Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: catchcoin on September 03, 2014, 02:48:03 AM

Title: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 03, 2014, 02:48:03 AM
NOW,we will discuss the rewards of the new wallet ,as I said before, all decisions should be dicided by the community!  
just post a number,like 1 or 15.    
I will choose a 5 coin per block reward.  reduced by 10% every 3 month?  
The New Wallet will be made in a few days,plz use the old version on the until the new version comes out.
I will update it in this thread in time.

It takes a lot to convince me to back a hostile takeover, and I haven't seen very compelling evidence. Nothing to worry about.
---the reply from the Poloniex.

please do not uprgade to Talkcoin V2.
The original Dev is alive and don't leave his project;u=265152;sa=showPosts


I am the original developer. I am always developping and I will propose a new version without the dev fund. I don't want to spend time to argue with them because I know they have no skill and no knowledge, they are just pathetic. I coded everything alone and there is no comment and no support. They can't take over this project in a good way.

I will publish a new wallet without the dev fund, block reward: 5 TAC, all fees will really be destroyed in the genesis block and with some new features that I am developping.
A message from the @talkcoin (original dev of talkcoin)  just now

plz write email to the exchange and pools ,prevent the scam from the new team.we have no time left.
for a real future of should be taken over by the community but not the so called "new team",you see ,they are just multi account from one person,he is going to take over the nice coin by himself.

nonce-pool :;u=259723
write to them tell them the story below, ASAP ; D we can save TAC with our hands.

Evevyone in the TalkCoin community,I am the promotor of TalkCoin in China Community,also the Admin of the QQ group of TalkCoin!I choose the TAC because it's a really Valuable altcoin with more innovation (Decentralized public chat,nist 5 algo),I am here to tell you that TalkCoin is facing a moment of truth!

First,thanks to the original dev of TalkCoin,Indeed he developed this great TalkCoin wallet although something unsatisfactory.but we should forget the past from now, if not, talkcoin will die for sure.

For the old thread , ( is in a mess,filled with Virulent invective and meaningless quarrel, There are no normal communication at all,so,let's  discuss in this thread with a sincere attitude and constructive views.

we are here friendly invite more Master programmer to this project,of course we will offer a bounty to the devs,it'll be a more respectable development team,and everthing should be transparent to the community,this project also open to the original developers and the others in the old Team if they could abandon selfish ideas and personal considerations(@Talkcoin@TalkTeam@djm34@Ignition75@karimdr2@dav1199@Bushstar @Nyterax @crz...... )by doing this, I firmly believe that we have a fresh future!

post your comments and suggestions, what is the best features do you want with the new wallet release.All decisions should be decided by the community, not by one or two person.
everythings decided by the community should be considered by the new dev seriously,we will kick him out if he always refuse to change his mind.
I will update this thread in time.coming with us,change the future![/size]

related thread:   Chiese  forum 中文板块帖子   1st thread  by@Talkcoin.   2nd thread by@TalkTeam.

Sorry I've been away for so long.
When you're given a lot of empty hype and bullshit, and nobody can answer questions logically, you know something is very wrong.
I've spent 3 days trying to find out what has really been going on with this takeover.
I'd like to thank the real talkcoin developer “Talkcoin” for helping me piece things together, and also a person in the takeover team who wishes to remain anonymous.

Part 1

“This is hardly a takover....  we just all agreed to replace one team member who happened to be the core dev who created the project.”

It seems we've all been royally duped.

What we've been presented is this:

The dev team behind talkcoin have replaced the original developer because of some kind of financial impropriety/dishonesty against the coin, and are continuing development of the coin for the community's sake.

The real story is this:

There is only 1 coin developer who's been building talkcoin, who founded the coin has written all the features by himself. He is the real dev and is called "Talkcoin" (as opposed to TalkTeam).
TalkTeam is someone he paid to help out with non-technical tasks such as running the forum.
Recently, a group of miners led by TalkTeam – who were in a trusted position supposedly helping the talkcoin dev, made a hostile takeover move against both the dev and the community. They tried to force-implement their own agenda and, by the looks of the code, apparently steal coins. And they used a provably false claim of financial dishonesty of the dev as an excuse. They didn't say anything at all to the dev, they simply went behind his back and paid an outsider (Bushstar) to change the talkcoin code. And then they stuck 2 fingers up to the community as we all know. The code changes were:

1) Re-routed all the destroyed Talkcoins, which were originally being sent to the genesis block for destruction, into their own wallet (!!!)
2) Re-routed the dev fund wallet to their own wallet, so they now take all the dev funds for themselves even though they're not developers and haven't done any development work.
3) Removed dev fund voting so they always get 3% of the block reward instead of what the community decides
4) Removed the block reward voting system to force use of the block reward they wanted to get as miners – 22% of the current market cap per month!

By them mining their own enforced 2 million new coins every month, they would soon own a huge chunk of talkcoin for very cheap. The price of coins would be so low that there wouldn't be large mining competition for them. The value would effectively be slowly leeched from the current holders of the coin to themselves.
Is it just coincidence that they got so heavy about dictating the block reward to force the 2 million new coins? You decide. Even if we were to assume their aim wasn't to leech talkcoin's value from investors, they still knew that's what would happen when they set that block reward and mined these coins.
Investors buy coins on the exchange, then the miners end up owning that value after the investors' coins are diluted to nearly nothing. And they kept saying it was in our best interests!  

They've tried to justify it by saying they need to follow the original bitcoin financial model (as opposed to any normal altcoin model) but as I detailed in my last post, bitcoin did not use this model of investor leeching and it's extremely abnormal for crypto.
They constantly spam out posts to have us believe that they have some understanding of economics that nobody else understands, seemingly that basic supply and demand laws aren't real and flooding the market with coins won't lower the price (!)
Please see my last post to view their level of understanding of economics.

Back to the story - they approached the mining pools and exchanges with the new code and said there had been a “takeover”, but without mentioning that they were making a hostile takeover attempt against both the coin developer and the community. They couldn't say that because of course the pools and exchanges wouldn't have accepted it.

At the same time they had the PR machine in motion, building up for weeks that something incredibly great was happening to the coin. They used their position as official helpers of the real dev to make everything look official and above board.

They then falsely accused the real developer of financial impropriety in order to destroy his reputation and cut him out.
In the original talkcoin OP, the one operated by the real dev “Talkcoin”, he (Talkcoin) explains that there is a user-votable dev fund to fund coin development:
“Users can vote the amount of coins to be given to developers in each block that they found... If you want to give 1%, 2% or 3% you choose! The default value is 1%. Note: you also can reduce donation to zero!”

The dev was sharing the coins from this fund out and “TalkTeam” and his group were all being paid from it. The dev says TalkTeam personally received more than 100k coins of it.
Yet last week when TalkTeam announced he was taking over he suddenly claimed:
“For the record, we the team did not know about the dev fund.”
“We are against the secrecy in how this was hidden and operated secretly without telling the rest of the team and the community.”
“We started crisis meetings on IRC recently and audited the core code”

Ignition75, part of the takeover group, said:
“The lead dev has been dishonest”
“Soon we will be free of the dishonest code.”
Ignition75 was asked by someone to explain what the dishonest code was but he wouldn't give a reply.

So the dev fund was detailed in the OP and the team had been getting paid from it for 3 months, yet they suddenly claimed it was a big secret that the dev had kept to himself and made it out to be an emergency situation which required taking over the coin.
But strangely at another point Talkteam admits he actually DID know about it:
“Although the fund is mentioned on the old thread we didn't see that it was implemented”

And their solution to this emergency? Take over the coin, funnel the dev fund money into their own wallets instead, and take out the community vote so they get 3% of the block reward automatically, forever. Take all the coins heading for destruction in the genesis block for themselves. (Hard to believe! But its in the code).  Then force 2 million new coins to be created every month for them to mine, against everyone's wishes.

After all the accusations and the takeover post, the real developer was outnumbered and intimidated and he almost felt himself that he must have done something wrong. And so he has kept away from the talkcoin forum. Which was unfortunate for us because we didn't find out what was going on.

As we all know, everyone in the community has been up in arms and the price collapsed, but the team have made it clear in their pretend-polite way the coin is now theirs and they're running a dictatorship.
Their enforced coin spam creation of 22% per month has made all investors' coins worth very little, doomed the coin's future, and crashed the market on bittrex. Since their announcement, the price on bittrex has fallen from 1450 sats to 450 sats, with only 0.1 btc volume – meaning we've already hit the delisting threshold.
The community made it very clear what they thought and the forum filled up with demands for a vote about block reward and complaints such as:
"How can you get away with taking over and doing what you want against everyones wishes? Go and f**k yourselves."

One of their tricks is to use their numbers (there are 8 people listed as in their group - though not all are part of the takeover) as a way to volume-post to dilute the complaints against them. If someone complains, they will send a few posts out trying to put a peaceful face on everything to make sure things don't get out of control, and to try to hide the complaints from any mining pools or exchanges who might be checking out the thread. Sometimes they even just post to agree with each other! If you take out their propaganda posts from the thread, virtually every post is a complaint against what they are doing, except for posts from 1 guy who coincidentally is also a miner.

Who are these people?
Talkcoin was started by the developer “Talkcoin” (as opposed to “TalkTeam” the takeover leader). He came up with the concept and did all of the development of the coin.
According to Talkcoin:
Talkcoin paid TalkTeam to help out, he helped out with non-technical things such as the forum.
He also paid djm34 to do some basic cosmetic changes on the wallet –  “new fonts, new color, new icons etc”. Interesting that he's now listed as their "lead developer"!
TalkTeam then invited his friends into the team without any authority to do so, a group of miners: “Other people in the team have been invited by TalkTeam without my agreement, I don't really know what they do and I don't think they are useful.”
Very little noticable has happened on the coin other than the development which Talkcoin did, so what these people have done is unknown other than awarding themselves posh titles like “business developer” and collecting the cash from the dev fund. According to Talkcoin, “these titles are just bullshit but it's better for marketing”

This group have now backstabbed and lost the only talkcoin developer in order to take control, the only person who understood the code or had the vision. They now have between them a bunch of posh titles, but nobody who knows about coin development, other than maybe the outsider they're paying to do the takeover code. So now they have a problem. They're happily mining away but they have no idea how to maintain the talkcoin code, much less build new features on it. And Talkcoin says he didn't comment any of his code so it would be difficult for other people to change it. The new wallet release they made to make their takeover attempt seems like it has already stopped working correctly, and people are having to manually edit their config files to get it running.
So all that stuff about future roadmap. Well it doesn't look like there is any future roadmap except to Brokeville. They've given some vague words holding a general promise of their development plan happening within 3-5 years(!?), focused around communications.

So there we have it, talkcoin hostile takeover exposed!

Part 2

But talkcoin is our money, and the people who own the coin are the ones who have the say. These people actually have no right to just take it over and do whatever they like.
So here is the good news!
They may have made it seem to everyone like they're now in control and we have no choice but to accept the takeover. But what they don't want us to know is, that's actually not the situation at all. And their hardfork hasn't even happened yet.
It's actually really simple: we stick to using the official wallet and we tell the mining pools and exchanges what's been going on. They will not then switch to their hardfork and we can go back to normal. :)

Once we stop this hardfork (community agreeing of course!), the dev has agreed to continue development as usual. (this is “Talkcoin” rather than “TalkTeam”)
The block reward voting system wasn't very popular, so the dev agrees that the voting system should be removed and the block reward should be fixed at around 5 TAC (if the community agrees), to get the price back on track.
I will stick around to help make sure everything goes smoothly and help find new team members, ones who can do actual work.

I would also like to help out in the future of talkcoin with some development and the occasional PR. Who am I and why do I think I can help? I have 20 years experience of software development and running a software business. I ran the MtGox protest in Japan earlier this year (along with my co-protester). I'm regularly at bitcoin events, I'm often on the news talking about bitcoin, have contacts throughout the industry, and have many of the key industry players and TV/press following me on social media.

If you guys agree with not letting these guys take our coin, I would like you to say so. We will then contact the exchanges and pools to make sure they're using the official code and this crap should all be over.

Please only use the official wallets.
These are on which is still run by the real dev.



Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 03, 2014, 02:56:49 AM
take a seat,update later.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: halorose on September 03, 2014, 02:59:52 AM
Great job,catchcoin,I will suppot the new team.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: coolmyrig on September 03, 2014, 03:13:54 AM
I will fully support you,looking forward to the new dev team.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: btcside on September 03, 2014, 03:17:25 AM

Appreciate this
everythings decided by the community
good luck ,new TalkCoin.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 03, 2014, 03:20:18 AM

Appreciate this
everythings decided by the community
good luck ,new TalkCoin.
I will fully support you,looking forward to the new dev team.
take a seat,update later.
thanks for all the support from the community,I will pay more attention to this thread and update in time.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: current_asset on September 03, 2014, 03:28:05 AM
内江 都是群里的中国人 你那烂英文就不要show了

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: btcshare on September 03, 2014, 03:33:02 AM
we desperately need a new clean wallet now.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 03, 2014, 03:39:12 AM

current_asset,will you plz use a normal your comments but not useless words.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: nicemycoin on September 03, 2014, 03:43:32 AM
Great idea,good luck with TAC!

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: duboisi on September 03, 2014, 03:48:59 AM
I would propose that talkcoin community should stay put on current wallet as the V2 dev team is not transparent as well.
If there is any fork, all the spec of the fork must be clearly stated and codes are verified before the community approve the fork.

I don't see talkdev (old team) and talkteam (new team) can gain trust from the majority of the community as both are not transparent in what they do.

I would suggest that catchcoin take the lead to form a new-new team. Gather what the community wishes and then develop the next fork.

For a start, a successful coin will need Investors (who get things moving), Miners (who secure the blockchain) and MOST IMPORTANTLY to create DEMAND (a little bit of speculative demand but lots of real demands like promoting chat usage).

For an "old" coin like talkcoin, it is better to do a gradual award reduction so that "old" community members are not affected while is attractive for new members to join in. Suggest to start the reward at 15 coin and reduce by 0.5 coin every x blocks.

As for Dev team reward, it is reasonable to get x% just enough to pay for "cost". The reward of Dev team should come of coin usage. Maybe transaction in talkcoin could be an indication of how successful the coin is, and thus Dev team should be allowed to charge y% of transaction fees as their "profit".

Just my 2cents.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: Winner on September 03, 2014, 03:50:29 AM
Is this a coin revival?

Edit: nvm looked at the old thread

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 03, 2014, 04:17:38 AM
I would propose that talkcoin community should stay put on current wallet as the V2 dev team is not transparent as well.
If there is any fork, all the spec of the fork must be clearly stated and codes are verified before the community approve the fork.

I don't see talkdev (old team) and talkteam (new team) can gain trust from the majority of the community as both are not transparent in what they do.

I would suggest that catchcoin take the lead to form a new-new team. Gather what the community wishes and then develop the next fork.

For a start, a successful coin will need Investors (who get things moving), Miners (who secure the blockchain) and MOST IMPORTANTLY to create DEMAND (a little bit of speculative demand but lots of real demands like promoting chat usage).

For an "old" coin like talkcoin, it is better to do a gradual award reduction so that "old" community members are not affected while is attractive for new members to join in. Suggest to start the reward at 15 coin and reduce by 0.5 coin every x blocks.

As for Dev team reward, it is reasonable to get x% just enough to pay for "cost". The reward of Dev team should come of coin usage. Maybe transaction in talkcoin could be an indication of how successful the coin is, and thus Dev team should be allowed to charge y% of transaction fees as their "profit".

Just my 2cents.
Thank you for your constructive comments.and it will be considered by the community.anyone have other ideas can post here freely.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 03, 2014, 04:18:21 AM
Is this a coin revival?

Edit: nvm looked at the old thread
of course TAC will have a bright future,I am sure of it.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: Winner on September 03, 2014, 04:19:40 AM
Is this a coin revival?

Edit: nvm looked at the old thread
of course TAC will have a bright future,I am sure of it.

Yeah the coin looks good, not too sure why people was fighting in the other thread but oh well.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: 8btc on September 03, 2014, 05:04:21 AM
Is this a coin revival?

Edit: nvm looked at the old thread
of course TAC will have a bright future,I am sure of it.

Yeah the coin looks good, not too sure why people was fighting in the other thread but oh well.
the devs from the old thread couldn't comunicate normally with the community I think.the community want a more profitable future,but the devs ignore it at all.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catecoco on September 03, 2014, 05:26:29 AM
I will totally follow you and this thread in the future.let's start a new ,fair and decentralized currency called NewTalkCoin by the community.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 03, 2014, 05:31:04 AM
with the support from the community,everything will be better.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catecoco on September 03, 2014, 05:34:34 AM
well,what is the bounty for the new dev?

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: hualehua on September 03, 2014, 05:36:06 AM
I suggest that 1% of the total amount will be enough as a bounty for the dev.  isn't it ???

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: Carrice on September 03, 2014, 05:38:01 AM
wow. Chinese guys. good luck.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: buckjams on September 03, 2014, 05:39:46 AM
Chinese guys are good at making stunt and rise the price, but not good at technology.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catecoco on September 03, 2014, 05:42:34 AM
1% is appropriate, in my opinion,the less *% the dev get,the more profits he and the community will get,the coin will be worthless without the support from the users.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: hualehua on September 03, 2014, 05:44:17 AM
Chinese guys are good at making stunt and rise the price, but not good at technology.
are you the sockpuppet of the old dev team?

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: halicarton on September 03, 2014, 06:27:07 AM
I am coming and support you guys !  ;D

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: current_asset on September 03, 2014, 06:56:57 AM
内江 都是群里的中国人 你那烂英文就不要show了
@nicemycoin and community,we desperately need a new clean wallet now.
好陈腐的调调啊 我好怕怕哟 这么高的帽子 
民族大义都拿出来啦 只为了tac这个垃圾币??? 民族大义在你嘴里好不值钱啊 动机何在???!!!!

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: tianjinlian on September 03, 2014, 07:02:20 AM
 ;D  as a result . tac is a shit

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: duboisi on September 03, 2014, 07:08:15 AM
Pls keep this thread clean to talk about what you want to see in talkcoin. If you want to find a quarrel, go to the old thread. TQ.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: current_asset on September 03, 2014, 07:20:08 AM
;D  as a result . tac is a shit


Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: on September 03, 2014, 07:24:45 AM
This thread is dead guys. All the major pools and exchanges are moving forwards with the "real" TalkCoin team and not this Chinese spam.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: current_asset on September 03, 2014, 07:27:40 AM
Pls keep this thread clean to talk about what you want to see in talkcoin. If you want to find a quarrel, go to the old thread. TQ.
I saw a dirty talkcoin starting 2nd round scam.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: a447513372 on September 03, 2014, 07:28:51 AM
 ::) why tac' price so cheap , are you try to find "接盘侠“?

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: hascoin on September 03, 2014, 07:31:41 AM
Pls keep this thread clean to talk about what you want to see in talkcoin. If you want to find a quarrel, go to the old thread. TQ.
+1,,he will make more shits when you point it out the truth,just leave him there.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: current_asset on September 03, 2014, 07:47:36 AM
::) why tac' price so cheap , are you try to find "接盘侠“?
YES,obviously ,they are!

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: current_asset on September 03, 2014, 08:27:48 AM
This thread is dead guys. All the major pools and exchanges are moving forwards with the "real" TalkCoin team and not this Chinese spam.
I wish tac die before this thread.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: bao_zou on September 03, 2014, 11:33:23 AM
who are you?who authorized you the right to take over talkcoin team?

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 03, 2014, 02:18:04 PM
who are you?who authorized you the right to take over talkcoin team?
I have no right ,but the community have.I have explained it clearly in the first see.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 03, 2014, 02:19:36 PM   first thread of TAC by@Talkcoin.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 03, 2014, 02:20:33 PM  2nd thread of TAC by@TalkTeam.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: bao_zou on September 03, 2014, 05:36:30 PM  2nd thread of TAC by@TalkTeam.
Are you aware of what you are doing?
Is there 3rd,4th .... thread in the next few days?

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: bao_zou on September 03, 2014, 05:52:17 PM
who are you?who authorized you the right to take over talkcoin team?
I have no right ,but the community have.I have explained it clearly in the first see.
I haven't seen any clue that the community asked to set up this thread.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: freezingwinter on September 03, 2014, 09:11:23 PM
what's going on here? ??? ??? ???

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: Hodor_keeper_of_the_light on September 03, 2014, 11:51:46 PM


Please ensure sure you update to the V2.0 wallet before block #465,100 / Monday 8th September.

Talkcoin v2.0 Windows: (later today)

Talkcoin v2.0 Mac: link (


Release Notes:

  • Removed block reward voting and implement hard cap of 48m TAC with halving every 1.5 million blocks

  • Removed dev fund* voting, fixed dev fund to 3% of mining reward, all funds sent to: ToZLw9DGGw2e6USazXQNY25YpdiUDwMNpM

  • Reduce chat fees** and redirect to: TwdzYBNxCHzWwSiuDb7TgMjQxMLbGeVswM

Full source changes for v2.0 can be found here:

*Dev fund will now be made public and used only to pay for actual development, promotions, giveaways or any other activity people are doing to add value to Talkcoin.

**Due to the hardfork Chat fees won't be destroyed to reduce the supply.  Instead all chat fees will be given back to the community through faucets and giveaways.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: voltage_surge on September 04, 2014, 12:38:21 AM
talkcoin is abosolutely a scam now.fuck off~

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 04, 2014, 12:56:03 AM  2nd thread of TAC by@TalkTeam.
Are you aware of what you are doing?
Is there 3rd,4th .... thread in the next few days?
this is the last,I am sure.  ;)

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 04, 2014, 12:57:10 AM
don't be so angry with him.  ;D

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 04, 2014, 01:00:09 AM
who are you?who authorized you the right to take over talkcoin team?
I have no right ,but the community have.I have explained it clearly in the first see.
I haven't seen any clue that the community asked to set up this thread.
are you the sockpuppet of the thieves(so called new Team from the 2nd thread).

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 04, 2014, 01:28:44 AM   topic from Chiese forum

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: rigdeer on September 04, 2014, 01:33:15 AM
The new team is called a gang of robbers, want to rob the remaining results. Deceive us again

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: Hodor_keeper_of_the_light on September 04, 2014, 01:58:01 AM
The new team is called a gang of robbers, want to rob the remaining results. Deceive us again


Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: voltage_surge on September 04, 2014, 02:04:58 AM   topic from Chiese forum
wtf!! SOOOOO many threadsssss!

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: djm34 on September 04, 2014, 02:15:55 AM
The new team is called a gang of robbers, want to rob the remaining results. Deceive us again

Not sure why either, when we know that Catchcoin already sort of blackmail talkteam (and talkcoin) in the past, he is clearly not the person to trust on that.

Actually he is just angry because we didn't take him into the team because he blackmailed in the past talkcoin asking for coin or else (well I guess that sort of else  ;D) and therefore can't be trusted (I guess this thread prove my point  ;D)

This isn't against the chinese community but against some greedy moron who acts as if he was speaking for the chinese community...
Clearly don't trust that guy on any issue (related or not to talkcoin) he just use the chinese community to his own benefit.

and before calling me a robber (as part of the team), remember that I open source miners, so I think on the contrary I give quite a lot to the community.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: voltage_surge on September 04, 2014, 02:25:11 AM
The new team is called a gang of robbers, want to rob the remaining results. Deceive us again

Not sure why either, when we know that Catchcoin already sort of blackmail talkteam (and talkcoin) in the past, he is clearly not the person to trust on that.

Actually he is just angry because we didn't take him into the team because he blackmailed in the past talkcoin asking for coin or else (well I guess that sort of else  ;D) and therefore can't be trusted (I guess this thread prove my point  ;D)

This isn't against the chinese community but against some greedy moron who acts as if he was speaking for the chinese community...
Clearly don't trust that guy on any issue (related or not to talkcoin) he just use the chinese community to his own benefit.

and before calling me a robber (as part of the team), remember that I open source miners, so I think on the contrary I give quite a lot to the community.

hey,moron robber!
good to see you here,
fuck your new team ! :D :D ;D ;D ;D :D

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: djm34 on September 04, 2014, 02:28:52 AM
The new team is called a gang of robbers, want to rob the remaining results. Deceive us again

Not sure why either, when we know that Catchcoin already sort of blackmail talkteam (and talkcoin) in the past, he is clearly not the person to trust on that.

