Experience has taught me that it is easier to lend money to someone out out of pity but the borrower would almost make you drag them to court when the due date for repayment is close. They almost never keep to their words.

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
I don't see gender, I see humans, and personalities as well as their tendencies. There is no difference.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: cabron on May 27, 2024, 08:05:31 PM

When you lend money to someone and the word is out, everybody thinks you have some money to spare. And especially if they learn you have Bitcoin I guess it's not surprising anymore to see friends asking for loans.

This is not a good practice to do since it can make you a bad guy in the end when you refuse them. A friend can turn into an enemy after that. Even to a relative, it's better to just give a little and not expect a return for the relationship will just turn sour.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: _act_ on May 27, 2024, 08:15:42 PM
When you lend money to someone and the word is out, everybody thinks you have some money to spare. And especially if they learn you have Bitcoin I guess it's not surprising anymore to see friends asking for loans.
I loan a friend money and we later went out together to drink beer and eat barbecue and some meats in a way that I spent money just for us to enjoy, but what I later noticed is that the friend did not want to pay the money and some days after he asked me to give him money. You are right. I corrected it later and if I do not have money and he later believe. People need to be very wise.

This is not a good practice to do since it can make you a bad guy in the end when you refuse them. A friend can turn into an enemy after that. Even to a relative, it's better to just give a little and not expect a return for the relationship will just turn sour.
This is the reason some people will be doing as it they are not rich. They can be rich but they know how people are.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Baofeng on May 27, 2024, 08:16:00 PM
Just don't lend or lend with interest.

Over here 10% per month is not unusual.

I think some of them are borrowing money from friends because they just wanted to pay the principal only. If they wanted to loan with interest then they should go to a bank. Although lending money to people that you know is tricky, because sometimes they will tell you a lot of excuses or bringing sad stories in their live so that at least you won't hesitate to lend them money.

And then you will hear after that the money is just being used for gambling. So I guess this might discourage you to borrow money to some individuals down to road. But we all know the risk involved in borrowing money just to gamble it. So to answer the question, no, I won't lend someone the money so that he will gamble it. Chances are he had already an addicted and might not return the money to you.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Wiwo on May 27, 2024, 08:54:05 PM
First of all, let me give you this advice for free.

Letting people know that you have money is only going lead you into financial crisis both with them a d others who may come after them and even attracting criminals to yourself,  before people feels you have money to borrthem, you might have shown them some traces of being an easy going person who can give out and once you give a person you have turn to their bank where they come to loan all manner of amount anytime their need money to fund any of they desire.

The thing with borrowing a gamblers money is that  you may never get the money back no matter the amount pf time you give them, because by gambling, they already lose the money or even being addicted to gambling already so just give at your own risk, just as you said in you concluding part, when you want to borrow anyone money, you need to add interest to such loan and with a strong collateral if not you are just gifting them the money and not loaning since they not gona pay back.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: WillyAp on May 27, 2024, 08:58:21 PM

I think some of them are borrowing money from friends because they just wanted to pay the principal only. If they wanted to loan with interest then they should go to a bank.

Over here most people don't use banks. They are not aware that having a good credit record is worth something.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: BABY SHOES on May 27, 2024, 09:03:17 PM
I felt how I used to lend money to a colleague but what happened after the due date was difficult to collect for various reasons, I was like a beggar by wanting the money back again, and since then I have never lent money to anyone sometimes they forget themselves after being helped by lending but they will forget when they want to be collected.

Moreover, this is borrowing money for gambling, it is clear that the money will be returned to you very low, what if you lose and never pay the loan to you even if it is small money if you give it without any pity he will continue to meet you and ask for another loan.

Now I no longer feel bad for them, because I have learned to see the previous incident, keep your own money, never lend it unless your brother is in need.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Hatchy on May 27, 2024, 09:04:52 PM
It depends on what the person want for use the money for. If he tells me that he wants s to gamble with the money, then I won't be willing to give out any penny as I will only be aiding some gambling addicts who doesn't have funds to fuel his gambling activities. Why would someone take loan to gamble, if he isn't addicted.

I don't know where people get the amount of money they think I have, they must think I look like a bank
I guess it how you potrate your self out there to them, that's how and why they think you have so much and then wants you to give them a hand to fund their gambling activities. If you are the type that always spends in front of others the they will have the mindset that you are rich and when you don't give them id they asks, you become an enemy.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Wexnident on May 27, 2024, 09:14:00 PM
Why bother lending them then if you have so much difficulty in the first place? My friend had this experience a couple of years back, money was used for vacation purposes (together with his gf) and the loan took like a year to be paid. After that, he never had anymore intention to give out loans unless for emergencies lol. Now imagine that in your case since they're using it for gambling. And really? Small amounts? Jesus I'd pass on that. I'm more likely to forget about them really.

And no, I rarely do. Only for emergencies at most really. As for female friends, like hell I will. Gender ain't an advantage here.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: $crypto$ on May 27, 2024, 09:33:16 PM
All men/women are the same if it is only for gambling, they will never lend it because the risk of losing money will be high, let alone getting addicted to borrowing again.

Still I will refuse if borrowing money is only for gambling because this behavior is bad, right? Some people suggest gambling not with loans because the profit is impossible to get let alone return the money, so refuse whoever it is relatives or own family.

Feeling bad about lending money to them, of course we must feel especially when friends or relatives are in need, as long as it is not for gambling and the person can be trusted then I will lend small money.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Oilacris on May 27, 2024, 09:38:00 PM
If someone ask me for money and I can verify it is for gambling, I will humbly refuse because I know I will not be helping such fellow. Imagine the trauma of borrowing money and losing it all to gambling only to be in debt, that is compounded pain for him so I will not want to share in the blame. It is nearly impossible to win gamble with borrowed funds because the moment you realise the money is not yours, your psychology is already messed up. The best approach is always to gamble with personal money and such amount that one can afford to lose. Even gambling company advise their customers to gamble responsibly.
Same here on which it would really be never that something good if you would really be letting them borrow money on which you do know that they would really be that making use of it on doing gambling.
Not on that you are really that wanting to let them borrow but if its for gambling then better not fuel up their addiction. Also, on the moment that they are really that addicted then it would really be something that pertains on things about having no control plus having the inability on repaying up those loans that they had borrowed from you. If you dont like on not getting repaid or returning those money back
then it would really be best that you shouldnt really be letting them borrow on the amount on which they would be asking. Refuse on them properly and tell you dont have money but of course expect that
there would be some sort of gaps on the moment that you would be refusing into them.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Fortify on May 27, 2024, 09:41:22 PM
It has become increasingly common for friends and not-so-close "friends" to come and ask me to borrow money. I don't usually ask for the purpose, but some ask me because of betting at online houses.

The last time I lent money to a colleague, who I hadn't had much contact with other than at work for a short period, it was with great difficulty that I got the money back.

I don't know where people get the amount of money they think I have, they must think I look like a bank...

Who likes having to borrow money? Unless you are a loan shark and lend with collateral where the risk is almost zero, why lend money where you end up with a loss? 'cause in addition to no one paying you with interest, most never pay you on time, at least you will get your money back after repeated charges.

Some people even go so far as to ask me to borrow money for what? to bet!! What a joke. I answer briefly and bluntly that I don't have the money to lend for these purposes!

And the worst thing is that they ask me for small amounts, like $2, 5, 10$... I think that if the person doesn't have that money now, the chances of them getting that money to pay you are low. If the person is in need, it's easier for them to confess right away to see what I can do, because I'm not a bad person.

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?

Just follow the simple rule - don't lend money that you cannot afford to lose. If a close friend asks me for $20, I'll sling it to them and while I expect it to be paid back in some form - would not chase it ever again. If they keep coming back and asking for more money, then I'd probably say no, because I am not here to hand out free cash that I've worked hard for and was not paid back previously. It's a bad cycle for someone to get into if they are relying on friends constantly and there is often some underlying habit that is causing that. People who get addicted, can often start putting their own addiction in front of their friends and in that scenario they are choosing to screw you over, so it may be time to re-evaluate your relationship. Male or female, it makes no difference.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: OgNasty on May 27, 2024, 09:41:57 PM
Welcome to my inbox. Lol.

A lot of people have no shame and feel like others have money they just give away. My advice is to just ignore them otherwise you’ll have a never-ending stream of charity requests. Stick to helping the people in your life or donating to established charities.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: skarais on May 27, 2024, 09:42:43 PM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?
Most of my gambling colleagues are men. They gamble almost every day and spend so much money each month that they have to borrow from others. This habit has been going on for a long time and as a co-worker, I am of course a target for my colleagues who provide loans. I was not responsible for giving him a loan even though I gave it several times, but until I realized it would only burden him at the beginning of the month, I no longer gave him a loan.

A severe level of addiction will make a gambler always look for easy ways to get money. They get loans, work harder, or do something illegal. I also found a case of a village head spending government funds just for gambling. This case was revealed when the village financial audit team found irregularities in his financial reporting.

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
I have not encountered such a case so far.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Kavelj22 on May 27, 2024, 09:49:15 PM
Only those who suffer from gambling addiction may be led by their behavior to venture into debt in order to continue playing. Borrowing for the sake of gambling means that they have lost all their own money and all that remains for them is to gamble with other people’s money. Some who cannot find a loan, may consider stealing or defrauding to make money.

There is a basic rule in the fields of "trading" and "gambling" that says that you should never risk using money that you can't afford to lose because there is no guarantee that it will achieve returns. I do not consider either of them a real environment of investment because the degree of risk is high and the user may be involved in consequences that he is not able to bear.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Bitinity on May 27, 2024, 09:56:12 PM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?

Not much but I do it when I think that I have to do it and when I'm sure that they will be able to repay it. I dont really care about the reason, I will not ask them what is their purpose because even if they tell the reason, I do not know whether they are lying or not about the reason. I also do not care about the gender, male or female does not matter. Even if it is female but if I think that she wont be able to repay it, I will not lend her. Usually I follow my own feeling but of course I will also see their track record.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: kawetsriyanto on May 27, 2024, 09:59:17 PM
It has become increasingly common for friends and not-so-close "friends" to come and ask me to borrow money. I don't usually ask for the purpose, but some ask me because of betting at online houses.
It is a bad idea to lend people money without knowing the reasons/purposes. Even they are close people, we must ensure that they money will be used for useful things. If they borrow money for useless things, it is better to refuse them. They will be lazy to work and think too easy to get money from you in that way. Moreover, if they use the money for betting, you need to be more careful because you may be difficult to get back your money.

The last time I lent money to a colleague, who I hadn't had much contact with other than at work for a short period, it was with great difficulty that I got the money back.
This must be an important lesson for you. People may not keep their promises. This is very often happening.
In some cases, people can try to forget the loan or to keep delaying repay the loan many times. I've experienced this several times, just don't easily give people loan money. If it is not very urgent, rather than giving a loan it is better to give them small money to help them a bit.

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?
I become rarely to give a loan to anybody now. I've got few bad stories about loaning money. Even they are our close people, it is better to limit the money to lend with them. I ever give a loan to my uncle, but it ends up with a bad story. When I try to ask the money back, he always gives a reason to delay the repayment. Now, I have a bad relationship with him and I still can't get my money fully until now.

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
It doesn't matter that they are female or male friends, I have the same rules in giving people loan money. I won't give them loan money if it is not an urgent matter, specifically if it is not for useful things. For gambling, I probably will refuse it in a humble way. In my own view, when you want to gamble, you must ensure that you have enough money in your pocket. If you take a loan, it means  you have no enough money.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Assface16678 on May 27, 2024, 10:15:42 PM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
Both questions are no. First, I don't always lend money to my relatives or even to my family because I constantly give money, and that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. Lending money is kind of hard for me because I know that I may have a hard time claiming the money or that it might be forgotten, especially if you lend money to a friend or something. No matter what kind of friend I am, I don't always lend money. I always say that I don't have extra, but of course if it's an emergency, I'm willing to help. There was one time that one of my friends who is addicted to gambling borrowed some money from me and said that he would pay double if he won, but later on I noticed that he didn't show up to me, and when I contacted him, he said that he couldn't pay the money he borrowed because he also lost all that money, which made me not want to lend money anymore, especially if they would use it for gambling.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Amphenomenon on May 27, 2024, 10:35:04 PM
Welcome to my inbox. Lol.

A lot of people have no shame and feel like others have money they just give away. My advice is to just ignore them otherwise you’ll have a never-ending stream of charity requests. Stick to helping the people in your life or donating to established charities.
True but Sometimes it may be from those close to you, they will then be acting as if they deserved every right to get what they want from you while even if you choose to give them some part of the money they literally won't feel appreciated about it, seeing you as a greedy fellow whereas you tried all your best especially in scenario were they know you have others to help out .

Just don't lend or lend with interest.

Over here 10% per month is not unusual.

I think some of them are borrowing money from friends because they just wanted to pay the principal only. If they wanted to loan with interest then they should go to a bank. Although lending money to people that you know is tricky, because sometimes they will tell you a lot of excuses or bringing sad stories in their live so that at least you won't hesitate to lend them money.
Even with interest I won't even bother to lend he or she if they're going to use it on gambling while in other case i might he tempted to but still yet I think some ask friends not just because of interest rather just to later on find a way of not paying back especially when things won't go as planned.

Aside from my past experience with others when I lend to them, I will also check how they treat others who lend previously before me, this report will be highly beneficial in giving such loans either big or small, though if I know such person is really bad in paying back loans but are really in need of money for something other than gambling I will gift them some amount from it rather than to give them loans for it.

 While some gamblers who might actually be good at gambling and able to pay back this loan even if they lose I may be magnanimous, I might just gift them some part of it to continue to stand on tge trust we have for each other

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: joniboini on May 28, 2024, 04:46:49 AM
How often do these people ask for a loan though? It sounds like a lot of people come to you regularly to ask for money. Which is weird unless you openly tell people that you can lend them money. Maybe one of your friends or family is spreading the news that you lend people your money easily. It is ridiculous that some of them can openly tell you that they will gamble with your money.

I lent some money to friends and family even to this day. Some of them have yet to pay it after two years of borrowing my money, without even telling me what they're doing with my money. Luckily I never lend them a lot of money, and most of them are for urgent needs like medical bills and stuff like that. I'd deny any request if they are not for emergency purpose.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Apocollapse on May 28, 2024, 05:55:20 AM
If you're people pleasure, naive, and never spend money for unnecessary thing, people will see you're like a bank since they know you choose to save your money instead of spend it and there's a chance you would lend your money since you will feel bad for rejecting their request.

The solution is never lend your money.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Hirose UK on May 28, 2024, 05:59:53 AM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?
Everything will depend on the need and who is borrowing it, if it is the people closest to me and for important needs such as meeting life needs or other positive things then I will definitely always try to give it.
But if it is just for gambling capital, even if it is only small amount, I will never give it because this could become bad habit, I know that gambling carries big risk and can make anyone lose large amounts of money.
If they get loan to gamble then when the money runs out they will definitely try to borrow again and recover their losses, this is one of the bad habits that will occur if we lend money to someone for gambling capital.

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
Whether it woman or man I don't care, if it just for gambling I won't provide any loan assistance even though they say they can pay it back in multiples.
What I think about is not about money but about the impact and also the bad habits that they can experience, I have had many bad experiences from gambling and I don't want many of the people closest to me to also experience the same thing.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Kelward on May 28, 2024, 06:33:00 AM

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
Firstly I think that you perhaps give your family and friends the impression that you have extra money, you might not do this intentionally but the way you talk about money can give them that impression, otherwise they will not always come to you.

It's easier to borrow money to outsiders than family and friends, you can take drastic actions to recover your money from outsiders, but you can create enemity between family and friends, when you want to forcefully recover your money. With family and friends, it's better to loan them the amount that you can afford to loose, so when they don't pay back, it won't affect your relationship with them. Try to know the purpose of the money that they want to borrow from you, if it's for gambling, you need to bluntly or gently tell then NO. People should never gamble with borrowed money, because you never know whether you'll win or lose.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Die_empty on May 28, 2024, 06:38:11 AM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
Lending money to relatives can cause serious problems. Some of them usually think that it is your responsibility to give them what they need. I have given my relatives money several times willingly and even unwillingly and they failed to return the money. When I asked them about the money, they felt offended, and it led to quarrels. So I have decided to only lend money that I can afford to lose if they refuse to pay back. If you ask for more than what I can afford to forgo, I will offer only what I can afford to lose. This pattern has worked perfectly for me because it has reduced disagreement and misunderstanding because of loans.

Some female friends are trustworthy. As much as you don't have any romantic relationship with them they usually pay back loans. However, I still apply the same strategy by giving what I can afford to lose. But if she is your date, consider the loan gone.

Lending money to someone because he wants to use it for gambling is not good except he is a responsible gambler who just ran out of cash. If he is an addict who wants to use the money to feed his unhealthy gambling habit, he will receive nothing from me.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Sg4j1n3ll0 on May 28, 2024, 06:55:28 AM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
Lending money to relatives can cause serious problems. Some of them usually think that it is your responsibility to give them what they need. I have given my relatives money several times willingly and even unwillingly and they failed to return the money. When I asked them about the money, they felt offended, and it led to quarrels. So I have decided to only lend money that I can afford to lose if they refuse to pay back. If you ask for more than what I can afford to forgo, I will offer only what I can afford to lose. This pattern has worked perfectly for me because it has reduced disagreement and misunderstanding because of loans.

Some female friends are trustworthy. As much as you don't have any romantic relationship with them they usually pay back loans. However, I still apply the same strategy by giving what I can afford to lose. But if she is your date, consider the loan gone.

Lending money to someone because he wants to use it for gambling is not good except he is a responsible gambler who just ran out of cash. If he is an addict who wants to use the money to feed his unhealthy gambling habit, he will receive nothing from me.

I have my own policy in this regard and it is not to lend money to someone who really doesn't need it like if I have to lend money to someone who is addicted to gambling I try to understand if he is telling me the truth but sometimes it is impossible because they make up unlikely excuses that are very imaginative and absolutely untrue as regards giving a loan to girls if they are addicted too they are usually even worse than men because they are more intelligent and know how to cheat you well, it is difficult to understand if he is telling you the truth considering the fact that they know how to hide their vices very well so I usually don't lend anything to anyone unless they really deserve it

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: hyudien on May 28, 2024, 07:34:06 AM
I would lend out money, but it would depend on where it would be used.
If it would only be used for gambling, isn't emergency and not really important then I wouldn't help them out, I mean I could use that money on something important for me or my family so why would I lend it to others?
It would also depend on a situation, if I know that the person who is asking to borrow money from me spent his/her money on unnecessary then I wouldn't help them, for me they are the problem not the money if I help them then they would just continue to live like it, they wouldn't change.
yes, that's right, I will do as you say, if they really need money for something that is an emergency such as treatment or something else then I can lend it, but if the money is used for gambling I won't lend it because in my opinion it will only Just making them addicted, lending money to them which is intended to be used for gambling is the same as giving them a way to become addicted to gambling. Moreover, there is no guarantee of winning, so I myself am not sure that the person can pay and pay off their debt if they use it for gambling, even if they have income that is used as a bet to pay off, I will not lend it.
In fact, being good is a must, but of course we also have to be able to see in what ways we are helping other people, if helping them finance gambling is not recommended. Apart from that, there are many other things that are more important to do than gambling. with those who are addicted to gambling, of course there will be opportunities for them to take out loans and of course they will not say that if they borrow the money they will use it for gambling, of course they will have other reasons.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Oshosondy on May 28, 2024, 07:35:49 AM
A lot of people have no shame and feel like others have money they just give away. My advice is to just ignore them otherwise you’ll have a never-ending stream of charity requests. Stick to helping the people in your life or donating to established charities.
But what about someone in someone's life that he gave or borrowed money but the person later found out that he or she is addicted to gambling? Another thing is that a friend can be in someone's life like being helpful and there when needed but I think friends are different as some will be there but disappointed when needed help from his friend. Although I understood your point and it is not wrong. The people that I see that are in my life are my family.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: TopTort777 on May 28, 2024, 07:56:04 AM
When someone asks me for money, I see a nice opportunity to test friendship through this favor. I am the kind of person that always give money to friends, but after a complete explanation what these money are for. If a person is short in money, then I can borrow him without setting any time limit for return. If for some reason that person "forgets" about his debt, I forget this person as a friend. If someone asks money for gambling, I always set time limit to return. I think 3 months is enough to return any debt.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Litzki1990 on May 28, 2024, 09:45:49 AM
If you lend someone money to gamble and that person borrows money to gamble, both parties are at considerable risk after lending the money. That is why the two parties will be in considerable danger because one party will lose money by gambling money by taking a loan for gambling, as a result of which he will not have the money to repay the loan, on the other hand, the person who gives the loan to that person will not get his money back on time. In this case, it can be seen that a relationship between the lender and the borrower is bad for money. So not only the gambler should be careful in this matter but also the person who lends money to the gambler for gambling should also be careful as it can be seen that the gambler tries to borrow money for gambling but he later fails to borrow the money. Money can be loaned or loaned to others for good deeds but money should never be lent for gambling.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Stepstowealth on May 28, 2024, 10:35:00 AM
Some people even go so far as to ask me to borrow money for what? to bet!! What a joke. I answer briefly and bluntly that I don't have the money to lend for these purposes.
If you have positioned yourself in a manner that people see you as someone that always has, they would always be tempted to ask you for financial help. If they notice how receptive you are to their demands, they will make it a habit to always ask you for help even for things that are not necessary.

If you refuse giving money to someone for the purpose of betting, and you make it known to them that you have refused to help because the what they need the money for is a nonsense reason, they may come back again next time with another reason they feel is better even though it is a lie just to make sure that you give them. This is why if you do not want to give, be straightforward and decline and do not give any reason for it.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: danherbias07 on May 28, 2024, 10:39:19 AM
That's the problem when you are lending it to friends because there's a chance they will take advantage of you.
Perhaps you lend some money to someone he knew before and then the "pass the message" happens. You know, there will be friends who will suggest borrowing some money from you because you did it before for them.

That is what is happening to me right now. Most people in my neighborhood will come at me to borrow money although I am not rich. I guess it's because I won't say no unless I don't really have the money.
But I am thankful that they do give it back in time and maybe the reason behind it is I don't put interest in it. 1:1. Also, I know the money is for a good purpose like their salaries are late so they cannot pay their bills or something is delayed so they just need a bit of money to survive the day, and not because of gambling.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: michellee on May 28, 2024, 11:06:28 AM
There are still people borrowing money from other people. Unfortunately, they borrow the money just to gamble and it will be difficult for them to pay it back. But they don't care about that. The important thing is that they can continue gambling.

Some friends still come to me to borrow money. The amount varies, but before I give the money, I will first ask what the money is for. I will lend if they borrow money to meet their living needs.

But if their purpose for borrowing money from me is not clear, I will reject it and will never lend that money. I really know people in my neighbourhood who often gamble. If these were the ones who came to me, I would not lend them money.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Porfirii on May 28, 2024, 11:28:34 AM

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?

Fortunately, I don't have many friends or relatives who are in a position of needing me to leave them money, but in the past I once lent a friend I worked with an important sum of money that he ended up practically returning to me (because I simply ignored a small part of just over 10%) but which took him ages.

Not a good thing to lend people money, and even less if you lend it for free. You will possibly never get all your money back (if you lend it so the borrower can gamble with it, then it is highly probable) like was my case. You have to help your friends, but not in any way.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Mr.suevie on May 28, 2024, 11:33:42 AM
It has become increasingly common for friends and not-so-close "friends" to come and ask me to borrow money. I don't usually ask for the purpose, but some ask me because of betting at online houses.

The last time I lent money to a colleague, who I hadn't had much contact with other than at work for a short period, it was with great difficulty that I got the money back.

I don't know where people get the amount of money they think I have, they must think I look like a bank...

Who likes having to borrow money? Unless you are a loan shark and lend with collateral where the risk is almost zero, why lend money where you end up with a loss? 'cause in addition to no one paying you with interest, most never pay you on time, at least you will get your money back after repeated charges.

Some people even go so far as to ask me to borrow money for what? to bet!! What a joke. I answer briefly and bluntly that I don't have the money to lend for these purposes!

And the worst thing is that they ask me for small amounts, like $2, 5, 10$... I think that if the person doesn't have that money now, the chances of them getting that money to pay you are low. If the person is in need, it's easier for them to confess right away to see what I can do, because I'm not a bad person.

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
From one if am you I think I would be happy for people to actually hold me up in such high esteem and the order it's fucking annoying too because you will just keep getting lots of person asking you someone and when you decline the offer it will all be as if you really don't to give them.

But one thing certain about loaning money to gambler anyways, just be sure that they are still gonna come back for more and if they find out you are the generous type they will pestering you and even making advances of bringing things for sales.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Baki202 on May 28, 2024, 11:38:57 AM
That's the problem when you are lending it to friends because there's a chance they will take advantage of you.
Perhaps you lend some money to someone he knew before and then the "pass the message" happens. You know, there will be friends who will suggest borrowing some money from you because you did it before for them.

nothing paying back is something anyone will expect because if you have friends who gamble their habit should not be a problem to you, Borrowing their money to gamble is a risk you intentionally want to bear because they won't pay back, and lucky enough, even if they win their chances of returning that money to you is slim, and the majority of them will even start avoiding you just because they do not feel like paying. and even the ones who borrowed and did not pay will still come back so that they can borrow again. the important thing now is that, instead of borrowing, just give them what you know you can avoid losing. I don't think I will ever borrow money to gamble, as much as I love gambling. borrowing is putting me in a worse condition, even worse than gambling itself so if I don't have money I will still prefer to stay that way than borrowing to gamble.

That is what is happening to me right now. Most people in my neighborhood will come at me to borrow money although I am not rich. I guess it's because I won't say no unless I don't really have the money.
But I am thankful that they do give it back in time and maybe the reason behind it is I don't put interest in it. 1:1. Also, I know the money is for a good purpose like their salaries are late so they cannot pay their bills or something is delayed so they just need a bit of money to survive the day, and not because of gambling.

you are a good person just that your action might be taken for granted, there are a lot of people who have borrowed money and failed to return and this habit has ruined a lot of relationships with people because I don't see the reason why you go and borrow money and you don't want to pay back to me its not reasonable at all, and some will not even tell you their purpose of borrowing money and asking will be somehow. just imagine banks borrow money without collateral what do you think the result will be it won't be more than bankruptcy, people will take it for granted, just borrow what you can lose incase if they don't pay you back.  

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Jody.Drummer on May 28, 2024, 11:43:29 AM
Usually I always look first at the character and nature or personality of the person who wants to borrow money from me, if indeed they are one of my close friends then surely at least I know about the activities and habits along with the things he likes and this closeness can certainly give me a little idea about what the money will be used for if for example they do not say about the purpose of using the money they borrowed from me.

In short, I only dare to lend money to some of my close friends who have a good character and are responsible in social relations as long as I know them, but if it turns out that I know that he is a gambler then I usually don't lend a penny, not refusing but saying as the OP said that I don't have money, because after all, lending money to a gambler is likely that they will use the money for gambling, Although for example they say that they will be responsible and pay on time but I still refuse it, and that's because as we know that a gambler especially one who is quite addicted always prioritizes his gambling activities when they have some money, meaning that most likely when they have money then they will prefer to gamble the money rather than pay debts, and for this reason why I prefer to say that I don't have money, none other than because prevention is always better than cure.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Jaycoinz on May 28, 2024, 11:49:52 AM
Usually I always look first at the character and nature or personality of the person who wants to borrow money from me, if indeed they are one of my close friends then surely at least I know about the activities and habits along with the things he likes and this closeness can certainly give me a little idea about what the money will be used for if for example they do not say about the purpose of using the money they borrowed from me.

