Activity: 13
Merit: 0
April 28, 2023, 04:19:36 PM |
What are you trying to tell us?
What you wanna know? Why have you published fake privs? Ok next time i will publish real privatekey... why you all always take things so seriously? its just for fun And as far as I know, there are enough sensible people here who at least understand the difference between a joke and spam. true, you are very good at joking, please do it more often haha 

Activity: 287
Merit: 21
the right steps towerds the goal
April 28, 2023, 04:42:05 PM |
seed_value = 946665180 #(use this seed you will get the same pvk as below) random.seed(seed_value) seed = str(seed_value) aa = random.randrange(2**255,2**256) key = Key.from_int(aa) addr256 = key.address hex256 = "%00x" % aa a = random.randrange(2**65,2**66) key = Key.from_int(a) addr66 = key.address hex66 = "%00x" % a b = random.randrange(2**66,2**67) key = Key.from_int(b) addr67 = key.address hex67 = "%00x" % b Address 1 : 1BgGZ9tcN4rm9KBzDn7KprQz87SZ26SAMH | Private Key : 1 Address 2 : 1CUNEBjYrCn2y1SdiUMohaKUi4wpP326Lb | Private Key : 3 Address 3 : 19ZewH8Kk1PDbSNdJ97FP4EiCjTRaZMZQA | Private Key : 7 Address 4 : 1EhqbyUMvvs7BfL8goY6qcPbD6YKfPqb7e | Private Key : 8 Address 5 : 1E6NuFjCi27W5zoXg8TRdcSRq84zJeBW3k | Private Key : 15 Address 6 : 1PitScNLyp2HCygzadCh7FveTnfmpPbfp8 | Private Key : 31 Address 7 : 1McVt1vMtCC7yn5b9wgX1833yCcLXzueeC | Private Key : 4c Address 8 : 1M92tSqNmQLYw33fuBvjmeadirh1ysMBxK | Private Key : e0 Address 9 : 1CQFwcjw1dwhtkVWBttNLDtqL7ivBonGPV | Private Key : 1d3 Address 10 : 1LeBZP5QCwwgXRtmVUvTVrraqPUokyLHqe | Private Key : 202 Address 11 : 1PgQVLmst3Z314JrQn5TNiys8Hc38TcXJu | Private Key : 483 Address 12 : 1DBaumZxUkM4qMQRt2LVWyFJq5kDtSZQot | Private Key : a7b Address 13 : 1Pie8JkxBT6MGPz9Nvi3fsPkr2D8q3GBc1 | Private Key : 1460 Address 14 : 1ErZWg5cFCe4Vw5BzgfzB74VNLaXEiEkhk | Private Key : 2930 Address 15 : 1QCbW9HWnwQWiQqVo5exhAnmfqKRrCRsvW | Private Key : 68f3 Address 16 : 1BDyrQ6WoF8VN3g9SAS1iKZcPzFfnDVieY | Private Key : c936 Address 17 : 1HduPEXZRdG26SUT5Yk83mLkPyjnZuJ7Bm | Private Key : 1764f Address 18 : 1GnNTmTVLZiqQfLbAdp9DVdicEnB5GoERE | Private Key : 3080d Address 19 : 1NWmZRpHH4XSPwsW6dsS3nrNWfL1yrJj4w | Private Key : 5749f Address 20 : 1HsMJxNiV7TLxmoF6uJNkydxPFDog4NQum | Private Key : d2c55 Address 21 : 14oFNXucftsHiUMY8uctg6N487riuyXs4h | Private Key : 1ba534 Address 22 : 1CfZWK1QTQE3eS9qn61dQjV89KDjZzfNcv | Private Key : 2de40f Address 23 : 1L2GM8eE7mJWLdo3HZS6su1832NX2txaac | Private Key : 556e52 Address 24 : 1rSnXMr63jdCuegJFuidJqWxUPV7AtUf7 | Private Key : dc2a04 Address 25 : 15JhYXn6Mx3oF4Y7PcTAv2wVVAuCFFQNiP | Private Key : 1fa5ee5 Address 26 : 1JVnST957hGztonaWK6FougdtjxzHzRMMg | Private Key : 340326e Address 27 : 128z5d7nN7PkCuX5qoA4Ys6pmxUYnEy86k | Private Key : 6ac3875 