Actually he is just angry because we didn't take him into the team because he blackmailed in the past talkcoin asking for coin or else (well I guess that sort of else  ;D) and therefore can't be trusted (I guess this thread prove my point  ;D)

This isn't against the chinese community but against some greedy moron who acts as if he was speaking for the chinese community...
Clearly don't trust that guy on any issue (related or not to talkcoin) he just use the chinese community to his own benefit.

and before calling me a robber (as part of the team), remember that I open source miners, so I think on the contrary I give quite a lot to the community.

hey,moron robber!
good to see you here,
fuck your new team ! :D :D ;D ;D ;D :D
Thanks same to you  ;D

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: voltage_surge on September 04, 2014, 02:37:50 AM
you said you are able to code???  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
you are nothing but a scamer.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: djm34 on September 04, 2014, 02:46:37 AM
you said you are able to code???  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
you are nothing but a scamer.
you are nothing but a noob without any skill, who are most likely using my product without giving any donation, so basically you are a robber. (and because of people like you some day, there won't be anymore open sourcing, and you will be left mining with your poor cpu)
Many "scammer" (sorry here we call them dev) feels the same about ungrateful prick like you)

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: voltage_surge on September 04, 2014, 02:54:51 AM
you said you are able to code???  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
you are nothing but a scamer.
you are nothing than a noob without any skill, who are most likely using my product without giving any donation, so basically you are a robber. (and because of people like you some day, there won't be anymore open sourcing, and you will be left mining with your poor cpu)
Many "scammer" (sorry here we call them dev) feels the same about ungrateful prick like you)

Your product????? Are you kidding me? such a moron as you can only give shit to the community.
You are a member of tac team,if you are coder ,why didn't you tell the community dev's stolen money in the first place?

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: djm34 on September 04, 2014, 03:02:20 AM
you said you are able to code???  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
you are nothing but a scamer.
you are nothing than a noob without any skill, who are most likely using my product without giving any donation, so basically you are a robber. (and because of people like you some day, there won't be anymore open sourcing, and you will be left mining with your poor cpu)
Many "scammer" (sorry here we call them dev) feels the same about ungrateful prick like you)

Your product????? Are you kidding me? such a moron as you can only give shit to the community.
You are a member of tac team,if you are coder ,why didn't you tell the community dev's stolen money in the first place?

I currently develop ccminer (for nvidia), I have in the past coded several algorithm for sgminer.
This is the kind of shit I do (all of this in opensource, so yes I give to the community)
I won't do you the insult to point you to the cudaminer thread.

So as you have no idea about about what you are speaking just shut up you will feel less like if you were coming from Mars...

And my work in talkcoin was on the gui wallet not on the core function.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: voltage_surge on September 04, 2014, 03:06:32 AM
you said you are able to code???  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
you are nothing but a scamer.
you are nothing than a noob without any skill, who are most likely using my product without giving any donation, so basically you are a robber. (and because of people like you some day, there won't be anymore open sourcing, and you will be left mining with your poor cpu)
Many "scammer" (sorry here we call them dev) feels the same about ungrateful prick like you)

Your product????? Are you kidding me? such a moron as you can only give shit to the community.
You are a member of tac team,if you are coder ,why didn't you tell the community dev's stolen money in the first place?

I currently develop ccminer (for nvidia), I have in the past coded several algorithm for sgminer.
This is the kind of shit I do (all of this in opensource, so yes I give to the community)
I won't do you the insult to point you to the cudaminer thread.

So as you have no idea about about what you are speaking just shut up you will feel less like if you were coming from Mars...

And my work in talkcoin was on the gui wallet not on the core function.

I have good reason to doubt a member of scam coin team and your shitminer.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: djm34 on September 04, 2014, 03:13:36 AM
you said you are able to code???  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
you are nothing but a scamer.
you are nothing than a noob without any skill, who are most likely using my product without giving any donation, so basically you are a robber. (and because of people like you some day, there won't be anymore open sourcing, and you will be left mining with your poor cpu)
Many "scammer" (sorry here we call them dev) feels the same about ungrateful prick like you)

Your product????? Are you kidding me? such a moron as you can only give shit to the community.
You are a member of tac team,if you are coder ,why didn't you tell the community dev's stolen money in the first place?

I currently develop ccminer (for nvidia), I have in the past coded several algorithm for sgminer.
This is the kind of shit I do (all of this in opensource, so yes I give to the community)
I won't do you the insult to point you to the cudaminer thread.

So as you have no idea about about what you are speaking just shut up you will feel less like if you were coming from Mars...

And my work in talkcoin was on the gui wallet not on the core function.

I have good reason to doubt a member of scam coin team and your shitminer.
what are your good reason ? some noobie (at best the sockpuppet of someone too shy to speak in his own name) just following like a sheep a known blackmailer who told him to troll here... well whomever you are you are just pathetic ridiculing yourself with absolutely no argument all  ;D

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: fullhouse on September 04, 2014, 03:22:13 AM
please let it dead silence. do not harm anyother again

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: voltage_surge on September 04, 2014, 03:25:16 AM
you said you are able to code???  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
you are nothing but a scamer.
you are nothing than a noob without any skill, who are most likely using my product without giving any donation, so basically you are a robber. (and because of people like you some day, there won't be anymore open sourcing, and you will be left mining with your poor cpu)
Many "scammer" (sorry here we call them dev) feels the same about ungrateful prick like you)

Your product????? Are you kidding me? such a moron as you can only give shit to the community.
You are a member of tac team,if you are coder ,why didn't you tell the community dev's stolen money in the first place?

I currently develop ccminer (for nvidia), I have in the past coded several algorithm for sgminer.
This is the kind of shit I do (all of this in opensource, so yes I give to the community)
I won't do you the insult to point you to the cudaminer thread.

So as you have no idea about about what you are speaking just shut up you will feel less like if you were coming from Mars...

And my work in talkcoin was on the gui wallet not on the core function.

I have good reason to doubt a member of scam coin team and your shitminer.
what are your good reason ? some noobie (at best the sockpuppet of someone too shy to speak in his own name) just following like a sheep a known blackmailer who told him to troll here... well whomever you are you are just pathetic ridiculing yourself with absolutely no argument all  ;D

Since tac dev could steal money via his wallet,nobody can garantee you don't steal money via your shitminer.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: 8btc on September 04, 2014, 03:29:30 AM
writen to the poloniex and bittrex already.stop the 2nd scam.  ;D

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: djm34 on September 04, 2014, 03:31:02 AM
you said you are able to code???  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
you are nothing but a scamer.
you are nothing than a noob without any skill, who are most likely using my product without giving any donation, so basically you are a robber. (and because of people like you some day, there won't be anymore open sourcing, and you will be left mining with your poor cpu)
Many "scammer" (sorry here we call them dev) feels the same about ungrateful prick like you)

Your product????? Are you kidding me? such a moron as you can only give shit to the community.
You are a member of tac team,if you are coder ,why didn't you tell the community dev's stolen money in the first place?

I currently develop ccminer (for nvidia), I have in the past coded several algorithm for sgminer.
This is the kind of shit I do (all of this in opensource, so yes I give to the community)
I won't do you the insult to point you to the cudaminer thread.

So as you have no idea about about what you are speaking just shut up you will feel less like if you were coming from Mars...

And my work in talkcoin was on the gui wallet not on the core function.

I have good reason to doubt a member of scam coin team and your shitminer.
what are your good reason ? some noobie (at best the sockpuppet of someone too shy to speak in his own name) just following like a sheep a known blackmailer who told him to troll here... well whomever you are you are just pathetic ridiculing yourself with absolutely no argument all  ;D

Since tac dev could steal money via his wallet,nobody can garantee you don't steal money via your shitminer.
lol is that all you got ?  ;D
You must be the worst troll ever  ;D
Hey ! Can I have another troll, this one doesn't work very well  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 04, 2014, 03:37:47 AM

Not sure why either, when we know that Catchcoin already sort of blackmail talkteam (and talkcoin) in the past, he is clearly not the person to trust on that.
Actually he is just angry because we didn't take him into the team because he blackmailed in the past talkcoin asking for coin or else (well I guess that sort of else  ;D) and therefore can't be trusted (I guess this thread prove my point  ;D)


I would like you to be on our China promotion team.  

Please be patient, we have big plans we are working on, that's is why we are still here after the disaster with the dev's voting and price dump :D

What you think?

@djm34,have you seen this message?  
old dev sent me about 5000 tacs before the price up to 10000 satoshi ,for a bounty of making the QQ group and the promotion in China,what's wrong with it? have you sent a single tac to my address?
lol,you guy so funny!

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catecoco on September 04, 2014, 03:58:58 AM

Not sure why either, when we know that Catchcoin already sort of blackmail talkteam (and talkcoin) in the past, he is clearly not the person to trust on that.
Actually he is just angry because we didn't take him into the team because he blackmailed in the past talkcoin asking for coin or else (well I guess that sort of else  ;D) and therefore can't be trusted (I guess this thread prove my point  ;D)


I would like you to be on our China promotion team.  

Please be patient, we have big plans we are working on, that's is why we are still here after the disaster with the dev's voting and price dump :D

What you think?

@djm34,have you seen this message?  
old dev sent me about 5000 tacs before the price up to 10000 satoshi ,for a bounty of making the QQ group and the promotion in China,what's wrong with it? have you sent a single tac to my address?
lol,you guy so funny!

djm34,where are you from? are you a Japanese too? it's time to go to bed.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: sanbashiyi on September 04, 2014, 04:06:58 AM
seems many people argue here  :-\

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: yibitecom on September 04, 2014, 04:53:24 AM
aruement is better for the coin.  ;D

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: yibitecom on September 04, 2014, 05:14:28 AM
my suggestion:We will choose the best wallet version rather than a team.
you guys should not argue with each others here,just work on the new wallet.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: duboisi on September 04, 2014, 06:31:31 AM
V2 team has not even got a working "new" website and don't bother to update OP in TAC thread 2 with details of V2. Why the hurry to launch V2?

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: escapeX on September 04, 2014, 06:46:10 AM
I have a good suggestion.
1.make a new client.
2.according to the block explorer to distribute all coins. marketing and make some new features.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: voltage_surge on September 04, 2014, 07:57:15 AM
djm34 is lousy scamer ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: voltage_surge on September 04, 2014, 08:36:13 AM
let community unite and refuse to switch to scam v2
leave the new team to play it by theirselves.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 04, 2014, 01:36:28 PM
let community unite and refuse to switch to scam v2
leave the new team to play it by theirselves.

of course we will fefuse to the scam v2.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: MadGhost on September 04, 2014, 01:39:57 PM
when the coin is taken over by someone else then the time of the coin starts towards devaluation.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 04, 2014, 01:46:15 PM
when the coin is taken over by someone else then the time of the coin starts towards devaluation.
they just want make some money with the taking over.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: AizenSou on September 04, 2014, 01:49:11 PM
Part of my analysis with the code of the old dev. If you still want to support him, feel free to do it. There are actually more hidden intentions in his code, but I will leave it as a surprise.

- votedev could vote to 100% from the start
   if (fHelp || params.size() != 1)
        throw runtime_error(
            "votedev <amount per cent>\n"
            "Percentage to be given to developers 0-100");

    if (nSubsidy <= 0)
        throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_NOT_CONNECTED, "Invalid Subsidy");

    if (!(params[0].get_real() >= 0 && params[0].get_real() <=100))
        throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid Percentage");

    int64 nVote2 = nSubsidy * params[0].get_real() / 100;
- after secretly acquiring a lot of TAC without saying anyone (up to more than 30% in one voting period) and being scared of found out due to the block explorer available, he changed to 10% with version 1.1

- he changed again to 5% with version 1.3

Actually the fee stays at 3.9% for the whole time after we paid attention to this matter, it's never 3%.
The dev fee is since new voting period (last week) 0.82/16.90 = 4.85%.
You cry about 3% paid for the whole team while ignoring about almost 5% for one person?

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: djm34 on September 04, 2014, 01:56:58 PM
when the coin is taken over by someone else then the time of the coin starts towards devaluation.
they just want make some money with the taking over.
doing all this because you are jealous for not being on the new team, is kind of sad

So if you think we just want to make money, why did you wanted to join us ? ;D

lets me answer for you: because you wanted to make money and basically you don't care about the coin future
and are only interested in your own profit. Kinda sad...  ;D

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 04, 2014, 02:00:54 PM
Part of my analysis with the code of the old dev. If you still want to support him, feel free to do it. There are actually more hidden intentions in his code, but I will leave it as a surprise.

