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2821  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Reddit’s science forum banned climate deniers. on: August 27, 2019, 11:56:02 AM

As far as I can tell your racist rant is 100% off topic, either viewed in the immediate context of Michael Mann's court case or the longer context of the thread "Reddit Science Forum Banned Climate Deniers."

Correct me if I am wrong.

Somewhat correct, though I consider my exploration on the nature the various Lucifarian factions involved in the one-world push as being more pertinent, or at least more relevant, to the climate hustle than was your coming out of the closet and declaring your man-crush this fraudulent pseudo-scientist.

It's extra amusing that even the climate scammers cannot stand Dr. Mann because he is such an embarrassment.  You are about his only friend it seems.

As for scientific hypotheses and predictability, yes of course they are related. Either we can predict the effect of man's actions and carbon emissions on the planet is catastrophic, or we can predict it is no big deal, or we are unable to predict its effect. Seems important, doesn't it?

Which leads to an interesting question in the new, post-hockey-stick world...

Who are the deniers now?

Ask the ADL.  They normally don't loan out their 'denier'(tm) property without good cause.  I mean it is jelously guarded even from other genecided victims.  Real ones!  I'm predicting that they will side with the old school debt-backed monetary system Lucifarians and abandon the resource-backed  'technocracy' Lucifarians at the first sign of a crack in the global climate change hoax.  Go with what you know.

2822  Other / Archival / Re: I'm really leaving the U.S. for a 3rd world country because of politics on: August 27, 2019, 11:28:39 AM

I chose the Philippines for 2 reasons, mainly: cost of living was low and I like the women.

I chose The Philippines because I met a woman who I thought could help me with some things I wanted to do.  I didn't know initially that she was Filipino because she was working elsewhere.  Only when I found out did I start to study the place and decided that it had a lot of positives for me.

I'm not sure why I didn't consider The Philippines more strongly earlier.  I think that there is a dedicated effort world-wide to shit-talk The Philippines and I was partially a victim of it.  It is especially strong in the country itself.  I suspect that the reason for this is related to the 'demoralization' that Yuri Bezmenov talks about as one phase in destabilizing and overthrowing a country.  Unfortunately it has worked pretty well.  Lots of Filipinos consider their country hopeless.  I'm more and more convinced that it is not.  Obviously it's got some problems, but so does every country.

My hope is that Duterte and future presidents increase the concept of nationalism among the people and address some of the main problems that the nation has.  I'm quite convinced that many of the problems are artificially inserted, and the drug problems specifically.  Probably the communist problems and the radical Islamic issues as well.

The wealth gap is unfathomable. People complain about it in America, but its like 5x wider here. The middle class are about 100x richer than the poor. I can't understand how some people can make 180 pesos a day (approx. $3.60) and some make 5,000 per day. That's the width of the middle class. Millions make even less than 180 per day. All I can do is be thankful that I was born where I was born - which allowed me to have the privileges that I do - and try to be humble about it. The last thing I would ever do is be a douche nozzle to the locals because of it.

I left the U.S. in part because I wanted to try to make a positive contribution and wanted my money to NOT go toward causing worldwide misery and death.  These things and general depravity are, in my opinion, about the only exports that the U.S. does any more.  In a place like The Philippines where there is so much need one can make a tiny positive contribution in peoples lives about a dozen times per day just being alive.  I like the feeling of living this way.

Another reason I set up for a '2nd option' is that I do think there is a certain well-more-than-zero percent chance of some real problems in the U.S. of the type that few people can really imagine, and it could realistically happen within my lifetime.  I think that my country has sunk so low because our leadership has been captured by some real scumbags.  Worse, I don't think that these people have any more care for the U.S. than they have for any of the other nations which we are in the process of imploding.  We are just a useful tool for now.  When our usefulness is over it will be our turn in the barrel, and we may get it even worse than, say, Libya because that will be the most useful and 'safest' outcome for our tormentors.  'Controlled Demolition', bitches.

2823  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Reddit’s science forum banned climate deniers. on: August 27, 2019, 08:03:09 AM

Interesting ... post an authoritative, factual news story about the...

