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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Wilikon on June 14, 2014, 07:25:13 PM

Title: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 14, 2014, 07:25:13 PM

Anyone here in bitcointalk an IT professional? How can this still be possible in 2014?

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Charlie Prime on June 14, 2014, 08:14:37 PM
It's easy.  Your boss says "Didn't those emails die with some hard drive"?

You say "Yes sir they did".


Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 14, 2014, 08:28:48 PM
It's easy.  Your boss says "Didn't those emails die with some hard drive"?

You say "Yes sir they did".


It that Lerner situation... Who's her boss again?

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Chef Ramsay on June 14, 2014, 09:56:54 PM
Better version
Dang! The IRS says Lois Lerner’s emails done got wiped out in one of them there computer crashes

Aw, shoot! The IRS was trying so hard to come up with documents requested by the House Ways and Means Committee, as part of its investigation into the abuse of power against conservative groups during the 2012 election. But wouldn’t you know it? One of those newfangled computer thingamabobs had itself a crash, and all of Tax Exempt Organizations Division director Lois Lerner’s emails done got erased!

Everything she sent to outside email addresses between January 2009 and April 2011 is lost into the ether. Everything she sent to the White House, the Justice Department, her old chums at the Federal Elections Commission, high-ranking Democrat politicians – gone! All they’ve got left is email correspondence between Lerner and other IRS employees.

Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI), who asked for all these emails a year ago, is fit to be tied...
more... (
Where's the NSA at? Here's their chance to end some corruption.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: commandrix on June 14, 2014, 10:02:21 PM
Well, I have an associate's degree in IT and I can tell you this is total BS. They should have had backups and, even if they didn't, any competent IT professional should have been able to extract the data from the defunct hard drives involved.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: georgem on June 14, 2014, 10:15:52 PM
Well, I have an associate's degree in IT and I can tell you this is total BS. They should have had backups and, even if they didn't, any competent IT professional should have been able to extract the data from the defunct hard drives involved.

I had 3 crashed harddrives in the last 10 years. (of about 100 harddisks in total)
And I always managed to save atleast 90% of the data. There were some bad sectors, yes ... but a harddisk that can't be rescued anymore is a harddisk that was deliberately destroyed.
Also, all the harddisks showed signs before they started crashing completely, so I was able to react.

Also: my 3 crashed harddisk were all like 5-10 years ago. In the last 5 years (from 2009 to 2014) not a single one of my harddisk has malfunctioned.
I believe the manufacturers have now created such stable harddisks, they don't compare to the harddisks 10 years ago. So it's very curious that a government agency has malfunctioning harddisk, lol ...  ;D

ALSO: Has the government never heard of multi harddisk RAID systems that keep on working even if some of the harddisks are crashing?

But hey, what do you expect from a extortion racket machine like the IRS.

Taxation is theft!

So they steal all the money from us, and can't even buy reliable computer equipment with it.
Fuck you, you bureaucratic mafia.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: bitsmichel on June 14, 2014, 10:49:46 PM

Anyone here in bitcointalk an IT professional? How can this still be possible in 2014?

Lost emails? well a server crash without any backups. Be it, that the receiver also does not have the emails and that the NSA does not have a copy. Emails are usually stored on the sending/receiver end (in sent mail or otherwise) and so its likely that the majority of it is not lost.

tl;dr; they do not have IT professionals over there or scam

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 15, 2014, 01:44:39 AM

Reporter Sharyl Attkisson Raises Good Questions IRS Should Answer On “Lost” Lerner Emails

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: tinof on June 15, 2014, 04:24:39 PM
Well, I have an associate's degree in IT and I can tell you this is total BS. They should have had backups and, even if they didn't, any competent IT professional should have been able to extract the data from the defunct hard drives involved.

You assume people holding the job is a competent personal.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: JohnnyLightning on June 15, 2014, 04:40:20 PM

Reporter Sharyl Attkisson Raises Good Questions IRS Should Answer On “Lost” Lerner Emails

does anyone believe the IRS will provide this information?

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on June 15, 2014, 06:59:20 PM
Well, I have an associate's degree in IT and I can tell you this is total BS. They should have had backups and, even if they didn't, any competent IT professional should have been able to extract the data from the defunct hard drives involved.

You assume people holding the job is a competent personal.

The servers hold the data, and it's backed up daily.  Law requires archiving this stuff.

All you are looking at is a legal defense, a refusal to hand the data over.

Unfortunately, actions have consequences.  US Tax collection is unusual in that it's based on voluntary compliance, unlike many countries such as Italy and Greece, where the national sport is tax evasion.

These sort of actions by the IRS for short term political gain will have longer term negative consequences, if the agency's standing and reputation for unbiased fair enforcement is damaged.  I believe this should be stated pretty much in past tense at this point.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: beetcoin on June 15, 2014, 07:04:44 PM
maybe they're just doing this to make people think that their snooping isn't as dangerous as everyone thinks.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Benjig on June 15, 2014, 09:03:49 PM
No difference than the 'Erased Tapes' from the Watergate scandal of the 70's. Actually, this may be worse. Lack of media outrage would imply their condoning the distraction of evidence by this Administration.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on June 16, 2014, 12:54:31 AM
No difference than the 'Erased Tapes' from the Watergate scandal of the 70's. Actually, this may be worse. Lack of media outrage would imply their condoning the distraction of evidence by this Administration.

Far worse than the erased tapes issue.

Remember, Nixon really only had that ONE scandal.

Reagan really only had Iran/Contra.

Here we've got Bengazi, Fast and Furious, IRS, Iraq, Syria, basically the list is about as long as the activities that the klutze Obama has had his hands in. 

And this is an agency doing the stonewalling and lying, at the highest levels.  That is actually much more serious than if say, the POTUS lied about something.  It means the agency has been corrupted.  That has implications, particularly since the issue at stake is whether the agency was improperly influenced to attack conservatives.  So they cover up corruption with lying....

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 16, 2014, 05:17:31 AM
No difference than the 'Erased Tapes' from the Watergate scandal of the 70's. Actually, this may be worse. Lack of media outrage would imply their condoning the distraction of evidence by this Administration.

Far worse than the erased tapes issue.

Remember, Nixon really only had that ONE scandal.

Reagan really only had Iran/Contra.

Here we've got Bengazi, Fast and Furious, IRS, Iraq, Syria, basically the list is about as long as the activities that the klutze Obama has had his hands in. 

And this is an agency doing the stonewalling and lying, at the highest levels.  That is actually much more serious than if say, the POTUS lied about something.  It means the agency has been corrupted.  That has implications, particularly since the issue at stake is whether the agency was improperly influenced to attack conservatives.  So they cover up corruption with lying....

...The 5 for a deserter... The V.A. death scandal... The list goes on and on...


Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 16, 2014, 08:14:55 PM

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 17, 2014, 04:45:16 PM

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 19, 2014, 04:00:13 AM

Sources: Lois Lerner’s emails likely gone forever

Ex-IRS official Lois Lerner’s crashed hard drive has been recycled, making it likely the lost emails of the lightening rod in the tea party targeting controversy will never be found, according to multiple sources.
“We’ve been informed that the hard drive has been thrown away,” Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, the top Republican on the Finance Committee, said in a brief hallway interview.

Two additional sources told POLITICO the same late Wednesday, citing IRS officials.

It may just be standard government procedure, but the revelation is significant because some lawmakers and observers thought there was a way that tech experts could revive Lerner’s emails after they were washed away in a computer crash in the summer of 2011. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), for example, subpoenaed her damaged hard drive earlier this week, when he asked for “all hard drives, external drives, thumb drives and computers” and “all electronic communication devices the IRS issued to Lois G. Lerner.”
“IT experts have weighed in and said yes — we can get those” emails, said Rep. Charles Boustany (R-La.) earlier Wednesday.
The latest news suggests such professionals may never get the chance to try again — and the IRS has even said its criminal investigators who specialize in rebuilding hard drives to recover hidden information from criminals were unable to restore the data back in 2011. But this is only likely to further enrage Republicans, who are fuming over the matter and suspect Washington officials drove the selective scrutiny.

The IRS told congressional investigators on Friday that the emails of Lerner, the former head of the tax exempt division that was found to have singled out conservative groups for additional scrutiny, were lost from 2009 to 2011 in a computer hard drive crash in early summer 2011. IRS chief John Koskinen will face angry Republicans at a hearing on Friday.
The time frame is significant because the tea party targeting began in spring of 2010, and Republicans think if there was a smoking gun connecting the Obama administration to the IRS treatment of conservative groups, it could be found during that period.
“We believe the standard IRS protocol was followed in 2011 for disposing of the broken hard drive. A bad hard drive, like other broken Information Technology equipment, is sent to a recycler as part of our regular process,” an IRS spokesman said in response to a query from POLITICO.

On Wednesday, the White House retorted that for the time frame in which Lerner’s emails are missing, there are no direct communications between 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. and the now-retired Lerner.
Earlier this week, Ways and Means Republicans said as many as six IRS employees involved in the scandal also lost email in computer crashes, including the former chief of staff for the acting IRS commissioner.
That’s because before May 2013, the IRS backed up emails only for six months on a tape, then recycled the tapes, so they essentially threw out the data. Many agencies do the same, transparency experts say.

The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, which wrote the May 2013 report that uncovered the practice of IRS workers singling out some applicants for tax breaks with the words “tea party” for added scrutiny, is currently in possession of Lerner’s laptop and her new hard drive, according to an IRS letter.
The IRS has been able to retrieve about 24,000 of Lerner’s emails sent to other IRS employees by recovering them from other agents who received, sent or were copied on the emails.
However, Koskinen has acknowledged that the IRS wouldn’t be able to find emails Lerner sent outside the agency.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 20, 2014, 02:59:53 PM

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Westin Landon Cox on June 20, 2014, 05:04:30 PM
This obvious lie about losing the emails is funny and all, but it's pretty obvious that a group of government officials used their power to punish their political opponents. That's fucked up. And it's fucked up that Obama and his supporters are helping cover it up. (Hell, Obama might've asked the IRS to do it.)

Fascist bastards.

I wonder what the Founding Fathers would've done in a situation like this? Actually, we all know, and we all know we can't say it out loud.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 20, 2014, 10:25:09 PM

“The United States was founded on the belief government is subservient and accountable to the people.  Taxpayers shouldn’t be expected to follow laws the Obama administration refuses to follow themselves,” said Stockman.  “Taxpayers should be allowed to offer the same flimsy, obviously made-up excuses the Obama administration uses.”

1.         The dog ate my tax receipts
2.         Convenient, unexplained, miscellaneous computer malfunction
3.         Traded documents for five terrorists
4.         Burned for warmth while lost in the Yukon
5.         Left on table in Hillary’s Book Room
6.         Received water damage in the trunk of Ted Kennedy’s car
7.         Forgot in gun case sold to Mexican drug lords
8.         Forced to recycle by municipal Green Czar
9.         Was short on toilet paper while camping
10.       At this point, what difference does it make?

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 21, 2014, 06:34:21 PM

Lerner’s Hard Drive Mysteriously “Crashed” 10 Days After House GOP Began Investigation…

Lois Lerner’s emails are lost, and they need finding. In the meantime, their very disappearance tells us that Congress is sniffing down the right trail.

A year into congressional investigations of IRS targeting, we know two things beyond a doubt. We know from the public record that starting in 2010 the most powerful leaders of the Democratic Party—President Obama, Senate chairmen, House Democrats—ran a ceaseless campaign pressuring the IRS to silence conservative groups. We also know from internal IRS emails that Ms. Lerner, the former head of exempt organizations, was at the epicenter of an agency effort to silence those very groups, in the precise same time frame.

What we don’t know is the interaction between the two. The IRS’s deliberate withholding for a year of Lerner emails allowed the press and liberals to crow that there was no “there” there—zero evidence of Lerner collusion with anybody in the Democratic Party. At the very worst, went the explanation, Ms. Lerner and her IRS pals were zealous bureaucrats, primed to crack down on campaign money, and therefore eager to interpret the Democratic campaign as an order to act. […]

As to Ms. Lerner’s behavior, consider that House Ways & Means Chairman Dave Camp first sent a letter asking if the IRS was engaged in targeting in June, 2011. Ms. Lerner denied it. She engineered a plant in an audience at a tax conference in May 2013 to drop the bombshell news about targeting (maybe hoping nobody would notice?). She has subsequently asserted a Fifth Amendment right to silence in front of the only people actually investigating the affair, Congress. Now we learn that her hard drive supposedly defied modernity and suffered total annihilation about 10 days after the Camp letter arrived.

Is there something in those lost emails? The fact that they are “lost” at all probably answers that question.

Her hard drive and those of 6 others directly involved.. Died.
Not a smidgen of corruption (

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 21, 2014, 06:38:12 PM

Is that a smoking gun I smell? It turns out the IRS contracted with a company that provides email backup services starting in 2005. This first came to light in the Twitter feed of moregenr[ed. - researcher for the dearly departed Verum Serum blog], who noticed that the IRS appears on the client list of email archiving service provider Sonasoft.

This was was picked up by Peter Suderman of Reason, who writes:

The IRS had a contract with email backup service vendor Sonasoft starting in 2005,according to, which lists the contract as being for “automatic data processing services.” Sonasoft’s motto is “email archiving done right,” and the companylists the IRS as a customer.

In 2009, Sonasoft even sent out a Tweet advertising its work for the IRS.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 21, 2014, 11:02:02 PM

Here is the US Treasury contract with Sonasoft from 2000 to 2012.

Let's see if they have "crashed" their back up too.... Only on those lerner + 6 others of course  ;)

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: InwardContour on June 22, 2014, 09:20:21 AM
Anytime that a hard drive fails in any major corporation (I assume that the government would work the same way in this regard) someone will make an attempt to recover data on the hard drive, it is common for at least some data to be recovered.

From news reports it appears that her Microsoft outlook email account would only keep emails in a user's inbox for a certain amount of time (6 months would be the likely time-frame) after which they would be automatically deleted. If an employee wanted/needed to keep an email for a longer time then they would move them to a personal folder (aka .pst folder/file).

It is common to have compliance requirements to move emails to an archive inbox when they are no longer needed. The "archive inbox" would have emails saved and archived and then deleted from the inbox on a daily basis. This is to be done manually by employees on a periodic basis. The emails that are archived are still accessible if it turns out they will be needed at a later point, the employee can contact the person who has access to the archives with a request and the subject email would be provided. It would generally be against policy to house emails on your computer after the time you no longer need access to an email on a day to day basis.

The answer to the question of would it be possible that these email were really lost would be yes that would be possible. With that being said it would be undeniable that Lerner violated policy by not having her emails sent to the archives for two years. Is this something that she could go to jail for, I am not sure. Is this something she could go to jail for considering that the information contained in the emails could potentially contain information about possible crimes, the chances of jail time are considerably higher. Should she go to jail for this, most likely yes, unless she can provide information that shows she was following direction from someone above her, however even in this situation she should only receive a reduced jail sentence as opposed to no jail at all.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 22, 2014, 01:16:40 PM
Anytime that a hard drive fails in any major corporation (I assume that the government would work the same way in this regard) someone will make an attempt to recover data on the hard drive, it is common for at least some data to be recovered.

From news reports it appears that her Microsoft outlook email account would only keep emails in a user's inbox for a certain amount of time (6 months would be the likely time-frame) after which they would be automatically deleted. If an employee wanted/needed to keep an email for a longer time then they would move them to a personal folder (aka .pst folder/file).

It is common to have compliance requirements to move emails to an archive inbox when they are no longer needed. The "archive inbox" would have emails saved and archived and then deleted from the inbox on a daily basis. This is to be done manually by employees on a periodic basis. The emails that are archived are still accessible if it turns out they will be needed at a later point, the employee can contact the person who has access to the archives with a request and the subject email would be provided. It would generally be against policy to house emails on your computer after the time you no longer need access to an email on a day to day basis.

The answer to the question of would it be possible that these email were really lost would be yes that would be possible. With that being said it would be undeniable that Lerner violated policy by not having her emails sent to the archives for two years. Is this something that she could go to jail for, I am not sure. Is this something she could go to jail for considering that the information contained in the emails could potentially contain information about possible crimes, the chances of jail time are considerably higher. Should she go to jail for this, most likely yes, unless she can provide information that shows she was following direction from someone above her, however even in this situation she should only receive a reduced jail sentence as opposed to no jail at all.

Now, based on your scenario, the likelihood of this, I mean exactly this happening to 6 other employees directly involved in this IRS scandal as pure unlucky coincidence is probable?

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 22, 2014, 01:28:27 PM

 “IRS offices will not store the official recordkeeping copy of email messages that are federal records ONLY on the electronic mail system,”

translation: backing up everything is the law.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 22, 2014, 04:25:17 PM

Cleta Mitchell, the attorney who represents many of the targeted conservative groups in a suit against the IRS, went on FOX News Sunday this morning to discuss the latest developments in the IRS targeting scandal.

Cleta dropped this bomb. It completely discredits the IRS’s latest talking points that Lois Lerner’s emails were lost in a single computer crash.

“I’ve had IRS employees who have emailed me this week who said all of their servers, it’s not just one little server in Washington, that there are servers in three different places in the United States. The IRS has a contract with a professional email archiving company. I want to know what the FBI has done to step in and bring forward their very sophisticated capabilities to understand what happened.”

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: pedrog on June 22, 2014, 05:44:26 PM
What abou the NSA's "backups."  :D

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 22, 2014, 06:25:05 PM
What abou the NSA's "backups."  :D


GOP Rep. Asks IRS: Wouldn’t NSA Have Copies of Your Lost Emails?

The IRS is back in the national spotlight after the agency claimed that a whole swath of former IRS official Lois Lerner‘s e-mails just went missing, and her hard drive crashed and was thrown out, so that’s that. But Republican Kenny Marchant asked the current IRS commissioner a simple question today: what about the NSA?

Marchant asked John Koskinen, “Is the IRS and its emails exempt from monitoring by the FBI or the NSA.” Koskinen said he was unaware if any such exemption was given to the IRS.

Marchant then said, “So we don’t know that the emails are not totally all recoverable in some process.” In other words, if the NSA was snooping on the IRS’s emails, they could easily just hand them over…

Watch the video below, via C-SPAN 2:

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 22, 2014, 06:34:40 PM

IRS Cancelled Their Email Archiving Contractor Just Weeks After Lois Lerner’s Computer “Crash”

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) cancelled its longtime relationship with an email-storage contractor just weeks after ex-IRS official Lois Lerner’s computer crashed and shortly before other IRS officials’ computers allegedly crashed.

The IRS signed a contract with Sonasoft, an email-archiving company based in San Jose, California, each year from 2005 to 2010. The company, which partners with Microsoft and counts The New York Times among its clients, claims in its company slogans that it provides “Email Archiving Done Right” and “Point-Click Recovery.” Sonasoft in 2009 tweeted, “If the IRS uses Sonasoft products to backup their servers why wouldn’t you choose them to protect your servers?”

Sonasoft was providing “automatic data processing” services for the IRS throughout the January 2009 to April 2011 period in which Lerner sent her missing emails.

But Sonasoft’s six-year business relationship with the IRS came to an abrupt end at the close of fiscal year 2011, as congressional investigators began looking into the IRS conservative targeting scandal and IRS employees’ computers started crashing left and right.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on June 22, 2014, 10:58:47 PM
This obvious lie about losing the emails is funny and all, but it's pretty obvious that a group of government officials used their power to punish their political opponents. That's fucked up. And it's fucked up that Obama and his supporters are helping cover it up. (Hell, Obama might've asked the IRS to do it.)

Fascist bastards.

I wonder what the Founding Fathers would've done in a situation like this? Actually, we all know, and we all know we can't say it out loud.

Fascist Bastards is a pretty accurate comment, actually.

Bitcoin is looking better all the time.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: galbros on June 22, 2014, 11:04:29 PM
This is really outrageous!  Thanks for everyone who's posted more of the backstory, especially the Sonasoft information.  What the US people are letting this administration get away with is amazing.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 22, 2014, 11:18:36 PM
This is really outrageous!  Thanks for everyone who's posted more of the backstory, especially the Sonasoft information.  What the US people are letting this administration get away with is amazing.

Most "US people" don't know the name of their vice president. But they know the words of the latest beyoncé's hit.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: InwardContour on June 23, 2014, 05:22:28 AM
Anytime that a hard drive fails in any major corporation (I assume that the government would work the same way in this regard) someone will make an attempt to recover data on the hard drive, it is common for at least some data to be recovered.

From news reports it appears that her Microsoft outlook email account would only keep emails in a user's inbox for a certain amount of time (6 months would be the likely time-frame) after which they would be automatically deleted. If an employee wanted/needed to keep an email for a longer time then they would move them to a personal folder (aka .pst folder/file).

It is common to have compliance requirements to move emails to an archive inbox when they are no longer needed. The "archive inbox" would have emails saved and archived and then deleted from the inbox on a daily basis. This is to be done manually by employees on a periodic basis. The emails that are archived are still accessible if it turns out they will be needed at a later point, the employee can contact the person who has access to the archives with a request and the subject email would be provided. It would generally be against policy to house emails on your computer after the time you no longer need access to an email on a day to day basis.

The answer to the question of would it be possible that these email were really lost would be yes that would be possible. With that being said it would be undeniable that Lerner violated policy by not having her emails sent to the archives for two years. Is this something that she could go to jail for, I am not sure. Is this something she could go to jail for considering that the information contained in the emails could potentially contain information about possible crimes, the chances of jail time are considerably higher. Should she go to jail for this, most likely yes, unless she can provide information that shows she was following direction from someone above her, however even in this situation she should only receive a reduced jail sentence as opposed to no jail at all.

Now, based on your scenario, the likelihood of this, I mean exactly this happening to 6 other employees directly involved in this IRS scandal as pure unlucky coincidence is probable?
It would not be that unlikely, but it would mean that all of those employees should face stiff criminal penalties.

These employees could still testify about what emails were send/received regarding the additional screening of conservative groups. The threat of jail would give these employees to testify truthfully about what happened. 

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: noviapriani on June 23, 2014, 05:07:37 PM
I'll guarantee you if there was something on your hard drive, (or your office server) that the IRS wanted, they wouldn't have a bit of trouble getting it. Try this the next time you get a letter informing you you are being audited--- " my computer crashed and I've lost all my records!",  see how far that gets you.

 They know damn well the e-mails are incriminating to people way up the chain from Lerner.  Who-ever received/sent those emails also has a copy on their hard drive, and their server.  Let's let the NSA folks go over Barak's puters with a fine toothed comb and see what they find.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: sana8410 on June 23, 2014, 05:33:29 PM
The contents of a hard drive are never gone.  They backed up and stored, they exist so this is a huge lie.  The emails must have implicated Lerner and Obama.  Why else would they "claim" they were gone?These people are criminals of the worst kind and should be in jail.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: noviapriani on June 23, 2014, 05:37:49 PM
The contents of a hard drive are never gone.  They backed up and stored, they exist so this is a huge lie.  The emails must have implicated Lerner and Obama.  Why else would they "claim" they were gone?These people are criminals of the worst kind and should be in jail.
The investigation into the IRS is being carried out by one of Obama's adamant supporters (not to mention campaign contributors) and who just happened to be working in the justice dept. and personally appointed by Eric Holder. Those e-mails are history.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Rigon on June 23, 2014, 05:41:14 PM
So, all the experts agree this is a lie and that the data can be retrieved so what is Camp going to do about it? Certainly there are honest IT Tech employees in DC that work for the government and do those backup and know where to go get the data and Camp needs to get that ordered asap before obama has the entire server destroyed to hide the facts.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: zolace on June 23, 2014, 05:44:13 PM
So, all the experts agree this is a lie and that the data can be retrieved so what is Camp going to do about it? Certainly there are honest IT Tech employees in DC that work for the government and do those backup and know where to go get the data and Camp needs to get that ordered asap before obama has the entire server destroyed to hide the facts.
Well, how many servers did those emails go through… NSA should have copies… Bring me the hard drive, as long as the disc is intact I will get stuff off of it, I usually charge 100 for that but, since Obama likes to pay out millions for this kind of work, I'm sure a few million and I can have it done in an hour or two…
Please, give me a break..
By the way, the software to do this is free…

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: umair127 on June 23, 2014, 05:48:40 PM
Computer people calling Mark Levin's show right now saying this is bullshit.  

Apparently the nightly news, at least ABC (I think that's who Levin said he is watching while on air) is IGNORING this.

Right now a guy is talking who says he ran an email program for a big government agency, and he's going into all the backups and security, etc.  He says the only way this could happen is if someone who is very high level physically goes in and wipes out the particular areas he desires to be wiped out, and even then the backups which are stored in highly secured areas, multiples, would have them.

More corruption from our historic first of a criminal CIC.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: sana8410 on June 23, 2014, 05:50:35 PM
Think about it. Government e-mails come through a primary server where they are stored as the messages are delivered to the government employee. Simultaneously, the identical data is sent from the primary server to a "Fail Over" server next to the primary, and also to an Offside, far away 'Disaster Recovery' Server.

"IF" ALL four locations were stripped of e-mails, then that is a felony crime for erasing official government data. This is as pathetic and sick as our Banana Republic gets!

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: zolace on June 23, 2014, 05:56:36 PM
Computer people calling Mark Levin's show right now saying this is bullshit.  

Apparently the nightly news, at least ABC (I think that's who Levin said he is watching while on air) is IGNORING this.

Right now a guy is talking who says he ran an email program for a big government agency, and he's going into all the backups and security, etc.  He says the only way this could happen is if someone who is very high level physically goes in and wipes out the particular areas he desires to be wiped out, and even then the backups which are stored in highly secured areas, multiples, would have them.

More corruption from our historic first of a criminal CIC.
This guy is right,  by the way it is what I do for a living .
I mean you can go erase a hard drive and I got the stuff to recover what you erase…
I do this a lot for businesses, sometimes a disgruntled employee will erase all of the files, I put a simple program on the computer and they are back… Even if the hard drive physically crashes, meaning the electronics or mechanical parts go out, as long as the disc is not shattered, I can get the stuff back…
Not one smidgen of corruption,  he was right,  there's tons of corruption

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 23, 2014, 06:09:45 PM

Darrell Issa gave the IRS Commissioner more than 50 questions to answer. And in the #5 position, Issa wants specifics about outside contractors:

5. Please identify all vendors and outside contractors used by the IRS for the following purposes:

q. To develop, service, or maintain the IRS’s e-mail systems.

r. To develop, service, or maintain the IRS’s e-mail exchange servers.

s. To recycle or destroy IRS hard drives.

t. To provide mobile phone and data services.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 23, 2014, 06:11:51 PM

Whatever Sonasoft’s obligations after the contract was terminated, it’s clear that the company had a relevant contractual obligation to the IRS at the time of the supposed email loss.  There seems to be no question that Sonasoft’s knowledge of the email “catastrophe” needs to be investigated.

But there’s more to this drama – and it’s (go figure) political.  Sonasoft is a small company, founded and run in Silicon Valley by a Mr. Nand (Andy) Khanna.  It isn’t clear whether Andy Khanna is any relation to Rohit (Ro) Khanna, a Pennsylvania-born attorney who served as an Obama appointee in the U.S. Department of Commerce, and is now a Democratic candidate for the House of Representatives in the 17th district of California (in Silicon Valley).  But what is clear is that the two other members of Sonasoft’s board of directors – the members other than Andy Khanna – are both working hard to get Ro Khanna elected.

Here are the players.  On the Sonasoft board of directors, Dr. Romesh K. Japra, M.D., is the chairman of the board.  The board director is Mr. Romi Randhawa, whose day job is president and CEO of HPM Networks, another Silicon Valley IT company.

And then there’s Ro Khanna.  Khanna has connections to Obama that go way back, to Obama’s first run for the Illinois state senate, when Khanna was at the University of Chicago as an undergrad.   Will Burns, a Chicago Democratic political operative, recruited Khanna to walk precincts with Obama during the campaign, and Khanna was reportedly star-struck …

The whole article is worth reading.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on June 23, 2014, 06:42:36 PM
Think about it. Government e-mails come through a primary server where they are stored as the messages are delivered to the government employee. Simultaneously, the identical data is sent from the primary server to a "Fail Over" server next to the primary, and also to an Offside, far away 'Disaster Recovery' Server.

"IF" ALL four locations were stripped of e-mails, then that is a felony crime for erasing official government data. This is as pathetic and sick as our Banana Republic gets!

Yeah.  That sums up the problem.  Gangsters in charge basically daring you to do anything, which you can't because the attorney general is one of the gangsters.  Bald faced lying and laughing at you at the same time.

What's most peculiar about this is that at the same time we are spectators to these power grabs, we are witnessing some of the most incompetent and stupid behavior in history.  I guess if you feel you have the power, you don't need to display competence.

Maybe it's all a setup to force elections in Nov 2014 and 2016 or something like that, testing the waters to see how much they can get away with.

Just speculation of course.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 24, 2014, 02:02:30 AM

Rep. Jim Jordan: The chairman asked you, “Who told you this information?” You can’t remember?

IRS Chief John Koskinen: No, I… do not remember.

Jordan: Did someone tell you in person? Did they send you an email?

Koskinen: I do not get emails on these subjects so I’m sure it was someone in person.

Jordan: This has been a major news story for the past 13 months and you don’t remember who came up to you and said, ‘Hey boss, we lost Lois Lerner’s emails”? You don’t remember anything about that situation?

Koskinen: I remember being told in April… I do not recall who told me.

Why can't we the tax payers use the same lame excuses?

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 24, 2014, 02:09:12 AM

REMINDER: IRS Commissioner John Koskinen is Major Democratic Donor
The IRS commissioner has been contributing to Dems for four decades

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen is in the spotlight as he is set to further testify to Congress regarding the IRS targeting of conservative groups. It is important to remember that Koskinen has shelled out nearly $100,000 to Democratic candidates and groups.

Koskinen has been contributing to Democrats for four decades, starting with a $1000 contribution to Democratic candidate for Colorado Senate candidate Gary Hart in 1979.

Koskinen has been a reliable donor over the years, contributing a total of $19,000 to the Democratic National Committee from 1988 to 2008. He has made a contribution to the Democratic candidate for president in each election since 1980, including $2,300 to Obama in 2008, and $5000 to Obama in 2012.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has received $3,000 from Koskinen since 2008, and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee received $2,000 from 2004 to 2006.

Hillary Clinton has received $3,800 for her various political campaigns from Koskinen.

Koskinen’s most recent contribution was $2,500 to Sen. Mark Warner (D., Va.) in February of 2013.

Koskinen was appointed IRS commissioner later that year, and was tasked with revamping the tax agency in the wake of criticism that it was allowing partisanship dictate which groups applying for tax-exempt status would receive extra scrutiny.

“John is an expert at turning around institutions in need of reform,” Obama said in the statement announcing Koskinen’s appointment. “With decades of experience, in both the private and public sectors, John knows how to lead in difficult times, whether that means ensuring new management or implementing new checks and balances.”

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R., Utah) said at the time that he was “more than a little mystified” at the partisan appointment in a time that the agency was under fire for just that.

At a House Ways and Means Committee hearing last week, Koskinen was berated by Rep. Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) over his claim that IRS email records have been permanently lost.

“I’m sitting here, listening to this testimony, I don’t believe it,” Ryan told Koskinen. “That’s your problem. Nobody believes you.”

Koskinen will face congressional hearings again this week. He will testify Monday evening for the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and then face the same committee for a follow-up hearing on Tuesday.

Koskinen was president of the U.S. Soccer Foundation from 2004 to 2008, before he was appointed the non-executive chairman of Freddie Mac, where he served from 2008 to 2012.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on June 24, 2014, 03:16:57 AM

REMINDER: IRS Commissioner John Koskinen is Major Democratic Donor
The IRS commissioner has been contributing to Dems for four decades

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen is in the spotlight as he is set to further testify to Congress regarding the IRS targeting of conservative groups. It is important to remember that Koskinen has shelled out nearly $100,000 to Democratic candidates and groups.

Koskinen has been contributing to Democrats for four decades, starting with a $1000 contribution to Democratic candidate for Colorado Senate candidate Gary Hart in 1979.

Koskinen has been a reliable donor over the years, contributing a total of $19,000 to the Democratic National Committee from 1988 to 2008. He has made a contribution to the Democratic candidate for president in each election since 1980, including $2,300 to Obama in 2008, and $5000 to Obama in 2012.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has received $3,000 from Koskinen since 2008, and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee received $2,000 from 2004 to 2006.

Hillary Clinton has received $3,800 for her various political campaigns from Koskinen.

Koskinen’s most recent contribution was $2,500 to Sen. Mark Warner (D., Va.) in February of 2013.

Koskinen was appointed IRS commissioner later that year, and was tasked with revamping the tax agency in the wake of criticism that it was allowing partisanship dictate which groups applying for tax-exempt status would receive extra scrutiny.

“John is an expert at turning around institutions in need of reform,” Obama said in the statement announcing Koskinen’s appointment. “With decades of experience, in both the private and public sectors, John knows how to lead in difficult times, whether that means ensuring new management or implementing new checks and balances.”

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R., Utah) said at the time that he was “more than a little mystified” at the partisan appointment in a time that the agency was under fire for just that.

At a House Ways and Means Committee hearing last week, Koskinen was berated by Rep. Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) over his claim that IRS email records have been permanently lost.

“I’m sitting here, listening to this testimony, I don’t believe it,” Ryan told Koskinen. “That’s your problem. Nobody believes you.”

Koskinen will face congressional hearings again this week. He will testify Monday evening for the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and then face the same committee for a follow-up hearing on Tuesday.

Koskinen was president of the U.S. Soccer Foundation from 2004 to 2008, before he was appointed the non-executive chairman of Freddie Mac, where he served from 2008 to 2012.

Apparently David Kellerman couldn't tolerate the a**wipe.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: DrG on June 24, 2014, 08:59:38 AM
And you thought Bill Clinton was the Teflon king.  People may have cared in Nixon's time, but not anymore.  As noted above more than 1/2 of America couldn't tell you who the VP is or even recognize his picture but they could sing all of Beyonce's songs - that's probably why the POTUS happens to love Beyonce & Jay Z.

Bush was horrid in that he let the backdoors of Rove/Cheney run his poodle show.  Obama takes it to a new level by bring classic Chicago deep dish gangsta to the executive branch.

You knew this was coming even before Obama was signed in....Blagojevich!

Why bother having multiple servers in dif locations with complex RAID with multiple redundancies - we're pretty much given the line "my dog ate my homework".

And before I get called a partisan shill - if Janet Reno was AG she would be slamming bodies right now.

Go back to youtube people and enjoy Beyonce.... nothing to see here people  ::)

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: noviapriani on June 24, 2014, 11:58:13 AM
Considering that the mainstream news isn't really bothering with it, it is unlikely that Obama supporters care.  If they do, they are just taking delight in his getting away with yet another crime.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Rigon on June 24, 2014, 12:03:23 PM
What about this?
NSA: Our systems are so complex we can’t stop them from deleting data wanted for lawsuit.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: zolace on June 24, 2014, 12:08:19 PM
This looks almost worse than if we had the emails that proved guilt across the board.  They can't have been "lost."  If they truly no longer exist, they were intentionally erased at multiple levels. 

And we shouldn't stand for it.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: umair127 on June 24, 2014, 12:11:32 PM
Agree, we shouldn't stand for it, but the Obama regime believes it will get a pass on this.  Haven't the media, and his supporters like Jim, defended him from years.  From IRS, Benghazi, F&F, Syria, Ukraine, and now Iraq.  Nothing is EVER his fault.  Time to hold his sorry a$$ accountable.  He needs to get his a$$ back to DC and start to address these issues....instead he is out on the golf course.  

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: sana8410 on June 24, 2014, 12:38:47 PM
Agree, we shouldn't stand for it, but the Obama regime believes it will get a pass on this.  Haven't the media, and his supporters like Jim, defended him from years.  From IRS, Benghazi, F&F, Syria, Ukraine, and now Iraq.  Nothing is EVER his fault.  Time to hold his sorry a$$ accountable.  He needs to get his a$$ back to DC and start to address these issues....instead he is out on the golf course.  
I am 100% in favor of the facts coming out...all the time. As of today there is absolutely zero connection of the administration and the President to Lois Lerner's lost e-mail. Your assumptions to the opposite are childish and laughable.
As for playing golf, so too did George Bush while we were at war.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: umair127 on June 24, 2014, 12:46:23 PM
Agree, we shouldn't stand for it, but the Obama regime believes it will get a pass on this.  Haven't the media, and his supporters like Jim, defended him from years.  From IRS, Benghazi, F&F, Syria, Ukraine, and now Iraq.  Nothing is EVER his fault.  Time to hold his sorry a$$ accountable.  He needs to get his a$$ back to DC and start to address these issues....instead he is out on the golf course.  
I am 100% in favor of the facts coming out...all the time. As of today there is absolutely zero connection of the administration and the President to Lois Lerner's lost e-mail. Your assumptions to the opposite are childish and laughable.
As for playing golf, so too did George Bush while we were at war.
Bush all but stopped playing golf because the press attacked him constantly for it.
If, Obama is so disrespected, so ignored by those under him that he has NOTHING to do with these emails, what the hell is his job?  There is nothing you won't say he isn't responsible for, so why are we paying his ignorant ass a salary if he's responsible for nothing under the blanket of his beyond incompetent leadership?
There are emails,  that have already been discovered that went directly to the White House counsel.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: noviapriani on June 24, 2014, 12:51:06 PM
Agree, we shouldn't stand for it, but the Obama regime believes it will get a pass on this.  Haven't the media, and his supporters like Jim, defended him from years.  From IRS, Benghazi, F&F, Syria, Ukraine, and now Iraq.  Nothing is EVER his fault.  Time to hold his sorry a$$ accountable.  He needs to get his a$$ back to DC and start to address these issues....instead he is out on the golf course.  
I am 100% in favor of the facts coming out...all the time. As of today there is absolutely zero connection of the administration and the President to Lois Lerner's lost e-mail. Your assumptions to the opposite are childish and laughable.
As for playing golf, so too did George Bush while we were at war.
Bush all but stopped playing golf because the press attacked him constantly for it.
If, Obama is so disrespected, so ignored by those under him that he has NOTHING to do with these emails, what the hell is his job?  There is nothing you won't say he isn't responsible for, so why are we paying his ignorant ass a salary if he's responsible for nothing under the blanket of his beyond incompetent leadership?
There are emails,  that have already been discovered that went directly to the White House counsel.
Obama is responsible because he is in the Oval Office and he is in charge…
You guys wanted to impeach George Bush over mold in the VA…
You guys held Nixon responsible for what the secretary did, remember the 18 minutes
You guys are so putrid..

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: noviapriani on June 24, 2014, 01:07:07 PM
Try to explain to me what the economy has to do with a hard drive that could contain information that could put Obama in prison for five years…

If the IRS sent private information to the White House, who made the request?

The president is responsible for what his people do.

Remember Nixon

And we are 15 million jobs short of where we should be but to a liberal that's okay right…

The stock market pumped up with funny money…

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: sana8410 on June 24, 2014, 01:11:49 PM
Agree, we shouldn't stand for it, but the Obama regime believes it will get a pass on this.  Haven't the media, and his supporters like Jim, defended him from years.  From IRS, Benghazi, F&F, Syria, Ukraine, and now Iraq.  Nothing is EVER his fault.  Time to hold his sorry a$$ accountable.  He needs to get his a$$ back to DC and start to address these issues....instead he is out on the golf course.  
I am 100% in favor of the facts coming out...all the time. As of today there is absolutely zero connection of the administration and the President to Lois Lerner's lost e-mail. Your assumptions to the opposite are childish and laughable.
As for playing golf, so too did George Bush while we were at war.
Bush all but stopped playing golf because the press attacked him constantly for it.
If, Obama is so disrespected, so ignored by those under him that he has NOTHING to do with these emails, what the hell is his job?  There is nothing you won't say he isn't responsible for, so why are we paying his ignorant ass a salary if he's responsible for nothing under the blanket of his beyond incompetent leadership?
There are emails,  that have already been discovered that went directly to the White House counsel.
The president is as responsible for the IRS computers as he is for a returned address letter. Presidents do not fix computers or deliver mail.
What is he responsible for is finding out the facts when government fails to function effectively. In the case of the IRS that means finding those "missing" emails or holding people accountable. That I do expect from a president.
Thing is, you don't know the difference when you hate OBAMA, SO YOU WANT HIM BLAMED IF IT RAINS OR IF IT DOESN'T RAIN.

Simple, just not too bright.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 24, 2014, 01:47:10 PM
Agree, we shouldn't stand for it, but the Obama regime believes it will get a pass on this.  Haven't the media, and his supporters like Jim, defended him from years.  From IRS, Benghazi, F&F, Syria, Ukraine, and now Iraq.  Nothing is EVER his fault.  Time to hold his sorry a$$ accountable.  He needs to get his a$$ back to DC and start to address these issues....instead he is out on the golf course.  
I am 100% in favor of the facts coming out...all the time. As of today there is absolutely zero connection of the administration and the President to Lois Lerner's lost e-mail. Your assumptions to the opposite are childish and laughable.
As for playing golf, so too did George Bush while we were at war.
Bush all but stopped playing golf because the press attacked him constantly for it.
If, Obama is so disrespected, so ignored by those under him that he has NOTHING to do with these emails, what the hell is his job?  There is nothing you won't say he isn't responsible for, so why are we paying his ignorant ass a salary if he's responsible for nothing under the blanket of his beyond incompetent leadership?
There are emails,  that have already been discovered that went directly to the White House counsel.
The president is as responsible for the IRS computers as he is for a returned address letter. Presidents do not fix computers or deliver mail.
What is he responsible for is finding out the facts when government fails to function effectively. In the case of the IRS that means finding those "missing" emails or holding people accountable. That I do expect from a president.
Thing is, you don't know the difference when you hate OBAMA, SO YOU WANT HIM BLAMED IF IT RAINS OR IF IT DOESN'T RAIN.

Simple, just not too bright.

So based on that logic, Nixon was as responsible for Watergate as he was for NOT being good at Locksmithing...?  :D :D

Some people do believe obama is not too smart without a telepromter (

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 24, 2014, 02:12:05 PM

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: noviapriani on June 24, 2014, 03:19:40 PM
Since it's obvious that this is some sort of coverup that would require two years of emails needed for the investigation to be wiped out at multiple levels, why do you think such a thing would be done?  I'm not saying it goes straight to the president, but it would stand to reason that it goes pretty high up the food chain, don't you think?  Otherwise, how and why would it be done?

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: sana8410 on June 24, 2014, 03:26:20 PM
Since it's obvious that this is some sort of coverup that would require two years of emails needed for the investigation to be wiped out at multiple levels, why do you think such a thing would be done?  I'm not saying it goes straight to the president, but it would stand to reason that it goes pretty high up the food chain, don't you think?  Otherwise, how and why would it be done?
There is no evidence of a cover-up at this point, though that may later be determined. So assigning blame to an unproven charge is, may i suggest, not very honest.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: noviapriani on June 24, 2014, 03:28:47 PM
Since it's obvious that this is some sort of coverup that would require two years of emails needed for the investigation to be wiped out at multiple levels, why do you think such a thing would be done?  I'm not saying it goes straight to the president, but it would stand to reason that it goes pretty high up the food chain, don't you think?  Otherwise, how and why would it be done?
There is no evidence of a cover-up at this point, though that may later be determined. So assigning blame to an unproven charge is, may i suggest, not very honest.

