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341  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Should altcoins be blamed? on: December 02, 2023, 08:13:23 PM
most of these losses were as a result of improper understanding and experience before attempting massive investments.Of course some early adopters of Bitcoin who sold or lost access to Their coins have also lost faith in the crypto verse.
My question is should altcoins really be blamed for hate some persons have for Bitcoin due to their loss in altcoins?
Blaming Bitcoin or other top altcoins or criticizing them due to financial losses is unwarranted. Investors should primarily hold themselves accountable. Despite the presence of Bitcoin, considered a secure & the best investment in the market, and other top altcoins, they chose scam altcoin projects or hype coins. Also, due to their weak understanding and insufficient experience gained during their substantial investments, they failed to conduct adequate research and assess their ability to withstand losses. Even those who lost access to their Bitcoin wallets or sold Bitcoin at low prices must bear the consequences of their mistakes. This field truly requires experience, analytical skills, and patience. Without these points, all cryptocurrencies might not be trustworthy or suitable for them.
342  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: New here and wants to make some money on: December 02, 2023, 07:12:31 PM
Hello everyone,

I'm totally new and I don't have a steady source of income so I'm looking for some help, nice to meet you all 😊
Hello, and best of luck to you in achieving your goals. I hope to take a look at the topic titled: "[Guide and Advice] New Here? How to Earn and Learn." You will find many tips, recommendations, and important information that will guide you to make some money without capital. What I find suitable for building your capital and future without relying on some funds that may not benefit you much is to learn the necessary skills that require experience in the most sought-after fields in terms of employment. Always remember to make the most of your time and rely on reliable sources during your journey of acquiring skills. Good luck to you.
343  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Trust wallet KYC verification Phishing mail. Beware! on: December 02, 2023, 05:33:43 PM
I have been receiving couple of mail daily to verify KYC for trust wallet. Though occasionally I have been using trust wallet but not as an main wallet. This is absolutely hacking attack. They provide some links even I haven't bothered to click. I just deleted message instantly. Non-custodial wallet won't ask you verify KYC anyway. There are no options to input your mail during creating trust wallet. So no question about receiving KYC verification mail from Trust Wallet. It might a result of data breaches from various crypto sites. So don't click any links if you receive similar mail.
Clicking on these malicious links can pose a significant risk to anyone who opens them, exposing their devices to hacking and compromising their privacy. Emails containing links or downloadable files should not be trusted even if in PDF format. Some less-educated beginners might perceive these phishing messages as genuine and fear that their assets in the Trust wallet will be frozen if they don't pass KYC requirements within the specified period. However, an informed beginner will know that non-custodial wallets do not require KYC verification from their users and will recognize the truth behind these messages. This underscores the importance of knowledge and education in avoiding falling victim to any scam schemes.
344  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Do not be pulled by the hype of meme coins on: December 01, 2023, 09:58:13 PM
Meme coin should not be traded in any time because the only reason it starts pumping is because someone is trying to manipulate its price. Without any usecase or services that can be helpful for the community, a meme coin can pump on its own if it's not artificially created. If you are thinking that there will be another meme coin hype then it can be your big mistake because in crypto industry usually same narrative doesn't appear in the trend and meme coin had its time in the last bull run.
The one who possesses massive capital power among the whales is the one who can move its price at will. If he wants to invest, he pumps the price; if he wants to sell, he dumps the price, affecting all holders of the meme coin who invested in it. Their decisions are not for any specific purpose or benefit the meme coin provides but rather to allow them to achieve unreasonable profits. I believe that, instead of risking capital in these shitcoins for trading or long-term investment, a person should put his funds in altcoins that are more useful and stable in the market. These altcoins offer essential features, solutions, and services needed for a massive user base. These investments are safer than memcoins, and their prices may multiply with the entry of the bull run, thanks to the valuable use cases they provide.
345  Local / العربية (Arabic) / Re: وقف الخلاطات/ Mixer في Bitcointalk on: December 01, 2023, 08:06:33 PM
هو قد صرح في هذه المشاركة أيضا [هنا]، بأنه لا يتوقع أن يكون هناك قيود جديدة في العامين القادمين لكن قد يحدث بالفعل تقيدات أخرى,

