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1  Local / Italiano (Italian) / [BitcoinTalk Party - Discord sv] Concorso Pizza Bitcoin! Fino al 1° giugno on: May 28, 2023, 05:25:18 PM
Autore originale del thread: Cyrus
Link al thread originale: [Bitcointalk Party - Discord sv] Bitcoin Pizza bake-off contest! Enter by June 1

Siamo arrivati di nuovo ad un periodo speciale dell’anno per il forum, ovvero il concorso annuale per la migliore Pizza Bitcoin!
Il concorso terminerà il 1° giugno e subito dopo inizieranno le votazioni fino al 10 di giugno. (11:59 GMT in tutte le date)

Per leggere il regolamento e partecipare bisogna iscriversi al canale #pizza-day-event-2023 (l'invito si trova nel thread originale).

La formato del concorso è lo stesso dei precedenti e lo potete vedere nei canali #pizza-day-event-2022, #pizza-day-event-2021 e #pizza-day-event-2020.

I premi di quest'anno includono:
  • Badge Bitcoin Pizza Bitcointalk per 1 anno (potrebbero esserci un altro paio di badge per una durata di tempo limitata)
  • Ledger Nano X personalizzato Betnomi
  • 7 12mBTC

Man mano che il montepremi di BTC aumenta ci saranno premi per il primo posto, secondo posto, e possibilmente alcuni premi extra a seconda di come andrà il concorso.
Contattare @Cyrus in caso di donazioni per il montepremi.

Chi oserà sfidare il campione in carica @fillippone per sottrargli il badge? E @fillippone riuscirà a difendere il suo titolo? La scelta spetta a te!

Un grazie speciale a @theymos per aver sostenuto l'evento con 5mBTC extra, Betnomi per il premio fisico, e soprattutto non dimentichiamo, ovviamente, @laszlo, per aver compiuto un gesto che ha cambiato il mondo di BTC per sempre!

Non vi è improvvisamente venuta voglia di pizza?

Traduzione offerta da:

2  Local / Italiano (Italian) / FTX - Sam Bankman-Fried è stato arrestato on: December 13, 2022, 05:16:56 PM
Ho pensato di aprire un thread a parte nel quale potremo seguire e discutere solamente di questa vicenda, che probabilmente si tratta del peggior evento degli ultimi anni del mondo crypto.

È notizia di poche ore fa che SBF è stato arrestato alle Bahamas e probabilmente verrà estradato negli USA.

Le accuse a suo carico dovrebbero essere le seguenti secondo il NY Times: frode telematica, cospirazione per frode telematica, frode sui titoli, cospirazione per frode sui titoli e riciclaggio di denaro.

Questo è il documento ufficiale rilasciato dalle autorità delle Bahamas:

Ora sono molto curioso di vedere come si evolverà la vicenda e se SBF verrà giudicato senza nessun tipo di favoritismo, non dimentichiamo che è stato il terzo contribuente del partito democratico.
3  Local / Italiano (Italian) / ...e dopo Lugano anche Madeira! on: April 07, 2022, 03:49:09 PM
Avevo letto in un canale Telegram che oggi, alla Bitcoin Conference di Miami, ci sarebbe stato un annuncio veramente importante, e sarebbe stato dato da Samson Mow, ovvero una delle persone più importanti dietro l'adozione di bitcoin ad El Salvador, e insomma, direi che l'annuncio non ha deluso affatto!

Sapevamo già che il Portogallo era parecchio crypto-friendly, Madeira intanto decide di portarsi ancora più avanti!

4  Local / Italiano (Italian) / UE e possibile nuovo regolamento wallet crypto: rischi sicurezza personale on: March 28, 2022, 08:38:26 PM
Mi è capitato sottomano questo articolo di oggi: Nuovo regolamento UE mette a rischio i wallet crypto

Prendendo questo estratto dell'articolo linkato qui sopra, che è un'opinione personale di Patrick Hansen di Unstoppable DeFi, è possible che "la maggior parte delle aziende di criptovalute non saranno più in grado o disposte a transare con portafogli non ospitati per rimanere conformi."

Quindi, se ho inteso correttamente, vorrebbe dire che tutti i wallet personali non sarebbero più utilizzabili per transazioni da e per exchange in quanto non esiste un processo di KYC su Ledger, MetaMask, TrustWallet, etc, gli unici giri permessi sarebbero tra exchange dove l'utente è già verificato e la propria banca.

Quello che mi preoccupa particolarmente è che se poi dovessero in qualche modo implementare un riconoscimento personale dei wallet, al primo hack della piattaforma chiunque potrebbe sapere che Gigino, che vive a Paperopoli in via Satoshi 21, possiede 500 BTC e quindi è multimilionario. C'è gente che non ha problemi a sequestrare o ammazzare per cifre irrisorie, cosa potrebbe succedere a quel punto? E soprattutto, chi offrirebbe protezione in casi del genere? La stessa UE ti ricomprerebbe i BTC che ti hanno sottratto con la forza? Non penso proprio.

Questa nuova possibile legge, come dicevo nel titolo, potrebbe mettere a repentaglio la sicurezza di un gran numero di persone in tutto il mondo. È effettivamente così o sono io che sono troppo tragico?
5  Local / Italiano (Italian) / App di probabilmente hackerata - Prelievi non autorizzati in corso on: January 17, 2022, 05:54:46 AM
Ciao ragazzi,

Qualche ora fa ho ricevuto 6 email di a distanza di pochi minuti una dall'altra, tutte indicavano l'elaborazione di un prelievo mai richiesto da me. Ho contattato immediatamente il supporto sia nella chat dell'app (nessuna risposta) che il gruppo internazionale su Telegram, e ho comunicato il mio referral code per velocizzare il congelamento dei prelievi. Fortunatamente sono stati tutti cancellati però se non fossi intervenuto immediatamente chissà...

Sembra che sia un attacco vero e proprio perché è accaduto anche ad altri utenti, hanno pure fatto un tweet ufficiale a riguardo, questo è il link:

Io ho sempre attivi tutti i setting di sicurezza, nonostante questo non ho ricevuto nessuna email di login strani, nessuna email per un indirizzo nuovo non mio che ho trovato whitelistato nel mio profilo, e nessuna email per approvare il prelievo, si è passati direttamente all'email di "prelievo in corso".

Se avete dei fondi sull'app di controllate immediatamente sia l'app che l'email e contattate il supporto nel caso in cui ci siano prelievi non autorizzati.
6  Local / Italiano (Italian) / [SOGNANDO] Vivere senza lavorare grazie alle cripto, dove andreste? on: November 07, 2021, 09:27:26 PM
Dal momento che nel thread Bitcoin Pump è nata un'interessante discussione relativa al tema "dove andreste a vivere se non aveste bisogno di lavorare" ho deciso di aprire questo thread così tanto per fantasticare un po' e vedere quali sarebbero i sogni degli altri utenti della sezione. Un collegamento diretto al dove ovviamente sarebbe anche "con quanto", anche se capisco che sia una domanda già più personale però ripeto, sono risposte fittizie, più che altro può aiutare per capire se andare nel posto X avendo Y sia economicamente fattibile sul lungo periodo (leggasi resto della vita) oppure no.

Io al momento vivo all'estero, a Los Angeles, però se potessi permettere di non lavorare più ammetto che vedo ben poche opzioni migliori del nostro, bistrattato, paese natale. Elenco i punti di forza che vedo per l'Italia, nel mio caso mi riferisco in particolare alla Lombardia:
  • Costo della vita più che accettabile
  • Costo delle case non esagerato (ovviamente non mi riferisco al Bosco Verticale...)
  • Ottima posizione geografica per eventuali viaggi grazie alla vicinanza a aeroporti e stazioni dei treni
  • Qualità del cibo molto alta, sia a livello di ristoranti che di supermercati
  • Paese/continente relativamente sicuro
  • Livello politico/sociale relativamente tranquillo
  • Eccellenti cliniche private
  • Assenza di costi fissi mensili tipo assicurazione sanitaria e tasse sulla proprietà della (prima) casa

In particolare per me è molto importante l'ultimo punto perché, se davvero non dovessi più lavorare, sicuramente viaggerei molto di più quindi mi scoccerebbe enormemente pagare una tassa mensile per il semplice possesso di una casa che magari non utilizzerei per svariati mesi all'anno. Ma anche la semplice idea di dover spendere migliaia e migliaia di euro l'anno per vivere a casa mia mi sembra assurda. Opinione personale ovviamente. Non mi è mai andato giù il canone Rai, figuratevi una tassa sulla casa...

