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361  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: [BitcoinTalkShow] Best of January suggestions on: February 14, 2022, 06:35:14 PM
Can you provide translation files here, we have many users from different countries so it will be easy to find translators for all languages (some will volunteer for free)?

Just a suggestion,

Download the transcript. > Use Google Translate
362  Other / Meta / Re: Bitcointalk Youtube channel - what would you like to see? on: August 16, 2021, 01:48:59 PM
Logged-in to see if the link is up,

It's not a one-man video crew. Guess we now have one less excuse if we miss the mid-September launch  Grin

Wake me up when September ends. mid-September comes. Cheesy


Pilot Episode Transcript.

(In English)

Hello everyone and welcome to the pilot episode of the BitcoinTalkShow. Bear with us as just
like Bitcoin, this show starts off as an experiment.
And who hasn't heard of Bitcoin today. Everyone
that heard about Bitcoin back in the day quickly associated the Bitcoin project with the Bitcoin
Forum, which became... Soon after Satoshi Nakamoto announced the
Bitcoin project to the world, he/she/they quickly realized that Bitcoiners as they will
eventually call themselves needed a place to talk.
That place became And you will be hard pressed to see the term 'official'
slapped on anything Bitcoin, but Bitcointalk is as close as you'd probably get. It's the oldest,
active, and biggest Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general community out there.
It's a big place and it might be intimidating to some, also familiar to lots and even the place
some crypto nomads call their digital home. And in this journey, I'm honoured to be your
companion and host. As for who I am, that's a mistery for another episode. Let's just
say it's a suiting name for a Bitcoin ninja, though I wasn't even close for the BitcoinTalk
Ninja vote during BitcoinTalk Community Awards 2020. More on that in a later video.
A lot of things happened here along the years and to the best of our knowledge, much of
it's history has not been sung before. Not like this anyway!
We feel we need to do it, and that you, whoever you are, deserve to listen to at least some of it.
So bear with us while we go down the rabbit hole. The goal of this production is that it shouldn't
matter if you've just heard about Bitcointalk today or you're a Legendary member, a Bitcoin OG
or a veteran, whatever you want to call yourself. There's something here, or should be something here for everybody.
Some backstory though. Imagine yourself some years ago, maybe even before you've heard Bitcoin
pumping and dieing so many times, before the forkings of 2017, maybe even before ASICs,
so called specialized mining, was a thing. Like back in the day, ASIC mining, some of them called it a scam, it's never gonna happen
You've just heard about this Bitcoin thing and being the curious individual that you are,
you started doing some research online. You quickly found your way to,
that's where most of the discussion was happening. And for good reason, because everybody simply seemed to be there.
Actually, that's how most of us got there, and so did the Bitcointalk grew.
The nostalgics among us will probably say that's when the Bitcointalk forum was at it's peak.
When the so called signal to noise ration was off the roof, and even though the community's
goal was never to expand, expansion naturally happened. A lot of the big crypto services
and cryptocurrencies you use today were suggested, discussed and announced there.
And no matter creed or nationality, if you were fed up with banks or, quite the opposite,
in an unbanked country and looking for a means of payment, people gathered here to talk on
the technology, the principles, the phylosophies and of course... the value of Bitcoin.
Speaking of the value of Bitcoin, actually one of the longest functional forum threads worldwide, a world record as far as we're
researched, is the Bitcointalk Wall Observer thread, with well over half a million replies
and 29 thousand pages and counting strong. Remember when Bitcoin was under 29 thousand
US? That place remembers! But more about that in another video.
The free and liberal nature of this place gave birth to a plethora of interactions,
and even a now very popular way of advertising through so called signature campaigns, where
a user would advertise a service in his signature space in the posts that he makes.
A Bitcointalk signature became a signature of BitcoinTalk, pun intended. There's mixed feelings about
that and the spam it's generated, because "paid to post" is bound to generate spam, but either love it or hate it,
it changed lots of people's lives forever. But that and lots of other history tidbits for episodes to come.
Back to this channel. Just like lots of ideas in crypto, the thought of creating a Bitcointalk Youtube channel isn't new.
It originated on Bitcointalk and was posted a long time ago.
And I think it's time for you, casual viewer, to get a hold of Bitcoin's history and news from
a new, but also old perspective. Quite possibly the oldest vantage point in crypto.
It might come as a surprise to you that you could read and even engage in a community so close to
Bitcoin's inception, so close to that Satoshi-era vibe. It actually still has the same look
and feel to it. And some of the people from back in the day are still around, spreading their
knowledge and having some fun along the way. And the aim of this channel is that both strangers
and people calling Bitcointalk home could absorb information and interact with Bitcointalk
in a different way. This show's aim is not to be just about history, but also the present and
the future of our community. We received great ideas and feedback in the suggestion thread
over at BitcoinTalk. Looking forward to getting more content ready and implementing your suggestions.
We don't yet know how often will these videos come out, we just started filming and editing a first batch.
Please like this video if you enjoyed it, dislike it if you haven't, no problem. Go ahead and subscribe to the channel if you
want to see more content. And don't forget to comment down bellow, or reply in the Bitcointalk
thread I just mentioned about. Links are in the description. We're just getting started, so
looking forward to more feedback and video ideas!
Until next time, live long and prosper! Corny outros should be a thing on this channel. Bye!

