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2881  Economy / Services / Re: LoyceV's Avatar for Rent [first 🦊🦊2 YEARS🦊🦊 (108 weeks) rented out] on: April 14, 2021, 08:02:08 PM
Fillippone only pawn in the game of life.
I can help you if instructed properly.

Fillippone, my friend, look: see this trail of shekels I left behind? It's very shiny. Just folow the path, please, and you'll find me soon. After we carry the treasure we drink that good wine I have -- obviously, from a plastic bottle Smiley
2882  Economy / Services / Re: LoyceV's Avatar for Rent [first 🦊🦊2 YEARS🦊🦊 (108 weeks) rented out] on: April 14, 2021, 07:52:32 PM
Thank you as well!

Am I alone in an alternate reality where I am left alone derailing this thread?

Fillippone, would you be so kind, please, and stop whinnying and help me carry this bag of gold? I told you alredy I'll pay you good shekels! Cmon, give me a hand here! It's really heavy!!!
2883  Economy / Reputation / Re: The shameful Romanian translation of Bitcoin white paper from on: April 11, 2021, 02:50:02 PM
Yep, it was quite an adventure [...]I'd say that the result worth it!

Everything was worth it! Smiley Absolutely everything! And I am more than happy that we reached this achievement!

I will also add icopress to the list, since he has also supported the translation, he posted on GitHub to the issue I've created for this.

Thank you for the heads-up, NeuroticFish! And I am sorry for my small mistake, icopress! I just updated my previous post. I simply did not see his comment there... I was looking at the other link, where all the others commented ( However, I thank him too inside me and I also included him in the list of all which supported me but I did not mention them all as they were too many... We exchanged some PMs regarding this initiative and I highly appreciated his support. Thank you icopress. And please forgive me.

Gazeta's fears have somewhat also scared me. Good that everything has ended so well and rather quick too after it went public

Hehe, sorry for being paranoid some times Smiley I guess when I am in situations of facing a supreme achievement or happiness I think of the worst many times... I don;t know why. Maybe because when you expect the worst, then if it happens, you already got used with the idea of it happening...? And also, in the opposite case, the happiness feels even greater...? In any case, this time the fears did not materialize and we can all celebrate Smiley
2884  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Rugaminte [bitcoin whitepaper] on: April 10, 2021, 01:52:33 PM
Tin sa va multumesc si eu tuturor pentru tot ajutorul oferit! Pentru tot sprijinul oferit, indiferent de forma lui - sfat, cuvinte de incurajare, efort depus, timp petrecut pentru realizarea aceasta impresionanta, felicitari, confirmare a calitatii noii traduceri...

Totul a fost posibil doar cu ajutorul tuturor celor care au fost implicati - atat direct, cat si indirect - in acest process. Am scris in topic-ul international cat de mult va multumesc tuturor ( Doresc insa sa o fac si aici, in acest topic al nostru, al romanilor!

Impreuna am invins! Este o mare realizare si, cred eu, va fi benefica tuturor romanilor care vor citi acest document istoric. Daca ar fi sa ma exprim intr-un mod mai aparte, acest document este ce a lasat Satoshi cu limba de moarte pentru cei ce-i vor calca pe urme. Este o piesa istorica, este piatra de temelie a Bitcoin, este mostenirea lasata de Satoshi pentru noi toti. Din respect pentru el, cuvantul sau ar trebui impartasit catre cat mai multi oameni. Si, pentru a fi impartasit cum trebuie, pentru ca oamenii aceia sa inteleaga ce a scris Satoshi in urma cu multi ani, atunci gandurile si cuvintele sale trebuiau sa fie traduse in mod idiomatic in fiecare limba in care au fost traduse, intr-o maniera care sa faca cititorii sa perceapa ce a gandit el atunci cand a scris respectiva lucrare.

O traducere corecta se realizeaza greu, foarte greu. Una idiomatica este insa si mai dificila...