Vi spiego anche perché non continuerei a vivere in California se non dovessi lavorare, premettendo che, nonostante i problemi, mi piaccia molto stare qui.

  • Costo della vita molto ma molto alto, per avere una qualità della vita pari a quella che si avrebbe in Italia a parità di svago, ristoranti, acquisto cibo, casa, etc, bisogna spendere molto di più, e fino a quando si ha un'entrata fissa (leggasi stipendio) le cose più o meno si compensano, ma se uno deve vivere di rendita allora le cose cambiano.
  • Tensione sociale: per quanto gli USA cerchino di farsi passare come un meeting pot di culture e storia in realtà sono una società che, non appena si scava un minimo sotto la superficie, è molto spezzettata, spesso mi hanno dato l'idea che piuttosto che convivere in realtà si sopportino ma non appena ci sono problemi ecco che viene fuori la vera natura delle persone, e mi riferisco a tutte le etnie. I disastri accaduti durante le "proteste" per la morte di Floyd sono un chiaro esempio.
  • Idee politiche portate allo stremo, in Italia sicuramente abbiamo troppi partiti ma qui, avendone solamente due, non c'è abbastanza scelta, e tanta gente vive la politica in un modo veramente tossico.
  • Gente distaccata dal mondo: questo è esclusivamente riferito alla California perché non posso parlare per gli altri stati ma le contee blu (ovvero con i democratici al potere) sono fuori controllo tra homeless, furti, omicidi, immigranti illegali, etc, tantissime persone giustificano qualsiasi azione criminale e la polizia spesso ha le mani legate quindi anche se arrestano qualcuno dopo poche ore sono costretti a rilasciarlo. Gli homeless sono quasi intoccabili e possono piazzarsi dove vogliono e fare quello che vogliono. Nonostante tutto sembra che tanta gente sia contenta di pagare le tasse più alte del paese, pagare affitti stellari per poi avere accampamenti illegali davanti a casa e cose simili. Questa è la cosa che ancora oggi, dopo anni che sto qui, non riesco a comprendere.
  • Mentalità malata per le armi e le denunce. Anche questo varia da stato a stato però non ci vuole nulla a procurarsi un'arma. A livello di denunce poi non ne parliamo, si può denunciare per qualsiasi stupidata, anche e soprattutto per cose che in Italia neanche arriveremmo a pensare.
  • Immigrazione: hanno troppo regole soggettive, lasciano troppo potere in mano alle singole persone, praticamente hanno delle linee guida e basta, poi ognuno le può interpretare a modo suo.

Queste sono le prime cose che mi sono venute in mente. Questo è un thread per confrontarci e avere esperienze di vita dirette e indirette da parte di altri utenti, mi modo tale da avere una visione più aperta delle possibili scelte per il futuro, quindi qualsiasi post è ben accetto dato che magari si può scoprire qualcosa che prima si ignorava totalmente, sia come pro che come contro.
Specifico di nuovo che questo thread non ha nulla a che vedere con il discorso tasse e cash out.
7  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Elenco dei paesi che non tassano le criptovalute on: August 23, 2021, 05:09:06 PM
Dato che più di una volta siamo finiti OT in vari thread parlando dei paesi senza tasse sulle criptovalute, ho deciso di fare una ricerca per elencarli tutti. Non sono riuscito a trovare un solo elenco completo quindi ho cercato su vari siti per poi mettere il tutto insieme.

Sarebbe eventualmente interessante sapere in quale paese eventualmente vi trasferireste e perché dal momento che si fa in fretta a dire “mollo tutto e vado a vivere in spiaggia ai Caraibi” però poi, all’atto pratico, siete sicuri che non vi stufereste dopo qualche mese?

Ecco quindi, in ordine alfabetico, la lista dei paesi senza tasse sulle criptovalute, aggiornata ad agosto 2021. Ho lasciato tutto in inglese per comodità in quanto ci sono molte più fonti che in italiano. In caso di errori segnalate pure e correggerò il post.


Seychelles is another tax haven that is a favorite spot for many crypto businesses. The archipelago is home to crypto derivatives exchange BitMEX.
Cryptocurrency income, whether made through crypto trading or exchange operations in Seychelles, is entirely free of tax. The tax exemptions apply only for offshore entities and foreign individuals residing there.
However, domestic or native companies and citizens have to pay taxes on their income in Seychelles. [fonte]


Hong Kong
In Hong Kong, as long as individual cryptocurrency activities are for investment purposes, there is no capital gains tax. But for corporations, when digital assets are traded as a normal part of business, they are then subject to an income tax. [fonte]

You will want to be careful in Malaysia. Currently, if you make cryptocurrency transactions infrequently, then you will not be subject to taxes. However, if you are an “active trader,” your virtual assets can incur a capital gains tax. [fonte]

Capital gains tax doesn’t exist in Singapore. Therefore, individuals and businesses that hold cryptocurrencies are not subject to such a tax. However, businesses are liable to pay income tax on any gains. [fonte]


The Antiguan government took a major step in positioning the country as a major blockchain and cryptocurrency hub in the Caribbean when it passed favorable crypto legislation under its Digital Assets Bill 2020. Antigua’s relaxed stance on capital gains, income tax and wealth taxes has made it a popular destination for crypto businesses and individuals. [fonte]

Barbados has emerged as a hotspot for cryptocurrency investors as it has adopted a friendly position towards the emerging sector. While the island nation cannot be fully designated as a tax haven, it does have tax laws that are attractive to crypto investors. The country imposes a tax rate ranging from 0% to 5.5% on profits for offshore companies and the tax rate decreases as the profits increase.
However, the country also has tax treaties with several countries including the United States and Canada. [fonte]

Bermuda does not impose taxes on digital assets or their transactions. That includes no income tax, capital gains, withholding, or other taxes. And as of 2019, any taxes that you do incur there can be paid with USD Coin, another digital coin. [fonte]

British Virgin Islands
This tax haven is neutral when it comes to capital gains, corporate, income, or withholding taxes. And for the time being, that includes cryptocurrency as well. This means that there are no specific taxes imposed against cryptocurrencies in the British Virgin Islands. [fonte]

Cayman Islands
Like the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands are already a tax haven. This means that the processes of issuing, holding, or transferring digital assets will not be subject to taxes here either. [fonte]


In 2018, Belarus created a ground-breaking law that legalized cryptocurrency. This means that until at least 2023, individuals and businesses that mine for or invest in cryptocurrencies are exempt from paying taxes on them. In Bulgaria crypto is considered a personal investment, so you can mine, buy, or sell cryptocurrencies here freely. [fonte]

Estonia treats cryptocurrency as an asset for the purpose of income tax. Normal income tax and capital gains taxes are applicable for the sale and purchase of cryptocurrency. However, the buying and selling of cryptocurrencies are not subject to VAT, and neither is the mining of cryptocurrency.
Estonia, with its unique digital nomad visa, is becoming the new hub of digital nomads, and now that it’s a crypto-friendly tax country, this is another important aspect of its future as a digital nomad haven. [fonte]

Georgia is one of the world's leading countries in cryptocurrency mining. This year Georgia took 3rd place, behind only China and Venezuela. Affordable electricity prices and loyal tax policies attract entrepreneurs from all over the world to Georgia to mine cryptos.
The Ministry of Finance in 2019 published a public decision on taxes applicable to cryptocurrencies in Georgia. According to the ruling:
- Individuals in Georgia are exempt from income tax on any profit that was derived from the sale of cryptocurrencies;
- The sale of cryptocurrency (exchange of it for Georgian or other national currency) is not subject to VAT (applies to both legal and individuals);
- The sale of computing (hash power) from Georgia abroad is also not subject to VAT. In addition, the right to reimburse incoming VAT on such transactions (applies as for legal entities);
- The sale of computing (hash power) in Georgia (from a resident of Georgia to a resident of Georgia) is an operation subject to VAT. [fonte]

In Germany, cryptocurrencies are considered to be private money. As such, they are exempt from taxes. However, you must hold said cryptocurrencies for over a year to be entitled to this perk. And if you sell any assets that have not been held for at least a year, the tax won’t accrue if the sale is less than 600 euros. Unfortunately, businesses in Germany are not as lucky and must pay corporate income taxes on any cryptocurrency gains. [fonte]

Already famous for low taxation, Gibraltar does not subject cryptocurrency investments to capital gains taxes. However, there is a fixed 10% corporate tax rate that is applied to crypto-trading. [fonte]