ومن الممكن أن يضطر إلى إغلاق المنتدى إذا تم حظر البتكوين في الولايات المتحدة يوماً ما واعترف بان هذه مشكلة المنتديات المركزية وربما يتمكن من إيجاد حل لنقل المنتدى إلى مناطق أكثر حرية ويأمل في في أن يتم بذل المزيد من العمل لإنشاء منتديات لامركزية وغير خاضعة للرقابة،

حقا القرار الذي طبقه مدير المنتدى سيحافظ على بقاء واستمرار المنتدى وسلامته من الملاحقات القانونية وسلامة الأعضاء هنا، على الرغم من أننى أحد الاعضاء المستاءون من هذا القرار والذى يتنافى مع طبيعة البتكوين والتكنولوجيا الحديثة ويتنافى مع مبدأ الامركزية والخصوصية التى نعرفها،

الخلاطات وان تم إساءة استخدامها من قبل فئة من الاشخاص فما علاقة الذين يروجون لها ويتقاضون روابتهم من اجل ميزة الخلاط فى زيادة الخصوصية ان كان الشخص يقطن فى دولة تحظر العملات الرقمية وماشابه؟ كما هو الحال مع طبيعة البتكوين والذى تم حظره من قبل دول عديدة بسبب ميزة الامركزية والخصوصية التى تزعجهم دون تدخل البنوك المركزية بإدعائهم ان المجرمون وغاسلى الاموال وبلا بلا بلا يتعاملون به.

سيكون لهذا القرار تاثير كبير فى الخضوع للقرارات التنظيمية الاخرى والرقابة والتسليم لهذه الحكومات والمؤسسات فى السيطرة على مجتمع الكريبتو وندرة حملات التوقيع وان وجدت ستصبح مقتصرة على الكازينوهات والامور الاخرى والدفع المحدود والمشاركين للأسف =(
346  Local / العربية (Arabic) / Re: تحذير: خداع واحتيال في وظائف مدير المجتمع on: December 01, 2023, 07:20:23 PM
السلام عليكم و رحمت الله تعالى
في العديد من المرات، تواصل معي أشخاص يقدمون وظائف كمشرف مجتمع في مشاريع تبدوا كأنها لا غبار عليها سواءا الموقع او الوايت بايبر و حتى سرفر الديسكرد كل شئ احترافي و متعوب عليه. ولكن قبل أن أجري أي مقابلة يطلبون مني تنزيل وتثبيت مشغل اللعبة الخاص بهم على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بي لفهم مشروعهم بشكل أفضل. و هذا الاخير يقوم مباشرة بالاتصال بكل المحافظ الموجودة في جهازك.
شكراً لك على مشاركة ما حدث لك ولتحذير الأعضاء من هذا الامر.

بالفعل هؤلاء المحتالون يلعبون على جذب ضحايا من خلال تقديم عمل أو وظيفة لهم وربما تكون بسعر مجز ويمكنهم أن يضعوا الكثير من الشروط البسيطة التي تجعل خططهم الاحتيالية محكمة ليتلقوا الكثير من الطلبات من الأشخاص الباحثين عن العمل ومصدر الرزق ويستغلون حاجتهم لهذا، ومن ثم يرسلون برنامجا ملغما أو ملفات خبيثة يحتوي على تروجونات وإن لم يكن طالب الوظيفة لدى حاسبوه برامج مضاد فيروسات قوى أو قام بفتح وتثبيت البرنامج الخبيث فإنه سيفقد ملفاته الحساسة والكريبتو الخاص به، وحتى أنهم على ديسكورد أيضا يضعون المحتالين في أغلب الأحيان بوت للكابتشا وهمى بحيث إن باحث العمل مجرد انضمامه لديسكورد المشروع والتفاعل مع هذا البوت الزائف فانه من الممكن ان يفقد الاكسس توكن الخاصة بحساب الديسكورد الخاص به او يفقد محفظته ان قام بربطها بالبوت الخبيث او ماشابه، فالامور هذه تتطلب عدم التسرع والحيطة التامة لأن النفوس الشريرة بكل مكان حولنا.
347  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: A scammer selling Bitcoin for $1000 on: December 01, 2023, 06:44:23 PM
Whoever gets scammed by this scammer definitely deserves it, because what else can you say about someone who decides to buy 1 BTC for $1000 that is worth $30k+ on the market? Some advertise Bitcoin as magic money, but only the most naive can believe that it can produce so much magic Roll Eyes
This person is irrational and perhaps influenced by the story of Aladdin and the magic lamp. Grin He is offering a promotional offer to sell 1200 bitcoins worth $46M for $8,000.