In short, I only dare to lend money to some of my close friends who have a good character and are responsible in social relations as long as I know them, but if it turns out that I know that he is a gambler then I usually don't lend a penny, not refusing but saying as the OP said that I don't have money, because after all, lending money to a gambler is likely that they will use the money for gambling, Although for example they say that they will be responsible and pay on time but I still refuse it, and that's because as we know that a gambler especially one who is quite addicted always prioritizes his gambling activities when they have some money, meaning that most likely when they have money then they will prefer to gamble the money rather than pay debts, and for this reason why I prefer to say that I don't have money, none other than because prevention is always better than cure.
That's basically the simplest way to go about when actually you want to lend out money for your friends and again one of the reasons why I really don't want to get involved in such habits is that most of my friends I know of won't even find it necessary to even give it back willingly on time and what I hate in my life is disappointment and I rather just stick the best and most simplest answer which NO than cause myself stress and pain by lending money.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: naira on May 28, 2024, 11:50:27 AM
There are still people borrowing money from other people. Unfortunately, they borrow the money just to gamble and it will be difficult for them to pay it back. But they don't care about that. The important thing is that they can continue gambling.

Some friends still come to me to borrow money. The amount varies, but before I give the money, I will first ask what the money is for. I will lend if they borrow money to meet their living needs.

But if their purpose for borrowing money from me is not clear, I will reject it and will never lend that money. I really know people in my neighbourhood who often gamble. If these were the ones who came to me, I would not lend them money.
Recently I have also been attacked by several friends who borrowed money for transportation costs, business, work, etc. but it turned out that it was all their alibi that the money was used for gambling. I know from several of his posting activities that show of casino and from information about his closest friends who are tired of advising him to stop gambling. Before giving a loan, I always check and ask those closest to him whether he is really going to go abroad, or whether he is going to start a business, etc. until I come to the conclusion that I find reports that he is lying. For this reason, I never give loans carelessly. There have been cases where until now the loan I gave has never been paid, even for almost 1 year.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Franctoshi on May 28, 2024, 11:58:55 AM
It has become increasingly common for friends and not-so-close "friends" to come and ask me to borrow money. I don't usually ask for the purpose, but some ask me because of betting at online houses.

The last time I lent money to a colleague, who I hadn't had much contact with other than at work for a short period, it was with great difficulty that I got the money back.

I don't know where people get the amount of money they think I have, they must think I look like a bank...

Who likes having to borrow money? Unless you are a loan shark and lend with collateral where the risk is almost zero, why lend money where you end up with a loss? 'cause in addition to no one paying you with interest, most never pay you on time, at least you will get your money back after repeated charges.

Some people even go so far as to ask me to borrow money for what? to bet!! What a joke. I answer briefly and bluntly that I don't have the money to lend for these purposes!

And the worst thing is that they ask me for small amounts, like $2, 5, 10$... I think that if the person doesn't have that money now, the chances of them getting that money to pay you are low. If the person is in need, it's easier for them to confess right away to see what I can do, because I'm not a bad person.

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
If you have increasing number of people coming to borrow money from you, Well, to me, I kind of think this is how have you have been parading yourself, maybe you are showing up that you have too much money 🤔, just my thinking, might be wrong. But if this is not the case, lending someone in most case ends in you being the one to beg for the money let alone lending someone for gambling purposes. My experience with the people I lent money in the past taught me a significant number of lessons and since then, I rather give you the money and not expect it back or not lend you at all.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: avp2306 on May 28, 2024, 12:11:10 PM
It has become increasingly common for friends and not-so-close "friends" to come and ask me to borrow money. I don't usually ask for the purpose, but some ask me because of betting at online houses.

The last time I lent money to a colleague, who I hadn't had much contact with other than at work for a short period, it was with great difficulty that I got the money back.

I don't know where people get the amount of money they think I have, they must think I look like a bank...

Who likes having to borrow money? Unless you are a loan shark and lend with collateral where the risk is almost zero, why lend money where you end up with a loss? 'cause in addition to no one paying you with interest, most never pay you on time, at least you will get your money back after repeated charges.

Some people even go so far as to ask me to borrow money for what? to bet!! What a joke. I answer briefly and bluntly that I don't have the money to lend for these purposes!

And the worst thing is that they ask me for small amounts, like $2, 5, 10$... I think that if the person doesn't have that money now, the chances of them getting that money to pay you are low. If the person is in need, it's easier for them to confess right away to see what I can do, because I'm not a bad person.

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
If you have increasing number of people coming to borrow money from you, Well, to me, I kind of think this is how have you have been parading yourself, maybe you are showing up that you have too much money 🤔, just my thinking, might be wrong. But if this is not the case, lending someone in most case ends in you being the one to beg for the money let alone lending someone for gambling purposes. My experience with the people I lent money in the past taught me a significant number of lessons and since then, I rather give you the money and not expect it back or not lend you at all.

That's the reason why he experience that since he left some impression to those people that its easy for them to borrow money from him, that's the reason there's a lot of gamblers came and try to ask some money so that they could able to continue their gambling activities. We know this is really bad since there might be a chance that the lender will default on his loan that's why its better for OP to say no if he know that the borrower is just using that borrowed amount for gambling. For sure if they receive such answer those people will have a doubt to ask money again since they might get ashamed for their selves for borrowing money for nonsense thing.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Coyster on May 28, 2024, 12:23:29 PM
It is even wrong to borrow money to invest in bitcoin, let alone borrowing money to gamble. If someone borrows money to gamble, then the person really needs help and not even money, i would never give out such a loan. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong in gambling, but you have to gamble with your own money and if you don't have it, you should focus on improving your financial situation and not entering into debts you don't know how you are going to pay off.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: coin-investor on May 28, 2024, 12:51:07 PM

Some people even go so far as to ask me to borrow money for what? to bet!! What a joke. I answer briefly and bluntly that I don't have the money to lend for these purposes!
Its in my principle to never lend anyone even a close friend if he is going to use it for betting, if I am going to lend for this purpose I will just encourage the lender to continue to gamble and if he become addicted to gambling then I'm part of the blame for his addiction.

And the worst thing is that they ask me for small amounts, like $2, 5, 10$... I think that if the person doesn't have that money now, the chances of them getting that money to pay you are low. If the person is in need, it's easier for them to confess right away to see what I can do, because I'm not a bad person.
Even if its a small amount we should not lend or support these people from taking a loan if they are going to use it for gambling, if he really in dire need of money and its not for gambling if I have an excess money I will agree to lend them without expecting them to return.

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?
If I have an excess money then why not these are relatives and friends where I share good and bad times so its ok to lend them as long as its not for betting and there's a probability that they are going to pay me back.

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
I treat all my friends the same whether they are male or female I have the same treatment to them.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: bitbollo on May 28, 2024, 12:55:28 PM
when you borrow minimal amounts, I can understand this form of small loans... no worries at all...
but we are literally talking about "a coffee" a beer" nothing more.

bigger amounts are absolutely wrong.
because anyone should never bet money that they don't have.
this leads to great economic problems and it's pretty different from "gambling for fun".

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: angrybirdy on May 28, 2024, 01:14:32 PM
when you borrow minimal amounts, I can understand this form of small loans... no worries at all...
but we are literally talking about "a coffee" a beer" nothing more.

bigger amounts are absolutely wrong.
because anyone should never bet money that they don't have.
this leads to great economic problems and it's pretty different from "gambling for fun".

Also there's a big possibility that it will leads a person to a bigger problem once the money that they borrowed ended up being used up because of losing in their bets. If a person really wants to satisfy their wants, they must be responsible enough to sustain what they really want using their own pockets and not by borrowing to others. It's not just you who is affected once you lose the money you owed, what about the one you borrowed, right? you were trusted because you promised to pay but for sure, you can't pay because the money you owed is gone.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: piebeyb on May 28, 2024, 01:22:09 PM

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?
Why do you have to feel bad, isn't it normal for us to refuse, let alone lending money to gamble, I will never lend money to my friend or relative just because he wants to gamble, he doesn't have money, I will say that I don't have money, Just answer honestly as you are or lie for the right thing, sometimes that doesn't matter either because we can also save them from gambling addiction, usually people who gamble borrow money because they are addicted to gambling and have lost a lot of money.

Even though we want to give it, just give it, don't let them borrow, just give them less money than what they lent, let's assume we give it and just say there is only that much money, so they probably won't ask for more than we give because of course we refuse it in a way. which is more polite without having to hurt their feelings, but for me I don't care about their feelings. I also don't want my friends or relatives to continue to be addicted to gambling and borrowing money from other people. It's best to stop it starting from ourselves so that they start trying to stop gambling. because saying no helps them reduce their addiction, believe me, don't ever feel bad, it's just your feeling.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: junder on May 28, 2024, 01:40:46 PM
It is even wrong to borrow money to invest in bitcoin, let alone borrowing money to gamble. If someone borrows money to gamble, then the person really needs help and not even money, i would never give out such a loan. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong in gambling, but you have to gamble with your own money and if you don't have it, you should focus on improving your financial situation and not entering into debts you don't know how you are going to pay off.

What you say is correct, borrowing money will of course only make us experience worse conditions, especially if we don't have a certain income in life then it's best not to borrow money, what you have to do is improve your financial situation for the better, and when you have enough money It's getting better, of course we can gamble with our own money, but don't do it too much, just because we have income doesn't mean we can gamble as we please by spending a lot of money gambling, of course that's not true. Don't gamble using other people's money, because even if you use your own money, there is a risk of losing, especially if you use other people's money to gamble, it will only make the situation worse.

and maybe those who borrow money to gamble hope that their gambling can result in winnings that can help their financial problems and cover all their shortcomings, but unfortunately thoughts like that only lead them to ruin their lives, borrowing money to gamble is not recommended because it not only It will only make them lose money, but they will experience other bad effects, what's more, they are unlikely to be able to stop gambling, because with those who have borrowed money to gamble, I think they have become addicted to gambling and it will be difficult to get out of that addiction.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on May 28, 2024, 01:52:36 PM
Russians have a saying: “Let friendship remain friendship, but we will keep money separately.” And also a very sharp saying: “If you lend money to a friend, then you will take it from your enemy.” I think the meaning of these two expressions is quite clear. But a question for the OP: if you never gave money, where do people come to you with requests? A kind person sometimes seems very simple to others, so much so that they know that you will not be persecuted due to a non-return of money. Therefore, yes, it is necessary to always be able to say the word “no” at the right moment. Sometimes,  by doing this, you can save someone’s soul.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Pandorak on May 28, 2024, 02:16:37 PM
Not-so-close "friends" are not worthy of being given a loan, even a small amount, especially if it was a large amount. Because basically we have to know why they are so brave to lend money to "friends" who are not so close, don't they have close friends or even their own family?

Regarding the purpose of the loan, it is actually none of our business, it depends on whether we want to give the loan or not. And our business as lenders is only to ensure the deadline for payment to us. Personally, sometimes i give loans to friends who are not very close with the intention of not expecting it to be returned, because i know that it is very likely the money they borrow will not be returned.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: YOSHIE on May 28, 2024, 02:17:10 PM
People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
You have full rights to your money, the decision to give or not is entirely in your hands, regardless of whether the money is used for online gambling purposes or other things. However, if you are a borrower of money to other people, Of course you already know the sequence and risks that occur, of course you have the benefit of that before the money is disbursed to the borrower.

Different from close or distant friends, as long as the reason is not for gambling, maybe you can consider it, so if the money is used for online gambling, maybe you have the right to refuse or give it, Of course you have to have a strong agreement, if the money you borrow is used up in gambling, you can take something of value to sell, if your friend doesn't return the money.

But for me it's different, If there are a friend who borrows from me, of course I don't want to borrow it, but I give it to you, so I don't have to worry if I use the money to gamble and lose or don't pay it back.
For example:
My friend wants to borrow $100, of course I don't want to borrow it, but I just give him $10 for free without having to pay, if he says he wants to pay, but I don't really care, I gave it sincerely, because I know the money will definitely run out and never come back again, that way I don't need to curse and regret it if the money is not returned again, it's clear the money is gone.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: mr_random on May 28, 2024, 02:24:17 PM
It's crazy how people think you're rich just because you've made some money with crypto. I'm genuinely happy for my friends when they succeed, but some take advantage and start asking for loans, especially for gambling. I've realized that lending money to friends usually ends badly. Being their "bank" seems like a good idea at first, but it's just not worth the hassle. I'm not against helping a friend in need, but when it comes to gambling, I have to refuse. If someone can't even afford $10, gambling is probably a bad idea. And lending money to female friends? That's a different issue altogether! Sometimes you have to say no, even if it's awkward. Ultimately, you need to look out for yourself.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: retreat on May 28, 2024, 02:24:55 PM

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?

If they are not very close to me, I don't want to give them a loan, even for people closest to me, for example like relatives or friends, I will be selective in giving them a loan. Because I have had the experience of having lent money to them several times, but when I asked for my money back, I experienced difficulties and even had to argue first. And also, when I experienced difficulties, none of the people I lent to helped me back, even when they already had jobs and income. So from this experience, now I am very selective in giving other people loans, because I don't want to be disappointed by them again.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Frankolala on May 28, 2024, 02:31:17 PM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?
Yea, of course I do. When it comes to lending money and getting it back, you should know that it will not be smooth with everyone. Some persons finds it difficult to pay back loan even when they have the money. You need to avoid lending money to such people. Those who gives back at the right time or with a little delay is understandable. However, if you are a gambler and come to me to lend you money to stake on a bet, I will ignore you because I feel I will not get it back.

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
I lend to female friends more than to males friends, because for a female friend to ask you to lend her some funds, it means that she is badly in need of it. I doubt such person will gamble with it.

Anybody that borrows money to gamble is an addict.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: TheUltraElite on May 28, 2024, 02:48:43 PM
When you are lending out money to friends, it is not necessarily a loan but more of a gift. So keep that in mind if you ever wish to become a loan shark. If yes, you need to stop gifting others and be strict when it comes to your money.

Most gamblers have the habit of acquiring money in order to gamble on it. Just like a drug or alcohol addict who will attempt to do the same to fund their addiction. Unless you follow up your strict "No" they will continue to nibble at you.

Gender does not matter, an addict in a addict, the first step to stopping them is denying them the money.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: rdluffy on May 28, 2024, 02:55:25 PM
Hey, what a coincidence
Just yesterday I read an interesting article where the head of a company mentioned the increase in the number of salary advances and found out that it was for the employees to gamble  :D
He even shared a video

Here's the link of the article, but it's in Portuguese, I didn't find any article in English because it happened in Brazil: LINK HERE (

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Marykeller on May 28, 2024, 03:16:03 PM
It sounds bad and not a welcome idea to lend money to a gambler for them to gamble.

A few months back, I heard a discussion of someone complaining about how he came to the rescue of a gambler addict, after not getting their phone not to be seized by a gambling agent.

It happens that the gambler addict is fond of betting with the whole money in their possession, even staking with their phone on bets. After everything, their family members will come to their rescue to settle their gambling bills.

On that fateful day, the gambler addict staked their phone as usual, which they lost to. Their family members refuse not to bail their phone out, and the gambling agent is at a side talking about selling the phone for money soon. The gambler addict had of this, was begging and crying in the process of who to help him out, which nobody did except the guy who chose to help out, who the gambler addict begged a lot, to help him out and would pay him back soon.

Could you believe that the said gambler addict hasn't paid back his borrowed money and he's still gambling up to date without thinking of stopping or trying to pay back his borrowed gambling money.

Currently, the guy who lends money to the gambler addict is bittered not because of the lent money, but because of the steady involvement of the gambler addict who he thinks has helped from not lose his phone completely to the gambler agent.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: dothebeats on May 28, 2024, 03:38:18 PM
And the worst thing is that they ask me for small amounts, like $2, 5, 10$... I think that if the person doesn't have that money now, the chances of them getting that money to pay you are low. If the person is in need, it's easier for them to confess right away to see what I can do, because I'm not a bad person.

I had this same experience with friends, workmates, and relatives. They borrow these small amounts on different occasions and tend to 'forget' that they borrowed something. They even go so far as to gaslighting me stating that I should just let it go since it's just a small amount that won't hurt the bank. I let it pass sometimes, but seeing that these same people post their wins from the casino or sometimes even live stream how they play is just really something that icks me.

Since then, I avoided lending money to everyone including my relatives. My line of reasoning is you wouldn't get into that situation if you had sorted your finances. I understand that there are people out there who are really borrowing because they genuinely need it, but my experience on these people who just gambled what they borrowed and forgot what they owed pushed me to become heartless when it comes to such situations.

It's best to not show wealth to everyone and keep a low profile in order to not get bugged by these people borrowing money. I'm better off looking like a broke man in their eyes rather than someone who has the money that they can constantly ask to borrow from when they don't have anything in their pockets.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: robelneo on May 28, 2024, 03:51:50 PM

Some people even go so far as to ask me to borrow money for what? to bet!! What a joke. I answer briefly and bluntly that I don't have the money to lend for these purposes!
You tell this person that you are not lending to people to be used for betting or if it's not for an emergency they will keep doing that if you keep lending people, lenders are like that they spread how generous you are

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
It is okay to lend to your relatives it's your relatives are part of your bloodline but if it's from a friend better think twice because there is a saying the easiest way to lose a friend is to lend him or ask him to lend you, if they cannot pay you on time they usually stop communicating and ignore you, give him what you can afford to give so you will retain your friendship.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Chilwell on May 28, 2024, 03:51:59 PM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?
I do not borrow people the money that I can not give them. So I do not feel disappointed if the borrower is not able to pay the money. But I will expect the person not to come to borrow money again.
I like this pattern myself because you will know who you are dealing with and also take caution of next time, but no matter how you try to avoid this still you will still fall for it, because sometimes relative are the one doing this kind of bad behaviour, i don't know your community but mine if you decide not to help them they will quickly report you to the elders and it's a huge problem because they will start saying you have money and you don't want to help your brother, and in the eyes of all you will be seeing has bad person.

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
I treat female like male if it is money.
 to my own view i don't think female can be treated like man even in times of lending money because female are very dangerous in times of allegations and also temptation, having issues with female if not your sister many translate it to something else, the only thing i will advise is to stay away from them if it comes to involvement of money, or if you wish to lend them make sure the amount can be negligible if she couldn't return it.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: panjul07 on May 28, 2024, 03:59:59 PM
Yes why not, if I know him/her personally well then I will have no doubt to lend him some money regardless what the reason is.
The opposite situation may also happen when I need the help from relatives/friends, so it will be a mutualism symbiosis.
As long as I trust him/her and he/she trust me, money wont be a big deal but for sure the amount should be reasonable as well.
However, something unexpected may happen so we should also ready for the worst case, because of money we may lose our friends/relatives :)

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Odohu on May 28, 2024, 04:02:38 PM
Feeling bad about lending money to them, of course we must feel especially when friends or relatives are in need, as long as it is not for gambling and the person can be trusted then I will lend small money.
No one is against borrowing money to friends or family. As a matter of fact, people will always need help and it is our duty to help as much as we are comfortable doing. But a situation where what might seem like help is not actually a help, then caution must be applied. It is like a figurative statement, a paradox where they say that "IMF is the doctor that heals by killing the patient", which actually mean that IMF loans does not help countries but put them in deeper mess. I don't want borrowing money to my friend turn out to like putting them in deeper mess.

Like I always say, gambling should not be made with borrowed funds because the chances of success is very low. I have done it before and it didn't work; many people have equally done it yet same result. You end up deeper into debt.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: boty on May 28, 2024, 04:16:12 PM
When you are lending out money to friends, it is not necessarily a loan but more of a gift. So keep that in mind if you ever wish to become a loan shark. If yes, you need to stop gifting others and be strict when it comes to your money.

Most gamblers have the habit of acquiring money in order to gamble on it. Just like a drug or alcohol addict who will attempt to do the same to fund their addiction. Unless you follow up your strict "No" they will continue to nibble at you.

Gender does not matter, an addict in a addict, the first step to stopping them is denying them the money.
Lending money to those who are addicted to gambling, of course they will use the money we give them to gamble and I agree with you that we have to be firm in financial matters if we don't want financial problems with our friends.

Someone who is addicted to gambling will of course behave the same and there is no difference between men and women and choosing not to give them money is certainly the right choice, because once we give it then it will become a habit for them and the habit of a gambling addict is of course them. will be lazy in doing their work and all they can think about is gambling in the hope of getting a big win on the bets they play.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: EluguHcman on May 28, 2024, 04:17:09 PM
OP bringing this topic up to this gambling board I don't know if your intention is to state that the risk of borrowing people money with the possibilities of being paid back is as risk of gambling!

If YES then I think you are only trying to help them since you don't impose interest agreements on them at the returns of the borrowed funds and I would ask you to stop borrowing them if they don't have the remorse to payback at when due without you putting pressures on them.
They are just being ungrateful.

I would rather prefer to  willingly ask you to go with such little amount you are asking me to borrow you. Although it depends how much it is and my network.
And if finds out that they are being fond of it then it is assumed they are indirectly taking advantage of me then I will stop it totally.

Infact, I would rather decide to gamble with such little afford amount of money to gamble in the casino where there is a potential of yielding more money even though it is a game of luck. it is better spent that way than acting like a fool to them usually coming to borrow and no paying back and not interest to be profited after I struggles to get back my money.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: 2Pizza410000BTC on May 28, 2024, 04:29:58 PM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
I lent money but it was to my friends relatives and people around my house. But I am a real example of how hard it is to lend my money and get that money back. I have to lend money and ask them for money in such a way that it seems like I am begging them like a beggar. But I never lent money to anyone to gamble, I lent money to people who were in danger. However, if people lend money in case of danger, people forget it and cannot pay it on time, due to which later they don't want to lend money to people on their own. I have loaned money to some of my female friends but same experience they also refused to give me that money. There are some girl friends who have not been able to repay some of the borrowed money till now.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: aioc on May 28, 2024, 05:29:05 PM
You should not tolerate people asking you to lend them if it is for betting because it is a game of chance and there's a possibility that they cannot pay you on time.

I once lent to a guy and I did not know that he was going to use to gamble his promise was to pay me within a week but it took him three months and he paid me after he won, so if you are going to lend a gambler you will need to wait for him to win big money before he will pay you.

And besides you are supporting his addiction if you are giving a loan to a gambler.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Bravut on May 28, 2024, 05:42:17 PM
Be it Male or Female, I cannot borrow you money for the purpose of gambling. That will be very dumb of me, and a very stupid ideology from both parties. 
Giving is subjective, you can borrow money to a liability which you ain't sure if you are getting your money back within the stipulated time because the money is not put to use creatively.
You do not have to go against your own will just to please some else wether family, friends, co-worker,etc.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Forsyth Jones on May 28, 2024, 05:49:07 PM
Hey, what a coincidence
Just yesterday I read an interesting article where the head of a company mentioned the increase in the number of salary advances and found out that it was for the employees to gamble  :D
He even shared a video

Here's the link of the article, but it's in Portuguese, I didn't find any article in English because it happened in Brazil: LINK HERE (
For employees of this or any other company who practice this, this can really be considered an illness and should seek treatment. If it were to pay a debt or 'cause it really need it, the advance would be valid. Unfortunately, not everyone is in good financial health, but some of these people don't borrow money that they cannot pay back later.

I had this same experience with friends, workmates, and relatives. They borrow these small amounts on different occasions and tend to 'forget' that they borrowed something. They even go so far as to gaslighting me stating that I should just let it go since it's just a small amount that won't hurt the bank. I let it pass sometimes, but seeing that these same people post their wins from the casino or sometimes even live stream how they play is just really something that icks me.

Since then, I avoided lending money to everyone including my relatives. My line of reasoning is you wouldn't get into that situation if you had sorted your finances. I understand that there are people out there who are really borrowing because they genuinely need it, but my experience on these people who just gambled what they borrowed and forgot what they owed pushed me to become heartless when it comes to such situations.

It's best to not show wealth to everyone and keep a low profile in order to not get bugged by these people borrowing money. I'm better off looking like a broke man in their eyes rather than someone who has the money that they can constantly ask to borrow from when they don't have anything in their pockets.
When a person rarely borrows, it doesn't bother me so much, as we can simply not lend, but I know people who ask me directly, even though I say I can't lend, this is clearly a sign of unpreparedness and poor financial management, these people should look for It helps to learn about personal finance, but here people are indoctrinated into spending more than they earn, unfortunately.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: serjent05 on May 28, 2024, 05:58:16 PM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

I have a soft spot to people who are needing help and asking me to lend them money for an important stuff so I always lend them whenever I have money in me.  I will reject them if their reason is gambling though.

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?

I do not discriminate against any gender whether they are female or male, as long as I have the funds to help them, I do not hesitate in extending my hand.

People who borrowed money will not say they will use it for gambling.  They surely come with a good reason (to the point of lying) so that a person will have difficulty rejecting their request

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: 0t3p0t on May 28, 2024, 06:30:10 PM
If someone ask me for money and I can verify it is for gambling, I will humbly refuse because I know I will not be helping such fellow. Imagine the trauma of borrowing money and losing it all to gambling only to be in debt, that is compounded pain for him so I will not want to share in the blame. It is nearly impossible to win gamble with borrowed funds because the moment you realise the money is not yours, your psychology is already messed up. The best approach is always to gamble with personal money and such amount that one can afford to lose. Even gambling company advise their customers to gamble responsibly.
Same is not worth the help we lend to them as we all know that gambling has nothing good to being except for loses. Borrowed money is much more risky than using your hard earned money so yeah I will surely refuse if someone will borrow money for gambling purposes because I do not tolerate that kind of thing.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: harapan on May 28, 2024, 06:33:13 PM
It has become increasingly common for friends and not-so-close "friends" to come and ask me to borrow money. I don't usually ask for the purpose, but some ask me because of betting at online houses.

The last time I lent money to a colleague, who I hadn't had much contact with other than at work for a short period, it was with great difficulty that I got the money back.

I don't know where people get the amount of money they think I have, they must think I look like a bank...

Who likes having to borrow money? Unless you are a loan shark and lend with collateral where the risk is almost zero, why lend money where you end up with a loss? 'cause in addition to no one paying you with interest, most never pay you on time, at least you will get your money back after repeated charges.

Some people even go so far as to ask me to borrow money for what? to bet!! What a joke. I answer briefly and bluntly that I don't have the money to lend for these purposes!

And the worst thing is that they ask me for small amounts, like $2, 5, 10$... I think that if the person doesn't have that money now, the chances of them getting that money to pay you are low. If the person is in need, it's easier for them to confess right away to see what I can do, because I'm not a bad person.

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?

On a norms instead of borrowing or lending families and friends I prefer giving the money to them but nevertheless any one of this category that come to me to lend some amount of money I won't do it cause my first  question would be what the person intend to do with the borrowed money,but luckily for some if they hide the fact that the money was for something else I give it to them but if it's for gambling I give nonear to that.

I said it in a thread like that when a friend visited me and asked for an assistant little did I know it was for gambling,it got me so annoyed,so I frown against lending money to anyone that use the money borrowed for something like this.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: ChiBitCTy on May 28, 2024, 06:42:39 PM
I don't let anyone borrow money, especially if it's for gambling purposes.  It reminds me of a time when my x-gf  asked me if she should loan her cousin money.  I asked her what her cousin was like and why he needed the money.  She told me he was pretty "famous" for not paying his debts and that he often used money to gamble, but that for this time it was "different".  I pleaded with her not to.  Long story short her dad loan him the money, and months later he was months late on his debt, not sure he ever got it back.  Dont loan money to people is my motto.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Renampun on May 28, 2024, 06:42:44 PM
When you are lending out money to friends, it is not necessarily a loan but more of a gift. So keep that in mind if you ever wish to become a loan shark. If yes, you need to stop gifting others and be strict when it comes to your money.

Most gamblers have the habit of acquiring money in order to gamble on it. Just like a drug or alcohol addict who will attempt to do the same to fund their addiction. Unless you follow up your strict "No" they will continue to nibble at you.

Gender does not matter, an addict in a addict, the first step to stopping them is denying them the money.

