but if the user refuses to follow them or is unable to understand the rules then there is not much that we can do.
I see, that this forum have multiple rules, and they are written in many languages with no English translation.
I found regular "UP" message deleted in German forum and regular post with "referral url" deleted in Italian forum.
In the Italian forum i found a Rule, that there "are abled to write only Italians".
This is a totaly to laugh and to declared as a racist Rule.
After my claim, this rule seems was changed to better, but still with a streng attention
to "Italian Language usage".
In Italy are existing millions of people with very low knowlege of Italian Language
and they are cutted in this way from discussion about
BTCThe moderator send them all to their language countries sections,
but how does chinese in Italy to discuss in China section the questions about the Italian situation or EU situation?
All this local rules needs a translation to English, and a Warning about
specific range of action to language section.
Non English Rules must have a warning about English and other section Rules.
Any local Rules need specific the main difference with global forum rules shortly and clear.
In this way this forum will be more clear to users.
About multiple messages - there exist a script to put all those messages in one. No idea how it is calling.