Anyone with an ounce of common sense would avoid such illogical offers from the outset. Selling Bitcoin at a steep discount or buying Bitcoin and paying a significant amount of interest is a scam attempt to lure greedy and inexperienced people. They might see this as a golden opportunity for a limited period. How can someone gain 0.02% of the Bitcoin value by selling it for $1000? Or someone buying Bitcoin at an increase of 12% to 20% higher than its market price!

I will support this scammer's flag now, and I hope everyone follows OP's approach in exposing scammers and warning the community.
348  Economy / Reputation / Re: Scammer who turned out to be Entrepreneur on: November 30, 2023, 10:33:59 PM
I'm sorry for your loss, @safal, and it's good that you shared your story here to warn the community about this scammer. He managed to deceive you by offering this assistance, and this is due to your inability to pass the KYC verification process on the EthernityCLOUD Swap platform and their awareness that the escrow service we provide at BPtrades does not support selling/buying KYC accounts and assistance conducted through accounts requiring KYC verification. Therefore, any member must have a verified account that has successfully passed KYC and AML procedures. We always emphasize in our official group that BPtrades is not responsible for any transactions or deals conducted outside the group without using the escrow service we offer because scammers are everywhere. Anyway, all the accounts of this scammer have been permanently banned from the group, and he has already changed his usernames on Telegram to "@Albiytg" and "@exgurl245."

I will now tag this scammer's account. I hope you've learned the lesson and won't trust strangers again.

I later checked the value of the lost tokens and found that they were not yet listed on any of the exchanges. Does it have any value that a scammer can benefit from?
After they opened the swap for the project's first ETNY token on the Bloxberg network for the ECLD coin on the Polygon network, they listed the ECLD coin two days ago on Bitmart.

Check out the following link to see the current price of the ECLD token:
349  Local / العربية (Arabic) / Re: مزيج Sinbad Crypto تم حجزه on: November 30, 2023, 09:43:05 PM
شكراً لك على مشاركة هذا,

حقاً هذا خبر سئ والجدير بالذكر أن خلاط سندباد ليس الوحيد الذى يتم حجزه ومصادرته وتقيد الدومين الخاص به من قبل هذه الهيئات والسلطات، فقد سبقه ChipMixer و BestMixer وغيرهم، للأسف لا ننسى حقيقة ان هذه الخلاطات يساء إستخدامها من قبل المجرمين ومن يقومون بالسرقات وغسيل الاموال وبالامور غير القانونية من اجل التخفى وعدم تتبعهم، ولكن هذا لا يمنع انها مفيدة لزيادة الخصوصية، لا أعرف ما مصير الاشخاص الذين عملوا فى هذه الحملات وارتكبوا خطأ فادحاً من خلال تلقى اجورهم على بينانس وغيرها من المنصات المركزية اذا لم توافق المنصة المركزية على الادلة والمعلومات التى قدموها او ان لم يلاحظوا الاشعار هذا قبل مرور 7 ايام، حملات الميكسرز جذابة حقا فهى التى اراها تستمر طويلا ولديها معدل دفع مرتفع دون غيرها والتى تضع الكثير من التساؤلات حولها، امل تسير الامور على مايرام، فأرى ان ما قام به مدير الحملة قرار سليم ولنرى ما سيحدث قريباً.، وامل ان لا يكون خلاط البتكوين Coinomize هو التالى, فهناك حروب شرسة على هذه الخلاطات وخدماتها التى تزعج الحكومات والسلطات.
350  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN][bptrades] Escrow Services for Secure Trading - Buy & Sell Safely - 0 Fees on: November 30, 2023, 08:15:17 PM
First of all thanks to @irfan_pak10 sir for creating @bptrades group.