However, you have to keep yourself mentally stable, lending your money to friends is a high risk thing, especially if your friend is a gambling addict, the percentage of your money being returned is only around 1%, just stay away from people like this, don't dig your grave because you feel bad about your friendship with them, stay away and live in peace.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on May 28, 2024, 07:01:31 PM
It has become increasingly common for friends and not-so-close "friends" to come and ask me to borrow money. I don't usually ask for the purpose, but some ask me because of betting at online houses.

The last time I lent money to a colleague, who I hadn't had much contact with other than at work for a short period, it was with great difficulty that I got the money back.

I don't know where people get the amount of money they think I have, they must think I look like a bank...

Who likes having to borrow money? Unless you are a loan shark and lend with collateral where the risk is almost zero, why lend money where you end up with a loss? 'cause in addition to no one paying you with interest, most never pay you on time, at least you will get your money back after repeated charges.

Some people even go so far as to ask me to borrow money for what? to bet!! What a joke. I answer briefly and bluntly that I don't have the money to lend for these purposes!

And the worst thing is that they ask me for small amounts, like $2, 5, 10$... I think that if the person doesn't have that money now, the chances of them getting that money to pay you are low. If the person is in need, it's easier for them to confess right away to see what I can do, because I'm not a bad person.

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
Yes I've lend money to relatives and friends on different occasions. But asking me Money for you to use and bet sounds weird to me, as I see betting as something you should keep to yourself as it's your personal business. If you've been lending money to friends and relatives and it becomes habitual for them to constantly ask you for it, then you need to re-trace your step and point straight to them that you're not a loan office where they will be coming every now and then asking for money, in our local parlance they said that "the mouth somebody uses to borrow money is always different from the mouth he will use to pay back". because paying back money for some persons always becomes difficult, so instead of telling them outrightly that you don't have the money to borrow them, just give them a percentage of the money they are asking for that you know you can do away with if they don't payback. Ordinarily i like helping people in need, as that has been part of me, but when is at my own expense, i will have to put a stop to it.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Wakate on May 28, 2024, 07:05:53 PM
Hey, what a coincidence
Just yesterday I read an interesting article where the head of a company mentioned the increase in the number of salary advances and found out that it was for the employees to gamble  :D
He even shared a video

Here's the link of the article, but it's in Portuguese, I didn't find any article in English because it happened in Brazil: LINK HERE (

In as much as we can't stop people from borrowing money or gambling the best thing we  can do is to leave them alone. We'll have our own choices  to make and whatever result we get should be okay for us. Gambling for more is the major reasons why we shall keep seeing more people gambling.

We can not stop so all we have to do is to embrace it and try to caution people about the risk of gambling too much. Everyone wants to make extra money in gambling and we have to be prepared for it taking the right risk and using affordable fund we are ready to lose with complains if we finally lost the fund.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Oilacris on May 28, 2024, 07:08:26 PM
When you are lending out money to friends, it is not necessarily a loan but more of a gift. So keep that in mind if you ever wish to become a loan shark. If yes, you need to stop gifting others and be strict when it comes to your money.

Most gamblers have the habit of acquiring money in order to gamble on it. Just like a drug or alcohol addict who will attempt to do the same to fund their addiction. Unless you follow up your strict "No" they will continue to nibble at you.

Gender does not matter, an addict in a addict, the first step to stopping them is denying them the money.

However, you have to keep yourself mentally stable, lending your money to friends is a high risk thing, especially if your friend is a gambling addict, the percentage of your money being returned is only around 1%, just stay away from people like this, don't dig your grave because you feel bad about your friendship with them, stay away and live in peace.
Tons of relationships that has been destroyed by gambling or specially into those moments on which someone hasnt been able to paid up some loan whether those amounts been used on gambling or not. When it comes to money then it cant really be that be shocking that those people who are really that tending to make some borrowing then they are the ones who do really that not be able to pay up those borrowed amounts specially at the moment or condition that you are already addicted with gambling then you cant really think up other things.

This is why at the moment your friend is really that tending to ask some money and you do know that he's really that involved into gambling then it would really be better that you should really be
that refusing on that kind of request. We do know that once that money is really that in main talks then people do really changed up instantly.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Slow death on May 28, 2024, 07:48:08 PM
I get sad when I see people complaining that they don't like giving loans to friends or acquaintances in the real world because these people take the loan to get involved in gambling, because I get sad with this type of behavior from the person who has the money and complaining that you can't lend it? The answer is very simple: I'm sad because these people who are borrowing money, they are borrowing the money so they can later pay it back, that's why the person who has the money to lend shouldn't be judging or criticizing what other people owe. or not do with the money they borrowed

I think that if a person doesn't like giving loans, then they should be honest and sincere and say that they don't have money to lend. It's better to give a loan and then complain and especially criticize the people who took the loan to play, a good friend is someone who knows how to help without complaining or judging. If your friend is taking out a loan to get involved in gambling, then you need to sit down with him and talk to him in such a way that you can make him understand the danger of taking out a loan for gambling.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Stable090 on May 28, 2024, 08:14:09 PM
It has become increasingly common for friends and not-so-close "friends" to come and ask me to borrow money. I don't usually ask for the purpose, but some ask me because of betting at online houses.
If anyone asks me to borrow them money and I suspect they are going to be using the money for gambling, then I will be rejecting the offer instantly. How will you take a loan to gamble? It doesn’t really make any sense. We all know gambling is all about luck, sometimes you will be sure you are going to win a particular bet, but after placing your bet, things might go wrong. So if you end up losing the money you borrowed from gambling, how are you going to pay back the loan?

The last time I lent money to a colleague, who I hadn't had much contact with other than at work for a short period, it was with great difficulty that I got the money back.
The only time I do give out loans to people is when I know the person is requesting a loan from me for an emergency purpose. The problem is that it’s always easy to request a loan, but where there is always a problem is that whenever you want to pay back the loan, most people find it difficult to do so.

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?
Sure, I do lend my family members and my friends money, but only when I know that what they really need the money for is really worth it. You can’t come to me to request for money to gamble, I won’t even respond to the person, no matter how close we are.

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
Yes, if I know I will be getting my money back, then it’s normal.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: justdimin on May 29, 2024, 05:29:31 AM
Some people even go so far as to ask me to borrow money for what? to bet!! What a joke. I answer briefly and bluntly that I don't have the money to lend for these purposes!

And the worst thing is that they ask me for small amounts, like $2, 5, 10$... I think that if the person doesn't have that money now, the chances of them getting that money to pay you are low. If the person is in need, it's easier for them to confess right away to see what I can do, because I'm not a bad person.
If you accept lending money to people, then they will realize that you are someone who is willing to give money to others, and they will keep asking for money. And considering you already did this, the only way to do it would be just saying that you have none left, if you say you no longer borrow money then they will think that you have the money but not lending it so they will keep bothering you, but if you keep saying you are in big debt and can't even spare 5 dollars you have none left, then they will stop asking for it.

However, we should realize that in smaller bills, like if they ask for small amounts, just say you do not have any cash with you, it would be quite possible that one may not carry 2-5-10 dollars with them anymore.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: GigaBit on May 29, 2024, 06:13:03 AM
It has become increasingly common for friends and not-so-close "friends" to come and ask me to borrow money. I don't usually ask for the purpose, but some ask me because of betting at online houses.

The last time I lent money to a colleague, who I hadn't had much contact with other than at work for a short period, it was with great difficulty that I got the money back.

I don't know where people get the amount of money they think I have, they must think I look like a bank...

Who likes having to borrow money? Unless you are a loan shark and lend with collateral where the risk is almost zero, why lend money where you end up with a loss? 'cause in addition to no one paying you with interest, most never pay you on time, at least you will get your money back after repeated charges.

Some people even go so far as to ask me to borrow money for what? to bet!! What a joke. I answer briefly and bluntly that I don't have the money to lend for these purposes!

And the worst thing is that they ask me for small amounts, like $2, 5, 10$... I think that if the person doesn't have that money now, the chances of them getting that money to pay you are low. If the person is in need, it's easier for them to confess right away to see what I can do, because I'm not a bad person.

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
Yes I've lend money to relatives and friends on different occasions. But asking me Money for you to use and bet sounds weird to me, as I see betting as something you should keep to yourself as it's your personal business. If you've been lending money to friends and relatives and it becomes habitual for them to constantly ask you for it, then you need to re-trace your step and point straight to them that you're not a loan office where they will be coming every now and then asking for money, in our local parlance they said that "the mouth somebody uses to borrow money is always different from the mouth he will use to pay back". because paying back money for some persons always becomes difficult, so instead of telling them outrightly that you don't have the money to borrow them, just give them a percentage of the money they are asking for that you know you can do away with if they don't payback. Ordinarily i like helping people in need, as that has been part of me, but when is at my own expense, i will have to put a stop to it.
If you have money, there is no problem in lending. Moreover, many people also try to help others by lending money. But there are some people who are not interested in paying back the borrowed money. They break the promises they made while borrowing money. At some point, if this continues, a person can no longer show interest in helping others. I like to lend to those who really need it. But be careful when lending money to gamblers because gamblers can't always keep their commitments. I loaned a large amount of money to some gamblers who told me they would pay me back within a week but in about 1 year I got 35 percent of that money. Since then I don't like to lend and it also deteriorates the relationship. But we do our best to help others who are in real needy.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Majestic-milf on May 29, 2024, 06:26:04 AM
 Well, what's the point of borrowing you money when I know I won't get it back in time? If it's an amount I can part with, I can give you for the first time but if it becomes a repeated issue, you aren't getting a dime from me. I mean, it's not like you are using it to invest in something worthwhile and neither did you keep any funds with me for safekeeping, so why should I oblige you?
 Most times people tend to test you when it comes to money matters to see how they can soil your name if you don't dance to their tunes but frankly I don't give two shits. If you give too much, you become someone's bank, if you don't, you are regarded as stingy and frugal. At the end of the day you have to do what pleases you since can't please everyone.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: satscraper on May 29, 2024, 06:50:48 AM

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?

Why not?

If my female friends are  pleased with gambling  why  deprive them  of this joy.

One day I had met one of my girl friend in her deepest humiliation after she lost her money in casino. I lend her a bit, she won and was incredibly thankful to me.

I don’t care what they spend money on - gambling  or yet another gewgaw. Money is nothing - the friendship has a value.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: moneystery on May 29, 2024, 06:57:11 AM
if you feel uncomfortable that they want to borrow money from you just to gamble, then you should be able to avoid them and say that you don't have the money to lend. because it is your right to want to lend money or not, they have no right to protest or object to your decision, it is your money. honestly, lending money to gamblers is the same as donating to them because you will find it difficult to ask for your money back, unless they provide collateral for goods to you, that's not a problem, but you have to make sure that the goods really belong to them and are not stolen goods.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: bluebit25 on May 29, 2024, 07:24:03 AM
(...)Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?

I may be willing to lend some money and not think much about what they will do with it, but everything needs to be on a scale, not the type of constantly borrowing money and seeing me as a tool solve their purpose and consider the relationship just to borrow money then it is not a good relationship :)

Anyway, there are too many situations that we cannot fully evaluate, but a transparent way is to ask the borrowers if they need that money to do something and they can pay it back without feeling guilty pressure.

Even when a girl asks to borrow money, I have many reasons to refuse/accept, so in each context we have different decisions, you do things that you are comfortable with, not the kind where others recognize your satisfaction. Even with a small loan, there is something that needs collateral, and the issue here is based on trust, so it will be very fragile.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: TopTort777 on May 29, 2024, 07:30:56 AM
People who lend money, lets check out how greedy you are :D When you land money, do you expect the same amount in return of want to get something extra? :D And if you lend money for gambling, do you expect given amount in return, or percent of a win? In case you lend 100 bucks and a guy wins a million, you expect 100 or more ? :D Such question appeared because I have remembered the case when couple split after they won in a lottery, but cant share the prize, because guy purchased lottery ticket with chicks money :D

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: hyudien on May 29, 2024, 08:19:53 AM
It is okay to lend to your relatives it's your relatives are part of your bloodline but if it's from a friend better think twice because there is a saying the easiest way to lose a friend is to lend him or ask him to lend you, if they cannot pay you on time they usually stop communicating and ignore you, give him what you can afford to give so you will retain your friendship.
But of course you have to pay attention to lending to relatives, because if their goal is to borrow money to do things that are not important or even pointless, it's better not to just lend it, because the impact of debts and receivables does not depend on age or status, of course if someone has done it. borrowing money is very vulnerable to problems such as good relationships turning bad, sometimes even when the party lending the money charges, the party borrowing the money is even more rude. and this actually happens in my life, not only with other people, but even with family members, this can happen.
It's true what you said, indeed when they can't pay it on time they can stop communicating and even avoid it as much as possible and so on like that until they forget that they have a debt that must be paid off. Apart from that, just remember that prevention is better than cure, so as much as possible, don't just invite disease.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on May 29, 2024, 09:28:57 AM
I do lend money to friends and relatives(not regularly tho) , but before I do so, I must make sure to investigate the financial status of that relative to be sure that he or she can be able to repay. I also usually investigate to know if the person is also a credit-worthy person. Some people (both relatives) are not creditworthy, and if you lend money to them, you may not get it back, or even before you get the money back, it might be in a forceful manner that is going to spoil the relationship you had with the person.

I don't give out loans unnecessarily to anyone, considering whether they are my relatives or not. If you don't have a good reputation or a financial source to repay the loan, I will not grant it. It's just like on this forum: before you can stand a chance to get a loan, you must be a reputable member.

I don't offer loan service, so if I squeeze out money from my savings to loan to anyone, the person needs to pay it back, and I can only do such for some that have a very better purpose for the money and not to gamble with it.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Jody.Drummer on May 29, 2024, 01:26:58 PM
Usually I always look first at the character and nature or personality of the person who wants to borrow money from me, if indeed they are one of my close friends then surely at least I know about the activities and habits along with the things he likes and this closeness can certainly give me a little idea about what the money will be used for if for example they do not say about the purpose of using the money they borrowed from me.

In short, I only dare to lend money to some of my close friends who have a good character and are responsible in social relations as long as I know them, but if it turns out that I know that he is a gambler then I usually don't lend a penny, not refusing but saying as the OP said that I don't have money, because after all, lending money to a gambler is likely that they will use the money for gambling, Although for example they say that they will be responsible and pay on time but I still refuse it, and that's because as we know that a gambler especially one who is quite addicted always prioritizes his gambling activities when they have some money, meaning that most likely when they have money then they will prefer to gamble the money rather than pay debts, and for this reason why I prefer to say that I don't have money, none other than because prevention is always better than cure.
That's basically the simplest way to go about when actually you want to lend out money for your friends and again one of the reasons why I really don't want to get involved in such habits is that most of my friends I know of won't even find it necessary to even give it back willingly on time and what I hate in my life is disappointment and I rather just stick the best and most simplest answer which NO than cause myself stress and pain by lending money.

Yes that's why I said earlier that I prioritize prevention, or better prevention than cure, because after all there are so many gamblers who beg and say they will be responsible when they want to borrow but it turns out that they don't pay on time or even they don't pay at all so we have to let it go, and obviously it can make us disappointed, and it's quite hurtful when we give help and give trust to others but they themselves don't know themselves.

On the other hand I'm not saying that all people are irresponsible, but with the number of cases or incidents that I've seen and experienced that people who have been involved in gambling usually don't have good responsibility in themselves. So obviously like you said that it's better from the beginning we say that we can't lend them money for whatever reason we have, don't let someone put their hopes in you, because when they have managed to borrow from you then one day they will definitely come again.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: junder on May 29, 2024, 02:40:21 PM
if you feel uncomfortable that they want to borrow money from you just to gamble, then you should be able to avoid them and say that you don't have the money to lend. because it is your right to want to lend money or not, they have no right to protest or object to your decision, it is your money. honestly, lending money to gamblers is the same as donating to them because you will find it difficult to ask for your money back, unless they provide collateral for goods to you, that's not a problem, but you have to make sure that the goods really belong to them and are not stolen goods.

It's true what you said, we can avoid it and we can even say various reasons, because it's really better not to lend them money because it only makes them happy in the short term and of course we won't be able to easily get our money back like you said. Say it's true, because I myself experienced it where I had friends who borrowed money but what was annoying was that even though I had refused to lend for various reasons, how adamant they were in forcing me to borrow money and I thought it was because they had become addicted to gambling. even saying that they would return it in double, the big risky actions they took like that would not benefit them but would only make things more difficult.

That makes sense, if they provide collateral, maybe it can still be considered, but we have to be careful so that the items they provide as collateral are stolen goods, of course that will make things difficult for us in the future. It is very unfortunate if they dare to do something like that because in my opinion it is a formula for destroying life, not improving the situation.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: ethereumhunter on May 29, 2024, 03:31:53 PM
I don't lend my money anymore to those who wants to playing gambling. The last time I did made me difficult to asks them to repay the borrows money and still tells many reasons why. That's why I don't gives my money to people who wants to continue their gambling activity. I decided not to listen to those who wants to borrow my money and will tell them to search for the other people who wants to do that. I don't wants to gets a problem from them who lends my money because I knows that playing gambling doesn't gives wins easily and they can lose all of their money. Even if that person is female friends, I will not lend her as I knows the risks behind that and I will difficult to asks my money back. I will always tells them to use their own money with limitations if that's just for playing gambling rather than to borrows money from other people.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Jawhead999 on May 29, 2024, 03:49:53 PM
People who lend money, lets check out how greedy you are :D When you land money, do you expect the same amount in return of want to get something extra? :D And if you lend money for gambling, do you expect given amount in return, or percent of a win? In case you lend 100 bucks and a guy wins a million, you expect 100 or more ? :D Such question appeared because I have remembered the case when couple split after they won in a lottery, but cant share the prize, because guy purchased lottery ticket with chicks money :D
You make me remember with that thread. :D

I believe he will demand more than $100, but the winner will be stingy and say all the winnings come from him, not from you. If he won $100K, he might only want to give $200 and say it's already a good amount, I've doubled your money. :P

The conclusion is, either his friend can or can't pay off his debt, their friendship will be ruined.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: mamesso on May 29, 2024, 03:50:56 PM
I never worry about where the money is used, when someone comes asking for a certain amount of money in the form of a loan, I will give a loan at the first opportunity and will adjust the nominal amount of the loan to my financial capabilities. I have a principle, a person will show his true colors when dealing with money. If the loan is repaid on time in the few times he has taken out a loan, it means that the person can be trusted. But if instead, he starts to distance himself from me and the loan is difficult to repay, I will limit my relationship with him from a financial perspective and will never trust him the next time. A person's character needs to be tested with money, that's how I judge the level of honesty of friends or relatives.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: dansus021 on May 29, 2024, 03:53:06 PM
People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting for me this is a red flag because they are going to use their money for gamble not for other useful things.
He borrow might he doesn't have money to brt more but the addiction is fueling his body. So don't.

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?
And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
I usually lend money to family or friend but I ask them what they are going to do with the money. Male female I'm gonna lend it if their purpose is good enough for me

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Hispo on May 29, 2024, 04:21:45 PM
It has become increasingly common for friends and not-so-close "friends" to come and ask me to borrow money. I don't usually ask for the purpose, but some ask me because of betting at online houses.

The last time I lent money to a colleague, who I hadn't had much contact with other than at work for a short period, it was with great difficulty that I got the money back.

I don't know where people get the amount of money they think I have, they must think I look like a bank...

Who likes having to borrow money? Unless you are a loan shark and lend with collateral where the risk is almost zero, why lend money where you end up with a loss? 'cause in addition to no one paying you with interest, most never pay you on time, at least you will get your money back after repeated charges.

Some people even go so far as to ask me to borrow money for what? to bet!! What a joke. I answer briefly and bluntly that I don't have the money to lend for these purposes!

And the worst thing is that they ask me for small amounts, like $2, 5, 10$... I think that if the person doesn't have that money now, the chances of them getting that money to pay you are low. If the person is in need, it's easier for them to confess right away to see what I can do, because I'm not a bad person.

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?

I believe the problems comes from allowing your friends to know you have the money in the first place, you know. if they assumed they could now count on you having that money, then they would not ask you for it in the first place.
My advice to you would be as the next person comes to you and asks you to for a lending, do not ask for what the money is for, since you are implying to have the money and be willing to lend it if the uase for it is reasonable.
Instead asking for the purpose of the loan, so day you don't have money outright, not matter how minuscule those quantities are in your eyes, when comes to lending to bettors and gamblers, they will always come back for more as soon as they find someone who has given them at least once.

Also, When comes to family and friends, I tend to lean to very close family members like parents and siblings, not far closing or nieces. It saves a lot of trouble if people around you assume you are broke.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: taufik123 on May 29, 2024, 04:46:33 PM
I don't know where people get the amount of money they think I have, they must think I look like a bank...
As I experienced it too, because I looked like I had a lot of money and was likened to a walking bank.
There are many people in my neighborhood who are not even familiar at first suddenly become familiar because they want to borrow money,
whether the purpose of borrowing for their basic needs or for gambling etc. (Slot gambling is quite popular in my place).

I never respond to those who insist on borrowing money because I know that in the end I will bear the risk of collecting the money back,
but it will take a very long time to pay off.

Someone who only borrows for gambling purposes only, I really won't respond because they will just get into gambling and waste the money.
It is no longer entertainment, but an addiction to keep playing.

There are many bad examples that occur when the slot games,
they do suffer a lot of losses to make them sell their valuables. It was sad to know that fact.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Lida93 on May 29, 2024, 09:37:58 PM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?
Loan and relatives doesn't go together, as in most times relatives do grow a feeling of entitlement about money borrowed to them by their brother or a sister. It's an awful experience I have had more than twice  and you just can't go the extra miles just to get your money back when you remember he or she is a relative unlike if it's was to be an stranger on the grounds of business.

No matter what a relative or a close friend is demanding you lend money to him for, be it bet (which I don't support) or a project best you should do is support them with whatever part of an amount you know is in your capacity to without having to think you're lending it out to avoid have problems due to how some family members and close friends do have this archaic psychology about returning money they borrowed from a kinsman differently from when it is a stranger.

Also, all of these usually occur when an individual seem to be too benevolent.  if you can build the habit of saying No to people's demand, you be saving yourself from many unnecessary demands that'll stress you, soon as they know you will refuse their request they won't bother you anymore often.

Borrowing a gambler money to use to go and gamble, you're only causing more harm than good to that person's life. It's ain't a show of love because it's mainly gamble addicts that borrow money to gamble.


Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: iBaba on May 29, 2024, 09:45:13 PM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?
Loan and relatives doesn't go together, as in most times relatives do grow a feeling of entitlement about money borrowed to them by their brother or a sister. It's an awful experience I have had more than twice  and you just can't go the extra miles just to get your money back when you remember he or she is a relative unlike if it's was to be an stranger on the grounds of business. 

These days I've grown to categorize everyone as the same when it comes to loaning people money for whatsoever reasons and I've only come into the conclusion never to loan someone else an amount of money that I cannot afford to lose forever but rather to loan out funds that I can instead afford to let go when I have to.

This may be peculiar to my own environment or society but many people here do not know how to refund borrowed funds regardless of their relationship with you and they have to make you go into hell before you get a repayment or refund of your money from them. Hence, my decision not to allow anyone kill my budgets or finances.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: AmoreJaz on May 29, 2024, 09:52:15 PM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?
Loan and relatives doesn't go together, as in most times relatives do grow a feeling of entitlement about money borrowed to them by their brother or a sister. It's an awful experience I have had more than twice  and you just can't go the extra miles just to get your money back when you remember he or she is a relative unlike if it's was to be an stranger on the grounds of business. 

These days I've grown to categorize everyone as the same when it comes to loaning people money for whatsoever reasons and I've only come into the conclusion never to loan someone else an amount of money that I cannot afford to lose forever but rather to loan out funds that I can instead afford to let go when I have to.

This may be peculiar to my own environment or society but many people here do not know how to refund borrowed funds regardless of their relationship with you and they have to make you go into hell before you get a repayment or refund of your money from them. Hence, my decision not to allow anyone kill my budgets or finances.

I can agree with your stand here. These days, if someone borrows you money, most of the time, you won't see it coming back as per arrangement. Very rare that you will see a person who will respect your agreement and will pay on time as promised. There's nothing wrong if you will say no to people. Because if it will ruin your budget and you will be the one suffering from it, then, better be straightforward rather than say yes, but you will suffer afterwards.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Onyeeze on May 29, 2024, 09:54:51 PM
I don't know where people get the amount of money they think I have, they must think I look like a bank...
As I experienced it too, because I looked like I had a lot of money and was likened to a walking bank.
There are many people in my neighborhood who are not even familiar at first suddenly become familiar because they want to borrow money,
whether the purpose of borrowing for their basic needs or for gambling etc. (Slot gambling is quite popular in my place).

I never respond to those who insist on borrowing money because I know that in the end I will bear the risk of collecting the money back,
but it will take a very long time to pay off.

Someone who only borrows for gambling purposes only, I really won't respond because they will just get into gambling and waste the money.
It is no longer entertainment, but an addiction to keep playing.

There are many bad examples that occur when the slot games,
they do suffer a lot of losses to make them sell their valuables. It was sad to know that fact.
Sometimes they people seems you may not be the way you are, I know very well that many people always think that people that dressed well and also appear decent is rich, but the thing is that don't keep your mouth short when you know that you are not up to such rank people in your surroundings is giving you, the aspects of borrowing, you need to have a limitation of what you do, and secondly borrowing money to participate in gambling has advantages and disadvantages, its neither you gamble with you have than bringing debt to yourself when you have known that gambling have no assurance of wining.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: goaldigger on May 29, 2024, 09:56:52 PM
I can agree with your stand here. These days, if someone borrows you money, most of the time, you won't see it coming back as per arrangement. Very rare that you will see a person who will respect your agreement and will pay on time as promised. There's nothing wrong if you will say no to people. Because if it will ruin your budget and you will be the one suffering from it, then, better be straightforward rather than say yes, but you will suffer afterwards.
This is why its better to be more private and tell the public that you’re broke so no one will attempt to borrow some money from you, though the delay of payment can be situational but still asking for a money for betting purposes are not ok and if you let them borrow, it looks like you are tolerating them as well so better so say No and stay focus on your own finances and peace of mind.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Mahanton on May 29, 2024, 09:57:32 PM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?
Loan and relatives doesn't go together, as in most times relatives do grow a feeling of entitlement about money borrowed to them by their brother or a sister. It's an awful experience I have had more than twice  and you just can't go the extra miles just to get your money back when you remember he or she is a relative unlike if it's was to be an stranger on the grounds of business. 

These days I've grown to categorize everyone as the same when it comes to loaning people money for whatsoever reasons and I've only come into the conclusion never to loan someone else an amount of money that I cannot afford to lose forever but rather to loan out funds that I can instead afford to let go when I have to.

This may be peculiar to my own environment or society but many people here do not know how to refund borrowed funds regardless of their relationship with you and they have to make you go into hell before you get a repayment or refund of your money from them. Hence, my decision not to allow anyone kill my budgets or finances.

I can agree with your stand here. These days, if someone borrows you money, most of the time, you won't see it coming back as per arrangement. Very rare that you will see a person who will respect your agreement and will pay on time as promised. There's nothing wrong if you will say no to people. Because if it will ruin your budget and you will be the one suffering from it, then, better be straightforward rather than say yes, but you will suffer afterwards.
Specially on the moment that you would really be letting your friend or know someone borrowed up some money to you on which promising specific dates something like this and that but ended up on being forgotten.
This is why whenever someone who do approach me asking money or borrowing for whatever reason they do have, then i do really simply ignore and reject them out not unless if its really that emergency
and i could really see it real then i would be having those considerations but if not then i would just simply that ignore or would be telling that i dont have money. I do have enough bad experiences about those
promises which are really that been tons had been broken and ended up on losing tons of money because of those borrowing but ending up on not getting repaid.