- votedev could vote to 100% from the start
   if (fHelp || params.size() != 1)
        throw runtime_error(
            "votedev <amount per cent>\n"
            "Percentage to be given to developers 0-100");

    if (nSubsidy <= 0)
        throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_NOT_CONNECTED, "Invalid Subsidy");

    if (!(params[0].get_real() >= 0 && params[0].get_real() <=100))
        throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid Percentage");

    int64 nVote2 = nSubsidy * params[0].get_real() / 100;
- after secretly acquiring a lot of TAC without saying anyone (up to more than 30% in one voting period) and being scared of found out due to the block explorer available, he changed to 10% with version 1.1

- he changed again to 5% with version 1.3

Actually the fee stays at 3.9% for the whole time after we paid attention to this matter, it's never 3%.
The dev fee is since new voting period (last week) 0.82/16.90 = 4.85%.
You cry about 3% paid for the whole team while ignoring about almost 5% for one person?

the old dev have admit the truth and he is going to change the code,there will be a more clean wallet ,it will be acceptable with 1% paid for the dev team.
you see ,the new team have made a v2 version with 3% fee ,it is too high,isn't it.and others hidden in the new wallet.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 04, 2014, 02:08:45 PM
when the coin is taken over by someone else then the time of the coin starts towards devaluation.
they just want make some money with the taking over.
doing all this because you are jealous for not being on the new team, is kind of sad

So if you think we just want to make money, why did you wanted to join us ? ;D

lets me answer for you: because you wanted to make money and basically you don't care about the coin future
and are only interested in your own profit. Kinda sad...  ;D
sorry djm34,I am deceived by you guys at that time.
you see ,your eld brother talkteam asked me to join your team by pm,but now,but I am wake up,and I found out your attempt,of course I will stand up against you ,a group of thieves,are you disappointed? you must be very afraid for sth.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 04, 2014, 02:09:19 PM
Everyone in the community should have a look at this real story about TAC. AND JUDGE IT BY YOURSELF!
Quote from: k-meister on September 02, 2014, 03:54:54 PM
Sorry I've been away for so long.
When you're given a lot of empty hype and bullshit, and nobody can answer questions logically, you know something is very wrong.
I've spent 3 days trying to find out what has really been going on with this takeover.
I'd like to thank the real talkcoin developer “Talkcoin” for helping me piece things together, and also a person in the takeover team who wishes to remain anonymous.

Part 1

“This is hardly a takover....  we just all agreed to replace one team member who happened to be the core dev who created the project.”

It seems we've all been royally duped.

What we've been presented is this:

The dev team behind talkcoin have replaced the original developer because of some kind of financial impropriety/dishonesty against the coin, and are continuing development of the coin for the community's sake.

The real story is this:

There is only 1 coin developer who's been building talkcoin, who founded the coin has written all the features by himself. He is the real dev and is called "Talkcoin" (as opposed to TalkTeam).
TalkTeam is someone he paid to help out with non-technical tasks such as running the forum.
Recently, a group of miners led by TalkTeam – who were in a trusted position supposedly helping the talkcoin dev, made a hostile takeover move against both the dev and the community. They tried to force-implement their own agenda and, by the looks of the code, apparently steal coins. And they used a provably false claim of financial dishonesty of the dev as an excuse. They didn't say anything at all to the dev, they simply went behind his back and paid an outsider (Bushstar) to change the talkcoin code. And then they stuck 2 fingers up to the community as we all know. The code changes were:

1) Re-routed all the destroyed Talkcoins, which were originally being sent to the genesis block for destruction, into their own wallet (!!!)
2) Re-routed the dev fund wallet to their own wallet, so they now take all the dev funds for themselves even though they're not developers and haven't done any development work.
3) Removed dev fund voting so they always get 3% of the block reward instead of what the community decides
4) Removed the block reward voting system to force use of the block reward they wanted to get as miners – 22% of the current market cap per month!

By them mining their own enforced 2 million new coins every month, they would soon own a huge chunk of talkcoin for very cheap. The price of coins would be so low that there wouldn't be large mining competition for them. The value would effectively be slowly leeched from the current holders of the coin to themselves.
Is it just coincidence that they got so heavy about dictating the block reward to force the 2 million new coins? You decide. Even if we were to assume their aim wasn't to leech talkcoin's value from investors, they still knew that's what would happen when they set that block reward and mined these coins.
Investors buy coins on the exchange, then the miners end up owning that value after the investors' coins are diluted to nearly nothing. And they kept saying it was in our best interests! 

They've tried to justify it by saying they need to follow the original bitcoin financial model (as opposed to any normal altcoin model) but as I detailed in my last post, bitcoin did not use this model of investor leeching and it's extremely abnormal for crypto.
They constantly spam out posts to have us believe that they have some understanding of economics that nobody else understands, seemingly that basic supply and demand laws aren't real and flooding the market with coins won't lower the price (!)
Please see my last post to view their level of understanding of economics.

Back to the story - they approached the mining pools and exchanges with the new code and said there had been a “takeover”, but without mentioning that they were making a hostile takeover attempt against both the coin developer and the community. They couldn't say that because of course the pools and exchanges wouldn't have accepted it.

At the same time they had the PR machine in motion, building up for weeks that something incredibly great was happening to the coin. They used their position as official helpers of the real dev to make everything look official and above board.

They then falsely accused the real developer of financial impropriety in order to destroy his reputation and cut him out.
In the original talkcoin OP, the one operated by the real dev “Talkcoin”, he (Talkcoin) explains that there is a user-votable dev fund to fund coin development:
“Users can vote the amount of coins to be given to developers in each block that they found... If you want to give 1%, 2% or 3% you choose! The default value is 1%. Note: you also can reduce donation to zero!”

The dev was sharing the coins from this fund out and “TalkTeam” and his group were all being paid from it. The dev says TalkTeam personally received more than 100k coins of it.
Yet last week when TalkTeam announced he was taking over he suddenly claimed:
“For the record, we the team did not know about the dev fund.”
“We are against the secrecy in how this was hidden and operated secretly without telling the rest of the team and the community.”
“We started crisis meetings on IRC recently and audited the core code”

Ignition75, part of the takeover group, said:
“The lead dev has been dishonest”
“Soon we will be free of the dishonest code.”
Ignition75 was asked by someone to explain what the dishonest code was but he wouldn't give a reply.

So the dev fund was detailed in the OP and the team had been getting paid from it for 3 months, yet they suddenly claimed it was a big secret that the dev had kept to himself and made it out to be an emergency situation which required taking over the coin.
But strangely at another point Talkteam admits he actually DID know about it:
“Although the fund is mentioned on the old thread we didn't see that it was implemented”

And their solution to this emergency? Take over the coin, funnel the dev fund money into their own wallets instead, and take out the community vote so they get 3% of the block reward automatically, forever. Take all the coins heading for destruction in the genesis block for themselves. (Hard to believe! But its in the code).  Then force 2 million new coins to be created every month for them to mine, against everyone's wishes.

After all the accusations and the takeover post, the real developer was outnumbered and intimidated and he almost felt himself that he must have done something wrong. And so he has kept away from the talkcoin forum. Which was unfortunate for us because we didn't find out what was going on.

As we all know, everyone in the community has been up in arms and the price collapsed, but the team have made it clear in their pretend-polite way the coin is now theirs and they're running a dictatorship.
Their enforced coin spam creation of 22% per month has made all investors' coins worth very little, doomed the coin's future, and crashed the market on bittrex. Since their announcement, the price on bittrex has fallen from 1450 sats to 450 sats, with only 0.1 btc volume – meaning we've already hit the delisting threshold.
The community made it very clear what they thought and the forum filled up with demands for a vote about block reward and complaints such as:
"How can you get away with taking over and doing what you want against everyones wishes? Go and f**k yourselves."

One of their tricks is to use their numbers (there are 8 people listed as in their group - though not all are part of the takeover) as a way to volume-post to dilute the complaints against them. If someone complains, they will send a few posts out trying to put a peaceful face on everything to make sure things don't get out of control, and to try to hide the complaints from any mining pools or exchanges who might be checking out the thread. Sometimes they even just post to agree with each other! If you take out their propaganda posts from the thread, virtually every post is a complaint against what they are doing, except for posts from 1 guy who coincidentally is also a miner.

Who are these people?
Talkcoin was started by the developer “Talkcoin” (as opposed to “TalkTeam” the takeover leader). He came up with the concept and did all of the development of the coin.
According to Talkcoin:
Talkcoin paid TalkTeam to help out, he helped out with non-technical things such as the forum.
He also paid djm34 to do some basic cosmetic changes on the wallet –  “new fonts, new color, new icons etc”. Interesting that he's now listed as their "lead developer"!
TalkTeam then invited his friends into the team without any authority to do so, a group of miners: “Other people in the team have been invited by TalkTeam without my agreement, I don't really know what they do and I don't think they are useful.”
Very little noticable has happened on the coin other than the development which Talkcoin did, so what these people have done is unknown other than awarding themselves posh titles like “business developer” and collecting the cash from the dev fund. According to Talkcoin, “these titles are just bullshit but it's better for marketing”

This group have now backstabbed and lost the only talkcoin developer in order to take control, the only person who understood the code or had the vision. They now have between them a bunch of posh titles, but nobody who knows about coin development, other than maybe the outsider they're paying to do the takeover code. So now they have a problem. They're happily mining away but they have no idea how to maintain the talkcoin code, much less build new features on it. And Talkcoin says he didn't comment any of his code so it would be difficult for other people to change it. The new wallet release they made to make their takeover attempt seems like it has already stopped working correctly, and people are having to manually edit their config files to get it running.
So all that stuff about future roadmap. Well it doesn't look like there is any future roadmap except to Brokeville. They've given some vague words holding a general promise of their development plan happening within 3-5 years(!?), focused around communications.

So there we have it, talkcoin hostile takeover exposed!

Part 2

But talkcoin is our money, and the people who own the coin are the ones who have the say. These people actually have no right to just take it over and do whatever they like.
So here is the good news!
They may have made it seem to everyone like they're now in control and we have no choice but to accept the takeover. But what they don't want us to know is, that's actually not the situation at all. And their hardfork hasn't even happened yet.
It's actually really simple: we stick to using the official wallet and we tell the mining pools and exchanges what's been going on. They will not then switch to their hardfork and we can go back to normal. Smiley

Once we stop this hardfork (community agreeing of course!), the dev has agreed to continue development as usual. (this is “Talkcoin” rather than “TalkTeam”)
The block reward voting system wasn't very popular, so the dev agrees that the voting system should be removed and the block reward should be fixed at around 5 TAC (if the community agrees), to get the price back on track.
I will stick around to help make sure everything goes smoothly and help find new team members, ones who can do actual work.

I would also like to help out in the future of talkcoin with some development and the occasional PR. Who am I and why do I think I can help? I have 20 years experience of software development and running a software business. I ran the MtGox protest in Japan earlier this year (along with my co-protester). I'm regularly at bitcoin events, I'm often on the news talking about bitcoin, have contacts throughout the industry, and have many of the key industry players and TV/press following me on social media.

If you guys agree with not letting these guys take our coin, I would like you to say so. We will then contact the exchanges and pools to make sure they're using the official code and this crap should all be over.

Please only use the official wallets.
These are on which is still run by the real dev.



Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: AizenSou on September 04, 2014, 02:14:14 PM
Part of my analysis with the code of the old dev. If you still want to support him, feel free to do it. There are actually more hidden intentions in his code, but I will leave it as a surprise.

- votedev could vote to 100% from the start
   if (fHelp || params.size() != 1)
        throw runtime_error(
            "votedev <amount per cent>\n"
            "Percentage to be given to developers 0-100");

    if (nSubsidy <= 0)
        throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_NOT_CONNECTED, "Invalid Subsidy");

    if (!(params[0].get_real() >= 0 && params[0].get_real() <=100))
        throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid Percentage");

    int64 nVote2 = nSubsidy * params[0].get_real() / 100;
- after secretly acquiring a lot of TAC without saying anyone (up to more than 30% in one voting period) and being scared of found out due to the block explorer available, he changed to 10% with version 1.1

- he changed again to 5% with version 1.3

Actually the fee stays at 3.9% for the whole time after we paid attention to this matter, it's never 3%.
The dev fee is since new voting period (last week) 0.82/16.90 = 4.85%.
You cry about 3% paid for the whole team while ignoring about almost 5% for one person?

the old dev have admit the truth and he is going to change the code,there will be a more clean wallet ,it will be acceptable with 1% paid for the dev team.
you see ,the new team have made a v2 version with 3% fee ,it is too high,isn't it.and others hidden in the new wallet.

How could you believe in him when after the truth came out to light, he votes for himself higher from 3% to almost 5% now. I'm pretty sure that no one votes for the dev higher than 3% except himself.
And what is hidden in the new wallet, could you show your proof ?
With 1% of 48M TAC = 480k TAC in 5 years, how could you expect that a group of 7,8 people working for you with kind of fund  in the next 5 years?

EDIT: Sorry with 9M TAC already available, the total fund for new development team would be 390K TAC in 5 years only.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: djm34 on September 04, 2014, 02:16:00 PM
when the coin is taken over by someone else then the time of the coin starts towards devaluation.
they just want make some money with the taking over.
doing all this because you are jealous for not being on the new team, is kind of sad

So if you think we just want to make money, why did you wanted to join us ? ;D

lets me answer for you: because you wanted to make money and basically you don't care about the coin future
and are only interested in your own profit. Kinda sad...  ;D
sorry djm34,I am deceived by you guys at that time.
you see ,your eld brother talkteam asked me to join your team by pm,but now,but I am wake up,and I found out your attempt,of course I will stand up against you ,a group of thieves,are you disappointed? you must be very afraid for sth.
Can you prove it ?

