OT: The clearest sign that humanity is doomed?
That every high profile tech company (except for Bitcoin), with stocks that keep rising, has a narrative that is a long term bet against humanity.
That's why the Average Joe investors with a conscious don't understand modern day investing: that in order to make money, you have to bet against humanity's future.
Powell: now only one rate cut, jobs data was a "bit" overstated. Only AI related companies "doing well". US economy sounds like trash. $1 trillion per year on debt interest. Madness. UK even worse. No ideas for growth during election cycle. "Green economy" "Wealth tax". Good luck. GDP Per Capita stagnating and even going down. Still inflation... We are all doomed. The end is near.... ...and now I have to go empty the dishwasher and feed the cats...
Maybe not five years but 2056 would be about right.
Yeah in 2056 at age 98 I envision myself rambling on about mining shit… I mean Scrypt coins… “Well now… years ago, back in the good ole days I seem to recall….. blah blah blah repeated story blah blah….” Then the nurse at Sunny Acres that changes my diaper will be like “Now Mr Siraz, you need to stop babbling about mining for doggies and bitcoin nonsense and take your Geritol. Then we will be petting real doggies and kitty cats after lunch for relax therapy time. Then it will be nap time. We are having fish fingers, tater tots and creamed spinach for dinner so you’d best be on your very best behaviour or no strawberry jello dessert for you!”
How's it possible For bitcoin to be so high Yet I still feel rekt I guess you must be a LOOSER! Now get back in the clown car nutilduuuuuh! (RIP brother TECSHARE. I miss reading his "colorful" posts, even though I disliked him.)
Trump Guilty 34 for 34
Lol what a Banana Republic. I like “Banana Republics” where no one is above the law. And Angela Rayner did nuffin' wrong and it's not a problem for Ukraine to hit Russian targets with US weapons (basically WW3)... And 320 million dollars for a Gaza aid pier that fell into the sea.
Whataboutism at it’s finest
…. and even a bit drunk.
Happens to the best of us mate.
Let's talk about a tinfoil hypothesis. .....
Tinfoil hypothesis!?? What are you on about sir? There are no tinfoil hypotheses on this here famous thread forum! Tinfoil Hypothesis.... Hmmm... sounds like a good band name anyway. Maybe too many syllables though...
.... And buy a cybertruck later…. First edition will have some annoying flaws…. Yeah, like the Ford Edsel. I think the first edition had some annoying flaws anyway, lol. Albeit, I shouldn't make fun of shit boxes. After all, my first car purchase was a Chevy Vega. (I was young and dumb and it's all I could afford) What a pile of junk that was. When I totaled it, it was actually a blessing in disguise.
... Why would I sell BTC that I had considered lost to pay for a Cybertruck ....
stupidity? .... At some point you've got to spend some money and have some fun with toys.
Agreed, although I question your judgement buying a Cybertruck?? Seriously bro? I'd be interested to know how that $100,000 "toy" works out for you. Hopefully better than the plethora of Elon fanboy folks who spent $100,000 on a ....ahhhh phukit, not gonna go there. Just Google Cybertruck horror stories.
GOOOOAL! Sorry Jimbo. First game I've watched live in years.
GOOOAL! is soccer. football (ftfy) The proper terminology in hockey is: He shoots he scores!Ok, agreed... but wait a minute, if we are talking "proper terminology", then it's ... (see above^)
GOOOOAL! Sorry Jimbo. First game I've watched live in years.
2 hours? Goddamn! With my next to zero attention span (thanx to my tethered, personal, preferred misinformation pocket fondle slab)I have trouble watching 30 seconds of tic toc bollocks, let alone 2 hours of blah blah blah. Now back to things that really matter... *clicks on the latest staged "rescue that poor cat in the street" You Tube vid* Fake pump.
real pump (picture the **** wearing it) GO BITCOIN
Crypto-influencers …
Anytime I hear the term “influencer”… I think “useless, shitty product shilling shyster with a gullible audience.(kind of like a certain presidential candidate, but we won’t go there) Add the term “crypto” (sorry for the naughty word Jay) and that’s a whole new level of a scammy ass money grab.
Totality in Tonality I like the production, timbre of voice(s) with those energic accents, clean guitar sound, overall dynamics. Well done, almost sounds like a live studio recording (on the headphones). Thanx bro. It is almost live. (no punch-ins) I was gonna add some bells and whistles trax, but then thought, naaah, I got keep it simple, so in the (another reality) event I play it live solo, it won't sound too different.
Happy 4/20 bros. Fire 'em up. Smoke 'em if you got 'em. etc etc... I ate a gummy. zzzzzzz
Strong indications of a Trump victory in the fall. .....
Are you watching lots of Faux News and Newsmax or something bro? An insurrectionist narcissist, failed businessman fraudster, with 4 criminal indictments and the mentality of a spoiled four year, old hawking bibles, gold sneakers and ridiculous NFT trading cards, who cant spell and incoherently rambles on about nonsense at his rallies to his brain dead cult followers (who he despises and could care less about and only wants their vote )..... in the running for president. You cant make this shit up. ...
Not to mention, right now, the economy is trash ....
I suppose it all depends on what lens one is looking through and what narrative one likes to follow on the intertoobz. https://usafacts.org/state-of-the-union/economy/#:~:text=How%20is%20the%20US%20economy,and%20four%20times%20in%202023. Me personally, I'm on unlimited (optional) overtime as our orders have sky rocketed.
.... this misattributed quote ..... ....
Oh bollocks. I and sent a merit before doing my Einstein quotes homework. My bad. ..... ...l. Which is why I have friends that don't eat pork. I just feel sorry for them that they don't get to eat it.
Well you could always invite them for dinner and serve a lovely pork roast and tell them how you slaved over a hot stove for hours to make it just right. Then in the event they are too polite to refuse to eat it, they'd thoroughly enjoy it. Win win.
Einstein: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Any Einstein quote deserves a merit in my book.* (*don't get any ideas newbs. I'm being rhetorical....sort of...) .... I have seven day adventist friends moslem friends and jewish friends ......
Well, I have a black friend and a couple of gay acquaintances, so there is that.
What did I miss?
Have all the sky daddy believers killed each other yet? ....
Well, to be fair, sky daddyists of every flavor have been killing each other for the past 2000 years... so why stop now?
Can you sing this one at the next 2026 solar eclipse in Iceland while getting batslapped after every verse and chorus (after every paragraph or after every line, perhaps?).
Only if you play along on the kazoo and are the batslapper Jay. That would be soooo exciting. I'd also invite my other big fanboy marcus, but alas, I haven't heard from him in awhile.