In Portuguese
Olá a todos e sejam bem-vindos ao episódio piloto do BitcoinTalkShow.
Pedimos a vossa compreensão pois, tal como o Bitcoin, este programa
começa como uma experiência.
E quem é que ainda não ouviu falar sobre Bitcoin hoje em dia.
Basicamente todos os que ouviram falar sobre o Bitcoin na altura
rapidamente associaram o projecto Bitcoin com o fórum do Bitcoin,
que deu origem ao...
Pouco tempo depois de Satoshi Nakamoto anunciar o projecto Bitcoin ao mundo,
ele/ela/eles rapidamente aperceb(eu)(eram) de que os "Bitcoiners",
como viriam a chamar-se, iriam precisar de um lugar para falar.
E esse lugar tornou-se o
Vão ter dificuldades em associar o termo "oficial" ao Bitcoin mas
o Bitcointalk é o mais próximo que vão ter.
É a comunidade de Bitcoin e de criptomoedas mais antiga, mais activa e maior que existe.
É um lugar grande e poderá ser intimidante para uns, familiar para outros
e até o lugar que alguns crypto nómadas chamam de "casa digital".
E nesta viagem tenho a honra de ser a vossa companhia e anfitrião.
Relativamente a quem eu sou, será um mistério para outro episódio.
Digamos que é um nome adequado para um ninja do Bitcoin, apesar de não ter
estado perto da votação de Ninja dos Prémios Comunitários BitcoinTalk 2020.
Falaremos mais sobre isso num próximo vídeo.
Muita coisa aconteceu aqui ao longo dos anos e do que é do nosso conhecimento
muito da sua história nunca foi contada.
Pelo menos não desta forma!
Sentimos que devemos fazê-lo e que vocês, quem quer que sejam, merecem ouvir uma parte.
Cooperem connosco enquanto descemos esta toca de coelho.
O objectivo desta produção é que não importa se ouviram falar do Bitcointalk hoje,
ou se são membros Lendários, um OG do Bitcoin, veteranos
ou como é que querem que sejam chamados.
Existe algo aqui, ou pelo menos deveria existir, adequado a todos.
Retrocedamos um pouco. Imaginem-se há alguns anos atrás,
talvez um pouco antes de ouvirem falar da Bitcoin a subir e a morrer tantas vezes,
antes dos forkings de 2017, talvez mesmo antes dos ASICs, a chamada
mineração especializada, serem um fenómeno.
Até nessa altura minar através de ASICs era visto por uns como um embuste, como algo
que nunca viria a acontecer.
Acabaram de ouvir falar sobre esta "coisa" do Bitcoin e sendo indivíduos curiosos,
começaram a fazer pesquisas online. Rapidamente foram dar ao,
porque era o local onde a maior parte da discussão acontecia.
E por uma boa razão pois parecia que, simplesmente, estavam todos lá.
Na verdade, foi assim que a maior parte de nós chegou lá e foi assim que o Bitcointalk cresceu.
Os nostálgicos entre nós provavelmente dirão que foi aí que o fórum Bitcointalk
teve o seu pico.
Quando o chamado relação sinal-ruído estava a explodir e
apesar do objectivo da comunidade nunca ter sido a expansão,
a expansão acabou por acontecer.
E muitos dos grandes serviços e crytomoedas que usam hoje em dia
foram sugeridos, discutidos e anunciados lá.
Independentemente da crença ou da nacionalidade,
se estavam fartos dos bancos ou, num outro espectro,
num país sem banco e à procura de um meio de pagamento, as pessoas reuniram-se aqui
para discutir a tecnologia, os princípios, as filosofias e claro está...
o valor do Bitcoin.
Por falar no valor do Bitcoin, actualmente um dos maiores e mais funcionais tópicos,
um recorde mundial tendo em conta o que conseguimos apurar,