Sper ca acest document, care acum este prezent si in limba romana intr-o maniera corespunzatoare, sa fie de folos pentru cat mai multi bitcoineri!
2885  Economy / Reputation / Re: The shameful Romanian translation of Bitcoin white paper from on: April 10, 2021, 12:04:56 PM
It is a great day to live! I wanted to write a very special message here for this accomplishment, but I simply could not find proper words. So what I'm writing is straight and coming out of my mind right as we speak...

The new translation has been accepted!

In the above screenshot you can see a part of its first page. The highlighted part says:

"Romanian translation realized by Gazeta Bitcoin
Proof reading and adapted diagrams realized by NeuroticFish

Feel free to check the entire document here:

It's been a huge amount of work, which took months for making it flawless. But without NeuroticFish it could not be done. He helped me with reading, re-reading and re-re [...] -reading the document for so many times, spotting typos, various errors, bringing suggestions for a better formulation of the text... I remember that a very delicate part was to find a proper (and also idiomatic, and I want to accentuate this - idiomatic) way to say in Romanian the names of two problems mentioned by Satoshi: The Gambler's Ruin Problem and The Binomial Random Walk. Many economic, statistics or mathematics problems which have a foreign name have also a translated name. But not all of them. And, anyway, even if they have a translated name in a specific language, there are high chances to not know the respective name unless you are experienced in the respective field. The names of these two problems... gave us problems, to say so Smiley So we just thought and thought how they should be spelled in Romanian. I wanted so much to have just a perfect translation. NeuroticFish, on his side, he is a perfectionist as I also am. Sometimes, a perfectionist may be seen as pushy by others. Or as insisting too much. He knew that. But I also knew that, as I know how I am seen sometimes by others. He excused himself for insisting on some matters, but I told him: "NeuroticFish, never worry about the way I see when you insist on some things! I want you to do it! And I thank you for acting on this manner, because only this way we can target perfection!". I needed such a person to collaborate with, as this work was about showing full respect and dedication for what Satoshi did... So, coming back to those two problems, I initially found a way to say their names in Romanian, then NeuroticFish came with another suggestion, then I came with another suggestion... Then we both started to search the Internet deeper and deeper for finding any possible clue if those problems had a Romanian name. Those two names - just this part, which seem so simple - took us a few days, if I remember well...

And that was just an example of how hard this work was. There are many English words or words used in cryptography or in Computer Science which do not have a Romanian counterpart. Some have, but sound not so natural. And yet, they are Romanian words. This part took also a great amount of time. Two such examples are "nonce" (which does not exist in Romanian) and "byte" (which exists in Romanian, in two variants - "bait" and "octet")...

I could give many other examples of this thorough and elaborate work, but this is not the main focus of this post. I just wanted to say a few examples of what I remember, things which seem so simple and yet they are very complicated.

Excepting his help on such kind of situations he also adapted all the diagrams in Romanian. Furthermore, even the mathematics formulas used by Satoshi are also translated in Romanian, as they contain a few words in English.

In the end, this tremendous work was finished... But, somehow, the hardest part was just about to come: meaning to see the final outcome of the new proposed translation. To see if it will be accepted by's maintainers. So we asked for help. For opinions from other experienced members. Some kind users gave very useful advice. I went even more far: I asked theymos for guidance. And theymos was also kind and offered me precious guidelines for how to proceed. I take this occasion for thanking him personally for helping with sharing his great knowledge with me in the matter of performing a pull request. He warned me though that I should seek Romanians to confirm the quality of the new translation as otherwise Cųbra would not be able to accept the new proposed translation as he would not know anything about its quality, nor about its author and nor about NeuroticFish, which created the pull request.

As a consequence, when Cųbra wrote on GitHub that

Thank you for this, unfortunately it's hard for us to review the quality of a translation, so it can sometimes happen that a bad translation of the whitepaper slips through.

As @Komodorpudel said, we will wait for a native Romanian speaker to confirm the quality of this particular translation, and then we will merge.

I already knew that this was supposed to happen.

The good part was that Cųbra and Komodorpudel had their eyes on the new proposed translation, which, for me, was another reason to fear about. Indeed, I also feared that the pull request will not be observed or maybe it will not get anybody's attention. I was happy to see I was wrong about that.