Malta is known as “Blockchain Island” and one of the most crypto-friendly countries. Here, you will not have to worry about capital gains tax for any long-held cryptocurrencies. However, if you make same-day trades, you will be subject to income tax as you would with day-trading stocks. [fonte]

Portugal’s tax regime is incredibly tax-friendly. Here, there are no taxes when you trade or transact in cryptocurrency. However, if you are a business that accepts digital currencies as a form of payment, you could be liable to pay value-added tax (VAT) or income tax. [fonte]

As with many of these countries, Slovenia applies a different tax law to individuals and to businesses. Here, an individual will not incur a capital gains tax on any cryptocurrency that they sell. However, they will be subject to income tax on their profits and corporations will be liable to pay income tax at the corporate rate. [fonte]

Considered a crypto-havens, Switzerland also has a few tax breaks for cryptocurrency traders. Individuals that buy, sell, or hold cryptocurrencies will not have to pay a capital gains tax. However, this country considers cryptocurrency mining as self-employment, so an income tax will be applied to any resulting income from this activity. For professional cryptocurrency traders, a business income tax will be applied. It is also important to note that Switzerland has other wealth and cantonal taxes that may apply. [fonte]


Vanuatu is the only country in the world that accepts Bitcoin payment in exchange for citizenship. The government offers a Vanuatu passport for crypto investors with five-year validity.
Additionally, Vanuatu has been a tax haven for quite some time, with no income or corporate tax, making it an important location for crypto trading nomads. [fonte]
8  Economy / Scam Accusations / UbiatarPlay, a huge scam that it's still active on: May 19, 2019, 09:06:35 PM
Hello guys,

I’d like to bring your attention on UbiatarPlay, a project that, in my opinion, despite the fact they actually have an app, it’s a scam, I’m gonna explain why.

Everything began after the ICO and bounty program finished, we’re talking about end of May 2018, when they started mentioning the the bounty thread that the rewards would have been reduced (after they added like 2 extra months for the same reward), I personally contacted one of the founder, Francesco Raco ( and he told me he didn’t know anything about these messages on the forum:

We will reduce the bounty for any campaign and we will run a new campaign after the ICO end.
I'm sorry and why is that?! Why do you decide to reduce the rewards just a few days before the campaign ends? I don't think this is correct at all towards all the people who spent their time. Especially because you already decided to make this campaign several weeks longer so the final result for us is more work for less reward? Are you serious?!

You have read the disclaimer on the first page?
The disclaimer that says you can do pretty much whatever you want? Sure, so at this point why don't you decide to hive 1 token to each bounty hunter and that's all, you can, it's written there, no?
My question was: do you really think this is correct? Do you really think this is a way to show respect for those who worked for you for months? Would you be happy if you were in our sure?
You got millions from the ICO and you decide to save money on the bounty hunters who worked for the double of the time because this campaign was already supposed to originally ends several weeks ago.
Just write it clear that you do it because 1) you can, it's written in the disclaimer of course; 2) because the people behind this project care only about the money and not the people who publicized their product for months and months. Thanks.

This is a good bounty compare to many other project, Ubiatar was very generous to give airdrop and bounty. Make another campaign it will give a great opportunity to many other users to join this project! 1 Milion airdrop plus another million tokens for bitcointalk, you should be happy instead of complain.

After I asked few more info to Francesco Raco, on Telegram, without any reason he stopped answering me and blocked me.

In the meantime the ICO ended and they raised several millions, especially thanks to their “win-win commitment”, that has been their best idea to sell the token. You can read their PDF here because after the ICO that file disappeared from their website, and in the WP they never mention it.

Among all this they delayed the bounty distribution for months, they keep saying that the old bounty manager made a lot of mistakes so they are manually checking every single bounty hunter.

After their check they began distributing the 5% of what they promised. Yes, you read it correctly, FIVE %. Of course people started complaining since the got like $100 for 3 months of work, then Ubiatar made a Telegram announcement:
An update on the bounty issue:
- the current token distributions are related to: TELEGRAM and SIGNATURE & AVATAR campaigns.
- the other campaigns are under verification and their distributions have still to start.
- any data that has been published about the UbiatarPlay bounty program is fundamentally flawed.
- any personal consideration about the total of the rewards distributed has to wait until the end of all the bounty operations.

*** All inquires about personal situations have to be addressed to: ***

This chat is for general inqueries and constructive criticisms expressed with proper language.
Any personal request has to be addressed to the relevant support email.

*** After two admonitions any offender will be removed from the chat. ***

We remind you that:
The bounty program data, originally sent to us, had many problems, inconsistent data and a lot of fake claims.
We had a team working on the verifications of the claims that added up the verified totals and computed the shares of each bounty for each  partecipant.
Due to the high complexity of this calculations and the huge amount of partecipants , each final individual share may differ from what each one expected.

Useless to say that after the announcement they began banning literally hundreds and hundreds of users who were complaining.

People were also asking to see the new spreadsheet since they never published it, hiding themselves behind some “privacy reasons”, I personally asked explanation, this is Francesco Raco’s answer:
- Can you please explain what are these “privacy reasons”?
Every single bounty on earth has public spreadsheet, you are the only ones that don’t want to publish it, so who’s wrong? Only you or all the others?

- Dear Alex, for privacy reasons we can not publish data . Thank you
- How is it possible anyway that you have the personal data of the bounty hunters without the KYC?
- thanks for the advice but you have no responsibility in our company.
the chat is made to talk about the project and the ubiatarplay initiatives.
we are handling the emails concerning the bounty disputes.
with a large community this is normal.
now I beg you to be patient and you will also be given an answer.
do not continue to be insistent.
thank you

They also start lying about the number of bounty hunters who took part at the bounty:
Following the numerous requests sent to the email:, we would like to point out that users who worked for the UbiatarPlay bounty program are almost 12,000.
Our team is checking the work done one by one and only at the end of this procedure we can proceed with the total payment of the amount due.
Thank you

UbiatarPlay Sa
So you are saying you have received almost 12,000 email?! Please, do you really think we're this stupid?

Without the Telegram bounty these are the numbers of the other campaigns:
- Translation: 75 users (accepted: 12)
- Signature: 265 users (accepted: 185)
- Blog and articles: 564 users (accepted: 180)
- Facebook: 632 users (accepted: 588)
- Twitter: 421 users (accepted: 376)
Total: 1957 users (accepted: 1341)

I highly doubt that all the people who took part in the Telegram campaign have sent an email, they will get 1-2 tokens maximum...

Some people also ask to be revoked from their website, and also have all their data deleted, and incredibly Ubiatar refuse to do it:
User: Any admin here right now? I did ask weeks ago to delete my account and it has not happened yet. I would like to have my data deleted.
Ubiatar: For now we can't delate your account but you can log out frm our App
User: Excuse me, are you kidding me? You can't delete data in your database? I'm so glad I did not invest, this is ridiculous.
Ubiatar: We not use you data for other things
User: Your reply sounds like -> you go to a storage facility and demand your stored goods back and they won't give them back saying, "We will no use them" <- I want my account deleted, and I don't want an explanation why you won't do it. It sounds like it's not a given that you're not doing anything with them, for me, this is mandatory and not a positive on your side. That is the same way your project handled the Airdrop

All these problems of course are reported on BTCtalk as well, so some forum user begins to ask clarification even if they’re not bounty hunters nor investors:

User: Can you help confirming what's on your ann thread? In short, people accused that your claim of checking 12,000 participants could not be valid as your bounty participants according to your spreadsheet is barely a quarter of it.

Ubiatar: Please send email to: This is the official chat for taking about the amazing app and project of Ubiatarplay. All of you willbe assisted by Ubiatarplay team from Monday ro Friday from 8.00 a. M. To 20.00 p. m. Thank you

User: Well, I'm not part of any bounty of yours. My question is solely to see how serious your project is or how close is it to a scam (at least for the case of your bounty payment), as you didn't attend to any of those and it begin to be kinda evasive.

I believe, as I'm not part of your campaign and didn't have any business on the payment, my question can be considered as a question for your project. Thus, asked and should be answered here

Ubiatar: Dear Miiike, we are pleased to inform you about our project. First of all we invite you to read the white paper. Thank you the website is:

User: I'm sorry, I don't get how reading your wp can help me better understand about what your answer will be ("will be" as you are yet to answer the question). Not that I mind reading your entire WP, but first I think I need to know before I spent several minutes, is there an info about my question on your wp?