é o tópico "Wall Observer" do Bitcointalk, com bem mais de meio milhão de respostas
e 29 mil páginas, número esse que não para de subir.
Lembram-se de quando o Bitcoin estava abaixo de $20,000 USD?
Esse local lembra-se! Falaremos mais sobre esse assunto noutro vídeo.
A própria natureza livre e liberal do lugar deu origem a uma abundância de interacções
e até mesmo a uma forma, agora bastante popular, de publicitar
através das chamadas campanhas de assinaturas
onde um utilizador publicita um serviço, através do campo da sua assinatura,
em cada submissão que faz.
Uma assinatura no Bitcointalk tornou-se uma assinatura do Bitcointalk.
(Trocadilho intencional).
Existem sensações mistas em relação a isso e ao spam que é gerado
porque "pagar por submissão" inadvertidamente acaba por gerar spam.
Apesar disso, quer o ames ou não, mudou a vida de muitas pessoas para sempre.
Mas essa é uma de muitas histórias que terão de ficar para episódios que virão.
Voltemos ao canal. À semelhança de outras ideias sobre crypto,
a ideia de criar um canal de Youtube do bitcointalk não é nova.
Teve as suas origens no bitcointalk e foi submetida há muito tempo atrás.
E eu acho que é altura que vocês, espectadores casuais,
tenham uma noção da história e notícias do Bitcoin através de uma
nova e simultaneamente velha perspectiva.
Muito provavelmente da perspectiva mais antiga e rica da crypto.
Talvez seja uma surpresa para vocês saberem que podem ler e até interagir
com uma comunidade tão próxima da origem do Bitcoin.
Tão próxima daquela sensação da era Satoshi.
Chega a ter ainda a mesma aparência e sensação característica da altura.
Alguns utilizadores dessa altura continuam presentes, a espalhar
conhecimento e a divertir-se ao longo do percurso.
E o objectivo deste canal é que tanto estranhos,
como pessoas que chamam casa ao bitcointalk,
possam absorver informação e interagir com o bitcointalk de uma forma diferente.
O objectivo deste canal passa não só por ser sobre a história, mas também
sobre o presente e o futuro da nossa comunidade.
Recebemos óptimas ideias e opiniões no tópico de sugestões do BitcoinTalk.
Estamos ansiosos por ter mais conteúdo pronto e implementar as vossas sugestões.
Ainda não sabemos o quão frequentes serão estes vídeos uma vez que só agora
é que começamos a gravar e a editar a primeira tranche.
Por favor coloca um "Like" neste vídeo caso tenhas gostado ou "Dislike" caso não tenhas.
Subscreve ao canal se queres ver mais conteúdo.
Não se esqueçam de deixar o vosso comentário em baixo ou responder
no tópico do Bitcointalk que acabei de mencionar. Os Links estão na descrição.
Estamos apenas a começar por isso aguardamos com ansiedade por mais opiniões e ideias para vídeos!
Até uma próxima, vida longa e próspera! Saídas lamechas deviam ser algo habitual no canal...
Um agradecimento especial a:
363  Other / Meta / Re: How can I contact a moderator or admin of on: August 04, 2021, 10:53:38 PM
I understand you must be in panic , first calm your nerves. Deepbreaths and you can see this better with enough oxygen going to your brain. Panicking will not make things any better.
364  Economy / Services / Re: [FIN] | Signature Campaign ~ Sr. Member+ Up to $60/Week on: August 04, 2021, 09:18:48 AM
This campaign will end. To quote the IOI and TradeRaceManager CEO "yes end it, it's useless".

