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1  Other / Archival / Re: . on: July 21, 2020, 02:22:36 PM
I'll take 9e plz and thank you!!!

2  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [Free Raffle] Funded Custom Coldkey - ANONMINER.10 on: May 27, 2020, 02:39:41 PM
67 - FlyingHellfish  If it's still available plz and thank you!
3  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 2020 Democrats on: March 05, 2020, 12:25:52 AM
The Bernie Bros are going to be pissed again, and I think that if Biden is the nominee that guarantees a Trump victory. But ya know, I said Bernie wouldn't have risen to this point -- Flying Hellfish corrected me -- but I GUESS I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG?HuhHuh? Smiley

The show goes on!

I also said Biden was a dead man walking, Whoa kinda shit the bed on that prediction as well!

Everyone's predictions have changed over the last few months, that's the nature of the game when you try to read the tea leaves.  Bernie is wounded and perhaps mortally so!  What amazes me is how fast shit hit the fan for Bernie's campaign or conversely how big of a difference the 3-4 days around ST was for Biden.  Biden over performed the polls, this wasn't as simple as Amy and Pete's supporters getting on board.  Biden picked up the pete and amy vote, all the undecided votes and turned out the burbs.  Bernie failed to turn out the young voters in any serious numbers.   

No way to spin this Biden had the best possible night he could have hoped for and it was the worst night Bernie could have imagined...

Bernie failed to turn out young voters in any real numbers, his core messaging took a hit last night as that argument is going to ring hollow going forward.

Biden is a terrible, terrible candidate in either the primary or the general. He can barely get a comprehensible sentence out, his record isn't too different from a neocon Republican, his current policies aren't too different from Hillary, etc.

I think the democrats have baked in the Biden "flaws" much in the same way the GOP base has baked in Trump's flaws, it seems like an easy thing for the voters on both sides to do! They have already internally made the bargain that a brain melting creepy gaffe monster is OK if everyone else thinks hes the best shot to beat Trump!

Short of a major medical issue (like a stroke or something), I don't think there is much that Bernie can throw at Biden (or that Biden can say/do) that sticks.

The race isn't over, but Biden undoubtedly took the lead yesterday and is in a great position to have the plurality if not majority of delegates by Milwaukee.  The plurality getter should be the nom whether its Biden or Bernie.
4  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Bernie Sanders is the Frontrunner for the Dems on: February 24, 2020, 03:35:33 PM

But in any case, I do truly think that the DNC isn't going to allow this to happen. They're going to try something, anything, to ensure that Bernie isn't the nominee.

The problem is anything they try will only further Bernies support...  They are trying, have you seen the real time meltdown of the talking heads on the msm. It is truly magically inspiring to watch their heads explode in real time on national television!!!  Politics 101, NEVER attack the voters you will need to vote for you...  By calling Bernie supports, fools or communists won't sit well with the folks you as a politician would need to steal from Bernie if you want to beat Bernie.  The stupidity of the establishment is beyond epic!

I'm not sure how they're going to do it,

Neither do they, that is why they are in full on panic mode!  Grin

but at the end of the day they DONT want Bernie as their nominee.

Some on the far left might argue the establishments hate for Bernie is so strong they would rather Trump than Bernie. 

It doesn't matter after Bernie fucking destroyed NV.  His coalition is set in stone now, he is going to have a majority by Milwaukee so the DNC can bend the knee or go away.  This is the start of the end of the Neolibs who have destroyed the working class for 40+ years!
5  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Bernie Sanders is the Frontrunner for the Dems on: February 24, 2020, 01:31:53 PM
I never thought I'd be saying this (Flying Hellfish knows this is true) but currently, Bernie Sanders who is an independent, is the frontrunner to be the Dem nominee in 2020. Not something I imagined would happen with someone who self identifies as a Democratic Socialist, but it's where we're at today.

I still think that the DNC is going to fight tooth and nail to steal this one from Bernie. I have a few theories on how this is going to be done. Obviously all of this is given that Bernie doesn't have a majority of the delegates (1996 delegates, something around that) at the time of the convention:

1. The Moderates Band Together - Not sure who would be the to lead this coalition. But this is pretty much the line of thinking that Pete, Klobuchar, Bloomberg, and Biden all work together in someway to win the nomination. If they all pooled their polling numbers together, they'd be a true formidable foe to Bernie. They could even keep running at the moment and try to pick up as many delegates as they can, using their delegates on one another.