Ubiatar: Dear Miiike, I am sorry, but I don' t understand what you would like to know. If you would like information about bounty program, please write an email to:, if you need information about the UbiatarPlay Project , please write an email to, if the already published information for you are not enough. An entire team is available for answering and support the user. Thank you and please, help us in understanding clearly what is your question. Thank you

User: Well, in short, is it true that you have 12,000 bounty participants? And if you do, why does people think there were actually only a quarter (or eve  one-sixth of it). I mean, at what bases does their "independent" calculation is different than yours, where does those other 8,000++ participants that they failed to count?

Ubiatar: Dear Miiike, for bounty program all partecipants are assisted in writing to: So please , we ask you to write to th email address mentioned, and you will be assisted in your questions . Thank you

User: Once again, I'm not a participant. I'm a passerby who might or might not be interested on your token, you can check your spreadsheet if you don't believe me (I heard the latest "version" is locked from public?). Up to this point I am yet to be benefitted from or having any importance of your ability to make peace with your bounty hunters. Up to this point, I am a spectator who like to see where this leads to, I am a spectator who like to learn from this issue.

If I'm going to buy your token and keep it for a long time, then it is a common belief that I better study how prospective your token is, and how possible is it to grow.

So far, I didn't see how your project is good, as your apk rating on google play is very bad, the reviews are filled with angered protests, and there are a little commotion on eidoo channel (as they used to facilitate you) that your project is scamming. Which leads me to this point.

I can conclude that the bad images and ratings are due to the angered bounty participants that is caused by a break on your initial agreement of payment, which leads me to ask for clarifications. The first thing I'm curious about is the truth behind the self-acclaimed 12,000 participants, as the number is rather large.

You see, if your statement that there are 12,000 participants (and presumably more than half of them are angered due to this broken agreement) this can be a very serious problem as they can stir a huge thing and erect a rather significant perspective toward your project (of course, they can as well as benefiting the project if they're happy, but I failed to see how they will be happy if their wish is not fulfilled).

Hence, the initial question, is it true or is it not true that you hosts 12,000 participants? As I am failed to see how can it be beneficial to buy and hold a token and hoping for its price to grow while you're against 12,000 angered people who come with their own influences.

If you're still failed to see how important this issue for me and other investors, kindly perceive it this way:

You might think that the needs of those bounty hunters participation ended as your ICO period closed, hence you can ignore them or giving a half-hearted response or the least bit of your attention, but their influence is actually not ended simply as you said (and when you said) it did. Mostly, they are already there before your project even started, they've establish themselves before you can even establish yours. They have medias and channels, they have reputations and followers, they have crowds. They have control on how people perceive you. I believe you are not too naive to think that none of the investors that participate on your ICO were not coming from their reference? That those investors come from your team's own effort? And they're very loyal to you because they like your project more than they love their influencer?

You might think that these bounty hunters can't affect much, they can't raise significant voices on real world or (probably) lawsuit as it is costly. But, it seems to me, you failed to see that you, I, and all of them are living on virtual world, on social and electronic media. And as you can see yourself, they've made quite a voice that causes your apk to fall.

If this continues without any solution, I can not see why they would mind to take steps that is exactly against their previous step of supporting you. I can't see why they would not post on bitcointalk and other forums, or on this channel, or publishing a new YouTube videos, or writing a new blog pages, about how bad your project is and how people should avoid you. Which ultimately, broke your project beyond repair as there were no people interested on buying a token that is reviewed as extremely bad and scamming.

I don't think I have to stress on how if your claim of 12,000 is true, then the problem will become more serious. 2,000 angered mass, with assumption that at least 100 of them are media influencer, is bad.


Well, I am actually find it harder to think why this exact issue will not be a point to be considered by anyone that's already have or will buy your token. I failed to see why we should hold a token and think there will be future for its price if there are thousands of people that hold grudge and ready to dump whenever they can, or do any length to express their annoyance.

So, kindly help me, does the 12,000 bounty participants (again, presumably angry) is exaggerated or is it real number?

Ubiatar: Dear Miiike, thank you for your message, but as I already told you, this is not a chat for bounty discussion or for talking about bounty program. This is the 2nd warning .
- you said you are interested in UbiatarPlay App and project and you are welcome in asking about it. The bounty program is not a part of the app and if you didn' t take part of it, this for you shouldn' t be relevant , if you really are interested in UbiatarPlay app and all the benefit and amazing service can give you.
- As already written you, you can send an email to: with your request and you will be assisted, otherwise this is not the right chanel.
For privacy reasons we can not publish any data and each position will be managed separately.
Thank you

In the meantime they remove the possibility to leave reviews and stars on the FB page since many people are giving 1 star saying they’re scammer.

On the Android store they start to rate their own app with 5 stars to compensate all the real 1 star reviews:

Now on Telegram Francesco Raco says that the bounty hunters to check aren’t 12,000 anymore, now they’re 20,000:
Francesco There are over 20.000 users to control. I promised to you don t worry.

Of course people aren’t stupid and they investigate:
So, I decided to take a look at Ubiatar’s Telegram chat after I read that a user was chatting with their CEO, Francesco Raco, and he told him that now the bounty hunters’ request aren’t 12k, now they have increased to 20k!!

A quick recap:
- Before the bounty hunters are 12k
- Now they are 20k
- In the Telegram chat there are less than 13k subscribers
- In the old bounty spreadsheet there were less than 2k people.

So it’s easy to see that Ubiatar and their CEO are lying to everybody, probably they think to be very smart and have a very low consideration of other people’s intelligence…

After I took a look at their Telegram subscribers I found this:

Those of course are just a part of the screenshots, there literally are hundreds or even thousands of deleted accounts and other accounts with Southeast Asia names without profile picture. So what does it mean? It means that all those accounts are fake and have been bought in packages just to increase the number of the subscribers in the chat, so they are trying to show a lot of people interested in their project when clearly many of them are fake.

This project just gets worse day by day, SCAMMERS!!

The chat of course is basically dead, nobody writes because as soon as you ask something about the bounty or the exchange they ban you and delete all posts, but suddenly appear some very active and excited members, people who really like the app, ask a lot of question… It’s a bit suspicious, and after a short investigation we understand why: they are the very same Ubiatar social managers who keep changing name and profile picture and they impersonate new users, you can see several screenshots here:

People keep asking info for the exchange quotation, and this is the kind of answers they get, basically the exchange is useless in their opinion:

And they keep with the fake profiles, here you can see that the user called “Enrico_support Ubiatarplay” asks several questions about Ubiatar’s features:

And do you remember that at the beginning I mentioned the “Win-Win commitment”? Well, around mid October people ask info about that, and the chat administrators say they have no idea of what they are talking about, and they ban all people who ask about this, this is their announcement:
In this chat only comments regarding Ubiatar technology, market place, operational problems and any improvements to be implemented are allowed.
Everything about uac price, market dynamics is not allowed.
Beyond the first warning we will be forced to ban users who do not follow these rules.
thank you

Here other examples of how the Ubiatar managers threat the investors:

At the end of October the news is that the deleted all the accounts of their social managers, so all the infos they gave to the users aren’t liked anymore to Ubiatar’s people.

Of course in the meantime I’ve been banned from their chat because I asked questions they didn’t like, so I found Francesco Raco in atoner Italian chat, asked him several questions in front of many other Italian users who knew what happened, and the only thing he said is that the fake users were marketing, so for them it’s perfectly legit to make people think the project is going well.

Here his message, in Italian:
Abbiamo pensato per animare un po’ la chat di scrivere noi stessi come fossimo utenti che stavano provando la app.
Quindi facevano domande e gli veniva data una risposta su come funzionava la app, quale fosse il modello di business e domande più pertinenti di quelle che venivano fatte solo dai Bounty che Hunter che volevano cashare prima di tutti i loro uac.
L idea era creare dei percorsi educativi per parlare della tecnologia e non sempre solo exchange, bounty e AirDrop.

Si chiama marketing e non mi pare sia una cosa così grave.
Non mi pare abbiano influenzato il mercato, falsato qualche meccanismo o commesso qualche reato.

So again, for them cheating the community is perfectly normal, it’s marketing, not scam.

In the meantime the number of users in their chat keeps plummeting: in July the had more than 15k users, in September 12,500, November 11k, so it’s clear that they bought packages of users and Telegram is slowly deleting them

People asking about the famous buyback:

And they also send newsletter giving the impression they are pretty much ready to work with Amazon:
With the technology of telepresence offered by Ubiatar, in the close future you will see the object in real time, understand live as it works, as it appears inside the house and make sure it is the right purchase for your needs.

