I've been reading this forum thread as well as the white-paper. It would seem you have a lot of nay-sayers out there...but as most, I don't pay much attention to the cry-babies. So my questions: I only have 2.5Mh to throw in here for mining speed, is this coin one that should be solo-mined or better off /w going the pool route? Why hang onto this coin? What about the more powerful miners, that got in quick, and get out the same way by dumping? How does this coin intend to 'hedge' against this threat?
Since the reward structure is based on Moore's Law, rewards are calculated by difficulty factor.
Meaning, if you throw in huge hashes, the rewards drop to the absolute minimum in no time.
Somebody that will have to pay for a rental miner for example, will see rewards drop, making it less profitable for them to mine at current market prices, preventing dumpings.
However, we did not foresee that everybody would be smart enough to mine this coin with their GPU, keeping the current rewards at a level that is profitable to dump.
After block 7000 the reward structure changes again, where max HEDGE = 55 and minimum HEDGE = 15
if((nHeight >= 7000 && dDiff > 75) || nHeight >= 15000) { // GPU/ASIC difficulty calc
// 2222222/(((x+2600)/9)^2)
nSubsidy = (44444444.0 / (pow((dDiff+2600.0)/9.0,2.0)));
if (nSubsidy > 25) nSubsidy = 55;
if (nSubsidy < 5) nSubsidy = 15;
Since there is not really that much difference to the min/max rewards, we might start to see big hashes jumping in.
But until now, we 'hedged' against that factor, where the pool's workers are the proof.
Doesn't the little guy usually get pushed out? What qualifies you to be an adviser/dev/advocate for this coin?
We are here to stay. See the anwser above to see that the little guy pushed the big players out of this coin

edit 2; who's this...HNZJVhdTRHrsrb3nXXYxJaG1EvuoKRqcDU...@ 64.4x%?
Premine address. These HEDGE are needed for the HedgeFund.