Then thanks to @Albon sir.
If these two honest and dedicated people had not created @bptrades Group, we might not have understood how to get the benefits of Escrow Services through Telegram Group.
Their work should be respected by all of us especially those who have benefited from their escrow service.[..]
Thank you for your trust in us and for your second positive and motivating feedback about using our Bptrades service again after many times. We are proud to have provided something valuable for you, the crypto community, and the members of Bountyportals. We have achieved a milestone so far in terms of the final amount we escrowed, which is $7,158.6.

Here is a new update on [3] deals for today [Thu, 30 Nov 2023]:

  • Transaction number #66 was successfully completed through our Bptrades escrow service on Telegram, where the buyer @donaldfamm received 8,081 ETNY Tokens, and the seller @gview100 received $300 USDT in his Binance accounts.

  • Transaction numbers #67 + #68 were successfully completed through our Bptrades escrow service on Telegram, where the trader @Gladitorcomeback1 received 7,984 ETNY Tokens, and the trader @Haydar002 received 2,984 ECLD Tokens. The trader @CryptoRoyel received 5,000 ECLD Tokens.

NOTE: Thank you, Gladitorcomeback, for assisting those members who couldn't perform the ETNY tokens swap. You used our escrow service to carry out these trades for free without charging the members any fees.

351  Local / العربية (Arabic) / مناقشة نظام الثقة اللإفتراضية في المنتدى on: November 30, 2023, 01:55:21 PM
مرحبا إخواني الأعزاء، سلام الله عليكم ورحمته وبركاته

هذا الموضوع لمناقشة نظام ال DT في المنتدى وقد أنشأته خصيصاً نظراً لأن هناك أعضاء قلة ما وجدتهم في القسم العربي منخرطون في نظام ال DT هذا ولنتبادل المعرفة

ولكي يسعى أعضاء قسمنا المبجلين من الوصول لرتب ال DT التي تشمل DT1 + DT2 فمن خلال هذه القائمة الافتراضية يصبح أحكامك وتقيماتك للأعضاء الاخرىن افتراضية وموثوقة من خلال التقيمات التى ترسلها بهم، وهذا ليس بالضرورة انهم اشخاص موثوقة من حيث التعاملات وغيره,

ويمكنك إضافة واستبعاد أي عضو حسب ثقتك بأحكامه وبتقيماته التي يرسلها للأعضاء الآخرين ويمكنك التصويت لعضو ما ليضاف بهذه القائمة التى تضم الأعضاء الاكثر سمعة وشعبية فى المنتدى،

 فهناك شروط أن توفرت يتم إضافتك لهذه القائمة الافتراضية DT والتي سأقتبسها من موضوع الأخ Mikeywith الذي تطرق لهذا الموضوع منذ سنوات وايضاً اقتباس لما يجب فعله ومالا يجب فعله من موضوع الأخ Zwei وأيضا سأضيف المزيد من المراجع لفهم النظام أكثر.