So do you reject the principle of predictability generally, or only when it is applied to a particular tribe?

Granted, sociology is a 'soft science at best, but on the other hand we are talking about a group of ethnic supremacists who comprise only a tiny fraction of almost any society's population.  For reasons associated with statistics this adds to the impressiveness of the predictive power I mentioned.

I think you are smart enough and have the technical background to 'get it' if you wish to.  Or play dumb if you wish.  You are adept at that as well.

2824  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: August 26, 2019, 09:19:27 AM

People’s anger is not long, yes. Here you are undoubtedly right, and I am inclined to doubt everything about the general picture, but I have no good reason to believe that there is some kind of big conspiracy.

If you get together with a friend, and decide to start a business, that is a conspiracy of sorts. Big Pharma is simply business.

What most people don't really conceptualize is that these are corporations.  Corporations are directed by boards of directors.  Typically these are people wealthy enough to own large percentages of the corporate stock, or proxies for these people.  There is no reason why one person (or his/her proxies) cannot sit on multiple boards of directors in multiple corporations.

There is a lot of 'cross fertilization' in the big three corporations who are involved in global vaccination programs (Merck, GSK, Sanofi.)  Here's a for-instance:

euvax-b which a vaccine I just had personal experience with and thus researched is manufactured by LG Life Sciences in South Korea (which is related to the LG tv screens.)  They seem to have licensed their 'process' from Merck, and their 'process' results in a certain (rather dishonestly described) aluminum nano-particle type ending up inside the brain cells of people injected with it.

euvax-b is considered to be a Sanofi-Pastuer product by people who don't look into things closely.  In reality Sanofi only 'markets' the vaccine.  What this amounts to is that Sanofi has bought a lot of politicians in countries like The Philippines and can move the product.  Otherwise they don't seem to have much to do with it.

So we have a couple of presumed 'adversaries' who are perfectly happy to cooperate with one another it seems.  Maybe it's just in the interest of the betterment of humanity?  A glimpse into the documents released as part of discovery in lawsuits against these corporations argues _strongly_ against these sorts of ethics.


The political pull that Sanofi has among Filipino politicians/bureaucrats is evidenced by the recent Dengvaxia fiasco which maimed and unknown number of victims and, thanks to the Duterte administration, some of the local sell-outs are cooling their heals in prison.

Back to euvax-b, it is not used in South Korea.  It's marketed only to impoverished countries it seems.  Maybe it's less likely that the victims in such countries will have the resources to obtain relief when they are maimed.  Who knows?  Anyway, Vietnam has a policy that they won't inject their citizens with vaccines which are not in use in the country of manufacture which strikes me as a common sense policy (with corporate board members of the pharma corporations tending to be eugenics enthusiests.)  Someone bent the rules in Vietnam and some babies died.  euvax-b was subsequently booted out of their country.

2825  Other / Politics & Society / Re: US Treasury Blacklists Bitcoin, Litecoin Addresses of Chinese ‘Drug Kingpins’ on: August 26, 2019, 08:33:58 AM
Why don't they simply use whitelist strategy other than blacklist?

First things first.

2826  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Reddit’s science forum banned climate deniers. on: August 26, 2019, 04:45:15 AM

Perhaps oddly, I'm sympathetic with Mann. Not because of his idiotic million dollar lawsuit, but because he Truly Believes In His Cause.

It's not odd to me.  Some groups of people are particularly tribal.

He believed enough to not care about scientific accuracy. He fudged the data. He got caught. But he so TBIHC that he didn't stop. He sued, thinking the legal system would be on his side. But he didn't think of the fact that that system, in the absence of high levels of corruption, was on the side of evidence.

So, my friends on every side of the issue who believe in real science, open data sets and disclosure of scientific methods, enabling REPLICATION OF THE RESULTS

I cannot count the number of times I've found out that some slimeball had a 'Jewish background' only because his supporters claimed that his detractors are 'antisemitic'.