The hard part was to have indeed people to confirm the quality of the new translation and people who can confirm, at least, my general good intentions regarding Bitcoin, regarding Satoshi, regarding the Cypherpunks, regarding this forum or regarding the spread of Satoshi's word to people... This part was hard because Romanian board is mostly inactive, no matter how many efforts were done by me and a very few users which tried to keep it alive - NeuroticFish, 20kevin20 or IonCreanga. So I did not know if Cųbra's (normal) request can be accomplished.

But I kept my hope. In the end, this was all I could do. I simply hoped.

And, after a few days, the miracle happened! The new proposed translation was accepted! And this is unbelievable, as I still can't believe what I see with my own eyes. I started this journey on November 1st, 2020, when I created this topic, so 5 months and a half passed since then. I started this journey blindly, as I knew it will be a huge work, if I want it to be flawless; I was aware of some of the risks that could jeopardize the final result -- meaning all the work could be in vain; and during this journey I found out about even more difficulties which could also lead to have a work in vain. So all I can say now is that for me everything seems like a miracle! And that I am so happy to see this positive outcome, as I am so happy I could do something very important in respect for Satoshi, for his work and also for bitcoiners!

But none of these could be realized without so many of you. Somehow -- like in another miracle -- so many worked as a team. And I want to thank you all.

I want to thank to those which in November 2020 encouraged me to create a new translation from scratch - nullius was the first; NeuroticFish was the second.

I want to thank to all users which offered valuable information about how to work with GitHub pull requests: notblox1, nullius, bitmover, NeuroticFish and NotATether. And, of course, I also thank to theymos which gave me precious details about all this process and about what to expect while doing it.

I want to thank to NeuroticFish for being there with me in all this journey and for helping me so much. Without him none of these could be possible.

And I also thank to all of you which supported the new translation, which offered feedback about the quality of the new translation or which wrote positive feedback about me, about my good intentions, about my passion for Bitcoin and about my dedication when it is about working on a specific matter. Your inputs from GitHub and from this topic led to having this translation approved! So I want to thank to IonCreanga, 20kevin20, LoyceV, 1miau, fillippone and icopress. Again, without you, none of this could happen!

Last, but not least, I also want to thank to all other users which supported me in various ways, from sending encouraging PMs to offering me their ideas and congratulations for what I did. I will not mention all your names here, but you know which ones you are. And I thank you all. Your words helped me keep my hope alive and gave me even more determination for doing this!

Of course, I could not end this post without thanking as well to Cųbra and to Komodorpudel for accepting the new proposed translation. I know that my name meant nothing for you before as same happened with NeuroticFish's name. Maybe if you were active on this forum these names would tell you a few things but you are not active here so I understand perfectly how you felt when a total stranger came and said: "Hey, look! The actual translation of the white paper is very bad... You should change it with this new one!". Of course, these were not the exact words but this was the general idea.

I know you had to take a leap of faith here and, in the end, you took it. The feedbacks from forum members with great reputation must have been crucial for convincing you, but I am sure that, as you can not read the document, you felt you had to take a risk. And indeed it was a risk... But the result is now that a very good translation is present on and this document is a way for respecting Satoshi. This document will help, maybe, hundreds or thousands of Romanian bitcoiners, curious to understand Bitcoin or to learn from this historical paper.

You took the right decision and I am happy about that and I thank you very much.

One small kind request though: on the website ( the Romanian translation still appears in the list with its previous author:

Please be so kind and change the author as well. Thank you in advance.

Thank you all, one more time. As you see, we worked as a team during all these months. Each had a special role in this project. And each had an important contribution for this final result.

Long live Bitcoin!
2886  Economy / Reputation / Re: The shameful Romanian translation of Bitcoin white paper from on: April 09, 2021, 06:41:09 AM
Local Romanian poster. I've printed the shameful translation a long time ago and gave it to someone close who I thought would understand Bitcoin much easier. They were even more confused after reading the nonsense translation than they were before. That's when I found out how bad the old translation is.

Thank you for confirming this, kevin.