Although there are really those people who are mindful about paying up their obligations but majority of them are really that having that amnesia.  ;D
On the moment that you do know that someone borrows just to gamble then it would be common sense that you wont really be letting them borrow.
-1% chance that you would be paid up back. hehehe

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Yamifoud on May 29, 2024, 10:18:58 PM
It was hard to decline if some of our relatives wanted to borrow money but for the purpose of using it to gamble, I should have. Whatever they feel doesn't matter because what we are trying to do is to help them either in the way of not making them fall into huge debt which usually happens in most gamblers when losing control. What we did was help them realize that gambling is not the stuff that we have to spend a lot and we need to commit debts just for the sake of our gambling habits.
I would lend money if it is for investment and for important stuff but for gambling, I should decline.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Accardo on May 29, 2024, 10:38:43 PM

These days I've grown to categorize everyone as the same when it comes to loaning people money for whatsoever reasons and I've only come into the conclusion never to loan someone else an amount of money that I cannot afford to lose forever but rather to loan out funds that I can instead afford to let go when I have to.

This may be peculiar to my own environment or society but many people here do not know how to refund borrowed funds regardless of their relationship with you and they have to make you go into hell before you get a repayment or refund of your money from them. Hence, my decision not to allow anyone kill my budgets or finances.
I see that you are on the right side of this due to the safety you plan to achieve by giving out only a few amount of money that you'll be able to lose. Whenever handing out such loans erupts giving out is fine but going for the money would be quite very stressful. Due to the purpose of the player who took the loan. Gambling is not certain, that is going to be enough reason why handing out an amount enough to cause you sleepless night is not advisable. I don't think it's peculiar only to your society, most people still find it difficult to pay back even when they have the money. Not to talk of gamblers. It has to be a psychological effect, happens to lots of people.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: hyudien on May 30, 2024, 07:21:33 AM
It was hard to decline if some of our relatives wanted to borrow money but for the purpose of using it to gamble, I should have. Whatever they feel doesn't matter because what we are trying to do is to help them either in the way of not making them fall into huge debt which usually happens in most gamblers when losing control. What we did was help them realize that gambling is not the stuff that we have to spend a lot and we need to commit debts just for the sake of our gambling habits.
I would lend money if it is for investment and for important stuff but for gambling, I should decline.
It is indeed difficult when relatives borrow money from us, especially among those of us who already have an income, of course we are the main targets when they have financial problems. Apart from that, we should be able to help each other, but if they borrow money for gambling, of course what should be done is not to lend them money, but rather they should be given advice with the aim of making them aware that gambling does not have to be done by desperately borrowing money. it is not a solution to losing gambling.
For some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, borrowing money is something that is most likely to be done when they have lost a lot of money in gambling, maybe those who do this are already at the point of frustration where they dare to take big risks that endanger their lives by thinking that a miracle will happen when they have taken a big risk. However, this will not completely help them, there will still be losses. lending money to those who are addicted to gambling will only worsen their relationship with each other.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Lida93 on May 30, 2024, 09:18:44 AM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?
Loan and relatives doesn't go together, as in most times relatives do grow a feeling of entitlement about money borrowed to them by their brother or a sister. It's an awful experience I have had more than twice  and you just can't go the extra miles just to get your money back when you remember he or she is a relative unlike if it's was to be an stranger on the grounds of business. 

These days I've grown to categorize everyone as the same when it comes to loaning people money for whatsoever reasons and I've only come into the conclusion never to loan someone else an amount of money that I cannot afford to lose forever but rather to loan out funds that I can instead afford to let go when I have to.

This may be peculiar to my own environment or society but many people here do not know how to refund borrowed funds regardless of their relationship with you and they have to make you go into hell before you get a repayment or refund of your money from them. Hence, my decision not to allow anyone kill my budgets or finances.
Borrowing money to people at every request could make you the borrower go broke and same people that kept coming to borrow from you will turn to be same persons that will make mockery of you that you didn't maximize your money well that's why you ran broke due to your lack of money management skills.

People that have money have to realize that saying No to people when they request money from you either as a gift or borrowing it's a part of money management skills. Rather, divert those money to some crucial investment not minding how small it is and see your networth doubling in the next few years from the profits you will scrape up compared. Never compromise at the expense of your set budget except in live threatening matters.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Mr. Magkaisa on May 30, 2024, 09:59:37 AM
It has become increasingly common for friends and not-so-close "friends" to come and ask me to borrow money. I don't usually ask for the purpose, but some ask me because of betting at online houses.

The last time I lent money to a colleague, who I hadn't had much contact with other than at work for a short period, it was with great difficulty that I got the money back.

I don't know where people get the amount of money they think I have, they must think I look like a bank...

Who likes having to borrow money? Unless you are a loan shark and lend with collateral where the risk is almost zero, why lend money where you end up with a loss? 'cause in addition to no one paying you with interest, most never pay you on time, at least you will get your money back after repeated charges.

Some people even go so far as to ask me to borrow money for what? to bet!! What a joke. I answer briefly and bluntly that I don't have the money to lend for these purposes!

And the worst thing is that they ask me for small amounts, like $2, 5, 10$... I think that if the person doesn't have that money now, the chances of them getting that money to pay you are low. If the person is in need, it's easier for them to confess right away to see what I can do, because I'm not a bad person.

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?

          -    It is often the case with people who borrow. When it is okay for us to lend them money, we usually don't ask others; only a few ask where the money they will lend to the borrower will be used. But of course, if I'm the lender and I know that he's just going to use it for gambling, I won't lend it to him/her.

Now, when our bloodline or relatives lend us a small amount, there is usually no return of what was borrowed from us. Yes, that's what always happens, but when the borrowed amount is really large and it is not immediately returned as discussed, it becomes a reason for fighting later, so it is better not to lend to the relatives than, in the end, fight.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Woodie on May 30, 2024, 10:00:53 AM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.?
to relatives(not immediate family)? no, they are one of the most entitled people on this planet, they get angry when you try to ask them for the money you have lent to them, they would even involve other relatives and badmouth you to them. to friends? yeah, but it's very rare, In my experience, friends are more likely to pay you back than your relatives.
You said this exactly how it happens lol.
At the end of the day, I have come to terms not to mix business with friends and family and when it comes to giving a hand whenever need more comfortable to give and forget to avoid any bad blood with family because it will sure comeback and I dislike money talks with family as these are just headaches and they could spoil healthy relations that exist.

And on the friends part paying back, well let's just say I have lost over 50% of friends over money in the last couple of years and at this point I have learnt to give and forget, if it's a large amount I send them to loan sharks or the bank unless it's a small amount say for example to service a car , otherwise money and family should never mix no matter the reason...

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: bitterguy28 on May 30, 2024, 10:08:35 AM
It has become increasingly common for friends and not-so-close "friends" to come and ask me to borrow money. I don't usually ask for the purpose, but some ask me because of betting at online houses.
How come that even a Not so close friends are borrowing money from you? because it seems that you are famous in your place that lend people money thats why they are knocking in your door.

The last time I lent money to a colleague, who I hadn't had much contact with other than at work for a short period, it was with great difficulty that I got the money back.

I don't know where people get the amount of money they think I have, they must think I look like a bank...

Who likes having to borrow money? Unless you are a loan shark and lend with collateral where the risk is almost zero, why lend money where you end up with a loss? 'cause in addition to no one paying you with interest, most never pay you on time, at least you will get your money back after repeated charges.

Some people even go so far as to ask me to borrow money for what? to bet!! What a joke. I answer briefly and bluntly that I don't have the money to lend for these purposes!

And the worst thing is that they ask me for small amounts, like $2, 5, 10$... I think that if the person doesn't have that money now, the chances of them getting that money to pay you are low. If the person is in need, it's easier for them to confess right away to see what I can do, because I'm not a bad person.

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
I prevent myself from lending anyone because I believe that instead of lending them I rather give them small amount to help in their troubles .

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Z_MBFM on May 30, 2024, 10:11:24 AM

These days I've grown to categorize everyone as the same when it comes to loaning people money for whatsoever reasons and I've only come into the conclusion never to loan someone else an amount of money that I cannot afford to lose forever but rather to loan out funds that I can instead afford to let go when I have to.

This may be peculiar to my own environment or society but many people here do not know how to refund borrowed funds regardless of their relationship with you and they have to make you go into hell before you get a repayment or refund of your money from them. Hence, my decision not to allow anyone kill my budgets or finances.
I see that you are on the right side of this due to the safety you plan to achieve by giving out only a few amount of money that you'll be able to lose. Whenever handing out such loans erupts giving out is fine but going for the money would be quite very stressful. Due to the purpose of the player who took the loan. Gambling is not certain, that is going to be enough reason why handing out an amount enough to cause you sleepless night is not advisable. I don't think it's peculiar only to your society, most people still find it difficult to pay back even when they have the money. Not to talk of gamblers. It has to be a psychological effect, happens to lots of people.

For gamblers to gamble excessively, they are deprived of their normal behavior potential thinking because at that time they like gambling so much that they would do anything for it.  When gamblers end up losing their money, they turn to loans.  First they start borrowing from friends and then from relatives.But when they lose by using the loan money to gamble, they can no longer repay the loan money. so gamblers should not lend money no matter how good they are. Be sure to avoid gambling addicts when lending money, or if you lend money to them, don't expect to get the money back.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: TopTort777 on May 30, 2024, 10:13:10 AM
People who lend money, lets check out how greedy you are :D When you land money, do you expect the same amount in return of want to get something extra? :D And if you lend money for gambling, do you expect given amount in return, or percent of a win? In case you lend 100 bucks and a guy wins a million, you expect 100 or more ? :D Such question appeared because I have remembered the case when couple split after they won in a lottery, but cant share the prize, because guy purchased lottery ticket with chicks money :D
You make me remember with that thread. :D

I believe he will demand more than $100, but the winner will be stingy and say all the winnings come from him, not from you. If he won $100K, he might only want to give $200 and say it's already a good amount, I've doubled your money. :P

The conclusion is, either his friend can or can't pay off his debt, their friendship will be ruined.

Honestly speaking, if I would won a lot of money with borrowed money, I would split it half. That is not just for a forum and to look like a that good. I believe in karma and luck. If with someones help I succeed or achieve something that is hard to achieve, I am always a generous in reward matter. I find it fair to do, and I find money to be just a resource and not something to live for and be greedy. Maybe this is partly connects "with easy come easy go". Partly because I would not spend amount won back in gambling. Some people say that I am easy with lending money, and complain that sometimes I must learn to say "no". But that is not me. If I see that money can help, I lend. If this is for gambling. I will also lend, but talk about the return date. If person needs money now, them from my vision it is better to give and not postpone things for tomorrow or until next time.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: sompitonov on May 30, 2024, 10:14:41 AM
It has become increasingly common for friends and not-so-close "friends" to come and ask me to borrow money. I don't usually ask for the purpose, but some ask me because of betting at online houses.

The last time I lent money to a colleague, who I hadn't had much contact with other than at work for a short period, it was with great difficulty that I got the money back.

I don't know where people get the amount of money they think I have, they must think I look like a bank...

Who likes having to borrow money? Unless you are a loan shark and lend with collateral where the risk is almost zero, why lend money where you end up with a loss? 'cause in addition to no one paying you with interest, most never pay you on time, at least you will get your money back after repeated charges.

Some people even go so far as to ask me to borrow money for what? to bet!! What a joke. I answer briefly and bluntly that I don't have the money to lend for these purposes!

And the worst thing is that they ask me for small amounts, like $2, 5, 10$... I think that if the person doesn't have that money now, the chances of them getting that money to pay you are low. If the person is in need, it's easier for them to confess right away to see what I can do, because I'm not a bad person.

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
I have borrowed money many times in my life, even since my student days when it was scarce. One of his fellow students always liked to drink a lot of beer, and then he was looking for someone to borrow from to continue his fun, but he always repaid, but at one point he did not repay this debt. I want to say that in gambling this moment will come much earlier, because the player will not be able to win all the time and the moment will come when he will lose everything and even his debts. This is a very common occurrence in gambling and there is nothing surprising here, he simply believed in his chosenness and was mistaken.

I want to say that I have never been repaid a debt twice in my life, and this was enough to never lend money to anyone again under any circumstances, even the most serious ones. I just made this rule for myself, now no one contacts me. As for friends, if she doesn’t want to communicate after this, I don’t mind, then this friend was not my friend at all.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: TopTort777 on May 30, 2024, 10:21:28 AM
I want to say that I have never been repaid a debt twice in my life, and this was enough to never lend money to anyone again under any circumstances, even the most serious ones. I just made this rule for myself, now no one contacts me. As for friends, if she doesn’t want to communicate after this, I don’t mind, then this friend was not my friend at all.

You must be lucky that you have revealed a fake friend and person would never bother you again. I can always earn that money you have lended, but that person will never regain your trust. And you will always have an ace in you hole against him. In fact, you can manipulate with that. That worth more than money you have lended. Like people say "gamble only money you can afford to lose", same refers to lending. So this imho isnt the case when you "never lend money anymore". Turn that into purchased advantage. Be more strategic.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Lucius on May 30, 2024, 10:26:28 AM
It has become increasingly common for friends and not-so-close "friends" to come and ask me to borrow money. I don't usually ask for the purpose, but some ask me because of betting at online houses.
The last time I lent money to a colleague, who I hadn't had much contact with other than at work for a short period, it was with great difficulty that I got the money back.
I don't know where people get the amount of money they think I have, they must think I look like a bank...

It's not the fault of the people who ask you for money, it's your fault that you let them know that you have money and that you share it like candy without any major problems - and like little children who learn from whom to ask for candy, your "friends" come to ask you for money.

If you think that the only problem is that they ask you for money, I hope that you will not experience that you will find yourself in a situation where someone will force you to give them money. Sometimes even good people react completely unpredictably when they become addicted, be it to gambling, drugs or alcohol.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Crypto Library on May 30, 2024, 10:35:59 AM
For gamblers to gamble excessively, they are deprived of their normal behavior potential thinking because at that time they like gambling so much that they would do anything for it.  When gamblers end up losing their money, they turn to loans.  First they start borrowing from friends and then from relatives.But when they lose by using the loan money to gamble, they can no longer repay the loan money. so gamblers should not lend money no matter how good they are. Be sure to avoid gambling addicts when lending money, or if you lend money to them, don't expect to get the money back.
It's seems you are saying an Incident of my friend. Here is his story at first he wasn't addicted to gambling he was used to do some sports betting and along from when he know the casino slots games he started play them and being addicted on them there was many time he borrowed money from our friend circle to play gambling but he lossed much more.
Now the situation is such that he is already absconding from the house because of the excessive debt of his. I think that before giving loans to these publics, they should really check what they are going to invest the money in. Because sometimes not lending them money is more like helping them.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Gozie51 on May 30, 2024, 11:08:05 AM

Some people even go so far as to ask me to borrow money for what? to bet!! What a joke. I answer briefly and bluntly that I don't have the money to lend for these purposes!

Good because if you borrow a gambler money to play bet and the bet isn't successful then you are most likely not going to get your money back. A gambler will prefer to use the money he has to try another game rather than paying up debt that he has if there are no new winnings.

And the worst thing is that they ask me for small amounts, like $2, 5, 10$... I think that if the person doesn't have that money now, the chances of them getting that money to pay you are low. If the person is in need, it's easier for them to confess right away to see what I can do, because I'm not a bad person.

If someone is in need to take care of health issues then it is reasonable enough but if the aim is for gambling, don't expect that you will get your money back especially if the gambler lost the game.

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

If you lend money to relatives, you may not get it back reason being that they think you are part of them and you won't take their indebtedness seriously and won't take it further if they didn't pay. So in the case of relatives, what you can do is to gift them some percentage of the money they are asking for instead of giving them the total loan that they are asking for and at the end you won't get it back.

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?

Most men are gullible in this. Men usually favour women because of their nature as weaker sex and for the possibility gratification that they may get from her at the long run.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Bitcoinsummoner on May 30, 2024, 11:12:21 AM
If someone ask me for money and I can verify it is for gambling, I will humbly refuse because I know I will not be helping such fellow. Imagine the trauma of borrowing money and losing it all to gambling only to be in debt, that is compounded pain for him so I will not want to share in the blame. It is nearly impossible to win gamble with borrowed funds because the moment you realise the money is not yours, your psychology is already messed up. The best approach is always to gamble with personal money and such amount that one can afford to lose. Even gambling company advise their customers to gamble responsibly.

Agreed! I add a few lines. When a gambler remains about the debt money is not his own, he will give importance to that money. At that time he imagined it was not his own money, and he was not responsible for losing money. But he forgets that it's his debt money, and within a few days that money will be paid by his or his family.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: ethereumhunter on May 30, 2024, 01:26:48 PM
If someone ask me for money and I can verify it is for gambling, I will humbly refuse because I know I will not be helping such fellow. Imagine the trauma of borrowing money and losing it all to gambling only to be in debt, that is compounded pain for him so I will not want to share in the blame. It is nearly impossible to win gamble with borrowed funds because the moment you realise the money is not yours, your psychology is already messed up. The best approach is always to gamble with personal money and such amount that one can afford to lose. Even gambling company advise their customers to gamble responsibly.
Agreed! I add a few lines. When a gambler remains about the debt money is not his own, he will give importance to that money. At that time he imagined it was not his own money, and he was not responsible for losing money. But he forgets that it's his debt money, and within a few days that money will be paid by his or his family.
I also agree with both of you because lend our money to gamblers will gives a problem to us. Not just it is difficult to gets our money back from them but people around him will judge us that we facilitate him to keeps playing gambling with our money. At that time, we will have a bad name in their environment and no matter how we deny it, that gamblers will say that we gives our money to him to playing gambling. That's why we must not lend our money to people who wants to use that money to playing gambling to avoids other problems that can happens. We can only suggest them to playing gambling using their money, even if that's a small money because playing gambling with small money is better than to lend money from other people. After all, that's for their own good to avoids them from difficulty to repay the money.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Forsyth Jones on May 30, 2024, 01:35:41 PM
Most just ask to borrow money, they never lift a finger to help when needed (and I never ask).
I only lend it to a very close friend because I know he will pay it back, he uses it to bet on slots from time to time.

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?

Most men are gullible in this. Men usually favour women because of their nature as weaker sex and for the possibility gratification that they may get from her at the long run.
Women take advantage of this advantage to gain an advantage over men, unfortunately. I don't know what women are like in your countries, but here in brazil there is no shortage of interested women (a fruit of culture).

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: hedgeh0g on May 30, 2024, 01:38:29 PM
I also agree with both of you because lend our money to gamblers will gives a problem to us. Not just it is difficult to gets our money back from them but people around him will judge us that we facilitate him to keeps playing gambling with our money. At that time, we will have a bad name in their environment and no matter how we deny it, that gamblers will say that we gives our money to him to playing gambling. That's why we must not lend our money to people who wants to use that money to playing gambling to avoids other problems that can happens. We can only suggest them to playing gambling using their money, even if that's a small money because playing gambling with small money is better than to lend money from other people. After all, that's for their own good to avoids them from difficulty to repay the money.
It’s just that those who lent us money for the game will not return the money to us at any moment, I’m just sure of that. Because it is clear that in the end the house always wins, which means that this acquaintance will ultimately lose and, of course, he will not have the means to pay off his debts. My advice is that it is better to make an effort to stop doing this, because it will cause a quarrel, I am sure of it. And it’s better to be the one who refuses money than the one who is left without money and without a friend.

To be honest, I’ve been thinking lately about never lending money to anyone, only to my closest friends against a receipt and only in situations for his or his mother’s treatment, or something similar. I would like my best friends to help me in such situations, too, if suddenly trouble comes knocking on my house.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: piebeyb on May 30, 2024, 02:02:10 PM
To be honest, I’ve been thinking lately about never lending money to anyone, only to my closest friends against a receipt and only in situations for his or his mother’s treatment, or something similar. I would like my best friends to help me in such situations, too, if suddenly trouble comes knocking on my house.
It's no problem to help a friend with his life's needs or help his parents who are sick, that's no problem, but as a friend we also have to be able to ensure that all the money is used for the right things, but if it's used for gambling it's the same as us supporting the gambling carried out by our friends and also allowing him to continue to decline with his gambling addiction, usually people who have the courage to borrow money to gamble are gambling addicts, because only gambling addicts will never get tired of continuing to gamble without a break. lol

I also can't possibly refuse to give help to my friend if the money is used for the right thing, for example if he borrows money for his family's needs, we can buy him directly what he needs, not in the form of money, for example to help his parents who are sick too. We can also see him or visit him in the hospital, if our friend doesn't have the money, we can help pay for the hospital, that's no problem, but here we are all probably discussing people who borrow money to gamble, so we as friends or relatives shouldn't lend it

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Julien_Olynpic on May 30, 2024, 02:11:51 PM
If a person asks to borrow money and openly says that he will spend it on sports betting, or even more so on roulette and slot machines, then it is almost 100% safe to say that he will lose the money and will have difficulty returning the money. Therefore, this money should not be given to him. There are a very small number of players who can consistently generate profits over many years, but I highly doubt they are playing with money borrowed from people they know. If you are a responsible player, confident in your winnings and have a profitable strategy, then you most likely either do not need borrowed money at all or you can take out a loan from a bank. But most likely you can accumulate primary capital through hired work.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: bakasabo on May 30, 2024, 04:51:30 PM
If a person asks to borrow money and openly says that he will spend it on sports betting, or even more so on roulette and slot machines, then it is almost 100% safe to say that he will lose the money and will have difficulty returning the money. Therefore, this money should not be given to him.

What if that person is able to repay loan? Maybe not today or tomorrow, but lets say in a month. You would also consider not giving money? How come this be different from giving loan for a business start. Business rarely gives profit from very start or even in first year. Those who borrow for business probably have business plan, probably in their head only. But gamblers are not also desperate money only borrow to return what they have borrowed before. Imo, it depends from a person. I would not give money to addicted gambler to gambler, but would give a friend or someone I know for gambling.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Unity for Humanity on May 30, 2024, 05:39:45 PM
Borrowing money from someone is never a good sign. I have hated this since childhood because if I take other people's money and spend it on my own, it is not because it is someone else's money and I must return it.  Since it is compulsory to pay back the borrowed money then why should I spoil my relationship with him over the issue of repayment. Your friends are asking you to borrow money to bet I would say your friends are not giving you good advice at all because it will never be good for you. If you have such friends for too long then it is better not to hang out with them too much.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Huppercase on May 30, 2024, 07:06:37 PM
Some people even go so far as to ask me to borrow money for what? to bet!! What a joke. I answer briefly and bluntly that I don't have the money to lend for these purposes!

And the worst thing is that they ask me for small amounts, like $2, 5, 10$... I think that if the person doesn't have that money now, the chances of them getting that money to pay you are low. If the person is in need, it's easier for them to confess right away to see what I can do, because I'm not a bad person.

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?

I wouldn't lend my money to you if I know that you are involved in gambling and you don't have a good record of gambling. There are some people you will see from there gambling activities, you will know whether they deserve to have your money or not, actually there are people who gamble and makes money frequently and I can lend money out to but you see those ones who gamble and doesn't have nothing to show for it, I will not lend out money to them no matter the amount they promise as interest.

As for female friends, I don't lend out money to them but I dash that is only if it's amount I can let go because borrowing a female friend money don't end well most of the time, they are dramatic even more than the male friends and would want to pin emotional situation on you when they don't have the means to pay back. Just give if you can and say no if you can't dash the money.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Rockstarguy on May 30, 2024, 07:14:58 PM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
When it comes to lending of money to people I'm very careful about it especially with family and friends because money have destroyed si many good relationships with friends and family. I think the best way to lend money to people if at all one must do is to lend out the money that you can afford to lose.

Lending money to someone to play is not a good idea, it is just as if you are contributing to the person's problem because when one lacks money I think it is better to give gambling a break. Gambling can't be predicted I don't think I will borrow anyone money to play gambling,  a gambler should be able to play gambling with money from his/her pocket, this is how gambling is supposed to be played and not taking loans to create debts.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: milewilda on May 30, 2024, 07:23:11 PM
It has become increasingly common for friends and not-so-close "friends" to come and ask me to borrow money. I don't usually ask for the purpose, but some ask me because of betting at online houses.

The last time I lent money to a colleague, who I hadn't had much contact with other than at work for a short period, it was with great difficulty that I got the money back.

I don't know where people get the amount of money they think I have, they must think I look like a bank...

Who likes having to borrow money? Unless you are a loan shark and lend with collateral where the risk is almost zero, why lend money where you end up with a loss? 'cause in addition to no one paying you with interest, most never pay you on time, at least you will get your money back after repeated charges.

Some people even go so far as to ask me to borrow money for what? to bet!! What a joke. I answer briefly and bluntly that I don't have the money to lend for these purposes!

And the worst thing is that they ask me for small amounts, like $2, 5, 10$... I think that if the person doesn't have that money now, the chances of them getting that money to pay you are low. If the person is in need, it's easier for them to confess right away to see what I can do, because I'm not a bad person.

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
If you do know that those borrowed funds would really be that ending up on being gambled then it would be better that you should reject such request because you are really that fueling the addiction that they do have on that particular moment on which we know that this is something which it isnt really that not easy because we do have friends or known someone that if they are really that being rejected or ignored then they would really be changing up their impressions towards you. This is why i do understand on why others would really be tending to make them borrow despite of that not good feeling because they dont really like
that they would really be ending up on such situation on which there would really be that some gap specially with your friends.

If we do really think up that carefully then it would really be best that you should really be needing to have that kind of control and if you dont want for them to have that kind of addiction
and having that more debt problems then it would be best that you should ignore such request but of course it should be done on non offensive way which it do sounds
simple but doing it is really that hard.  ;D

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Zoomic on May 30, 2024, 07:28:53 PM
One rule of gambling is; never gamble with loan money. Any gambler who goes as far as taking loans is just being desperate and should not be encouraged. It doesn’t matter if they have the ability to pay back or not. A person who has no money should be thinking of jobs and trades that will give him money and not gambling. My friends should be able to control their urge to gamble when they have nothing on them and that is what makes them good gamblers. As a lender, it is never a good idea lending money to gamblers for the sake of gambling. Lending them money is like gambling with your hard earned money which might be difficult to recover if there was no win recorded. I will never be a supporter of reckless gambling and this doesn't make me a bad person.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: livingfree on May 30, 2024, 08:05:52 PM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?
For immediate purposes, I do. Before I don't mind much because I wasn't a family person until it had changed and I need to wise up with money decisions including who to lend money.

I've felt about it because your relatives are even the ones comfortable not to pay because you know them and they keep on saying that soon, they'll pay you.

But with no much hope, I have also changed my attitude towards that.

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
Not anymore.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: hyudien on May 31, 2024, 12:20:14 AM
One rule of gambling is; never gamble with loan money. Any gambler who goes as far as taking loans is just being desperate and should not be encouraged. It doesn’t matter if they have the ability to pay back or not. A person who has no money should be thinking of jobs and trades that will give him money and not gambling. My friends should be able to control their urge to gamble when they have nothing on them and that is what makes them good gamblers. As a lender, it is never a good idea lending money to gamblers for the sake of gambling. Lending them money is like gambling with your hard earned money which might be difficult to recover if there was no win recorded. I will never be a supporter of reckless gambling and this doesn't make me a bad person.
That's true, even though there are no fixed rules like that, we ourselves must be able to limit the gambling we do, by having our own rules, as you said, by not gambling using borrowed money. Even though there is a chance to win at gambling, there is no certainty about that. Don't even think about borrowing money to gamble when our finances are exhausted. If gambling has drained our finances then it's better to just stop. I agree with what you say, a gambler who borrows money is probably experiencing despair where they have lost all the money they had by gambling so they think about borrowing money and going back to gambling hoping to get a big win that will enable them to have a certain amount. money as well as being able to repay the loan money made.
It's not a good idea if we lend money to those who use the money lent for gambling. the reason is that when they are addicted and borrow money it will be difficult for us to get the money we have lent, even though the addict has money it is unlikely that they will be able to remember the debt and will pay it, but they will most likely return to gambling when they have money instead of paying off the debt that surrounds their life .