I love this talking point!  If only elections and voters worked like this.  You would think that after all the years and after 2016 the MSM would finally understand that the "lanes" theory doesn't work.  Everyone kept saying the moderate gop candidates should drop out to coalesce around 1 candidate to beat trump.  What happened was when those morons dropped out Trump scooped up a big enough part of them to crush even more! Voters are not ideologically locked into one lane, look at Bidens polls, consistently the second choice of Biden supporters is Bernie.  Lanes aren't real except for in the talking head class!

2. The Re-Rise of Biden - Biden had a strong second place finish in Nevada, exactly what his campaign needed. If he has a real strong finish in South Carolina, like his campaign has been relying HEAVILY on, then he could be back in the race. He'd still need some of the other moderates to drop out to REALLY have a shot, but even without this he could show himself to be the only one who could go against Bernie. Horrible candidate in my eyes, but possible.

Joe biden has run for the nomination for presidential candidate 3 times now. In those 3 attempts he has NEVER won a single state...  I love how the moderates and msm are claiming that Biden losing by almost 30 points is a strong finish LOL (please Joe keep finishing that strong!).  Imagine for a second Bernie after winning IA and NH losing by 30 points to anyone the msm would declare his campaign over!  Now imagine Bernie finished 4th and 5th in IA and NH and then finishing 2nd by 30 points, they would be laughing on TV at him, but of course it was a strong finish for Joe!

I also love how they keep moving the goal posts.  "Don't worry when IA votes Bernie will be done", "Pete did so well in IA that Bernie is in trouble in NH", "wait till NV when a multi-racial state votes", "wait till SC when black voters weigh in", wait till super tuesday when Bloomberg will swoop in with billions to save us moderates", "wait till the convention so we can super delegate Bernies ass.

Please please moderates keep waiting while Bernie racks up state after state and continues to raise millions upon millions of dollars more than the non billionaire candidates!  Thank you establishment for making this so much easier!

3. Mr. Money Bags - Bloomberg is able to pull off the unthinkable. Even after his horrible debate performance, the voters disregard this and they just look at all of the ads that he's dumped into their states and they pick him. This is what the Bloomberg camp is hoping and praying for. They need a BIG WIN on super Tuesday to use as their mandate to lead. Even a strong second place finish in every single Super T state will mean that he can push the other moderate voters toward himself.

Bloomberg has zero percent chance of hitting the convention with a plurality let alone a majority.  His only chance (and its pretty much gone now) is a brokered convention.  Imagine spending billions of dollars when your best shot is a brokered convention that if stolen will guarantee you can't win the general!  Bloomberg has a limit on what his money will buy (a ceiling, you know like the one the msm claimed Bernie has a 20% ceiling LOLOLOL), ask Tom Steyer who spent 10's of millions in NV only to finish with nothing, absolutely nothing.  Honestly Bloombergs attack ads on Trump help Bernie, they remind voters how much they hate trump and they remind voters that he is trying to buy the election and that his money is a problem in politics just like the front runner Bernie has been saying for 40 years!  Bloomberg is GIVING Bernie's message half a billion dollars of confirmation!!!

Thank you moderates and establishment morons, your predictable, consistent hypocrisy is fueling the exact thing you are terrified of!  Bernies train is fueled on establishment tears so I for one hope they don't stop crying anytime soon!

Now lets hear all the party unity and vote blue no matter who the establishment has been screaming about since 2016 (don't hold your breath though it would be hazardous to your health)!

TLDR;  It's too late, barring some crazy shit happening Bernie will be the democratic nominee for President in 2020!  

6  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 2020 Democrats on: February 23, 2020, 03:49:58 PM
If the nomination is stolen from Bernie, then the Democratic party will implode. Nature abhors a vacuum, though, and we will not see the Republicans win every single race from now until the end of time.

The danger isn't in the dem's leaving a vacuum if the nom is "stolen" from Bernie, the party will continue on it's establishment neoliberal path replacing all progressive dissent as fast as possible.  The real problem for the party is they risk a certain percentage of the next generation of voters "checking out" of the political conversation.  Enough Millenials and Zoomers will feel like the system is so rigged their vote doesn't matter (and they would be right) and will not waste their time and energy voting for a while.  It won't necessarily be all or even a majority but even disenfranchising 10% of them into non voters is the problem.  The GOP has the electoral advantage, if the dems push enough new voters out of the game they could start to lose the states they have been making in roads into.  The risk is that the dems make the swing states no longer swing states by pushing out only a small amount of a generation.  Pushing a state like Florida that is always a 1-2% state either way red by 5%.  Instead of closing the gap in Texas they push it another 5-10% back to red.  These problems will take several cycles to gain back the road they lost in 1 cycle.

