This does not matter one bit, the rich will become richer and the poor poorer, life continues regardless. If that rich guy distributed that money among the poor Africans, I am sure not only will he be helping in a big way but will be more satisfied by doing a humanitarian deed than sipping cocktails in his luxury yacht.
Yes the problem in the world today, which divides the rich and poor countries is the distribution of wealth, if we all give a little, it will take a huge impact on the lives of those who has less fortunate.
I respectfully disagree. All coercive (taxes used for wealth transfer to the poor ("welfare"), taxes for foreign aid, etc.) schemes of redistributing money have been uniformly shown to hurt the recipients.
Look at the poor in the USA. They are no better off than they were in the 1960s.
Were such wealth transfers EVER shown to be successful, poverty would have been solved.I invite rebuttal. Please show us ANY cases where gifts or other wealth transfers have helped in any
significant way (that is, not just an occasional anecdotal person truly helped).