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61  Economy / Securities / Re: [Bitfunder]&[WeExchange] WARNING! The Fall of Ukyo! on: November 07, 2013, 07:33:59 AM
If you get your withdraw, please post and let people know.

Some good news, got my coins from:

2013-10-22 12:22:33   Withdraw
62  Local / Trading und Spekulation / Re: Konkrete Frage: Wer hat schon Erfahrung mit Spekulationsgewinnen und der Steuer? on: October 31, 2013, 12:26:10 PM
(3) Gemäss der Aussage aus der Bundestagsanfrage (heise link) sollten Spekulationsgewinne bis 1 Jahr der Einkommenssteuer unterliegen, danach seien sie steuerfrei.

Also das mit dem "danach seien sie steuerfrei" lese ich anders:

verkauf innerhalb von 365 Tagen → du bezahlst auf deinen Bitcoingewinn pauschal 25% Spekulatiussteuer
verkauf ab dem 366zigsten Tag → du bezahlst auf deinen Bitcoingewinn deine xx% Einkommensteuer

Sinnvolle Erläuterungen gibt`s in den Beiträgen zum Bitcoinartikel von heise:

Aus dem Heise Artikel:
Damit werden Bitcoins ähnlich wie eine direkte Anlage in physisches Gold behandelt.

Über Gold:
Wird Gold nach der Spekulationsfrist von einem Jahr mit Gewinn verkauft, so ist der Gewinn aus diesem privaten Veräußerungsgeschäft nach § 23 EStG nicht der Einkommensteuer zu unterwerfen. Wird hingegen innerhalb der einjährigen Spekulationsfrist das "Hardware-Gold" mit Gewinn verkauft, unterliegt der Gewinn nicht der Abgeltungssteuer von 25 Prozent, sondern dem normalen persönlichen Steuersatz (Grenzsteuersatz).
Mehr hierzu bei:

Also die Abgeltungssteuer (pauschal 25%) kommt bei keinem Fall zum Einsatz (Verkauf < 1 Jahr oder > 1 Jahr).
63  Economy / Securities / Re: [Bitfunder]&[WeExchange] WARNING! The Fall of Ukyo! on: October 27, 2013, 01:04:21 PM
I've been waiting 5 days for a withdrawal. Tickets On is not answered
2013-10-21 13:54:29    Withdraw    5.75534284 BTC       Processing

Same for me:

2013-10-22 12:22:33   Withdraw   9.18507638 BTC      Processing

Made a support ticket 24h after the withdrawal, still no reaction.
64  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: Bitburner wird nicht erkannt on: October 16, 2013, 04:26:26 PM
versuche also direkt nach dem start des miners eine verbindung herzustellen

Genau, nur wenn die rote LED blinkt kannst du connecten.
65  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Bitburner Fury - Hashrate Protection on: October 15, 2013, 07:58:14 AM
Try lowering the voltage, from my 8 boards I may have one or two that could reach 1300 (very difficult to test with broken USB connectors and all boards on the same bus sharing the same settings). I have at least 3 boards that don't reach 1220.

I did a test with 1220 and below, still the same behavior.
66  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Bitburner Fury - Hashrate Protection on: October 14, 2013, 11:48:27 AM
Anybody here with a broken USB who was able to get the broken board working via CAN-BUS?

I have a problem problem and don't get an aswer from cryptx.

My 2 boards are connected via CAN-BUS, on both boards I have 2 jumpers.

When I start cgminer like this:

./cgminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u {user} -p x --avalon-options 115200:64:10:50:256 --bitburner-voltage 1300

I get the output:
[2013-10-11 08:41:39] Started cgminer 3.5.0
[2013-10-11 08:41:39] BTB0: Reset succeeded (Controller version: 2000000001)
[2013-10-11 08:41:40] BTB0: [b]Idling 36 miners[/b]
[2013-10-11 08:41:41] BTB0: Core voltage set to 1300 millivolts

The "Idling 36 miners" is changing from time to time, always something between 34-37. When I start cgminer with "--avalon-options 115200:32:10:50:256" (one board), the output is "Idling 32 miners".

The board connected via USB connector is working (all 3 LEDs flashing), board 2 (broken USB) only flashing the green and orange LED. After ~1min on the 2nd board I get a solid red LED, board #1 is hashing normal.
67  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: Burnin Bitfury Asics on: October 10, 2013, 08:24:58 PM
Im englischen Forum gibt es noch mehr mit dem Problem. Danke für eure Ideen, hab heute mal ein paar Handy Reparatur Dienste angerufen, die konnte so nix sagen, aber haben angeboten das ich mal vorbei kommen kann und sie es sich ansehen. Werde ich morgen früh auch direkt mal mache.

Es gibt zum Glück noch eine Alternative die Firmware einzuspielen: - Das wäre dann die Notlösung.
68  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Bitburner Fury - Hashrate Protection on: October 10, 2013, 05:42:52 PM
Here is a picture of my board with broken usb: e-mailed me back and said this could be used to update the firmware if your USB connectors are broken:

This one should be connected to the programming header I guess? (
69  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: Burnin Bitfury Asics on: October 09, 2013, 04:58:01 PM
Hab heute meine beiden Boards erhalten, eins läuft mit 50Gh/s, bei dem zweiten ist mir der USB Anschluss abgebrochen  Sad

Ist passiert als ich das USB Kabel raus gezogen habe. Hat jemand eine Idee wo ich damit hin kann? Ist natürlich passiert bevor ich die Firmware upgrade konnte, per CAN BUS verweigert es nun seinen Dienst.