شروط لوجودك في القائمة (يتم تصعيد الاعضاء كل شهر تقريبي):
-يجب ان تكون رتبتك "عضو" او اعلى
- يجب ان تكون قد تواجدت في المنتدى عى الاقل مرة وحدة خلال اخر 3 ايام
-يجب ان تكون قائمة الثقة الخاصة بك تحتوي عن مالا يقل 10 اشخاص تتق بهم ( الاشخاص الدي تتق بهم لا يتم حسابهم من ال10)
-يجب ان تكون قد شاركت باي محتوى في اخر 30 يوم
-يجب ان تكون موجود في 10 قوائم تقة لعشرة اعضاء لديهم على الاقل 10 نقاط جدارة ( النقاط التي ترسلها انت لهم لا يتم حسابها)
-يجب ان تكون موجود في قائمة شخصين (2) يمتلكون مالا يقل عن 250 نقطة جدارة  (النقاط التي ترسلها انت لهم لا يتم حسابها )

ما يجب فعله و ما لا يجب فعله
  • لا تضيف أعضاء إلى قائمة ثقتك لأنهم أضافوك!
  • لا تستبعد عضو من قائمة ثقتك على أساس الانتقام. لا بأس أن تثق في حكم شخص ما، حتى ادا كان لا يثق في حكمك.
  • لا تضف أي شخص إلى قائمة ثقتك لأنك كان لديك تجارة معهم. حتى لو كنت تثق بهم بالمال، فإن هذا لا يعني أنه يجب أن تثق في حكمهم على الآخرين. أعتقد أن هذا هو الخطأ الأكثر شيوعًا الذي يتم ارتكابه!
  • لا بأس في تضمين حسابك البديل في قائمة ثقتك. هذا يعني أنك تثق في التعليقات التي اضفتها من هذا الحساب.
  • لا تقم باضافة حسابك الرئيسي من حسابك (حساباتك) البديلة. يمكن أن يؤثر ذلك على تصويت DT1 ، على الرغم من أن هذا ليس جزءًا من هذا الدليل, لا تقم بذلك.

المراجع يرجى الإطلاع عليها:

الآن... لماذا لا تبدءون في بناء قائمة الثقة الافتراضية الخاصة بكم؟
352  Economy / Services / Re: Crypto Mixing Platform 🔥 [banned mixer] Signature Campaign 🔥 $7/Post Reward 💪🏻 on: November 26, 2023, 05:37:11 PM
Forum rank: Legendary Member
 1st choice of interested payroll: Legendary Member
 2nd choice of interested payroll: Hero Member
 Merit earned in the last 120 days: 160
 Bech32 address: bc1q3rzercrnagqdesq4h2etvtgf9tuz2a2xam5u2l
353  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: a Scam Ponzi scheme platform/Fake team on: November 26, 2023, 05:14:43 AM
It's a recently launched platform, not even two months old, and the Admins are transparent about it with the users. When I asked, I was straightforwardly informed that the platform is new. For social media pages, you can find links in the footer. As for terms and conditions and other pages, they're available on the website, but you simply didn't bother to go through them.
It's good that you pointed out the links to this Adswage scam platform. I will now provide you with evidence that its team is a fake team, and this is a clear sign that they are a dishonest team and that the Adswage platform is scheming.


1- Fake name: Saeed Al Nazari (TM username:@saeedalnazari1) ARCHIEVED1 + ARCHIEVED2
Real name: Ailan Hamad Al Mheiri | [ SOUCE ]

2- Fake name: Linda kerin (TM username:@lindakerin) | ARCHIEVED1 + ARCHIEVED2
Real name: Ericka Nuņez - misserrricka | [ SOUCE ]

3- Fake name: Paul Routledge (TM username:@paulroutledge) | ARCHIEVED
Real name: Patrick Schmied | [ SOUCE ]

You sound like you might be new to the internet. Adswage isn't the only platform that requires users to pay fees to participate in their earning program. Twitter, Distrokid, and many other platforms follow a similar approach. These fees are typically in place to safeguard the platform against scammers who might exploit the program by creating multiple free accounts.

Now, I'd like to ask you: How would you propose preventing referral and bot fraud in such a program if it were made free for everyone? Consider why platforms like Twitter and Distrokid charge users upfront. Why do they not deduct fees from your account after you've earned money?

This platform is legitimate, and I challenge you to provide any evidence of being scammed if you claim otherwise.

