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1201  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: Uji Coba Token Pertama ERC-2.0 pada Ethereum Blockchain on: January 02, 2018, 01:52:49 PM
Mantap gan.....
Tinggal nunggu lahir jadi IC poin..
Price ...well, waiting for release on market...
1202  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [FAUCET] [LIVE] New free faucet - 0.01 0.02 Bitradio BRO Coin every 6 hour on: January 02, 2018, 11:28:48 AM
Hi, I use bitrad too...

But I have some trouble when installed Bitradio client. It's too long to sync with
Still running but too slow, I have to sync data start 53 weeks to go sync... it's about 1,2 Gb data...

But my bitrad now is stable. Good work team..
1203  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Tanya Jawab Seputar Forum Disini/Ask about this forum here! on: January 02, 2018, 09:22:10 AM
Berita bulan Oktober, dan ada yang ngereply Desember dengan: Wah parah ya, Gan. Semoga -bla blga blaskahjsd asidjhakjsdas- trims infonya. Malesin, kan?
Jadi galau berat dengan kata "Wah parah ya, Gan." Grin ... gak ada lanjutan.
Saya udah berusaha aktif dengan report to moderator untuk mempermudah filtering-nya....
Tapi klo ikutan diskusi kadang kalap juga, terbawa suasana klo bahas spamming.

Untuk thread lama dengan kondisi tertentu masukin ke perpustakaan aja dengan kondisi lock, untuk bahan bacaan dan referensi. Gak ribet liat page utama...
1204  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Hello,everyone.I'm new here. on: January 02, 2018, 12:49:35 AM
Hi there...
You can start by read this thread "Newbie-Read before posting".
If you have any important things to discuss or special questions, you free to make new thread in right forum section.

1205  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Could ripple jump to $5 or $10? on: December 31, 2017, 04:04:19 AM
Yes, ripple my best choice to keep it.
It will be $5 - $10.
Ripple will be implementation in bank and/or their credit card.
1206  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: cari dan laporkan ke moderator on: December 30, 2017, 01:40:51 PM
setuju gan dengan cara seperti itu tapi untuk nomor 2 menurut ane kurang tepat karena dapat di salah gunakan oleh orang - orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab yang hanya menginginkan reward saja.
Maksudnya moderator disini adalah moderator forum dimana peserta bounty/campaign posting, om.... Cheesy

yang paling sering terjadi adalah membuat thread yang pembahasannya selalu di ulang ulang, sekarang saja banyak thread baru bermunculan yang dibuat oleh para newbie. mereka asal post tanpa memikirkan kualitas post mereka, bukan hanya levelnya rendah levelnya tinggi pun masih ada yang spam demi mengejar post.
Ada benarnya sih untuk menghindari spam dengan cara melapor ke moderator
Tapi menurut ane kalau untuk membasmi tuyul agak susah, tuyuknya sudah profesional
Untuk menghindari spam, newbie sebaiknya pahami topik dulu sebelum post
Misalnya akun newbie "dilarang bikin thread" gimana? cuma bisa post di komentar, sampai dia menjadi jr.member?

Untuk yg level tinggi, kebanyakan itu akun beli... sayangnya sang "pembeli" adalah pemula yg asbun-asnul (asal bunyi-asal nulis).

Tindakan pada mereka enaknya bagaimana? diturunkan levelnya?

1207  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: cari dan laporkan ke moderator on: December 30, 2017, 01:16:40 PM
Tanggapan agan2 utk hal spt ini liat level "beliau"

Mantap gan makasih triknya,  saya juga seorang newbie yang butuh referensi trading,  semoga bisa profit tiap hari  Grin
Informasinya sederhana mudah dipahami. Berarti kita juga otomatis harus registrasi pada exchange yang punya selisih lebih murah daripada yang lain. Agan masih newbie, tapi pengalaman senior, paham betul teknik arbitrase. Smiley

Full member
Mantap triknya, cukup jelas bisa langsung di praktekan, thanks gan terus lanjutkan buat post-post yang bermanfaat yang bisa membantu dan berguna bagi para member di sini, khususnya para member yang baru mulai di dunia cryptocurrency yang masih haus akan ilmu-ilmu seperti ini, sukses selalu gan, saya tunggun trik-trik berikutnya.
Postingan beliau sebelum 06 Agustus;u=1018029;sa=showPosts;start=160
Postingan setelah 6 Agustus;u=1018029;sa=showPosts;start=140
1208  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: cari dan laporkan ke moderator on: December 30, 2017, 12:52:00 PM
Saya udah PM ke bang mod (dbshck) utk mengatasi hal tsb, om.
Ada beberapa teknik yg sy tulis....