As I said, this isn't something that could be "lost" unintentionally.  Do you think government computer networks are like your home PC where you might accidentally throw something in the little trash bin?

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: sana8410 on June 24, 2014, 03:33:48 PM
Since it's obvious that this is some sort of coverup that would require two years of emails needed for the investigation to be wiped out at multiple levels, why do you think such a thing would be done?  I'm not saying it goes straight to the president, but it would stand to reason that it goes pretty high up the food chain, don't you think?  Otherwise, how and why would it be done?
There is no evidence of a cover-up at this point, though that may later be determined. So assigning blame to an unproven charge is, may i suggest, not very honest.

As I said, this isn't something that could be "lost" unintentionally.  Do you think government computer networks are like your home PC where you might accidentally throw something in the little trash bin?
We know the email are missing. We find that difficult to appreciate. We investigate. We learn the results. Then we draw conclusions.
You seem to prefer we know the emails are missing...conspiracy!

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: zolace on June 24, 2014, 03:45:42 PM
Since it's obvious that this is some sort of coverup that would require two years of emails needed for the investigation to be wiped out at multiple levels, why do you think such a thing would be done?  I'm not saying it goes straight to the president, but it would stand to reason that it goes pretty high up the food chain, don't you think?  Otherwise, how and why would it be done?
There is no evidence of a cover-up at this point, though that may later be determined. So assigning blame to an unproven charge is, may i suggest, not very honest.

As I said, this isn't something that could be "lost" unintentionally.  Do you think government computer networks are like your home PC where you might accidentally throw something in the little trash bin?
We know the email are missing. We find that difficult to appreciate. We investigate. We learn the results. Then we draw conclusions.
You seem to prefer we know the emails are missing...conspiracy!
Who investigates?  The people who conveniently lost the emails?  The people who investigate themselves and find themselves innocent?
Even you have got to know there is no way these emails can be lost, and even you have to know how convenient it is for the salient emails to suddenly become unavailable when the subpoena arrives, after having been promised if subpoenaed.  And even you have to know there wouldn't be a coverup if one wasn't needed to protect this administration.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 24, 2014, 06:42:34 PM

"Not a smidgen of corruption….."

U.S. Archivist: IRS "Did Not Follow The Law" On Lerner Emails

In testimony before the House Oversight Committee, United States Archivist David Ferriero was asked directly if the Internal Revenue Service disobeyed the law by failing to archive electronic communications and destroying the evidence of those communications. Ferriero conceded that the IRS did not follow the Federal Records Act.

On Tuesday, Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI) asked Ferriero if the IRS had reported the loss of two years’ of former executive Lois Lerner’s emails prior to disclosing that this month.

“No,” Ferriero replied.

When asked if the IRS violated the Federal Records Act, Ferriero said that the law requires every federal agency to notify the Archives if they determine they have lost records. He did, however, refuse to say whether the agency broke the law because he was not an attorney.

“If they didn’t follow [the Federal Records Act], can we safely assume they broke the law?” Walberg asked.

“They did not follow the law,” Ferriero replied.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 24, 2014, 07:08:08 PM

IRS Admits Guilt in Illegal Release of Conservative Group’s Tax Information

The IRS has agreed to pay $50,000 in damages to the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) for unlawfully releasing its private information to a gay rights group that is a political rival, the Daily Signal has learned.

NOM expressed relief at the settlement agreement.

“Congress made the disclosure of confidential tax return information a serious matter for a reason,” NOM chairman John D. Eastman told The Daily Signal. “We’re delighted that the IRS has now been held accountable for the illegal disclosure of our list of major donors from our tax return.”

IRS uses tax payer's money, thus admitting guilt to pay their victim. No one goes to jail. Amazing.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Slab Squathrust on June 24, 2014, 07:43:08 PM
At first I thought this was a partisan hack job, but the more I hear about it, I honestly wonder if they Republicans might be on to something.  It is entirely disturbing to me that the agency that is capable of wrecking your financial life if you do not save proper documentation for something like 7 years relies on a single hard drive to store important communications.  Whether this is pure incompetence of malfeasance, it reeks either way. 

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 24, 2014, 09:49:10 PM
At first I thought this was a partisan hack job, but the more I hear about it, I honestly wonder if they Republicans might be on to something.  It is entirely disturbing to me that the agency that is capable of wrecking your financial life if you do not save proper documentation for something like 7 years relies on a single hard drive to store important communications.  Whether this is pure incompetence of malfeasance, it reeks either way.

At first they were using an offsite back up system since 2005, Sonasoft. Then out of bad strange luck coincidence what difference does that make I did not have sex with that woman you can keep you plan. Period!... They have canceled their back up contract too, a few weeks around the same time those back up were needed...

 ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ...Murphy's law I guess....  ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on June 25, 2014, 02:33:23 AM
Since it's obvious that this is some sort of coverup that would require two years of emails needed for the investigation to be wiped out at multiple levels, why do you think such a thing would be done?  I'm not saying it goes straight to the president, but it would stand to reason that it goes pretty high up the food chain, don't you think?  Otherwise, how and why would it be done?
There is no evidence of a cover-up at this point, though that may later be determined. So assigning blame to an unproven charge is, may i suggest, not very honest.

As I said, this isn't something that could be "lost" unintentionally.  Do you think government computer networks are like your home PC where you might accidentally throw something in the little trash bin?
We know the email are missing. We find that difficult to appreciate. We investigate. We learn the results. Then we draw conclusions.
You seem to prefer we know the emails are missing...conspiracy!

Ah...I'm afraid you have it backwards.  There WAS a conspiracy.  There WAS a coverup.  The committee is investigating it.  Evidence was subpoenaed concerning the conspiracy.  The exact reasons for the coverup are not known.

The "lost" emails would simply have explained who was in it, and when.

Personality I think it's about testing the limits of capability of their new American Fascist State, where the Attorney General looks the other way on everything his administration does wrong, and the media are silent when needed.

The actual limits of this new concept have not yet been found, of course.  We don't really know where or when people will put their feet down.  Or how.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Cicero2.0 on June 25, 2014, 03:31:02 AM
Since it's obvious that this is some sort of coverup that would require two years of emails needed for the investigation to be wiped out at multiple levels, why do you think such a thing would be done?  I'm not saying it goes straight to the president, but it would stand to reason that it goes pretty high up the food chain, don't you think?  Otherwise, how and why would it be done?
There is no evidence of a cover-up at this point, though that may later be determined. So assigning blame to an unproven charge is, may i suggest, not very honest.

As I said, this isn't something that could be "lost" unintentionally.  Do you think government computer networks are like your home PC where you might accidentally throw something in the little trash bin?
We know the email are missing. We find that difficult to appreciate. We investigate. We learn the results. Then we draw conclusions.
You seem to prefer we know the emails are missing...conspiracy!

Ah...I'm afraid you have it backwards.  There WAS a conspiracy.  There WAS a coverup.  The committee is investigating it.  Evidence was subpoenaed concerning the conspiracy.  The exact reasons for the coverup are not known.

The "lost" emails would simply have explained who was in it, and when.

Personality I think it's about testing the limits of capability of their new American Fascist State, where the Attorney General looks the other way on everything his administration does wrong, and the media are silent when needed.

The actual limits of this new concept have not yet been found, of course.  We don't really know where or when people will put their feet down.  Or how.

This administration lost the benefit of the doubt a long time ago. Time for congress to man up and start squeezing the little guys to tell them what the big guys ordered them to do. I suspect this scandal is going to get wider than tea party groups.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on June 25, 2014, 04:36:27 AM
Since it's obvious that this is some sort of coverup that would require two years of emails needed for the investigation to be wiped out at multiple levels, why do you think such a thing would be done?  I'm not saying it goes straight to the president, but it would stand to reason that it goes pretty high up the food chain, don't you think?  Otherwise, how and why would it be done?
There is no evidence of a cover-up at this point, though that may later be determined. So assigning blame to an unproven charge is, may i suggest, not very honest.

As I said, this isn't something that could be "lost" unintentionally.  Do you think government computer networks are like your home PC where you might accidentally throw something in the little trash bin?
We know the email are missing. We find that difficult to appreciate. We investigate. We learn the results. Then we draw conclusions.
You seem to prefer we know the emails are missing...conspiracy!

Ah...I'm afraid you have it backwards.  There WAS a conspiracy.  There WAS a coverup.  The committee is investigating it.  Evidence was subpoenaed concerning the conspiracy.  The exact reasons for the coverup are not known.

The "lost" emails would simply have explained who was in it, and when.

Personality I think it's about testing the limits of capability of their new American Fascist State, where the Attorney General looks the other way on everything his administration does wrong, and the media are silent when needed.

The actual limits of this new concept have not yet been found, of course.  We don't really know where or when people will put their feet down.  Or how.

This administration lost the benefit of the doubt a long time ago. Time for congress to man up and start squeezing the little guys to tell them what the big guys ordered them to do. I suspect this scandal is going to get wider than tea party groups.
Maybe.  Then again, maybe they will double down and expand the use of the same tactics in the 2014 November election cycle.    And maybe the people won't care. 

Then again, maybe they will.  I'm seeing a lot of disgust toward the administration from the same people that supported him years ago.  I agree, the time for Mr. Nice Guy games is over.  Those running on opposition tickets to Democrats this November need to be honest and call this stuff out like it is.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Cicero2.0 on June 25, 2014, 04:41:23 AM
Since it's obvious that this is some sort of coverup that would require two years of emails needed for the investigation to be wiped out at multiple levels, why do you think such a thing would be done?  I'm not saying it goes straight to the president, but it would stand to reason that it goes pretty high up the food chain, don't you think?  Otherwise, how and why would it be done?
There is no evidence of a cover-up at this point, though that may later be determined. So assigning blame to an unproven charge is, may i suggest, not very honest.

As I said, this isn't something that could be "lost" unintentionally.  Do you think government computer networks are like your home PC where you might accidentally throw something in the little trash bin?
We know the email are missing. We find that difficult to appreciate. We investigate. We learn the results. Then we draw conclusions.
You seem to prefer we know the emails are missing...conspiracy!

Ah...I'm afraid you have it backwards.  There WAS a conspiracy.  There WAS a coverup.  The committee is investigating it.  Evidence was subpoenaed concerning the conspiracy.  The exact reasons for the coverup are not known.

The "lost" emails would simply have explained who was in it, and when.

Personality I think it's about testing the limits of capability of their new American Fascist State, where the Attorney General looks the other way on everything his administration does wrong, and the media are silent when needed.

The actual limits of this new concept have not yet been found, of course.  We don't really know where or when people will put their feet down.  Or how.

This administration lost the benefit of the doubt a long time ago. Time for congress to man up and start squeezing the little guys to tell them what the big guys ordered them to do. I suspect this scandal is going to get wider than tea party groups.
Maybe.  Then again, maybe they will double down and expand the use of the same tactics in the 2014 November election cycle.    And maybe the people won't care. 

Then again, maybe they will.  I'm seeing a lot of disgust toward the administration from the same people that supported him years ago.  I agree, the time for Mr. Nice Guy games is over.  Those running on opposition tickets to Democrats this November need to be honest and call this stuff out like it is.

People are watching now. Any hint of such activity would hopefully be immediately called out. If I recall correctly Nixon's 2nd article of impeachment was for just this kind of thing.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 25, 2014, 05:34:05 AM
Since it's obvious that this is some sort of coverup that would require two years of emails needed for the investigation to be wiped out at multiple levels, why do you think such a thing would be done?  I'm not saying it goes straight to the president, but it would stand to reason that it goes pretty high up the food chain, don't you think?  Otherwise, how and why would it be done?
There is no evidence of a cover-up at this point, though that may later be determined. So assigning blame to an unproven charge is, may i suggest, not very honest.

As I said, this isn't something that could be "lost" unintentionally.  Do you think government computer networks are like your home PC where you might accidentally throw something in the little trash bin?
We know the email are missing. We find that difficult to appreciate. We investigate. We learn the results. Then we draw conclusions.
You seem to prefer we know the emails are missing...conspiracy!

Ah...I'm afraid you have it backwards.  There WAS a conspiracy.  There WAS a coverup.  The committee is investigating it.  Evidence was subpoenaed concerning the conspiracy.  The exact reasons for the coverup are not known.

The "lost" emails would simply have explained who was in it, and when.

Personality I think it's about testing the limits of capability of their new American Fascist State, where the Attorney General looks the other way on everything his administration does wrong, and the media are silent when needed.

The actual limits of this new concept have not yet been found, of course.  We don't really know where or when people will put their feet down.  Or how.

This administration lost the benefit of the doubt a long time ago. Time for congress to man up and start squeezing the little guys to tell them what the big guys ordered them to do. I suspect this scandal is going to get wider than tea party groups.
Maybe.  Then again, maybe they will double down and expand the use of the same tactics in the 2014 November election cycle.    And maybe the people won't care. 

Then again, maybe they will.  I'm seeing a lot of disgust toward the administration from the same people that supported him years ago.  I agree, the time for Mr. Nice Guy games is over.  Those running on opposition tickets to Democrats this November need to be honest and call this stuff out like it is.

People are watching now. Any hint of such activity would hopefully be immediately called out. If I recall correctly Nixon's 2nd article of impeachment was for just this kind of thing.

Under Nixon professional political hacks went after each other.
What we are witnessing is the all powerful IRS breaking the law, then going after american citizens.


Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: DrG on June 25, 2014, 08:33:15 AM
I think this is the final litmus test of what Americans are willing to tolerate.  The news/MSM can only handle so much backlash in this digital age.  I recognize 50% of the populace couldn't care less what happens as long as it doesn't interrupt their GTA V game, but the other 50% regardless of political affiliation has to agree that having multiple layers of government flat our lie to the American public when they've been caught with their hands in the cookie jar is grounds to revolt/impeachment/a bitch slap.

All we need is an IT guy to do the napkin math to show the chances of that much date being "lost" on the many platforms is as likely as a private key is to be brute forced.

...gets off soapbox to go play GTA V (nah, never played any of the GTA games).

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: zolace on June 25, 2014, 11:25:43 AM
My, what an astonishing coincidence.

A growing number of computer professionals are stepping forward to say that none of this makes sense. Norman Cillo, a former program manager at Microsoft, toldThe Blaze: “I don’t know of any e-mail administrator [who] doesn’t have at least three ways of getting that mail back. It’s either on the disks or it’s on a TAPE backup someplace on an archive server.” Bruce Webster, an IT expert with 30 years of experience consulting with dozens of private companies, seconds this opinion: “It would take a catastrophic mechanical failure for Lerner’s drive to suffer actual physical damage, but in any case, the FBI should be able to recover something. And the FBI and the Justice Department know it.”

In March of this year, John Koskinen, the new IRS commissioner, testified before Congress that all the e-mails of IRS employees are “stored in servers.” The agency’s own manual specifies that it “provides for backup and recovery of records to protect against information loss or corruption.” The reason is simple. It is well known in legal and IT circles that failure to preserve e-mails can lead to a court ruling of “spoliation of evidence.” That means a judge or jury is then instructed to treat deletions as if they were deliberate destruction of incriminating evidence.

Why is the loss of the Lerner e-mails particularly important? Last year’s report by the IRS inspector general set out a timeline of the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups. A full 16 of the 26 non-redacted events in the inspector general’s timeline took place during the period for which all of Lerner’s e-mails were “lost,” and these 16 instances refer to “e-mail” as the source for information on that event. As tax expert Alan Joel points out, much of the context about how the IRS scandal developed and who may have known about it is now “lost” in the black hole the Lerner e-mails are supposed to have been sucked into.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: sana8410 on June 25, 2014, 11:40:32 AM
AHA! Proof that Obama did it....absolute proof...the emails are missing, Obama is black...he did it.
Jesus, look , anyone can stipulate that the lost emails smell bad and seem unbelievable...that takes three seconds.
But after that it takes a person with reasoning skills to grasp that an investigation will take place and if the IT experts are right, then the emails will be found somewhere in the system. Or, they will be located by those who sent or received them...remember, each e-mail is at two locations.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Bitsaurus on June 25, 2014, 11:50:53 AM
I want to see 1, just 1 of the big 3 CBS NBC ABC make this the main story.  Sure the world is going to hell in Iraq but the US government just declared war on its citizens (economic war).

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Rigon on June 25, 2014, 11:55:15 AM
AHA! Proof that Obama did it....absolute proof...the emails are missing, Obama is black...he did it.
Jesus, look , anyone can stipulate that the lost emails smell bad and seem unbelievable...that takes three seconds.
But after that it takes a person with reasoning skills to grasp that an investigation will take place and if the IT experts are right, then the emails will be found somewhere in the system. Or, they will be located by those who sent or received them...remember, each e-mail is at two locations.
And then when you will realize that the IRS did not tell the investigation that due to an error they would have to go the extra mile to get the emails and therefore would be delayed in handing them over. And for those of us who live in our big kid clothes as rational and sane adults, we didn't need to run thru your scenario to realize the statement from the IRS didn't say they would merely be delayed in handing them over but that the emails were lost, gone, nonexistent and that line is nothing but bull. And that's because adults don't need to run the scenario thru their brain grasping for reasons to defend team obama.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Jamie_Boulder on June 25, 2014, 12:59:55 PM
CEO/Director says do something, IT professional says when and how.

These days it doesn't happen by accident.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on June 25, 2014, 01:52:01 PM
AHA! Proof that Obama did it....absolute proof...the emails are missing, Obama is black...he did it.
Jesus, look , anyone can stipulate that the lost emails smell bad and seem unbelievable...that takes three seconds.
But after that it takes a person with reasoning skills to grasp that an investigation will take place and if the IT experts are right, then the emails will be found somewhere in the system. Or, they will be located by those who sent or received them...remember, each e-mail is at two locations.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: h0lybyte on June 25, 2014, 02:03:13 PM
Hehe I wonder if they want to subpoena the NSA for the emails :O

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 25, 2014, 03:20:19 PM
AHA! Proof that Obama did it....absolute proof...the emails are missing, Obama is black...he did it.
Jesus, look , anyone can stipulate that the lost emails smell bad and seem unbelievable...that takes three seconds.
But after that it takes a person with reasoning skills to grasp that an investigation will take place and if the IT experts are right, then the emails will be found somewhere in the system. Or, they will be located by those who sent or received them...remember, each e-mail is at two locations.

Obama is black? Not according to his mom...  ;D

And, of course.... Those:

No one who believes the IRS is hiding something is automatically a racist. Or do you have irrefutable proofs of that?  ;)

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on June 25, 2014, 03:34:38 PM
AHA! Proof that Obama did it....absolute proof...the emails are missing, Obama is black...he did it.
Jesus, look , anyone can stipulate that the lost emails smell bad and seem unbelievable...that takes three seconds.
But after that it takes a person with reasoning skills to grasp that an investigation will take place and if the IT experts are right, then the emails will be found somewhere in the system. Or, they will be located by those who sent or received them...remember, each e-mail is at two locations.

Obama is black? Not according to his mom...  ;D

Black?  I thought for sure he was white, him being such a bigoted racist....

Of course his mom wasn't exactly white angel...

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 25, 2014, 03:57:32 PM
AHA! Proof that Obama did it....absolute proof...the emails are missing, Obama is black...he did it.
Jesus, look , anyone can stipulate that the lost emails smell bad and seem unbelievable...that takes three seconds.
But after that it takes a person with reasoning skills to grasp that an investigation will take place and if the IT experts are right, then the emails will be found somewhere in the system. Or, they will be located by those who sent or received them...remember, each e-mail is at two locations.

Obama is black? Not according to his mom...  ;D

Black?  I thought for sure he was white, him being such a bigoted racist....

Of course his mom wasn't exactly white angel...

...And I thought that was her nickname in her past photographic "modeling" life, "White Angel"...

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 25, 2014, 04:08:57 PM

Eleanor Holmes Norton to IRS Commish: "All The Evidence Is On Your Side"

DEL. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON (D-DC): It is vile enough to look a man in the face and accuse him of perjury without submitting any evidence. It is much worse when all of the evidence supports the version of the facts of the man you are facing. Whether it is that the Lerner crash occurred well before this investigation began. She must be clairvoyant. Whether it has been confirmed by the criminalization lab, all of the evidence is on your side, Mr. Koskinen.

And I want to point out for the record that the line of conspiracy hunting has shifted with the Lerner crash. For the longest time, the line of questioning was about one subject alone. So we have moved from one scapegoat to another. We just moved off of the notion that this was all a conspiracy directed on behalf of the White House — that also without a crumb of evidence.

Lacking evidence the crash provides new information provides new fodder. Just for the record Mr. Koskinen, have you identified any evidence since you have been commissioner that IRS employees before you came or now were part of a conspiracy to intentionally target the president’s political enemies?

It seems she agrees with sana  ;D

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 25, 2014, 04:28:05 PM

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 25, 2014, 04:37:09 PM

CNN: IRS Excuses Doesn't Pass 'Smell Test'

"A dude named Ben..."

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: DrG on June 25, 2014, 08:45:35 PM
My wife and myself both run professional business that have records going back 7 years.  I also have receipts going back 7 years in paper format.  I'm going to get a neat scanner, scan everything, and move all my monetary transactions records onto a Seagate 30GB hard drive from 1999.  I will then keep this hard drive sitting on the carpet and let my kids run over it.  I'll make sure the sun warms it up to a toasty 120F everyday.

Whoops, hard drive crashed.  Gotta recycle it now.  No soup for you!

How can the average American with limited resources be expected to do something the multi-trillion dollar government can't do.  Why don't they just make soldiers buy their own drones and Hum-Vs  ::)

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 25, 2014, 10:33:10 PM

No need to create another thread.... ::) ::) ::)

EPA Says Emails 'Missing' Too!

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 26, 2014, 12:09:35 AM

REVEALED: GOP Senator Targeted by Lerner
Ways and Means investigation uncovers push to audit Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA)

Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) announced the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) targeting of conservative individuals includes a sitting United States Senator.  According to emails reviewed by the Committee under its Section 6103 authority, which allows the Committee to review confidential taxpayer information, Lois Lerner sought to have Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) referred for IRS examination.
“We have seen a lot of unbelievable things in this investigation, but the fact that Lois Lerner attempted to initiate an apparently baseless IRS examination against a sitting Republican United States Senator is shocking,” said Camp.  “At every turn, Lerner was using the IRS as a tool for political purposes in defiance of taxpayer rights.  We may never know the full extent of the abuse since the IRS conveniently lost two years of Lerner emails, not to mention those of other key figures in this scandal.  The fact that DOJ refuses to investigate the IRS’s abuses or appoint a special counsel demonstrates, yet again, this Administration’s unwillingness to uphold the rule of law.”

While the Ways and Means Committee investigation into Lerner’s involvement in the potential Grassley examination is ongoing, documents show that Lerner received an invitation to a speaking event that was intended for Senator Grassley.  Instead of forwarding the invitation to Grassley’s office, Lerner immediately suggested to others in her office that the issue should be referred for examination.  The Committee was able to investigate this information through its authority under Section 6103 of the tax code.  A waiver was signed by Senator Grassley and his wife in order to make this information public.

"Not Even a Smidgen of Corruption"

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: stevegreer on June 26, 2014, 12:54:24 AM
Total crap! I know it's been said many times before by many different people, but emails are not stored on the hard drive of a user's computer. I mean, a PST can be saved to the hard drive, but the email store is on a server that, for an organization as large as the IRS, will have RAID set up for redundancy and integrity (in other words, if one of the disks in the array crashes, depending on what RAID level is set up, then that disk can be replaced without any loss of data.) Then those servers will usually have a partial backup done daily and a full backup likely done weekly. There is NO WAY IN HELL those emails are truly lost just because her hard drive "crashed." This is easily attained knowledge (I have a Bachelor's of Science in Information Systems Management and have been in IT for 20 years), so the thought of Congress not being able to, or willing to, ask these questions just reeks of their continued incompetence and proof positive the the Obama administration is by far the most corrupt administration in the history of the U.S. And that says a lot, seeing as how corrupt Bush's administration was.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on June 26, 2014, 01:19:41 AM
.....proof positive the the Obama administration is by far the most corrupt administration in the history of the U.S. And that says a lot, seeing as how corrupt Bush's administration was.
Bush's was in my opinion actually about average in this respect, although a great deal of money and effort was devoted to inflaming hatred of him on many fronts, which at the time made him seem the Devil Incarnate.

What we're seeing now is only the beginnings of the enabling of lawlessness.

You can blame it on Obama, but that won't fix the problems.  If the IRS is this easily bent, will they be similarly bent to the next admin?  Is that so if it is a Republican? As well as a Democrat?  Is that so only if the Attorney General is a complete mindless tool like Holder?
Does that mean all future AG will be such?

In case you have not noticed, what we have going on for several years is called a "Constitutional Crisis".  The above facts are why efforts are underway to increase the count and influence of "low information voters", of which the primary group will be illegal Mexicans.

They come in typically with an 8th grade education.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: DrG on June 26, 2014, 01:50:42 AM
.....proof positive the the Obama administration is by far the most corrupt administration in the history of the U.S. And that says a lot, seeing as how corrupt Bush's administration was.
Bush's was in my opinion actually about average in this respect, although a great deal of money and effort was devoted to inflaming hatred of him on many fronts, which at the time made him seem the Devil Incarnate.

What we're seeing now is only the beginnings of the enabling of lawlessness.

You can blame it on Obama, but that won't fix the problems.  If the IRS is this easily bent, will they be similarly bent to the next admin?  Is that so if it is a Republican? As well as a Democrat?  Is that so only if the Attorney General is a complete mindless tool like Holder?
Does that mean all future AG will be such?

In case you have not noticed, what we have going on for several years is called a "Constitutional Crisis".  The above facts are why efforts are underway to increase the count and influence of "low information voters", of which the primary group will be illegal Mexicans.

They come in typically with an 8th grade education.

You insult 8th graders, or at least me when I was in 8th grade.  In 8th grade I was able to do basic algebra like 3x + 4 = 12.  I would say at least 75% of Americans natively born here would have to spend 30 seconds or more on this. In the 8th grade I knew who Magellan was, knew about 50 world capitols, and both of my state Senators - I would say less than 2% of all American citizens knows that, let alone those coming in illegally.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 26, 2014, 02:05:48 AM
.....proof positive the the Obama administration is by far the most corrupt administration in the history of the U.S. And that says a lot, seeing as how corrupt Bush's administration was.
Bush's was in my opinion actually about average in this respect, although a great deal of money and effort was devoted to inflaming hatred of him on many fronts, which at the time made him seem the Devil Incarnate.

What we're seeing now is only the beginnings of the enabling of lawlessness.

You can blame it on Obama, but that won't fix the problems.  If the IRS is this easily bent, will they be similarly bent to the next admin?  Is that so if it is a Republican? As well as a Democrat?  Is that so only if the Attorney General is a complete mindless tool like Holder?
Does that mean all future AG will be such?

In case you have not noticed, what we have going on for several years is called a "Constitutional Crisis".  The above facts are why efforts are underway to increase the count and influence of "low information voters", of which the primary group will be illegal Mexicans.

They come in typically with an 8th grade education.

Your timing is pretty good...

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 26, 2014, 02:27:17 AM

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: zolace on June 27, 2014, 10:28:57 AM
IRS Commissioner, in March: Lerner's Emails Are 'Stored in Servers'

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: zolace on June 27, 2014, 10:33:07 AM
AHA! Proof that Obama did it....absolute proof...the emails are missing, Obama is black...he did it.
Jesus, look , anyone can stipulate that the lost emails smell bad and seem unbelievable...that takes three seconds.
But after that it takes a person with reasoning skills to grasp that an investigation will take place and if the IT experts are right, then the emails will be found somewhere in the system. Or, they will be located by those who sent or received them...remember, each e-mail is at two locations.
Perhaps you need to look back to where I stated that I am not saying Obama did this, only that it obviously goes higher up the food chain than Lerner.  No wonder why he is so defensive though.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: stevegreer on June 27, 2014, 10:35:35 AM
IRS Commissioner, in March: Lerner's Emails Are 'Stored in Servers'

Exactly!! And this is common knowledge to anyone with even the slightest clue on how email works, so it can't be possible that all members of the Congressional hearing and their advisers are oblivious to this. This is starting to seem more and more like a smoke and mirrors distraction to keep the sheeple dumb to something else going on in the world right now.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Mageant on June 27, 2014, 10:43:17 AM
In any halfway decent backup system you would store the data at least twice, including at least one offsite backup, more likely three or four times.

So to say thay *all* instances of a set of data have been lost is pretty hard to believe.

Especially considered they actually used a * professional business* to do this, whose livelihood and reputation depends on actually preventing this kind of thing.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Rigon on June 27, 2014, 10:46:38 AM
We already know that it goes between lerner and the doj, we learned that from a previous email that the select committee found. Now suddenly after that email all emails are lost? And if the doj is involved then holder is and IMO if holder is obama is. Or should I say jarret is but there isn't much difference between jarret and obama anyway.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: umair127 on June 27, 2014, 10:47:13 AM
It's undoubtedly a case of plausible deniability.  But you can be sure that if Obama wanted to cooperate fully, all relevant information would have already been handed over, sorted through, heads rolled, and case closed by now.  He knows damn well there was a systemic abuse of power, as does anyone who isn't a Bot.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Bitsaurus on June 27, 2014, 10:48:56 AM
There's no point discussing the chances of it happening, it's just implausible.  So many IT engineers have commentated that it would take willful and concerted acts to seek out and destroy those emails.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: zolace on June 27, 2014, 10:49:30 AM
I dunno'.  I think his people do a lot of the administration's planning and he's sort of the very willing face of it all.  That's the impression I sometimes get anyway.  I don't get the impression that Obama is sitting in the Oval Office planning these nefarious deeds.  That's not to say that I think he disapproves of them.  I just don't think he's that involved with the minutiae.  

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: umair127 on June 27, 2014, 10:55:06 AM
Sorry, meant to add this...all he needs to do is stall these scandals from being fully exposed in all their glory just long enough to get out of office.  He knows that pursuing the truth after he is gone will result in nothing more than a Friday night news dump with 99% of the people won't hear about or care about.   And there is no way the next prez is going to do diddley squat about it in so far as it relates to him and probably not for those down the ladder either.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: sana8410 on June 27, 2014, 10:56:13 AM
The absence of information is the proof of conspiracy. Wow, amazing thought process there.

Then there is this other about if we send in investigators to find the e-mails of the recipients of the e-mails. And, along the way, identify and prosecute those who destroyed e-mails.

I have no interest of protecting anyone who committed a crime, but a lot of interset in not setting aside reason in the process.

Lois Lerner should testify or pay whatever legal price may be applied. Anyone destroying e-mails should also face whatever legal remedy exists.

But making other claims makes people fools...fools without facts.


BTW, the IRS should interact with Justice on a regular basis to prosecute tax evaders.

Additionally, many of the conservative groups applying should have been denied...they are not social service providers at all, just Super Pacs.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: umair127 on June 27, 2014, 10:59:54 AM
The absence of information is the proof of conspiracy. Wow, amazing thought process there.

Then there is this other about if we send in investigators to find the e-mails of the recipients of the e-mails. And, along the way, identify and prosecute those who destroyed e-mails.

I have no interest of protecting anyone who committed a crime, but a lot of interset in not setting aside reason in the process.

Lois Lerner should testify or pay whatever legal price may be applied. Anyone destroying e-mails should also face whatever legal remedy exists.

But making other claims makes people fools...fools without facts.


BTW, the IRS should interact with Justice on a regular basis to prosecute tax evaders.

Additionally, many of the conservative groups applying should have been denied...they are not social service providers at all, just Super Pacs.
No one appreciates you not setting aside reason in favor of conspiracy theories more than original FSA members from the old board days.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: sana8410 on June 27, 2014, 11:06:31 AM
The absence of information is the proof of conspiracy. Wow, amazing thought process there.

Then there is this other about if we send in investigators to find the e-mails of the recipients of the e-mails. And, along the way, identify and prosecute those who destroyed e-mails.

I have no interest of protecting anyone who committed a crime, but a lot of interset in not setting aside reason in the process.

Lois Lerner should testify or pay whatever legal price may be applied. Anyone destroying e-mails should also face whatever legal remedy exists.

But making other claims makes people fools...fools without facts.


BTW, the IRS should interact with Justice on a regular basis to prosecute tax evaders.

Additionally, many of the conservative groups applying should have been denied...they are not social service providers at all, just Super Pacs.
No one appreciates you not setting aside reason in favor of conspiracy theories more than original FSA members from the old board days.
So you advocate setting aside reason? Ok, i understand. Thing is, charging to attack the guy you hate doesn't make your argument seem stronger, just weaker. Arguing against reason doesn't help your cause either.
Facts matter, and until there are facts this charade of guilty without evidence wears thin.
Funny part is, I suspect you know this.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: noviapriani on June 27, 2014, 11:22:31 AM
What is truly insulting is that they expect the American public to actually buy their bullshit...

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: umair127 on June 27, 2014, 11:24:28 AM
The absence of information is the proof of conspiracy. Wow, amazing thought process there.

Then there is this other about if we send in investigators to find the e-mails of the recipients of the e-mails. And, along the way, identify and prosecute those who destroyed e-mails.

I have no interest of protecting anyone who committed a crime, but a lot of interset in not setting aside reason in the process.

Lois Lerner should testify or pay whatever legal price may be applied. Anyone destroying e-mails should also face whatever legal remedy exists.

But making other claims makes people fools...fools without facts.


BTW, the IRS should interact with Justice on a regular basis to prosecute tax evaders.

Additionally, many of the conservative groups applying should have been denied...they are not social service providers at all, just Super Pacs.
No one appreciates you not setting aside reason in favor of conspiracy theories more than original FSA members from the old board days.
So you advocate setting aside reason? Ok, i understand. Thing is, charging to attack the guy you hate doesn't make your argument seem stronger, just weaker. Arguing against reason doesn't help your cause either.
Facts matter, and until there are facts this charade of guilty without evidence wears thin.
Funny part is, I suspect you know this.
Spare me your blather and revisionism......  And you aren't being reasoned here.  You are being a good little partisan hypocrite.  If this was a Republican, every one of you Bots would be screaming your lungs out and for once, you'd be right to do so.   
What I suspect,  is that the administration is utterly full of it.  NO ONE with a lick of sense believes the IRS lost those emails.  Or that they aren't retrievable even if a computer crashed.  Your pretense at caring about facts is, as always, a bore.  This is a purposeful attempt, in a long string of purposeful attempts, to keep damning facts from being made public.  

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: umair127 on June 27, 2014, 02:21:46 PM
What is truly insulting is that they expect the American public to actually buy their bullshit...
Most of the MSM isn't even reporting it.  And you can be sure this would be front page for months if it wasn't a Dem and Obama in particular.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: sana8410 on June 27, 2014, 02:27:57 PM
Exactly!  Over the weekend, there was nothing from the MSM.  Yet, I heard at least five reports about Hillary's book signing at Costco, where Sonia Sotomayer just happened to show up.  That news?

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Rigon on June 27, 2014, 02:32:08 PM
Lerner, Obama, and the other Government corrupt and criminal Fiends have a problem. Even "IF" a nuke hit her machine, all government data is on three servers, and one of them many miles removed.

Most current day IT users understand how this works to the extent that it is nearly impossible to be totally rid of any data or e-mails, and especially on any government computer.

This pathetic excuse just won't work in 2014.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: zolace on June 27, 2014, 02:47:30 PM
The absence of information is the proof of conspiracy. Wow, amazing thought process there.

Then there is this other about if we send in investigators to find the e-mails of the recipients of the e-mails. And, along the way, identify and prosecute those who destroyed e-mails.

I have no interest of protecting anyone who committed a crime, but a lot of interset in not setting aside reason in the process.

Lois Lerner should testify or pay whatever legal price may be applied. Anyone destroying e-mails should also face whatever legal remedy exists.

But making other claims makes people fools...fools without facts.


BTW, the IRS should interact with Justice on a regular basis to prosecute tax evaders.

Additionally, many of the conservative groups applying should have been denied...they are not social service providers at all, just Super Pacs.
No one appreciates you not setting aside reason in favor of conspiracy theories more than original FSA members from the old board days.
So you advocate setting aside reason? Ok, i understand. Thing is, charging to attack the guy you hate doesn't make your argument seem stronger, just weaker. Arguing against reason doesn't help your cause either.
Facts matter, and until there are facts this charade of guilty without evidence wears thin.
Funny part is, I suspect you know this.
Out of curiosity, what is your wildest guess as to how and why these two years of emails were "lost"?  Not only from the computer, but the backups and the servers?   

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: sana8410 on June 27, 2014, 02:58:27 PM
I've never heard of a pc having he ability to erase anything from the back up server. When your computer crashes you lose everything you did from the last backup not everything in the back up server. If you read the email lerner sent to IT support regarding her crash it appears that the IRS thought they could sell that email as an excuse for not turning over the data. It would also be interesting to see the email in response to the crash and what IT was able to do to resolve the issue and get her data back. Even at GM every IT call is recorded with a complete detailing of the cause, the fix and the end result, I can't believe the gubment isn't that thorough in documentation. So where is the record of repair and the statement that lerner managed to erase all her outgoing emails from all the servers when it appears she wasn't even in email when the crash occurred?

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: noviapriani on June 27, 2014, 03:03:55 PM
I've never heard of a pc having he ability to erase anything from the back up server. When your computer crashes you lose everything you did from the last backup not everything in the back up server. If you read the email lerner sent to IT support regarding her crash it appears that the IRS thought they could sell that email as an excuse for not turning over the data. It would also be interesting to see the email in response to the crash and what IT was able to do to resolve the issue and get her data back. Even at GM every IT call is recorded with a complete detailing of the cause, the fix and the end result, I can't believe the gubment isn't that thorough in documentation. So where is the record of repair and the statement that lerner managed to erase all her outgoing emails from all the servers when it appears she wasn't even in email when the crash occurred?
it's impossible to lose the info unless it was intentionally wiped.  I'm not sure how we're supposed to believe that a simple computer crash would wipe out two years of emails from a government agency's entire system.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Rigon on June 27, 2014, 04:06:18 PM
I've never heard of a pc having he ability to erase anything from the back up server. When your computer crashes you lose everything you did from the last backup not everything in the back up server. If you read the email lerner sent to IT support regarding her crash it appears that the IRS thought they could sell that email as an excuse for not turning over the data. It would also be interesting to see the email in response to the crash and what IT was able to do to resolve the issue and get her data back. Even at GM every IT call is recorded with a complete detailing of the cause, the fix and the end result, I can't believe the gubment isn't that thorough in documentation. So where is the record of repair and the statement that lerner managed to erase all her outgoing emails from all the servers when it appears she wasn't even in email when the crash occurred?
it's impossible to lose the info unless it was intentionally wiped.  I'm not sure how we're supposed to believe that a simple computer crash would wipe out two years of emails from a government agency's entire system.
The answer is incredibly simple… We have a cover-up going on :-)
we are being lied to by three years old. This is am mainframe emails system. There are backups upon backups upon backups. Its not just a little Windows Email server. No way in hell is this "lost"

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: noviapriani on June 27, 2014, 04:22:53 PM
Exactly!  Also, abuse of power.  If this were any Republican, they would already be impeached, but Obama gets a pass.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Rigon on June 27, 2014, 05:10:43 PM
Exactly!  Also, abuse of power.  If this were any Republican, they would already be impeached, but Obama gets a pass.
I just find it absolutely amazing how stupid these liberals have become… And they think I should buy their story…
It's what I do for a living.
These emails are not lost.
But if they contain what is suspected, it's not only impeachment, it's prison time…
How far would you go to cover up at that point.
We need a special prosecutor

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: noviapriani on June 27, 2014, 05:18:20 PM
Exactly!  Also, abuse of power.  If this were any Republican, they would already be impeached, but Obama gets a pass.
I just find it absolutely amazing how stupid these liberals have become… And they think I should buy their story…
It's what I do for a living.
These emails are not lost.
But if they contain what is suspected, it's not only impeachment, it's prison time…
How far would you go to cover up at that point.
We need a special prosecutor
Stupid?  I believe they know exactly what they're doing....they're very dangerous,for us the people,and they stuff us with lies thinking we are too busy with the daily problems too see it.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Rigon on June 27, 2014, 05:25:00 PM
Exactly!  Also, abuse of power.  If this were any Republican, they would already be impeached, but Obama gets a pass.
I just find it absolutely amazing how stupid these liberals have become… And they think I should buy their story…
It's what I do for a living.
These emails are not lost.
But if they contain what is suspected, it's not only impeachment, it's prison time…
How far would you go to cover up at that point.
We need a special prosecutor
Stupid?  I believe they know exactly what they're doing....they're very dangerous,for us the people,and they stuff us with lies thinking we are too busy with the daily problems too see it.
Very,very dangerous...Those claiming the e-mails are lost are political animals, not IT people, so they didn't realize that the e-mails in question still exist, and probably in several places.

For instance, the NSA has them.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: umair127 on June 27, 2014, 05:46:54 PM
Those claiming the e-mails are lost are political animals, not IT people, so they didn't realize that the e-mails in question still exist, and probably in several places.

I work for a relatively small county government as well as the State of Georgia. I have email accounts with them as well as the US Department of Defense and of course my personal account from my ISP. Not a single email I send or receive resides on the hard drive of any computer I use. They are received and stored on mail servers that stand alone from the other computers. They all have back up systems as well, kind of like Carbonite or other similar services. There is no way any of the emails can be lost unless a failure of several components of the system all crash simultaneously or IT professionals intentionally delete them, a process that involves more than hitting the "delete" button. Accidentally deleted data, including mail traffic, on those drives can usually be retrieved with very little effort according to the IT guys I have asked. And to expect anyone to believe that 2 whole years worth of traffic was lost is just incredible. This story is so much bullshit.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: zolace on June 27, 2014, 05:49:37 PM
And now we are learning that six more IRS employees involved in the scandal have also 'lost' all their emails!  
Do they really think they can pull this off when we all know they're lying?

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: sana8410 on June 27, 2014, 05:55:46 PM
What I would really like to know out of all this is how the obviously unreliable computers at the IRS seem to manage to keep up with my tax liabilities. Their machines seem obsessively able to monitor my income and withholding and deductions without a single glitch. Can I have my next returns sent to Ms. Lerner's, or the other 6 hapless bureaucrats', computer? Please?

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: umair127 on June 27, 2014, 06:02:22 PM
Yes, they do think they can get away with it....that includes Obama.  He has been given a pass for 6 years now, so why wouldn't he believe he can get away with this abuse of power and more lies now?

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 27, 2014, 09:00:13 PM

Obama: All GOP Wants to Do Is Oppose Me by Pushing 'Phony Scandals'

President Obama ended a town hall in Minneapolis today with a few shots at Republicans, and he once again used the phrase "phony scandals" to brush aside attacks from Republicans that, the president said, are singularly focused on opposing him at every turn. The president referenced all the news out of Washington these days and said, "These are just Washington fights. They're fabricated issues, they're phony scandals that are generated."