Is the OP the new on the internet, or is it you?  It's naive to compare the Bonzi scheme platform, which is only two months old and which you defend as if you are a part of it, with the massive Twitter X platform that has been around for decades. Additionally, does platform X charge its users $100 for subscribing to its Premium service as the Adswage scam platform does? Or is it priced starting at $3 monthly or $32 annually? In addition to the fantastic features that X offers at this low price, it allows any user to proceed by creating a free account without the need to subscribe to this premium service. What features or benefits does Adswage offer its users besides the fake earning program it claims to provide?  Roll Eyes

Should any new user pay $100 to the platform owners so that they prevent referral and bot fraud? And if this user creates another account and pays the same amount, will this absurdity you claim prevent him? xD

Also, have you ever heard of KYC procedures? Have you ever heard of artificial intelligence techniques and other algorithms that determine fraudulent activities?
354  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: TRC20 or BEP20? on: November 25, 2023, 10:45:35 PM
I want to buy $150 USDT and send it to an address. Is TRC20 cheaper or BEP20?

Thank you.
Honestly, both networks are the cheapest in terms of fees, but naturally, I prefer BEP20 for its significantly lower costs, especially on centralized exchange platforms (CEX). It's good that you brought up this topic before making any transactions. You should always check the fees of each network you will use to transfer your crypto through. It's perfect that you didn't choose the ERC20 network because it's one of the most expensive networks in terms of fees during peak times and network congestion. Fortunately, many other solutions and alternatives are less costly.

It would be best if you also made sure that the address you are sending to has chosen the appropriate network. If the transaction is "on-chain" on exchange platforms, sending to the wrong network may result in losing those funds.
355  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: How much do you Trust Bitcoin ? on: November 25, 2023, 08:43:14 PM
To what extent do you believe in the long-term viability and stability of Bitcoin as a leading cryptocurrency, considering the impact of decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on its perceived value, adoption, and regulatory landscape? How do you perceive the potential influence of DeFi and NFTs on the trustworthiness and growth potential of Bitcoin, and how does this factor into your overall level of trust in the digital asset ?
To make it simple from 0 to 100  how much do u trust on Bitcoin ?
I strongly believe in the long-term potential of Bitcoin and in the promising blockchain technology that has revolutionized the financial system with its tremendous capabilities. I have confidence exceeding 98% in Bitcoin as a currency, and many investors like me place most of their capital in it with certainty and trust more than any other altcoins. However, when it comes to DEFI or NFTs, it's a different story. They may positively impact Bitcoin by increasing its growth and use cases. Still, this impact could be damaging in the event of DEFI protocol hacks or congestion in the Bitcoin network resulting from the minting of NFTs on the ordinals network and the increase in Bitcoin transaction fees. Satoshi did not create Bitcoin to operate in this way, and that's why I believe what will go against the nature of Bitcoin may fade away someday. However, Bitcoin and its technology remain alive no matter what happens.
356  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Have anyone heard about a platform called Adswage? on: November 25, 2023, 06:29:49 PM
They did not tell me that.

Another source [1] indicates that you should fund your account with a minimum of $100 to activate it, and the account will be credited with only $50. Indeed, I couldn't create your account because I don't have an invitation code or Hot ID. Moreover, as you mentioned, the Adswage platform doesn't seem to have any social media links or usage/terms policies. Also, no YouTuber reviewed the platform and spoke about its legitimacy, and the reviews on Trustpilot are likely to be shill reviews [2]; if you mean the platform domain that ends with .com.