Gambaran umumnya spt ini:

Penyebab utama spamming:
type 1. kejar rangk / level : newbie s.d sr.member
type 2. kejar posting signature: jr. member s.d hero
type 3. faktor kebencian / no respect pada member lain
type 4. faktor lain

Alasan umum :
- Forum btt hanya tempat utk cari duit
- Makin tinggi level makin tinggi hadiah
- tidak mengetahui aturan dasar dalam forum (gak tau fungsi tombol "search")
- Akun level member-hero hasil dari membeli, dan yg beli adalah pemula yg gak tau rule dlm forum btt
- dll...

Antisipasi utk hadapi kelompok spammer jenis 1
1. Dibentuk dari kelompok kecil dari beberapa anggota aktif yg bersedia secara  sukarela memberikan arahan.
2. Moderator umum kadang harus tampil / posting di thread yg kemungkinan akan jadi sarang spam. (seperti madam Lauda) Grin
3. Memberikan peringatan langsung (temporary bann), jika sudah 2x diperingatkan oleh member lain (report to moderator)

Antisipasi utk hadapi kelompok spammer jenis 2
1. Posting harus bermutu dan on-topic, DISETUJUI OLEH MODERATOR thread tempat member posting
2. Report/laporan lebih baik memakai sub-form Google spreadsheet mingguan/harian (tidak memakai thread pengumuman / announcement sbg media laporan)
Mungkin ada tambahan, gan....
1209  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: Legalizing Bitcoin on: December 30, 2017, 11:35:17 AM
perhaps in the future the government will find a way to be able to provide taxes, the government will not control the bitcoin because it is impossible because the bitcoin is decentralized. the government will give control to bitcoin users, maybe every user is required to have an account such as bitcoin bank or local exchange that requires data verification, where they have a complete system about the amount of bitcoins that owned by them so that the government can ask tax to bitcoin users, I think from that the government can provide legalization of bitcoin're right.
Government can't control the bitcoin. But the government can control regulation the industry and user who used bitcoin currency in their country.
They can protect the citizens from negative effect by bitcoin users who can damage their natonality economic system, and addtionally government must give learn to their citizens about how to use cryptocurrency and how to invest it in profitable zone, it is will be new national capital income in their country.
1210  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Buying Altcoin with Fiat or other Altcoin? on: December 30, 2017, 06:57:36 AM
Do cryptocurrency exchanges generally charge more for the exchange from FIAT money to Cryptocurrency than they do when
trading cryptocurrency for cryptocurrency?

For example, Independent reserve charges .5% when buying crypto with FIAT.  But is it generally the same again if I buy
say Altcoin with Bitcoin?
I think that fee is for their service. For fiat to cryptos, this mean your invest/exchange your fiat to cryptocurrency, there's some fee for service.
But for more, if you trade from cryptos to another cryptos currency, it's call Cryptocoins trading, and yes, there is need some fee to serve for trade.
Actually, fee for trade is cheap than fee for invest.
1211  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [#savecryptocurrencyUsersIND] memerdekakan diri sendiri on: December 30, 2017, 12:35:57 AM
Sangat sedih gan jika bitcoin benar benar di larang di indonesia karena masyarakat yang bawah atau bukan PNS untuk menambah penghasilan mereka hanya melalui bitcoin,jika bitcoin di larang maka pemerintah melarang rakyatnya untuk mencari makan
Rencana pemerintah melarang keberadaan cryptocurrency di indonesia guna menghindari kejahatan  dalam bidang cypto seperti pencucian uang, transaksi para teroris karena data di bitcoin tidak bisa kita ketahui karena sifatnya private key. pemerintah tidak sepenuhnya menutup akses bagi kita untuk menggunakan bitcoin, kita masih bisa trading investasi, serta ikut projek dari bounty yang di larang kan cuma transaksi jual beli, kalo penghasilan dari bounty bagi perorang lumayan buat menambah penghasilan bagi masyakarat kita yang masih banyak penggangguran.
Seharusnya pemerintah kita mengkaji dulu sebelum menebang semua "batang pohon" bitcoin, kalau alasan pemerintah menutup bitcoin untuk hal menghindari pencucian uang dan transaksi para teroris saya setuju, tapi pemerintah harus memperhatikan nasib warganya yang kesejahteraannya masih morat marit dengan di izinkannya aktivitas bitcoin bisa menjadi harapan baru untuk warga yang punya kreativitas di bitcoin.
Apakah anda sudah siap dengan segala resiko fluktuatifnya bitcoin?
Apakah anda bersedia untuk menjaga Indonesia dari kerugian akibat bitcoin?
Apakah anda mampu memberikan kontribusi dalam usaha mengembangkan cryptocurrency?