I'll try and get you all sorted with the final payment but as of now you can remove the Signature and Avatar, as always it's been my pleasure to work with all of you!

I am very sorry if the output was not as useful as intended.

I will update my avatar but keep the signature at least until I find another one. It is a very unique project, thank you for the opportunity.
365  Local / Pilipinas / Re: Election : Blockchain Technology Implementation on: August 02, 2021, 11:42:29 AM
I think you need to read this article written by Vitalik Buterin.

Pinaliwanag niya diyan kung ano yung mga dapat i-consider na factors para maging posible yung blockchain voting. Lots of technical stuff to digest pero makukuha mo naman yung idea na dapat legit yung mga data (correctness),  censorship resistant(ability na makapag cast vote as long as pina-follow natin yung specified voting protocol), privacy saka yung coercion resistance para iwas vote selling.

At mukhang hindi pa handa yung pinas para diyan, dami daming issue sa pinas na puro band-aid solusyon lang yung ginagawa tapos mag invest pa sila sa blockchain based technology? Anong aasahan mo kay Dutertard?

Mas naguluhan ako pero dahil sa link mo sir, may natagpuan akong paper from MIT researchers that argues in a manner na mas naiintindihan ko.

Nasa chapter 2 pa lang ako pero edit ko to maya kung ano ang matutunan.

Locking for the meantime.
366  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: That feeling having your first merit on Bitcointalk on: August 02, 2021, 09:25:42 AM
You are a gentle person and I am very happy to see your warm words. Learn from you. Grin

If you are referring to me, I am only this warm and gentle when I'm sober.

if you want to learn, I have nothing much to offer, but to point you in the right kind of people where you can learn stuff, just look for people wearing a Chipmixer signature coz most of the time if not always, very informational and I also look up to them to learn.

this would suck a lot if I am not the person you're referring to.
367  Other / Meta / Re: Animated Avatar on: August 01, 2021, 11:40:57 PM
Just my opinion:

I do not agree in considering all animated avatars to be annoying, just the heavily animated ones.
There are avatars that has very minimal animation (eg. ibminer) , that is very cute and amusing actually.

These emojis have a bit of animation too,

 Shocked  Roll Eyes  Kiss  Cry

And they don't seem to be annoying at all.

Damn, I knew that I am not the most perceptive person, but didn't know I suck this much. I've been on the forum for almost two years now, saw Vod avatar God knows how many times and I never realized its actually animated.


Huh, lemme join you.

368  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: IOI Game - A new era of trading gamified by race | Trade Race Manager on: August 01, 2021, 11:12:22 PM
On free races, I just noticed there are times when a username have more than one car. Is that normal, like a username have a team that races simultaneously?
It's normal, you can use more than one car on the race, you can buy more cars on the platform or other NFTs markets
using more than one car means your bet also doubles, but the chances of winning will be higher

Using multiple cars is allowed, but multiple accounts are prohibited

Thank you.
One final ovservation,

I think there is a problem with daily task and/or the notification.
Last time I believe I get to earn 0.01 IOI for finishing the daily task(one race), but today I participated in more than 5 free race but there is no notification nor an increase on my balance.

There is also a persistent banner appearing saying I am not eligible for the race, yet the race I'm participating are the free ones.

Will post pic here if needed.

369  Local / Pilipinas / Election : Blockchain Technology Implementation on: August 01, 2021, 03:42:09 PM
Magandang Araw po,
So malapit-lapit na ang 2022 Presedential Election, may mga manok na ba kayo?
Pero bago yan, di pa ba kayo nagsasawa na sa tuwing eleksyon eh mayroong issue na ay dinaya. . .

Dahil sa ang blockchain technology ay maituturing na "trust-machine" , paano kaya kung maimplement ang teknolohiyang ito sa eleksyon?
370  Other / Meta / Re: Bitcointalk Youtube channel - what would you like to see? on: August 01, 2021, 03:09:07 PM
It's been a while since theymos' suggested a Youtube channel for Bitcointalk. The general sentiment seemed that it would be cool to have one. And I agree!

Pilot episode :
First of all, for the channel to be successful, Cyrus has to wear a bikini in a swimming pool on an big banana (NSFW) Smiley

Brief history of Bitcointalk,
Or a time-lapsed 11 year history. . . .
And a spoken bitcointalk Welcome Message !!!

And if it is not too much to ask, a fansign with or without the bikini. Cheesy

edit right  after the merit :

(A DJ or a BTCand )

                ______________ ________________ _____________________
               |                                                                                             |
               |            <. . . . .>                                                             |
               |                                    '                                                        |
               |                                      '                                                      |
               |                                        '                                                    |
               |                                         BTC                                             |
                            | be the TANKEDTOP BTC ninja|
                                              | Go Live and Prosper! |
                                                       ||                   |------------------------------|
                                                       ||                   |    Puns and more Puns     |
                                                       ||                   |------------------------------|

371  Economy / Gambling / Re: 🔥Sportbook and Casino: BITSLER > $10,000 DAILY Wagering contest < on: August 01, 2021, 12:21:03 PM
Guessing not everybody who ranked Platinum gets to have the nitro feature.
But since you posted this on public, I guess everybody who didnt know would be asking for it.
Those who will ranked up undoubtedly get the feature of nitro either automatically or manually. But the prize per claim will be Manuel which should be asked from support. And also their are two types of claim whose should be told to the support team claim either every five minutes or by each hour. Those who have unlimited time can ask for five minutes. But who has less time should ask for every hour. Note: Reward amount almost double if anyone claim on every five minutes.