Obama told the crowd he's fighting for them every, even when it's "not reported in the news." But, he lamented, he can't always get it done quickly because "we've got a Congress that's dysfunctional."

The president explained, "You've got a party on the other side whose only rationale, motivation seems to be opposing me, but despite all that we're making progress."

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: DrG on June 28, 2014, 08:25:26 AM
We're making ass.

The very government that he believes can unite and lift the American people out of poverty, racial strife and lower quality of living can't even follow it's own guidelines for how to maintain data.  I'm not asking the IRS to go above and beyond.  How come they can't be held to the same standards as a small business with 50 employees.

Dereliction of duty...progress in his eyes.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on June 29, 2014, 04:15:01 AM
We're making ass.

The very government that he believes can unite and lift the American people out of poverty, racial strife and lower quality of living can't even follow it's own guidelines for how to maintain data.  I'm not asking the IRS to go above and beyond.  How come they can't be held to the same standards as a small business with 50 employees.

Dereliction of duty...progress in his eyes.
So what do you read into this, and how do we move forward?

There will be a lot of people who think the problems are Obama-centric, so they will vote for non-Obama Democratic presidential candidates.

There will be people who think the problem is Democrats, and that they will solve the problem by voting Republican.

There will be people who think the problems are with organized criminal activity in DC which have corrupted both major parties.

Then finally, there are people who think that it is deeper than that and involves power shifts between the NSA and various agencies, including the US, and these work with politicians who they favor and who favor them.

Personally I believe the problem is a totally corrupt administration and this originates with Obama, but that it could well continue and get worse under the next administration if that was Democrat.

But I am not positive...

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Ron~Popeil on June 29, 2014, 04:25:43 AM
We're making ass.

The very government that he believes can unite and lift the American people out of poverty, racial strife and lower quality of living can't even follow it's own guidelines for how to maintain data.  I'm not asking the IRS to go above and beyond.  How come they can't be held to the same standards as a small business with 50 employees.

Dereliction of duty...progress in his eyes.
So what do you read into this, and how do we move forward?

There will be a lot of people who think the problems are Obama-centric, so they will vote for non-Obama Democratic presidential candidates.

There will be people who think the problem is Democrats, and that they will solve the problem by voting Republican.

There will be people who think the problems are with organized criminal activity in DC which have corrupted both major parties.

Then finally, there are people who think that it is deeper than that and involves power shifts between the NSA and various agencies, including the US, and these work with politicians who they favor and who favor them.

Personally I believe the problem is a totally corrupt administration and this originates with Obama, but that it could well continue and get worse under the next administration if that was Democrat.

But I am not positive...

I think the truth is somewhere in the middle of it all. Both parties have corrupt people in their ranks and those people seem to have leadership positions. Obama is just off the reservation and seems to think he is smarter than everyone else. Hopefully the younger generation of liberty minded republicans can step up. We need these criminals out of power.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: DrG on June 29, 2014, 04:45:14 AM
We're making ass.

The very government that he believes can unite and lift the American people out of poverty, racial strife and lower quality of living can't even follow it's own guidelines for how to maintain data.  I'm not asking the IRS to go above and beyond.  How come they can't be held to the same standards as a small business with 50 employees.

Dereliction of duty...progress in his eyes.
So what do you read into this, and how do we move forward?

There will be a lot of people who think the problems are Obama-centric, so they will vote for non-Obama Democratic presidential candidates.

There will be people who think the problem is Democrats, and that they will solve the problem by voting Republican.

There will be people who think the problems are with organized criminal activity in DC which have corrupted both major parties.

Then finally, there are people who think that it is deeper than that and involves power shifts between the NSA and various agencies, including the US, and these work with politicians who they favor and who favor them.

Personally I believe the problem is a totally corrupt administration and this originates with Obama, but that it could well continue and get worse under the next administration if that was Democrat.

But I am not positive...

Unfortunately I think the cancer is too entrenched into the body of American politics.  Either it will take some serious surgical resection from a true reformist (who would be obstructed at every step) or the next puppet will be placed in by his party - parties that oppose each other but are funded by the same superpowers.  I live in California, and the supermajority belongs to Democrats - Republics don't have 1 major office in this state.  And yet big oil, large corporations like Coca Cola, and huge SuperPACs find themselves spending insane amounts of money.  They're fighting over power within "themselves".

You can't fix the problem is Americans look the other way.  The day they know the words to the Preamble or the Gettsyburg address rather than their favorite new popsong maybe things will change.  With "democracy" you get the government you deserve (problem is we're more like an oligarchy now).

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on June 30, 2014, 12:28:59 AM
We're making ass.

The very government that he believes can unite and lift the American people out of poverty, racial strife and lower quality of living can't even follow it's own guidelines for how to maintain data.  I'm not asking the IRS to go above and beyond.  How come they can't be held to the same standards as a small business with 50 employees.

Dereliction of duty...progress in his eyes.
So what do you read into this, and how do we move forward?

There will be a lot of people who think the problems are Obama-centric, so they will vote for non-Obama Democratic presidential candidates.

There will be people who think the problem is Democrats, and that they will solve the problem by voting Republican.

There will be people who think the problems are with organized criminal activity in DC which have corrupted both major parties.

Then finally, there are people who think that it is deeper than that and involves power shifts between the NSA and various agencies, including the US, and these work with politicians who they favor and who favor them.

Personally I believe the problem is a totally corrupt administration and this originates with Obama, but that it could well continue and get worse under the next administration if that was Democrat.

But I am not positive...

Unfortunately I think the cancer is too entrenched into the body of American politics.....
Although that may have always been true, the Obama lawlessness is quite certainly a new thing.  I believe the danger is that it may continue or get worse after he leaves office.   The country can withstand eight years of his abuse of power, but if it were the "new reality", that would require some pondering over as to it's consequences for the individual.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: InwardContour on June 30, 2014, 03:11:00 AM
Those claiming the e-mails are lost are political animals, not IT people, so they didn't realize that the e-mails in question still exist, and probably in several places.

I work for a relatively small county government as well as the State of Georgia. I have email accounts with them as well as the US Department of Defense and of course my personal account from my ISP. Not a single email I send or receive resides on the hard drive of any computer I use. They are received and stored on mail servers that stand alone from the other computers. They all have back up systems as well, kind of like Carbonite or other similar services. There is no way any of the emails can be lost unless a failure of several components of the system all crash simultaneously or IT professionals intentionally delete them, a process that involves more than hitting the "delete" button. Accidentally deleted data, including mail traffic, on those drives can usually be retrieved with very little effort according to the IT guys I have asked. And to expect anyone to believe that 2 whole years worth of traffic was lost is just incredible. This story is so much bullshit.
The issue is that, at the time that her hard drive crashed the emails were stored on "tape" backups that have a limited amount of storage capacity. These backups held all of the emails at the IRS. What should have been done is the data from the temporary tape backups should have been used to recover her lost emails when her computer crashed. They were not used and the data was eventually overwritten.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 30, 2014, 05:42:30 AM
Those claiming the e-mails are lost are political animals, not IT people, so they didn't realize that the e-mails in question still exist, and probably in several places.

I work for a relatively small county government as well as the State of Georgia. I have email accounts with them as well as the US Department of Defense and of course my personal account from my ISP. Not a single email I send or receive resides on the hard drive of any computer I use. They are received and stored on mail servers that stand alone from the other computers. They all have back up systems as well, kind of like Carbonite or other similar services. There is no way any of the emails can be lost unless a failure of several components of the system all crash simultaneously or IT professionals intentionally delete them, a process that involves more than hitting the "delete" button. Accidentally deleted data, including mail traffic, on those drives can usually be retrieved with very little effort according to the IT guys I have asked. And to expect anyone to believe that 2 whole years worth of traffic was lost is just incredible. This story is so much bullshit.
The issue is that, at the time that her hard drive crashed the emails were stored on "tape" backups that have a limited amount of storage capacity. These backups held all of the emails at the IRS. What should have been done is the data from the temporary tape backups should have been used to recover her lost emails when her computer crashed. They were not used and the data was eventually overwritten.

And that explanation still holds for the other 6 individuals with their hard drive crashing, losing that same 2 year period?  ::)

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: zolace on June 30, 2014, 08:02:40 AM
Yes, they do think they can get away with it....that includes Obama.  He has been given a pass for 6 years now, so why wouldn't he believe he can get away with this abuse of power and more lies now?
You know in all reality, Obama had the most corrupt administration right off the bat, how many members of his cabinet were cheating on their taxes?
Do we have any wonder what is going on now.
They may have the votes in the house now to impeach him…
Granted convicting him is another story but if this plays out, I guess as they told Nixon, there would be two Senate seats that wouldn't vote for conviction, because they were vacant at the time.
It could reach the point to where not to vote for conviction would be absolute political suicide

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: sana8410 on June 30, 2014, 09:22:24 AM
I can categorically state that Lois Lerner's emails on any US government computer are backed up on tape, daily, and the tapes stored in a mine in Pennsylvania that you could house a small city in. This is SOP for the past twenty years.  Now we've learned that everyone in that time period that she emailed ALSO had a mysterious computer crash that deleted ALL of THEIR emails.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Rigon on June 30, 2014, 09:23:51 AM
Hopefully our Conservative American Patriots will match and even surpass the disgusting Collectivist Liberals dirty tricks!

We are at war with this internal Liberal Enemy. Anyone who believes otherwise is doomed to be easily defeated.

History may show in the future that it was Obama who destroyed his own Administration by tolerating the death by a thousand crimes and corruption within it. Thankfully, the Liberals have now lost all credibility with the American voters according to the latest polls.

Managed correctly, our Congressional Tea Party Patriots may be capable of shutting down any of their added Economy destruction.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: sana8410 on June 30, 2014, 09:27:48 AM
 'Recycled' is now the word for 'destroyed?'  Can a citizen say that to the IRS when they are demanding documents from them???

Ex-IRS official Lois Lerner’s crashed hard drive has been recycled, making it likely the lost emails of the lightening rod in the tea party targeting controversy will never be found, according to multiple sources.

Read more:

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: zolace on June 30, 2014, 09:36:22 AM
'Recycled' is now the word for 'destroyed?'  Can a citizen say that to the IRS when they are demanding documents from them???

Ex-IRS official Lois Lerner’s crashed hard drive has been recycled, making it likely the lost emails of the lightening rod in the tea party targeting controversy will never be found, according to multiple sources.

Read more:
"Apparently the Obama administration can recover emails just about as well as they can the economy."

Actually this is typical for someone who is lying and committing crimes… They become more blatant in their actions…
You have to remember, when she said people would kill her… If she was right, destroying the emails would be nothing in comparison to that…
Meaning, if they would kill her they would destroy the emails also…
The corruption run deep in Washington.
And the useful idiots don't care

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Rigon on June 30, 2014, 09:43:06 AM
I suspect the super snoopy facility in Utah probably has everything.

You know, many years ago, when I was 19, the IRS sent me a rather large refund check that actually belonged to someone else... someone else who shares the same name as I.

This was long before I developed my current, bitter loathing of Unka sam and his minions.  I took the refund check down to the local irs goon squad lair, waited in line a long, long time and finally found myself face to face with a irs demon.

I said, "Hi!  I got this refund check yesterday but it's not mine.  I filed my return months ago and have already received my refund.  I think it belongs to someone else with my name."

Demon replied that it was unlikely that the check did not belong to me.  I repeated my story.  Eventually, demon took the check and said, "It's a good thing you didn't keep it.  We would have figured it out eventually and you would have been in big trouble."

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: sana8410 on June 30, 2014, 09:55:42 AM
I suspect the super snoopy facility in Utah probably has everything.

You know, many years ago, when I was 19, the IRS sent me a rather large refund check that actually belonged to someone else... someone else who shares the same name as I.

This was long before I developed my current, bitter loathing of Unka sam and his minions.  I took the refund check down to the local irs goon squad lair, waited in line a long, long time and finally found myself face to face with a irs demon.

I said, "Hi!  I got this refund check yesterday but it's not mine.  I filed my return months ago and have already received my refund.  I think it belongs to someone else with my name."

Demon replied that it was unlikely that the check did not belong to me.  I repeated my story.  Eventually, demon took the check and said, "It's a good thing you didn't keep it.  We would have figured it out eventually and you would have been in big trouble."
This is just another reason why we need the fair tax to eliminate the IRS and the concept that the government has a right to take as much of your income as they want. The fair tax removes their power and the ability for them to abuse it. But it removes the power of congress to pick your pocket which is another good reason for the fair tax.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: umair127 on June 30, 2014, 09:55:52 AM
We need merely wait to hear which Criminal Operatives go to long, LONG, Federal Prison terms...


We know the current Insider Republicans are complicit in these Felony, Federal Crimes...

and write all of them off as Enemies of Americans! This is a now defined, Rogue, Anti-American, Agency, we MUST eliminate or be crushed under its weight. The IRS will survive, "OR" the USA will survive...

EITHER one we prefer.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: noviapriani on June 30, 2014, 10:00:31 AM
What happened to all those execs at ENRON who "lost" emails which they knew incriminated them?

aren't they still in jail?

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on June 30, 2014, 04:02:14 PM
Hopefully our Conservative American Patriots will match and even surpass the disgusting Collectivist Liberals dirty tricks!

We are at war with this internal Liberal Enemy. Anyone who believes otherwise is doomed to be easily defeated.

History may show in the future that it was Obama who destroyed his own Administration by tolerating the death by a thousand crimes and corruption within it. Thankfully, the Liberals have now lost all credibility with the American voters according to the latest polls.

Managed correctly, our Congressional Tea Party Patriots may be capable of shutting down any of their added Economy destruction.

Actually, it is necessary for the fraction of the Liberals, which is honest and sincere, to team up with the fraction of the Conservatives that share those attributes.  This is an overwhelming majority, but many forces will work against it, and attempt to splinter it into warring factions.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: InwardContour on July 01, 2014, 02:45:37 AM
What happened to all those execs at ENRON who "lost" emails which they knew incriminated them?

aren't they still in jail?
there was very clear evidence that people were destroying documents in the case of Enron. The GOP in congress is trying to find this evidence while the obama administration is trying to prevent them from looking

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: DrG on July 01, 2014, 11:18:20 AM
Maybe the emails were in the same hard drive as those missing ones from the "phony" Solyndra scandal.

You know what, that's probably right.  Let's host all these phony scandals and their associated emails on one drive, and it will overheat due to GOP promoting phony scandals... head crash in 3 2 1

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 01, 2014, 03:06:49 PM

MF Global losing billions and NO ONE was jailed for this.

Former DEMOCRAT New Jersey governor Jon Corzine

While you read those articles, don't forget you may go to jail and lose everything if you can't get that lonely receipt the IRS is asking you to provide, asking to justify your bitcoins, but for them to go to jail? Never.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 01, 2014, 03:20:24 PM

Former IRS Attorney Donated $12,831 to Democrats

Former IRS attorney Jennifer O’Connor, who now works in the White House Counsel’s office, donated a total of $12,831 to Democrat candidates and parties between 2008 and 2012, which included donations to the Barack Obama campaign and to the Hillary Clinton campaign, according to records from

O’Connor made headlines when she evaded questions about the IRS-Tea Party scandal at a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on Tuesday, June 24.

Oversight Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) subpoenaed O’Connor to testify after the White House initially declined to make her available on a voluntary basis.

According to testimony from the IRS chief counsel Neil Eggleston, O’Connor was hired by the IRS for the sole purpose of overseeing the agency’s response to congressional investigations of the IRS targeting scandal.

O’Connor, who now works in the White House Counsel Office, was an IRS attorney, a former Clinton administration aide, and a former attorney at WilmerHale, a prominent legal firm with offices worldwide. While at WilmerHale, O’Connor donated $12,831 to Democrat candidates and parties, according to Open Secrets records.

"Not Even A Smidgen Of Corruption..."

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Rigon on July 01, 2014, 04:00:38 PM
It just keeps getting better and better------------  IRS Chief Admits: WH Wrong that Scandal Was Just 'Rogue Agents'

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: sana8410 on July 01, 2014, 04:02:55 PM
It just keeps getting better and better------------  IRS Chief Admits: WH Wrong that Scandal Was Just 'Rogue Agents'
How can that be when the IG reported it was just a couple rogue agents from cinci and obama stated clearly it was a couple of boneheads from cinci? Would an obama IG lie? Would obama lie? And why didn't this guy simply speak the leftwing truth and declare there was no targeting because both conservative and liberal groups were all subjected to the exact same scrutiny?

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Rigon on July 01, 2014, 04:05:12 PM
Smug, arrogant, Dem a$$ to see that smug grin wiped off his face last night.  Wonder if he's willing to go to jail to protect Barack Hussein Obama?

Trey Gowdy’s Not Having It: IRS Head Gets Cute About ‘Lost’ Emails & Has the Grin Wiped Off His Face   

During a rare Monday night hearing, House Republicans hammered embattled IRS commissioner John Koskinen over the “lost” Lois Lerner emails and over his continued insistence that there was no criminal wrongdoing in their coincidental disappearance.

While, as to be expected, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) repeatedly challenged Koskinen, for instance, when he demanded that he cite a particular statute or statutes (law, viz.) on which to base his claim that no criminal wrongdoing occurred. When the commissioner replied, “you can rely on common sense,” Gowdy went off:

    “Common sense? Instead of a criminal code, you wanna rely on common sense? You can shake your head all you want to commissioner; you have said today that there’s no evidence of criminal wrongdoing and I’m asking you what criminal statutes you have reviewed to reach that conclusion?”

Koskinen finally conceded: “I have reviewed no criminal statutes.”

Ironically, the commissioner also insisted that outdated technology was to blame and that it would cost the IRS $10-30 million to update its systems.

In response, Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN) reminded Koskinen that the IRS paid $89 million in bonuses last year, including $1 million to employees who owed back taxes. Not a good day for the defiant commissioner of the IRS.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: zolace on July 01, 2014, 04:10:09 PM
I understand they found the emails but were upset to find out they accidentally used black highlighter on the important parts.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: sana8410 on July 01, 2014, 04:27:23 PM
Smug, arrogant, Dem a$$ to see that smug grin wiped off his face last night.  Wonder if he's willing to go to jail to protect Barack Hussein Obama?

Trey Gowdy’s Not Having It: IRS Head Gets Cute About ‘Lost’ Emails & Has the Grin Wiped Off His Face   

During a rare Monday night hearing, House Republicans hammered embattled IRS commissioner John Koskinen over the “lost” Lois Lerner emails and over his continued insistence that there was no criminal wrongdoing in their coincidental disappearance.

While, as to be expected, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) repeatedly challenged Koskinen, for instance, when he demanded that he cite a particular statute or statutes (law, viz.) on which to base his claim that no criminal wrongdoing occurred. When the commissioner replied, “you can rely on common sense,” Gowdy went off:

    “Common sense? Instead of a criminal code, you wanna rely on common sense? You can shake your head all you want to commissioner; you have said today that there’s no evidence of criminal wrongdoing and I’m asking you what criminal statutes you have reviewed to reach that conclusion?”

Koskinen finally conceded: “I have reviewed no criminal statutes.”

Ironically, the commissioner also insisted that outdated technology was to blame and that it would cost the IRS $10-30 million to update its systems.

In response, Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN) reminded Koskinen that the IRS paid $89 million in bonuses last year, including $1 million to employees who owed back taxes. Not a good day for the defiant commissioner of the IRS.
They are all a nest of liars.  IF Lil Lois reported her hard drive crashed two weeks or more before they canceled the backup service----WHY didn't they reclaim that missing data before they canceled the contract.

It's all lies, the IRS needs to be GONE.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: zolace on July 01, 2014, 04:29:26 PM
It just keeps getting better and better------------  IRS Chief Admits: WH Wrong that Scandal Was Just 'Rogue Agents'
How can that be when the IG reported it was just a couple rogue agents from cinci and obama stated clearly it was a couple of boneheads from cinci? Would an obama IG lie? Would obama lie? And why didn't this guy simply speak the leftwing truth and declare there was no targeting because both conservative and liberal groups were all subjected to the exact same scrutiny?
Not to rain on your ignorance parade, but the current IG is a Bush appointee. You seem to have it in your head that ever single official in the government is appointed every time the White House changes hands. It doesn't. Obama retained quite a few Bush appointees, probably the most well known being Robert Gates, but not remotely the only one. The IG - who is still in office - is another.

Another interesting irony - do you know when Ms Lerner was appointed to lead the division of the IRS scrutinizing tax exempt status applications? In 2006. Yup - Lois Lerner was a Bush era appointee too. I don't know what the hell is going on with her email situation. I suppose it's possible that she may well be telling the truth about the hard drive crash that lost those old emails - if that's the case, it was certainly bad luck for her. Because it certainly looks suspicious. Add to that her having invoked 5th amendment protection, and things smell really bad around her. In our system of justice, a 5th amendment plea is not supposed to be interpreted as an admission of guilt - but human nature being what it is, it's sure hard not to look at this and be seriously suspicious of her.It's ironic, however, that most of the officials involved in these scandals (like this one and fast and furious) were in their jobs long before Obama was even elected, and somehow the right think it appropriate to hang the President for their actions.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: sana8410 on July 01, 2014, 04:38:08 PM
I think it is interesting that the emails we do have show that the DOJ was in contact with Lerner trying to figure out a way to criminally prosecute these cases.  Nobody on the left seems to want to speak to that.  And if the White House didn't want to cast further suspicion the president really shouldn't have gotten on tv and declared that there wasn't a smidgen of corruption.

These may have been Bush appointees but that apparently has no bearing on whose water they were carrying.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: umair127 on July 01, 2014, 04:43:38 PM
I think it is interesting that the emails we do have show that the DOJ was in contact with Lerner trying to figure out a way to criminally prosecute these cases.  Nobody on the left seems to want to speak to that.  And if the White House didn't want to cast further suspicion the president really shouldn't have gotten on tv and declared that there wasn't a smidgen of corruption.

These may have been Bush appointees but that apparently has no bearing on whose water they were carrying.
I am curious...if a group had illegally claimed tex exempt status would not that be a matter for Justice to pursue?

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: sana8410 on July 01, 2014, 04:48:58 PM
I think it is interesting that the emails we do have show that the DOJ was in contact with Lerner trying to figure out a way to criminally prosecute these cases.  Nobody on the left seems to want to speak to that.  And if the White House didn't want to cast further suspicion the president really shouldn't have gotten on tv and declared that there wasn't a smidgen of corruption.

These may have been Bush appointees but that apparently has no bearing on whose water they were carrying.
I am curious...if a group had illegally claimed tex exempt status would not that be a matter for Justice to pursue?
Problem was, that it wasn't illegal.  See here
This was not a lapse in judgment or a series of unfortunate events. This was an organized campaign to use IRS resources — including its ability to launch criminal prosecutions — for political purposes. We know from other Lerner e-mails that have been released that the IRS was, at the suggestion of Rhode Island Democratic senator Sheldon Whitehouse, looking for a way to “piece together” a criminal case against the groups it was targeting. Lerner and lawyers at the Justice Department discussed coordinating with the Federal Election Commission in this crusade. It is worth noting that the “crime” with which Lerner et al. wanted to charge those conservative nonprofits was failing to adequately disclose what political activities they would be engaged in — even though under the law they are explicitly permitted to engage in political activity.
Issa argues that the email shows that the DOJ was considering prosecuting these groups for actions that are legal for 501(c)(4) nonprofits under federal tax law – “that is, engaging in political speech.”
and here :
Lerner later acknowledged pursuing prosecutions of these groups would not fit well with the law.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: stevegreer on July 01, 2014, 06:38:56 PM
I suppose it's possible that she may well be telling the truth about the hard drive crash that lost those old emails - if that's the case, it was certainly bad luck for her.

It's absolutely NOT possible, though. I think the point has been hammered into the ground by plenty enough people, including experts in the field, that emails are NOT stored on the hard drive of PC's or laptops. While they can certainly be stored there by the user in the form of a .pst file, emails are always stored on servers. Those servers are backed up on a very regular basis, especially for a place the size of the IRS. I'm surprised people are still buying into that lie about the emails being lost due to her hard drive crashing.

It's ironic, however, that most of the officials involved in these scandals (like this one and fast and furious) were in their jobs long before Obama was even elected, and somehow the right think it appropriate to hang the President for their actions.

Most? Really? And which official involved in Fast and Furious was appointed by Bush? It certainly isn't the head hancho himself, Eric Holder. He was appointed by Joe Biden in 2009.
And the Right doesn't think it approprite to "hang" the President for his action. The Right thinks it appropriate to hold him accountable for what happens on his watch. The same thing the Left was doing to Bush. The fact is that the President is ultimately responsible for what happens on his watch. Remember what Truman (surprisingly enough, a Democrat) said? "The buck stops here."

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 01, 2014, 07:59:50 PM

Lois Lerner's past.. She's been a weasel for a long time...

CHICAGO - Former GOP U.S. Senate candidate Al Salvi's (photo right) revelation this week that IRS official Lois Lerner offered to drop the Federal Election Commission's (FEC) 1996 case against him if he promised to never run for office again was the proverbial tip of the iceberg.

512x"Before Lois Lerner (photo right) took us before the federal judge, her last offer was for me to promise to never run for office again. That was always part of their demands," Salvi said. "Before that last offer, another FEC representative that reported to Lerner wanted $200,000 and a promise not to run."

Knowing his $1.1 million campaign loan to himself was legal, Salvi rejected the initial settlement offer from FEC attorney Colleen Sealander. In later conversations, Sealander lowered the amount to $100,000, then $40,000, but always with the additional promise to never run for office again.

"Every time we talked, I refused the offer, and Colleen said she'd have to check with someone," Salvi said. "I finally told her I'd like to talk to whomever she reported. That's when I got a call from Lois Lerner."

During that call, Salvi said, he explained to Lerner exactly what happened -- that while the loan to himself was legal, there may be a difference of opinion on how the loan was reported to the FEC. Salvi explained it was a simple matter and said he thought Lerner would suggest an agreeable solution and dismiss the Democratic National Committee's complaint.

But that was not Lerner's reaction. Instead, that's when she said to Salvi, "Promise me you'll never run for office again, and we'll drop the case."

Salvi said he asked Lerner if she would be willing to put the offer into writing.

"We don't do things that way," Salvi said Lerner replied.

Salvi queried how then could such an agreement be enforced.

According to Salvi, Lerner replied: "You'll find out."

Without a settlement, the Salvi case went to federal court. After months and years of briefings, delays and court appearances, federal judge George Lindbergh dismissed the case on its merits. Lindbergh said the FEC's disagreement over filing, when two ways of reporting were acceptable, was groundless. The FEC appealed Lindbergh's decision, but their appeal was thrown back to Lindbergh's decision and the Salvi campaign won. Court documents show that Salvi was never fined or penalized.

Sealander and Lerner made similar offers to Salvi and his legal counsel in the process leading up to the court proceedings. Salvi's brother Mike and his wife Kathy led Salvi's defense against a team of D.C. attorneys, who were flown into Chicago to appear before the judge, Salvi said.

Negotiations with those facing FEC complaints are part of standard procedure, an FEC spokesperson told Illinois Review, but records of those negotiation conversations are not available in court documents.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on July 01, 2014, 08:56:55 PM
Smug, arrogant, Dem a$$ to see that smug grin wiped off his face last night.  Wonder if he's willing to go to jail to protect Barack Hussein Obama?

Trey Gowdy’s Not Having It: IRS Head Gets Cute About ‘Lost’ Emails & Has the Grin Wiped Off His Face   

During a rare Monday night hearing, House Republicans hammered embattled IRS commissioner John Koskinen over the “lost” Lois Lerner emails and over his continued insistence that there was no criminal wrongdoing in their coincidental disappearance.

While, as to be expected, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) repeatedly challenged Koskinen, for instance, when he demanded that he cite a particular statute or statutes (law, viz.) on which to base his claim that no criminal wrongdoing occurred. When the commissioner replied, “you can rely on common sense,” Gowdy went off:

    “Common sense? Instead of a criminal code, you wanna rely on common sense? You can shake your head all you want to commissioner; you have said today that there’s no evidence of criminal wrongdoing and I’m asking you what criminal statutes you have reviewed to reach that conclusion?”

Koskinen finally conceded: “I have reviewed no criminal statutes.”

Ironically, the commissioner also insisted that outdated technology was to blame and that it would cost the IRS $10-30 million to update its systems.

In response, Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN) reminded Koskinen that the IRS paid $89 million in bonuses last year, including $1 million to employees who owed back taxes. Not a good day for the defiant commissioner of the IRS.
They are all a nest of liars.  IF Lil Lois reported her hard drive crashed two weeks or more before they canceled the backup service----WHY didn't they reclaim that missing data before they canceled the contract.

It's all lies, the IRS needs to be GONE.
I got a little message for Lois.


That ain't Superman you are looking at way up there.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on July 01, 2014, 09:23:22 PM
I suppose it's possible that she may well be telling the truth about the hard drive crash that lost those old emails - if that's the case, it was certainly bad luck for her.

It's absolutely NOT possible, though. I think the point has been hammered into the ground by plenty enough people, including experts in the field, that emails are NOT stored on the hard drive of PC's or laptops. While they can certainly be stored there by the user in the form of a .pst file, emails are always stored on servers. Those servers are backed up on a very regular basis, especially for a place the size of the IRS. I'm surprised people are still buying into that lie about the emails being lost due to her hard drive crashing.

In order to restore some marginal level of respect and trust for the IRS and that greater US government, Lerner needs to do some jail time.  I can't fathom why the IRS would protect her.  Probably some kind of agency "protect our own" mentality, or alternately, some large number of people could fall like dominoes.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: stevegreer on July 01, 2014, 10:23:33 PM
^^^ Very true ^^^

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Ron~Popeil on July 01, 2014, 11:05:50 PM
I suppose it's possible that she may well be telling the truth about the hard drive crash that lost those old emails - if that's the case, it was certainly bad luck for her.

It's absolutely NOT possible, though. I think the point has been hammered into the ground by plenty enough people, including experts in the field, that emails are NOT stored on the hard drive of PC's or laptops. While they can certainly be stored there by the user in the form of a .pst file, emails are always stored on servers. Those servers are backed up on a very regular basis, especially for a place the size of the IRS. I'm surprised people are still buying into that lie about the emails being lost due to her hard drive crashing.

In order to restore some marginal level of respect and trust for the IRS and that greater US government, Lerner needs to do some jail time.  I can't fathom why the IRS would protect her.  Probably some kind of agency "protect our own" mentality, or alternately, some large number of people could fall like dominoes.

That is what leads me to suspect that this goes higher than the agency level. If she were a rogue they would hang her out to dry. If she has damaging information about her superiors she gets protected.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on July 02, 2014, 12:04:26 AM
I suppose it's possible that she may well be telling the truth about the hard drive crash that lost those old emails - if that's the case, it was certainly bad luck for her.

It's absolutely NOT possible, though. I think the point has been hammered into the ground by plenty enough people, including experts in the field, that emails are NOT stored on the hard drive of PC's or laptops. While they can certainly be stored there by the user in the form of a .pst file, emails are always stored on servers. Those servers are backed up on a very regular basis, especially for a place the size of the IRS. I'm surprised people are still buying into that lie about the emails being lost due to her hard drive crashing.

In order to restore some marginal level of respect and trust for the IRS and that greater US government, Lerner needs to do some jail time.  I can't fathom why the IRS would protect her.  Probably some kind of agency "protect our own" mentality, or alternately, some large number of people could fall like dominoes.

That is what leads me to suspect that this goes higher than the agency level. If she were a rogue they would hang her out to dry. If she has damaging information about her superiors she gets protected.
I want the Republicans to take the Senate.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 02, 2014, 12:48:51 AM

No Wonder the IRS Is ‘Losing’ E-mails: It Was Trying to Throw Innocent Conservatives in Jail

Even a small child can connect these dots.

The IRS is announcing the “loss” of mass numbers of e-mails (do they have any computers that don’t crash?) even as the e-mails that do exist are beginning to show the extent of IRS corruption. Let’s take this exchange (previously uncovered by Judicial Watch) between Lois Lerner, the director of exempt organizations at the IRS, and Nikole Flax, then the IRS commissioner’s chief of staff. (To be clear, these are not “low level” employees.)

First, here’s Lerner on May 8, 2013, literally two days before last year’s fake apology for IRS tea-party targeting:

I got a call today from Richard Pilger Director Elections Crimes Branch at DOJ. I know him from contacts from my days there. He wanted to know who at IRS the DOJ folk s could talk to about [Rhode Island Democrat] Sen. Whitehouse idea at the hearing that DOJ could piece together false statement cases about applicants who “lied” on their 1024s –saying they weren’t planning on doing political activity, and then turning around and making large vis ible political expenditures. DOJ is feeling like it needs to respond, but want to talk to the right folks at IRS to see whether there are impediments from our side and what, if any damage this might do to IRS programs.

I told him that sounded like we might need several folks from IRS. I am out of town all next week, so wanted to reach out and see who you think would be right for such a meeting and also hand this off to Nan as contact person if things need to happen while I am gone –

Translation: The Obama Justice Department was reaching out to the Obama IRS to see if it could “piece together” prosecutions of nonprofits even before any evidence of wrongdoing emerged.

And how did Nikole Flax respond? By suggesting that even more federal agencies get involved:

I think we should do it – also need to include CI, which we can help coordinate. Also, we need to reach out to FEC. Does it make sense to consider including them in this or keep it separate?

In other words, rather than asking the DOJ whether it possessed any evidence of wrongdoing by American citizens engaged in constitutionally protected activities, two senior officials in the Obama IRS (including one, Lois Lerner, who “joked” about wanting to work for Organizing For Action, also known as pushed forward the effort to launch a multi-agency criminal probe, involving even the FEC. Oh, and keep in mind that this e-mail exchange occurred literally years after the IRS claimed it had ended all tea-party targeting.

And in the last few days we learn the IRS has “lost” e-mails from — among others — Lois Lerner and Nikole Flax. What a remarkable coincidence.

The scale of the wrongdoing is staggering. Targeting Americans for criminal investigation without evidence, attempting to enlist multiple federal agencies in the effort, selective audits, selective disclosures of confidential documents, selective questioning and delays of nonprofit applicants — all in the service of suppressing dissent. At the ACLJ, I’m one of the attorneys in our litigation — on behalf of 41 conservative groups in 22 states — against the IRS and key IRS officials.

As of today, we’re putting the DOJ, FEC, and even key Democratic senators on notice: They’re bound by law to preserve any communications with IRS officials that would be discoverable in our lawsuit.

The administration’s misconduct and its cover-up are so brazen, so contemptuous of common sense and the truth, that they will — once and for all — put the media and the Left to the test: When it comes to this administration, does the rule of law matter at all? Does the truth matter at all? Or is it all about ideology now?

I know how they’ll respond, and I fear for the future of our democracy. They fight us today — by virtually any means necessary — so their government of the Left, by the Left, and for the Left shall not perish from the Earth.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: umair127 on July 02, 2014, 11:30:54 AM
I think it is interesting that the emails we do have show that the DOJ was in contact with Lerner trying to figure out a way to criminally prosecute these cases.  Nobody on the left seems to want to speak to that.  And if the White House didn't want to cast further suspicion the president really shouldn't have gotten on tv and declared that there wasn't a smidgen of corruption.

These may have been Bush appointees but that apparently has no bearing on whose water they were carrying.
I am curious...if a group had illegally claimed tex exempt status would not that be a matter for Justice to pursue?
Problem was, that it wasn't illegal.  See here
This was not a lapse in judgment or a series of unfortunate events. This was an organized campaign to use IRS resources — including its ability to launch criminal prosecutions — for political purposes. We know from other Lerner e-mails that have been released that the IRS was, at the suggestion of Rhode Island Democratic senator Sheldon Whitehouse, looking for a way to “piece together” a criminal case against the groups it was targeting. Lerner and lawyers at the Justice Department discussed coordinating with the Federal Election Commission in this crusade. It is worth noting that the “crime” with which Lerner et al. wanted to charge those conservative nonprofits was failing to adequately disclose what political activities they would be engaged in — even though under the law they are explicitly permitted to engage in political activity.
Issa argues that the email shows that the DOJ was considering prosecuting these groups for actions that are legal for 501(c)(4) nonprofits under federal tax law – “that is, engaging in political speech.”
and here :
Lerner later acknowledged pursuing prosecutions of these groups would not fit well with the law.
Well thanks for the information, I appreciate it.

However, for the most part I think it may be a subjective analysis of what is for 501 c4's legal and what is prohibited. As I recall, to qualify, a majority of the efforts of such organizations must be non-political, and groups like Karl Rove's might make such an argument but it would frankly just be a lie.
As I recall Rove's group did seek, and may have obtained, this tax exempt status. But to argue that Crossroads America is not a purely political organization is laughable.
Therefore, it is not unreasonable to consider legal action against those who knowingly submitted fraudulent information to receive a tax exempt status.
We have to be careful not to ignore political motives in both the charges against the IRS and those making the charges.
So when you argue that their activities were clearly legal, I am not so easily convinced that that claim is factually true, and that is where Republican politics come into play.
I want the facts and I would not trust Darrell Issa to seek the facts, nor is the National review slanting toward objectivity.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: sana8410 on July 02, 2014, 11:36:45 AM
"Lerner later acknowledged pursuing prosecutions of these groups would not fit well with the law."

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: umair127 on July 02, 2014, 11:39:56 AM
"Lerner later acknowledged pursuing prosecutions of these groups would not fit well with the law."
Your point?
If Lerner raised the issue with DOJ, as she should have, and later found the law permitted perimeters she thought to be beyond the law, then her conclusion would be as you provided.
So what?

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on July 02, 2014, 11:53:54 AM
So when you argue that their activities were clearly legal, I am not so easily convinced that that claim is factually true, and that is where Republican politics come into play.
I want the facts and I would not trust Darrell Issa to seek the facts, nor is the National review slanting toward objectivity.

Your choice is Issa or Holder.  

I know where I'm headed on that one.

As for your two paragraph essay on "seeking the facts", context is omitted.  Context is selective enforcement of IRS audit and prosecution thereof.   Oddly enough, your posts on this thread also show repeated selective enforcement of law, selective omission of facts and arguments, and micro examination of fairness in one context, while ignoring the greater picture.

You seem to illustrate the very mindset that is being criticized by Issa's group, frankly.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: sana8410 on July 02, 2014, 01:01:23 PM
"Lerner later acknowledged pursuing prosecutions of these groups would not fit well with the law."
Your point?
If Lerner raised the issue with DOJ, as she should have, and later found the law permitted perimeters she thought to be beyond the law, then her conclusion would be as you provided.
So what?
No, she didn't raise the issue with the DOJ.  She was contacted by the DOJ after a dem (Whitehouse) asked if they could prosecute conservative groups.  You really should at least have a grasp on the basic facts.
   LERNER: I got a call today from Richard Pilger Director Elections Crimes Branch at DOJ … He wanted to know who at IRS the DOJ folk s [sic] could talk to about Sen. Whitehouse idea at the hearing that DOJ could piece together false statement cases about applicants who “lied” on their 1024s –saying they weren’t planning on doing political activity, and then turning around and making large visible political expenditures. DOJ is feeling like it needs to respond, but want to talk to the right folks at IRS to see whether there are impediments from our side and what, if any damage this might do to IRS programs. I told him that sounded like we might need several folks from IRS…

    FLAX: I think we should do it – also need to include CI [Criminal Investigation Division], which we can help coordinate. Also, we need to reach out to FEC. Does it make sense to consider including them in this or keep it separate?
Lerner referred to Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), who was pushing for prosecutions of tax-exempt groups found to have misrepresented their political activities.  Judicial Watch quotes a March 2013 email from Lerner to IRS staff, describing hearings to be held by Whitehouse in April:
As I mentioned yesterday — there are several groups of folks from the FEC world that are pushing tax fraud prosecution for c4s who report they are not conducting political activity when they are (or these folks think they are).One is my ex-boss Larry Noble (former General Counsel at the FEC), who is now president of Americans for Campaign Reform. This is their latest push to shut these down. One IRS prosecution would make an impact and they wouldn’t feel so comfortable doing the stuff.

So, don’t be fooled about how this is being articulated – it is ALL about 501(c)(4) orgs and political activity.
But then a few minutes later, Lerner sent out a follow-up email in which she said prosecution was “not realistic under current law.”  Lerner added, “Everyone is looking for a magic bullet or scapegoat – there isn’t one. The law in this area is just hard.”

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: umair127 on July 02, 2014, 01:06:58 PM
"Lerner later acknowledged pursuing prosecutions of these groups would not fit well with the law."
Your point?
If Lerner raised the issue with DOJ, as she should have, and later found the law permitted perimeters she thought to be beyond the law, then her conclusion would be as you provided.
So what?
No, she didn't raise the issue with the DOJ.  She was contacted by the DOJ after a dem (Whitehouse) asked if they could prosecute conservative groups.  You really should at least have a grasp on the basic facts.
   LERNER: I got a call today from Richard Pilger Director Elections Crimes Branch at DOJ … He wanted to know who at IRS the DOJ folk s [sic] could talk to about Sen. Whitehouse idea at the hearing that DOJ could piece together false statement cases about applicants who “lied” on their 1024s –saying they weren’t planning on doing political activity, and then turning around and making large visible political expenditures. DOJ is feeling like it needs to respond, but want to talk to the right folks at IRS to see whether there are impediments from our side and what, if any damage this might do to IRS programs. I told him that sounded like we might need several folks from IRS…

    FLAX: I think we should do it – also need to include CI [Criminal Investigation Division], which we can help coordinate. Also, we need to reach out to FEC. Does it make sense to consider including them in this or keep it separate?
Lerner referred to Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), who was pushing for prosecutions of tax-exempt groups found to have misrepresented their political activities.  Judicial Watch quotes a March 2013 email from Lerner to IRS staff, describing hearings to be held by Whitehouse in April:
As I mentioned yesterday — there are several groups of folks from the FEC world that are pushing tax fraud prosecution for c4s who report they are not conducting political activity when they are (or these folks think they are).One is my ex-boss Larry Noble (former General Counsel at the FEC), who is now president of Americans for Campaign Reform. This is their latest push to shut these down. One IRS prosecution would make an impact and they wouldn’t feel so comfortable doing the stuff.

So, don’t be fooled about how this is being articulated – it is ALL about 501(c)(4) orgs and political activity.
But then a few minutes later, Lerner sent out a follow-up email in which she said prosecution was “not realistic under current law.”  Lerner added, “Everyone is looking for a magic bullet or scapegoat – there isn’t one. The law in this area is just hard.”
Well thanks again, but I am not sure what you find wrong with these exchanges.

In my opinion many of these claims for exemptions were based upon totally false representations and the Senator was correct is seeking to stop their acceptance in violation of the law.

Learned appears here to argue that the law does not cover the prosecution that Whitehouse would find responsible. Hers would of course not be a legal opinion.

Your problem here is that none of this is unreasonable given the volume of submissions and the laughable claims of social benefits by the organizations. All of these exchanges are reasonabkle actions to stop false tax exemption status.