It was not the case here though.  Mann's methods, political perogatives, utterances, etc were a dead wringer for a standard Zionista.  Some time ago I wondered if he had Talmudic influence in his being but didn't care enough to look.  Just now I followed up on my hunch.  Yup, sure enough.

Another feature of real science is 'predictive power.'  Just sayin'

2827  Economy / Exchanges / Re: Bitstamp :( warnings and rejoinders. on: August 26, 2019, 04:08:04 AM
... someone from Bitstamp to crawl out of their anonymous hole in Slovenia ...

I thought Bitstamp was bought by a well funded Korean firm.  The problems my friend had initially when I started this thread seem to have stemmed from processor switching around that time.  Eventually these were resolved and friend got their wire.  Later when friend's volume exceeded $50k friend got hit with the 'give us impossible data' scam.  And again, it was possible for friend to remove funds in BTC with no problem unlike in your case.

Anyway, maybe I am wrong about the Korean firm.  Worth checking it out, though, since if it is the case it would seem to me to be the natural place to start.  Whether it would be easier or more difficult to make an entities operations difficult in Korea using legal means I do not know.

One thing I have observed is that there seems to be a dedicated and fairly successful effort to get all crypto/fiat exchange operations to be based in the U.S..  The main strategy seems to be to make any external exchanges noncompetitive via various kinds of harassment.  Interfering with their ability to transact in fiat-land primarily.  'Well behaved' exchanges like Coinbase are allowed to operate smoothly.  If I had been consulting on how to deal with the 'crypto problem', this would be one strategy I would recommend (or a phase of the strategy) so it's not surprising to me to see it.

I suspect that ultimately Bitstamp will end up as a property of Western intel (which itself is an appendage of the central banking cartel.)  The Korean money may have been just one stepping stone to make that happen, and they may have already 'flipped' this property.  Who knows?  If so, shutting Bitstamp down would be in the cards.  Might as well collect a ton of actionable intel in the process.

2828  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Jeff Epstein DEAD Commits suicide on: August 26, 2019, 01:00:35 AM
FYI yes, I am of late making a half hearted effort to match or equal some of the 50-75% of crazy seen here.

Ok so troll.  Good job.

Spendulus is doing the equivalent of loudly babbling, waving his arms, and doing the 'I CAN'T HERE YOU!' trope.

It's a rather juvenile and rather obvious diversionary tactic he uses to muddy the waters when (((certain sensitive))) topics are discussed.  Methods of Zionist infiltration into the U.S. government in this case.

2829  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: August 25, 2019, 10:39:16 AM
Oh, these opponents of vaccination. They were given a vaccine, no, they are looking for conspiracy theories.

Looking at the science.  It becomes impossible to not see 'conspiracies when doing this.  At least it does for someone with a basic competency in science and analysis.

There are some pharmaceutical companies that are trying to trick people, but they are a minority.

Is that based information that your are somehow privy to, or is it just your suspicion?

It actually is a fairly handy supposition for the 'herd' to have.  I mean, if one of the 'pharmaceutical companies' gets caught in some sort of malfeasance, people who are conditioned with this supposition will write it off to 'one of the few bad apples' and it won't shake confidence in the larger system.

It is also suspiciously convenient that people simply don't remember the instances of malfeasance which happened more than a few weeks prior.

2830  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: August 25, 2019, 09:16:37 AM
Oh, these opponents of vaccination. They were given a vaccine, no, they are looking for conspiracy theories.

Looking at the science.  It becomes impossible to not see 'conspiracies when doing this.  At least it does for someone with a basic competency in science and analysis.

2831  Economy / Exchanges / Re: Bitstamp :( warnings and rejoinders. on: August 25, 2019, 03:42:45 AM

 - trimmed for brevity -

Way back in the day Bitstamp pulled a scam where they asked for standard KYC documents before releasing BTC.  That pissed a lot of people off who had sent BTC to them before their policy change.  They used the weak excuse that they made some mention on their Facefuck page, but a lot of Bitcoin users at the time were not the kind of people who would use that platform.  As an observer I considered it theft, but I was not a customer.

