No matter what the situation is....Lost loved one,Broken bone,Cancer.
Pain is God's way of saying your alive. Happiness and laughter is a distraction from the pain and is False.
So glad to see one of my favorite sections on this forum is going to get a much needed Mod to clean it up.
I would have reported more but i got too frustrated by the garbage in there and stopped visiting that section all together.
Where can we see a list of all the users who are Merit Sources?
This list should be kept hidden. If people know who the sources are they will follow them around the forum begging and harassing these sources. Just my opinion.
I offer paypal.
Go to Ebay then! This is a BTC Forum and you are scamming.
Don't bother with this Newbie Scammer. He wants you to send him BTC without Escrow. Calls Escrow a scam. SCAM SCAM SCAM! This person is most likely not the original owner of the account. Escrow is a good way to get SCAMMED and pay a fee.
I have 26+- grams of gold scrap jewelry,Dental gold for grabs. I melted down the Dental gold into a blob. I'm sure it will have to be refined. I can ship it to you and after your done refining it you can give me a price on it. The jewelry is various K 10,14
*Edit* Or i'll take silver in trade.
You want people to just hand over .24 BTC to a newbie? You might want to include escrow.
Looks like the Volume is muted on your phone?
I hope DT members will take necessary action on them because they definitely abused the merit system by buying merits from someone or exchanged their merits from their alt accounts for the sake of rank up. If people continue to do like this then more DT members will need to find out and tag them because merit system is an easy way to find the alt accounts too.  Ya because this is what the TRADE Trust system was meant for.(Sarcasm) Moron
What can you say about this picture? Can you Imagine this beautiful creature was slaughtered for a Bone (Ivory) Which Asians grind up to make a so called Aphrodisiac to make their tiny peckers hard? This is what the Human Race does. We are Raping the planet. 
I Almost pissed myself when i read the OP. LMFAO what a great post.
I asked for a loan to help with my dogs operation years ago. It was a Non Collateral loan. I could have been fast triggered Red Neg. but people started asking questions and i answered them. After all was said and done i got a gift from a user of $1K or 1 BTC to help with the surgery.
Moral of the story? Don't jump to conclusions with a few posted words. Not that you do. The example is for others.
I hardly know shit about the trust system, except that I see that it is a link that I can click on in my profile.
And I can understand if you did a trade (or planning a trade)
The trust system is not just for trades. I can distrust you for any reason. If people trust me, then they trust who I trust. Theymos picks the people whom he believes most match his morals to be on DT1. Those members pick members they trust to go to on DT2. I disagree Vod. It's mainly for trading/selling but can be extended to scammers who try to abuse a loan situation which would be considered a "Trade" situation. Just because you distrust a person with their wording here on the forum doesn't mean they aren't trustworthy in regards to a sale or buy situation. I have said tons of shit on here that might make a person think i'm "Untrustworthy" but have done business with the likes of Mods and DT users alike with no issues. I think it's a case by case basis which deserves scrutiny but doesn't necessarily warrant a Neg.
Wtf arguing made me miss becoming legendary! I dont even know what post i made it on WTF!
99% Eh? I do Question that and i wish there were a way to look at your feedback history prior to Editing.
"Prior to editing"? This is very backwards. Are you saying, ratings that were left mistakenly or incorrectly described should not be edited? Most of my ratings represent the following groups: a) Abusers from the alts thread. b) Account traders. c) ICO bumpers. d) Individual scammers. Those are naturally correct (with the exception of the last one, where errors could be made). The rest represents a minor amount of left ratings, thus the rate of invalid ratings can never be high. BS= Spam and garbage + Less moderation.
You want less spam and less moderation? I have spoken about some publicly. Named them and called them out.
Where and who? Yeah, hopefully Tomatocage, who is clearly owned by a certain butthurt scammer called quickscammer or Ognasty (Or both)....  I wonder if TC will neg. you for this, and if he does whether otrkid70 will complain about that abuse or keep quiet (and complain about non-existing abuse from others).  I was pointing out the BS of not having enough moderation. You and a few others...Like i said i don't want to start a war with you or anyone else. I doubt TC would neg me. he had the opportunity to neg me when i asked for a Loan with no collateral for my dogs operation years ago. He among other scrutinized me and asked for proof so i showed proof.
DT has become less relevant now that the merit system has been introduced.
You referring to the red paint associated to shit posters/spammers/bad English posts? Exactly. Such tags are no longer needed. However, DT is still needed in areas of outright fraud - such as loan scammers. I absolutely agree. Scammers/fraudsters/Bad deals Etc. Should be tagged that's what the system was meant for.
You were removed from the list so is being cleaned up.
No, it is not. My ratings have >= 99% accuracy, probably. The issues lie elsewhere; the fact that you don't recognize this just shows how unfamiliar you are from the (current) forum. I would be more active here if there wasn't so much BS. I loved this forum
If you consider "more scams = less BS", then that fits OP's agenda perfectly. I can name a bunch who should be removed but i'm not going to start a battle.
Either speak or don't. Insinuating stuff doesn't make you look good. 99% Eh? I do Question that and i wish there were a way to look at your feedback history prior to Editing. BS= Spam and garbage + Less moderation. I have spoken about some publicly. Named them and called them out.
DT has become less relevant now that the merit system has been introduced.
You referring to the red paint associated to shit posters/spammers/bad English posts?
The abuse of the DT list is just disgusting and i see it's being cleaned up. theymos needs to clean house with the DT users and leave only those who have proven their worth. Everyone else should go. ...
Just because you fundamentally misunderstand the system, that doesn't mean that it is being abused in any way. Nothing is being cleaned up. The copy-cat exclusion move essentially destroyed eliminated most of the remaining credibility of the system. Another copy-cat move would completely destroy it, which is the ulterior agenda. It was meant for trading/selling/buying purposes but everyone who gets that GREEN gets the adrenaline rush of being an abusive asshole.
Again, nope. You are not even active here, what are you complaining about? DT has become less relevant now that the merit system has been introduced.
Disagreed. The latter is also a giant mess being gamed, partially by the same people in this thread. I understand it and use it for what it was meant to be used for Trading/selling. You were removed from the list so is being cleaned up. I would be more active here if there wasn't so much BS. I loved this forum I can name a bunch who should be removed but i'm not going to start a battle.
I love this fucking Quote!
You love the idea of this, is what you're saying. Almost a scammers' Utopia.
I think more DT users are going to get demoted soon.  Nobody with 1 inclusion from DT2 can really stand up without being afraid of consequences as of right now. The collusion is clear, and you can get yanked for just disagreeing with one of the two three publicly. The abuse of the DT list is just disgusting and i see it's being cleaned up. theymos needs to clean house with the DT users and leave only those who have proven their worth. Everyone else should go. It has become the wild west with the BS and red paint......Everyone gets red paint no matter what they do....Insults,Scamming,Spam,bad english and even not following a self moderated fucking auction rule. It was meant for trading/selling/buying purposes but everyone who gets that GREEN gets the adrenaline rush of being an abusive asshole. Gross incompetence across the board....Clean house theymos.