Address 28 : 12jbtzBb54r97TCwW3G1gCFoumpckRAPdY | Private Key : d916ce8 Address 29 : 19EEC52krRUK1RkUAEZmQdjTyHT7Gp1TYT | Private Key : 17e2551e Address 30 : 1LHtnpd8nU5VHEMkG2TMYYNUjjLc992bps | Private Key : 3d94cd64 Address 31 : 1LhE6sCTuGae42Axu1L1ZB7L96yi9irEBE | Private Key : 7d4fe747 Address 32 : 1FRoHA9xewq7DjrZ1psWJVeTer8gHRqEvR | Private Key : b862a62e Address 33 : 187swFMjz1G54ycVU56B7jZFHFTNVQFDiu | Private Key : 1a96ca8d8 Address 34 : 1PWABE7oUahG2AFFQhhvViQovnCr4rEv7Q | Private Key : 34a65911d Address 35 : 1PWCx5fovoEaoBowAvF5k91m2Xat9bMgwb | Private Key : 4aed21170 Address 36 : 1Be2UF9NLfyLFbtm3TCbmuocc9N1Kduci1 | Private Key : 9de820a7c Address 37 : 14iXhn8bGajVWegZHJ18vJLHhntcpL4dex | Private Key : 1757756a93 Address 38 : 1HBtApAFA9B2YZw3G2YKSMCtb3dVnjuNe2 | Private Key : 22382facd0 Address 39 : 122AJhKLEfkFBaGAd84pLp1kfE7xK3GdT8 | Private Key : 4b5f8303e9 Address 40 : 1EeAxcprB2PpCnr34VfZdFrkUWuxyiNEFv | Private Key : e9ae4933d6 Address 41 : 1L5sU9qvJeuwQUdt4y1eiLmquFxKjtHr3E | Private Key : 153869acc5b Address 42 : 1E32GPWgDyeyQac4aJxm9HVoLrrEYPnM4N | Private Key : 2a221c58d8f Address 43 : 1PiFuqGpG8yGM5v6rNHWS3TjsG6awgEGA1 | Private Key : 6bd3b27c591 Address 44 : 1CkR2uS7LmFwc3T2jV8C1BhWb5mQaoxedF | Private Key : e02b35a358f Address 45 : 1NtiLNGegHWE3Mp9g2JPkgx6wUg4TW7bbk | Private Key : 122fca143c05 Address 46 : 1F3JRMWudBaj48EhwcHDdpeuy2jwACNxjP | Private Key : 2ec18388d544 Address 47 : 1Pd8VvT49sHKsmqrQiP61RsVwmXCZ6ay7Z | Private Key : 6cd610b53cba Address 48 : 1DFYhaB2J9q1LLZJWKTnscPWos9VBqDHzv | Private Key : ade6d7ce3b9b Address 49 : 12CiUhYVTTH33w3SPUBqcpMoqnApAV4WCF | Private Key : 174176b015f4d Address 50 : 1MEzite4ReNuWaL5Ds17ePKt2dCxWEofwk | Private Key : 22bd43c2e9354 Address 51 : 1NpnQyZ7x24ud82b7WiRNvPm6N8bqGQnaS | Private Key : 75070a1a009d4 Address 52 : 15z9c9sVpu6fwNiK7dMAFgMYSK4GqsGZim | Private Key : efae164cb9e3c Address 53 : 15K1YKJMiJ4fpesTVUcByoz334rHmknxmT | Private Key : 180788e47e326c Address 54 : 1KYUv7nSvXx4642TKeuC2SNdTk326uUpFy | Private Key : 236fb6d5ad1f43 Address 55 : 1LzhS3k3e9Ub8i2W1V8xQFdB8n2MYCHPCa | Private Key : 6abe1f9b67e114 Address 56 : 17aPYR1m6pVAacXg1PTDDU7XafvK1dxvhi | Private Key : 9d18b63ac4ffdf Address 57 : 15c9mPGLku1HuW9LRtBf4jcHVpBUt8txKz | Private Key : 1eb25c90795d61c Address 58 : 1Dn8NF8qDyyfHMktmuoQLGyjWmZXgvosXf | Private Key : 2c675b852189a21 Address 59 : 1HAX2n9Uruu9YDt4cqRgYcvtGvZj1rbUyt | Private Key : 7496cbb87cab44f Address 60 : 1Kn5h2qpgw9mWE5jKpk8PP4qvvJ1QVy8su | Private Key : fc07a1825367bbe Address 61 : 1AVJKwzs9AskraJLGHAZPiaZcrpDr1U6AB | Private Key : 13c96a3742f64906 Address 62 : 1Me6EfpwZK5kQziBwBfvLiHjaPGxCKLoJi | Private Key : 363d541eb611abee Address 63 : 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1J36UjUByGroXcCvmj13U6uwaVv9caEeAt | Private