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: AizenSou on September 04, 2014, 02:22:28 PM
when the coin is taken over by someone else then the time of the coin starts towards devaluation.
they just want make some money with the taking over.
doing all this because you are jealous for not being on the new team, is kind of sad

So if you think we just want to make money, why did you wanted to join us ? ;D

lets me answer for you: because you wanted to make money and basically you don't care about the coin future
and are only interested in your own profit. Kinda sad...  ;D
sorry djm34,I am deceived by you guys at that time.
you see ,your eld brother talkteam asked me to join your team by pm,but now,but I am wake up,and I found out your attempt,of course I will stand up against you ,a group of thieves,are you disappointed? you must be very afraid for sth.
Can you prove it ?

There's no way he can prove it, djm34.
I think he got bribe from the old dev to spam the BCT forum till we are all tired. LOL

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: djm34 on September 04, 2014, 02:27:31 PM
when the coin is taken over by someone else then the time of the coin starts towards devaluation.
they just want make some money with the taking over.
doing all this because you are jealous for not being on the new team, is kind of sad

So if you think we just want to make money, why did you wanted to join us ? ;D

lets me answer for you: because you wanted to make money and basically you don't care about the coin future
and are only interested in your own profit. Kinda sad...  ;D
sorry djm34,I am deceived by you guys at that time.
you see ,your eld brother talkteam asked me to join your team by pm,but now,but I am wake up,and I found out your attempt,of course I will stand up against you ,a group of thieves,are you disappointed? you must be very afraid for sth.
Can you prove it ?

There's no way he can prove it, djm34.
I think he got bribe from the old dev to spam the BCT forum till we are all tired. LOL
That's what I was thinking.
And @catchcoin, I was in favour of you joining the team until I discovered you were asking for bribe and would most likely create a lot of trouble...

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: GoldenBTC on September 04, 2014, 02:31:02 PM
welcome scamers -- djm34,AizenSou, argue in this tac thread

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: djm34 on September 04, 2014, 02:32:16 PM
welcome scamers -- djm34,AizenSou, argue in this tac thread
lol you mean trolland  ;D

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: MaxOnBit on September 04, 2014, 02:36:24 PM
Guys, don't upgrade to Talkcoin V2. What for ?
We have original Dev - Talkcoin. He's alive and don't leave his project "Talkcoin".;u=265152;sa=showPosts
Djm34 and others members of unofficial team decided to takeover talkcoin because they think that original Dev is thief. But there is no proof.
Have you asked the community when you decided this ? Did you make a vote ? Who needs your updates and your new team ?

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: airball on September 04, 2014, 02:38:25 PM
just let tac die,either dev or team are dishonest

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: AizenSou on September 04, 2014, 02:39:39 PM
Guys, don't upgrade to Talkcoin V2. What for ?
We have original Dev - Talkcoin. He's alive and don't leave his project "Talkcoin".;u=265152;sa=showPosts
Djm34 and others members of unofficial team decided to takeover talkcoin because they think that original Dev is thief. But there is no proof.
Have you asked the community when you decided this ? Did you make a vote ? Who needs your updates and your new team ?

MaxOnBit could you please take time to read my analysis? I'm not in the team but I prefer the truth.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: nut_cracker on September 04, 2014, 02:41:01 PM
I don't support any side ,bcz none of them are trustworthy.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: bao_zou on September 04, 2014, 02:45:02 PM
we should unite to refuse to switch to new wallet for it is not legit without the participation of the whole community.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: GoldenBTC on September 04, 2014, 02:50:50 PM
Forget about this dirty scam.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 04, 2014, 03:03:35 PM
when the coin is taken over by someone else then the time of the coin starts towards devaluation.
they just want make some money with the taking over.
doing all this because you are jealous for not being on the new team, is kind of sad

So if you think we just want to make money, why did you wanted to join us ? ;D

lets me answer for you: because you wanted to make money and basically you don't care about the coin future
and are only interested in your own profit. Kinda sad...  ;D
sorry djm34,I am deceived by you guys at that time.
you see ,your eld brother talkteam asked me to join your team by pm,but now,but I am wake up,and I found out your attempt,of course I will stand up against you ,a group of thieves,are you disappointed? you must be very afraid for sth.
Can you prove it ?

There's no way he can prove it, djm34.
I think he got bribe from the old dev to spam the BCT forum till we are all tired. LOL
lol,I can,you guys are so funny....

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 04, 2014, 03:05:51 PM
welcome scamers -- djm34,AizenSou, argue in this tac thread
well known scamers,I have no words to these waste!

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: djm34 on September 04, 2014, 03:09:27 PM
welcome scamers -- djm34,AizenSou, argue in this tac thread
well known scamers,I have no words to these waste!

well known scammer ? Can you give only one scam I have been involved ? Freaking blackmailer

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: AizenSou on September 04, 2014, 03:09:50 PM
when the coin is taken over by someone else then the time of the coin starts towards devaluation.
they just want make some money with the taking over.
doing all this because you are jealous for not being on the new team, is kind of sad

So if you think we just want to make money, why did you wanted to join us ? ;D

lets me answer for you: because you wanted to make money and basically you don't care about the coin future
and are only interested in your own profit. Kinda sad...  ;D
sorry djm34,I am deceived by you guys at that time.
you see ,your eld brother talkteam asked me to join your team by pm,but now,but I am wake up,and I found out your attempt,of course I will stand up against you ,a group of thieves,are you disappointed? you must be very afraid for sth.
Can you prove it ?

There's no way he can prove it, djm34.
I think he got bribe from the old dev to spam the BCT forum till we are all tired. LOL
lol,I can,you guys are so funny....

Then just show it like I do. All of my claims are always with link of proofs. Where are yours?

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: airball on September 04, 2014, 03:11:14 PM
new tac team fucked tac up,waiting for tac to die slowly ;D

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: AizenSou on September 04, 2014, 03:15:52 PM
It's sure funny. A lot of newbie accounts with the registered date a few days before. I wonder how could they find out about Talkcoin so fast if they are really new users.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: bao_zou on September 04, 2014, 03:18:32 PM
Forget about this dirty scam.
Dirty scam,even once,deserves to die.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 04, 2014, 03:22:16 PM

I would like you to be on our China promotion team. 

Please be patient, we have big plans we are working on, that's is why we are still here after the disaster with the dev's voting and price dump :D

What you think?

I AM Tired of this 4 times it ok now? 

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: MaxOnBit on September 04, 2014, 03:22:19 PM
Guys, don't upgrade to Talkcoin V2. What for ?
We have original Dev - Talkcoin. He's alive and don't leave his project "Talkcoin".;u=265152;sa=showPosts
Djm34 and others members of unofficial team decided to takeover talkcoin because they think that original Dev is thief. But there is no proof.
Have you asked the community when you decided this ? Did you make a vote ? Who needs your updates and your new team ?

MaxOnBit could you please take time to read my analysis? I'm not in the team but I prefer the truth.

I read it.
But it does not matter right now.
The decision on a new wallet and a decision on the new team should be made by community, not by a new unofficial team.
That's why I'm asked - Have you asked the community when you decided this ? Did you make a vote ? Who needs your updates and your new team ?
And also I see that - "the old dev have admit the truth and he is going to change the code,there will be a more clean wallet ,it will be acceptable with 1% paid for the dev team."
So let him try. Why not ?
Why should I trust new unofficial team more than old dev?

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: bitman008 on September 04, 2014, 03:22:50 PM
funny ,some SR tac scamers are here to argue with newies.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: AizenSou on September 04, 2014, 03:26:53 PM
I AM Tired of this 4 times it ok now? 

I know that Andy wants to invite you to the promotion team, but I ask about that you stated here: What are the others hidden in the new wallet ?

the old dev have admit the truth and he is going to change the code,there will be a more clean wallet ,it will be acceptable with 1% paid for the dev team.
you see ,the new team have made a v2 version with 3% fee ,it is too high,isn't it. and others hidden in the new wallet.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: halicarton on September 04, 2014, 03:27:31 PM
funny ,some SR tac scamers are here to argue with newies.
They are afraid for being exposed their ugly act!

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 04, 2014, 03:31:45 PM
I AM Tired of this 4 times it ok now?  

I know that Andy wants to invite you to the promotion team, but I ask about that you stated here: What are the others hidden in the new wallet ?

the old dev have admit the truth and he is going to change the code,there will be a more clean wallet ,it will be acceptable with 1% paid for the dev team.
you see ,the new team have made a v2 version with 3% fee ,it is too high,isn't it. and others hidden in the new wallet.
could you plz read the first post carefully !
The code changes were:

1) Re-routed all the destroyed Talkcoins, which were originally being sent to the genesis block for destruction, into their own wallet (!!!)
2) Re-routed the dev fund wallet to their own wallet, so they now take all the dev funds for themselves even though they're not developers and haven't done any development work.
3) Removed dev fund voting so they always get 3% of the block reward instead of what the community decides
4) Removed the block reward voting system to force use of the block reward they wanted to get as miners – 22% of the current market cap per month!

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: bitman008 on September 04, 2014, 03:33:40 PM
All new tac team members are here,what a happy day!!

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: AizenSou on September 04, 2014, 03:37:57 PM
I AM Tired of this 4 times it ok now?  

I know that Andy wants to invite you to the promotion team, but I ask about that you stated here: What are the others hidden in the new wallet ?

the old dev have admit the truth and he is going to change the code,there will be a more clean wallet ,it will be acceptable with 1% paid for the dev team.
you see ,the new team have made a v2 version with 3% fee ,it is too high,isn't it. and others hidden in the new wallet.
could you plz read the first post carefully !
The code changes were:

1) Re-routed all the destroyed Talkcoins, which were originally being sent to the genesis block for destruction, into their own wallet (!!!)
2) Re-routed the dev fund wallet to their own wallet, so they now take all the dev funds for themselves even though they're not developers and haven't done any development work.
3) Removed dev fund voting so they always get 3% of the block reward instead of what the community decides
4) Removed the block reward voting system to force use of the block reward they wanted to get as miners – 22% of the current market cap per month!

So you don't understand English I assume? The new team posts it clearly in their OP. Read it again. I'm pretty tired now explaining things to people who don't even want to listen. Well feel free to do what you want.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: airball on September 04, 2014, 03:43:58 PM
nobody cares about the new team posts for it is not legit without the permission from the community.
who do you think you are??

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 04, 2014, 03:44:24 PM
I will publish a new wallet without the dev fund, block reward: 5 TAC, all fees will really be destroyed in the genesis block and with some new features that I am developping.
A message from the @talkcoin (original dev of talkcoin)  just now

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: bitman008 on September 04, 2014, 03:50:05 PM
I will publish a new wallet without the dev fund, block reward: 5 TAC, all fees will really be destroyed in the genesis block and with some new features that I am developping.
A message from the @talkcoin (original dev of talkcoin)  just now
I don't think it's a good idea

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: airball on September 04, 2014, 03:52:02 PM
I will publish a new wallet without the dev fund, block reward: 5 TAC, all fees will really be destroyed in the genesis block and with some new features that I am developping.
A message from the @talkcoin (original dev of talkcoin)  just now
I don't think it's a good idea
5 TAC!!?? are you kidding me !? this is the worst solution I've ever seen.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: djm34 on September 04, 2014, 03:52:20 PM
I AM Tired of this 4 times it ok now?  

I know that Andy wants to invite you to the promotion team, but I ask about that you stated here: What are the others hidden in the new wallet ?

the old dev have admit the truth and he is going to change the code,there will be a more clean wallet ,it will be acceptable with 1% paid for the dev team.
you see ,the new team have made a v2 version with 3% fee ,it is too high,isn't it. and others hidden in the new wallet.
could you plz read the first post carefully !
The code changes were:

1) Re-routed all the destroyed Talkcoins, which were originally being sent to the genesis block for destruction, into their own wallet (!!!)
2) Re-routed the dev fund wallet to their own wallet, so they now take all the dev funds for themselves even though they're not developers and haven't done any development work.
3) Removed dev fund voting so they always get 3% of the block reward instead of what the community decides
4) Removed the block reward voting system to force use of the block reward they wanted to get as miners – 22% of the current market cap per month!

So you don't understand English I assume? The new team posts it clearly in their OP. Read it again. I'm pretty tired now explaining things to people who don't even want to listen. Well feel free to do what you want.
Don't bother, the only thing he cares is getting coins...