Hatte überlegt mal so PC Läden abzutelefonieren... Wenn jemand im Raum Hannover begabt ist freue ich mich über Tipps.
70  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Bitburner Fury - Hashrate Protection on: October 07, 2013, 02:51:37 PM
A reminder of what cryptx said:

Every order made before septembar 17th will be delivered in the first week of october.

Well, mine was directly after coupon processing on the 15th.

So that's a fail for on time for my order Wink

+1. Same for me, order 15th sep. No boards received.
71  Local / Biete / Re: Community Mining - Bitfury Asic Miner 120GH/s --> All Shares taken on: September 29, 2013, 01:33:44 PM
Schade das es nicht geklappt hat, aber danke für deine Mühe. Rating & Donation sind raus.
72  Local / Biete / Re: Community Mining - Bitfury Asic Miner 120GH/s --> All Shares taken on: September 23, 2013, 10:28:35 PM
Hi guys,

The last couple of days have been exhausting. I will post details as soon as I have time in the next couple of days, but long story short we have some bad news in the sense that we are not going to be able to ship any of our customer's units. The good news is that you will get a full refund from us.  This morning we got a call from DHL regarding the first 4 units we shipped a few days ago which got stopped by export customs due to lack of an "FSB" (Federal Security Bureau... aka. the new KGB) notification ID# (I will explain what this means when I get a chance).  Today we picked up the units from DHL, and headed straight to Metabank along with all the other units that we spent days testing and packaging carefully. Metabank has already issued us a full refund late this evening, and we'll do likewise with all our customer in order of who paid first as soon as we're able, but likely after I head back to Canada which will be this week . Refunds will be performed in bitcoins and for the amount you paid us. We still need to sort out some internal details but generally speaking, that's the plan.

Our sincere apologies this did not work out as intended.
I will write more details soon, but I just wanted everyone to be notified immediately of the situation.
Kind Regards,

73  Economy / Securities / Re: ASIC.COOP ASIC MINERS COOPERATIVE on: September 16, 2013, 01:11:52 PM
Any updates?
74  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Ripple Giveaway! on: September 13, 2013, 05:26:02 PM
75  Local / Biete / Re: [Gruppenkauf] Avalon ASIC Chips (SebastianJu) Batch 6 bestellt (geschlossen) on: August 21, 2013, 09:40:29 PM
Hatte die Datei zwischendurch verändert. Hatte nun mal die genau Tx recherchiert, zefir hat seinen Batch vor der Großbestellung mit 20 Batches bezahlt. Hatte in vorher direkt dahinter eingetragen, da beides am gleichen Tag war. Da kommen die 200k Unterschied her
76  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Incoming Avalon News 8/9/2013 on: August 21, 2013, 08:27:33 PM

Zefir paid for two batches at the same time, 1561 btc.

So it's either the 1st payment of 1561 on that day or the second, only 10K chip difference between the orders.

Sorry that was an error, is fixed now.
77  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Incoming Avalon News 8/9/2013 on: August 21, 2013, 04:52:55 PM

One side note regarding the spreadsheet. There are 26 batches ordered at 04/20. I don't have the exact transaction id from zefirs bacht #2, I only wrote it down, where the date fits. We can't be sure if the large order of 20 bachtes is shipped or not.
78  Local / Biete / Re: [Gruppenkauf] Avalon ASIC Chips (SebastianJu) Batch 6 bestellt (geschlossen) on: August 20, 2013, 11:11:12 AM
Es müssten insgesamt noch mehr Bestellungen sein, also die 970k Chips. Zwischen dem 2013-05-11 und 2013-05-22 sind auf der Avalon Addresse keine Zahlungen eingegangen.
79  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Avalon - Chips group buy order time frame and deliveries on: August 19, 2013, 06:31:46 PM
I don't know can we/you manage to link all the orders with payments since there was no obligation for group buyers to buy from wallet address they used to collect funds, and some also used escrow?
SebastianJu' batch #2 was paid, and order status was changed to "chips ordered" as per Sebastian's OP, but I will let him know about this so we can "hear" what he "says" about it.
I have to clarify that I have full confident in Sebastian and I appreciate all the effort he did to justify his role as group buy leader, so if anything wrong happened I would see it as mistake and nothing more.

Oh, I think you understand me wrong, there is the payment for batch #2 -> - it just doesn't show up on the "big" avalon payment address. There is a big gap on this addresse between 2013-05-11 14:57:58 and 2013-05-22 02:17:07. Seems there are actually more orders than the 97 batches on 1FGAftzSTztFSB8LMwsrdCKTyqGY6zr3sU.
80  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Avalon - Chips group buy order time frame and deliveries on: August 19, 2013, 06:04:18 PM
Thanks for the work tiros. I made a spreadsheet out of your data in combination with the avalon payment address (1FGAftzSTztFSB8LMwsrdCKTyqGY6zr3sU).

Info about the data in the spreadsheet:

Order: There are some payments that don't have the hole payment amount in one transaction, these have the same Order "ID". For example order 4 -> Payment 1: 700.6, Payment 2: 55, Payment 1: 26.5.

In total there are 54 orders, containing 97 * 10.000 Chips.

Group Buy Date didn't match payment date
1. There is no payment for SebastianJu Batch #2 on:
2013-05-18: Batch 2 ordered - Expected date of arrival (10 weeks) - 2013-07-27 ---> - 23 days

I added it to an order made on 2013-05-22. Anyway the bitcoins are still here 1ECoeDfK79CNm1Mzx6NMMkZrHVocwNg6Sp not transfered to the bitcoin address with 75k Bitcoins.

2. There are some group buys you have listed that don't show up on this bitcoin address. I added this group buys on the end of the table.

What do you think is this spreadsheet usefull? Are there any infos on other delivered batches?
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