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: ethereumhunter on May 31, 2024, 06:38:01 AM
It’s just that those who lent us money for the game will not return the money to us at any moment, I’m just sure of that. Because it is clear that in the end the house always wins, which means that this acquaintance will ultimately lose and, of course, he will not have the means to pay off his debts. My advice is that it is better to make an effort to stop doing this, because it will cause a quarrel, I am sure of it. And it’s better to be the one who refuses money than the one who is left without money and without a friend.

To be honest, I’ve been thinking lately about never lending money to anyone, only to my closest friends against a receipt and only in situations for his or his mother’s treatment, or something similar. I would like my best friends to help me in such situations, too, if suddenly trouble comes knocking on my house.
That's why we don't have to lends money to those who only wants to uses the money to playing gambling, especially they don't have a big chance to wins and only lose that money. If they lose that money, they must gives back the money to us no matter what's their reason and that can makes us in trouble, especially if they can't pay back the money. That happens to many people who lend their money to other people and that can makes their relationships will disturb and it's difficult to fix. Borrows money from other people to playing gambling just makes them in a difficult situation as they can't gives the money back if they don't have money from their jobs.

If our friends wants to borrow our money to fills their needs or they have an urgent things that needs money, we can give that money and don't thinks about when they can repay that money. That will be a different situation because they really needs that money while they don't knows where they can gets the money.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Strongkored on May 31, 2024, 07:29:07 AM
One rule of gambling is; never gamble with loan money. Any gambler who goes as far as taking loans is just being desperate and should not be encouraged. It doesn’t matter if they have the ability to pay back or not. A person who has no money should be thinking of jobs and trades that will give him money and not gambling. My friends should be able to control their urge to gamble when they have nothing on them and that is what makes them good gamblers. As a lender, it is never a good idea lending money to gamblers for the sake of gambling. Lending them money is like gambling with your hard earned money which might be difficult to recover if there was no win recorded. I will never be a supporter of reckless gambling and this doesn't make me a bad person.
Even though this is something that many gamblers know, the fact is that many gamblers still do it for various reasons, maybe other people will say because they are addicted but maybe not because when an addict tries to get a loan it will be difficult, so could be he is a regular gambler but is very tempted by promotions and so on which are sometimes very attractive so that it is difficult for the gambler to ignore them, but I agree that it is better not to borrow to gamble and also lend to people who want to gamble because there is a chance that we will not get the money back, but actually no matter what the reason for loaning is, when If we have given it, it will count as lost money until it is returned to us.
But I'm sure the gambler who borrows will not tell you that the money is for gambling because he knows it will be difficult to get the loan.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: junder on May 31, 2024, 07:43:33 AM
When it comes to lending of money to people I'm very careful about it especially with family and friends because money have destroyed si many good relationships with friends and family. I think the best way to lend money to people if at all one must do is to lend out the money that you can afford to lose.

Lending money to someone to play is not a good idea, it is just as if you are contributing to the person's problem because when one lacks money I think it is better to give gambling a break. Gambling can't be predicted I don't think I will borrow anyone money to play gambling,  a gambler should be able to play gambling with money from his/her pocket, this is how gambling is supposed to be played and not taking loans to create debts.

It's true, money can destroy an initially good relationship. You have to be careful when lending money to other people, including your own family. I myself lend money to my family members carefully, where I must first know the purpose of the money borrowed and know everything clearly, including the risks and positive sides. what you say is quite reasonable, it can be done like that, especially lending it to people who are usually shameless and can even forget themselves. I often experience this, but I sometimes like to tease them with the aim of making them aware and paying off their debts. But even though we lend money that we can afford to lose, that doesn't mean we have to lend it to gamblers, because that's not the right thing. lending money to gamblers is tantamount to giving them a path to misery.

Maybe it could be said that we are giving them problems indirectly, because the gambling they do will not definitely result in a win and after that they will lose money and will also be confused about paying their debts and of course they will definitely want to gamble again, especially when they have money as they think. is to double up on gambling to be able to pay off all the debts that surround him, but instead of wanting to improve the situation, it only makes things worse. It's true what you said, if you really want to gamble then you should use your own pocket money.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: crwth on May 31, 2024, 07:50:45 AM
Wow, there must be a reason why you are getting asked a lot by people for money. It might be that they know you have a lot of money and then maybe have the spare cash lying around somewhere. It may be leaked that you are friendly and have extra money.

What I don't like is that they use their children to have you feel some kind of remorse or helplessness. I remember a time when my co-worker was asking me for money because his kid was sick. I said why not ask the company? And then he just didn't ask anymore. He might be using it for his gambling activities.

I don't know what the connection between female or male friends but it's the same for me. As long as they ask for money, I think of his/her background first before I lend it to them.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Eternad on May 31, 2024, 07:51:12 AM
One rule of gambling is; never gamble with loan money. Any gambler who goes as far as taking loans is just being desperate and should not be encouraged. It doesn’t matter if they have the ability to pay back or not.

There’s some instances which a capable person resort to borrowing money just because their upcoming is still few days to come while they have a free weekends to gamble. Loan was invented to help people that in need of money now which they can pay later. I don’t agree about you shouldn’t borrow money even if you are capable on paying it unless the person is already addicted.

A person who has no money should be thinking of jobs and trades that will give him money and not gambling. My friends should be able to control their urge to gamble when they have nothing on them and that is what makes them good gamblers.

Being no money is different to being a temporarily no money just because you are still waiting for the payday while need money on your current situation.

As a lender, it is never a good idea lending money to gamblers for the sake of gambling. Lending them money is like gambling with your hard earned money which might be difficult to recover if there was no win recorded. I will never be a supporter of reckless gambling and this doesn't make me a bad person.

Again it depends, most of the lending industry gets profit from gambler especially on Vegas. Financially speaking, gambler borrowers is the most profitable customer on lending industry as long you have collateral for the loan amount.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: JMBitcointernational on May 31, 2024, 10:41:06 AM
I would lend out money, but it would depend on where it would be used.
If it would only be used for gambling, isn't emergency and not really important then I wouldn't help them out, I mean I could use that money on something important for me or my family so why would I lend it to others?
It would also depend on a situation, if I know that the person who is asking to borrow money from me spent his/her money on unnecessary then I wouldn't help them, for me they are the problem not the money if I help them then they would just continue to live like it, they wouldn't change.
If I am to borrow somebody money for gambling,the first thing I will do is to be in agreement will  the person over the payment structure of the money,we must sign an agreement,and indicate a place where he has to sign that he collected money from me for gambling on a particular date,and would refund it on a given date, failure to refund it will carry penalties,which might include me taking any of his properties that will be worth the amount borrowed from me.In that case,I and the borrower will not have problem.
Even with the payment structure i will never lend money to someone to gamble even if he a close friend because if he refuses to pay people will actually blame me for giving out money to someone just to gamble. There is this spirit in lending money to someone, because whenever someone needs money from you the person will be very humble and submissive to you just because he or she wants to borrow from you but when the time for the person to pay he or she will turn arrogant and become very unreasonable so if the money is all that urgent and important that he or she must gamble let him go to any financial institution and borrow with collateral so it will enable him to pay fast, however, i don't lend money to people for some personal reasons but i can assist my friend for free if he or she has financial needs so borrowing money to people is out of my agenda especially when it has to do with gambling.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: HelliumZ on May 31, 2024, 10:49:42 AM
There is no problem in borrowing money or taking a high interest loan if there is a guarantee of profit in that case then there should be no problem in borrowing or taking a high interest loan. But taking a high interest loan for betting on gambling is certainly nothing but a fool's errand since gambling is an uncertain prospect and there is more chance of loss than profit. More over If you take a loan from a bank at a high interest rate and put collateral against that loan, the collateral is more likely to be forfeited. I will not in any way support or suggest anyone to take money from the bank or any other source at high interest rates and gamble that money.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: zuzie on May 31, 2024, 10:50:10 AM
Someone who dares to borrow money from others, most of them see that they are able to provide loans, meaning that there are supporting factors, namely that the person appears to have a lot of money, such as his life can be said to be a capable person or a rich person, which can be seen from his daily life which is above average from the lives of others.
So that borrowers will dare to come to him even though the results are still in doubt.
And in my opinion, it means that OP is one of those people who are already seen as capable people or rich people, so borrowers come to OP just to borrow money.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: EarnOnVictor on May 31, 2024, 11:50:42 AM
Some people even go so far as to ask me to borrow money for what? to bet!! What a joke. I answer briefly and bluntly that I don't have the money to lend for these purposes!

And the worst thing is that they ask me for small amounts, like $2, 5, 10$... I think that if the person doesn't have that money now, the chances of them getting that money to pay you are low. If the person is in need, it's easier for them to confess right away to see what I can do, because I'm not a bad person.

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
If your friends are asking you to borrow them like $2 or $5, then you should know you want to do a free gift. 8) Many of them may not pay it back and you will surely forget it later if you are blessed with enough. But first, on judging all that you've narrated, what I can say here is that you might not be keeping the right circle of friends, so if you are a comfortable person among many of them who are not comfortable, it is still an issue and there is no way you will not continue to feel their burden and disturbance on you.

This is why it is good to keep the right circle of friends so that none of you will depend on the other for anything, and if at all some are facing one or two challenges, you will surely understand and help. But not in a situation where the friend appears irresponsible always. You can imagine the person who borrowed money from you but was unable to return it as and when due and those ones who are likely to bet with the money borrowed. These are irresponsible friends, to say the least.

Also, yes, I've lent my relative money and it was a big amount of money and was paid even before the stipulated time. This is what we call trust and a responsible act, and I assess very well before I lend my money out as some will not return it back. This has happened to them many times in the past but I've already cut off such a circle of friend. As for female friends, I like to avoid them in this context but give them a bit I can let go of. Should in case she insists and she is responsible at the same time, why not?

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: hedgeh0g on May 31, 2024, 11:58:25 AM
To be honest, I’ve been thinking lately about never lending money to anyone, only to my closest friends against a receipt and only in situations for his or his mother’s treatment, or something similar. I would like my best friends to help me in such situations, too, if suddenly trouble comes knocking on my house.
It's no problem to help a friend with his life's needs or help his parents who are sick, that's no problem, but as a friend we also have to be able to ensure that all the money is used for the right things, but if it's used for gambling it's the same as us supporting the gambling carried out by our friends and also allowing him to continue to decline with his gambling addiction, usually people who have the courage to borrow money to gamble are gambling addicts, because only gambling addicts will never get tired of continuing to gamble without a break. lol

I also can't possibly refuse to give help to my friend if the money is used for the right thing, for example if he borrows money for his family's needs, we can buy him directly what he needs, not in the form of money, for example to help his parents who are sick too. We can also see him or visit him in the hospital, if our friend doesn't have the money, we can help pay for the hospital, that's no problem, but here we are all probably discussing people who borrow money to gamble, so we as friends or relatives shouldn't lend it
Honestly, I don’t know how to track this, because a friend can do whatever he wants with this money. Of course, if we do not make this purchase for him and do not receive an official document with obligations on his part to repay the debt in full. Probably after this he will not want to do this, because the trick may not work, because he really needed the money.

It’s just that those who lent us money for the game will not return the money to us at any moment, I’m just sure of that. Because it is clear that in the end the house always wins, which means that this acquaintance will ultimately lose and, of course, he will not have the means to pay off his debts. My advice is that it is better to make an effort to stop doing this, because it will cause a quarrel, I am sure of it. And it’s better to be the one who refuses money than the one who is left without money and without a friend.

To be honest, I’ve been thinking lately about never lending money to anyone, only to my closest friends against a receipt and only in situations for his or his mother’s treatment, or something similar. I would like my best friends to help me in such situations, too, if suddenly trouble comes knocking on my house.
That's why we don't have to lends money to those who only wants to uses the money to playing gambling, especially they don't have a big chance to wins and only lose that money. If they lose that money, they must gives back the money to us no matter what's their reason and that can makes us in trouble, especially if they can't pay back the money. That happens to many people who lend their money to other people and that can makes their relationships will disturb and it's difficult to fix. Borrows money from other people to playing gambling just makes them in a difficult situation as they can't gives the money back if they don't have money from their jobs.

If our friends wants to borrow our money to fills their needs or they have an urgent things that needs money, we can give that money and don't thinks about when they can repay that money. That will be a different situation because they really needs that money while they don't knows where they can gets the money.
Of course, this will be a difficult situation to correct, I agree with you here. Because for a player who is always in search of money, he poses a problem for the people around him. He has only one idea in his mind - to make a bet to win back, but we have mentioned many times that this idea will only lead to worse results. And even if you imagine that he is lucky and still wins money to give back, this does not guarantee that he will give it back, because the next day he will decide to place a bet again, just to win, this process can continue endlessly, unfortunately.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Solosanz on May 31, 2024, 03:28:27 PM
Someone who dares to borrow money from others, most of them see that they are able to provide loans, meaning that there are supporting factors, namely that the person appears to have a lot of money, such as his life can be said to be a capable person or a rich person, which can be seen from his daily life which is above average from the lives of others.
So that borrowers will dare to come to him even though the results are still in doubt.
And in my opinion, it means that OP is one of those people who are already seen as capable people or rich people, so borrowers come to OP just to borrow money.
Not really.

Even you didn't show if you're capable or rich, they will still ask for money.

This kind people don't see friend as a real friend, but they will think them as an acquaintance, so they will not feel lose when they lose the friends where they borrow the money. So, make sure you can know and differentiate between real friend and fake friend.

Ask yourself, is there no one ever ask you to borrow money

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Findingnemo on May 31, 2024, 04:45:08 PM
I am terrible at asking people to return something that belongs to me so I never lend money to anyone not for gambling but in general cause money and relationship is really a bad combo and no matter what it's going to end up in a conflict.

If you knew that you got the ability to get the money from them in one or other way then do it because it's good for you though cause you make interest from it and who knows they might pay you with something more valuable than what's you lend them and that's how the loan sharks are making money.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Stable090 on May 31, 2024, 07:38:31 PM
If a person asks to borrow money and openly says that he will spend it on sports betting, or even more so on roulette and slot machines, then it is almost 100% safe to say that he will lose the money and will have difficulty returning the money.
Why will someone even be confident that they are going to win a bet? Most people who take out loans just to gamble are always confident in the games they are planning to place bets on, so if they can win, they are going to repay the loan that they took. Some people always have the belief that before they gamble with all the money they borrowed, they are going to win back the money and make profits, but gambling doesn’t work like that, you might gamble with all the loan you took and never win.

There are a very small number of players who can consistently generate profits over many years, but I highly doubt they are playing with money borrowed from people they know.
Some people are always winning. I agree with you, but some people who are always claiming they are winning are not really winning, they are just deceiving people. I don’t think people who are really winning will be gambling with loan money, they will have generated enough money, and that’s what they will be using to gamble.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Lanatsa on May 31, 2024, 07:48:58 PM
Some people even go so far as to ask me to borrow money for what? to bet!! What a joke. I answer briefly and bluntly that I don't have the money to lend for these purposes!

And the worst thing is that they ask me for small amounts, like $2, 5, 10$... I think that if the person doesn't have that money now, the chances of them getting that money to pay you are low. If the person is in need, it's easier for them to confess right away to see what I can do, because I'm not a bad person.

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
If your friends are asking you to borrow them like $2 or $5, then you should know you want to do a free gift. 8) Many of them may not pay it back and you will surely forget it later if you are blessed with enough. But first, on judging all that you've narrated, what I can say here is that you might not be keeping the right circle of friends, so if you are a comfortable person among many of them who are not comfortable, it is still an issue and there is no way you will not continue to feel their burden and disturbance on you.

This is why it is good to keep the right circle of friends so that none of you will depend on the other for anything, and if at all some are facing one or two challenges, you will surely understand and help. But not in a situation where the friend appears irresponsible always. You can imagine the person who borrowed money from you but was unable to return it as and when due and those ones who are likely to bet with the money borrowed. These are irresponsible friends, to say the least.

Also, yes, I've lent my relative money and it was a big amount of money and was paid even before the stipulated time. This is what we call trust and a responsible act, and I assess very well before I lend my money out as some will not return it back. This has happened to them many times in the past but I've already cut off such a circle of friend. As for female friends, I like to avoid them in this context but give them a bit I can let go of. Should in case she insists and she is responsible at the same time, why not?
For someone whose really that addicted with gambling then it would really be that impossible that you would really be asking or tending to ask about such amount but if you do make out those kind of refuse or
trying out to tell them that you dont have money but you do have an intent on giving about $3-5 then it would really be just your choice on which its really that true that these people wont really be able to repay you up if ever they would really be that tending to let them borrow specially if someone whose really that get involved with gambling then it would really be not shocking that they will really be not prioritizing on the amounts that they have borrowed someone that they do know. Not all though since there are persons who are mindful with their loans but majority would really be something like this.

If you are someone who do have the money then it would really be just that depending on you but if you are someone who do have  that budget then it would really be that significant that you would really be that trying out to control things according into the money that you've been holding or specifically will really be not making those kind of decisions since you do know that it is something
you do need rather.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: darkangel11 on May 31, 2024, 07:55:43 PM
IMO, you shouldn't lend them any money because you will never get any gratitude from a gambling addict.
If he loses money after getting it from you, he will not pay you back, that's obvious. If he wins, he will probably keep on betting until he eventually loses it.
You can get better results and keep your money by simply denying him any payment.
No responsible person will bet with borrowed money. I'd never come begging for money like that, especially for gambling. I'd be too ashamed.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Churchillvv on May 31, 2024, 07:58:14 PM
I am terrible at asking people to return something that belongs to me so I never lend money to anyone not for gambling but in general cause money and relationship is really a bad combo and no matter what it's going to end up in a conflict.

If you knew that you got the ability to get the money from them in one or other way then do it because it's good for you though cause you make interest from it and who knows they might pay you with something more valuable than what's you lend them and that's how the loan sharks are making money.
Apparently I get your idea that life is full of risk so if you can risk it by lending someone money for gambling or between then you should risk it, I also buy that idea but how about an obvious addict asking for loan? if you you how to get your money back in one way or the other is your conscience going to let you do such? for me I can't as long as I know he or she is going to spend them gambling I wouldn't risk it because I will keep pondering to myself that I'm heartless for supporting them to ruin their lifes.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on May 31, 2024, 08:04:25 PM

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
Well, I honestly do not think that there will be any grown up who is working and earning money; that will come out and say that he or she has never lent someone (a friend or relative) money before cus for me, I have lent alot of friends and relatives money in the past for different reasons, some I know, and others, I don't know, since I never really like to ask if they are not willing to share, I either agree to lend the money or refuse it I am not comfortable with the request or the person asking.

And again, I've lent money to people which in return, I wasn't able to get back, I think this happens to every one of us, this is why we must be careful who we are lending money to, be he or she a relative or friend, and when the purpose to which they want to borrow money is gambling, I outrightly say no, and it doesnt matter how close I am to person, I simply never will lend someone money for gambling purposes, because I believe that one should not force him or her self to gamble when he or she doesn't have the resources required.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: topbitcoin on May 31, 2024, 08:17:34 PM
Someone who dares to borrow money from others, most of them see that they are able to provide loans, meaning that there are supporting factors, namely that the person appears to have a lot of money, such as his life can be said to be a capable person or a rich person, which can be seen from his daily life which is above average from the lives of others.
So that borrowers will dare to come to him even though the results are still in doubt.
And in my opinion, it means that OP is one of those people who are already seen as capable people or rich people, so borrowers come to OP just to borrow money.
Indeed, of course someone dares to borrow money from us looking at certain factors like what you are talking about, but also not all of them are like that, look rich and or have a lot of money, like a small thing when we have a job and or can make money every month, someone will think that we have money and savings so that he thinks he will borrow from us on that thought, it seems that this is not only necessary for people who look like they have money but even have a job, there are definitely people who borrow money from us.

Especially in a circle of friends who interact with gambling and have an addiction to gambling, they will always borrow money from us on the basis of urgency or just want to borrow because they want to gamble, that's what pisses me off the most because they mostly borrow money to gamble, even though they don't have a job or income to even meet their own needs, but for gambling they force themselves to gamble.

Maybe because many of OP's friends know that Op interacts with gambling in addition to also investing in the crypto world makes some other gamblers think that OP might have money because we know people who interact with crypto days have extraordinary profits, it could be that the stigma appears. 

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Yatsan on May 31, 2024, 08:22:25 PM
I was actually thinking of this. Perhaps they lied about the purpose of why they are borrowing the money but in fact they will be using it on gambling activities, will be the same as with those who directly announces it, although it would have higher intensity with the first condition because of lying tendency but things would be the same. I don't really prefer supporting it simply because personally, I don't borrow money especially for things that I am engaging myself with. It is me who took the risk in gambling then it is me to save or generate money for the next time I would be doing it again. Also, we have a choice to not gamble if we just don't have the money to do so than to push things involving other people in this industry. It'e just a matter of self respect and respect to other people especially those who are close to you.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: $weetne$$ on May 31, 2024, 08:37:35 PM
I was actually thinking of this. Perhaps they lied about the purpose of why they are borrowing the money but in fact they will be using it on gambling activities, will be the same as with those who directly announces it, although it would have higher intensity with the first condition because of lying tendency but things would be the same.

They mostly lied when asking for money then use the money in gambling because they would not tell you that they are borrowing the money to gamble. They will tell you that the money is going to be use for something important or an emergency then they are just going to gamble the money away and come back to you for help again. Gambling addicts do not learn from their mistakes but continue making the same mistakes every time and keep being in debt. When you borrow people money, do well to know why they need the money and if you know someone to be suffering from gambling addiction, do not borrow them the money because they are going to use it for gambling and continue to be a victim of gambling addiction. If they do not see any money, they will not have what to use in gambling and it can be helpful.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: SOKO-DEKE on May 31, 2024, 08:58:04 PM

If a person asks to borrow money and openly says that he will spend it on sports betting, or even more so on roulette and slot machines, then it is almost 100% safe to say that he will lose the money and will have difficulty returning the money.
The probability of losing in gambling is always high; there is no assurance of winning in gambling unless someone is lucky, so I don't think anyone will like to borrow money, and he or she will have confidence to say that he wants to gamble with the money he borrowed. In fact, it is people who are gambling addicted who always borrow money to gamble and it is all because they are addicted, and when someone is addicted, they always have a positive outlook on whatever they are doing, even if they know what  they are doing is wrong thing. 

There are a very small number of players who can consistently generate profits over many years, but I highly doubt they are playing with money borrowed from people they know.

Yes, a small number of people make it in gambling every year, but just believe me, it was all about luck. It is very hard to make consistent profits from gambling. People win; they do see that they are in profit at the end of the year. For many of them, it is just once they win or twice, but with a big amount of money. If you are lucky, even if you borrow money to gamble, you will win, but the truth is, never borrow money to gamble. 

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: el kaka22 on May 31, 2024, 09:05:02 PM
Having this kind of return isn't always that great, I personally believe that we are going to have a lot of people keep asking forever. I personally would be VERY rich today if I could get about 15-20 thousand dollars capital, not from gambling but from business stand point. I would make insane amount of money, I am not even questioning it, I know it. But not only I have no money, but I am also in big debt as well, which means that I am not going to make that much money from it at all.

If I had a friend who I could get this money from, do you think that as someone who trusts himself and his business idea this much, wouldn't get it? I mean I am willing to take a loan from banks if I can, but I already have debt so I can't.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Juse14 on May 31, 2024, 09:05:49 PM
I was actually thinking of this. Perhaps they lied about the purpose of why they are borrowing the money but in fact they will be using it on gambling activities, will be the same as with those who directly announces it, although it would have higher intensity with the first condition because of lying tendency but things would be the same. I don't really prefer supporting it simply because personally, I don't borrow money especially for things that I am engaging myself with. It is me who took the risk in gambling then it is me to save or generate money for the next time I would be doing it again. Also, we have a choice to not gamble if we just don't have the money to do so than to push things involving other people in this industry. It'e just a matter of self respect and respect to other people especially those who are close to you.

Indeed, while your statement holds truth that they misrepresented the loan's intent and yet simply gambled it away, the dishonesty does echo a certain similarity with those who squander without deception. Though the dynamics differ in intensity due to added falsehood, at the core both scenarios culminate equally.

This action doesn't appeal to me on a personal level as I refrain from borrowing money for my ventures. If I choose to gamble, I take full responsibility for the risk and any losses incurred or gains made in order to continue in the future. Furthermore, it is within our control not to partake in gambling if we lack funds, a decision that does not implicate other individuals in our financial situation.

This issue pertains to one's self-worth and also respect for others, particularly those we are close to. Borrowing money to gamble is unwise, it can destroy relationships, as well as the faith people have in each other. It might be a good idea for all involved if this unhealthy practice were discontinued or altered.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Issa56 on May 31, 2024, 09:06:42 PM
Even with the payment structure i will never lend money to someone to gamble even if he a close friend because if he refuses to pay people will actually blame me for giving out money to someone just to gamble.
If you can borrow your close friend money to gamble, that means you are not really a good friend, because you see your friend is addicted to gambling, and you are still encouraging him to gamble more by giving him a loan. The best thing to do is to reject his loan offer. I know it might cause misunderstanding, but you are trying to help him, and that’s what a good friend should always do. How are you going to even talk about it in public that you borrowed your friend money to gamble and he refuses to pay it back? It sounds somehow to me.

i don't lend money to people for some personal reasons but i can assist my friend for free if he or she has financial needs so borrowing money to people is out of my agenda especially when it has to do with gambling.
I hardly lend out money that I know I can’t give to the person, if I can lend out money and you refuse to pay me my money back, I will just have to overlook it, but I know next time you won’t be able to come to my side for money because you haven’t paid the previous one.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Fiasem20 on May 31, 2024, 09:39:24 PM
I would never lend money to someone for the purpose of gambling.I know the principles of gambling responsibly even if I'm not a gambler,a gambler ought to gamble with his money and not with borrowed money.Borrowed money for the seek of gambling won't be used responsibly, that's what they didn't work for, if it was from their hard earned income they will gamble on what they can afford to lose.I've seen where two friends were fighting because the debtor refused to clear his debt all because he lost the bet,so it's best you avoid such scene,most gamblers will lose and refuse to payback the debt.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Forsyth Jones on May 31, 2024, 09:47:18 PM
They mostly lied when asking for money then use the money in gambling because they would not tell you that they are borrowing the money to gamble. They will tell you that the money is going to be use for something important or an emergency then they are just going to gamble the money away and come back to you for help again. Gambling addicts do not learn from their mistakes but continue making the same mistakes every time and keep being in debt. When you borrow people money, do well to know why they need the money and if you know someone to be suffering from gambling addiction, do not borrow them the money because they are going to use it for gambling and continue to be a victim of gambling addiction. If they do not see any money, they will not have what to use in gambling and it can be helpful.
They hide the fact that the borrowed money they are requesting is for gambling because they know that the chances of having the request rejected are high, which ends up making the situation even worse, as the truth always comes out when it's time to collect the debt or the one who borrowed does not pay the debt and postpones the debt.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: mirakal on May 31, 2024, 10:38:12 PM
I am terrible at asking people to return something that belongs to me so I never lend money to anyone not for gambling but in general cause money and relationship is really a bad combo and no matter what it's going to end up in a conflict.

If you knew that you got the ability to get the money from them in one or other way then do it because it's good for you though cause you make interest from it and who knows they might pay you with something more valuable than what's you lend them and that's how the loan sharks are making money.
I do lend some money to some of my friends who I think are really in a bad financial situation but without interest because all I want is to help, not to take profits on them. But if I know that it’s all for gambling purposes, then I won’t risk my money for that knowing they’ll only lose it all and would hardly return my money back.

