Testing starting at 6:56
1. Go to cryptokingdom.me and sign in with the username+password provided. Does it happen, does it happen intuitively, what else?
Certificate warning (self signed).
After adding an exception, login works fine.
Login link in the corner could be easier to see, it feels a bit hidden away.
While not logged in yet, links like "Agora marketplace" are available, yet they're not for unlogged in characters. Maybe there should be only the map link, which is available when not logged in.
2. Try to "get hold" of the system. Is navigation working, the scope of the game easy to grasp, what else?
The first screen is the character screen, which is a bit of a complex one to digest. Starting on the city center map may be more attractive for a new user. The = menu may not be super intuitive that clicking it shows a list of links, though it might be a "well known" thing, as I've seen the same sign in Firefox.
First link to try after character screen (town map) is a bit abstract, as it appears as a list of rectangles. It's not super obvious they're buildings until you click. Maybe names on them might help, if that's not too space consuming.
Apart from that, all fine.
3. My Character. Is the data correct (except built, age now, stone)? Is there data you feel is needless, or that should be there?
Land is wrong (250 against 2). Rest seems to match the DB. I'm richer than I thought
Ancient/blessed is not present. Closing Google DB before it crashe again.
4. My Items. Is the data correct? How should the layout be improved?
Data looks correct, though I've not crosschecked in detail.
Search box is pretty useful. Maybe a "current market price" column could be useful here (for items for which it makes sense). Also blessed status is not here.
5. Town Map / town view / chapelry view. Is the navigation logical? Can you get to all the views? Is the data correct? Are there wrong coordinates in lots, causing funny renderings?
Navigation is logical. It could be improved by having "arrow" links to move directly from chapelry to chapelry in a given borough, or a 3x3 grid link in the side bar, instead of going back and forth.
Colors for some land types (street, unbuilt, swampy) are similar enough that it can be not obvious which is which at first glance.
In the building view, the future building editor looks nifty. Would gain a lot by having rotation, as it's hard to see some walls.
5.1./5.2./5.3. Lot Usage / Building Density /Lot Division views in chapelry view. Work as intended?
Everything working there.
6. Lot view (by clicking on the lot in the chapelry view). Is data correct and works fine?
Command line when clicking on a building has the text: Here will come respond. Typo: response.
Also, the response field would be better below, not on the side, to avoid scrolling when it fills up.
Some things could do with a little "i" icon (eg, in the building view, "desire"). That'd have a small popup text when the mouse is over it, telling what this means. It's not obvious to newcomers.
Some names missing, eg:
https://cryptokingdom.me/land/lot/details/675A help command in the command line would be good. Or a help link to a command list on another page.
7. Chat in Lot view. (Arrange testing with someone else to get the realtime chat.) How is the practical chatting? Issues? Are you ready to start using this as the main game chat? Why(/not)?
Chat works. It feels not compact enough: it doesn't take many lines to scroll away. Maybe move time on the same line as the nick, and diminish the amount of free space around each person's chat. I'm viewing this on a laptop, so smaller screen than most, maybe.
Needs a /me command, as in IRC
Since there's a chat per building, it's hard to "meet" by chance. Maybe have an icon over buildings where somehting was said in the last 5 minutes, so people can find others more easily. Otherwise it feels dead and you're missing a reason to stay.
Some people show as "Visitor". There will be many people trying it I guess, so add a number, or somesuch, like "Visitor 23". Numbers can be recycled after a couple days I guess, so they don't become huge.
Timestamps are absolute. Maybe change to "X minutes ago", easier to make sense of them, and then you never have to guess what timezone they're in.
Once, I typed something and the whole thing just seemed to restart scrolling at me from the start. This happened just once.
I remember some lines being doubled. This did not happen to me today, but I'll mention it anyway for completeness, I'm not sure if this got fixed.
On my laptop, in a non fullscreen browser (but almost full size), the chat appears on the bottom, not the side. Not sure it's worth doing anything about it, but just so you know.
8. Agora Marketplace. Does the items listing work? How could it work even better? Is the data correct? Other wishes?
Listing works. It's not always obvious if you're in "my items" or "all items" mode. Could use an extra label/title for this. Dynamic search is great. My suits have year 0. Same for BEER, MEAD. My windows are year 16. My TS156 is year 156. Suits do not have a level (everything else seems to). Again, a "market price" column would be nice.
9. Item view (click on an item in Agora). How this view layout should be? Does all data display correctly? Is command line visible?
Quantity owned is not here. There is "original quantity", which I'm not sure is the same, but it's empty here for BEER (I have 229, as shown in the Agora listing). I think quantiy and description should come before color/material/stone/ckg/cks.
Command line is here. Same comments as for command line above.
10. Command line. Test methodically all the commands below and tell the changes observed in the item ownerships etc. Command syntaxes are as follows:
There seems no way to know which orders are yours. I placed some yesterday.
Nor a way to see what orders of yours were possibly filled while you were away (history).
BUY item_id max_quantity max_price
I can place a buy for MEAD at price 0. This does not show in the orders list, even after reloading the page. An order at 550 shows up without having to reload. I can place a buy order for 0 MEAD at a price of 120. It does not show up in the order book.
Other orders seem to work.
SELL item_id max_quantity min_price
I tried to sell 1 MEAD at 333333333333333333333333333. I got no reply in response, and the order book did not change. I suspect an error in the backend. Selling 1 for 3333 (a more sane price) does the same: no order book change, no output in response.
Now, I tried to buy again, and I got a response telling me the order was passed, but I do not see it in the order book. I think it displays only the first 5, without scrollbar. After that, selling 1 mead for 855 worked.
GIVE item_id quantity recipient
give mead 1 sphericon -> No such recipient.
The player list that was there weeks ago is now gone, so you can't know the character ID of someone.
give mead 2 5 -> 2 units of mead given to New.
I suspect that's New Liberty, so bug: it uses only the first word in the name.
Giving reduces my count properly.
CONSUME item_id quantity
Works. Item count reduced properly.
TRANSFER item_id quantity giver recipient
Admin, not tested.
CANCELASK item_id max_quantity min_price <-- not implemented when last checked
Trying to cancel an ask I made earlier:
You do not have such an order active.
CANCELBID item_id max_quantity max_price <-- not implemented when last checked
Trying to cancel an ask I made earlier:
You do not have such an order active.
MOVE source_borough_id destination_borough_id amount <-- for moving stone
I do not have stone, not tested.
11. Exchange matching engine. Using normal rules followed in all online exchanges, this should execute the trades when bids and asks match. Tell all the impressions whether it worked as it should, or not.
There was a buy order of 4 mead at 777. I think this was wrong in the first place, but I did not keep the steps before so I can't tell. However, after that, I did: buy mead 3 777. This did not get me a response, but I saw an extra bid order appear for 1 (ONE) mead at 777. I expected 3, not 1.
Then buy mead 2 800 -> no response, and no order book change, though there were two different sell orders for mead at 800, each for 1 mead.
Trying to cancelbid the new 1 mead at 777 did not work (You do not have such an order active.), trying either with 3 (original command) or 1 (what ended up in the book).
In general, it's not obvious if the command line response is a new message that reads the same as the previous one, or whether nothing was changed. Should clear the response first thing when a new command is entered. Or maybe scroll the responses like in chat, keeping the last three or so.
Testing ending at 8:04 pm