Hey all, please add Syscoin to this list:
current/total supply: 485million/2 billion
initial distribution: proof-of-work
inflationary/deflationary: Inflationary until 2Billion is reached
Consensus mechanism: proof-of-work
block target time: 60 seconds
recommended time for confirmation: 6 blocks
transaction load: ?
transaction fee costs: varies based on transaction type
founders: Sebastian Schepis, Dan Wasyluk, Jonny Heald, Sebastien DiMichele, Soeren Pedersen, Mike Wheeler
development team:
http://syscoin.org/teamautomated (turing complete): Currently in development
Atomic (cross-chain): X
Asset creation: Currently in development
Asset exchange: X via Supernet (in development)
Market pegged assets: Currently in development
Encrypted messaging: Yes; All QT wallets allow encrypted messaging.
Blockchain Multisig: currently in development
Marketplace: Yes (designed directly on the blockchain, can currently use via wallet console)
Voting system: currently in development
Privacy features: Like NXT, Syscoin is a superNET coin which will leverage this from the superNET
Decentralized applications: YES: blockmarket, Turing complete will leverage many more.
Centralized Apps: n/a but possible
Plugin / (D)App Store: in development
Unique features: Commands all currently implemented on the blockchain: Marketplace, Aliases, Data store, certificate issuance.