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[...] and the only way to avoid seeing it would be to ignore that user or ignore all avatars which would probably be overkil.
Not really. With adblockplus (and probably other ad blockers), you can create a custom filter for that specific user's avatar image.
by using a script that calls importprivkey repeately?
Alright got it to work with help from that link you sent and this vid: had to start all over and was able to send from a new multisig address using the console. I couldn't get the original multisig address to send, appears to be an issue when I created it I assume? Anyways if anyone really wants 25 cents worth of BTC and thinks they can figure it out all the private keys and transaction info is in the original post I managed to get the original set to work. The trick is that the public keys you used to create the multisig transaction was compressed, and you tried to sign with the uncompressed key, causing it to fail. I signed the transaction again with compressed private keys (starting with "K") and it worked. signrawtransaction '010000000111c546dc025a43c3a2ef8bd0860ba104edf484d4836f62f76b850b64c975ef950000000000ffffffff0118730100000000001976a914925e70c3f5a6922d8cbd593399f41ff077eada8288ac00000000' '[{"txid":"95ef75c9640b856bf7626f83d484f4ed04a10b86d08befa2c3435a02dc46c511","vout":0,"scriptPubKey":"a9140771fd34e1f24a620939bda6e399ab52a71434a187","redeemScript":"5221031d7c97b6b901ee97c191ef6b12e8b9d7d3ddfff122b203a5feb4d4aa274eab3521033df3003f8c8830c150979c554a046d993e602321cd1a0ff347335b28b27106ad2102a5a216f1f43da7e2dd9db1db05325f79b6c729c7936cf97b83bc2e4046089d8e53ae"}]' '["KwSKFvVH4yVzGggwNpc8t5VgD7Bvf2hoFuiEAELkUsgvEwyqDM5g"]' { "hex" : "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", "complete" : false }
signrawtransaction '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' '[{"txid":"95ef75c9640b856bf7626f83d484f4ed04a10b86d08befa2c3435a02dc46c511","vout":0,"scriptPubKey":"a9140771fd34e1f24a620939bda6e399ab52a71434a187","redeemScript":"5221031d7c97b6b901ee97c191ef6b12e8b9d7d3ddfff122b203a5feb4d4aa274eab3521033df3003f8c8830c150979c554a046d993e602321cd1a0ff347335b28b27106ad2102a5a216f1f43da7e2dd9db1db05325f79b6c729c7936cf97b83bc2e4046089d8e53ae"}]' '["Kytk1mTEQkeCwLzUH655aSKSbQWyAnm8zUNB4Vxj1PiPqK4PaR1K"]' { "hex" : "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", "complete" : true }
You can also ask someone else to vouch for you and get an account whitelisted from paying the fee. I dont know if there is an official way to do it or someone specific you should contact though. Its been a while and I wasnt sober so please dont ask me for details I dont remember myself.
most moderators can whitelist user accounts
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Reason: wrong format
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Reason: referral
You can theoretically get it to work by using a proxy that inserts the javascript into every page that you load. I'm planning on implementing a bitcointalk proxy with 2-factor authentication and other security features, so there's that
they're not using a bot to report users. They're using a bot to delete posts in their self-moderated topic.
The script has been updated to 0.3.0. It includes the fix for the bug that dserrano5 pointed out. I've also changed the storage account of the script to bitcointalk to grue (I recently found out that I controlled that account :p). More importantly, the change of of storage account allowed me to use a SAS url for the script, which has the benefit of not working if the owner of the account changes. That way if my azure account expires, another malicious party can't take control of the domain and push rogue updates.
I don't trust your js code. It's non human readable.
Share original source code.
As with most javascript distributed over the internet, the script is minified to save bandwidth. It also has the benefit of removing all my debugging code. The only change from the original is the removal of dead code and renaming of variables.
Interesting, how do you score the signature? does it according to the post of that person made? tame signatures means a signature with less characters? doesnt this means lower rank signature like mine will be visible? there are tons of low rank that spam the most on forum
The scoring system is composed of two parts: a formatting score, and a character annoyingness score. Formatting score is calculated based on the amount of area that uses annoying formatting. Different types of formatting increases the score at different rates. So using bold text will increase the score less than using glow. A signature that uses no formatting will always have a formatting score of 0. Character annoyingness score is calculated from the occurrences of certain characters (ie. ▓). I just installed it and it works My current signature vanish but my upper post before ( using member's signature ) still exist In the future I might add additional character analysis to catch ascii art that doesn't use formatting.