Good thing, I don’t have friends who are addicted into gambling, or there might be some, but at least they don’t bother me asking some funds to gamble because surely I won’t bite their request. If they can gamble, then they should find means to provide an income of their own so they can gamble all they want.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Orpichukwu on May 31, 2024, 10:44:12 PM
I would never lend money to someone for the purpose of gambling.I know the principles of gambling responsibly even if I'm not a gambler,a gambler ought to gamble with his money and not with borrowed money.Borrowed money for the seek of gambling won't be used responsibly, that's what they didn't work for, if it was from their hard earned income they will gamble on what they can afford to lose.I've seen where two friends were fighting because the debtor refused to clear his debt all because he lost the bet,so it's best you avoid such scene,most gamblers will lose and refuse to payback the debt.
If a gambler comes to you to borrow money, the majority of people will be on the side of refusing to loan him that money because they don't see the need to do that, especially when the person also expects to pay back that money from gambling profit. 
Most of the time, gamblers don't just come clean and tell you they need you to loan them money so that they can gamble; rather, they come with some pressing issue stories that will make you feel pity for them and give you a give you a reason  why they really need that money and why you need to help them, but at the end of the day, they end up spending all of it on gambling.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Gaza13 on May 31, 2024, 11:03:18 PM
I was actually thinking of this. Perhaps they lied about the purpose of why they are borrowing the money but in fact they will be using it on gambling activities, will be the same as with those who directly announces it, although it would have higher intensity with the first condition because of lying tendency but things would be the same. I don't really prefer supporting it simply because personally, I don't borrow money especially for things that I am engaging myself with. It is me who took the risk in gambling then it is me to save or generate money for the next time I would be doing it again. Also, we have a choice to not gamble if we just don't have the money to do so than to push things involving other people in this industry. It'e just a matter of self respect and respect to other people especially those who are close to you.
This depends on how we know our friends. If we already know their origins, they like to gamble, it's best to never give them any form of loan. Not involving someone's finances to do our gambling is something that is quite good, in my opinion, what you said, This will ensure that friendships that have existed for a very long time will not just disappear due to our own actions. Don't push yourself too hard if you don't have anything to gamble with, this will make you much more miserable.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: benalexis12 on May 31, 2024, 11:13:17 PM
They mostly lied when asking for money then use the money in gambling because they would not tell you that they are borrowing the money to gamble. They will tell you that the money is going to be use for something important or an emergency then they are just going to gamble the money away and come back to you for help again. Gambling addicts do not learn from their mistakes but continue making the same mistakes every time and keep being in debt. When you borrow people money, do well to know why they need the money and if you know someone to be suffering from gambling addiction, do not borrow them the money because they are going to use it for gambling and continue to be a victim of gambling addiction. If they do not see any money, they will not have what to use in gambling and it can be helpful.
They hide the fact that the borrowed money they are requesting is for gambling because they know that the chances of having the request rejected are high, which ends up making the situation even worse, as the truth always comes out when it's time to collect the debt or the one who borrowed does not pay the debt and postpones the debt.

Of course, no matter who lends money, they will not allow the person to lend if the money is only used for gambling. Because I can also think that I will not be paid when someone borrows from me. Besides, it's not good to gamble with debt, am I right?

It would be okay to borrow if the money we borrow will be used in a business that can produce a profit for us, and if it is managed properly, it is also for sure that we will get a large income.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: NurseHub on June 01, 2024, 12:24:53 AM
Except from borrowing someone or a friend money for gambling, it's not advisable to lend out what you can't let go in this society where almost everybody is giving this I don't care behavior.
I always tell my friends that I can't give you what I feel I can't let you have forever, even when it comes to clothes.
Talk more about borrowing money to gamble where there's no guarantee of winning. The trauma that comes with losing what isn't yours can make one think negatively. Imagine encouraging them to gamble more because you feel like you are a good friend. It's important you decline in a nicer way than giving what might end your friendship in the future. 

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Don Pedro Dinero on June 01, 2024, 12:31:28 AM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

In my language we say that whoever leaves money to a friend loses the money and the friend. It is a saying that, like all sayings, has some truth to it. And it happens many times.

Only once I left a large amount of money to a good friend and he gave it back to me. And smaller amounts to a relative. But certainly not as low as $2, 5, 10$. I imagine you live in an environment of people with quite low incomes.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Samlucky O on June 01, 2024, 01:04:02 AM
The last time I lent money to a colleague, who I hadn't had much contact with other than at work for a short period, it was with great difficulty that I got the money back.
I think you should be more careful when given out loan to people, because the tone used to borrow money is different from the tone used in payback. The characteristics exhibited during payback is very bad so you must know the person you are lending money to very well before releasing your money.

I don't know where people get the amount of money they think I have, they must think I look like a bank...
It's a simple Thing. For example you gave loan to Mr A, Mr A tells me B, Mr B comes to you because of the information gotten from Mr A. Mr B will also tell me C untill everyone is aware you are a generous lender who has money without considering you portfolio simply because they ask and recieve.

Who likes having to borrow money? Unless you are a loan shark and lend with collateral where the risk is almost zero, why lend money where you end up with a loss? 'cause in addition to no one paying you with interest, most never pay you on time, at least you will get your money back after repeated charges.
I depends on you and how you programe your loan. I think most people use loan as a business despite the risk involved. But what they do is to add colethral incase of delay payment or not complying to payment on time, which will lead to lost of property to the person who gave you the loan.

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?
I don't borrow money unwillingly. If I have to give I give freely without a second thought, but to be on a saffer side lending money to family and friends often don't end well, Due to close relationship. It doesn't end well during pay back so I totally avoid it.

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
Women are considerable in terms of loan than men. Women don't feel free when they know they are owing you and it makes them find a way as fast as possible to pay back their loan, but most men are stubborn in terms of payback. So women are better in loan repayments than men.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: ethereumhunter on June 01, 2024, 04:03:11 AM
Of course, this will be a difficult situation to correct, I agree with you here. Because for a player who is always in search of money, he poses a problem for the people around him. He has only one idea in his mind - to make a bet to win back, but we have mentioned many times that this idea will only lead to worse results. And even if you imagine that he is lucky and still wins money to give back, this does not guarantee that he will give it back, because the next day he will decide to place a bet again, just to win, this process can continue endlessly, unfortunately.
Playing gambling to get back the lose money will not be a good idea as his chance to wins is not big. He can loses more money if he still forces himself to playing gambling. He must realizes that borrows money will only gives him more problems, especially if he lose all of his money in gambling so he can't repays the money. When he uses his money and lose, he don't have to repays the money and that will be safer for him as his risks is not too big.

He will not see what's the risks of borrow money to playing gambling. That's why he must not playing gambling using borrow money avoids it. It's better to use our own money to playing gambling to avoids many problems in gambling. We must have responsibility to ourselves when playing gambling and by avoids playing gambling using other people money.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: hyudien on June 01, 2024, 06:03:59 AM
They hide the fact that the borrowed money they are requesting is for gambling because they know that the chances of having the request rejected are high, which ends up making the situation even worse, as the truth always comes out when it's time to collect the debt or the one who borrowed does not pay the debt and postpones the debt.
That's true, with those who borrow money for gambling of course they will not tell the truth if the money they borrow will be used for gambling because if they say that of course it will not be approved and of course the request will be rejected. because even if they succeed in borrowing money to gamble, I don't think it's only the borrower who will have difficulty returning the money, but also the party who lent it, I think they will have difficulty getting the money back, because with those who have dared to borrow money to gamble, I think They think they are addicted and with that addiction maybe they won't care about anything other than gambling which must be able to produce wins.
It's not surprising that people who borrow money postpone their debt, especially if they are addicted to gambling. Even though they have some money, the chances are that what they will do is gamble again, not by paying and paying off the debt, and what you say is true, as a result this action will only make things worse. So it is not recommended to force yourself to continue gambling, one of which is by borrowing money to gamble.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Agbamoni on June 01, 2024, 07:01:11 AM
It is obvious that most of us know the rules and consequences of gambling we wouldn't try to lend money out to someone who wants to use it for gambling. What annoys me the most is that some people come to borrow money thereby hiding the purpose of taking the loan. Yeah, in most cases it's not compulsory to share the purpose of the loan to anyone but you can identify which sector whether health, education etc. I still think it does not make sense for anyone to borrow loan for gambling purposes, the loan should be denied because there are probabilities that the loan may not be repaid back.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: zuzie on June 01, 2024, 07:16:32 AM

Ask yourself, is there no one ever ask you to borrow money

In the social environment, borrowing and lending money will definitely exist, even I have also experienced it, namely other people coming to me to borrow money. But I personally am the type who does not easily trust others, especially when it comes to finances.

Maybe because many of OP's friends know that Op interacts with gambling in addition to also investing in the crypto world makes some other gamblers think that OP might have money because we know people who interact with crypto days have extraordinary profits, it could be that the stigma appears.  
Yes, your opinion is right, maybe OP in the eyes of his friends is a person who is smart in the crypto world so they think that OP has a lot of money from his current profits. And his friends already know that the current crypto price is arguably high and they are sure and believe that OP can help him by borrowing money when they need it so that many people come to OP just to borrow money.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Findingnemo on June 01, 2024, 07:18:53 AM
I am terrible at asking people to return something that belongs to me so I never lend money to anyone not for gambling but in general cause money and relationship is really a bad combo and no matter what it's going to end up in a conflict.

If you knew that you got the ability to get the money from them in one or other way then do it because it's good for you though cause you make interest from it and who knows they might pay you with something more valuable than what's you lend them and that's how the loan sharks are making money.
Apparently I get your idea that life is full of risk so if you can risk it by lending someone money for gambling or between then you should risk it, I also buy that idea but how about an obvious addict asking for loan? if you you how to get your money back in one way or the other is your conscience going to let you do such? for me I can't as long as I know he or she is going to spend them gambling I wouldn't risk it because I will keep pondering to myself that I'm heartless for supporting them to ruin their lifes.

I am saying this is what loan sharks do for their life and that's how they make huge money by giving less money and confiscating something valuable from the borrower when they can't able to repay it back but it takes a certain lifestyle to accept such money which I don't accept and also if I am giving money to someone then I just consider it as charity not really as loan because I am sure 99% of the time I am never going to get any penny out of it.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Chilwell on June 01, 2024, 07:30:49 AM
There is no problem in borrowing money or taking a high interest loan if there is a guarantee of profit in that case then there should be no problem in borrowing or taking a high interest loan. But taking a high interest loan for betting on gambling is certainly nothing but a fool's errand since gambling is an uncertain prospect and there is more chance of loss than profit. More over If you take a loan from a bank at a high interest rate and put collateral against that loan, the collateral is more likely to be forfeited. I will not in any way support or suggest anyone to take money from the bank or any other source at high interest rates and gamble that money.

Life is all about risk but in this situation it's not a risk but a disaster because I will not borrow money for gambling or borrow anyone, we all know for every success there is risk behind it, all business people we know today take higer risk than anyone else but they did it with reason and hardly it failed and even though they face any lost it doesn't consume all the money, at least some of the percentages of the money will remain but for gambling if eventual they win it a plus for them but if they lose nothing return and they will be left with nothing and that is how their life will be frustrating because the bank or the person will come for their money.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: topbitcoin on June 01, 2024, 07:42:24 AM

Ask yourself, is there no one ever ask you to borrow money

In the social environment, borrowing and lending money will definitely exist, even I have also experienced it, namely other people coming to me to borrow money. But I personally am the type who does not easily trust others, especially when it comes to finances.
I also find it very difficult to trust people in lending money, especially to someone who we already know that he is very difficult to pay the borrowed money, it will be a traumatic thing that I will not repeat again, you probably know the saddest thing in situations like this we have money like a beggar to those who borrow money to return.

Maybe because many of OP's friends know that Op interacts with gambling in addition to also investing in the crypto world makes some other gamblers think that OP might have money because we know people who interact with crypto days have extraordinary profits, it could be that the stigma appears.  
Yes, your opinion is right, maybe OP in the eyes of his friends is a person who is smart in the crypto world so they think that OP has a lot of money from his current profits. And his friends already know that the current crypto price is arguably high and they are sure and believe that OP can help him by borrowing money when they need it so that many people come to OP just to borrow money.
This is quite upsetting indeed, especially when a person we have never interacted with for a long time then comes to see us and asks us for a loan, even though our relationship was not that close before but with the circumstances a bad person will come on purpose with no shame, I think why didn't he just borrow from the bank, it was much easier for him to ask for a loan, do you often give loans to others who you may not have a close relationship with before, and you know that he is a bad gambler?

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: ultrloa on June 01, 2024, 08:10:05 AM
They mostly lied when asking for money then use the money in gambling because they would not tell you that they are borrowing the money to gamble. They will tell you that the money is going to be use for something important or an emergency then they are just going to gamble the money away and come back to you for help again. Gambling addicts do not learn from their mistakes but continue making the same mistakes every time and keep being in debt. When you borrow people money, do well to know why they need the money and if you know someone to be suffering from gambling addiction, do not borrow them the money because they are going to use it for gambling and continue to be a victim of gambling addiction. If they do not see any money, they will not have what to use in gambling and it can be helpful.
They hide the fact that the borrowed money they are requesting is for gambling because they know that the chances of having the request rejected are high, which ends up making the situation even worse, as the truth always comes out when it's time to collect the debt or the one who borrowed does not pay the debt and postpones the debt.

Of course, no matter who lends money, they will not allow the person to lend if the money is only used for gambling. Because I can also think that I will not be paid when someone borrows from me. Besides, it's not good to gamble with debt, am I right?

It would be okay to borrow if the money we borrow will be used in a business that can produce a profit for us, and if it is managed properly, it is also for sure that we will get a large income.

So erase out the confusion of any people been asked a favor like that maybe its best for them to decide to eliminate the chance of people to lend them some money just to finance their gambling addiction. Since if we let them do that then for sure that there would be a huge chance that those borrower cannot pay us and there's a relationship will get destroy. I see a lot of scenario like this happen and we should avoid to experience this.

We just need to make them understand the situation or just lie to them that you don't have any money so there would be no further discussion will happen. Borrowing is good if this is used for emergency situation or maybe as you said for business matter. But other outside on that scope and put it on risky situation then I guess we should cut it off so that we would leave some statements that we are not fine with borrowing money for gambling activities.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Ultegra134 on June 01, 2024, 09:02:04 AM
I've lent money to a co-worker before because I knew they would be stuck seeing me every day and wouldn't be able to avoid paying me back. It was two or three times, but I always got my money back as soon as we were paid. I wouldn't have done it under any other circumstances, and I'm not going to do it again unless it's someone I'm extremely close to and trust completely, but even in such cases, you might be mistaken. You're lucky you got your money back. Lending money is about convenience for someone in need, not making money yourself. The issue is that there are a few douchebags that take advantage of your trust and never proceed to return the money.

And why does it make a difference if it's a male or a female asking you? The issue is that they're manipulating you into feeling guilty and talking their way into lending them money, which a decent human being would understand.

Don't feel bad for saying no; it's reasonable to feel this way, especially if it's for gambling purposes, where someone's addicted and is trying to get his gambling dose.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: rahmad2nd on June 01, 2024, 01:11:50 PM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?

If you are someone whose life is closely connected to the people around you, or you are someone who often socializes, it would be very natural if there were requests for loans. This is very common in our lives in society, especially in family and friendship. Moreover, based on your story, it seems that you have healthy finances so that several people or your friends try to borrow from you. On the other hand, maybe you can do the same thing if your condition and situation is experiencing a financial crisis. The problem is, everyone who tries to borrow has different needs. It doesn't have to be because they are gamblers, who just want to channel their gambling passion. Not infrequently, we are trusted to help someone, especially a relative, who is experiencing financial difficulties. No need to ask the reason, I'm sure you and I already know people who are trying to get loans from us. If someone is a gambler, just based on their gestures we can guess it. or, the speech of someone who wants to gamble or borrow to gamble can be seen from their language speech. usually, they will promise to return you on time plus add to it with a reward. BTW, this is normal behavior based on the environment I live in. but I prefer to talk like it is, some of my friends tried to borrow just a few dollars just to bet. if I had more money, I would just give it a few dollars anyway. The problem is different if they try to borrow in large nominal multiples, especially for gambling. automatically, I will not give a penny. usually, they have experienced a big loss and want to try to recover the loss through a loan. I don't hesitate if someone borrows money, especially if it's for a very urgent need. because, I also often experience phases where my financial condition is critical. but for gambling, I would happily not give it above an irrational multiple. As you said, instead of getting money back, we will experience problems between friends, family and even relationships.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Ever-young on June 01, 2024, 01:29:35 PM
If someone ask me for money and I can verify it is for gambling, I will humbly refuse because I know I will not be helping such fellow. Imagine the trauma of borrowing money and losing it all to gambling only to be in debt, that is compounded pain for him so I will not want to share in the blame. It is nearly impossible to win gamble with borrowed funds because the moment you realise the money is not yours, your psychology is already messed up. The best approach is always to gamble with personal money and such amount that one can afford to lose. Even gambling company advise their customers to gamble responsibly.

I totally agree with you and also I won't borrow money to any gambler be it my friend or loved ones, I can't borrow them, even if I have enough money except I give them the money freely without expecting them to pay back, so that even if they lose the money or not, it's no longer my business and I won't take any blame in it. And also losing money for gambling is really something else, which makes some gamblers to go insane, depression etc.

So the only way we can help them is by providing them support and also letting them know the implications of gambling addiction, if they don't gamble responsibly, that way can really be of help to them.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Zigabel on June 01, 2024, 01:48:55 PM
Lending money to any one is a matter of choice, gender shouldn't be a determining factor who should be lend or no provided the person has got the ability to pay back when required of them but the problem has always been in the fact that some persons really do find it difficult paying up a loan they had taken in the times of needs and that will make the lender not wanting to lend money to the borrower in the case of next time and that's why its good sometimes to give out loans on collateral so that you get to be able to make sure you are not going to lose all of your money in the days where the borrower is unable to make payments.

Lending funds to gamblers is actually a very risky thing to do because the chances that they are going to pay back is very much dependent on them been able to win which highly luck based so if they fail to win their game it turns out it will take much longer than expected for them to be able to payback that which they did borrowed for the purpose of gambling of which i most case they end up not been able to pay because some don't even get to win even after a long wait for them to see if they will be able to eventually win or get the money elsewhere to pay back, so if you want to lend a gambler some funds, make sure they are working so they will be able to pay back from their pay at work should incase they loose the money to the casino.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: noormcs5 on June 01, 2024, 01:52:13 PM
I would never lend money to someone for the purpose of gambling.I know the principles of gambling responsibly even if I'm not a gambler,a gambler ought to gamble with his money and not with borrowed money.Borrowed money for the seek of gambling won't be used responsibly, that's what they didn't work for, if it was from their hard earned income they will gamble on what they can afford to lose.

Sometimes your close friend or relative may ask you for a loan and not tell you the purpose of why he needs a loan or maybe he speaks false that he needs a loan for a non-gambling cause. This is particularly true if they know that you are an anti-gambler person, so to get a loan from you, they will make non-gambling-related excuses.

But if I know that it’s all for gambling purposes, then I won’t risk my money for that knowing they’ll only lose it all and would hardly return my money back.

Don't you think that it is the headache of the person who took the loan to return the loan. He plays gamble, loses or wins, this has nothing to do with the loan money to be returned. There is no such agreement that if he loses in gambling, he will not return the money. He has to return it in any case.
Also this is no excuse that he loses money so he can't pay it back, this is against the moral values and i think it is better not to make friends with those who have this mentality.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: TelolettOm on June 01, 2024, 01:55:29 PM
It has become increasingly common for friends and not-so-close "friends" to come and ask me to borrow money. I don't usually ask for the purpose, but some ask me because of betting at online houses.

The last time I lent money to a colleague, who I hadn't had much contact with other than at work for a short period, it was with great difficulty that I got the money back.
I don't know why, one of the signs of people who haven't contacted each other for a long time and then contact each other with sweet words first and very gentle pleasantries, then that will end up borrowing money. Often it's like that, it's like that's the format. That's why, sometimes we have to be more strict with ourselves, so we can sort out which people really need it and which people don't. Because, once we lend them money, they will do it again and again for various reasons. And what's worse, rarely do they have the intention to pay off debts. This is a personal experience. Hopefully that only happens to me.

Some people even go so far as to ask me to borrow money for what? to bet!! What a joke. I answer briefly and bluntly that I don't have the money to lend for these purposes!
This is a great joke, but unfortunately, this happens often. If they do that, don't expect them to return the money. Because we really understand the risks of people like that, usually they are already addicted to gambling, so they want money from wherever they are. And it's just that, when they win, they will use that money to gamble again and again. As long as we just keep quiet, it's rare for them to realize and return the loan to us. That's why it's better to refuse him politely, and if you really know it's for gambling, try to talk a little and tell him what he's doing. but this will indeed be very difficult. Just like advising someone who is in love, advising someone who is addicted to gambling is just as difficult.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: piebeyb on June 01, 2024, 02:11:20 PM
Lending funds to gamblers is actually a very risky thing to do because the chances that they are going to pay back is very much dependent on them been able to win which highly luck based so if they fail to win their game it turns out it will take much longer than expected for them to be able to payback that which they did borrowed for the purpose of gambling of which i most case they end up not been able to pay because some don't even get to win even after a long wait for them to see if they will be able to eventually win or get the money elsewhere to pay back, so if you want to lend a gambler some funds, make sure they are working so they will be able to pay back from their pay at work should incase they loose the money to the casino.
Actually, there is no need to give loans to those who use borrowed money to gamble. In my opinion, those who want to gamble with borrowed money usually fall into the category of gambling addiction. Every person who is addicted to gambling will usually look for ways to finance their gambling even if they have to borrow money from other people. or friends, that's why I never lend money to my friends, let alone use it for gambling, I'm sure he won't pay it because the money will definitely run out and he will go bankrupt.

Normal gamblers will not borrow money from other people, let alone friends, to gamble, usually they will work to earn their own money to finance their gambling, but if someone dares to borrow money to gamble, they are definitely addicted to gambling and are unemployed, let alone working to earn money. money, I think it's impossible for someone to work and then borrow money to gamble, they must be unemployed so they do that because they don't work and don't have money anymore so they borrow money, it's an easy thing to guess if someone is addicted to gambling or not, The point is, never lend money to gambling addicts.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: slapper on June 01, 2024, 03:44:35 PM
Lending money to any one is a matter of choice, gender shouldn't be a determining factor who should be lend or no provided the person has got the ability to pay back when required of them but the problem has always been in the fact that some persons really do find it difficult paying up a loan they had taken in the times of needs and that will make the lender not wanting to lend money to the borrower in the case of next time and that's why its good sometimes to give out loans on collateral so that you get to be able to make sure you are not going to lose all of your money in the days where the borrower is unable to make payments.

Lending funds to gamblers is actually a very risky thing to do because the chances that they are going to pay back is very much dependent on them been able to win which highly luck based so if they fail to win their game it turns out it will take much longer than expected for them to be able to payback that which they did borrowed for the purpose of gambling of which i most case they end up not been able to pay because some don't even get to win even after a long wait for them to see if they will be able to eventually win or get the money elsewhere to pay back, so if you want to lend a gambler some funds, make sure they are working so they will be able to pay back from their pay at work should incase they loose the money to the casino.
Lending to gamblers? Crazy, huh? But life isn't always black and white. If your friend has a steady job and doesn't gamble every weekend, it may not be a disaster. Set boundaries, guy. Imagine teaching a wild animal. Be strong and set rules. "You can borrow X amount for your gambling, but that's it." No exclusions, no bailouts. This allows their hobby and forces them to face their boundaries

It's risky, but sometimes the largest rewards come from it. Personal progress, financial responsibility. They may even learn to manage their urges and benefit. Lending to a gambler can be profitable if done appropriately. Remember, tough love is not charity. That, my friends, is worth more than a prize

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on June 01, 2024, 04:27:14 PM
It is obvious that most of us know the rules and consequences of gambling we wouldn't try to lend money out to someone who wants to use it for gambling. What annoys me the most is that some people come to borrow money thereby hiding the purpose of taking the loan. Yeah, in most cases it's not compulsory to share the purpose of the loan to anyone but you can identify which sector whether health, education etc. I still think it does not make sense for anyone to borrow loan for gambling purposes, the loan should be denied because there are probabilities that the loan may not be repaid back.

The word borrow pissed me off mostly when it has to do with the term gambling, there is no doubt as you said are facts, it's better you dash a friend money for another thing like health, or settlement of some family issue if the friend is a closed one that need help than given it to gambler with the term borrow, there are certain things one don't need to involve on and borrowing a gambler is one of them mostly a closed friend it can breached the relationship as the possibility to pay back is not there the risk involved in gambling is beyond 90 percentage to take such risk it shows unwise, one should be able to pulse when he have no money , you should advice only it's better for the friend to have small Fran face for not borrowing than borrowed him and refusal to pay back will course damage of relationship.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: zuzie on June 02, 2024, 01:46:51 AM

This is quite upsetting indeed, especially when a person we have never interacted with for a long time then comes to see us and asks us for a loan, even though our relationship was not that close before but with the circumstances a bad person will come on purpose with no shame, I think why didn't he just borrow from the bank, it was much easier for him to ask for a loan, do you often give loans to others who you may not have a close relationship with before, and you know that he is a bad gambler?

It does sound very annoying when someone who has not interacted with us for a long time then comes to see us just to borrow money, it is really annoying and I feel like getting angry at him but maybe we can only keep quiet and think about how to politely refuse so as not to cause an argument.
In our environment, we must have heard or even experienced it because I think it is common in society, but what is certain is that we should not just believe in lending money to other people, it is better not to do it in order to avoid problems such as arguments.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: klidex on June 02, 2024, 02:43:30 AM
Yes, I've felt that way if my relatives or friends wanted to borrow money from me when they really needed it. I think this depends on the situation. If they borrow to gamble, it's clear that I will refuse, it doesn't mean I don't have money. But gamble with money borrowing is a wrong act and what is on my mind is what if he loses and can't return my money? Of course, it's my own loss because I lent it for gambling, but if the situation was different, they needed it for daily living expenses or to treat their sick child, of course I would help them by lending them money.

Sometimes feeling uncomfortable makes us feel confused about taking steps. People sometimes like to borrow money because it has become their habit and if they feel they have been lent once they will repeatedly borrow money because they know we will feel bad if we refuse to lend them money. What is feared by most people who have a good heart is that sometimes they can be exploited by the people around them to feel that we have everything even though we ourselves need to work hard to earn every bit of money we collect.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Orpichukwu on June 02, 2024, 03:15:32 AM
It is obvious that most of us know the rules and consequences of gambling we wouldn't try to lend money out to someone who wants to use it for gambling. What annoys me the most is that some people come to borrow money thereby hiding the purpose of taking the loan. Yeah, in most cases it's not compulsory to share the purpose of the loan to anyone but you can identify which sector whether health, education etc. I still think it does not make sense for anyone to borrow loan for gambling purposes, the loan should be denied because there are probabilities that the loan may not be repaid back.

The word borrow pissed me off mostly when it has to do with the term gambling, there is no doubt as you said are facts, it's better you dash a friend money for another thing like health, or settlement of some family issue if the friend is a closed one that need help than given it to gambler with the term borrow, there are certain things one don't need to involve on and borrowing a gambler is one of them mostly a closed friend it can breached the relationship as the possibility to pay back is not there the risk involved in gambling is beyond 90 percentage to take such risk it shows unwise, one should be able to pulse when he have no money , you should advice only it's better for the friend to have small Fran face for not borrowing than borrowed him and refusal to pay back will course damage of relationship.
Again, borrowing or lending money to a gambler for gambling purpose is same thing as you gambling by yourself because the chances of the gambler paying back is equally 50/50, since the refund is absolutely dependent on the outcome of the bet, and we know that winning a bet isn't something that someone just decides to do and it goes as planned since gambling can also be very unpredictable.

