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do you know diamond? 25% staking reward, low coincap. has had a decent rise and a correction lately. may be a good point to think about getting in
As far as i know, there is still no wallet that supports btc gold. This for its own, and the fact that there are pretty much premined coins does not look good to me.
Where do you keep your coins ? Do you have 70 wallets? If not, you do not really own the coins; it´s all about the private key.
Within certain boundaries, this is quite normal. Around block 491407 will be an interesting time.
Das Konzept klingt für mich gut. Ich würde es mit einem kleineren Betrag auch mal testen. Vor allem der zusätzliche Rabatt bei Zahlung in einer "fungibilen" Währung spricht mich an, wobei schon noch gut wäre zu definieren welche als solche gilt. Für mich persönlich wäre das derzeit Monero und Zcoin.
I'm having issues with the wallet. I've got the latest version and every time I launch it, it immediately crashes before it even gets past the splash screen. Any thoughts on what the issue may be?
Thank you!
What kind of OS do you use? Look into the debug.log. You can find it in the installation directory.
If the amount you want to sell is not high, maybe a bitcoin ATM. Personally i like bitstamp.
In order to survive in the long run, mankind will have to rethink. Bitcoin is an attempt to rethink the monetary systems. So money obove all things ? No!
If someone is not active for a longer period, does he remain the rank or does a downgrade mechanism exist?
also bear in mind that certain assets popular in some countries and not so popular in others. analyze which exchange has the highest volume (influences most) for the asset and when the volume has the peak on this exchange for your asset. maybe you find the timeframe for significant changes.
I have tried to fill out the form for the hero signature campain, but the Rank section only lists Full Member, Senior Member, Hero Member and Legendary Member. The signature campain overview states Junior Member and above can join. Is there any updated information?
yes, so is there a big increase in H/s in ASM mode for r9 fury? Will it draw more power too?
one question please: since there is no polaris ASM kernel coming, everyone who has mixed rigs now (e.g. r9 fury + rx 470) is going to split them up to install driver 15.12 and run ASM kernel for their older gen cards. Is it worth it for r9 nano and r9 fury? thanks!
i thought you need to run different driver versions anyways? no, r9 fury and nano run fine together with rx 470 on my driver 16.11.5 ~ 1510h/s@580w I guess not many here have mixed rigs then.
one question please: since there is no polaris ASM kernel coming, everyone who has mixed rigs now (e.g. r9 fury + rx 470) is going to split them up to install driver 15.12 and run ASM kernel for their older gen cards. Is it worth it for r9 nano and r9 fury? thanks!
Edit: I just figured out what might be the problem with the Moongates: You propably can't port to Fel because you are young. Just say: "I renounce my young player status" and confirm. This should fix your problem.
Thanks that worked, I totally forgot about that after so many years. Lets see if we can work around the bugs and help some more with testing.
Here is my report:
razor does not work skill selection on character creation does nothing trade skill and animal taming gains on low levels around 30 do not work at all 10+ tries strange server lags from 1.5 - 3 seconds not always but most of the time; its not the ping help stuck dialog ports to trammel moongates port to trammel and only list trammel and ilsh so there is no way back to fel no help from support for 3 days, stayed logged in for several hours per day with opened ticket
I still hope this will be a success and I'll propably come back if so.
This game actually sounds/looks pretty sick haha might try it out  For everyone who knows MMOs but not Ultima Online and wonders why, watch this: you, CoinUO for this shard. I have one question which belongs to the bitcoin forum. You say that the gold in the loot is automatically adjusted to the amount of bitcoins. How does this work exactly? Does it mean there is a fixed rate of exchange between IG gold and bitcoin which your program tries to sustain? Is, for example, every goldcoin backed up by a satoshi or like 10% of all coins? And whatfor is the bitcoin stone in game? It currently does nothing for me.
think again. the risk involved having fiat on an exchange is possibly the main reason followed by people having their coins locked (cold storage or investments)
good news, remaining divs for my missing shares just arrived.