Key : 4c5ce114686a1336e07 Address 76 : 1DJh2eHFYQfACPmrvpyWc8MSTYKh7w9eRF | Private Key : e0ec4c57a9730ba3456 Address 77 : 1Bxk4CQdqL9p22JEtDfdXMsng1XacifUtE | Private Key : 1a89227bbf7abc81eca1 Address 78 : 15qF6X51huDjqTmF9BJgxXdt1xcj46Jmhb | Private Key : 3a628a0f437029402a4b Address 79 : 1ARk8HWJMn8js8tQmGUJeQHjSE7KRkn2t8 | Private Key : 51524a91846f364c07e9 Address 80 : 1BCf6rHUW6m3iH2ptsvnjgLruAiPQQepLe | Private Key : ea1a5c66dcc11b5ad180 Address 81 : 15qsCm78whspNQFydGJQk5rexzxTQopnHZ | Private Key : 1d6999b30325155a69c16 Address 82 : 13zYrYhhJxp6Ui1VV7pqa5WDhNWM45ARAC | Private Key : 21b79322fc2d647c23779 Address 83 : 14MdEb4eFcT3MVG5sPFG4jGLuHJSnt1Dk2 | Private Key : 61a4a05e63b568e7c0e1d Address 84 : 1CMq3SvFcVEcpLMuuH8PUcNiqsK1oicG2D | Private Key : d928eef05dac219dd9b75 Address 85 : 1Kh22PvXERd2xpTQk3ur6pPEqFeckCJfAr | Private Key : 11720c4f018d51b8cebba8 Address 86 : 1K3x5L6G57Y494fDqBfrojD28UJv4s5JcK | Private Key : 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Address 98 : 1CaBVPrwUxbQYYswu32w7Mj4HR4maNoJSX | Private Key : 2ade793d9d8e8d2af68ff2a46 Address 99 : 1JWnE6p6UN7ZJBN7TtcbNDoRcjFtuDWoNL | Private Key : 557d0d384f0d74310bac1c97e Address 100 : 1KCgMv8fo2TPBpddVi9jqmMmcne9uSNJ5F | Private Key : af55fc59c335c8ec67ed24826 Address 101 : 1CKCVdbDJasYmhswB6HKZHEAnNaDpK7W4n | Private Key : 10943bb3468629859af2be1c11 Address 102 : 1PXv28YxmYMaB8zxrKeZBW8dt2HK7RkRPX | Private Key : 210f601b8c4b6ed2d15ebb708c Address 103 : 1AcAmB6jmtU6AiEcXkmiNE9TNVPsj9DULf | Private Key : 5b32c65863f1261c4f6d5d41f0 Address 104 : 1EQJvpsmhazYCcKX5Au6AZmZKRnzarMVZu | Private Key : 9b5f22dec48d499b7e71baeac4 Address 105 : 1CMjscKB3QW7SDyQ4c3C3DEUHiHRhiZVib | Private Key : 16f14fc2054cd87ee6396b33df3 Address 106 : 18KsfuHuzQaBTNLASyj15hy4LuqPUo1FNB | Private Key : 3bee2c1d9b268e0e0239864a8a9 Address 107 : 15EJFC5ZTs9nhsdvSUeBXjLAuYq3SWaxTc | Private Key : 7a402bac7f2cf31e67128c8c96a Address 108 : 1HB1iKUqeffnVsvQsbpC6dNi1XKbyNuqao | Private Key : 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1GuBBhf61rnvRe4K8zu8vdQB3kHzwFqSy7 | Private Key : 55bea8b24225cb4deb8e60778e56e4 Address 120 : 17s2b9ksz5y7abUm92cHwG8jEPCzK3dLnT | Private Key : 9c6d18023ecc489fbe834d9e4c77be Address 121 : 1GDSuiThEV64c166LUFC9uDcVdGjqkxKyh | Private Key : 1afbc9330c6d24c216c2c724afe3041 Address 122 : 1Me3ASYt5JCTAK2XaC32RMeH34PdprrfDx | Private Key : 3b4a6a58a386e8f8af95b37a731cf0e Address 123 : 1CdufMQL892A69KXgv6UNBD17ywWqYpKut | Private Key : 7a81240304f073409c7c83ed835a315 Address 124 : 1BkkGsX9ZM6iwL3zbqs7HWBV7SvosR6m8N | Private Key : d6ab2da3c82a77af1751b5345779f01 Address 125 : 1PXAyUB8ZoH3WD8n5zoAthYjN15yN5CVq5 | Private Key : 10e8b9b8178295319cc4f0c6b59c593a Address 126 : 1AWCLZAjKbV1P7AHvaPNCKiB7ZWVDMxFiz | Private Key : 3334725acd4d98307a93cdac0f1bdcd1 