Eventually, years later, I did suggest to an associate that they try the platform.  Mostly because it was one of the only non-US service that had not been successfully shut down and it had not been 'hacked' resulting in a 'loss' of customer funds.  This is the standard way that services EOL.

It's possible that Bitstamp is nearing it's EOL and their inevitable 'got hacked, sorry' end-point.  If they are starting to appropriate BTC (vs. just not wiring USD which is actually an understandable problem) it is indicative that the end may be nigh.

Two things I could think of:

1)  Make their lives miserable 'on the cheap' by filing small claims in their jurisdiction to which they may be obligated to be responsive (if possible.)  Maybe a claim for each time you had deposited money with them.  If you can find someone in Luxembourg or wherever who would be willing to assist it would be helpful.  I started the process of harassing some crooked frogs in this manner but lost interest since they really had not actually stolen significant funds from me.  Being vocal on the various social media platforms (like this one) also feels good and is doing the world a service.

2) If others are starting to get ripped off in the same way, maybe pool some resources and make a credible threat for real lawful action.  The management is a known entity who could be held culpable for real crimes.


By the way, it is worth note that the highly detailed and personal information Bitstamp is asking for is probably highly valuable to real criminals who would like 'leads' for who, specifically, to target.  It is entirely possible that Bitstamp is increasing their bottom line by collecting and selling this information to criminals.

This would be an indication to me that Bitstamp may be planning to fold and the reason for their activities is to maximize the value of the information they hold.  It IS suspicious that they are asking for more than anyone else as it indicates that they are going above and beyond 'standard' AML over and above what seems to be industry standard.  This is one of the reasons why I suggested to my associate that they walk away from Bitstamp.

2832  Economy / Exchanges / Re: Bitstamp :( warnings and rejoinders. on: August 25, 2019, 03:04:57 AM
Obviously anyone doing anything over trivial sums of BTC needs to have multiple exchanges to use.  Any recommendations which are working somewhat at this time?

I could, but not for USD.

If it's just for selling off coins and not day trading, then you can try localbitcoins in person cash trades. Especially after you have earned some positive feedback you can place ads and sell coins above the market price. I would stay away from bank transfers, or anything similar where someone could send you money from a compromised bank account.

Thanks for the tip, but this seems like a solution for people with more time and patience than money.

The context I would be interested in hearing people's experience with would be real and legitimate exchanges with a good track record and the capability of doing reasonable volumes.  My associates have no need or interest in USD or EU and would prefer to avoid these monetary instruments just because of the hassle factor and to avoid needless monitoring by and interference from third-parties who have no business in the transactions.

2833  Economy / Exchanges / Re: Bitstamp :( warnings and rejoinders. on: August 25, 2019, 02:07:07 AM


Any advice from more experienced members would really be appreciated.

My friend had some BTC converted to USD when Bitstamp bothered him with requirements which were impossible.  He had to simply buy back BTC and take the exchange hit both ways, but he was able to withdraw his funds in the form of BTC and move on to a different platform.

If Bitstamp will not release the value you sent them for custodial duty then they are probably guilty of theft.  The problem is that it would cost a fortune in legal fees to pursue legal remedy.  I suspect that Bitstamp have either fine print which their lawyers will claim gives them the right to steal from you under certain circumstances, or they have under-the-radar authorization (or instruction) to steal money in some conditions.  It is plain that they are highly influenced by those who control the USD monetary system, and they probably are not even allowed to elaborate on the nature of this control.

I do NOT suggest inventing data or documents to try to meet the impossible requirements.  I believe that doing will give them automatic reason and legal rational to take your money because you will be immediately guilty of a crime which is tied to your funds.

Best of luck.  Bitcoin was never promised to be 'easy' even if you are perfectly clear of any wrongdoing.  These are not problems with Bitcoin proper...In fact Bitcoin has always worked like a charm for me whereas the USD is an expensive-to-use fail.  These are specifically problems with fiat money systems and the corrupt legal system which backs them.

2834  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: August 25, 2019, 01:39:35 AM

Bump for awareness. Take a look at the google search results for vaccine dangers and you will see differing opinions on the safety of vaccines are hidden from view. If vaccines are so safe, why are search results being scrubbed?