Clearly stealing the nom won't ensure Republican wins everything for ever, only a GOP dictator could ensure that happens.  And of course we can't predict the future, but I think a reasonable argument can be made that it will ensure a second trump term and make it much easier for a GOP POTUS in 2024 and if that person isn't a 1 term president than that puts the GOP in control for the next 12 years (half a generation).

If the dems want to risk increasing the odds the will have to wait until 2032 all to stop Bernie now then they should steal the nom.  If they want a chance in 2020 and beyond they should let the candidate with the most delegates be the nomination
I noticed you finally removed the off topic post I reported that you refused to act on for several weeks...

I actually removed the post you reported because it was in the Q when I handled the rest of the reports and I agreed with the report!  I know this isn't something you consider but it is reality!

did some one get a talking to for abusing their authority?

If some one got a talking to about abuse of authority it wasn't me!  I am not privy to details about anyone else getting a talking to.


For those that don't speak fluent troll I translated it for you!

TS you're not getting special treatment from me, if your posts don't follow the rules I will delete them as with any other user who's posts don't follow the rules.
I reported a few of these drive-by posts where TECSHARE copies a title of some Youtube video or a blog post and adds a link, nothing else. No summary, no opinion, no content of any significance. Good to see mods taking action on this low-effort low-value link spam.

Very much this.  I was the one that removed the reported posts.  As Suchmoon points out a "headline" with a simple link and nothing else is not of any value.  They are usually nothing more than a way to get clicks for the site.

As a general rule I very very rarely click external links from BTCT.  Certainly no one should be expected to click a link and go to another site to get the entire post.  No one should have to go to some random shit hole of a website to find out if you're off topic or not.  If you have something to say, say it, if you want to let another site be your entire post find somewhere else to link spam.
10  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 2020 Democrats on: February 21, 2020, 05:30:32 AM
Warren had the best night in the debate by FAR, although it's pretty likely to be too little to late.  

Pete and Amy seemed like the brother and sister who hate each other at the kids table during the holidays!  While shitting on each other they virtually left Bernie alone!

Biden at least didn't shit the bed but he didn't land any hits and didn't do anything to enhance his electability argument.  He isn't polling great and isn't in a great position to win NV.  Biden isn't going to be able to afford to compete in Super Tuesday even if he does manage to win SC.  With SC being only 3 days before ST Biden won't have time to get any momentum or donations or ads up for ST.  Biden is a dead man walking!

Bloomber got utterly destroyed!  I was actually shocked when he announced he would show up at the debate.  I suspect his narcissism told him he could go out there and word fuck the whole world cause he smarter than everyone else.  Anyone thinking a racist neocon can run as a democrat and win against Trump is crazy!  No mater how much money Bloomberg spends he will suppress the base more than enough to ensure a Trump win.

Bernie had a good night, he didn't land any spectacular blows but he is the front runner and had Bloomberg as a human shield and the other dems left him alone to spin his message as he wants too, for the most part!

20 million viewers of the debate last night, it set a record (most viewers of a primary debate I think).  I don't think Warren will feel much effect from a good performance last night as there are as many early votes in NV (first time allowing early votes) as there were in all of 2016, a lot of votes cast before the debate took place.

Since I want a contested convention, I'm hoping that someone other than Sanders wins Nevada, though I'm not sure who that'd be. Maybe Biden can pull it off? He had a decent debate performance.

Even when Bernie wins NV there is still a decent chance of no one having a majority in Milwaukee.  

I think the biggest part of the debate last night is something the msm isn't covering too much.  The 5 candidates who all said they would be OK with taking the nom away from the person with a plurality of delegates.  No rational person that thinks they will have the plurality would say yes to that question, they all know full well (except Bernie of course) they are not getting to Milwaukee with a plurality or they would be like FUCK NO of course the person with a plurality should win it.  The stench of panic from the establishment and the msm is over powering, if they steal the nom by giving it to some one without the plurality they risk a generation of young democrats (Millenials and Zoomers) being disenfranchised and the US will have GOP presidents for the foreseeable future...  Imagine trying to sell this shit burger (and the msm will try to sell it ALL DAY LONG) "The person with the most delegates shouldn't be the nominee so we will give it to the person that LESS people wanted and has less delegates.  Voters will swallow some pretty big shit burgers but that one seems like a bridge to far with Millenials and Zoomers!