Address 127 : 1G6EFyBRU86sThN3SSt3GrHu1sA7w7nzi4 | Private Key : 43d877dd04ec427bc79c23d83e3eb96b Address 128 : 1MZ2L1gFrCtkkn6DnTT2e4PFUTHw9gNwaj | Private Key : a7b1f24732e21cdd77bfb1a242c3322a Address 129 : 1Hz3uv3nNZzBVMXLGadCucgjiCs5W9vaGz | Private Key : 14ef6f7157739304a430913fcf6e5271a Address 130 : 1Fo65aKq8s8iquMt6weF1rku1moWVEd5Ua | Private Key : 33a6cf5dbaf6e47b2d0c093c16adf1b96 Address 131 : 16zRPnT8znwq42q7XeMkZUhb1bKqgRogyy | Private Key : 6b8c15626827c392ab0f5d6f72603d0f8 Address 132 : 1KrU4dHE5WrW8rhWDsTRjR21r8t3dsrS3R | Private Key : ef7fe2606a4143dad471531c53772442c Address 133 : 17uDfp5r4n441xkgLFmhNoSW1KWp6xVLD | Private Key : 15f76157508d9779fc8e238e1c247142d7 Address 134 : 13A3JrvXmvg5w9XGvyyR4JEJqiLz8ZySY3 | Private Key : 22a188673b96b20e974a76fd1491e46866 Address 135 : 16RGFo6hjq9ym6Pj7N5H7L1NR1rVPJyw2v | Private Key : 69bca5a75a461a887acb92fa817109ea60 Address 136 : 1UDHPdovvR985NrWSkdWQDEQ1xuRiTALq | Private Key : ebf06065edf1bfef22eb1ceb1445ea2940 Address 137 : 15nf31J46iLuK1ZkTnqHo7WgN5cARFK3RA | Private Key : 1030d7cbbde282b3963e0867b46477f1a7d Address 138 : 1Ab4vzG6wEQBDNQM1B2bvUz4fqXXdFk2WT | Private Key : 2a436e594a1920216b6ff44c364c40658ef Address 139 : 1Fz63c775VV9fNyj25d9Xfw3YHE6sKCxbt | Private Key : 70f361f75fafddd6de4e9553649f1cef19e Address 140 : 1QKBaU6WAeycb3DbKbLBkX7vJiaS8r42Xo | Private Key : d926936f1916b648b87bc6848ff00427df7 Address 141 : 1CD91Vm97mLQvXhrnoMChhJx4TP9MaQkJo | Private Key : 1b7a40209d5455e7eb68b32b08ca26339231 Address 142 : 15MnK2jXPqTMURX4xC3h4mAZxyCcaWWEDD | Private Key : 31f79cab2773d5a3b645be903ca3b2b23e95 Address 143 : 13N66gCzWWHEZBxhVxG18P8wyjEWF9Yoi1 | Private Key : 687f4cadbc80e2c78dda03a6058bbf8dbe20 Address 144 : 1NevxKDYuDcCh1ZMMi6ftmWwGrZKC6j7Ux | Private Key : b81a70baf88bdaf1317291647da3b55e0cfd Address 145 : 19GpszRNUej5yYqxXoLnbZWKew3KdVLkXg | Private Key : 1098ff29646926325b1bac056edadf8829c8c Address 146 : 1M7ipcdYHey2Y5RZM34MBbpugghmjaV89P | Private Key : 3921b30212882e51870788c74bbede2b2cf2f Address 147 : 18aNhurEAJsw6BAgtANpexk5ob1aGTwSeL | Private Key : 76e7f2a4d2e68993021313746c8ab4e757961 Address 148 : 1FwZXt6EpRT7Fkndzv6K4b4DFoT4trbMrV | Private Key : fa8e7dddfd0b95ec5c29f3a3272cdfbdbe19d Address 149 : 1CXvTzR6qv8wJ7eprzUKeWxyGcHwDYP1i2 | Private Key : 1fe964248beacee112de2f98f3ef5fd3b2f9a4 Address 150 : 1MUJSJYtGPVGkBCTqGspnxyHahpt5Te8jy | Private Key : 2244ac925edc90e3689ce1dec59a936a8aebb0 Address 151 : 13Q84TNNvgcL3HJiqQPvyBb9m4hxjS3jkV | Private Key : 5a4489ed3c6c4db505137e42e54fff6c3fb43f Address 152 : 1LuUHyrQr8PKSvbcY1v1PiuGuqFjWpDumN | Private Key : a18cf844e23a302151bb419e120c22d83673c3 Address 153 : 18192XpzzdDi2K11QVHR7td2HcPS6Qs5vg | Private Key : 1c6aa58e6b25bbcbf933a63b0e383c3915b5558 Address 154 : 1NgVmsCCJaKLzGyKLFJfVequnFW9ZvnMLN | Private Key : 3efa3bddcf768c78e3baeacbc22213f2ae255b4 Address 155 : 1AoeP37TmHdFh8uN72fu9AqgtLrUwcv2wJ | Private Key : 4ee6da4952d54368fe767f4ee7d302a9fbf7133 Address 156 : 1FTpAbQa4h8trvhQXjXnmNhqdiGBd1oraE | Private Key : aa2c3f950f806de831775eb53b3e3797279a5cf Address 157 : 14JHoRAdmJg3XR4RjMDh6Wed6ft6hzbQe9 | Private Key : 12e434ad3465e69c3ccd3dd1c1e2ff461066396c Address 158 : 19z6waranEf8CcP8FqNgdwUe1QRxvUNKBG | Private Key : 239856ce86999133eb532fa6650076bf4ca343bf Address 159 : 14u4nA5sugaswb6SZgn5av2vuChdMnD9E5 | Private Key : 4b3dcbbbe1dc5b7529e118c00da635e33ae2ae8b Address 160 : 1NBC8uXJy1GiJ6drkiZa1WuKn51ps7EPTv | Private Key : 87da417e72fef42b438bb6516cb259fb3ed015c7
Activity: 13
Merit: 1
April 30, 2023, 09:44:17 AM |
A solution, sort of a hint. Have any of you studied G point throughly? It has some interesting characteristics, it was generated by someone we don't know anything about, other than that, N also is interesting and you should research both N and G.
One other thing is the concept of adding and multiplying G by k, which obviously is not what I thought, I always assumed that if G is 5, and k is 20, we'd just multiply 5*20=100 =p. Well that was a misconception from my part.
Now instead of wasting your time doing useless stuff, start doing some research and experiment on elliptic curve.
Worth mentioning that almost 99% of you are unaware that bitcoin elliptic curve is a mirror. Now that you know, you should study the mirror verse to see what cool stuff are lurking there. Good luck and happy hunting.
I just wanted to shock Satoshi for a second. Are you shocked?🤣 .
Activity: 13
Merit: 1
April 30, 2023, 09:56:24 AM Last edit: May 02, 2023, 10:37:02 PM by Mr. Big |
"Imagine for puzzle 66, for a single computer that i have, I need about 2,500 years to be able to get one of his lowest easiest puzzles which are 6.6BTC"
Well, yes, the author of Puzzle suggests searching for the key 2 ^ 158. No pub key! As I understand it, we must brute force. ))) Guys, well, you're not idiots! Why did you
2500 years? I have estimated with the help of my mentor, that I need around 40,000 years to brute force 66. So you are way ahead of me. I guess the point of this "crap" is to show off, here some free bitcoins in the easiest bit ranges for grab, collect them if you can. It also is an indication to warn people why using addresses more than once is not a good practice, as we all know exposed public keys can endanger the security of private key exponentially. If there is no hint on the master key, it's about this story) I was told that there is 1 ton of free gold on the moon - I became nervous! Then they told me - they put another 10 tons of free gold on the moon - I became more nervous!!)) Without hints on the master key, it doesn't make sense!