I am interested in the facts here.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: sana8410 on July 02, 2014, 01:11:59 PM
Learned appears here to argue that the law does not cover the prosecution that Whitehouse would find responsible. Hers would of course not be a legal opinion.

Right, which is why they illegally sent the huge database of confidential taxpayer information to the DOJ.  There was no witchhunt, eh?

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: umair127 on July 02, 2014, 01:20:08 PM
Learned appears here to argue that the law does not cover the prosecution that Whitehouse would find responsible. Hers would of course not be a legal opinion.

Right, which is why they illegally sent the huge database of confidential taxpayer information to the DOJ.  There was no witchhunt, eh?
I cannot imagine how the DOJ could produce a legal opinion without the information submitted from the IRS, can you?

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: sana8410 on July 02, 2014, 01:26:35 PM
Learned appears here to argue that the law does not cover the prosecution that Whitehouse would find responsible. Hers would of course not be a legal opinion.

Right, which is why they illegally sent the huge database of confidential taxpayer information to the DOJ.  There was no witchhunt, eh?
I cannot imagine how the DOJ could produce a legal opinion without the information submitted from the IRS, can you?
They were searching for something, anything, with which to punish these conservative groups at the request of a dem senator.  The IRS obliged, going so far as sending confidential information illegally.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: umair127 on July 02, 2014, 01:30:41 PM
Learned appears here to argue that the law does not cover the prosecution that Whitehouse would find responsible. Hers would of course not be a legal opinion.

Right, which is why they illegally sent the huge database of confidential taxpayer information to the DOJ.  There was no witchhunt, eh?
I cannot imagine how the DOJ could produce a legal opinion without the information submitted from the IRS, can you?
They were searching for something, anything, with which to punish these conservative groups at the request of a dem senator.  The IRS obliged, going so far as sending confidential information illegally.
No, a US senator queried the IRS to identify if some applications were making false claims, and following that, would those false claims be legally actionable. The DOJ could not make that assessment without seeing the submissions.

This is how in the US we seek out fraud and act to end it. Not different than identifying suppliers for Medicare that lie and cheat the system. Those are also referred to the DOJ.

What you are attempting to claim as a conspiracy is an investigation of fraud.

Now, having said that I still support a special prosecutor to be certain no violations of law occurred.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: zolace on July 02, 2014, 01:30:58 PM
The IRS is one of the most hated federal bureaucracies in existence.  That they're all obama supporters and misused the agencies power to fuck with the tea party movement is beyond reasonable doubt but it is also not the point.  If the IRS had done the same shit for Bush or anyone else, my reaction would be the same and so would, I suggest, the reactions of many if not most of the tea party movement.
If the IRS gets away with destroying evidence and lying to congress then other bureaucracies will follow suit.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 02, 2014, 01:31:39 PM
Learned appears here to argue that the law does not cover the prosecution that Whitehouse would find responsible. Hers would of course not be a legal opinion.

Right, which is why they illegally sent the huge database of confidential taxpayer information to the DOJ.  There was no witchhunt, eh?
I cannot imagine how the DOJ could produce a legal opinion without the information submitted from the IRS, can you?

fishing expedition:
An open-ended inquiry or investigation, often undertaken on the pretext of a minor or unrelated matter, whose real purpose is to uncover embarrassing or damaging information, as about a political opponent: "[enabled] prosecutors to expand what started out as an investigation of ... [a] land deal into a fishing expedition for intimate details of his daily-and nightly-life" (Margaret Carlson).

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on July 02, 2014, 01:53:46 PM
Learned appears here to argue that the law does not cover the prosecution that Whitehouse would find responsible. Hers would of course not be a legal opinion.

Right, which is why they illegally sent the huge database of confidential taxpayer information to the DOJ.  There was no witchhunt, eh?
I cannot imagine how the DOJ could produce a legal opinion without the information submitted from the IRS, can you?
Actually, Yes.   The IRS is an administrative agency, and is allowed to make its own rule interpretation decisions.  These are published as letters in many cases.  The IRS also can prosecute cases criminally.  They do not need to ask for approval from DOJ.

Go read some IRS tax fraud cases.  This is all pretty simple.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: noviapriani on July 02, 2014, 01:55:39 PM
so the IRS lost so much important data in a computer crash - saying hey, we have no back up system... the EPA is now saying that they had a computer crash, and any moment we will learn that they had no backup system... and this administration that just put all your confidential information in the hands of the government that can't product emails and computers are crashing every day with no back up...
stupid fucking idiots....

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on July 02, 2014, 01:56:37 PM
The IRS is one of the most hated federal bureaucracies in existence.  That they're all obama supporters and misused the agencies power to fuck with the tea party movement is beyond reasonable doubt but it is also not the point.  If the IRS had done the same shit for Bush or anyone else, my reaction would be the same and so would, I suggest, the reactions of many if not most of the tea party movement.
The IRS and the Tea Party should be absolute enemies.

TEA = "Taxed enough already."

If the IRS gets away with destroying evidence and lying to congress then other bureaucracies will follow suit.
Or already have.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 02, 2014, 08:29:28 PM

Useful Idiots: Democrats provide IRS best defense money can buy

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 03, 2014, 04:06:18 AM

Lois Lerner Targeted Chuck Grassley After He Blocked Obama’s DOJ Tax Nominee

Read more:

Ex-Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner tried to audit Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley after Grassley blocked President Obama’s nominee to head the Department of Justice (DOJ) tax division, an executive branch insider told The Daily Caller.

Grassley made it more difficult for the IRS and DOJ to work together to target conservative groups by blocking Obama’s political appointee Mary L. Smith from taking over the DOJ Tax Division, which prosecutes criminal cases for the IRS. Grassley held up the nomination in early 2010, just as Lerner and fellow IRS officials were mapping out their targeting strategy. The White House later withdrew Smith’s nomination.

The source confirmed to The Daily Caller that the White House and IRS officials “were very upset at Senator Grassley and Republicans for blocking a vote on Mary Smith’s nomination.”

The IRS relies on the DOJ Tax Division to prosecute both criminal and civil cases, and has entire legal teams devoted to making DOJ referrals. Placing a political appointee as assistant attorney general for the DOJ Tax Division was a top priority for the Obama White House.

Grassley made sure that no Obama political nominee got confirmed for the post, and kept in a “career,” or non-political, DOJ tax head for another two years.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: InwardContour on July 03, 2014, 05:09:12 AM
Learned appears here to argue that the law does not cover the prosecution that Whitehouse would find responsible. Hers would of course not be a legal opinion.

Right, which is why they illegally sent the huge database of confidential taxpayer information to the DOJ.  There was no witchhunt, eh?
The Obama administration has essentially decided that no one is going to be criminally prosecuted over this scandal.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on July 03, 2014, 02:08:35 PM
Learned appears here to argue that the law does not cover the prosecution that Whitehouse would find responsible. Hers would of course not be a legal opinion.

Right, which is why they illegally sent the huge database of confidential taxpayer information to the DOJ.  There was no witchhunt, eh?
The Obama administration has essentially decided that no one is going to be criminally prosecuted over this scandal.
Which translates into they want and intend to continue targeting opponents.   Signalling this in the fashions they have will likely result in short term ten times the corruption.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: InwardContour on July 04, 2014, 05:50:29 AM
Learned appears here to argue that the law does not cover the prosecution that Whitehouse would find responsible. Hers would of course not be a legal opinion.

Right, which is why they illegally sent the huge database of confidential taxpayer information to the DOJ.  There was no witchhunt, eh?
The Obama administration has essentially decided that no one is going to be criminally prosecuted over this scandal.
Which translates into they want and intend to continue targeting opponents.   Signalling this in the fashions they have will likely result in short term ten times the corruption.
The Obama administration has aggressively opposed any kind of dissent on many fronts, from the IRS harassing groups that oppose it's views, to tapping the phone lines of reporters who receive information from leakers in the administration to the supreme court who was potentially going to overturn Obama's unconstitutional health care law.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Bitsaurus on July 04, 2014, 08:58:55 AM
Learned appears here to argue that the law does not cover the prosecution that Whitehouse would find responsible. Hers would of course not be a legal opinion.

Right, which is why they illegally sent the huge database of confidential taxpayer information to the DOJ.  There was no witchhunt, eh?
The Obama administration has essentially decided that no one is going to be criminally prosecuted over this scandal.
Which translates into they want and intend to continue targeting opponents.   Signalling this in the fashions they have will likely result in short term ten times the corruption.
The Obama administration has aggressively opposed any kind of dissent on many fronts, from the IRS harassing groups that oppose it's views, to tapping the phone lines of reporters who receive information from leakers in the administration to the supreme court who was potentially going to overturn Obama's unconstitutional health care law.

Well now media has become paid shills of the corporate owners.  Very few journalists now, and even fewer people who seek out the news rather than opinion.  People want news they can agree with, not news which disturbs them.  You will find this scandal pushed under the rug like all the other phony scandals.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: stevegreer on July 04, 2014, 12:16:11 PM

Well now media has become paid shills of the corporate owners.  Very few journalists now, and even fewer people who seek out the news rather than opinion.  People want news they can agree with, not news which disturbs them.  You will find this scandal pushed under the rug like all the other phony scandals.

I agree with you about how the media is nothing more than a group of bought and paid-for shills. But how exactly is this a phony scandal? The IRS was unfairly targeting Conservative groups, and the top brass at the IRS are lying in front of Congress by cooking up some completely unbelievable story about a hard drive crash causing the complete loss of 2 years worth of emails. How is that a phony scandal?

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: noviapriani on July 04, 2014, 12:35:41 PM
WARNING!!!  Major Government Computer

Crash predicted in the coming two weeks!!

Issa Expands Investigation – Subpoenas 28 Years of Lois Lerner Emails
Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, June 25, 2014, 7:05 PM

Lois Lerner, the controversial director of the tax-exempt organizations division at the Internal Revenue Service, has a long sordid history of targeting conservatives.

Under the direction of Lois Lerner, the Federal Election Commission sued the Christian Coalition in the 1990s. She harassed the Christian Coalition for three election cycles. Eventually, she lost her case. At one point Lerner even asked a targeted conservative if Pat Robertson prayed over him. (Sound familiar?)
In 1996, while at the FEC, Lois Lerner harassed Republican Senate candidate Al Salvi and made him this outrageous offer, “Promise me you will never run for office again, and we’ll drop this case.”
Today House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) turned up the heat on Lois Lerner and subpoenaed 28 years of Lerner’s emails from 1986 until the present day.
Political Ticker reported:

    Expanding his IRS investigation by more than two decades, House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa, R-California, has sent a subpoena to the Federal Elections Commission for all communications involving former IRS administrator Lois Lerner from January 1, 1986 to the present day.

    This new search is the broadest-yet for records in a year-long investigation by Issa and congressional Republicans, who are trying to assess why the agency targeted tea party and other political groups for extra scrutiny.

    Issa issued the subpoena to Lee Goodman, head of the Federal Election Commission, on Tuesday for communications involving Lerner, who is seen as a central figure in the controversy because she ran the division that executed the targeting.

    She resigned last year after the Treasury Department’s inspector general found those working under her used “inappropriate” criteria to scrutinize certain groups. Since then, Lerner has refused to testify before Congress, invoking her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. This has added to the Republican push to find any documents related to Lerner and her time in government.

    In the on-going, determined GOP effort, Republicans are now reaching back to her career before the IRS.

    Lerner joined the FEC in 1981, first working in the general counsel’s office. Issa subpoena focuses on her work after 1986, when Lerner became the head of the FEC’s enforcement division.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: sana8410 on July 04, 2014, 12:50:37 PM
 The IRS has always had the role of judge, jury and executioner, every audit is a witch hunt.

"IRS Commissioner John Koskinen contributed more than $85,000 to Democratic candidates and committees, MRCTV research has discovered - with a $5,000 donation to President Obama in 2012 and $19,000 to the Democratic National Committee from 1988 to 2008."

those watching at home may have thought that Koskinen had served a long and storied civil service career "under Republican and Democratic administrations" - but as a matter of fact, prior to his appointment to the IRS six months ago, Koskinen worked as non-executive chairman of publicly-traded Freddie Mac (from 2008 to 2012.)

Koskinen was CEO at Freddie Mac in 2009 (He earned a cool $550,713 for his "service" that year).
According to Open Secrets records, the IRS Commissioner that so many described as "arrogant" contributed to every Democratic nominee for president since 1980. He gave $2,300 to Obama's first run for president in 2009 and $5,000 in 2012.

Hillary Clinton has received $3,800 from Koskinen.

"Badgering witnesses is inappropriate and shameful for this Committee to conduct itself in that manner," Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) said in Koskinen's defense during last night's testimony. "I want this committee to be run as it should be run, with respect and decorum. And badgering this Commissioner as virtually every member on the Republican side has done [tonight] is shameful. And it's gotta stop. Or I'm telling you, one member here is going to walk out and not return."

Nowhere in their impassioned defenses of Koskinen (or his noble public service) did Democrats mention that he has contributed almost $100,000 to their party.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: noviapriani on July 04, 2014, 01:01:47 PM
The IRS has always had the role of judge, jury and executioner, every audit is a witch hunt.

"IRS Commissioner John Koskinen contributed more than $85,000 to Democratic candidates and committees, MRCTV research has discovered - with a $5,000 donation to President Obama in 2012 and $19,000 to the Democratic National Committee from 1988 to 2008."

those watching at home may have thought that Koskinen had served a long and storied civil service career "under Republican and Democratic administrations" - but as a matter of fact, prior to his appointment to the IRS six months ago, Koskinen worked as non-executive chairman of publicly-traded Freddie Mac (from 2008 to 2012.)

Koskinen was CEO at Freddie Mac in 2009 (He earned a cool $550,713 for his "service" that year).
According to Open Secrets records, the IRS Commissioner that so many described as "arrogant" contributed to every Democratic nominee for president since 1980. He gave $2,300 to Obama's first run for president in 2009 and $5,000 in 2012.

Hillary Clinton has received $3,800 from Koskinen.

"Badgering witnesses is inappropriate and shameful for this Committee to conduct itself in that manner," Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) said in Koskinen's defense during last night's testimony. "I want this committee to be run as it should be run, with respect and decorum. And badgering this Commissioner as virtually every member on the Republican side has done [tonight] is shameful. And it's gotta stop. Or I'm telling you, one member here is going to walk out and not return."

Nowhere in their impassioned defenses of Koskinen (or his noble public service) did Democrats mention that he has contributed almost $100,000 to their party.
Have you ever noticed, that while politicians of all stripes are a rather seedy bunch, when Republicans are caught with their pants down and their hand in the cookie jar,-------  the whole scandal is over in a matter of days or weeks, because their constituents demand their resignation, where there is evidence of real misconduct, they are GONE.  The Dems will continue defending and excusing their dirt bags for years and years and years     ----    ------   -------

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Rigon on July 04, 2014, 01:05:15 PM
The thing is, that kind of "cleaning" leaves a trail too - so if they DID try to pull that, they'd likely get caught. And KC, you're "BTW" makes no sense. How does an organization accused of being politically biased against Democrats filing a suit claiming fraud by Democrats disprove their partisanship?

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: zolace on July 04, 2014, 01:10:47 PM
Ooops  I guess a lot of IT workers are going to be very busy making sure all tracks are covered and that all computers and ledgers are wiped clean. But "I lost the evidence" isn't an excuse in a court of law, it tends to fall on the side of the plaintiff if the defense loses the evidence so we the tax payers are probably going to get screwed by the IRS when they have to pay out yet again for their criminal behavior.

A pundit on tv suggested that the House needs to use their power of the purse to defund the IRS for all expenses other than collecting income taxes and supplying refund checks. I think that sounds like a wonderful idea and a lead into implementing the fair tax to ensure that the IRS never again is allowed to use its omnipotent power to abuse Americans.

BTW True the Vote which was accused of being partisan against democrats and for conservatives has filed a suit against the Mississippi republican Cochran for voter fraud. I guess that blows that IRS claim right out of the water.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: InwardContour on July 05, 2014, 03:09:52 AM

Well now media has become paid shills of the corporate owners.  Very few journalists now, and even fewer people who seek out the news rather than opinion.  People want news they can agree with, not news which disturbs them.  You will find this scandal pushed under the rug like all the other phony scandals.

I agree with you about how the media is nothing more than a group of bought and paid-for shills. But how exactly is this a phony scandal? The IRS was unfairly targeting Conservative groups, and the top brass at the IRS are lying in front of Congress by cooking up some completely unbelievable story about a hard drive crash causing the complete loss of 2 years worth of emails. How is that a phony scandal?
The media has a very strong liberal bias and as a result they will not report as much on these types of scandals and will not ask tough questions.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on July 05, 2014, 05:04:41 AM

Well now media has become paid shills of the corporate owners.  Very few journalists now, and even fewer people who seek out the news rather than opinion.  People want news they can agree with, not news which disturbs them.  You will find this scandal pushed under the rug like all the other phony scandals.

I agree with you about how the media is nothing more than a group of bought and paid-for shills. But how exactly is this a phony scandal? The IRS was unfairly targeting Conservative groups, and the top brass at the IRS are lying in front of Congress by cooking up some completely unbelievable story about a hard drive crash causing the complete loss of 2 years worth of emails. How is that a phony scandal?
The media has a very strong liberal bias and as a result they will not report as much on these types of scandals and will not ask tough questions.
This is probably an inadequate explanation.  Corruption in the IRS will detrimentally affect everyone, whatever their political inclination.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Ron~Popeil on July 05, 2014, 06:11:49 AM
Ooops  I guess a lot of IT workers are going to be very busy making sure all tracks are covered and that all computers and ledgers are wiped clean. But "I lost the evidence" isn't an excuse in a court of law, it tends to fall on the side of the plaintiff if the defense loses the evidence so we the tax payers are probably going to get screwed by the IRS when they have to pay out yet again for their criminal behavior.

A pundit on tv suggested that the House needs to use their power of the purse to defund the IRS for all expenses other than collecting income taxes and supplying refund checks. I think that sounds like a wonderful idea and a lead into implementing the fair tax to ensure that the IRS never again is allowed to use its omnipotent power to abuse Americans.

BTW True the Vote which was accused of being partisan against democrats and for conservatives has filed a suit against the Mississippi republican Cochran for voter fraud. I guess that blows that IRS claim right out of the water.

Just abolish it altogether. The treasury can process tax payments and refunds. Each tax return should be the size of a post card.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on July 05, 2014, 02:53:08 PM
Ooops  I guess a lot of IT workers are going to be very busy making sure all tracks are covered and that all computers and ledgers are wiped clean. But "I lost the evidence" isn't an excuse in a court of law, it tends to fall on the side of the plaintiff if the defense loses the evidence so we the tax payers are probably going to get screwed by the IRS when they have to pay out yet again for their criminal behavior.

A pundit on tv suggested that the House needs to use their power of the purse to defund the IRS for all expenses other than collecting income taxes and supplying refund checks. I think that sounds like a wonderful idea and a lead into implementing the fair tax to ensure that the IRS never again is allowed to use its omnipotent power to abuse Americans.

BTW True the Vote which was accused of being partisan against democrats and for conservatives has filed a suit against the Mississippi republican Cochran for voter fraud. I guess that blows that IRS claim right out of the water.

Just abolish it altogether. The treasury can process tax payments and refunds. Each tax return should be the size of a post card.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991-1992, they went to a tax system that is one page, flat tax and takes about 5 minutes to fill out.

The Austrailian tax form also, takes just a few minutes to fill out.

The equivalent US one?  Maybe ten hours, and much of that is poring through incomprehensible paragraphs of complex instructions.  Result is you never know if you did it right. 

I was hoping that the 2009 collapse would result in reformation of this problem, but instead they've doubled down.  Not just in complexity of the morass of rules, but also in corruption.  It could be that corruption is best sheltered in complexity.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: stevegreer on July 05, 2014, 04:16:02 PM

Well now media has become paid shills of the corporate owners.  Very few journalists now, and even fewer people who seek out the news rather than opinion.  People want news they can agree with, not news which disturbs them.  You will find this scandal pushed under the rug like all the other phony scandals.

I agree with you about how the media is nothing more than a group of bought and paid-for shills. But how exactly is this a phony scandal? The IRS was unfairly targeting Conservative groups, and the top brass at the IRS are lying in front of Congress by cooking up some completely unbelievable story about a hard drive crash causing the complete loss of 2 years worth of emails. How is that a phony scandal?
The media has a very strong liberal bias and as a result they will not report as much on these types of scandals and will not ask tough questions.

Aha! I see what you meant now. I totally agree with you.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: InwardContour on July 05, 2014, 07:33:03 PM
Ooops  I guess a lot of IT workers are going to be very busy making sure all tracks are covered and that all computers and ledgers are wiped clean. But "I lost the evidence" isn't an excuse in a court of law, it tends to fall on the side of the plaintiff if the defense loses the evidence so we the tax payers are probably going to get screwed by the IRS when they have to pay out yet again for their criminal behavior.

A pundit on tv suggested that the House needs to use their power of the purse to defund the IRS for all expenses other than collecting income taxes and supplying refund checks. I think that sounds like a wonderful idea and a lead into implementing the fair tax to ensure that the IRS never again is allowed to use its omnipotent power to abuse Americans.

BTW True the Vote which was accused of being partisan against democrats and for conservatives has filed a suit against the Mississippi republican Cochran for voter fraud. I guess that blows that IRS claim right out of the water.

Just abolish it altogether. The treasury can process tax payments and refunds. Each tax return should be the size of a post card.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991-1992, they went to a tax system that is one page, flat tax and takes about 5 minutes to fill out.

The Austrailian tax form also, takes just a few minutes to fill out.

The equivalent US one?  Maybe ten hours, and much of that is poring through incomprehensible paragraphs of complex instructions.  Result is you never know if you did it right. 

I was hoping that the 2009 collapse would result in reformation of this problem, but instead they've doubled down.  Not just in complexity of the morass of rules, but also in corruption.  It could be that corruption is best sheltered in complexity.
I know that Australia is taxed at other times other then at income so this statement is not 100% true for their tax burden that is payable in time, but your point is still valid.

The US tax code is very complicated and caters to several special interest groups. Romney was going to try to fix this if he was elected president by creating somewhat of a flatter tax rate, and having a much higher standard deduction rate and eliminating most deductions and exemptions

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Ron~Popeil on July 05, 2014, 07:44:28 PM
Ooops  I guess a lot of IT workers are going to be very busy making sure all tracks are covered and that all computers and ledgers are wiped clean. But "I lost the evidence" isn't an excuse in a court of law, it tends to fall on the side of the plaintiff if the defense loses the evidence so we the tax payers are probably going to get screwed by the IRS when they have to pay out yet again for their criminal behavior.

A pundit on tv suggested that the House needs to use their power of the purse to defund the IRS for all expenses other than collecting income taxes and supplying refund checks. I think that sounds like a wonderful idea and a lead into implementing the fair tax to ensure that the IRS never again is allowed to use its omnipotent power to abuse Americans.

BTW True the Vote which was accused of being partisan against democrats and for conservatives has filed a suit against the Mississippi republican Cochran for voter fraud. I guess that blows that IRS claim right out of the water.

Just abolish it altogether. The treasury can process tax payments and refunds. Each tax return should be the size of a post card.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991-1992, they went to a tax system that is one page, flat tax and takes about 5 minutes to fill out.

The Austrailian tax form also, takes just a few minutes to fill out.

The equivalent US one?  Maybe ten hours, and much of that is poring through incomprehensible paragraphs of complex instructions.  Result is you never know if you did it right. 

I was hoping that the 2009 collapse would result in reformation of this problem, but instead they've doubled down.  Not just in complexity of the morass of rules, but also in corruption.  It could be that corruption is best sheltered in complexity.
I know that Australia is taxed at other times other then at income so this statement is not 100% true for their tax burden that is payable in time, but your point is still valid.

The US tax code is very complicated and caters to several special interest groups. Romney was going to try to fix this if he was elected president by creating somewhat of a flatter tax rate, and having a much higher standard deduction rate and eliminating most deductions and exemptions

Romney had some good ideas. Corruption killed any shot he had at being elected though. Your average American is far more disenfranchised than they realize.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: InwardContour on July 06, 2014, 04:13:03 AM
Ooops  I guess a lot of IT workers are going to be very busy making sure all tracks are covered and that all computers and ledgers are wiped clean. But "I lost the evidence" isn't an excuse in a court of law, it tends to fall on the side of the plaintiff if the defense loses the evidence so we the tax payers are probably going to get screwed by the IRS when they have to pay out yet again for their criminal behavior.

A pundit on tv suggested that the House needs to use their power of the purse to defund the IRS for all expenses other than collecting income taxes and supplying refund checks. I think that sounds like a wonderful idea and a lead into implementing the fair tax to ensure that the IRS never again is allowed to use its omnipotent power to abuse Americans.

BTW True the Vote which was accused of being partisan against democrats and for conservatives has filed a suit against the Mississippi republican Cochran for voter fraud. I guess that blows that IRS claim right out of the water.

Just abolish it altogether. The treasury can process tax payments and refunds. Each tax return should be the size of a post card.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991-1992, they went to a tax system that is one page, flat tax and takes about 5 minutes to fill out.

The Austrailian tax form also, takes just a few minutes to fill out.

The equivalent US one?  Maybe ten hours, and much of that is poring through incomprehensible paragraphs of complex instructions.  Result is you never know if you did it right. 

I was hoping that the 2009 collapse would result in reformation of this problem, but instead they've doubled down.  Not just in complexity of the morass of rules, but also in corruption.  It could be that corruption is best sheltered in complexity.
I know that Australia is taxed at other times other then at income so this statement is not 100% true for their tax burden that is payable in time, but your point is still valid.

The US tax code is very complicated and caters to several special interest groups. Romney was going to try to fix this if he was elected president by creating somewhat of a flatter tax rate, and having a much higher standard deduction rate and eliminating most deductions and exemptions

Romney had some good ideas. Corruption killed any shot he had at being elected though. Your average American is far more disenfranchised than they realize.
I would say it was less corruption and more the fact that Obama "bought" votes with giving people things like free healthcare and extended unemployment benefits, and 2% interest rates on mortgage modifications.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 10, 2014, 12:56:17 AM

Email Shows Lois Lerner Warned IRS Employees To Hide Information From Congress As Tea Party Scandal Broke…

A newly released email from former IRS employee Lois G. Lerner, sent just as the tea party targeting scandal was erupting, warned colleagues to “be cautious” about what information they put in emails because it could be turned over to Congress.

“I was cautioning folks about email and how we have had several occasions where Congress ask asked for emails and there has been an electronic search for responsive emails — so we need to be cautious about what we say in emails,” Ms. Lerner wrote in an April 9, 2013, message.

The message came less than two weeks after the IRS’s internal auditor shared a draft report with the agency accusing it of targeting tea party and conservative groups. A month after the email, Ms. Lerner would plant a question at a conference to reveal the scandal, just before the inspector general’s report was made public.

The email was turned over to the House oversight committee last week, more than a year after lawmakers sought it as part of their investigation into the IRS targeting.

Republicans said the email shows Ms. Lerner was aware Congress was probing the agency and that she was preparing to intentionally hide agency discussions from lawmakers.

Ms. Lerner’s emails have become a major scandal in and of themselves after the IRS revealed that her computer hard drive crashed in 2011, causing the agency to lose thousands of her messages.

"Not Even a Smidgen of Corruption..."

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 10, 2014, 01:05:10 AM

“I was cautioning folks about email and how we have had several occasions where Congress has asked for emails and there has been an electronic search for responsive emails—so we need to be cautious about what we say in emails,” Ms. Lerner wrote. “Someone asked if [instant messaging] conversations were also searchable—I don’t know, but told them I would get back to them. Do you know?”

“[Instant] messages are not set to automatically save as the standard; however the functionality exists within the software,” the technician wrote back. “My general recommendation is to treat the conversation as if it could/is being saved somewhere, as it is possible for either party of the conversation to retain the information and have it turn up as part of an electronic search.”

“Perfect,” Ms. Lerner replied.

Lerner sent this communication just over a month prior to her announcement that the IRS had inappropriately targeted conservative groups.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: galbros on July 10, 2014, 02:53:15 AM
Thanks for continuing to follow this story and post about it.  If the IRS can target these groups under a Democratic leader, they can target the opposite groups under a Republican one.  Imagine the Koch brothers calling the shots on who gets targeted.  I hope more people wake up to what a potential disaster this is.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: ALToids on July 10, 2014, 09:03:02 AM
Thanks for continuing to follow this story and post about it.  If the IRS can target these groups under a Democratic leader, they can target the opposite groups under a Republican one.  Imagine the Koch brothers calling the shots on who gets targeted.  I hope more people wake up to what a potential disaster this is.

Agreed.  Any Americans should be upset when any government office is used to target groups due to political, religious, or social affiliation. All you need to do is buy the White House and control the AG.  Then just let the funding control everything else.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on July 10, 2014, 01:45:40 PM
Thanks for continuing to follow this story and post about it.  If the IRS can target these groups under a Democratic leader, they can target the opposite groups under a Republican one.  Imagine the Koch brothers calling the shots on who gets targeted.  I hope more people wake up to what a potential disaster this is.
This would imply there was some sort of "two way fascism".

There isn't.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 10, 2014, 08:13:45 PM

Judge orders IRS to explain lost tea party emails

WASHINGTON — A federal judge ordered the IRS Thursday to explain under oath how it lost a trove of emails to and from a central figure in the agency’s tea party controversy.

U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan gave the tax agency a month to submit the explanation in writing. Sullivan said he is also appointing a federal magistrate to see if lost emails can be obtained from other sources.

Sullivan issued the order as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group. He said the IRS declaration must be signed, under oath, by the appropriate IRS official.

“I’m going to hold tight to that Aug. 10 declaration,” Sullivan said.

The IRS says it lost the emails in 2011 when Lois Lerner’s computer crashed. At the time, Lerner headed the IRS division that processes applications for tax-exempt status. She has since retired.

Lerner, who refused to answer questions at two House committee hearings, has become a central figure in several congressional investigations over the handling of tea party applications.

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen has testified on the lost emails before Congress at least three times. Each time he was under oath.
Koskinen said he first learned there was a problem with Lerner’s computer in February, but didn’t learn that emails were lost until April. The IRS notified Congress June 13.

Judicial Watch lawyer Ramona Cotca complained that the IRS never informed her group or the court about the lost emails, even though Sullivan had ordered the IRS to produce documents related to the information request on a rolling monthly basis.

Geoffrey Klimas, a Justice Department lawyer representing the IRS, said the agency had no legal obligation to tell Judicial Watch about emails that may have been destroyed two years before the group filed its request for information.
Judicial Watch filed a series of requests with the IRS shortly after the tea party controversy erupted in May 2013. Among its requests, the watchdog group wanted communications Lerner had with others concerning the handling of applications for tax-exempt status since Jan. 1, 2010.

Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit against the IRS in October, saying the agency didn’t produce any documents. Since then, the IRS started to produce some documents in February, Cotca said.

On Thursday, Cotca asked Sullivan to conduct a limited discovery to determine what happened to the emails, perhaps compelling testimony from IRS officials. But Sullivan said that would be premature.

Klimas noted that the tax agency’s inspector general is conducting an investigation into the lost emails. Klimas said the inspector general has asked the IRS not to question witnesses that may have information about the lost emails to avoid interfering with its investigation.

Sullivan said the sworn IRS statement should include information about the inspector general’s concerns.
Sullivan said he would assign federal magistrate John Facciola to look into ways of obtaining the IRS records from other sources, though it is unclear how much information could be recovered.

In 2011, the IRS had a policy of backing up emails on computer tapes, but the tapes were recycled every six months, Koskinen told Congress. He said Lerner’s hard drive was recycled and presumably destroyed, after technicians in the agency’s criminal investigations unit tried unsuccessfully to restore it.

The IRS was able to generate 24,000 Lerner emails from the 2009 to 2011 period because she had copied in other IRS employees, Koskinen said. As part of the congressional investigations, the IRS said it is producing a total of 67,000 emails to and from Lerner, covering the period from 2009 to 2013.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 15, 2014, 04:01:59 PM

Lois Lerner’s Former FEC Colleague Has Emails Go Missing Too

The Federal Election Commission recycled the computer hard drive of April Sands — a former co-worker of Lois Lerner’s — hindering an investigation into Sands’ partisan political activities, according to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

Sands resigned from the Federal Election Commission in April after she admitted to violating the Hatch Act, which bars executive branch employees from engaging in partisan political activities on federal time and at federal facilities.

The twist is that Sands also worked under Lois Lerner when the ex-IRS agent — who is currently embroiled in a scandal over the targeting of conservative political groups — worked at the FEC’s enforcement division.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: hollowframe on July 17, 2014, 01:56:28 AM
Thanks for continuing to follow this story and post about it.  If the IRS can target these groups under a Democratic leader, they can target the opposite groups under a Republican one.  Imagine the Koch brothers calling the shots on who gets targeted.  I hope more people wake up to what a potential disaster this is.

Agreed.  Any Americans should be upset when any government office is used to target groups due to political, religious, or social affiliation. All you need to do is buy the White House and control the AG.  Then just let the funding control everything else.
This is why Congress is trying so hard to find a link to the White House. If it can be proven that Obama had anything to do with the targeting of conservative groups then he would likely be impeached and a special prosecutor would likely be appointed to prosecute anyone who has broken the law.

This is also why it is important to prosecute those at the IRS who broke the law, even low level employees who "were just following orders" as even these people have the right to ask questions when their direction is to do something illegal.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on July 17, 2014, 03:06:07 AM
Thanks for continuing to follow this story and post about it.  If the IRS can target these groups under a Democratic leader, they can target the opposite groups under a Republican one.  Imagine the Koch brothers calling the shots on who gets targeted.  I hope more people wake up to what a potential disaster this is.

Agreed.  Any Americans should be upset when any government office is used to target groups due to political, religious, or social affiliation. All you need to do is buy the White House and control the AG.  Then just let the funding control everything else.
This is why Congress is trying so hard to find a link to the White House. If it can be proven that Obama had anything to do with the targeting of conservative groups then he would likely be impeached and a special prosecutor would likely be appointed to prosecute anyone who has broken the law.

This is also why it is important to prosecute those at the IRS who broke the law, even low level employees who "were just following orders" as even these people have the right to ask questions when their direction is to do something illegal.
Criminals don't really care about the law.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: hollowframe on July 17, 2014, 04:38:23 AM
Thanks for continuing to follow this story and post about it.  If the IRS can target these groups under a Democratic leader, they can target the opposite groups under a Republican one.  Imagine the Koch brothers calling the shots on who gets targeted.  I hope more people wake up to what a potential disaster this is.

Agreed.  Any Americans should be upset when any government office is used to target groups due to political, religious, or social affiliation. All you need to do is buy the White House and control the AG.  Then just let the funding control everything else.
This is why Congress is trying so hard to find a link to the White House. If it can be proven that Obama had anything to do with the targeting of conservative groups then he would likely be impeached and a special prosecutor would likely be appointed to prosecute anyone who has broken the law.

This is also why it is important to prosecute those at the IRS who broke the law, even low level employees who "were just following orders" as even these people have the right to ask questions when their direction is to do something illegal.
Criminals don't really care about the law.
If a point is made to prosecute those who have broken the law then it would serve as a deterrent to others in the future. 

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on July 17, 2014, 12:18:50 PM
Thanks for continuing to follow this story and post about it.  If the IRS can target these groups under a Democratic leader, they can target the opposite groups under a Republican one.  Imagine the Koch brothers calling the shots on who gets targeted.  I hope more people wake up to what a potential disaster this is.

Agreed.  Any Americans should be upset when any government office is used to target groups due to political, religious, or social affiliation. All you need to do is buy the White House and control the AG.  Then just let the funding control everything else.
This is why Congress is trying so hard to find a link to the White House. If it can be proven that Obama had anything to do with the targeting of conservative groups then he would likely be impeached and a special prosecutor would likely be appointed to prosecute anyone who has broken the law.

This is also why it is important to prosecute those at the IRS who broke the law, even low level employees who "were just following orders" as even these people have the right to ask questions when their direction is to do something illegal.
Criminals don't really care about the law.
If a point is made to prosecute those who have broken the law then it would serve as a deterrent to others in the future. 
Read up on Chicago politics and corruption.  Then reflect that is what has been placed in Washington DC.

The very first thing they did was break the system that could punish them.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: DannyElfman on July 17, 2014, 10:00:52 PM
Thanks for continuing to follow this story and post about it.  If the IRS can target these groups under a Democratic leader, they can target the opposite groups under a Republican one.  Imagine the Koch brothers calling the shots on who gets targeted.  I hope more people wake up to what a potential disaster this is.

Agreed.  Any Americans should be upset when any government office is used to target groups due to political, religious, or social affiliation. All you need to do is buy the White House and control the AG.  Then just let the funding control everything else.
This is why Congress is trying so hard to find a link to the White House. If it can be proven that Obama had anything to do with the targeting of conservative groups then he would likely be impeached and a special prosecutor would likely be appointed to prosecute anyone who has broken the law.

This is also why it is important to prosecute those at the IRS who broke the law, even low level employees who "were just following orders" as even these people have the right to ask questions when their direction is to do something illegal.
Criminals don't really care about the law.
If a point is made to prosecute those who have broken the law then it would serve as a deterrent to others in the future. 
Read up on Chicago politics and corruption.  Then reflect that is what has been placed in Washington DC.

The very first thing they did was break the system that could punish them.
President Obama is from Chicago. Is this related? I think so

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: omgbossis21 on July 17, 2014, 10:14:55 PM
We are supposed to keep out tax documents for years and they recycle backup tapes every 6 months, makes sense  ???

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 18, 2014, 04:20:43 AM

DOJ Says No Need For Special Prosecutor In IRS Scandal…

A top Justice Department official on Thursday brushed aside GOP requests for a special prosecutor to investigate the IRS’s treatment of Tea Party groups, saying the evidence didn’t warrant such a appointment.

“It is very, very rare to use a special prosecutor,” Deputy Attorney General James Cole told a House Oversight subcommittee, adding that he and Attorney General Eric Holder determined the IRS case “didn’t meet any sort of standard to warrant a special prosecutor.”

Cole tried to assure Republicans at a House hearing that his department was taking seriously a criminal investigation that a host of GOP lawmakers have accused of being shoddy.

Cole stressed that the department had made no final decisions about whether anyone — including former Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner — would be charged with a crime as a result of their investigation. News reports have suggested that Justice and the FBI had already determined that no charges would be filed.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 21, 2014, 08:49:01 PM

When I thought things could not get any more corrupted, more "smidgen of corruptions"... They are above the law even while all the cameras are pointed at them

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 21, 2014, 09:03:35 PM

Remy: What are the Chances? (An IRS Love Song) (

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerne
Post by: 51percemt on July 22, 2014, 03:59:58 AM
We are supposed to keep out tax documents for years and they recycle backup tapes every 6 months, makes sense  ???
I agree, this is crazy. Someone really should go to jail over this.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: DannyElfman on July 22, 2014, 03:46:55 PM

DOJ Says No Need For Special Prosecutor In IRS Scandal…

A top Justice Department official on Thursday brushed aside GOP requests for a special prosecutor to investigate the IRS’s treatment of Tea Party groups, saying the evidence didn’t warrant such a appointment.

“It is very, very rare to use a special prosecutor,” Deputy Attorney General James Cole told a House Oversight subcommittee, adding that he and Attorney General Eric Holder determined the IRS case “didn’t meet any sort of standard to warrant a special prosecutor.”

Cole tried to assure Republicans at a House hearing that his department was taking seriously a criminal investigation that a host of GOP lawmakers have accused of being shoddy.

Cole stressed that the department had made no final decisions about whether anyone — including former Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner — would be charged with a crime as a result of their investigation. News reports have suggested that Justice and the FBI had already determined that no charges would be filed.
I think this is basically the Obama administration saying that since they benefited from (and likely was behind) this scandal, they are not going to prosecute anyone at the IRS for their illegal activity.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 22, 2014, 04:46:13 PM

IRS seeks help destroying another 3,200 hard drives
Loss of Lois Lerner emails amid tea party targeting probe unresolved

Days after IRS officials said in a sworn statement that former top agency employee Lois G. Lerner’s computer memory had been wiped clean, the agency put out word to contractors Monday that it needs help to destroy at least another 3,200 hard drives.
The Internal Revenue Service solicitation for “media destruction” services reflects an otherwise routine job to protect sensitive taxpayer information, but it was made while the agency’s record destruction practices remain under a sharp congressional spotlight.

Congressional investigators of the IRS targeting of conservative groups have been hampered by the unexplained destruction of emails and other records of Ms. Lerner, the former head of the IRS tax-exempt division and a central figure in the scandal.
The loss of Ms. Lerner’s hard drive also raised broader questions about why the tax agency never reported the missing records to the National Archives and Records Administration, as required by the Federal Records Act.
While those questions remained unresolved, IRS officials signaled plans to destroy tens of thousands of additional electronic records.

“After all media are destroyed, they must not be capable of any reuse or information retrieval,” IRS officials stated in the contract papers.

Frederick Hill, a spokesman for the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, which is investigating the IRS scandal, said the committee has broad concerns about the agency’s record-retention practices.
Dan Epstein, executive director of the watchdog group Cause of Action, said rules require the archivist to sign off on the destruction of federal records.

“This solicitation, combined with the failure of the IRS to consult the Archivist about Louis Lerner’s hard drive, should put hesitation into any assumption that consultation with the Archivist is happening and prompt a thorough assessment of record retention at the IRS,” Mr. Epstein said Monday.

IRS officials did not respond to emails and phone calls about the solicitation, including whether the agency’s nonprofit division ever used the computers being destroyed.

Officials also declined to discuss how the IRS preserves records on computers targeted for destruction.
The agency estimates the need to destroy at least 65,464 magnetic tapes, 3,225 hard drives, 5,856 floppy disks and 708 reels, according to procurement records.

About 500,000 pieces of electronic data — including cassette tapes, reels, CDs, hard drives and USB media — have been collected since 2008, according to the IRS solicitation.

“Due to system changes, a significant amount of electronic portable media containing [personally identifiable information] and potentially sensitive but unclassified data such as taxpayer return information is being collected at IRS facilities and locked in secure storage areas awaiting destruction,” officials wrote in a statement of work attached to the solicitation.
The IRS disclosed last week that it relies on contractors to recycle computer equipment. The revelation was made in an affidavit filed in a federal lawsuit in Washington by True the Vote, a conservative group that says it has been scrutinized by the IRS.

Stephen Manning, IRS deputy chief information officer, said in federal court in Washington that officials tried but failed to retrieve Ms. Lerner’s records. He said the agency’s internal computer “help desk” received word on June 13, 2011, that the hard drive on Ms. Lerner’s laptop wasn’t working properly and subsequent efforts to preserve data “were unsuccessful.”
The computer has been wiped clean and recycled, he said, and officials have lost track of it because they don’t keep track of hard drives by serial number.

Ms. Lerner’s computer isn’t the only crash of a hard drive that congressional investigators have encountered in their attempt to reconstruct record trails.