As I said in an early post if there is one organization stupid enough to not see this (or ignore it) it is without a doubt the DNC.  Or perhaps they do see it and absolutely don't give a fuck as Trump is better than Bernie for the neolibs
11  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [ Charity Auction ] -Random Lots Including-Kialara, Satori, Art, Crypto Wallets on: February 19, 2020, 03:51:42 PM
Dude post a "current" leading bid board or something cause I'm to lazy and stupid to follow multiple bid on multiple lots  Grin
He made another thread with the same title as mine + REEEEEE , it could've been deleted from that one if he copied a post from my thread and responded to it in his.  

To be fair that is entirely plausible, I wasn't aware of his REEEE thread (and no one would based on the evidence he provided).  Since I didn't delete the post I don't know which thread it was in and in reality everything after that is entirely moot.
Funny, usually when people delete posts in a self moderated thread it doesn't say "A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by a Bitcoin Forum moderator."

Funny how that still doesn't mean I did it you stupid fucking cunt.

Feel free to poll all the other mods or theymos to find out who did it.  Feel free to shove a cactus up your ass.  But for someone who thrives on proof you have zero of it that proves I did it.

I'm done responding to your ridiculousness.

Even if you didn't do it, it still very clearly wasn't a self moderated thread. I don't know why you feel the need to make stuff up that is clearly untrue.

Jesus your are fucking stupid.
That is the post from your locked fucking thread. It clearly links to a self mod'd thread.

I don't know why you feel the need to make stuff up that is clearly is proven by your own evidence.
Funny, usually when people delete posts in a self moderated thread it doesn't say "A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by a Bitcoin Forum moderator."

Funny how that still doesn't mean I did it you stupid fucking cunt.

Feel free to poll all the other mods or theymos to find out who did it.  Feel free to shove a cactus up your ass.  But for someone who thrives on proof you have zero of it that proves I did it.

I'm done responding to your ridiculousness.
For the record,

As with most of the claims in the locked thread about me this is not my doing (this being the latest as of this post: )

The deleted post by TS was in a self mod'd thread, it wasn't deleted by me.  I rarely (if ever) moderate a self mod'd thread.  By definition a self mod'd thread allows the OP to decided what is on or off topic.

Of course as usual TS isn't interested in facts, context or any kind of discussion that doesn't agree with his insane conspiracy theories.

Another mod or more likely the OP was the one that deleted the post but hey it looks WAY better he puts it in a locked thread about a mod he hates.

Oh well theymos has all the actual facts, I assume he has verified my claims and TS claims and since I haven't had any discussions with him about my alleged abuse I will continue as I have been.

Thanks to all in this thread with the kind words and support.
16  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 2020 Democrats on: February 06, 2020, 03:02:20 AM
Sounds like Bernie or Pete won, and Biden did much worse than expected.

I think there were some big winners and losers from the IA caucus.

Big Losers:
Joe Biden - under performed the polls by ~6% and likely finished 4th, "Mr. Electable" my ass LOLOLOL.
Iowa Democratic Party - for either being entirely incompetent at best or corrupted at worst.
DNC - even though this really isn't their fault Trump has already weaponized it against them, and Trump has MORE than enough foils already and the dems handed him a big fat one with a bow on it.
Buttigieg - he lost millions of dollars of free MSM coverage that he should have got for finishing so strong, and honestly that is the only reason anyone campaigns hard in IA and Buttigieg was basically "all in" in IA.

Big winners:
Bloomberg - Since IA puts a huge question mark on Biden's electability (and NH may accentuate that point) and if Pete falls off once he gets out of pure white states and into NV and SC (as he polls horribly with minorities), Bloomberg can swoop in on Super Tuesday with his half a billion dollars and the moderate wing can consolidate around him.
Trump - The moron democrats keep handing him big fat foils all wrapped up nicely.
Bernie - He will come away being tied or within 1 of the most pledged delegates and likely the popular vote lead in both "rounds", he can claim victory even if buttigieg is ahead by 1% in SDE's at the end of the day (when ever that is ffs).  As the lefts anti establishment candidate the shenanigans in IA by the establishment will rally his base and might give him some boost with some indy's or under 50's.
17  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 2020 Democrats on: February 01, 2020, 04:15:54 AM
Well I guess I still have time to not be wrong. But at this point I'm going to be admitting that I was wrong here.

Honestly dude it was WAAAAY to early to make the call you did!!

At this current point, Bernie does seem to be the frontrunner in all the states that he needs to come through in order to turn momentum the way that he needs. Obviously, none of this has happened yet and he still needs things to happen...

Things are all coming together for Bernie at the right time but the establishment is starting to freak out (hopefully to little to late!).  The establishment will play every dirty trick they can to sink Bernie and it could work.

