yes your scanning litterly trillions of page data but are you not also trying trillions of key combos in brute force

?? all im saying is that using brute force you guessing randomly a 17 digit code. my way your scanning a 17 digit code looking for the last letter error or skipped character in sequence. id say your odds at finding one random character and guessing the whole 17 digit code is ,much easier.
If you dont believe me just do what i said gto look everything up its all there except for non cracked keys every other page is in order no skipped lines eventually on some pages finding in the list the other puzzles that were solved. again theres no way possible those keys were added to that list with a gab being there litterly no possible way. even though they arent say what your saying is true. there is no data base that holds all keys. then how is puzzle #65 found on page 509472955201070048

there had to be a skip in the keys to fill the gap. if not you could just go use CTRL F search the entire webpage data base for a p2pkh address if you type 66 its nothing found if you type any cracked puzzles p2pkh itll go to that page. if someone wants to talk over discord and i can computer screen share for a group thatd be alot easier than typing it out my discord is Otw2f#9888
You really do not understand how those sites work.
We have tried explaining it to you.
The reason 65 is there, is because the site put it there.
If there are 1 million keys (keep it small); and each page contains 100 keys. And a puzzle/challenge key had a private key of 23212; then I know it's on page 232. I can then simply go there in my html file and update that page.
Every time you click on a page, the site uses your CPU to fill in that page via privkey, pubkey, rmd160, all the way to pubaddress.
It's all good. I wish you luck in your endeavor!
please explain more? like i said one the main site includes keys 2^1 bit all the way last page ending in a 2^256 with the last digit being 0-9 a-f ? am i wrong ? following that if 65 is added into that data file there had to be a gap to enter did it not ? as i said before if you read it correctly.
this is a small fraction of the list that the page #65 was found on but if from page 1 the key start at 2^1 bit and goes up in range starting at 0-9 then a-f once reaching 0 again it goes up 1bit? am i wrong here ? no im not you can clearly see if you looked at the website. for puzzle #65 to be added in there it had to not be there in the first place am i right or wrong again? if its not there you could simply do what ive been saying find the skipped key and input it.
000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001a838b13505b26867 this is #65 key
000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001a838b13505b26867 #65s private key had to be missing right before it was cracked so we would take the key before take the ending character off and add the missing one which was 7.
000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001a838b13505b26869 that is the main website that im referring too you can see start to finish the last digit goes up by 0-9 a-f in between the // put the puzzle your looking for but same as this website goes up 0-9 a-f same shit same as this website same shit.
all im saying is if theres no gap which means the keys cant just randomly be added later on then i could use the p2pkh to find it using CTRL F search just like you can for any solved puzzle.
CTRL F searches the entire data base of the website for any word you type.
like i said before just go look man its not hard there no possible way to just toss in a private key when its found unless there's a gap. if there's a gap in the ending digit pattern 0-9 a-f you'd program a tool t6o search through a certain range and find such gap being talked about.
yes your scanning litterly trillions of page data but are you not also trying trillions of key combos in brute force

?? all im saying is that using brute force you guessing randomly a 17 digit code. my way your scanning a 17 digit code looking for the last letter error or skipped character in sequence. id say your odds at finding one random character and guessing the whole 17 digit code is ,much easier.
If you dont believe me just do what i said gto look everything up its all there except for non cracked keys every other page is in order no skipped lines eventually on some pages finding in the list the other puzzles that were solved. again theres no way possible those keys were added to that list with a gab being there litterly no possible way. even though they arent say what your saying is true. there is no data base that holds all keys. then how is puzzle #65 found on page 509472955201070048

there had to be a skip in the keys to fill the gap. if not you could just go use CTRL F search the entire webpage data base for a p2pkh address if you type 66 its nothing found if you type any cracked puzzles p2pkh itll go to that page. if someone wants to talk over discord and i can computer screen share for a group thatd be alot easier than typing it out my discord is Otw2f#9888
You really do not understand how those sites work.
We have tried explaining it to you.
The reason 65 is there, is because the site put it there.
If there are 1 million keys (keep it small); and each page contains 100 keys. And a puzzle/challenge key had a private key of 23212; then I know it's on page 232. I can then simply go there in my html file and update that page.
Every time you click on a page, the site uses your CPU to fill in that page via privkey, pubkey, rmd160, all the way to pubaddress.
It's all good. I wish you luck in your endeavor!
If there are 1 million keys (keep it small); and each page contains 100 keys. And a puzzle/challenge key had a private key of 23212; then I know it's on page 232. I can then simply go there in my html file and update that page.
go to the website i gave you using a known private key found and try and find the page number based off just using the private key its not possible theres no correlation in the key and page number
WP your smart and great at what you do if youd take 10 minutes to do a screen share ill share my screen only and show you what i mean.
you wouldn't brute force anything you'd be finding the skipped ending digit following the sequence of 0-9 a-f. meaning its almost like if you typed something wrong and your trying to find that red underlined word. im in 2 telegrams and a few other chats im done typing im holding a call of a few people later on discord to explain if anyone wants added be my guest. if not i wish you best of luck in your hunt. my discord is Otw2f#9888
real strong community you guys got made here though only if you guys worked together and not against each other......
[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]