Kalo agan siap, maka :
1. Ajukan Peninjauan Kembali (PK) pada Mahkamah Agung jika terbit UU tentang pelarangan transaksi bitcoin
2. Menekan kepada pemerintah untuk segera diterbitkannya Undang-undang (regulasi) tentang cryptocurrency
3. Membantu pemerintah untuk mendidik masyarakat dalam mengenalkan cryptocurrency.

Guys, kita membayar pajak tanah, mobil/motor, pendapatan dan pajak lain2 adalah supaya pemerintah melindungi hak2 kita sebagai warga negara. Mereka bekerja supaya pembayar pajak supaya nyaman.
Jika pemerintah tidak melakukan hal tersebut, maka mereka telah melakukan pelanggaran terhadap pasal 27-28 UUD 1945 amandemen....liat google untuk liat pasal-pasalnya

Pasal 33 ayat 4 UUD 45 amandemen juga berbunyi "Perekonomian nasional diselenggarakan berdasar atas demokrasi ekonomi dengan prinsip kebersamaan, efisiensi berkeadilan, berkelanjutan, berwawasan lingkungan, kemandirian, serta dengan menjaga keseimbangan kemajuan dan kesatuan ekonomi nasional."

So, ayo maju kawan...kita mempunyai dasar kuat untuk melakukannya...
1212  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [#savecryptocurrencyUsersIND] memerdekakan diri sendiri on: December 29, 2017, 01:24:28 PM
Iya tentu sama sih gan E-money (E-toll) dengan Cryptocurrency kalau di lihat secara fisik. tapi Bagaimana dengan Systemnya?, Proses kerjanya?, dan hasil yang di dapat pun beda.

saya berpendapat yang sama, sangat mengecewakan pemerintah tidak bisa melegalkan Cryptocurrency di Indonesia, tapi loh kita cari tau dulu alasan dari pemerintah itu kanapa pemerintah sulit melegalkan Bitcoin. Cryptocurrency punya sifat tersendiri, punya harga yang tidak stabil. kalau ini tidak di benahi terlebih dahulu, Indonesia bisa dapat kerugian bukan memajukan negara.
Yang diregulasi adalah industri dan user yg mempergunakan cryptocurrency, gan....
Bukan bitcoin ato altcoin-nya....
1213  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [#savecryptocurrencyUsersIND] memerdekakan diri sendiri on: December 29, 2017, 03:41:47 AM
Bang gredisgold88 itu ngajak kita diskusi untuk menemukan pemecahannya...bukan mengajak kita menguatkan narasinya...

Ayo berpikir kreatif dikit...
Kira2 apa yg bisa kita lakukan untuk hadapi hal tersebut. Clash action? Unjuk rasa? Ato boikot transaksi. Ato ajukan permohonan pembatalan ke MK tentang hasil keputusan BI?
1214  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: Where can i report a crypto crime? on: December 29, 2017, 01:02:11 AM
If your country has regulated the cryptos then should be some laws related to them.  If cryptos are legal in your country then, there must be cyber cell at your local police station; you can go there and register your complain. I am not aware about any special authority who is responsible to look after such crypto crimes.
For additonal, if your country don't have any regulation about cryptos, you can report as cyber crime. I think all police in most country have regulation about cyber crime.
Show your evidence's, tell them the chronologyst and how many your loss.

Here's the topic I've been waiting for. Suppose there is a crypto crime, stealing money in the crypto wallet, then to whom can report the case? While bitcoin has not obtained legalization from the government. Do you think the government wants to handle crypto cases? If not, losing money in the crypto wallet, its value is also worth the same as paper money. So, what we must do?
For the first, you must prove it is stolen, not loosing or something like forgot the password.
But you must tell them (police officer), your internet account is hijack with loss some money. Police Departemnt have qualification about that problems.
1215  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [#savecryptocurrencyUsersIND] memerdekakan diri sendiri on: December 28, 2017, 11:34:54 AM
Trus perbedaan antara e-money (e-toll) dg cryptocurrency apa?
Secara fisik, sama2 berbentuk digital money?
Kenapa e-money mendapat regulasi, sedangkan crypto tidak?

