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181  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are terrorists only muslim in religion? on: November 10, 2017, 02:31:56 PM
why are all terror activities carried out in the world are by people of muslim religion?Why cant muslims let peace be there in the world?Are people of only muslim origins terrorist?so trumps decision by banning muslim is 100% correct?
Terrorism can also be carried out by other people, muslims image became bad because of their recent activities, but that doesn't mean all muslims are terrorists. Muslims serve their god and believe that they are commanded to do such acts that results in violence and terrorism. There are also muslims that are innocent and don't want to obey what the terrorist muslims orders. It all depends on the people not the religion.
182  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Religion is like a Penis on: November 10, 2017, 02:26:43 PM

This analogy makes perfect sense. Although we all have different religions, we must never force ones religion in other people. Each individual has their own rational understanding on whether where and what they want to believe in. Every human being can think for themselves and not rely on what others want them to think. Let us wake up in the midst of our own beliefs.
183  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why are people scared of taxes? on: November 10, 2017, 02:21:28 PM
I don't know why ppl are always scared of paying taxes.
taxes are actually a great thing but only if everyone pays them and if they are spend on useful things only. Just look out your window and you will see lots of things paid with your taxes you use everyday.
The thought of giving taxes relies on whether the Government os corrupt or not. If the people experienced corruption on the present leader then surely they won't be confident in giving away their money to a corrupt leader. This mindset has affected a lot of people, that even after a new leader is elected they still are afraid of giving their money to the government. The ones at fault here is the abusive leaders that once corrupted the country.
184  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Life before and after marriage ??? on: November 10, 2017, 02:16:42 PM
Marriage is such a piece of a sweet one who don't eat want to eat it and those who has eaten are repenting now Wink Grin Grin
What you guys think is life easier before marriage or after the marriage.
Personally, I think life would be easier Before marriage, actually in short term happiness, not being married is what I prefer, imagine not having difficult responsibilities because of having a family. On the other hand not being married results in a cliche and sad life, being able to live without all the difficult responsibilities is nice and all but given the long term of my life I would probably go for after marriage. I would rather live with my family and watch my child grow old to be able be a successful person is much better than being a stereotype single guy without any goals ahead of Him.
185  Economy / Economics / Re: Why have Bitcoin instead of cash? on: November 10, 2017, 02:01:11 PM
I recently paid for some local tacos using Bitcoin. My friend who was unfamilar with Bitcoin thought it was strange, like I technically didn't pay for them or something. We got into discussing Bitcoin and one of the questions he asked me was:
"Why would you want Bitcoins instead of cash?". For a second I didn't know what to say; then I thought about it and here is what I came up with. Feel free to contribute to this.

1) More security (especially if you are careful).

2) Bitcoins are a potential investment, cash is not. Paper currency only really goes down in value, Bitcoins have a lot of potential to be worth more as time goes on.

3) Fast, worldwide transactions at your fingertips.