If I rely on mathematics and common sense, I come to only two conclusions! 1) Someone very rich decided to laugh!!! 2) This is such an advertising company - from manufacturer of graphics processors!!! )))

Activity: 185
Merit: 15
April 30, 2023, 10:12:56 AM |
"Imagine for puzzle 66, for a single computer that i have, I need about 2,500 years to be able to get one of his lowest easiest puzzles which are 6.6BTC"
Well, yes, the author of Puzzle suggests searching for the key 2 ^ 158. No pub key! As I understand it, we must brute force. ))) Guys, well, you're not idiots! Why did you
2500 years? I have estimated with the help of my mentor, that I need around 40,000 years to brute force 66. So you are way ahead of me. I guess the point of this "crap" is to show off, here some free bitcoins in the easiest bit ranges for grab, collect them if you can. It also is an indication to warn people why using addresses more than once is not a good practice, as we all know exposed public keys can endanger the security of private key exponentially. No, a public key exposed is not even slightly a threat to a wallet address security .. it's as hard as a hidden public key .. don't let puzzles like #120,#125 etc fool you into thinking that solving the key got any easier.. a regular wallet's public key lies in the 253 - 256 bit range .. which is impossible to run bruteforce against and find a private key .. it would take billions of years and maybe more .. even trying to use math and tools to solve a 160 bit public key is impossible in our world .. but in theory, yes, Satoshi designed public keys to be used once then thrown away, just in case.
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
April 30, 2023, 10:45:04 AM |
What would you guys do if you solved and got 66th or 125th puzzle prize? Hodl?
Copper Member
Hero Member
Activity: 1330
Merit: 900
April 30, 2023, 10:55:43 AM |
"Imagine for puzzle 66, for a single computer that i have, I need about 2,500 years to be able to get one of his lowest easiest puzzles which are 6.6BTC"
Well, yes, the author of Puzzle suggests searching for the key 2 ^ 158. No pub key! As I understand it, we must brute force. ))) Guys, well, you're not idiots! Why did you
2500 years? I have estimated with the help of my mentor, that I need around 40,000 years to brute force 66. So you are way ahead of me. I guess the point of this "crap" is to show off, here some free bitcoins in the easiest bit ranges for grab, collect them if you can. It also is an indication to warn people why using addresses more than once is not a good practice, as we all know exposed public keys can endanger the security of private key exponentially. If there is no hint on the master key, it's about this story) I was told that there is 1 ton of free gold on the moon - I became nervous! Then they told me - they put another 10 tons of free gold on the moon - I became more nervous!!)) Without hints on the master key, it doesn't make sense! Dear doc! We don't need a spaceship to go fetch the gold, there is a teleportation portal we could use to teleport and grab them all, it's called mathematics. Now I'm nervous.😉

Activity: 185
Merit: 15
April 30, 2023, 01:40:16 PM |
If I rely on mathematics and common sense, I come to only two conclusions! 1) Someone very rich decided to laugh!!! 2) This is such an advertising company - from manufacturer of graphics processors!!! )))
People who solved puzzles from #1 to #120 would disagree.. but your logic is very reasonable.
Jr. Member
Activity: 70
Merit: 1
April 30, 2023, 02:38:22 PM |
hello, which program will we use to solve the puzzle, can you share the link for it to be done with a video card and processor?
Activity: 2632
Merit: 1507
April 30, 2023, 06:50:40 PM |
hello, which program will we use to solve the puzzle, can you share the link for it to be done with a video card and processor?
You can use the Kangaroo program https://github.com/JeanLucPons/Kangaroo which is actually what is being discussed in the first post of the topic or join the pool of joint search for the key to the 66 puzzle http://f4lc0n.com:8080/ 
Jr. Member
Activity: 70
Merit: 1
April 30, 2023, 07:10:12 PM |
hello, which program will we use to solve the puzzle, can you share the link for it to be done with a video card and processor?
