UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT - "Tom" or "Dave" is no longer affiliated with this company in anyway.
hint one: Tom/Dave must be the same person or it would have read: Tom and Dave are no longer...
We plan to show full video proof before we take 1 single order and unlike some competitors these shipments willl be coming from the USA and will include USPS tracking numbers (DHL for international customer)
great so far. holding off till they actually have a product. that way they can plan batch allotments and know how many pre-orders through before closing that batch.
Now for the hard truth We have strong reason to believe that BFL has been stringing you along all this time beause it needed your money to cover their R&D / NRE costs, its quite likely they are even using Pre-sale orders to pay their employees saleries which i am not sure of US law but is illegal in Canada. BEWARE OF BFL. ITS ALL LIES.
although i agree with the statement from a professional business point of view. making public statements based on opinion is grey area libal.. becareful.. dont getting a "slagging match" reducing your professionalism. try critisism with a flare of elegance and subtle meaning.
Yes Finally! Avalon comes out with the first ASIC device but how many will we actually see in customers hands by months end.
300 if you include the next few days, they should arrive before the weekend from all announcements and whispers
The sheer unprofessionalism of the supossid leaders in this industry is down right appaling talking about Bitcoin in general it's mind boggling - how these companies like BFL and bASIC can just string their customers along for months and no one comes out with anything better.
now this is the point i start to think, hang on. you have slated another company.. and have many grammar inaccuracies..
the professionalism is starting to evaporate.
i myself dont write for my business the same way i would as i would on forums, so my bad grammar is acceptable to me here, but not on a business announcement.
My company has been developing custom ASIC and FPGA based solutions for decades we work in the military and telecommunications sectors and can accomplish this task at ease.
company name? details?
We currently have a full functioning and hashing prototype which we plan to bring to production next week. We understand time critical solutions and it is our specialty.
wow u invented a ASIC and in under a week you will start taking pre-orders. WOW amazing.. pfft
Instead of a full Standard CELL ASIC whch takes AGES to complete low success rates and extremey high NRE we are using FPGA hard copies of what is probably the best FPGA Bitcoin mining core in history (no it is not open source sorry ).
so throwing existent FPGA chips into a big box all wired together. basically.. just a shame your decades of knowledge and equipment you should already have and not need to purchase due to your military ASIC projects can't produce a chip on the cheap. but at least you have half explained yourself out of how you will suddenly be able to start begging for cash in a few weeks
Our ASIC chips
cough FPGA cough
can mine at over 2 gh/s comfortably and at a very low clock, which will ensure excellent heat disapation as well as chip longetivity. The inexpensive nature of the manufacturer of these chips will allow us to build machines that will use a large number of cheap chips and still keep electrical rates down to a reasonable level. These will be fully enclosed devices, not as cleaver as as our friends at Avalon with their stand alone wifi devices but they will include 25 FPGA hard copy ASICS
which will use a maximum of 200watts per device.
now im thinking you have no idea the difference between an ASIC and a FPGA but 25 chips at 2Ghash thats atleast something worth noting.. 50Ghash product
They will however require a host computer. The best part of our device is the speed at which we can develop them. We have a fully functional PCB fab and electronics assembly as well as a fully functional SHIPPING DEPARTMENT in house and we have already begun this process. I know it's a bit late in the game to introduce a product such as this but we wanted our news to get out there in the main stream. Tom is out. We are in. the bASIC is officially DEAD. Get ready for a 50Gh/s ASIC Based device shipping from the US with tracking and no none sense. There will be no deadline back outs and no B.S. We purchased this company from Tom for many reasons but the main reason is his un revealed completed design that can easily be converted to support 25 hard copy ASICS. The hardest work for us is already completed ,
so from seeing Toms 'secret recipe' to already having a prototype.. that is quick
Believe it or not, this IS happening and like I said before you will see a youtube video of this device hashing along before we ever ask for one red cent from the community. We cannot give an exact date at this time but It would not surprise me in the slightest that our first device ships before BFL. Professionals have taken this over and professionalism which is long over due in this industry will make all the difference.
could have started your professionalism with a better pre-drafted out announcement.
Please watch our you tube channel (coming soon) for a video of the device hashing by next week at the latest. Once the video has been shot we have decided to ship the device to conman who in my opinion develops the best Bitcoin mining software available. Please check back for more updates.
too many holes.. im going to hold out till batch 2
and even worse spelling, grammar and paragraph layout then me.. and that's saying something