Can anyone help with this: ?
So because I like to play with various things, I decided to try to solo mine sexcoin.
I am having a few issues with it, so I thought to ask a few questions to see what info I can get.
I cannot start cgminer pointing to my sexcoin client directly. The wallet is running as a server, and the correct port is open. When I try this cgminer reports there is no active pool and stops. If I start mining another pool, add the sexcoin local server as a secondary pool, then delete the pool I started with, it works fine for a while... After a time (it varies greatly) cgminer reports the pool as sick / dead and just sits there.
I did manage to find a block (it was orphaned) at least once, so it was sorta working...
I have 2 gaw furys mining for me, and I am running cgminer 3.1.1 as its the only one that I found so far that will work at all without giving me errors about extra command line options.
The command line I am using is:
cgminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u username -p x --chips-count 6 --ltc-clk 300 -S //./COM4 -S //./COM5 --nocheck-golden
This gets it started and then when its running I can add my local pool.
Any thoughts?
I am not familiar with fury's specifically but, I am glad to help if I can.
First, let's look at your config file. I have soloed sxc. Here is a copy of mine:
Compare that to what you now have.
rpccuser will be what you will use for the worker name in cgminer. rpcpassword will be what you use for password in cgminer.
rpcallowip tells the wallet what ip address to accept calls from. Your computer (the fury?) running cgminer needs to be in the range. Your network might be different like, 192.168.1.* perhaps. Again, I am not familiar with fury's but, they should be on the same network with the same netmask.
rpcport you want to use this number in place of the port in cgminer. In your pool string it is 4453 so, you would replace that with 3338 in my example. You can use most any port so long as another application (another wallet) is not trying to use the same port. You could use 4453 like your pool does, if you wish.
Your cgminer command should become something like this (minus your fury specific arguments):
Make sure you remove the "stratum+tcp://" from your pool command when solo mining because, you do not have a stratum involved.
Some other tips for solo mining: crank the queued work (staged work) up to like 696 or higher. (While cgminer is running, press s for settings, then q for que, then enter 696 and press enter twice). Also, decrease scan time to like 3 and expirery to 9. (While cgminer is running press s for settings, then s for scan time, then 3, then enter once. Then press e for expire, enter 9, then press enter twice) Different versions of cgminer lables/names these slightly differently but I think you will be able to fill in any gap with a little intuition.
I hope this helps. If so, happy mining!