I can confirm Gazeta and Neurotic's work is properly written and translated. Well done to both of them for the hard work

Thank you also and thank you very much for confirming this as well. It is very important to have Romanians confirming the quality of the new proposed translation. I really appreciate your feedback on this matter, kevin!

shame on me for completely missing this thread on the forum as I would've more than happily helped out with the translation too! Cheesy

It's okay, don't worry Smiley I am sure we will have many other opportunities to work together in the future, for the benefit of the forum!
2887  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Rugaminte [bitcoin whitepaper] on: April 08, 2021, 06:55:23 AM
Textul in sine nu pare sa aiba greseli, dar cred ca sunt cateva formulari care ar putea fi un pic modificate (insa posibil sa fie doar o preferinta personala!) [...]

Multumrsc pentru citirea si analizarea completa a textului, kevin! Crede-ma ca pana la a ajunge sa arate in forma actuala, tot cuprinsul documentului a trebuit sa fie citit si rascitit de zeci de ori (fara exagerare Smiley ). Adica pana la a ajunge in stadiul de a nu avea greseli ortografice, gramaticale... de a avea mereu dubla spatiere dupa punct, asa cum a folosit si Satoshi... de a avea aranjare perfecta in pagina, care sa corespunda 100% cu documentul original (incluzand pana si aspectul de a avea fiecare pagina incepand cu acelasi text precum documentul original -- aspect care in foarte rare cazuri se pastreaza in cadrul unor traduceri, din cauza ca intr-o limba este necesar un anumit numar de cuvinte pentru a spune ceva, iar la traducere este necesar alt numar de cuvinte; cumva, aici am reusit sa evitam pana si acest detaliu minor, dar care influenteaza in mare prezentabilitatea documentului).

A fost o munca de luni de zile...

Referitor la sugestiile de modificare a doua propozitii, iti multumesc pentru ele, insa acum documentul este deja submis, deci nu mai poate fi modificat. Insa ce iti pot spune cu siguranta este faptul ca, in cazul unei traduceri, daca se uita peste rezultatul final 1000 de oameni, fiecare va veni cu cate o idee despre cum ar suna mai bine o anumita parte. Este ceva normal, omenesc, ca fiecarui om sa i se para ca un cuvant suna mai bine decat altul, intr-un anumit context.

Referitor strict la acest aspect, si NeuroticFish mi-a prezentat mai multe sugestii pentru a modifica intr-un fel sau altul anumite cuvinte sau propozitii. Unele le-am modificat, altele nu... Insa a fost de asemenea o parte a lucrului despre care stiam (amandoi) ca va urma (aceasta parte fiind foarte apropiata de proof reading) si ca va dura ceva-ceva pana la finalizarea ei. Desigur, in scop constructiv, pentru a avea in final o traducere cat mai apropiata de perfectiune Smiley Lucru care s-a si intamplat de altfel Smiley

Intr-adevar, poate in anumite parti ar mai fi putut fi unele cuvinte folosite in locul altora, asa cum se intampla, de altfel in cazul oricarei carti traduse din alta limba... Insa eu cred ca aspectul cel mai important este acela ca textul propriu-zis sa transmita ideile autorului original, iar cititorul care citeste traducerea facuta in limba sa sa ajunga in stadiul de a simti tot ceea ce a vrut autorul original sa exprime, in limba lui. Si aceasta este si partea cea mai dificila, de altfel.

Desigur, aceasta parte esentiala trebuie si ea asociata apoi cu alte elemente care fac ca "intregul" sa arate ca un produs finit: corectitudinea textului, lipsa greselilor gramaticale, font, aliniament, paginatie, identare, ultime retusuri finale, un grad cat mai mare de asemanare a produsului nou cu cel original (ma refer la a avea senzatia ca privesti doua texte "in oglinda"), eventual aparitia unei idei de ultima ora, fapt ce conduce la implementarea ei apoi reverificarea de cateva ori a intregului text, pentru a te asigura ca nu mai e altceva de modificat...

Si, privind in perspectiva, eu unul sunt multumit de aspectul final... sper ca si restul cititorilor sa fie multumiti... Smiley

Am sa postez unul ulterior si pe topic-ul original, dar doar dupa ce primesc un raspuns de la voi.