4) Similar to #3, but it's a universal currency. It's legal in most countries of the world and you don't need any kind of currency conversion to send money to people in a different country than your own.
I Agree, Bitcoin is much better than Paper currency. Bitcoin is more convenient in so many aspects and what you have enumerated is also the reason why we must have bitcoins instead of cash. By the system of blockchain, governments become decentralized and prevent them from stealing the peoples money. Bitcoin is probably more fair than our Paper money today. Bitcoin also decreases the risk of crimes such as robbery from people, no one can steal if it is digital and not physical money. It also helps people to deliver their money worldwide without the hassle.
186  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are we brainwashed? on: November 10, 2017, 12:09:48 PM
I look around and see people no longer have goals.
We are perfect consumers. And I can't help thinking that over time, we have been "gently" pushed in this direction.
No more goals, no ideas, ideology, morals or principles. Just having the latest iWhatever, fast car and sleep with plenty of women. Like a new special breed of zombies.
In the past people fought and gave their life for freedom. And now I think we are less free then before. It's just that we are persuaded otherwise. Like in ancient Rome - bread and circus.
We are indeed brainwashed by our "new society" which is now filled with expedient forms of technology. We are all occupied by the use of the advantageous technology that helps us towards a convenient life but also destroys our old and traditional paths. It started when news just started and people deciding that it is good Idea to spread untrue stories (gossip) about certain stuff.
187  Other / Politics & Society / Re: WHY NOT ALLOW MEN TO MARRY MORE THAN ONE WIFE LIKE MUSLIMS DO on: November 10, 2017, 11:43:30 AM
Hey guys so I have been doing a lot of research  and thinking and all have proven that there are more women than to equalize it all i think everyone anywhere should be allow to marry as many woman as he want in other to share all the women equally....give me your though every one 
The problem to marrying more than one wife is equality, women would never agree to be accompanied by only one man, of course they too would want to have many husbands, ironic as it is, there are women who have different perspectives on having a husband/s, they too would want to have their own decisions on how many husbands they would like. So in the end having this idea isn't good because of Equality.
188  Other / Politics & Society / Re: KIDNAPPING is LEGAL as long as you dont harm them ?? on: November 10, 2017, 11:36:25 AM
WTF i just heard the news with a fcking SENATOR in the philippines ..
SHE get the 3 witnesses ( MINOR ) with out the consent of the parents and  now shes saying that kidnapping is LEGAL as long as you didnt harm them WTF !!! she is ONE of THE MOST CORRUPT person!! GANDANG PHILHEALT Smiley
That statement of the Senator really is shocking. Kidnapping shouldn't be legal even if the victim is not harmed in any way. Kidnapping violates the free will of the person being kidnapped so how is that Legal? That senator must not be in Her position, giving such statements will just annoy a lot of people.
189  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Colonising Planets on: November 10, 2017, 08:53:51 AM
Do you think humanity will ever create colonies on the other planets (not just couple of trained astronauts but a civilian population in a city or something similar) and depending on your opinion why not / where and when do you think they're likely to be created first?... also will the frontier of colonising be in our own solar system on Mars for example or on some exoplanet
Maybe it could happen in the future. Given humanities needs for innovation, it is not impossible for Humans to find a way to live in the outside world or other planets. It just takes the right equipment, planet, and the people to make it successful. Scientists have already stated that this is possible if we find an effective way to go to the planets that resembles the earth's systems as similar as possible. For sure it would not be anytime soon because the materials and knowledge are too insufficient for scientists to even create something that would bring humanity closer to an exoplanet that would sustain life.
190  Economy / Economics / Re: Spending Bitcoins on: November 10, 2017, 08:10:42 AM
To grow the adoption of bitcoin we need people spending it as a daily currency.
In my country there is not much I cant buy with bitcoins.
Granted not a lot of retailers accept BTC yet but with all the services available now they dont need to.
A bitcoin debit card can be very handy.

Nowadays if I need to pay a bill then I can pay any bill via a site called livingroomofsatoshi

Please list any reasons why you could not use bitcoin for day to day expenses and maybe we can find a way.

In my perspective, spending Bitcoins is only possible through online transactions and that physical money will always be present in our day to day transactions. Of course, I believe in bitcoins being our regular fiat in the near future but this might take some time since not a lot of people know about bitcoins yet. And one of the reasons Bitcoin will take some time to be officially used as a fiat is that todays government won't accept the idea of a decentralized government.
191  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you have any idea why the WORLD has so many religions and beliefs? on: November 10, 2017, 04:32:36 AM
Do you have any idea why the WORLD has so many religions and beliefs?

Why there are terrorism and calamities?  Do you think there is someone in control of all these?
Religions are created because of humanities needs for an answer for all questions that cannot be solved scientifically. A very cliche question is, Who created us? Where did we come from? This can not be answered scientifically, so I assume that people made different kinds of religion to satisfy their need for an answer. Many people created different kinds of religions not only to answer these questions but also guide people towards their behavior by providing them with beliefs that help maintain unity and peace through each individual in the society.
192  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Freedom of will on: November 10, 2017, 04:21:08 AM
Freedom of will means to do whatever we want to do in our life. It means the overall freedom of our life even if it is good or bad. But are we really free to do everything in our society ? Or we are bound to follow the rules and regulations ?Are we really getting the freedom we need ?
Freedom is not based on free will itself, While freedom gives us free will, we must be responsible of what we must and must not do. Our society have rules because it is our guidance towards being responsible human beings.
193  Other / Politics & Society / Re: why are people suffering from jealousy ? on: November 08, 2017, 10:28:31 PM
In my social life, I have experienced many issues which stem from jealousy. Most of the people have a tendency for being jealous of successful, hardworking people. What is the reason for this envy .. I want to know your opinion of this issue.
They become jealous because they are insecure with what they have. They want what the latter had, when people don't have what other has they become jealous and envy other people.
194  Economy / Economics / Re: Time is money, how you manage your money and time ? on: November 07, 2017, 01:14:19 PM
Just imagine, how precious is the time for your life? What a valuable time for your financial development. You have the possibility to become a rich person if you try to manage time in a very efficient way. An hour for you could be equal to one month for others. When you waste an hour, you're wasting a month's time for someone else. Therefore, arrange yourself in such a way that can really take advantage of time well.