You can use the Kangaroo program https://github.com/JeanLucPons/Kangaroo which is actually what is being discussed in the first post of the topic or join the pool of joint search for the key to the 66 puzzle http://f4lc0n.com:8080/  thank u sir
Activity: 13
Merit: 1
April 30, 2023, 11:49:20 PM Last edit: May 09, 2023, 01:50:36 PM by mprep |
I'm new here! I have a question and a suggestion! Question - has anyone tried to contact the Creator? The suggestion - let's all turn to him together - let's fill him up to ask for a clue to the key - it would somehow increase interest!!!Now - it's a sad sad bruteforce, on unreal ranges! This is moral masturbation)))
A solution, sort of a hint. Have any of you studied G point throughly? It has some interesting characteristics, it was generated by someone we don't know anything about, other than that, N also is interesting and you should research both N and G.
One other thing is the concept of adding and multiplying G by k, which obviously is not what I thought, I always assumed that if G is 5, and k is 20, we'd just multiply 5*20=100 =p. Well that was a misconception from my part.
Now instead of wasting your time doing useless stuff, start doing some research and experiment on elliptic curve.
Worth mentioning that almost 99% of you are unaware that bitcoin elliptic curve is a mirror. Now that you know, you should study the mirror verse to see what cool stuff are lurking there. Good luck and happy hunting.
I just wanted to shock Satoshi for a second. Are you shocked? .
I've been looking in this mirror for three years in a row!!))) I can reveal a secret - there are all the patterns - which are in any cyclic set - in which the number of members is a prime number! ))) there are patterns!!! That's just not possible to find the difference between the first half and the mirror second))) and so yes - it's very interesting to frustrate)) [moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]

Activity: 126
Merit: 11
May 01, 2023, 08:52:44 AM |
You people don't understand one thing. These "puzzles" aren't a funny lottery created to give someone free money. Asking the creator for money is pointless.
It's a shady thing... Some sort of "fuse" to keep an eye how far we are in the possibility to break keys based on lower bitrange. Someones just keep an eye on bitcoin security cause he/they are surely aware that bitcoin security isn't eternal and it's a matter of time it's current form will be broken.
Why you think no one didn't show up for years and now he moved some coins to raise the reward ? Someone keeps an eye , keeps all the keys to these addresses and his last goal is to give you free bitcoins - they are sitting there only to control the security level.
So stop talking about asking the creator for clues cause it's clearly pointless.
I belive him only in one thing - there is no pattern here.
Of course everyone can do whatever they want but i think it's a waste of time UNTIL YOU HAVE BIG ADVANTAGE OVER JUST BRUTEFORCING on GPU/CPU - otherwise you are just wasting your hardware and electricity.
Activity: 26
Merit: 2
May 01, 2023, 11:06:33 AM |
"I've been looking in this mirror for three years in a row!!))) I can reveal a secret - there are all the patterns - which are in any cyclic set - in which the number of members is a prime number! ))) there are patterns!!! That's just not possible to find the difference between the first half and the mirror second))) and so yes - it's very interesting to frustrate))"
Buddy, Doctor 1975. Show your guesses with an example!
Copper Member
Hero Member
Activity: 1330
Merit: 900
May 01, 2023, 01:10:49 PM |
Why you think no one didn't show up for years and now he moved some coins to raise the reward ? ................. ........................ they are sitting there only to control the security level.
He didn't show up to add more funds because there wasn't any serious people involved in the hunt, after asking him for a couple of month to add more funds in order to make it worth while, he nicely did so. About someone sitting some where to control the security, I can think of 3 possible scenarios, 1- he is trying to show off, and test the skills of community members to see if some one can find a quick way to collect the coins or not, so it is an evaluation test for safety and reassurance for the world. 2- he already knows that there are some shortcuts to find the keys, by doing this he is trying to determine whether other people know about them or not. 3- he enjoys boasting and torturing us. 🤣
If the calculations of WP, are correct then solving 125 will require the same amount of work as solving 66, therefore no one will try addresses with no known public keys, note that solving 130 would require the same amount of work as brute forcing #68 I think? So yeah. Ps, I was thinking about 1000 BTC in a single exposed public key in a high range, that would be a real safety check.Once again, there are many talented people lurking around these woods which are honest and not thieves, but if there is a very large incentive they could work 24/7 to eventually find a solution, without that large incentive, they won't spend all their time trying to steal coins from other people. I would love to participate in such a big and difficult challenge personally.😉
May 01, 2023, 01:40:55 PM |
2- he already knows that there are some shortcuts to find the keys, by doing this he is trying to determine whether other people know about them or not.
