I am pretty sure this method of using a wallet with single imported child addresses is what I used previously. But now it breaks down when trying to generate the public child address from the private child key on the offline device. The public address generated is completely wrong; it starts with 1 rather than bc1, so not even BIP84. So of course when I go to try to sign the imported transaction, the sign button is greyed out.
When creating the imported private key wallet on the offline device you have to prepend p2wpkh: to the private key. This tells electrum what sort of address to generate. You can start the process again in a new wallet file by going to file > new/restore
If you use public Electrum servers the default setting is that your Electrum wallet connects to 8 arbitrarily chosen public Electrum servers. I don't know if those 8 public Electrum servers are queried in parallel or some sort of switching occurs when e.g. one server is only slowly responding.
It connects to one server to download the transaction history from and up to 10 others to download block headers from. It cross verifies the information received from the servers to keep them all in check.
Run electrum with the -o flag to stop it from attempting to sync. Then export the private keys and import them into bitcoin core.
Not necessarily.
Your seeds have a certain threshold of redundancy, where you can afford to get a word or two wrong while still being able to recover them with relative ease.
No they don't. You need all the words and in the right order.
Fee paid is total inputs minus total outputs. So you can calculate the fee yourself.
don't enter your seed on any website.
Would you advise me to create the three seeds through the electrum software or through https://iancoleman.io/bip39/ (BIP39) ? What would you be the pros and cons of each method? Thanks! there is no point in creating a multisig wallet if you are going to generate all the seeds on the same device. i hope that is not what you are planning to do.
Yes you can create a watch only wallet in electrum with the 3 extended public keys.
I would like to use this topic to please ask a question.
Is there a correct order to add cosigners, when creating multisig wallet from seed + hardware device?
You can create the wallet in any order.
Since it's a p2pkh address when restoring you have to select p2pkh as the script type and then type in the bip84 derivation path m/84'/0'/0' (not m/84'/0'/0'/0/0). The single quotes are not optional. You can begin again via file > new/restore.
It'll only work with electrum.
you should change the base unit to btc under tools > preferences > units > base unit option. You are confusing mbtc with btc so that's why the fees are high relative to the amount you want to send.
You can create a new wallet via file > new/restore.
You can restore from seed on your own device. Just click on "create a new wallet" on the opening screen or enter a unique filename in the wallet field.
2. If I remove the Electrum application from computer then will my wallet remain safe for few yrs even if Electrum release updates about application or even if Electrum decides to discontinue the wallet.
You will need electrum software to regain access to your wallet. If you're worried that electrum will disappear then you need to archive a copy of the wallet software along with your seed.
Your private keys are never exposed to the public.
On Electrum console, type this: make_seed(256,"","standard") This will create a legacy wallet seed. Not recommended. To create a segwit seed use this command: @OP electrum seeds are not bip39 and can't be restored in most other wallets. Blue wallet is an exception to this. However it is best if you use the same software you originally did to generate the seed that is electrum itself.
@mrleaker your wallet is encrypted. the wallet's secrets are encrypted which is why you have to enter the password when trying to sign transactions.
There are no from addresses in bitcoin