Last week, Republican senators sent a letter to Archivist of the United States David Ferriero after receiving reports that an Environmental Protection Agency official’s hard drive had crashed just as congressional investigators began looking into questions about the EPA’s review of an Alaska mining project.
Investigators sought computer records of a former EPA official, Phillip North, who later fled the country. More than a year after his retirement, senators said, EPA officials belatedly told the National Archives and Records Administration that they failed to preserve Mr. North’s computer records.

“First the IRS, and now the EPA — these hard-drive crashes seem to be a growing epidemic throughout the administration,” Sen. David Vitter, Louisiana Republican, said in a statement. “This ‘dog ate my homework’ excuse is getting ridiculous.”

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: omgbossis21 on July 22, 2014, 05:25:05 PM
If we we're audited do you think the "my hard drive crashed" would be a valid reason to get out of it?  The chance of anybody going to jail for this is sadly next to none.  The only possible charges I could see sticking at this point would be tampering with evidence though I doubt they would even hold them responsible for the "hard drive failures".  At this point it seems the best outcome would be for I.R.S record keeping to become heavily mandated but I think we have a better chance of recovering the first Malaysian airplane that was lost at sea.  Thanks for keeping this thread updated!

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 23, 2014, 12:35:44 AM
If we we're audited do you think the "my hard drive crashed" would be a valid reason to get out of it?  The chance of anybody going to jail for this is sadly next to none.  The only possible charges I could see sticking at this point would be tampering with evidence though I doubt they would even hold them responsible for the "hard drive failures".  At this point it seems the best outcome would be for I.R.S record keeping to become heavily mandated but I think we have a better chance of recovering the first Malaysian airplane that was lost at sea.  Thanks for keeping this thread updated!

No problem. I did not know the updates were going bad to worse than often...

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 23, 2014, 12:40:11 AM

Lerner Hard Drive Was "Scratched"
IRS ignored advice to use outside experts to recover data

Despite early refusals to make available IT professionals who worked on Lois Lerner’s computer, Ways and Means Committee investigators have now learned from interviews that the hard drive of former IRS Exempt Organizations Director Lois Lerner was “scratched,” but data was recoverable. In fact, in-house professionals at the IRS recommended the Agency seek outside assistance in recovering the data. That information conflicts with a July 18, 2014 court filing by the Agency, which stated the data on the hard drive was unrecoverable – including multiple years’ worth of missing emails…

It is also unknown whether the scratch was accidental or deliberate, but former federal law enforcement and Department of Defense forensic experts consulted by the Committee say that most of the data on a scratched drive, such as Lerner’s, should have been recoverable. However, in a declaration filed last Friday by the IRS, the agency said it tried but failed to recover the data, but is not sure what happened to the hard drive afterwards other than saying they believe it was recycled, which, according to the court filing means “shredded.”

Further complicating the situation, the Committee’s investigation has revealed evidence that this declaration may not be accurate. A review of internal IRS IT tracking system documents revealed that Lerner’s computer was actually once described as “recovered.” In a transcribed interview on July 18, IRS IT employees were unable to confirm the accuracy of the documents or the meaning of the entry “recovered.”

"... Not even a smidgen bla bla bla blaaaa...."

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 23, 2014, 01:00:59 AM

Good News: Lois Lerner's "Lost" Emails Might Not Be Lost

The IRS may be changing its tune a little bit when it comes to former head of tax exempt groups Lois Lerner's "lost" emails. IRS Deputy Associate Chief Counsel Thomas Kane testified yesterday on Capitol Hill that all of the emails may not have been destroyed and that IRS officials need more time to look into what emails they still have.

According to Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Darrell Issa, they're not sure yet what emails are still available for review and that further investigation is necessary. However, Issa said in an interview with Greta Van Susteren last night that there are more crashed hard drives at the IRS and that many questions surrounding Lerner's correspondence with other IRS officials and employees remain.

"They don't know what they should know because they haven't even looked and even today they're giving us ambiguous answers," Issa said.

Yesterday former advisor to President Bill Clinton, Lanny Davis, called for a special prosecutor to look into the IRS scandal.

"...former advisor to President Bill Clinton, Lanny Davis...". Translation: bill clinton: "Yo obama, you've bitch slapped my wife in 2008? Now it's my turn to bitch slap you!"

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: thriftshopping on July 23, 2014, 01:10:07 AM
If we we're audited do you think the "my hard drive crashed" would be a valid reason to get out of it?  The chance of anybody going to jail for this is sadly next to none.  The only possible charges I could see sticking at this point would be tampering with evidence though I doubt they would even hold them responsible for the "hard drive failures".  At this point it seems the best outcome would be for I.R.S record keeping to become heavily mandated but I think we have a better chance of recovering the first Malaysian airplane that was lost at sea.  Thanks for keeping this thread updated!
It would be possible that someone goes to jail if there is a witness to any conversation that took place discussing the targeting of conservative groups. 

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: omgbossis21 on July 23, 2014, 02:27:02 AM
The last update sounds like their waiting for the IRS to produce those emails.  However it just gives them more time to destroy the emails they don't want to be seen and release the useless ones IMO.  Assuming a witness came forward claiming they heard so and so, it becomes x's word vs x's word.  That could ever so slightly increase the chance of jail time, though it seems those chances are slim to none atm.   Hopefully somebody can surface some emails!

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: DrG on July 23, 2014, 04:40:56 AM
When the AG is completely unwilling to investigate what happened because he feels there was no impropriety there is no chance in hell anybody will be going to jail.  The statute of limitations will expire for a majority of these crimes and WHEN Hillary gets elected the favor of no reprisal will get passed on.

I laughed when watching Stars Wars at how simply evil the Sith Lord was portrayed as - sadly we're not that far off in this country.  No integrity at all from the DOJ.  How can people respect a cop if we can't respect the people at the top of the pyramid?

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 23, 2014, 09:05:44 PM

Trey Gowdy vs Irs Commissioner John Koskinen 7/23/14 Irs Hearing

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 25, 2014, 02:43:56 PM

Here’s what the IRS told a federal court about Lois Lerner’s hard drive

The IRS statements came from Stephen Manning, who is a top IT official for the IRS, and Todd Egaas, director of technology operations and investigative services for the agency. Here’s what they said:

* The hard-drive crash occurred with Lerner’s laptop. This may or may not be significant, as it leaves open the possibility that she may have stored e-mails on two hard drives — one from the laptop that crashed, and perhaps another from a desktop computer.

* Manning said Lerner’s laptop hard drive did not have a tracking code. He said the IRS does not place such codes on internal components. Nonetheless, the company that supplied the laptop recently provided the IRS with a serial number for the part. This is important because investigators could use the number to track down the device if it has not been destroyed.

* The IRS created an IT help-desk ticket to document the hard-drive crash on June 13, 2011. According to the ticket and the IT personnel involved, a mid-level specialist tried to recover the data from Lerner’s hard drive, but those efforts failed, Manning said.

* In July 2011, IT personnel sent the hard drive to an IRS forensics division, which made additional attempts to recover the hard drive’s data on July 22 , 2011 and Aug. 4, 2011, according to Egaas. “All of the analyst’s attempts were unsuccessful in recovering any data from the hard drive,” he said.

* The forensics division returned the device to IT personnel through an overnight delivery service, Egaas said. The hard drive was then “batched with other damaged or obsolete” devices, according to Manning. Without a tracking number, it was “impossible to specifically identify the hard drive through any Internal Revenue Service equipment inventory system” at that point, Manning said.

* The IRS erased the data from the hard drive through magnetic “degaussing” and then transferred the device to recycling contractor for destruction. Manning said the agency complied with “standard Internal Revenue Procedure disposal procedures for any equipment with data storage capability and to protect against any possible disclosure of [private] taxpayer information.”

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 30, 2014, 05:37:07 PM

New Emails Show Lois Lerner Called Some Conservatives ‘A**holes’

New emails uncovered by the House Ways and Means Committee indicate that former IRS employee Lois Lerner has a strong dislike of some conservatives, and at one point called them “assholes” in an email exchange.

The committee released an email Lerner received in November 2012 complaining about the “whacko wing of the GOP.” The person mocked conservatives for believing there are “too many foreigners sucking the teat” and that it is “time to hunker down, buy ammo and food, and prepare for the end.” The person added that the “right wing radio shows are scary to listen to.”

Lerner replied, “Great. Maybe we are through if there are that many assholes.”

The other person then wrote, “And I’m talking about the hosts of the shows. The callers are rabid.”

Lerner replied, “So we don’t need to worry about alien terrorists. It’s our own crazies that will take us down.”

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: DrG on July 30, 2014, 08:20:03 PM

New Emails Show Lois Lerner Called Some Conservatives ‘A**holes’

New emails uncovered by the House Ways and Means Committee indicate that former IRS employee Lois Lerner has a strong dislike of some conservatives, and at one point called them “assholes” in an email exchange.

The committee released an email Lerner received in November 2012 complaining about the “whacko wing of the GOP.” The person mocked conservatives for believing there are “too many foreigners sucking the teat” and that it is “time to hunker down, buy ammo and food, and prepare for the end.” The person added that the “right wing radio shows are scary to listen to.”

Lerner replied, “Great. Maybe we are through if there are that many assholes.”

The other person then wrote, “And I’m talking about the hosts of the shows. The callers are rabid.”

Lerner replied, “So we don’t need to worry about alien terrorists. It’s our own crazies that will take us down.”

Haha, good thing she's watching out for us Americans.  I remember when she ran for office and I voted for her....oh wait.  ::)

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 30, 2014, 08:22:44 PM

New Emails Show Lois Lerner Called Some Conservatives ‘A**holes’

New emails uncovered by the House Ways and Means Committee indicate that former IRS employee Lois Lerner has a strong dislike of some conservatives, and at one point called them “assholes” in an email exchange.

The committee released an email Lerner received in November 2012 complaining about the “whacko wing of the GOP.” The person mocked conservatives for believing there are “too many foreigners sucking the teat” and that it is “time to hunker down, buy ammo and food, and prepare for the end.” The person added that the “right wing radio shows are scary to listen to.”

Lerner replied, “Great. Maybe we are through if there are that many assholes.”

The other person then wrote, “And I’m talking about the hosts of the shows. The callers are rabid.”

Lerner replied, “So we don’t need to worry about alien terrorists. It’s our own crazies that will take us down.”

Haha, good thing she's watching out for us Americans.  I remember when she ran for office and I voted for her....oh wait.  ::)

She is the face of cancer. No other could have played her any better.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on July 31, 2014, 03:33:48 AM

New Emails Show Lois Lerner Called Some Conservatives ‘A**holes’

New emails uncovered by the House Ways and Means Committee indicate that former IRS employee Lois Lerner has a strong dislike of some conservatives, and at one point called them “assholes” in an email exchange.

The committee released an email Lerner received in November 2012 complaining about the “whacko wing of the GOP.” The person mocked conservatives for believing there are “too many foreigners sucking the teat” and that it is “time to hunker down, buy ammo and food, and prepare for the end.” The person added that the “right wing radio shows are scary to listen to.”

Lerner replied, “Great. Maybe we are through if there are that many assholes.”

The other person then wrote, “And I’m talking about the hosts of the shows. The callers are rabid.”

Lerner replied, “So we don’t need to worry about alien terrorists. It’s our own crazies that will take us down.”

Haha, good thing she's watching out for us Americans.  I remember when she ran for office and I voted for her....oh wait.  ::)

She is the face of cancer. No other could have played her any better.

Today I retrieved email from a server after a email system on the laptop got messed up.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 31, 2014, 03:49:21 PM

New Emails Show Lois Lerner Called Some Conservatives ‘A**holes’

New emails uncovered by the House Ways and Means Committee indicate that former IRS employee Lois Lerner has a strong dislike of some conservatives, and at one point called them “assholes” in an email exchange.

The committee released an email Lerner received in November 2012 complaining about the “whacko wing of the GOP.” The person mocked conservatives for believing there are “too many foreigners sucking the teat” and that it is “time to hunker down, buy ammo and food, and prepare for the end.” The person added that the “right wing radio shows are scary to listen to.”

Lerner replied, “Great. Maybe we are through if there are that many assholes.”

The other person then wrote, “And I’m talking about the hosts of the shows. The callers are rabid.”

Lerner replied, “So we don’t need to worry about alien terrorists. It’s our own crazies that will take us down.”

Haha, good thing she's watching out for us Americans.  I remember when she ran for office and I voted for her....oh wait.  ::)

She is the face of cancer. No other could have played her any better.

Today I retrieved email from a server after a email system on the laptop got messed up.

Not possible. Your back up tapes only last 6 months...... ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 31, 2014, 03:50:51 PM

Top Tea Party Lawyer: The More We Learn the More We Know Dems & IRS Colluded to Silence Conservatives (Video)

“IRS employees have given to 11 of the 18 Democrats on the House Oversight Committee. And, every time there is a hearing on any aspect of this investigation about the IRS targeting, the Democrats come in one by one and say the same thing over and over again. “Let’s shut this down. Let’s shut this down.” And I think we need to hold the Democrats accountable. They were involved in starting this and now they are trying to stop the investigation. And, the more we learn the more we realize how intertwined Lois Lerner was with the Democrats in trying to go after and silence these groups.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 31, 2014, 04:34:34 PM

Media reacts to Lois Lerner’s new email: ‘Hard to argue’ no political bias there (VIDEO)

MSNBC's Morning Joe reacts to Lois Lerner emails

CNN politics panel reacts to Lois Lerner's emails

"...Not even a smidgen bla.. bla.. bla.. blaaaaaahh...BLAH!   >:("

 ;D :D ;D

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on July 31, 2014, 05:16:32 PM

New Emails Show Lois Lerner Called Some Conservatives ‘A**holes’

New emails uncovered by the House Ways and Means Committee indicate that former IRS employee Lois Lerner has a strong dislike of some conservatives, and at one point called them “assholes” in an email exchange.

The committee released an email Lerner received in November 2012 complaining about the “whacko wing of the GOP.” The person mocked conservatives for believing there are “too many foreigners sucking the teat” and that it is “time to hunker down, buy ammo and food, and prepare for the end.” The person added that the “right wing radio shows are scary to listen to.”

Lerner replied, “Great. Maybe we are through if there are that many assholes.”

The other person then wrote, “And I’m talking about the hosts of the shows. The callers are rabid.”

Lerner replied, “So we don’t need to worry about alien terrorists. It’s our own crazies that will take us down.”

Haha, good thing she's watching out for us Americans.  I remember when she ran for office and I voted for her....oh wait.  ::)

She is the face of cancer. No other could have played her any better.

Today I retrieved email from a server after a email system on the laptop got messed up.

Not possible. Your back up tapes only last 6 months...... ::) ::) ::)

Actually I was only interested in the last couple days of emails.  But the email backups on the server went back to when I started that account ten years ago.  They are all there.  Including even every spam received.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 31, 2014, 05:23:37 PM

New Emails Show Lois Lerner Called Some Conservatives ‘A**holes’

New emails uncovered by the House Ways and Means Committee indicate that former IRS employee Lois Lerner has a strong dislike of some conservatives, and at one point called them “assholes” in an email exchange.

The committee released an email Lerner received in November 2012 complaining about the “whacko wing of the GOP.” The person mocked conservatives for believing there are “too many foreigners sucking the teat” and that it is “time to hunker down, buy ammo and food, and prepare for the end.” The person added that the “right wing radio shows are scary to listen to.”

Lerner replied, “Great. Maybe we are through if there are that many assholes.”

The other person then wrote, “And I’m talking about the hosts of the shows. The callers are rabid.”

Lerner replied, “So we don’t need to worry about alien terrorists. It’s our own crazies that will take us down.”

Haha, good thing she's watching out for us Americans.  I remember when she ran for office and I voted for her....oh wait.  ::)

She is the face of cancer. No other could have played her any better.

Today I retrieved email from a server after a email system on the laptop got messed up.

Not possible. Your back up tapes only last 6 months...... ::) ::) ::)

Actually I was only interested in the last couple days of emails.  But the email backups on the server went back to when I started that account ten years ago.  They are all there.  Including even every spam received.

The IRS has a budget of multiples of billions. Yet their backup is only good for 6 months. Your email backup, on the other hand, goes back 10 years. The only logical conclusion is: your email backup budget is a multiple of a multiple of billions compared to the IRS...  ;) :D

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on August 09, 2014, 06:57:45 PM

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: wasserman99 on August 09, 2014, 09:27:53 PM

I think they have found some of the "lost" so this may not be necessary. The case in question is not the one dealing with conservative groups, but rather with a group that supported Israel. IIRC there is a lot more evidence against the IRS in this case, and the case is not against one specific person.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on August 09, 2014, 10:26:16 PM

I think they have found some of the "lost" so this may not be necessary. The case in question is not the one dealing with conservative groups, but rather with a group that supported Israel. IIRC there is a lot more evidence against the IRS in this case, and the case is not against one specific person.

So not "case closed" yet I hope...

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Bitsaurus on August 09, 2014, 11:09:32 PM
Look how long it took Deep Throat to get revealed for the Nixon scandal.  The truth won't come out for decades, if ever.  The man at the top of "Justice" can order everybody below to just shut it down.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Benjig on August 10, 2014, 04:21:43 AM
When are Republicans going to start playing hardball? Go after them and nail them to the wall or move on. But all this " outrage" is a huge waste of our time. How about a lot more arresting, and a little less screaming about your "outrage". Get on with this already.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Mobius on August 10, 2014, 05:18:24 AM
Look how long it took Deep Throat to get revealed for the Nixon scandal.  The truth won't come out for decades, if ever.  The man at the top of "Justice" can order everybody below to just shut it down.
It did not take that long for the Nixon scandal to come about. It was just the same scandal that was not uncovered for several administrations. I would highly doubt that another administration would try to hide this type of scandal as they have nothing to do with it and did not and would not benefit from keeping it a secret.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on August 15, 2014, 08:51:06 PM

Judge orders IRS to come up with better explanation of missing Lerner e-mails

Insufficient IRS explanations cause Judge to order sworn answers from IRS about Lois Lerner’s hard drive and emails.

Judge Sullivan, in his earlier ruling, appointed Magistrate Judge John M. Facciola to manage and assist in discussions between Judicial Watch and the IRS about how to obtain any missing records from other sources. Magistrate Facciola is an expert in e-discovery, and authorized Judicial Watch to submit a request for limited discovery into the missing IRS records after September 10.

“ORDERED.” “Must.” “Speak under oath.” These are not really requests, and the time frame isn’t an expression of curiosity, either. Giving the IRS a single week to meet these demands after months of wrangling over Judicial Watch’s challenge implies that (a) Sullivan’s pretty convinced the IRS has these answers, which then suggests that  (b) Sullivan’s getting angry over the IRS’ intransigence and opacity in dealing with the court. Either Judge Sullivan has run out of patience, or he wants the IRS to think he has.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Fray on August 15, 2014, 10:07:57 PM
When are Republicans going to start playing hardball? Go after them and nail them to the wall or move on. But all this " outrage" is a huge waste of our time. How about a lot more arresting, and a little less screaming about your "outrage". Get on with this already.
I think the reason the GOP is not going harder on the administration about this is because there is no guarantee that there is incriminating evidence that laws were broken. If they push too hard on this and are not able to find evidence then it will make them look like they are going on a which hunt.

I would also not be entirely surprised if a lot (if not all) of the instructions to do illegal activity were given verbally either in person or via telephone so it would be possible that there is no record of Obama giving the orders to target conservative groups.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: omgbossis21 on August 15, 2014, 10:29:26 PM
Better explanation under oath .... "Well I'm not a tech savvy person so I don't understand the mumbo jumbo but the service techs said it was scratched and unrecoverable, you should ask them.  Oh his name,  I do not recall."

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: galbros on August 15, 2014, 11:22:40 PM
When are Republicans going to start playing hardball? Go after them and nail them to the wall or move on. But all this " outrage" is a huge waste of our time. How about a lot more arresting, and a little less screaming about your "outrage". Get on with this already.
I think the reason the GOP is not going harder on the administration about this is because there is no guarantee that there is incriminating evidence that laws were broken. If they push too hard on this and are not able to find evidence then it will make them look like they are going on a which hunt.

I would also not be entirely surprised if a lot (if not all) of the instructions to do illegal activity were given verbally either in person or via telephone so it would be possible that there is no record of Obama giving the orders to target conservative groups.

The main problem is the Democrats are stonewalling and the Republicans in Congress have even lower approval than the President.  That and the fact that most media outlets are just not going to be a part of hurting this administration and you've got a very frustrating situation.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on August 25, 2014, 11:40:26 PM

Judicial Watch Says DOJ Attorney Told Them Lerner Emails Do Exist…

A Justice Department official admitted that former IRS official Lois Lerner’s apparently missing emails actually exist on a backup server, but the government doesn’t plan to retrieve them.

“A Department of Justice attorney told a Judicial Watch attorney on Friday that it turns out the federal government backs up all computer records in case something terrible happens in Washington and there’s a catastrophe, so the government can continue operating,” Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton told Fox News’ Shannon Bream.

“But it would be too hard to go get lois lerner’s emails from that backup system,” Fitton continued, paraphrasing the DOJ official.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: omgbossis21 on August 26, 2014, 01:52:00 AM
LOL We have them!  Get them?  Nah. 

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: itsAj on August 26, 2014, 04:17:31 AM

Judicial Watch Says DOJ Attorney Told Them Lerner Emails Do Exist…

A Justice Department official admitted that former IRS official Lois Lerner’s apparently missing emails actually exist on a backup server, but the government doesn’t plan to retrieve them.

“A Department of Justice attorney told a Judicial Watch attorney on Friday that it turns out the federal government backs up all computer records in case something terrible happens in Washington and there’s a catastrophe, so the government can continue operating,” Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton told Fox News’ Shannon Bream.

“But it would be too hard to go get lois lerner’s emails from that backup system,” Fitton continued, paraphrasing the DOJ official.

I very much doubt that anyone in the Obama administration wants to get to the bottom of this. Democrats have been pushing to get the IRS investigation to be over for over a year now. The administration has been hampering the gathering of evidence. I would not at all be surprised if there is very damaging evidence against very high people in the administration, it is just that it is very well hidden.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: omgbossis21 on August 26, 2014, 05:50:34 AM
Agreed.  Its like cops investigating cops....   It would be nice to somebody go after this and expose it, I think their probably hiding a lot.  Sadly its probably never going to happen and this is the reality I am accustomed to here in the good ol US of A.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: DrG on August 26, 2014, 07:04:48 AM

Judicial Watch Says DOJ Attorney Told Them Lerner Emails Do Exist…

A Justice Department official admitted that former IRS official Lois Lerner’s apparently missing emails actually exist on a backup server, but the government doesn’t plan to retrieve them.

“A Department of Justice attorney told a Judicial Watch attorney on Friday that it turns out the federal government backs up all computer records in case something terrible happens in Washington and there’s a catastrophe, so the government can continue operating,” Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton told Fox News’ Shannon Bream.

But it would be too hard to go get lois lerner’s emails from that backup system,” Fitton continued, paraphrasing the DOJ official.

Standard government line.  We went through this elaborate setup to make backups but now find it inconvenient to have to retrieve them.

Government makes watchdog committees that file reports on government waste - only to have said reports piled in a room and nobody bothers reading them and they have to spend money storing them.

Well at least it's better - it went from sheer statistical impossibility to general government malaise.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on August 26, 2014, 03:05:08 PM

IRS Admits Lois Lerner Emails Are Backed Up (Video)

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on August 26, 2014, 03:22:17 PM

Judicial Watch Says DOJ Attorney Told Them Lerner Emails Do Exist…

A Justice Department official admitted that former IRS official Lois Lerner’s apparently missing emails actually exist on a backup server, but the government doesn’t plan to retrieve them.

“A Department of Justice attorney told a Judicial Watch attorney on Friday that it turns out the federal government backs up all computer records in case something terrible happens in Washington and there’s a catastrophe, so the government can continue operating,” Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton told Fox News’ Shannon Bream.

But it would be too hard to go get lois lerner’s emails from that backup system,” Fitton continued, paraphrasing the DOJ official.

Standard government line.  We went through this elaborate setup to make backups but now find it inconvenient to have to retrieve them.

Government makes watchdog committees that file reports on government waste - only to have said reports piled in a room and nobody bothers reading them and they have to spend money storing them.

Well at least it's better - it went from sheer statistical impossibility to general government malaise.

So you know now there are at least THREE places the emails exist (A) the NSA (B) the above mentioned government backup (C) the machines of the recipients of Lerner's emails.

In the case of (B) this is called refusing to comply with a supeona.  

These are not very good liars.  Some years ago I was in charge of data backups for a government facility with perhaps 5000 people.  I flat guarantee you those tapes could be loaded and subsets of data retrieved in short order.  That is the very reason why these things are called "backups".

"General government malaise" is only a shield they hide behind.  Think of how rapidly they'd be coming up with the data if it helped to put away a right winger.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on August 26, 2014, 03:25:39 PM

IRS Destroyed Lois Lerner’s Blackberry After It Knew Her Hard Drive “Crashed”…

The IRS filing in federal Judge Emmet Sullivan’s court reveals shocking new information. The IRS destroyed Lerner’s Blackberry AFTER it knew her computer had crashed and after a Congressional inquiry was well underway. As an IRS official declared under the penalty of perjury, the destroyed Blackberry would have contained the same emails (both sent and received) as Lois Lerner’s hard drive.

We all know by now that Lois Lerner’s hard drive crashed in June 2011 and was destroyed by IRS. The emails of up to twenty other related IRS officials were missing in remarkably similar “crashes,” leading many to speculate that Lois Lerner’s Blackberry perhaps held the key. Now, the Observer can confirm that a year after the infamous hard drive crash, the IRS destroyed Ms. Lerner’s Blackberry—and without making any effort to retain the emails from it.

Judge Sullivan has had to pry information from the IRS to learn anything about Ms. Lerner’s Blackberry. Now, with these latest revelations, I’m confident he’s not finished.

In two elusive and nebulous sworn declarations, we can glean that Ms. Lerner had two Blackberries. One was issued to her on November 12, 2009. According to a sworn declaration, this is the Blackberry that contained all the emails (both sent and received) that would have been in her “Outlook” and drafts that never were sent from her Blackberry during the relevant time.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Chef Ramsay on August 26, 2014, 06:58:15 PM
As much as this all infuriates me, there's likely not much that can be done when these bureaucrats can just tamper with evidence and no one has to spend time in prison or lose their pensions. Let's face it, even if these emails exist and they're finally ordered to produce them, there's every possibility that they make sure all the incriminating stuff is redacted.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: itsAj on August 26, 2014, 11:28:06 PM
As much as this all infuriates me, there's likely not much that can be done when these bureaucrats can just tamper with evidence and no one has to spend time in prison or lose their pensions. Let's face it, even if these emails exist and they're finally ordered to produce them, there's every possibility that they make sure all the incriminating stuff is redacted.
I don't think they can really get information redacted when it is sent to congress. When documents are released to the public, the version that is released to the public is often redacted for any number of reasons, but since congress has oversight of these agencies, and the fact that all of congress has a security clearance, there is no real reason for anything to be in any way redacted when it is released to congress.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: wasserman99 on August 29, 2014, 08:11:53 PM
As much as this all infuriates me, there's likely not much that can be done when these bureaucrats can just tamper with evidence and no one has to spend time in prison or lose their pensions. Let's face it, even if these emails exist and they're finally ordered to produce them, there's every possibility that they make sure all the incriminating stuff is redacted.
I don't think it is so much the bureaucrats that caused this to happen, but rather the politicians that directed the law to be broken, and likely made the promises to give political cover in the event they are caught. Have you noticed how the Obama administration has basically said that no one will be prosecuted for the IRS targeting Conservative groups? (even though the law was clearly broken).

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on September 05, 2014, 10:14:45 PM


The IRS says it has lost emails from five more workers who are part of congressional investigations into the treatment of conservative groups that applied for tax exempt status.

The tax agency said in June that it could not locate an untold number of emails to and from Lois Lerner, who headed the IRS division that processes applications for tax-exempt status. The revelation set off a new round of investigations and congressional hearings.

On Friday, the IRS said it has also lost emails from five other employees related to the probe, including two agents who worked in a Cincinnati office processing applications for tax-exempt status.

The agency blamed computer crashes for the lost emails. In a statement, the IRS said it found no evidence that anyone deliberately destroyed evidence.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: omgbossis21 on September 05, 2014, 10:21:30 PM
How infuriating that their going to get away with this nonsense!  At the very least I hope it sets a new court precedent in which attorneys can say "in reference to court case xxx state vs loius lerner lost emails and crashed hard drives were found to be a reputable reason".  Anyone who gets audited "Well I stored them in my taxes in my emails and my had drive crashed".  Any case involving records "They were store in emails on a hard drive".  Sorry for taking it out on the forum  ;D

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on September 06, 2014, 01:03:46 AM

New Emails: IRS Had “Secret Research Project” To Obtain Donor Lists From Non-Profit Groups

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) improperly obtained donor lists from nonprofit groups as part of a “secret research project” being run by Lois Lerner and other officials.

IRS official David Fish revealed the “secret research project” in a June 27, 2012 email to Lerner’s direct subordinate Holly Paz, according to emails released Thursday by the nonprofit group Judicial Watch, which obtained the emails in a pending Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

“Joseph Urban [IRS Technical Advisor, Tax Exempt and Government Entities] had actually started a secret research project on whether we could, consistent with 6104, argue that [REDACTED],” Fish wrote.

“Joe was quite agitated yesterday when I told him what we were doing. (He was involved when the initial question was raised, but we didn’t continue reading him in),” Fish continued. “At one point he started saying that this was a decision for Steve Miller–I told him we were already doing it, and that I didn’t know whether Lois had already talked to Nikole [Flax, former IRS Chief of Staff to IRS Commissioner Steve Miller] about this. Would not be surprised if he already started working on Lois.”

“Thanks for the heads up,” Paz replied. “The decision was made by Steve, based on advice from P and A. [Procedure and Administration].”

Lois Lerner and Nikole Flax, who were both part of the “secret research project,” both suffered computer crashes that allegedly wiped out their emails, according to the IRS.

Another email released Thursday showed that Lerner obtaining donor information from groups “was not needed across-the-board and not used in making the agency’s determination on exempt status,” according to an IRS deputy chief counsel.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Keninishna on September 06, 2014, 02:57:28 AM
I'm an IT professional, you would be surprised how many people just keep a .pst on their local hard drive with all their emails on it which eventually dies even though they are trained to put them on the network share.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on September 06, 2014, 03:04:20 AM
I'm an IT professional, you would be surprised how many people just keep a .pst on their local hard drive with all their emails on it which eventually dies even though they are trained to put them on the network share.

 ::) Yes I believe this is exactly what happened at the IRS. The dog ate the tape back up too  ::)

Not a smidgen of corruption.....

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Raize on September 06, 2014, 03:24:25 AM
I've been a gov't system administrator and I find this whole nonsense of having lost emails completely ridiculous. Oftentimes there's multiple places users have them stored, home computer, mobile device, server, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly backups. That they'd be deleted/removed from all three is an outright lie. I bet their sys admin wants to tell the truth but is being hamstrung right now by his superiors.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Mike Christ on September 06, 2014, 09:45:58 AM
The Truth About the IRS Scandal: Was an Election Stolen? w/ Stefan Molyneux (

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on September 06, 2014, 01:55:49 PM
I'm an IT professional, you would be surprised how many people just keep a .pst on their local hard drive with all their emails on it which eventually dies even though they are trained to put them on the network share.
I had a service company that maintained the backup tape drives for a government installation for about ten years.  They could produce anything they wanted, no ifs ands or buts.

It would be interesting to see who's been hired and who's been fired in that chain of command of people overseeing the backups, since this nonsense started.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on September 06, 2014, 02:22:38 PM
I'm an IT professional, you would be surprised how many people just keep a .pst on their local hard drive with all their emails on it which eventually dies even though they are trained to put them on the network share.
I had a service company that maintained the backup tape drives for a government installation for about ten years.  They could produce anything they wanted, no ifs ands or buts.

It would be interesting to see who's been hired and who's been fired in that chain of command of people overseeing the backups, since this nonsense started.

So far none. If one is fired then the other domino knows it will fall and will have nothing to lose. They are ALL-IN in this.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: omgbossis21 on September 06, 2014, 07:44:33 PM
I'm an IT professional, you would be surprised how many people just keep a .pst on their local hard drive with all their emails on it which eventually dies even though they are trained to put them on the network share.
I had a service company that maintained the backup tape drives for a government installation for about ten years.  They could produce anything they wanted, no ifs ands or buts.

It would be interesting to see who's been hired and who's been fired in that chain of command of people overseeing the backups, since this nonsense started.

So far none. If one is fired then the other domino knows it will fall and will have nothing to lose. They are ALL-IN in this.

I tend to keep my mouth quiet if he does something I don't like.  I would hate to be targeted by the entire IRS, could you imagine?  It would take nothing for them to ensure your being broke the rest of life and hounded with audits, tax issues etc.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on September 06, 2014, 08:00:38 PM
I'm an IT professional, you would be surprised how many people just keep a .pst on their local hard drive with all their emails on it which eventually dies even though they are trained to put them on the network share.
I had a service company that maintained the backup tape drives for a government installation for about ten years.  They could produce anything they wanted, no ifs ands or buts.

It would be interesting to see who's been hired and who's been fired in that chain of command of people overseeing the backups, since this nonsense started.

So far none. If one is fired then the other domino knows it will fall and will have nothing to lose. They are ALL-IN in this.

I tend to keep my mouth quiet if he does something I don't like.  I would hate to be targeted by the entire IRS, could you imagine?  It would take nothing for them to ensure your being broke the rest of life and hounded with audits, tax issues etc.

That is why books and movies about people who dare to do the right thing while facing assured doom are made. That is why their names never die, generations after generations. We would all keep our mouth shut when faced with a bully like lerner and her team... While hoping for someone else to do the right thing for all of us.

We are like sheep.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on September 06, 2014, 08:20:09 PM
I'm an IT professional, you would be surprised how many people just keep a .pst on their local hard drive with all their emails on it which eventually dies even though they are trained to put them on the network share.
I had a service company that maintained the backup tape drives for a government installation for about ten years.  They could produce anything they wanted, no ifs ands or buts.

It would be interesting to see who's been hired and who's been fired in that chain of command of people overseeing the backups, since this nonsense started.

So far none. If one is fired then the other domino knows it will fall and will have nothing to lose. They are ALL-IN in this.

I tend to keep my mouth quiet if he does something I don't like.  I would hate to be targeted by the entire IRS, could you imagine?  It would take nothing for them to ensure your being broke the rest of life and hounded with audits, tax issues etc.

That is why books and movies about people who dare to do the right thing while facing assured doom are made. That is why their names never die, generations after generations. We would all keep our mouth shut when faced with a bully like lerner and her team... While hoping for someone else to do the right thing for all of us.

We are like sheep.

I am Spartacus.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on September 10, 2014, 07:47:59 PM

IRS Told Treasury & White House About Missing Emails Before Telling Congress

In a new development, we’ve learned it was IRS Commission John Koskinen’s own chief legal advisor at the IRS, Catherine Duval, who informed someone at the Treasury Department, who told someone at the White House that emails were missing, while Congress, which subpoenaed the documents, was left in the dark.

Duval disclosed that she was the source when she gave closed-door testimony to the House Oversight Committee before Congress’ summer break. The emails in question are from IRS manager Lois Lerner who’s implicated in the agency’s improper targeting of conservative groups.

Duval acknowledged she told Treasury’s senior counsel there were “issues” finding emails.

“We are friends, we talk,” Duval testified. “I believe we talked about it in mid to late April.”

Congress wasn’t told until June.

Republican Darrell Issa heads the Oversight Committee. He says the IRS was focused on political damage control.

“This is very troubling because this organization’s supposed to be apolitical,” Issa told us. “They’re supposed to in fact inform us all at the same time.”

We asked Representative Issa, “The IRS telling the Treasury Department which told the White House well before Congress, tells you what?”

“It tells us they’re still playing deny, delay and cover up,” said Issa.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on September 10, 2014, 08:05:26 PM

A senior communications aide to Attorney General Eric Holder seemingly called House oversight committee chairman Darrell Issa’s staff by accident and asked for their help spinning new revelations about the IRS scandal, Issa said in a September 8 letter to Holder.

The aide, Brian Fallon, is a former senior aide to Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and a well-known personality on Capitol Hill. The letter describes Fallon as “audibly shaken” when he realizes his request to leak documents to help get ahead of news stories about them was mistakenly made to the very office he was seeking to undermine. Issa believes the call was intended to be made to Democratic Rep. Elijah Cumming’s staff, the ranking member on the oversight panel, the letter said.

According to the letter, Fallon – who is not named in the letter but confirmed he made the call – asked if the aides could release the IRS scandal documents to “selected reporters” to give Fallon an “opportunity to comment publicly on it.”

Fallon explained to Issa aides that the Justice Department’s Office of Legislative Affairs had not permitted him to release the documents to the public and he wanted to get ahead of the story “before the Majority” – meaning Issa – could share it, according to the letter.

Issa aides – who had placed the call on speakerphone – were “caught off guard by the unusual nature of the call and the odd request” and asked Fallon to “e-mail the material for evaluation.”
“At this point,” Fallon “abruptly placed the call on hold for approximately three minutes.” When Fallon returned to the call, “he was audibly shaken. He immediately stated that there was a ‘change in plans’ and that there would be no effort” by DOJ to release the material early.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: dankkk on September 12, 2014, 03:24:37 AM
I'm an IT professional, you would be surprised how many people just keep a .pst on their local hard drive with all their emails on it which eventually dies even though they are trained to put them on the network share.
I had a service company that maintained the backup tape drives for a government installation for about ten years.  They could produce anything they wanted, no ifs ands or buts.

It would be interesting to see who's been hired and who's been fired in that chain of command of people overseeing the backups, since this nonsense started.
I would not at all be surprised if we were to see people/companies let go right around when Lenner's computer "crashed" and as a result the backups are "not available". The Obama administration has stonewalled this investigation and has publicly came very close to breaking the law.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on September 12, 2014, 01:46:49 PM
I'm an IT professional, you would be surprised how many people just keep a .pst on their local hard drive with all their emails on it which eventually dies even though they are trained to put them on the network share.
I had a service company that maintained the backup tape drives for a government installation for about ten years.  They could produce anything they wanted, no ifs ands or buts.

It would be interesting to see who's been hired and who's been fired in that chain of command of people overseeing the backups, since this nonsense started.
I would not at all be surprised if we were to see people/companies let go right around when Lenner's computer "crashed" and as a result the backups are "not available". The Obama administration has stonewalled this investigation and has publicly came very close to breaking the law.
Yeah.  Also consider that a fair majority of people, maybe 3/4, are not so rigidly and dogmatically political that they would always support the D or R.  If something was wrong in their office, they'd do what was right.

But I know where those IRS emails are.  They are in the same box with Obama's birth certificate and college records.


Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on September 12, 2014, 03:12:07 PM
I'm an IT professional, you would be surprised how many people just keep a .pst on their local hard drive with all their emails on it which eventually dies even though they are trained to put them on the network share.
I had a service company that maintained the backup tape drives for a government installation for about ten years.  They could produce anything they wanted, no ifs ands or buts.

It would be interesting to see who's been hired and who's been fired in that chain of command of people overseeing the backups, since this nonsense started.
I would not at all be surprised if we were to see people/companies let go right around when Lenner's computer "crashed" and as a result the backups are "not available". The Obama administration has stonewalled this investigation and has publicly came very close to breaking the law.
Yeah.  Also consider that a fair majority of people, maybe 3/4, are not so rigidly and dogmatically political that they would always support the D or R.  If something was wrong in their office, they'd do what was right.

But I know where those IRS emails are.  They are in the same box with Obama's birth certificate and college records.


In that case only one dude can help us get those emails then.... 8) (

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: dankkk on September 13, 2014, 11:17:43 PM
I'm an IT professional, you would be surprised how many people just keep a .pst on their local hard drive with all their emails on it which eventually dies even though they are trained to put them on the network share.
I had a service company that maintained the backup tape drives for a government installation for about ten years.  They could produce anything they wanted, no ifs ands or buts.

It would be interesting to see who's been hired and who's been fired in that chain of command of people overseeing the backups, since this nonsense started.
I would not at all be surprised if we were to see people/companies let go right around when Lenner's computer "crashed" and as a result the backups are "not available". The Obama administration has stonewalled this investigation and has publicly came very close to breaking the law.
Yeah.  Also consider that a fair majority of people, maybe 3/4, are not so rigidly and dogmatically political that they would always support the D or R.  If something was wrong in their office, they'd do what was right.

But I know where those IRS emails are.  They are in the same box with Obama's birth certificate and college records.

My point was that when people and companies were fired when her computer crashed then it would be easier to set it up such that their replacements would overlook needing to find the backups of her computer files. The people being let go would not know that they were fired merely to cause chaos to avoid recovering the data. This would only take a very small number of people (probably only one or two) to execute

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on September 17, 2014, 11:53:57 PM

Koskinen: ‘Hard Drive Crashes Continue As We Speak’

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) commissioner John Koskinen testified Wednesday that the IRS did not save any of the information on Lois Lerner’s destroyed Blackberry and that there is no outside system to store agency emails.

“Hard drive crashes continue as we speak,” Koskinen admitted at a House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee hearing when asked if any computers had recently crashed under his watch.

Koskinen admitted that destroying records would be an act “not consistent with the law,” but maintained that there’s no evidence that the IRS intentionally destroyed records.

“Ms. Lerner’s Blackberry was replaced in February 2012 as part of an ongoing Blackberry update….it was disposed of under standard procedures at that time,” Koskinen said.

Koskinen claimed that information from Lerner’s Blackberry could not be transferred to her new model because “Our Blackberries only display email that is displayed by our employees’ Microsoft Outlook emails, which is maintained on IRS servers.”

Koskinen also said that there’s no outside system to save IRS employees’ emails.

“There is no system outside the IRS, government or otherwise, that the IRS uses to back up or store emails,” Koskinen said.

Koskinen didn’t mention that the IRS terminated its years-long contract with its email archiving company Sonasoft shortly after Lerner’s computer crashed.

“It is not clear that there are backup tapes that have any information on them,” Koskinen said. “I never said they disappeared, I said they were recycled.”

But the IRS could have easily saved all records, information, and history on Lois Lerner’s Blackberry, according to a Blackberry user guide.

“If you have installed the BlackBerry® Desktop Software on your computer, you can back up and restore most of your BlackBerry smartphone data, including messages, organizer data, fonts, saved searches, and browser bookmarks using the BlackBerry Desktop Software. For more information, see the Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software,” according to Blackberry.

“If your email account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, you might be able to restore synchronized organizer data to your smartphone over the wireless network. To restore synchronized organizer data over the wireless network, you must have an activation password. For more information, contact your administrator,” the Blackberry manual continues.

Koskinen said that if the agency destroyed records then “that was an act not consistent with the law” but said, “There’s no evidence that there were records destroyed.”

Koskinen also admitted that IRS employees routinely use personal email accounts to conduct agency business but maintained that “they do it inadvertently.”

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: omgbossis21 on September 18, 2014, 12:27:46 AM
If somebody produces those emails he's a hero.  However within the year he will commit the usual government related "suicide".