Exactly. And if the person acts smartly and carefully by not withdrawing the coins, he builds up an enormous advantage over the "makers". Of course, this requires a great deal of self-control and greed for money, power or prestige are out of place. It is great to know that there are people out there on planet earth who can stand up to this and will not pull the coins even if they nowdays already do know the keys to each of these puzzles and could well knowingly become millionaires. Hats off 
_ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ |_) | / \ / |/ (_ / \ | \ / |_ |_) (_ |_) |_ \_/ \_ |\ __) \_/ |_ \/ |_ | \ __) --> citb0in Solo-Mining Group <--- low stake of only 0.001 BTC. We regularly rent about 5 PH/s hash power and direct it to SoloCK pool. Wanna know more? Read through the link and JOIN NOW
Sr. Member
Activity: 1288
Merit: 254
Shooters Shoot...
May 01, 2023, 04:32:45 PM |
Why you think no one didn't show up for years and now he moved some coins to raise the reward ? ................. ........................ they are sitting there only to control the security level.
He didn't show up to add more funds because there wasn't any serious people involved in the hunt, after asking him for a couple of month to add more funds in order to make it worth while, he nicely did so. About someone sitting some where to control the security, I can think of 3 possible scenarios, 1- he is trying to show off, and test the skills of community members to see if some one can find a quick way to collect the coins or not, so it is an evaluation test for safety and reassurance for the world. 2- he already knows that there are some shortcuts to find the keys, by doing this he is trying to determine whether other people know about them or not. 3- he enjoys boasting and torturing us. 🤣
If the calculations of WP, are correct then solving 125 will require the same amount of work as solving 66, therefore no one will try addresses with no known public keys, note that solving 130 would require the same amount of work as brute forcing #68 I think? So yeah. Ps, I was thinking about 1000 BTC in a single exposed public key in a high range, that would be a real safety check.Once again, there are many talented people lurking around these woods which are honest and not thieves, but if there is a very large incentive they could work 24/7 to eventually find a solution, without that large incentive, they won't spend all their time trying to steal coins from other people. I would love to participate in such a big and difficult challenge personally.😉 2^63.05 ops for #125 using Kangaroo. 2^65.55 ops for #130 using kangaroo. Brute force, if found close to 50 percent of ranges searched: #66 = 2^64 ops, #67 = 2^65 ops, #68 2^66 ops, ect. The other factor is program speed; if you take the same card and setup, normally it has more speed, MKey/s using Kangaroo than using a bruteforce program. #125 vs #66; #125 = less ops and two times the loot. Which way will people go? #66 has a pool and I have setup a pool for #125. It'll be a fun race regardless of which pool solves first!
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
May 01, 2023, 06:28:38 PM |
What's the average time for RTX 4090 to convert 256 millions of numbers into BTC addresses with comparing to one address? I have some kind of formula to predict the next puzzles. But I don't have much knowledge about IT.
Sr. Member
Activity: 1288
Merit: 254
Shooters Shoot...
May 01, 2023, 06:45:15 PM |
What's the average time for RTX 4090 to convert 256 millions of numbers into BTC addresses with comparing to one address? I have some kind of formula to predict the next puzzles. But I don't have much knowledge about IT.
less than a second lol. But are you needing to print to file each address? 4090 does 2 billion addresses per second.
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
May 01, 2023, 07:36:08 PM Last edit: May 01, 2023, 07:53:58 PM by gacel |
What's the average time for RTX 4090 to convert 256 millions of numbers into BTC addresses with comparing to one address? I have some kind of formula to predict the next puzzles. But I don't have much knowledge about IT.
less than a second lol. But are you needing to print to file each address? 4090 does 2 billion addresses per second. No I don't. I just need Integer -> Private -> Public Key -> First Compressed Address & compare result with one address, before this operation also simple math exactly x*Y+n. That's it. 48 billion iterations (only internations no comparing, hashing & I bet random numbers in range will be x100 faster its easy to predict with formula) each iteration 256 milion operations x*Y+n = Integer -> Address, Compare With my formula this is the time to solve #66