The question is, are you creating an account to earn money from watching ads for free, or are you activating your account with a hundred dollars so they can benefit from your money? And are the cents or a few dollars you might profit through it worth the money you paid? This is an unknown platform, and I advise you to avoid any platforms that ask you to deposit your money primarily to activate the account or for withdrawals because they are 100% likely to be scam platforms.
357  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: So we got new CEO of Binance on: November 24, 2023, 09:40:40 PM
It's sad we lost CZ as Binance CEO. But I don't think it's regrettable since he is the founder and owner of Binance. He will always take care of his company, and he won't leave us alone. On the other hand, the new CEO is also highly experienced, and he could handle everything since CZ will back him. So we don't need to worry much about the new change at Binance. Let CZ work freely now for us.
He has indeed mentioned in a tweet [1] his step down from the position of CEO of Binance, stating that he will remain available to the team and consult with them as set out in U.S. agency resolutions. because he is the only person with historical knowledge and information for years about Binance's company as its founder and former CEO. Whether CZ continues to manage affairs or Richard Teng takes over, the crucial point is for the Binance platform to remain alive and more secure in the future. This might happen after the agreements made with U.S. authorities to resolve compliance issues and sanctions. Richard Teng, the new CEO of Binance, is highly qualified and has extensive experience in cryptocurrency/CEX; the Binance platform might become more prosperous under his leadership. This is what we hope for, as the collapse and demise of Binance would be a severe blow to the market.
358  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: coin memes don't have a project? Is it worth buying for the long term? on: November 24, 2023, 03:08:20 AM
As far as I know, meme coin are just for fun and don't have a clear project.
Dogecoin is the first meme coin that I know, in 2021 Elon Musk supports the use of Dogecoin, since then the popularity of meme coin has peaked, many new meme coin have emerged such as
- Shiba inu
- floki
- Baby doge coin
- Pepe
and many more.
Even though there is no clear project, many people are still interested in meme coin because they have increased by thousands of%.
 Are meme coin worth buying in the long term?
What is your reason for buying meme coin?
I see no reason to hold meme coins other than the greed of investors and irrational traders and the dream of quick wealth that makes them risk their significant funds in these shitcoins. When these coins were launched in their early days and during the hype made through extensive marketing by influencers, holders and those fortunate enough made substantial fortunes through them. However, did everyone who invested in these meme coins over the long term seize these rare opportunities? Many believe that by investing in meme coins, they can achieve returns ranging from 100x to 1000x. They anticipate and hope for positive outcomes without considering that their prices can be manipulated by whales and market makers, leading to significant losses for investors in less than an hour. Also, new meme coin projects that have not gained considerable attention are considered more risky, as they may be prone to Rug pull scams. As for me, I prefer altcoins built on solid projects rather than engaging in meme coins based on frivolous matters.
359  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN][bptrades] Escrow Services for Secure Trading - Buy & Sell Safely - 0 Fees on: November 23, 2023, 09:57:59 PM
Here is a new update on [5] deals for today [Thu, 23 Nov 2023]:

  • Transaction number #61 was successfully completed through our Bptrades escrow service on Telegram, where the buyer @GMaxiCrypto received 4,449 ETNY Tokens, and the seller @alamin988 received $133.5 USDT in his Binance account.

  • Transaction numbers #62, #63, #64, and #65 were successfully completed through our Bptrades escrow service on Telegram, where the buyer @mdrakib325893900 received 19,909 ETNY Tokens, The seller @AlinaAdria00 received $345 USDT, The seller @enzimme received $17.52 USDT, The seller @redwine49 received $153.47 USDT, and the seller @Mai_ThanhVN received $167.96 USDT in their Binance accounts.

360  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: unnecessarily quoting by members of the forum. on: November 23, 2023, 09:27:11 PM
For those using the Telegram bot, this can be annoying when you're mentioned unnecessarily, and keep getting notifications even if you're not involved in the current discussion. I personally urge all members, not just the newbies but also those who are guilty of this, to stop and learn the proper way to quote a post.
Honestly, I am among those bothered by this because these notifications come to me through the SuperNotifier bot due to many pyramid quotes. When I check one of these notifications, I find that my account and many members not intended within these quotes have been mentioned. Afterward, I ask myself, to whom is this person addressing his post, which includes all these quotes? Therefore, his contribution became worthless and may even become spam and off-topic. Therefore, this topic is good for beginners or anyone still unknowingly engaging in these annoying quotes. We all started as beginners and made mistakes when joining the forum. However, learning from mistakes enhances the quality of posts and makes members understand forum posts.
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