The government and powerful bankers established a system in 1913 that typically works like, Every dollar of the monetary base (narrow money or high-powered money) comes into existence with a one to one increase in the public debt, collectively owed by the taxpayers. Then, private banks use that base to create more dollars (in broad money) that come into existence with a one to one increase in private debt. the other way, if people in the private sector ever paid off all of their debts, and the federal government paid off all of its bondholders, then the supply of US dollars would be virtually extinguished. This is the sense in which our fiat-money, fractional-reserve system uses debt-based money. Although market prices are flexible and can react to deflation much better than most people realize, it is still true that our system is tragically absurd, credits to The conclusion of this is that almost all the government policies in terms of banking system are a big inferior that is why bitcoin is the solution of this banking system.