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Hi I need to send BTC, ASP.....I had 2FA enabled on my MOBILE but i can not find it !!!!!! What app does it use.. Anyone help PLEASŁ
Hi All Just thought i would sell a few BTC and used my old wallet and sent 2.2 BTC......Stated low transaction fee ?? So i sent abother 2.22 BTC via mt Multibit wallet and it's the same !!! WHY...It was always 30-40mins !!! 
Hi All
I currently use Slushpool oe F2pool, which BOTH offer in payout preferences....BUT both allow you to monitor your miners on their dedicated site which is a MUST for me as most are remote.
I also notice F2pool pays out rewards in LTC and NMC (i think)....The ONLY thing i can not believe if that is has no 2FA !!!!
What would you choose guys ??
Hi All
I have NEVER been able to do this for some reason, all the LKETC miners have raspberry pi boards and Antminers Beaglebone boards.
ALL have static ip addresses.
How do i connect direct to them from my laptop to each miner via an Ethernet lead ??
I thought it would be just be as usual connect lead from laptop to miber and type the ip address
Hi All I am still using good old Multibit Classic 0.5.18 BUT have been reading that it's now outdated and i keep getting error messages on ALL incoming transactions recently stating ' This transaction is not standard and should not be trusted'   ? This has only started recently...I am VERY used to Classic and store mt WHOLE multibit folder offline. I am a bit confused on the process of upgrading to HD..... Can i just download load the latest version of HD now, set it up on the same pc running classic, do a transfer to check all is ok ?? Or will there be a 'conflict' with both running on the same PC... I do want to get 'KeepKey' eventually... Anyone advise ?? Thanks
Hi All All of a sudden my S7 has developed a problem as in pic below....It will run for 30 mins or so then it starts 'beeping' and stops mining and the temp shows 100 !!! Anyone got any ideas ? What board is it (i think it is the furthest from the ethernet port) ?? ALSO is it ok just to power one or two of the 3 inputs on the faulty board ?? I have tried various psu's and still get the same and each PSU powers ALL obvious.  Cheers
Hi All
I am on 70meg cable with Virgin media and all my videos over the last 2 or 3 days have been glitching, websites slow loading etc.
I just just a speed test with Ookla and i'm not even getting 0.17Mbps download and 4.58Mbps !!!!!!!
I have added 6 Antminer S7's to my network....But surely they would not effect this ??
How can i sort this out guys ?
Hi All I just purchased an S7 with bitmain psu and i asked the seller to change the IP to static and to I asked this as i have 17 miners running and did not want any conflict/plug and play.. I run Angry IP scanner and had 19 devices found BEFORE i plugged in new miner. I then powered up new miner, tried it's address and would not connect !!! I done another scan and STILL 19 devices....... I have just tried IPReporter from the Bitmain Guide, ran it, pressed the IP Reporter button and had NO beep ? Kept my finger on it and it beeped BUT nothing is showing in IPReporter  ? Anyone help ?? Thanks
Hi All Managed to get my hand on x2 to of these Server PSU's, but not sure best way to connect them, i plan on running one or even two Antminer S7's or two S9's of each PSU - have SEARCHED the forum and seen a seller who does a 'J4bberwock Mods Breakout Board' for this PSU but have not had response to his thread or PM. Has anyone done this ? Made their own leads with either x20 or x10 6 pin PCI-e outputs from the PSU ?? Looks like you need 16 AWG wire and the 6 pin PCI-e plugs ?? Anyone help me please  ? Thanks 
Hi All As some might know i run a few Dragon/LKETC miners and they contain 2 fans for cooling. A variable speed top fan (120mm/38mm -4 wire) and a smaller lower fan (120mm/25mm -2 wire) I recently replaced a lower fan for one of these and it is ABSOLUTE rubbish compared to the airflow of the older fan !!! New 120mm 2400RPM Black System Computer PC Coolant Cooling Case Fan | eBayThe OLD fan is generic LKETC one, 12v and rated as 0.6a, therefore it is 7.2W... Is there ANYTHING compatable to this ? Or can i 'FRIG' a bigger 38mm fan to run at full speed at all times ? Cheers
Hi All Had an email from Bitbond with link that i need to confirm ID via a video link. I did not use the link provided in the email (in case it was a scam) but looged into the site and went to the identity page after logging in and it is asking for it. BUT when i 'start' the process, it takes me to the window below and does NOTHING ?? I am running Windows 7 upto date and based in UK Anyone else had this or advise ? Cheers 
Hi All
I use Multibit Classic v0.5.18 as i find it very simple to use.
I have backed up them WHOLE multibit wallet located at -
Is this correct and how often do i need to do this ? Or will once suffice ??
Hi All
I had a LKETC miner with newer V2 board which suddenly stopped working ?
The raspberry pi unit was not connecting so i tried an SD card from a working unit.
It connected to this card with no problems.
I then formatted the card i could not connect to and copied all files on the card to the new formatted card BUT it still would not connect ??
Anyone got any ideas, am i doing something wrong ?
Has ANYONE got the files or correct way to write them to the SD card ??
Hi all
I and presuming the controller board on my S7, the green and red Led's DO NOT come on ?
PSU's are fine, i have an 800w powering one bank of 3 and the controller board and an 1300w EVGA powering the other six, fans work and the 'little' leds (3 off near the end of the white ribbons are ON)....
Anyone got any ideas, network cable is fine as i have several of LKETC miners.....
Can you just purchase the controller board ? Will the controller board just power up of the 800w (without the 6 blade connection)
Hi All Not sure what is going on but when i go on the WORKERS page and select 'edit', the tab to delete the worker is not 'highlighted' or selectable.... I can only just select 'cancel'  Anyone, i have 3 workers removed from the pool but they are just showing as (red ! - OFF).. Cheers