Am aprecia daca ai face acest lucru... Si, daca ai cum, si pe GitHub, ar fi perfect. Daca nu, macar pe topic-ul de pe forum... Rugamintea mea este sa si specifici ca esti roman Smiley Acum imi dau seama ca IonCreanga nu a specificat asta si e posibil ca developerii de pe sa nu isi dea seama ca feedback-ul sau era venit de la un roman...

@IonCreanga - te rog, cu ocazia aceasta, daca esti amabil sa editezi un pic postarile tale de pe forum, din topic-ul "mare" si de pe GitHub, in sensul sa specifici faptul ca esti roman...

Felicitari, treaba buna ati facut. In afara de micile sugestii de mai sus, no comment. Smiley

Multumim frumos, kevin! Sa speram ca va avea o finalitate pozitiva acest demers...
2888  Economy / Services / Re: LoyceV's Avatar for Rent [first 🦊🦊2 YEARS🦊🦊 (107 weeks) rented out] on: April 07, 2021, 06:36:05 PM
This reminded me of suchmoon...

It's very tempting to post "Thank you" and see if anyone would notice anything unusual.

I guess it works Smiley I had to try it once though =)))

I wonder, how does one cycling fox carries a purse? Are you like a hybrid? Kinda like a "Fogaroo"?

I guess you did not realize that we are not foxes... we are just foxhole felchers. Therefore we can carry a purse Smiley
2889  Economy / Services / Re: LoyceV's Avatar for Rent [first 🦊🦊2 YEARS🦊🦊 (106 weeks) rented out] on: April 07, 2021, 06:25:00 PM
One hundred and seventh week paid.

Thanks again Smiley
2890  Economy / Reputation / Re: The shameful Romanian translation of Bitcoin white paper from on: April 07, 2021, 08:34:41 AM
Grazie fillippone for your feedback! It's much appreciated! Thank you so much! I really hope that all these inputs will lead to a positive outcome regarding the new proposed translation!
2891  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Rugaminte [bitcoin whitepaper] on: April 06, 2021, 07:45:58 AM
Ar fi o problemă dacă dăm copy/paste textului aici?

Uhm... nu stiu. Dar sa nu ne hazardam, as zice. I-am trimis eu un mesaj privat cu capturile de ecran, astfel incat sa vada direct poza in mesaj si nu link-ul de pe Imgur. Sper sa i le afiseze browser-ul... Kevin, da-ne si noua de veste pls daca poti vedea corect mesajul pe care ti l-am trimis in urma cu cateva minute.
2892  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: P.U.L.A. Filosofie on: April 06, 2021, 07:15:00 AM
13. Puiul de vulpe ne vegheaza.

Nu sunt convins ca ne vegheaza chiar cu atata atentie, ca fara un google translate nu intelege ce discutam, iar tradus probabil ca va pierde o buna parte din esenta si poante.

=))) Voiam sa spun ca ne vegheaza cu spiritul, ca un inger pazitor Smiley

ăăă  ...Dacă mi-e permisă indiscreţia, cine e puiul de vulpe?

Aditional fata de ce a spus deja NeuroticFish, iti recomand sa citesti si acest topic referitor la Gastile din New York de pe BitcoinTalk Smiley Vei vedea acolo, chiar din antet si cine e "Volvo" (pe care il mentionasem aici), si cine e vulpita (cea mai tare sefa de gasca pe care am intalnit-o) si, de asemenea, vei avea ocazia sa cunosti si alte personaje ilustre. De retinut, topic-ul este un pamflet Smiley Recomandat ar fi sa dai click si pe fiecare hyperlink pe care l-am inserat in topic, pentru a intelege mai bine umorul situatiei. Cred ca cu acest topic ma ridic si eu la nivelul tau de imaginatie Smiley
2893  Economy / Reputation / Re: The shameful Romanian translation of Bitcoin white paper from on: April 05, 2021, 09:09:41 PM
I trust GazetaBitcoin as a reliable person and as a professional and experienced translator and can confirm that I've never had any problems at his translations of my topics.
It's great to see GazetaBitcoin and NeuroticFish dedicated to improve the Romanian translation of the original Bitcoin whitepaper.  Smiley