In this way Amazon would exploit its huge Market Place to provide an additional and innovative service, the on real time feedback at the service of all future consumers.
This service will increase Amazon sales and provide to customers, who lend themselves to make their purchase with Ubiatar, discounts or even the possibility of being remunerated. In fact, all those who will be available to offer this service will make an appointment with the future buyer, through the Ubiatar platform, and at the end of the experience will receive a prize from Amazon.

Science fiction? No, reality! Ubiatar's Team in fact, since last January, is working with Amazon to create this project together and making online shopping experience even more satisfying.

So of course people get excited, they ask for more info, and at the end Ubiatar admit they only had some appointments, that’s all:

So before they declared that “Ubiatar's Team in fact, since last January, is working with Amazon” and now they have nothing, only a picture in front of an empty desk.

This was the newsletter:

But it’s on March 10 that we have an incredible (bad) news: all the companies that use Ubiatar’s services pay in fiat, not through their UAC token, so the token is absolutely useless:

So now it’s clear that the ICO, that raised $12mln, was only an excuse to get some easy money and then forget about the tokens and the investors, because nobody uses that token, it has no real purpose.

And what’s the value of the token? During the ICO it was $2 each, now it’s basically 0, you can see there are 0 volumes in the 2 exchanges that quoted this useless token:

Other problems in the chat, one user asks how many active users they have and he gets banned and all messages deleted by Francesco Raco:

And they keep buying fake accounts to increase the number of users, which keeps plummeting:

People also ask why the social network are basically dead, they say it’s because they didn’t reach the hard cap ($30mln) and with only $12mln they can’t afford to pay other employees:

--- --- ---   --- --- ---   --- --- ---


- They based their whole ICO marketing on a win-win commitment (link) that they now refuse to respect
- They paid bounty hunters 5% of what they promised
- They faked the number of bounty hunters (real number <2,000, they say more than 20,000, so it’s a 10x)
- They never published the revised spreadsheet hiding themselves behind some “privacy reasons and  European Union laws” they never published
- Ubiatar people give 5 star evaluation to their own app on the store
- Nobody writes in the Telegram chat so the admins start impersonating new excited users, asking a lot of questions and saying they love the app, it’s all fake
- They send newsletters stating that “Ubiatar's Team in fact, since last January, is working with Amazon”, after they have to admit they simple had one appointment with them, no contracts, no relationships of any kind;
- It’s discovered that the companies that use Ubiatar’s services pay using fiat money, not the token, the token is completely useless and it was only an excuse to launch an ICO and get some easy money

For all the above reasons I think Ubiatar is a huge scam.
9  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Forum ranks/positions/badges - Versione italiana on: September 22, 2018, 04:11:13 PM
Ci sono 8 diversi livelli di rank su BTCtalk disponibili per gli utenti "normali", nel dettaglio sono: Brand New, Newbie, Jr. Member, Member, Full Member, Sr. Member, Hero Member e Legendary.
Poi ci sono dei sub-rank che si ottengono in condizioni particolari, ovvero: Donator e VIP.
Infine ci sono i rank dei vari gestori del forum: Staff, Moderator, Global Moderator, Administrator e Founder.

Brand New:0 posts, hanno 1 gold coin sotto il loro nome.
Newbie:Activity: 1, hanno 1 gold coin sotto il nome.
Jr. Member:Activity: 30, hanno 1 gold coin sotto il nome.
Member:Activity: 60, hanno 2 gold coin sotto il nome.
Full Member:Activity: 120, hanno 3 gold coin sotto il nome.
Sr. Member:Activity: 240, hanno 4 gold coin sotto il nome.
Hero Member:Activity: 480, hanno 5 gold coin sotto il nome.
Legendary:Activity: ≥775 e ≤1030 in quanto il rank Legendary non ha un valore fisso di Activity.
Si diventerà Legendary con un'Activity compresa tra 775 e 1030, il valore cambia per ogni utente,
quindi non è possibile prevedere quando avverrà il cambio di rank, ogni caso sarà diverso.
Presentano 5 gold coin sotto il nome e l'ultima coin è per metà blu scuro.

Donator:Applicato manualmente dall'amministratore dopo una donazione de 10 BTC.
Presentano 5 gold coin sotto il nome e l'ultima coin è per metà verde fosforescente.
Quando si è Donator sono presenti 5 coin sotto il nome a prescindere dal numero di messaggi inviati.
VIP:Applicato manualmente dall'amministratore dopo una donazione di 50 BTC.
Presentano 5 gold coin sotto il nome e l'ultima coin è per metà viola.
Quando si è VIP sono presenti 5 coin sotto il nome a prescindere dal numero di messaggi inviati.

Staff Rank
Staff:Appare quando i Moderatori (vedi prossimo punto) scrivono al di fuori delle sezioni che moderano.
Il tag sotto il nome dipende dalla sezione.
Moderator:Appare quando i moderatori di una sezione scrivono all'interno di quella specifica sezione.
Presentano 5 gold coins sotto il nome e l'ultima coin è per metà bianca.
Global Moderator:Assegnato allo Staff che ha i privilegi di moderazione in tutte le sezioni del forum.
Presentano 5 gold coins sotto il nome e l'ultima coin è per metà azzurra.
Administrator:Ha disponibili tutti i permessi, può nominare i moderatori ed eseguire altre attività amministrative.
Presenta 5 gold coins sotto il nome e l'ultima coin è per metà rossa a prescindere dal numero di messaggi inviati.
Founder:Riservato per Satoshi.
Presenta 5 platinum coin sotto il nome.

Come viene calcolata l'Activity:
The Activity number is determined in this way:
Time = number of two-week periods in which you've posted since your registration
Activity = min (time * 14, posts)

Activity is updated every hour.

Ci tengo a precisare che questo mio thread non è altro che una traduzione di questo post dell'utente Cyrus.

--- --- ---   --- --- ---   --- --- ---

Ulteriori aggiornamenti ed info varie

Da inizio 2018, per cercare di contenere lo spam dilagante causato dalle campagne firme, sono stati introdotti i Merit (link al thread originale), che sono un altro requisito fondamentale per poter salire di livello, la sola Activity non è più sufficiente da sola. Potete trovare tutti i dettagli nel thread italiano di Micio.

In aggiunta, il 17 settembre 2018 è stata introdotta un'ulteriore limitazione per poter diventare Jr. Member, ovvero bisogna aver ricevuto almeno 1 Merit altrimenti si rimane Newbie anche se si hanno più di 30 punti Activity.
Questa nuova regola è retroattiva quindi tutti i Jr. Member che avevano ancora 0 Merit sono stati declassati a Newbie.

Limitazioni per le firme
In base al rank e all'Activity vi sono le seguenti limitazioni:
- Newbie: No styling (including links) allowed. Max 40 characters.
- Jr. Member: Links allowed. Max 100 characters.
- Member: Unlimited length.
- Full: Color allowed.
- Sr. Member: Size allowed
- Hero: Background color allowed

Limitazioni per gli avatar
Il rank minimo richiesto per poter utilizzare un avatar è quello di Full Member.
Dimensioni massime consentite: 120px di larghezza, 80px di altezza e 100 kB di peso.
Formati consentiti: PNG, GIF o JPEG.
Non sono permessi contenuti offensivi e/o osceni.

Nel caso in cui non vogliate perdere tempo a racimolare Activity e/o Merit, in data 10 novembre 2017 theymos ha pensato bene di aggiungere un nuovo rank a pagamento, ovvero il Copper Member.
Per ulteriori dettagli visitate questa pagina.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Does Ethereum still have a future? Read this before you answer on: August 13, 2018, 04:17:36 PM
I don't know if any of you know a Telegram group called "Blockchain Whispers", it's actually a big group with over 150k subscribers and they often share good stuff, and a few days ago they have released their thoughts regarding the current and future Ethereum status, and they aren't exactly good news.

I'm not an expert so I would like to know what you think about it.

You can find the original article here:

The state of Ethereum
I am bearish on ETH, here are my reasons:

- Scaling
Ethereum does not scale on the base-layer. One halfway popular dapp woulrd force the whole network to its knees, as seen with Cryptokitties or popular ICOs in the past. Ethereum as it is now, cannot handle even one single decentralized application that goes mainstream. The Ethereum blocksize has exceeded 1 TB and this is a very big issue. It is a known fact in blockchain technology that larger blocks centralize validators, and this is exactly what is happening here. There are fewer and fewer FAN-nodes (full archival nodes), and these nodes update the state of the Ethereum network. Because of Ethereum’s exponentially growing blocksize, the bottleneck is not regulated below these external factors and as such results in a shrinking and more centralized network due to network demands that increasingly exceed the average users hardware and bandwidth.