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on September 18, 2014, 03:05:07 AM
If somebody produces those emails he's a hero.  However within the year he will commit the usual government related "suicide".
Or some others will.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: leannemckim46 on September 20, 2014, 05:48:56 AM
If somebody produces those emails he's a hero.  However within the year he will commit the usual government related "suicide".
Whistle-blowers are generally protected under federal law. Therefore it would be illegal for anyone to retaliate against them for producing evidence against the IRS. Also once the evidence is released the "damage" would have been done to the Obama administration and testimony would generally not be necessary, so faking his suicide would do little for president Obama

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on September 21, 2014, 02:30:11 PM
If somebody produces those emails he's a hero.  However within the year he will commit the usual government related "suicide".
Whistle-blowers are generally protected under federal law. Therefore it would be illegal for anyone to retaliate against them for producing evidence against the IRS. Also once the evidence is released the "damage" would have been done to the Obama administration and testimony would generally not be necessary, so faking his suicide would do little for president Obama

We could also say something like "The IRS does not GENERALLY lose emails and have important computers crash" but drawing a conclusion from that would be ridiculous, since the case involves purposeful breaking of the rules and the law.

Once a country's federal level Justic Dept.  is corrupted all bets are off.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: dankkk on September 21, 2014, 05:54:14 PM
If somebody produces those emails he's a hero.  However within the year he will commit the usual government related "suicide".
Whistle-blowers are generally protected under federal law. Therefore it would be illegal for anyone to retaliate against them for producing evidence against the IRS. Also once the evidence is released the "damage" would have been done to the Obama administration and testimony would generally not be necessary, so faking his suicide would do little for president Obama

We could also say something like "The IRS does not GENERALLY lose emails and have important computers crash" but drawing a conclusion from that would be ridiculous, since the case involves purposeful breaking of the rules and the law.

Once a country's federal level Justic Dept.  is corrupted all bets are off.
The alleged crime involves the current administration, and the DOJ is headed by a member of the administration, therefore it would never be unbiased. The only appropriate response in this kind of situation would be to appoint a special prosecutor or a special investigator to pursue potential charges.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on October 07, 2014, 11:45:05 PM

Producer of anti-Obamacare movie ‘Sick and Sicker’ hit with IRS audit

The producer of a new movie that criticizes Obamacare has reportedly become the latest prominent conservative slapped with an IRS audit.

Logan Clements, producer of “Sick and Sicker: ObamaCare Canadian Style,” announced via press release Tuesday that he is being audited for the first time ever.

The news comes one month after the conservative Breitbart News announced that it, too, was being audited and that the action was probably politically motivated.

Mr. Clements‘ movie makes the case that Obamacare will eventually lead to socialized medicine like Canada.

In the video, he says the IRS is demanding a “ridiculously long list” of documents, including “a detailed description of all transactions related to all prior year returns and supporting documentation.”

“It sounds like a fishing expedition by the IRS to tie me up for a very long time in retaliation for making a movie against Obamacare,” Mr. Clements says. “Perhaps they were hoping that voters wouldn’t see my movie before the election by keeping me tied up in a battle with the IRS. Well, in fact, their action is going to have the complete opposite effect.”

The conservative vowed to fight back by releasing “Sick and Sicker” immediately to entire states online using a “statewide open screening license,” in order to get the message out before Nov. 4.

The dog that ate those hard drives by mistake is responsible for triggering that random IRS audit.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: omgbossis21 on October 07, 2014, 11:51:28 PM
That's their way of letting us know no one can do anything about it sadly.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on October 08, 2014, 12:21:15 AM
That's their way of letting us know no one can do anything about it sadly.
We'll see where this heads if, as pollsters say, the Republicans take the Senate next month.  As for what anyone can do about it, it's very simple.

Do something to help them take the Senate.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: TECSHARE on October 08, 2014, 11:17:47 AM
Lois Lerner tries busting into neighbor's home to evade questions

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: money420weed on October 08, 2014, 05:19:46 PM
That's their way of letting us know no one can do anything about it sadly.
We'll see where this heads if, as pollsters say, the Republicans take the Senate next month.  As for what anyone can do about it, it's very simple.

Do something to help them take the Senate.

The reason no one is doing anything serious about this is because the executive branch is run by obama and the senate is controlled by reid. He is essentially able to stop any bills that obama does not like and is able to ram through any nomination that Obama appoints.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on October 08, 2014, 08:14:46 PM
That's their way of letting us know no one can do anything about it sadly.
We'll see where this heads if, as pollsters say, the Republicans take the Senate next month.  As for what anyone can do about it, it's very simple.

Do something to help them take the Senate.

The reason no one is doing anything serious about this is because the executive branch is run by obama and the senate is controlled by reid. He is essentially able to stop any bills that obama does not like and is able to ram through any nomination that Obama appoints.

The people do have the power to put a stop to this nonsense in the next 30 days.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: redHeadBlunder on October 09, 2014, 06:14:54 AM
That's their way of letting us know no one can do anything about it sadly.
We'll see where this heads if, as pollsters say, the Republicans take the Senate next month.  As for what anyone can do about it, it's very simple.

Do something to help them take the Senate.

The reason no one is doing anything serious about this is because the executive branch is run by obama and the senate is controlled by reid. He is essentially able to stop any bills that obama does not like and is able to ram through any nomination that Obama appoints.

The people do have the power to put a stop to this nonsense in the next 30 days.
I think it will only slow down the nonsense as Obama will still be president and the legislature can only do so much when the president is not in agreement with them. Also it is unlikely that the GOP will be able to gain a supermajority in the senate nor a large enough majority to override a veto.

I think it is important to win the senate in order to prevent presidential nominees from being rammed through the confirmation process, however I think this will make few other changes

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on October 10, 2014, 09:53:15 PM
That's their way of letting us know no one can do anything about it sadly.
We'll see where this heads if, as pollsters say, the Republicans take the Senate next month.  As for what anyone can do about it, it's very simple.

Do something to help them take the Senate.

The reason no one is doing anything serious about this is because the executive branch is run by obama and the senate is controlled by reid. He is essentially able to stop any bills that obama does not like and is able to ram through any nomination that Obama appoints.

The people do have the power to put a stop to this nonsense in the next 30 days.
I think it will only slow down the nonsense as Obama will still be president and the legislature can only do so much when the president is not in agreement with them. Also it is unlikely that the GOP will be able to gain a supermajority in the senate nor a large enough majority to override a veto.

I think it is important to win the senate in order to prevent presidential nominees from being rammed through the confirmation process, however I think this will make few other changes
I think that IN GENERAL, you might be right, but we are talking about the issue with the IRS corruption.  Taking the Senate would send a very clear signal to the IRS as to the mood of the country, which would likely result in whistle blowers coming out of the closet.

One step at a time.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Eisenhower34 on October 11, 2014, 07:48:17 PM
That's their way of letting us know no one can do anything about it sadly.
We'll see where this heads if, as pollsters say, the Republicans take the Senate next month.  As for what anyone can do about it, it's very simple.

Do something to help them take the Senate.

The reason no one is doing anything serious about this is because the executive branch is run by obama and the senate is controlled by reid. He is essentially able to stop any bills that obama does not like and is able to ram through any nomination that Obama appoints.

The people do have the power to put a stop to this nonsense in the next 30 days.
I think it will only slow down the nonsense as Obama will still be president and the legislature can only do so much when the president is not in agreement with them. Also it is unlikely that the GOP will be able to gain a supermajority in the senate nor a large enough majority to override a veto.

I think it is important to win the senate in order to prevent presidential nominees from being rammed through the confirmation process, however I think this will make few other changes
I think that IN GENERAL, you might be right, but we are talking about the issue with the IRS corruption.  Taking the Senate would send a very clear signal to the IRS as to the mood of the country, which would likely result in whistle blowers coming out of the closet.

One step at a time.
Obama would still control the DOJ who would be prosecuting anyone at the IRS if the GOP were to retake the senate. The administration has already more or less said that no one is going to be prosecuted for what the IRS did (for as long as the Obama administration is in charge) so any real action will need to wait until at least 2017 or when a special prosecutor is appointed

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on October 24, 2014, 07:54:50 PM

Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Against IRS From Targeted Group True the Vote; Tea Party Outraged

A lawsuit brought against the government by True the Vote, an anti-voter fraud group made up of volunteers that was inappropriately targeted by the IRS and Department of Justice, has been thrown out by a federal judge despite acknowledgement of illegal wrongdoing in the case. More from Breitbart on the opinion:

Judge Walton's opinion stated that because the IRS had finally granted True the Vote their 501(c)(3) status, the case "no longer warrant[ed] the Court’s attention and further use of its resources," and deemed True the Vote's lawsuit to now be moot. However, True the Vote had argued specific costs that the IRS' delay had caused them, including fees for attorneys and CPAs, as well as fundraising losses. A number of other non-profit organizations and other donors had either pledged or donated money to True the Vote with the understanding that the group would have official 501(c)(3) status soon. Some of these groups even had requirements in their organizational documents that they could only give money to other approved 501(c)(3) organizations. According to Churchwell, the IRS' years-long delay acted as a "functional denial of our application" and True the Vote was forced to return some donations, and other pledges were revoked. Churchwell described the total costs to True the Vote caused by the IRS' delay to be nearly $90,000.

So because the IRS eventually granted proper 501(c)(3) status to True the Vote, there's no need to hold IRS officials accountable for inappropriately targeting the group and weaponizing government to do so? No justice or reconciliation for the damage done during the delay of the application? What an absolute shame and horrible precedent to set. Not to mention, IRS abuse will continue if there are no consequences for the illegal behavior and decisions that were made.

"This is far from over. This is what the beginning of tyranny looks like and we cannot sit by as Americans and watch it happen," True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht said during an interview with Fox News Friday afternoon.

Other tea party groups targeting by the IRS are outraged and have issued a series of statements in response to the dismissal.

This is what tyranny looks like.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: omgbossis21 on October 25, 2014, 01:58:17 AM
That my friend, is American justice.  Crooked of course!

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Westin Landon Cox on October 25, 2014, 12:50:47 PM
This is what tyranny looks like.

Yes, it is. I seriously doubt this tyranny can be fought with 501(c)(3) organizations reporting dutifully to the IRS. They've made it clear which side they're on and it's clear there will be no consequences. There should be some liberty oriented organizations that are funded through bitcoin and in which the real identities of the members are never known. That's the way to fight this.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on November 06, 2014, 04:25:59 AM

IRS Admits to Court it Hasn’t Searched for Missing Lerner Emails

Judicial Watch announced today that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) admitted to the court that it failed to search any of the IRS standard computer systems for the “missing” emails of Lois Lerner and other IRS officials. The admission appears in an IRS legal brief opposing the Judicial Watch request that a federal court judge allow discovery into how “lost and/or destroyed” IRS records relating to the targeting of conservative groups may be retrieved. The IRS is fighting Judicial Watch’s efforts to force testimony and document production about the IRS’ loss of records in Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation about the IRS targeting of Tea Party and other opponents of President Obama(Judicial Watch v. IRS (No. 1:13-cv-1559)).  The lawsuit is before U.S. District Court Judge Emmett G. Sullivan. [...]

Judicial Watch lawyers reviewed the IRS court filings and concluded that the agency “did not undertake any significant efforts to obtain the emails.”

IRS attorneys conceded that they had failed to search the agency’s servers for missing emails because they decided that “the servers would not result in the recovery of any information.” They admitted they had failed to search the agency’s disaster recovery tapes because they had “no reason to believe that the tapes are a potential source of recovering” the missing emails.  And they conceded that they had not searched the government-wide back-up system because they had “no reason to believe such a system … even exists.”

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: omgbossis21 on November 06, 2014, 05:44:46 AM
Good ol US OF A.  Corrupt from top to bottom.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on November 06, 2014, 03:27:35 PM
That's their way of letting us know no one can do anything about it sadly.
We'll see where this heads if, as pollsters say, the Republicans take the Senate next month.  As for what anyone can do about it, it's very simple.

Do something to help them take the Senate.

The reason no one is doing anything serious about this is because the executive branch is run by obama and the senate is controlled by reid. He is essentially able to stop any bills that obama does not like and is able to ram through any nomination that Obama appoints.

Well, that's over.

Now we see what happens.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on November 06, 2014, 04:19:05 PM
That's their way of letting us know no one can do anything about it sadly.
We'll see where this heads if, as pollsters say, the Republicans take the Senate next month.  As for what anyone can do about it, it's very simple.

Do something to help them take the Senate.

The reason no one is doing anything serious about this is because the executive branch is run by obama and the senate is controlled by reid. He is essentially able to stop any bills that obama does not like and is able to ram through any nomination that Obama appoints.

Well, that's over.

Now we see what happens.

They made sure they stuffed the system with their judges before being kicked out. It will not be easy but will be much better now anyway.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Gumbork on November 07, 2014, 01:29:10 AM

IRS Admits to Court it Hasn’t Searched for Missing Lerner Emails

Judicial Watch announced today that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) admitted to the court that it failed to search any of the IRS standard computer systems for the “missing” emails of Lois Lerner and other IRS officials. The admission appears in an IRS legal brief opposing the Judicial Watch request that a federal court judge allow discovery into how “lost and/or destroyed” IRS records relating to the targeting of conservative groups may be retrieved. The IRS is fighting Judicial Watch’s efforts to force testimony and document production about the IRS’ loss of records in Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation about the IRS targeting of Tea Party and other opponents of President Obama(Judicial Watch v. IRS (No. 1:13-cv-1559)).  The lawsuit is before U.S. District Court Judge Emmett G. Sullivan. [...]

Judicial Watch lawyers reviewed the IRS court filings and concluded that the agency “did not undertake any significant efforts to obtain the emails.”

IRS attorneys conceded that they had failed to search the agency’s servers for missing emails because they decided that “the servers would not result in the recovery of any information.” They admitted they had failed to search the agency’s disaster recovery tapes because they had “no reason to believe that the tapes are a potential source of recovering” the missing emails.  And they conceded that they had not searched the government-wide back-up system because they had “no reason to believe such a system … even exists.”

There is not going to be any kind of accountability as long as the Obama administration is in charge. It will essentially prevent any kind of charges from being filed as it was likely behind the wrongdoing

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on November 07, 2014, 01:32:12 PM

IRS Admits to Court it Hasn’t Searched for Missing Lerner Emails

Judicial Watch announced today that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) admitted to the court that it failed to search any of the IRS standard computer systems for the “missing” emails of Lois Lerner and other IRS officials. The admission appears in an IRS legal brief opposing the Judicial Watch request that a federal court judge allow discovery into how “lost and/or destroyed” IRS records relating to the targeting of conservative groups may be retrieved. The IRS is fighting Judicial Watch’s efforts to force testimony and document production about the IRS’ loss of records in Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation about the IRS targeting of Tea Party and other opponents of President Obama(Judicial Watch v. IRS (No. 1:13-cv-1559)).  The lawsuit is before U.S. District Court Judge Emmett G. Sullivan. [...]

Judicial Watch lawyers reviewed the IRS court filings and concluded that the agency “did not undertake any significant efforts to obtain the emails.”

IRS attorneys conceded that they had failed to search the agency’s servers for missing emails because they decided that “the servers would not result in the recovery of any information.” They admitted they had failed to search the agency’s disaster recovery tapes because they had “no reason to believe that the tapes are a potential source of recovering” the missing emails.  And they conceded that they had not searched the government-wide back-up system because they had “no reason to believe such a system … even exists.”

There is not going to be any kind of accountability as long as the Obama administration is in charge. It will essentially prevent any kind of charges from being filed as it was likely behind the wrongdoing
Key officials of the IRS who were involved in this wrongdoing, or who have been implicit in it by continuing the obfuscation and coverup, can be impeached by 60 votes in the Senate.

It's not implausible to suggest that some Democrats would side with this.  An attempt to impeach Obama would result in a party line split, but would this matter do so?

If yes, then the Democrats would en mass line up and protect the IRS's right to political intimidation?

I don't think so.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on November 07, 2014, 04:44:51 PM

IRS Admits to Court it Hasn’t Searched for Missing Lerner Emails

Judicial Watch announced today that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) admitted to the court that it failed to search any of the IRS standard computer systems for the “missing” emails of Lois Lerner and other IRS officials. The admission appears in an IRS legal brief opposing the Judicial Watch request that a federal court judge allow discovery into how “lost and/or destroyed” IRS records relating to the targeting of conservative groups may be retrieved. The IRS is fighting Judicial Watch’s efforts to force testimony and document production about the IRS’ loss of records in Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation about the IRS targeting of Tea Party and other opponents of President Obama(Judicial Watch v. IRS (No. 1:13-cv-1559)).  The lawsuit is before U.S. District Court Judge Emmett G. Sullivan. [...]

Judicial Watch lawyers reviewed the IRS court filings and concluded that the agency “did not undertake any significant efforts to obtain the emails.”

IRS attorneys conceded that they had failed to search the agency’s servers for missing emails because they decided that “the servers would not result in the recovery of any information.” They admitted they had failed to search the agency’s disaster recovery tapes because they had “no reason to believe that the tapes are a potential source of recovering” the missing emails.  And they conceded that they had not searched the government-wide back-up system because they had “no reason to believe such a system … even exists.”

There is not going to be any kind of accountability as long as the Obama administration is in charge. It will essentially prevent any kind of charges from being filed as it was likely behind the wrongdoing
Key officials of the IRS who were involved in this wrongdoing, or who have been implicit in it by continuing the obfuscation and coverup, can be impeached by 60 votes in the Senate.

It's not implausible to suggest that some Democrats would side with this.  An attempt to impeach Obama would result in a party line split, but would this matter do so?

If yes, then the Democrats would en mass line up and protect the IRS's right to political intimidation?

I don't think so.

With all the crap I have seen from this government, and to be fair from past US governments from both parties too, I have learned to keep an open mind on what they are willing to do...

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on November 07, 2014, 05:51:14 PM

IRS Admits to Court it Hasn’t Searched for Missing Lerner Emails

Judicial Watch announced today that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) admitted to the court that it failed to search any of the IRS standard computer systems for the “missing” emails of Lois Lerner and other IRS officials. The admission appears in an IRS legal brief opposing the Judicial Watch request that a federal court judge allow discovery into how “lost and/or destroyed” IRS records relating to the targeting of conservative groups may be retrieved. The IRS is fighting Judicial Watch’s efforts to force testimony and document production about the IRS’ loss of records in Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation about the IRS targeting of Tea Party and other opponents of President Obama(Judicial Watch v. IRS (No. 1:13-cv-1559)).  The lawsuit is before U.S. District Court Judge Emmett G. Sullivan. [...]

Judicial Watch lawyers reviewed the IRS court filings and concluded that the agency “did not undertake any significant efforts to obtain the emails.”

IRS attorneys conceded that they had failed to search the agency’s servers for missing emails because they decided that “the servers would not result in the recovery of any information.” They admitted they had failed to search the agency’s disaster recovery tapes because they had “no reason to believe that the tapes are a potential source of recovering” the missing emails.  And they conceded that they had not searched the government-wide back-up system because they had “no reason to believe such a system … even exists.”

There is not going to be any kind of accountability as long as the Obama administration is in charge. It will essentially prevent any kind of charges from being filed as it was likely behind the wrongdoing
Key officials of the IRS who were involved in this wrongdoing, or who have been implicit in it by continuing the obfuscation and coverup, can be impeached by 60 votes in the Senate.

It's not implausible to suggest that some Democrats would side with this.  An attempt to impeach Obama would result in a party line split, but would this matter do so?

If yes, then the Democrats would en mass line up and protect the IRS's right to political intimidation?

I don't think so.

With all the crap I have seen from this government, and to be fair from past US governments from both parties too, I have learned to keep an open mind on what they are willing to do...

I think, though that instead of endorsing a "spirit of hopelessness" as to the realistic ability to enact significant change and a return to the rule of law, various IRS and AJ officials should be targeted for impeachment.

I am not suggesting any targeting of people who cannot be shown or proven to engage in unlawful behavior, though.  Offhand I don't know if IRS officials remaining have evidence against them that rises to this level.

Holder and Lerner have fled.  Many others would (and should) and perhaps this would set an atmosphere in which these administrative agencies would do better than just grovel at the feet of the wanna be king.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: deluxeCITY on November 09, 2014, 06:17:17 AM
I think, though that instead of endorsing a "spirit of hopelessness" as to the realistic ability to enact significant change and a return to the rule of law, various IRS and AJ officials should be targeted for impeachment.

I am not suggesting any targeting of people who cannot be shown or proven to engage in unlawful behavior, though.  Offhand I don't know if IRS officials remaining have evidence against them that rises to this level.

Holder and Lerner have fled.  Many others would (and should) and perhaps this would set an atmosphere in which these administrative agencies would do better than just grovel at the feet of the wanna be king.
It is not easy to impeach a government official. Even when the evidence is there, the process will turn out to be a political one and the democrats will likely try to stonewall any impeachment (as they have the investigation into the IRS) and would likely vote against impeachment regardless of any evidence presented.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on November 10, 2014, 03:47:44 AM
I think, though that instead of endorsing a "spirit of hopelessness" as to the realistic ability to enact significant change and a return to the rule of law, various IRS and AJ officials should be targeted for impeachment.

I am not suggesting any targeting of people who cannot be shown or proven to engage in unlawful behavior, though.  Offhand I don't know if IRS officials remaining have evidence against them that rises to this level.

Holder and Lerner have fled.  Many others would (and should) and perhaps this would set an atmosphere in which these administrative agencies would do better than just grovel at the feet of the wanna be king.
It is not easy to impeach a government official. Even when the evidence is there, the process will turn out to be a political one and the democrats will likely try to stonewall any impeachment (as they have the investigation into the IRS) and would likely vote against impeachment regardless of any evidence presented.

This is not necessarily true.  You are suggesting that rank and file Democrats would line up and protect IRS administrators, who (assuming guilt for the minute) acted illegally although on suggestion to do so by the White House.

The guilt is of the IRS administrator strictly.

Democrats should fear the possibility that the next administration may well be Republican and would use the same tactics against them.  It is only necessary to pick up 60 votes in the Senate to do this. 

I view it as appropriate and just if in fact IRS adminstrators can be proven guilty.

This is very different than suggesting impeach Obama.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Connor936 on November 10, 2014, 05:20:22 AM
I think, though that instead of endorsing a "spirit of hopelessness" as to the realistic ability to enact significant change and a return to the rule of law, various IRS and AJ officials should be targeted for impeachment.

I am not suggesting any targeting of people who cannot be shown or proven to engage in unlawful behavior, though.  Offhand I don't know if IRS officials remaining have evidence against them that rises to this level.

Holder and Lerner have fled.  Many others would (and should) and perhaps this would set an atmosphere in which these administrative agencies would do better than just grovel at the feet of the wanna be king.
It is not easy to impeach a government official. Even when the evidence is there, the process will turn out to be a political one and the democrats will likely try to stonewall any impeachment (as they have the investigation into the IRS) and would likely vote against impeachment regardless of any evidence presented.

This is not necessarily true.  You are suggesting that rank and file Democrats would line up and protect IRS administrators, who (assuming guilt for the minute) acted illegally although on suggestion to do so by the White House.

The guilt is of the IRS administrator strictly.

Democrats should fear the possibility that the next administration may well be Republican and would use the same tactics against them.  It is only necessary to pick up 60 votes in the Senate to do this. 

I view it as appropriate and just if in fact IRS adminstrators can be proven guilty.

This is very different than suggesting impeach Obama.
You are assuming that it was not high ranking officials that ordered the illegal investigations. You are also assuming that the rank-and-file democrats were not made aware of the investigations ahead of time.

The chairman of the committee investigating the IRS in the senate has essentially said that nothing happened

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on November 10, 2014, 10:21:15 PM
I think, though that instead of endorsing a "spirit of hopelessness" as to the realistic ability to enact significant change and a return to the rule of law, various IRS and AJ officials should be targeted for impeachment.

I am not suggesting any targeting of people who cannot be shown or proven to engage in unlawful behavior, though.  Offhand I don't know if IRS officials remaining have evidence against them that rises to this level.

Holder and Lerner have fled.  Many others would (and should) and perhaps this would set an atmosphere in which these administrative agencies would do better than just grovel at the feet of the wanna be king.
It is not easy to impeach a government official. Even when the evidence is there, the process will turn out to be a political one and the democrats will likely try to stonewall any impeachment (as they have the investigation into the IRS) and would likely vote against impeachment regardless of any evidence presented.

This is not necessarily true.  You are suggesting that rank and file Democrats would line up and protect IRS administrators, who (assuming guilt for the minute) acted illegally although on suggestion to do so by the White House.

The guilt is of the IRS administrator strictly.

Democrats should fear the possibility that the next administration may well be Republican and would use the same tactics against them.  It is only necessary to pick up 60 votes in the Senate to do this. 

I view it as appropriate and just if in fact IRS adminstrators can be proven guilty.

This is very different than suggesting impeach Obama.
You are assuming that it was not high ranking officials that ordered the illegal investigations. You are also assuming that the rank-and-file democrats were not made aware of the investigations ahead of time.

The chairman of the committee investigating the IRS in the senate has essentially said that nothing happened

AFRAID I'll just beg to differ with his sorry lying face.

We'll see what the new chair of that committee says.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: bluemountain on November 11, 2014, 04:32:57 AM
I think, though that instead of endorsing a "spirit of hopelessness" as to the realistic ability to enact significant change and a return to the rule of law, various IRS and AJ officials should be targeted for impeachment.

I am not suggesting any targeting of people who cannot be shown or proven to engage in unlawful behavior, though.  Offhand I don't know if IRS officials remaining have evidence against them that rises to this level.

Holder and Lerner have fled.  Many others would (and should) and perhaps this would set an atmosphere in which these administrative agencies would do better than just grovel at the feet of the wanna be king.
It is not easy to impeach a government official. Even when the evidence is there, the process will turn out to be a political one and the democrats will likely try to stonewall any impeachment (as they have the investigation into the IRS) and would likely vote against impeachment regardless of any evidence presented.

This is not necessarily true.  You are suggesting that rank and file Democrats would line up and protect IRS administrators, who (assuming guilt for the minute) acted illegally although on suggestion to do so by the White House.

The guilt is of the IRS administrator strictly.

Democrats should fear the possibility that the next administration may well be Republican and would use the same tactics against them.  It is only necessary to pick up 60 votes in the Senate to do this. 

I view it as appropriate and just if in fact IRS adminstrators can be proven guilty.

This is very different than suggesting impeach Obama.
You are assuming that it was not high ranking officials that ordered the illegal investigations. You are also assuming that the rank-and-file democrats were not made aware of the investigations ahead of time.

The chairman of the committee investigating the IRS in the senate has essentially said that nothing happened

AFRAID I'll just beg to differ with his sorry lying face.

We'll see what the new chair of that committee says.
The democrats generally want this issue to "go away" because they know it benefited them greatly and generally have a consensus that anything that is discovered as a result of any investigation would not be good for them

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: omgbossis21 on November 11, 2014, 07:16:32 AM
Sadly the outcome is exactly what I thought, nothing happens. 

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: 2dogs on November 11, 2014, 08:49:29 AM
This is nothing short of sickening.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on November 11, 2014, 12:42:46 PM
I think, though that instead of endorsing a "spirit of hopelessness" as to the realistic ability to enact significant change and a return to the rule of law, various IRS and AJ officials should be targeted for impeachment.

I am not suggesting any targeting of people who cannot be shown or proven to engage in unlawful behavior, though.  Offhand I don't know if IRS officials remaining have evidence against them that rises to this level.

Holder and Lerner have fled.  Many others would (and should) and perhaps this would set an atmosphere in which these administrative agencies would do better than just grovel at the feet of the wanna be king.
It is not easy to impeach a government official. Even when the evidence is there, the process will turn out to be a political one and the democrats will likely try to stonewall any impeachment (as they have the investigation into the IRS) and would likely vote against impeachment regardless of any evidence presented.

This is not necessarily true.  You are suggesting that rank and file Democrats would line up and protect IRS administrators, who (assuming guilt for the minute) acted illegally although on suggestion to do so by the White House.

The guilt is of the IRS administrator strictly.

Democrats should fear the possibility that the next administration may well be Republican and would use the same tactics against them.  It is only necessary to pick up 60 votes in the Senate to do this. 

I view it as appropriate and just if in fact IRS adminstrators can be proven guilty.

This is very different than suggesting impeach Obama.
You are assuming that it was not high ranking officials that ordered the illegal investigations. You are also assuming that the rank-and-file democrats were not made aware of the investigations ahead of time.

The chairman of the committee investigating the IRS in the senate has essentially said that nothing happened

AFRAID I'll just beg to differ with his sorry lying face.

We'll see what the new chair of that committee says.
The democrats generally want this issue to "go away" because they know it benefited them greatly and generally have a consensus that anything that is discovered as a result of any investigation would not be good for them
Except it doesn't just go away.  It either remains as the "new normal", in which the IRS punishes and threatens political enemies/ideologies/opponents of the one in power or the Democrats (which is yet to be determined and might vary) or the IRS is forced to in no uncertain terms stay apart from partisian politics.

Seems the latter would require something like what I proposed, impeachment of officials, but would be a far superior outcome than the former.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: deluxeCITY on November 12, 2014, 12:25:08 AM
Except it doesn't just go away.  It either remains as the "new normal", in which the IRS punishes and threatens political enemies/ideologies/opponents of the one in power or the Democrats (which is yet to be determined and might vary) or the IRS is forced to in no uncertain terms stay apart from partisian politics.

Seems the latter would require something like what I proposed, impeachment of officials, but would be a far superior outcome than the former.
The issue could easily go away. All that would need to happen is congress to stop investigating the scandal and the MSM would likely stop reporting on it (as there would be nothing/very little to report.

If the situation were to "go away" then the IRS would be able to continue what they were doing and he democrats would be able to have a political advantage as their opponents would be able to be silenced

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on November 12, 2014, 03:06:05 AM
Except it doesn't just go away.  It either remains as the "new normal", in which the IRS punishes and threatens political enemies/ideologies/opponents of the one in power or the Democrats (which is yet to be determined and might vary) or the IRS is forced to in no uncertain terms stay apart from partisian politics.

Seems the latter would require something like what I proposed, impeachment of officials, but would be a far superior outcome than the former.
The issue could easily go away. All that would need to happen is congress to stop investigating the scandal and the MSM would likely stop reporting on it (as there would be nothing/very little to report.

If the situation were to "go away" then the IRS would be able to continue what they were doing and he democrats would be able to have a political advantage as their opponents would be able to be silenced

This would be a win for the totalitarian fascists.

That certainly would transform the Democratic party.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: ScreamnShout on November 12, 2014, 06:37:05 AM
Except it doesn't just go away.  It either remains as the "new normal", in which the IRS punishes and threatens political enemies/ideologies/opponents of the one in power or the Democrats (which is yet to be determined and might vary) or the IRS is forced to in no uncertain terms stay apart from partisian politics.

Seems the latter would require something like what I proposed, impeachment of officials, but would be a far superior outcome than the former.
The issue could easily go away. All that would need to happen is congress to stop investigating the scandal and the MSM would likely stop reporting on it (as there would be nothing/very little to report.

If the situation were to "go away" then the IRS would be able to continue what they were doing and he democrats would be able to have a political advantage as their opponents would be able to be silenced

This would be a win for the totalitarian fascists.

That certainly would transform the Democratic party.

Obama has shown a willingness of wanting to keep his opponents at bay, at any cost. He has done a lot to get people to not speak out against him, notably the tapping of journalists business phone lines while trying to find out who was leaking information about the adminsitration

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: axxo on November 12, 2014, 07:06:14 AM
Let's see, the IRS was technically savy enough to forward millions of pages of personal data about conservatives to Erick Holder to investigate... But somehow they lost 2 years of incriminating emails?

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on November 12, 2014, 12:36:01 PM
Let's see, the IRS was technically savy enough to forward millions of pages of personal data about conservatives to Erick Holder to investigate... But somehow they lost 2 years of incriminating emails?
If the Justice Dept. under Holder and now some new minion, will not provide justice (translated, justice is meted out by Obama), then to an extent with the impeachment process, Congress and the Senate can take up that role.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: dontCAREhair on November 13, 2014, 07:53:11 AM
Let's see, the IRS was technically savy enough to forward millions of pages of personal data about conservatives to Erick Holder to investigate... But somehow they lost 2 years of incriminating emails?
If the Justice Dept. under Holder and now some new minion, will not provide justice (translated, justice is meted out by Obama), then to an extent with the impeachment process, Congress and the Senate can take up that role.
Impeachment is not going to happen. A 2/3 majority needs to vote for impeachment in the senate which will never happen considering that impeachment trials will more or less always follow party lines and there are too many democrat in the senate as of this January

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: omgbossis21 on November 13, 2014, 08:35:55 AM
Doesn't seem like any further investigation is going to be done...  This is how it works here in USA, are you all not citizens (sarcasm)?

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on November 13, 2014, 01:23:29 PM
Let's see, the IRS was technically savy enough to forward millions of pages of personal data about conservatives to Erick Holder to investigate... But somehow they lost 2 years of incriminating emails?
If the Justice Dept. under Holder and now some new minion, will not provide justice (translated, justice is meted out by Obama), then to an extent with the impeachment process, Congress and the Senate can take up that role.
Impeachment is not going to happen. A 2/3 majority needs to vote for impeachment in the senate which will never happen considering that impeachment trials will more or less always follow party lines and there are too many democrat in the senate as of this January
It was changed to 60 votes, no longer 2/3.  There are currently 52 Repubs, 2 "independants" IIRC. 

On an unpopular issue, it is NOT CLEAR that you will have a party line vote.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on November 22, 2014, 05:31:02 PM

30,000 missing emails from IRS' Lerner recovered

Up to 30,000 missing emails sent by former Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner have been recovered by the IRS inspector general, five months after they were deemed lost forever.

The U.S. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) informed congressional staffers from several committees on Friday that the emails were found among hundreds of “disaster recovery tapes” that were used to back up the IRS email system.

“They just said it took them several weeks and some forensic effort to get these emails off these tapes,” a congressional aide told the Washington Examiner.

The IRS, in a statement provided to the Examiner, said the agency and IRS Commissioner John Koskinen is fully cooperating with the investigation.

"As Commissioner Koskinen has stated, the IRS welcomes TIGTA’s independent review and expert forensic analysis." The IRS statement said. "Commissioner Koskinen has said for some time he would be pleased if additional Lois Lerner emails from this time frame could be found."

Committees in the House and Senate are seeking the emails, which they believe could show Lerner was working in concert with Obama administration officials to target conservative and Tea Party groups seeking tax-exempt status before the 2012 presidential election.

The missing emails extend from 2009 to 2011, a period when Lerner headed the IRS’s exempt-organizations division. The emails were lost when Lerner’s computer crashed, IRS officials said earlier this year.

In June Koskinen told Congress the emails were probably lost for good because the disaster recovery tape holds onto the data for only six months. He said even if the IRS had sought the emails within the six-month period, it would have been a complicated and difficult process to produce them from the tapes.

The IRS also lost the emails of several other employees who worked under Lerner during that period.

Lerner, who retired from the IRS, has refused to be questioned by Congress.

She provided a statement at a March hearing, but then clammed up, following the advice of her lawyer to avoid self-incrimination.

The House, led by Republicans, voted in May to hold Lerner in contempt of Congress.

Congressional aides said officials from the inspector general’s office said it could take weeks to get the recovered emails off the tape before sending them to lawmakers in Capitol Hill.

In all, investigators from the inspector general’s office combed through 744 disaster recovery tapes. They are not finished looking.

There are 250 million emails on the tapes that will be reviewed. Officials said it is likely they will find missing emails from other IRS officials who worked under Lerner and who said they suffered computer crashes.

Investigators said the emails could include some overlapping information because it is not clear how many of them are duplicates or were already produced by Lerner to the congressional committees.

Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., said the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee he chairs will be one of the committees that will examine the emails.

“Though it is unclear whether TIGTA has found all of the missing Lois Lerner e-mails, there may be significant information in this discovery,” Issa told the Examiner. “The Oversight Committee will be looking for information about her mindset and who she was communicating with outside the IRS during a critical period of time when the IRS was targeting conservative groups. This discovery also underscores the lack of cooperation Congress has received from the IRS. The agency first failed to disclose the loss to Congress and then tried to declare Lerner’s e-mails gone and lost forever. Once again it appears the IRS hasn’t been straight with Congress and the American people.”

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on November 22, 2014, 05:51:21 PM

Flashback: Commissioner Admits Missing Lois Lerner Hard Drive Was Melted Down

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on November 23, 2014, 04:43:11 PM

Lois Lerner Refused Tax Exempt Status to Hundreds of Conservative Groups – But Granted Status to an Underage Prostitution Ring

This seemingly boring property tax story began when attorney Ron Pruitt filed nonprofit incorporation documents with Texas’ Secretary of State on 7/11/2003. These documents were then filed with the IRS, where Lois Lerner, the former Director of Exempt Organization Rulings and Agreements, decided the Royal Order of Jesters deserved 501(c)(3) status as a charity and, on July 24, 2004, approved their application that classified their new headquarters as a “museum.” The Jesters then filed as a foreign corporation business entity with the Secretary of State of Indiana to qualify their new Indianapolis headquarters for property tax exemption. Additionally, the Jesters were afforded other nonprofit benefits including reduced postal rates, possible exemption from state income, sales, and employment taxes, tax-deductible contributions and exemption from Federal income tax. According to, “Tax-exempt means that a nonprofit (1) does not pay taxes to the federal government and (2) that its donors can take a tax deduction for their donations to the organization.”

When the Jester news broke four years ago, we learned from the Buffalo News that a New York state Supreme Court judge resigned after the FBI caught him and two other Jesters in a human trafficking sting. These included his law clerk and a retired Lockport police captain. A retired Erie County Sheriff pleaded guilty last April to driving a limo of prostitutes from the Buffalo New York airport to a national Jester convention in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada in April, 2005 and not reporting the felony to authorities. The Judge testified in his plea agreement that he worked with national officials to make sure prostitutes got to a national Jester meeting in Niagara Falls, Ontario. The same plea agreement discloses that the Jesters are under federal investigation for sex trafficking, prostitution and child sex tourism.

The other story I broke four years ago reported that a group of 19 Jesters were on a witness list and were expected to testify about their first hand knowledge of sex with minor girls while on a fishing trip to Brazil. The list included national Jester director Samuel “Scutter” Newton.

The former fishing tour operator who organized the Jester fishing trip is currently being prosecuted by Brazilian authorities for trafficking underage girls into prostitution for his North American fishing clients. He is also under criminal investigation by a grand jury in Miami for child sex tourism and has been sued by four Brazilian women who claim he trafficked them into prostitution while minors.

The depositions of five Brazilian girls describe how one was left pregnant at age 13 after one such fishing trip. Fishing guides took pictures of Jesters having sex with minor girls and surrendered them to the Brazilian Federal Police. The fishing guides testified in the same case that the Jesters asked to be called “Masons” and for girls over 13. It is not yet known if these Jesters are among the twenty fishing customers currently under investigation by the Brazilian Senate.

Here is how the feds describe the Jesters in the Sheriff’s plea agreement.

“The Royal Order of Jesters (“ROJ”) is a worldwide fraternal organization whose membership is limited to individuals invited to join by other members. The motto of the ROJ is ‘mirth is king.’ The ROJ has local chapters or ‘courts.’ On occasion, a local court or group of local courts in the same geographical area sponsor social gatherings known as ‘books of the play’ or ‘books.’ The sponsoring courts organize the ‘books’ and arrange for food, lodging, and entertainment at the ‘books.’ The ROJ also sponsors a yearly national ‘book,’ the equivalent of a national convention. In April, 2005, the Jester’s national book was held in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. As set forth below, a typical feature of a ‘book of the play’ is the presence of prostitutes (‘Jester Girls’) who engage in commercial sex acts with members of the ROJ. Arrangements for the prostitutes are generally made by the organizer of the ‘books,’ or the region hosting the national ‘book.’ On occasion, individual Jesters make arrangements to transport prostitutes to ‘books.’”

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on November 29, 2014, 01:10:05 AM

IRS Gave White House Thousands of Taxpayer Documents

The IRS improperly turned over thousands of confidential tax documents to the White House for review, according to information obtained from a lawsuit filed against the U.S. Treasury Department’s inspector general by the legal advocacy firm Cause of Action, exposing a pipeline of communication between the two, the Daily Caller reports.

“The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) informed Cause of Action that there exist nearly 2,500 potentially responsive documents relating to investigations of improper disclosures of confidential taxpayer information by the IRS to the White House,” Cause of Action noted, according to the Daily Caller.

Such documentation, including the exchange of confidential information between White House policy adviser Jeanne Lambrew and former IRS official Lois Lerner, came to light after it was revealed that the the IRS had likely targeted conservative groups for review, including one that had sought in a 2012 lawsuit to overturn Obamacare’s contraceptive mandate, the Daily Caller noted.

The Justice Department has asked for a longer window under which to review the newly found documents before releasing them publicly, the Daily Caller said.

The Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard, in his “Secrets” column, called news of the leaked documents a “shocking revelation.”

Shocking... But hardly surprising...

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on December 04, 2014, 12:02:27 AM

Feds balk at releasing docs showing IRS sharing tax returns with White House

Less than a week after ’fessing up that it found some 2,500 documents potentially showing that the IRS shared taxpayer returns with the White House, the Obama administration has reversed course and won’t release the trove to a group suing for access.

In an abrupt decision, the Treasury inspector general’s office said that the documents are covered by privacy and disclosure laws and can’t be provided to Cause of Action, despite a promise last week to hand over some 2,500.

The decision coincides with publication by the Washington Examiner this week of "Watchdogs, lapdogs and attack dogs," a four-part series examining the successes and failures of the inspectors-general system, including multiple instances in which IGs provided cover for agency managers seeking to avoid more rigorous evaluations.

“All of the 2,043 pages of documents we have determined to be responsive were collected by the Secretary of the Treasury with respect to the determination of possible liability under Title 26 of the United States Code. These pages consist of return information protected by 26 U.S.C. § 6103 and may not be disclosed absent an express statutory exception,” said the office in a letter dated Dec. 1.

What's more, Treasury, which oversees the IRS, is still considering what to do with another 466 documents and said that they will provide a "response regarding" them.

Dan Epstein, executive director of Cause of Action, said Treasury was using “sophisticated” lawyering to weasel out of providing the documents. And he noted that their letter said that Treasury Secretary Jack Lew is now looking into “potential liability” that his tax aides broke laws in sharing taxpayer information with the White House.

Epstein said that either Treasury was “stonewalling” his group, or that Lew “is incompetent” for just now looking at potential lawbreaking by his team on the case that is two years old.

It is just the latest twist in the taxpayer advocate’s effort to prove allegations of political harassment of conservative taxpayers and groups. The documents are not related to the larger IRS harassment of Tea Party groups, but could show a pattern of targeting by the White House.

Cause of Action had won a Freedom of Information legal action to gain access to the documents and expected them to be redacted. Epstein said that he expects to fight Treasury's move in court.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on December 05, 2014, 12:54:56 PM

Feds balk at releasing docs showing IRS sharing tax returns with White House

Less than a week after ’fessing up that it found some 2,500 documents potentially showing that the IRS shared taxpayer returns with the White House, the Obama administration has reversed course and won’t release the trove to a group suing for access.