Thank you so much, 1miau, for your support! I can not express with words how much I thank you for getting involved on this matter...  May the Great spirit of Cats watch you and thank you again for your kind words. I really tried to make things right and it is a great feeling I have seeing such many reputable forum members supporting my (and NeuroticFish's too) initiative!
2894  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: P.U.L.A. Filosofie on: April 05, 2021, 09:00:29 PM
Din nou, nu-ti pot da merite! Rad cu lacrimi! Nu stiu cum de "a tunat si a adunat", dar:

1. IonCreanga e "sarea si piperul sectiunii romanesti". Sper sa fie mereu activ Smiley
2. Tu, NeuroticFish, ai si tu un umor demential - ti-am mai spus in mesaje.
3. Eu - la randul meu - am un gust al umorului care deseori ma face sa plang de la ras )))
4. IonCreanga a fost cu mult inainte de ElRond =)))
5. Sectiunea romaneasca a forumului e tinuta de 5 insi, dar nu piere Smiley
6. Mai are rost sa continui?
7. Okay, o fac:
8. NeuroticFish e unul dintre putinii membri ai forumului cu peste 2000 merite.
9. Kevin va fi primul roman care va deveni legendar dupa introducerea sistemului de merite.
10. Eu voi fi primul roman care va deveni legendar dupa ce a pornit cu 0 merite "la drum".
11. Rescriem istoria! Eu si NeuroticFish. Cred ca stiti la ce ma refer. Si nu e vorba doar de traducere, ci si de acceptarea in cea mai tare campanie de semnaturi a forumului Smiley
12. Kevin e singurul roman platit de alt roman sa-i faca publicitate.
13. Puiul de vulpe ne vegheaza.

P.S.: punctul 13 e cel mai impotant <3
2895  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: P.U.L.A. Filosofie on: April 05, 2021, 06:21:24 PM
Bravo, bravo. Spor la producția de serotonină  īn continuare  Grin

Loooool thx! Poate vei fi surprins, insa serotonina chiar iti da o stare generala de bine. E super tare sentimentul cand termini o sedinta la sala, unde ai pus efort fara numar... apoi faci un dus fierbinte... iesi la aer, inspiri aerul racoros... Chiar e o senzatie foarte tare. Analog, aceeasi senzatie e si dupa o partida buna de sex, incheiata cu "tigara de dupa", un dus, un pahar de vin... Eu unul, cand simt serotonina in creier, ma simt high. Vorbesc serios. Si, cumva, cred ca si creeaza o oarecare dependenta. Adica odata ce simti senzatia respectiva, iti doresti sa o simti iar - ceea ce nu e deloc rau Smiley
2896  Economy / Reputation / Re: The shameful Romanian translation of Bitcoin white paper from on: April 05, 2021, 04:12:14 PM
Thank you LoyceV, any kind of input is much appreciated! Thank you also for not doubting my good intentions, nor the quality of my work. Indeed, it's hard for a non-Romanian native to see the differences, but at least people know I had best intentions for the new proposed translation.
2897  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: P.U.L.A. Filosofie on: April 05, 2021, 02:43:41 PM
Acuma ce legătură au toate astea cu banii, că noi pentru bani am intrat aici.

Referitor la afirmatia de mai sus, mi-am mai exprimat relativ recent motivul pentru care sunt aici (spre diferenta de multi altii :p):

Almost everyone are here for the money.
I admit I'm not here for the girls Cheesy

I don't know about you, but

Probabil e cumva e și de la mentalitatea aia dubioasă din Oltenia, că cică dacă nu ai bani miroși cam tare a prost.
Parca īn București mirosul ăsta nu se simte chiar așa tare.