Regarding the votedev option, nobody ever heard about it... not even on the wallet.
So basically the only one who could have used it was dev itself and since the voting system was well known to allow users to vote several time, I am pretty sure could have manage on their own to put whatever he wanted.

Regarding the destruction of the TAC, this only concerned TAC used to chat (and voting) and as unfortunately practically nobody has used the chat function there wouldn't be much to steal.
No I think that sending whatever gets collected to faucet is a pretty good idea (not mine) as it will promote at the same time the coin.

Now regarding the reward it was chosen such that new comers (miners) can have incentive mining the coin and investor and early investors still get some interest in it.

Considering the voting, he caused so much damage to the coin that I don't even understand why you put that here and the voting has always been manipulated by individuals voting several time (and I always complained about it you can find my post about that...)
And actually a poll about that was done and the conclusion was that everybody wanted to get rid of it.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: be_alert on September 04, 2014, 04:02:48 PM
the old team and new team are both scamers and dirty .I don't understand what you are arguing for.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: graydust on September 04, 2014, 04:07:10 PM
the old team and new team are both scamers and dirty .I don't understand what you are arguing for.
of course for money,for who should get more money. ;D

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: nut_cracker on September 04, 2014, 04:13:33 PM
Talkcoin should change its name --plotcoin, it gave us such a wonderful twisting and turning plots. ;D

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: bao_zou on September 04, 2014, 04:39:09 PM
Both sides are arguing here not for the truth,but for their own interest. how pathetic!

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: djm34 on September 04, 2014, 04:47:17 PM
Both sides are arguing here not for the truth,but for their own interest. how pathetic!
lol seriously what is my own interest exactly ?
My own interest is the same as all the people (including my fellow team members) who spent ressources on that coin.
Making it successful and putting it back on track.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: bao_zou on September 04, 2014, 04:54:47 PM
Both sides are arguing here not for the truth,but for their own interest. how pathetic!
lol seriously what is my own interest exactly ?
My own interest is the same as all the people (including my fellow team members) who spent ressources on that coin.
Making it successful and putting it back on track.
You own interest is the same as all the people -- what's your definition of  'all the people'?
what a joke! low joke!

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: MaxOnBit on September 04, 2014, 04:57:04 PM
Both sides are arguing here not for the truth,but for their own interest. how pathetic!
lol seriously what is my own interest exactly ?
My own interest is the same as all the people (including my fellow team members) who spent ressources on that coin.
Making it successful and putting it back on track.
Tы пpям aнгeл вo плoти. Hy oтвeть мнe пo-pyccки, я жe знaю, чтo ты нaшeгo языкa.
Чeгo ты тянeшь oдeялo нa ceбя ?
Пepвый дeв бyдeт пpoдoлжaть пpoeкт. C чeгo вы peшили пpocтo тaк, чтo мoжeтe eгo ceбe зaбpaть ?
Hacкoлькo я пoмню вce xapдфopки в кoйнax дeлaлиcь либo oфициaльнoй кoмaндoй paзpaбoв вo глaвe c Dev, a cepьeзныe xapдфopки, кaк нaпpимep, oткaты дeлaлиcь пo coглacoвaнию c cooбщecтвoм.
Дaжe пocлeдняя кpaжa 50 000 000 нeкcтoв былa пocтaвлeнa нa гoлocoвaниe cooбщecтвy. И y cooбщecтвa cпpaшивaли - нyжнo дeлaть пpинyдитeльныe измeнeния или нeт. Блaгo xaкep вepнyл ocнoвнyю cyммy.
И тoлькo вы тyт peшили, чтo caмocтoятeльнo вcё мoжнo пoмeнять.
Извинитe зa oткpoвeннocть, нo кaкoгo *yя  ?

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: bao_zou on September 04, 2014, 05:01:52 PM
Both sides are arguing here not for the truth,but for their own interest. how pathetic!
lol seriously what is my own interest exactly ?
My own interest is the same as all the people (including my fellow team members) who spent ressources on that coin.
Making it successful and putting it back on track.
Tы пpям aнгeл вo плoти. Hy oтвeть мнe пo-pyccки, я жe знaю, чтo ты нaшeгo языкa.
Чeгo ты тянeшь oдeялo нa ceбя ?
Пepвый дeв бyдeт пpoдoлжaть пpoeкт. C чeгo вы peшили пpocтo тaк, чтo мoжeтe eгo ceбe зaбpaть ?
Hacкoлькo я пoмню вce xapдфopки в кoйнax дeлaлиcь либo oфициaльнoй кoмaндoй paзpaбoв вo глaвe c Dev, a cepьeзныe xapдфopки, кaк нaпpимep, oткaты дeлaлиcь пo coглacoвaнию c cooбщecтвoм.
Дaжe пocлeдняя кpaжa 50 000 000 нeкcтoв былa пocтaвлeнa нa гoлocoвaниe cooбщecтвy. И y cooбщecтвa cпpaшивaли - нyжнo дeлaть пpинyдитeльныe измeнeния или нeт. Блaгo xaкep вepнyл ocнoвнyю cyммy.
И тoлькo вы тyт peшили, чтo caмocтoятeльнo вcё мoжнo пoмeнять.
Извинитe зa oткpoвeннocть, нo кaкoгo *yя  ?
what's fucking lang is this?Russion?

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: MaxOnBit on September 04, 2014, 05:04:20 PM
Both sides are arguing here not for the truth,but for their own interest. how pathetic!
lol seriously what is my own interest exactly ?
My own interest is the same as all the people (including my fellow team members) who spent ressources on that coin.
Making it successful and putting it back on track.
Tы пpям aнгeл вo плoти. Hy oтвeть мнe пo-pyccки, я жe знaю, чтo ты нaшeгo языкa.
Чeгo ты тянeшь oдeялo нa ceбя ?
Пepвый дeв бyдeт пpoдoлжaть пpoeкт. C чeгo вы peшили пpocтo тaк, чтo мoжeтe eгo ceбe зaбpaть ?
Hacкoлькo я пoмню вce xapдфopки в кoйнax дeлaлиcь либo oфициaльнoй кoмaндoй paзpaбoв вo глaвe c Dev, a cepьeзныe xapдфopки, кaк нaпpимep, oткaты дeлaлиcь пo coглacoвaнию c cooбщecтвoм.
Дaжe пocлeдняя кpaжa 50 000 000 нeкcтoв былa пocтaвлeнa нa гoлocoвaниe cooбщecтвy. И y cooбщecтвa cпpaшивaли - нyжнo дeлaть пpинyдитeльныe измeнeния или нeт. Блaгo xaкep вepнyл ocнoвнyю cyммy.
И тoлькo вы тyт peшили, чтo caмocтoятeльнo вcё мoжнo пoмeнять.
Извинитe зa oткpoвeннocть, нo кaкoгo *yя  ?
what's fucking lang is this?Russion?
yes it is. djm34 is russian guy, that's why I'm asking on rus language

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: bao_zou on September 04, 2014, 05:09:08 PM
Both sides are arguing here not for the truth,but for their own interest. how pathetic!
lol seriously what is my own interest exactly ?
My own interest is the same as all the people (including my fellow team members) who spent ressources on that coin.
Making it successful and putting it back on track.
Tы пpям aнгeл вo плoти. Hy oтвeть мнe пo-pyccки, я жe знaю, чтo ты нaшeгo языкa.
Чeгo ты тянeшь oдeялo нa ceбя ?
Пepвый дeв бyдeт пpoдoлжaть пpoeкт. C чeгo вы peшили пpocтo тaк, чтo мoжeтe eгo ceбe зaбpaть ?
Hacкoлькo я пoмню вce xapдфopки в кoйнax дeлaлиcь либo oфициaльнoй кoмaндoй paзpaбoв вo глaвe c Dev, a cepьeзныe xapдфopки, кaк нaпpимep, oткaты дeлaлиcь пo coглacoвaнию c cooбщecтвoм.
Дaжe пocлeдняя кpaжa 50 000 000 нeкcтoв былa пocтaвлeнa нa гoлocoвaниe cooбщecтвy. И y cooбщecтвa cпpaшивaли - нyжнo дeлaть пpинyдитeльныe измeнeния или нeт. Блaгo xaкep вepнyл ocнoвнyю cyммy.
И тoлькo вы тyт peшили, чтo caмocтoятeльнo вcё мoжнo пoмeнять.
Извинитe зa oткpoвeннocть, нo кaкoгo *yя  ?
what's fucking lang is this?Russion?
yes it is. djm34 is russian guy, that's why I'm asking on rus language
djm34 is totally a fucking liar,he told us he is a French.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: graydust on September 04, 2014, 05:10:11 PM
Both sides are arguing here not for the truth,but for their own interest. how pathetic!
lol seriously what is my own interest exactly ?
My own interest is the same as all the people (including my fellow team members) who spent ressources on that coin.
Making it successful and putting it back on track.
Tы пpям aнгeл вo плoти. Hy oтвeть мнe пo-pyccки, я жe знaю, чтo ты нaшeгo языкa.
Чeгo ты тянeшь oдeялo нa ceбя ?
Пepвый дeв бyдeт пpoдoлжaть пpoeкт. C чeгo вы peшили пpocтo тaк, чтo мoжeтe eгo ceбe зaбpaть ?
Hacкoлькo я пoмню вce xapдфopки в кoйнax дeлaлиcь либo oфициaльнoй кoмaндoй paзpaбoв вo глaвe c Dev, a cepьeзныe xapдфopки, кaк нaпpимep, oткaты дeлaлиcь пo coглacoвaнию c cooбщecтвoм.
Дaжe пocлeдняя кpaжa 50 000 000 нeкcтoв былa пocтaвлeнa нa гoлocoвaниe cooбщecтвy. И y cooбщecтвa cпpaшивaли - нyжнo дeлaть пpинyдитeльныe измeнeния или нeт. Блaгo xaкep вepнyл ocнoвнyю cyммy.
И тoлькo вы тyт peшили, чтo caмocтoятeльнo вcё мoжнo пoмeнять.
Извинитe зa oткpoвeннocть, нo кaкoгo *yя  ?
what's fucking lang is this?Russion?
yes it is. djm34 is russian guy, that's why I'm asking on rus language
djm34 is totally a fucking liar,he told us he is a French.

Once a liar,always a liar. ;D

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: bao_zou on September 04, 2014, 05:18:38 PM
Both sides are arguing here not for the truth,but for their own interest. how pathetic!
lol seriously what is my own interest exactly ?
My own interest is the same as all the people (including my fellow team members) who spent ressources on that coin.
Making it successful and putting it back on track.
Tы пpям aнгeл вo плoти. Hy oтвeть мнe пo-pyccки, я жe знaю, чтo ты нaшeгo языкa.
Чeгo ты тянeшь oдeялo нa ceбя ?
Пepвый дeв бyдeт пpoдoлжaть пpoeкт. C чeгo вы peшили пpocтo тaк, чтo мoжeтe eгo ceбe зaбpaть ?
Hacкoлькo я пoмню вce xapдфopки в кoйнax дeлaлиcь либo oфициaльнoй кoмaндoй paзpaбoв вo глaвe c Dev, a cepьeзныe xapдфopки, кaк нaпpимep, oткaты дeлaлиcь пo coглacoвaнию c cooбщecтвoм.
Дaжe пocлeдняя кpaжa 50 000 000 нeкcтoв былa пocтaвлeнa нa гoлocoвaниe cooбщecтвy. И y cooбщecтвa cпpaшивaли - нyжнo дeлaть пpинyдитeльныe измeнeния или нeт. Блaгo xaкep вepнyл ocнoвнyю cyммy.
И тoлькo вы тyт peшили, чтo caмocтoятeльнo вcё мoжнo пoмeнять.
Извинитe зa oткpoвeннocть, нo кaкoгo *yя  ?
what's fucking lang is this?Russion?
yes it is. djm34 is russian guy, that's why I'm asking on rus language
@djm34,since you could lie about you nationality,you must have lied on many others things.Don't you think you should give an explaination about your real nationality? ;D ;D