So far DuckDuckGo - and Entire Web - are much better search engines for getting the rest of the info. Seems like StartPage caters to Google these days.

It used to be that I mostly used to use DuckDuckGo for political reasons when I remembered to do so.  Now I use Google only for trivial crap.  It is basically useless for information on a growing list of topics.  For real research I pretty much always use DuckDuckGo.  Quite simply, it (and other's like it) are the only ones which work if one wishes to actually learn about the world.

For years I've understood the methods Google uses.   Machine learning algorithms to 'guide' people individually for the purposes of misinforming, indoctrinating, and what-not.  For that reason I never subscribe to channels, 'like' videos, or follow the 'recommended for you' links on Jewtube.  I also rarely comment because I'm regularly shadow-banned, and have been for at least 5 years or so...this is not a new thing even if some people are just now figuring it out.

On Jewtube I keep a list of channels I respect using the 'featured channels' widget and scan through them occasionally.  A fair number of the content providers I've found worth 'following' have been completely scrubbed by now.

Google is even more useless than the 'fake news' mainstream media when it comes to actually learning things, and vastly more pernicious.

2835  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne Resigns - The Real Russian Conspiracy? on: August 24, 2019, 04:14:39 AM
Hmm, talk like that about the Governor of the state you are headquartered in. Yeah, that's going to be good for tax breaks and other favors.

TECSHARE I know you sell things on the forum, if you were setting up a store in some town and you REALLY REALLY REALLY hate the mayor of said town are you going to:
1) Keep your mouth shut in public and try not to deal with or interact with them.
2) Call them out and hope that your stores permits don't accidentally wind up the the shredder.

Be honest, you are either going to open the store someplace else or go with #2.
Eliminate the "I'll get them voted out" or other things. It's the end of August and you want to have your mystery boxes on sale in a retail environment for Christmas.

That is my problem with Byrne

The big 5 CEOs everyone knows. Apple, Amazon, WalMart, Berkshire etc. It's just way it is.
Some of the financial ones we might be more aware of here because of the Banks vs. Bitcoin thing.

But do you know the name of the CEO of FedEx? State Farm? IBM? Boeing? or do they shut up and do their job?

Your problem should be with the board of directors.  Everyone knows who Byrne is and what he does.  The board should have fired him if they didn't want to deal with his character and/or his baggage, and if they could not for whatever reason and the shareholders who didn't agree should have sold and moved on.

As a consumer I would favor Overstock over the competition because of Byrne and what he has done for victims of the financial system crime syndicate.

As an investor (if I played around with paper instruments at all) I would favor Overstock because Byrne has a demonstrated track record of fighting for his shareholders when they are getting fucked rather than taking some payolla, letting the company get ass-raped by financial criminals, and moving on.  Overstock is still around while a lot of other companies who fell victim to naked short selling schemes are a distant memory.

2836  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne Resigns - The Real Russian Conspiracy? on: August 24, 2019, 01:36:05 AM
Byrne's work on naked short selling informed my understanding of financial instruments and the so-called regulators of them which, in turn, had a huge impact on my perception of Bitcoin when it came along later.

I would suspect that the person or people known as 'Satoshi' were also familiar with the fruits of Byrne's 'extracurricular activities'.

Byrne has a knack for being a thorn in certain people's sides.  I'm surprised he even remained among the living long enough to have his current problem.

2837  Other / Archival / Re: I'm really leaving the U.S. for a 3rd world country because of politics on: August 24, 2019, 12:57:58 AM

I read a news article the other day that talked about a woman in the States who needed a knee replacement. She, her doctor, and Social Security all agreed on performing the operation in Mexico, at a medically approve facility. The cost was less than half of what it would have cost her in the States, and that included transportation costs for both, herself and her doctor.

Only a 50% savings?  I'd say the woman is getting totally screwed.  Seems like medical cost 1/10th U.S. prices in The Philippines, and often much less than that.

Anyway, fixing this bug seems like the only purpose for Trump's 'wall' between the U.S. and Mexico.  I've said all along that the 'wall' is mostly a 'virtual' thing involving trade and political agreements.