That kind of sound like a lot of work,
But if the nitro claim is say 10k sats per 5 minutes, it would be worth it I think..

By the way have you checked this new game on bitsler?

372  Other / Meta / Re: Is it time to change some negative trust ratings to neutral or delete them? on: August 01, 2021, 12:04:31 PM
How much Lauda's tags need to be replaced?

Perhaps none, since Lauda has been out of DT a few times already and the world did not end. I doubt that any one person in DT is irreplaceable. There is quite a bit of redundancy. Also keep in mind that all those scammers tagged by Lauda won't automatically start to scam the minute Lauda is out of DT, nor are Lauda's ratings disappearing - just moving to the "Untrusted" part for most users, except those with custom trust lists.

I am happy I was able to convince Lauda to change his/her feedback on my account before he/she left.
It would be very hard or close to impossible.

How to resurrect Lauda:

Maybe this would work.

"Bone of the father, unknowingly given, you will renew your son. Flesh of the servant, willingly given, you will revive your master. Blood of the enemy, forcibly taken, you will resurrect your foe."

373  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: IOI Game - A new era of trading gamified by race | Trade Race Manager on: August 01, 2021, 10:56:50 AM
On free races, I just noticed there are times when a username have more than one car. Is that normal, like a username have a team that races simultaneously?

For example this race some hours ago:

374  Economy / Services / Re: | YouTube Review Campaign ~ Earn up to $50! | 1 month! on: August 01, 2021, 10:47:22 AM
Quote from: jamyr link=topic=5345056.msg57393527#msg57393527

Making one up and should be ready in about 2-3 hours.


Here you go.

Bitcoin Address : 3FgQccXC8wGxaysr57Dneh6uVQxZNTFwuQ

Thank you.

Quote from: jamyr link=topic=5345056.msg57475772#msg57475772

I just finished recording an uncut video in mobile,

Editing this after upload is finished. I believe this is a better video than my first one,

Youtube link:
Bitcoin Address : 3FgQccXC8wGxaysr57Dneh6uVQxZNTFwuQ

Free Race, Free Reward, Lucky Fuel and Upcoming Promotions.

I would like to ask my fellow participants to add an age restriction to at least 18+ .

Vacation and due to the weather, and me being lazy during rainy days, I was not able to make another video, and if I did it would be very bad on the audio quality part.

I am happy I was able to make 2 videos though.
375  Local / Pamilihan / Re: Official Thread on: August 01, 2021, 10:40:51 AM
Mahirap ba mag bukas ng bank account? Sa BPI 500 pesos lang ang deposit. Sa BDO, maybe 2000 pesos, not sure.

While I'm all for "bitcoin is for the unbanked", mas madali pa rin kung meron ka any of the supported big bank accounts, lahat gumagana sa

Bihara ang tao na meron 10 bitcoins or 100 eth, or something na ganun, tapos walang bank account? Hanap ka lang pinaka malapit na bank. BDO, BPI are in most malls kasi SM at Ayala sila.

Wala po atang Citibank or HSBC si .
Pero di ko lang po sure kung meron na. Last time kasi while I was telling my cousin about , tinanong nya ako kung available ba for deposit/withdrawal thru these 2 intl banks, wala po akong naisagot. Hahaha
376  Economy / Goods / Re: New Online Cigarette Store Accepting BTC on: August 01, 2021, 10:36:01 AM
I have found a company called that accepts bitcoin for cigarettes.
No, you didn't... You purchased that domain two days ago:

Domain Name:
Creation Date: 2021-07-06T22:47:57Z

I have used them and have received my cigarettes.
Again, you have not and that's even faster than what you've claimed on your website:

Most orders are delivered within 3-10 business days.

Figured I would help you guys out.
Yeah, right! Roll Eyes
- The only person you'd be helping is yourself.


Good catch.

The only other seller of smokes I know who accepts bitcoin is Cigspot.