The quality of time you have will elevate you to better financial condition. If you value time, then time will also appreciate you. Therefore, the English proverb says "Time is money", which means time is money. Pepeatah has a tremendous meaning, which will change your life for the better. The price of your time is the same as the price of money yo
I basically make my own plans and schedule ahead of time. I make my schedule for the week, whether I need to do something Important or if I have a busy schedule, I will find a way to do it. I can say I am a person that can do anything if given the right amount of time for the right thing to do. Easy or difficult it is my duty to finish it as best and as quickly as I can.
195  Other / Politics & Society / Re: CiTIZENSHIP on: November 07, 2017, 12:27:01 PM
Do you think every people care for their nation? How do you say so?
Majority of the people from different countries care and love for their Nation. It is where they are born and most likely learn from their Culture and Tradition. Since they were born they most likely grew and learned from their country's norms, values, etc.
196  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What do you think you can contribute to your City? on: November 07, 2017, 10:23:04 AM
What do you think you can contribute to your City?  DO you think in some way you can help also? By what you have and what you can?
I can contribute largely in my society through sharing some change in charities, and helping out poor people in the streets by giving them food. By doing this little deeds I can help a child with his education and help starving families. Through these little things the City I live in slowly develops its society into a much better community where I can be a really good role model for the people around me.
197  Other / Politics & Society / Re: When will fiat money lasts? Can anyone predict it? on: November 07, 2017, 03:52:29 AM
When will fiat money lasts? Can anyone predict it?
Dollar is going down now.

As long as the society's government don't approve of digital money(cryptocurrencies), then fiat money will never go out. The government holds the decision of changing the current fiat to digital currency, but the perk of being decentralized of cryptocurrency makes it impossible for the government to approve of the idea of phasing out fiat money. Besides, no government can replace fiat money with digital money whenever they want to because it would take too much work to digitalize everything especially in the trading industry.
198  Other / Politics & Society / Re: When will Religions die? on: November 06, 2017, 10:55:03 AM
Religions made a lot of damage to human beings and our world in general. I'm not talking only about Islam, but every kind of religion, more or less, caused lots of problems.

I'm sure they will end. They won't last forever. But how will they end?

Which could the scenario that leads to their disappearance?
Humanity seeks for answers, answers that satisfy their questions about their life: where they came from, what will happen after death, what must they do to maintain a better life, and so on. Religions satisfy those questions of humanity, many people believe in different religions because they think that they have found the answer for their unanswered questions. It is actually better to have religions rather than inflicting chaos in humanity, why chaos you might ask? You see, religion guides peoples morality to a certain belief, and this belief helps most people to maintain sane and know their limitations in their actions. Religions are a big help in our society, it not only helps us with how we act and how we look at life but it also gives us unity with each other, and this unity can only be done by similarities of beliefs, traditions, culture, etc. Religions are necessary for all human kind.
199  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is every country really corrupt? on: November 06, 2017, 10:38:04 AM
I don't know, but everyone from my country thinks that ours is the most corrupt in world. Is it the same in yours too? If so...why, or how come?
Yes every country has corruption even if the president of the country is not corrupt, its Legislative branch will always find a way to abuse their power and bribe the people of the country. Corruption in all countries from all over the world is inevitable, no country has a perfect government and is uncorrupt.
200  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Have you experienced discrimination in the work? on: November 06, 2017, 03:57:28 AM
Becouse it is generally unlawful to discriminate against a person in the workplace on the following grounds.           Becouse of your Race
Becouse of your Sex
Your Sexual orientation
Your Age
Your Physical or mental disability
Your Marital status
While your Pregnancy
Your Religion

Yes, I have experienced it in the past. Most people in my past work are judgemental, specially when it comes to your race. They often make fun of people who did not originate from their society because of other peoples appearance and how they speak. I am a Filipino, and my past officemates always make fun of me whenever I speak english specfically because of my filipino accent. We must never criticize anyone because of their appearance and personality, in a workspace we should be mature and professionals .
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