Ethereum full nodes are getting fewer and fewer because the clients can't sync. And light nodes are not a full substitute of full node verification. This will lead to a weaker and more insecure network. Planned scaling solutions are Casper PoS, Sharding and Layer2 solution.

- Proof of Stake is not as secure as Pow because the blockchain is not anchored in the outside world through the consumption of an external resource. In PoW this resource is Electricity, which makes sure that it is very very expensive to attack the blockchain and makes this attack economically unrewarding. Using energy burnt to back a block allows us to view immutability objectively. Whereas any non-energy-based method ultimately requires someone’s subjective interpretation of immutability. By attaching energy to a block, we give it “form”, allowing it to have real weight & consequences in the physical world. And PoS also leads to centralization as the power is concentrated with the people who have the most money. The entrance barrier to staking is 32 ETH, this is a fundamentally different system as PoW where miners compete throught the use of energy (cost) with each other. I personally consider Ethereum's economics broken at the base layer.

Look at this picture to see how centralized ETH gets with Pos:

- Sharding comes from the world of databases and describes a technique where a database (or a blockchain) will be split in multiple parts (called "Shards") where each of the parts has a different area of task. Validating responsibilities are split up among various groups, each with their own shard. The intent is to relieve the amount of work a single validating node must do so there can be more of them, but it only results in prolonging the issue, and not fixing the problem.

Furthermore, there’s now a huge cost for some of these nodes, as staking is required to be one of them. Sharding takes a single blockchain, turn it into multiple blockchains called Collations, then puts a twist tie on top and hopes mold doesn’t grow.

- Layer2 solutions are the only viable scaling solutions. For Ethereum we have Raiden and the Loom Network. Loom is especially promising as it enables sidechains on top of the Ethereum base-layer. BUT, if Ethereum adopts PoS (which is highly untested) we have an insecure base-layer. You can build a insecure second-layer on top of a secure base-layer, but not the other way round.

Ethereums on-chain scaling solutions were delayed again this year. Casper PoS is now expected in 2019, sharding in 2020/21.
issuance policy is another major negative point for Ethereum. The issuance of ETH is not capped! This means there is a constant flow of newly minted Ether, this goes on indifinitely in theorie. This makes Ethereum an inflationary asset, which is bad.

- Use cases for Ethereum: the number one use-case is tokenization. And this used 99% for ICOs which create tokens with articificial demand and no real usage. This trend is declining and so i expect the price of ETH to decline. Tokenized securities and cryptocollectibles (ERC721) will be potential markets, but in my view they will get nowhere as big as eexpected by the public (but this topic is stuff for another article).

Now we come to smart contracts, a clever idea but without the potential of mass adoption. here is why:
- they are incredibly hard to write (see the Parity and the DAO hacks for example)
- altough in computer science "code is law", smart contracts are NOT legally binding. They are NOT real contracts.

Execution in a Turing-complete context is extremely tricky and hard to analyze. Securing a Turing-complete smart contract becomes the equivalent of proving that a computer program does not have bugs. We know this is very difficult, as nearly every computer program in existence has bugs.

Consider that writing normal contracts takes years of study and a very hard bar exam to be able to write competently. Smart contracts require at least that level of competence and yet currently, many are written by newbies that don’t understand how secure it needs to be. This is very clear from the various contracts that have been shown to be flawed.

And we have the "oracle problem", smart contracts rely on the correctness of outside data. Who feeds this data to the Ethereum system? What prevents these oracles to be corrupt or malicious? how do we prevent centralization?

Blockchains have advantages in a very specific field, namely censorship-resistance and immutability. The killer use-case for this setup is Money. We do not need a decentralized internet. Because a centralized service is ALWAYS cheaper and more easy to use. Implementing a blockchain makes only sense in specific fields where immutability and the prevent of government control are important. I cannot imagine a future where everyone holds a Ethereum wallet with 345 different tokens for 345 specific services. And i highly doubt Ethereums capability to handle this kind of data load.

Ethereum is not leaderless (Vitalik Buterin and dev-team), not entirely immutable (DAO-hack and subsequent fork because of transactions that were rolled back), not a Store-of-Value because of an uncapped supply and it does not scale on the base-layer. Another thing is that BTC increasingly cuts into Ethereums use-cases with Rootstock (smart contracts) and Drivechain (side chains).

And with the death of dapps Ethereums second use case (capital rasising platform) also dies. This is the bearish case for Ethereum.
Thank you for reading Blockchain Whispers (
11  Local / Alt-Currencies (Italiano) / ATTENZIONE: il sito di MyEtherWallet è parzialmente compromesso on: April 24, 2018, 03:30:28 PM
Ho appena letto questo in un gruppo su Telegram:

We’re working to learn more, but it appears that the MyEtherWallet website has been comprised. People have reported logging in and having their funds auto-withdrawn.

No comment has been made by the MEW team. Remember, MEW doesn’t store your tokens, it’s just a way to access them! So if MEW is compromised your tokens are safe as long as you don’t log in.

E qui potete leggere il topic su Reddit:

Articolo in italiano:

Quindi al momento non inserite la vostra chiave privata tramite il sito.
12  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Elenco e caratteristiche dei principali exchange on: March 21, 2018, 06:30:05 AM
Sperando di fare cosa gradita, ho pensato di creare questo topic per elencare gli exchange più importanti e riassumerne le caratteristiche principali, perché penso che possa essere di aiuto sia ai nuovi arrivati che anche agli utenti più navigati che magari sono iscritti a pochi exchange, almeno in questo modo è possibile farsi velocemente una prima idea grazie a dei dati fondamentali. Ho visto vari topic simili in sezione ma nulla di davvero completo.

Per una questione di semplicità ho deciso di elencarli in ordine alfabetico. Sottolineo che questo è un puro elenco informativo, non ci sono e non ci saranno opinioni personali in questo primo post, ovviamente gli altri utenti saranno liberi di postare le loro esperienze nei post successivi, e l’elenco potrà essere migliorato e ampliato col contributo di tutti, quindi se avete ulteriori info o vorreste aggiungere qualche altro exchange ditelo pure e lo includerò nell'elenco sottostante  Smiley

– Binance
Sede: Hong Kong
Fondazione: 2017
KYC obbligatorio: No, prelievo giornaliero di massimo 2 BTC in questo caso (o equivalente in altcoin)
Depositi fiat: No
Prelievi fiat: No
Carta di credito: No
Fee per deposito: Gratuito
Fee per prelievo: link
Fee per trading: 0,1%
Criptovalute listate: elenco CoinMarketCap
Note particolari: il token di questo exchange, BNB, al momento da diritto al 50% di sconto sulle commissioni del trading.

– Bitfinex
Sede: Hong Kong
Fondazione: 2012
KYC obbligatorio: No, necessario per depositare/prelevare fiat
Depositi fiat: Sì
Prelievi fiat: Sì
Carta di credito: No
Fee per deposito: solo per piccoli depositi, link
Fee per prelievo: link
Fee per trading: Maker fees 0,1%, Taker fees 0,2%
Criptovalute listate: elenco CoinMarketCap
Topic ufficiale BTCtalk: link
Note particolari: depositi e prelievi fiat molto lenti.

– BitMEX
Sede: Seychelles
Fondazione: 2014
KYC obbligatorio: No, non esiste KYC su questo exchange
Depositi fiat: No
Prelievi fiat: No
Carta di credito: No
Fee per deposito: No
Fee per prelievo: Sì, tecnicamente non è l'exchange a chiedere la fee, dipende dalla congestione della blockchain Bitcoin ed è un valore dinamico, però è molto più alto del costo medio per essere sicuri che la transazione passi senza problemi
Fee per trading: link
Criptovalute listate: elenco CoinMarketCap
Note particolari: l’unico exchange che permette utilizzare una leva fino a 100x (altamente sconsigliata ovviamente).