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: bao_zou on September 04, 2014, 05:29:11 PM
Both sides are arguing here not for the truth,but for their own interest. how pathetic!
lol seriously what is my own interest exactly ?
My own interest is the same as all the people (including my fellow team members) who spent ressources on that coin.
Making it successful and putting it back on track.
Tы пpям aнгeл вo плoти. Hy oтвeть мнe пo-pyccки, я жe знaю, чтo ты нaшeгo языкa.
Чeгo ты тянeшь oдeялo нa ceбя ?
Пepвый дeв бyдeт пpoдoлжaть пpoeкт. C чeгo вы peшили пpocтo тaк, чтo мoжeтe eгo ceбe зaбpaть ?
Hacкoлькo я пoмню вce xapдфopки в кoйнax дeлaлиcь либo oфициaльнoй кoмaндoй paзpaбoв вo глaвe c Dev, a cepьeзныe xapдфopки, кaк нaпpимep, oткaты дeлaлиcь пo coглacoвaнию c cooбщecтвoм.
Дaжe пocлeдняя кpaжa 50 000 000 нeкcтoв былa пocтaвлeнa нa гoлocoвaниe cooбщecтвy. И y cooбщecтвa cпpaшивaли - нyжнo дeлaть пpинyдитeльныe измeнeния или нeт. Блaгo xaкep вepнyл ocнoвнyю cyммy.
И тoлькo вы тyт peшили, чтo caмocтoятeльнo вcё мoжнo пoмeнять.
Извинитe зa oткpoвeннocть, нo кaкoгo *yя  ?
what's fucking lang is this?Russion?
yes it is. djm34 is russian guy, that's why I'm asking on rus language
@djm34,since you could lie about you nationality,you must have lied on many others things.Don't you think you should give an explaination about your real nationality? ;D ;D

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: djm34 on September 04, 2014, 05:57:54 PM
Both sides are arguing here not for the truth,but for their own interest. how pathetic!
lol seriously what is my own interest exactly ?
My own interest is the same as all the people (including my fellow team members) who spent ressources on that coin.
Making it successful and putting it back on track.
Tы пpям aнгeл вo плoти. Hy oтвeть мнe пo-pyccки, я жe знaю, чтo ты нaшeгo языкa.
Чeгo ты тянeшь oдeялo нa ceбя ?
Пepвый дeв бyдeт пpoдoлжaть пpoeкт. C чeгo вы peшили пpocтo тaк, чтo мoжeтe eгo ceбe зaбpaть ?
Hacкoлькo я пoмню вce xapдфopки в кoйнax дeлaлиcь либo oфициaльнoй кoмaндoй paзpaбoв вo глaвe c Dev, a cepьeзныe xapдфopки, кaк нaпpимep, oткaты дeлaлиcь пo coглacoвaнию c cooбщecтвoм.
Дaжe пocлeдняя кpaжa 50 000 000 нeкcтoв былa пocтaвлeнa нa гoлocoвaниe cooбщecтвy. И y cooбщecтвa cпpaшивaли - нyжнo дeлaть пpинyдитeльныe измeнeния или нeт. Блaгo xaкep вepнyл ocнoвнyю cyммy.
И тoлькo вы тyт peшили, чтo caмocтoятeльнo вcё мoжнo пoмeнять.
Извинитe зa oткpoвeннocть, нo кaкoгo *yя  ?
what's fucking lang is this?Russion?
yes it is. djm34 is russian guy, that's why I'm asking on rus language
@djm34,since you could lie about you nationality,you must have lied on many others things.Don't you think you should give an explaination about your real nationality? ;D ;D
si c'est tout ce que vous avez trouvé, il va falloir faire des efforts car c'est plutôt faible.  ;D

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: MaxOnBit on September 04, 2014, 06:03:54 PM
Both sides are arguing here not for the truth,but for their own interest. how pathetic!
lol seriously what is my own interest exactly ?
My own interest is the same as all the people (including my fellow team members) who spent ressources on that coin.
Making it successful and putting it back on track.
Tы пpям aнгeл вo плoти. Hy oтвeть мнe пo-pyccки, я жe знaю, чтo ты нaшeгo языкa.
Чeгo ты тянeшь oдeялo нa ceбя ?
Пepвый дeв бyдeт пpoдoлжaть пpoeкт. C чeгo вы peшили пpocтo тaк, чтo мoжeтe eгo ceбe зaбpaть ?
Hacкoлькo я пoмню вce xapдфopки в кoйнax дeлaлиcь либo oфициaльнoй кoмaндoй paзpaбoв вo глaвe c Dev, a cepьeзныe xapдфopки, кaк нaпpимep, oткaты дeлaлиcь пo coглacoвaнию c cooбщecтвoм.
Дaжe пocлeдняя кpaжa 50 000 000 нeкcтoв былa пocтaвлeнa нa гoлocoвaниe cooбщecтвy. И y cooбщecтвa cпpaшивaли - нyжнo дeлaть пpинyдитeльныe измeнeния или нeт. Блaгo xaкep вepнyл ocнoвнyю cyммy.
И тoлькo вы тyт peшили, чтo caмocтoятeльнo вcё мoжнo пoмeнять.
Извинитe зa oткpoвeннocть, нo кaкoгo *yя  ?
what's fucking lang is this?Russion?
yes it is. djm34 is russian guy, that's why I'm asking on rus language
@djm34,since you could lie about you nationality,you must have lied on many others things.Don't you think you should give an explaination about your real nationality? ;D ;D
si c'est tout ce que vous avez trouvé, il va falloir faire des efforts car c'est plutôt faible.  ;D

eбaный гyгл тpaнcлeйт ) нe мaжьcя, cyчкa

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: djm34 on September 04, 2014, 07:10:46 PM
Both sides are arguing here not for the truth,but for their own interest. how pathetic!
lol seriously what is my own interest exactly ?
My own interest is the same as all the people (including my fellow team members) who spent ressources on that coin.
Making it successful and putting it back on track.
Tы пpям aнгeл вo плoти. Hy oтвeть мнe пo-pyccки, я жe знaю, чтo ты нaшeгo языкa.
Чeгo ты тянeшь oдeялo нa ceбя ?
Пepвый дeв бyдeт пpoдoлжaть пpoeкт. C чeгo вы peшили пpocтo тaк, чтo мoжeтe eгo ceбe зaбpaть ?
Hacкoлькo я пoмню вce xapдфopки в кoйнax дeлaлиcь либo oфициaльнoй кoмaндoй paзpaбoв вo глaвe c Dev, a cepьeзныe xapдфopки, кaк нaпpимep, oткaты дeлaлиcь пo coглacoвaнию c cooбщecтвoм.
Дaжe пocлeдняя кpaжa 50 000 000 нeкcтoв былa пocтaвлeнa нa гoлocoвaниe cooбщecтвy. И y cooбщecтвa cпpaшивaли - нyжнo дeлaть пpинyдитeльныe измeнeния или нeт. Блaгo xaкep вepнyл ocнoвнyю cyммy.
И тoлькo вы тyт peшили, чтo caмocтoятeльнo вcё мoжнo пoмeнять.
Извинитe зa oткpoвeннocть, нo кaкoгo *yя  ?
what's fucking lang is this?Russion?
yes it is. djm34 is russian guy, that's why I'm asking on rus language
@djm34,since you could lie about you nationality,you must have lied on many others things.Don't you think you should give an explaination about your real nationality? ;D ;D
si c'est tout ce que vous avez trouvé, il va falloir faire des efforts car c'est plutôt faible.  ;D

eбaный гyгл тpaнcлeйт ) нe мaжьcя, cyчкa
The funny thing is that we get chinese and russian guys accusing me of being of their own nationalities like if it was a bad thing...
I pitty your respective country for having you as citizen  ;D

Some years ago we had an tv campaign against alcohol which was called "Tu t'es vu quand t'as bu ?" (translating roughly by "Did you watch yourself when you are drunk")
I think you guys just made the equivalent on forums: Please Don't drink and post on the forum  ;D

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: littlefaucet on September 04, 2014, 11:48:27 PM
djm was drunk and mad to cover his nationality last night . ;D

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: djm34 on September 04, 2014, 11:54:05 PM
djm was drunk and mad to cover his nationality last night . ;D
;D here it is like in zombie movies, Trolls come in wave... 
sorry my shift is over, you need to pick on Ignition now  ;D

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: littlefaucet on September 04, 2014, 11:55:44 PM
I am proud to tell you that my motherland is China and never deny that.
BTW: It's easy to copy some Rus words and tranlate into Frech on google.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: djm34 on September 05, 2014, 12:08:45 AM
I am proud to tell you that my motherland is China and never deny that.
BTW: It's easy to copy some Rus words and tranlate into Frech on google.
Whatever my shift is over, you can make up all the shit you want.
Seriously why would I tell I am French, if I was Russian ?
Russian programmer have good reputation, I wouldn't mind saying I am russian if I was but sorry I am not.
This is bad trolling as you aren't even on topic  ;D.

edit: by the way, since you are making up people nationalities, can you pick up something a little more exotic, in warm places...
I will never settle for anything colder than where I live...

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 05, 2014, 12:26:43 AM
@djm34 is keen on noisy, please don't talk to him,that will make him more excited!
don't talk to a member of a burglary gang!    8)

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 05, 2014, 01:00:25 AM
I will choose a 5 coin per block reward.  reduced by 10% every 3 month? 

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: halicarton on September 05, 2014, 01:04:01 AM
5 coins per block is more better ,it'll be more easy to rise the price up.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: djm34 on September 05, 2014, 01:08:28 AM
5 coins per block is more better ,it'll be more easy to rise the price up.
that's because you are just greedy (and clearly you didn't learn from the mistake which were already made).
You will just end up with a bunch of dead tac....  ;D

and just for fun can you point at one coin when such a trick have been successful ?
(gpucoin dead, heavcoin dead etc...  ;D)

Stop thinking that people buying coins are as stupid as you are to fall for that kind of market manipulation.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: bloud22 on September 05, 2014, 01:10:59 AM
I think 5 coin per block reward is rationalization, and I hope it can be keep reduced

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: nicemycoin on September 05, 2014, 02:17:20 AM
5 coins per block is more better ,it'll be more easy to rise the price up.
that's because you are just greedy (and clearly you didn't learn from the mistake which were already made).
You will just end up with a bunch of dead tac....  ;D

and just for fun can you point at one coin when such a trick have been successful ?
(gpucoin dead, heavcoin dead etc...  ;D)

Stop thinking that people buying coins are as stupid as you are to fall for that kind of market manipulation.

you guys just one person,   djm34 and Ignition75
djm is your name, with 34 is your age.
Ignition is your papa's name and 75 is his age.
isn't it?
LOL,where is you sockpuppet?djm34.
and to the new version,I suggest it a 3-10 block rewards,reduced by 10 or 20% every 3 months.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: joint_equity on September 05, 2014, 03:05:52 AM
I think 5 coin per block reward is rationalization, and I hope it can be keep reduced
5 tac per block reward will definitely kill this coin

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: joint_equity on September 05, 2014, 03:14:33 AM
5 coins per block is more better ,it'll be more easy to rise the price up.
that's because you are just greedy (and clearly you didn't learn from the mistake which were already made).
You will just end up with a bunch of dead tac....  ;D

and just for fun can you point at one coin when such a trick have been successful ?
(gpucoin dead, heavcoin dead etc...  ;D)

Stop thinking that people buying coins are as stupid as you are to fall for that kind of market manipulation.

you guys just one person,   djm34 and Ignition75
djm is your name, with 34 is your age.
Ignition is your papa's name and 75 is his age.
isn't it?
LOL,where is you sockpuppet?djm34.
and to the new version,I suggest it a 3-10 block rewards,reduced by 10 or 20% every 3 months.

I also doubt that they are the same person with different accouts.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: joint_equity on September 05, 2014, 03:22:55 AM
I will choose a 5 coin per block reward.  reduced by 10% every 3 month?  
5 tac per block reward is fucking stupid,it will scare the later miners away.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 05, 2014, 04:08:02 AM
I will choose a 5 coin per block reward.  reduced by 10% every 3 month?  
5 tac per block reward is fucking stupid,it will scare the later miners away.
you can choose whatever number, from 1 to 30,even 50 coins per block,it will be a average number .

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: duboisi on September 05, 2014, 04:49:54 AM
I think we are moving forward with tangible proposal from community.
Focus on getting a clean wallet out first, then consider to polish up the value proposition of TAC.

I would like to point out the weakness of current value proposition of Talkcoin for community to discuss later.
TAC's strength and attractive feature is the decentralized CHAT. If CHAT is not taking off, then TAC value will be low. Now just take an exaggerated case where 1 TAC = 1 BTC, nobody is going to pay 0.01 TAC for a CHAT. This means the higher the TAC price, the less CHAT will take place, less CHAT take place means lower TAC price. This means TAC will never go above certain value if the CHAT fee is fixed. CHAT fee will have to be able to automatically adjust the rate in the long term.

Also currently per CHAT is 0.01 TAC, but there is also a transaction fee of 1 TAC making it 1.01 TAC per chat. This is too high if the block reward is set to 5. This requires immediate fix in the new wallet. I would suggest to provide free CHAT at this moment to increase volume of chatting until the community decide what the CHAT fee structure will be.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: coolmyrig on September 05, 2014, 05:30:59 AM
I think we are moving forward with tangible proposal from community.
Focus on getting a clean wallet out first, then consider to polish up the value proposition of TAC.