It's really not advisable to lend a gambler money, especially when you know he wants to use it for gambling, whether closed friend, family or not, just as you've rightly said, except you're sure he's using the money for something a lot more relevant and the lending needs to be contractual if you ask me, there should be a collateral involved in the transaction, just incase the fellow decides to breech the contract.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: LogitechMouse on June 02, 2024, 03:37:49 AM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
Luckily, my relatives aren't borrowing money from me for unknown reasons (maybe they don't need to :D), and if there's somebody in the future that will borrow money from me, my decision will depend on the amount, and our current state because what if we have the money, but we need it to buy important things. So far, all of the people that borrowed money from me have paid already, but all of them aren't my relatives, but my friends.

Female friends? I don't know why you see your male and female friends differently. I mean whether it's a male or female, your decision should be the same, right? Now with regards to your experience with your friends, it's good that you are asking them as to why they're borrowing. I guess it would be better to give them just small amount at first and look if they have the capability to pay that loan or not.

Anyway, I'm not gambling that much, but borrowing money for the sake of gambling is already a no-no for me, and I think if there's somebody around me that will borrow money just for him/her to use for gambling, I might refuse and will not let him/her borrow money from me. :D

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on June 02, 2024, 03:43:01 AM
They mostly lied when asking for money then use the money in gambling because they would not tell you that they are borrowing the money to gamble. They will tell you that the money is going to be use for something important or an emergency then they are just going to gamble the money away and come back to you for help again. Gambling addicts do not learn from their mistakes but continue making the same mistakes every time and keep being in debt. When you borrow people money, do well to know why they need the money and if you know someone to be suffering from gambling addiction, do not borrow them the money because they are going to use it for gambling and continue to be a victim of gambling addiction. If they do not see any money, they will not have what to use in gambling and it can be helpful.
They hide the fact that the borrowed money they are requesting is for gambling because they know that the chances of having the request rejected are high, which ends up making the situation even worse, as the truth always comes out when it's time to collect the debt or the one who borrowed does not pay the debt and postpones the debt.
Sometimes people who borrow money must be honest, that is, if it is to play in a Casino then they Must say so , because if so it means that that person must be responsible and have the ability to pay, because if they deceive the lender and if the lender gives them the loan then they still have to be paid, if the person ends up paying poorly, whatever the reason, then other Repercussions come , whether to their reputation and things like that, in the very common case in Colombia there is a model Called drop by drop, and it has to be paid every day , and if Someone defaults it's simple , some thugs go to beat them up and if they are late for many Days they end up Killing the person, that's how it is there.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Casdinyard on June 02, 2024, 06:07:48 AM
It has become increasingly common for friends and not-so-close "friends" to come and ask me to borrow money. I don't usually ask for the purpose, but some ask me because of betting at online houses.

The last time I lent money to a colleague, who I hadn't had much contact with other than at work for a short period, it was with great difficulty that I got the money back.

I don't know where people get the amount of money they think I have, they must think I look like a bank...

Who likes having to borrow money? Unless you are a loan shark and lend with collateral where the risk is almost zero, why lend money where you end up with a loss? 'cause in addition to no one paying you with interest, most never pay you on time, at least you will get your money back after repeated charges.

Some people even go so far as to ask me to borrow money for what? to bet!! What a joke. I answer briefly and bluntly that I don't have the money to lend for these purposes!

And the worst thing is that they ask me for small amounts, like $2, 5, 10$... I think that if the person doesn't have that money now, the chances of them getting that money to pay you are low. If the person is in need, it's easier for them to confess right away to see what I can do, because I'm not a bad person.

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
Lol tell me about it. Partly the reason why I don't even go out posting shit anymore on social media, people think it's a pass to borrow money when they see me having lavish shit and when I decline, it's like I'm the one who owes them shit with the way they talk me into it lol.

I have a few friends that are really down in their lucks who I've lent money and was able to pay it off with no problem, that's usually the ones I have the most trust with since if you're already living in such conditions and you still made sure that your loans are paid on time and without compromise, that says a lot about how you value our friendship and how you see yourself as a person as well. I have a few former friends cut me off just cause they can't pay the loans I gave them, doesn't matter, cause the way I see it, that's the price I had to pay to keep people like them out my life, and that's a big-ass bargain if you ask me.

Ultimately, I have friends like you who asked for loans so they can support their gambling indulgences, to those people I give out deadlines to pressure them into paying me on time, better yet I decline on those I know are already so far gone that paying the loans they are about to get from me's even more impossible than them quitting gambling.

It's all just a matter of choosing who to really bank on or not. And perhaps it's much better if you stop posting shit like me so people don't go out there thinking you have money trees in your house where you pick a fresh stack of paper.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: CODE200 on June 02, 2024, 06:15:24 AM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
I have this technique where when this happens to me and someone's asking to borrow some cash from me and they're not my friends or mother and father, I usually just go and make up some stupid stuff that would make them reconsider borrowing money from me, that technique is where I give them a boastful remark about how expensive the recent expenses that I have, I always make sure that it's at least believable but that I'm also making sure that I look arrogant in the situation, 10 times out of 10, it will always be the same thing for them, they don't get any money from me and they will stay away from me the next time that they do this stunt to me again.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Belarge on June 02, 2024, 06:52:34 AM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
This is the real world and we should be ready to know our stands when it comes to dealing with humans, they can't be unpredictable most times but always learn to tolerate certain things from them. But when it comes to money aspect, I don't jeopardize my chances because we're talking about values. Why lend money to people when I know deeply that some of them wouldn't bother paying back? I'm not biased but I'll never afford to compromise my position to please anyone, be it my relatives and friends.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: maydna on June 02, 2024, 07:26:35 AM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
I have this technique where when this happens to me and someone's asking to borrow some cash from me and they're not my friends or mother and father, I usually just go and make up some stupid stuff that would make them reconsider borrowing money from me, that technique is where I give them a boastful remark about how expensive the recent expenses that I have, I always make sure that it's at least believable but that I'm also making sure that I look arrogant in the situation, 10 times out of 10, it will always be the same thing for them, they don't get any money from me and they will stay away from me the next time that they do this stunt to me again.
Lying to those who wants to borrow you money will be okay as you don't wants to lend your money to them but you don't saying clearly. I also do that and usually, I will say to them that my mother needs that money and I will gives that money to my mother. At least, they believes what I am saying because they know my condition and will not trying to force me to gives that money. I will not gives that money if they will use it for playing gambling because I caught up my friend who borrow money from me but he used that money to gambling. He was lost at that time and said that he can't repay the money so I tells him that you must gives my back immediately. Otherwise, I will tells to his family and asks them to repay the money. Well, he is afraid with what I said and gives that money two days later.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: bakasabo on June 02, 2024, 08:04:28 AM
Nobody here looked on the situations this way: when people ask to borrow money, he asks for help. Most of people see this like this: I am not lending money, because I dont want to be that persons sponsor. Only few consider lending as help. Why do you think that we should not help others? Not necessary to help each and everyone. Each case must be considered separately. Even lending money for gambling might be considered as something good. Lets suppose a person has lost money and now has a debt. He can start living normally, when he had to think all the time about gambling debt. Why not lend such guy money, let him repay debt (it is common for gambling debtors to pay an extra % for their debt, that is increasing all the time) and focus on the work to earn and repay you.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: hyudien on June 02, 2024, 08:30:18 AM
Lying to those who wants to borrow you money will be okay as you don't wants to lend your money to them but you don't saying clearly. I also do that and usually, I will say to them that my mother needs that money and I will gives that money to my mother. At least, they believes what I am saying because they know my condition and will not trying to force me to gives that money. I will not gives that money if they will use it for playing gambling because I caught up my friend who borrow money from me but he used that money to gambling. He was lost at that time and said that he can't repay the money so I tells him that you must gives my back immediately. Otherwise, I will tells to his family and asks them to repay the money. Well, he is afraid with what I said and gives that money two days later.
This is normal because even though we have money, if we lend money to those who want to gamble, it is unlikely that they will pay and repay it, I am not sure that they will be able to pay and pay off the loan debt that has been made, because I have experienced this several times. lending money to gamblers and having a hard time getting the money back. and in the future maybe I will refrain from lending money to those who like to gamble for whatever reason because they can lie with other reasons but in reality the purpose of lending money is to gamble. It's not wrong if we lie by saying we don't have money to those who borrow money to gamble because in my opinion lending money to gamblers is the wrong action because it is very unlikely that we can get our money back.
what you do can make your friends pay and of course not everyone is like that, there are people who have borrowed money but even though we have defended ourselves, whether it's threats, they don't care at all, that's what's annoying. but threatening him in the way you did, in my opinion, is not a mistake, because we should be able to take our money back no matter what.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Unity for Humanity on June 02, 2024, 07:34:23 PM
If someone ask me for money and I can verify it is for gambling, I will humbly refuse because I know I will not be helping such fellow. Imagine the trauma of borrowing money and losing it all to gambling only to be in debt, that is compounded pain for him so I will not want to share in the blame. It is nearly impossible to win gamble with borrowed funds because the moment you realise the money is not yours, your psychology is already messed up. The best approach is always to gamble with personal money and such amount that one can afford to lose. Even gambling company advise their customers to gamble responsibly.
You have made an acceptable and very important point because it should never be done after borrowing money from others and then deciding to gamble with that money. I just thought of gambling but I don't have money, so I borrowed money from someone else, but if I do all this without thinking about whether I can repay the money after borrowing, then it can be said that these people do not have the ability to make the right decision. Every gambler should refrain from all these acts even if it is for their own good.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: topbitcoin on June 02, 2024, 08:30:00 PM

This is quite upsetting indeed, especially when a person we have never interacted with for a long time then comes to see us and asks us for a loan, even though our relationship was not that close before but with the circumstances a bad person will come on purpose with no shame, I think why didn't he just borrow from the bank, it was much easier for him to ask for a loan, do you often give loans to others who you may not have a close relationship with before, and you know that he is a bad gambler?

It does sound very annoying when someone who has not interacted with us for a long time then comes to see us just to borrow money, it is really annoying and I feel like getting angry at him but maybe we can only keep quiet and think about how to politely refuse so as not to cause an argument.
In our environment, we must have heard or even experienced it because I think it is common in society, but what is certain is that we should not just believe in lending money to other people, it is better not to do it in order to avoid problems such as arguments.
Yes we also need to look at his background, working or not, where he lives and provide collateral then how his activities are whether the person has a history of being in debt or not, if there are things that make us doubt we should avoid it because it will make us like beggars in the future, charging and charging without payment, but of course there are not no people who like to gamble but he always pays money on time after borrowing even though we did not communicate well before just a casual introduction, but it is very rare for people who are responsible for their debts for today.

......If they borrow to gamble, it's clear that I will refuse, it doesn't mean I don't have money.....Snip
You are just like me, when someone borrows money for gambling, I will immediately refuse because it is not a good thing for him or for me who lends the money, or simply I know that the person likes to gamble, when asking for a loan I don't give it, we only need to refuse subtly without having to mention his gambling activities, but if the person proves to be trustworthy, even though he is a gambler and says that he will use his money for gambling, I will definitely lend him money.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: DaNNy001 on June 02, 2024, 08:41:43 PM

This is quite upsetting indeed, especially when a person we have never interacted with for a long time then comes to see us and asks us for a loan, even though our relationship was not that close before but with the circumstances a bad person will come on purpose with no shame, I think why didn't he just borrow from the bank, it was much easier for him to ask for a loan, do you often give loans to others who you may not have a close relationship with before, and you know that he is a bad gambler?

It does sound very annoying when someone who has not interacted with us for a long time then comes to see us just to borrow money, it is really annoying and I feel like getting angry at him but maybe we can only keep quiet and think about how to politely refuse so as not to cause an argument.
In our environment, we must have heard or even experienced it because I think it is common in society, but what is certain is that we should not just believe in lending money to other people, it is better not to do it in order to avoid problems such as arguments.
What I normally do if I come in contact with some of my friends is that I completely divert or if possible ignore the whole conversation because if it continues it can lead to you entangling yourself and aslo even making wrong decision just because you don't want to answer a bad name but sometimes answering the bad name just not to get all inconvenient with the person is probably the best way to go about you now borrowing the money from you.

If you ever want to lend someone your money that you are not familiar with then you should be probably know what he or she is into so that you don't go wasting your money by giving it to the fellow because everyone has their use if money and Gambling is the worse of all, borrowing money to a gambler is just like dashing out your money for free.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Accardo on June 02, 2024, 09:02:25 PM
If someone ask me for money and I can verify it is for gambling, I will humbly refuse because I know I will not be helping such fellow. Imagine the trauma of borrowing money and losing it all to gambling only to be in debt, that is compounded pain for him so I will not want to share in the blame. It is nearly impossible to win gamble with borrowed funds because the moment you realise the money is not yours, your psychology is already messed up. The best approach is always to gamble with personal money and such amount that one can afford to lose. Even gambling company advise their customers to gamble responsibly.
You have made an acceptable and very important point because it should never be done after borrowing money from others and then deciding to gamble with that money. I just thought of gambling but I don't have money, so I borrowed money from someone else, but if I do all this without thinking about whether I can repay the money after borrowing, then it can be said that these people do not have the ability to make the right decision. Every gambler should refrain from all these acts even if it is for their own good.
Is quite accurate that those who borrow gamblers money tend to get blamed. So doing this is also to the lender's detriment because when they are losing or when they cannot pay they will say that if you hadn't borrowed them the money they wouldn't have been into the problem they are going through. It's not bad to assist somebody in need of money.

That's if what they need the money for would be of great profits to them, not something that will cause more harm to the person. I've read of multiple cases where addicts blame random people for being the reason for their trouble. Imagine going to ask for your money and the player ends up accusing you for contributing to his problems. Such things are very annoying and could make the real owner of the money to feel sad.

It will hardly end fine for the player, in the sense that, he'd lose the money. The moment a person says he's using the money for gambling, no need to bother about lending out the money. It's better to avoid them, or give a little amount of money to them and forget about it. Players always feel sure that they'll win big after borrowing the money. But, once the money gets to them, and they try to multiply it via gambling and fail.

Their thoughts returns back to normal and they begin to find a way to settle their troubles. Cooking up lies and deceitful talks would be the player's next thoughts when asked for the money. Instead of passing through such treatments in the hand of a gambler. Avoiding it remains the best option.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: erep on June 02, 2024, 09:15:02 PM
You are just like me, when someone borrows money for gambling, I will immediately refuse because it is not a good thing for him or for me who lends the money, or simply I know that the person likes to gamble, when asking for a loan I don't give it, we only need to refuse subtly without having to mention his gambling activities, but if the person proves to be trustworthy, even though he is a gambler and says that he will use his money for gambling, I will definitely lend him money.
So you still give a loan to a trusted person even though you know he will use the money for gambling. The answer to the point above is the same as you are not committed to refusing to give a loan to a gambler. When he can't pay it on time because he doesn't have another job, then you You will realize that the person who gave the loan was not the right person, so be careful about giving loans to gamblers or anyone who cannot be trusted.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Dewi Aries on June 02, 2024, 09:28:24 PM

If you ever want to lend someone your money that you are not familiar with then you should be probably know what he or she is into so that you don't go wasting your money by giving it to the fellow because everyone has their use if money and Gambling is the worse of all, borrowing money to a gambler is just like dashing out your money for free.

Yes, that's the first thing to do to at least find out what the person is going to do with the money they have borrowed, but if they are someone else who really doesn't have a close relationship with you then I think it would be really It is very difficult to find out what their likes are and what habits they have, of course it requires a process to investigate and maybe this is quite complicated, meaning knowing other people's likes is when they are one of our friends or close friends who have a close relationship with us. Actually it's not a problem to lend money, but what is certain is that you have to really be able to make sure that they can pay on time or you ask them for a guarantee, and make sure they won't run away from responsibility, and that's what local banks do in every country. Of course, they ask for guarantees first to minimize unwanted possibilities.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: carlfebz2 on June 02, 2024, 09:47:39 PM

If you ever want to lend someone your money that you are not familiar with then you should be probably know what he or she is into so that you don't go wasting your money by giving it to the fellow because everyone has their use if money and Gambling is the worse of all, borrowing money to a gambler is just like dashing out your money for free.

Yes, that's the first thing to do to at least find out what the person is going to do with the money they have borrowed, but if they are someone else who really doesn't have a close relationship with you then I think it would be really It is very difficult to find out what their likes are and what habits they have, of course it requires a process to investigate and maybe this is quite complicated, meaning knowing other people's likes is when they are one of our friends or close friends who have a close relationship with us. Actually it's not a problem to lend money, but what is certain is that you have to really be able to make sure that they can pay on time or you ask them for a guarantee, and make sure they won't run away from responsibility, and that's what local banks do in every country. Of course, they ask for guarantees first to minimize unwanted possibilities.
Actually it would really be something personal on whatever the cause or reason on why someone do borrow up some money but if someone you do know or close to you then it wont really be that somewhat shameful would really be asking about on where you would be using it but even though it would be still that not right on asking something which is personal, but at the moment that you do know that
your friend or that someone is a gambler and one day decided to borrow up some funds then it would be that safe to assume that he/she would definitely be making use of it on gambling again.
So high probability that you wont really be paid up back at the time that he/she would reached his/her due. So if you dont like on having that kind of headache then better to reject such
favor but of course you would be having those kind of tough situation specially if its your friend or someone which is close to you.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: topbitcoin on June 02, 2024, 09:54:51 PM
You are just like me, when someone borrows money for gambling, I will immediately refuse because it is not a good thing for him or for me who lends the money, or simply I know that the person likes to gamble, when asking for a loan I don't give it, we only need to refuse subtly without having to mention his gambling activities, but if the person proves to be trustworthy, even though he is a gambler and says that he will use his money for gambling, I will definitely lend him money.
So you still give a loan to a trusted person even though you know he will use the money for gambling. The answer to the point above is the same as you are not committed to refusing to give a loan to a gambler. When he can't pay it on time because he doesn't have another job, then you You will realize that the person who gave the loan was not the right person, so be careful about giving loans to gamblers or anyone who cannot be trusted.
This fall will be subjective it seems, I really will not lend money carelessly to people and I will not lend money to others if he is a gambler, maybe that sentence is not clear enough for me to say, because I can still lend money to people I trust even though he is a gambler, of course I know more about that person, both from his family, his environment and even the assets in his investment I know the amount as well as his work, I know everything, especially since his income is far greater than my own income.

But sometimes he runs out of money somehow he spends his money, but never passes a week he pays his debts to me, obviously only him I can trust even though he is a gambler because he is my best friend, and from his history of debt and credit with other people it does not have a bad history, so that's the reason why I really trust.

Maybe in your mind I look inconsistent, in fact I have exceptions for certain people.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: alegotardo on June 02, 2024, 10:09:53 PM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?

I have never shown other people that I have money "to spare", I have always lived a life "without luxuries" and therefore I have never had the problem of anyone asking me for a loan. However, I have witnessed two very embarrassing situations involving people close to me:

  • The first was with my father who lent a significant amount of money to a cousin's me so that he could finish renovating a house. He had a fixed salary, but had no credit at the bank. Unfortunately, he lost his job after a few months and was never able to pay my father back.
  • The second case occurred with my father-in-law who sold his car in installments to his ex-son-in-law. After a few years, this person separated from his daughter and never paid him back. Fortunately, my father-in-law was able to get the car back, sold it and each of us kept the part of the money "that was owed to us".

You need to know the person you are going to lend money to very well, understand what they are going to do with it, and always refuse the loan if it is for gambling.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: n0ne on June 02, 2024, 11:59:53 PM
When someone requests that you lend money to gamble, take a stand not to give it. If someone is requesting that you provide $2, $5, or $10, then give them if you don't want it back. This is the extreme of gambling because they don't have money and they weren't able to stop themselves. So with the least amount, they keep wagering, and this doesn't stop with one person. They keep asking most of the people, and at some point they themselves will feel down and end up gambling.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: hyudien on June 03, 2024, 02:57:07 AM
When someone requests that you lend money to gamble, take a stand not to give it. If someone is requesting that you provide $2, $5, or $10, then give them if you don't want it back. This is the extreme of gambling because they don't have money and they weren't able to stop themselves. So with the least amount, they keep wagering, and this doesn't stop with one person. They keep asking most of the people, and at some point they themselves will feel down and end up gambling.
Expecting the return of money from those who use it for gambling is very unlikely, therefore it is true that it is better for us to give it than to lend it or indeed do not expect to be able to return the money that has been lent. Apart from that, it is probably better not to lend it or not give it unless it is true. we are ready for the money lent to be lost or just think of it as lost. by borrowing money to gamble because they can't stop themselves from gambling, so even though they don't have money, they still gamble by doing everything they can to make money and gamble again, such as by borrowing, because they don't know whether the money will be returned or not.
Indeed, if they borrow money, it is very unlikely that they will be able to return the money or improve the situation, but by borrowing money, of course their goal is to improve the situation, their good intentions are to want to improve the situation, but the actions they take are wrong, the actions they take it only makes their situation worse.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: wxa7115 on June 03, 2024, 05:10:23 AM

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
I always ask the reason why they are asking for a loan, and if I do not receive a satisfactory answer or I think I am being lied to I refuse the loan, now if the amount I am asked is on the high side, unless this is because of a medical emergency I refuse the loan automatically.

As you may imagine this makes me an unpopular loan source, since many people think that I have no business asking them about the reason for the loan, a completely crazy notion, but believe it or not, a great deal of people think like that.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: maydna on June 03, 2024, 05:27:46 AM
This is normal because even though we have money, if we lend money to those who want to gamble, it is unlikely that they will pay and repay it, I am not sure that they will be able to pay and pay off the loan debt that has been made, because I have experienced this several times. lending money to gamblers and having a hard time getting the money back. and in the future maybe I will refrain from lending money to those who like to gamble for whatever reason because they can lie with other reasons but in reality the purpose of lending money is to gamble. It's not wrong if we lie by saying we don't have money to those who borrow money to gamble because in my opinion lending money to gamblers is the wrong action because it is very unlikely that we can get our money back.
what you do can make your friends pay and of course not everyone is like that, there are people who have borrowed money but even though we have defended ourselves, whether it's threats, they don't care at all, that's what's annoying. but threatening him in the way you did, in my opinion, is not a mistake, because we should be able to take our money back no matter what.
They will comes back to us and asks for more money to borrow and that can makes them owe big money to us. We don't have to lend to them if we really knows that they will use the money for playing gambling. We don't wants them in a trouble and makes our relationships ruins and that is why we can say that we needs that money for the other things. They will difficult to repay the money to us because they can lose that money anytime and they will lie to us that they will pay the money immediately.

We must say that we can't lend them the money and if they still insist to borrow the money from us, we can say anything to them, including lying to them.  We just don't wants to gets a problem from them.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: reagansimms on June 03, 2024, 05:34:48 AM
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

In our family we always instill an attitude of helping each other when one of the family members experiences financial problems, of course the money is used for positive things. Lending money to relatives who are related by blood is an obligation for us, the cycle will continue to spin without anyone wanting to harm anyone.

However, if it is for a friend or not a family member, I will not take the risk, especially if the money is used for negative things. Friends or anyone who comes to borrow money will show a gentle nature so that we feel sorry for them, but when repayment is due there is always an excuse to delay payment. There is no reason for anyone to lend money to place bets, I always adhere to the principle, money lent to other people is not my money because I cannot use it when needed.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Dewi Aries on June 03, 2024, 01:52:14 PM

Yes, that's the first thing to do to at least find out what the person is going to do with the money they have borrowed, but if they are someone else who really doesn't have a close relationship with you then I think it would be really It is very difficult to find out what their likes are and what habits they have, of course it requires a process to investigate and maybe this is quite complicated, meaning knowing other people's likes is when they are one of our friends or close friends who have a close relationship with us. Actually it's not a problem to lend money, but what is certain is that you have to really be able to make sure that they can pay on time or you ask them for a guarantee, and make sure they won't run away from responsibility, and that's what local banks do in every country. Of course, they ask for guarantees first to minimize unwanted possibilities.
Actually it would really be something personal on whatever the cause or reason on why someone do borrow up some money but if someone you do know or close to you then it wont really be that somewhat shameful would really be asking about on where you would be using it but even though it would be still that not right on asking something which is personal, but at the moment that you do know that
your friend or that someone is a gambler and one day decided to borrow up some funds then it would be that safe to assume that he/she would definitely be making use of it on gambling again.
So high probability that you wont really be paid up back at the time that he/she would reached his/her due. So if you dont like on having that kind of headache then better to reject such
favor but of course you would be having those kind of tough situation specially if its your friend or someone which is close to you.

Yes, it is true that there will definitely be bad feelings if we ask what he will do with the borrowed money if they are people who are not too close to us, and it really happens unless they are one of our close friends, and also yes as I said earlier that if they are one of our friends or when we find out that they like to be involved in gambling then obviously there will be an assumption in our minds that there is a possibility that the money will be used for gambling.

Basically lending money to other people who really need it is a good action where we make it easier for others to solve their problems, but if it turns out that the money will be used for gambling then I think it is clear that the idea of borrowing money or lending money to gamble is an action that will only cause problems in the end, I'm not saying that all people don't have good responsibilities but believe me that when a gambler is given the opportunity to continue his habit of borrowing then one day they will do the same thing again.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: danherbias07 on June 03, 2024, 02:14:42 PM
When someone requests that you lend money to gamble, take a stand not to give it. If someone is requesting that you provide $2, $5, or $10, then give them if you don't want it back. This is the extreme of gambling because they don't have money and they weren't able to stop themselves. So with the least amount, they keep wagering, and this doesn't stop with one person. They keep asking most of the people, and at some point they themselves will feel down and end up gambling.
I wish it's that easy to just ignore them but sometimes gamblers that asks for money can become a pests and they won't stop until they get what they want. The worst case scenario is that this gamblers will try to pull you down when they don't get what they wanted from you. I've seen it happen a lot of times but thankfully the moderators are fast enough to mute them whenever they beg for money.
When it comes to friends, that's where the hardest part will come. It's not easy to refuse them especially if they have something against you. Blackmail, etc..
It's not a nice thing to happen to a person but it does sometimes. There are gamblers who would take advantage of their friends just so they could continue their addiction.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: CODE200 on June 03, 2024, 03:35:12 PM
I have this technique where when this happens to me and someone's asking to borrow some cash from me and they're not my friends or mother and father, I usually just go and make up some stupid stuff that would make them reconsider borrowing money from me, that technique is where I give them a boastful remark about how expensive the recent expenses that I have, I always make sure that it's at least believable but that I'm also making sure that I look arrogant in the situation, 10 times out of 10, it will always be the same thing for them, they don't get any money from me and they will stay away from me the next time that they do this stunt to me again.
Lying to those who wants to borrow you money will be okay as you don't wants to lend your money to them but you don't saying clearly. I also do that and usually, I will say to them that my mother needs that money and I will gives that money to my mother. At least, they believes what I am saying because they know my condition and will not trying to force me to gives that money. I will not gives that money if they will use it for playing gambling because I caught up my friend who borrow money from me but he used that money to gambling. He was lost at that time and said that he can't repay the money so I tells him that you must gives my back immediately. Otherwise, I will tells to his family and asks them to repay the money. Well, he is afraid with what I said and gives that money two days later.
Usually, small lies are enough to be able to repel these pesky borrowers because you know that they're going to take notice of the hint that you don't want to lend them money, it will also work where you tell them when will they pay the loan and then tell them, direct to the point that it's going to be a difficult time for them if they don't make true of their promise, this too works like a charm especially for those people that are close to you to some level, the trust that's also a part of the loan is going to be broken, I'd still go with lying to avoid borrowerd, much easier for me and to them, no long winded speech about trust and loans.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: sompitonov on June 03, 2024, 03:49:18 PM
I wish it's that easy to just ignore them but sometimes gamblers that asks for money can become a pests and they won't stop until they get what they want. The worst case scenario is that this gamblers will try to pull you down when they don't get what they wanted from you. I've seen it happen a lot of times but thankfully the moderators are fast enough to mute them whenever they beg for money.
When it comes to friends, that's where the hardest part will come. It's not easy to refuse them especially if they have something against you. Blackmail, etc..
It's not a nice thing to happen to a person but it does sometimes. There are gamblers who would take advantage of their friends just so they could continue their addiction.
I even came close to such an unpleasant step only once; I wanted to fraudulently borrow money from a friend to play, but I came to my senses in time and am grateful to myself that I did not do this. I realized how stupid and terrible this was, but I was attacked as if by an obsession with the game, some will understand me what it is when, no matter what, we want to win back. This was a long time ago, now I’m just sure that I won’t do anything like that, I’ve outgrown such situations and the game can’t control me now. Because my interest in the frantic excitement has faded and now I only play with a cool head and it’s impossible to piss me off, I’m above it. I don’t know how and why I overcame the passion in myself, probably my mathematical education helped me overcome this or the support of loved ones, but now I prefer to play only with my own money, because we can’t lose money that isn’t ours, it’s just stupid and unnecessary do it.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: passwordnow on June 03, 2024, 03:51:38 PM
Do not do something that it seems a retaliation to yourself. If you don't like to be the one to support these gamblers that are irresponsible and keeps on asking money for their continual gambling, do not help them with it and never patronize their addiction. You're right that they are a joke, they gamble and they ask money for their bankroll. That's inappropriate and that's why if someone wants to gamble, you have to allot budget and money for yourself. No one will fund you despite that you'd say that you're asking a loan and borrowing money, a responsible gambler won't do that.