– Bitpanda
Sede: Austria
Fondazione: 2014
KYC obbligatorio: No, necessario per depositare fiat tramite bonifico e carta di credito
Depositi fiat: Sì
Prelievi fiat: Sì
Carta di credito: Sì
Fee per deposito: link
Fee per prelievo: link
Fee per trading:
Criptovalute listate: BTC, BCH, ETH, DASH, LTC e XRP
Note particolari:

– Bitstamp
Sede: Lussemburgo
Fondazione: 2011
KYC obbligatorio: Sì
Depositi fiat: Sì
Prelievi fiat: Sì
Carta di credito: Sì, commissione dell’5% (potrebbero esserci costi addizionali)
Fee per deposito: No
Fee per prelievo: Bonifico SEPA 0,90 euro, criptovalute gratis (0,1% se si usa BitGo Instant)
Fee per trading: link
Criptovalute listate: elenco CoinMarketCap
Topic ufficiale BTCtalk: link
Note particolari: i prelievi delle criptovalute sono gratuiti. Attenzione a non inviare mai Ether da Bitstamp ad altri exchange che non supportano il formato smart contract per i depositi, è quindi consigliabili inviarli al proprio wallet (MyEtherWallet ad esempio) e poi mandarli all’exchange desiderato. Se per errore sono stati inviati direttamente ad un altro exchange contattare l’assistenza dell’exchange destinatario, che dovrà sbloccare manualmente il deposito.

– Bittrex
Sede: Stati Uniti
Fondazione: 2013
KYC obbligatorio: Sì
Depositi fiat: No
Prelievi fiat: No
Carta di credito: No
Fee per deposito:
Fee per prelievo:
Fee per trading:
Criptovalute listate: elenco CoinMarketCap
Topic ufficiale BTCtalk: link
Note particolari:

– Cobinhood
Sede: Taiwan
Fondazione: 2017
KYC obbligatorio: No, prelievo giornaliero di massimo 3 BTC in questo caso (o equivalente in altcoin)
Depositi fiat: No
Prelievi fiat: No
Carta di credito: No
Fee per deposito:
Fee per prelievo:
Fee per trading:
Criptovalute listate: elenco CoinMarketCap
Note particolari: il primo exchange al mondo senza commissioni.

– Coinbase
Sede: Stati Uniti
Fondazione: 2012
KYC obbligatorio: Sì
Depositi fiat: Sì
Prelievi fiat: Sì
Carta di credito: Sì, con commissione del 3,99%
Fee per deposito:
Fee per prelievo:
Fee per trading:
Criptovalute listate: elenco CoinMarketCap
Note particolari: è forse l'exchange più usato dai principianti in quanto è di semplice utilizzo. Di contro ha commissioni per le operazioni di deposito, prelievo e compravendita molto alte rispetto agli altri exchange. Esiste una versione più avanzata,, che fa parte della stessa società di Coinbase.

– Coss
Sede: Singapore
Fondazione: 2017
KYC obbligatorio: No, in questo caso solamente depositi/prelievi in criptovalute
Depositi fiat: Sì
Prelievi fiat: Sì
Carta di credito: No
Fee per deposito:
Fee per prelievo:
Fee per trading:
Criptovalute listate: elenco CoinMarketCap
Note particolari: dispone di un proprio token, Coss, che da diritto a un dividendo settimanale dei ricavi dell’exchange, rapportato al numero di token posseduti.

– Cryptopia
Sede: Nuova Zelanda
Fondazione: 2014
KYC obbligatorio: No, limite prelievi criptovalute equivalente a $ 5.000 NDZ
Depositi fiat: Np
Prelievi fiat: No
Carta di credito: No
Fee per deposito:
Fee per prelievo:
Fee per trading:
Criptovalute listate: elenco CoinMarketCap
Note particolari:

– Ethfinex
Sede: Hong Kong
Fondazione: 2017
KYC obbligatorio: No, in questo caso non è possibile prelevare/depositare fiat
Depositi fiat: Sì
Prelievi fiat: Sì
Carta di credito: No
Fee per deposito:
Fee per prelievo:
Fee per trading:
Criptovalute listate: elenco CoinMarketCap
Note particolari: è uno spinoff di Bitfinex, dedicato interamente ai token ERC20. È possibile accedere con le stesse credenziali di Bitfinex.

Sede: Stati Uniti
Fondazione: 2012
KYC obbligatorio: Sì
Depositi fiat: Sì
Prelievi fiat: Sì
Carta di credito: No
Fee per deposito:
Fee per prelievo:
Fee per trading:
Criptovalute listate: elenco CoinMarketCap
Note particolari: fa parte della stessa società di Coinbase, quindi si può accedere utilizzando le stesse credenziali ma dovrete ripetere la procedura di KYC. È meno user friendly di Coinbase ma ha commissioni molto più basse e trasferimenti gratuiti.

– Gemini
Sede: Stati Uniti
Fondazione: 2015
KYC obbligatorio: Sì
Depositi fiat: Sì, solo dollari
Prelievi fiat: Sì, solo dollari
Carta di credito: No
Fee per deposito:
Fee per prelievo:
Fee per trading:
Criptovalute listate: elenco CoinMarketCap
Note particolari:

– HitBTC
Sede: Hong Kong
Fondazione: 2013
KYC obbligatorio: No
Depositi fiat: No
Prelievi fiat: No
Carta di credito: No
Fee per deposito:
Fee per prelievo:
Fee per trading:
Criptovalute listate: elenco CoinMarketCap
Topic ufficiale BTCtalk: link
Note particolari:

– Huobi
Sede: Cina
Fondazione: 2013
KYC obbligatorio: No
Depositi fiat: No
Prelievi fiat: No
Carta di credito: No
Fee per deposito:
Fee per prelievo:
Fee per trading:
Criptovalute listate: elenco CoinMarketCap
Note particolari:

– Kraken
Sede: Stati Uniti
Fondazione: 2011
KYC obbligatorio: No, fino al Tier 2, che permette di depositare/prelevare sia fiat che cryptovalute. Il Tier 3, che richiede maggiori info, ha limiti più alti
Depositi fiat: Sì, gratuiti
Prelievi fiat: Sì
Carta di credito: No
Fee per deposito:
Fee per prelievo:
Fee per trading:
Criptovalute listate: elenco CoinMarketCap
Topic ufficiale BTCtalk: link
Note particolari: depositi e prelievi fiat molto rapidi, nell’ordine delle 24/48 ore.

– Liqui
Sede: Ucraina
Fondazione: 2016
KYC obbligatorio: No
Depositi fiat: No
Prelievi fiat: No
Carta di credito: No
Fee per deposito:
Fee per prelievo:
Fee per trading:
Criptovalute listate: elenco CoinMarketCap
Note particolari:

– Livecoin
Sede: Inghilterra
Fondazione: 2013
KYC obbligatorio: No
Depositi fiat: No
Prelievi fiat: No
Carta di credito: No
Fee per deposito:
Fee per prelievo:
Fee per trading:
Criptovalute listate: elenco CoinMarketCap
Note particolari:

– Poloniex
Sede: Stati Uniti
Fondazione: 2014
KYC obbligatorio: Sì
Depositi fiat: No
Prelievi fiat: No
Carta di credito: No
Fee per deposito:
Fee per prelievo:
Fee per trading:
Criptovalute listate: elenco CoinMarketCap
Topic ufficiale BTCtalk: link
Note particolari:

– Qryptos
Sede: Giappone
Fondazione: 2017
KYC obbligatorio: Sì
Depositi fiat: No
Prelievi fiat: No
Carta di credito: No
Fee per deposito:
Fee per prelievo:
Fee per trading:
Criptovalute listate: elenco CoinMarketCap
Note particolari: fa parte dello stesso gruppo di Quoinex quindi è possibile accedere entrambi gli exchange utilizzando lo stesso profilo, senza bisogno di registrarsi di nuovo.

– Quoinex
Sede: Giappone
Fondazione: 2017
KYC obbligatorio: Sì
Depositi fiat: Sì
Prelievi fiat: Sì
Carta di credito: No
Fee per deposito:
Fee per prelievo:
Fee per trading:
Criptovalute listate: elenco CoinMarketCap
Note particolari: fa parte dello stesso gruppo di Qryptos quindi è possibile accedere entrambi gli exchange utilizzando lo stesso profilo, senza bisogno di registrarsi di nuovo.