In an abrupt decision, the Treasury inspector general’s office said that the documents are covered by privacy and disclosure laws and can’t be provided to Cause of Action, despite a promise last week to hand over some 2,500.

The decision coincides with publication by the Washington Examiner this week of "Watchdogs, lapdogs and attack dogs," a four-part series examining the successes and failures of the inspectors-general system, including multiple instances in which IGs provided cover for agency managers seeking to avoid more rigorous evaluations.

“All of the 2,043 pages of documents we have determined to be responsive were collected by the Secretary of the Treasury with respect to the determination of possible liability under Title 26 of the United States Code. These pages consist of return information protected by 26 U.S.C. § 6103 and may not be disclosed absent an express statutory exception,” said the office in a letter dated Dec. 1.

What's more, Treasury, which oversees the IRS, is still considering what to do with another 466 documents and said that they will provide a "response regarding" them.

Dan Epstein, executive director of Cause of Action, said Treasury was using “sophisticated” lawyering to weasel out of providing the documents. And he noted that their letter said that Treasury Secretary Jack Lew is now looking into “potential liability” that his tax aides broke laws in sharing taxpayer information with the White House.

Epstein said that either Treasury was “stonewalling” his group, or that Lew “is incompetent” for just now looking at potential lawbreaking by his team on the case that is two years old.

It is just the latest twist in the taxpayer advocate’s effort to prove allegations of political harassment of conservative taxpayers and groups. The documents are not related to the larger IRS harassment of Tea Party groups, but could show a pattern of targeting by the White House.

Cause of Action had won a Freedom of Information legal action to gain access to the documents and expected them to be redacted. Epstein said that he expects to fight Treasury's move in court.

You must be mistaken.  At least in thinking this is some kind of story of concern and interest.

Because I just checked the Huffington Post and there was no mention of it.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on December 05, 2014, 06:18:02 PM

Feds balk at releasing docs showing IRS sharing tax returns with White House

Less than a week after ’fessing up that it found some 2,500 documents potentially showing that the IRS shared taxpayer returns with the White House, the Obama administration has reversed course and won’t release the trove to a group suing for access.

In an abrupt decision, the Treasury inspector general’s office said that the documents are covered by privacy and disclosure laws and can’t be provided to Cause of Action, despite a promise last week to hand over some 2,500.

The decision coincides with publication by the Washington Examiner this week of "Watchdogs, lapdogs and attack dogs," a four-part series examining the successes and failures of the inspectors-general system, including multiple instances in which IGs provided cover for agency managers seeking to avoid more rigorous evaluations.

“All of the 2,043 pages of documents we have determined to be responsive were collected by the Secretary of the Treasury with respect to the determination of possible liability under Title 26 of the United States Code. These pages consist of return information protected by 26 U.S.C. § 6103 and may not be disclosed absent an express statutory exception,” said the office in a letter dated Dec. 1.

What's more, Treasury, which oversees the IRS, is still considering what to do with another 466 documents and said that they will provide a "response regarding" them.

Dan Epstein, executive director of Cause of Action, said Treasury was using “sophisticated” lawyering to weasel out of providing the documents. And he noted that their letter said that Treasury Secretary Jack Lew is now looking into “potential liability” that his tax aides broke laws in sharing taxpayer information with the White House.

Epstein said that either Treasury was “stonewalling” his group, or that Lew “is incompetent” for just now looking at potential lawbreaking by his team on the case that is two years old.

It is just the latest twist in the taxpayer advocate’s effort to prove allegations of political harassment of conservative taxpayers and groups. The documents are not related to the larger IRS harassment of Tea Party groups, but could show a pattern of targeting by the White House.

Cause of Action had won a Freedom of Information legal action to gain access to the documents and expected them to be redacted. Epstein said that he expects to fight Treasury's move in court.

You must be mistaken.  At least in thinking this is some kind of story of concern and interest.

Because I just checked the Huffington Post and there was no mention of it.

I believe Lerner has nothing to hide too.. But I like to waste my time updating this thread for some reason.. Must be A.D.D...


Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on December 09, 2014, 05:13:48 PM

Judicial Watch Documents: Lois Lerner Met With DOJ Election Crimes Division One Month Before 2010 Midterm Elections

As result of a court order, the DOJ last month produced only two pages of heavily redacted emails (832 pages were withheld in entirety) that show the Obama Justice Department initiated an October 8, 2010, meeting between the IRS and top criminal prosecutors at the DOJ Public Integrity Section and Election Crimes Division “concerning 501(c)(4) issues.” On September 29, 2010, a DOJ official (whose name is blacked out) emailed a staff assistant at the IRS (whose name is also redacted):

"As we discussed this afternoon, we would like to invite Ms. Ingram [apparent reference to Sarah Hall Ingram former commissioner, IRS Tax Exempt and Government Entities] to meet with us concerning 501(c)(4) issues, and propose next Friday at 10:00 a.m. We are located in the Bond Building, 12th Floor, New York Avenue, NW, Thank you for your assistance."

The document shows that the unknown DOJ official setting up the meeting is with the Election Crimes Division of the Public Integrity Section of the DOJ’s Criminal Division. (Judicial Watch believes the redacted name of the DOJ official is Richard Pilger, Director of the Election Crimes Division.) The DOJ email setting up the IRS meeting is cc’d to the DOJ’s Public Integrity Section Chief, Jack Smith, and Principal Deputy Chief Raymond Hulser. The documents show that Ingram was not available but arranged for her deputy, Lois Lerner, then-Director of the IRS Exempt Organizations branch, to meet with the DOJ senior officials.

On September 30, 2010, the Election Crimes prosecutor emails Lerner:

"Hi Lois-It's been a long time, and you might not remember me, I've taken on [REDACTED] duties. I’m looking forward to meeting you, Can we chat in advance? I'm a [REDACTED]"

Lerner responded on October 2, 2010:

"Sure-that's a good Idea [sic]. I have a meeting out of the office Monday morning, but will try you when I get back sometime early afternoon. You can try me at 202 283-8848."

The Justice Department has withheld in full at least 832 additional pages of documents, citing various “taxpayer privacy,” “deliberative privilege,” and other exemptions to keep the records secret.

“These new documents dramatically show how the Justice Department is up to its neck in the IRS scandal and can’t be trusted to investigate crimes associated with the IRS abuses that targeted Obama’s critics. And it is of particular concern that the DOJ’s Public Integrity Section, which would ordinarily investigate the IRS abuses, is now implicated in the IRS crimes. No wonder the Department of Justice under Eric Holder has done no serious investigation of the Obama IRS scandal," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. “It is shameful how Establishment Washington has let slide by Obama’s abuse of the IRS and the Justice Department. Only as a result of Judicial Watch’s independent investigations did the American people learn about the IRS-DOJ prosecution discussions of Obama’s political enemies and how the IRS sent, in violation of law, confidential taxpayer information to the FBI and DOJ in 2010. Richard Nixon was impeached for less.”

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on December 17, 2014, 05:32:41 PM

IRS Watchdog Continues to Hide Records on White House Leaks

Of 2509 documents, government agrees to release 31

An independent IRS monitor announced Monday it will block the release of roughly 400 more pages of documents related to unauthorized leaks of confidential taxpayer information to the White House.

The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) told the watchdog group Cause of Action it would be withholding nearly all of the 2,500 documents it located that were related to unauthorized IRS leaks to the White House. Earlier this month, TIGTA told Cause of Action it was withholding roughly 2,100 of the documents and said it would take an additional two weeks to review the rest.

TIGTA released 31 pages of documents on Monday to Cause of Action, 27 of which were already publicly available. Most were responses to letters from Republican senators.

As previously reported by the Washington Free Beacon, Cause of Action filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against TIGTA for the long-sought-after records after the agency refused to even acknowledge whether they existed or not.

A federal judge ruled in September that TIGTA could not hide the existence of its investigations into improper leaks. In response TIGTA identified 2,509 responsive documents to Cause of Action’s FOIA request but said it was barred by law from releasing them.

TIGTA has used a statute meant to shield confidential taxpayer information to block FOIA requests over the past several years that seek information on investigations into politically motivated IRS leaks by the Obama administration.

For example, TIGTA refused to confirm or deny the existence of an investigation into former White House economic adviser Austan Goolsbee in response to several FOIA requests from the Washington Free Beacon, Koch Industries, and Cause of Action.

Goolsbee sparked a mini-scandal in 2010 when said during a background press briefing that Koch Industries—the company of libertarian philanthropists Charles and David Koch—paid no income taxes.

“It is disappointing that more than 4 years later, we still don’t know what Mr. Goolsbee exactly did or what TIGTA’s investigation revealed,” Koch Industries general counsel Mark Holden said in a statement to the Free Beacon.

In a statement, Cause of Action said it will file a motion claiming TIGTA is violating public record law by refusing to release the rest of the records.

In response to a question about the case at a White House press briefing earlier this month, White House press secretary Josh Earnest said the Obama administration “has been very rigorous in following all of the rules and regulations that govern proper communications between treasury officials and White House officials and the Internal Revenue Service.”

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on December 23, 2014, 04:39:05 AM

BOMBSHELL REPORT: IRS Targeted ‘Icky’ Conservative Groups

Top IRS officials specifically targeted tea party groups and misled the public about its secret political targeting program led by ex-official Lois Lerner, according to a bombshell new congressional report.

The Daily Caller has obtained an advance copy of a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee report set to be released Tuesday morning that definitively proves malicious intent by the IRS to improperly block conservative groups that an IRS adviser deemed “icky.” (That’s right. “Icky.”)

“The Committee has identified eight senior leaders who were in a position to prevent or to stop the IRS’s targeting of conservative applicants,” the Oversight report states. “Each of these leaders could have and should have done more to prevent the IRS’s targeting of conservative tax-exempt applicants.”

Here are six major takeaways from the report:

1. The IRS admitted that the front office was “spinning” about the targeting rumors as early as 2012, after IRS commissioner Douglas Shulman denied the tea party targeting to Congress.

“This is what the front office and [IRS Chief of Communications and Liaison] Frank [Keith] are spinning about now,” an IRS legislative affairs office employee wrote in an email to co-workers, referring to a news article on Shulman’s dishonest testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee, in which he denied rumors of improper targeting.

2. Then-IRS commissioner Steven T. Miller almost broke down and told the truth about the tea party targeting at a July 2012 hearing, but Lerner’s sidekick Nikole Flax told him not to.

“I am beginning to wonder whether I should do [Chairman] Boustany[’s hearing] and affirmatively use it to put a stake in politics and c4,” Miller wrote in an email to Flax.

Flax replied, “If the hearing is as generic as I recall, seems like you are too senior.  Would be silly to think the c4 issues won’t come up – but I think Sarah [Hall Ingram] could handle it fine as well.”

3. The IRS definitely treated tea party applications by a different standard than applications from other (c)(4) groups.

“Normal (c)(4) cases we must develop the concept of social welfare, such as the community newspapers, or the poor, that types,” Lerner underling Stephen Seok said in testimony published in the report. “These [Tea Party] organizations mostly concentrate on their activities on the limiting government, limiting government role, or reducing government size, or paying less tax.  I think it[‘]s different from the other social welfare organizations which are (c)(4).”

4. Lois Lerner expressed her frustration about having to potentially approve a lot of groups, and her colleagues in the agency assured her that she wouldn’t have to.

“Lois [Lerner] would like to discuss our planned approach for dealing with these cases. We suspect we will have to approve the majority of the c4 applications,” IRS official Holly Paz wrote to colleagues.

IRS official Don Spellman replied, “This line in particular stood out: ‘We suspect we will have to approve the majority of c4 applications.’ That’s an interesting posture.”

Deputy Division Counsel Janine Cook replied, “[G]uess they are thinking they’ll have suspicions about reality but the paper/reps will pass muster.”

5. So the IRS reached out to outside advisers to help come up with ways to deny tax-exempt status to “icky” organizations.

“It appears that the org is funneling money to other orgs for political purposes,” a Cincinnati-based IRS agent working under Lois Lerner wrote to tax law specialist Hilary Goehausen in April 2013. ”However, I’m not sure we can deny them because, technically, I don’t know that I can deny them simply for donating to another 501(c)(4). . . .  Any thoughts or feedback would be greatly appreciated.”

“I think there may be a number of ways to deny them,” Goehausen replied. “Let me talk to Sharon [Light] tomorrow about it and get some ideas from her as well. . . .This sounds like a bad org. :/ . . .  This org gives me an icky feeling.”

6. A May 2011 email from a lawyer in the IRS chief counsel’s office made clear that the agency sought to use a new “gift tax” to target donors to nonprofit political groups.

The lawyer wrote that the “plan is to elevate the issue of asserting gift tax on donors to 501(c)(4) organizations to the Chief Counsel and the Commissioner.”

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on December 26, 2014, 03:34:38 PM

IRS mistakenly penalizes Christine O’Donnell a second time, placed levy on bank accounts

Adding to the long-running saga of IRS dealings with conservatives, former Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell says the tax agency punished her mistakenly for the second time in five years by imposing an erroneous levy on her bank accounts.

Ms. O’Donnell told The Washington Times that she discovered the levy when she couldn’t access her checking account as she was preparing to visit relatives over Thanksgiving.

“The day before I was heading out of town for the Thanksgiving weekend, my bank told me the IRS had frozen my accounts. They didn’t give me a reason why, just a phone number to call,” Ms. O’Donnell said in an interview this week.

She said she called the Internal Revenue Service and was told the agency had concluded she owed $30,000 in taxes from a 2008 house transaction, which was long ago accounted for on her federal returns. She said she implored the agency to check her tax records and eventually was told the levy was generated in error and her accounts would be freed up.

Although IRS officials removed the levy, they first withdrew all the funds from her account. They said that, too, was in error and the funds would be returned to her. The funds have not been replaced, Ms. O’Donnell said.

Ms. O’Donnell, who writes a column for the online Washington Times Communities, says her only current matter pending with the IRS is that she filed for an extension to pay her 2013 taxes but that the levy had nothing to do with that filing.

“They said it was a mistake, and they removed the levy. I’m grateful, but I also wonder what someone with less government experience might do when they find themselves frozen from their money because the IRS got its paperwork mixed up. It can be scary. You feel helpless if you can’t even buy gas for your car,” she said.
Asked where she thought her latest IRS run-in fit into the bigger controversy over the agency’s dealings with conservatives, she answered cautiously.

“While I don’t believe in coincidences, it’s possible that this was just bureaucratic bungling. But either way, the IRS has to be held accountable. It needs to do its job right and not target or inconvenience taxpayers unfairly,” she said.
IRS officials said federal tax privacy laws prohibit them from commenting on individual taxpayer matters.

Ms. O’Donnell, a tea party favorite who burst onto the national stage in 2010 when she upset a longtime incumbent and won the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in Delaware, has been one of several high-profile conservatives to claim mistreatment from the IRS and other federal authorities.

Senate investigators continue to probe why Delaware state authorities accessed Ms. O’Donnell’s IRS tax file on a Saturday morning in spring 2010, right around the time she announced her candidacy and a story was leaked alleging that she owed back taxes to the IRS, which was later proved to be false.

Delaware authorities claim the records check was routine but that the computer records detailing what was searched have since been destroyed. Lawmakers in both parties have cited the episode in raising concerns about possible lax access for state agencies to sensitive federal tax records.

The first tax lien was placed on a house she had sold more than two years earlier, and it created headaches for her finances and her campaign. The lien was highly publicized and used to discredit Ms. O’Donnell’s candidacy just as it was getting off the ground, even though she no longer owned the home in question.

The IRS eventually removed the lien, blaming it on a computer error. Ms. O’Donnell sold the home in 2008, and financial documents from her lender show that her back payments were satisfied in July 2008, long before the IRS initiated the bogus lien.

Ms. O’Donnell also battled a three-year audit of her personal finances that ultimately ended with her repaying $1,100 to the federal government. She said friends and family also were subjected to intrusive audits, though they were cleared. She believes the first round of IRS intrusions were political and malicious, and she has called on Congress to rein in the tax agency.

The second erroneous tax lien was revealed the same week that House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell E. Issa, California Republican, released a report highlighting emails he said showed a clear anti-conservative bias inside the IRS. It was also the same week that the House Ways and Means and Senate Judiciary committees confirmed they were still investigating the 2010 breach of Ms. O’Donnell’s tax records.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: deluxeCITY on December 29, 2014, 06:23:10 AM

IRS mistakenly penalizes Christine O’Donnell a second time, placed levy on bank accounts

Adding to the long-running saga of IRS dealings with conservatives, former Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell says the tax agency punished her mistakenly for the second time in five years by imposing an erroneous levy on her bank accounts.

Ms. O’Donnell told The Washington Times that she discovered the levy when she couldn’t access her checking account as she was preparing to visit relatives over Thanksgiving.

“The day before I was heading out of town for the Thanksgiving weekend, my bank told me the IRS had frozen my accounts. They didn’t give me a reason why, just a phone number to call,” Ms. O’Donnell said in an interview this week.

She said she called the Internal Revenue Service and was told the agency had concluded she owed $30,000 in taxes from a 2008 house transaction, which was long ago accounted for on her federal returns. She said she implored the agency to check her tax records and eventually was told the levy was generated in error and her accounts would be freed up.

Although IRS officials removed the levy, they first withdrew all the funds from her account. They said that, too, was in error and the funds would be returned to her. The funds have not been replaced, Ms. O’Donnell said.

Ms. O’Donnell, who writes a column for the online Washington Times Communities, says her only current matter pending with the IRS is that she filed for an extension to pay her 2013 taxes but that the levy had nothing to do with that filing.

“They said it was a mistake, and they removed the levy. I’m grateful, but I also wonder what someone with less government experience might do when they find themselves frozen from their money because the IRS got its paperwork mixed up. It can be scary. You feel helpless if you can’t even buy gas for your car,” she said.
Asked where she thought her latest IRS run-in fit into the bigger controversy over the agency’s dealings with conservatives, she answered cautiously.

“While I don’t believe in coincidences, it’s possible that this was just bureaucratic bungling. But either way, the IRS has to be held accountable. It needs to do its job right and not target or inconvenience taxpayers unfairly,” she said.
IRS officials said federal tax privacy laws prohibit them from commenting on individual taxpayer matters.

Ms. O’Donnell, a tea party favorite who burst onto the national stage in 2010 when she upset a longtime incumbent and won the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in Delaware, has been one of several high-profile conservatives to claim mistreatment from the IRS and other federal authorities.

Senate investigators continue to probe why Delaware state authorities accessed Ms. O’Donnell’s IRS tax file on a Saturday morning in spring 2010, right around the time she announced her candidacy and a story was leaked alleging that she owed back taxes to the IRS, which was later proved to be false.

Delaware authorities claim the records check was routine but that the computer records detailing what was searched have since been destroyed. Lawmakers in both parties have cited the episode in raising concerns about possible lax access for state agencies to sensitive federal tax records.

The first tax lien was placed on a house she had sold more than two years earlier, and it created headaches for her finances and her campaign. The lien was highly publicized and used to discredit Ms. O’Donnell’s candidacy just as it was getting off the ground, even though she no longer owned the home in question.

The IRS eventually removed the lien, blaming it on a computer error. Ms. O’Donnell sold the home in 2008, and financial documents from her lender show that her back payments were satisfied in July 2008, long before the IRS initiated the bogus lien.

Ms. O’Donnell also battled a three-year audit of her personal finances that ultimately ended with her repaying $1,100 to the federal government. She said friends and family also were subjected to intrusive audits, though they were cleared. She believes the first round of IRS intrusions were political and malicious, and she has called on Congress to rein in the tax agency.

The second erroneous tax lien was revealed the same week that House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell E. Issa, California Republican, released a report highlighting emails he said showed a clear anti-conservative bias inside the IRS. It was also the same week that the House Ways and Means and Senate Judiciary committees confirmed they were still investigating the 2010 breach of Ms. O’Donnell’s tax records.

For some reason I don't think this was a true mistake. It was probably a political move to both discredit her as well as make it difficult for her to speak out against Obama

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on January 16, 2015, 11:28:50 PM

OH LOOK! Here Are More Of Lois Lerner’s ‘Lost’ Emails

Just when you though things could not get any worse for former Exempt Organizations Unit of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Director Lois Lerner, they do.

Today, Judicial Watch, who has been exposing Lerner’s “lost emails” since the controversy first broke back in January of 2013, released new emails from Lerner, in which she tells IRS Deputy Director Joseph Grant not to visit the IRS’s Cincinnati Office because the agency was in the middle of congress questioning whether or not conservative groups were being targeted.

• April 4, 2012 – 4:41 PM – Lois Lerner to Joseph Grant:

We just gor an very extensive information request from Imraan [Imraan Khakoo, TE/GE official] –sure looks like op review material. I’m especially concerned that information about pipeline is being asked about … Add to that the fact tha cincinnati is smack dab in the middle of the c4 Congressional inqueries and is about to get a request from TIGTA on all of that, this is NOT a good time to be asking them for anything or to be talking to them about issue in their work. Everyone is stressed to the max and at their wits end, so can we put this off please? [Typos in originals]

• April 4, 2012 – 5:17 PM – Joseph Grant to Lois Lerner:

It is a visit, not an OP review … I am also interested in the questions Imraan sent to them. Some answers should be readily at hand. Others certainly won’t be … The questions just serve as a framework for a broader conversation about how things are going and what is on our respective minds.

• April 4, 2012 – 5:26 PM – Lois Lerner to Joseph Grant:

I get that–but timing would be bad if we have to go to Cincy now. So, I will assume we can go
over this here as I get the information I’ve already asked for? Thanks.

• April 4, 2012 –5:42 PM – Joseph Grant to Lois Lerner:

I think we are in agreement, but just to be sure. I am planning to go to Cincy at the end of the month. I am travelling with Nan Marks and Imraan.

• April 4, 2012 – 6:15 PM – Lois Lerner to Joseph Grant:

Fine with me–just trying to keep the stress level manageable in Cincinnati–they are pretty freaked. Please don’t ask them about closures, pipelines, wait time for full development cases, or the c4 application letters. I know Imraan is really interested in that stuff in general—I promise to give him info—that just wouldn’t be the best place to ask. Thanks

• April 04, 2012 — 9:41 PM – Joseph Grant to Lois Lerner:


The IRS is being investigated for allegations that they targeted conservative and Tea Party groups leading up to the 2012 elections, in order to stifle Republicans getting elected.

Also, Lerner and President Obama claimed that the suggested IRS targeting of conservatives came from “low-level” IRS offices who were managing applications for organizations.

However, new emails obtained by Judicial Watch show that Lerner’s department within the IRS handled conservative organization’s applications.

• February 29, 2012 – 2:53 PM – Holly Paz to Lois Lerner:

Lois, EO Determinations noticed an uptick in applications from advocacy organizations early in 2010. The first case was referred to EO Technical in…2010. That case was an application for…status. It closed…2010 when the… At that time, EO Technical requested another…from an…be transferred to EO Technical. Such a case was transferred in…2010. That case also closed…2012 after the… EO Technical also requested an application from a…be transferred from Determinations. A case was transferred in…2010. It is still being developed by EO Technical. To give you a sense of the growth in the number of these cases, in October 2010, we had identified approximately 40 advocacy cases.

As of about 10:00 a.m. on 2/28/2012, we had 229 of these cases. Of the 229 cases, 141 have been assigned. Development letters have been sent to the majority of the 141 assigned cases. The oldest control dates of those cases that are still unassigned are 2/8/2011, 3/18/2011, 4/28/2011, and 5/28/2011. These will be assigned next. Otherwise, we’re at approximately 6/6/2011 control date for these cases. EO Technical provided guidance regarding the development of applications by advocacy organizations to EO Determinations in November 2011.

Paz’s allegation about an “uptick in applications from advocacy organizations early in 2010” is contradicted by the May 14, 2013, TIGTA report on the matter, which details that such applications actually declined in 2010 from the prior year.

On the same exact day, Lerner seems to have known that the requests for information from conservative and Tea Party groups was burdensome.

• February 29, 2012 – 6:30 PM – Lois Lerner to Holly Paz:

Have we given Cincy new guidance on how they might reduce the burden in the information requests and make it clearer that recipients can ask for extensions? I don’t want any more letters going out on advocacy cases until the letters have been adjusted. Also, I have been telling folks that not all the letters are the same because it depends on the facts. What I’ve seen so far though is identical letters–can you clarify for me please. Thanks

• February 29, 2012 – 8:18 PM – Holly Paz to Lois Lerner:

Andy and Justin are working on revising the letter. That should be done soon. In the meantime, Cindy [Cindy Thomas, Director of OE Cincinnati Office] and I discussed having specialists print the relevant parts of since that seemed to be the most burdensome request. We can hold off on sending anymore development letters until we have the revised version.

Still, more “missing emails” from Lerner have yet to be found. It is still not clear what the IRS did with the emails, though Judicial Watch seems to be obtaining them more and more over time.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on February 10, 2015, 07:42:43 PM

Surprise: Obama Administration Still Stonewalling on IRS Scandal

The Inspector General's office charged with looking into the IRS targeting scandal has denied Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests filed by The Hill pertaining to more than 500 correspondences between their office (known as TIGTA) and various Obama officials and IRS scandal players.  Correspondent Bob Cusack reports on the latest stonewall:

The Obama administration is refusing to publicly release more than 500 documents on the IRS’s targeting of Tea Party groups. Twenty months after the IRS scandal broke, there are still many unanswered questions about who was spearheading the agency’s scrutiny of conservative-leaning organizations. The Hill sought access to government documents that might provide a glimpse of the decision-making through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. The Hill asked for 2013 emails and other correspondence between the IRS and the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA). The request specifically sought emails from former IRS official Lois Lerner and Treasury officials, including Secretary Jack Lew, while the inspector general was working on its explosive May 2013 report that the IRS used “inappropriate criteria” to review the political activities of tax-exempt groups. TIGTA opted not to release any of the 512 documents covered by the request, citing various exemptions in the law. The Hill recently appealed the FOIA decision, but TIGTA denied the appeal. TIGTA also declined to comment for this article.

So in addition to the IRS "losing" and "accidentally" destroying certain communications attached to this scandal, the IG's office is also blocking access to documents that do exist.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on February 27, 2015, 02:43:11 PM

IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal probe

The IRS’s inspector general confirmed Thursday it is conducting a criminal investigation into how Lois G. Lerner’s emails disappeared, saying it took only two weeks for investigators to find hundreds of tapes the agency’s chief had told Congress were irretrievably destroyed.

Investigators have already scoured 744 backup tapes and gleaned 32,774 unique emails, but just two weeks ago they found an additional 424 tapes that could contain even more Lerner emails, Deputy Inspector General Timothy P. Camus told the House Oversight Committee in a rare late-night hearing meant to look into the status of the investigation.

“There is potential criminal activity,” Mr. Camus said.

He said they have also discovered the hard drives from the IRS’s email servers, but said because the drives are out of synch it’s not clear whether they will be able to recover anything from them.

“To date we have found 32,744 unique emails that were backed up from Lois Lerner’s email box. We are in the process of comparing these emails to what the IRS has already produced to Congress to determine if we did in fact recover any new emails,” Mr. Camus said.

Democrats questioned the independence of Inspector General J. Russell George, who is overseeing the investigation, saying he’s injected politics into his work.

Rep. Gerald Connolly, Virginia Democrat, said Mr. George is refusing to turn documents over to him, prompting a heated reply.

“You’re not entitled to certain documents,” Mr. George said.

“Oh really? We’ll see about that, won’t we,” Mr. Connolly replied, saying that he questioned whether Mr. George could be trusted if he’s refusing to provide documents, yet is in charge of an investigation into whether the IRS stonewalled document requests.

The hearing was the latest chapter in the complex investigation into the IRS’s targeting of tea party groups for special scrutiny.

Several congressional committees are still probing the matter, and both the inspector general and the Justice Department are conducting criminal investigations.

In a 2013 report, the inspector general said the IRS had improperly targeted conservative and tea party groups’ applications for nonprofit status, asking repeated intrusive questions and delaying their applications well beyond a reasonable time. Some of those groups are still waiting, with their applications now pending for years.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz, Utah Republican and Oversight Committee chairman, said the ongoing investigations undercut President Obama’s assertion last year that there was no evidence of corruption in the IRS’s targeting.

“I have no idea how the president came to such a definitive conclusion without all the facts,” he said.

The IRS belatedly told Congress it may have lost some of Ms. Lerner’s emails after her computer crashed, and asserted that the backup tapes didn’t exist.

But under questioning from Mr. Chaffetz, Mr. Camus said it took him only two weeks to track down the backup tapes, and when he asked the IRS depository for them, the workers there said they’d never been contacted by the agency itself.

Republicans said that was stunning because IRS Commissioner John Koskinen repeatedly assured Congress the emails were irretrievably lost.

“I think they have misled or lied to the committee,” said Rep. John L. Mica, Florida Republican.

Mr. Camus said they were clued in to the 424 new tapes they just found a couple of weeks ago after realizing the IRS hadn’t given over a key document. They demanded that document, and realized it showed hundreds of other tapes existed.

Democrats said the investigation has dragged on too long and been too expensive, pointing to the IRS’s estimate that it has spent $20 million on staff and equipment to try to comply with the committee’s request.

Ms. Lerner, who oversaw the unit of the IRS that scrutinized nonprofit groups’ applications, is a central figure in the investigations.

After belatedly discovering that some of her emails weren’t being recovered, the IRS did try to reconstitute them by asking other employees to dig through their emails to see if they were the recipients of any messages that involved her. That did produce some of the missing emails.

Democrats said the GOP seemed to be insinuating Ms. Lerner had purposely crashed her hard drive to hide emails — though she herself pushed to try to get messages recovered.

Democrats also questioned why the hearing was happening now, given that Mr. Camus and Mr. George both stressed that their findings are preliminary and could change as they learn more.

“It seems that the best course of action would be to have the inspector general come back when his report is complete,” said Rep. Elijah E. Cummings of Maryland, the ranking Democrat on the panel.

Smidgen of corruption all over...

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on February 28, 2015, 03:54:56 PM

Chaffetz was stunned when he asked Camus if anyone from the IRS had ever asked for the backup tapes and he replied, “No.”

“We send a subpoena, we send letters, we have hearings, we hear all kinds of excuses from the IRS,” Chaffetz said. “Every excuse you can have under the sun — you find them in two weeks, and then when you go talk to the IT people who are there in charge of them, they told you that they were never even asked for them. Is that correct?”

“That is correct,” Camus replied.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on February 28, 2015, 03:56:30 PM

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: 2dogs on March 01, 2015, 01:10:23 AM
Jailtime would be too good for them.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on March 03, 2015, 02:09:54 AM

Legally Blind IRS Employee Searched Lois Lerner’s Hard Drive…

The first IT specialist to inspect the computer hard drive of former IRS exemptions director Lois Lerner was legally blind, according to an affidavit filed last year by Stephen Manning, deputy chief information officer for strategy and modernization at the IRS.

Manning’s July 18, 2014, affidavit pertained to a lawsuit filed by True the Vote against the IRS alleging that Lerner led an effort to target it and similar conservative groups by refusing to grant them tax-exempt status.

J. Christian Adams, a former Department of Justice attorney writing for PJ Media, flagged the affidavit which provided the educational background of the IT specialist.

“According to the Specialist, prior to joining the Internal Revenue Service, from 2004 to 2005, formal Microsoft training was completed through Lions World Services for the Blind, a certified Microsoft training and testing center,” Manning stated.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Westin Landon Cox on March 06, 2015, 11:33:12 PM
Jailtime would be too good for them.

I agree. Unfortunately no one will be punished for this. To me it's just more evidence that the US Govt no longer has even a smidgen of a claim to legitimacy.

Last Great American Whale

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: ajareselde on March 07, 2015, 01:14:19 AM
This whole scandal is turning out to be more of a parody of some sort.
Its emberrasing that its happening at such high levels, because theyre even lying worse than some kids from the street.


Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on March 13, 2015, 03:58:44 AM

Politico Sat On Scoop Lois Lerner Had Prior History Of Targeting Conservatives…

Politico scored a journalistic coup with its exclusive 2014 profile on Lois Lerner, the former IRS official at the center of the agency’s targeting of conservative groups.

But a former Illinois lawmaker who said Politico contacted him repeatedly that year with questions regarding claims he was targeted by Lerner in the mid-1990s has been left wondering why the news group chose to ignore his documented dealings with the former federal official.

“I was shocked,” Al Salvi told the Washington Examiner’s media desk, describing what he characterizes as several “lengthy” interviews with Politico reporter Rachael Bade.

Lerner went after his 1996 Senate campaign with a lawsuit totaling $1.1 million — an enforcement action that was eventually thrown out of court — when she was working at the Federal Election Commission, according to Salvi.

“I spent something like an hour and a half talking to Politico about this,” said Salvi, whose dealings with the FEC are well documented by the federal agency. “And I’m nowhere in the story. They had no intention of using anything I said.”

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on March 19, 2015, 05:52:44 PM

Outgoing US Attorney For The District Of Columbia Has Failed To Act On Lerner Contempt Charge, Doesn’t Want To Appear As A Sexist…

Ronald Machen, the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia appointed by President Obama and set to step down next month, has not acted on a contempt of Congress charge for former IRS official Lois Lerner.

Machen, who announced at the beginning of the week he’d step down April 1 to return to private practice, has not referred Lerner’s case to a grand jury. Her contempt citation for not testifying at two hearings has been in Machen’s hands since May 2014.

During Machen’s five-year tenure as a top prosecutor, the largest U.S. Attorney’s Office was dominated by cases related to financial fraud, national security and public corruption.

His office prosecuted dozens of federal and local D.C. officials, including securing felony guilty pleas from three former D.C. council members.

But unless he acts within the next two weeks, Machen will leave without taking action in the case of Lerner, who directed the IRS division that handled applications for tax-exempt status.[…]

The Obama administration has also not publicly released hundreds of documents related to the IRS’s targeting of Tea Party groups.

Attorney General Eric Holder remarked on Machen’s tenure on Monday, praising his “outstanding results” and “inspiring service.”

“Ron Machen has distinguished himself as a skilled leader, a devoted public servant, and a forceful champion of justice on behalf of the American people,” said Holder, who himself is set to step down pending the Senate’s confirmation of Loretta Lynch, who President Obama nominated to replace him.

“Throughout his remarkable tenure, Ron has applied his boundless talent and consummate judgment to protect the safety and security of all Americans in cases involving violent crime, national security threats, and public corruption,” Holder said.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on April 01, 2015, 08:58:36 PM

DOJ Won’t File Contempt Charges Against Lois Lerner…


Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: omgbossis21 on April 15, 2015, 06:42:12 PM
And the law of our land prevails exactly how it what intended, as always.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on April 15, 2015, 07:02:22 PM
And the law of our land prevails exactly how it what intended, as always.

The law of their land more precisely. I know I would not get away with that law... Not connected with enough evil people methinks


Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on April 29, 2015, 01:56:29 PM

Thousands of new Lerner emails found

An inspector general investigating the IRS’s improper scrutiny of Tea Party groups has found thousands of emails from Lois Lerner, the agency official at the center of that controversy, according to committees involved in the probe.

Treasury’s inspector general for tax administration (TIGTA) said it found roughly 6,400 emails either to or from Lerner from between 2004 and 2013 that it didn’t think the IRS had turned over to lawmakers, the congressional committees said. The committees have yet to examine the emails, aides on Capitol Hill said.

The IRS said last year that Lerner’s computer crashed in 2011, leaving it unable to reproduce an untold number of her emails over the prior two years.

Of the emails the inspector general found, around 650 were from 2010 and 2011, while most were from 2012. The inspector general found about 35,000 emails in all as it sought to recover emails from recycled back-up tapes.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 25, 2015, 01:36:27 PM

IRS workers mistakenly erased tea party emails

WASHINGTON (AP) — Investigators are blaming mistakes by IRS employees — not a criminal conspiracy — for the loss of thousands of emails related to the tax agency's tea party scandal.

IRS workers erased 422 computer backup tapes that "most likely" contained as many as 24,000 emails to and from former IRS official Lois Lerner, who has emerged as a central figure in congressional investigations, according to IRS's inspector general.

The workers erased the tapes a month after IRS officials discovered that an untold number of Lerner's emails were lost. The IG says the workers were unaware of a year-old directive not to destroy email backup tapes.

J. Russell George, the Treasury inspector general for tax administration, is scheduled to testify Thursday before the House Oversight Committee about his investigation into the emails. The Associated Press obtained a copy of his prepared testimony.

George says his investigation "did not uncover evidence that the erasure was done in furtherance of an effort to destroy evidence or conceal information from Congress and/or law enforcement."

Still, the revelation that computer tapes were erased after officials knew about the lost emails is likely to fuel conspiracy theories among conservatives who say the IRS has obstructed investigations into the scandal.

An IRS spokeswoman said Wednesday evening the agency had no immediate comment.

George set off a firestorm in May 2013 with an audit that said IRS agents improperly singled out tea party and other conservative groups for extra scrutiny when they applied for tax-exempt status during the 2010 and 2012 elections.

Several hundred groups had their applications delayed for a year or more. Some were asked inappropriate questions about donors and group activities, the inspector general's report said.

Lerner used to head the IRS division that processes applications for tax-exempt status. In June 2014, the IRS told Congress it had lost an unknown number of Lerner's emails when her computer hard drive crashed in 2011.

The IRS had discovered that the emails were lost in February 2014. A month later, workers erased the 422 computer backup tapes, George says in his testimony.

The IRS says it has produced 78,000 Lerner emails, many of which have been made public by congressional investigators. IRS officials said no more could be recovered.

George, however, said the IRS never examined backup tapes that ultimately produced more than 1,000 additional emails.
George started investigating the lost emails last year after the IRS announced they were destroyed. His testimony before the Oversight Committee summarizes the results of the investigation.

After George's initial report, much of the IRS's top leadership was forced to retire or resign, including Lerner. The Justice Department and several congressional committees launched investigations.

Lerner emerged as a central figure in the controversy after she refused to answer questions at two House Oversight hearings, invoking her Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate herself at both hearings. At the first hearing, Lerner made a statement saying she had done nothing wrong.

Last year, the House voted mostly along party lines to hold her in contempt of Congress for refusing to answer questions at the hearings. The U.S. attorney in the District of Columbia declined to prosecute her.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Miracal on June 25, 2015, 03:41:02 PM
This obvious lie about losing the emails is funny and all, but it's pretty obvious that a group of government officials used their power to punish their political opponents. That's fucked up. And it's fucked up that Obama and his supporters are helping cover it up. (Hell, Obama might've asked the IRS to do it.)

Fascist bastards.

I wonder what the Founding Fathers would've done in a situation like this? Actually, we all know, and we all know we can't say it out loud.

Saying it loud will just pass on as just another conspiracy theory while they conspire and hide the god damn truth. The email services have improvised so much itself, with gmail launching its 'undo email function which allows a person to undo a sent email (under 30 seconds though lol) but its a big step. Things are changing, and these guys pretend like shit just happens.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 25, 2015, 11:54:53 PM

Agency destroyed e-mails after telling Congress they couldn’t be found.

ouse Republicans investigating the IRS’s targeting of tea-party groups are seriously considering an effort to impeach IRS commissioner John Koskinen or other agency employees for “culpable misdemeanors” pertaining to the destruction of e-mails written by Lois Lerner, the former official at the heart of the scandal. “We’ve briefed the leadership’s counsel, and I think that they’re open to it, but it’s the type of thing where this town is like, ‘oh, that’s not how we do things, it’s not really been used lately,’” a Republican member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee says. “But, quite frankly, we really haven’t had executive branch officials behave this way like we do now.”

Lawmakers have been privately mulling the unconventional tactic for months, in part due to frustration that cutting the agency’s budget and holding Lerner in contempt of Congress failed to speed up the glacial pace at which the agency has produced documents requested by the committee. The ultimate decision depends on their ability to demonstrate that the IRS has obstructed the investigation — a public case that might begin Thursday, when the Treasury Department’s inspector general announces that IRS officials destroyed the files “most likely to have contained Lerner’s emails” after telling Congress they could not be found, according to a transcript of the IG’s forthcoming testimony to the Oversight Committee obtained by NR. Utah Republican Jason Chaffetz, who chairs the committee, says the next steps depend on what emerges from the hearing. “We are going to have the hearing, digest the content, read the report, and then chart a way forward,” he says.
According to inspector general J. Russell George, IRS officials literally put Lerner’s hard drive through a shredder, destroying it without exhausting every means of attempting to recover her data. “IRS IT management determined the extra effort to recover data from Ms. Lerner’s hard drive was not worth the expense,” George says in his prepared testimony.

That decision was made even though a technician in the criminal investigations division of the agency had “noted some scoring on the top platter of the drive” while trying to assist the IT division in recovering the data. “He believed there were additional steps that could have been taken to attempt to recover data,” George says. That was in July of 2011, before Koskinen led the agency.

The hard drive was destroyed in April of 2012, according to the inspector general’s best estimate. George goes on to note that IRS employees also erased the backup tapes of the server that housed Lerner’s e-mails in 2010 and 2011, though he says he “did not uncover evidence” of any conspiracy to obstruct the investigation. “[Investigators] took possession of the 424 backup tapes and determined that 422 of the 424 tapes were degaussed (i.e., magnetically erased) by IRS employees in Martinsburg on or around March 4, 2014, one month after the IRS realized they were missing e-mails from Lois Lerner, and approximately eight months after the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform requested ‘all documents and communications sent by, received by, or copied to Lois Lerner,’” George says in his prepared testimony.

Three weeks after the backup tapes were destroyed, Koskinen — Obama’s appointee to lead the IRS in the wake of Lerner’s public apology for the targeting of conservatives — practically dared House Republicans to take action against him when Representative Mark Meadows (R., N.C.) asked him how long Congress should wait for documents before holding IRS officials in contempt. “I think the timeline is whenever you think you could actually sustain that in a court,” Koskinen said during a hearing in March of 2014. “I think we have a strong case that we have been cooperative, continue to be cooperative, and anybody looking at the systems we have and the time it takes would find that we’ve provided you more cooperation than, in fact, might be expected. And I think that, in fact, arguing and threatening contempt in that situation without understanding the circumstances is probably not going to be held up.”

In light of Koskinen’s public defiance and the agency’s continued stonewalling of the investigation, some lawmakers favor impeachment, because it doesn’t require cooperation from President Obama’s Justice Department. “Any civil officer is liable to be impeached,” the lawmaker says. “If the IG reports that evidence has been destroyed deliberately, that would be clearly a misdemeanor.” “It’s really a test of whether Congress is going to defend its institutional prerogatives,” the Oversight Committee member says. “If you have a situation where it’s fine for people to come misrepresent the facts, not produce documents, and just do that with impunity, then why are we even conducting oversight?”

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on June 26, 2015, 12:54:48 AM

Agency destroyed e-mails after telling Congress they couldn’t be found.