Seharusnya pemerintah memberikan edukasi tentang cryptocurrency dan memberikan perlindungan kepada warga negaranya, supaya tidak menjadi korban kejahatan crypto, atau bahkan mencegah supaya tidak menjadi pelaku kejahatan tersebut...
Bahkan mungkin dg hal tsb, pemerintah bisa menaikkan pendapatan negara, dan membiayai terbentuknya aturan baku cryptocurrency di indonesia..
Teknologi tidak bisa dibendung, apalagi dilarang.
Jika kita ingin menjadi negara maju, maka gunakan kemajuan teknologi menjadi salah satu pendukungnya.

Jika kita meninggalkan teknologi, mungkin kita akan tersingkirkan dimasa depan..
1216  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Cara mengetahui private key di wallet on: December 28, 2017, 02:27:22 AM
  • Wallet Recovery Phrase. Kalian bisa temukan di Settings > Security. Sekalian kalian bisa backup wallet kalian juga.

Ini di bagian mana, gan? Harus sign in dulu di github?
1217  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: [BOUNTY] IZETEX - 📱⭐️ Platform for independent game developers ⭐️📱 on: December 28, 2017, 01:53:47 AM
hello bounty Manager please remove Row number 247 in telegram mistake fill another form. thanks
done, thank you for respond

Hi dev...
Do we must write some report in this thread? Or you have tracking our posts?
1218  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: Legalizing Bitcoin on: December 28, 2017, 12:50:31 AM
Do you think gover
Every government is afraid of bitcoin. They only think about how to bitcoin collapsed and this nightmare was over for them. In government there are no people with new thinking. They are all proteges of the existing clan system. They have now all is well and they don't want to change anything. Here we sit on the twine. To ban bitcoin can't, and admit it does not want.
Do you think governments are afraid legalizing bitcoin because it's difficult regulating its use, circulation, determining individual's worth, earnings and may lead to tax evasion?
Government are afraid to legalize bitcoin because it was decentralized and they have no knowledge about cryptocurrency.They cannot imposed tax on it they need a deeply studies about bitcoin.The development of bitcoin is now increasing day by day and it was been popular by other country unlike before that only few of us known by bitcoin.
nments are afraid legalizing bitcoin because it's difficult regulating its use, circulation, determining individual's worth, earnings and may lead to tax evasion?
Every government is afraid of bitcoin. They only think about how to bitcoin collapsed and this nightmare was over for them. In government there are no people with new thinking. They are all proteges of the existing clan system. They have now all is well and they don't want to change anything. Here we sit on the twine. To ban bitcoin can't, and admit it does not want.
Do you think governments are afraid legalizing bitcoin because it's difficult regulating its use, circulation, determining individual's worth, earnings and may lead to tax evasion?
Mostly right,, they don’t want cryptocurrency for that reason.. Controlling it,, that they can’t even manipulate the market for  political reason and used to blackmail investors for money or corruption that is obviously they wont know without personal information available.. Not like on stock market that they’re well-known and can be easy to asked for anything especially in election time..
in addition, the government is still not ready to anticipate crime that uses bitcoin, such as black market, money laundering, drugs, etc.
but do not worry, some countries that do not legalize bitcoin just forbid bitcoin be used as currency, there is no prohibition to own and invest with bitcoin, just given a warning only.

I have some problems with goverments regulations.
But I think, at all most cases their reason is same TO PROTECT THEIR CITIZEN. That's just insincere of the goverment policy. In the front of public, they said will banned anything about criptocurrency. But from behind they try to adopt blockchain technology for their monetery policy.

Additionally, It's better if the goverment protect their citizens with give learning about cryptocurrency, like how to make safety investation, give the citizens protect from cryptocrime, make sure their citizen can't be criminals in crypto technology, etc....

Guys, the technology can not be stopped or banned. We must follow the technology. If we don't follow the technology, we will dissappear in future. 
1219  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: How foolish are people who invest in Bitcoin? on: December 28, 2017, 12:13:48 AM
How many idiots who decided to invest in bitcoin!!!!!!!
So, what your think about investation by smart people? Or you too late to invest in bitcoin when bitcoin have litle price? And now you have jelauosy to them...

Nothing in this world is eternal and permanent.....
And rising prices of bitcoin are not eternal.... all ends already.....
Agree with you, but we must to to someting to make our life better. Just like, make a chance to take some profitable investment for yourself or do action to helping eachother be comfortable in his life.
Nothing is eternal in this world like you said. But we must make sure that end of the world, our childrens get better life before ends.
1220  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: [BOUNTY] IZETEX - 📱⭐️ Platform for independent game developers ⭐️📱 on: December 25, 2017, 03:33:08 PM
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