– The Rock Trading
Sede: Malta
Fondazione: 2011
KYC obbligatorio: Sì, solo per depositi o prelievi fiat
Depositi fiat: Sì
Prelievi fiat: Sì
Carta di credito: No
Fee per deposito:
Fee per prelievo:
Fee per trading:
Criptovalute listate: elenco CoinMarketCap
Topic ufficiale BTCtalk: link
Note particolari: c'è una commissione di entrata di 100 euro, che sarà addebitata sul vostro conto therock appena completata la registrazione (più precisamente, quando confermerete l'email).
Questa commissione contribuisce al vostro livello di sconto, quindi avrete il 90% di sconto sulle commissioni trading per 30 giorni almeno (sulle coppie con base EUR).
La commissione non viene applicata, se avete un codice di invito (e nemmeno lo sconto, quindi).
Attenzione: il codice referral non esonera il pagamento della fee di registrazione.
13  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Bitfinex - Ho fatto il claim ma ha preso il prezzo market invece che base on: December 16, 2017, 02:45:29 AM
Ciao a tutti,

ho un problema con Finex: avevo aperto una margin per 60.000 Ripple a 0,205 dollari, poi dopo un po' ne ho venduti la metà, oggi alla fine ho chiuso la posizione dei rimanenti 30.000 a 0,7332 dollari, il problema è che al momento della chiusura avevo un guadagno di circa 17.500 dollari, che dovevano essere considerati per il claim della posizione, quindi 30.000x0,205 = 6.150 dollari, quindi quella cifra sarebbe dovuta essere detratta dai guadagni e mi sarei dovuto trovare con un guadagno netto di circa 11.350 dollari + i 30.000 Ripple pagati 0,205, invece ho visto che mi è andato a prendere quasi 5.000 dollari dal mio margin wallet per chiudere la posizione, e facendo il calcolo col prezzo di mercato sarebbe 30.000x0,7332 = quasi 22.000 dollari, che sarebbero equivalenti alla somma del mio guadagno + parte presa dal mio margin wallet.

Com'è possibile questa cosa?! Nelle FAQs dice che viene calcolato il prezzo base quando si reclama una posizione e non quello market, altrimenti non avrebbe senso fare il claim.

Ho aperto un ticket ma intanto qualcuno sa spiegarmi quale potrebbe essere la causa?

14  Local / Accuse scam/truffe / Bitfinex - Ho fatto il claim ma ha preso il prezzo market invece che base on: December 16, 2017, 02:41:39 AM
Ciao a tutti,

ho un problema con Finex: avevo aperto una margin per 60.000 Ripple a 0,205 dollari, poi dopo un po' ne ho venduti la metà, oggi alla fine ho chiuso la posizione dei rimanenti 30.000 a 0,7332 dollari, il problema è che al momento della chiusura avevo un guadagno di circa 17.500 dollari, che dovevano essere considerati per il claim della posizione, quindi 30.000x0,205 = 6.150 dollari, quindi quella cifra sarebbe dovuta essere detratta dai guadagni e mi sarei dovuto trovare con un guadagno netto di circa 11.350 dollari + i 30.000 Ripple pagati 0,205, invece ho visto che mi è andato a prendere quasi 5.000 dollari dal mio margin wallet per chiudere la posizione, e facendo il calcolo col prezzo di mercato sarebbe 30.000x0,7332 = quasi 22.000 dollari, che sarebbero equivalenti alla somma del mio guadagno + parte presa dal mio margin wallet.

Com'è possibile questa cosa?! Nelle FAQs dice che viene calcolato il prezzo base quando si reclama una posizione e non quello market, altrimenti non avrebbe senso fare il claim.

Ho aperto un ticket ma intanto qualcuno sa spiegarmi quale potrebbe essere la causa?

15  Economy / Exchanges / Bitfinex - I claimed a position and it used market price instead of base price?! on: December 16, 2017, 01:52:23 AM

I just closed a position claiming 30,000 Ripple, it was a position I opened at $ 0.205 and I claimed it when I had a gain of roughly $ 17,500, at a price of $ 0.7332, so 30,000x0.205 = 6,150 dollars, which should have been deducted from my gain, so more or less 17,500 - 6,150 = $ 11,350 but instead of that I found out that have been used $ 4,481 from my margin wallet, plus the 17,500 I had as gain = almost $ 22,000, which means they have been claimed at market price because 30,000x0.7332 = $ 21.996 instead of the base price of $ 0.205, how is it possible?!
In their FAQs they say they use the base price, also because otherwise would be pretty useless to use the claim option.

I already tried to log out, refresh the page etc but I still have this situation.

Does anyone know why? I just opened a ticket but I'm asking here as well in the meantime.
16  Economy / Exchanges / Bitstamp, Ethereum withdraw smart contract deposits in other exchanges on: October 12, 2017, 12:53:14 AM
Hi guys,

time ago I had a problem withdrawing Ether from Bitstamp sending them directly to my ETH Binance address, they didn't show up for days and they had to manually "unlock" them because they don't support the way Bitstamp sends Ether. Now I was going to withdraw some other Ether from Bitstamp and this advise popped up:
WARNING: Do not send funds directly to exchanges which do not support smart contract deposits. Either check with the destination exchange first or send your funds to your private wallet.

Which is exactly what happened to me weeks ago, but at that time there was no warning.

So now I was wondering if there is a list or if anybody knows which exchanges support the smart contract deposits, in order to avoid this problem again.

17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Could someone explain me what happened to this Ether transaction pls? on: August 21, 2017, 06:36:13 PM
Hi guys,

I have a problem with an Ether transaction. Going on order: several hours ago I made 2 withdrawals from Bitstamp and I sent some Ether to Bittrex and some Ether to Binance. Those sent to Bittrex arrived very quickly, those sent to Binance never arrived, and they're not even "pending".

I've already contacted both customer services, due to the time difference I'm still waiting Binance's reply, in the meantime Bistamp told me that on their side everything is fine, and they sent me the transaction code, which is this one:

Does anyone know what's the problem?

And checking all my transaction from my Binance address (link) there are other 2 things I don't get:
1) Why in order to visualize the missing transaction do I need to select "Internal transaction" and it's not together with the other ones?
2) I see there is an OUT operation for almost 11 Ether, I never made such operation, I only moved 11 BNB (10 without the fees) from my Binance account to another address, and nothing else is missing on Binance, so what's that operation?

Thanks a lot!  Smiley
18  Economy / Exchanges / Binance, Ether never received on: August 21, 2017, 06:36:02 PM
Hi guys,

I have a problem with an Ether transaction. Going on order: several hours ago I made 2 withdrawals from Bitstamp and I sent some Ether to Bittrex and some Ether to Binance. Those sent to Bittrex arrived very quickly, those sent to Binance never arrived, and they're not even "pending".

I've already contacted both customer services, due to the time difference I'm still waiting Binance's reply, in the meantime Bistamp told me that on their side everything is fine, and they sent me the transaction code, which is this one:

Does anyone know what's the problem?

And checking all my transaction from my Binance address (link) there are other 2 things I don't get:
1) Why in order to visualize the missing transaction do I need to select "Internal transaction" and it's not together with the other ones?
2) I see there is an OUT operation for almost 11 Ether, I never made such operation, I only moved 11 BNB (10 without the fees) from my Binance account to another address, and nothing else is missing on Binance, so what's that operation?

Thanks a lot!  Smiley
19  Local / Alt-Currencies (Italiano) / Problema ritiro Ether da Bitstamp mandati a Binance mai arrivati on: August 21, 2017, 04:40:24 PM
Ciao ragazzi,

ore fa ho fatto un doppio prelievo di Ether da Bitstamp, alcuni li ho mandati su Bittrex e sono arrivati quasi subito mentre altri li ho mandati su Binance, e non sono mai arrivati.
Ho gia' scritto ad entrambi i supporti e Bitstamp mi ha comunicato il codice della transazione, che e' questo:

Le altre volte che avevo mandato Ether da Kraken a Binance sono sempre arrivati nel giro di pochissimo, e li vedevo nei depositi pending, potendo sapere esattamente quante conferme mancavano.

Sono ancora in attesa della risposta da parte di Binance, potrebbe succedere che a volte i token mandati da un exchange all'altro devono essere sbloccati manualmente dall'exchange che li riceve? E' la prima volta che mi capita una situazione del genere...

E ho appena notato che guardando tutti i movimenti dell'indirizzo la transazione in questione non appare insieme alle altre ma e' sotto la casella Internal Transaction, perché? E cosa vuol dire?

E l'altra cosa strana che ho notato solo ora, sempre vedendo tutte le operazioni, e' che ci sono quasi 11 Ether in uscita, operazione mai fatta da me, anche perché gli Ether che avevo importato in precedenza sono stati usati per prendere BNB e BYT, e una piccola parte e' ancora impegnata in un'ordine aperto, ho appena controllato sulla schermata personale di Binance ed e' tutto a posto, non manca nulla e neanche risulta (ovviamente) un'operazione del genere, qualcuno sa dare una spiegazione anche a questo fatto?

20  Economy / Exchanges / Bitstamp, how to track a transaction? on: August 21, 2017, 07:30:50 AM
Hi guys,

I made two Ether withdrawals from Bitstamp, one arrived without any problem, the other one no. I don't see any transaction reference on Bitstamp, how can I check?

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