Unfortunately they do not sell or ship to the Philippines last time I inquired.
377  Economy / Gambling / Re: 🔥Sportbook and Casino: BITSLER > $10,000 DAILY Wagering contest < on: August 01, 2021, 10:18:58 AM
Oh I see, I'm far away to Platinum at Bitsler due to my inactivity for years so that's why I have never heard about it before.
How about the amount of this nitro, is it depending on your wagering activity in a specific period of time or it is a fixed one?
Seems that I need to find more information about the benefits of being Platinum users (and above) at Bitsler, thanks anyway for the answer. 
Once you are platinum user or above then nitro option might be shown on your profile. If it not be shown then you have to contact with them for the option. If already shown then you have to ask them to activate nitro. The amount you will receive on the time of activation you will receive same amount base on usd on 7 days. Before it was base on bitcoin but now it is base on usd. And after the week you have to send message again and ask them to activate again and it will continue like each week then again...............

"might show up. . "

Guessing not everybody who ranked Platinum gets to have the nitro feature.
But since you posted this on public, I guess everybody who didnt know would be asking for it.
378  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: [MORE EVIDENCE from REPORT_GENERATED] AGAINST [REFERENCE FOR FLAG] on: July 30, 2021, 10:22:53 AM
Your previous flag on their account is expired, why you do not create a new flag and ask for support? (As you say in the subject of this thread "REFERENCE FOR FLAG")

That was something I tried, but there is 180 days before I can create a new flag using this account. But then I realized I can create a flag from my alt.

Ask for support?

I believed that is like argumentum ad populum,

Hmmmm since you ask, support my flag then.(piso456) Tongue

did they unban you because of this thread or is there some other reason for it?

No. I created this thread after I was unbanned.
Quote from: me
A week or so ago they unbanned me and I was able to generate and download this report in relation to my account statistics which they denied me before,.

whether you are now paid in full?

They can't even send me a proper response. A response based on evidence. And a reference name or something, so I wouldn't have to point to who. Which by default(Stan).
379  Local / Pamilihan / Re: Hiring Axie Infinity Players (scholars) on: July 28, 2021, 12:10:35 PM

Nyahaha. Kapag sariling gastos mo, wala silang pakialam kung 3.0 lang ang gusto mo or kaya mong grades. Kahit pa nga bagsak kung ikaw naman ang gumagastos.

Pero kung may sponsor tapos ang kundisyon ay mataas lahat ang grade, kelangan mo talagang magpakitang-gilas. Di baleng sobra wag lang kulang.

Gaano po ba katagal iyong obligasyon ng scholar to meet quotas?

Or for example tinamad na si scholar mag Axie?

P2E (play to earn) - parang mali talaga.
Dami niyo pong sinabi ang dali lang po laruin ng Axie. Sino ba tatamarin maglaro di naman nakaka stress at tsaka kumikita kapa Wink
Gusto ko sanang mag apply kaso di ko na meet up ang requirements matagal na ako dito sa forum bounty lang nasasalihan ko na scam pa ako tsaka puro shitcoins na nakokolekta.

PS.. kung akoy mapapabigyan ni sir mk4 na isali sa kanyang mga scholar. Gagawin ko ang aking makakaya sayang kase oras ko sa paggugol sa ML, at isa pa dagdag stress lang nakukuha.
Sana matanggap ako kung mapapagbigyan ako ni sir mk4.

Para kasing resume yun, sensya na naparami ng sinabi. Cheesy

mukhang nagising ang mga multi-accounts at gstong ma-ban ung mga axie.

Daming sabay sabay na nagsisi-buhay na mga inactive accounts. Mejo hindi obvious. 🤪

off-topic  Tongue

Tanggapin mo na kasi ako boss/amo/manager/sponsor mk4 ,

siya nga po pala di mo pa po nacocorrect:

Basically, 45+ Smooth Love Potions(SLP) per day for 2-3 hours of light work.

Hindi ba pwede may kaibigan o kamaganak dito?

Pwede naman, pero dito sa hiring thread ni boss mk4 :

At least member rank or Jr member na 1+ years old account

Pero malay mo lang,
380  Other / Meta / Re: [TELEGRAM] Yet Another BitcoinTalk Notification BOT (merits, mentions, topics,+) on: July 28, 2021, 11:15:08 AM
Saw this:

The link directed me to this:
(it says missing or off-limits),

but my topic still exists( .

The topic that the bot notified me of being nuked is indexed 5351080, while the topic that still exists, 5351078;

5351078 should have been the parent topic or no?
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