Because they know that borrowing money to gamble is just the start of being an addicted gambler. And if you lose? what's the assurance that you're going to pay it? These gamblers know how to do it and disturb the peaceful living of their friends or relatives that they're going to ask money. If you are the one who's start to think of doing this, you have to rethink. Please do not cause any trouble to the other people whether they are gamblers too, because from the start it should be your money that you should gamble. And if you can't do that, spend spare money as you gamble so that if you lose then it won't be painful and you'll just stop then because you have no obligation to recover and you have no borrowed money to pay for later.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Accardo on June 03, 2024, 04:02:21 PM
I wish it's that easy to just ignore them but sometimes gamblers that asks for money can become a pests and they won't stop until they get what they want. The worst case scenario is that this gamblers will try to pull you down when they don't get what they wanted from you. I've seen it happen a lot of times but thankfully the moderators are fast enough to mute them whenever they beg for money.
When it comes to friends, that's where the hardest part will come. It's not easy to refuse them especially if they have something against you. Blackmail, etc..
It's not a nice thing to happen to a person but it does sometimes. There are gamblers who would take advantage of their friends just so they could continue their addiction.

It's very hard to ignore a friend that claims to need our financial help. But, they is always a way of finding out if they'll be using the money for gambling purposes. I've never been bothered of a friend who gambles, still, the moment I discover that the person is addicted. It'll make no sense giving out the money to the player. This will help both of us in a meaningful way. In future when he flashes back and remember I didn't offer such help, he would be glad I did. At the early stage he could be sad.

Although it's for his good, but he'd feel that his needs weren't met and his friend, me, didn't do anything about it. Such players also have multiple things to say regarding their need for money. And if the lender is not careful, he'd give out a huge sum of money. That would, to me, seem like a blunder. Because the money will be lost and the player will meet his next friend for help. I think holding the person down, in denial, when he gets to us, will delay his decisions of having to meet more people. When we refuse, he would assume others will deny him of such help.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: hyudien on June 04, 2024, 01:47:05 AM
This is normal because even though we have money, if we lend money to those who want to gamble, it is unlikely that they will pay and repay it, I am not sure that they will be able to pay and pay off the loan debt that has been made, because I have experienced this several times. lending money to gamblers and having a hard time getting the money back. and in the future maybe I will refrain from lending money to those who like to gamble for whatever reason because they can lie with other reasons but in reality the purpose of lending money is to gamble. It's not wrong if we lie by saying we don't have money to those who borrow money to gamble because in my opinion lending money to gamblers is the wrong action because it is very unlikely that we can get our money back.
what you do can make your friends pay and of course not everyone is like that, there are people who have borrowed money but even though we have defended ourselves, whether it's threats, they don't care at all, that's what's annoying. but threatening him in the way you did, in my opinion, is not a mistake, because we should be able to take our money back no matter what.
They will comes back to us and asks for more money to borrow and that can makes them owe big money to us. We don't have to lend to them if we really knows that they will use the money for playing gambling. We don't wants them in a trouble and makes our relationships ruins and that is why we can say that we needs that money for the other things. They will difficult to repay the money to us because they can lose that money anytime and they will lie to us that they will pay the money immediately.

We must say that we can't lend them the money and if they still insist to borrow the money from us, we can say anything to them, including lying to them.  We just don't wants to gets a problem from them.
yes, that's right, there is no obligation for us to lend money to them if the aim is to use it for gambling, although basically we have to help each other but we have to be able to see in what way we will help other people, if it's with something that's really good it's not Even if there is a problem, he can help financially as long as it is something that is truly positive and clear. Moreover, what you say is true, lending money to those who like to gamble will usually only worsen their relationship with each other, where it is unlikely that the borrower will be able to return the money they borrow.
Of course, it is not easy for gambling addicts to return money, because even if they have money worth half the loan, they will probably think of doubling it on gambling where the end result is predictable, namely losing their money again. To avoid people like that, maybe it's not a problem for us to lie and say we don't have money or that we do have money but can't use it for anything else. Rather than having problems in the future, it is better to prevent it from the start, unless we can assume that the money lent is lost because it is unlikely that they will be able to return the money they have borrowed.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: maydna on June 04, 2024, 06:05:46 AM
Usually, small lies are enough to be able to repel these pesky borrowers because you know that they're going to take notice of the hint that you don't want to lend them money, it will also work where you tell them when will they pay the loan and then tell them, direct to the point that it's going to be a difficult time for them if they don't make true of their promise, this too works like a charm especially for those people that are close to you to some level, the trust that's also a part of the loan is going to be broken, I'd still go with lying to avoid borrowerd, much easier for me and to them, no long winded speech about trust and loans.
Small lies can helps us to avoids people who wants to borrow money from us because they will not thinks that we lies to them. But for those who knows us better will thinks that we lies to them. We just don't wants to see they playing gambling, especially if we knows that they can't control themselves better and only lose that money and makes them difficult to repay the money. They should know that we don't wants to lend our money to them and will not force us doing that. They can search for the other people who wants to lend and we guess that they can gets it easily so they can do many things with that money.

It is difficult to lend the money to people who can't keeps their promises to repay the money. Many people ruins their relationship doing this simple matter so we don't wants to get that experience.

yes, that's right, there is no obligation for us to lend money to them if the aim is to use it for gambling, although basically we have to help each other but we have to be able to see in what way we will help other people, if it's with something that's really good it's not Even if there is a problem, he can help financially as long as it is something that is truly positive and clear. Moreover, what you say is true, lending money to those who like to gamble will usually only worsen their relationship with each other, where it is unlikely that the borrower will be able to return the money they borrow.
Of course, it is not easy for gambling addicts to return money, because even if they have money worth half the loan, they will probably think of doubling it on gambling where the end result is predictable, namely losing their money again. To avoid people like that, maybe it's not a problem for us to lie and say we don't have money or that we do have money but can't use it for anything else. Rather than having problems in the future, it is better to prevent it from the start, unless we can assume that the money lent is lost because it is unlikely that they will be able to return the money they have borrowed.
We should know who we can lend our money and what their reason to borrow our money because many people can lie their reason borrows our money. We don't know if those people who wants to borrow our money will used that money to playing gambling or to fills their daily needs. But we knows and can guess what they will to do with that money because we really know that person so we can consider not to lend that money. If they wants to used that borrow money to fills their daily needs, we will lend them without asking when they can repay the money because they will gives that money by themselves and they really thank you to us because we helps them. But those who wants to use that money for playing gambling will makes many reasons to us so we are not suspicious about their reason.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: zuzie on June 04, 2024, 03:00:07 PM

If you ever want to lend someone your money that you are not familiar with then you should be probably know what he or she is into so that you don't go wasting your money by giving it to the fellow because everyone has their use if money and Gambling is the worse of all, borrowing money to a gambler is just like dashing out your money for free.

Of course for me it is not as easy as just borrowing money from other people, especially people I don't know because it is very risky if it is really done and even though I lend money to people I already know, I will also think carefully first whether he will really return the money on time according to the agreement because if he violates it, it will definitely be difficult for us to collect it. And I agree with you if we know what habits he does every day, for example he likes to gamble and we are willing to lend him money, it is the same as we will eat the fruit of the simalakama or bear the bitterness of the stupidity we have done.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: hyudien on June 05, 2024, 02:10:32 AM
yes, that's right, there is no obligation for us to lend money to them if the aim is to use it for gambling, although basically we have to help each other but we have to be able to see in what way we will help other people, if it's with something that's really good it's not Even if there is a problem, he can help financially as long as it is something that is truly positive and clear. Moreover, what you say is true, lending money to those who like to gamble will usually only worsen their relationship with each other, where it is unlikely that the borrower will be able to return the money they borrow.
Of course, it is not easy for gambling addicts to return money, because even if they have money worth half the loan, they will probably think of doubling it on gambling where the end result is predictable, namely losing their money again. To avoid people like that, maybe it's not a problem for us to lie and say we don't have money or that we do have money but can't use it for anything else. Rather than having problems in the future, it is better to prevent it from the start, unless we can assume that the money lent is lost because it is unlikely that they will be able to return the money they have borrowed.
We should know who we can lend our money and what their reason to borrow our money because many people can lie their reason borrows our money. We don't know if those people who wants to borrow our money will used that money to playing gambling or to fills their daily needs. But we knows and can guess what they will to do with that money because we really know that person so we can consider not to lend that money. If they wants to used that borrow money to fills their daily needs, we will lend them without asking when they can repay the money because they will gives that money by themselves and they really thank you to us because we helps them. But those who wants to use that money for playing gambling will makes many reasons to us so we are not suspicious about their reason.
with those who are addicted to gambling and when they have run out of money they can borrow money by lying, the reason is that they definitely won't say they borrowed the money to use it for gambling, because of course they will say another reason, this is something you have to pay attention to. When we have a friend who is addicted to gambling, don't easily lend him money because it can be used for gambling. It's not that we don't want to help, but we have to be able to see what we are helping him with. It is necessary to consider it because to prevent losses, even if we only lend money but don't gamble, losses can occur because by lending money to addicts, let's just say the money lent is lost. there is very little chance of it coming back.
If you lend it for other things that are in your life's interests, such as meeting your needs, then there is no harm in helping and indeed the act of lending money with the aim of meeting your daily needs is not wrong. and it's true that they could come up with various reasons to be able to get a loan to use for gambling again.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: CODE200 on June 05, 2024, 02:42:05 AM
Usually, small lies are enough to be able to repel these pesky borrowers because you know that they're going to take notice of the hint that you don't want to lend them money, it will also work where you tell them when will they pay the loan and then tell them, direct to the point that it's going to be a difficult time for them if they don't make true of their promise, this too works like a charm especially for those people that are close to you to some level, the trust that's also a part of the loan is going to be broken, I'd still go with lying to avoid borrowerd, much easier for me and to them, no long winded speech about trust and loans.
Small lies can helps us to avoids people who wants to borrow money from us because they will not thinks that we lies to them. But for those who knows us better will thinks that we lies to them. We just don't wants to see they playing gambling, especially if we knows that they can't control themselves better and only lose that money and makes them difficult to repay the money. They should know that we don't wants to lend our money to them and will not force us doing that. They can search for the other people who wants to lend and we guess that they can gets it easily so they can do many things with that money.

It is difficult to lend the money to people who can't keeps their promises to repay the money. Many people ruins their relationship doing this simple matter so we don't wants to get that experience.
I'm not that kind of person, when it comes to gambling, I'm not lending to those people because I'm concerned of their habit but because I'm not good at confrontation and straight answers and I really don't want to lend them the money, maybe that's the part that we are different and those people that knows me best, if they know that I'm lying to them about something just to get away with letting them borrow some money for gambling, they'd know by then that I'm not going to lend any to them. Regarding promises, I think that if they start to break it, that's the point that I draw the line, they might be able to still pay it back but they can never borrow money from me again.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: maydna on June 06, 2024, 04:54:37 AM
with those who are addicted to gambling and when they have run out of money they can borrow money by lying, the reason is that they definitely won't say they borrowed the money to use it for gambling, because of course they will say another reason, this is something you have to pay attention to. When we have a friend who is addicted to gambling, don't easily lend him money because it can be used for gambling. It's not that we don't want to help, but we have to be able to see what we are helping him with. It is necessary to consider it because to prevent losses, even if we only lend money but don't gamble, losses can occur because by lending money to addicts, let's just say the money lent is lost. there is very little chance of it coming back.
If you lend it for other things that are in your life's interests, such as meeting your needs, then there is no harm in helping and indeed the act of lending money with the aim of meeting your daily needs is not wrong. and it's true that they could come up with various reasons to be able to get a loan to use for gambling again.
If they already lied to people and lose that money in gambling, they will do the same thing to other people because they will not stops from gambling easily. They thinks that they can borrow money from other people because they already knows many people that they can borrow the money. That is an usual way that they always do and becomes their habits to have money from borrows money from other people.

If we sees people like this, we can gives many explanation or reason that we don't wants to lend them the money. We can says something to them or we can also lies to them and that is okay because we needs that money to fills our daily needs. We can not just gives that money to them, especially if we have many needs that we have to fills and if we have family, we must gives that money first to our family.

I'm not that kind of person, when it comes to gambling, I'm not lending to those people because I'm concerned of their habit but because I'm not good at confrontation and straight answers and I really don't want to lend them the money, maybe that's the part that we are different and those people that knows me best, if they know that I'm lying to them about something just to get away with letting them borrow some money for gambling, they'd know by then that I'm not going to lend any to them. Regarding promises, I think that if they start to break it, that's the point that I draw the line, they might be able to still pay it back but they can never borrow money from me again.
That is good for you because you knows what you must do for those people who wants to use the borrow money for playing gambling. We don't wants to gets trouble from them who can not pay the money to us so we can stay away from them and say many things so they can accepts that we don't wants to lend them the money. They will asks the money and use many reasons but they will not say the truth that they will use the money to playing gambling because those people knows that we don't wants to gives the money if those people says they wants to playing gambling.

They will not keeps their promise to gives back the money to us because when they lose the money, they will not have any money and will difficult to repay us. So we must be careful with them and not lend money to them.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Zackz5000 on June 06, 2024, 05:31:20 AM
As a gambler you dont need to be so addicted to in it to an extend that will be making you to borrow money in other to gamble because it will really spoil your life because you can't be able to do any meaningful thing with your life. And when ever they run out cash they can tell all lie just in other to get help from you by lending the some money unknowing to you the money is for gambling. For I will advise you Op, when giving out money to people inform of borrowing it out you should know the kind of people you lend money to because some may not pay back because they don't have any means of paying back, they always hope on the money in there betting slip at the end they will loss because the money you put into gambling is not yet sure that It will play or not so when giving out loan give to those that have something good doing knowing they have every means of paying you back before you will go bankrupt trying to help everyone out.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: EarnOnVictor on June 06, 2024, 07:50:20 AM
Some people even go so far as to ask me to borrow money for what? to bet!! What a joke. I answer briefly and bluntly that I don't have the money to lend for these purposes!

And the worst thing is that they ask me for small amounts, like $2, 5, 10$... I think that if the person doesn't have that money now, the chances of them getting that money to pay you are low. If the person is in need, it's easier for them to confess right away to see what I can do, because I'm not a bad person.

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?
If your friends are asking you to borrow them like $2 or $5, then you should know you want to do a free gift. 8) Many of them may not pay it back and you will surely forget it later if you are blessed with enough. But first, on judging all that you've narrated, what I can say here is that you might not be keeping the right circle of friends, so if you are a comfortable person among many of them who are not comfortable, it is still an issue and there is no way you will not continue to feel their burden and disturbance on you.

This is why it is good to keep the right circle of friends so that none of you will depend on the other for anything, and if at all some are facing one or two challenges, you will surely understand and help. But not in a situation where the friend appears irresponsible always. You can imagine the person who borrowed money from you but was unable to return it as and when due and those ones who are likely to bet with the money borrowed. These are irresponsible friends, to say the least.

Also, yes, I've lent my relative money and it was a big amount of money and was paid even before the stipulated time. This is what we call trust and a responsible act, and I assess very well before I lend my money out as some will not return it back. This has happened to them many times in the past but I've already cut off such a circle of friend. As for female friends, I like to avoid them in this context but give them a bit I can let go of. Should in case she insists and she is responsible at the same time, why not?
For someone whose really that addicted with gambling then it would really be that impossible that you would really be asking or tending to ask about such amount but if you do make out those kind of refuse or
trying out to tell them that you dont have money but you do have an intent on giving about $3-5 then it would really be just your choice on which its really that true that these people wont really be able to repay you up if ever they would really be that tending to let them borrow specially if someone whose really that get involved with gambling then it would really be not shocking that they will really be not prioritizing on the amounts that they have borrowed someone that they do know. Not all though since there are persons who are mindful with their loans but majority would really be something like this.

If you are someone who do have the money then it would really be just that depending on you but if you are someone who do have  that budget then it would really be that significant that you would really be that trying out to control things according into the money that you've been holding or specifically will really be not making those kind of decisions since you do know that it is something
you do need rather.
Well said, but for me, there is still a limit to my generosity when I fully know that the person(s) are not responsible and would definitely use that money to bet. And if the betting has not been positive to their lives despite betting for long years, why then waste my hard-earned money on them to use it to bet? I can take them for a treat and pay their bills, that's better, and if they like, they should go and bet with what I bought for But giving them money all the time no matter how little the money is, I will not be doing that. If they are responsible and I am sure that they will use the money for good purposes, why not? I will give them.

I might even give them more, and that's even if I claim I borrowed them in pretence knowing fully well that they might not give me the money back due to their financial challenges. I will still do that, that is me, but my money must be used for a just cause. Now, for someone that I know will always use my money to bet and lose it? I will not dare that having done it a time or two, I will stop finally because I prefer to lose my hard-earned money by myself instead of someone collecting it cheaply from me and losing it as if he doesn't care.

I care about my money mehn! I worked for it. >:(

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Ruttoshi on June 06, 2024, 10:16:04 AM
Usually, small lies are enough to be able to repel these pesky borrowers because you know that they're going to take notice of the hint that you don't want to lend them money, it will also work where you tell them when will they pay the loan and then tell them, direct to the point that it's going to be a difficult time for them if they don't make true of their promise, this too works like a charm especially for those people that are close to you to some level, the trust that's also a part of the loan is going to be broken, I'd still go with lying to avoid borrowerd, much easier for me and to them, no long winded speech about trust and loans.
Small lies can helps us to avoids people who wants to borrow money from us because they will not thinks that we lies to them. But for those who knows us better will thinks that we lies to them. We just don't wants to see they playing gambling, especially if we knows that they can't control themselves better and only lose that money and makes them difficult to repay the money. They should know that we don't wants to lend our money to them and will not force us doing that. They can search for the other people who wants to lend and we guess that they can gets it easily so they can do many things with that money.

It is difficult to lend the money to people who can't keeps their promises to repay the money. Many people ruins their relationship doing this simple matter so we don't wants to get that experience.
I'm not that kind of person, when it comes to gambling, I'm not lending to those people because I'm concerned of their habit but because I'm not good at confrontation and straight answers and I really don't want to lend them the money, maybe that's the part that we are different and those people that knows me best, if they know that I'm lying to them about something just to get away with letting them borrow some money for gambling, they'd know by then that I'm not going to lend any to them. Regarding promises, I think that if they start to break it, that's the point that I draw the line, they might be able to still pay it back but they can never borrow money from me again.
Way back, I use to borrow my friend money to gamble while I watch him gamble, and sometimes he wins instantly and give me back the money, while sometimes he run at loss and promise to pay me back later. Sometimes he pays back but most times he doesn't pay back.

This made me to conclude that I will never borrow any gambler money to gamble. One funny thing is that they know how to lie very well in order for you to feel pity for them on a different story. What I do is that I just tell them that I don't have any money on me, because they are not in my budget for the day.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: swogerino on June 06, 2024, 10:47:41 AM
I think the best way is to not lend money here and there.I know that people who lend money are generally good hearted and a bit more trustworthy than they should.In our time the level of not so loyal and trustworthy persons have increased insanely because of the problems we have most likely from the world economy not being in a great shape,the best thing to do is to stop lending money to "friends" from college and limit lending to only people who are close relatives which we know well and we know that most likely we will have not any difficulty to get the money back.We are living in difficult times.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: shasan on June 08, 2024, 07:02:31 PM
I think when you have no idle money you should not make any buy/sell or should not take any loan. If you take a loan and you make it lost then you will not be able to repay the loan as a result you will loss both yourself and your relatives/friends who gave you the loan.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Forsyth Jones on June 08, 2024, 08:54:13 PM
I think the best way is to not lend money here and there.I know that people who lend money are generally good hearted and a bit more trustworthy than they should.In our time the level of not so loyal and trustworthy persons have increased insanely because of the problems we have most likely from the world economy not being in a great shape,the best thing to do is to stop lending money to "friends" from college and limit lending to only people who are close relatives which we know well and we know that most likely we will have not any difficulty to get the money back.We are living in difficult times.
These same people take advantage of our goodwill, asking for relatively small amounts of money is part of their strategy, because if it's a close friend or relative, the chances of people saying NO are very small and of charging borrowed amounts of $5 or any amount insignificant and so on are even smaller.

I think when you have no idle money you should not make any buy/sell or should not take any loan. If you take a loan and you make it lost then you will not be able to repay the loan as a result you will loss both yourself and your relatives/friends who gave you the loan.
I know the economic situation is difficult, but there are people who use this as an advantage to default on others, and generally there are those addicted to gambling, they don't care if you need the money you lent later.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: ololajulo on June 08, 2024, 10:16:37 PM
As long as I know the money is for betting i wont give it

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Orpichukwu on June 08, 2024, 10:32:56 PM
As a gambler you dont need to be so addicted to in it to an extend that will be making you to borrow money in other to gamble because it will really spoil your life because you can't be able to do any meaningful thing with your life.
This is very true. Once a gambler gets to the stage where they can no longer control their own gambling amounts and which money is not supposed to be used for gambling, that stage is very difficult for them to even remember their family.
All they care for is how to fulfill their gambling desires, and everything else means nothing to them. Once you see such a type of gambler, al they need is help to get them off that stage, even if it will take sending them to a rehabilitation centre for them to be free from punishing themselves.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: lienfaye on June 08, 2024, 10:33:39 PM
As long as I know the money is for betting i wont give it
Because chances are, it will only be wasted for spending in gambling. Don't lend money to someone and will be use to gamble, as well as don't borrow for gambling purposes.

If you want to play then use your own money, if you don't have any then refrain from playing because it's in the rule to only use what you can afford to lose. Playing with a loan money will only put yourself into a deep problem.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Hazink on June 08, 2024, 10:36:21 PM
As long as I know the money is for betting i wont give it
You will not know because they will not tell you; they will always come up with excuses that will convince you to give them that money, or they can even boldly tell you that they want to gamble with it, not that they don’t have the money but that they don’t have access to it for the main reason that you should lend them the money later in the day and they will send it back to you. Things like that do occur.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: AliMan on June 08, 2024, 10:42:34 PM
It has become increasingly common for friends and not-so-close "friends" to come and ask me to borrow money. I don't usually ask for the purpose, but some ask me because of betting at online houses.

The last time I lent money to a colleague, who I hadn't had much contact with other than at work for a short period, it was with great difficulty that I got the money back.

I don't know where people get the amount of money they think I have, they must think I look like a bank...

Who likes having to borrow money? Unless you are a loan shark and lend with collateral where the risk is almost zero, why lend money where you end up with a loss? 'cause in addition to no one paying you with interest, most never pay you on time, at least you will get your money back after repeated charges.

Some people even go so far as to ask me to borrow money for what? to bet!! What a joke. I answer briefly and bluntly that I don't have the money to lend for these purposes!

And the worst thing is that they ask me for small amounts, like $2, 5, 10$... I think that if the person doesn't have that money now, the chances of them getting that money to pay you are low. If the person is in need, it's easier for them to confess right away to see what I can do, because I'm not a bad person.

Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?

And when they are female friends, do you lend them?

I do lend money for relatives and friends but only for emergencies like health reasons and for food allowances. Sometimes other reasons isn't valid, other people who's close to me always made that reason as an excuse and alibi's. That's really the worst case if they just lie about money, because their addiction came to a point that it really became uncontrollable in which having many false stories just to lend money due to gambling problems.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: DaNNy001 on June 08, 2024, 10:49:35 PM
As a gambler you dont need to be so addicted to in it to an extend that will be making you to borrow money in other to gamble because it will really spoil your life because you can't be able to do any meaningful thing with your life.
This is very true. Once a gambler gets to the stage where they can no longer control their own gambling amounts and which money is not supposed to be used for gambling, that stage is very difficult for them to even remember their family.
All they care for is how to fulfill their gambling desires, and everything else means nothing to them. Once you see such a type of gambler, al they need is help to get them off that stage, even if it will take sending them to a rehabilitation centre for them to be free from punishing themselves.
The thing is that such gamblers tend to be at denial to themselves and also to others around them, they tend to always live in this wild dream that at every try is another opportunity for them to actually get what they are fighting for, which unknowning to such type of gamblers, they are probably just digging the hole to their death alot more. If there is any way to help out such person then it would probably be the intensive care in rehab because even your simple advice can't really get their thinking back into the right order.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: ololajulo on June 09, 2024, 08:27:21 PM
As long as I know the money is for betting i wont give it
You will not know because they will not tell you; they will always come up with excuses that will convince you to give them that money, or they can even boldly tell you that they want to gamble with it, not that they don’t have the money but that they don’t have access to it for the main reason that you should lend them the money later in the day and they will send it back to you. Things like that do occur.

When a gambler tells you he's borrowing money to gamble, he's implicitly warning you that if he loses, repaying the loan might be difficult, and you could end up sharing the loss. As someone with my mindset, I should be cautious and well-informed in such situations.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Sandra_hakeem on June 09, 2024, 09:27:01 PM
The last time I lent money to a colleague, who I hadn't had much contact with other than at work for a short period, it was with great difficulty that I got the money back.
How do you keep lending out money to people when you've had experiences like this already? Aren't you supposed to learn from the tree? I'd be damned that your inexperience exposed you to certain type of people that don't just wanna pay back when they borrow from you... but that's not even the case.

Never lend out your funds to someone that just wanna wager them; gambling isn't a form of investment that regenerates interest...You'll either lose everything to the game or nothing else. If you're into a lending business with your folks, always try to understand why they need it.

Title: Re: People keep asking me to borrow money, some of them for betting
Post by: Dewi Aries on June 10, 2024, 01:13:22 AM
You will not know because they will not tell you; they will always come up with excuses that will convince you to give them that money, or they can even boldly tell you that they want to gamble with it, not that they don’t have the money but that they don’t have access to it for the main reason that you should lend them the money later in the day and they will send it back to you. Things like that do occur.

When a gambler tells you he's borrowing money to gamble, he's implicitly warning you that if he loses, repaying the loan might be difficult, and you could end up sharing the loss. As someone with my mindset, I should be cautious and well-informed in such situations.

Yes but I think it is very unlikely that they would tell a borrower that the money would be used for gambling, because in general people are usually reluctant to lend money to gamblers even if they are gamblers who have good responsibility in their gambling activities or in the sense that they are gamblers who can maintain and control themselves well. This is because there have been quite a few cases that have occurred that it is really difficult for a gambler to be accountable for the decisions he has made such as borrowing money which in the end usually means that they run away from responsibility.

And maybe this is the reason why gamblers are usually secretive about what the money they borrow is for, usually they lie and say that the money will be used for something else which can also be a plan or scenario that looks desperate so that a borrower feels sorry for them and gives them a loan. This means that I think it is quite difficult to really identify what the money is being used for, unless the person is a very close friend of yours who you usually know about their habits.