I would like to point out the weakness of current value proposition of Talkcoin for community to discuss later.
TAC's strength and attractive feature is the decentralized CHAT. If CHAT is not taking off, then TAC value will be low. Now just take an exaggerated case where 1 TAC = 1 BTC, nobody is going to pay 0.01 TAC for a CHAT. This means the higher the TAC price, the less CHAT will take place, less CHAT take place means lower TAC price. This means TAC will never go above certain value if the CHAT fee is fixed. CHAT fee will have to be able to automatically adjust the rate in the long term.

Also currently per CHAT is 0.01 TAC, but there is also a transaction fee of 1 TAC making it 1.01 TAC per chat. This is too high if the block reward is set to 5. This requires immediate fix in the new wallet. I would suggest to provide free CHAT at this moment to increase volume of chatting until the community decide what the CHAT fee structure will be.

agree with you!  
also I think 5 coins per block is ok for now.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: Henrietta.UK on September 05, 2014, 05:40:32 AM
Taking over this coin is doing right thing!Hope all of us could have a good profits and i will do whatever i can do for this coin

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: 22MCoin on September 05, 2014, 05:45:02 AM
Taking over this coin is doing right thing!Hope all of us could have a good profits and i will do whatever i can do for this coin
but first we should prevent the new scamer 's v2 version.
the new version should be fully discussed by the community for sure!as a reward,I will choose a 6 coins per block.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: joint_equity on September 05, 2014, 08:56:05 AM
I will choose a 5 coin per block reward.  reduced by 10% every 3 month?  
5 tac per block reward is fucking stupid,it will scare the later miners away.
you can choose whatever number, from 1 to 30,even 50 coins per block,it will be a average number .

Sorry,if I could have a choice,I choose this scam --talkcion to die right now.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: joint_equity on September 05, 2014, 09:04:05 AM
I really don't see any reason for talkcoin to be alive,it should have died months before since the stolen money event was disclosed.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: joint_equity on September 05, 2014, 09:16:35 AM
I will choose a 5 coin per block reward.  reduced by 10% every 3 month? 
Apparently,you are completely a nut who knows nothing about the rules of cryptoworld.
On this point ,djm34 was right,you are just greedy and that clouds your very limited judgement.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: littlefaucet on September 05, 2014, 10:28:44 AM
I am proud to tell you that my motherland is China and never deny that.
BTW: It's easy to copy some Rus words and tranlate into Frech on google.
Whatever my shift is over, you can make up all the shit you want.
Seriously why would I tell I am French, if I was Russian ?
Russian programmer have good reputation, I wouldn't mind saying I am russian if I was but sorry I am not.
This is bad trolling as you aren't even on topic  ;D.

edit: by the way, since you are making up people nationalities, can you pick up something a little more exotic, in warm places...
I will never settle for anything colder than where I live...

Russian or French or African,we don't care .But what we do care about is your honesty.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: be_alert on September 05, 2014, 10:33:14 AM
2 talkcoin teams are in battle,things are out of control.Another dead coin is coming. ;D

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: djm34 on September 05, 2014, 10:44:08 AM
I am proud to tell you that my motherland is China and never deny that.
BTW: It's easy to copy some Rus words and tranlate into Frech on google.
Whatever my shift is over, you can make up all the shit you want.
Seriously why would I tell I am French, if I was Russian ?
Russian programmer have good reputation, I wouldn't mind saying I am russian if I was but sorry I am not.
This is bad trolling as you aren't even on topic  ;D.

edit: by the way, since you are making up people nationalities, can you pick up something a little more exotic, in warm places...
I will never settle for anything colder than where I live...

Russian or French or African,we don't care .But what we do care about is your honesty.
Sorry I am honnest but I can't say the same about the people accusing me of not being french...  ;D ;D
This is so freaking stupid that I don't even know why I reply to that...

That campaign is just orchestrated by a bunch of greedy troll supporting a blackmailer (nicemycoin/catchcoin since it is the same guy).

Before judging the honesty of anyone, you should first look at who is posting that...  ;D

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: nut_cracker on September 05, 2014, 01:08:33 PM
This thread is not official one.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: graydust on September 05, 2014, 01:15:26 PM
Both teams are shit,none of them is honest.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: coolmyrig on September 05, 2014, 01:29:23 PM
great!funny story! a PRmanager kicked his boss out and take over the project  .so  funny!

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: 22MCoin on September 05, 2014, 01:33:42 PM
great!funny story! a PRmanager kicked his boss out and take over the project  .so  funny!
exactly true!

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: be_alert on September 05, 2014, 01:56:15 PM
great!funny story! a PRmanager kicked his boss out and take over the project  .so  funny!
This guy is not capable of taking over,he knows nothing about coding.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: littlefaucet on September 05, 2014, 03:08:14 PM
great!funny story! a PRmanager kicked his boss out and take over the project  .so  funny!
He left his boss ,bcz his boss refused to give him part of the stolen money.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 05, 2014, 03:42:03 PM
关键时期,需要社区的帮忙。New thread for New TalkCoin(taken over by community):

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: be_alert on September 05, 2014, 03:46:11 PM
关键时期,需要社区的帮忙。New thread for New TalkCoin(taken over by community):
I don't think anybody is willing to support such a scam. ;D

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: toughlife on September 05, 2014, 04:15:19 PM
I am very disspointed with talkcoin and decide to give up on this coin.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: nut_cracker on September 05, 2014, 06:00:58 PM
关键时期,需要社区的帮忙。New thread for New TalkCoin(taken over by community):
I don't think anybody is willing to support such a scam. ;D
catchcoin ,your team really sucks and I believe that you are an amateur of cryptocurreny.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: corruptgov on September 06, 2014, 12:48:38 AM
In this tac crisis,whoever win,will cause tac to die forever.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: Only4money on September 06, 2014, 06:39:57 AM
In this tac crisis,whoever win,will cause tac to die forever.
That's for sure. Even we can consider it as dead now.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: goodtodeclare on September 06, 2014, 09:00:34 AM
What can you expect from those stupid 2 teams?

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: doitASAP on September 06, 2014, 09:04:56 AM
I don't think talkcoin can survive this scandal.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: djm34 on September 06, 2014, 12:09:32 PM
For those who have doubt that dev stole a lot of TAC, here a screen copy of the block explorer with the votedev address.
around 500k tac were sent to that address and worst 400k tac were spent.

Meaning old dev dumped on us all all the time.
I am sorry to say that (as an early supporter of the coin), but that guy is a massive asshole.
The blockexplorer is located in china and is rather slow from europe:

Supporting old dev is just making you part of the scam and if you still think that our takeover is hostile and not justified, sorry you need a new brain

That's why I made a screen copy:

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: AizenSou on September 06, 2014, 12:13:37 PM
For those who have doubt that dev stole a lot of TAC, here a screen copy of the block explorer with the votedev address.
around 500k tac were sent to that address and worst 400k tac were spent.

Meaning old dev dumped on us all all the time.
I am sorry to say that (as an early supporter of the coin), but that guy is a massive asshole.
The blockexplorer is located in china and is rather slow from europe:

Supporting old dev is just making you part of the scam and if you still think that our takeover is hostile and not justified, sorry you need a new brain

That's why I made a screen copy:

New blockexplorer is up and will be full synced in a few hours. This explorer uses Talkcoin V2

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 06, 2014, 02:49:13 PM
Taken over by community,not djm34 and his "take over team",in fact ,it's just a scam team with a group of thieves.they decided all about the new wallet.without any support from the community.djm34, can you offer a proof of that you guys have got the supports from the community?

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: doitASAP on September 06, 2014, 03:51:40 PM
For those who have doubt that dev stole a lot of TAC, here a screen copy of the block explorer with the votedev address.
around 500k tac were sent to that address and worst 400k tac were spent.

Meaning old dev dumped on us all all the time.
I am sorry to say that (as an early supporter of the coin), but that guy is a massive asshole.
The blockexplorer is located in china and is rather slow from europe:

Supporting old dev is just making you part of the scam and if you still think that our takeover is hostile and not justified, sorry you need a new brain

That's why I made a screen copy:
I knew this long long ago,but then nobody believe me .

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: goodtodeclare on September 06, 2014, 04:06:16 PM
Taken over by community,not djm34 and his "take over team",in fact ,it's just a scam team with a group of thieves.they decided all about the new wallet.without any support from the community.djm34, can you offer a proof of that you guys have got the supports from the community?
Both of the teams are shit and will be abandoned by investors.
btw:5 tac per block is more shitty.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: Ignition75 on September 07, 2014, 12:18:29 AM
Taken over by community,not djm34 and his "take over team",in fact ,it's just a scam team with a group of thieves.they decided all about the new wallet.without any support from the community.djm34, can you offer a proof of that you guys have got the supports from the community?

CatchScam you are the cancer of crypto mate.

Dev was caught stealing, dev has had no development updates for 2 months, the community pleaded with the dev to get rid of the stupid block reward voting...

Well guess what, the existing team of developers (they are not new) were your best chance of success for this coin.

Good luck running this coin without them, it seems people want to be scammed, it seems people want an inactive dev.

LoL  ::)

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: near_money on September 07, 2014, 07:14:09 AM
Taken over by community,not djm34 and his "take over team",in fact ,it's just a scam team with a group of thieves.they decided all about the new wallet.without any support from the community.djm34, can you offer a proof of that you guys have got the supports from the community?

CatchScam you are the cancer of crypto mate.

Dev was caught stealing, dev has had no development updates for 2 months, the community pleaded with the dev to get rid of the stupid block reward voting...

Well guess what, the existing team of developers (they are not new) were your best chance of success for this [Suspicious link removed]d luck running this coin without them, it seems people want to be scammed, it seems people want an inactive dev.

LoL  ::)
no pool,no exchange support talkcoin v2.0 wallet,it's dead.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: PresidentLee on September 07, 2014, 09:25:54 AM
stop fucking and auguing ,let tac old or v2 die please!!

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: PresidentLee on September 07, 2014, 10:01:09 AM
you are SON OF BITCH!!
Could you tell us how many stolen money the Dev gave you and  stop your fucking stupid 5 block reward scam?  

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: catchcoin on September 07, 2014, 11:12:29 AM


you must be the son of the djm34!   ;D

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: PresidentLee on September 07, 2014, 11:16:29 AM

hi ,bitch! ;D
you together with the original dev are such pathetic liars!

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: Undead_Phenix on September 07, 2014, 02:20:01 PM
This is the CHAT OP on bitcointalk: (

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: Undead_Phenix on September 07, 2014, 02:55:42 PM
CHAT has no voting system (of course no stolen money) and fair mining (32 chat per block chain currently) (

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: Undead_Phenix on September 07, 2014, 03:18:03 PM









by @zhiwufy from (

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: Undead_Phenix on September 07, 2014, 06:19:06 PM
"networkhashps" : 6387600325,
net hashrate looks pretty good for talkcoin v2 wallet.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: negative_feedback on September 07, 2014, 06:25:33 PM
Chat net hashrate is low,so is my cpu.
I'll mine some with my cpu.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: fragilealtmarket on September 08, 2014, 04:50:29 AM
New team  has retracted V2 wallet.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: Undead_Phenix on September 08, 2014, 05:17:28 AM
Original TAC Dev, CATCHCOIN AND K-MEISTER are all  shameless thieves and scamers.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: Jacobit on September 09, 2014, 03:39:10 AM
New team  has retracted V2 wallet.
it's quite right.

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: djm34 on September 09, 2014, 04:19:29 PM
(how many talkcoin thread is there around ? ;D)

New movie: The TAC job(s)  ;D

Just went through the excell spreadsheet of the famous dev fee address

here what I have found, between the 29th of May and 2nd of June, all block generated were generated with a dev fee of 15.46tac.

15121 blocks were generated on that period, giving an amount of ~2337706tac

This amount were removed from that address the 3rd of june

Same story between the 27th of june and 1st of july with a 3tac dev fee:

15119 blocks generated for an amount of 45357tac (less impressive sure but still a robbery) removed from this address 4th of July (for the holyday ?  ;D)

So in total it is 279127.6tac from which I remove the standard 0.5tac/block fee we get 264007.66tac which were stolen from the community by greedy dev.

Actually dev should have get only 15k tac  instead of that 279k tac...

I don't remember what was the price on the exchange at that time but it was a lot more than it is  ;D

Title: Re: Talkcoin*Taken over by community*new features*open source*fair*transparent
Post by: okbitcoin on September 11, 2014, 02:06:45 PM
talkcoin,and next whatever coin?okbitcoin= OBC?