I just don't think that traditional democrats are ready for him,

Working class dems that stayed home instead of voting for Hilary or voted for Trump and Gen X, Millenials and Gen Z overwhelmingly are ready and love him.  Boomer neolibs not so much, if you look into the near future you can see the neoliberal support base shrinking (because old) while the younger generations grow.  The reality of it is we are at the point where the neolibs are very vulnerable and the battle for control of the party is just starting.  If Bernie can turn out The under 45 voters he can win and control of the party will start to shift left.  The neolibs won't just give up but they will suffer a HUGE lose if Bernie wins the nomination.  If the under 45 voters don't turn out and Biden or another Neolib wins the nom the party will be in full on civil war for a few more cycles and that will do nothing but help the GOP win presidential elections.

Trump is scared of Bernie because Bernie is "tough on trade" and he speaks to the forgotten working class in a way that neolibs like Biden and the rest can't.

I don't think the party establishment is ready for him...

There not ready for him and they are terrified of him, they hate him (just ask HRC) he is a threat to their power and a threat to their donors.

-- though I suppose that the same thing could've (and was) said of Donald Trump. When you sit down and think about it, their campaigns are actually similar in a way - they both are going for hostile takeovers of their respective parties (Trump more then Sanders on this one, but still) and they've both burned a ton of bridges within their party that would lead to many people in the House and Senate stepping down if they were to win (Many moderate republicans left office when Trump was elected, I expect the same for the Dems if Sanders is to win the presidency)

I agree there are many parallels between Trumps campaign and Bernies not the least of which is because their respective establishments hate them.   It's almost like avg Americans on both sides of the aisle are sick and tired of corrupt establishment corporate politicians and as such populist candidates are popular eh???  Bernie speaks to the people on the left who are sick and tired of the corruption as did Trump all be it in very different messages lol.

Turnout, it all comes down to turnout and in a couple of days we get to see if Bernie can do what he says he can do and turn out the largest voting block in the USA (non voters).

Can you imagine the chaos if Sanders wins a plurality of the delegates but loses the nomination?

What is interesting to me is that I don't think the neolibs understand how much of a problem this would be.  One could make a reasonable argument that Bernie getting the nom "stolen" is the likely outcome.  I don't think the establishment and their super delegates will think twice about voting Biden if a second round is needed because Bernie is a bigger threat to them than Trump is.  If they do that it will disenfranchise are pretty large portion of their base for a long time, it will reaffirm their belief that corruption runs the democrats and all government and will help the GOP win presidential elections until another popular populist comes along for a second try.
18  Economy / Reputation / Re: Retracted [re:lauda] on: January 21, 2020, 11:19:02 PM
INB4 - Lauda is an alt of QS OR QS is an alt of Lauda, whichever one the retard conspiracy clowns come up with first!
19  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Shifting party coalitions on: January 13, 2020, 10:52:05 PM
It seems to me that both parties are currently misunderstanding the shifting coalitions.

As a non American who is very intrigued with US politics it seems to me that neither party cares about anyone in their coalitions.  They both only care how to appease their corp/big donors (who buy their office for them) while playing the propaganda game to core values for the voters.  

In the US citizens are scared of their Gov't in most of the rest of the developed world the Gov't is scared of the people.  US politicians are scared of pissing off big donors while the rest of the developed world politicians are scared of their voters voting them out!

Most other countries deal with these semi aligned coalitions by allowing more than 2 parties and while multi party systems have their flaws (and its often a 2 party race anyways) it allows for more specific platforms and variety.
20  Other / Politics & Society / Re: [BET] Trump or not Trump 2020, eddie13 vs suchmoon on: January 13, 2020, 10:26:05 PM
Fun thread, good luck SM!!

Fun Fact:  The presidency has been bought (the campaign that spent the most money won the WH) every cycle since (and including) 1980, with 1 exception.  Only 1 person has been able to win the WH while spending LESS than their opponent.  I might give some merit to the first non cunty user to name that POTUS (if I don't like you I won't give you merit, merit given for answer is entirely subjective and I reserve the right to NOT give any merit for any reason I like).

It's kind of a ballsy bet SM.  I know a lot of libs think a beach ball could beat Trump but I think that is underestimating how energized the GOP base is, how much money his campaign has and how much people HATE neolibs.  Beating an incumbent POTUS with a "good" economy is a monumental task in and of itself, add in the money, the Russians and the hyper partisan energized base and you have a mountain to climb as the Dem candidate.

I couldn't bet on an X dem vs Trump bet right now at least not at even money.  I absolutely see a path for Trump to win (Biden/HRC2.0) and one for him to lose (feel the BERN).  Your bet (to me) gets so much more interesting once a nom is finalized!

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