In light of Koskinen’s public defiance and the agency’s continued stonewalling of the investigation, some lawmakers favor impeachment, because it doesn’t require cooperation from President Obama’s Justice Department. “Any civil officer is liable to be impeached,” the lawmaker says. “If the IG reports that evidence has been destroyed deliberately, that would be clearly a misdemeanor.” “It’s really a test of whether Congress is going to defend its institutional prerogatives,” the Oversight Committee member says. “If you have a situation where it’s fine for people to come misrepresent the facts, not produce documents, and just do that with impunity, then why are we even conducting oversight?”

I have always thought that impeachment would be the best option for the country, because it would lead administrative officials to think twice before obeying illegal orders from higher levels.

That's assuming the evidence of wrong doing is as clear cut as it seems to be and can be traced to specific culpable individuals.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on June 26, 2015, 02:56:21 AM

Agency destroyed e-mails after telling Congress they couldn’t be found.


In light of Koskinen’s public defiance and the agency’s continued stonewalling of the investigation, some lawmakers favor impeachment, because it doesn’t require cooperation from President Obama’s Justice Department. “Any civil officer is liable to be impeached,” the lawmaker says. “If the IG reports that evidence has been destroyed deliberately, that would be clearly a misdemeanor.” “It’s really a test of whether Congress is going to defend its institutional prerogatives,” the Oversight Committee member says. “If you have a situation where it’s fine for people to come misrepresent the facts, not produce documents, and just do that with impunity, then why are we even conducting oversight?”

I have always thought that impeachment would be the best option for the country, because it would lead administrative officials to think twice before obeying illegal orders from higher levels.

That's assuming the evidence of wrong doing is as clear cut as it seems to be and can be traced to specific culpable individuals.

Lerner must have some serious serious stuff they can't touch for her to sleep so soundly while everything goes around.. I hope I am wrong but they are betting to delay this into a clinton presidency and definitely put an end to it all...

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 07, 2015, 05:43:48 PM

New Documents Show Extensive Collaboration Between IRS, DOJ to Criminally Prosecute Conservative Groups

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released new Department of Justice (DOJ) and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) documents that include an official “DOJ Recap” report detailing an October 2010 meeting between Lois Lerner, DOJ officials and the FBI to plan for the possible criminal prosecution of targeted nonprofit organizations for alleged illegal political activity.

The newly obtained records also reveal that the Obama DOJ wanted IRS employees who were going to testify to Congress to turn over documents to the DOJ before giving them to Congress. Records also detail how the Obama IRS gave the FBI 21 computer disks, containing 1.25 million pages of confidential IRS returns from 113,000 nonprofit social 501(c)(4) welfare groups  – or nearly every 501(c)(4) in the United States – as part of its prosecution effort. According to a letter from then-House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) to IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, “This revelation likely means that the IRS – including possibly Lois Lerner – violated federal tax law by transmitting this information to the Justice Department.”

The documents were produced subsequent to court orders in two Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits: Judicial Watch v. Internal Revenue Service (No. 1:14-cv-1956) and Judicial Watch v. Department of Justice (No. 1:14-cv-1239).

The new IRS documents include a October 11, 2010 “DOJ Recap” memo sent by IRS Exempt Organizations Tax Law Specialist Siri Buller to Lerner and other top IRS officials explaining an October 8 meeting with representatives from the Department of Justice Criminal Division’s Public Integrity Section and “one representative from the FBI” to discuss the possible criminal prosecution of nonprofit organizations for alleged political activity:

On October 8, 2010, Lois Lerner, Joe Urban [IRS Technical Advisor, TEGE], Judy Kindell [top aide to Lerner], Justin Lowe [Technical Advisor to the Commissioner of Tax-Exempt and Government Entities], and Siri Buller met with the section chief and other attorneys from the Department of Justice Criminal Division’s Public Integrity Section, and one representative from the FBI, to discuss recent attention to the political activity of exempt organizations.

The section’s attorneys expressed concern that certain section 501(c) organizations are actually political committees “posing” as if they are not subject to FEC law, and therefore may be subject to criminal liability. The attorneys mentioned several possible theories to bring criminal charges under FEC law. In response, Lois and Judy eloquently explained the following points:

Under section 7805(b), we may only revoke or modify an organization’s exemption retroactively if it omitted or misstated a material fact or operated in a manner materially different from that originally represented.

If we do not have these misrepresentations, the organization may rely on our determination it is exempt. However, the likelihood of revocation is diminished by the fact that section 501(c)(4)-(c)(6) organizations are not required to apply for recognition of exemption.

We discussed the hypothetical situation of a section 501(c)(4) organization that declares itself exempt as a social welfare organization, but at the end of the taxable year has in fact functioned as a political organization. Judy explained that such an organization, in order to be in compliance, would simply file Form 1120-POL and paying tax at the highest corporate rate.
Lois stated that although we do not believe that organizations which are subject to a civil audit subsequently receive any type of immunity from a criminal investigation, she will refer them to individuals from CI who can better answer that question. She explained that we are legally required to separate the civil and criminal aspects of any examination and that while we do not have EO law experts in CI, our FIU agents are experienced in coordinating with CI.

The attorneys asked whether a change in the law is necessary, and whether a three-way partnership among DOJ, the FEC, and the IRS is possible to prevent prohibited activity by these organizations. Lois listed a number of obstacles to the attorneys’ theories:


She pointed to Revenue Ruling 2004-6, which was drafted in light of the electioneering communication rules before they were litigated.

Just prior this meeting, the IRS began the process of providing the FBI confidential taxpayer information on nonprofit groups. An IRS document confirms the IRS supplied the FBI with 21 disks containing 1.25 million pages of taxpayer records:

FROM: Hamilton David K

SENT: Tuesday, October 5, 2010  2:49 PM

TO: Whittaker Sherry [Director, GE Program Management], Blackwell Robert M

SUBJECT: RE: Question

There are 113,000 C4 returns from January 1, 2007 to now. Assuming they want all pages including redacted ones, that’s 1.25 million pages … If we get started on it right away, before the 10th when the monthly extracts start, we can probably get it done in a week or so….

The DOJ documents also include a July 16, 2013, email from an undisclosed Justice Department official to a lawyer for IRS employees asking that the Obama administration get information from congressional witnesses before Congress does:

One last issue. If any of your clients have documents they are providing to Congress that you can (or would like to) provide to us before their testimony, we would be pleased to receive them. We are 6103 authorized and I can connect you with TIGTA to confirm; we would like the unredacted documents.

“These new documents show that the Obama IRS scandal is also an Obama DOJ and FBI scandal,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The FBI and Justice Department worked with Lois Lerner and the IRS to concoct some reason to put President Obama’s opponents in jail before his reelection. And this abuse resulted in the FBI’s illegally obtaining confidential taxpayer information. How can the Justice Department and FBI investigate the very scandal in which they are implicated?”

On April 16, 2014, Judicial Watch forced the IRS to release documents revealing for the first time that Lerner communicated with the DOJ in May 2013 about whether it was possible to launch criminal prosecutions against targeted tax-exempt entities. The documents were obtained due to court order in an October 2013 Judicial Watch FOIA lawsuit filed against the IRS.

Those documents contained an email exchange between Lerner and Nikole C. Flax, then-chief of staff to then-Acting IRS Commissioner Steven T. Miller discussing plans to work with the DOJ to prosecute nonprofit groups that “lied” (Lerner’s quotation marks) about political activities. The exchange included a May 8, 2013, email by Lerner:

I got a call today from Richard Pilger Director Elections Crimes Branch at DOJ … He wanted to know who at IRS the DOJ folk s [sic] could talk to about Sen. Whitehouse idea at the hearing that DOJ could piece together false statement cases about applicants who “lied” on their 1024s –saying they weren’t planning on doing political activity, and then turning around and making large visible political expenditures. DOJ is feeling like it needs to respond, but want to talk to the right folks at IRS to see whether there are impediments from our side and what, if any damage this might do to IRS programs. I told him that sounded like we might need several folks from IRS…

Democratic Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse held a hearing on April 9, 2013, during which, “in questioning the witnesses from the DOJ and IRS, Whitehouse asked why they have not prosecuted 501(c)(4) groups that have seemingly made false statements about their political activities…”

The House Oversight Committee followed up on these Judicial Watch disclosures with hearings and interviews of Pilger and his boss, DOJ Public Integrity Chief Jack Smith. Besides confirming the DOJ’s 2013 communications with Lerner, Pilger admitted to the committee that DOJ officials met with Lerner in October 2010. Judicial Watch obtained new documents about these meetings in December 2014 showing the Obama DOJ initiated outreach to the IRS about prosecuting tax-exempt entities.

Following Judicial Watch’s lead, the House also found out about the IRS transmittal of the confidential taxpayer information to the FBI. Because of this public disclosure, the FBI was forced to return the 1.25 million pages to the IRS.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 23, 2015, 10:14:02 PM

Judicial Watch: New Documents Show IRS Used Donor Lists to Target Audits

Judicial Watch announced today that it has obtained documents from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that confirm that the IRS used donor lists to tax-exempt organizations to target those donors for audits.  The documents also show IRS officials specifically highlighted how the U.S. Chamber of Commerce may come under “high scrutiny” from the IRS.  The IRS produced the records in a Freedom of Information lawsuit seeking documents about selection of individuals for audit-based application information on donor lists submitted by Tea Party and other 501(c)(4) tax-exempt organizations (Judicial Watch v. Internal Revenue Service (No. 1:15-cv-00220)).

A letter dated September 28, 2010, then-Democrat Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) informs then-IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman: “I request that you and your agency survey major 501(c)(4), (c)(5) and (c)(6) organizations …”  In reply, in a letter dated February 17, 2011, Shulman writes: “In the work plan of the Exempt Organizations Division, we announced that beginning in FY2011, we are increasing our focus on section 501(c)(4), (5) and (6) organizations.”

In 2010, after receiving Baucus’s letter, the IRS considered the issue of auditing donors to 501(c)(4) organizations, alleging that a 35 percent gift tax would be due on donations in excess of $13,000.  The documents show that the IRS wanted to cross-check donor lists from 501(c)(4) organizations against gift tax filings and commence audits against taxpayers based on this information.

A gift tax on contributions to 501(c)(4)’s was considered by most to be a dead letter since the IRS had never enforced the rule after the Supreme Court ruled that such taxes violated the First Amendment.  The documents show that the IRS had not enforced the gift tax since 1982.

But then, in February 2011, at least five donors of an unnamed organization were audited.

The documents show that Crossroads GPS, associated with Republican Karl Rove, was specifically referenced by IRS officials in the context of applying the gift tax.  Seemingly in response to the Crossroads focus, on April 20, IRS attorney Lorraine Gardner emails a 501(c)(4) donor list to former Branch Chief in the IRS’ Office of the Chief Counsel James Hogan. Later, this information is apparently shared with IRS Estate Gift and Policy Manager Lisa Piehl while Gardner seeks “information about any of the donors.”

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 28, 2015, 11:35:17 PM

Lois Lerner Used Instant-Messaging System Because It Didn’t Save Her Messages

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) used an instant-messaging system that did not automatically save the messages they sent, according to newly released emails obtained by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

Disgraced former IRS official Lois Lerner loved the agency’s “Office Communication Server” (OCS) specifically because it left no record of her messages during the period in which her department was targeting conservative and tea party groups.

“I was cautioning folks about email and how we have had several occasions where Congress has asked for emails and there has been an electronic search for responsive emails — so we need to be cautious about what we say in emails,” Lerner wrote in an email to co-workers.

Lerner asked colleagues whether the OCS system automatically archives its messages. A colleague advised that it does not, but that the “save” function does exist within OCS, and “to treat the conversation as if it could/is being saved somewhere.”

“Perfect,” Lerner replied.

Republican Reps. Jim Jordan and Ron DeSantis co-wrote an op-ed Tuesday for The Wall Street Journal calling for IRS commissioner John Koskinen’s firing.

“Unfortunately, Commissioner Koskinen, who took over in the wake of the IRS targeting scandal, has failed the American people by frustrating Congress’s attempts to ascertain the truth,” Jordan and DeSantis wrote. “A taxpayer would never get away with treating an IRS audit the way that IRS officials have treated the congressional investigation. Civil officers like Mr. Koskinen have historically been held to a higher standard than private citizens because they have fiduciary obligations to the public. The IRS and Mr. Koskinen have breached these basic fiduciary duties.”

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 28, 2015, 11:46:18 PM

IRS Failed to Search Five of Six Locations for Lois Lerner Emails

The IRS failed to search five of six possible sources of electronic media for Lois Lerner’s emails, according to documentation released by the House Oversight Committee on Monday.

Over the course of investigations into the Lois Lerner targeting scandal, Commissioner John Koskinen repeatedly assured Congress that he would provide all of Lois Lerner’s emails. But based on testimony from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA), this did not occur. The agency’s ineptness -- or corruption -- resulted in 24,000 Lerner emails being lost when they were “accidently” destroyed.

According to TIGTA official Timothy Camus, the IRS had six possible sources to search for Lois Lerner’s emails:

“The hard drive would have been a source, Blackberry source, backup tapes a source, the backup tapes for the server drives and then finally the loaner lap tops.”

When asked how many of these sources the IRS searched, Camus says was unable to say for certain whether the IRS had searched any. Although Camus acknowledged that the agency employees initially checked her hard drive, it appears that more could have been done to recover data from this source. Instead, the hard drive was briefly checked and all data was deemed unrecoverable:

“We’re not aware that they searched any one in particular. They did – it appears they did look into initially whether or not the hard drive had been destroyed, but they didn’t go much further than that.”

The agency’s refusal to conduct due diligence in its search for Lerner’s emails meant that 1,000 emails were not found until TIGTA searched backup tapes. When asked why the IRS did not give these emails to Congress, Camus said it was because the agency never looked for them in the first place:

“To the best we can determine through the investigation, they just simply didn’t look for those emails.”

Commissioner Koskinen stated that the IRS took “extraordinary efforts” to recover any emails, but this is clearly not the case. Years after the investigations into the Lois Lerner targeting scandal began, the agency’s unprecedented obstruction has meant Americans are no closer to the truth.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 29, 2015, 07:27:46 PM

Judicial Watch: IRS Produces Recovered Lerner Emails

Judicial Watch released 906 pages of newly recovered Lois Lerner emails from the IRS that are believed to recently have been recovered by the IRS’ internal watchdog – the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA). The IRS released the emails under a court order by U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan. The new documents show that Lois Lerner and other top officials in the Exempt Organizations Unit of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), including soon-to-be Acting IRS Commissioner Steve Miller, closely monitored and approved the controversial handling of tax-exempt applications by Tea Party organizations. The documents also show that at least one group received an inquiry from the IRS in order to buy time and keep the organization from contacting Congress.

At July 1, 2015, status conference, Judge Sullivan ordered the IRS to begin producing, every week, the nearly 1,800 newly recovered Lois Lerner emails responsive to Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Despite the court order, the IRS did not produce any Lois Lerner emails until July 15. The IRS also failed to provide Judicial Watch a status report of the Lois Lerner email production issues, as also ordered by Judge Sullivan. Last week, Judge Sullivan ordered sua sponte the parties to appear for a status hearing for tomorrow (July 29) shortly after Judicial Watch raised concerns about the IRS’ failure to comply with his orders to release the newly discovered Lerner emails and status updates on its production of previously “missing” documents.

The developments come in Judicial Watch’s FOIA lawsuit seeking documents about the Obama IRS’ targeting and harassment of Tea Party and conservative opponents of President Obama (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Internal Revenue Service (No. 1:13-cv-01559)). Judicial Watch’s litigation forced the IRS first to admit that Lerner’s emails were supposedly missing and, then, that the emails were on IRS’ back-up systems.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 29, 2015, 09:52:11 PM

Federal Judge Threatens To Hold IRS Commissioner, DOJ Lawyers in Contempt of Court over Lerner

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced that U.S District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan today threatened to hold the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service and Justice Department attorneys in contempt of court after the IRS failed to produce status reports and newly recovered emails of Lois Lerner, former director of the Exempt Organizations Unit of the IRS, as he had ordered on July 1, 2015.

During the a status hearing today, Sullivan warned that the failure to follow his order was serious and the IRS and Justice Department’s excuses for not following his July 1 order were “indefensible, ridiculous, and absurd.”  He asked the IRS’ Justice Department lawyer Geoffrey Klimas, “Why didn’t the IRS comply” with his court order and “why shouldn’t the Court hold the Commissioner of the IRS in contempt.”  Judge Sullivan referenced his contempt findings against Justice Department prosecutors in the prosecution of late Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK) and reminded the Justice Department attorney he had the ability to detain him for contempt.  Warning he would tolerate no further disregard of his orders, Judge Sullivan said, “I will haul into court the IRS Commissioner to hold him personally into contempt.”

After the hearing, Judge Sullivan issued the following “minute order”:

At the July 29, 2015 status hearing, the Government agreed that the Court’s July 1, 2015 oral order from the bench was clear and enforceable.  Nonetheless, the Government reasoned it inappropriate to file a motion for reconsideration until a written order was issued.  As expressed at the hearing, the Government’s reasoning is nonsensical.  Officers of the Court who fail to comply with Court orders will be held in contempt.  Also, in the event of non-compliance with future Court orders, the Commissioner of the IRS and others shall be directed to show cause as to why they should not be held in contempt of Court.  The Court’s July 1, 2015 ruling from the bench stands: (1) the Government shall produce relevant documents every Monday; (2) the Government’s document production shall be accompanied by a status report that indicates (a) whether TIGTA has turned over any new documents to the IRS, (b) if so, the number of documents, and (c) a timeframe for the IRSs production of those documents. Signed by Judge Emmet G. Sullivan on July 29, 2015.

At a July 1, 2015, status conference, Sullivan ordered the IRS to begin producing, every week, the nearly 1,800 newly recovered Lerner emails responsive to Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.  Despite the court order, the IRS did not produce any Lerner emails until July 15.  The IRS also failed to provide Judicial Watch a status report of the Lerner email production issues, as also ordered by Sullivan.  Last week, Judge Sullivan ordered sua sponte the parties to appear for a status hearing today after Judicial Watch raised concerns about the IRS’ failure to comply with his orders to release the newly discovered Lerner emails and status updates on its production of previously “missing” documents.

The developments come in Judicial Watch’s FOIA lawsuit seeking documents about the Obama IRS’ targeting and harassment of Tea Party and conservative opponents of President Obama (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Internal Revenue Service (No. 1:13-cv-01559)).  Judicial Watch’s litigation forced the IRS first to admit that Lerner’s emails were supposedly missing and, then, that the emails were on IRS’ back-up systems.

Yesterday, Judicial Watch released the first batch believed to be newly recovered emails of Lerner. The new documents show that Lerner and other top officials in the IRS, including soon-to-be Acting IRS Commissioner Steve Miller, closely monitored and approved the controversial handling of tax-exempt applications by Tea Party organizations.  The documents also show that at least one group received an inquiry from the IRS in order to buy time and keep the organization from contacting Congress.

“In a dramatic court hearing today, Judge Sullivan made it clear he would personally hold accountable the IRS Commissioner Koskinen and Justice Department attorneys for any further contempt of his court orders in Judicial Watch FOIA lawsuit,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.  “The missing and-then-not missing Lois Lerner saga is a stark example of the Obama administration’s contempt for a federal court and the rule of law.  That Obama administration officials would risk jail rather than disclose these Lerner documents shows that the IRS scandal has just gotten a whole lot worse.”

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on July 30, 2015, 05:11:16 PM

The Curious Case of Lois Lerner's Physically Damaged Hard Drive

New documentation released by the House Oversight Committee this week again raises questions on how Lois Lerner’s hard drive was physically damaged and whether there was some kind of deliberate act to destroy data on it.

The House Oversight Committee report cites an officially transcribed interview with John Minsek, senior investigative analyst with the IRS Criminal Investigations (CI) unit. Minsek examined the Lerner hard drive in 2011. In the transcribed interview, he notes Lerner's hard drive contained “well-defined scoring creating a concentric circle in the proximity of the center of the disk.” The Oversight Committee report states:

"Using the CI unit's digital forensic facilities, Minsek opened the hard drive and conducted additional tests. Once he opened the hard drive, Minsek noticed “well-defined scoring creating a concentric circle in the proximity of the center of the disk.”

So how did the scoring get there?

Last month, testimony from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) revealed that Lois Lerner’s hard drive had “scoring on the top platter of the drive.” The testimony also noted that the IRS technician that inspected the hard drive believed that additional steps could have been taken to recover data, although this did not occur and the hard drive was later destroyed by an industrial strength AMERI-SHRED AMS-750 HD shredder.

Given these facts, it is logical to question how the "scoring" occurred and whether there was foul play involved. Here it what is known thus far:

- According to TIGTA testimony submitted to the Oversight Committee on June 25, 2014, Lerner’s laptop stopped communicating with the IRS server on Saturday June 11, 2011, between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.

- According to the same testimony,the laptop was likely physically located in Lerner's office the moment it stopped communicating with the server:

 "Based on consistent network reporting for more than a week, the laptop computer was likely located in Ms. Lerner’s office."

- On Monday June 13, 2011, Lerner reported the laptop inoperable.

- Lerner's laptop was initially serviced by an IRS IT staff technician and a Hewlett-Packard contractor. Of note, the HP contractor thought the hard drive crashed due to a physical impact. According to the TIGTA testimony:

“When asked about the possible cause of the hard drive failure, the HP technician opined that heat-related failures are not seen often, and based on the information provided to him, the hard drive more than likely crashed due to an impact of some sort. However, because the HP technician did not examine the hard drive as part of his work on the laptop, it could not be determined why it crashed.”

- As the testimony states, TIGTA was unable to determine whether anyone had entered Lois Lerner’s office during the date in question because entry logs had been destroyed after a year in keeping with the vendor's operating procedures:

“Attempts were made to determine if anyone entered Ms. Lerner’s office prior to the hard drive crash on June 11, 2011; however, the entry logs that would have recorded any entry into the building were destroyed by the building security vendor     after one year of retention, or sometime in 2012. The destruction of the logs after one year falls within the vendor’s standard operating procedures.”

- TIGTA’s testimony states that the laptop as a whole appeared undamaged. When Lerner’s laptop was first inspected by both an assigned IT specialist and Hewlett Packard contractor they both stated that “they did not note any visible damage to the laptop computer itself.”

The testimony does not speculate how the hard drive was “scored” while the computer itself remained visibly undamaged. However, given these facts it seems logical to question what -- or who -- caused the damage to the hard drive.

In August and September, the Oversight Committee is expected to release more information from the millions of reviewed documents and 50 transcribed interviews. All Americans expecting honest government hope more light will be shed on how Lerner’s hard drive mysteriously received "scoring."

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on August 06, 2015, 02:35:12 PM

Lois Lerner Wanted To Audit A Group With Ties To Bristol Palin

Embattled ex-IRS official Lois Lerner inquired about auditing a pro-abstinence group with ties to Bristol Palin, the daughter of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, according to a Senate report released on Wednesday.

Senate Finance Committee chairman Orrin Hatch, a Utah Republican, disclosed Lerner’s email — which she sent in April 2011 — in an addendum to a report detailing the results of a two-year investigation into whether the IRS unfairly targeted conservative groups.

The bi-partisan report concluded that Lerner and the IRS often ignored applications for tax-exempt status submitted by Tea Party organizations and other groups.

One example of this was an email Lerner sent to her supervisors asking whether an audit should be conducted on Candie’s Foundation, a nonprofit group which seeks to limit teen pregnancy.

Bristol Palin was paid $332,500 to serve as an “ambassador” for the organization, which was founded by an executive at Candie’s Inc., an apparel company.

After Lerner learned of the payment to Palin from a news article, she wrote in an April 8, 2011, email chain to David Fish, Judith Kindell — two IRS officials — and others:

Thoughts on the Bristol Palin issue? I’m curious that a [private foundation] can pay any amount to someone who is not a [disqualified person]? It is a [private foundation] right? Even if it were a [public charity] – would that be private benefit – what are the consequences? I’m asking because I don’t know whether to send to Exam as a referral.

Hatch noted how unusual it was for Lerner to consider an audit based upon a single news article. He noted that out of 1.5 million IRS records reviewed by his committee staff, there were no other instances where Lerner referred a progressive group for an audit based on a single news article.

“Lerner’s willingness to act on this particular news article – among many that reached her inbox each day – shows that she was paying close attention to conservative politicians and organizations,” Hatch stated in his report.

USA Today noted another partisan comment from Lerner that Hatch cited in his report.

In a March 6, 2014, email exchange Lerner and a friend were discussing the political landscape in Texas. Lerner’s friend criticized Rick Perry and Greg Abbott, the former and current governors of the state, respectively.

“As you can see, the Lone Star State is just pathetic as far as political attitudes are concerned,” the friend wrote to Lerner.

She responded by stating that Abraham Lincoln should have allowed the South to secede from the Union.

“Look my view is that Lincoln was our worst president not our best. He should’[v]e let the south go. We really do seem to have 2 totally different mindsets,” she wrote.

Worse than The Camorra...

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on August 06, 2015, 03:32:58 PM

Well, as long as it wasn’t partisan I guess.

All of those miraculously recovered IRS emails – 1.5 million pages at least – have been under the microscope at the Senate Finance Committee. They released a new preliminary report this week which has more bad news for Lois Lerner and company, including a few eye openers which were highlighted by Orin Hatch. One in particular should really catch the attention of those who, for some reason, still aren’t completely convinced of Ms. Lerner’s unbiased, bipartisan credentials. In it, she indicates that she considered opening an investigation into a charity who employed Bristol Palin as a celebrity spokesperson. (USA Today)

The entire “mission” of Lerner and her team as regards these investigations was to root out political organizations posing as charities to gain a tax benefit and other protections, wasn’t it? If you accept all of the campaign finance reform arguments, then you might agree that this was a noble cause. But she was talking about Candie’s Foundation. It’s an organization with the sole purpose of cutting down on the number of teen pregnancies. Extrapolating from that a bit, they no doubt are involved in the issue of getting contraception out there to sexually active teens and who knows where they come down on the abortion issue. First, how is that a political organization in any way shape or form? And second, even if they were, does that really sound like a conservative magnet group?

And yet they drew Lerner’s attention because of their relationship with Bristol Palin. Never mind for a moment that Bristol was not and is not a politician. But she’s associated with her famous mother and therefore provides a convenient target. Her personal politics are unknown to me and I doubt they are of much concern to Candie’s Foundation. But she definitely was famous and she was also a teenager who became pregnant. Sounds like a pretty good fit to me if you’re in the market for a celebrity endorsement, and still pretty much outside the realm of politics.

Should the IRS be investigating the ASPCA over their use of Sarah McLachlan and her tear jerking songs? (Well, they should be investigating them over some things, I’m sure, but not their tax status or who they have pitching for them.) It’s kind of ironic that Sarah Palin’s daughter might be the one who winds up bringing down Lerner because she was probably the least political person they could have investigated.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on August 25, 2015, 04:14:40 AM

IRS finds yet another Lois Lerner email account

‘Toby Miles’ account linked to government business

Lois Lerner had yet another personal email account used to conduct some IRS business, the tax agency confirmed in a new court filing late Monday that further complicates the administration’s efforts to be transparent about Ms. Lerner’s actions during the tea party targeting scandal.

The admission came in an open-records lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch, a conservative public interest law firm that has sued to get a look at emails Ms. Lerner sent during the targeting.

IRS lawyer Geoffrey J. Klimas told the court that as the agency was putting together a set of documents to turn over to Judicial Watch, it realized Ms. Lerner had used yet another email account, in addition to her official one and another personal one already known to the agency.

“In addition to emails to or from an email account denominated ‘Lois G. Lerner‘ or ‘Lois Home,’ some emails responsive to Judicial Watch’s request may have been sent to or received from a personal email account denominated ‘Toby Miles,’” Mr. Klimas told Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, who is hearing the case.

It is unclear who Toby Miles is, but Mr. Klimas said the IRS has concluded that was “a personal email account used by Lerner.”

Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, said it was stunning the agency was just now admitting the existence of the address.

“It is simply astonishing that years after this scandal erupted we are learning about an account Lois Lerner used that evidently hadn’t been searched,” he said, accusing the IRS of hiding Lerner-related information throughout — including the existence of the backup tapes of her official email account, which the agency’s inspector general easily found once it went looking for them.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: BADecker on August 26, 2015, 07:07:10 PM
From regarding Title 26 Section 7806, the construction section of Title 26, that is, the construction definition to be applied throughout:
    Sec. 7806. Construction of Title

Sec. 7806. Construction of Title

Section 7806 - Construction of Title.

(a) Cross references. The cross references in this title to other provisions of law, where the word "see" is used, are made only for convenience, and shall be given no legal effect.

(b) Arrangement and classification. No inference, implication, or presumption of legislative construction shall be drawn or made by reason of the location or grouping of any particular section or provision or portion of this title, nor shall any table of contents, table of cross references, or similar outline, analysis, or descriptive matter relating to the contents of this title be given any legal effect. The preceding sentence also applies to the sidenotes and ancillary tables contained in the various prints of this Act, before its enactment into law.

Further from the website:
As you can see the descriptive titles have no legal effect, and the separation of chapters has no real “separating” effect.  The tax imposed on individuals in Chapter 1, Section 1 is collected at the source by the Withholding Agent under the provisions of Section 7701(a)(16), and it is the tax collectors, those Withholding Agents who are made liable under Section 1461 for the payment of the income taxes that they have collected from the subject persons identified under the provisions of Chapter 3! The actual legal authorities established by the law are the limited authorities established by the actual wording of the code section paragraphs.  Nothing can be assumed (like liability for tax under Section 1). (That is why I'm showing you actual code sections here. Can your accountant do this with his claims? How about your lawyer? I have yet to meet anyone in the country, accountant, lawyer or judge, who can rebut this presentation, which is why you need to know about these irrefutable legal facts that I am showing you.)

Title 26, the IRS Code, isn't law by its own definition of how it is constructed.


Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on August 26, 2015, 09:37:36 PM
From regarding Title 26 Section 7806, the construction section of Title 26, that is, the construction definition to be applied throughout:
    Sec. 7806. Construction of Title

Sec. 7806. Construction of Title

Section 7806 - Construction of Title.

(a) Cross references. The cross references in this title to other provisions of law, where the word "see" is used, are made only for convenience, and shall be given no legal effect.

(b) Arrangement and classification. No inference, implication, or presumption of legislative construction shall be drawn or made by reason of the location or grouping of any particular section or provision or portion of this title, nor shall any table of contents, table of cross references, or similar outline, analysis, or descriptive matter relating to the contents of this title be given any legal effect. The preceding sentence also applies to the sidenotes and ancillary tables contained in the various prints of this Act, before its enactment into law.

Further from the website:
As you can see the descriptive titles have no legal effect, and the separation of chapters has no real “separating” effect.  The tax imposed on individuals in Chapter 1, Section 1 is collected at the source by the Withholding Agent under the provisions of Section 7701(a)(16), and it is the tax collectors, those Withholding Agents who are made liable under Section 1461 for the payment of the income taxes that they have collected from the subject persons identified under the provisions of Chapter 3! The actual legal authorities established by the law are the limited authorities established by the actual wording of the code section paragraphs.  Nothing can be assumed (like liability for tax under Section 1). (That is why I'm showing you actual code sections here. Can your accountant do this with his claims? How about your lawyer? I have yet to meet anyone in the country, accountant, lawyer or judge, who can rebut this presentation, which is why you need to know about these irrefutable legal facts that I am showing you.)

Title 26, the IRS Code, isn't law by its own definition of how it is constructed.


People love their freedom and hate to be sleeping for years behind bars, in the same bunk beds with somebody nicknamed "Pocket Rocket"...

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Spendulus on August 27, 2015, 01:07:56 PM
From regarding Title 26 Section 7806, the construction section of Title 26, that is, the construction definition to be applied throughout:
    Sec. 7806. Construction of Title

Sec. 7806. Construction of Title

Section 7806 - Construction of Title.

(a) Cross references. The cross references in this title to other provisions of law, where the word "see" is used, are made only for convenience, and shall be given no legal effect.

(b) Arrangement and classification. No inference, implication, or presumption of legislative construction shall be drawn or made by reason of the location or grouping of any particular section or provision or portion of this title, nor shall any table of contents, table of cross references, or similar outline, analysis, or descriptive matter relating to the contents of this title be given any legal effect. The preceding sentence also applies to the sidenotes and ancillary tables contained in the various prints of this Act, before its enactment into law.

Further from the website:
As you can see the descriptive titles have no legal effect, and the separation of chapters has no real “separating” effect.  The tax imposed on individuals in Chapter 1, Section 1 is collected at the source by the Withholding Agent under the provisions of Section 7701(a)(16), and it is the tax collectors, those Withholding Agents who are made liable under Section 1461 for the payment of the income taxes that they have collected from the subject persons identified under the provisions of Chapter 3! The actual legal authorities established by the law are the limited authorities established by the actual wording of the code section paragraphs.  Nothing can be assumed (like liability for tax under Section 1). (That is why I'm showing you actual code sections here. Can your accountant do this with his claims? How about your lawyer? I have yet to meet anyone in the country, accountant, lawyer or judge, who can rebut this presentation, which is why you need to know about these irrefutable legal facts that I am showing you.)

Title 26, the IRS Code, isn't law by its own definition of how it is constructed.

No.  Don't quote sources like this and advise people if you don't know tax law and practice.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on August 29, 2015, 03:38:43 PM

IRS must say if White House sought taxpayers’ information: Judge

A federal judge Friday ordered the IRS to turn over the records of any requests from the White House seeking taxpayers’ private information from the tax agency, delivering a victory to a group that for two years has been trying to pry the data loose.

It’s not clear that there were any such requests — but Judge Amy Berman Jackson said the IRS cannot just refuse to say so by citing taxpayer confidentiality laws, known as section 6103 of the tax code.

“This court questions whether section 6103 should or would shield records that indicate confidential taxpayer information was misused, or that government officials made an improper attempt to access that information,” the judge wrote in denying the IRS’s request to close out the case.

The ruling marks yet another federal judge who has ordered the Obama administration to be more transparent when responding to open-records records. The State Department is facing a barrage of orders from federal judges demanding more cooperation in releasing former Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails.

White House officials and federal agencies are allowed, under very select circumstances, to ask the IRS for protected information. But the requests must be carefully cleared.

Questions about potential White House meddling in taxpayers’ private information stretch back to the beginning of the Obama administration, when the then-White House chief economist seemed to describe the tax structure of Koch Industries during a briefing with reporters.

His description was apparently incorrect, but it left some watchdog groups wondering if the White House had quietly sought information on conservatives, such as the billionaire Koch brothers.

Cause of Action sued in 2013 to get a look at whatever requests the White House, or other federal agencies, had made.

The IRS refused, saying even the existence of those requests would be protected by confidentiality laws and couldn’t be released, so there was no reason to make the search.

The judge said Friday, however, that the agency couldn’t use the privacy protection “to shield the very misconduct it was enacted to prohibit.”

“As we have said all along, this administration cannot misinterpret the law in order to potentially hide evidence of wrongdoing,” said Dan Epstein, executive director at Cause of Action. “No administration is above the law, and we are pleased that the court has sided with us on this important point.”

The IRS declined to comment since the matter is still pending in court.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on October 23, 2015, 08:58:11 PM

Justice Dept.: No criminal charges for ex-IRS official

WASHINGTON (AP) — No IRS official would face criminal charges arising from the political controversy over the processing of applications for tax-exempt status, the Justice Department announced Friday.
In a letter to members of Congress, the department said that while investigators had found "mismanagement, poor judgment and institutional inertia," there was no evidence of a crime.
"We found no evidence that any IRS official acted based on political, discriminatory, corrupt or other inappropriate motives that would support a criminal prosecution," the letter stated.
The department also announced that Lois Lerner, who headed the division that processes applications for tax-exempt status at the time, would not face any charges.
A firestorm erupted more than two years ago with the release of an inspector general's audit that said IRS agents had improperly singled out tea party and other conservative groups for extra scrutiny when they applied for tax-exempt status during the 2010 and 2012 elections.
The disclosure set off investigations by the Justice Department and multiple congressional committees.
The House voted to hold Lerner in contempt of Congress last year after she refused to answer questions at two House Oversight Committee hearings. She has since retired.

NOT GUILTY. Meaning.. The White House is guilty.

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on October 26, 2015, 03:49:46 PM

IRS possessed Stingray cellphone surveillance gear, documents reveal

Exclusive: Invoices reveal tax service, 13th federal agency to use secretive dragnet, upgraded device that pretends to be cellphone tower to gather metadata

The Internal Revenue Service is the latest in a growing list of US federal agencies known to have possessed the sophisticated cellphone dragnet equipment known as Stingray, according to documents obtained by the Guardian.

Invoices obtained following a request under the Freedom of Information Act show purchases made in 2009 and 2012 by the federal tax agency with Harris Corporation, one of a number of companies that manufacture the devices. Privacy advocates said the revelation “shows the wide proliferation of this very invasive surveillance technology”.

The 2009 IRS/Harris Corp invoice is mostly redacted under section B(4) of the Freedom of Information Act, which is intended to protect trade secrets and privileged information. However, an invoice from 2012, which is also partially redacted, reports that the agency spent $65,652 on upgrading a Stingray II to a HailStorm, a more powerful version of the same device, as well as $6,000 on training from Harris Corporation.

Stingrays are the best-known example of a type of device called an IMSI-catcher, also known as “cell-site simulators”. About the size of a briefcase, they work by pretending to be cellphone towers in order to strip metadata and in some cases even content from phones which connect to them.

Despite their extensive capabilities, they require only a low-level court order called a PEN register, also known as a “trap and trace”, to grant permission for their use.

Immense secrecy has so far surrounded these devices, but a picture is slowly emerging which shows widespread use. Various revelations by the American Civil Liberties Union and news outlets including the Guardian had shown that at least 12 federal agencies are already known to have these devices, including the National Security Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The IRS makes 13.

In November 2014, the Wall Street Journal uncovered an operation run by the US Marshals Service using a Boeing-made IMSI-catcher known as “dirtbox”. This is the first time that the IRS has been found to own the device.

The devices are also used by local and in some cases state police departments, across at least 20 states, though a culture of secrecy which surrounds Stingray devices has meant that the full scale of their use remains unknown.

Stingray spying: FBI's secret deal with police hides phone dragnet from courts
 Read more
A Guardian report in April revealed a non-disclosure agreement that local police and prosecutors were forced to sign with the FBI before using Stingrays, which mandated them to withdraw or even drop cases rather than risk revealing their use, and in September it emerged that this withholding of “discovery” evidence by police in Baltimore could lead to as many as 2,000 cases being overturned.

It remains unclear how the IRS used the Stingray devices. A spokesman for the agency did not respond to a request for comment.

Mark Matthews, a former deputy commissioner for services and enforcement at the agency who now works for the law firm Caplin and Drysdale, said that while he attends many conferences on IRS and tax law enforcement, he had not heard any “scuttlebutt” about the agency’s use of Stingray.

Matthews said there are currently between 2,000 and 3,000 “special agents” in the IRS who form the criminal investigation division (CID). They have the ability to get PEN register orders – the only authority needed to use Stingray devices.

He said the IRS on its own usually uses gentler investigation tactics. But increasingly, investigating agents from the agency are brought on board for joint operations with the FBI and other agencies when the latter need financial expertise to look at, for example, money laundering from drug organisations.

From these joint operations, he said, “the IRS had moved to drug work and had learned a lot of aggressive techniques in the money laundering and drug world, and these bad habits were leaking over into the tax world, which was supposed to be their real mission”.

Federal agencies using surveillance technology that far outstripped the limits of what a PEN register was designed to do is not new. “That used to be a worry at the FBI with their PEN register [devices],” Matthews said. “There was always a little slot where you could put in a headphone jack” – which could turn the device into a full wiretap, for which they did not have warrant clearance – “and they said, ‘Trust us.’ Not very convincing for civil liberties groups.”

Nate Wessler, a staff attorney with the speech, privacy and technology project at the ACLU, told the Guardian: “The info showing that they are using Stingrays is generally consistent with the kinds of investigative tactics that they are engaging in, and it shows the wide proliferation of this very invasive surveillance technology.”

“It’s used by dozens, perhaps hundreds, of local law enforcement, used by the usual suspects at the federal level, and if the IRS is using it, it shows just how far these devices have spread,” Wessler said.

Matthews said that he had not heard anything about Stingrays despite speaking to his contacts in the tax industry. “So this either hasn’t ripened yet in a tax case, 95% of which [end in a plea deal] so there would be no such disclosures, or this is saved more for money laundering/drug/terrorist-financing-like investigations.”

“[It] could be as silly as [they] got to the end of the year, had some extra funds, and somebody said, ‘We need some more of these devices,’” Matthews said. “It could literally be that silly. But it could be something different; it could be that they’ve decided to use them in cases where they’re the primary detective agency, and we haven’t seen it yet in the private sector.”

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: Wilikon on May 24, 2016, 05:14:27 PM

IRS employee threatens attorney representing conservative groups with harassment, targeting (LIVE on TV)

A self-identified IRS employee admitted he would go after, target and try to end conservative groups who wanted to abolish the IRS, to Cleta Mitchell, an attorney representing those groups, on a Washington Journal segment on C-SPAN.

Mitchell, a political law attorney who has represented conservative groups during the IRS targeting scandal since 2010, was a guest on C-SPAN to discuss the possible impeachment of the IRS commissioner John Koskinen.

The first caller was a self-identified IRS employee who said he would go after the groups Mitchell represents if their goal was to abolish the IRS.

“I am a lowly clerk at the IRS, looking at your application for tax-free status,” said the caller, Bill, from Elizabeth, New Jersey. “I go to your web page to see the goals of your group and one of the goals of your group is to abolish the IRS.”

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: robbylove on August 21, 2017, 08:20:16 PM

Federal Judge Orders IRS to “Name Specific People” Who Directed Tea Party Targeting…

A federal judge has ordered the Internal Revenue Service to release the names of specific employees involved in targeting Tea Party groups, after years of litigation over what conservatives have long called “chilling” behavior by one of the government’s “most feared” agencies.

Judge Reggie B. Walton of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia also said the IRS must provide information about which groups were targeted and why, along with a strategy to make sure such targeting doesn’t happen again.

The IRS is involved in multiple lawsuits with conservative groups related to the Tea Party targeting scandal; this particular case involves True the Vote.

“We’re thrilled the judge has taken this step and it feels good to have it recognized that they need to be held to account,” True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht told Fox News on Monday. “What happened to me was very personal—my name was thrown around the IRS, and the names of the people involved need to be known. What they did was criminal.”

The targeting scandal drew much attention in 2013 when the IRS, headed at the time by Lois Lerner, admitted it was applying extra scrutiny to conservative groups applying for nonprofit status.

[…]  “We are reviewing the order and will respond accordingly,” a Justice Department spokesperson told Fox News Monday. Justice Department attorneys are representing the IRS in the suit.

[…]  Engelbrecht told Fox News that “the fight” under the Trump administration has been “every bit as difficult” as it was under the Obama administration

Title: Re: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner
Post by: BADecker on August 21, 2017, 09:11:13 PM
IRS doesn't claim anything. IRS is a company or corporation. It is paperwork. Paperwork can't make any claims. If such claims were made, they were made by a man or woman.