When it comes to moving peeps back and forth I have no reason to believe other than that peep inflows will progress as (((certain people))) consider necessary for their goals.  Indigent low skilled people who will go on welfare are more than welcome.  Read Clowerd-Piven.

As for peep outflows, increased individual monitoring ('real-ID' to cross state lines and such) will stop-loss for the medical/industrial complex.  I predict that you will be welcome to go to Mexico for treatment as long as you reimburse the U.S. healthcare system for their losses through taxes and surcharges and the like, and as long as the Mexican treatment regimes are as disastrous for your health as the U.S. one is.  Probably it will have to be overseen by the same (((group of planners))) ultimately.

To paraphrase the Trix commercial from my generation:

  Silly pleb; labor spreads are for the wealthy globalists!

2838  Other / Politics & Society / Re: When will the Christ's words be hatespeech again? on: August 23, 2019, 06:11:34 PM
When will the Christ's words be hatespeech again?

Right before Jesus returns to put His words into effect worldwide.

I'm not so sure that Jesus is on track to come 'right after' (or even 'ever' being an Atheist.)

Lots of so-called Christians have this vague understanding that 'the Jews' have to take over before Christ will come.  The idea seems quite vague indeed and in fact it seems to be promoted heavily by Zionists and their many operatives in the Christian churches.  Hmmm...

It's actually quite a convenient thing to have one of the worlds most powerful religions dedicated to getting you to the top if that happens to be your own goal.  Some people might be suspicious that Zionists are using and shaping this phenomenon to their own benefit.

Let's say that ones faith and/or understanding is misplaced and Jesus doesn't come back and knock 'the Jews' off the top of the pyramid.  Or let's say the timing is a bit off and he comes back to take care of business in a few thousand years.  Then what?  I'm not looking forward to getting treated like a Palestinian for the rest of my life.

I will say this:  If the Talmudic Jews achieve their stated objective of total domination over and enslavement of 'the nations' and Christians whine to Jesus about the fairly intolerable situation, Jesus could quite rightly IM his flock and say "All the information were there in front of you if you had just opened your eyes.  What the fuck is wrong with you people???"

2839  Other / Archival / Re: I'm really leaving the U.S. for a 3rd world country because of politics on: August 17, 2019, 02:12:21 PM
Now, you have moved to a country where politics does not exist?

Simply say you wants to explore new environments and try new cultures. Never blame your relocation on politics because politics is everywhere. And even worse in some of those countries in Asia. It's just a matter of time before you begin to miss America.

Good luck in your quests for happiness!

I already miss America.  All of my family and friends are there.  I've got a ton of property and a lifetime build up of toys that I left behind (buildings, excavators, rare motorcycles, etc, etc.)  I could easily run out the clock there in perfect contentment...for as long as things remain more-or-less as they are now at least.  Indeed I very much hope to be able to come back.

I'm not seeking 'happiness'.  In fact it is said that being stupid is a key to being happy.  "ignorant, stupid people can deny the HORRIBLE TRUTH of this terrible world of suffering and live happily."  There are not very many happy 'truthers' and being one is probably at least 50% a hard-wired thing.  But you play the hand that you were dealt.

2840  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump effect led to Israel barring the entry of two Congresswomen. on: August 17, 2019, 05:19:47 AM
Time to make Israel a State of the United States.     Cool

Pffft.  The U.S. is already owned by the Talmudic Jews who run Israel at this time.  The U.S. becoming formally a territory of Israel may not be as far off as some may think.  That's where 100 year of a having private central bank lands a nation because the owners issue debt-backed fiat out of nothing then take their interest in the form of real wealth.  100 years ago Americans understood this which is why the Federal Reserve Act had to be sneaked in in secret by corrupt scumbags and treasonous politicians, and it wasn't ready stick until (((they))) had a certain level of control over the press.

This is just one more in a stream of examples of our bought-n-paid-for politicians siding with a foreign nation over the American people.  It's disgusting.  I do agree that it has to do with the 'Trump effect' though.

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