Anyone know where VRM can be actively traded? I put in a coin request to add it to but there's no guarantee it'll happen. On Komodo Atomic DEX for example. I checked there already and there's no trading activity. Pretty useless if it can't be traded anywhere.
Anyone know where VRM can be actively traded? I put in a coin request to add it to but there's no guarantee it'll happen.
What happened to the development updates? These used to be provided somewhat regularly. Haven't seen one in a long time. DCG should be able to provide a bi-weekly update with regards to development. They work in 2-week dev sprints I believe so it shouldnt be too hard to communicate what's been worked on/accomplished in each iteration.
Who exactly are you asking lol?
Hey, I've been trying to sync the VRC wallet and it's painfully slow. Is there a bootstrap of the blockchain somewhere to download and speed up the process?
I've tried to find it myself with no luck.
There should be one you can access from within the wallet. I think under File > Reload Blockchain (sorry not at my computer right now to see what it is exactly)
@toknormal, why don't you just fork the coin already and see how many believers you have in this theory of yours instead of constantly bitching and complaining about the same thing over and over. Do something about it!! You're posts are exhausting.
Thanks guys, guess it's just my wallet. Time to reindex Damn, doesn't look like the wallet supports the reindex command
anyone else's wallet being unable to sync for 5 days? Mine is stuck on block #1782168
What else is there for Linux ? The node's remote.
The guide by xkcd is by far the best. Following this guide will enable your MN to be updated very easily and restart if crashes etc...very stable since the daemon is installed as a Linux service. I would recommend you start using this: see xkcd has even created a replacement tool for Dashman called Dash Masternode Zeus which he's made available for testing. You can find the link to the tool in the same link above.
There's something wrong with the release for Windows. It crashes shortly after launching with the following error in the debug.log: GUI: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile GUI: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile 2020-10-28 05:00:36 GUI: "registerShutdownBlockReason: Successfully registered: Unobtanium didn't yet exit safely..." 2020-10-28 05:00:36
I don't have any issues launching the version.
That did the trick. I was able to get it synced in about 10 minutes with that last file(was only about 4 hours behind). Thank you very much.
No problem, glad that you finally got synced up and that it did not take very long.
I have a wallet version v1.7.2.0 and it does not sync! WTF VRC sync up for you? Been trading this since Cryptsy and Mintpal days. My tip, open "help-Console" > "Information" tab, when you see "current number of blocks" stall on a certain number close the wallet. Wait till the VRC icon is off your taskbar, then reopen wallet and repeat. It'll go alot faster than just leaving open to sync. If I wait a few months to stake, I have to do this a few times to sync up quickly. The VRM wallet I have yet to see this sync then stall issue and lately it can go a year or so before I open its wallet to sync up. There is currently an issue on the bootstrap process of the Vericoin Wallet. We are working on a new release that should arrive this summer. Meanwhile you can : - Wait for it to sync up
- Download the boostrap from and extract the content of the bootstrap directory into
- Windows: %appdata%/Roaming/Vericoin
- Linux: ~/.vericoin
- Mac: ~/.vericoin
Try the File > Reload Blockchain method if you have syncing issues. I find this is the quickest way to get back in sync with the blockchain.
All my wallets synced and staked ok
Seems to be working fine - a little slow to load blockchain at startup and wallet locks up occasionally during sync but recovers fine - just connect and forget. Only 3 connections.
Thanks for all your efforts Wh1teKn1ght
Cheers - usukan
No problem, thanks for confirming that it's working for you.
I appreciate all the bootstrap files from everyone. I am having trouble getting the wallet to actually stay open long enough for it to import the entire file. Would anyone mind just zipping their data file so that we dont have to import via bootstrap. I don't think the wallet is up to the task. My computer is not slow by any means and after two days, the wallet decides to crash (This has happened multiple times). This wouldn't be a problem if it didnt corrupt the data, resulting in assertion errors. It will not reindex either, so I am forced to just start over. Thank you in advance.
Here's the database files zipped (with 7zip) as requested. You'll still need the .dat file present in order for it to work so I think you can probably just rename the bootstrap.dat to blk-v2-0001.dat hopefully that'll work with these db files. You may also need to reindex as the bootstrap.dat is older than these db files which I zipped a few minutes ago updated to block #3385753. If the renamed bootstrap.dat I uploaded earlier doesn't work with these db files, let me know. hoping I haven't forked as I can't get many (any) connections right now and my coins have tried staking multiple times since July 19th but none have successfully gone through (orphaned I guess). Thank you for the time you put into this. It did not work. Just give the failed to load blkindex.dat error. Could you include your blk-v2-0001.dat. In the meantime I will try some things on a VPS. The daemon may be better equipped. I finally got my coins to stake successfully so hopefully that means that I didn't fork off. I will zip all the db files and dat file together as I think they need to be in sync for this method to work so once it's ready, I'll provide the link to the zip which will include both. Here's the link to the dat file and db files: this one works for you. Let me know how it goes.
I appreciate all the bootstrap files from everyone. I am having trouble getting the wallet to actually stay open long enough for it to import the entire file. Would anyone mind just zipping their data file so that we dont have to import via bootstrap. I don't think the wallet is up to the task. My computer is not slow by any means and after two days, the wallet decides to crash (This has happened multiple times). This wouldn't be a problem if it didnt corrupt the data, resulting in assertion errors. It will not reindex either, so I am forced to just start over. Thank you in advance.
Here's the database files zipped (with 7zip) as requested. You'll still need the .dat file present in order for it to work so I think you can probably just rename the bootstrap.dat to blk-v2-0001.dat hopefully that'll work with these db files. You may also need to reindex as the bootstrap.dat is older than these db files which I zipped a few minutes ago updated to block #3385753. If the renamed bootstrap.dat I uploaded earlier doesn't work with these db files, let me know. hoping I haven't forked as I can't get many (any) connections right now and my coins have tried staking multiple times since July 19th but none have successfully gone through (orphaned I guess).
Hey guys! I don't have my node running for quite some time now but I could start it again. I'm just wondering if there are any blockhain explorers so that we can be sure we're on the right fork.
I'm now synced up; however now showing no connections to the network but I'm currently at block 3383800 which looks good since it's close to Jarod1231's block # which he posted a few hours ago. I'll create the bootstrap and post it here when done.
Can't connect to the network...anyone still running a node? I can provide an updated bootstrap once I can get synced up. My last block is from April.
Guess I'm the only one still staking this coin from time to time...if anyone cares, I can upload a bootstrap which is up-to-date as of a few days ago.
Yup, upload please. I stuck and can't sync. Ok, I'm connected to the network right now so once I've synced up, I'll create the bootstrap.