In rest, e destul de interesant tot ce ai scris in acest topic. Mai ales informatiile din partea de inceput, legate de serotonina, oxitocina, endorfina si dopamina. Marturisesc ca nu stiam. Mai putin ce e legat de serotonina, asupra careia voi insista un pic. Este numita si hormonul fericirii si este eliberata, in general, in urma unui efort intens (dupa o sedinta la sala de fitness sau dupa o partida de sex bun -- de preferat, cu un partener). Si iti da o stare generala de beatitudine, de fericire. Nu stiam insa ca ajuta si la invatat. Acum, citind asta, vad ca lucrurile se leaga in cazul meu, ca prea am invatat multe chestii in ultima vreme (nu ma intrebati prin ce mijloace am produs serotonina ).
2898  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Rugaminte [bitcoin whitepaper] on: April 05, 2021, 02:08:00 PM
Relax. Stie si sistemul ca ai exagerat in ultima vreme  Cheesy

Looooooooooooooooool! Pai... fac parte din clubul alora care cicleaza merite, ai uitat? :p Ma si mir ca n-a mai sarit vreunu' ca Volvo sa oracaie ca Averell din Dalton Gang profita de statutul sau exclusivist de protejat al puiului de vulpe Smiley <3

Acum sa vedem, o ajunge o singura confirmare, sau ne mai ajuta si altii?

Sper sa ajute cat mai multi... Am scris si eu si pe topic-ul "mare" ca apelez la bunavointa tuturor cu care am mai colaborat in trecut, fie ei romani sau straini. In fond, orice input poate fi de ajutor pentru ca developerii sa inteleaga ca noua propunere e facuta de cineva care chiar a realizat un produs care il imbunatateste fantastic pe cel existent...

Eu nu m-aş invidia īn locul tău, imaginaţia asta mi-a adus o gramadă de belele  Cry Bine, măcar ştiu să mă fac să rād  Grin

=))) Mereu ti-am citit scrierile cu foarte mare placere. Serios, chiar am facut-o mereu cu placere Smiley

Ce să fac, şi io pe aici prin curtea şcolii. M-am mutat īn Bucuresti şi m-am īnscris la un curs de Full Stack Developer, la Codecool.

Felicitari! Mult succes! Foarte tare!
2899  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Rugaminte [bitcoin whitepaper] on: April 05, 2021, 01:25:32 PM

Ty. Ti-as mai fi dat merite si pentru acest topic, dar nu-mi mai permite sistemul. Abia peste 30 zile iti mai pot trimite Smiley Dar sa stii macar ca am intentionat...

Bravo băieţi, chiar aţi făcut ce trebuie.
Am confirmat şi eu atāt pe BitcoinTalk cāt şi pe Github.

Multumim frumos! Sa fie intr-un ceas bun!

Situaţia asta tre să recunosc că m-a fost un pic sursă de inspiratie. Aşa că m-am apucat şi eu să fac o traducere ca să ne mai descreţim frunţile.

Loooooooool! Te invidiez pentru imaginatia pe care o ai Smiley

Ca fapt divers, observasem ca ai disparut din peisaj o vreme si chiar ma intrebam ce mai faci Smiley

2900  Economy / Reputation / Re: The shameful Romanian translation of Bitcoin white paper from on: April 05, 2021, 01:17:23 PM
This is really great news, NeuroticFish, and it is really amazing that's maintainers are checking now the new translation. As a matter of fact, I can see that also Cųbra himself commented to the new proposal, so the new translation got the attention of the most important person of the website.

I am really confident now that things are moving in the right direction and, if this very topic of BitcoinTalk will receive posts confirming the quality of the new translation, then indeed the old one will be replaced eventually. I highly encourage any member to post if they can confirm this and I thank you all in advance for giving a hand of help. It is a matter of respect for Satoshi's work, for a historic document, for Romanian bitcoiners and for our Bitcoin community as a whole.

I also encourage any other forum members I collaborated with in the past regarding various English - Romanian translations, including, but not limited to: LoyceV, 1Miau, fillippone, nullius, Little Mouse, if you can also confirm my work for other translations realized for you, and if you were pleased by my work at large, speaking about translations. Any input of this matter may be of huge help. Thank you also in advance!

Hi, I've also read both translations and I have to admit I'm a little ashamed about the first one. Thanks GazetaBitcoin for bringing this into our attention and for acting accordingly to create a better one. I agree that your translation is on a whole other level.

Thank you so much, IonCreanga! Your feedback is much appreciated!
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